12 Useful Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks

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12/25/2019 12 Useful Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks

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12 Useful Microsoft Word Tips and

For experienced Of ce users and newbies alike

Written by: Ollie Green

Posted on: November 28th, 2018 in: MS Of ce Tips

Chances are, you either use Microsoft Word
now, or may have to use it in the future. It’s
easily the most popular word processor for
Windows, so learning some useful
Microsoft Word tips to take advantage of
could really help to improve your
productivity and speed up your work.

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12/25/2019 12 Useful Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks

Regardless of whether you’re new to

Microsoft Word or have been using it for
years, we hope that at least some of the tips
mentioned below will be useful for you.

Paste Without

If you need to copy something from elsewhere but don’t want the font to change from what
you’re currently using in your Word document, copy it like usual, but then press
Ctrl+Shift+V. Doing this will ensure that the contents get pasted but any formatting, such
as text color, size, and font, will not be included.

Clear Formatting

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If you want to clear the formatting of a speci c part of your document, simply highlight
that area and click the Clear Formatting icon. The icon will look like a small eraser next to
the letter A.


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If you would like to clear the formatting on everything in your document, press Ctrl+A to
highlight everything in the document and then click the clear formatting icon.

Highlight an Area Of Text Quickly

Instead of clicking and dragging to highlight an area of text in Microsoft Word, you can
instead click once to place the text cursor at the start of the area you’d like to highlight,
hold shift, then click at the end of the area you’d like to highlight.

Quickly Replace Multiple Mistakes

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Have you just nished a lengthy document and just noticed you made a small mistake for
a word, for example, writing land mark, instead of landmark? You can x this within a few
seconds by using nd and replace.

First, press Ctrl+F and the nd and replace tool will open. Next, click on Replace, then type
in the word or phrase you want to replace. After, type the contents you’d like it be replaced

Quickly Copy And Create Lists

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Let’s say you need to go through a document and pick out certain words/phrases and
create a list from them.

Instead of going back and forth, writing each item onto the list each time you see a word,
you can simply highlight each word and press CTRL + F3. You can do this multiple times
until you have found each word/phrase.

Once you are nished, go to the area in the document you’d like the list to be created and
press Ctrl + SHIFT + F3 to paste all of the highlighted areas you’ve just copied. This feature
is known as Spike in Word.

As a nal step, you can then highlight the contents and use the bullets or numbering tools
in the toolbar to turn the words/phrases into a more ordered list.

Remove the Toolbar Ribbon

If you want distraction-free writing, you can remove the toolbar ribbon that sits at the top
of your document by pressing Ctrl + F1. If you need it back at any point, you can press Ctrl
+ F1 again to bring it back into view.

Delete Words With One Key Press

Need to delete a big chunk of text? Instead of holding down the backspace bar, you can
instead hold CTRL and then press BACKSPACE.

Doing this will delete one word each time you press the backspace button, instead of just
one character. Hold down the backspace button and the ctrl button together to delete
chunks of text at lightning speed.

Use ‘Tell Me What You Want to Do’

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If you are trying to nd a function on Microsoft Word but are struggling to navigate the
menus or can’t remember the shortcut, click the ‘Tell me what to do’ shortcut at the top of
the toolbar ribbon.

From here, you can type in the action you’d like to perform and you’ll get contextual
answers to take advantage of. For example, typing ‘create a table’ will give you some
options for creating a table from within your Word document.

This tool is something that many old school Word users may not even know exists, but it’s
incredibly useful.

Quickly Lookup a Word

If you are editing a Word document but need context, you can use the Smart Lookup tool.
Simply highlight a word, right click and click Smart Lookup.

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12/25/2019 12 Useful Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks

Doing this will open a small panel that contains information relating to the word. It saves
moving to your browser and performing a search, but it’s just as powerful as doing so.

Disable Spelling and Grammar Check

Firstly, it’s common knowledge that you can right click a word with a spelling error and
click ‘Add to Dictionary’. This is useful if you are using abbreviations or ctional words.
You can also turn off spelling and grammar check completely to remove those pesky red
and green lines.

To disable spelling and grammar check in Word for only one document, click File, then
Options, then click Proo ng. You must then tick the two options for hiding spelling and
grammar mistakes in the document you are currently writing in.

Create Your Own AutoCorrect Settings

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Have some words that you just can’t spell right? Or, are there long words or phrases you
write very often? You can use custom AutoCorrect settings to make your life far easier.

Simply click File, then Options, then click on Proo ng. After that, click on AutoCorrect
Options. You can then add your own custom words and then the correction you’d like it to
be replaced with. Custom AutoCorrect can be an excellent way to increase your

Not only can you use it to adjust any common personal spelling mistakes, but you can use
it to turn quick abbreviations into long words or phrases to save time.

Change the Page Color For Easy Viewing

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It has become the universal standard for the color of a text document to be bright white. At
times, this can become quite the strain on your eyes. To change the page color to sepia,
which has a darker yellow hue, click on the ‘tell me what to do’ box, then type ‘change page

In the results, click Page Color and you’ll have a number of options to choose from,
including Sepia, which is far easier on the eyes.

Did you know any of the Microsoft Word tips we’ve mentioned in this article? If not, which
ones do you think will be the most useful to you? Let me know, and feel free to share your
own Microsoft Word tips in the comments below. Enjoy!


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12/25/2019 12 Useful Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks
Ollie stumbled upon writing online whilst participating in a mobile network forum back
in 2011. Since then, he has developed an incredible passion for writing about all sorts of
tech from smartphones, PC hardware, software, and everything in between. Read Ollie's
Full Bio

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