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Department of Civil and Geomatices Engineering

School Of Engineering

Civil Engineering 1st year 1 st Semester Civil Engineering 1st year 2nd Semester
code Subject Cr Code Subject Cr
MATH101 Calculus and Linear Algebra 3 MATH104 Advance Calculus 3
ENGT101 English I 2 ENGT102 English I 2
CHEM101 General Chemistry 3 PHYS102 General Physics II 3
PHYS101 General Physics I 3 ENVE101 Introduction to Environmental Engineering 2
COMP103 Structure Programming Language 2 COMP116 Objected Oriented Programming 3
EEEG101 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 MEEG101 Basic Mechanical Engineering 2
ENGG101 Engineering Project 2 ENGG102 Engineering Project II 2
EDRG101 Engineering Drawing 2 EDRG102 Engineering Drawing II 2
Total 20 ENGG103 Laboratory Work 1
Total 20
Course offered by Department of Civil and Geomatics Engineering

Civil Engineering 2nd year 1st Semester Civil Engineering 2nd year 2nd Semester
Code Subject Cr Code Subject Cr
MATH205 Trigonometry & Analytical 3 MCSC202 Numerical Methods 3
MATH207 Differential Equation &Complex Variables 4 Math208 Statistics & Probability 3
CIEG201 Construction Materials 3 CIEG206 Engineering Hydrology 3
CIEG202 Engineering Survey I 3 CIEG207 Engineering Survey II 3
CIEG203 Applied Mechanics 3 CIEG208 Strength of material 3
CIEG204 Fluid Mechanics 3 CIEG209 Engineering Geology 3
CIEG205 Engineering Project III 2 CIEG210 Engineering Project IV 2
Total Credit 21 Total Credit 20

Civil Engineering 3rd year 1st Semester Civil Engineering 3rd year 2nd Semester
Code Subject Cr Code Subject Cr
MGTS301 Engineering Economics 3 CIEG307 Engineering Project V (Hydropower Engineering I) 3
CIEG301 Hydraulics and River Engineering 3 CIEG308 Structural Analysis II 3
CIEG302 Remote Sensing & GIS 2 CIEG309 Foundation Engineering 3
CIEG303 Soil & Rock Mechanics 3 CIEG310 Reinforced concrete Structures Design 3
CIEG304 Hydraulics Structure 3 CIEG311 Hydraulic Machines 3
CIEG305 Structural Analysis I 3 CIEG312 Electrical Power System Engineering 3
CIEG306 Estimating & Valuation 2   Electives 3
Total Credit 19   Total 21
CIEG313 Water Supply & Sanitation 3
CIEG314 Bio Engineering 3
CIEG315 Engineering Code 3
Civil Engineering 4th year 1st Semester Civil Engineering 4th year 2nd Semester
Code Subject Cr Code Subject Cr
CIVIL401 Transportation Engineering 3 CIEG416 Internship 3
CIEG402 Steel and Timber Structures 3 CIEG417 Final Engineering Project 9
CIEG403 Construction Management 3 Total 12
CIEG404 Environmental and Social Impact study 3
CIEG405 Entrepreneurship and Ethics 3
CIEG406 Hydropower Engineering II(Engg.VI) 3
Total 21
Electives 3
CIEG407 Irrigation Engineering
CIEG408 Tunneling and Underground Structures
CIEG409 Building Construction

Year I

Semester I

CHEM 101: General Chemistry, 3 credits

Objective: The objective of this course includes the knowledge of mole concept, properties of solutions,
chemical equilibria, ionic equilibria in aqueous solutions, oxidation-reduction reactions, chemical
thermodynamics and kinetics.

Pre-requisite: N/A

Detailed Course Outline:

1. Properties of solution – phase equilibria, energetic of phase change, liquid-vapour equilibrium,
the equilibrium state; temperature dependence of vapour pressure, types of solutions,
concentration units, the ideal solution; boiling and freezing points of solutions, solutions of two
volatile components, non-ideal solutions; osmosis, solubility & effects of temperature on
2. Chemical equilibrium – Introduction, the nature of chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constant
and related calculations, external effects on equilibria.
3. Ionic equilibria in aqueous solutions – sparingly soluble salts, selective precipitation; acids and
bases and their concepts, strength of acid or base, pH scale, self ionization of water, weak acids
and bases; hydrolysis, buffer solutions, indicators, acid-base titrations.
4. Oxidation-reduction reactions – oxidation states, the half-reaction concept, balancing redox
reactions, galvanic cells, Nernst equation, electrolysis and electrochemical applications.
5. Chemical thermodynamics – Introduction, system, state and state function, work and heat, first
law of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, criteria for spontaneous change, entropy and the
second law of thermodynamics, molecular interpretation of entropy, absolute entropies and the
third law; free energy, criteria of equilibrium, equilibrium constant, electrochemical cells,
temperature dependence of equilibria.
6. Chemical kinetics – Introduction, concentration effect, differential and integral rate laws,
experimental determination of rate laws, order and molecularity, reaction mechanisms,
elementary processes, mechanism and rate laws, reaction rates and equilibria, steady state
approximation, chain reactions, reaction rate and equilibria, collision theory of gaseous reactions,
temperature effect on reaction rate; rates of reactions in solutions, problems; catalysis
(homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzyme catalysis).
References :
Mahan, B.H. University Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Narosa Publ. House, India.

EDRG 101: Engineering Drawing I, 2 Credits

Objective: The course provides first year students with technical drawing skills for applications in
engineering, environmental and physical sciences. It includes the knowledge of technical writing, scale
and geometrical construction, along with knowledge of AutoCAD

Pre-requisite: N/A

1. Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Lettering (Introduction to Engineering Drawing

and Instruments used in Engineering Drawing, Layouts of Drawing Sheets, Types of lines,
Lettering and its types) 4
2. Dimensioning and Scaling (Units of Dimensioning, System of Dimensioning, Engineering
Scale, Construction and Types of Scales: Plain Scale, Diagonal Scale, Vernier Scale)
3. Geometrical construction, Conic Sections (Construction of regular polygons, Conic Section:
Definition and Terminology, Application, Construction of Conic Sections)
4. Introduction to AutoCAD (AutoCAD software for the engineering graphics and its application,
Description of the drawing screen and setting up drawing, Getting started with AutoCAD and
initial setup commands) 4
5. Basic Commands of AutoCAD (Introduction to Draw toolbar and Modify toolbar 4
6. Engineering Curves ( Hyperbola, Involute, Spiral, Cycloid) (Definition and Terminology,
Application and Construction) 4
7. Orthographic Projections (Projection of an Object, Principal Views and Principal Planes of
Projection, Systems of Projection and its symbols, Projection of points, Projection of lines)
8. Projection of Plane surface and Solids (Projection of Plane surfaces, Definition and
Classification of Solids, Projection of solids) 4
9. Surface Development (Methods of Development: Parallel line development, Radial line
development, Triangulation development, Approximate development) 4
10. Dimensioning on AutoCAD (Introduction and terminology, Dimension styles, Linear
dimension, Aligned dimension, Angular dimension, Radius and Diameter dimension, Angular
dimension, Base line dimension) 4


1. “Engineering Drawing Vol. 1 & 2”, K.R Gopal krishna

2. “A Textbook of Machine Drawing”, V. Laximi narayan, M.L. Mathur
3. “Engineering Drawing (Geometrical Drawing)”, P.S. Gill

ENGG 101: Engineering Project I, 2 Credits

Objective: This is a practical oriented course intended to provide knowledge and basic skills in
planning, budgeting and implementing small project works in related fields of study (Environmental
Science/Engineering). It involves the actual construction of a structure or device used in the field of

Pre-requisite: N/A.

ENGT 101: Communication Skill I, 2 Credits

Objective: The course is intended to provide basic college-level language skills for science and
engineering students. It is designed to enhance their reading, comprehension, oratory and technical
writing skills.

Pre-requisite: N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

1. Reading and comprehension – Yudishthira’s wisdom; Why go to university? The library card; A
fight between a lion and . . .; Teaching in the television culture; The Cabuliwallah; The Savage
male; Stopping by the woods.
2. Writing – Memos, minutes, letters, resumes, text review; question/answers.
3. Writing (others) – Journal writing; text review; presentation outlines.
4. Technical writing – Memos, minutes, letters, resumes, document design, text reviews, and oral
5. Oral presentation – Extempore, seminar, other types of presentations.
6. Project work – Library work, study visits, proposal writing.
Prescribed Text Books:
a. Gerson and Gerson. 2001. Technical Writing: Process and Product. Pearson, India.
b. Nissani, M. and Shreedhar, L. (Eds.) 1996. Adventures in English. Ekta Books, Kathmandu,

MATH 101: Calculus and Linear Algebra, 3 credits

Objective: The aim of this course is to provide students with adequate mathematical skills to cope with
a wide variety of problems in the fields of science and engineering. It offers explanations of the
fundamental concepts and illustration of how they are applied in the various disciplines within the above
mentioned fields.

Pre-requisite: N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

A. Calculus
1. Increments – average and instantaneous rates of change, slope of the curve y = f(x); derivatives as
instantaneous rates of change; velocity and other rates of change.
2. Limits and continuity – Properties of limits, one-sided limits, existence of limit at a given point,
infinity as a limit, limits of exponential and logarithmic functions, types of discontinuities.
3. Differentiation – definition, polynomial functions and their derivatives; product, power, and
quotient rules; implicit differentiation and fractional power; chain rule and parametric equations;
angle between two curves; derivatives of trigonometric, hyperbolic and their inverse functions;
derivatives of logarithmic and exponential functions and their applications; differentials.
4. Applications of derivatives – curve sketching, the sign of first derivatives; concavity and points of
inflection, asymptotes and symmetry; maxima and minima, theory and problems, related rates;
Rolle’s theorem, Mean value theorem; indeterminate forms, L’hospital’s rule.
5. Integration – introduction, indefinite integration; applications of determining constants of
integration; integrals of trigonometric functions, examples of product of powers of trigonometric
functions; definite integrals, calculating areas as limits, fundamental theorem of integral calculus
(statement and application); basic integration formulas, substitution method, integration by parts,
improper integrals.
6. Application of definite integrals – area between curves; average value of a function; length of a
plane curve; calculating volume by slicing; areas of surfaces of revolution.
B. Linear Algebra
1. Sequence and Infinite Series – sequence of numbers, limits that arise frequently, infinite series, test
for convergence of series with non-negative terms, absolute convergence, alternating series,
conditional convergence.
2. Vector spaces – introduction, linear combinations, spans of vectors, linear dependence and
independence, bases and their selection, dimension and rank.
3. Eigen values, Eigen vectors and Linear Mapping – characteristic equations, Eigen value and
Eigen vectors, Linear transformation (up to R3) and its properties.

a. Thomas and Finney ( ) Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 9 th Edition, Narosa Publ. House, New
b. Brown, J.W. and Sherbert, D.R. ( ) Introductory Linear Algebra. Bindle, Weber and Schmidt.
c. Finkbeiner, D.T. ( ) Introduction to Matrices and Linear Transformations, 3 rd Edition, CBS Publisher
and Distributors, Delhi.
d. Shastry, S.S. ( ) Engineering Mathematics. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
e. Dass, H.K. (2008) Advanced Engineering Mathematics. S. Chand Publ., New Delhi.

PHYS 101: General Physics I (2 credits)

Objective: The course is especially prepared for first-year undergraduate students of all branches of
science and engineering to help them develop physical intuition through a comprehensive understanding
of fundamental concepts emphasizing physics rather than complicated mathematical treatment. Contents
include: dynamics of a system of particles, rotational dynamics, oscillatory motion, gravitation and
gravitational potential; motion of a particle under central force field; angular momentum conservation,
one body problems, two body problems, their reduction to one-body problem and their solution;
elasticity, viscosity, interference, diffraction and polarization.

Pre-requisite: N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

1. Dynamics of system of particles - Work done by constant and variable forces, Work-energy
theorem, conservative and non-conservative forces, force as negative gradient of potential energy,
conservation of linear momentum, Center of mass, System of variable mass, particle collision: one
dimensional and two dimensional.
2. Rotational Dynamics - Angular momentum of a single particle and system of particles, torque,
Conservation of angular momentum, Rotation about fixed axis: K. E. of rotation, Moment of inertia
and Radius of gyration, Theorem of parallel and perpendicular axes, calculation of rotational inertia
for slender rod, circular disc and solid sphere.
3. Wave and Oscillation - Simple harmonic oscillator, Compound pendulum, loaded spring, Time
average of energy, Damped harmonic oscillator, forced vibration and resonance in light damped
system, reverberation of sound, Ultrasonics and Acoustics of Buildings, Sabines formula,
4. Motion of particle under central force field - Central force, Angular momentum conservation,
one-body problem, two-body problem and its reduction to one body problem, Concept of reduced
mass, nature of trajectories.
5. Elasticity - Stress, strain, elastic limit, Elastic and plastic behavior, Types of elasticity, Poisson’s,
work done per unit volume in stretched wire, Relation between elastic constants (without
derivation), bending of bar (without derivation), elastic hysteresis.
6. Viscosity - Stream line and turbulent flow, Continuity equation, Bernoulli’s principle, Coefficient of
viscosity, Newton’s formula, Poiseuille’s equation for flow of liquid through a tube, Reynold’s
number, viscostatic fluids for lubrication.
7. Optics – Interference - Monochromatic radiation, Coherent sources, Constructive and destructive
interference, Young’s double-slit experiment, Intensity distribution, Interference in thin films due to
reflected and transmitted light, Newton’s rings.
8. Diffraction - Rectilinear propagation of light, Distinction between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer
diffraction, Diffraction at single and double slit, Diffraction grating, Achromatic doublet, Ramseiden
eyepiece and Huygens eyepiece, resolving power of telescope and microscope.
9. Polarization - Polarization and transverse nature of light, Polaroid, Double refraction, Polarization
by reflection, Brewster’s law, Malus’ law, Nicol prism as polarizer and analyzer, Optically active
substances, Specific rotation, Polaroids.
10. Laser - Properties of laser radiation, the laser process, including stimulated and spontaneous
emission and population inversion, optical and electrical pumping,. Gas and semiconductor lasers,
Applications of lasers.
11. Heat and Thermodynamics - Heat transfer - Heat flux and thermal conductivity, convection and
radiation (Wien’s displacement law, Rayleigh-Jean’a law, limitation of classical law), Plank’s law to
explain black body radiation, Boltzman, Stafan’s law.
12. Thermodynamics - Thermodynamic system and thermodynamic variables, Equation of state of
ideal gas, p-v diagram, First law of thermodynamics and applications, Conversion of heat into work
and vice versa, Energy from fossil fuels.
13. Second law of thermodynamics - Heat engines, Refrigerators, Efficiency of ideal and practical heat
engines, Statements, Kevin-Planck and Clausius statements, Entropy.

a. Determination of the value of ‘g’ by compound pendulum
b. To determine the Young's modulus of the material of a rectangular bar by the method of bending.
c. To determine the coefficient of viscosity of water by capillary tube method.
d. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee’s method
e. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by measuring the diameter of Newton's rings.
f. To determine the refractive index of sugar solution at different concentrations using a
g. To determine the wavelength of sodium light using a plane diffraction grating.
h. To determine the specific rotation of a given sample using Laurent's half-shade polarimeter


1. Physics part 1 and part 2 -R. Resnick & D. Halliday

2. Mechanics, Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics - A. J. Bahl, O. P. Verma & R. D.
3. Laser Theory and Applications -A. Ghatak
4. Mechanics - J. K. Ghosh
5. Elements of Properties of Matter - D. S. Mathur
6. B. Sc. Practical Physics - C. L Arora
7. Physics for Engineers and Scientists

COMP 103: Structured Programming (2 Credit)

Objective: This course introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming in C. Topics
include data types, control structures, functions, arrays, etc. This course also focuses on the development
of problem solving skills using programs.

Pre-requisite: N/A.
Detail Course Outline
1. Introduction to Computer Systems
Brief history of computation, Architecture and Peripherals
2. Introduction to Software Systems
System Software, Application Software, Programming Languages
3. Introduction to Software Life Cycle
Problem solving and software engineering – a brief introduction (SDLC), Algorithms and
4. Fundamentals of C
The C Character Set, Identifiers and Keywords, Data Types, Variables, Constants,
Declarations Statements
5. Operators and Expressions
Introduction, Arithmetic Operators, Unary Operators, Relational and Logical Operators,
Assignment Operators, Conditional Operators, Operator Precedence
6. Decision Control Statements
Introduction, The if-else Construct, The nested if-else Construct, The else-if ladder
Construct, The switch Construct
7. Loop Control Statements
Introduction, The while Construct, The do-while Construct, The for Construct
8. Functions
Anatomy of a Function (Defining a function, accessing a function), Function Prototype,
Recursion (Introduction and some programs)
9. Program Structure
Storage Classes, Automatic, External and Static Variables
10. Arrays
Introduction, Processing an Array, Passing Arrays to Functions, Multidimensional Array
11. Structures
Understanding C’s Structures, Referencing a Structure Member, Using Structure with
Function calls, Arrays of Structures, Understanding Unions
12. Pointers
Introduction, Passing Pointers to Functions, Pointers and One Dimensional Array, Pointers to
Structures, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Operations on Pointers
Reference Books:
1. Byron s. Gottfried, “Theory and Problems of Programming with C, 2/e”, McGraw-Hill.
2. Robert L Wood, “C Programming for Scientists and Engineers”, Penton Press.

EEEG 101: Basic Electrical Engineering (3 Credits)

Objective: The objective of this course is to provide a foundation in electrical circuit analysis

Pre-requisite: N/A.

1. Basic Circuit Theory: 

Ideal and non-ideal sources; Dependent and independent sources; Resistors: characteristics (value,
power rating codes, tolerances), current, voltage, power relationships, equivalent resistance in parallel
and series connection, temperature coefficient, delta-star connection; Kirchhoff’s current and voltage
laws; Voltage divider and current divider formula; Node and mesh analysis; Solution by determinant and
substitution; Superposition theorem; Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems and network solution using
these theorems; Maximum power transfer to the load in a 2 -port resistive network.

