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Towards sustainable urban water management: A

critical reassessment

David R. Marlow*, Magnus Moglia, Stephen Cook, David J. Beale

CSIRO Land and Water, Graham Road, Highett, VIC 3190, Australia

article info abstract

Article history: Within the literature, concerns have been raised that centralised urban water systems are
Received 22 November 2012 maladapted to challenges associated with climate change, population growth and other
Received in revised form socio-economic and environmental strains. This paper provides a critical assessment of
6 June 2013 the discourse that surrounds emerging approaches to urban water management and
Accepted 21 July 2013 infrastructure provision. As such, ‘sustainable urban water management’ (SUWM) concepts
Available online 20 October 2013 are scrutinized to highlight the limitations and strengths in the current lines of argument
and point towards unaddressed complexities in the transformational agendas advocated
Keywords: by SUWM proponents. Taking an explicit infrastructure view, it is shown that the specific
Sustainable urban water manage- context of the urban water sector means that changes to infrastructure systems occur as
ment an incremental hybridisation process. This process is driven by a range of factors including
Systems transitions lock-in effects of legacy solutions, normative values and vested interests of agents, cost
Infrastructure management and performance certainty and perceptions of risk. Different views of these factors help
explain why transformational agendas have not achieved the change SUWM proponents
call for and point to the need for a critical reassessment of the system effects and eco-
nomics of alternative service provision models.
Crown Copyright ª 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Werbeloff and Brown, 2011a,b). Local pressures vary consid-

erably, but the reality is that water service providers (WSPs)
Management of water is a critical factor in urban sustain- must operate within constrained budgets, while being ex-
ability (Schaffer and Vollmer, 2010). In most modern cities, pected to deliver quality service at a low price. In such cir-
water services are delivered via networks of buried pipes that cumstances, it is particularly important to address the
connect customers to treatment works and, ultimately, to growing uncertainty with respect to operational, environ-
sources of water and sinks for wastewater. This infrastructure mental, social and economic constraints (Blackmore and
represents a significant capital investment and future gener- Plant, 2008; Pearson et al., 2009). Moreover, there is an
ations will inherit the outcomes of society’s ongoing invest- increasing clash between the demand for and limits to re-
ment decisions (Burn et al., 2012; Marlow et al., 2010a; Wong sources that result in ecological, economic and cultural
and Brown, 2009). The sector is facing increasing pressures ‘strains’ (Vlachos and Braga, 2001). From an urban water
associated with climate change, changes in population and perspective, these strains have led various authors to suggest
demographics, a volatile global economy, increasing energy that the current model of service provision is no longer
prices, heightened environmental awareness and more com- appropriate (Pahl-Wostl, 2002; Ashley et al., 2003; Milly et al.,
plex regulatory and social circumstances (Marlow et al., 2010b; 2008; Pearson et al., 2010; Brown et al., 2011).

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ61 3 92526614.

E-mail addresses:, (D.R. Marlow).
0043-1354/$ e see front matter Crown Copyright ª 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 7 1 5 0 e7 1 6 1 7151

