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St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary

Roberts Road, Balby Doncaster

Phone – 01302344678
Fax – 01302 341231
OUR SCHOOL We’re on the Web!
See us at:
NEWSLETTER 19th November 2010

Milk money is now due for children in years 1 & 2 and reception. It is £9.50 for the
term. Can you please send the money in an envelop clearly marked with the amount,
your child’s name and class. Thank you.

Residential Trips
It will not be long before
Brigid are going to Austerfield
Bede will be having a great time at Hatfield Water Park
And Columba will be off on the train to Dobroyd Castle
To help with the cost of these we have a savings club if you would like to start
sending in money to help with payments please put the money in a envelop clearly
marked with your child’s name, class and the amount.

The St Francis Fun Factory still has spaces if you would like to use them. You don’t have to be working
to take advantage of the club you may just want a late night shop without the children or just time for
yourself. Opening hours are:
7.30 a.m. – 8.45 a.m. and 3.20 p.m.- 6.00 p.m.
To book a place, please ring or text: 07903583718 or school. New booking forms will be on the admin
notice board outside the school office or see Lynda Bowker (Office manager), Janet Howarth

WOW Sienna Thompson has passed her Ballet and Tap Exam WELL DONE !!!

First Holy Communion 2011 at St Peter In Chains

Preparation classes for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy
Communion will begin shortly. If you would like your child to be included
please complete and return the forms that are available at the back of
Church. These forms must be returned by 6th February at the latest.
Regrettably it is not possible to accept applications beyond this date.
For further parish information please visit the website at

First Holy Communion 2011 at The Sacred Heart Parish

Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion will
be starting soon. If you would like your child to be included please see
Fr Pat and watch this space for further details.
School lunches are £1.70 per day or £8.50 per week. Can you please send dinner
money in to school on a Monday morning in an, envelope with your child’s name,
class, amount and what it is for. If your child wishes to change from school lunches to
sandwiches, can you please give 2 weeks notice in writing to the office, as food
supplies have to be ordered 2 weeks in advance if this or anything else concerning
lunches is a problem please don’t hesitate to see Mrs. Bowker in the office.

The Little Church at St. Peter’s

The Little Church at St. Peter’s on Sunday mornings at 10am Mass. Following the Pope’s visit
we are trying to engage in a greater outreach to members of the Parish who may need a little
extra encouragement. The Little Church helps to engage the children, to meet new friends,
and to become familiar with the Parish Community and its workings at Mass on a Sunday
morning. It also helps the parents who may wish to attend Little Church themselves or remain
in church for the Mass. The children return to the church in time for the Offertory Procession.
While in the Parish Hall with the Leaders the children learn prayers, sing hymns and listen to
the Readings of Sunday. It also helps the families for Parish Preparation of the Sacraments of
First Holy Communion and Confirmation. All of this is an additional tier to help parents with
their responsibility in the Catholic upbringing of their children. See you on Sunday

Sacred Heart Church

There is a special children’s group run each Sunday for the young church community at Sacred
Heart Church. As said above, this group is worked with to support the children’s
understanding and development at a more appropriate level whilst the adults remain in the
church with the priest.

School Times
Just a reminder regarding school times
The children can come in to school from 8.45am. The gates will be closed at 8.55am if
children arrive after this time they will have to come to the front entrance so they can
be registered appropriately. If your child arrives after 9.00am they will be marked late
and persistent lateness can lead to involvement of the education welfare services.
School finishes at 3.20pm.
If you are delayed for any reason at the end of school and you know you will be late
please let school know. This can save a lot of distress for your child.
Can parents please remember they are responsible for their children
before school starts and after it has finished. Please do not let your
children climb on or over the school gates or wall as the children know
that this is NOT acceptable behaviour and a health and safety risk

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