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SENTENCES (The Study of the Second Year Students of SMK

Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur in The Academic Year of 2012/2013)


Submited to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)
in the English Department of English of Education Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

113 08 021




In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

Hereby the writer fully declares that this Graduating Paper is made by him
and it did not contain materials written or has been published by other people except
the information from references. He is also capable of accounting for this
Graduating Paper if in future it is proved of containing other‟s ideas, or in fact, the
writer imitates the others‟ graduating paper.

In addition, the writer really hopes that this declaration can be understood for
all human being.

Salatiga, March 14th 2014

The Writer

NIM. 11308021

Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp (0298) 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50731.

Salatiga, March 14th 2014

Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum
The Lecturer of Education Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga


Case: ANDI AHMAD’s graduating paper

The head of State Institute for
Islamic Studies Salatiga

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
After reading and correcting Andi Ahmad‟s graduating paper entitled An
Error Analysis of The Use of Conditional Sentences (A Study of the Second Year
Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur in the Academic Year
2012/2014), I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by
educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum

NIP: 19750917200801 1 010

Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp (0298) 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50731.


An Error Analysis of The Use of Conditional Sentences (A Study of the Second
Years Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur in the Academic Year
2012/2014)Year 2012/2014

NIM: 11308021

Has been brought to the board examiners of Education Faculty State Institute for
Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga on February 2014 and hereby considered to
complete the fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam
(S.Pd.I) in English and Educational Faculty

Boards of examiners,

Salatiga, March 2014

Head of STAIN Salatiga

Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd

NIP. 19670112 199203 1 005



This graduating paper is dedicated and appreciated to them who inspire and
motivate me in this study:

1. To God, Allah SWT the Lord of The World, also Prophet Muhammad SAW.
2. My beloved parents; my father and my mother.
3. My beloved younger sister. Thanks for supporting me.
4. My lectures in STAIN Salatiga.
5. My best friends. Thanks for togetherness and happiness.
6. All my friends in STAIN Salatiga.


Alhamdulillahirabbil „alamin, thanks to Allah because the writer could

complete this research as one of the requirements for getting the Degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(STAIN) of Salatiga in 2014.

This writer would not have been completed without supports, guidance,

advice, and help from individual‟s institution. Therefore, he would like to express

deep appreciation to:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd, the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(STAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd., the Chair Person of Educational Faculty of State

Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Maslihatul Umami, S.Pdi, M.A the Head of the English Department

State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga.

4. Mr. Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum as the writer‟s consultant of this

graduating paper thanks for suggestion and guidance for this graduating

paper from beginning until the end.

5. All lecturers of English department, the researcher deeply thanks to you all

for your advice, knowledge, and kindness.

6. All of staffs who help the writer in processing the research administration.

7. All of the librarians who help the writer in finding the research references.

8. My parents who always be patient educate me, for their never ended praying

and love. You are everything for me.

9. The writer‟s friend, Tri Jalu Unggul Pradhoto

Salatiga, March 14th 2014

The writer

Andi Ahmad
NIM. 113 08 021


DECLARATION ..................................................................................................... i

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ................................................................... ii

PAGE OF CERTIFICATION ............................................................................... iii

MOTTO ................................................................................................................ iv

DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ ix

LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................................. ix

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xi


A. The Background of the Study ...........................................................................1

B. Limitation of Problem ......................................................................................3

C. Research Problem .............................................................................................3

D. The Objectives of Study....................................................................................4

E. Benefit of the Study .........................................................................................4

F. The Definition of the Key Term ......................................................................5

G. The Outline of Thesis ......................................................................................6



A. Error Analysis .................................................................................................8

B. Conditional Sentences ..................................................................................12

C. The Use of Conditional Sentences ................................................................15


A. General situation of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur ...........................18

B. Population and Sample ................................................................................22

C. Technique of Data Collection ......................................................................24

D. Technique of Data Analysis .........................................................................25

E. Data Presentation ..........................................................................................27


A. Data Analysis ...............................................................................................29

B. The Analysis about the Types of Errors and Most Dominant Errors

in Using Conditional sentences ...................................................................35

A. Conclusions ..................................................................................................37
B. Suggestions ...................................................................................................38


Table I. Students‟ Name List and Score .......................................................... 27

Tabke II. The Result of the Test ..................................................................... 28
Table III. Sum of the number of errors............................................................ 35


Ahmad, Andi (2014): “An Error Analysis of The Use of Conditional Sentences (A
Study of the Second Years Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur in the
Academic Year 2012/2013)”

This study is aimed analyzing the types of errors of conditional sentences and
the most dominant errors in the use of conditional sentences made by the second year
students of SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur. The writer used descriptive
quantitative research to find out the valid data. After analyzing the data, the writer
found several findings based on the analysis of the students‟ test result. There are
three types of errors in using conditional sentences: 1) The errors of the use of correct
formula of conditional sentence type 1; 2) The errors of the use of correct formula of
conditional sentence type 2; 3) The errors of the use of correct formula of conditional
sentence type 3. The most dominant errors of the use of conditional sentence is errors
of using correct formula of conditional sentence type 3, shown by the highest
percentage 43, 94 %.
Keyword: error analysis, conditional sentences




All creatures have their own ways to communicate. Every human

started to develop his or her own way to show the expression in

communication, especially human. When people are in the society, they start

to create their language as their ways to communicate. People realize that

language plays an important role in communication.