The aspiration for change has been labelled in a variety of 2.1. A brief historical perspective
ways, but in this article is referred to as ‘sustainable urban water
management’ or SUWM (Makropoulos et al., 2008; Brown and The traditional model of urban water service provision
Farrelly, 2009; Novotny, 2009; Werbeloff and Brown, 2011a). evolved through a number of phases, as explored by such
SUWM concepts have been discussed and developed over a authors as Tarr et al. (1984), Geels (2005), Gandy (2004, 2006)
number of decades (Hengeveld and De Vocht, 1982; Button and Brown et al. (2009b). For the purposes of this paper, we
and Pearce, 1989; Choguill, 1993; Niemczynowicz, 1999; have synthesised these phases in Table 1. According to the
Hellström et al., 2000; Keath and Brown, 2009). However, literature, the development of the associated socio-technical
while there has been some adoption of alternative ap- regime involved a co-evolution between science, technology,
proaches, the predominant model of service provision re- culture, industry structure, policy institutions and the market
mains unchanged. Given the significant volume of papers (Geels, 2005). SUWM concepts can be considered the next
advocating change, this article provides a critical review of step in this co-evolution and reflect growing concerns over
SUWM concepts and seeks to illustrate why transformational community wellbeing (rather than just public health),
agendas have not realised the mainstream adoption of SUWM ecological health and sustainable development, all of which
approaches that proponents assert is needed. can be collectively labelled as ‘green’ issues (Bartone et al.,
As the aim of this article is to provide a critical review of the 1994). Green issues and related policy developments reflect
SUWM paradigm rather than the literature itself, the presen- a growing awareness that the natural environment is
tation of arguments departs somewhat from the standard vulnerable to human activity at multiple spatial and tempo-
model of a review paper. The concept of SUWM is first ral scales (Fiorino, 2001). Arguments for SUWM are essen-
considered via a comparison to current models of service tially an articulation of this awareness, expressed in terms of
provision. The purported benefits of SUWM and the impedi- the urban water cycle. In practical terms, however, the space
ments that must be overcome to achieve these are then out- to consider SUWM arises primarily where the urban water
lined. Conceptual models of investment and option selection sector is delivering secure, reliable and safe water services. In
are then used to further investigate factors that are central to contrast, urban centres in developing countries are still
the debate over SUWM. grappling with what has been dubbed the ‘brown agenda’
(Allen et al., 2002), which relates to the impact of urban
pollution on public health. From an urban water perspective,
the immediate challenges in such countries remain the lack
2. Sustainable urban water management
of access to safe water, sanitation and adequate drainage
systems (Gandy, 2004).
The authors have previously delivered a body of research
related to infrastructure asset management, integrated urban
water management, decentralised solutions and sustainabil- 2.2. The meaning of ‘SUWM’
ity within the urban water sector. A question that arose from
this work is why SUWM concepts are so strongly supported in As an aspiration, SUWM reflects a generalised goal to manage
the academic literature, but still remain a niche innovation the urban water cycle to produce more benefits than tradi-
from the perspective of broader infrastructure provision. A tional approaches have delivered. While its meaning is not
critical review of the SUWM paradigm was thus undertaken. precisely definable, it is possible to characterise the concept
To this end, we identified relevant literature by searching through a comparison with a more traditional model of urban
academic databases using key words related to SUWM con- water management. The current dominant model relies on
cepts. Additional literature relevant to the authors’ previous large-scale, centrally managed infrastructure systems that are
experience and research was also considered. designed to deliver cheap and reliable services (Brown et al.,

Table 1 e Stepwise development of urban water systems.

Existing infrastructure Service focus Driver for change Solution

Unstructured system, with Basic services Population growth and associated issues, especially pollution Piped water
some storm sewers in and inadequacy of local water supply
large cities
Water pipes Secure supply of Excessive demand placed on waste disposal system, leading to Sewers (combined and
wholesome water contamination of urban areas with stagnant water and faecal separate)
matter. The perception of disease being related to noxious
smells was also a key driver.
Water pipes and sewers Public health and Contamination of surface waters with sewage and impact on Water Treatment Works
(combined and separate) drainage (in larger health of downstream communities. (WTWs) and protected
cities) catchments
Water pipes, sewers and Waterway pollution Degradation of urban water ways, nuisance issues and loss of Sewage Treatment Works
WTWs amenity value. (STWs) and separation of
Water pipes, sewers and Flood protection Extension of paved urban areas required extensive drainage Extensive storm sewers
WTWs, STWs and drainage systems
7152 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 7 1 5 0 e7 1 6 1

