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SECTION I : Read the following texts and answer questions 1-10. Choose
a, b, c or d.

4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with big yard and 2 garages next to Redwood

Park for only $200,000

For more information call 0171 346 8926

1. What does the text say about the house?

a. It's big but expensive.
b. It's big and cheap.
c. It's far from Redwood Park.
d. None

Hi Jerry,

I'm going to the department store. I want to buy a present for your brother's
birthday, some T-shirts for the kids and maybe a dress for me. Your dinner is in
the refrigerator.


2. Who's Jerry?
a. Beth's husband.
b. Beth's brother.
c. Beth's son.
d. None
He's young, he's famous, he's Robbie Wilson, the Irish singer with the No.1 hit
Me & You! Robbie lives in London but he often travels around the world giving
concerts. He loves visiting new places and meeting new people. There's only
one thing Robbie doesn't really like about his job and that is traveling by plane!
He even hates being at an airport! This evening he is flying to New York. Poor

3. What is Robbie Wilson's problem?

a. He hates traveling abroad.
b. He doesn't like flying.
c. He doesn't have any free time.
d. None

Hi Tracey,
How are you? We've just moved into our new house and I'm so happy! You
see, I have my own room now! It's so cool! The house is so big that Mom is still
decorating it. It has also a yard where we can sit on sunny days. Please come
and visit us on the weekend.

4. Why is Jessica excited?

a. Because the house is big.

b. Because the house has a yard.
c. Because she has her own room.
d. None
Dear Linda,

I'm writing to you from Edinburgh, Scotland's beautiful capital. We're having a
great time! It's snowing at the moment but the streets are crowded with
people shopping or just looking around. You see, the city is famous for its
New Year's celebrations and everyone looks so excited and happy. I'm
coming back in a week. See you then! Oh, and Happy New Year!


5. What is Karen not talking about?

a. What the weather is like.
b. What people are buying.
c. What is happening in Edinburgh.
d. None

Dear Kate,

I'm really looking forward to your visit. Don't try to find my house on your own.
My brother or I will pick you up at the station. Just let me know what time
your train arrives. One thing is for sure: we're going to have a brilliant time in
Poole next weekend!


6. What should Kate do?

a. Wait at the station.
b. Go to Ken's house.
c. Send an e-mail to Ken's brother.
d. None
Located between the desert mountains and the cool, blue waters of the
Red Sea, is the luxurious Eilat Princess Hotel. The EPH has three different
function rooms with audiovisual equipment available to its guests. Sit back
and relax while the hotel organizes your conferences, meetings, or other
events. After work, enjoy great food in one of the hotel's restaurants, relax
in the pool, enjoy a game of tennis, or just put your feet up.

7. Which of the following can't you do at the Eilat Princess Hotel?

a. Swim.
b. Water sports. c.
d. None

The Chinese New Year is one of the world's most colorful and important
celebrations. There are noisy parades and dragon dances not only in
China but in all the areas where Chinese people live around the world.
The festival celebrates the beginning of the new year. Before celebrations
begin, Chinese families clean their houses and buy colorful plants and flowers
to bring them good luck for the new year.

8. How do the Chinese celebrate New Year?

a. They buy colorful flowers.
b. They clean their houses.
c. They organize parades and dances.
d. None
The ancient Olympic Games first took place in Olympia, Greece, in 776
BC. After taking place for 1169 years, they stopped. Then, in 1894, a
Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, had an idea. He wanted to organize the
first modern Olympic Games. Two years later, his dream finally came true
and the first modern Olympics took place in Athens, Greece. They were
quite a success and twelve countries took part, including Greece, France,
England, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary and the United States.

9. When did the first modern Olympics take place?

a. In 1169.
b. In 1894.
c. In 1896.
d. None

Dear Dr Simpson,

I am 19 years old, I never have coffee, sugar, or fast food and I exercise
3-4 times a week. However, I am not feeling very well these days.
I feel tired, I don't sleep well, I've lost my appetite and I think I've
lost weight. I took some vitamins but they didn't help. What should I do?


10. Why is Yvonne writing to the doctor?

a. She believes her lifestyle is unhealthy.

b. She thinks she doesn't eat the right kind of food.

c. She believes she looks after herself but still has health problems.
d. None
Read the following texts and answer questions 11-20. Choose a, b, c or

Bateaux London and the British Airways London Eye have teamed up to
offer two vacation packages. The Dinner Cruise combines a four-course
meal and live entertainment with a flight on the BA London Eye for $130
per person. The Sunday Lunch Cruise includes a three-course meal and
live jazz together with a BA London Eye flight, starting from $85 per

11. What is the best title for the text?

a. London Cruise Offer

b. Dinner with Entertainment c.
A Weekend in London
d. None

One Saturday my friends and I were in town checking out the latest
hits in a record store. While we were looking around, they put on my
favorite song and I started singing along to the music. Suddenly, I
saw a group of people looking at me. I turned and looked at my pals.
They were killing themselves laughing! Obviously, I had been singing
loudly and really badly. I made a fool of myself!

12. What happened to the writer of this text?

a. He sang along beautifully to the music.
b. He didn't like the music he heard.
c. He found himself in an embarrassing situation.
d. None

Dear Millie,

I've heard about dry shampoo where you don't have to wash your hair as with
normal shampoos. I've asked at the local drugstore but they've never heard
of dry shampoo. I've also checked at the supermarket but no luck! Can you tell
me exactly what it is and where I can find it?

Julie, Boston
13. Why did Julie write this letter?

a. To talk about her hair problem.

b. Because she wants information about something.
c. To recommend a new product.
d. None

by Stephen King
Carrie White is not popular because she's not cool. So, nobody talks to her at
school. She always knew that she was different, but when her strange powers
begin to develop, she knows that she is special. Suddenly, one night things go
wrong in the most horrible way. A classic that is still as frightening as it was
nearly thirty years ago.

14. Who do you think shouldn't read this book?

a. Anyone who is under thirty years old.
b. Anyone who is easily scared.
c. Anyone who loves horror movies.
d. None

The Mary Rose was built between 1510 and 1511 and was lost in 1545.
For many years, the Mary Rose was Henry VIII's favorite warship, fast and
successful. And yet she sank - on a fine summer day as she sailed
into action against the French. She remained at the bottom of the sea until
October 1982 when she was brought safely back to her home port. Now you
have the chance to step back in time and visit one of Britain's most famous

15. Where is the text taken from?

a. A novel.
b. A brochure.
c. A history book.
d. None

I feel British although both my parents, who own a Chinese restaurant in

Bangor, North Wales, were born in Hong Kong. They came over just before I
was born because my grandfather thought there would be more opportunities
for them in Britain. I've been to China only once and I liked it a lot. It's so
different from the Welsh countryside. I have lots of friends from different
countries, from Chinese and British to Greeks and South Africans. I often
cook Chinese for them. They love it!

16. Where was the writer of the text born?

a. In Britain.
b. In China.
c. In Hong Kong.
d. None

For a really good night's entertainment why not go along and see Mick
Hodges's latest movie “I spy”? Though I found Hedi Lopez's performance
disappointing and the special effects could have been improved on, the
storyline and the plot more than made up for it and Jed Baxter was brilliant
in his role.