2. AC Circuit Fundamentals: 

Generation of AC voltage (brief theoretical introduction of ac machine); Definition of time period,

frequency, waveform, phase, phase difference; Peak, peak-to-peak, average, and RMS or effective value
of any type of ac voltage or current waveform; Phasors: phasor algebra, and steady state analysis of RLC
circuits; Impedance, admittance, and reactance; Real, reactive and apparent power; Power factor;
Significance of power factor; Resonance in series and parallel RLC circuits; Bandwidth; Effect of Q-
factor in resonance; 3-phase circuits: generation of 3-phase, merits of 3-phase over 1-phase generation,
phase sequence (ABC or CBA); Voltage and current phasors in different sequence (ABC or CBA);  
Line and phase quantities in Y-connected or delta connected balanced load;  Y-delta equivalence; Power
in 3-phase circuits.

3. Magnetic Circuits and Transformers: 

Revision of electromagnetism; Magnetic field and flux; Magnetic field strength; MMF; Permeability of
free space; Relative permeability; B-H curve and its significance in the construction of
electromechanical energy conversion devices; Introduction to a simple magnetic circuit with air gap;
Reluctance and permeance; Comparison of magnetic circuit with electric circuit; Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction; Self inductance and mutual inductance; Coupling coefficient; Dot convention
in electric circuit; Single phase transformers: construction, principle of operation, ideal transformers,
voltage and current relationship, and turns ratio

4. Electctrical Machines:
DC machine construction, dc motor operation, dc generator operation, emf and torque equation, AC
machines, induction motor construction, stator, wound rotor, squirrel cage rotor, working principal,
rotating flux, synchronous speed, slip, induction generator operation, Synchronous machine
construction, synchronous motor operation, synchronous generator operation.


1. R J Smith, Circuits Devices and Systems, Wiley Int. Edition, 5th Ed., 1991
2. E Hughes, Electrical Technology, ELBS, 6th ED., 1987
3. R Del Toro, Principles of Electrical Engineering, PHI, New Delhi, 1987
4. I J Nagrath, Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi
5. A D Helfrick et al., Modern Electric Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques, PHI

Year I

Semester II

MEEG 101: Basic Mechanical Engineering (2 credits)

Objective: The course is intended to introduce engineering students to basic mechanical engineering
covering statics, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.

Pre-requisite: N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

1. Engineering Statics – equivalent force systems, equilibrium, friction, cables, centre of gravity.
2. Engineering dynamics – velocity, acceleration, momentum; Newton’s second law of motion, the
moment law; work and energy; rotation about a fixed axis.
3. Strength of materials – concepts of stress, strain, stress-strain diagram, Hook’s law.
4. Thermodynamics – properties of substances, first law of thermodynamics; entropy and the second
law of thermodynamics; thermodynamic cycles, gas compression, refrigeration, gas and steam turbines.
5. Fluid mechanics – introductory concepts; fluid in motion, continuity equation, mass conservation;
viscosity, Bernoulli’s equation, boundary layer, laminar and turbulent flow; turbo machines, momentum,
impulse turbine, axial flow and centrifugal machines, hydraulic turbines.
6. Heat transfer – steady-state and transition heat conduction; one- and two-dimensional heat flow; heat
transfer by radiation, convective heat transfer, free and forced convection.

Reference Texts:
a. Shames, I.H. Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics (SI Version). Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
b. Krieth, F. ( ) Principles of Heat Transfer. Harper & Row Publ.
c. Howell, J.R. and Buckins, R.U. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. McGraw-Hill.
d. Popov, E. P. Mechanics of materials (SI Version), Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
e. Kumar, D.S. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering. Katsen Publishing House.

PHYS 102: General Physics II (3 credits)

Objective: The course designed to give students the knowledge of electrical fields, electrostatic energy;
magnetic flux, electromagnetic induction, dielectric and magnetic properties of matter, and electric

Pre-requisite: N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

1. The Electric Field and Electric Potential - Gauss’s law in electrostatic, application of Gauss’s
law, electric field due to: spherical charge distribution, non-conducting sheet of charge &
charged conductor Potential due to: a point charge, system of point charge, potential at appoint
on the axis of a charged disc. Equi-potential surface, potential gradient Electric dipole, potential
and electric field due to a short dipole, force and torque on a dipole, energy of a dipole in an
electric field.
2. Electric Field in Material Medium - Dielectrics and Gauss’s theorem, three electric vectors;
Electric field E, Electric displacement D & Polarization P, Energy stored in an electric field.
3. The Magnetic field - The Hall effect, Biot-Savart law and its application, magnetic field at point
on the axis of a circular current loop, Ampere’s law, Applications of Ampere’s law, magnetic
field due to: current in long straight conductor, a solenoid, force between two parallel
4. Electromagnetic Introduction - Faraday’s law of electromagnetic introduction, Lenz’s
law, Motional EMF, time varying magnetic fields, induction and relative motion, Inductance, L
circuit, Energy in magnetic field, mutual induction.
5. Magnetic properties of matter - Dia-magnetism, Para-magnetism and Ferro-magnetism, the
three magnetic vectors; the magnetic field B, the magnetic field strength H and magnetization M.
6. Alternating currents and electromagnetic oscillations - Complex representation of AC,
complex admittance and impedance, LCR series circuit, resonance in LCR series circuit,
resonance in LCR parallel circuit, electromagnetic oscillations in (i) LC circuit and (ii) LCR
circuit, forced oscillations and resonance: Induced magnetic field displacement current.

7. A brief introduction to quantum mechanics - Blackbody radiation and Planck's hypothesis,
Photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, Photons and electromagnetic waves, The wave
properties of particle, de Broglie wave, uncertainty principle.
8. Physics of atoms and molecules - Atomic spectra: visible and X-ray, Molecular bonds,
molecular spectra, Band theory of solid electrical conduction in, Metals, Insulators and
semiconductors, superconductivity.
9. Nuclear Structure - Nuclear binding energy, Natural and artificial radioactivity, Nuclear
reactions, Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) & Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
10. Applications of Nuclear Physics - Nuclear fission and fusion, Nuclear reactors, radiation
detectors, radiation hazards, Uses of nuclear radiation.

Reference books:
a. R. Resnik and B. Halliday, Physics Part II
b. E. M. Purcell, Electricity and Magnetism
c. J. R. Reitz, F. J. Milford, R. W. Christy, Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory
d. R. A. Serway, J. W. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol II, THOMSON,

ENGT 102: Communication Skill II (2 Credits)

Objective: The course builds upon the precursor (Communication Skill I) with increased complexity of
language skills. The overall objective is to provide science and engineering students with the requisite
skills for essay, report and proposal writing.

Detailed Course Outline:

1. Reading skills – Where the mind is without fear; Keeping errors at bay; The telegram on the
table; A Tale; How sane are we? Mr. Know-all; Who was to balme? We are breaking the silence
about death (from Adventures in English).
2. Technical/Professional Writing:
a. Research essay and technical articles – basics of research, using primary data, fieldwork,
interviews; using secondary data, books and internet; Documentation, APA style;
Organization and format, general format, technical articles.
b. Proposal writing – What is a proposal? Types of proposals; Criteria for writing a
proposal; general formats for internal and external proposals.
c. Report writing – What is a report? Long reports (project), progress reports, complete
reports, memo reports; general formats and mechanics.

References :
a. Gerson and Gerson. 2001. Technical Writing: Process and Product. Pearson, India.
b. Nissani, M. and Shreedhar, L. (Eds.) 1996. Adventures in English. Ekta Books, Kathmandu,

ENVE 101: Introduction to Environmental engineering (2 credits)

Objective: The course is intended to provide students with a general background and introduction to the
subject areas and scope of environmental engineering. The course covers the topics described below in
a brief and general manner.
Pre-requisite: N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

1. Fundamentals of Ecology: Organization, functioning and development, Concept of ecosystem,

Organization of ecosystem: abiotic and biotic component, Functioning of ecosystem: ecological
energetic. Biogeochemical cycles- N2, H 20,So2,P: homeostasis, Concept of limiting factors, Habitat
and niche, Ecological equivalents, Sympatry and Allopatry
2. Environmental Engineering: Introduction, Environmental system overview, Environmental ethics,
A material balance approach to problem solving, Environmental law, Environmental Economics
3. Hydrology: The hydrological cycle, Surface water hydrology, Ground water hydrology, Common
units of measurement, The hydrologic equation, Rainfall analysis, Runoff analysis
4. Water Quality management: Water pollutants and their sources, Water quality standard, Water
Quality Analysis, Water treatments, Water Supply: Population estimation and Prediction,
Consequence of overdrawing surface water and ground water, Water Pollution- Nepalese context,
Arsenic pollution in Nepal
5. Wastewater treatment: Wastewater microbiology, Characteristics of waste water, Municipal waste
water treatment system, Reed Bed Waste water treatment system
6. Air pollution: Physical and chemicals fundamentals, Air pollution perspectives, Air pollution
standards, Effect of air pollution, Air pollution meteorology, Atmospheric dispersion, Indoor air
pollution, Control measures, PM 10 – An analysis of Brick Kilns factory
7. Noise pollution: Introduction, Effect of noise on people, Rating system, Noise control
8. Solid waste management: Introduction, Sources, collection, transportation, landfilling, incineration
and composting, Resource conservation and recovery, Hazardous wastes
9. Global environmental events: Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, Acid deposition,
Eutrophication, Asian Brown Cloud, Case study: Chernobyl disasters, Bhopal gas tragedy and
Minamatta disease
10. Environmental mathematical modeling
11. Environmental technologies: Bioengineering, GIS and Remote Sensing, Instrumental Analysis
12. Observational studies: Air pollution monitoring in Kathmandu University, Water quality
monitoring, Noise pollution, Field trip:  Bagmati waste water treatment/' Ku Wastewater treatment,
Dhulikhel Water Treatment Project.

1. Odum, E.P. (1996) Fundamentals of Ecology, 3rd Edition, Natraj Publishers, Dehra Dun, India.
2. Enger,E.D. and B.F. Smith (2000) Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships, 7th Ed., Mc
Graw Hill Higher Education ,International Edition, Boston, USA.
3. Davis, M and David A. Cornell (1998) Introduction to environmental engineering. Third edition, Mc
Graw Hill International edition.
4. K.Subramanya (1994) Engineering hydrology, 2nd edition, Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi.
5. P.N. Modi (1998), Water Supply Engineering, Vol 1, Dr. P.N. Modi, Standard Book home, Delhi.

MATH 104: Advanced Calculus (3 credits)

Objective: The course is designed to provide additional mathematical skills for students in various
branches of engineering. It covers topics in coordinate systems, derivatives of functions with several
variables, multiple integrals, beta and gamma functions, vector functions and Fourier series.

Pre-requisite: N/A

Detailed Course Outline:

1. Coordinate systems – polar coordinates, graphs of polar equations, polar equations of conics and
other curves, polar integrals; Cylindrical coordinates, spherical coordinates, equations relating Cartesian
and cylindrical coordinates and relating Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates to spherical.
2. Functions with several variables and their derivatives – functions with two or more variables,
limits and continuity, partial derivatives, derivatives of composite and implicit functions, chain rule,
non-independent variables, gradients, directional derivatives and tangent planes; higher order
derivatives, maxima, minima and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, exact differentials.
3. Multiple integrals – Introduction, double integrals, area, changing Cartesian integrals to polar; triple
integrals in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates and their relations; Surface area, change of
order of integration.
4. Beta and Gamma functions – properties of the functions, transformations of gamma functions,
relation between beta and gamma functions.
5. Applications of the theory of integration – Area of curves in Cartesian coordinates, area between
two Cartesian curves, area of the curves in polar coordinates, volumes of solids of revolution, surfaces
of solids of revolution.
6. Vector functions and their derivatives – scalar and vector functions (review), parametric
representations, continuity and differentiability of vector functions, tangent vectors; motion of a body on
a curve, unit tangent vector, unit normal vector and components; arc length for space curves, curvature,
derivatives of vector products.
7. Vector integral calculus – vector fields, surface integrals, line integrals and work; two-dimensional
fields, flux across a plane curve, Green’s theorem, Gauss’s theorems, Stoke’s theorem and their
8. Fourier series and integrals – periodic functions, trigonometric series, Fourier series, Euler’s
formulae; convergence theorem, functions having arbitrary period, even and odd functions, half-range
expansions, Fourier integral and transformation.

Text and Reference Books:

a. Thomas, G.B. and Finney, R.L. ( ) Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 9th Edition. Pearson Education.
b. Kreyszig, E. ( ) Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Wiley Eastern Ltd.
c. Dass, H.K. (2008) Advanced Engineering Mathematics. S. Chand Publ., New Delhi.
d. Jain and Iyenger (2002) Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House.
e. Wider, D.V. ( ) Advanced Calculus. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

Engineering Drawing-II (EDRG 102)

Objective: The objective of this course is to provide the knowledge of pictorial drawing such as
Isometric projection and knowledge of some machine drawing such as Nuts and Bolts. Detail knowledge
of AutoCAD-2D is also intended in this course.

Pre-requisite: Knowledge of EDRG101

1. Introduction to Views (Reviews of Orthographic projection of previous semester, Orthographic

views of objects (Front View, Top View, Side Views))
2. Orthographic Views II (Continuation of Orthographic projection of objects)
3. Orthographic Views III- Sectioning (Introduction to sectional views, Types of sectional views,
Sectional view of Objects)
4. AutoCAD Review (Review of previous semester AutoCAD works)
5. Isometric Drawing I (Introduction to isometric projection and terminology, Isometric projection
of circle, Isometric projection of objects)
6. Isometric Drawing II ( Continuation of Isometric projection of objects)
7. Rivets and Riveted Joints (Introduction and terminology, Types of rivet, Types of riveted joints
and corresponding orthographic views)
8. AutoCAD(Introduction to layer toolbar, Properties toolbar)
9. AutoCAD (Introduction to Layouts and Print works)
10. Nuts and Bolts (Introduction and terminology, Types of Nuts and Bolts, Orthographic
views of nut and bolt assembly)
11. Symbols (Introduction to building symbols, electrical and electronic symbols, instrumental
symbols, basic welding symbols)


1. “Engineering Drawing Vol. 1 & 2”, K.R Gopalkrishna

2. “A Textbook of Machine Drawing”, V. Laximinarayan, M.L. Mathur
3. “Engineering Drawing (Geometrical Drawing)”, P.S. Gill

ENGG102 Engineering Project II 2 cr

The main objective of the Engineering project II is to make the students familiar on model and mapping
with application AutoCAD and some basic programming. The students are divided into groups
consisting of 4-5 members. They have to carry out proposal defence, midterm defiance and final defence
for completion of the projects. The Geomatics faculties will observe and evaluate all the work related
with the project.

COMP 116: Objected Oriented Programming (Cr. 3)

1. Introduction to Structure Programming
2. Functions, Arrays, Structure and Pointers (Review)
3. Introducing C++
4. Introducing C++ (II), Classes and Objects
5. Classes and Objects (II)
6. Object Construction and Destruction
7. Object Construction and Destruction (II), Quiz #1
8. Inheritance
9. Inheritance (II)
10. Polymorphism
11. Polymorphism (II), Template
12. Exceptional Handling
13. Quiz #2, Revision
14. Revision

Year II

Semester I

Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry (Math 205)

Objective: The objective of this course is to provide the fundamental knowledge of trigonometry and
coordinate geometry. This course provides the knowledge of spherical trigonometry that will be very
useful for the further courses in Geomatics Engineering.

Pre-requisite: N/A
Course Content:

1: Spherical Trigonometry: Simple relations between trigonometrical functions of

the sides and angle of a spherical triangle, fundamental formulae, solution of triangle, area of a
spherical triangle, polar triangle with properties.

2: Transformation of Coordinates: transformation, rotation process involving translation, reflection

and rotation of axes, invariants in orthogonal transformation.

3: Analytic Geometry (2D): Conic section (Ellipse, Hyperbola), standard forms, equations of tangents
and normals, chord of contact, pair of tangents, pole and polar and their properties, diameter,
conjugate diameter and equi-conjugate diameter, asymptotes of Hyperbola, polar equations of a
conic section.

4: General equation of second degree: General equation of second degree and the conic represented by
them, nature of the conic, equations of tangent and normal, director circle, pole, polar and
asymptotes to a conic.

5: Analytic Geometry (3D): Plane (Revision), straight line, sphere, cylinder and Cone.


01. G.S. Malik and H.D. Pandey, Spherical Trigonometry and Spherical Astronomy, Pragati
Prakashan, Meerut, India

02. Y.R. Sthapit and B.C. Bajracharya, A Text book of three Dimensional Geometry, Sukunda
Pustak Bhawan, Kathmandu, 1992.

03. M.R. Joshi, Analytic Geometry of two dimensional, Sukunda Pustak Bhawan, Kathmandu, 1994

04. P.K. Jain and Khalil Ahamad, Analytic Geometry of three dimension, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New
Delhi, 1994

05. S.L. Loney, The elements of coordinate Geometry, S Chand Comp. Ltd, India 1990.

06. R.P. Ghimire and N.P. Pahari, two dimensional coordinate Geometry
07. S.M. Maskey, Introduction to modern Mathematics (Volume 1), Ratna Pustak Bhandar,
Kathmandu, 2002.

Differential Equations and Complex Variables (MATH 207), 4 credits

Objective: The course is intended to provide the knowledge of applied mathematics that are useful in
solving the engineering problems in successive semesters and in engineering professional practice.