There are many definitions of language, languages is system of

arbitrary vocal symbol used for human communication (Ramelan, 1984: 46).

There are so many languages used in the world, but the most generally spoken

language is English. People all over the world use English as the international

language. They need English in every activity like trading, education or even

in science and technology. By using English, people are able to improve the

ability in understanding many kind of knowledge.

English as international language is taught in school. English has

many benefits to the students. One of them is the students will have ability to

communicate with other people who have different language especially


In addition, English is not easy to study, especially by vocational

students. The prime problem is learning about grammar. Grammar is very

necessary when we want to write and speak in English. For example, we are

able to learn sentences, tenses, part of speech, clauses, preposition and so on.

Unfortunately, the ability of the students in mastering grammar is still poor.

Especially learning conditional sentences. Actually, if we want to make a

good sentence, we have to understand grammar by knowing the way to

arrange and form the words well.

Conditional sentences is one of the material of grammar. Conditional

Sentence is often used to talk about situations that are contradictory to fact,

i.e., situations that are the opposites of the true situation (Azar, 1992:389). It

is important to understand conditional sentence well, consciously or

uncosciously in daily lives, we often imagine, wish or dream. To express its

feeling we have to use conditional statement, for example: If my parents had

some money, I would buy a dictionary. Conditional sentences are one of the

things which should be learned in grammar to make a good composition of


From the explanation above, the writer is interested in analyzing the

mastery of conditional sentences of the second grade students. The students‟

errors may be caused by incapability of the students in understanding

conditional sentences. In this research, the writer focuses on analyzing the the

errors of conditional sentences of the students.

Based on the reason above, the writer comes to decision to do research


SENTENCES (The Study of the Second Years Students of Smk

Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur In The Academic Year of 2012/2013)


This research used two variables. They are error analysis, and

conditional sentence. This research deals with analyzing errors in using

conditional sentence in the sentence made by the second year students.

Especially in applying the three types of conditional sentence. So, the writer

wants to limit this research in the errors made in making Conditional



To analyze errors in the conditional sentence in the sentence, for the

second year students of SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur, the writer

formulates the problem as follow:

1. What are the types of conditional sentence used by the second year

students of SMK Muhammdiyah 02 Borobudur in the academic year of


2. What is the most dominant errors of the use of conditional sentence made

by the second year students of SMK Muhammdiyah 02 Borobudur in the

academic year of 2012/2013?


The objectives of this research is as follow:

1. To know what are the types of conditional sentence used by the second

year students of SMK Muhammdiyah 02 Borobudur in the academic year

of 2012/2013.

2. To know what is the most dominant errors of the use of conditional

sentence made by the second year students of SMK Muhammdiyah 02

Borobudur in the academic year of 2012/2013.


The benefit of this research are as follows:

1. For the students by knowing how to use conditional sentences correctly,

the learners are able to reduce misunderstanding about making conditional


2. For the teacher, as input for their English teaching learning proccess to

develop new method about conditional sentence.

3. For the researcher, it can add experience and knowledge about using

conditional sentence.


To give clear description and avoid misinterpreting the title, the writer

gives defiition of the terms as follows:

1. Error: Doing wrong mistake (Hornby, 1974:290).

The meaning of error is students‟ mistake in the use of conditional

sentence, it include the error of making conditional sentence type I, II, and

III, and the formula of each type.

2. Analysis

Analysis is a separation into parts possibility with coment and

judgement (Hornby, 1974:29).

3. The use

The meaning of the use in this case is in applying the corect

formula of each type of conditional sentences, in translating from Bahasa

Indonesia into English of conditional sentence.

4. Sentences

A sentence is a grammatical unit that is composed of one or more

clauses. It is a full predication containing a subject plus predicate with a

finite verb (Marcella, Frank, 1997:202). The writer means it as sentence

form of three type of conditional sentence.

5. Conditional sentence

A conditional sentence describes the condition that is necessary for

a particular result to occur. Conditional sentences have two parts: the if-

clause and the main clause (Martinet, 1986:197). The conjunctions if,

even if, when, whenever, whether, and unless often appear in conditional

sentences. The meaning of a conditional sentence determines which verb

tenses needs to be used in the independent and subordinate clauses.

6. Second year students of SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur is those who

follows teaching learning activity in there.


This thesis consist of 5 chapters:

Chapter I presents the introduction which contains the background of

the study, research of problem, limitation of problem, benefit of the study,

definition of key term, method of the research, and outline of thesis.

Chapter II deals with the theoritical framework, which presents Error

Analysis and Conditional Sentences description.

Chapter III deals with the description of research methodology which

present the general situation of SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur,

population and sample of the study, the choice of the population, sample,

sampling technique, technique of data analysis, and data presentation.

