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Running Head: Veestro LLC.

Global Marketing and Managers

Global Marketing and Managers

[Name of Institution]
[Name of Institution]

[Name of Student]
[Name of Student]
Veestro LLC 2

Veestro LLC

Executive Summary

The prime purpose of this paper is to enlighten the marketing techniques and strategies

being utilised for the penetration of synthetic based meat alternatives in the Chinese market.

Veestro LLC. is a leading manufacturer of synthetic, processed Meat based in the United

Kingdom who plans to scale his operations in the Chinese market. This paper reflects the macro-

environment and micro-environment factors which will incur in the prevailing of business

operation in the new territory. The SWOT analysis, a competitive review is carried out in this

paper that helps in understanding the clear picture of the enterprise sailing. In the end, the

extensively approaching marketing mix was discussed and analysed in the article to provide

insights into the environment of the new market. Through this, a better understanding of the

enterprise could make to sustain in the vast market of China. Overview of competitors and PEST

analysis is also conducted in this paper for improvement in the operations of the organisation.
Veestro LLC 3

Table of Contents
Executive Summary...........................................................................................................2

PEST Analysis...................................................................................................................5

SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................7

Competitive Review..........................................................................................................9

Market Entry Strategies.....................................................................................................9

Permitting and Franchising..........................................................................................10


Marketing Objectives......................................................................................................11

Target Market..................................................................................................................11

Marketing Mix.................................................................................................................12







Appendix A: Chinese Alternative Meat Sector...........................................................16

Appendix B: UK vs. Chinese Meat Import.................................................................16

Appendix C: Chinese Meat Distribution Market.........................................................16

Veestro LLC 4

PEST Analysis

The Pest analysis of Chinese market is evaluated here and as it is already known that

China is the largest market exists in Asia and one of the second largest and growing in the world,

due to its rapidly increasing day-by-day population. Making China a highly competitive market

for International brands. In this analysis, the factors such as the political, economic, social-

cultural and technological aspects are analysed. Pest analysis is a tool that helps to image the

Chinese market environment and the factors which could impact directly or indirectly the

operation of Veestro LLC.

Political Economic

 The most evident factor in the political  China is known as the leading economic
environment in China is its administrative development region in the world,
and legal legislation that ensures the safety comprising a large market segment of the
domestic enterprise. Focusing on home-
and procurement of organisations.
grown enterprises, neglecting massive
 Communist dictatorship enables to keep the imports from the world and exporting
economy vigorous and sustainable, backing around 12.8% of its goods globally.
for national constancy. Protecting the  China strengthens its economy having
companies from each other. Laws and labour force as a competitive edge, by
regulations of individual local bodies and employing in rural and urban areas for
international bodies impact the business better development of the nation as a whole
and permitting Chinese habitants to initiate
operations and its formulating strategies.
local business enterprises as local bodies
 Disobeying the code of conduct of Chinese ease the code of conduct for locals.
market laws can affect in negative public  Economy circulates in the cycle, yet it is
relation. The FMCG industry and food- difficult for one to predict precisely what
related chain business industry are well economic trend would occur through
regulated by the political environment to various segments. Economic change directly
sustain a safe and healthy food market. impacts the consumer and industrial
markets. Forex rate, stock market, interest,
 Therefore Veestro LLC. must develop unemployment and recession are
positive relationships with the governing and independent variable causing dependency
elected bodies and should pay keen interest in on consumer purchasing power, consumer
generalising these code of conduct and spending arrangements, and willingness to
aligning them with their course of operation. spend.
 China has a stable food industry and has a
Veestro LLC 5

lot of local providers already present in it. It

would be challenging conditions for Veestro
LLC. to prevail in the Chinese market.

Social Technological Factors

 Social trends are generally comprised of

altered cultural values in China. Aspects  As it is known, China is the world-leading
such as population growth, family size economy market and possess relatively
prescribe how the market formulate and high-tech advance technology and online
ensures social morals to be on the proper infrastructure covering the whole
path along with the cultural needs. bandwidth of the country in various
 Analysis of population analysis through region.
by age group, social status and gender  It is stated that currently, there are 540
help market specialist to divide the market million internet users are present in China.
into segments. Although the culture is The online payment method and e-
very diverse in China rather than the commerce have drastically elevated the
economy is much decentralised. curve of consumer shopping trend.
 Literacy rate of china is almost or above  Due to the advancement and benefitted
90%, and a large portion of the Chinese technological era, it is more convenient for
population has access to the internet. international business to pursue and create
Social awareness around customers is brand awareness in the Chinese market via
significant, while the point of importance social media marketing.
can differ over time. Probably it is  Negligence of technological factor or
associated with the economic cycle. incompetency with its advancement can
 Consumers took an interest in their trusted prove critical for an organisation to
brands, products and their producers, sustain.
running a check that might they fund
some charitable organisations, whether
they produce in a style that is harmful to
the environment.
Veestro LLC 6

 Veestro LLC. in this scenario have a

competitive advantage of directly
impacting vegies as substituting the Meat
for their excellent.