Pre-requisite: MATH101

1. Differential equations, Types, degree, order, solutions with examples

2. Variable separation method, homogeneous/non-homogeneous first order differential equations
3. Exact/non-exact cases, theorems, linear differential equations, Integrating factor, variation
parameter method, Bernoulli’s form
4. Applications of first order diff. equations, orthogonality,Homogeneous/non-homogeneous
second order diff. equations with constant coefficients
5. Fundamental theorems, characteristic equation, basis,General solution, IVP, BVP, related
6. Higher order diff. equations with constant coefficients,Cauchy-Euler’s diff. equations with
7. Problem solving from exercise, Wronskian of functions, Lagrange’s multiplier method, related
8. PDEs, solution, properties,Variable separation, product method, D’Alembert Method, related
9. Laplacian in polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Power series solutions of ODEs
10. Legender’s and Bessel’s equations and their solutions, Associated Properties.
11. Laplace transform, Inverse Lapalce transform, some basic formulas,Laplace Transform of
derivative and integral of f(t) with proof, examples,Shifting theorems, geometrical
interpretations, examples,Derivative and Integral of Laplace transform of functions with
examples,Convolution Theorem, properties, Applications to solve IVP
12. Problem solving from exercises
13. Complex functions, domain, range, geometry, polar forms, limits, continuity, derivatives, basic
properties,Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar forms, Bilinear
transformations, conformal mappings, cross sectional formula, examples
14. Complex integrations, fundamental theorems with properties and examples, Power series,
Taylor’s and Laurent’s series with examples, Residue of complex function, Solutions of non-
homogeneous second order differential equations, Cauchy residue Theorem, examples

CIEG201: Construction Materials & Concrete Technology

[3 Credit]


The objective of this course is to understand the characteristics and behavior of civil engineering
materials & concrete used in buildings and infrastructure.

 Students will learn standard principles and procedure to prepare and/or test materials such as
concrete mix design including field test methods for fresh concrete.
 Know how to select materials based on their properties and their proper use for a particular
facility under prevailing loads and environmental conditions.
 Students will have exposure to practical applications including writing of a technical report
related to each experiment.


 The student should be from science background so that he could understand the various physical,
chemical, mechanical & thermal properties of materials.
1 Introduction to Materials

1.1 Introduction and Scope of Subject.

2 Materials Testing

2.1 Stress – Strain relationships of Ductile and Brittle material

2.2 Modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio

3 Timber

3.1 Properties of wood

3.2 Types of timber

3.3 Advantages & Disadvantages of Timber

4 Ceramics Materials

4.1 Introduction and types of ceramics

4.2 Field test for clay

4.3 Brick and composition of good brick earth

4.4 Harmful ingredients of brick

5 Bituminous Materials

5.1 Bitumen, various forms and properties of bitumen

5.2 Tar its types and properties

6 Metals

6.1 Ferrous metals,& Non Ferrous metals

6.2 Differences between Cast iron, Wrought iron, Mild steel and Hard steel
and their properties

7 6.3 Alloy
Introduction steel, mechanical treatment, heat treatment, corrosion and its
to Concrete

7.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Concrete

8 Aggregates

8.1 Classification of aggregates

8.2Physical and mechanical characteristics

8.3 Soundness of aggregates

9 Cement , Admixtures & Quality of Water

9.1Types of Cement

9.2 Chemical composition of Portland Cement

9. 3Physical Properties of Cement

9.4Hydration of Cement
10 Mix design of Concrete

10.1Nominal Mix Concrete & Design Mix Concrete

10.2 Factors Affecting the choice of mix proportions

11 Properties of Fresh Concrete

11.1Workabilityof Concrete

11.2 Factors affecting workability,

12 Strength of Concrete

12.1 Factors Affecting Strength of Concrete

12.2 W/C ratio, Abram’s law

12.3 Maturity of concrete

13 Elasticity, Shrinkage & Creep of concrete

13.1S tress Strain relationship and modulus of elasticity of Concrete

13.2 Poisson’s ratio

14 Testing of Hardened Concrete

14.1Destructive tests(Compressive Strength, tensile Strength, Shear Strength,

Bearing & Bond Strength)


1. Impact Test on Mild Steel ( Charpy & Izod Test)

2. Fineness Test of Cement
3. Consistency and Setting times of Cement
4. Sieve Analysis of Coarse & Fine Aggregates
5. Bulking of Sand
6. Crushing Strength Test of Aggregates
7. Los Angeles Abrasion Value Test of Aggregates
8. Mix Design of Concrete By IS method
9. Compressive Strength of Concrete by Cube Test
10. Workability of Concrete by Slump Test


1. “Engineering Materials”, R.K. Rajput, S. Chand & Company Limited, Latest Edition
2. “Concrete Technology”, M.S. Shetty, S. Chand Limited, Latest Edition
3. “Fundamentals of Engineering Materials”, Peter A. Thornton & Vito J. Colangela, Prentice Hall
Publishing Company, 1985


Internal: 50

External: 50

CIEG202: Engineering Survey I [3 Credit]


Introduction to engineering surveying and its branch along with terminologies associated with it.
 Field procedure for linear measurement of different orders and calculation of different errors
associated and its correction.
 Concept of chain surveying, instrument to be used and plotting of field data’s.
 Gain knowledge of compass surveying, temporary & permanent adjustment of instrument and
plotting of field data’s.
 The students should be able to understand terminologies used in levelling and field procedure of
profile levelling, cross-sectioning and reciprocal levelling.
 Knowledge of plane table surveying and introduction to theodolite.

1 Fundamental Definitions and Concepts

1.1 Surveying Definition, History

1.2 Primary divisions of survey, Classification,
1.3 Principle of Surveying, Units of measurement, Plans and maps, Scale, Choice of scale of a
map, Types of scale, Error due to use of wrong scale, Shrunk scale, Charter of work
2 Accuracy and Errors
2.1 Precision and accuracy, Discrepancy
2.2 True error, Source of errors, Kinds of errors
2.3 Accuracy in surveying
3 Linear Measurements

3.1Different methods, Direct measurement,

3.2Instruments for chaining,
3.3Ranging out surveying lines, Direct ranging, Indirect or Reciprocal ranging,
3.4Measurement of length with the help of tape, Error due to incorrect chain, Chaining on
uneven or sloping ground,
3.5Errors in chaining, Tape corrections,
3.6Degree of accuracy in chaining, Precise linear measurement, First order measurement,
Second order linear measurement
4 Chain Surveying

4.1Definition, Survey stations, Survey lines

4.2Locating ground features: offsets, Limiting length of offsets,
4.3Field book, Field work
4.4Obstacles in chaining
4.5Plotting a chain survey
5 Compass Surveying

5.2Traverse, Classification of traverse based on instruments used,
5.3Theory of magnetism, Surveying compass
5.4Meridians and bearings, Bearing and angles, Designation of bearing, Fore and back
5.5Magnetic declination, Local attraction
5.6 Methods of plotting traverse, Adjustment of closing error
5.7Sources of error and precautions
6 Levelling

6.1Introduction, Types of levels, Technical terms used in levelling,

6.2Principle of leveling, Adjustment of a level
6.3Classification of levelling
6.4Booking and reducing the levels
6.5Method of profile levelling, Method of cross-sectioning Method of reciprocal levelling,
Precise levelling
6.6Curvature and Refraction correction
6.7Errors in levelling
7 Plane Table Surveying

7.1Introduction, Principle of plane tabling

7.2Instruments used in plane tabling, Working operations
7.3Methods of plane table surveying
7.4Advantages and disadvantage of plane tabling
7.5Error in plane tabling
8 Theodolite

8.1Introduction, Classification of Theodolite, Parts of Theodolite,

8.2Definitions and other technical terms
8.3Adjustments of Theodolite
8.4Measurements of horizontal angles, Measurements of vertical angles, Measurements of
deflection angles
8.5Sources of errors

Surveying Practical’s

Practical 1: Direct Ranging

a) Linear Measurement on Plain Ground

b) Linear Measurement on Sloping Ground

Practical 2: Indirect or Reciprocal Ranging

Practical 3: Chain Surveying

Practical 4: Compass Surveying

Practical 5: Levelling

a) Two Peg test

b) Fly leveling, Longitudinal Sectioning and Cross Sectioning

Practical 6: Plane table Surveying

Practical 7: Introduction to Theodolite

Text Books

 A text book of surveying and levelling, Dr.K.R, Arora

 Surveying, Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok K. Jain, Arun K. Jain, Volume I


Internal: 50

External: 50

CIEG203: Applied Mechanics [3 Credit]


The objective of this course is to understand the basic mechanics of structure and its application to the
structural engineering. It helps to understand the different types of loading and analysis of simple

1 Introduction to Mechanics
1.1 Mechanics,
1.2 Fundamental Concepts and Principles,
1.3 Concept of the particles and rigid bodies.

2 Forces on Particles and Rigid Bodies

2.1Definition and Types of Forces,

2.2Principle of Transmissibility and Equivalent Forces,

2.3Resolution and Composition,

2.4Moment of a Force about a Point,

2.5Moment of a Force about a Axis, Moment of a Couple,

2.6Resolution of a given Force into a Force and a Couple,

2.7Equivalent Systems of Forces

4 Friction


4.2 Law of friction.

4.3 Coefficients of friction
5 Analysis of Structures

5.1 Definition of Truss, Simple Trusses,

5.2 Analysis of Trusses by the Method of Joints,

5.3 Space Trusses

5.4 Definition of Frame

5.5 Analysis of Frame

6 Analysis of Beams, Frame

6.1 Various types of loading and support,
6.2 Axial force, Shear force and Bending Moment
7 Introduction of dynamics

7.1 Rectilinear Motion of Particles

7.2 Curvilinear Motion of Particles
8 System of Particles

8.1 Newton’s 2nd law of motion

8.2 System of Particles

8.3 Linear and Angular Moment for a System of Particles,

8.4 Conservation of Momentum

8.4 Kinetic Energy of System of Particles

8.5 Work Energy Principle and Conservation of Energy

8.6 Principle of Impulse and Momentum

9 Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

9.1 Introduction to Rigid Bodies

9.2 Translation and Rotation
9.3 General Plane Motion,
9.4 Absolute and Relative Velocity in Plane Motion
9.5 Instantaneous Centre of Rotation,
9.6 Absolute and Relative Frame
9.7 Coriolis Accleration in Plane Motion

9.8 Rate of change of a General Vector with Respect to a Rotating Frame: Coriolis

9.9 Motion About a Fixed Point ,General Motion

9.10 Three- dimensional Motion of a Particles Relative to a Rotating: Coriolis Accleration

10 Forces, Moments and acceleration

10.1 Equation of Motion for a Rigid Bodies,
10.2 Angular Momentum of a Rigid Bodies in Plane Motion
10.3 D’Alembert’s Principle

10.4 Application of Rigid Body Motion

11 Energy and Momentum Methods

11.1 Work and Energy for a Rigid Body

11.2 Work done by the external forces and Kinetic Energy,

11.3 Conservative and Non- Conservative systems, Work-Energy Application

11.4 Impulses and Momentum for Systems of Rigid Bodies

11.5 Conservation of Angular and Linear Momentum

11.6 Impulsive Motion and Eccentric Impact

12 Mechanical Vibration

12.1 Undamped Free Vibration of Particles and Rigid Bodies,

12.2 Simple Harmonic Motion
12.3 Frequency and Period of Oscillation,

12.4 Steady Harmonic Forcing of Undamped Systems

Tutorials: 12 assignments, and three internal evaluations

Reference Books

1. “Mechanics for Engineers- Statics and Dynamics”,- F.P. Beer, and E.R. Johnston, McGraw-Hill

Internal: 50

External: 50

CIEG204: Fluid Mechanics [3 Credit]


This course helps to students to understand the basic science of the fluid application to the civil

1 Introduction(Properties Of Fluid

1.1Basic Concept and definitions of fluid mechanics

1.2Properties of Fluid(Solid, Liquid and gas)
1.4 Application of fluid mechanics continuum concept
1.5 Effects of shear stress
1.6 Types of fluid(Newtonian and Non-Newtonian, Plastic and Real fluid)
1.7 Concept of control volume

2 Physical Properties of Liquids

2.1 Density (mass density, weight density, specific volume)

2.2Specific gravity, Surface tension and capillarity
2.3Compressibility and Bulk Module

2.4 Viscosity and Newton’s Law of Viscosity

3 Pressure Measurement Pressure of a fluid

3.1Pressure Head of a Liquid(Pressure depth relationship)

3.2Pressure at a point and pressure relationship
3.3Pascal’s La
3.4Measurement of pressure
3.5Differential principle and its use
3.6Bourdon Gauge
4 Hydrostatic Forces on Submerged Surfaces

4.1Total pressure and centre of pressure,

4.2 Pressure on horizontally immersed surfaces,
4.3 Pressure on vertically immersed and curved surfaces,
4.4 Forces on gate, dams and other water retaining structures.
5 Buoyancy and Flotation Concept

5.1Thrust of immersed surfaces and Archimedes principles,

5.2Types of equilibrium of floating bodies,

5.3Metacentre and metacentric height and its determination,

5.4Fluid within a rigid body subjected to motion (acceleration and rotation).

6 Fluid Kinematics

6.1 Langrangian and Eulerian approaches of describing fluid flows

6.2 Cartesian and polar coordinates
6.3 Discharge and mean velocity of flows
6.4 Types of flow lines(path lines, Streamline, streak line etc)
6.5 Types of fluid flow( steady and unsteady, uniform and non uniform with time and
space criteria)
7 Dynamics of flows

7.1 Various forces acting on a fluid, Euler’s equation of motion and its application
7.2 Derivation of Bernoulli’s equation from Euler’s equation
7.3 Energy of steady fluid flow,
7.4 Bernoulli’s theorem
7.5 Introduction to Navier stokes equation
7.6 Flow past submerged bodies, drag and lift forces, drag on sphere and cylinder
7.7 Boundary layer definition, concept, thickness and theory
8 Flow Through Orifices

8.1 Orifice flow(introduction, classification, emptying and filling of tanks)

8.2 Application of Bernoulli’s equation to orifice flow
8.3 Discharge through orifices, Orifice meter, Nozzle meter Venturimeter
8.4 Principle of application to Notches and weir
9 Momentum and other analysis

9.1 Impulse-Momentum Equation and derivation

9.2 Application of impulse-momentum equation to calculate forces on pipe bend and reducers
9.3 Impact of free jet, Concept of angular momentum(moment of momentum) Methods of
dimensional analysis(Rayleigh’s methods, Buckingham’s theorem)
Tutorials: 9 assignments and three internal evaluations


1. Proof of Bernoulli’s Theorem

2. Determination of Coefficient of Discharge of a Notch Weir (various notch weirs)
3. Determination of Loss due to pipe fittings (sudden enlargement and contraction)
4. Determination of Coefficient of Discharge of Venturi and Orifice meters
5. Experiment of Reynold’s Apparatus
6. Experiment on Wind Tunnel

Text Books

1. Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, SI Version. (By: Yunus Cengel, John
2. A text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines. (R. K. Rajput & R. K. Bansal.)
3. Fluid Mechanics, sixth edition, (Frank M White, 2008)
4. Experiments in Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines, Theory and Procedures (M.N. Shesha


Internal: 50

External: 50
II semester

Numerical Methods, MCSC – 202, 3 credits


The course will introduce the fundamentals of numerical methods for engineering and applied
Science streams. The goal of the course is to provide a broad background in numerical methods with
theoretical discussion and appropriate software like MATLAB etc. programming of the theoretical
components discussed in the class. Topics include introduction to software used for the course, errors in
numerical computation, root finding for algebraic (linear and non-linear equations) and transcendental
equation, interpolation, numerical differentiating and Integration, solving IVP for ODE and BVP,
solution of system of linear equations and curve fitting.


Upon Completion of MCSC 202, Students will be able to:

• Illustrate various properties and relationship among errors in numerical computation, root finding for
algebraic and transcendental equation, interpolation, numerical differentiating and
Integration, solving IVP for ODE and BVP, solution of system of linear equations and curve Fitting.
• Solve various problems using the mathematical software package MATLAB.
• Apply the concepts and properties of numerical methods and MATLAB to real life and
Engineering/science problems to become the best one.


At least two internal examinations (Theory) and one lab work each with 20 marks will be taken during
the semester. Internal exam papers will be returned to the students. Any questions about grading or
detection of grading errors in the exams must be reported immediately within a week of receiving the
exam paper. All students must take all the exams and submit the term paper.
• The final grade 20 marks (for theory) will be determined by the average of the internal
Examination marks.
• The final grade 15 marks (for lab) will be determined by the final lab work at the end of the
• The 5 marks will be for Assignments.

Probability and Statistics for Engineers: Math-208, Credit Hour: 3 CH

1. Introduction to Statistics and Data Description

2. Graphical Presentation of Data
a. Dot Plots and Scatter Plots
b. The frequency Distribution and Histogram
c. The Stem-and-leaf Plot
d. The Box Plot
e. The Pareto Chart
f. Numerical Description of Data
3. Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode, Mean of combined groups, Comparison of
mean, median and mode.
4. Measures of Dispersion: Range, Quartile deviation, Standard deviation & Variance, Coefficient of
Variation, Skewness and Kurtosis
5. Probability
a. Introduction
b. A Review of Sets
c. Random experiment, Sample space and Events (simple and composites), Mutually exclusive
and Collectively exhaustive events, Independent events
d. Probabilities definition and Assignment
e. Finite Sample Space and Enumeration
f. Conditional probability
g. Partitions, Total probability, and Bayes' theorem and its applications
6. One Dimensional Random Variables

a. Introduction
b. The Distribution Function
c. Discrete and Continuous Random variable
d. Some Characteristics of Distributions (mean, variance)
e. Chebyshev's inequality and its use
7. Functions of One Random Variable and Mathematical Expectation

a. Introduction
b. Equivalent Events
c. Function of Discrete and Continuous Random variable
d. Mathematical Expectation and its properties.
8. Some Important Discrete Distributions

a. Introduction
b. Bernoulli Trials and the Bernoulli Distribution
c. The Binomial Distribution
i. Mean and variance of Binomial Distribution
ii. The cumulative Binomial Distribution
iii. An application of Binomial Distribution
d. The Poisson Distribution
i. Mean and variance of Poisson Distribution
e. The Poisson Approximation to Binomial Distribution.