2009a,b). Centralised provision and management of this 3.1. A more ‘natural’ water cycle
infrastructure has been necessary because the systems are
very costly and operations are complex and resource Within the SUWM paradigm, the objectives for managing
intensive. stormwater have broadened from mitigation of flood risk to
Potable water, wastewater and drainage services are encompass pollution control, ecological regeneration and
generally delivered via a network of buried pipes. These pipes enhancement of urban amenity and recreational value
typically represent 50e75% of a WSP’s combined operating (Thomas et al., 1997). This involves implementing a range of
and capital costs (Thomas and McLeod, 1992; Speers, 2009). In decentralised solutions and the disconnection of waterways
theory at least, reducing the reliance on such networks has from impervious surfaces to ensure flow regimes are closer to
the potential to either realise a significant reduction in ‘natural’ ones in terms of quality, quantity and frequency of
expenditure or to ensure that expenditure is focused on flow, while still ameliorating flood risk (Mitchell, 2006; Walsh
treating water, sewage and stormwater to suitable levels. et al., 2005; Fletcher et al., 2007; Sharma et al., 2008b, 2009;
Decentralisation is thus a key theme in the SUWM literature. Wong and Brown, 2008; Rozos and Makropoulos, 2012). The
Proponents for SUWM also note that water-carriage sewerage degree to which degraded urban waterways can be restored
systems are wasteful resulting in significant loss of useful varies and the term ‘naturalization’ is sometimes used as an
resources (nutrients, energy and water). Similarly, stormwater alternative to restoration. By definition, urban areas have been
management purely for flood protection implies a useful significantly altered from their pre-development state, so the
resource (i.e., the conveyed water) is wasted. Furthermore, the goal of naturalization is to establish dynamically stable wa-
discharge of stormwater to waterways leads to the distur- terways capable of supporting healthy ecosystems (Rhoads
bance of ecosystems. Proponents also note that only a rela- et al., 1999).
tively small percentage of potable water supplied to
customers is actually used for potable purposes. This implies 3.2. Enhanced water security through local source
there are significant opportunities for reducing the cost of diversification
treating and transporting potable water.
When commentating on alternatives, proponents of Within urban areas, there are many demands that can be met
SUWM assert that a more integrated approach to water through water of non-potable quality, including landscape
supply, sewerage and stormwater management has the po- irrigation, industrial applications, groundwater recharge,
tential to deliver the most appropriate use of water from all recreational applications and surface water augmentation
stages of the urban water cycle and therefore enhance social, (Gikas and Tchobanoglous, 2009). Proponents for SUWM argue
ecological and economic sustainability at various scales that developing alternative water sources within the urban
(Ashley et al., 2003; Milly et al., 2008; Wong and Brown, 2008; catchment will allow these demands to be satisfied through
Brown et al., 2011). It has also been suggested that the resil- the supply of water of a quality that is ‘fit for purpose’
ience of urban water systems will be improved through (Newman, 2009). Alternative sources include rainwater har-
diversification away from a centralised model (Speers and vesting, stormwater harvesting, water recycling and sewer
Mitchell, 2000; Wong and Brown, 2008). SUWM thus differs mining (Thomas et al., 1997; Speers and Mitchell, 2000;
from traditional models in its core aims, the type of infra- Newman, 2001; Brown et al., 2008; Wong and Brown, 2008).
structure and how the urban water cycle is managed. Diversification using these alternative local water sources
reduces the demand placed on water abstracted from water-
ways, groundwater or dams and thus improves water security
3. Benefits of SUWM and implications to (PMSEIC, 2007; Wong and Brown, 2008). Reducing the amount
infrastructure of water extracted from waterways also has the potential to
contribute to the maintenance of environmental flows. Hence,
The perceived shortcomings of existing approaches to man- water security has become a common theme in the SUWM
agement of urban water have led various commentators to literature (Novotny, 2009; Werbeloff and Brown, 2011b; Lloyd
argue for a transition to a more sustainable approach et al., 2012).
(Niemczynowicz, 1999; Newman, 2001; Pahl-wostl, 2007;
Brown et al., 2011; Urich et al., 2011; Binney, 2012). This has in 3.3. Resource efficiency
turn led to the development of a range of concepts that un-
derpin the overarching SUWM paradigm, including Integrated Another potential benefit of SUWM is that it promotes effi-
Urban Water Management (Coombes and Kuczera, 2002; cient use of resources in line with broader interpretations of
Mitchell, 2006; Maheepala et al., 2010; Burn et al., 2012), Total ‘sustainability’. It can be argued that resource efficiency is a
Water Cycle Management (Chanan and Woods, 2006; Najia and goal of any effective water business, as it implies minimising
Lustig, 2006; Grant et al., 2010) and Water Sensitive Urban the use of water, energy, process chemicals and other re-
Design (Wong, 2006; Yu et al., 2012). Despite the different terms sources to reduce costs. Water conservation initiatives
used to describe SUWM, proponents tend to note three central involving customers also provide benefits in terms of
benefits in comparison to traditional urban water manage- improved water security and resource efficiency (Howe et al.,
ment: (1) a more ‘natural’ water cycle; (2) enhanced water se- 2005; Inman and Jeffrey, 2006; Daigger, 2009; Gato-Trinidad
curity through local source diversification and (3) resource et al., 2011). Proponents of SUWM assert that further
efficiency. The adoption of decentralised infrastructure solu- resource efficiencies can be achieved by adopting an inte-
tions is seen as a means of achieving these goals. grated approach to the urban water cycle (Thomas and
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McLeod, 1992; Wong, 2006; Gikas and Tchobanoglous, 2009; expectations (agents become increasingly confident about
Speers, 2009). Expanding beyond these efficiencies, the quality and performance of the current technology) and (4)
concept of resource recovery is advocated to minimise the network economies (agents adopting the same technologies
