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Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144

Quantitative comparison of lake through¯ow, residency,

and catchment runoff using stable isotopes: modelling and results
from a regional survey of Boreal lakes
J.J. Gibson a,*, E.E. Prepas b, P. McEachern b
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada
Received 12 July 2001; revised 16 November 2001; accepted 1 February 2002

An isotope-based approach for water balance assessment is presented and applied to estimate through¯ow, residence time
and catchment runoff to 70 headwater lakes on the Boreal plain and uplands of northern and north-central Alberta, Canada. The
survey reveals a complex hydrologic regime with systematic variability in water balance due to local site characteristics. On
average, runoff to lakes in wetland-dominated catchments is found to be signi®cantly higher than runoff to upland-dominated
lakes, with generally higher contributions from catchments with low bog/fen ratios. The isotope method, which relies primarily
on water sampling and isotopic analysis, can be easily integrated in routine water quality surveys and is shown to be a practical
alternative to conventional hydrological modelling for comparative analysis of water balance controls on hydrochemistry and
aquatic ecology of lakes, particularly in low-relief wetland-rich terrain. q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Stable isotopes; Oxygen-18; Deuterium; Lakes; Regional water balance; Spatial variability; Disturbance hydrology; Regional

1. Introduction pathways, transport mechanisms, or variations in

landscape element distributions. Although this
Hydrologic modelling is commonly employed to approach has been successfully applied to assess
empirically or statistically evaluate potential water water quality impacts from disturbance in many
balance and landscape controls on lake water quality areas including the Boreal Shield of Quebec
(Thierfelder, 1999). The rationale for this approach is (Carignan et al., 2000), dif®culties have been encoun-
that substances are being carried to the lake via tered in basic application and validation of such
surface and subsurface runoff from the catchment models in low-relief wetland-rich terrain (Pietroniro
slopes, and therefore, may inherit distinct hydro- et al., 1996). The primary limitation in this setting has
chemical signatures associated with differing been that landscape hydrological models are topo-
graphically driven, and low-relief can result in
problems with de®ning catchment areas, and poor
* Corresponding author. Present address: Isotope Hydrology
representation of internal drainage structure, espe-
Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse
5, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria. cially closed depressions (Martz and Garbrecht,
E-mail address: (J.J. Gibson). 1997; Garbrecht and Martz, 1999). Similar problems
0022-1694/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0022-169 4(02)00022-7
J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144 129

Fig. 1. (a) Generalised lake balance schematic showing storage and hydrologic ¯uxes and their isotopic compositions for a typical lake. Note
that I is total in¯ow, where I ˆ R 1 P; P is precipitation and R is surface and subsurface runoff; E is evaporation, Q is the isotopic composition
of out¯ow, V is lake volume, dV/dt is change in lake storage, and h is ambient atmospheric humidity. Note that d values refer to the isotopic
compositions of the respective components. d A and d L denote the isotopic compositions of ambient atmospheric moisture and lake water,
respectively. (b) Time series plot of d 18O enrichment for lakes with differing values of x (evaporation/in¯ow). Note that d p is the limiting
isotopic enrichment under local atmospheric conditions, d S …x ˆ 1† is the steady-state isotopic composition for a terminal lake, d S …x ˆ 0:1† is
the steady-state isotopic composition for a through¯ow lake with x ˆ 0:1; d I is the isotopic composition of in¯ow and d 0 is the initial isotopic
composition of the lakes. (c) Plot of d 18O versus d 2H depicting isotopic compositions and typical isotopic separation between various
components depicted in Fig. 1(a) and (b). Note the position of the MWL of Craig (1961) and LEL. This scenario depicts the case of isotopic
equilibrium between precipitation and atmospheric moisture, i.e. dA ˆ dP 2 1p ; 1 p being the equilibrium isotopic separation for oxygen and

are also encountered due to lack of high-resolution 2001), and can be used to trace lake-to-lake or temporal
topographic data for small-scale applications in changes in lake balance, including runoff from the
remote or developing regions (e.g. parts of northern catchment. The current study was motivated by the
Canada). need for hydrological control in an investigation of
Herein, we present an alternative approach for esti- forest ®re and harvesting impacts on aquatic chemistry
mating lake water balance and landscape runoff contri- and ecology of headwater lakes in low-relief catch-
butions in headwater systems based mainly on water ments of northern Alberta. The required ®eld data,
sampling and laboratory analysis of the oxygen-18 and which includes time-series collection of water samples
deuterium composition of the lake itself, and utilising during the thaw season and bathymetric surveys, can
supplementary physical and climatic data. The ratio- easily obtained during routine water quality sampling
nale for this approach is that the degree of natural surveys. Supplementary meteorological information
evaporative isotopic enrichment in lakes is a sensitive and precipitation isotope data can be obtained in
indicator of lake water balance parameters, speci®cally most areas by interpolation from existing climate
the partitioning of water losses by evaporation versus station databases.
liquid out¯ow (Gat, 1995; Gibson et al., 1993; Gibson, The isotope mass balance approach for estimating
130 J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144