9. The Normal Distribution

a. Introduction
b. Properties of the Normal Distribution
c. The Mean and Variance of the Normal Distribution
d. The Normal Cumulative Distribution
e. The Standard Normal Distribution
f. Problem-Solving Procedure
g. The Central Limit Theorem
h. The Normal Approximation to Binomial Distribution
10. Random Samples and Sampling Distributions

a. Population and sample, Census and sampling, Estimate and estimator, Parameter and statistic
b. Random Samples
c. Statistics and Sampling Distributions
d. The Chi-Square Distribution
e. The t-Distribution
f. The F-Distribution

11. Estimation

a. Point Estimation, Interval estimation

b. Properties of Estimators
c. Single-Sample Confidence Interval Estimation (mean, variance and proportion)
d. Two-Sample Confidence Interval Estimation (mean, variance and proportion)
12. Tests of Hypotheses

a. Introduction
b. Tests of Hypotheses on a Single-Sample (mean, variance and proportion)
c. Tests of Hypotheses on two Samples (mean, variance and proportion)
d. Test for Goodness of Fit
e. Contingency Table Tests

13. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation

a. Simple Linear Regression and interpretation

b. Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis in Simple Linear Regression
c. Correlation and interpretation
d. Pearson and Spearman’s rank correlation

14. Statistical Quality Control

a. Introduction, Statistical Process Control,

b. Control Charts for Measurements
c. Control Charts for Individual Measurements
d. Control Charts for Attributes

Assignments and tests: 10 assignments, Two Internal test


Probability and Statistics in Engineering, 4th Edition, by William W. Hines, Douglas C. Montgomery,
David M. Goldsman, and Connie M. Borror, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2003.

Reference Books:

o Miller & Fruend’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers by Richard A Johnson
o Statistics Concepts and Application by Nabendu Pal and Sahadeb Sarkar, Prentice Hall of
India Private Limited, 2005,
o Probability and Statistics by Purna Chandra Biswal, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited,
o Modern Elementary Statistics by John E. Freund, 6th edition, Prentice Hall Int.
o Statistics for Management by R. I. Levin and D. S. Rubin, 6th edition

CIEG206: Engineering Hydrology and Sedimentology

[3 Credit]

To understand the basic fundamental of engineering hydrology and its impacts to the design of civil
engineering structure. It covers the flow measurement of the natural streams by different technique.

1. Introduction
Definition, scope

Importance and history of hydrology

Hydrologic cycle

Hydrologic system model

Hydrologic model classification

Earth’s water, Water budget

Global warming and Climate changes

Opportunities in the discipline

2. Transport process
Reynold’s Transport Theorem

Continuity and Momentum Equations

Meteorological Parameters

Hydrologic processes

Transport Process: conduction, convection and radiation

3. Evaporation

Evaporation process,
Factors affecting evaporation
Methods of estimation of evaporation: Energy Balance Method, Aerodynamic
Method and Combined Aerodynamic and Energy Balance Method

Pan evaporimeters

Empirical evaporation equations

4. Evapotranspiration
Transpiration and evapotranspiration processes
Measurement of evapotranspiration
by Lysimeters and field plots
Evapotranspiration equations
Penman and Thornthwaites’s equations
Potential evapotranspiration

Reference crop evapotranspiration

5. Precipitation
Atmospheric water vapor

Thunderstorm cell model

Weather System and rainfall data of Nepal Causes, types and forms of

Site selection, network density of rain gauge

Methods of average depth calculation


Methods for rainfall estimation (depth &, intensities)

Estimation of missing data
Double mass curve analysis
6. Infiltration
Infiltration process, depression storage and soil moisture

Infiltration capacity, Infiltration indices

Infiltration Models: Horton’s Equation, Philip’s Equation and Green-Ampt’s


Ponding time

Measurement of infiltration: Single ring and double ring infiltrometers

Flooding type infiltrometer

Rainfall simulator
7. Runoff and Hydrograph analysis
Concept and components of runoff

Catchment characteristics and climatic factors effecting runoff

Horton’s overland flow

The contribution of base flow to stream discharge

Separation of base flow and runoff

Unit Hydrographs

Volume and duration of runoff (flow duration and flow mass curve techniques)

Basic concept of hydrological models

Rainfall runoff correlation

Prediction on Ungauged Basins in Nepal

Runoff cycle
8. Stream flow
Classification of streams

Gauging site selection

Measurement of stages

Techniques of stream flow measurements

Direct measurement by surface float, current meter and salt dilution method

Indirect method by slope area method

Rating curve: its determination, adjustment and extension

9. Statistical Hydrology
Frequency and probability concepts

Frequency analysis and recurrence intervals

Normal distribution

Log Pearson Type III distribution

Log Normal Distribution

Gamma distribution, and their application in hydrology

Gumbel Distribution

Gumbel’s method in estimation of extreme flood value

10. Groundwater
Definition, occurrence, types and properties of aquifers

Steady and unsteady flow in aquifers

Darcy’s law

Basic equations of ground water

Recharge of ground water

Well hydraulics

Water wells and their types

11. Hydrology of floods
Definition, causes and effects of floods

Hydro-geomorphological characteristics of rivers

Seasonal, annual and extremes floods and methods of estimations.

Regional flood frequencies and Flood formulae

Recurring flood estimation/ prediction techniques,

Choice of design return period, design value and probability of encountering

design floods during design life

Risk, reliability

Methods of mitigating floods

Flood routing: Concept, Basic equations, Reservoir routing by Modified Pul’s


12. Sediment Transportation

Source of sediment

Geo-morphology of rivers

Seasonal variation of sediment load

Types of sediment; physical and chemical characteristics of water (turbidity,

color, conductivity etc.)

Measurement of sediment; bed load; suspended load

Sediment yields; sediment yield modeling;

Musgrave equation; Universal Soil-Loss Equation (USLE); runoff-sediment


sediment concentration graph; unit sediment graph; reservoir and lake


Estimation of bed load and suspended load; estimation of sediment load in the
absence of local data

13. Reservoir sedimentation

Silt load estimate for reservoir
Problems posed by reservoir sedimentation
Distribution of sediment in reservoirs
Life of reservoirs

Sediment management in hydropower projects

14. Snow and Glacier Hydrology
Definition, classification
Snow density, Snow water equivalent
Snow survey & measurement, snow melt
Mass balance, Glacial lake outburst flood
Effect of climate change
Assignments and tests: 5 Assignments, 3 Internal tests

Field works:

1) Field visit to a hydrological station at KU

2) In-situ measurement of infiltration rate by double ring infiltrometer
3) Visit to Hydro-Lab, Pulchowk (Sediments, sediment samples and sediment sampling)
Field Trip (Hydrology and Geology combined) : July 8,9 and 10 (Malekhu, Dhading)
4) Discharge measurement by float method
5) Discharge measurement by area-velocity method at Malekhukhola
6) Discharge measurement by salt dilution method at Malekhukhola
Reference Books

1) Subramanya, K. Engineering Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co. Ltd. New Delhi

2) Ven Te Chow Applied Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co. New York


Internal: 50

External: 50

CIEG207: Engineering Surveying II [3 Credit]


 Students will obtain a full understanding of the nature of surveying data, including errors and the
need for error control.
 Students will learn about surveying project fundamentals, particularly referencing systems,
horizontal and vertical control, and topographic mapping.
 Students will gain an understanding of the nature of calculations made with surveying data,
methods of data recording, display and storage.


The student should have fulfilled course requirement of Engineering Surveying I to study Engineering
Surveying II as well as h/she should be capable to understand;

• Trigonometry
• Simple differentiation and integration
• Analytical geometry

1.0 Theodolite Traversing

1.1 Introduction to Theodolite
1.2 Traverse, its purposes and uses
1.3 General Principle of Theodolite Traversing
1.4 Methods of Theodolite Traversing
1.5 Field Work of Theodolite Traversing
1.6 Traverse Computations
1.7 Closing Error and Balancing the traverse
Tacheometric Surveying
2.1 Introduction to Tacheometry
2.2 Principle of Tacheometry
2.3 Instruments used for tacheometric surveying
2.4 System of Tacheometric Measurements(Fixed Hair Method,
Movable Hair Method, Tangential Method)

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Contour Interval & Horizontal Equivalent
4.3 Factors for deciding contour Interval
4.4 Characteristics of Contour
4.5 Methods of Contouring( Direct Method & Indirect Method)
4.6 Interpolation of contours
4.7 Contour gradient
4.8 Uses of contour map
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Types of curves
5.3 Elements of Simple circular curves
5.4 Degree of curve
5.5 Setting out of Simple Circular Curves
5.6 Rankine’s Method of tangential deflection angles
5.7 Introduction to Transition curves
5.8 Elements of Combined Curve
5.9 Setting out of Combined Curve
5.10 Introduction to Vertical Curves
5.11 The Grade of Vertical Curve
5.12 Rate of change of Grade
5.13 Types of Vertical Curves
5.14 Length of Vertical Curves
5.15 Geometrics of Vertical Curves
5.16 Setting out of vertical Curves by Tangent corrections
6.0 Triangulation
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Principle of Triangulation
6.3 Purpose of Triangulation
6.4 Classification of triangulation
6.5 Layout of triangulation
6.6 Field work of triangulation
6.7 Types of triangulation
6.8 EDM instruments
7.0 Photogrammetric Surveying
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Arial Photographs
7.3 Principle of Photogrammetry and its limitations
7.4 Technical term used in Areial Surveying
8.0 Remote Sensing and GPS System
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Objectives
8.3 Uses


1. Theodolite Traversing, Computations & Plotting

2. Determination of Tacheometric Constants of Theodolite
3. Application of tacheometry
4. Trignometric leveling
5. Intersection & Resection
6. Contouring
7. Setting of Simple Circular Curve
Note: Students should be made capable of understanding practical field surveying problems by
arranging a two-week Survey Field Camp at the end of semester.


1. “Surveying”, Dr. B.C. Punmia, Khanna Publlishers, Latest Edition

2. “Surveying & Levelling”, R. Agor, Khanna Publishers, Latest Edition


Internal: 50

External: 50

CIEG208: Strength of Materials [3 Credit]


 In-depth knowledge for analysis of internal forces in beam and frame and their corresponding
 The students should be able to analyze centre of gravity and moment of inertia of built up section
along with principal moment of inertia.
 The students should be able to analyze stresses and strains in an object under different loading
condition along with principal stresses and their corresponding planes.
 Concept of thin walled vessel and calculation of stresses in thin walled vessels.
 In-depth knowledge of flexural equation for beam and analysis of composite beams.
 Concept of torsion phenomenon and knowledge of torsion equation and terminology.
 Buckling phenomenon concepts in different end conditions for long column.

The students need to have sound knowledge of Physics and Applied Mechanics (static part) for the
better understanding of the course.


1  Different types of loads

 Types of supports and reactions
 Statically determinate and indeterminate
Advanced topic in bending moment and shear force in Beams

2  Review of the previous works

 Bending moment and shear force diagram for determinate structure
 Superposition of the bending moment and shear force diagram
Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia

 Review of the previous work

 Centre of gravity of built-up section and standard built-up steel section
 Moment of Inertia of built-up section and standard built-up steel section
 Polar Moment of Inertia, Product of Inertia
 Definition and determination of Radius of Gyration
 Principal Moment of Inertia
Stress and Strains

 Definition and relationship between stress and strain, types and characteristics
of stresses, Stress- Strain diagrams
 Elasticity, Modulus of elasticity, Modulus of Rigidity, Hooke’s law, Poisson’s
4 ration, Pure shear force, Stress due to temperature
 Strain energy due to Normal stresses and Shear stress, Principles of
superposition, Stress due to temperature
 Strain energy due to Normal stresses and shear stress
 Plane stresses, Transformation of stresses, Principal stresses and planes, Mohr’s
Thin-Walled Vessels
 Definition and characteristics of thin-walled vessels
 Different types and calculation of stresses in thin walled vessels
Theory of Flexure

 Radius of curvature and flexural stiffness

 Bending of beams
 Beam deflection
 Analysis of composite beams

 Definition
 Torsion moment
 Relation between Torque and angle of twist
 Polar moment of Area
 Strain energy in torsion
 Combined Bending and Torsion

 Definition
 Euler’s Formula
 Effective length of column, Slenderness ratio
 Buckling of compression members
Assignments: 8 assignments, 4 practical reports


1. Behavior of materials, Tensile and Compressive forces on structures, Loads on structures

2. Direct tensile test, Hook’s Law
3. Simple bending test
4. Torsion test
5. Column behavior and Buckling

1. “Strength of Materials”, Beer and Johnson, McGraw-Hill, Latest Edition
2. “Mechanics of materials (SI version)”, E.P.Popov, Latest Edition PHI
3. “Strength of Materials”, G.H. Ryder, Macmillan, ELBS
4. “A Text Book of Strength of Materials”, Dr. R.K.Bansal
5. “Strength of Materials”, S.S.Bhavikatti
6. “Strength of Materials”, S.Ramarutham, R.Narayan


Internal: 50

External: 50

CIEG209: Engineering Geology [3 Credit]

1 Introduction:
Earth Science in Civil Engineering
Introduction to Engineering Geology
Earth as a system

Rocks and Minerals

2 Internal/External Process and Plate Tectonics
Internal Structure of Earth
Plate Tectonics
Earthquake and Seismic Design
River system, and the works of Rivers
3 Geology and Engineering Significance
Preliminary Site Investigation
Final Design Investigation
Construction and Post construction Investigation
Difference Between Soil and Rock Behavior
Description of Investigation Techniques
Geotechnical Reports
4 Study of Minerals and Rocks
Formation and descriptive study of minerals
Rock forming minerals
Igneous rocks
Sedimentary rocks
Metamorphic rocks
5 Structural Geology
Primary and secondary structure
Folds and folding
Faults and faulting
Joints and Jointing
6 Mass Movement
Introduction to slope stability
Causes of mass movements
Types of mass movements
Formation of soil
Monitoring and control of mass movements
7 The Groundwater System
Introduction to Hydrogeology
General Concept
Groundwater in the Hydrologic Cycle
Groundwater Investigations
Collection of Ground water
Ground water occurrence and conservation
8 Subsurface Exploration
Drilling and Sampling in soil materials
Drilling and Sampling in Hard Materials
Logging and Logs
Geophysical Explorations
9 Rocks as a Construction Materials
Factors Affecting Engineering Service of Rock
Quarries: Exploration and Procedures
Sand and Gravels
Highway and Railroad Aggregates
10 Application of Engineering Geology
Dam and Reservoirs
Stability of Hill-slope and cutting
Buildings: Site Exploration and Foundations
Water Supply and Irrigation Canal
11 Engineering Geology Practices in Nepal
Geological divisions and rock distributions
Status and practices in Nepal
Case studies of different development projects
Total Lecture Hour
Assignments and tests: 5 assignments, Three Internal test

Laboratories and field works:

1. Introduction to Geological Maps

2. Dip and Strike on Map
3. Three point problems
4. Rock and Mineral Identification (Hand specimen)
5. Rock and Mineral Identification (Petrological Microscope)
6. Field investigation and Field trip (6 days) in different development projects
Text Books and teaching techniques

1. Dimitri P. Krynine and William R. Judd, Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics,
McGaw-Hill Book Co., Inc New York, CBS Publishers and Distributors India
2. J. N. Mandal and D.G. Divshikar, Soil Testing in Civil Engineering, Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co. Pvt. Ltd. India
3. B.B. Mazanti and G. F. Sowers, Testing Techniques for Rock Mechanics
4. Parbin Singh Engineering & General Geology for B.E. and B. Sc., seventh revised edition, S. K.
Kataria & Sons, Delhi, India


Internal: 50

External: 50


Ist Semester

Engineering Economics: MGTS 301, 3 credits


The main aim of the course is to provide the knowledge on economics, cost concepts, money time

1.0 Introduction to Engineering Economy

Origin, principles, objectives and basis of engineering economy, engineering economy and design
process, engineering economic analysis procedure, accounting and engineering economic studies
2.0 Cost Concepts and Design Economics
Introduction cost estimating (top down & bottom up) and cost terminology (different types of cost:
opportunity, sunk etc), the general economic environment (general economic terms; demand, supply,
utility, value, luxury, necessity, monopoly, perfect market), break-even point, cost-driven design
3.0 Money-Time Relationships and Equivalence
Introduction, simple and compound interests, Equivalence-concept, cash flow diagrams, simple interest
formula for present, future and annual equivalents (singly cash flow, uniform cash flow, uniform
gradient, deferred uniform gradient, uniform geometric ( only for single interest and discrete
compounding), nominal and effective interest rate
4.0 Applications of Money-Time Relationship
MARR, PW, FW and AW method, IRR and ERR method, payback period method
5.0 Comparing Alternatives
Analysis & comparison of project using IRR, NPV, PW, FW, and AW: Useful lives equal to study
period, useful lives are different among alternatives, mutually exclusive combinations of projects.
Replacement Analysis: Reasons and factors for replacement studies, economic life.
6.0 Cost & Benefit Estimation Techniques
Integrated approach to develop the net cash flows, parametric cost estimating, cost estimation in the
design process, value engineering.