17. Which of the following statements would the writer of the text agree with?

a. The movie was disappointing.

b. The special effects were wonderful.
c. The movie was enjoyable.
d. None
A woman with a stolen passport was arrested yesterday at Dublin Airport
while she was checking in. According to the police, the passport had the
name of a woman whose purse had been stolen in a Dublin restaurant last
month. However, the photograph on the passport had been replaced by a
photograph of the woman that was arrested. The police are investigating
the matter to find out whether the woman has stolen other passports as well.

18. Why was the woman arrested?

a. Because she used to steal passports.
b. Because she changed the photograph on her passport. c.
Because the passport she had didn't belong to her.
d. None

The display includes an embroidered pink silk dress with matching

bolero jacket designed by Catherine Walker and worn by Princess Diana
to a state banquet in India in 1992. You'll also see the blue silk dress by
Victor Edelstein worn to the dinner at the White House in

1985, at which the Princess delighted guests by dancing with John


19. Where is the text taken from?

a. A biography about Princess Diana.
b. A brochure about an exhibition.
c. An article about fashion designers.
d. None
Try to get cash out during the day and when you're with someone. Don't
visit the machine if there are other people around and don't let anyone else
know your PIN (Personal Identification Number). Put your money and your
wallet away before leaving. Don't just stand there chatting to your friends or
on your cell phone.

20. Who is this warning aimed at?

a. People standing in line in the bank to make a withdrawal.
b. People taking money out of a bank cash machine.
c. People who don’t know how to use a bank cash machine.
d. None

In this section of the test, you will read some short passages and answer some
questions about them. Choose the word or words that best complete the
Passage 1 : What are you doing this weekend?
MARA: “Sunday is the day when I usually have lunch with my friends downtown.
But this week there’s a concert on Saturday, so I’ll see my friends then. Sunday
I’m staying home”.

21.- This Saturday Mara’s going to ___________.

a.- stay at home
b.- have lunch downtown
c.- go to a concert
d.- fix lunch for her friends
Passage 2 : What do you do ?

TONY PÉREZ : “I’m a flight attendant with a major airline. Flying isn’t dangerous,
but it can be stressful. When I’m up in the air working, I always have something
to do. I like it because I meet a lot of interesting people.

22.- Tony’s job is ____________.

a.- busy
b.- easy
c.- relaxing
d.- boring

Passage 3 : A vacation postcard

Hi Andre,

Greetings from Mexico. It’s really great to be away from school. I was traveling
with Paul, but he got homesick and now I’m by myself. I have a tent and two
sleeping bags, so why don’t you come on down? We could go to the beaches,
see the sights. And it doesn’t cost much to stay here. Think about it, OK ?

23.- Todd wants Andre to ____________.
a.- stay in school
b.- find a doctor
c.- send him money
d.- come to Mexico
Passage 4 : Concentration, a special talent.
People who have the capacity for intense concentration have a great advantage.
Such people have the ability to ignore stimuli (sights, sounds or anything that can
distract a person) and are more likely to stay with the task at hand and solve it.
This ability can make all the difference between winning and losing in certain
situations – for example, for the championship runner competing for a gold medal
at the Olympics.

24.- In this reading, concentration refers to a person’s ability to

a.- stay in one place
b.- focus on a task
c.- hear certain sounds
d.- ignore instructions

25.- Athletes who can concentrate are more likely to __________.

a.- compete
b.- win
c.- relax
d.- run

Passage 5 : Henry Ford and the Model-T

Henry Ford became famous and rich because he found a better, faster way to build
cars. This is shown in the history of the Model-T. When the Model-T was first
introduced in 1908, it took 14 hours to build and cost $850. After Ford introduced
into his own factory that mass-production techniques that he saw in a meat-
packing plant, the time for building a Model-T was reduced to less than two hours.
As a result, Ford was able to drop the price of the car to $ 265. By 1927, he had
sold over 15 million Model-Ts.
26.- The first Model-T was expensive because it __________.
a.- was new
b.- was very popular
c.- took a long time to build
d.- was built in a factory

27.- The Model-T became so popular because it was ___________ than

other cars.
a.- newer
b.- faster
c.- better
d.- cheaper

Passage 6. It’s a big country!

When visitors to the United States leave the crowded cities of the East Coast or
Midwest, they are likely to comment on the use of space. Boston, New York,
Philadelphia, and even the central part of Chicago may look similar to great cities
anywhere in the world. However, urban areas in other parts of the country, and
specially those in the “wide West”, look different. Take Denver or Los Angeles, for
example. Although statistics show that many people there live in apartments,
these buildings are small compared to the multi-storied apartment blocks of
Moscow, Cairo and Beijing. The mid-size city of Tucson, Arizona (population
700,000), which developed in a broad desert valley with several streams to feed it,
covers an area larger than all of Chicago ( population 7 million). In Tucson, most
people live in individual houses. They drive their cars (or pickup trucks) to work
and shop in large shopping malls with huge parking lots. Perhaps it’s the farmer or
cowboy influence: each family has its own “horse” and its own piece of land.
28.- Visitors to the United States often comment on the use of space
in ____________.
a.- Boston, New York and Philadelphia.
b.- the central part of Chicago.
c.- large apartment buildings
d.- urban areas of the West.

29.- According to the article, apartment buildings in Moscow, Cairo,

and Beijing are often __________ than those in Denver and Los
a.- smaller
b.- taller
c.- more expensive
d.- more beautiful

30.- The average person in Tucson lives ___________.

a.- in a house
b.- near his or her job
c.- on a farm
d.- next to an apartment

31.- The article implies that in building cities today, Americans are
influenced by ___________.
a.- cities on the East Coast
b.- their farming tradition
c.- Moscow, Cairo and Beijing
d.- the need for more apartments
Passage 7 : Staying in touch
People don’t need to be in close physical contact to feel “ connected” emotionally.
Over the years, various means of communication have been used to enable
human beings to keep in contact with one another. Letters, telegrams, and
telephones have allowed individuals located in different places to share news and
to interact with family, friends, and business relationships.

In today’s world, with more and more people on the move, long-distance
communication has become even more important. At the same time, changes in
technology, particularly the introduction of computers and the increasing use of
electronic mail, have made it easier than ever to stay in contact. There are two
main reasons why e-mail has become so widespread: time and money. Although
mail service and telephones can be found almost everywhere, a letter can take a
long time to arrive and phone calls are often quite expensive.

E-mail seems to be replacing other forms of communication for many purposes.

As the use of computers has spread, many people use e-mails rather than regular
mail to send personal messages. Because it has become so easy to send
pictures and information via the Internet, it has also become commonplace to use
e-mail in business. E-mail has even given rise to a new type of communication,
the “chat room”, where groups of people who do not know each other personally
can talk about topics of mutual interest. While some people are enthusiastic about
communication in the modern age, others regret the growing depersonalization
brought on by the use of e-mail. Communication has become so easy and yet so
removed from the normal process of face-to-face interaction that researchers have
concluded that a whole new culture of communication may be forming.

