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1.-Where _______ you from?

a) are
b) is
c) am
d) Was
2.- What time _______?
a) are you
b) is it
c) do you
d) is you
4.-These (there) are my pens. _____ are yours.
a) That
b) This
c) Those
d) These
5.- "Are the bags ready?" "Yes, _______."
a) they were
b) there are
c) their
d) they are
6.- "Where are the stamps?." "_______ on the desk."
a) There are
b) Their are
c) They
d) they are
7.- They're American. They _______ British.
a) doesn't
b) isn't
c) aren't
d) don't
10.- How old are you?
a) I am all right
b) Yes I am
c) I am 23
d) No, I'm not old.
22.- ________ is it in summer?
a) What hot
b) How cold
c) Very hot
d) How hot
84.- Women _______ drive in Saudi Arabia.
a) aren't allowed to
b) allowed to
c) don't allow
d) isn't allow
85.- We're very ________ about the news.
a) excite
b) exciting
c) excited
d) excitement
93.- It ______ that the volcanoes may erupt in the very near future.
a) believe
b) believes
c) is believed
d) has believed
354.- ________'s your address? Main street Nº 2525
a) How
b) Who
c) What
d) Where
355.- And that is a ____.
a) desk
b) desks.
c) some desk
d) an desk
362.- ____ an airport in the city.
a) It is
b) There is
c) There are
d) This is
363.- Sorry, ____ Ricky. My name's Carlos.
a) I isn't
b) I is not
c) I aren't
d) I'm not
364.- ________? No, he isn't.
a) Are they teachers?
b) Are you from Italy?
c) Is Mr Banning a teacher?
d) Is this your phone?
365.- Oh, ____ are my keys!
a) This
b) These
c) That
d) It
366.- This is Mark and his sister, Daniela. ____ my friends.
a) We're
b) I'm
c) You're
d) They're
367.- ___________? I'm from Mexico.
a) Where are you from?
b) Where you are from?
c) Where from you are?
d) From where you are?
369.- ________ is the church? It's 150 years old.
a) How many years
b) How much years
c) What years
d) How old
371.- A: ____ are the keys? B: On the table.
a) What
b) When
c) Where
d) Who
372.- ________ good restaurants in our neighborhood.
a) There
b) They’re
c) There aren't
d) Their
373.- “Where are the maps?”
a) There are
b) They’re
c) They
d) Their
374.- There ____ yogurt for my breakfast!!!!!!
a) isn’t some
b) isn’t any
c) any
d) are
384.- I'm Peter Clark. Nice to ____ you, Mr Clark.
a) speak
b) talk
c) meet
d) watch
401.- French ____ compulsory in British schools.
a) being
b) is to be
c) does
d) is being
409.- Messi is a popular soccer player but I don't like ____.
a) him
b) his
c) her
d) them
418.- My name's Karo and this is Sylvia. ____ are doctors from France.
a) I
b) We
c) she
d) They
421.- _____________ a lot of trees in your garden.
a) are there
b) is there
c) there is
d) there are
430.- Oh, ____ are my earrings!
a) This
b) These
c) That
d) It
498.- I'm from Ibarra. ____ is in Ecuador. 31 questions
a) They
b) It
c) He
d) She
BE VERB SIMPLE PAST( was and were)
23.- Where ___________ yesterday?
a) are you
b) did you
c) you were
d) were you
171.- A: _______ in a closed session on Tuesday? B: The Senate
a) Why
b) Who was
c) What was
d) Where is
427.- _______ just a big market in the city 50 years ago.
a) They were
b) There was
c) There were
d) This was
428.- Sorry, that beautiful girl____ Erika. she was Ann
a) were
b) was
c) wasn't
d) weren't
429.- _______? No, he wasn't.
a) were they teachers?
b) Were you from Italy?
c) Was Mr. Bill a teacher?
d) Was this your phone?
431.- This is Carolina and her brother, Dilan. ____ my friends in my childhood.
a) We were
b) I was
c) You were
d) They were
432.- _______? My parents were British.
a) Where were your shoes from?
b) Where was your shoes from?
c) Where from they were?
d) From where are they?
433.- ________was his name? Ryan
a) How
b) Who
c) What
d) Where
434.- ______ was that church that was destroyed by the earthquake? It was 50 years old.
a) How many years
b) How much years
c) What years
d) How old
435.- What ___________ things over there?
a) it was
b) were that
c) were those
d) was it
436.- Were some oranges on the bed last night?
a) yes, they was
b) Yes, they are.
c) yes, they were
d) Yes, it is.

438.- “Oh, you have my wallet and my umbrella!! Where were they?” "
_________________ on the desk!!
a) There wrere
b) They were
c) They
d) Their
439.- There ____ orange juice in the jar.
a) wasn't some
b) wasn't any
c) any
d) some
440.- He __________ from depression and _______ a drinking problem two years ago.
a) has suffered, has had
b) suffers, has
c) suffered, had
d) doesn't suffer, doesn't have
441.-They ____ popular soap operas in the 1980s.
a) are
b) were
c) was
d) is
442.- ____ at school last week?
a) Do you were
b) Was you
c) Were you
d) You were
443.- When were you born?
a) In 1978
b) In Beijing
c) I'm 19
d) In August
444.- They ____ at the home yesterday but their parents _____. Their cousins _____ with
a) were, weren't, weren't
b) was , wasn't, were.
c) weren't, was, was
d) weren't, weren't, weren't
445.- Was the former pioneer Irish?
a) No, she was
b) Yes, they were
c) Yes, He was
d) No, he weren't
446.- My favorite subject in high school ______ math, I ______ happy with numbers, but
Chemestry ______ my favorite.
a) was, were, was
b) was, was, weren't
c) was, was, wasn't
d) were, were, wasn't
447.- ___________ a lot of nice caffes in my neigborhood in the 50's
a) There are
b) There
c) There was
d) There were
448.- ________ many good restaurants in our neighborhood ten years ago
a) There
b) They were
c) There were
d) Their
450.- Hey dude!!, ____was that cap?
a) It was $43
b) what expensive
c) how much
d) how many
451.- _____ the students hurt by the car?
a) Was
b) Were
c) They
d) It
452.- Carl _____ so angry Sunday morning, he ____ mad at Jenny because she _______
very careful with his cat.
a) wasn't, wasn't, was
b) was, was, was
c) wasn't, wasn't, wasn't
d) was, was, wasn't
467.- Were you doing homework when the electricity went off?
a) No, I didn't
b) No, I am
c) Yes, I did
d) Yes, I was
474.- _____was Henry vey sick ?
a) What
b) how
c) when
d) who
497.- A: _______ in a closed session last Friday? B: The Senate.- 171. 28 questions
a) Why
b) Who was
c) What was
d) Where is


3.- The party is _______ eight o'clock.
a) at
b) in
c) on
d) from
8.- I live ______ 4045 Madisson Avenue.
a) on
b) at
c) in
d) next
9.- My office is _______ downtown.
a) on
b) near
c) close
d) at
19.- My friend is really good ____ tennis.
a) at
b) on
c) in
d) of
114.- My sister is interested ________ about Japanese literature.
a) learn
b) learning
c) to learn
d) in learning
140.- Are you interested ________ shopping with me?
a) to go
b) in going
c) go
d) going
156.- Let's think _______ something nice.
a) after
b) about
c) for
d) to
256.- Let's go ______ a walk.
a) on
b) at
c) for
d) to
276.- Who else was _____ the party on Saturday?
a) on
b) at
c) over
d) to
277.- I'm very disappointed ______ him.
a) of
b) in
c) on
d) at
278.- What do Ecuadorian people eat _____ Christmas?
a) at
b) in
c) to
d) under
280.- I'm very conscious _______ my big ears.
a) on
b) at
c) of
d) with
281.- I'm looking ______ my bag.
a) to
b) at
c) for
d) under
283.- I am very ___ in old cars.
a) keen
b) interesting
c) interested
d) fond
342.- She got _______ the car and waited.
a) on
b) in
c) out
d) at
343.- Where was he when you saw him? He was
a) at school
b) to school
c) at the school
d) to the school
345.- I'm not satisfied ______ your explanation.
a) in
b) with
c) on
d) a
347.- This coffee is too hot ______ me to drink.
a) of
b) on
c) for
d) in
348.- The little girl is eating in _____room.
a) her
b) him
c) her
d) its
351.- When do you play soccer? ____ Tuesdays.
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) By
358.- My house is ___________ the church.
a) on
b) near
c) close
d) at
426.- I had my cat ____ 5 years.
a) since
b) for
c) with
d) it
505.- Your umbrella is ____ the table.
a) on
b) to
c) in
d) of
509.- I love my jacket! It's ____. 25 questions
a) cheap
b) small
c) beautiful
d) ugly

11.- ________ you have a laptop?

