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All You Kneed to Know

Gerel Angela S. Orcullo

What is
COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most
recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and
disease were unknown before the outbreak began in
Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

The disease spreads primarily from person to person

through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which
are expelled when a person with COVID-19 coughs,
sneezes, or speaks.

Source: World Health Organization



52,914 38,324 13,230 1,360

Source: Department of Health

The most common symptoms are fever, dry cough,
and tiredness. Other symptoms that are less
common and may affect some patients include
aches and pains, nasal congestion, headache,
conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of
taste or smell or a rash on skin or discoloration
of fingers or toes. These symptoms are usually
mild and begin gradually. Some people become
infected but only have very mild symptoms.

Source: World Health Organization

How can COVID-19 be treated?

There is no cure for

If you have any Take the medicine
COVID-19 at the moment.
But, you can treat your symptoms, consult a prescribed by your
symptoms so that you can healthcare worker to healthcare worker. Do
recover faster from COVID- guide you. They will help not take antiotics or
19. Most people (over you manage your symptoms other medicine that
80%) will get mildly ill and and advise you on what isn't prescribed by
won’t need to go to the home treatment you can do. them.

Source: Department of Health

People at RISK
T H O S E A T H I G H E R R IS K F O R S E V E R E C O V I D -1 9
D I S E A S E I N C L U D E P E O P L E W IT H :

Chronic lung disease

Heart disease with complications
Immunocompromised including cancer treatment
Severe obesity (BMI > 40)
Underlying conditions that are not well controlled like
diabetes, renal failure, or liver disease

Source: Department of Health

Ways You Can Protect Yourself and Others

Remind visitors and those you live with to Be ready with a household plan in
practice frequent hand washing of at least case of a COVID-19 outbreak in your
20 seconds community
Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces at When you are out in public, follow
home, especially those that people touch a the same preventive guidelines
lotLimit your shared spaces with people who done at home
aren’t feeling well When you have visitors, limit
If you become sick with symptoms of COVID interaction to “1 meter greetings” -
19, call your local BHERT and doctor wave or nod
before visiting a healthcare facility. You Stay updated with information from
can find more information about what to do if reliable sources
you're sick here.

Source: Department of Health

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