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 The deadline for the assignment has been mentioned in the google classroom. Uploading it
beyond the deadline will lead towards its rejection.
 Searching the answers on google may be useless because they are not available over there.
Q) In the following statements, identify the power tactics used to influence the target.
 If you don’t show compliance, you will be terminated.

 You must show compliance because I am your boss.

 Your technical and communication skills are commendable. I hope you remember my request
regarding the promotion of Tom.

 I know you would not listen to me, therefore, I asked Amelia and Ben to accompany me in order
to persuade you.

 You have been working for the organization for so long, I hope you will not disappoint me by
turning down my request.

Inspirational appeal
 You deserve this promotion since you did not let me down regarding the hiring of that employee.

 It is clearly stated in the organizational policy that you cannot bully other employees.

 Your presence in the meeting is very crucial in order to know your opinions regarding the product

 John rightly deserve this promotion because it is evident from his performance evaluation that he
has been a top performer.

Rational persuasion
 Being your boss, I am sure that you all will very hard to achieve the goals of the organization,
which will make it one of the leading organizations in the future.

Inspirational appeal

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