Chapter IV presents data analysis which disscusses data analysis, the

analysis about the main errors in using conditional sentences, the analysis

about possible causes of errors in using conditional sentences that made by the

second year students of SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur in the academic

year of 2012/2013.

Chapter V is the last chapter. It contains closure, which deals

conclusion and suggestion for teacher and students deal with using conditional


The last part is bibliography and appendix.



A. Error Analysis

1. Definition of Errors

No one can do everything perfectly. Errors are common thing

when we are doing something. When we are speaking, reading, writing, or

listening there are some mistakes we done. Errors occured because of

many factors such as the difficulty of something itself. In learning a

second language the students as the learner produce many errors

misformation of foreign language. The word error is commonly used

when the students give the wrong answer or respon. Error may occur in all

components of language such as grammar. The learners sometimes do not

realize that they make mistake because of ignorance of the grammar.

In addition of learning language, there are so many errors that are

unavoidable because learning language is not easy, especially English. An

error is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of native speaker

reflecting the interlanguage competence of learning (Brown, 1978: 64).

Students who is learning English sometimes find difficulties and it

causes them to make errors. The errors must be analyzed so that the

solution can be made in order to minimize it. Errors are significant in they

provide to researcher evidence of how language is learned or acquired,

what strategies or procedures the learner is employing in the discovering

of language (Richard, 1974: 25).

2. Error and Mistake

It is very important to differentiate between error and mistake, because

this graduating paper only deals with error. An error is a noticeable

deviation from the adult grammar of native speaker, reflecting the

interlanguage competence of the learner (Brown, 1978: 165). It means that

errors can be caused by none understanding or misperception of English.

For example, the students translated “dengan serius dia kemarin belajar

bahasa inggris di rumahnya” into “Seriously he yesterday studied English

at his house”. It shows that there are some different structures between

Indonesian and English and the students tend to make such error. The

sentence should be “He studied english seriously at his house yesterday”.

In other hand, as stated by brown, a mistake refers to inconsistence

deviation (Brown, 1978: 165). A learner who makes mistake is when he

know the correct form but he still make it incorrect. Sometimes, when

they do mistake, they are able to recognizing and correcting. For example,

a student said: “He buy apples yesterday, eh, he bought apples yesterday”.

Mistakes may be caused by sleepy, tired, or slip of the tongue.

3. Source of Errors

According to Brown, there are two sources of error namely

interlingual error and intralingual error (Brown, 1978: 173).

a. The Interlingual Errors

It is understood that interlingual errors are those which are

caused by the interference of the learner‟s mother tongue (Richard,

1974: 173). It is caused by the interference of mother tongue.

b. Intralingual Errors

Intralingual errors are also called developmental errors.

Intralingual interference is the negative transfer or item within the

target language, or put another way, the incorrect generalization of

rules within the target language (Brown, 1978: 173). Intralingual

interference refers to items produced by the learner which reflect not

the structure of the mother tongue, but generalization based on partial

exposure of the target language (Richard, 1974: 6).

Intralingual errors are the direct result of the learners attempt to

create language system he is learning. About the present of intralingual

errors, Richards (1985: 47) says that the intralingual errors are devided

into 4 terms, they are:

1) Over-generalization

Over-generalization happens when a learner uses a certain structure

that is over-generalized in the target language. It is caused the

learners‟ basic experience of certain structure. Generally,

overgeneralization is the creation of one deviant structure in place

of two regular structure, for example: “She can sings”. In this case,

there is an over form of a structure verb “sing” becomes “sings”. It

should be “She can sing”. Because “she” usually use verb + s. For

example: She sings.

2) Ignorance of rule restriction

Ignore of rule restriction is failure to observe the restriction of

existing structures. That is the application of rules to context where

they do not apply.

Example : the baby crying was

It should be : the baby was crying

3) Incomplete application of rules

Incomplete application of rules means errors are due to the

occurence of structures whose deviancy represents the degree of

development of rules required to produce acceptable utterence. The

learners fail to produce a correct sentence according to the

standards rules.

Example : You student

It should be : You are student

4) False Concepts Hypothesized

False concepts hypothesized means basically errors are the result

from faulty comprehension of distinction in the target language.

Example : she is not go to school yesterday

It should be : she did not go to school yesterday

B. Conditional Sentences

A conditional sentence describes the condition that is necessary for a

particular result to occur. Conditional sentences have two parts: the if-clause

and the main clause (Martinet, 1986:197).

In the sentence : “If you leave now, you will catch the train “.

“If you leave now” is the If- Clause, and

“you will catch the train” is the Main Clause.

There are three kinds of conditional sentence, each kind contains a

different pair of tenses.

1. Type 1 - Probable Condition

The verb in the If-Clause is in the present tense; the verb in the Main

Clause is in the future tense :

If we play well, we will win.

This type of sentence implies that it is quite probable that the action in the

If- Clause will be performed. The first type implies that the action in if-

clause is quite probable (Martinet, 1983: 186).

The formula of conditional sentence type 1:

If + simple present tense, simple future tense

Simple future tense + if + simple present tense

Comma is necessery when the sentence preceded by if- clause. Comma is

unnecessary when the sentence preceded by the main clause.

