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Society of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 21419

Application of Production System Analysis to an Offshore Oil Field

Y. Ueda, * N. Samizo, * and S. Shirakawa, Arabian Oil Co. Ltd. (F.O.)
*SPE Members

Copyright 1991, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Middle East Oil Show held in Bahrain, 16-19 November 1991.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment
of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., Telex, 730989 SPEDAL.

ABSTRACT production facilities which at present time, acts

as a serious restraint on oil production. The
Total production analysis is currently in use problems encountered in carrying out this
in oil field operations assisting the optimization investigation are outlined and, specifically, the
of production to ensure the maximum solution for the bottleneck problem to optimize
profitability. production within the limits of existing facilities
The Khafji Field, being an oil field situated in are discussed at length. Finally guidelines are
the offshore Saudi Arabia, has been producing proposed for future facility design and
oil from more than 100 wells for the past 30 modification.
years. Oil flows from the wellhead jacket to the
two-phase separator on the offshore flow station
(gas oil separation platform). After flowing to the INTRODUCTION
pump station oil is transmitted through the
transmission line to the onshore facilities. Some The Khafji field is situated in the offshore
wells are gas lifted and the production water cut Saudi Arabia, about 40 km east from AI-Khafji,
is on the increase. Water cut will definitely Saudi Arabia (Figure-1).
intensify with the increase in gas lift operation. The field was originally discovered in 1960
The review and evaluation of the offshore and started production in 1961 as Khafji crude.
facilities, from the individual wellhead to the The main producing zone among the five
inlet of offshore separator, is essential so as to developed zones is the sandstone reservoir at
optimize oil production. depths between 4800 and 5500 feet, and having
This paper outlines the field application of a strong water drive. The cumulative oil
production system analysis. The flow through production for Khafji crude as of end of 1990 is
the wellhead choke and the flow through the around 2.6 billion bbls.
pipeline have been investigated using actual Most of the permanent production facilities
field data and the technical correlation for these for Khafji crude were constructed in 1961 and
flows have been established. A review were designed for conditions as they existed at
discussion is offered concerning the that time.
identification of the bottleneck in the existing As the field was developed, the numbers of
wells and flowlines were increased. The present
Fbferences and 1abIes and figures at end of paper offshore oil gathering system is schematically


shown in Figure-2. There are 63 fixed well TECHNICAL BACKGROUND

jackets, on which around 120 production wells
have been drilled. A typical wellhead Considering well deliverability from inflow
connection on a fixed well jacket is shown in and outflow performance, pressure drop is
Figure-3. As shown in Figure-3, each well has a classified into the following categories:
wellhead choke connected to the flowline to
control the production rate. According to the (1) Pressure drop in the reservoir,
initial well ability, the size and the number of
flowlines were decided upon and laid to the (2) Pressure drop in the production string,
assigned flow station (gas oil separation
platform). In order to optimize the number of (3) Pressure drop across the choke,
flowlines, some flowlines are used as
commingle flow from low ability wells. Gas lift (4) Pressure drop in the pipeline.
has been in operation since 1988. A typical
wellhead connection for gas lift well is also Pressure drop in the surface facilities can be
shown in Figure-3. simulated more easily compared with inflow
The oil produced flows through the flowline performance because it is easy to collect field
to the offshore two-phase separator on one of data to verify the model. However, the actual
the four flow stations. After first stage production system is complicated and to
separation, oil is transmitted to the pump station construct a surface flowline network model is
by booster pump and some of the gas is not straightforward. If more than two wells are
recycled for gas lift operation and the remainder connected at once to the same production
is flared. From the pump station, oil is flowline, interferance between these wells will
transmitted to the onshore Khafji production occur, when increasing choke size or initiating
facilities by transmission pump. The handling gas lift operation, etc... These operations will
capacity of production facilities was increased cause the increase in the back pressure of other
based on the field development plan and the wells.
current nominal handling capacity of all flow In order to check the sensitivity of the back
stations is around 450 MBPD. pressure, the flowline network models are to be
However, during the past 30 years. each well constructed including choke performance and
production ability has been changed along with pressure drop calculation at each nodal point.
its production history, such as natural depletion, The calculation ,procedures are briefly
high water cut, and the application of gas lift. described in the following sections.
Current total well ability exceeds the handling
capacity of some of the flow stations to which
the wells are connected. Given the findings of (1) CHOKE PERFORMANCE
reservoir simulation studies, it is expected that
the current flowline network system cannot Wellhead chokes are installed on wells to
handle the total well production ability. Bearing control flow rates so as to ensure
in mind the limits of exisiting system and the
economic restraints imposed by the need to (1 )controlling the drawdown in the
minimize new investment, the best approach to reservoir to prevent sand production,
obtaining maximum production may well be to
modify the flowline network by laying new (2)prevention water/gas coning,
flowlines and/or rerouting existing flowlines.
In order to optimize total field oil production, (3)protection surface equipment,
production system analysis has been made by
utilizing flowline network model combined with (4)production reservoir fluids at most
well choke performance and well inflow efficient rate.
Through the appropriate choke performance
correlations, the effects on flow rates and