32.- The main idea of the article is that ___________.

a.- these days people don’t communicate enough
b.- modern means of communication cost too much.
c.- letter and phone calls are more effective
d.- e-mail is changing the way we live

33.- Modern communications enable people to ___________.

a.- see each other more often
b.- write more letters and telegrams
c.- keep in contact with one another
d.- move from place to place quickly

34.- In comparison with a telephone call, e-mail is ___________.

a.- more acceptable
b.- more personal
c.- slower
d.- cheaper

35.- _________ is a new type of communication made possible by

a.- A personal message
b.- A chat room
c.- Long-distance discussion
d.- Sending information

Passage 8 : Headaches

Everyone has experienced headaches, but only recently have medical researchers
begun to learn more specifically about the causes and possible treatments for
different types of headache pain.
The most common type of headache is the simple tension headache. Tension
headaches are usually mild and short-lasting and can result from various factors,
such as stress caused by worry or noise. Tension headaches are caused by a
tightening of the neck or back muscles, which slows the flow of blood and,
therefore, oxygen to the brain. It is the lack of oxygen that causes the pain. Most
headaches can be relieved by taking a mild analgesic such as aspirin. Analgesics
expand the blood vessels and restore the normal flow of blood and oxygen to the
A more serious type of headache is the migraine. Migraine headaches are often
extremely painful and can last for hours or days. Like tension headaches, they
can be the result of different factors, including stress, hormonal changes, and
allergies. Unlike tension headaches, however, they are caused by an abnormal
expansion or swelling (rather than a contraction) of the blood vessels within the
head. Medicines that shrink swollen blood vessels can be used to treat migraine
A tiny minority of headaches can be linked to severe physical problems such as
head injury or brain tumors. For these types of headaches, there are medicines
to treat the symptoms, but there is no cure unless the underlying problem is
36.- This article discusses the ____________.
a.- tiny minority of people who have headaches.
b.- history of medical research into headaches
c.- causes and remedies for headaches
d.- physical problems causes by headaches.

37.- A tension headache can result when ____________.

a.- the neck and back muscles relax
b.- people get injured in an accident
c.- the flow of blood is restricted
d.- too much oxygen goes to the brain

38.- Migraine headaches ___________.

a.- are the most common kind of headache
b.- usually last only a few minutes
c.- can cause extreme pain
d.- have one main cause

39.- Medicines for migraines ___________.

a.- relax the head and neck
b.- generally relieve tension
c.- increase the flow of blood
d.- cause blood vessels to contract

40.- Headaches caused by serious physical problems ___________.

a.- can’t be treated
b.- don’t cause much pain
c.- have no symptoms
d.- are not very common


You will read some short passages and answer about them. Choose the word or
words that best complete the sentences.

Passage 1- What are you doing Today?

PEDRO: I usually go out with friends on Saturday night. But today´s Friday, and we
´re going out to a football game tonight. So tomorrow night I´m staying home.

41.- This Saturday night, Pedro is _____________ .

a.- playing football c.- staying home

b.- visiting friends d.- going out

Passage 2.- What do you do?

EILEEN SWEET: I´m a hostess at a big restaurant. I greet people at the door and
take them to their tables. Day after day, I always do the same thing. Someday I
hope to have a more interesting job, but it´s OK for now.
42.- Eileen thinks that her job is _____________ .

a.- difficult c.- important

b.- interesting d.- boring

Passage 3.- A Vacation postcard

Dear Seal,
Greetings from France – it´s so good to be back here again! We left the kids with
their grandparents in Chicago, and we´re biking across the French countryside by
ourselves. We brought a tent and sleeping bags, so we can camp out if we want to,
but we´re relly enjoying the small hotels we find along the way.
Michael and Paula

43.- Michael and Paula ______________ .

a.- have been to France before c.- are visiting their grandparents
b.- took their children with them d.- prefer to sleep outside

Passage 4.- Meditation

You observe a person in meditation. On the surface, he appears to be asleep, but

he´s simply in a trance - a kind ofhalf-sleep in which the person is conscious but
able to ignore the situation around him. For the meditator, the ability to concentrate
is so strong that everything around him - sounds, smells, movement - seems to
fade in importance. At the same time, decision making and deep thinking are often
greatly improved.

44.- In this reading, meditation refers to a person´s _____________ .

a.- state of mind c.- physical condition

b.- intelligence d.- ability to sleep

45.- Meditation doesn´t help a person _____________ .

a.- hear better c.- make decisions

b.- think deeply d.- ignore smells

Passage 5.- The Scot and the tea kettle

According to one story, a Scottish boy watched the steam lift the top off his mother
´s tea kettle and realized the power of steam to make machines work. That boy,
James Watt, would then go on to invent the modern steam engine in 1769.
Actually, the history of steam technology records the successful work of several
scientists and engineers before Watt. For example, in 1698, Thomas Savery had
introduced a simple steam pump to remove water from mines, and 14 years later
Thomas Newcomen invented a better pump. But these pumps weren´t efficient
because they used so much fuel. In 1769, the Scottish boy, James Watt, figured
out a way to save three-quarters of the fuel. To honor him, his last name became
the name of a unit of energy.

46.- The example of the boiling tea kettle shows that steam is
______________ .
a.- useful c.- powerful
b.- efficient d.- necessary
47.- The first steam engines _____________ .

a.- didn´t pump water c.- were difficult to make

b.- cost too much to build d.- used too much fuel

Passage 6.- It´s a big country!

When it comes to body weight, Americans stand out. Most visitors to the United
States, no matter where they go across this vast country, comment on the size of
many Americans. In fact, these impressions are backed by numerous statistics. For
example, the average 5´4´´ American weighs 162 punds, or 15 pounds more than
the average person of the same height from Western or Central Europe. Another
comparison: at 150 pounds, the average 5´4´´ American woman is 24 pounds
heavier than her Japanese counterpart.
Why are Americans so heavy? Some blame the American diet. Certainly it´s true
that Americans eat more high-fat foods - meat, dairy products, and processed food
- and fewer grains and vegetables than people in other countries.

But fat isn´t the whole story. Lifestyle factors - including the tendency for
Americans to drive rather than walk or ride a bicycle to work, to snack throughout
the day, and to have so many labor-saving devices in the home – appear to
contribute to the problem.

48.- According to the article, visitors to the United States often comment
on the size of ______________

a.- population c.- country

b.- cities d.- people

49.- According to the article, the average Western european weighs

_____________ .
a.- more than an American c.- less than an American
b.- more than a Central European d.- lesst than a Japanese person

50.- In comparison with Americans, people in other countries eat more

_____________ .
a.- meat c.- processed food
b.- dairy products d.- grains

51.- The article implies that Americans would lose weight if they
_____________ .
a.- snacked more often c.- stayed at home more
b.- rode bicycles to work d.- ate fewer vegetables

Passage 7.- Personality types

What makes people the way they are? Why so some people get angry easily,
others always seem to be cheerful, while still others are often depressed? The
early Greek doctor Hippocrates thought that personality was linked to the fluids that
were known to exist in the human body: the blood, the bile, the black bile, and the
phlegm. These fluids were called the four humors.He believed that inside each
person, one kind of body fluid was dominant and that this fluid - or humor -
caused a tendency toward a particular kind of behavior.
If the flood (sanguinis) was dominant, the person was sanguine, or cheerful and
willing to help others. If the yellow bile of the liver (called choler) was the most
important, the person would be irritable and quick to anger. If the person often sad
and depressed, the black fluid of the spleen and kidnneys (melan-choler or black
bile) was blamed. And the person who had too much phlegm (the thick mucus of
the nose and throat) was likely to be lazy, calm, and dull (not very intelligent).
Today we know that personality results from a combination of lifestyle and natural
factors, and has little or nothing to do with the balance of body fluids. However,
even today the words remain: humorous, sanguine, choleric, melancholy,
phlegmatic. Although psychologists no longer use them, they have become part of
common vocabulary - with some changes of course. For example, today to say that
a person is humorous means that the person laughs and makes others laugh, from
the idea of having "good" humor.