If she has my address, she will send the invitation to me.

Example: They will buy a car if they have money.

My mother will go to Bali if she has a lot of money.

You will be late if you sleep late.

He will not come if you are angry with him.

2. Type 2 - Improbable Condition

The verb in the If-Clause is in the simple past tense; the verb in the Main

Clause is in the conditional tense :

If she cycled to work, she would feel better.

There is no difference in the “time marker” between the first and the

second type of conditional sentence. The second, like the first, refers to the

present or future, and the past tense in its If-Clause is not a true past tense

but a subjunctive, which indicates improbability or unreality. It is used to

express that a hope occurs in present time, yet it is improbable or unreal at

the time one is speaking (Martinet, 1983: 188).

The formula of conditional sentence type 2:

If + Simple past tense + , + Past future tense

Past future tense + if + simple past tense

Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

I would send her an invitation if I found her address.

If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay here.

If I were you, I would not do this.

Type 2 is used :

a) To talk about an unlikely event in the present or future

If I had more time, I would go to the club with you.

b) To talk about an imaginary event

If I were rich, I would live in Paris.

c) To give advice

If I were you , I would call the doctor.

3. Type 3 - Impossible Condition

The verb in the If-Clause is in the past perfect tense; the verb in the Main

Clause is in the perfect conditional :

If he had seen you he would have helped you.

Here we know that the condition cannot be fulfilled because the action in

the if clause did not happen (Martinet, 1983: 190).

The formula of conditional sentence type III:

If + Past perfect + , + Past future perfect tense

Past future perfect tense + if + past perfect

Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.

I would have sent her an invitation if I had found her address.

If I hadn’t studied, I wouldn’t have passed my exams.

If John had had the money, he would have bought a Ferrari.

C. The Use of Conditional Sentences

The meaning of a conditional sentence determines which verb tenses

needs to be used in the independent and subordinate clauses. The conjunctions

if, even if, when, whenever, whether, and unless often appear in conditional


1. Use conditional sentences to express a general or habitual fact.

In this type of conditional sentence, the verb tense in each clause is the


General fact: When I touch an ice cube, it feels cold.

Habitual fact: Whenever I touched an ice cube, it felt cold.

2. Use conditional sentences make predictions about the future, or express

future intentions or possibilities.

In this type of conditional sentence, the subordinate clause contains a

present-tense verb and the independent clause contains the modal can,

may, might, should, or will) plus the base form of the verb.

Prediction : If I win the lottery, I can go to Paris.

Intention : If I win the lottery, I will go to Paris.

Possibility : If I win the lottery, I might go to Paris.

3. Use conditional sentences to speculate about the future result of a possible

but unlikely condition in the present.

In this type of conditional sentence, the subordinate clause contains the

past tense of the verb, and the independent clause contains the modal

would, could, or might, plus the base for of the verb.

Speculation : If I won the lottery, I would go to Paris.

Unlikely present condition : If I won the lottery, future result: I

would go to Paris.

4. Use conditional sentences to speculate about the past result of a condition

that did not happen in the past.

In this type of conditional sentence, the subordinate clause contains the

past perfect tense of the verb, and the independent clause contains the

modal would have, could have, or might have, plus the past participle.

S pe cu l a t i o n : I f I had w o n t h e l o t t e ry , I w ou l d

ha v e gon e t o P ari s.

Unt ru e c on di t i on : I f I had w o n t h e l o t t e ry ,

Unt ru e p ast re sul t : I w o ul d h av e go n e t o Par i s.

5. In this type of conditional sentence, you can express the conditional

without using if by reversing the order of the subject and the verb in the

subordinate clause.

Speculation: Had I won the lottery, I would have gone to Paris.

6. Use conditional sentences to speculate about the future result of a

condition that is not true in the present. In this type of conditional

sentence, the subordinate clause contains the past-tense verb were (never

was), and the independent clause contains the modal would, could, or

might, plus the base form of the verb.

Speculation : If I were Prime Minister, I would do a great job.

Untrue condition : If I were Prime Minister, Future result: I would do a

great job.

Speculation : If I were going to Paris, I would bring my passport.

Untrue condition : If I were going to Paris, Future result: I will bring my




In the chapter III, the writer will discuss the research methodology
of this research.

A. General Situation of SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur

SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur‟s Profil:

1. School‟s Name : SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Borobudur

2. School‟s Status : Terakreditasi : A

3. NSS : 3240802018

4. Address : Jl. Syailendra Raya Borobudur 56553

Telp / Fax : (0293) 789678

5. Dinas Pendidikan : Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Magelang

Province : Central Java

6. a. Principal : Y I T N O,BE,S.Pd.