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis identifies the context of overall performing operation and where

the enterprise is standing currently in the market. The prime purpose of formulating swot

analysis is to build a framework that would appropriately meet the organisation’s resources and

temperament along with the requirement of the environment in which the enterprise functions. A

SWOT analysis of Veestro LLC. is accompanied here so that a rich picture of the business shall

be attained and several different factors while penetrating the Chinese market.


 Veestro LLC. is a synthetic Meat  Veestro LLC. is relatively a new

producing company, providing enterprise with a fresh idea of a business
alternative meat substitute for the product, and certainly is unaware of
individuals who don't want to consume running operations in such a vast market.
authentic Meat in the Chinese market.  Moreover, the enterprise does not possess
 It is an excellent strength since the any good relation network or positive
United Kingdom is the primary market partners in China. Due to vast competitors
for its persuasion. In China, it would be already present in the food industry, it
introduced the first time and likely might get difficult for Veestro LLC. to
might get much admiration from the prevail its operations smoothly.
Chinese people.  A lot of commitment and enthusiasm is
 Veestro LLC. has a high tendency of required to sustain in such colossal
getting the attention of vegans as they market. Apart from that, company
prefer substitute meat products over products are not likely more
authentic Meat. A healthy workforce is acknowledged by most of the consumers
Veestro LLC 7

present in the enterprise already is a present in China.

plus point.

Opportunities Threats

 In this modern age, everybody tries and  In China and certainly in the United
maintain themselves to look smart and Kingdom, Veestro LLC. is experiencing
feel healthy. Consumers are more centric
aggressive competition among its
towards health-conscious lifestyle. Arise
in heart disease caused by consumption of competitors.
authentic Meat, transfers many meat  At this time, China has some big
lovers to its substitute product.
companies providing the market with a
 Veestro LLC. with the help of their
synthetic products might get the attraction substitute meat product, filling the
of these top-notch consumers. The entrants' position for threatening the
emergence of veganism school of thought
enterprise locally.
is the prime topic nowadays. They believe
that the consumption of meat or anything  Local bodies in China are also
from commodity shall not be entertained. safeguarding the interest of the domestic
 Moreover, young habitants who keep enterprise. This should also be catered by
themselves busy and try to consume fast
food type products more can also be international enterprises and come up
targeted by Veestro LLC. to provide them with strategies to prevail in this
meat substitute to answer their cravings environment.
 China is a venture providing hub with
 China, already a bigger market for
business operation and maximising the leading low wage labour workforce cost,
profits to ceiling, if Veestro LLC. sustains can cause a threat to Veestro LLC. in a
this huge China market with the excellent
manner that more competitors can come
outcome there are more opportunities to
scale up the process all over the region. in the competition and can distribute the
market share of Veestro LLC..
Veestro LLC 8

Competitive Review

Veestro LLC. is relatively a good business generating food joint. A lot of different

competitors are also present in the market to counter the market share of the organisation. To

succeed with the competitive edge in China, organisation should include an emphasis on

acquiring a prime location for their store spot (SHTAL, et. al 2018). Securing high profile real

estate hotspot public packed location would swiftly elevate the business operation and would

also help in maximising sales volume. After such sustainability in this vast market, if the curve

of sales moves upward, Veestro LLC. should focus on expanding its operations by pursuing

scalability (Hamzah, and Hermeindito, 2016). As it is known that China is a vast market and

different cultural possessing habitats are also present in the market. Veestro LLC. should adapt

the cultural differences when required, to better involve with the Chinese market. Apart from

that, brand image plays a vital role to gain the trust of the consumer; once Veestro LLC. gets that

trust, it would be easy to prevail in such a large market.

Market Entry Strategies

With the quick development of the economy in China, China is assuming a progressively

critical job on the world’s economy. To get acquainted gradually with the market. China is such

an enormous nation with such a massive number of the populace. The populace right now is

around 1.96 billion by 2019. There are 23 regions and over 600 urban communities in the nation

(Singh et. al 2018). Somewhat, this enormous measure of populace demonstrates extraordinary

open doors in the market, as the potential clients are in colossal sum for the remote organisations.

Also, with the development of economy in China, and the situation of China on the globe lately,

which are attractions for remote organisations to maintain their business in China too (Omer,
Veestro LLC 9

2019). China is a quickly rising worldwide monetary force. In general, development has found

the average value of a robust 7% to 8% for over ten years with specific business sectors

extending significantly more quickly.

There are a few potential choices for remote organisations to enter the

market in China. Essentially, these suggested choices are authorising and diversifying, turning

out to be joint endeavours and setting up auxiliaries.

Permitting and Franchising

Permitting implies doling out the privileges of something to another organisation in return

for some corresponding right or remuneration (Munaa, Chogsom, and Tumurshukh, 2016).

Essentially, it is to offer power to a Chinese organisation with the goal that they reserve the

privilege to deliver or utilise the item from the Veestro LLC. It is a well-known approach to

passage the market, and it is additionally the most effortless way.