52.- According to the article, the early Greeks knew that ______________ .

a.- there are different fluids in the human body

b.- people who laugh a lot are humorous
c.- everyone shows the same basic behavior
d.- personality is the result of lifestyle factors

53.- For the early Greeks, humor was the name for a type of _____________
a.- personality type c.- natural fluid
b.- body part d.- internal organ

54.- Hippocrates believed that _____________ was dominant in a happy

a.- blood c.- black bile
b.- bile d.- phlegm

55.- Today the word humorous is used to describe a person´s

_____________ .
a.- blood type c.- personality
b.- lifestyle d.- body fluids

Passage 8.- Biofeedback

When biofeedback was first developed a number of year ago, it caused a lot of
excitement. People hoped that biofeed-back could be used to cure all kinds of
physical and mental problems.
Biofeedback is the name for a medical technique that helps people treat certain
problems by becoming more aware of their own bodies. In biofeedback,
instruments that measure bodily functions such as muscle tension, temperature,
and blood flow are attached to the body. The instruments produce signals - for
example, a series of sounds (beeps) or a flashing light - that the person can hear
or see. The patient then uses the information to help gain control over the function.

The most widely used biofeedback instrument is the electromyograph, or EMG.

The EMG is used to measure muscle tension. It is made up of several
electrodes, which are placed on the skin near a particular area, depending on the
symptom. For example, for headaches, a symptom often caused by excessive
tension in the neck muscles, the electrodes are placed on the forehead or near the
back of the neck. When the tension is present, the EMG produces a signal and the
patient is taught to respond by relaxing the appropriate muscles. In many cases,
the relaxation of these muscles causes the headache to go away.
While biofeedback has not turned out to be a cure-all, it has been used
successfully to treat a limited number of problems-especially those caused by
chronic tension.
56.- At first, people were very _____________ biofeedback.
a.- nervous about
b.- interested in
c.- familiar with
d.- opposed to

57.- Biofeedback instruments _____________ .

a.- act like a kind of medicine c.- are put on a patient´s body
b.- cause people to get excited d.- teach people to exercise

58.- Blood flow is an example of a _____________ .

a.- technique c.- function

b.- signal d.- problem

59.- The EMG _____________ .

a.- relaxes the muscles c.- causes movement

b.- measures tension d.- produces symptoms

60.- According to the article, biofeedback _____________ .

a.- is more popular than ever c.- cures all types of

b.- causes chronic tension d.- has had limited

B. Read items 61-120 and choose a, b, c or d.

61. not my size.

a. This shoes is
b. These shoes is c.
These shoes are
d. None

62. Our new are not very friendly.

a. friends
b. parents
c. neighbors
d. None

63. to make a cake?

a. How many eggs do we need
b. How much eggs do we need
c. How many eggs need we
d. None

64. I love skiing, it's .

a. glad
b. boring
c. fun
d. None

65. I want to buy this skirt it is very

a. and
b. but
c. so
d. None

66. The supermarket is _________________________________

a. on Baker Street near the park.

b. at Baker Street between the park.
c. to Baker Street on the park.
d. None
67. turn left, Mary!

a. Not
b. Doesn't
c. Don't
d. None

68. Jason the bus to work every day.

a. take
b. takes
c. is taking
d. None

69. The children like the party last

a. don't
b. didn't
c. weren't
d. None

70. My brother is married and wife is a

a. his
b. her
c. him
d. None

71. History is Philip's favorite .

a. subject
b. chapter c.
d. None

72. with my homework, please?

a. Could you help me
b. You can help me
c. Are you helping me
d. None

73. Do you know the name of __________________________ mountain in

the world?
a. the higher
b. highest
c. the highest
d. None
74. My cousin a party next Saturday.
a. has to
b. is going to have
c. had
d. None

75. Hugh always his birthday.

a. invites
b. arranges
c. celebrates
d. None

76. The doctor told me in bed for a

few days.
a. I stay
b. to stay
c. staying
d. None

77. Tom that movie yet.

a. hasn't seen
b. haven't seen
c. doesn’t see
d. None

78. My grandfather lives on an island in the middle of a big .

a. lake
b. desert
c. forest
d. None

79. There is to eat at home. Let's go

to a restaurant.

a. anything
b. something
c. nothing
d. None

80. Will you do me , please?

a. a favor
b. an appointment
c. homework
d. None
81. A: How are you?

B: ____________________________________________

a. I'm Cathy's brother.

b. Fine, thanks. And you?
c. I'm 25.
d. None

82. A: ____________________________________________

B: I'm a teacher.

a. How do you do?

b. What do you do?
c. Nice to meet you.
d. None

83. A: What's for dinner?

B: ____________________________________________
a. I'll have a sandwich, please.
b. Chicken, rice and salad.
c. Is there any spaghetti?
d. None

84. A: Kevin broke his leg yesterday.

B: ____________________________________________

a. Really? What's wrong?

b. Sorry! That's wrong.
c. Oh, dear. How did it happen?
d. None

85. A: John and I are going to the theater tonight. Would you like to come
with us?

B: ____________________________________________

a. I'd love to. What time do you want to meet?

b. Yes, and I really enjoyed it!
c. Sorry, but I'm busy now.
d. None
86. A: Guess who I saw at the airport! Jack Nicholson!

B: ____________________________________________
a. Long time no see!
b. Sounds interesting!
c. You're kidding!
d. None

87. A: I passed my driving test!

B: ____________________________________________

a. Congratulations!
b. Good luck!
c. Excuse me!
d. None

88. A: Sorry, Karen. I can't go shopping with you tomorrow afternoon. I just
remembered that I have an important meeting.

B: ____________________________________________

a. Get well soon!

b. Never mind. Maybe Molly will come with me.
c. Could we make it a bit later?
d. None

89. A: ____________________________________________

B: Well, there are some ways to know if your pet is OK or not. First…

a. Is there something wrong with my cat?

b. How can you tell if a cat isn't feeling well?
c. How is your cat?
d. None

90. A: I got a postcard from Helen yesterday!

B: ____________________________________________ She says she is
having a great time in Spain.

a. Me too!
b. Good for you!
c. Wait a minute!
d. None
Read items 91-120 and choose a, b, c or d.