b. Address : Seloboro, Salam, Magelang

Telp/HP. 081328708728

c. Education : S1 Fakultas Pendidikan Teknik Kejuruan

d. Faculty : Pendidikan Teknik Mesin

e. Graduate : 1999

7. Study Program : 1. Teknik Pemeliharaan Mekanik Industri

2. Teknik Mekanik Otomotif

8. School was built

a. In : 4 Juni 1997

b. Provider instance : Muhammadiyah Majelis Dikdasmen

c. Surat Keputusan Tgl/No. : 4 Juni 1997 / No. 0943/I03/I/1997

d. Tanggal / No. Notaris : 8 September 1976 / No. J-A-5/160/4

1. The Students

Number of Number
Class Technic
room Male Female Amount
X-MA TM 1 33 1 34
X-MB TM 1 34 - 34
X-OA TO 1 38 - 38
X-OB TO 1 38 - 38
XI-M TM 1 36 - 36
XI-OA TO 1 32 1 33
XI-OB TO 1 34 - 34
XII-M TM 1 29 - 29
XII-OA TO 1 32 - 32
XII-OB TO 1 30 - 30
SUM 10 346 2 348
TO : Teknik Otomotif (Automotif Engineering)
TM : Teknik Mesin (Machine Engineering)

2. The Teachers

The Highest Degree
Permanent Teacher Honorary Teacher

S3 / S2 - -

S1 14 9

D3 1 -

D2 / D1 / SLTA - -



No. Position Number

1. Religion Teacher 2
2. Engineering Teacher 8
3. General Subject Teacher 12
4. Guidance and Conseling Teacher 2
5. Accountant 6
6. Schoolkeeper 3
Sum 33

3. School Facilities

a. Building Status : Property

b. Building Characteristic : Permanent


Number Large
Room Condition
of Room (m2)
a. Classroom 9 7 x 63 Good
b. Office 1 63 Good

c. Dormitory - - Good

d. Warehouse 1 30 Good

e. Canteen 1 30 Good

f. Library 1 40 Good

g. Principal 1 20 Good

h. Accounting 1 40 Good

i. Teacher Room 1 40 Good

j. BK / BP 1 24 Good

k. Lab. Computer 1 63 Good

l. Workshop 2 12 x 42 Good

m. UKS 1 10 Good

n. Mushola 1 63 Good

o. Toilet 6 6x4 Good

p. Meeting Hall - - Good

q. Sport Room - - Good

r. Schoolkeeper Room 1 6 Good

B. Population and Sample

1. Approach of the Research

The writer uses descriptive quantitative approach in this

research. Descriptive research is a research that is done to know the

value of one or more independent variable without comparing or

differenciating to other variable (Arikunto 2010: 56). Quantitative

research is a research that is done by collecting numerical data or

numerated qualitative data (Arikunto, 2010: 58).

So, this research is descriptive quantitative, where the collected

data were analized according to statistical method, then interpreted and


2. Population

Population is all subject intended to be investigated (Arikunto,

2010: 173). The chosen population of the research is the first year

students of SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga.

a. Object : SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur

b. Grade : Second year/ XI

c. Location : SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur

d. Academic year : 2012/2013

3. The Selection of the Population

The writer chooses the second year students of SMK

Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur as the subject of the research. The

choice of population is based on the following consideration:

a. Population is appropriate for this research, because the students

have been studying conditional sentences.

b. The population is homogenous because they all are in the same

grade and has learned English for the same period time.

c. By conducting this research, the writer will find some errors made

by the second year students of SMK Muhammadiyah 02

Borobudur, and will attempt to give some suggestions in

minimizing the errors at the level of simple past tense.

4. Sample

Sample is a representative part of the research population

(Arikunto, 2010: 174). The population is all members of research

subject. When the number of subject in the research is more than 100

persons, take 10% - 30% of the population (Arikunto, 2010:108).

5. Sampling Technique

Sampling technique is the way of taking sample. In this thesis,

the writer uses random technique. Random technique is where the

researcher take the homogenous population, and every object have the

same chance to be chosen as a sample (Arikunto, 2010: 110)

There are three classes in the second year, these are Teknik

Mesin A (XI- M) consist of 36 students, XI Teknik Otomotif A (XI -

OA) consist of 33 students, and Teknik Otomotif B (XI- OB) consist

of 34 students. So, the writer takes 31 students randomly taken from

30% of 103 students‟ population of all grade XI.

C. Technique of Data Collection

In this study, the writer collects the data by the technique as


a. Documentation Method

Documentation method is all written data that support the

research (Arikunto, 2010: 135). Documentation method is

collecting a number of data that school have. The documentation

method is used to get the students‟ names and general situation of

SMK Muhammadiyah 02 Borobudur that used as supporting data

for this research.

b. Test

Test is sequence of questions, exercises, or the other

instrument which is used to measure the knowledge, intelligence,

ability or talent that owned by the individual or group (Arikunto,

2010: 193). This test is important instrument to know the

students‟ ability in using conditional sentences, and then analyze

the result to find the errors.

In this thesis, the test totally consists of 10 numbers of

multiple choices including three types of conditional sentences.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

a. Syntactical approach

Syntactic analysis is a method of syntactically

categorizing the constituents of English language sentences and

a scheme showing all possible categories to which the

constituents of any sentence could belong. Analyzing

syntactic structure means analyzing grammar.