a) Is
b) Are
c) Do
d) Does
17.- Please _______ touch the animals. They are dangerous.
a) does
b) no
c) not
d) don't
20.- I ______ early on Saturdays.
a) get usually up
b) usually get up
c) get up usually
d) gets up usually
21.- I hate _______ clothes.
a) buying
b) buy
c) buys
d) to buy
38.- To make a good spaghetti sauce, you ______ a lot of salt.
a) don't need
b) should
c) should't
d) need
40.- We're thinking about _______ a vacation in the USA next year.
a) take
b) taking
c) to take
d) will take
53.- Some people learn English _______ to improve their chances of getting a good job.
a) in order
b) so that
c) for
d) more that
69.- Would you consider _______ a person from another country?
a) to marry
b) married
c) marrying
d) to get married
73.- Do you know ______ dog is this?
a) whose
b) who
c) whom
d) where
79.- Jane ________. It drives me mad.
a) bites forever her nails
b) is forever biting her nails
c) forever bite her nails
d) bites her nails for ever
95.- Her parents got Jane ______ what she had done and then they made her apologize.
a) admit
b) to admit
c) admitting
d) admitted
99.- It's impossible ________ a normal life if you're very famous.
a) lead
b) leading
c) to lead
d) leads
100.- The police gave her a fine because she had forgotten _____ her driving license.
a) renew
b) renewing
c) renews
d) to renew
104.- "Is the report done yet?" " No, but I hope ______ it by tonight".
a) finish
b) that finish
c) to finish
d) finishing
110.- The movie's great!! It's really worth ________.
a) seeing
b) to see
c) you see
d) see
113.- This fruit needs _________ before you eat it.
a) to wash
b) being washed
c) you wash it
d) to be washed
119.- Before ________ for work, I usually have a cup of coffee.
a) to leave
b) leaving
c) that leave
d) leave
127.- David enjoys ________ sports on TV.
a) watching
b) watch
c) to watch
d) watched
128.- __________ everyone I know plays a musical instrument.
a) The most
b) Almost
c) All
d) Most of
130.- We hope ________ you again soon.
a) to see
b) seeing
c) seeing
d) that see
137.- This book is very interesting. It's really worth_______.
a) you read
b) read
c) being read
d) reading
139.- Woul you mind ______ down the radio?
a) turned down
b) turning
c) you turn
d) to turning
141.- The washing machine needs _______.
a) being fixed
b) to be fixed
c) ti fix
d) you fix it
147.- Before ________ to bed, I usually brush my teeth.
a. go
b. going
c. to go
d. that go
168.- She's very beautiful but that kind of woman doesn't _______ to me.
a) fancy
b) appeal
c) attract
d) turn on
255,- What time do you usually go _____?
a) to bed
b) to a bed
c) to the bed
d) bed
264.- People _________ a lot in their free time.
a) reads
b) reading
c) read
d) readings
270.- I _______ with you. This movie is fantastic!
a) accord
b) meet
c) agree
d) think
299.- Do you think we should take _____ with us, …look at those clouds, they are dark!!
a) glasses
b) umbrellas
c) wallets
d) purses
309.- I like (___) aerobics on weekends.
a) to make
b) doing
c) making
d) playing
312.- How _________ do you buy clothes?
a) far
b) good
c) often
d) much
313.- He _________ drives to the office .
a) everyday
b) rarely
c) twice
d) now and again
314.- My parents usually (to get up) _________ early.
a) got up
b) gets up
c) got
d) get up
326.- I rarely (to see)_______ her.
a) saw
b) sees
c) see
d) saws
329.- What ____ of music do you like?
a) many
b) much
c) often
d) kind
330.- Jill normally (to help) _______ her father on the farm.
a) helps
b) help
c) helped
d) is helping
376.- Excuse me, how ____ your last name? D-I-A-Z
a) spell
b) you spell
c) do you spell
d) spell you
377.- She _______ a dog.
a) not have
b) don't have
c) don't has
d) doesn't have
378.- Carlos ____ in our company.
a) work
b) works
c) is work
d) working
379.- ____ they live in Quito?
a) Are
b) Is
c) Do
d) Does

380.- ____________ to the movies.

a) We not often go
b) We don't go often
c) We don't often go
d) Often we don't go
381.- What time _________ work?
a) starts he
b) do he starts
c) does he starts
d) does he start

382.- We sometimes ____ the shopping in a supermarket.

a) make
b) do
c) have
d) go
383.- They almost ____ visit us.
a) ever
b) sometimes
c) never
d) usually
385.- What ____ he want?
a) does
b) do
c) have
d) was
482.- I______ going to my parents’ home in the mountains ________.
a) enjoying, tomorrow
b) enjoys, last Saturday
c) don't enjoy, last Saturday
d) enjoy, every summer
512.- They hope _____you again soon.
a) See
b) To see
c) Seeing
d) That see
513.- ______ anyone want a new suitcase? 48 questions
a) are
b) is
c) do
d) does


12.- ________ milk is in that bottle?
a) How old
b) How many
c) How big
d) How much
13.- I eat _______ fruit every day.
a) a lot
b) any
c) some
d) a little
14.- _____ a mall in your town?
a) Is
b) Is there
c) Are there
d) Are
26.- Is there ______ University near here?
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) some
167.- Would you like some more tea? There's still ________ left.
a) few
b) a few
c) a little
d) little
259.- We need _______ sugar.
a) a little
b) many
c) too much
d) a few
260.- How ______ bags of rice do you want?
a) much
b) often
c) far
d) many
261.- There isn't ______ milk in the fridge.
a) many
b) some
c) ever
d) any
262.- There are ______ bicycles in this town.
a) a lot of
b) much
c) too much
d) a Little
307.- Too (___) soda is not good for you.
a) many
b) a lot of
c) much
d) fewer
349.- I'd like ____ ice cream, please.
a) a
b) it
c) an
d) two
352.- There are ____ here.
a) a restaurants
b) some restaurants
c) any restaurant
d) a restaurant
353.- I'm afraid it's ____.
a) a hotel expensive
b) expensive hotel
c) expensive a hotel
d) an expensive hotel

361.- Excuse me, ____ are those shorts? 14 questions

a) It's ₤5.99.
b) what expensive
c) how much
d) how many


107.- Excuse, Could you tell me where _________?
a) the bus station is
b) is the bus station
c) is it the bus station
d) it is the bus station
126.- "I like to cook". " _______ do I".
a) And
b) so that
c) Also
d) Too
134.- Can you tell me where ________?
a) is it the stadium?
b) Is the stadium
c) it is the stadium
d) the stadium is
254.- Can you tell me _____________________
a) where the nearest bookshop is?
b) where is the nearest bookshop?
c) where the nearest is bookshop?
d) where does the bookshop is?
346.- This test is quite easy. So _____.
a) is that
b) does that
c) that is
d) that does
15.- Can you play the piano? No, I ______.
a) am not
b) can
c) can't
d) was not
30.- You look terrible!. You _____ see a doctor.
a) can
b) will
c) may
d) should
31.- You ______ go to the party if you feel sick.
a) should have
b) should't (shouldn’t)
c) should
d) shouldn't had
34.- I _______ stand on my head when I was four.
a) can
b) could
c) were
d) was
36.- You ______ to be careful in most big cities if you walk around after dark.
a) were
b) have
c) should
d) must
37.- You ________ carry a cell phone if you don't want to, but it's useful.
a) can't
b) have to
c) don't have to
d) could
48.- ________ you like to fly to the moon?
a) Do
b) Are
c) Would
d) will
54.- Genetic research _________ lead to human cloning.
a) must be
b) possibly
c) may
d) can
83.- When I lived in Los Angeles, I _______ sometimes cycle to work.
a) would
b) will
c) used
d) can
86.- They _____ return home early after they ran out of money.
a) must be
b) must have
c) had to
d) hasn't had
91.- The Ancient Egyptians _______ thousands of slaves to build the pyramids.
a) must be
b) must have needed
c) could have needed
d) might need
112.- Would you mind _______ in here?
a) don't smoke
b) not to smoke
c) not smoking
d) no smoke
115.- The ground is wet. It must ________.
a) raining
b) have rained
c) to rain
d) rained
120.- I'm going to flying school _______ I can learn how to fly my own plane.
a) that
b) in order
c) in order to
d) so that
122.- I'd prefer ________ at home this weekend.
a) not stay
b) no staying
c) not to stay
d) don`t stay
143.- You look tired. You must _______ hard today.
a) worked
b) have worked
c) working
d) to work
150.- You'd better tell Joe _______ in here.
a. not to smoke
b. not smoking
c. no smoke
d. don't smoke
These two sentences have the same meaning:
I'd rather stay at home.
I'd prefer to stay at home.
They both mean that if possible I want to stay at home.
Look at the construction:



Subject would rather base form  

I would rather go the cinema.

I 'd rather listen to the radio.


Subject would rather not base form  

I would rather not go.  

I 'd rather not invite him.



Subject would prefer infinitive  

I would prefer to go the cinema.

I 'd prefer to listen to the radio.


Subject would prefer not infinitive  

I would prefer not to go.  

I 'd prefer not to invite him.