91. I had the most ____________________________ experience last night.

a. furious
b. frightened c.
d. None

92. John ____________________________ how to download information

from the Internet, he will help you.
a. knows
b. is knowing c.
can know
d. None
93. ____________________________ the beach, we found an injured bird.
a. When we have cleaned up
b. As soon as we were cleaning up c.
While we were cleaning up
d. None

94. Do you have ____________________________ to the Internet?

a. control
b. access
c. entrance
d. None

95. There is not ____________________________ to go skiing this weekend.

a. snow enough
b. enough snow c.
too snow
d. None

96. A: How long ____________________________ English lessons?

B: For two years. I started when I finished elementary school.
a. have you been taking
b. have you been taken
c. have you taking
d. None

97. You ____________________________ take the bus, I'll drive you to work.
a. have to
b. needn't
c. should
d. None

98. That school started a special program to ________________________

paper, so that used paper can become something useful again.
a. recycle
b. pollute
c. improve
d. None

99. This skirt is on sale, there is a 40% ____________________________.

a. deposit
b. discount
c. charge
d. None

100. A: I don't really like playing tennis.

B: ____________________________.
a. Neither do I
b. So do I
c. I don't too
d. None

101. By next June Tim ____________________________ enough money

to buy a new car.

a. is saving up
b. will be saving up
c. will have saved up
d. None

102. Jenny would look after the kids for you if you ____________________
her to.
a. have asked
b. asked
c. will ask
d. None

103. Peter Sellers, ____________________________ played in The Pink

Panther, is my favorite actor.
a. that
b. which c.
d. None

104. I never have time to read more than the newspaper

________________. a. headlines
b. articles
c. sections
d. None

105. Not all journalists have ___________________________ information.

a. embarrassed
b. reliable
c. innocent
d. None

106. ____________________________, it was too late to go to the

movies. a. As soon as I finished
b. Before I had been finishing
c. By the time I had finished
d. None

107. You ____________________________ if you don't want to miss

your flight!
a. would rather hurry
b. had better hurry
c. shouldn't hurry
d. None

108. No one is answering the phone, they ____________________out.

a. can't have gone
b. could go
c. must have gone
d. None

109. At the end of the hour, our teacher told us that we could
______________ the test if we hadn't finished yet.
a. carry on with
b. carry out
c. get away with
d. None

110. My cousin ____________________________ cheating on his

final exams.
a. caught
b. had caught
c. was caught
d. None
111. A: Cindy, I'm afraid I can't make it to the dance tonight.

B: ____________________________

a. That's OK, I'll make it for you.

b. Oh, that's a shame!
c. OK. Let me know.
d. None

112. A: Why don't you buy that dress?

B: ____________________________

a. Well, I'm $10 short.

b. I like the sound of that.
c. So what?
d. None

113. A: Richard really went out of his way to help me.

B: ____________________________

a. Did he find his way in the end?

b. Yes, he's a good friend!
c. I can't believe my eyes!
d. None

114. A: Why don't you use your credit card to pay?

B: ____________________________

a. Well, first of all, I spend too much and then…

b. For this reason I don't like credit cards.
c. It's no wonder I don't like credit cards.
d. None

115. A: I'll never do that again, ____________________________!

B: Was it really that bad?

a. to my surprise
b. that's more like it
c. that's for sure
d. None
116. A: ____________________________? He looks terrible!
B: Well, he works very long hours and doesn't get enough sleep.
a. Is Joe up for it
b. What's up with Joe
c. Is Joe up yet
d. None

117. A: Will it take you long to fix the car?

B: Don't worry, Mrs Carson, we will have your car ready ______________.
a. for the time being
b. in no time
c. from time to time
d. None

118. A: We must do something about the traffic problem.

B: ____________________________. What do you suggest?

a. That's true
b. That's too bad
c. Take it easy
d. None

119. A: Hey, Martha, are you OK?

B: Not really. This morning I woke up with a terrible headache, and

__________________________, I left my purse in the taxi on my way to work!

a. let's face it
b. tell me about it
c. to make matters worse
d. None

120. A: Do you know anybody who would be good for the job?

B: Yes, actually, I ____________________________.

a. have someone in mind
b. know someone in charge
c. see what you mean
d. None
121. “Are the bags ready?”
“ Yes, __________”.
a.- they’re
b.- there are
c.- their
d.- they are

122. The gas station is ________ Main Street.

a.- on
b.- at
c.- next
d.- close

123. “ I can’t speak German”

“ __________ can I”.
a.- No
b.- Never
c.- Not
d.- Neither

124. David enjoys __________ sports on TV.

a.- watching
b.- watch
c.- to watch
d.- watched

125. These days, __________ women keep working after they get
a.- most
b.- most of
c.- almost
d.- the most

126. We’re very __________ about the news.

a.- excited
b.- exciting
c.- excite
d.- excitement

127. We hope __________ you again soon.

a.- see
b.- to see
c.- seeing
d.- that see

128. Mount Everest is ___________ mountain in the world.

a.- the high
b.- high as
c.- higher than
d.- the highest

129. Ted’s never gone mountain climbing, ________ he?

a.- does
b.- is
c.- has
d.- was
130. The package still hasn’t arrived. I wish I ________ it earlier.
a.- was sending
b.- had sent
c.- am sending
d.- have sent

131. Could you tell me where ___________?

a.- is the post office
b.- the post office is
c.- is it the post office
d.- it is the post office

132. Bill would have done something about the problem if he ______
about it.
a.- did know
b.- had known
c.- was known
d.- would know

133. I met Carl many years ago. _________ him for a long time.
a.- I’m knowing
b.- I’ve known
c.- I’d know
d.- I’ll know

134. The Taj Majal is really worth __________.

a.- to see it
b.- seeing
c.- you see it
d.- see

135. I’d play the piano better if I _________ more.

a.- practicing
b.- can practice
c.- practiced
d.- will practice

136. Would you mind _________ down the radio?

a.- turn
b.- to turn
c.- you turn
d.- turning

137. I was interested _________ the violin.

a.- to study
b.- study
c.- in studying
d.- studied

138. This fruit needs _______ before you eat it.

a.- to wash
b.- being washed
c.- you wash it
d.- to be washed

139. By this time tomorrow, _________ in Montreal.

a.- I’m arriving
b.- I’ve been arriving
c.- I’d arrive
d.- I’ll have arrived

140. “What happened to Kate?”