Syntax is the study of the principles and processes by which

sentences are constructed in particular languages. Syntactic

investigation of a given language has as its goal the construction of

a grammar that can be viewed as a device of some sort for

producing the sentences of the language under analysis (Noam

Chomsky, 2002:11).

Syntactical approach is used to categorize students‟ test into

three rypes of conditional sentences.

b. Identification step

The writer identifies the errors in using conditional

sentences by correcting the result of the test that was given to the


c. Analysis step

After the data has been identified, the writer analyzes the

errors made by the students. This way is used to know the kinds of

errors in using conditional sentences.

d. Clasification step

In this case, the writer classifies the kind of error which is

probably made by the students. The writer classifies the possible

errors into some kinds. They are as follows:

i. Errors in applying correct formula of conditional sentences

type 1.

ii. Errors in applying correct formula of conditional sentences

type 2.

iii. Errors in applying correct formula of conditional sentences

type 3.

In the clasification step uses the statistical quantitative

method formula as follows:

To analyze the average score, using the formula (Anas,

2010: 81):

MX =

Where is: MX = The average of score

∑X = The number of score

N = The number of students

To analyze how many percent of the errors made by the

second year students, using the formula (Anas, 2010: 43):

P= 100

Where is: P = percentage number

F = Frequency (From the error)

N = Number of case (Respondent)

E. Data Presentation
a. Students Name List and Score
The students, as the respondent of this study, will be shown on the
table bellow:
Table I
Students Name List and Score

No Name Score No Name Score

1 Indar Mawan 16 17 Aan Saputro 8
2 Danang Prasetyo 16 18 Puji Prasetyo 16
3 Ahmad Riyadi 12 19 Ahmad Fadhan 12
4 Fajar P. A 16 20 Misbakhul Munir 24
5 Irfan Maulana 0 21 Supriyanto 8
6 Ahmad R. 8 22 Marzuki 20
7 Wahyu Tri W. 8 23 Sarifudin Rozza 28
8 Dika Setiawan 4 24 Ardeka Kiki S. 24
9 Surya Ambar 20 25 Estu Irawan 28
10 Aji Setiwan 32 26 Amin Subaktar 28
11 Sani Septiyono 32 27 M. Lukman 28
12 M. Hermawan 16 28 Porwantono 20
13 Dika Trisnanda 8 29 Moh Ihwan 12
14 Haris Susanto 4 30 Darwanto 16
15 Andi Setyawan 28 31 Agus Budiman 28
16 Rahmad Anwari 8
Total Score 528

b. The Result Of Test

The result of test of multiple choice and essay will be
shown on the table bellow:

Table II
The Result Of Test
Number Number of Item
Of Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 × × × × × ×
2 × × × × × ×
3 × × × × × × ×
4 × × × × × ×
5 × × × × × × × × × ×
6 × × × × × × × ×
7 × × × × × × × ×
8 × × × × × × × × ×
9 × × × ×
10 × × × × × ×
11 × × × × × ×
12 × × × × × ×
13 × × × × × × × × ×
14 × × × × × × × × ×
15 × × × × × ×
16 × × × × × × × × ×
17 × × × × × × × ×
18 × × × × × ×
19 × × × × × × × ×
20 × × × × × × × ×
21 × × × × × × × ×
22 × × × × × × × ×
23 × × × × × ×
24 × × × × × × ×
25 × × × × × ×
26 × × × × × ×
27 × × × × × ×
28 × × × × × × × ×
29 × × × × × × × × ×
30 × × × × × ×
31 × × × × × × ×
= true
× = false



After obtaining the data, the writer is going to analyze the data to answer

the questions about:

3. What are types of errors of the use of conditional sentence made by the

second year students of SMK Muhammdiyah 02 Borobudur in the

academic year of 2012/2013?

4. What is the most dominant errors of the use of conditional sentence

made by the second year students of SMK Muhammdiyah 02

Borobudur in the academic year of 2012/2013?


After knowing the total score, the writer determines the average of

score by using the following formula:

Mx =

Where is: Mx = the average of score

∑x = the number of score

N = the number of students

The calculation of data is as follow:

Mx =

Mx =

Mx = 17, 03

To analyze how many percent of the errors made by the second

year students, using the formula (Anas, 2010, 43):

P= 100

Where is: P = Number percentage

F = Frequency (From the error)

N = Total Number (Respondent)

1. Multiple Choice

In this case, the writer wants to analyze the percentage of errors in

the multiple choice item test as follows:

1. Children will be disappointed if they ________ (not receive) good


a. will not receive b. do not receive c. receives

The correct answer is “b. do not receive”. This is a conditional

sentence type 1 question, so the verb in the If-Clause should be in

the present tense, and the verb in the Main Clause is in the future


From the question above, the result of the test shows that there is

only 1 student has correct answer (student number 23), and other

30 students have incorrect answer.

The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 96, 77%

2. If my roommate ________ (snore) loudly, I will not sleep.

a. will snore b. Snored c. snores

The correct answer is “c. snores”. This is a conditional sentence

type 1 question, so the verb in the If-Clause should be in the

present tense, and the verb in the Main Clause is in the future


From the question above, the result of the test shows that there are

4 students who have correct answer (students number 1, 15, 18,

24), and 27 students have incorrect answer.