151.- Susie feels really tired today. She should _______ to bed earlier last night.
a. going
b. have gone
c. went
d. be going
157.- I’m afraid I _________ here for your birthday party.
a) have not to be
b) am not being
c) will be not
d) can't be
162.- I have a problem. _________ help me please?
a) Could you
b) Should you
c) Must you
d) May you
243.- You ____ park on the motorway.
a) mustn't
b) hast to
c) have to
d) don't have to
246.- Where are my glasses? I ____ see anything without them.
a) could
b) can
c) could'nt
d) would
263.- Doris has had a headache for two weeks. He _______
a) should take a hot shower.
b) should sleep.
c) should go to the doctor.
d) should stay in bed.
265.- Pollution will get worse. People ______
a) shouldn't tidy.
b) should use their cars so much.
c) shouldn't use their cars.
d) should buy more plastic bags.
272.- When he was young, he ______ swim very well.
a) had to
b) can
c) should
d) could
273.- You look very confused by the homework, Kristin. Can ____ I help you?
a) Will
b) Must
c) Should
d) Can
274.- I left my purse at home. Patty, ______ you lend me ten dollars?
a) may
b) could
c) shouldn't
d) won't
275.- It's wet and windy outside today. You _________ go out without an umbrella.
a) shouldn't
b) won't
c) don't have to
d) can't
296.- I can't move the sofa. Could you ____ me a hand with it, please?
a) give
b) get
c) take
d) borrow
340.- Excuse me! How can I ______ the city center?
a) go
b) get to
c) come to
d) got to
388.- Can I help you? Thanks, but I'm just ____.
a) watching
b) looking
c) seeing
d) shopping

516.- those boys couldn't _________ the mission. 32 questions

a) accomplish
b) submit
c) accomplished
d) accomplishing

16.- Joe is my ______ husband.
a) sister's
b) sisters'
c) sisters's
d) sister
370.- What is ____?
a) job Mary
b) Mary job
c) Mary's job
d) job's Mary

18.- Kelly is ________ a white T-shirt.
a) wears
b) wearing
c) wear
d) wore
32.- My best friend _______ a party tomorrow night.
a) has
b) is having
c) have
d) had
308.- Ann ______ right now.
a) is crying
b) cries
c) cry
d) cried

389.- Karla is over there. She's ____ a red T-shirt and jeans.
a) having
b) wearing
c) doing
d) walking
390.- What a boring party!!!!. We ____ a good time.
a) don't have
b) aren't having
c) don't having
d) aren't have
392.- Oh! It ____. I’ll stay home the whole afternoon.
a) raining
b) will raining
c) rains
d) ’s raining
394.- They are traveling by plane next month.
a) What are they traveling?
b) When are they traveling?
c) How are they traveling?
d) What time are they traveling?
397.- ________ at school right now?.
a) is you studying
b) do you studying
c) are you studying
d) Is you
398.- Is your family having fun? ________
a) Yes, it is.
b) Yes, they are.
c) No, it not.
d) No, they isn’t.
399.- They are going _______.
a) home
b) holiday
c) the stadium
d) vey happy
400.- Where ____ lunch now?
a) did she cook
b) cooked she
c) is she cooking
d) do cook
413.- why are you driving that fast?
a) yes, I like to drive fast
b) because I'm late
c) You have driven
d) no, I don't
422.- No, she's working only in the evenings.
a) does she work in the evenings?
b) How does she work?
c) Is she working in the evenings?
d) Is she working in the morning?
481.- I ___________ TV right now. 14 questions
a) were watching
b) am watching
c) is watching
d) are watching

24.- He _______ from college in 2012.
a) graduate
b) graduated
c) graduating
d) graduates
25.- ______ a job while he was at college?
a) Does he have
b) Did he has
c) Do he has
d) Did he have
27.- We went to France Last year. We ______ snails! .
a) ate
b) eat
c) eaten
d) eating
52.- The student said that he _______ know the answer.
a) wasn't
b) didn't
c) won't
d) was
55.- ______ did you spend in New Zealand last year?
a) How often
b) How long
c) When
d) How big
56.- I _______ be in a band when I was at school.
a) used to
b) uses to
c) use to
d) have use to
57.- Where did _______ the band practice?
a) use
b) use to
c) used to
d) have use to
77.- My roommate is in the hospital. He _______ playing soccer yesterday.
a) hurt
b) hurt himself
c) hurt him
d) hurted
82.- Hollywood stars _______ appearing in gossip columns.
a) used to
b) are used to
c) use to
d) is used to

87.- She was ________ leave the house when she realized that she didn't have her key.
a) going
b) thinking of
c) think about
d) about to
89.- The tactics _______ by Roman armies were very advanced for their time.
a) used to
b) used
c) which used
d) were used
116.- Sue is used ________ up early.
a) get
b) getting
c) to get
d) to getting
129.- Yesterday's game caused a lot of ________.
a) excitement
b) exciting
c) excited
d) excited
144.- I am used ________ the bus to work.
a) to take
b) to taking
c) took
d) taking
146.- Everyone took an umbrella _______ me.
a. Only
b. instead
a) except
b) unless
148.- I bought an audio course ________ I could improve my French.
a. in order
b. so that
c. that
d. in order to
154.- Did you ________ anywhere interesting last weekend?
a) go
b) going
c) was
d) went
163.- Somebody stole his wallet so he _______ money from a friend.
a) lent
b) earned
c) borrowed
d) lended
169.- She _______ at me and then turned away.
a) regarded
b) responded
c) glanced
d) view

268.- My father_____ four years ago but he still very active.

a) graduated
b) retired
c) resigned
d) fired
284.- I ______ my English test. I'm really happy.
a) failed
b) passed
c) missed
d) fell
306.- Some teenagers (___) to the beach yesterday .
a) go
b) going
c) goes
d) went
315.- Lourdes (not to write) ________ to her boyfriend last week.
a) writes
b) dont writes
c) wrote
d) doesn´t write
321.- ________ to swim a lot when you were a child?
a) Didn´t you use
b) used to
c) uses to
d) Diidn´t you used
322.- She ________ a secretary but now she is a teacher.
a) Did used to be
b) uses to be
c) used to be
d) use to be
327.- Yesterday, I (to meet) _______ her at the drugstore.
a) met
b) meet
c) meets
d) mets
328.- Claire _______ (work) for S&B before she came to work for us.
a) work
b) worked
c) works
d) is working
332.- Luis _______ (play) tennis for five years when he _______ (be) at school.
a) played /be
b) plays /was
c) played /was
d) played /is
334.- A woman went _____ one day and bought a laptop.
a) to buy
b) to shopping
c) shopping
d) buying
335.- When ______ the program begin?
a) didn't
b) day
c) time
d) did
336.- When ______ the program begin?
a) am, on
b) do, in
c) am, in
d) am, at
337.- Sally gave _____ some presents.
a) to them
b) they
c) them
d) their
386.- __________ did you have lunch yesterday?
a) When time
b) What time
c) What kind of
d) What for
391.- I ____ to Peru on holiday last month.
a) flew
b) flying
c) am go flying
d) will flying
402.- That little girl ______________ too much sugar yesterday!!!!
a) ate
b) eats
c) is eating
d) was eating
406.- How often did you visit to the doctor ______.
a) one year ago?
b) in the last twelve months?
c) yesterday?
d) last year?
408.- ____________ do last Tuesday?
a) What did you
b) Where have you
c) How long has you
d) When she has

423.- I_______________ that place many times last year

a) visited
b) visited already
c) was visiting
d) did visit
437.-What ______ do after school yesterday?
a) do you
b) will you
c) are you
d) did you
453.- Yesterday, my family and I _____ to a beautiful restaurant nearby and I ____ beef.
a) go, rent
b) went, ordered
c) goes, rents
d) gone, rented
454,- _______ you bring your coat?
a) Are
b) Aren`t
c) Did
d) Does
455.- Some birds_________ fly and some ______ swim in the sea
a) are, can
b) could, could
c) can, can
d) coulsn't , couldn't
456.- ______ did you go yesterday?
a) Where
b) what
c) When
d) Who
457.- Last Saturday my father and my friends ___ in the karaoke, but he ___ it very well.
a) go, sings
b) went, didn't sing
c) are going, is singing
d) don't go, doesn't sing
458.- He_______ video games with me yesterday.
a) doesn't played
b) don't played
c) not played
d) didn't play
468.- my friends_______ the competition that Ramiro ________ in 2013.
a) don't win, don't organize
b) won, organized
c) wins, organizess
d) is winning, is sataring
469.- The Spirit of St. Louis_______ in France on May 21, 1997.
a) arriving
b) arrives
c) arrived
d) didn't arrived
470.- Did you work on the holidays?
a) Yes, I do
b) No, I don't
c) Yes, I am
d) Yes, I did
472.- My fiancé and I _____ a wonderful anniversary trip four years ago.
a) have had
b) haven't had
c) don't have
d) had
473.- a month ago, we ______ a car and ____ to New Hampshire.
a) rented, drove
b) have rented, have driven
c) rent, drive
d) are renting, driving
475.- When Richard was 41 years old he ______ a car accident and he____.
a) has, dies
b) had, died
c) doesn't have, doesn't die
d) didn't had, didn't died
476.- He________ some milk. He_______ any water last week
a) drank, didin't drink
b) don't drnk, drink
c) drank, wasn't drink
d) drinking, isn't drinking
477.- My mom baked a delicious cake ________
a) tomorrow
b) last night
c) today
d) next Sunday

478.- Yesterday when I ___ on the street an angry dog _____ my leg
a) was walking, bit
b) have walked, has bitten
c) walked, bit
d) walk, bite
479.- In 1999, the police _______ Bruno and he said "___________"
a) arrested, "I didn't do it"
b) arresting, " I'm not doing it"
c) arrest, "I doesn't do it"
d) didn't arrested, "I didn't do it"

480.- He______ a lot of money of the bank last Tuesday.