ecological footprint of the urban water sector (Burn et al., as others). Lock-in effects can create a barrier to the adoption
2012). This involves reclaiming useful components of waste of more sustainable technologies (Foxon et al., 2002). Pro-
streams, including energy, nutrients and water. ponents of SUWM argue that since legacy infrastructure is
long lived and expensive it locks out innovative alternatives.
3.4. Decentralised solutions Brown et al. (2011) have in fact referred to this as ‘entrapment’,
which would imply that traditional models of service provi-
The term ‘decentralised’ is often applied to solutions that are sion are demonstrably inferior. There are, however, a number
complementary to the existing centralised system (Gikas and of conceptual weaknesses associated with the arguments for
Tchobanoglous, 2009). Such solutions can be matched to the SUWM and these provide alternative insights into why
local context in terms of water sources and demands, as well transformational agendas remain unfulfilled. We illustrate
as environment and social factors (Cook et al., 2009; Gikas and these by couching them in terms of four key issues: (1) diffi-
Tchobanoglous, 2009; Sharma et al., 2010). Stated reasons for culties in predicting the system effects of innovative solu-
adopting decentralised solutions include a desire to promote tions, (2) practical challenges in managing innovations in
innovation and technology, striving for more efficient use of technologies and service provision strategies, (3) financial
resources, improving landscape amenity, contributing to considerations and (4) the effect of bias and advocacy on the
community well-being and protecting the natural environ- promotion of technologies and management paradigms.
ment (Kennedy et al., 2007; Biggs et al., 2009; Tjandraatmadja
et al., 2009; Daniels and Porter, 2011; Hall, 2012). Decentralised 4.1. Predicting system effects of innovations
solutions may also help defer augmentation of existing
infrastructure. For example, traditional water and wastewater The performance of an urban water system is multi-faceted
pipe network design is driven to a large extent by the need to and difficult to predict from a system perspective. While this
cater for peak demands. Mitigation of these peaks through use can be said of traditional systems, innovative solutions are, by
of decentralised solutions, including provision of local definition, introduced into new contexts, which implies there
capacitance, can allow deferral of investment and produce will be a lack of institutional capacity to manage uncertainties
substantial reductions in capital costs (Speers and Mitchell, and risk. Changes to any part the system can have both up-
2000). stream and downstream impacts that affect costs, perfor-
mance and future opportunities (Speers and Mitchell, 2000).
This leads to dynamic changes across multiple temporal and
4. Impediments to change spatial scales that are often not intuitive even to experts.
Lack of knowledge or uncertainty may also mean that an
Despite the claimed benefits of SUWM, transformational attempt to achieve one SUWM objective undermines the
agendas have not achieved the level of change called for by its achievement of another. For example, in some cases the en-
proponents. For example, Wong and Brown (2008) state that ergy intensity required to pump a unit of water from a local
adoption of SUWM solutions remains too slow and that in- water source like rain tanks compares unfavourably to the
vestment in conventional approaches perpetuates a signifi- energy associated with centralised water pumping
cant delay in the widespread uptake of alternatives. Brown (Tjandraatmadja et al., 2012). Similarly, Rygaard et al. (2011)
et al. (2009a,b) similarly questioned the dominant govern- noted that while options such as recycled water, desalina-
ment responses to extended drought in Australia, which tion and rainwater collection can improve water security,
largely involved the expansion of centralised systems, their introduction raises several challenges; e.g. energy re-
including large investments in desalination. Keath and Brown quirements vary by more than a factor of ten amongst the
(2009) noted that the reaction to extreme drought events also alternative techniques and wastewater reclamation can lead
led to investment in traditional solutions, suggesting that this to the appearance of trace contaminants in potable water.
response over-rode emerging values associated with SUWM. The effectiveness of SUWM options also depend on a
Farrelly and Brown (2011) stated that governments continue to number of highly context specific factors (Naylor et al., 2012;
promote large scale technological solutions, rather than sup- Rozos and Makropoulos, 2012). For example, Moglia et al.
porting emerging and existing sustainable technologies and (2012b) considered the operation and maintenance re-
practices. quirements for rainwater tanks, and concluded that they
Part of the challenge in changing the model of service depend on underlying socio-psychological factors and over-
provision is that investment cycles for infrastructure often arching governance arrangements. The contribution of alter-
occur over timescales that are too short (e.g. five years) to native solutions to SUWM objectives can also be over
allow effective adaptation to longer term pressures (de Graaf estimated. For instance, rainwater tanks in South East
and van Der Brugge, 2010). Another challenge is that the Queensland (Australia) were installed on the basis that they
widespread adoption of a specific technological solution leads would reduce demand for mains water through substitution
to both institutional and technological ‘lock-in’ effects (Foxon (Walton and Holmes, 2011). Mandatory building provisions
et al., 2002). Arthur (1994) identified four factors that specified a 70 kL/year annual reduction in mains water de-
generate such effects: (1) economies of scale, (2) learning ef- mand per new dwelling, but less than 70% of this target was
fects that improve products or reduce their cost, (3) adaptive achieved (Beal et al., 2012).
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Historical perspectives of the water sector have shown that risk perception, trust in the WSP, perceptions of fairness,
innovations that appeared to promise only benefits produced perceived outcomes and personal values (Mankad and
significant secondary costs (Tarr et al., 1984). Similarly, SUWM Tapsuwan, 2010; Nancarrow et al., 2010; Mankad, 2012).
solutions have sometimes resulted in unintended and unde- There are also concerns relating to end-user involvement in