The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 87, 09%

3. Maya ________ (not pass) her driving test unless she calms down.

a. will not pass b. would not pass c. passes

The correct answer is “a. will not pass”. This is a conditional

sentence type 1 question, so the verb in the If-Clause should be in

the present tense, and the verb in the Main Clause is in the future


From the question above, the result of the test shows that there are

15 students have correct answer (students number 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,

12, 13, 15, 18, 22, 24, 28, 30), and 16 students have incorrect


The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 51, 61%

4. If it ________ (be) winter, all these trees would be covered in


a. Was b. Were c. is

The correct answer is “b. were”. This is a conditional sentence type

2 question, so the verb in the If-Clause should be in the simple past

tense, and the verb in the Main Clause is in the past future tense.

From the question above, the result of the test shows that there are

9 students have correct answer (students number 1, 2, 4, 9, 12, 15,

20, 21, 22), and 22 students have incorrect answer.

The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 70. 96%

5. I ________ (try) to find more opportunities to write in English if I

were you.

a. Will try b. Would try c. try

The correct answer is “b. would try”. This is a conditional sentence

type 2 question, so the verb in the If-Clause should be in the simple

past tense, and the verb in the Main Clause is in the past future


From the question above, the result of the test shows that there are

9 students have correct answer (students number 9, 10, 11, 23, 25,

26, 27, 30, 31), and 22 students have incorrect answer.

The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 70, 96%

6. If the city ________ (expand) the parking lot space downtown, we

would not have to park so far away from the movie theatre.

a. will expand b. expanded c. expands

The correct answer is “b. expanded”. This is a conditional sentence

type 2 question, so the verb in the If-Clause should be in the simple

past tense, and the verb in the Main Clause is in the past future


From the question above, the result of the test shows that there are

23 students have correct answer (students number 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9,

10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31),

and 8 students have incorrect answer.

The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 25, 80%

7. If we ________ (not take) an exam on the conditional, we might

not have learned it.

a. had not taken b. have not taken c. took

The correct answer is “a. had not taken”. This is a conditional

sentence type 3 question, so the verb in the If-Clause should be in

the past perfect tense, and the verb in the Main Clause is in the past

future perfect tense.

From the question above, the result of the test shows that there are

13 students have correct answer (students number 1, 2, 3, 4, 9,10,

11, 12, 25, 26, 27, 30 ,31), and 18 students have incorrect answer.

The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 58, 06%

8. If it had not rained, the farmers ________(lose) all of their crops.

a. will have lost b. would have lost c. will lose

The correct answer is “b. would have lost”. This is a conditional

sentence type 3 question, so the verb in the If-Clause should be in

the past perfect tense, and the verb in the Main Clause is in the past

future perfect tense.

From the question above, the result of the test shows that there are

2 students have correct answer (students number 7 and 19), and 29

students have incorrect answer.

The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 93, 54%

9. If the airplane had not had a mechanical problem, we probably

________ (arrive) in Winnipeg by now.

a. will have arrived b. would have arrived c. will arrive

The correct answer is “b. would have arrived”. This is a

conditional sentence type 3 question, so the verb in the If-Clause

should be in the past perfect tense, and the verb in the Main Clause

is in the past future perfect tense.

From the question above, the result of the test shows that there are

6 students have correct answer (students number 9, 14, 15, 18, 23,

28), and 25 students have incorrect answer.

The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 80, 64%

10. We ________(lie) on the beach in Mexico right now if we had

been able to get our visas on time.

a. will be lying b. would have been lying c. are lying

The correct answer is “b. would have been lying”. This is a

conditional sentence type 3 question, so the verb in the If-Clause

should be in the past perfect tense, and the verb in the Main Clause

is in the past future perfect tense.

From the question above, the result of the test shows that there are

5 students have correct answer (students number 10, 11, 25, 26,

27), and 26 students have incorrect answer.

The percentage of incorrect answer is × 100% = 83, 87%

B. The Analysis about the The Types of Errors and The Most Dominant
Errors in Using Conditional Sentences
The sum of number of errors will be shown on the table below:

Table III
Sum of The Number of Errors
Conditional Item Errors Correct Percentage of
sentence type Number errors
1 30 1 96, 77 %
Type 1 2 27 4 87, 09 %
3 16 15 51, 61 %
Sum 73 30
4 22 9 70, 96 %
Type 2 5 22 9 70, 96 %
6 8 23 25, 80 %
Sum 52 41
7 18 13 58, 06 %
Type 3 8 29 2 93, 54 %
9 25 6 80, 64 %
10 26 5 83, 87 %
Sum 10 98 26
223 97

From the table above, it can be classified into three categories. They

are as follows:

1. The errors of the use of correct formula of conditional sentence type 1.

(Item number 1, 2, 3) = 73 errors

The percentage of those errors are × 100 % = 32, 73 %

2. The errors of the use of correct formula of conditional sentence type 2.

(Item nimber 4, 5, 6) = 52 errors

The percentage of those errors are × 100 % = 23, 31 %

3. The errors of the use of correct formula of conditional sentence type 3.

(Item nimber 7, 8, 9, 10) = 98 errors

The percentage of those errors are × 100 % = 43, 94 %

From the result above, it can be concluded that the most dominant

error is the highest percentage, that is the errors of using correct formula of

conditional sentences type 3.