wellhead pressures need to be evaluated due to calculate horizontal pressure drop. The program
choke size changes and choke size needs to be used in this study was the Dukler-Eaton method,
specified to achieve a given wellhead pressure which is a hybrid model of the Eaton liquid
for a given flow rate. holdup(7)in combination with friction factor
Generally flow through the choke can be defined by the Dukler Case 11(8). This method
described as either critical or sub-critical flow. has proved to be most applicable to our field
In the critical flow region, the mass flow rate after several experimental studies.
reaches a maximum value that is independent of
The pressure drops at the riser part was
the pressure drop applied across the choke.
calculated by the Beggs and Brill method(9).
Therefore, once critical flow rate is reached, any
Figure-4 shows the comparison between the
disturbance introduced downstream of the choke
measured and calculated pressure drops
has no effect on the upstream conditions.
Therefore, chokes are commonly operated under through the surface pipeline. Fairly good
critical flow conditions to isolate the reservoir matchings were obtained.
from pressure fluctuations introduced by surface
production facilities.
Several attempts have been carried out to (3) FLOWLINE NETWORK
establish the correlation of the critical
flow(1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Correlations were derived based Nodal analysis is conducted using a field
on analytical models, applying mathematical scale flowline network model. This model
analysis or empirical correlations using actual includes choke performance so that the flowline
field or laboratory data. backpressure change can be taken into
Ashford(5)presented a critical multiphase flow consideration as mentioned above. The flow
equation based on the orifice flow theory. station separator, header and wellhead are
Ashford used average values of polytropic regarded as one separated node respectively
constant k and critical pressure ratio to be and individual pressure loss is calculated
approximately 1.04 and 0.544, respectively. separately. This is to ensure the flexibility of the
Using field data from 14 flowing well tests, the model so that the well number or the route of the
discharge coefficient was calculated for choke flowline can be varied to check the sensitivity of
sizes ranging from 16/64 to 40/64 inches. the production pattern.
Regarding sub-critical flow, the prediction of The calculation routines are as follows:
sub-critical flow behavior is far more difficult
than for critical flow. Single phase sub-critical (1 )PVT data are input.
flow can be expressed as:
(2)Network configuration is input
including choke size, pipeline length
c h p
.....(1 ) and size, etc... The production system
illustrated in Figure-SA can be
Generally the sub-critical multi-phase flow classified according to a depth-first
rate is calculated using some correction factor ordering as shown in Figure-5B.
to critical flow rates(6).
(3)Production rate is given at each node.

(2) MULTI·PHASE FLOW IN PIPELINE (4)Flow rates for each node are
calculated by summing flow rates
The pressure drop in the surface pipeline is according to a decreasing depth order.
the sum of the frictional loss in the flowline and This process will be continued up to
hydrostatic loss in the riser pipe, described as: the separator node (Backtracking).
Fluid mixing is also considered due to
~P tolal = ~P horizontal + ~P riser .....(2) the commingle flow from several wells .