7.0 Analysis of alternatives with benefit cost (B/C ratio)

8.0 Depreciation
concept and terminology; Classical depreciation methods
9.0 Dealing with Uncertainty
Risk and uncertainty, sensitivity analysis

Internal Evaluation plan (Total 25 marks)

Internal Exams (two): 15 marks, Assignments: 5 marks and Term paper: 5 mark

Assignments: 6 assignments


1. Reynold’s Experiment
2. Hydraulic Apparatus, run-off simulation
3. Flow through weirs and Venturimeter
4. Flow through sluice gate
5. Hydraulic Jump in Open channel
6. Model study of a hydraulic structure and river

1. Chadwick A. and Morfett, J., ( “Hydraulics in Civil and Environmental Engineering”,

Third Edition, E& FN SPON
2. Gupta R. S. ( .....)“Hydrology and Hydraulics System”, Second Edition, Publisher???
3. Ranga Raju, K.G. (1986) “Flow Through Open Channel” , Tata McGraw-Hill,
4. Novak, P. and Cabelka, J. (1981) "Models in Hydraulic Engineering, Physical
Principles and Design Applications", Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, Boston

Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Hydraulic Structures

Subject code: CIEG304

Credit Hours: 3 CH

Lecture Hour/Week: 3(Theory -2, Tutorial-1)

Learning Objectives:



1 Introduction to Hydraulics structures

1.1.Water resources use and its economic development aspects

1.2 Classification of hydraulic structure by character of action on

the stream flow

1.3 Concept of hydraulic engineering: Problems and purposes

1.4 Classification of hydraulic structures and their overview

1.5 Special Purpose hydraulic structure

1.6 Water resources project and development (system)

1.7 Flow behavior and hydraulic structures

1.8 Protection of scouring

1.9 Effects of Seepage flow

1.10 Hydraulic structure and their relationship with foundation

1.11 Matter of concern in hydraulic design

1.12 Safety requirement for structures and foundation

2 Analysis of Forces Acting on Hydraulic Structures

2.1 Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure

2.2 Cavitations

2.3 Cavitations control

2.4 Aeration of flow

3 3.1 Dams

3.1.1 Introduction

3.1.2 Classification according to use

3.1.3 Classification according to hydraulic design

3.1.4 Classification according to material

3.1.5 Physical factors governing selection of type of a dam

3.1.6 Selection of site for a dam

3.2 Gravity Dams

3.2.1 Introduction

3.2.2 Forces acting on gravity dam –Water pressure, weight of

dam, uplift pressure, Earthquake pressure (effect of horizontal,
vertical acceleration), ice pressure, wave pressure, silt pressure,
wind pressure.

3.2.3 Combination of Loading for design

3.2.4 Modes of failure: Stability Requirement

3.2.5 Principal and Shear Stresses

3.2.6 Quality and strength of concrete and masonry in gravity dam;

principal stress, hydraulic concrete

3.2.7 Stability analysis of gravity dam and methods of analysis :

gravity method (self study), graphical method, analytical method,
trial and twist method, slab analogy method, Latice analog
method, Experimental method (direct, indirect methods)

3.2.8 Elementary profile of gravity dam

3.2.9 Forces acting on elementary profile

3.2.10 Determination of base width of elementary profile : stress

criteria and stability criteria

3.2.11 Practical Profile of a Gravity Dam

3.2.12 Limiting height of a Gravity Dam

3.2.13 Design of Gravity Dams: Multiple step, single step,

alternative method, Galleries, joints, keys and water seals

3.2.14 Control of cracking in concrete dams

4 Arch Dam

4.1 Definition of arch dam

4.2 Tyoes of arch dam : constant radius, variable radius, constant


4.3 Forces on arch dam

4.4 Design method of arch dam : thin cylinder theory

4.5 Determination of central angle for minimum concrete

4.6 Limitation of cylinder theory

4.7 The Elastic Theory

4.8 The trial load analysis

5 Buttress Dam

5.1 Components of buttress dams

5.2 Types of Buttress Dams

6 Earthen and Rockfill Dams

6.1Definition and types of earthen dam

6.2Method of construction: roll and fill , hydraulic fill dam

6.3Causes of failure of earthen dam

6.4Criteria for safe design of earthen dam

6.5 Section of an earthen dam

6.6 Downstream drainage system

6.7 Preliminary dimension of earthen dam

6.8 Stability analysis of earthen dam : stability of d/s slope during

steady state

6.9 Method of locating centre of critical slip circle (Fellenious

7 Seepage through the Hydraulic Structures

7.1Permeability of soil

7.2 Gravity and capillary water

7.3 Fundamentals of seepage theory: Theoretical solution to
seepage problem

7.4 Use of flow pattern

7.5 Experimental and other methods of plotting seepage flow nets :

ELECTRICAL hydrodynamic analogue method

7.6 Solutions of practical seepage pressure problem: Method of

drag coefficient

7.7 Drainage Vs seepage

7.8 Free seepage in the hydraulic structure

7.9 Dam with pervious foundation

7.10 Dam with core wall on impermeable foundation

7.11 Rock and earth fill dam with core wall on impermeable

7.12 Rock fill dam with sloping screen on impermeable foundation

7.13 Dam with sloping screen and drainage banquet on impervious


7.14 Seepage beneath structure on rock foundation

7.15 Elements of creep contour

8 Spillways and Appurtenant Works:

8.1 Definition and types of the spillways,

8.2 Types of spillway

8.3 Separate spillway

8.4 Chute
8.5 Stepped fall

8.6 Culvert surface

8.7 Tunnel spillway

8.9 Shaft spillway

8.10 Appurtenant Structures

8.11 River Transport and Hydraulic Power Facilities

8.12 Electric Power Generation Installation

8.13 Fish-Pass Facilities

Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Hydraulics and River Engineering

Subject code: CIEG301

Credit Hours: 3 CH

Lecture Hour/Week: 5 (Theory -2, Tutorial-1, Lab. -1)

Chap Topics

1 Introduction

1.1 Hydraulics and River Engineering (Retrospect and Prospects)

1.2 Recap of fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
1.3 Principles of fluid flow (classification of flows, visualization of flow patterns,
fundamental equations of fluid dynamics: conservation of matter, energy and
2 Flow in Pipes and Closed Conduit

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Fundamental Concepts of pipe flow
2.3 Laminar and Turbulent flow, Reynolds’s Equation
2.4 Shear stresses and their distribution in uniform flow
2.5 Energy Equation of Pipe Flow
2.6 Evaluation of Head Loss due to Friction: Basilius, von Karmann-Pradtle,
Darcy-Weishbach Equation, Use of Moody’s Chart; Hazen- Williams
Equation, the Colebrook-White Transition formula
3 Pipe Network

3.1 Design of simple pipe system, Short and long pipes with constant diameter
3.2 Pipe in series and parallel
3.3 Pipe Network Analysis: Pipes in Parallel and Series, Hardy-Cross method.
3.4 Three reservoir solution
3.5 Economic diameter of pipe
3.6 Design of pumping main.
4 Theory of modelling of hydraulic phenomena

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Similarity laws of hydraulic phenomena
4.3 Dimensional analysis
4.4 Criteria and applications of dynamic similarity(Analysis of pipe flow and Free
surface flows, Hydraulic Machines)

4.5 Hydraulic models (canals, rivers, estuaries, coastal, harbour models, models of
hydraulic structures
4.6 Computational hydraulics (Overview, Mathematical models and numerical
models, derivation of conservation equations, differential equations and finite
difference schemes, boundary conditions and initial conditions, applications of
computational hydraulics, computational river modelling
5 Hydraulic Transients
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Equation of Transient and velocity distribution
5.3 Mechanism of Pressure-Wave Propagation:
5.4 Sudden closure of the valve and its effect in rigid and elastic pipes
5.5 Water hammer and its effects in Pipes and Penstock.
5.6 Surge protection: Mitigation of Water Hammering and necessary devices
6 Open Channel Flow

6.1 Introduction (Flow with free surface)

6.2 Flow Classification and Elements of the Channel Section w.r.t. Comparison
with pipe-flow.
6.3 Shear stress and Velocity Distribution, Energy and Momentum coefficients
6.4 Laminar and Turubulent Flow, State of Flow
6.5 Uniform Channel Flow: Hydraulics of Uniform Flow, (The Chesy Equation,
The Manning’s Equation, evaluation of Manning’s n Channel conveyance (K)
compound channels Computation of Uniform Flow
6.6 Rapidly Varied Flow: use of Energy Principle, energy equation of open
6.7 Critical Flow Conditions: Concept of Specific Energy, Computation of
Critical Flow, critical depth and velocity, the Froude Number
6.8 Critical depth meters (broad crested weir, Ventury and Parshal Flumes (Self
7 7.1 Rapidly varied flow: the use of momentum principles: the hydraulic jump
equation, its significance, stability of hydraulic jump, hydraulic jump as an
energy dissipater and its uses
7.2 Gradually Varied Flow: Significance of bed slope and channel friction,
critical bed slope and its determination. Flow transitions General Equation of
Gradually Varied Flow, Types of Flow Profile Curves, Flow Profile Analysis
7.3 Computation of Flow Profile: Methods of solution of the GVF equations
(Direct Integration, Graphical Integration and Numerical Integration)
7.4 Unsteady flow (types, surge waves), Gradually varied unsteady flow: the
equations of one-dimensional motion.
8 River Engineering
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Optimization of a Channel Cross-Section
8.3 Design of the Stable Alluvial Channels (Design of Rigid –Boundary Channels:
Permissible Velocity of Flow, Bottom Longitudinal Slope, Channel Side
Slopes, Freeboard, Hydraulic Efficient Sections, Design Procedure): partly self
8.4 Unlined Channels: Design of Mobile (Loose)-Boundary Channels: Non-
silting-Non scouring velocity, Tractive Force Theory Regime Theory,
8.5 Morphology of Natural Channels
8.6 Flood Discharges in Compound Channels
8.7 River training and control works (self study)
8.8 River diversion and construction layout (self study)

Kathmandu University
GIS and Remote Sensing (CIEG 302)

A. Course Syllabus on Remote Sensing Part

1. Introduction: Introduction to remote sensing, remote sensing systems,
history, nature of remote sensing, definition, Application of remote sensing
system, classification of RS systems, application in civil engineering
2. Radiation Principles: Solar radiation, radiation component, physical
principles, visible radiation and colour, radiance remote sensing terms
3. Resolution,scanner models, orbit types, imaging systems, spectral response
curve, spectral response pattern, geometric distortions, radiometric
distortions, atmospheric distortions,
4. Visual Image interpretation: Introduction, Elements of image
interpretation, Shape, size, context, stereograph, shadow, pattern, colour,
steps in image interpretations, factors affecting image interpretation
5. Image Transformation: Introduction, Spatial and spectral transformation
techniques, convolution, stretching, filtering, contrast manipulation
B. Practical Syllabus:

The [practical is followed by the set of question included in the tutorial. Students
have to submit the answers to teacher in order to get marks on practical.

SN Topics Content Lab Remarks

1 Basics tools RGB, Information 3 Image loading, band combination,
location information extraction

2 Image Enhancement Stretch, filtering 3 Spatial transformation

3 Image Enhancement Spectral transformation, 3 Spectral transformation
Band Ratios

Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I
Subject: Soil and Rock Mechanics
Subject code: CIEG303
Credit Hours: 3 CH
Lecture Hour/Week: 5 (Theory-2, Tutorial-1, Lab.-1)

Learning Objectives:

Chap Topics
1 Soil Introduction
1.1 Introduction,
1.2 Classification of soil,
1.3 Particle size and gradation,
1.4 Soil profiles
Phase Relationship
2.1 Density, Porosity,
2.2 Void Ratio,
2.3 Water content,
2.4 unit weight,
2.5 specific gravity,
2.6 Dry and saturated unit weight,
2.7 Consistency limits,
2.8 Index properties,
2.9 soil compaction

Seepage through the soil

3.1 Introduction,
3.2 Flow laws,
3.3 Flow rate,
3.4 Flow nets,
3.5 Solutions of flow equation,
3.6 Permeability measurement
Strength and Deformation
4.2 Soil behavior,
4.3 Principle of effective stress,
4.4 Failure concept

Settlement and Consolidation

5.1 Introduction,
5.2 Soil Compressibility,
5 5.3 Primary and Multi dimensional settlement,
5.4 Secondary compression of soil parameters,
5.5 Stress path,
5.6 Settlement rate

Retaining Structures on Soil

6.1 Introduction,
6.2 Limiting stress states in a soil mass,
6.3 Intermediate stress state,
6.4 Pressure on rigid retaining wall,
6.5 Passive pressure analyses,
6.6 Stability analysis

Stability of Soil Slopes

7.1 Types of instability mechanisms,
7.2 Methods of stability analysis, and its
7.3 Detection and control of landslides

Description of Rocks and rock masses

8.1 Introduction of intact rock and rock mass
and their characteristics,
8 8.2 Rock mass classification,
8.3 Significance of folds and faults in
8.4 Stresses in rocks,
8.5 Mechanics and shear in rocks
Graphical presentation of Geological data
9.1 Introduction,
9.2 Equal area and equal angle projections, 9.3
Stereographic projection of a plane and its pole,
9.4 Definition of geological terms,
9 9.5 Construction of a great circle to represent a
9.6 Determination of the line of intersection of
two planes,
9.7 Relationship between true and apparent dip,
9.8 Plotting and analysis of field measurements

1. Sampling of rock and soil for laboratory test (Sieve analysis, Classification of soil, Study of
composition, Unified soil classification)
2. Liquid limit, Plastic limit analysis
3. Direct and residual shear test determining strength
4. Cohesion and friction analysis using Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria, Modulus of compression,
5. Permeability measurement, Consolidation tests of various types of soils
6. RMR classification, Joint analysis, Slope stability analysis using stereo-net


1. Lambe T. W. and Whiteman R. V. (2000): Soil Mechanics, SI Version, John Wiley & Sons, 553

2. Datta Lee L K., White W. and Ingles O. G. (1983 ): Geotechnical Engineering, Pitman, 507 p

3. M. and Gulhati S. K. (2005): Geotechnical Engineering Tata McGraw-Hill 738 p

4. Punmia B. C., Jain AK and Jain AK (1973) Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Laxmi
Publications (P) Ltd 916 p

Dahal R. K. (2008) Geology for Technical Students

Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Hydraulic Structures

Subject code: CIEG304

Credit Hours: 3 CH

Lecture Hour/Week: 3(Theory -2, Tutorial-1)

Learning Objectives:

Chap Topics

1 Introduction to Hydraulics structures

1.1.Water resources use and its economic development aspects

1.2 Classification of hydraulic structure by character of action on

the stream flow

1.3 Concept of hydraulic engineering: Problems and purposes

1.4 Classification of hydraulic structures and their overview

1.5 Special Purpose hydraulic structure

1.6 Water resources project and development (system)

1.7 Flow behavior and hydraulic structures

1.8 Protection of scouring

1.9 Effects of Seepage flow

1.10 Hydraulic structure and their relationship with foundation

1.11 Matter of concern in hydraulic design

1.12 Safety requirement for structures and foundation

2 Analysis of Forces Acting on Hydraulic Structures

2.1 Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure

2.2 Cavitations

2.3 Cavitations control

2.4 Aeration of flow

3 3.1 Dams

3.1.1 Introduction
3.1.2 Classification according to use

3.1.3 Classification according to hydraulic design

3.1.4 Classification according to material

3.1.5 Physical factors governing selection of type of a dam

3.1.6 Selection of site for a dam

3.2 Gravity Dams

3.2.1 Introduction

3.2.2 Forces acting on gravity dam –Water pressure, weight of

dam, uplift pressure, Earthquake pressure (effect of horizontal,
vertical acceleration), ice pressure, wave pressure, silt pressure,
wind pressure.

3.2.3 Combination of Loading for design

3.2.4 Modes of failure: Stability Requirement

3.2.5 Principal and Shear Stresses

3.2.6 Quality and strength of concrete and masonry in gravity dam;

principal stress, hydraulic concrete

3.2.7 Stability analysis of gravity dam and methods of analysis :

gravity method (self study), graphical method, analytical method,
trial and twist method, slab analogy method, Latice analog
method, Experimental method (direct, indirect methods)

3.2.8 Elementary profile of gravity dam

3.2.9 Forces acting on elementary profile

3.2.10 Determination of base width of elementary profile : stress

criteria and stability criteria
3.2.11 Practical Profile of a Gravity Dam

3.2.12 Limiting height of a Gravity Dam

3.2.13 Design of Gravity Dams: Multiple step, single step,

alternative method, Galleries, joints, keys and water seals

3.2.14 Control of cracking in concrete dams

4 Arch Dam

4.1 Definition of arch dam

4.2 Tyoes of arch dam : constant radius, variable radius, constant


4.3 Forces on arch dam

4.4 Design method of arch dam : thin cylinder theory

4.5 Determination of central angle for minimum concrete

4.6 Limitation of cylinder theory

4.7 The Elastic Theory

4.8 The trial load analysis

5 Buttress Dam

5.1 Components of buttress dams

5.2 Types of Buttress Dams

6 Earthen and Rockfill Dams

6.1Definition and types of earthen dam

6.2Method of construction: roll and fill , hydraulic fill dam

6.3Causes of failure of earthen dam

6.4Criteria for safe design of earthen dam

6.5 Section of an earthen dam

6.6 Downstream drainage system

6.7 Preliminary dimension of earthen dam

6.8 Stability analysis of earthen dam : stability of d/s slope during

steady state

6.9 Method of locating centre of critical slip circle (Fellenious

7 Seepage through the Hydraulic Structures

7.1Permeability of soil

7.2 Gravity and capillary water

7.3 Fundamentals of seepage theory: Theoretical solution to

seepage problem

7.4 Use of flow pattern

7.5 Experimental and other methods of plotting seepage flow nets :

ELECTRICAL hydrodynamic analogue method

7.6 Solutions of practical seepage pressure problem: Method of

drag coefficient

7.7 Drainage Vs seepage

7.8 Free seepage in the hydraulic structure

7.9 Dam with pervious foundation

7.10 Dam with core wall on impermeable foundation

7.11 Rock and earth fill dam with core wall on impermeable

7.12 Rock fill dam with sloping screen on impermeable foundation

7.13 Dam with sloping screen and drainage banquet on impervious

7.14 Seepage beneath structure on rock foundation

7.15 Elements of creep contour

8 Spillways and Appurtenant Works:

8.1 Definition and types of the spillways,

8.2 Types of spillway

8.3 Separate spillway

8.4 Chute

8.5 Stepped fall

8.6 Culvert surface

8.7 Tunnel spillway

8.9 Shaft spillway

8.10 Appurtenant Structures

8.11 River Transport and Hydraulic Power Facilities

8.12 Electric Power Generation Installation

8.13 Fish-Pass Facilities


5. “Hydraulics Structures”, M. M. Grishin,

6. “Water Power Engineering” M. M Dandekar and K N Sharma
7. “Irrigation and Water Power Engineering” Dr. B.C. Punmia, Dr. B.B. Lal Pande
Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Structural Analysis I

Subject code: CIEG305

Credit Hours: 3 CH

Lecture Hour/Week: 5 (Theory -2, Tutorial-1, Lab. -1)

Learning Objectives:

 Too understand and analyze deflection of determinate beams and trusses by using various
fundamental methods.
 To understand the strain energy methods and its limits to analyze for various structures.
 To understand the three hinged arch analysis in order to apply for bridge structure as well as
arch-type of structure designs.
 The course also should be able to give idea to students in analyzing cable structures for
suspension bridge analysis and design.
 Influence line diagram concepts for analyzing beams and frames also is another important part of
this course.
 The students should also be able to get knowledge of virtual work method in the analysis of
structures. The fundamental approaches to analyze structures will be dealt in this course so that
the students get complete idea of structural analysis procedures.