A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis in this study, the writer can present some

conclusions about the erorrs of the use of conditional sentence which is

made by the second year students of SMK 02 Muhammadiyah Borobudur

in academic year of 2012/2013, as follows:

1. The types errors of the use of conditional sentence made by the second

year students of SMK Muhammdiyah 02 Borobudur in the academic

year of 2012/2013. The result of this study shows that the students‟

error can be clasified into three categories:

a. The errors of the use of correct formula of conditional sentence

type 1.

(Item number 1, 2, 3) = 73 errors

The percentage of those errors are × 100 % = 32, 73 %

b. The errors of the use of correct formula of conditional sentence

type 2.

(Item nimber 4, 5, 6) = 52 errors

The percentage of those errors are × 100 % = 23, 31 %

c. The errors of the use of correct formula of conditional sentence

type 3.

(Item nimber 4, 5, 6) = 98 errors

The percentage of those errors are × 100 % = 43, 94 %

2. The most dominant errors of the use of conditional sentence made by

the second year students of SMK Muhammdiyah 02 Borobudur in the

academic year of 2012/2013. From the result above, it can be

concluded that the most dominant error is the highest percentage (43,

94 %), that is the errors of using correct formula of conditional

sentences type 3.

B. Suggestions

By considering the conclusions above, the writr will present some

suggestion to the teacher and the students

1. To English teacher

a. The teacher should motivate their students in learning English

especilally in using conditional sentences, and explaining the

characteristic of English sentence and English structure.

b. The teacher should give brief explanation about the formula or the

pattern of conditional sentences, and about the differences between

conditional sentence type 1, 2, and 3.

c. The teacher should give more written exercise and example of

conditional sentences. In addition, the students are given homework

about conditional sentences.

d. The teacher should give explanation completely, and teacher

should avoid difficult words, so the students can understand the

material given by the teacher clearly.

2. To the students

a. The students must be active and study hard to enrich their

knowledge about English grammar especially conditional


b. The students should study intensively and seriuously in learning

conditional sentences.

c. The students should have more practices in order to understand and

master the conditional sentences.

d. The students must be able to differentiate the use and the form of

conditional sentences for each type.

e. The students should try to do the exercises which is given by the

teacher. They should ask the teacher if they do not understand or

have some difficulties in learning conditional sentences.


Complete each sentence below by giving the correct for of the verb in

11. Children will be disappointed if they ________ (not receive) good grades.
b. will not receive
c. do not receive
d. receives
12. If my roommate ________ (snore) loudly, I will not sleep.
b. will snore
c. snored
d. snores
13. Maya ________ (not pass) her driving test unless she calms down.
b. will not pass
c. would not pass
c. passes
14. If it ________ (be) winter, all these trees would be covered in snow.
b. was
c. were
d. is
15. I ________ (try) to find more opportunities to write in English if I were
b. Will try
c. Would try
d. try
16. If the city ________ (expand) the parking lot space downtown, we would
not have to park so far away from the movie theatre.
a. will expand
b. expanded

c. expands
17. If we ________ (not take) an exam on the conditional, we might not have
learned it.
b. had not taken
c. have not taken
d. took
18. If it had not rained, the farmers ________(lose) all of their crops.
b. will have lost
c. would have lost
d. will lose
19. If the airplane had not had a mechanical problem, we probably ________
(arrive) in Winnipeg by now.
b. will have arrived
c. would have arrived
d. will arrive
20. We ________(lie) on the beach in Mexico right now if we had been able
to get our visas on time.
b. will be lying
c. would be lying
d. are lying

Complete these incomplete conditional sentences type 1 below!

1. If I _______ hard, I _______ pass the exam. (study)

2. If you _______ your money, you ______ be able to buy a car. (save)
3. If you ________ hard, you ________ be a rich man. (work)
4. I wish you ______ be a great man if you ______ so hard doing so. (try)
5. If they _______ dilligent students, they ______ be great scientists. (to be)

Complete these incomplete conditional sentences type 2 below!

1. If I ______ you, I _______ study hard. (to be, will)

2. If you ______ hard, you ______ be succed. (work, will)
3. If they ______ a car, they ______ go to bogor. (have, will)
4. If I ______ sick, I ______ go to school. (to be/not, will)
5. If John _______ study hard, he _______ get a bad mark. (not study, will)

Complete these incomplete conditional sentences type 3 below!

1. If it _____________ yesterday, we ____________ to the market. (not rain, go)

2. If I ______________ a car, I ____________________ to Jogja myself. (have,
3. If she _____________ an actress in her youth, anita ______________ very
popular. (to be)
4. If they _____________ a house, they _____________ a more comfortable life.
(buy, have)
5. If I _____________ sick, I __________________ to school yesterday. (not
sick, go)



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