At present, various programs are available to (5)Pressure loss calculation is performed


and wellhead downstream choke The field correction factor C 1 and C 2 were
pressure for each node is calculated evaluated using actual well prodution data with
forward through an increasing depth critical flow as follows:
order starting from the separator
pressure (Forwardtracking). C 1 = 0.76 and ..... (5)

(6)Using each wellhead pressure The flow through a choke size of 72/64" or
(upstream choke) by well inflow larger size usually becomes a sub-critical flow
performance and the calculated in our field. As mentioned in the previous
downstream choke pressure, choke section, sub-critical flow rate expressed in
performance calculation is carried out Equation (1) is a function of square root of the
to obtain the production rate. pressure drop across the restriction (P 1 - P2 ).
Therefore the correction to Equation (4) was
(7)lf the calculated production rate by made by a function of (PiPl)' In this study, the
choke performance calculation in step correction factor is introduced as follows:
(6) is different from the input
production rate, go back to step (3)
and network calculation is to be for
repeated until the difference between ..... (6)
calculated and input production rate is
within the allowable tolerance. f (P 2 /P 1 ) is a function of choke size and the
experimental coefficients, which were derived
as shown in Figure-6. The critical pressure ratio
FIELD APPLICATION was assumed to be 0.60 from the producing fluid
properties. The comparison with the calculated
(1) CHOKE PERFORMANCE CORRELATION production rate using the choke performance
program and the actual production rate was
In this study, Ashford formula(5)was applied
plotted as shown in Figure-7. Reasonable
to predict producing rate. The correction factor
agreement was obtained between two values.
of the formula was determined using the actual
field data. Reliable calculation results were
The Ashford formula for critical flow regions
(QAshfard) is defined as follows:
The present A and 8 flow station flowline
networks are schematically drawn in Figure-8
D2.P.~ and 9, respectively. 8y using the actual flowline
Q =1.53. -C-.-D-.-',
c 1 ..... (3)
Ashford , E=+=F=='" sizes, lengths, and elevations, both the A and 8
V8a wo
flowline network models were constructed as
shown in Figure-10 and 11, respectively. In the
Figures-10 and 11, the number in the circle
A=T.Z.(R p -R s)+151· P 1 ..... (3.a) shows the node number. For example, Node #1
is fixed to the flow station separator and Node
8 = 'Yo + 0.000217· 'Yg ' R s + F wa' 'Yw ••••• (3.b) #2 shows the flow station header.
Actual operational data were input into both
C=T·Z· (R p -R s )+111. P 1 ..... (3.c) the A and 8 flowline network models. In order to
match with the measured data, pipe roughness
0= 'Yo + O. 000217 ''Y g.R p + F wo' 'Yw ..... (3.d) of each flowline, header, and riser was used as
a correction factor. Table-1 shows the
And the final form for the critical flow rate is comparison of the measured wellhead pressure
given as: (after choke) and the pressure calculated by the
model. It is noted that Well Nos. 82, 84, and 88
QCritical = C1 • Q Ashford + C2 ..... (4 ) have no wellhead choke. Good matching was


obtained in both the A and 8 flowline network ability should be avoided due to the increase
models. back pressure resulting from transferring oil to
the A flow station. Selection of wells to be
transferred to A station were decided upon
Fl:SULlS AND DISCUSS!CH) OF QP11IAlZAllON EFFORT combining well inflow and outflow performance
analysis with flowline network model. As a
As mentioned in the previous section, typical example, in the Appendix, detail
according to the gas lift conversion schedule, discussions of inflow and outflow performance
the current total well production ability of 8 flow analysis with flowline network model are
station wells exceeds the handling capacity of described for the Jacket No. A1, which has Well
the 8 flow station. The current total well Nos. 812, 813, 814, and 815, where new
production ability of A flow station wells, flowline is proposed.
however, is quite less than the handling It is proposed that 3 new flowlines be laid to
capacity of the A flow station. The above transfer 8 station wells to A flow station (These
situation will deteriorate in the near future when are shown by dotted lines in Figures-8 and 10.).
the 8 flow station is operated at maximum Also, it is proposed that the size of one flowline
production level (maximum production case). to 8 station be enlarged (This is shown by bold
This is listed in Table-2. line in Figures-9 and 11.). 8y laying 3 new
In the 8 flow station maximum production flowlines, oil from 10 wells (Well Nos. 812 - 18,
case, back pressures are calculated based on 824 - 26) can flow either to the A or to the 8 flow
expected each well ability by using the 8 station, thereby making the operation more
flowline network model. The results of 8 flow flexible. In the 8 flowline network, enlarging a
station maximum production case are listed in flowline size from 6" to 8" (Flowline from Well
Table-3. It is observed that the pressure loss Nos. 819, 20, and 21 to 8 station shown in
from the flow station header to the separator is Figure-11) solves the problem of back pressure
18 psi, which is more than double compared increase which causes the restriction of well
with the present operating condition, used in the production ability. About 40 psi reduction of
case of model matching. Also it is observed that back pressure of this line by changing the
the back pressures of all the wells are flowline size from 6" to 8" is to be achieved in 8
increased. As seen in Table-3, there are 8 wells flowstation maximum production case.
whose back pressure is increased more than 30 8y applying the above flowline network
psi. Such back pressure increase affects well modification, the most optimum production
production ability because of the change in the pattern in both the A and 8 flow stations can be
flow region from critical to sub-critical. Given the obtained. Total flow rate, assigned well
economic restraint of minimizing new numbers, and calculated back pressures in this
investment, the laying of new flowlines to case are listed in Table-4. 8y this modification,
transfer excess oil from 8 flow station wells to A 30 M80PD of production increase is to be
flow station will be the best means of handling expected.
the available oil in the 8 flow station maximum
production case due to the fact that the handling
capacity of A flow station allows the oil rate CONCLUSIONS
increase to be handled in A flow station.
Several case runs have been made to obtain (1)A well choke performance model for Khafji
field optimum production by using the flowline crude was developed. The model is based
network models. Selection of new flowline on the Ashford formula with field
routes for the optimized condition are carefully correction factors. It covers both critical
investigated by nodal analysis in the runs of and sub-critical regions.
several flowline network models. in order to
check the sensitivity of the production patterns. (2)Flowline network models were constructed
Special care was taken to the selection of the for all flow stations in Khafji field. The
wells to be transferred to A flow station. Any model can simulate from each wellhead
significant reduction in expected well production through the flowlines to the flow station