“She must _________ about our appointment.”
a.- forget
b.- be forgetting
c.- forgot
d.- have forgotten

141. Sue is used _________ up early.

a.- get
b.- getting
c.- to getting
d.- to get

142. The tie _________ costs only $10.

a.- that I like
b.- I like that
c.- what I like
d.- I like it

143. ________John, I like to cook.

a.- Unless
b.- Except
c.- Instead
d.- Unlike
144. Before _________ for work, I usually have a cup of coffee.
a.- to leave
b.- leaving
c.- that leave
d.- leave

145. I bought an audio course __________ I could improve my

a.- in order
b.- so that
c.- that
d.- in order to

146. For me, Mathematics is ________ difficult than Biology.

a.- more
b.- the more
c.- most
d.- the most

147. I’d prefer _________ at home this weekend.

a.- not stay
b.- no staying
c.- not to stay
d.- don’t stay

148. Susie feels really tired today. She should ________ to bed earlier last
a.- go
b.- have gone
c.- went
d.- be going

149. Jim’s boss demanded that he ________ to work earlier.

a.- has come
b.- coming
c.- is come
d.- come

150. The older I get, _________ I become.

a.- more impatient
b.- the more impatient
c.- most impatient
d.- the most impatient

151.- “Where are the stamps? “ “ _____________ on the desk.”

a.- There are c.- They

b.- They´re d.- Their

152.- I live _____________ 4040 Oak Avenue.

a.- on c.- in
b.- at d.- next

153.- “ I can´t swim very well “ “ I can´t _____________ .“

a.- too c.- so

b.- either d.- neither
154.- On weekends, we enjoy _____________ friends.

a.- visit c.- visiting

b.- to visit d.- to visiting

155.- _____________ everyone I know plays a musical instrument.

a.- The most c.- All

b.- Almost d.- Most of

156.- My new job is very _____________ .

a.- excitement c.- exciting

b.- excited d.- excite

157.- “ Is the report done yet? “ “No, but I hope _____________ it by

a.- finish c.- to finish
b.- that finish d.- finishing
158.- This apartment is _____________ one we’ve seen all week.

a.- cheaper than c.- the cheapest

b.- the cheap d.- the cheaper

159.- Bob’s never been bungee jumping, _____________ he ?

a.- is c.- does

b.- has d.- was
160.- I had an accident. I wish I _____________ more careful.

a.- was being c.- have been

b.- will be d.- had been

161.- Can you tell me where _____________ ?.

a.- is it the bank c.- it is the bank

b.- the bank is d.- is the bank

162.- If I had known about the accident, I _____________ it to the police.

a.- reported c.- was reporting

b.- would have reported d.- have been

163.- Janice moved to Paris. _____________ there for a year already.

a.- She’s living c.- She’s been living

b.- She lives d.- She was living

164.- This book is interesting. It’s really worth _____________ .

a.- you read c.- reading

b.- read d.- being read

165.- If I went to live in a foreign country, _____________ my friends.

a.- I’d miss c.- I missed

b.- I´m missing d.- I miss
166.- Would you mind _____________ in here.

a.- don’t smoke c.- not smoking

b.- not to smoke d.- no smoke

167.- Are you interested _____________ shopping with me?

a.- to go c.- go
b.- in going d.- going

168.- Before a film is finished, it needs _____________.

a.- they edit it c.- to be edited

b.- to edit d.- being edited

169.- By the time you get this postcard, _____________ New York.

a.- I’d left c.- I’ll have left

b.- I´m leaving d.- I’ve been leaving

170.- You look tired. You must _____________ hard today.

a.- worked c.- working
b.- have worked d.- to work

171.- We are not used _____________ our own meals.

a.- cook c.- cooking
b.- to cook d.- to cooking
172.- The man _____________ lives across the street is a dentist.

a.- who c.- whose

b.- he d.- what

173.- Everyone took an umbrella _____________ me.

a.- only c.- unless

b.- except d.- instead

174.- Before _____________ breakfast, I usually take a shower.

a.- eat c.- eating

b.- to eat d.- that eat

175.- I´m going to flying school _____________ I can learn how to fly my
own plane.
a.- that c.- in order to
b.- in order d.- so that

176.- Maria is _____________ intelligent girl in our class.

a.- most c.- more

b.- the most d.- the more

177.- I would rather _____________ evening classes.

a.- don’t take c.- no taking

b.- not take d.- not taking
178.- Ken failed the test. He should _____________ more.

a.- studying c.- studied

b.- to study d.- have studied

179.- Barry’s uncle recommended that he _____________ more money.

a.- save c.- saves

b.- saved d.- will save

180.- The earlier children learn to read, _____________ for their education.

a.- good c.- the better

b.- the good d.- the best

181 Did you ……… anywhere interesting last weekend?

a) go
b) going
c) was
d) went

182 I work as a teacher and my wife ………, too.

a) do
b) is
c) work
d) does

183 I think ……… taxi driver

a) her job is
b) she's a
c) her job is an
d) she's

184 What is your home town ……… ?

a) situated
b) age
c) like
d) located
185 I’m afraid I ……… here for your birthday party.
a) have not to be
b) am not being
c) will be not
d) can't be

186 How ……… are you?

a) high
b) wide
c) long
d) heavy

187 How long ……… married?

a) have you been
b) are you
c) have you
d) been

188 Would you like ……… help?

a) a
b) some
c) me
d) I

189 They ……… go to the cinema

a) tomorrow
b) much
c) rare
d) seldom

190 He hasn’t played since he ……… the accident.

a) had
b) has had
c) has
c) had had

191 This is the best tea I’ve ……… tasted.

a) never
b) ever
c) already
d) still

192 I’m looking ……… the summer holidays.

a) before
b) forward
c) for
d) forward to

193 My girlfriend ……… born on the 2nd of September 1974.

a) is
b) was
c) had
d) has been

194 This beer tastes ……… .

a) badly
b) lovely
c) well
d) normally

195 In life ……… can make a mistake; we’re all human.

a) anyone
b) some people
c) not anybody
d) someone

196 She knows that she ……… to pay now.

a) had better
b) needn't
c) should
d) ought

197 If he ……… about it, I’m sure he’d help.

a) had know
b) knew
c) has known
d) knows

198 I'll return the newspaper when I ……… through it.

a) will have looked
b) looked
c) have looked
d) look

199 They said they ……… come, but they didn’t.

a) can
b) will
c) may
d) might

200 They were ……… hard questions that I had no chance.

a) so
b) some
c) such
d) quite

201 I don't have a cent to give you. I ...... bought a new computer.
a) just buy
b) had just bought
c) 've just
d) soon will

202 Mum gave ……… her job when I was born.

a) in
b) up
c) off
d) away

203 It's all right, we ……… hurry. We have plenty of time.

a) mustn't
b) shouldn't
c) can't
d) needn't

204 You have a terrible fever! ……… call a doctor?

a) Shall I
b) Do I
c) Must I
d) Will I

205 Joanna looks ……… in her new dress.

a) nice
b) nicely
c) like nice
d) such nice

206 Mr. Haines wants ……… to his office.

a) that you come
b) you come to
c) you come
d) you to come

207 There are ……… around to start a cricket team

a) enough young boys
b) boys enough young
c) young boys enough
d) enough youngest boys

208 These bottles ……… of plastic.

a) are making
b) are make
c) are made
d) made are

209 Do you know where ……… ?

a) did I put the keys
b) put I the keys
c) I put the keys
d) I the keys put

210 Magda knows a lot about badgers, but she ……… a live one.
a) doesn't ever see
b) hasn't ever seen
c ) hasn't ever saw
d) didn't ever see

211 We wash the curtains ……… year.

a) three times a
b) once
c) three every
d) every couple

212 The loudspeakers won't work unless you ……… those cables.
a) connected
b) connect
c) don't connect
d) can't connect

213 You should give ……… .

a) to your mother this letter
b) this letter your mother
c) letter this to your mother
d) this letter to your mother

214 Marian has ……… old books.

a) very much
b) a lot of
c) lots
d) a very lot

215 Hania has got two children, ....... ?

a) hasn't she
b) has she got
c) has she
d) haven't she

216 Let's think ……… something nice.

a) after
b) about
c) for
d) to
217 A Jaguar is ……… than a Fiat.
a) more expensive
b) expensiver
c) much expensive
d) expensive