The students need to have in depth knowledge of Applied Mechanics (mainly the static part) and
Strength of Materials, to be able to understand most of the chapters designed in this course.

Chap Topics
1. Introduction to Structural Engineering
1.1 History of Structural Engineering
1.2 Computational methods
1.3 Types of structures based on material used
1.4 Basic concepts of structural analysis: forces and
1.5 Boundary conditions

2. Analysis by strain energy method

2.1 Strain energy and complementary strain energy
2.2 Gradually and suddenly applied loads
2.3 Strain energy due to bending, shear and torsion

3. Analysis of truss deflection

3.1 Work and complementary work
3.2 Deflection by method of real works
3.3 Principle of virtual work
3.4 Application of virtual work in truss deflection
3.5 Temperature effects, length adjustments and misfits
3.6 Truss deflection by energy method

4. Elastic deflection of Beams

4.1 Relation between slope, deflection and radius of curvature
4.2 Method of integration
4.3 Macaulay’s Method
4.4 Moment Area Method
4.5 Conjugate Beam Method
4.6 Virtual Work Method
4.7 Strain Energy Method for deflections

5. Influence Lines for simple structures

5.1 Introduction to rolling static loads
5.2 Concept of influence lines
5.3 Influence lines for reactions at supports
5.4 Influence lines for bending and shear forces
5.5 Influence lines for forces in members of plane trusses
5.6 Influence lines for panel loading
5.7 Determination of reactions, B.M and S.F. from I.L.
5.8 I.L.D. for standard load trains
5.9 Most critical position of load on beam span

6. Analysis of statically determinate arches and frames

6.1 Types of arches and frames
6.2 Analyses of Three hinged arch/frames, supports on same
6.3 I.L.D. for reactions, B.M, S.F. in three hinged
6.4 Three hinge arches/frames with supports on different levels
7 Suspension cable systems
7.1 Theory of suspended structures
7.2 General cable theorem; Catenary and parabolic cables
7.3 Cables under uniformly distributed load
7.4 Pulley and roller supports for suspended cables
7.5 Thermal effects on cables
7.6 Suspension bridge with three hinged stiffening girder
Total lecture hours


1. Influence lines for beams

2. Influence lines for frames
3. Experimental analysis for plane frames
4. Reactions on three hinged arch under given system of loading
5. Deflection of beam
6. Experimental analysis of suspension bridge


1. “Elementary structural Analysis”, C.H. Norris, J.B. Wilbur, S. Utku, McGraw-Hill, New York,
2. “Theory of Structures”, S. Ramamrutham and R. Narayan, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company,
3. “Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis”, A.K. Jain, Nem Chand and Bros, Roorkee,
India, 2nd Edition, 2008.
Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Estimating and Valuation

Subject code: CIEG306

Credit Hours: 2 CH

Lecture Hour/Week: (Theory -2, Tutorial-1, Lab. -1)


The main objective of the course is to provide the knowledge on estimating and valuation and make
capable to the students for estimation and valuation of civil engineering structures.


The students should have sound knowledge of Engineering survey I and Engineering survey II,
Building construction and RCC structure.

Chapter Topics

1 Procedure of Estimating

Metric system and primary units

1.1 International system of units

1.2 Method of estimating
1.3 Main items of work
1.4 Deduction for opening etc
1.5 RCC work and R.B. work flooring and roofing
1.6 Plastering and pointing, pillars, door and windows, wood work, iron work
1.7 White washing, colour washing, Lump sum items
1.8 Nomenclature of items
1.9 Rates
1.10 Reducing calculation.

2 Method of Building Estimate

2Example of estimate of


2.1 Method of building estimate method I (Short and long wall method)
2.2 Centreline method of building estimate
2.3 Estimate of steps

3 Estimate of Buildings

3.1 Estimate of a masonry platform

3.2 Estimate of masonry tank
3.3 Estimate of mortar garage
3.4 Estimate of single room building with veranda
3.5 Estimate of two room building
3.6 Estimate of three room building.

4 RCC works and structure

4.1 RCC work

4.2 Percentage steel reinforcement

4.3 Standard hooks and cranks of reinforcement bars

4.4 Estimate of RCC framed building

4.5 Estimate of RCC beam

4.6 Estimate of RCC slab

4.7 Estimate of RCC column with foundation

4.8 Estimate of RCC staircase

4.9 Sanitary works; Septic tank, Soak pit, sub soil drain, size and capacities of tank

5 Road Estimating

5.1 Earth work

5.2 Lead and lift

5.3 Mid sectional area method

5.4 Mean sectional area method

5.5 Prisimodial method

5.6 Estimate of RCC slab converts

6 Types of estimate

6.1 Types: preliminary

6.2 Plinth area, Types

6.3 Preliminary, approximate

6.4 Plinth area estimate, cube rate estimate

6.5 Detailed estimate and revised estimate

6.6 Supplementary estimate and contingencies

6.7 Work charged establishment

6.8 Plinth area; floor area, circulation area, wall area and carpet area.

7 Analysis of Rates

7.1 Analysis of rates

7.2 overhead costs; task or outturn works

7.3 Labour required for different works; material for different items of works

7.4 Materials for cement concrete

7.5 Rates of materials & labours; preparing analysis of rates

7.6 Analysis of rates for sanitary & water supply works

7.7 Earth works in trenches

7.8 Timbering of trenches

7.9 Analysis of rates of building works and Stone masonry

7.10 Brick masonry, Plastering and Flooring etc.

8 Specification

8.1 Specification; General specification of 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class, and 4th class building

8.2 Detailed specification

8.3 Earthwork in foundation

8.4 Lime concrete in foundation

8.5 Lime concrete in roof terracing

8.6 Cement concrete;; Brickwork I class, II class and III class

8.7 Brick work in mud

9 Valuation

9.1 Valuation

9.2 Gross income; Net income

9.3 Outgoing; Scrap value, Salvage value etc

9.4 Obsolescence; Annuity; Capitalized value

9.5 Year’s purchase; Sinking fund; Depreciation

9.6 Value of building

9.7 Determination of depreciation

9.8 Method of valuation

9.9 Life of various items of works

9. 10 Examples of valuation

9.11 Mortgage Lease

9.12 Fixation of rent; Examples of rent fixation

9.13 Plinth area required for residential buildings.

10 Rules and method of measurement

10.1 General Rules; Earthwork

10.2 Concrete; Brickwork; Stone masonry

10.3 Wood sloping roof; Flat terraced roof

10.4 Ceiling; Floor

10.5 Plastering and Pointing; White washing; Painting

10.6 Sanitary and Water Supply works

10.7 Electrical work and Road work

10.8 Bituminous road; Dismantling; Demolition Materials

Total Lecture Hours


 Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering, Theory and practice, B.N. Dutta

 Civil Engineering, Estimating, Costing & Valuation, V. N Vazirani and S.P Chandola, revised by
S.V Deodhar, Khanna Publishers

Year III

Semester II
Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: II

Subject: Hydropower Engineering I

Subject code: CIEG307

Credit Hours: 2 CH

Lecture Hour/Week: 5(??) (Theory -2, Tutorial-1)

Learning Objectives: This lectures is designed to assimilate the knowledge of civil engineering to design compon
hydropower plants and conduct their feasibility study. By attending this lecture, students will learn systematically the follow

 Historical achievement in developing hydropower in Nepal and World

 The Role of hydropower in Integrated Power System
 Different types of hydropower plants suitable for particular purposes
 Types, functioning and design aspects of different components of hydropower plants
 Conduct stability and stress analysis of major components of hydropower
 Use of computer aided tools for solving problems in hydropower engineering

Prerequisites: Students should have knowledge of fluid mechanics, applied mechanics, construction materials, soil a
mechanics, hydrology, hydraulics, hydraulic machines, power system engineering, hydraulic structures, engineering geology

Chapter Topics
Part I: Hydropower and other Energy Technology

1 1.1 Introduction to Hydropower Engineering

1.2 Hydropower Development in Nepal and World: Retrospect and Prospects
1.3 Role of Hydropower in National and International Integrated Power System
1.4 Types of Energy Technologies in Integrated Power System (Thermal, Wind, Solar and others)
1.5 Strategy for Hydropower plant-based Power System for Rural Development in Nepal
1.6 Importance of pico-micro-mini, small and Pump storage hydropower plants in Nepal

Part II: Computational Hydrology and Hydraulics

2 2.1 Introduction to Hydrological and Hydraulic modeling (3hr)

Concepts of modeling, Classification of models, Steps in modeling, Applications of models

2.2 Conceptual models (3hr)

Concepts, Example of TANK model, Exercise on TANK model

2.3 HEC-HMS model (8hr)

Basic concepts, Data preparation technique, Demonstration on model setting, calibration and validation, Exercise

2.4 BTOPMC model 14hr

Basic concepts, Topographic module, Precipitation module

Evapotranspiration module, Snow module, Data preparation technique, Demonstration, Exercise

2.5 HEC-RAS model 2hr

Basic concepts, Model setting procedure, Demonstration

Exercise on water surface profile computation,

2.6 Methods of Hydrological Analysis: WECS, HYDEST, HYDRA

2.7 Application of computer added tools (RETSCREEN) for hydropower design studies

Part III: Determination of Hydropower Potential

3 3.1 Classification of Hydropower Plants

3.2 Determination of Hydropower Potential of a Site
3.3 Determination of Head
3.4 Determination of Design Discharge
3.5 Firm and secondary power, installed capacity, mean and peak load, Load Factor, Plant Factor, Utilization Factor
3.6 Hydrograph and Concept of Flow-Duration Curve
3.7 Criteria for Site Selection and Geological investigations in hydropower planning

Part IV: Hydropower Component Design

4 Hydropower Components

4.1 Introduction to the Hydropower components

4.2 Layout of Hydropower Components on topographical map
5 Civil Components

5.1 Headwork Structures:

5.1.1 Intake: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design
5.1.2 Gravel Trap cum Settling Basin: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design
5.1.3 Spillways: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design
5.1.4 Stilling Basin: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design
5.1.5 River riprap: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design
5.2 Water Conveyance Structures:
5.2.1 Canals: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design
5.2.2 Tunnel: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design, Lining ,Tunnelling Method ,
5.2.3 Surge tank: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design
5.2.4 Forebay: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design
5.2.5 Penstocks: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design, determination of the economical diameter of penstock
5.2.6 Anchor Block: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design, stability analysis
5.2.7 Support Piers: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design, stability analysis
5.3 Powerhouse and Appurtenant Structures:
5.3.1 Powerhouse: Function, Location, Types, Layout and Design
5.3.2 Substructure: Substructure Foundation, Construction layout
5.3.3 Superstructure: Superstructure, Stability Consideration

8 assignments,


Mosonyi, E (1987/1991) “ Water Power Development” Volume I+II A, B Budapest, Akademiai Kiaido

Giesecke, J and Mosonyi, E (1998) “ Hydropower Plants” Second Edition, Springer, Berlin (German version)

Ilyinykh, I.I. (1982) “Hydroelectric Stations” Mir Publishers, Moscow

Level: Bachelor Year: II

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: II

Subject: Structural Analysis II

Subject code: 308

Credit Hours: 3 CH

Lecture Hour/Week: 5 (Theory -2, Tutorial-1, Lab. -1)

Chapter Topics
1 Introduction to Indeterminate Structures:

1.1 Requirement and Limitations of Equilibrium Static and

1.2 Kinematics indeterminacy; Redundancies Static Versus
Kinematics indeterminacy,
1.3 Compatibility method of Analysis
1.4 Equilibrium method of analysis
1.5 Characteristics of Statically Indeterminate Structures
2 Displacements Theorems

2.1 Betti’s Law

2.2 Maxwell’s Reciprocal Theorem
2.3 Castigliano’s Theorems
3 Method of Consistent Deformation

3.1 Introduction of the compatibility methods,

3.2 External and internal redundancies,
3.3 Determination of the
3.4 redundant reactions, Compatibility equation for the
analysis of Indeterminate Structures,
3.5 Application of the Method of Consistent
Determination: Beams, Frames, Truss Structure,
3.6 Effect of the temperature and adjustment for the truss
3.7 Three moment equation and its application,
Compatibility equations by Energy Methods
4 Slope Deflection Method

4.1 Introduction of the slope deflection method,

4.2 Derivation of the slope deflection methods for beams
and frame problems,
4.3 Application of the slope deflection method for
continuous beams with support settlement and
temperature variation.
5 Moment Distribution Method:

5.1 General Principle of the Moment Distribution method,

Fixed- End Moments,
5.2 Moment Distribution Method for the beam and frame
5.3 Application of Moment distribution for beam and
frame problems,
5.4 Modifications in moment distribution method and its
application to beam problems.
6 Influence Lines for Continuous Beams

6.1 Direct Method of Drawing Influence Line Diagrams

Muller-Breslau Principle
6.2 Drawing Influence Line Diagrams By Muller-Breslau
7 Introduction to Plastic Analysis

8 Matrix Methods of Analysis

8.1 Member Force-Deformation Relations

8.2 Stiffness Method
8.3 Flexibility Method
Total Lecture Hour

Assignments: 10 assignments


1. Experimental Analysis of two-hinges arches

2. Experimental analysis of Continuous beam
3. Experimental analysis of Portal frame (symmetrical and unsymmetrical)
4. Computer application (SAP 2000, MATLaB, SolidWorks, Ansys)


1. “Elementary Structural Analysis”, C.W. Norris, J.B. Wilbur, S. Utku, McGraw-Hill, New York,1991
2. “Structural Mechanics”, A. Darkov and Kuznestov, Mir Publishers.
Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: II

Subject: Foundation Engineering

Subject code: 309

Credit Hours: 3 CH

Lecture Hour/Week: 4 (Theory -2, Tutorial-1)

Chapter Topics

1 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering

2 Site Investigation and In- situ Soil Tests

2.1 Purpose and methods of Site Investigation

2.2 Soil Sampling, Soil Boring
2.3 Inspection of Pits and Boreholes
2.4 In-situ tests performed during the boring
2.5 Dynamic and Static Penetration tests,
2.6 Permeability tests, Vane and Pressure meter
2.7 Preparation of the Site Investigation Reports
3 Lateral Earth Pressure and Retaining Structures

3.1 Lateral Earth Pressure: Definition, Types

3.2 Rankine’s Earth Pressure Theory:
Definition and Limitation

 3.3 Gravity Retaining Structure: Dimensioning

and Principles of calculation
 3.4 Coulomb’s Earth Pressure Theory and its
Graphical Solution
 3.5 Limitation of the Coulomb’s Wedge Theory
 3.6 Different Soil Parameters for calculating the
Lateral Earth Pressure
 3.7 Stability Analysis of the Earth Retaining

4 Bearing Capacity

4.1 Definitions and Types of Bearing Capacity

4.2 Factors Influencing the Bearing Capacity

4.3 Modes of the Foundation Failure

4.4 Terzaghi’s General Bearing CapacityTheory

4.5 Advanced form of Terzaghi’s Bearing

Capacity Theory

4.6 Recent Development in Bearing Capacity


4.7 Ultimate bearing Capacity of Cohesionless

and Cohesive Soils

4.8 Effects of Different factors on the Bearing


5 Shallow Foundation and Mat Foundation

5.1 Definition Types of the Shallow Foundation

5.2 Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Shallow
5.3 Factors Affecting the Shallow Foundations
5.4 Design of the Shallow Foundation: Isolated
and Spread Footings
5.5 Types of the Mat Foundations and their
5.6 Bearing Capacity and the Settlement of the
Mat Foundation

5.7 Design of the Mat Foundation

6 Deep Foundations

6.1 Introduction to the Deep foundation and

their uses in different types of structures
 6.2 Bearing Capacity of Deep Foundation
 6.3 Pile Foundation: Definition and Types
 6.4 Design of Pile Foundation
 6.5 Pile Group, Pile Load test
 6.6 Static Pile Bearing Capacity Formula,
Dynamic Pile Formula
 6.7 Design of Pile Foundation
 6.8 Caisson Foundation: Types, Uses and

7 Pier Foundation:

7.1Definition and Types, Use of Pier


 7.2 Bearing Capacity and Settlement

 7.3 Design of Pier Foundation

8 Sheet Pile and Coffer Dams

8.1Definition, Types and Classification of Sheet

Piles and its Uses

8.2 Design of Cantilever and Anchored Sheet

8.3 Types of Coffer Dams and Uses
8.4 Design of Coffer Dams
9 Soil Improvement

9.1 Soil Improvement Methods

9.2 Compaction Methods
9.3 Foundation Stabilization and Underpinning
Total Lecture Hour

Tutorials: 6 assignments, and two internal evaluations


“Principles of Foundation Engineering”, by Braja M. Das Third Edition, PWS-KENT Publishing Co. 1999
“Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”, by Braja M. Das Third Edition, PWS-KENT Publishing Co. 1994
Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: II

Subject: Hydraulic Machines

Subject code: CIEG311

Credit Hours: 3 CH

Lecture Hour/Week: 5 (Theory -2, Tutorial-1, Lab. -1)

Course Objective:

 The student will be able to understand the conversion of hydraulic energy in to mechanical
 Students will have knowledge of functions of parts of different types of turbines and understand
their operation.
 Students will be able to select type of turbines for given condition when they have to work as
design engineer.
 As a plant manager, students can understand maintenance requirement, methods to inspect
turbine components and supervise the maintenance.


