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My Learning Goal

1. My goal is to have a good grades this Grade 10

2. This goal is important to me for the following reasons:
 Because I need to have a good grades so that when I turn to a senior high student
or college student,I can enroll and be accepted to a good school.
 Because I want to be a aspiring honor studentt..
 Also, this will help me to build my self confidence
3. This to do list help me to take action to reach my goal:
a) Make sure to review all my notes
b) Answers all the following assignment
c) Participate well in class
d) Make friends or build a connection in the class
e) Sleep early
f) Avoid your phone to avoid destructions
g) Always smile
4. My goal is both realistic and challenging for these reasons:
i. This will make me happy
ii. This will make my family proud
iii. This will help me to build myself in the future
5. These will be the benefits of reaching my goal;
A. My family will be proud
B. There will be a chance that I will have a secure future
C. I have a chance to be accepted to a good school
6. If I don’t reach my goal, I could face these consequences:
 my family will be disappointed
 I will have low grades ofc
 There will be a chance that I wont be accepted to a good school
7. These are the people I can count on to help me to reach my goal:
 Family
 Friends
 Relatives
 And myself

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