Veestro LLC. is producing the most excellent meat substitute in contrary to the actual

Meat. As in this modern era, people tend to move towards the healthier lifestyle, eco-green

products for their commodities, to maintain the prime location in selling synthetic Meat, Veestro

LLC. should attract and attack the demographics of veganism community who are less likely to

consume actual meat product, young generation who emphasis more on fast foods and rapid

consumable products for their craving, and patients of disease arose from cholesterol and other

minerals consumed additionally by them (Karyono, and Agustina, 2019). This approach would

uplift the sales of Veestro LLC. and the position of the enterprise in the market.
Veestro LLC 10

Marketing Objectives

In China branding is everything, As China is a vast market for enterprises venture,

people there are too selective and picky, and after all, due to presence of large competitors in the

region, consumers tend to scare of fresh and new enterprises due to cautious prevention. Veestro

LLC. must emphasis on creating a brand image among Chinese consumer. Social status of

different consumers likely persuades them to shop always or frequently with brands. Comprising

with the vast amount of population present in China, online users are abundant on social media,

respectively. A more significant impact of social media emphasis on buying attributes of the

Chinese consumer. Therefore social media is a substantial tool, utilise to create a durable brand

image among the consumer (ZARA, 2017). Apart from that Key opinion leaders also play a vital

role in reinforcing and influencing brand image. Key opinion leaders are also referred to as

influencer such as Instagram models, YouTube bloggers. Veestro LLC. should also utilise

structured advertisement for their meat substitute products to address mass population through

television, radio and billboards by directly targeting health-conscious and veganism segment of

the market.

Target Market

Dividing the entire market into different sections and then targeting the most appropriate

segment for the maximum volume of sales require perfect segmentation. To gain these sales

volume, the enterprise should pay focus on demographics and lifestyle standards of the consumer

market. Due to the vast population and ultimate growth in the production and uplift in the

economic sector, most of the consumers present in Chinese territory are relatively costly than

other various regions. These habitats want to live their life according to healthier lifestyle

perimeters (Sánchez-Cambronero, González-Cancelas, and Serrano, 2020). The consumer tends

Veestro LLC 11

to purchase healthy commodities depending upon their requirement. Therefore such segment of

consumers can be attracted pretty quickly through durable branding of Veestro LLC.

Marketing Mix

The four mainstream poles of the marketing mix are as follows:


The product which Veestro LLC. introduces in the Chinese market is whole of a new kind

substitute of meat products, processed through plants and seldom chemical reactions and

combustions. A variety of meat substitute product is available in the market for addressing

cravings of meat lovers. The substitute product is the same in texture and tastes wise as of

authentic meat product.


The product offered by Veestro LLC. requires less raw materials, yet more complicated

procedures to formulate the processed synthetic item. Here in the new market, Veestro LLC.

should penetrate the food industry segment with the relatively average cost per consumption. To

sustain in this vast market, it is essential to keep your product differential through pricing

strategy. A lot of competitors are offering processed Meat about at $25 in China (Zakeri, Yang

and Hashemi, 2019). Therefore proposing this price at the initial level would sustainably work

for the enterprise


Placement refers to the vast distribution of product and making available it to

designated customer. In a market comprising of over 1.34 billion consumers, it is very

Veestro LLC 12

challenging to place your product in such segment or spot from where it can generate a high

volume of sales and certainly making the product available for the end-user in abundance.


In China, the advancement in technology has served significantly for the users, and

actively a large portion of the population offers their leisure time on social media applications

(Sanny, et. al 2018). It is of vital importance that Veestro LLC. should start their brand

awareness campaign through social media at first, later on through advertising, merchandising,

and telemarketing and by promotions too



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Veestro LLC 15


Appendix A: Chinese Alternative Meat Sector

China is already the biggest meat consumer comprising the segment of 27 percent of the globe.

Though the consumption per capita is still not up to mark. These white spots are allowing meat

substitute products to come and play in market. Nowadays Chinese market represents 53 percent

of processed meat segment in market. Young urban Chinese are admiring the idea of processed

based meat substitute quite extravagantly. Over the period Chinese market has consumed a lot of

meat substitute with the increment of 12% from 2018 to 2019.

Appendix B: UK vs. Chinese Meat Import

The world largest importer of meat China, is now planning to produce its own domestic synthetic
processed meat substitute. Analysing the high demand of meat substitute product in the region
the vast market metaphor decides to cater the needs of its civilians and offer them best quality
meat alternative product. Consumers of Chinese market now consider meat healthy and
benefitted when imported from United Kingdom. Five nations are majorly exporting meat to

Appendix C: Chinese Meat Distribution Market

Various social economical lifestyle has improved collectively the growth of meat
consumption in China. Processed synthetic meat is generally made available for consumers at
supermarkets and hypermarkets. Quality of meat product has elevated the shopper approach of
consumer. In china e-commerce is already attaining more and more concentration of consumers,
making it easy to shop commodities with just a single tap. E-commerce is likely covering a vast
community of consumers and providing them with appropriate solution.
Veestro LLC 16
Veestro LLC 17

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