a) steal
b) stole
c) doesn't steal
d) was steal
488.- He _________ the president of Ethiopia in 2004
a) is becoming
b) becomes
c) doesn't become
d) became
494.- Those guys _______ twelve cherry pies yesterday.
a) baked
b) bakes
c) bake
d) were baking
501.- __________ did you sleep last night?
a) Why
b) Who
c) What
d) how much
502.- I was happy ___________
a) tomorrow
b) yesterday morning
c) the next day
d) in a week
504.- Who_______ last summer with?
a) you went
b) did you went
c) did you go
d) do you went
506.- Francisco _______ his house five months ago.
a) leaves
b) left
c) is leaving
d) will leave
507.- she____ some paintings with her boyfriend last Sunday and then they _____ them.
a) made, sold
b) has made, have sold
c) makes, send
d) is making, are sending
508.- Did he play soccer with his friend after school? 62 questions
a) No, he doesn't
b) No, he didn't
c) Yes, he was
d) Yes, he does
35.- I heard the news while I ______ coffee.
a) had
b) was having
c) have
d) have had
58.- She was crossing the lobby _______ the police officer stopped her.
a) while
b) when
c) as
d) where
88.- My brother was the only person _______ jeans.
a) wore
b) wears
c) was wear
d) wearing
166.- There was a lot of noise so I didn't understand what she was ________.
a) saying
b) telling
c) speaking
d) talking
172.- The statues _______ on the lawn for decades.
a) were sit
b) was sit
c) were sitting
d) are sit
174.- She _______ of traveling to Spain, but her mother became ill, so she stayed home
to care for her.
a) was thinking
b) thinks
c) is thinking
d) thinks
175.- The scouts _______ on the Appalachian Trail when it began to rain.
a) were walking
b) is waking
c) are walking
d) walks
176.- Eddie: Which sign were you looking for? Tommy: I___ for the "Ranger Station" sign
a) is looking
b) e looking
c) look
d) was looking
177.- Last Friday at ten o'clock, the boss _______ the workers.
a) was playing
b) plays
c) are playing
d) play
179.- The retirees _______ on a bus trip last September; they wanted to see Yosemite.
a) are going
b) were going
c) go
d) goes
181.- The girls _______ their canoe down the Chattahoochee River.
a) was rowing
b) rows
c) rewed
d) were rowing
415.- ___________ was she trying the same situation?
a) How long
b) Where
c) Who
d) What
461.- You ____________ when I called.
a) don't listen
b) were singing
c) wasn't listening
d) listen
462.- They______ analizing the last week flim , but they _______ it
a) see, don't like
b) were, didn't like
c) sees, doesn't see
d) were see, weren't see
463.- What city were you born?
a) I was born in Colombia
b) I was born in Quito
c) I was born in 1985
d) I was born in July
464.- Did Camila _______ a great day?
a) has
b) had
c) have
d) having
465.- Sorry teacher, I'm late because ______________
a) I miss the bus
b) I misses the bus
c) I missed the bus
d) Ii'm missing the bus
466.- Where were you last night? _____________________
a) I went to cinema
b) I go to cinema
c) We are going to cimena
d) I will go to cimena
478.- Yesterday when I ___ on the street an angry dog _____ my leg
a) was walking, bit
b) have walked, has bitten
c) walked, bit
d) walk, bite
479.- In 1999, the police _______ Bruno and he said "___________"
a) arrested, "I didn't do it"
b) arresting, " I'm not doing it"
c) arrest, "I doesn't do it"
d) didn't arrested, "I didn't do it"
480.- He______ a lot of money of the bank last Tuesday.
a) steal
b) stole
c) doesn't steal
d) was steal
483.- While all the members ________ the picnic, it started to rain.
a) are having
b) was having
c) is having
d) were having
484.- What _____ he _______ when the earthquake started?
a) were, doing
b) was, doing
c) do, does
d) does, do
485.- the firefighters __________ to stereo, so they didn't hear the fire alarm.
a) were listening
b) are listening
c) listen
d) was listening
487.- While John _________ last night, someone stole his car.
a) sleeps
b) was sleeping
c) slept
d) sleeps

489.- A: What ______ Carlos _______ when he broke his leg? B: He was snowboarding.
a) are, doing
b) were, doing
c) was, doing
d) is, doing
491.- A: _____ were you writing yesterday? B: That was a poem.
a) What
b) Where
c) Why
d) What time
492.- My friends and I _______ biscuits for breakfast at 9 o'clock this morning.
a) buys
b) are were buying
c) buying
d) buys
493.- Carina _______ when she fell and broke her ankle.
a) were she skates
b) skates
c) was skating
d) skated
495.- Were your relatives going to London?
a) Yes, they did
b) No, they aren't
c) Yes, it is
d) Yes, they were

496.- little Francis _________ a game with his friend when his mother called him.
a) is playing
b) was playing
c) plays
d) played
500.- When the phone rang, she ___________ a letter.
a) was writing
b) was written
c) were writing
d) is writing
510.- Ms.Peña _______ three classes last year while Mr. Rodriguez was teaching two
a) was teaching
b) teaches
c) is teaching
d) were teaching
511.- Dr. Allen _____________ his patient earlier today 34 questions
a) calling
b) call
c) is calling
d) was calling


28.- In the 1970s. Computers were _______ than they are today.
a) slow
b) slower
c) slowest
d) more slower
33.- Kate is _______ of her four sisters.
a) the least successful
b) the less successful
c) less successful
d) more unsuccessful
64.- Fast food is ________ nutritious than fresh food.
a) much less
b) the least
c) more
d) better
66.- Chicago isn't _______ as Miami.
a) less exciting
b) more exciting
c) as exciting
d) so exciting
105.- Cairo is ________ any other city in Egypt.
a) the large
b) larger than
c) the largest
d) large as
121.- Helen is ________ serious student I have ever seen.
a) more
b) most
c) the more
d) the most
125.- The older I get, ________ I become.
a) more impatient
b) the more impatient
c) most impatient
d) the most impatient
131.- This apartment is ________ one We've seen all week.
a) cheaper than
b) the cheap
c) the cheapest
d) the cheaper
149.- Maria is ________ intelligent girl in our class.
a. most
b. the most
c. more
d. the more
153.- The more you practice speaking English, ________ it gets.
a) easy
b) the easiest
c) easier
d) the easier
161.- I made one or two mistakes, but _______ of my answers were correct.
a) much
b) few
c) more
d) most
245.- I think August is _____ month of the year.
a) bad
b) the worst
c) badly
d) worse
359.- That purse is _________one we’ve in the store.
a) Cheaper than
b) the cheap
c) the cheapest
d) the cheaper
360.- Peggy's restaurant is ____ the one over there.
a) traditional
b) traditionaler
c) more traditional than
d) traditionaler than


29.- William and I ______ visit New York next summer.
a) are going
b) are going to
c) going to
d) going
41.- I don't feel like (eating) fish today waiter. I _______ have the steak, please.
a) going to
b) can't
c) can
d) ‘ll
42.- Those clouds are really black. It ______ rain.
a) Is going to
b) will
c) won't
d) is
45.- Experts predict that by the year 2100 nearly everyone _______(be)online.
a) are going to
b) is going to
c) did
d) will
62.- ________ anything for lunch tomorrow?
a) Are you doing
b) Do you do
c) Will you do
d) Shall you do
78.- Space hotels _______ to become quite popular in the future.
a) will definitly
b) are possible
c) are likely
d) would posible
213.- ______ she ________ to the party?
a) will/ come
b) will/ came
c) Will/ coming
d) will/ comes
214.- Where ____________ cook the meal?
a) she is going to
b) she going to
c) is she going to
d) is she going
215.- ____________ to the countryside the next vacations?
a) will drive
b) you will drive
c) you drive
d) will you drive
216.- Maria ______________ in about 45 minutes.
a) going to arrive
b) is going arriving
c) is going to arrive
d) going to arriving
217.- ______ is going to fly that plane?
a) What
b) Who
c) How
d) Why
222.- _____________ draw in that wall this afternoon?
a) Who will you
b) What are you going to
c) Why will
d) Where is

224.- I ___________ prepare the bath for my little child

a) is going to
b) going to
c) am going to
d) will go
226.- A:___________ the operations?
B: Captain Smith
a) what will lead
b) Who will lead
c) who lead
d) what lead

228.- ____________for taking to the party?

a) Where will you buy
b) How will you buy
c) Why will you buy
d) What will you buy
229.- Will you bring our dictionaries the next class?
a) Yes, you will
b) Yes, I am
c) No, I am not
d) Yes, I will
230.- Are they going to correct the exams?
a) Yes, you are
b) No, you aren't
c) Yes, I am
d) Yes, I will
231.- They _____________ play tomorrow
a) is going to
b) are going to
c) going to
d) will go
232.- Will you teach science in high school?
a) No, I am
b) Yes, I will
c) Yes, I am
d) Yes, you are
233.- Will you take the dog to the doctor?
a) Yes, it will
b) Yes, I will
c) Yes, you do
d) No, it won't
234.- A: ____________ the merchandise? B: Yes, I am
a) Is she going to bring
b) Will she going to bring
c) She is going to bring
d) Are you going to bring
237.- Where will you take those chairs?
a) in the cabinet
b) for the courtyard
c) by the shore
d) to the Main hall
238.- They __________ to Miami the next holiday.
a) travel will
b) are travel
c) will be travel
d) will travel
240.- ____________ say her speech in the conference?
a) is
b) Maria Is going to
c) is Maria going to
d) Maria will go
241.- My dog __________ participate in a show exhibit this coming Saturday.
24 questions
a) is
b) is going to
c) going to
d) are going to



Both be going to and will can be used to predict future events. In many cases they can be
used interchangeably.
Experts believe that the recession will continue.
Experts believe that the recession is going to continue.
However, in some cases they are used differently:

Use going to when there is evidence about what is going to happen.

