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Let´s I don’t have I saw my best friend I have a terrible I don’t have time I didn’t pass my

´s boyfriend with
play!!!! enough Money for
another girl.
headache. to do exercise. last exam.
my lunch today.

My father lost I fell down and I My neighbors My dog bites I have to finish 3
his job can’t get up always have wild Skip a people who walk important
parties on by my house assignments by
weekends turn Monday

I have gained a I don’t have I crashed my I´m not very I need to get a job
lot of weight GO many friends parents’ new car pretty but i don’t know
recently BACK 2 many things

I don’t have I don’t get along I don’t have time I can´t get to I have bad breath
anyone to very well with my to walk my dog sleep at night
SKIP A though I brush my
teeth regularly
babysit my child new teacher TURN

I don’t have Somebody is

anything to wear
I lost my best Go back to bothering me at
You arrived late to I got on the wrong
bus and don’t have
friends favorite an important exam
to a party sweater start school much money

A stranger is It’s late at night I accidently scratched My cat killed my My car won´t
following me Skip a and I lost my car a car in a parking lot
with my car
neighbor’s pet start and I´m late
turn parrot for work

I smell smoke I don’t feel at all My son has a crush My favorite actor is I have to babysit my
coming from my
neighbor’s house
well and I am on his 3rd grade sitting across from
me at a restaurant
Go back 6 nieces and nephews
alone teacher
My car stopped in There is a big I cut my hand I don’t know I want to give my
the middle of the Skip a dog snarling at badly how to dance teacher a gift but I
highway don’t have money
turn me

My friends are Somebody is I am at an important My teacher has

coming over and trying to mug me Go back party and I ripped my his/her zipper
You are the
my house is a big pants champion!!!!
mess 4 down

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