218 The TV's too loud. Please, ……….

a) it turn down
b) turn it up
c) turn it down
d) turn down it

219 It's a pity you ……… here last night.

a) weren't
b) aren't
c) 'll not be
d) 'd not be

220 What about ……… for a walk?

a) to go
b) I going
c) going
d) go

221 I made one or two mistakes, but ……… of my answers were correct.
a) much
b) most
c) more
d) few

222 You can't cross the road when the light ……… red.
a) 'll be
b) was
c) were
d) is

223 I have a problem. ……… help me please?

a) Could you
b) Should you
c) Were you able to
d) Will you able to

224 Our neighbor is ……… to Ireland.

a) going travel
b) going to travelling
c) go
d) going to travel

225 Do penguins fly? No, they ……….

a) aren't
b) haven't
c) don't
d) won't

226 ……… train are you taking, the express to Poznan or to

a) Which
b) How
c) Whose
d) Who

227 This is ……… story.

a) a very interesting
b) very an interesting
c) very interesting
d) very interested

228 Marta takes the dog for a walk ……… the evening.
a) in
b) at
c) on
d) to

229 We haven't got ……… Polish friends.

a) no
b) any
c) none
d) some

230 Simon can't ……… to you now. He's busy.

a) talked
b) to talk
c) talking
d) talk
231 Have they finished working yet? I don't think ……… .
a) it
b) this
c) so
d) that

232 Somebody stole his wallet so he ……… money from a friend.

a) lent
b) earned
c) borrowed
d) lended

233 We must go now. Call the waitress and ask for the ……… .
a) bill
b) invoice
c) price
d) cost

234 He's a friend of ………..

a) them
b) theres
c) theirs
d) their

235 Have you had ……… to eat?

a) too many
b) some more
c) to many
d) enough

236 I ……… my boyfriend since Christmas.

a) didn't see
b) haven't seen
c) don't see
d) hasn't seen

237 Who was the woman ……… ?

a) spoke to you
b) that you were speaking to
c) that you spoke
d) that you were speaked to

238 Is ……… than his father?

a) Matt taller
b) taller Matt
c) Matt more tall
d) Matt as tall as

239 She was 29 on her birthday, ……… she?

a) didn't
b) hadn't
c) hasn't
d) wasn't
240 ……… is it from here to Berlin?
a) How long way
b) How long
c) How far
d) How many

241 Good ……… ! I hope you get the job.

a) chance
b) Fortune
c) Luck
d) wish

242 The doctor has told her that she must give ……… drinking.
a) from
b) to
c) off
d) up

243 There was a lot of noise so I didn't understand what she was ……… .
a) saving
b) telling
c) speaking
d) talking

244 I ……… drink beer than wine.

a) would like more
b) prefer
c) had better
d) would rather

245 I gave her ……… earrings for Christmas.

a) a pair of
b) a set of
c) two
d) a

246 Would you like some more tea? There's still ……… left.
a) few
b) a few
c) a little
d) little

247 She didn't want the job, ……….

a) however well paid was it
b) however well paid it was
c) for how good pay might it be
d) however good pay it was

248 He has been ……… for armed robbery.

a) blamed
b) accused
c) charged
d) arrested

249 The financial director ……… for almost an hour.

a) kept us to wait
b) kept us waiting
c) made us to wait
d) made us waiting

250 I've often ……… at the Wiejce Palace Hotel.

a) stayed
b) sleeped
c) remained
d) rested

251 I didn't realise that the coffee shop was ……… the other side of
the road.
a) by
b) for
c) on
d) in

252 We have ……… for a receptionist but haven't appointed anyone

a) advertised
b) announced
c) advised
d) noticed

253 She's very beautiful but that kind of woman doesn't ……… to me.
a) fancy
b) appeal
c) attract
d) turn on
254 The language school that I attend is 20 kilometers ……….
a) far
b) away
c) distance
d) long

255 "I'm going to the cinema on Saturday." "So ……… ."

a) I am
b) do I
c) I do
d) am I

256 They ……… him of scratching the car.

a) blamed
b) accused
c) punished
d) arrested

257 They had to leave the flat because they couldn't pay the ………...
a) fare
b) hire
c) rent
d) salary

258 She ……… at me and then turned away.

a) viewed
b) regarded
c) responded
d) glanced

259 The book shop rang ……… that the dictionary you ordered has
a) to say
b) to tell
c) for saying
d) for telling

260 If he hadn't drunk so much, he ……… sick.

a) didn't feel
b) wouldn't feel
c) hadn't felt
d) hasn't felt

261 Maria has two sisters, but she doesn't speak to ……… of them.
a) both
b) any
c) either
d) neither

262 Hubert is an uncle of ………

a) Kim
b) Kims
c) Kim's
d) Kims'

263 We discussed the house plans ……… our way to the shops.
a) by
b) on
c) in
d) to

264 George goes to ……… by car.

a) a work
b) the work
c) an work
d) work

265 Have you found a job ……… ?

a) soon
b) still
c) longer
d) yet

266 My boots are dirty. I'd better take them ……… before I come in.
a) off
b) away
c) on
d) up

267 What did the man say ……… ?

a) at you
b) to you
c) for you
d) you

268 Do you think I should move to Ireland? You shouldn't do anything

……… you think it's the right thing to do.
a) When
b) Unless
c) in case
d) if

269 We can finish the rest of the eggs for ……… .

a) a breakfast
b) the breakfast
c) breakfast
d) a breakfasts

270 If she doesn't ……… my sight at once, I'll scream!

a) go out from
b) go off
c) get away from
d) get out of

271 Last week we .... to Warsaw.

a) go
b) went
c) goes
d) none

272 I ….. the film we saw at the cinema on Wednesday.

a) doesn't like
b) haven't liked
c) didn't like
d) none

273 Magda .... in England for her holiday last year.

a) was
b) were
c) is
d) none

274 My mother .... never been to a cricket match.

a) hadn’t
b) haven't
c) has
d) none

275 Joanna .... her new mobile phone.

a) is losing
b) loses
c) has lost
d) none

276 …...... ever seen a comet?

a) Did you
b) Have you
c) Do you
d) none
277 If I were rich, I .... buy a huge farm in Somerset.
a) will
b) shall
c) would

278 They .... pass their exam if they studied hard.

a) would
b) will
c) did
d) none

279 I wish I .... play a musical instrument.

a) can
b) could
c) should
d) none

280 When Gregory arrived at the disco, Hania ..... .

a) already left
b) has already left
c) had already left
d) none

281 If I ..... on holiday to Poland, I wouldn't have met Donata.

a) didn't go
b) haven't gone
c) hadn't gone
d) none

282 By the time you get this letter I ......

a) will have left
b) am going to leave
c) would leave
d) none

283 What are you doing tonight? B: I'm not sure, I .... to the cinema.
a) will go
b) would go
c) might go
d) none

284 Simon forgot .... the lights before he left.

a) turn off
b) turning off
c) to turn off
d) none
285 It's no use ...... to him. He doesn't listen.
a) to speak
b) spoke
c) speaking
d) none
286 Karla was offered the job ...... having poor qualifications.
a) despite
b) although
c) even though
d) none

287 The offer was too good for David to turn …...
a) off
b) down
c) away
d) none

288 Eric's father ordered him .... out late again.

a) not to stay
b) not say
c) not staying
d) none

289 If only I .... to the barbecue instead of staying at home.

a) went
b) had gone
c) did gone
d) none


A. Listen to these short extracts and answer the questions that follow.

Choose a, b, c or d. You will hear each extract twice.