sirable consequences (Kennedy et al., 2007). For example, in management of systems (Söderberg and Åberg, 2002; Gardiner
one stormwater harvesting scheme in Melbourne, Australia, et al., 2008). Post-implementation surveys have indicated the
thousands of birds were attracted to the constructed wetlands importance of on-going engagement with end-users of
causing issues such as droppings, odour and especially noise decentralised water systems, due to the possibility of unin-
(Melbourne Water (MW), 2012). Reduced water consumption tended consequences, even when they are not directly
can also have impacts on the sedimentation and degradation involved with their management (Dahan and Nisan, 2007;
processes in sewer systems and may impact wastewater Hochmuth et al., 2012; Kennedy et al., 2007; Moglia et al.,
treatment efficiencies (Parkinson et al., 2005; Marleni et al., 2011b).
2012). Kennedy et al. (2007) described unintended conse-
quences of SUWM solutions in two urban regeneration pro- 4.3. Financial implications
jects that involved inconvenience, distress and health and
safety risks of end-users. WSP revenues are to some extent often linked to the volume
Overall, these issues highlight the need for rigorous of potable water used by customers, so widespread imple-
assessment of alternative service options against multiple mentation of alternative water sources and/or water conser-
criteria (Lundin and Morrison, 2002; Zarghami, 2005; Willetts vation measures could lead to reduced revenues (Mitchell
et al., 2007; Ashley et al., 2008; Zarghami et al., 2008; Sharma et al., 2007). Properties connected to centralised infrastruc-
et al., 2008a, 2009; Moglia et al., 2012a). However, even when ture also pay standing charges to cover the capital cost of the
applying suitable decision support methods, a considerable infrastructure. This is a significant component of customer
amount of uncertainty remains because innovative technolo- bills, so decreasing the reliance on centralised water provision
gies and solutions are less tried and tested (Moglia et al., 2012a). would therefore not necessarily be reflected in a significant
While such issues are expected as part of a necessary learning cost saving to the community, which reduces incentives for
process (Moglia et al., 2010; 2011a; Farrelly and Brown, 2011; Bos uptake of SUWM options. This is particularly problematic if
and Brown, 2012), broader experimentation in new technolo- traditional water systems remain the “systems of last resort”
gies still needs to be undertaken in a way that does not signif- (i.e. are needed to supply water services when SUWM options
icantly impact customers (Rittell and Webber, 1973). As less fail, there is prolonged drought or a need to supply water for
evidence is available for novel solutions, the responsible fire fighting, etc.) such that there are no reductions in system
approach is to proceed on the basis of experimentation, pilot sizing. Consideration of externalities has the potential for
studies and trials that allow an empirical foundation for capturing the additional benefits of SUWM options (Hatton
change to be developed (Farrelly and Brown, 2011). MacDonald, 2004; Listowski et al., 2013; Tjandraatmadja
et al., 2005). The challenge is to value externalities in a way
4.2. Practical challenges in the management of that is rigorous and reflects community values, and then to set
innovative solutions appropriate tariffs to achieve the best outcome for the com-
munity whilst maintaining the financial viability and sus-
As well as difficulties in predicting the performance and system tainability of WSPs (Mitchell et al., 2007; Singh et al., 2007).
effects of innovations, there are also adoption issues to address,
including increased management complexity, diffuse re- 4.4. Institutional and personal bias
sponsibilities, uncertain performance and community resis-
tance to change. More specifically, innovative solutions often When businesses, authorities, universities and related orga-
have requirements that are not necessarily clear from the nizations build up knowledge and experience with any
outset, and institutional capacity therefore tends to develop particular solution, it is inevitable that they will develop bia-
over time (Bos and Brown, 2012; Moglia et al., 2012b; Naylor ses, intentionally or otherwise, towards their own commercial
et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2012). For example, Backhaus et al. (2012) or institutional interests (Rygaard et al., 2011). Such biases can
indicated that stormwater harvesting needs to be supported interfere with the judgment of proponents for any technology,
by research and knowledge gathering, industry wide commu- who may over-estimate the benefits of their preferred solu-
nication of existing knowledge and collaboration between tions and under-estimate potential problems in comparison
various types of practitioners. Depending on the governance to alternatives. While such biases are observed in those who
arrangements, the staffing, management difficulties and skill promote centralised solutions, these issues are particularly
requirements vary considerably (Naylor et al., 2012). important for SUWM due to the values held by proponents, as
Changes to the potable water system can also meet sig- described in the remainder of this article.
nificant resistance from the public (Hurlimann and Dolnicar,
2010). A number of researchers have highlighted the com-
plexities involved with obtaining community acceptance of 5. Conceptual models of change within the
alternative water solutions (Hurlimann and McKay, 2004; water sector
Marks and Zadaroznyj, 2005; Marks, 2006; Dolnicar and
Hurlimann, 2009; Nancarrow et al., 2009; Hurlimann and Factors that influence the rate of progress towards SUWM can
Dolnicar, 2010). Various factors contribute to this, including be illustrated further by considering how innovations are
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Fig. 1 e A Systems Perspective of Water Sector Investments. The flow of urban water investment accumulates over time as a
capital stock of constructed and natural infrastructure assets that contribute to the delivery of urban water services. The
level of investment is influenced by a ‘hard’ metric-driven feedback loop, which along with consideration of endogenous
and exogenous pressures informs the need for future investment. There is, however, also a ‘soft’ opinion-driven feedback
loop that reflects the perception of broader outcomes delivered by the sector. Perceptions are influenced by complex issues
related to vested interests and values.