separator in any operating conditions, Pinllow = Wellhead pressure (after choke)

such as a multi-well flowing condition and calculated by inflow, (psia)
changing separator pressure. POUIfIOW = Wellhead pressure (after choke)
calculated by outflow, (psi a)
(3)A field scale optimization study was Psep = Separator pressure, (psia)
carried out by utilizing the developed Pl = Upstream choke pressure, (psi a)
flowline network models combined with P2 = Downstream choke pressure,
well inflow and outflow performance (psia)
analysis. PR = Reservoir static pressure, (psi a)
The following facility modifications for the o = Flow rate, (STBD for oil, SCFD for
optimized field scale production are gas)
proposed: 0Ashlord = Oil flow rate by the Ashford
formula, (STBD)
1.Laying 3 new (8") flowlines to the A flow 0Critical = Oil flow rate at critical condition,
station to transfer excess oil from the B (STBD)
to the A flow station. 00 = Oil flow rate through choke,
2.Re-laying the bigger size (from 6" to 8") Rp = Producing GOR, (SCF/STB)
of one flowline to B station to reduce Rs = Solution GOR, (SCF/STB)
back pressure of the flowline. T = Choke temperature, (OF)
Z = Gas deviation factor, (frac.)
(4)By applying the proposed modification in
the above, 30 MBOPD of production
increase is to be achieved. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

The authors wish to express their

appreciation to the followings:
-The management of Arabian Oil Company,
= Cross sectional area of the choke, and the Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral
(ft2) Resources, Saudi Arabia for permission to
= Oil formation volume factor, publish this paper,
C = Flow coefficient -Mr. A.R. Hazim, Superintendent of
Dc = Choke size, (/64 inch) Production Department, and other
APchoke = Pressure drop across choke colleagues in Arabian Oil Company for their
(P l - P2 ), (psi) valuable suggestions and comments.
APdrawdown= Pressure drawdown in the
reservoir, (ps!i)
APllowline = Pressure drop in the flowline, REFERENCES
APhorizontal= Pressure drop in horizontal pipe, 1.Gilbert, W.E.,: "Flowing and Gas-Lift Well
(psi) Performance", API D. and P.P., 1954, P126
APrlser = Pressure drop in riser, (psi)
APtotal = Total Pressure drop in pipe, (psi) 2.Ros, N.C.J.,: "An Analysis of Critical
APyertical = Pressure drop in the production Simultaneous Gas/Liquid Flow Through a
string, (psi) Restriction and its Application to Flow
= Water oil ratio, (frac.) Metering", Appli. Sci. Res., 1960,9, Section
= Fluid density, (Ibm/fe) A, P374
= Oil gravity, (water = 1)
= Gas gravity, (air = 1) 3.Poettmann, F.,H., and Beck, R.L.,: "New
= Water gravity, (water = 1) Charts Developed to Predict Gas-liquid