1 Introduction to Hydraulic Machines


2 Introduction to Kinematics
2.1 Relative, angular and absolute velocity,

2.2 Dynamic action of a fluid, Linear momentum,

2.3 Impulse and momentum equations,

2.4 Dynamic force exerted by fluid jet,

2.5 Radial flow over turbine blades,

2.6 power produced by a radial machine

3 Additional Module I

3.1Brief overview of hydro-electric power plant,

3.2 Status of Hydropower and its potential,

3.3 Obstacles in the utilization of hydropower resources,

3.4 Selection of site for a hydro-electric plant,

3.5 General layout of hydropower plant,

3.6 Essential elements of hydro power plant,

3.7 Important equipment in power house,

3.8 Classification of Hydro-electric plants,

3.9 Steel structure in hydropower plants

4 Module II
4.1 Specific energy,

4.2 Gross Head, Gross Specific Hydraulic Energy, Gross Power, 4.3 Definition of heads,

4.4 Classification of the turbines,

4.5 Impulse turbines (Partial turbines),

4.6 Reaction turbines (Full turbines),

4.7 Impulse versus Reaction turbines,

4.8 Specific speed,

4.9 Classification of the turbines based upon specific speed,

4.10 Speed number,

4.11 Classification of turbines based upon speed number,

4.12 Specific speed that is used to classify pumps,

4.13 Detail parts of turbines

5 Water Turbines
5.1 Pelton, Francis and Kaplan type,

5.2 Working principles,

5.3 Components and their functions,

5.4 Characteristics, selection of turbines

5.5 Turbine control system and governing principles

6 Performance Analysis
7 Operation and Maintenance Challenges
7.1 Cavitation,

7.2 sand erosion,

7.3 Fatigue

Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: II

Subject: Electrical Power Engineering

Subject code: 312

Credit Hours: 3 CH

Lecture Hour/Week:

Learning Objectives:

To provide students an overview of construction, principles and design of the Electrical Power
Engineering and its Equivalents.


Chap Topics
1. Introduction to the Course
1.1 History of Power Systems
1.2 Layout of a Typical Power System
1.3 Application of RS

2. Brief Information of Nepalese Power Systems

2.2 Overview of Generation in Nepal
2.3 Overview of Transmission in Nepal

2.4 Overview of Distribution in Nepal

3. Theory of Electromagnetic Induction

3.1 Construction of Machines: DC Machines

4. Principles of Working of DC Machines: Generators and


5. Operation of DC Machines

6 Creation of Rotating Magnetic Field by AC Supply

6.1 Construction of Synchronous Machines
6.2 Principles of Working of Synchronous Generators
7 Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Generators
7.1 Characteristics of Synchronous Generators
7.2 Excitation Systems of Synchronous Generators

7.3 Synchronization
8 Practical II: Operation of Synchronous Motor, Alternator

And its Synchronous

9 Construction of Power Transformers
9.1 Principle of Working of Single Phase Transformer
9.2 Phasor Diagram and equivalent circuit of transformer
10 Power Transformer connections: Star, Delta, Open Delta,

10.1 Harmonics in Transformers
11 Parallel Operation and Transformers
11.1 Vector Groups

12 Construction of Instrument Transformers

12.1 Principles of Working of Potential Transformers
12.2 Principles of working of Current Transformers

13 Construction of Induction Machines

13.1 Principles of working of Induction Machines

14 Equivalent Circuit of Induction Machines

14.1 Characteristics of Induction Machines

14.2 Practical III: Operation of Induction Machines

And Transformer

15 Relays : Types and Functions

16 Principles of Circuit interruption

16.1 Circuit Breakers: Types and functions

17 Power Plant Equivalent and Layout
18 Power Plant Operation and Control
19 Visit to a Power Plant and Substation
20 Transmission Voltage Levels, Transmission Line
Course: Civil Engineering Semester: II

Subject: Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering

Subject code: 313

Credit Hours: 3 CH

Lecture Hour/Week:

Learning Objectives:

This course provides an overview of the state-of-the-art information on water supply and wastewater
systems. The students will develop a working knowledge and understanding of the design requirements
and methods of the conveyance system and unit operations being used for both water supply and
wastewater systems.

Catalogue Description:

Water Works Engineering, Water Supply, Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Reuse, Process
Design, Water Distribution System, Sludge Treatment and Disposal.


Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering, Courses on Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Chap Topics
1. Water Supply
1.1 Introduction: Purpose, Components of Water supply
1.2 Basic Planning : Design procedure, Water quality and
quantity requirement, Estimation of future demand
1.3 Water Source and Intake: Water sources, Intake facilities,
Grit chamber
1.4 Water Transportation: Types of conduits, Hydraulics,
Design of transportation system, pumping
1.5 Water Purification: Purification processes, Flocculation,
Filtration, Sedimentation, Disinfection, Iron and
Manganese removal
1.6 Water Distribution: Design of distribution system

2. Waste Water System

2.2 Introduction: Purpose, Definition, Sewage collection

2.3 Planning of Sewerage Works: Design Year, Basic planning, Water quality,
Hydraulic characteristic curve, Estimation of storm sewage flow rate, Estimation of
domestic sewage flow rate

2.4 Pumping of wastewater : Pump types, Design of pumps

2.5 Design of Wastewater Treatment Plant : Sedimentation tank, aeration tank,

Trickling filter, RBC, Digester

2.6 Sludge treatment and disposal


1. Title : Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design

Authors : James R. Mihelcic, Julie B. Zimmerman
Publisher : John Wiley and Sons
2. Title : Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Authors: P. Aarne Vesilind, Susan M. Morgan
Publisher: Thompson / Brooks / Cole

5. Title : Wastewater Treatment for Pollution Control and Reuse

Authors : Soli Archeivala and Shyam R. Asolekar
Publisher : Tata McGraw- Hill Education Private Limited

6. Title : Mannual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment

Publisher : JBA Publishers, New Delhi

7. Title : Compilation of Water Supply and Treatment

Publisher : Akalank Publication, New Delhi

8. Title : Wastewater Treatment: Biological and Chemical Processes

Authors: Mogens Henze, Poul Harremoes , Jes la Cour Jansen, Erik Arvin

Publisher: Springer

9. Title : Water Transmission and Distribution: Principles and Practices of Water Supply
Author : Larry Mays
Publisher : American Water Works Association

10. Title : Wastewater Engineering : Collection and pumping of Wastewater

Author : Metcalf and Eddy, Inc.
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
11. Title : Water Works Engineering : Planning, Design and Operation
Author : Syed R. Qasim, Edward M. Motley, Guang Zhu

12. ग्रामिण खानेपानी प्रणाली निर्माण तथा व्यवस्थापन, हरिप्रसाद शर्मा, भौतिक योजना तथा निर्माण मन्त्रालय, नेपाल सरकार

Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: II

Subject: Bio- Engineering

Subject Code: CIEG314

Credit Hours: 3CH (2CH Lecture, 1CH Tutorial)

Chapter Topics

1 Part I: Introduction

1.1 Definition
1.2 Scope and Fields Application
1.3 Advantages and Limitations

2 Part II: Engineering and General Geology

2.1 Review of geological terminologies

2.2 Physiographic subdivisions of Nepal
2.3 Types of slope failure and their mechanisms

3 Part III: Fundamentals of Vegetation

3.1 Plant types, forms and Structures

3.2 Rooting Systems
3.3 Basic Requirements of Plants
3.4 Plant Community
4 Part IV: Role of Vegetation

4.1 Engineering Functions of Plants

4.2 Mechanical Effects
4.3 Hydrological Effects

5 Part V: Stabilization using Bio-Engineering

5.1 Vegetative Engineering Systems

5.2 Design of Vegetative Engineering Systems

6 Part VI: Small Scale Civil Engineering Systems

6.1 Civil Engineering Systems

6.2 Design of Civil Engineering Systems
6.3 Interaction Between Civil and Vegetative Systems

7 Part VII: Selection of Plant Species

7.1 Distribution of Plants in Nepal

7.2 Suitability of Plant Types to a Particular Failure Site

8 Part VIII: Site Assessment and Investigation

8.1 Landslide mapping

8.2 Site Categorization
8.3 Assessment of Seriousness
8.4 Choice of Optimal Stabilization Techniques

9 Part IX: Nursery

9.1 Nursery Establishment

9.2 Propagation of Plants
9.3 Nursery Management

10 Part X: Management

10.1 Quality Control

10.2 Maintenance
10.3 Estimating and Costing
10.4 Planning and Work Scheduling

Note: Two days tour to be organized in order to familiarize the students with the application of
vegetation and small – scale civil structures in actual site conditions; students must submit a report of
their findings as an assignment.

Recommended books:

1. Roadside Bio- Engineering Manual –Department Of Roads, Government of Nepal

2. Roadside Bio- Engineering Site Handbook - Department Of Roads, Government of Nepal

3. Guide to Road Slope Protection Works - Department Of Roads, Government of Nepal

Level: Bachelor Year: III

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: II

Subject: Fundamental Concepts on Land Development, Building and Disabled Access Codes

Subject Code: CIEG312

Credit Hours: 3CH (2CH Lecture, 1CH Tutorial)


Provide an introductory understanding of the importance and reasons for Regulatory Codes in the land
development, construction and building processes so that safety and quality of life of people are
maintained, enhanced and ensured.

Chapter Topics


Historical structures & codes

1.4 Code development efforts (an over view –different countries/ different codes)advantages
and limitations
1.5 Hammurabi code
1.6 Development of Nepal Building Code
1.7 Bastu sashtra


2.4 Codes: systematized minimum accepted standards based on experiences & some
rationale reasoning developed to minimize risk to life, limb and property and the impact of the
experience. Physiographic subdivisions of Nepal
2.5 Avoid chaos
2.6 Ensure safety & security
2.7 Safeguard environment
2.8 Maintain or improve quality of life
2.9 Safe guard structures of value (historical and cultural heritage structures, sites and
3.5 Levels of risk
3.6 Man made
3.7 Nature induced
3.8 Existing buildings and heritage structures


4.4 Stories in picture &video


6.4 Hydro-power safety issues

6.5 Division of land codes
6.6 Landscape codes
6.7 building codes
6.8 Earthquake codes
6.9 Material codes and specifications
6.10 Disabled access codes
6.11 Heritage & cultural sites & structures
6.12 Existing building code
6.13 Unreinforced masonry codes
6.14 Environment codes
6.15 Disabled access codes:
6.16 Disabled access issues for elderly & disabled
6.17 Zoning codes
6.18 Commercial/ industrial /hazard/residential districts material testing standards and
6.19 Nepal National Building Code -94 discussion


6.1 Introduction to disabled access concepts

6.2 Public facilities
6.3 Private facilities


7.3 Safety
7.4 Occupancy
7.5 Type of construction
7.6 Allowable area, height
7.7 Means of egress (exiting from structures)
7.8 Fire resistive construction
7.9 Ms sprinkler systems
7.10 concepts: fire life safety code
7.11 Basic type of construction
7.12 Basic allowable areas
7.13 Basic use; occupancy; occupancy separation
7.14 Basic allowable height
7.15 Modifications to basic allowable: type of construction, areas; height
7.16 Methods and techniques to increase basic allowable
7.17 Means of egress or exiting systems from occupied spaces


8.5 California fire code


9.4 Vertical design criteria

9.5 Different loading criteria based on anticipated use
9.6 Lessons for past earthquakes in turkey, Iran, Afghanistan
9.7 Seismic design criteria
9.8 Importance factor
9.9 Basic design formula
9.10 Soils & geo-engineering
9.11 Foundation systems, liquefaction issues& temporary structures
9.12 Earth & fluid retention systems
9.13 Design & detailing provisions based on structural system
9.14 Attachment and anchorage of equipment, machinery, etc.
9.15 Special considerations-tall building structures
9.16 Fire truck access limitations
9.17 Basis area limitations
9.18 Risk factor: limit on type of construction
9.19 Disabled access code
9.20 Basic limit on type of construction / area limitation
9.21 Special mandatory emergency provisions (water, alarms, means of egress, etc)
9.22 Special mandatory inspection provisions
9.23 Concept of essential facilities codes: more stringent & detailed- meet specific needs
9.24 Hospitals/ medical facilitates
9.25 Fire stations
9.26 Public buildings
9.27 Residential care facilities
9.28 Religious facilities


10.1 Hazard distribution
10.2 Infrastructure management
10.3 Quality of life issues


Tutorials: 8 assignments, and four mini 1 hour exams,


7. Practice on Reading Code Sections 2hour x 4= 8 hours (total instruction time 60 hours)
8. Examination based on multiple choice questions

Books: Materials to be supplied by Instructor

Year IV

Semester I

Level: Bachelor Year: IV

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Transportation Engineering

Subject code: CIEG 401

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hour/Week:


 Students have got a big picture of the transport and transport planning.
 Students were able to design the elements of highway geometry, typical road construction
technology and practices in Nepal geographical and geological constraints.
 Students were able to check the basic quality of highway materials.
 Students can design the flexible and rigid road pavement by following IRC method.


Class and Internal exam

Total 55 hours lecture including 12 hours of laboratory work were conducted.

One Internal exam and one Viva were conducted for the internal evaluation of students for theory part
and one Viva was taken for the evaluation of laboratory work.

Teaching methods:

Teaching and learning activities were based on the participatory approach, group discussion, question
answers and lecture method for special technical content.


Whole class was divided into 11 groups with 5 students in each group. A group assignment titled
“technical design and construction practice of hill road in Nepal” was submitted by each group. The
basic objective of this assignment was to get the knowledge of real practice of design and construction
of road in Nepal. Students were fully involved with collecting the report, technical guidelines of
government agencies, bilateral and multilateral donors and papers. They prepare the report with
discussion among group members.
Group discussion and presentation:

Students were participated in number of group discussion and presentation activities during teaching
and learning season in the class. For convenience group were formed by including 2 bench students.
One group leader was presented the conclusion after group discussion. No one student was repeated as
a group leader for the different presentation.

Laboratory work:

Two test for aggregate (Impact test and Loss Angeles test) were conducted in the laboratory. The
demonstration for the sub-grade soil test (CBR test) was conducted in the laboratory, because CBR
testing machine was field testing machine. The demonstration of penetration test and ductility test of
bitumen were conducted in laboratory due to unavailability of bitumen.

Chapter Topic Time

1. Introduction to Transportation Planning and Engineering 6
1.1. Modes of transportation: Highways, Railways, Airways and waterways
1.2. Comparison between various modes of transportation and constraint on their development in
1.3. Approach to road planning: establishing economic and environmentalviability, evaluating
alternatives, people's participation in planning and decision making
1.4. Historical development of roads and road construction in Nepal
1.5. Transport and economic development of a country
1.6. Classification of roads: based on volume and based on locations
1.7. National road network, city or local networks, and ring roads
2. Highway Surveys 4
2.1. Process of identifying best route location
2.2. Physical surveys: map study and reconnaissance, preliminary and detailed surveys
2.3. Highway alignment and controlling factors

3. Geometric Design of Highways  15
3.1. Definition and scope of geometric design
3.2. Basic design control and criteria: design speed, design vehicle, traffic volume and its
composition, topography, etc.
3.3. Highway lanes, their width and calculation of their numbers
3.4. Other elements of the highway cross-section
3.5. Elements of horizontal alignment: Tangents, Circular curves and transition curves
3.6. Design of horizontal alignment and super elevation
3.7. Horizontal sight distance based on stopping and on passing
3.8. Elements of vertical alignment: Tangent vertical curves and gradient
3.9. Design of vertical alignment: vertical curve over crest and in sag
3.10. Recommendations for alignment designs and coordination of horizontal and vertical
3.11. Introduction to road intersections

4. Hill Roads  6
4.1. Special considerations in hill road design: speed, barometric pressure, temperature, rainfall,
geological conditions and alignment selection
4.2. Gradient selection for High altitude roads
4.3. Typical cross-sections and detailing of hill roads
4.4. Special structures in hill roads: retaining and slope protection structures, and drainage
4.5. Stability of formation and cut slopes (Rocky slope, soil slope)
4.6. Bioengineering structure for slope protection and drainage
4.7. Road construction practice in Nepal
4.8. Green road
5. Highway Drainage  8
5.1. Importance of highway drainage
5.2. Surface drainage and estimation of water quantities
5.3. Classification of highway drainage structures and design of drainage components
5.4. Erosion control and energy dissipating structures
5.5. Other miscellaneous cross drainage structures
5.6. Subsurface drainage: drainage of infiltrated water, control of seepage flow, and lowering water
5.7. Subsurface drain: diameter of pile and its performances, slope of pile, manholes etc.

6. Highway Materials  10
6.1. Classification of materials: mineral materials, binding materials and materials for general
construction purposes
6.2. Types of aggregated and tests on their gradation, strength, durability etc.
6.3. Binding materials and their classification: natural bitumen, petroleum bitumen, penetration
emulsions, road tar, etc.
6.4. Tests on binders: Consistency test, composition test etc.
6.5. Bitumenous mixers and asphalt concrete: open graded mixes and dense graded mixers
6.6. Design of bituminous mixers and optimum binder content.