taken up within the water sector. Relevant conceptual models systems are renewed in a piecemeal way. This has the cu-
have been previously discussed in terms of a multi-layer mulative effect of perpetuating the same type of centralised
perspective (MLP) model (Geels, 2005a; Van Der Brugge et al., infrastructure systems into the future. As a result, the ca-
2005; Geels and Kemp, 2007). The MLP model is concerned pacity to operate, maintain and renew such systems must also
with what can be referred to as ‘system transitions’, which are be retained irrespective of greater use of SUWM solutions,
specifically defined as far-reaching changes in both the tech- which has flow-on implications to the funding and skills
nical and social/cultural dimensions of a system (Van Der needed to support urban water systems into the future. At a
Brugge et al., 2005). According to Elzen and Wieczorek (2005), local scheme level, innovations in infrastructure provision
this co-evolutionary aspect distinguishes a ‘transition’ from and management do occur, but in relation to the majority
incremental technical improvements where there is relatively system these are ‘add-ons’. From an infrastructure perspec-
little alteration of the societal embedding of the technologies. tive, rather than a radical transition, the process of change is
As illustrated throughout this article, the literature on SUWM thus better conceptualised as one of a gradual change,
implies there is a need for radical co-evolutionary change in wherein there is an introduction of innovative solutions into a
the approach to urban water management and infrastructure stable system based on legacy technologies. We term this
provision, and Brown et al. (2009b) explicitly considered gradual evolution ‘system hybridization’.
SUWM in terms of this type of transition. Opportunities for system hybridisation arise whenever an
From an infrastructure perspective and considering the investment is made, but in practice SUWM innovations are
urban water sector of developed countries as a whole, it seems often considered when existing infrastructure has insufficient
unlikely that a broad transition to an alternative model of capacity or would need to be extended, and the cost of doing
service provision will be economically or practicably feasible this would be prohibitive (Balslev Nielsen and Elle, 2000). This
because many of the decisions made in the past are now, in can occur when there is development at the urban fringe, such
practice, irreversible. For example, buried pipe assets have life that existing networks would need to be extended, or when
spans of many decades, even centuries, and deteriorate in growth within an urban area means infrastructure capacity
response to many factors. As such, similar assets can come to needs to be augmented, but this is expensive or technically
the end of their life at very different times (WERF, 2009; Burn difficult. Factors that influence the hybridisation process can
et al., 2010). This allows rehabilitation of these assets to be be illustrated with reference to two coupled conceptual
distributed over time, which reduces peaks in investment and models developed as part of this review. The first helps to
capital works. However, this also means that infrastructure is elucidate why proponents of SUWM consider that progress
subject to incremental replacement such that existing towards change is not rapid enough, whereas the second
7156 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 7 1 5 0 e7 1 6 1

