NAMK Brochure

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NATO Armaments Meteorological

Kernel (NAMK) NATO Armaments

significant effort required to the configuration management, release timings and testing burden
more product (green boxes). The organization brings clarity to a complex software system but adds
The Sharable (Fire Control) Software Suite programme endorsed by NATO AC/225 LCG/ 3SG/2 is
organised in five coherent co-operative projects. Each of the projects (pink boxes) develops one or

NABK – NATO Armaments Ballistic Kernel – supplies only ballistic routines (not generic functions)
Part of the SG/2 Sharable (Fire Control) Software Suite (S ) Meteorological

NASS - NATO Armaments Support Services – underpins all other Projects with generic functions.

NAGIK – NATO Armaments Geophysical & Information Kernel – provides terrain and land data.
Under the Auspices of NATO AC/225, Land Kernel (NAMK)
Capability Group 3 on Fire Support, Sub-Group 2 Part of the SG/2 Sharable (Fire Control)
on Accuracy and Ballistics, using controlling Software Suite (S4)
authorities from the STANAG 4537 and AOP-37

NIFAK – NATO Indirect Fire Appreciation Kernel – evaluates WOF & DOF for OPr.
NAMK project has two products to be released in
documents, a suite of shareable software kernels November each year, and only to be dependent
has been created conforming to the SG/2 Quality upon the NASS product:
System defined in AOP-49.
METM: Provides services to handle meteoro-
Technology for the NAMK is developed with logical data for other S4 products and the OPr, i.e.
support from MCMG/WG-BMWG (Battlescale determine meteorological data values in 4D space,
Meteorological Working Group). as well as validation, sub-setting and conversion to
other formats. The source data format can be
Contributions METGM or METCM.
GMVerify: End user software tool to validate and
CAN leads the development of Confidence Index
sub-set METGM and conversion to other formats.
The core functionality is provided by METM.
DEU is developing meteorological forecast
technology. NAMK will also include two future products
DNK provides the role of Quality Assurance currently not yet under development:
Leader for the METM product. Confidence Index (CI) is expected to provide a
FRA is developing meteorological forecast broad indicator of the level of forecast risk, or
technology together with DEU. high/low probability of consistency between the
GBR provides the roles of Product, Development forecast and the actual atmosphere.
and Quality Assurance Leader for the GMVerify
product, and currently also the role of Modelling: The purpose is to refine meteoro-
Development Leader for the METM product, logical forecasts by assimilating local
NLD supports the development of the METM measurements and by including high resolution
product. terrain data.
NOR provides the role of Project Leader, and will
For more information visit:
provide the role of Development Leader for the
METM product from 2010.

USA provides the Independent Safety Auditor or email:

(ISA) verification role for SG/2, and contributes in
the development of Confidence Index technology.

5 Oct 2009
The MET data Manager Product The Confidence Index Product
The GMVerify Product
The scope of the product is solely meteorological This is a future product where the technology is
data handling, and does not provide any forecast Although the core functionality is provided by
still under refinement. The CI is expected to
capability. The main format is the gridded mete- METM, GMVerify is considered to be a separate
provide a broad indicator of the level of forecast
orological message, METGM, which is detailed product. The GMVerify product is a tool for use
risk. Low value indicates high forecast risk, while
fully in STANAG 6022. by producers and manipulators of METGMs.
high value indicates, but does not guarantee, high
Services include the validation of supplied
Services include the validation of supplied data probability of consistency between the forecast and
METGM data files, spatial and temporal sub-
files in METGM format (initially only ballistic the actual atmosphere.
setting from a large METGM to create smaller
parameters supported), spatial and temporal sub- areas and/or fewer time-slices, sub-setting of The CI value will be the outcome of a rule based
setting from a large METGM to create smaller parameters, adding hash (fingerprint) for integrity post-processing of the METGM data file to be
areas and/or fewer time-slices, sub-setting of checking as well as conditioning and compression assessed. The rules assess synoptic-scale patterns
parameters and conversion of METGM to of a METGM data file (core functionality provided indicating meteorological conditions that forecast
METCM (STANAG 4082) or other formats for a by NAGIK product). models may handle poorly.
given x, y, z, location at time t (e.g. battery centre
or mortar line centre) within the METGM dataset. The intended use of the CI value is for decision aid
The product consists of the command driven
(use forecasted METGM or sounded METCM),
The key operational service includes calls to GMVerify back-end written in the Ada
and input for computing error budget for projectile
supply meteorological parameters at given x, y, z, programming language and the GMVerify front-
impacts due to meteorological conditions. The
and time e.g. for ballistic computations in NABK. end for Windows (GMVerifyWin) as shown
NIFAK product is a potential user.
METCM functionality is in the process of being below. GMVerifyWin is written in Visual Basic
transferred from the NABK to METM. Capability and requires the .NET framework 2.0 or newer to Modelling:
to handle meteorological data in the WMO GRIB run. The GMVerify back-end is platform
format will be included in the future. independent as all other S4 products are. Typical The Modelling Product
use of GMVerify is at the WAC (Weather Analysis This is also a future product where the technology,
The METM is written in the Ada programming Centre) to process METGM data files before
language with code conforming to the S4 Ada or more correctly how to use available technology,
shipping to theatre. is still under refinement. The purpose of a
Coding Standard (S4ACS).
modelling product is to refine meteorological
forecasts from a WAC by assimilating local
measurements and by including high resolution
terrain data.

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