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5/22/2020 Gmail - HISTORY 100

malvin itolondo <>

3 messages

okiamba Abobo <> Fri, May 22, 2020 at 3:15 AM

To: Marvin Itolondo Writer <>

Deadline: Today 15.00

CPP 250

Type: Essay (any type)

Service: Writing
Pages: 4 pages / 1100 words
Level: College
Language: English (US)
Topic: HISTORY 100
Subject: History
Sources: 2 sources required
Style: Chicago/Turabian


Select one of the following five essay prompts. You are to write a 5-7 page essay based on these
prompts. You do not need to conduct outside research and should only cite course readings you’ve
done or lectures we have had. The deadline for submission is on May 22nd (No late essays will be
accepted, so plan accordingly given the ongoing crisis). DO NOT PLAGIARISE. If you do you will
certainly fail. All submissions will be done through Blackboard. If you have specific questions please
email me via my gmail.
The During the Age of Revolutions, the American (1776-1783), the French (1789-1815), and the Haitian
(1791-1804) Revolutions were three of the most fundamental revolutions during this period. Discuss
what made these revolutions unique from one another and how they built on the success of one
Discuss the social and political importance of the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution to
Europe. How did these two historical processes differ and how did they complement one another? In
what ways, if any, did these processes affect political developments in Europe?
How was it possible for Spanish conquistadors to conquer the highly advanced Aztec and Inka
empires? What processes allowed for this and what are some of the myths associated with the
Discuss the Reconquista and its significance for the development of both feudalism and capitalism.
How did the ideology of the Reconquista, specifically Limpieza de Sangre, affect first the Iberian
peninsula and then how was it applied and transformed in the New World?
What categorizes the feudal mode of production as distinct from the capitalist mode of production?
Discuss the major classes in each system and how they operate under each economic model. What
are some of the key features of each system which clash against one another? Discuss the Asiatic
Mode of Production and how this relates to our understandings of both feudalism and capitalism.

malvin itolondo <> Fri, May 22, 2020 at 4:02 AM

To: okiamba Abobo <>

Ok, I will do it.… 1/2
5/22/2020 Gmail - HISTORY 100

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okiamba Abobo <> Fri, May 22, 2020 at 4:07 AM

To: malvin itolondo <>

Great, thanks!
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