Look at the time! We’re going to be late!
Use will / won’t when guessing about the future.
I bet Robin will be late again.

Will is often used with phrases such as I think…, I expect…, I don’t think…, I bet… , I’m
sure…, I doubt if/that… when making predictions
It is more common to use I don’t think + will, not I think + won’t
I think it won’t rain => I don’t think it will rain

will / be going to for prediction

There are 10 questions in this quiz. Read the grammar explanation below. Answer the
1. Which sentence is best?

I think this machine won’t work.

I don’t think this machine will work. Correct
I think this machine isn’t going to work.

2. Complete the sentence.

Talk to your mum about the problem. I’m sure she ___ understand.

is going to
‘ll Correct!
will be

3. Which sentence means: I don’t think he’ll help us?

I bet he’ll help us.
I expect he’ll help us.
I doubt if he’ll help us. Correct
4. Choose the best way to complete the sentence.
I listened to the weather forecast. It___ nice at the weekend.
‘s going to be Correct!
will be
is being

5. Which sentence uses will incorrectly?

I expect we’ll sell the house before Christmas.

I feel terrible. I think I’ll be sick. Correct!
I bet we’ll get home before mum and dad do!

6.- Look at those black clouds! It ________ rain.

is going to Correct

7.- Can you remind me about my dentist’s appointment? I’m sure I______ it
'll forget .- Correct
I’m going to forget

8.- Let’s get ice creams from the supermarket. They _______ be cheaper there than at
the cinema.!
Will.- Correct
Are going to

9.- It's 8.30! We ________ miss the train!

Are going to.- Correct

10.- Jones is kicking the ball towards the goal… he________ score… he’s scored!
Is going to.- Correct

43,- I _______ in this city all my life.
a) have lived
b) live
c) lived
d) has lived
44.- Tiger Woods has been a professional golfer _______ 1996.
a) in
b) since
c) for
d) while
49.- She has ________ run two marathons.
a) yet
b) for
c) since
d) already
59.- We had some problems at first, but now the local people _______ us.
a) have accepted
b) accepted
c) could accept
d) can accept
a) has traveled

90.- The pyramids of Egypt are thousands of years old. It ______ easy to build them
without modern machinery.
a) may be
b) can be
c) couldn't
d) couldn`t have been
123.- Ken failed the test. He should _______ more.
a) studying
b) to study
c) studied
d) have studied
136.- I met Carlos many years ago. _______ him for a long time.
a) I'm knowing
b) I've know
c) I'd know
d) I?ll know
155.- Magda knows a lot about badgers, but she ______ a live one.-159.-
a) hasn't ever seen
b) doesn't ever see
c) hasn't ever saw
d) didn't ever see
164.- I _______ my boyfriend since Christmas.
a) didn't see
b) haven't seen
c) don't see
d) hasn't seen
242.- OH no! Someone has _____ my bag!
a) steal
b) stolen
c) stealing
d) stole
244.- We ____ been to Russia
a) have never
b) have ever
c) have to
d) has never
251.- I'm not hungry, I'm afraid. I_______.
a) have already eat
b) have already eaten
c) have eaten already
d) has already eaten
325.- Tom _______ (live) in Zaragoza for the past 15 years.
a) had lived
b) has lived
c) heve lived
d) lived
331.- Mr. Kim never (to put on) _______ a suit.
a) puts up
b) has put
c) put
d) put up
333.- My brother ______(grow) a mustache since I last ______him.
a) had/saw
b) has grown/saw
c) have/see
d) had/seen
350.- ________ has gone to Ireland too many times?
a) What
b) Who
c) Where
d) What time
368.- They have studied Chinese_____ two years now
a) since
b) about
c) in
d) for
395.- I’ve received a lot of phone calls ____ .
a) on Friday
b) yesterday
c) two days ago
d) this week
396.- He's ____ off his holiday.
a) taking
b) put
c) calling
d) need

403.- I ________ sushi.

a) eaten
b) have eat
c) have ever eaten
d) have never eaten
405.- She _____ that lovely horse since she was a teenager.
a) had
b) has had
c) had
d) is had
407.- How long ____ you had this car?
a) did
b) do
c) have
d) were
411.- Has the mom forbidden her son, ______?
a) it
b) soon
c) already
d) yet

Utilizamos los adverbios “already”, “just”, “still” y “yet” más a menudo en el
presente perfecto, aunque podemos usarlos en otros tiempos verbales. Estos
adverbios se utilizan en referencia a tiempo y su posición dentro de la oración
depende de cuál de ellos estemos utilizando.


“Already” se refiere a algo que ha pasado antes o más pronto de lo que se

esperaba y es traducido como “ya” en español. “Already” generalmente va entre
el verbo auxiliar y el verbo.


They have already finished their homework. (Ya han acabado sus deberes.)
Jacob has already left work. (Jacob ya se ha ido del trabajo.)
The train has already arrived. (El tren ya ha llegado.)

“Just” se utiliza para acciones o eventos que ocurrieron hace poco tiempo y
como tal puede ser traducido como “acabar de” o “sólo”. Al igual que con
“already”, “just” va antes del verbo o entre el auxiliar y el verbo en la frase.


I just ate, but I’m already hungry again. (Acabo de comer pero ya tengo
hambre de nuevo.)
Where’s Jacob? He’s just left. (¿Donde está Jacob? Acaba de irse.)
Beth has just moved to New York. (Beth acaba de trasladarse a Nueva

Usamos “still” para acciones o acontecimientos que no han pasado o no han

terminado, sobre todo cuando esperamos que las acciones o acontecimientos
hayan pasado más pronto. Puede ser traducido como “aún” o “todavía”. Es con
frecuencia usado también con otros tiempos verbales, pero “still” siempre va
antes del verbo, independientemente del tiempo verbal que utilicemos.


I took two pills, but I still have a headache. (He tomado dos pastillas, pero
todavía tengo dolor de cabeza.)
Is Jacob still working at the hospital? (¿Jacob aún trabaja en el hospital?)
They still haven’t finished their homework. (Todavía no han acabado sus

“Yet” es usado para algo que esperamos que hubiera pasado ya pero todavía no
ha pasado. Tendemos a usarlo en frases negativas e interrogativas. En frases
negativas puede ser traducido como "aún"’ o “todavía” y en preguntas como
“ya”. En contraste con los otros adverbios de esta lección, “yet” va al final de la


I’m really hungry. I haven’t eaten yet. (Tengo mucha hambre. Todavía no he
Jacob hasn’t left his job at the hospital yet. (Jacob todavía no se ha ido de
su trabajo en el hospital.)
Have they finished their homework yet? (¿Ya han terminado sus deberes?)
Has the train arrived yet? (¿Ya ha llegado el tren?)

412.- I haven't seen that woman _______________.

a) for high school
b) about high school
c) in high school
d) since high school
414.- Has the student spoken to the professor about her grades?
a) Yes, they has
b) Yes, they spoken
c) Yes, she has
d) Yes, have they
417.- Carlos has used the same car _________ years now!!
a) in about 5
b) until about 5
c) for about 5
d) since about 5
420.- ________________ been in Caracas, yet?
a) Have you
b) haven't you
c) were you
d) was he
499.- Have you cooked Thai food?
a) Yes , I has
b) Yes, you have
c) No, I have
d) Yes, I have
503.- those lemons ___________ big, because of the chemicals. 29 questions
a) has grown
b) have grown
c) have grow
d) have grow
Present perfect with Ever - never -

Ever means 'at any time', the specific time is unknown Never is originally a contraction of 'not ever'.
or unnecessary, and is used inquestions.
 Have you ever met a famous person ?
(Did you meet a famous person at any time in the past.)
Ever is also used with nothing, nobody for things that Never means the subject hasn't had a certain
haven't happened before. experience before.
 - Nobody has ever travelled through time.  Have you ever been abroad? No, I’ve never been
(I've never had that experience before.)
Ever is also used with 'the first time' for first Never can be used in negative questions to
experiences. show the surprise that you've never had a certain
 This is the first time I've ever eaten snake soup. experience before.
 Have you never played soccer?


Have you ______________________________ eaten lobster ? 

I have ______________________________ been to France. 
I think I have ______________________________ really known you. 
That’s the smallest car I have ______________________________ ridden in. 
If you ______________________________ have questions, please don't hesitate to
contact me personally. 
She is probably the most fascinating woman I have
______________________________ met. 
If you have ______________________________ felt or known real love, you know
it is well worth the wait. 
Have your children ______________________________ had Turkish Delight or
chocolate-covered pistachios ? 
You have no right to say what the greatest movie is if you have
______________________________ seen “Citizen Kane.” 
______________________________ have I suggested that a test should replace a
teacher ! 