indicates factors that influence innovation uptake, which are hold values that are not necessarily representative of broader
linked to the impediments discussed above and in combina- community aspirations. Certainly, willingness to pay surveys
tion drive system hybridisation. carried out by WSPs in the UK have indicated that commu-
nities are becoming more reluctant to fund additional envi-
5.1. Investment and capital accumulation ronmental improvements (WERF, 2013). This can be explained
by recognising that historical investments were made in
Fig. 1 illustrates how the flow of investment (ref. 1 in Fig. 1) response to highly visible issues such as water borne disease,
into an urban water system accumulates as a capital stock of aesthetic impacts and pollution. Solving these problems pro-
constructed and natural assets (ref. 2) that has the capacity to vided benefits that were obvious to communities. In contrast,
deliver services to both the community and the environment. the issues targeted by SUWM are somewhat less tangible from
The condition of the asset stock is reduced over time due to the perspective of the broader community, though personal
asset deterioration (ref. 3), which is counterbalanced by capi- engagement with the underlying values will vary depending
tal maintenance (i.e. investment to replace assets at the end of on socio-economic, demographic and other factors. Since it is
their life). Investment is also required to cater for exogenous the broader community who must pay for the necessary
influences such as climate change and population growth (ref. changes, the arguments for additional investments or alter-
4). As shown, the asset stock provides a flow of services (ref. 5) native solutions are more difficult to make, especially were
that in turn contribute to broader triple bottom line (TBL) customers are used to receiving reliable services and public
outcomes (ref. 6) such as public health, community wellbeing, health and environmental benefits at relatively low cost.
environmental health and economic production in other
sectors, etc. Notionally at least, all these stocks and flows can 5.2. Option identification and assessment
be considered to have economic value, and could thus be
expressed in monetary terms, as implied in Fig. 1. The stocks and flows model of investment shown in Fig. 1
The level of investment is subject to a range of constraints shows how perceptions can lead to a call for change in in-
and efficiencies. Shortfalls can be managed to a certain extent vestment that is not implied by formal asset management
through improved management and maintenance practices, feedback loops, and thus provides insights into why pro-
but ultimately the infrastructure places bounds on the level of ponents consider progress towards SUWM is too slow. The
service that can be delivered consistently. For the purposes of other relevant process relates to how options are identified and
this discussion, there are two feedback loops that influence considered for implementation. A key aspect in any invest-
the flow of investment and thus the maintenance and ment decision is to identify feasible solutions. In this context,
augmentation of the asset stock and its capacity to provide ‘feasible’ implies infrastructure (or other) options that are able
service. Firstly, from an infrastructure asset management to provide service (or other outputs) over an economic life. We
perspective, systems are managed in light of service and refer to the ‘option space’ as that sub-set of solutions that is
performance targets. Hence, a ‘hard’ or metric-driven feed- seriously considered for implementation. Various factors in-
back loop exists wherein measures of asset condition, per- fluence the option space. These are shown in Fig. 2, grouped in
formance and service inform the need for future investment terms of ‘actors’, ‘technology’ and ‘drivers’. The combined influ-
(ref. 7). Secondly, the system is subject to a ‘soft’ or opinion- ence of the individual factors defines the option space
driven feedback loop that reflects the perceptions of various
stakeholder groups (customers, regulators, suppliers, politi-
cians, academics, etc.) with respect to the contribution the
water sector makes to broader outcomes (ref. 8). These per-
ceptions vary according to the responsibilities and interests of
each stakeholder group and are influenced by vested interests
and normative values. For example, individuals and in-
stitutions with responsibility for, or interest in, waterway
health and sustainability will have different perspectives to,
say, an economic regulator driven by the requirement to
maintain ‘efficiency’ from the perspective of customer bills.
Where groups or individuals consider that the outcomes of
water sector investments are inadequate (as in the case of
advocates for SUWM), this translates into a demand for
change in the way investments are justified and/or the type of
solutions funded, as evidenced in the SUWM literature.
The difference between these two feedback loops is Fig. 2 e Factors Influencing the Option Space Considered. A
important for understanding why proponents of SUWM key aspect in any investment decision is to identify
consider insufficient progress is being made. At a fundamental feasible solutions. Various factors related to ‘actors’,
level, proponents are expressing opinions based on their own ‘technology’ and ‘drivers’ influence the option space
values and, to some degree at least, their vested interests. considered. These factors are dynamic and interact with
Values are an integral aspect of all decision making in that any one another. The perspectives and attitudes of the actors
decision reduces to a choice between alternatives of what is involved are a key determinant in how the option space is
most valued (Sperry, 1977). However, proponents of SUWM defined.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 7 1 5 0 e7 1 6 1 7157