Flow through Chokes", World Oil, Mar. designed rate can be achieved by increasing
1963, P95 the injection gas volume. Then, for the purpose
of selecting the flow station for Well Nos. 814
4.0mana, R., et al.,: "Multiphase Flow through and 815, inflow and outflow performance curves
Chokes", SPE 2682, presented at 44th are plotted in Figure-A2 for Well No. 814 and in
Annual Fall Meeting, Denver, Colo., Sept., Figure-A3 for Well No. 815, respectively. 80th
1969 inflow and outflow node pressures are
calculated as below:
5.Ashford, F.E,: "An Evaluation of Critical
Multiphase Flow Performance through Pin! low =PR - ~P d r a _ - ~ vertical - ~P choke
Wellhead Chokes", JPT Aug., 1974 .... (A.1 )

6.Fortunati, F.,: "Two-Phase Flow Through Poutflow = Psep + ~P flowline ..... (A.2)
Wellhead Chokes", SPE 3742, Presented at
SPE European Spring Meeting, May, 1972
In order to check with the serverest cases,
7.Eaton, 8.A., Andrews, D.E., Knowles, C.E., the outflow performance curve from A station
Silberberg, I.H., and 8rown, K.E.,: "The was calculated in the maximum transfer case on
Prediction of Flow Patterns, Liquid Holdup the assumption that all 10 wells are to be
and Pressure Losses Occurring During transfered. The outflow performance curve from
Continuous Two-Phase Flow in Horizontal 8 station was calculated in the case of 8 station
Pipelines", Trans. AIME, 1966 maximum production. From Figures-A2 and A3,
the well production ability in such cases are
8.Dukler,· A.E.,: "Gas-liquid Flow in summarized as. in Table-A1. As seen in
Pipelines", American Gas Association, Table-A1, in the maximum A station transfer
American Petroleum Institute, Vol.1, case, Well No. 814 shows less production loss
"Research Results", May, 1969 (600 80PD) than that of Well No. 815 (1400
80PD). Therefore, it has been decided to
9.8eggs, H.D., and 8rill, J.P.,: "A Study of transfer Well No. 814 to A station and Well No.
Two-Phase Flow in Inclined Pipes", Trans. 815 to 8 station to minimize production loss due
AIME, 1973, P607 to back pressure increase.
As a result, in the proposed optimum case,
production loss of Well No. 814 is found to be
APPENDIX: VIIELL NFLON AND OUTFLON PEFF<Hv1ANCE negligible by proper well allocation (See
ANALYSLS FrnWELLNOO. 814AND 815 Table-4 and Figure-A2).

It is proposed that a new (8") flowline be laid

from Jacket J to A station. This is schematically
drawn in Figure-A1. There are 4 wells (812,
813, 814 and 815) on this jacket. 8y laying a
new flowline to A station, oil from 4 wells has a
flexibility to flow either to A or to 8 station. The
selections are to be at optimum condition. In the
near future (maximum production case), Well
No. 812 will be converted to the gas lift well at
the designed rate of 5000 80PD, and Well No.
813 will be no flow, and Well No. 814 and No.
815 will keep flowing .naturally at the rate of
7500 80PD (by 72/64" choke) and 4500 80PD
(by 64/64" choke), respectively. It was decided
in the analysis that Well No. 812 (a gas lift well)
be transferred to A station because the

$PE 21 41 <j
Table-I Matching Results of Flowline Network Model Table-3 Back Pressure Estimation in Case of Y4 Max. Production
A & B Flow Station