109.- Janice moved to Paris. _______ there for a year already.
a) She's living
b) She lives
c) She's been living
d) She was living
60.- They ______ around Asia since last January.
e) have traveled
f) traveled
g) have been traveling


102.- This time next week, I _____ on the beach in the Caribbean.
a) will sunbathing
b) am sunbathing
c) will be sunbathing
d) will sunbathe

103.- Scientists ________ a cure for cancer by the end of this century.
a) will have found
b) will find
c) will had
d) will found
142.- By this time tomorrow, _________ in Montreal.
a) I'm arriving
b) I've been arriving
c) I'd arrive
d) I'll have arrived
72.- By the time he died, Jack Kirby ______ more than 50 comic characters.
a) created
b) has created
c) had created
d) must create
75.- She told the police that she _______ some boys attacking the man.
a) had seen
b) has seen
c) was seeing
d) did see
101.- When he was arrested, the conman _______ that he had ever done anything illegal.
a) predicted
b) said
c) denied
d) concluded
182.- I __________ extremely hard before the test was given.
a) have studied
b) has studied
c) studied
d) had studied
184.- Had you expected to find many vacant hotel rooms, but you only found one?
a) yes, we did
b) yes, you have
c) yes, I do
d) yes, we had
185.- They __________ in the Super Bowl in 1990, so they were more prepared in 1995
a) are played
b) had played
c) played
d) have played
186.- _____________ color photography before he tried black and white film?
a) had he enjoyed
b) did he enjoyed
c) he enjoyed
d) have he enjoyed
187.- She __________ all over town for a formal dress before she found one she liked.
a) looks
b) are looking
c) looked
d) had looked
189.- Tonya _______ as a decorator before she opened her shop.
a) has worked
b) is working
c) was work
d) had worked
190.- _______ the ballet so much that they wanted to see it again?
a) Who did enjoy
b) Who had enjoyed
c) Who enjoyed
d) What had enjoyed
191.- Had the power supply failed during the night, so the house got cold?
a) Yes, it was
b) No, it wasn't
c) Yes, it had
d) No, it hasn’t
192.- You _______ earlier in the day, so we knew you were on your way.
a) was called
b) is calling
c) have called
d) had called
194.- Karen and Christopher _______ their bakery long before the big one came to town.
a) had started
b) started
c) starts
d) have started
195.- The alligators at the edge of the pond _______ us until we realized they were behind
a fence.
a) have scared
b) are scaring
c) scared
d) had scared
196.- Had the defense attorney argued before Judge Sanchez prior to last June's trial?
a) Yes, they were
b) Yes, he has
c) No, he hadn't
d) Yes, he was
198.- Mark _______ well at the playground, so his mother bought him a treat.
a) was behaving
b) behaves
c) is behaving
d) had behaved
199.- You _______ about conditions in the Middle East long before you _______ that trip.
a) had known/ make
b) had known/ made
c) know/ make
d) has known/makes
200.- A: ______ to research his family history a year before he visited Ireland?
B: Robert
a) Who had begun
b) Who is begun
c) Why
d) How did he
201.- The Lanes family ______ organic vegetables even before they planted their garden.
a) have eaten
b) has eaten
c) are eating
d) had eaten

202.- Before the treasure hunt started, Ryan's mother ________ clues in the yard.
a) had hidden
b) is hidden
c) was hidding
d) hides
204.- The geese _______ from Michigan to Florida before the first snow fell.
a) had flown
b) have flew
c) flies
d) is flying
206.- The choir _______ together many times before its tour of Europe last month.
a) have sang
b) have sing
c) had sung
d) sung
207.- Carl _______long enough when his mother woke him up.
a) haven't sleep
b) haven't slept
c) hadn't slept
d) haven't sleep
208.- Olga was _____ when Seventies styles returned; she ______ them since high
a) amusing/ have worn
b) amused/ had worn
c) amusing/ have worn
d) amused/ wearing
209.- We _______ in the rain long before the gates were opened.
a) stand
b) had stand
c) hadn't stood
d) stood
210.- Russ and Becca ______much experience with building before they started their
a) hadn't had
b) had have
c) had having
d) have
211.- A: _________ The Wilsons saved enough money?
B: To pay their taxes before the deadline arrived.
a) Why had
b) What had
c) What have
d) Why did
250.- By the time we arrived, it _____so dark, we couldn’t see anything.-323.-
a) had gotten
b) had get
c) had getting
d) getting
323.- By the time we arrived, it (get) _______ so dark, we couldn't see anything.
a) had get
b) had got
c) has gotten
d) had gotten

324.- She didn't want to hear the joke because he (tell)_______ it ten times. 30 questions
a) had tell
b) had telled
c) had told
d) told
94.- He asked her to marry him, but she ________ .
a) turned down
b) turned down him
c) turned him down
d) turned
165.- The doctor has told her that she must give _______ drinking.
a) from
b) out
c) off
d) up
287.- He ____ off his holiday until after the winter.
a) took
b) put
c) called
d) logged
289.- Jane is always poking her nose in other people's business. She's so ____!
a) inquisitive
b) obedient
c) playful
d) unreliable
292.- She ____ the sack last week and is now looking for a new job.
a) did
b) made
c) took
d) got
294.- During his stay in Indonesia he went ____ with malaria.
a) up
b) off
c) down .- become ill.
d) over
297.- I couldn't get in ____ with you all week! Where have you been?
a) contact
b) call
c) touch
d) talk
302.- I intended to go for a walk, but the weather put me _______ the idea
a) of
b) on.- ponerse (clothes) – similar engano
c) to
d) off.- desalentar – postergar.
303.- I look forward ______ you soon.
a) to seeing
b) to see
c) see
d) seeing

310.- I like those shoes. I'll ______ .

a) try on
b) try them on
c) them try on
d) try on them
311.- Please, take the engine off.
a) turn them off
b) turn off
c) turn it off
d) turn off it
339.- She gets ______ the bus at 7 o'clock.
a) at
b) on
c) in
d) under

46.- If you ______ like the shirt, the store will refund your money.
a) won't
b) didn't
c) don't
d) isn't
61.- If you work in a store, you ______ be rude to customers.
a) don't have to be
b) mustn't
c) don't need to
d) may not
65.- Global warming will be catastrophic ________ we act now.
a) when
b) while
c) if
d) unless
67.- If I were your boss, I _______ care about your clothes.
a) won't
b) wouldn't
c) didn't
d) wasn't
70.- If your girlfriend is cheating on you, you _______ break up with her.
a) ought to
b) ought
c) ought not
d) oughting
76.- The little boy was tired. He asked if he _______ go home.
a) can't
b) could
c) did
d) can

96.- They wouldn't have met if their friends ______ them to the restaurant.
a) wouldn't invite
b) didn't invite
c) hadn't invited
d) hasn't invited

97.- If only I _______ listened to my parents when I was younger!.

a) would have
b) had
c) didn't
d) did have
98.- I wish my exams _____ over so that I could go out with my friends.
a) were
b) was
c) are
d) will be
108.- Bill would have done something about the problem if he ________ about it.
a) did know
b) had known
c) was known
d) would know
111.- I'd play the piano better If I ________ more.
a) practicing
b) can practice
c) practiced
d) will practice
118.- I won't go _______ you come with me.
a) instead
b) except
c) unless
d) although
135.- My suitcase would have been much lighter if I _________ all my books.
a) don't pack
b) not packing
c) not pack
d) hadn’t packed
138.- If fewer people drove cars to work, ________ less pollution.
a) we've had
b) we'd have
c) we're having
d) we'll have
160.- The loudspeakers won't work unless you ______ those cables.
a) connect
b) connected
c) don't connect
d) can't connect
170.- If he hadn't drunk so much, he _________ sick.
a) didn't feel
b) wouldn't feel
c) hasn't felt
d) haven't felt

257.- If I were rich, _____________

a) I would buy a ferrari.
b) I will buy a ferrari.
c) I am going to buy a ferrari.
d) I buy a ferrari.
258.- If unemployment is rising, __________________
a) people stayed in their jobs
b) people are in their jobs
c) people tend to stay in their present jobs.
d) people will be in their jobs
269.- You will _______ a lot of money if you turn off the electrical machines.
a) earn
b) save
c) win
d) gain
341.- I will go to the concert if I can ______ a ticket.
a) gets
b) got
c) get
d) getting

Mixed conditional sentences combine two different conditional patterns. 
Several patterns can be used:

 mixed first conditional sentences

First conditional sentences can use a variety of modal verbs.

If + present simple, can / may / might / will / should + verb (infinitive)
If you give me some money, I can buy some milk.
If I finish my homework, may I go out with my friends?
If you switch the photocopier off and on again, it should work.

First conditional sentences can also use going to, as well as will.

If + present simple, going to + verb (infinitive)
If you don’t get ready soon, we’re going to be late!

The present continuous and going to can also appear in the If clause

If you’re going to the shop, can you buy me some cola?
If you’re going to pay him, make sure you get a receipt.

The present perfect may also appear in the If clause.

If you’ve finished your work, you can go home.

 mixed third / second conditional

This combination describes an imagined event in the past and the present result. 
If + past perfect, would + verb (infinitive)
If he'd taken the medicine, he wouldn't still be sick.
He wouldn’t still be sick if he’d taken the medicine.
 mixed second / third conditional

This combination describes a situation which is never true, and the past consequence of this situation.
If + past simple, would have + verb (infinitive)
If you were better at speaking in public, the presentation would have been more successful.
The presentation would have been more successful if you were better at speaking in  public.


68.- I wish I ________ a smaller nose.
a) had
b) have
c) would have
d) has
106.- I had an accident. I wish I ________ more careful.
a) was being
b) will be
c) have been traveling
d) had been
124.- Betty's husband suggested that she _______ a few days off from work.
a) has took
b) taking
c) take
d) will take
133.- The package still hasn't arrive. I wish I ________ it earlier.
a) was sending
b) have sent
c) am sending
d) had sent
152.- Peter's uncle recommended that he ________ more money.
a) save
b) saved
c) saves
d) will save

In English, the subjunctive is a grammatical mood that is used to express an unreal situation
such as a wish, possibility, or action that may or may not happen. The most common
occurrences of the subjunctive that students are likely to encounter include sentences reporting
suggestions, the second conditional, and sentences with “wish”.