7. Traffic Engineering 4
7.1. Introduction to traffic engineering and its scope
7.2. Mobility and accessibility
7.3. Traffic flow
7.4. Transport users and their behaviors
7.5. Traffic control devices , sign signals
7.6. Traffic control devices: Signs, signals, road making and traffic islands
7.7. Parking studies and design of parking facilities
7.8. Intelligent transport system (ITS)

8. Road Pavement  8
8.1. Definition and types of pavements
8.2. Differences between flexible and rigid pavement structures
8.3. Loads and other factors controlling pavement
8.4. Design methods for flexible pavements
8.5. Details of the IRC method of design of flexible pavements
8.6. Design methods for rigid pavements and Westergaard's theory
8.7. Stresses due to load, temperature differential and subgrade friction
8.8. Details of the IRC and NRS method of design of rigid pavements for highways
9. Road construction technology 6
9.1. Method of construction of road construction
9.2. Construction Earthen Road
9.3. Construction of Gravel Road
9.4. Water Bound Macadam Roads
9.5. Construction of Bituminous Pavement
9.6. Construction of Cement Concrete Pavement

10. Highway Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation 6
10.1. Classification of maintenance activities for road pavement and road facilities

10.2. Inspection, prioritization and planning of maintenance operations

10.3. Defects in pavement

11. Introduction to Bridge  3
11.1. Choice of location of bridge site
11.2. Classification of bridges and component parts of a bridge
11.3. River bank and protection structures

Eight Laboratory exercises will be performed in this course. These are:

(a) Abrasion value of crushing value or ten percent fines value
(b) Impact value test for aggregate
(c)  Penetration value or viscosity value or softening point or ductility value of bitumen
(d)  Skid resistance test on road surface
(e)  Marshall stability test and asphalt mix design
(f)  Analysis of bituminous mixture by the funnel and sieving extractor methods
(g)  Determination of CBR in the laboratory.
(h)  Measurement of deflection of pavement surface.


Eight assignments


1 "Transportation Engineering" V.N. Vazirani and S.P. Chandola

Khanna Publishers,New Delhi.

2 "Highway Engineering", N.K. Vaswami

Roorkee Publishing House.

3 "A Text-book on Highway Engineering and Airports", S.B. Sehgal and K.I. Bhanot
S.Chand and Co. Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi

4 "Principles, Practice and Design of Highway Engineering", S.K. Sharma

S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

Level: Bachelor Year: IV

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Steel and Timber Structure

Subject code: CIEG 402

Credit Hours: 3 (2CH Lecture, 1CH Tutorial)

Lecture Hour/Week:



Chapter Topics
1 Loads, Materials and Specifications

Loads, Structural elements and Connections,

Structural Framing, Structural Metals,

Factor of Safety and load Factor,

Steel vs. Concrete or Timber design,

Standard Specifications

2 Structural Fasteners

Riveting, Bolting, Rivet Dimensions

Assumption in the theory of Riveted Connection

Riveted and Bolted Joints,

Failure of a Riveted Joint,

Efficiency of Joint, Bending of Rivets,

Welding Process, Type of Welds,

Welding Symbols, Design of Butt Welds,

Design of Fillet Welds,

Bolting, Design of Bolted Joints

Use of High Tensile Friction Grip Bolts

3 Tension Members

Introduction, Types of Sections

Net Area, Net Effective sections for Angles and Tees in Tension
Design Riveted or Bolted End Connections

Lug Angles, Tension splice, Welded Connection, Shear Lag

4 Compression Members
General Theory of Columns

Allowable Stress for Compression Members

General Specifications for Compression Members

Design of Compression Members

Design of Built-up Compression Members

Local Buckling, Column Splice

Cased Columns, Column Bases

Circular Pipe or tube columns

5 Design of Beams

Stresses in Beam and Permissible Stresses

Deflection, Built-up Beams

Unsymmetrical bending of Beams,


Lateral Stability of Beams with Unrestrained Compression Flanges

Lateral Bracing

6 Composite and Built-up Beams

Composite and Built-Up Beams

Types of Built-Up Beams

Design of Cover Plates

Design of Rivets connecting Cover Plates with Flanges

Check of Stresses

7 Plate Girder

Design of Web

Design of Flanges

Curtailment of flange Plate Design of Stiffeners

Depth of Plate Girder

8 Roof Trusses and Industrial Buildings

General of Roof Truss

Design load, Purloin Members, Design Example

General of Industrial Building

Framing, Bracing

Crane girder and columns, Design Example.

9 Transmission Line Towers


Types of Towers
Tower Configurations, Analysis, Member Design

10 Introduction to Timber
Allowable Stresses in Solid and Laminated Timber

Use of Timber as a Structural Member in Construction

Codes of Practice for Design of Timber Structures

Advantages and Disadvantages of Timber Structures

11 Design of Timber Structure

Compression Members

Solid Rectangular Beams

Laminated Beams

Deflection Check

Connection and Joint Type

Details of Joint.

Tutorials: 12 assignments, and three internal evaluations


 "Design of Steel Structures", A. Arya and J.L. Ajamani, Roorkee, Nem Chand &Bros.2 "Design of Stee
l Structures", L.S. Negi, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill PublishingCo., 1989
Level: Bachelor Year: IV

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Construction Planning and Project


Subject code: CIEG 403

Credit Hours: 3 (2CH Lecture, 1CH Tutorial)

Lecture Hour/Week:

Chapter Topics Time


1 Introduction to Construction Planning and Project Management

Construction industries and projects

Scope of Construction planning and Project Management

2 Specifications

 Purpose of specification,
 Types of specification: general and detailed specification
 Specification writing-techniques,
 Use of international and local standard,
 Code of practice
3 Importanace of specification

4 Contractual Procedure:

 Method of execution of work,

 Types of contract
 Tender and Tender notice
 Tender guarantee
 Preparation before inviting tender
 Contractors pre qualification
 Evaluation of tenders and selection of contractor
 Contract acceptance
 Conditions of contract
 Responsibility of site engineer.
 Supervising work of contractor
 Site order books
 Procedure to prepare bills
 Measurement book muster roll

5 Construction scheduling:

 Network techniques and bar charts

 Use of CPM and PERT for planning
 Scheduling and controlling of construction works
 Cost analysis and control
 Time cost trade off.

6 Construction Planning:

 Selection of personnel
 Selection of construction plant and equipment,
 Arrangement of facilities and shops for construction
 Procurement procedures for materials
 Materials handling System
 Finance management
 Cash flows and Financial accounting.
 Variation orders

7 Regulatory requirements:

 Occupational Health and Safety regulations

 Workman’s compensation board
 Fire regulations and insurance
 Building codes
 Non conformity

8 Personnel management:

 Time management principle

 Management Principles: administration and organization principles
 Centralization and decentralization
 Supervisory and leadership styles
 Communication and communication technique
 Information system for decisions
 Motivating and directing, personal selection
 Appreciative inquiry
 Testing and training
 Trade unions and relation with management

9 Record Keeping and Quality Control

 Importance of record keeping for construction and maintenance

 Control of changes during construction or maintenance
 Importance of receipts in calculating taxes, Accounting statement
 Cost comparison and checking
 Quality control and quality assurance

10 Equipments:

 Equipment for excavation and fill

 Transportation and compaction
 Aggregate Handling and concrete construction equipment
 Equipment for construction pipes and caissons
 Cranes for lifting materials and parts
 Equipment for tunnel construction
 Equipment for hydraulic construction
Equipment for highway and pavement construction

Level: Bachelor Year: IV

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: EIA

Subject code: CIEG 404

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hour/Week:


Chapter Topics

1. An Introduction to EIA

2. EIA in Nepal, Practice, Opportunities and Challenges

3. Social Impact Assessment

4. ESIA Process
5. Introduction to IEE for Hydropower Projects

6. EIA and project cycle

7. Project Screening

8. Scoping

9. Terms of Reference (TOR)

10. Baseline Data Collection

11. Policies, laws, and regulations

12. Identification of Environmental Impact: Concepts and Methods

13. Impact Prediction

14. Mitigation measures

15. Environmental monitoring

16. Environmental Auditing

17. Public Consultation and Participation

18. Examples of EIA (Approved EIAs)

19. Preparation of Field visit report

20. Preparation of EIA Report

21. Concluding Remarks

Level: Bachelor Year: IV

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Entrepreneurship and Ethics in Professional Practices

Subject code: CIEG 405

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hour/Week:


Chapter Topics

1. Background and perspectives

2. Introduction to society, elements of society,

factors causing social change, theories of social change

Technology, technological change and influence of

technological change on society

Characteristics of developing and developed countries and technological achievement

of the 20th century

3. Ethics and professional practice

Ethics, moral and non-moral actions

4. Profession, features of profession, professional engineering

Code of ethics and guidelines for professional engineering practice

Role of professional associations

Professional engineering, definition of engineer,

Nepal engineering council, Nepal engineers association

Surveyors’ association

5. Fundamental rights and human value

6. Directive principle of Nepalese interim constitution,

fundamental rights, duties and responsibilities, human values, social justice and equity,
gender justice and equity

7. Women work at places, children right,

universal declaration of human rights (1948)

8. Human right organizations, national human right commission

and basic principles

Role of international communities and their activities:

International organization of geodesy (FIG)

International society of photogrammetric and remote sensing (ISPRS)

9. Asian association of remote sensing

Permanent committee on GIS infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP)

International steering committee for global mapping (ISCGM), International

organization for standard (ISO)

Case studies and a small study in a group of 4 members

Adaptation in Changing environment:

Meaning of adaptation, social conflicts, social stratification,

Stories of project failure and foreign aid cancellation in the context of Nepal (e.g. Arun
third), project delay , causes and effects of project delay, examples of Kaligandaki and
Madhya Marsyangdi projects.

10. Entrepreneurship
Meaning of entrepreneurship,

Survey for new schemes, need of skill development training and creation of new jobs
in the society , Participatory approach for project planning, use of planning tools like
PRA ,RRA and AI, concept writing and proposal writing for implementation of new
technology and for providing jobs. Develop a concept among the engineering students
like engineers are the job provider not the job seekers ( Group discussion among this
topic within the classes dividing the classes into many groups).

Level: Bachelor Year: IV

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Hydropower Engineering II

Subject code: CIEG 406

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hour/Week:

Objective: Learning Objectives: This is course is designed to consolidate the knowledge acquired by
students to conduct field-based mini feasibility study of a hydropower plant and design of its
components. In particular students will learn the following:

 Hydropower project planning and appraisal techniques

 Acts, guidelines and standard and be able to appreciate the necessity for Policy formulation
 Deliver gained knowledge through seminars and workshops
Prerequisite: Hydropower Engineering I

Chapter Topics

1. Hydropower Planning Concepts

 Project Planning and Development Objectives
 Master Plan
 Basin-wide Integrated Planning
 Multipurpose Projects
 General flow chart of land and water resources project planning
 Project Appraisal Techniques

 Hydropower Development Phases

 Design Phase
Preliminary Phase

Pre-feasibility Phase

Feasibility Phase

Detail Feasibility Phase

 Construction Phase
 Operation and Maintenance Phase
 Hydropower Development Strategy, Policy, Act and Guidelines
 Hydropower Development Strategy
 Hydropower Financing through IPP and BOOT
 Industrialization of Hydropower Construction
 Reactivation, Renovation and Modernization
 Inter-basin and Issues of downstream riparian right

Part II: Group Project Works (Khopasi HEP, Sundarijal HEP,

Pharping HEP, Indrawati Storage HEP, Imja Mini-Hydropower Project)

Project Proposal Defense

Project progress follow-up

Mid-term Evaluation

Project progress follow-up

Excursion to hydropower sites under construction

Final Project Defense

Level: Bachelor Year: IV

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Irrigation Engineering (Elective)

Subject code: CIEG 407

Credit Hours: 3 ((2Cr Lecture, 1Cr Tutorial))

Lecture Hour/Week:
Chapter Topics

1 Introduction to Irrigation

1.1 Definitions

1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of irrigation

1.3 Global history of irrigation development

1.4 History of irrigation development in Nepal

1.5 Current status of irrigation in Nepal

1.6 Planning concept of irrigation engineering

2 Soil-Water Relationship

2.1 Water holding capacity of soil

2.2 Classification of soil for agricultural purposes

2.3 Soil moisture and crop water requirement (CWR)

2.3.1 Factors affecting CWR

2.3.2 Calculation of CWR by Penman equation

2.3.3 Irrigation water requirement (IWR)

2.3.4 Principal crops and their water requirements

2.4 Definitions (Gross Command Area, Cultivable Command Area, Net

Command Area, Intensity of irrigation, irrigation efficiency, application
efficiency, delta, duty, crop period, base period, watering period, Kor period, Kor
2.5 Methods of applying water in irrigation fields

2.5.1 Surface irrigation

2.5.2 Sub-surface irrigation

2.5.3 Sprinkler irrigation

2.5.4 Drip/trickle irrigation


3 Hydraulic Structures for irrigation

3.1 Headworks

3.2 Sediment control structures

3.3 Canals

3.4 Canal escape structures

3.5 Canal drop structures

3.6 Cross drainage structures

3.7 Canal regulatory structures

3.8 Drainage (surface and sub-surface)


4 Canal Design

4.1 Types of canals based on their functions

4.2 Canal alignment

4.3 Canal losses

4.4 Assessment of water requirement in canals and command area

4.5 Design of canals

4.5.1 Non-alluvial, rigid boundary and alluvial canals

4.5.2 Tractive force theory

4.5.3 Kennedy’s and Lacey’s silt theories

4.5.4 Specific design considerations for hilly irrigation canals

4.5.5 Lining of canals and their design


5 River control works

5.1 Objectives of river training

5.2 Methods of river training

5.3 Effects of degradation on the river structures

5.4 Flood control and its necessity

5.5 Methods of flood control


6 Management of irrigation systems

6.1 Criteria for good canal irrigation management

6.2 Private Managed Irrigation System

6.3 Agency Managed Irrigation System (AMIS)

6.4 Farmers Managed Irrigation System (FMIS)

6.5 Joint Managed Irrigation System (JMIS)

6.6 Methods to improve canal irrigation management

6.7 Operation and maintenance of irrigation systems

6.8 Types of maintenance

6.9 Canal outlets/modules and their types

Internal evaluations: Tutorials, self-study assignments and three internal plus one mercy test.

Text/Reference Books:

1. "Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures" – S. K. Garg

2. “Irrigation and Water Power Engineering” - Dr. B.C. Punmia, Dr. B.B. Lal Pande
3. "Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures" (Vol I & II) – R.S. Varshney, S.C. Gupta, R.L.
4. PDSP Manuals - GoN

Level: Bachelor Year: IV

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Tunneling and Underground Structure


Subject code: CIEG 408

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hour/Week:

 Tunnel and its type

 Basic approach in the development of tunnel profiles
 Clearance profile
 Ducts, cables, and drainage
 Ventilation systems
 Safety installations, fire protection
 Waterproofing and drainage systems
 Inner lining design; requirements, regulations
 Sequential excavation: typical excavation and support sequences, criteria for application,
structural details
 Construction sequences for large underground openings, bifurcations, underground stations, etc.
 Excavation methods in soil and rock; typical fields of application, criteria and limitations

Structural design

 Introduction to structured design approach

 Identification of influencing factors
 Analysis of ground behaviour
 Support methods, effects and characteristics of supports
 Analysis of system behaviour; estimation of stresses and deformation, structural design of
shotcrete linings
 Special measures in soft soils, for tunnels with high overburden, and tunnels below the
groundwater table
 Interpretation of the results

Level: Bachelor Year: IV

Course: Civil Engineering Semester: I

Subject: Building Construction Technology (Elective)

Subject code: CIEG 409

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hour/Week:



Chapter Topics

1 Building Science

Moisture and its movement through building components

Condensation and its reasons

Effects of moisture and condensation on building components

and materials

The use of vapor barriers and other damp proof courses in buildings
2 Building Science
Thermal properties of building components and materials

Thermal insulation: thermal resistance and thermal capacity

Acoustic properties of building materials: absorptive and

reflective materials

3 Building Science

Noise control and constructional precautions to reduce noise

Lighting: natural and artificial

4 Building Science

Energy conscious design: renewal and non-renewal source

Of energy, active and passive method of solar cooling and heating

5 Foundations and Basement

Some common problems with existing foundations

Underpinning of foundations of existing building

Shoring of existing buildings during foundation strengthening

6 Foundations and Basement

Retaining properties and water proofing of basements

Sealing of cracks in basements

7 Roofs Single
timber roofs: their types, comparative advantages

and some construction details

Double and triple roofs: situations for their use, their

elements and construction details

Roof coverings: tiles, slate, CGI sheets, etc.

8 Staircases
Elements of staircase

Types of staircase

Relationship between rise and tread of staircase

9 Doors and windows Door

parts: frame, shutter and other details, door types

Windows: types and details

Ventilations: types and details

Ventilations: types and details

10 Joints Types
of joints: constructions and expansion joints

The need for provision of joints

Treatment and detailing of joints at roof level

11 Joints
Treatment and detailing of joints at floor level

Treatment of joints in external walls

12 Temporary construction
Scaffolding: single and double

Formwork for excavations and trenches

Formwork for reinforced concrete construction

13 Temporary construction
Formwork for reinforced concrete construction
Shoring: horizontal, slant and vertical

14 Cladding and external finishing Load

bearing and non-load bearing cladding

Brick facing

Cladding in stone

15 Cladding and external finishing

Cladding in concrete panels and their construction details


Painting and important properties of paints

16 Internal finishing

Non-load bearing partitions: types, functions and method

of connection to the surrounding structure

Suspended ceilings: types, functions and method of construction

17 Electrical services
Residential and commercial requirements

General principles

Wiring system

Trunking, busbar and ducts for electrical distribution

Safety precautions

18 Water supply and drainage services

General principles

Mains of water supply

Drainage and sewage of waste

19 Other miscellaneous Services in building

Lifts and escalators: general principles and practices

Ventilation and heating systems: general principles and

construction standards


Air conditioning

Tutorials: 4 Assignments and 3 internal evaluations

Laboratory: Thermal Conductivity of Isolation Tiles

Text Books:

1. Building Construction by Sushil Kumar

2. Building Construction by B.C. Punmiya
Reference materials:

Handouts and lecture notes

Internet and Online Sources

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