A Flow Station B Flow Station

Qo=72,7oo(B/D) Qo=74,OOO(B/D)
ICalc. PT.6P
(usia) (nsi)
ICalc. PI.6P
(psia) (psi)
Max. Case
Pressure(nsia) Pressure(psia)
Separator 144.7 144.7 - Separator 124.7 124.7 -
Header 154.7 154.7 0 Header 132.4 132.4 0 124.7 0
Separator 124.7
Well No. AI - - - Well No.BI - - Header 132.4 143,1 10.7
Well No. A2 215 214 I Well No. B2(0) 390 387 3 WellNo. Bl - - -
WellNo. A3 - - - Well No.B3 170 170 0 Well No. B2(0) 390 392 2
Well No. A4 - - - Well No. B4(0) 240 241 -I Well No. B3 170 205 (G) 35
Well No. A5 245 245 0 Well No.B5 - - - Well No.
Well No.
WellNo. A6 - Well No.B6 - - -
Well No. A7 230 229 I Well No.B7 - - - Well No. B6 - 187 (G) -
Well No. A8 205 206 -I Well No. B8(0) 215 215 0
WellNo. B7 - 183 -
Well No. B8(0) 215 224 9
WellNo. A9 205 204 I Well No.B9 155 154 I (G)
Well No. B9 155 175 20
Well No. AIO 270 272 -2 Well No.BIO - - Well No. BIO - 174 (G) -
WellNo. All 270 270 0 Well No.BII - - Well No. BII - - -
Well No. AI2 - - - Well No.BI2 165 166 -I Well No. B12 165 181 16
Well No. AI3 - - - Well No.B13 175 175 0 Well No. BI3 175 - -
Well No. AI4 - - - Well No. BI4 170 175 -5 Well No. BI4 170 185 -
Well No. AI5 215 215 0 Well No.BI5 170 170 0 Well No. B15 170 180 10
Well No.BI6 165 162 3 Well No. B16 165 198 33
Well No. AI6 265 263 2
WellNo. B17 165 206 41
WellNo. AI7 - - - Well No.BI7 165 168 -3
Well No. BI8 165 200 35
Well No. AI8 - - Well No.BI8 165 161 4
Well No. B19 175 215 (G) 40
Well No. AI9 255 254 I Well No.BI9 175 174 I Well No. B20 175 218 (G) 43
Well No. A20 - - - Well No.B20 175 177 -2 Well No. B21 175 215 40
Well No. A21 265 264 I Well No.B21 175 176 -I Well No. B22 - 292 (G) -
Well No. A22 265 264 I Well No.B22 - - - Well No. B23 - 337 (G) -
Well No. A23 265 265 0 Well No.B23 - - - Well No.
Well No.
(G) 31
WellNo. A24 265 267 -2 Well No.B24 170 170 0
-21 Well No.B25 170 164 6 Well No. B26 170 196 26
Well No. A25 295 316
Well No. B27 215 227 12
Well No. A26 - - - Well No.B26 170 164 6
Well No. B28 - - -
Well No. A27 290 307 -17 Well No.B27 215 215 0
Well No. A28 290 294 -4 Well No.B28 - - -
(0) : Choke is not installed at Wellhead.
(0) : Choke is not installed at Wellhead. (G) : Converted to Gas Lift Well

Table-4 Optimum Case Runs

A Flow Stat~~r ~~timum Case B Flow ~ti?n ~Ptimum Case

00z122,400 BID 00=76,400 BID
separator 144.7 Separa or
Header 167.3 Header ~~::~
Well No. A1 249 Well No. B1
Well No. A2(G) 229 Well No. B2(0) 388
Well No. A3
Well No. A4(G) 245
- Well No. B3 (G)
Well No. B4(0)(G)
Well No. A5(G) 265 Well No. B5 (G) 187
Well No. A6 230 Well No. B6 (G) 178
Table-2 Well Ability vs. Flow Station Handling Capacity Well No. A7(G) 249 Well No. B7 172
Well No. A8(G) 300 Well No. B8(0) 217
Well No. A9
Well No. A10 302
- Well No. B9 (G)
Well No. B10 (G)
Well No. A11 299 Well No. B11 -
Flow FS Nominal Well Ability Well Ability Well No. A12 230 Well No. B12 A Station
Well No. A13 - Well No. B13 -
Station Handling Capacity Present stage Near Future Well No. A14 267 Well No. B14 A Station
Well No. A15 265 Well No. B15 155
(liQuid) (Oill (Oil) Well No. A16 309 Well No. B16 145
Well No. A17 Well No. B17 A Station
A 150,000 88,000 93,000 Well No. A18 Well No. B18 A Station
Well No. A19 308 well No. B19 (G) 171
B 75,000 77,000 106,000 Well No. A20 303 Well No. B20 (G) 174
Well No. A21 315 Well No. B21 171
Well No. A22 313 Well No. B22 (G) -
(Unit BID) Well No. A23 337 Well No. B23 (G) -
Well No. A24 338 Well No. B24 (G) 172
Well No. A25 362 Well No. B25 A Station
Well No. A26 354 Well No. B26 A Station
Well No. A27 378 Well No. B27 218
Well No. A28 367 Well No. B28
Well No. B12(G) 277
Well No. B13
Well No. B14 279
- (0) : Choke is not installed
Well No. B15 B Station at Wellhead.
Well No. B16 B Station (G) : Converted to Gas Lift Well
Well No. B17(G) 298
Well No. B18(G) 294
Well No. B24 B Station