A. The subjunctive form is used for reporting suggestions. Certain verbs (that I like to call verbs
of suggestion to help students easily pick them out) in the independent (main) clause will result
in the base form of the verb in the dependent “that” clause. Point out this pattern to students:

Verb of suggestion + that + base verb

Some of the more common verbs of suggestion that follow this pattern include: advise,
ask, demand, insist, prefer, propose, recommend, request, suggest, and urge.

 His boss demanded that he work overtime.

 Her teacher suggested that she study for three hours last night.
 I prefer that he speak to me directly.

B. The subjunctive form is also used for giving strong suggestions or commands.
Certain adjectives (that I call adjectives of importance to help students remember) in
the independent clause will result in the base form of the verb in the dependent “that”
clause. Point out this pattern to students:

Adjective of importance + that + base verb

Some common adjectives that follow this pattern include: important, necessary,

imperative, essential, vital, and urgent.

 It was important that he call me yesterday.

 It is essential that the operator of this machine remain calm during an
 I think it is necessary that your dog be kept on a leash while in this area.

Note 1: Make sure you don’t give students example sentences where they won’t notice
the base verb. If you use the simple present tense and a subject other than the third-
person singular, students may think it’s a simple present verb in the dependent clause
instead of a base verb. For instance, in the sentence They suggest that we look over
the document, “look” could be mistaken for a simple present verb instead of a base
Note 2: The subjunctive often occurs in clauses that begin with “that.” Point out to
students that seeing “that” is a good indication that the subjunctive may be required
(particularly on a test such as the TOEIC). However, “that” can be dropped in English,
so it isn’t always a surefire way to spot the subjunctive. (E.g., I suggested that he study
for at least two hours. / I suggested he study for at least two hours.) It’s more important
to notice the verb or adjective in the main clause. Is the meaning of the verb
“suggestion”? Is the meaning of the adjective “importance”? If so, the subjunctive should
be used.


The second conditional, also known as the unreal conditional, follows this pattern:

If + past, would + base verb

It is used to show an unlikely or impossible outcome that probably wouldn’t happen. The
subjunctive mood becomes apparent when we use the beverb. This verb always takes
the form of were, no matter what the subject is. It’s a holdover from long ago when we
used certain forms to express mood far more often than we do nowadays. It’s important
to point out this was/were case to your students because they won’t be expecting it!
Give them a few examples (make sure the subject would normally take “was”). You
could also print out the lyrics to “If I Were a Boy” by Beyonce and play it in class as a
fun way to see the subjunctive in use.

 If I were rich, I’d travel around the world.

 If he weren’t so lazy, he would get good grades.
47.- Many consumer products _______ in China.
a) are made
b) make
c) Is made
d) are making
71.- More than 700 million phones around the world last year.
a) sold
b) were sold
c) were selling
d) was sold
74.- Stratford, were William Shakespeare was ________ , _______ visited by millions of
tourists every year.
a) born / is
b) borned / is
c) borning / it is
d) born / is it
92.- The suspect _______ to get out of the car and put his hands on his head.
a) tells
b) told
c) was told
d) telling
279.- That song was written _____ Mozart.
a) of
b) by
c) with
d) to


50.- Did you read the book ______ I gave you?
a) that
b) who
c) where
d) when
51.- I want to go to a college ________ I can study genetics.
a) which
b) that
c) where
d) who
117.- The man ________ lives across the street is a dentist.
a) who
b) he
c) whose
d) what
145.- The tie ________costs only $10.
a) I like that
b) that I like
c) what I like
d) I like it
252.- She is the woman _______________________
a) what I saw standing near the window
b) in which I saw standing near the window
c) that I saw standing near the window
d) whose I saw standing near the window
253.- That one is the cat _____________________
a) who chases children in the park
b) why chases children in the park
c) whom chases children in the park
d) That chases children in the park
316.- This is the bank ________ was robbed yesterday.
a) whose
b) what
c) which
d) where
317.- The woman________ gave him the money was young.
a) whose
b) who
c) where
d) which
318.- The man ________ drove the car was nervous.
a) who
b) which
c) whose
d) where
319.- My bedroom is a place ________ I like listening to music.
a) where
b) who
c) that
d) whose
320.- I don't like wearing clothes ________ aren't comfortable.
a) who
b) where
c) which
d) whose


Use defining relative clauses to give information about a noun in a sentence. The listener or reader
NEEDS this information to understand the sentence.

A doctor is a person  who cures sick people.

The girl who sits next to me at work has a bag just like yours.


 Use who to give more information about a person.

An architect is a person who designs buildings.

 Use which or that to give more information about a thing.

A corkscrew is a thing which you use to open bottles.
The book  that you gave me for my birthday  is really interesting.

 Use where to give more information about a place.

That’s the place where we got married.

The town  where my uncle lives is a few miles from here.

 Because non-defining relative clauses give essential information, no commas (,) are needed.
 If the noun which the relative clause describes (usually at the beginning of the sentence) is the
OBJECT of the sentence, you can delete which, thator who.

The man who is wearing the blue suit is my brother.

The man is the subject of the sentence. You cannot delete who.

The man (who) George is talking to is my brother.

George is the subject of the sentence. 
The man is the object of the sentence. 
(The sentence can be rewritten: George  is talking to a man. The man is my brother). So you can delete

The book you lent me is really good. 

You is the subject of the sentence. 
The book is the object of the sentence. 
(The sentence can be rewritten: You  lent me a book. The book is really good.Which /
that is not necessary.)

The book which is on the table is really good.

The book is the subject of the sentence. (The sentence can be rewritten: The book  is on the table. It’s
really good. Which / that is necessary.)

Which word goes in the space?

The mountain ____ we climbed yesterday was the highest mountain in Britain!

a) which !
b) where
c) what

In which sentence can you delete who?

a) The man who I saw on the bus is my neighbour. !

b) The man who lives next to me is nearly eighty.
c) The man who cleans my windows has gone into hospital.

In which sentence can you NOT delete that?

a) The film that we saw yesterday was brilliant.
b) I’ve lost the magazine that I was reading.
c) A photocopier is a machine that makes copies of pages. !

What CANNOT go in the space?

Julie looked after the injured bird ___ she found in the garden.

a) (No word is needed here)

b) that
c) who !
Rewrite these sentences:
Greg bought a camera yesterday.
The camera doesn’t work.

a) The camera that Greg bought yesterday doesn’t work. !

b) Greg, who bought a camera yesterday, doesn’t work.
c) The camera who Greg bought yesterday doesn’t work.

What CAN’T you write in the space?

Last week I bought a watch ___ was half price.

a) (no word is needed here) !

b) that
c) which

Rewrite these sentences.

I met a man at a meeting last week.
The man was at the party.

a) The man who I met at the party last week was at the meeting.
b) The man I met at the meeting last week was at the party. !
c) I met the man, which was at the meeting last week, at the party

Complete the sentence.

That’s the shop ___ I bought my wedding ring.

a) which
b) where !
c) (No word is needed here)

Complete the sentence.

There’s the woman ___ I met last week.

a) that
b) which
c) (no word is needed here) !

Which sentence needs the word who?

a) Is that the woman ___ Dan was talking about?

b) Is that the woman ___ you work with?
c) Is that the woman ___ lives next door to your grandmother? !


Use non-defining relative clauses to give extra information about a noun in a sentence, or part of a
sentence. The listener or reader does not need this information to understand the sentence.
Relative clauses can define the subject of the sentence:
Miranda,  who used to go to the same university as me, is having a baby.
Or the object of a sentence:
We went to a lovely restaurant, where we both had steak.
Or the sentence as a whole.
She gave me some money,  which was very nice of her.

 Always put the relative clause as close as possible to the noun that you are describing.
 Use who to give information about a person, whose to introduce a possession, and which to
give information about a thing. Do not use that.
 Use where to give information about a place ONLY if you introduce another subject after where.
Otherwise, use which.

We met at Bristol University, where we  both studied Biology.

We met at Bristol University, which is in the west of England.

 Who, which, where and whose cannot be omitted in defining relative clauses.

 As non-defining relative clauses are not necessary to understanding the sentence, they are
always placed within commas.

The man who lives next to me has five motorbikes.

In this sentence, ‘who lives to me’ is necessary. Without it, the sentence (‘The man has five motorbikes’)
is meaningless because it is not clear which man is being talked about. Therefore, commas are NOT

Tom, who lives next to me, has five motorbikes. 

In this sentence, ‘who lives to me’ is not necessary. Without it, the sentence (‘Tom has five motorbikes’)
still has meaning. ‘Who lives next to me’ adds more information, therefore, commas ARE necessary.

 Common Mistakes
Some Students do not put the non defining relative clause close to the noun it describes.

The chemicals flow into rivers, which are toxic.  =>  The chemicals, which are toxic, flow into rivers.

Which word goes the space?

Taylor has a new car, ____ is twice as big as his old one.
a) that
b) which
c) who 
Which sentence is correct?

a) The new stadium opened last week, which can hold over 100,000 people.
b) The new stadium, which can hold over 100,000 people, opened last week.
c) The new stadium, that can hold over 100,000 people, opened last week.