considered for a particular investment or scheme. It is note- approach that is considered by commentators to be ‘unsus-
worthy that many of these factors also influence stakeholder tainable’. With this in mind, this paper has provided a critical
perception of investment needs, as shown in Fig. 1, which reassessment of the SUWM paradigm, which was undertaken
provides a coupling between the two conceptual models. specifically to examine why transformational agendas have
The perspectives and attitudes of the actors involved are a not realised the change proponents imply is needed.
key determinant in how the option space is defined. In this It has been shown that a range of factors mean that the
context, actors are taken to be the individuals or teams process of change within the water sector occurs as a gradual
making the decision over which technology/solution to select. process, which we term ‘system hybridisation’. The incremental
The options considered by these actors will reflect vested in- nature of this process, the need to retain capacity to manage
terests and normative values. However, other stakeholders legacy infrastructure and the clash between values, expecta-
with different values and interests will judge both the options tions and interpretation of opportunities is central to the fact
considered and the solution ultimately selected from their that the transition to SUWM has not occurred in the way
own perspective. The implication is that both the agents advocated in the literature. In particular, in comparison to the
making the decision and those commentating on it can have community more generally, the adoption of values associated
different opinions that reflect their own vested interests and with SUWM concepts is stronger within the niche group of
values, as exemplified by comments proponents for SUWM individuals contributing to the SUWM literature, and this in-
have made with respect to continued investments in cen- forms the implicit assessment of cost and benefits that un-
tralised solutions. These differences in opinion are com- derpins their call for change.
pounded by the fact that a controversial knowledge base Advocacy for a change in community expectations and
allows different lines of argument to be made in support of values is a matter of choice for any individual, but mixing such
different perspectives (Pahl-Wostl, 2002). advocacy with arguments for specific technical solutions, as is
As well as values and vested interests, the issue of risk done in some of the literature reviewed, is potentially prob-
perception is critical to understanding different perspectives lematic because of the possibility that benefits of proposed
of option selection. Decision makers are, by definition, solutions will be overstated and risks understated. Further-
responsible for selecting the solution implemented, and thus more, making value-based rather than evidence-based argu-
are exposed to risks associated with making a poor choice. In ments could lead to polarized positions, wherein agents with
contrast, while advocates for innovative options may have an responsibility for ensuring due diligence in how community
informed view of the technical and broader issues and even a funds are spent (e.g. economic regulators) impede innovation.
stake in the outcome, they are not making the decision and While it has its risks, advocacy for SUWM does provide a
will thus have a different risk perception (the decision making driver for experimentation and infrastructure diversification.
risks are born by others) and a different frame of reference However, this is counterbalanced by perceptions of certainty/
(Lems et al., 2011). This has significant implications to com- uncertainty and the perception/exposure to risk of decision
mentary over the willingness to innovate. For example, makers. Overcoming these issues implies gaining a better
Farrelly and Brown (2011) have stated that the continued use understanding of life cycle performance, costs, risks and
of large scale technological solutions reflects a ‘reticence’ to go benefits of specific SUWM innovations and broader system
beyond pilot trials, which is taken to be representative of both effects. Evidence should be presented, as far as is practicable,
the ‘fear of failure’ of actors and inherent conservatism, espe- in a way that is free of cognitive and other biases. There is also
cially with respect to public health risks. Noting that Fig. 2 a need to develop core competencies necessary to manage
includes performance and cost certainty as key factors that innovations and build the institutional capacity to manage
influence the option space, an alternative view is that many risk. In practice, this implies the type of experimentation that
innovative solutions remain unproven and have low com- has been undertaken to date, but this has resulted in slower
munity acceptance, as described earlier. From this perspec- progress than proponents of SUWM consider necessary.
tive, any ‘conservatism’ could then be considered as an From a purely economic perspective, the benefit of altering
appropriate assessment of this uncertainty, especially given the system should outweigh costs. It is currently left as an
that funds are not unlimited and that community preferences implicit assumption in some arguments for SUWM that the
must be considered (Speers, 2009). The continued use of benefits derived from transforming to a new model of service
traditional solutions would then be seen as a rational decision provision will exceed the costs. Whether or not this is actually
based on a pragmatic assessment of available options. the case depends on how benefits and costs are defined. Given
that investments are made on behalf of communities, the
‘social business case’ for change needs further testing in
6. Conclusion terms of all relevant cost and benefits, including externalities,
with due consideration given to community willingness to pay
A significant body of work within the academic literature as- and other relevant perspectives, including maintenance of
serts that that the current model of urban water service pro- ecosystem services. In particular, since many of the benefits of
vision needs to change. The aspiration for change is referred SUWM are non-market (i.e. the intangible components of total
to in this paper as ‘sustainable urban water management’ economic value) and somewhat nebulous from the perspec-
(SUWM). SUWM reflects a generalised goal to manage the tive of communities, the value placed on them requires
urban water cycle so as to produce more benefits than tradi- further research (Daniels and Porter, 2011; Marlow et al., 2011).
tional approaches. Despite ongoing calls for change, the pre- Overall, the challenge for proponents of SUWM remains
dominant model of service provision remains the same the need to provide valid economic assessments of alternative
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