SPE 2 1 41 Cl

Khafji Field



Figure - 1 Location of Khafji Field

,/'p 0-••••••••.•
--- ---
"", ---
9 ,/ :B Flow Station
A Flow Station i../ :"••0 ............ ,

i/)~;;; {~~~~:.~=;;::.

.-•• -••••••.0

o well

Figure - 2 Offshore Oil Gathering System


SPE 2 1 41 i

Well No.B26

Figure - 3 Typical Wellhead Connection

80 .-----....,.---..,....---~--....,.---...,....---,...----i/--~::>I

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S: /
e o

0 Vo
=40 1------t----+-----+-----iJII"'-----+----t--------;----j
i :.e;;tL ! I " O cl O;;;.....•. , ..............••..............•..: ··11·····························+··················· .

~20 ~.o
.......... / °

0/o 20 40 60 80
Measured Pressure Drop (psi)

Figure-4 Pressure Drop in the Pipe

Comparison of Actual & Calculated Pressure Drop

SP£ 2 1 41 9,


Figure-SA Illustration of a Production System


Depth 0

Depth 1

Depth 2

Depth 3

Figure-58 Depth-first Ordering

0.9 I-······t·······
0.8 I-..... j

i:: ::F-
~ I-··r

0.4 1-.... ,
0.3 1-·····1
0.2 1- "1"" .

0.1 1- , j


o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0:9

Ratio of P2 and P1

Figure-6 Sub-Critical Flow Correction

$PE 21 41 9,


8000 ~
6000 V 0

:; 4000
AV< €I

32/64" f-

u 0
0 40,48/64"

o : 56, 64/64" l-



o V
o 2000 4000 6000 8000

Measured Rate (STB/D)

Figure-7 Measured Rate VS. Calculated Rate

Flow o
Station r-------"1o
o to B Flow Station

o ., o

o Well Jacket J

..... o
to B Flow Station

to B Flow Station

o o Well

o D Well Jacket

Existing Flowlines

I I •• Proposed Flowlines

Figure-8 A Flow Station Flowline Network

01 10 o ------+1 0
Jr -
0 o o
~ r--
---, 1- B o
0 Flow
Station o
.... Well Jacl<et J
o o
o o
o o o
o Well

o o
o o D Well Jacket

Existing Flowlines

Figure- 9 B Flow Station Flowline Network

- Proposed Flowline
to Enlarge Size




DeptH AFlow Sta tion
....................... Proposed Line
DeptH AFlow Station Header


DeptH c£"CS"CS"Cb
B12 B13 B14 BIS


~ ..... ~ ......~
~ B17 B18

Figure - 10 A Flow Station Network Model

DeptH BFlow Station

Enlarging Flowline
DeptH BFlow Station Header


B2S B24 B26


Figure - 11 B Flow Station Network Model

Table-A1 Well Ability by Inflow & Outflow Performance Analysis

Well Present A Flow Station 8 Flow Station

No. Ability Transfer Case Max. Prod. Case
814 7,500 6,900 7,500
815 4,500 3,100 4,500

(Unit STB/D)

EXisting Flowlines
B Flow Station

Gas Line

Well Jacket J

A Flow station

Proposed New Flowline

0 1

Figure-A1 Proposed New Flowline from Well Jacket J

SPE 2 1 41 <J



l!! 300

1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Oil Rate (STB/D)

Figure-A2 Well No, 814 Inflow & Outflow Performance

Choke Size 48/64',72/64',96/64'


l!! 300
== l'IHHTiflillJJJ.ill

1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Oil Rate (STB/D)

Figure-A3 Well No, 815 Inflow & Outflow Performance

Choke Size 48/64',64/64',96/64'


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