290. Where are Claire's black shoes?

a. Under the bed.

b. On the bookcase.
c. Behind the curtain.
d. None

291. What did the woman buy?

a. A shirt.
b. A sweater. c.
A jacket.
d. None

292. What is Noah doing?

a. He's swimming.
b. He's talking on the phone.
c. He's windsurfing.
d. None

293. Where are the people?

a. At home.
b. In a restaurant.
c. At the supermarket.
d. None

294. What doesn't the vacation include?

a. A hotel near the beach.

b. Two meals a day at a hotel.
c. Sightseeing tours.
d. None
295. What doesn't Judith want to do again?

a. Go camping by a lake.
b. Go hiking in the mountains.
c. Stay in a hotel by the sea.
d. None

296. What has Gary done?

a. He's lost his passport.

b. He's put his passport in his bag.
c. He's brought the wrong passport.
d. None

297. What does the girl find interesting about the new cell phone?
a. That it fits inside your ear.
b. The way you use it.
c. That it looks like a watch.
d. None

298. Where are the people?

a. At home.
b. In a car.
c. In the middle of a lake.
d. None

299. What sport is the man talking about?

a. Tennis.
b. Baseball.
c. Table tennis.
d. None

Listen to ten short extracts and answer the questions that follow.
Choose a, b, c or d. You will hear each extract twice.

300. When will Mike let Colin know if he's coming to the party or not?
a. On Sunday.
b. On Thursday.
c. On Friday.
d. None

301. What surprised Sheila during her trip to Cairo?

a. How cheap everything was.
b. How big the pyramids were.
c. How good Egyptian clothes were.
d. None

302. What is the relationship between the man and the woman?

a. Husband and wife.

b. Customer and waitress.
c. Colleagues.
d. None

303. What happened to the Warrens' house?

a. An earthquake destroyed it.
b. An airplane crashed into it.
c. A tornado hit it.
d. None

304. What did Tim do at the train station this morning?

a. He took part in a movie.
b. He took part in a survey.
c. He took part in a competition.
d. None

305. Why did Cheryl buy her costume?

a. To appear in a play.
b. To go to a party.
c. To appear in a movie.
d. None

306. Why is Ethan late?

a. Because he overslept.
b. Because the taxi driver got lost.
c. Because he had to wait a long time for the bus.
d. None

307. Where is Jack Pritchard?

a. At a TV studio.
b. At a hotel.
c. At a coffee shop.
d. None

308. Why does Craig want to get some aspirins?

a. His wife has a headache.

b. He is going on a trip in a few days.
c. He is worried about his new job.
d. None

309. What does the woman say about the movie?

a. It has won a lot of awards.

b. It should have had more information about Sophie's marriage.
c. It was quite disappointing.
d. None

You hill hear conversations and answer some questions about them. For each
conversation, first read the situation and the question or questions. Then listen to
the conversation. Answer the questions after you hear the conversation. Respond
to the questions by marking the correct answer ( a, b,c or d ) :
Situation 1 : Ann and Tomas are at a coffee shop. They’re talking when
Yoshi comes in.

310.- ___________ are meeting for the first time.

a.- Ann and Tomas
b.- Ann and Yoshi
c.- Yoshi and Tomas
d.- Ann, Tomas and Yoshi
Situation 2 : Ken and Nancy are at a restaurant.

311.- Ken ___________ .

a.- is having steak tonight
b.- stopped eating steak
c.- eats steak a lot
d.- prefers chicken to steak

Situation 3 : Joe calls Ramon’s home. Ramon’s mother answers the


312.- Joe __________.

a.- talks with Ramon
b.- leaves a message for Ramon
c.- will see Ramon in class
d.- will call Ramon at school

Situation 4 : A reporter is giving today’s weather forecast.

313.- It’s hot and dry in __________.
a.- Colorado
b.- Florida
c.- Miami
d.- Boston
314.- In Miami, it will be __________.
a.- clear
b.- rainy
c.- dry
d.- cold
Situation 5: Bill invites Jennifer to go to dinner and a movie.
315.- They’re going to ___________.
a.- leave work a little early
b.- go to the movie before dinner
c.- see the movie tomorrow
d.- have dinner at 7:00

316.- Jennifer doesn’t accept right away because she can’t

a.- eat a late lunch
b.- leave work early
c.- go to dinner
d.- see the movie

Situation 6 : Jerry and Sue are talking about their plans for the summer
317.- Sue’s family usually ___________.
a.- stays home
b.- goes to the beach
c.- visits friends
d.- takes a trip

318.- This year Sue is thinking about ___________.

a.- going fishing with her dad
b.- visiting her mother
c.- learning how to sail
d.- taking a trip with friends
Situation 7 : Melanie is talking to George about her laptop computer.
319.- Melanie is angry because ____________.
a.- she can’t use her computer
b.- her friends don’t have a computer
c.- Carol doesn’t want to return the computer
d.- George won’t lend her his computer

320 .- Carol __________.

a.- lent her computer to a friend
b.- broke Melanie’s computer
c.- borrowed a computer from George
d.- just bought her own computer

321.- George doesn’t usually lend things because ____________.

a.- he doesn’t have that much to lend
b.- his friends don’t need to borrow anything
c.- lending things can change a friendship
d.- it’s better to borrow from a bank

Situation 8 : Natalie and Chuck are talking about their experiences abroad.
322.- Chuck went backpacking __________.
a.- in Brazil
b.- by himself
c.- after high school
d.- with his father
323.- Chuck says he “would have liked to have seen Portugal”. He
means that he ___________.
a.- went there, and he liked it
b.- didn’t go there, but he wanted to
c.- went there, but he didn’t liked it
d.- didn’t go there and he didn’t want to

324.- While Natalie was in Japan, she ____________.

a.- traveled all over the country
b.- lived with a Japanese family
c.- learned Japanese quickly
d.- got very homesick

325.- Chuck doesn’t want to ___________.

a.- travel anymore
b.- learn a foreign language
c.- stay at home
d.- live abroad

Situation 9 : Ben and Margaret are talking about their jobs.

326.- Margaret started working in fashion design __________.

a.- when she opened her own store
b.- at a small design company
c.- with one of her teachers
d.- before she finished her studies
327.- When Margaret was younger, she didn’t know that __________.
a.- design school was so expensive
b.- her dreams could never come true
c.- it took so long to become successful
d.- she wanted to make beautiful clothes

328.- Ben wanted to become a ___________.

a.- doctor
b.- lawyer
c.- writer
d.- reporter

329.- Ben likes ____________.

a.- being a reporter
b.- taking classes
c.- writing novels
d.- teaching literatura

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