Which sentence uses commas (,) correctly?

a) My sister, who you met last year is coming to visit.

b) My sister who you met last year, is coming to visit.
c) My sister, who you met last year, is coming to visit.

The sentence below indicates that

The apple tree which is at the bottom of the garden needs to be cut down.

a) there are several apple trees at the bottom of the garden.

b) there is one apple tree in the garden.
c) there are several apple trees in the garden.

Complete the space.

We walked as far as the waterfall, ____ we stopped for a picnic.

a) where !
b) that
c) which

Complete the space.

We walked as far as the waterfall, ____ is over 40 metres high.

a) which !
b) that
c) where

Rewrite these sentences.

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
My aunt lives in Edinburgh.
a) Edinburgh, which is the capital of Scotland, lives my aunt.
b) The capital of Scotland, which my aunt lives, is Edinburgh.
c) My aunt lives in Edinburgh, which is the capital of Scotland. !
Rewrite these sentences.
Emma is often bored at home.
Emma’s husband goes away a lot.

a) Emma, who is often bored at home, husband goes away a lot.

b) Emma, whose husband goes away a lot, is often bored at home. !
c) Emma's husband, who goes away a lot, she is often bored at home

Complete the sentence. Indicate whether a comma (,) is needed.

The weather was fantastic ____ was unusual for that time of year.

a) , which Correct!
b) , that
c) which
Rewrite these sentences.
George wants me to do some more work for him.
I’ve worked for George before.

a) George, who wants me to do some more work for him, I've worked for before.
b) George, who I've worked for before, wants me to do some more work for him. !
c) George, who has worked before, wants me to do some more work for him.

63.- She doesn't smoke, _______ ?
a) doesn't she
b) does she
c) is she
d) isn't she
80.- I've never flown before. _______ you?
a) Have
b) Haven't
c) Did
d) Didn't
132.- Tom's bought a new car, _______ he ?
a) doesn't
b) isn`t
c) wasn´t
d) hasn't
173.- The comedians weren't joking with the audience earlier, ________?
a) was joking
b) were they
c) weren’t they
d) is joking
178.- Hannah was sewing costumes for the play,________?
a) is sewing
b) sews
c) was she
d) wasn’t she
180.- Red ants were biting our ankles yesterday until we used insecticide,________?
a) they were
b) weren't they
c) were
d) they weren’t
183.- You had picked a lot of tomatoes from your garden before we had any ripe ones in
ours, _______?
a) have you
b) you have
c) hadn't you
d) have you
188.- The chimp had jumped out of its cage just before we arrived at the zoo,______?
a) has he
b) hasn't it
c) hadn't it
d) has it
193.- The cat had scratched a hole in the sofa before its owner noticed,_______?
a) was he
b) wasn't it
c) hadn't it
d) was it
197.- The trumpet player had finished his solo before the trombonist stood up,_____?
a) was he
b) hadn't he
c) he has
d) he was
203.- Bill hadn't written three cookbooks before his book on baking with chocolate was
released, _____?
a) hasn't he
b) hadn't he
c) had he
d) he has
205.- Mrs. Hughes had fallen several times in the past, so she decided to get a walker,
a) hadn't she
b) had she
c) she had
d) she hadn't
212.-Peter will come to the party,_______?
a) will he
b) he will
c) won't he
d) he won't
218.- She is going to play the guitar in the concert, ________?
a) she isn't
b) is she
c) she is
d) isn't she
219.- Pete _________ work the whole week, won't he?
a) will
b) won't
c) isn't
d) aren't
220.- Charles _____ going to play chess in the tournament, is he?
a) am not
b) won't
c) isn't
d) will
221.- They won't speak with Carlos about that,________?
a) Won’t they
b) they will
c) they won't
d) will they
223.- Marcos isn't going to write the report,________?
a) he is
b) is he
c) he isn't
d) isn't he
225.- They are going play soccer tomorrow, ________?
a) aren't they
b) are they
c) they are
d) they aren't
227.- They won't speak English in class, ________?
a) won't they
b) will they
c) they will
d) they won't
235.- They are going to hike near the woods,_______?
a) aren't they
b) they aren't
c) they are
d) are they
236.- She won't cook for too many people_______?
a) will she
b) she won't
c) won't she
d) she will
239.- She _____ fly to the moon in the next mission, will she?
a) won't
b) will
c) is not going to
d) is going to
305.- You haven't really been to England, (___) you?
a) had
b) were
c) did
d) have
356.- They have smelled something weird in the kitchen, __________?
a) they haven't
b) haven't they
c) have they
d) they have
375.- They aren’t good singers, ____ ?.
a) they are
b) aren’t they
c) they aren’t
d) are they
387.- She does not speak German and French,____ ?.
a) does she
b) she does
c) she doesn’t
d) doesn’t she
393.- He is not doing a lot of homework, _______?
a) isn't he
b) is he
c) does he
d) doesn't he
404.- She finished this week’s report,_________ ?
a) yet
b) didn't she
c) she did
d) never
410.- Carlos has completed all the tasks, _________?
a) has she
b) hasn't she
c) she has
d) she hasn't
419.- The dog has chased its own tale since it is a little puppy, _________?
a) he has
b) has he
c) hasn't it
d) has it
424.- Mark never buys at Macy’s, ______he?
a) does
b) is
c) was
d) has
425.-She has never taken beautiful sunset pictures, _________?
a) she has
b) she hasn't
c) hasn't she
d) has she
449.- The cat was black,_________?
a) was her
b) wasn't he
c) was it
d) wasn't it

459.- They weren’t good players, ____ ?.

a) they were
b) weren't they
c) they weren't
d) were they

471.- The whole family was waiting for us when we got off the plane, _______?
a) are they
b) were they
c) they were
d) weren't th

486.- She is a good student in high school,_______?

a) yes, she was
b) is she
c) isn't she
d) she was
490.- Louisa was driving very badly, ________?
a) was she
b) she was
c) wasn't she
d) she is
514,- Are you thinking to buy a new car, _______? 40 questions
a) are you
b) aren't you
c) were you
d) weren't you


39.- Make sure you chop the onions _______.

a) careful
b) more careful
c) total careful
d) carefully
81.- Some young internet entrepreneurs have made ________ money.
a) a great deal of
b) a great many
c) great much
d) quite a few
158.- They were _________ hard questions that I had no chance.
a) so
b) some
c) such
d) quite
247.- I like your jumper. It's _____ nice.
a) too
b) really
c) enough
d) by
248.- All our products come with a _________.
a) guarantee
b) register
c) purchase
d) bag
249.- I really need to pay the electricity _______ this week.
a) bulb
b) rent
c) charge
d) bill
266.- Normally, before you are able to get a job, you have to attend ______
a) an interview
b) an appointment
c) an arrangement
d) a meeting
267.- I am feeling really______ today. The weather is terrible and I got bad news.
a) miserable
b) punctual
c) starving
d) tired

271.- After a party, all students must pick up ________

a) dirty
b) mud
c) garbage
d) pollution
282.- She’s very successful. Her ___ has risen a lot in the past few years.
a) money
b) salary
c) job
d) earnings
285.- The house will look cleaner when you have finished the ____.
a) home
b) housewife
c) housework
d) homework
286.- Stress is not an illness, but it can ___ to many illnesses.
a) get
b) celebrate
c) contribute
d) affect
288.- I only paid ₤20 for this jacket! It was a real ____.
a) buy
b) price
c) bargain
d) sale

290.- As far as I'm ____, I do not support the new government.

a) matter
b) referred
c) according
d) concerned
291.- The window ____ was really imaginative.
a) exhibition
b) display
c) collection
d) vision
293.- She doesn't ____ my decision.
a) agree
b) approve
c) accept
d) support
295.- When the customs officers found some illegal goods hidden in the car, he was
arrested for ____.
a) assault
b) mugging
c) hijacking
d) smuggling
298.- Susy!!! I am in Paris right now and I want to buy some _____________
a) souvenirs
b) things
c) presents
d) cards
300.- I need a ______ to find out the meaning of this!!
a) English book
b) cell phone
c) dictionary
d) encyclopedia
301.- It's being a _________ meeting you sir!!!!!!
a) pleasure
b) greeting
c) happiness
d) sad
304.- I didn't learn much Japanese ___ I was in Japan.
a) during
b) since
c) while
d) as
338.- Why does she drive so ______?
a) fast
b) carefully
c) bad
d) good
344.- Our teacher seems ______.
a) nicely
b) terrible
c) easily
d) beautifully
357.- What ________ are they leaving our country?
a) May
b) date
c) summer
d) noon
416.- How many times did you cheat your girlfriend ________now?
a) until
b) for
c) about
d) from
460.- We didn't have a good time!!! The party was so ______________.
a) interesting
b) boring
c) marvelous
d) amazing
515.- I travelled to New Zealand and I saw beautiful _____________.
a) landhills
b) scenery
c) landscapes
d) a mountain

accept approve agree

These words all mean to say that you will do what someone wants or that you will allow
something to happen.
AGREE to say that you will do what someone wants or that you will allow something to happen:
He agreed to let me go early.
ACCEPT to be satisfied with something that has been done, decided, or suggested:
They accepted the court's decision.
APPROVE to officially agree to a plan, suggestion, or request:
The committee unanimously approved the plan.

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