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Assignment 2

a) Solve the following equations by any method of your choice.

2x - y + 3z = 9,
x + y + z = 6,
x-y+z=2 [6]

b) Let E (p, q) be the statement “p has emailed q” where the Universe o discourse for both p and q is the set
of all students in class 2018. Use quantifiers to express the following statements
i. James has received email from exactly two persons in the class [3]

c) Use the universe of discourse as the set of all animals; express the following two statements using
All dogs are fierce
Some dogs do not drink
Use the following predicates
D(x): x is a dog, F(x): x is fierce, O(x): x drinks oats [4]
d) “If interest rates go down, then I will buy a house. If I buy a house, I will need
a loan. Therefore, I will not need a loan if I do not buy a house..” Is this argument
valid? [7]
1 3 2 7
e) Let A= ( 3 0 1) and B = (7)
1 1 2 5
i. Calculate the inverse of A [6]
ii. Find matrix X if AX = B [7]
f) Which term of the arithmetic sequence 4, 1, -2… is -77 [5]
g) Find the 36th term of the arithmetic sequence whose 3rd term is 7 and 8th term is 17. [5]

h) Simplify and draw the resulting gate [6]

i) Determine the output of the gate below [5]

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