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María Camila Morales Triana


1. If you want to play “stop”, you will only need a sheet to write and a pen.
2. When you are going to start, you will have to make a data table on your sheet with
columns such as name, last name, country or place, fruit, color, thing, brand, etc.
3. When the game starts, someone will have to choose a letter from the alphabet.
4. When the game starts, you will have to fill each space in the data table with words that
start with the chosen letter.
5. For example, if the letter is “a”, you will have to put a name that starts with “a” as Andrea,
a last name as Andrade, a place as Argentina, so fill all the spaces.
6. For scores, if you have a unique answer, you will win 100 points.
7. If the answer is equal to that another player, you will win 50 points.
8. If you don’t write a word, it’s incomplete or doesn’t exist, you won’t win any points.
9. So if you want to be the winner of the game, you will have to be very original with your
words for win more points.
10. You will learn come spelling if you play this game.

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