water balance parameters has been demonstrated in on evaporation temperature, the details of boundary
previous studies of open water bodies (DincËer, 1968; layer mass transfer processes (i.e. laminar, turbulent
Gat, 1970, 1981; Zuber, 1983; Krabbenhoft et al., or static), and ambient atmospheric conditions
1990) and was recently reviewed by Gat (1995). In (humidity and isotopic composition of atmospheric
addition, a series of recent isotope-based studies on moisture). To account for these effects, a boundary-
water budget assessment, spatial water balance varia- layer ¯ux model developed by Craig and Gordon
bility, and regional hydrology provide important (1965) can be applied to estimate the isotopic compo-
background information on isotopic variations in sition of the evaporation ¯ux (neglecting resistance to
seasonal climates of northern Canada (Gibson et al., mixing in the liquid phase 1) as a function of other
1993, 1996a,b, 1999; Gibson, 2001). This is the ®rst more readily determined parameters. The evaporating
analysis of water balance variability and controls moisture is given by
inferred from isotope-based analysis of a large
number of lakes. Results are presented along with a dE ˆ …ap dL 2 hdA 2 1†=…1 2 h 1 1023 1K † …3†
brief summary of observed morphologic controls on where ap is the equilibrium liquid±vapour isotope
lake water balance. A comprehensive review of water fractionation, h is the atmospheric relative humidity
balance controls on hydrochemistry and aquatic (expressed as a decimal fraction ranging from 0 to 1,
biota, including the inferred effects of natural forest and normalised to the saturation vapour pressure±
®re and clear-cut harvesting are presented elsewhere temperature of the air±water interface), dA is the
(Prepas et al., 2001; McEachern et al., 2000). The isotopic composition of ambient moisture, and
theoretical basis of the approach, models and practical
sampling and parametric weighting issues are 1 ˆ 1p 1 1K …4†
discussed later. where 1 is the total isotopic separation factor
comprised of both equilibrium 1p and kinetic 1K
1.1. Theory components. Equilibrium separation factors 1p for
oxygen and hydrogen are adequately known as a func-
The water-mass and isotope-mass balance for a
tion of temperature from laboratory experiments by
well-mixed lake (Fig. 1), assuming constant density
Majoube (1971) and others as summarised in Gon®an-
of water, may be written, respectively, as
tini (1986). Likewise, kinetic separation factors 1K are
dV=dt ˆ I 2 Q 2 E …1† narrowly constrained both from theoretical and
experimental studies. For water balance applications,
d…V dL † 1K can be approximated by
ˆ I dI 2 Q dQ 2 E dE …2†
dt 1K ˆ CK …1 2 h† …5†
where V is the volume of the reservoir, t is time, n
where CK ˆ …D=Di † 2 1 and D is the molecular diffu-
dV is the change in volume over time interval dt, I
sion coef®cient of 1H2 16O, Di is the molecular diffu-
is combined surface and subsurface in¯ow, Q is
sion coef®cient of 1H2 18O or 1H 2H 16O, and n is a
combined surface and subsurface out¯ow, E is
turbulence parameter such that n ˆ 1=2 for mean
evaporation, and dL ; dI ; dQ and dE are the isotopic
turbulent ¯ow, n ˆ 2=3 for laminar ¯ow and n ˆ 1
compositions of the reservoir, in¯ow, out¯ow, and
for static transport (Gon®antini, 1986; Merlivat,
evaporative ¯ux, respectively. Due to differences in
1978a,b; Merlivat and Coantic, 1975; Brutsaert,
the saturation vapour pressure and molecular diffusiv-
1975). Use of n ˆ 1=2; which corresponds to CK
ities in air of the rare, heavy isotopic species of water
values of approximately 14.3 and 12.5½ for oxygen
( 1H2 18O, 1H 2H 16O) relative to the common, light
and hydrogen, respectively, is a suitable approxima-
species ( 1H2 16O), the evaporation ¯ux dE is typically
tion for natural evaporation from lakes (Gon®antini,
depleted in the heavy isotopes relative to lake water
dL (Gat, 1995). The magnitude of isotopic separation 1
Isotopic gradients in the liquid phase may occur near the air±
between lake water and the isotopic composition of water interface. This effect is considered negligible on water
the evaporation ¯ux has been shown to be dependent balance time scales of days to years (Gat, 1995).
J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144 131

1986). Additional corrections are sometimes required where dS is the steady-state isotopic composition that
to account for build-up of evaporate in the overlying the reservoir will attain over time as t ! 1; and
boundary layer, although this effect is not generally
dp ˆ …hdA 1 1†=…h 2 1023 1† …8†
signi®cant for small area lakes (Gat, 1995).
where d is the limiting isotopic enrichment for a
1.2. Steady-state models reservoir evaporating to dryness under local climate
conditions (Gat and Levy, 1978; Gat, 1981), and
The most common application of isotope tracers
has been in the context of simple balance models m ˆ …h 2 1023 1†=…1 2 h 1 1023 1K † …9†
assuming invariant hydrologic and climatic condi- where m is the enrichment slope de®ned in previous
tions, although models of more complex systems studies (Welhan and Fritz, 1977; Allison and Leaney,
have also been developed and applied (Gon®antini, 1982), and
1986). Conceptually, there are three main hydrologic
settings for lakes (Horita, 1990): xˆ ˆ …10†
(i) dessicating water bodies, where in¯ow takes where x is a through¯ow index, i.e. the fraction of
place once or sporadically (i.e. dV=dt ˆ 2Q 2 E), total water inputs lost by evaporation.
(ii) terminal (or zero through¯ow) lakes, where Rearranging Eq. (7) to obtain an expression for the
in¯ow is continuous, and where long-term evapora- through¯ow index (x) yields
tion balances in¯ow, so that no liquid out¯ow … dL 2 dI †
occurs (i.e. I ˆ E), and xˆ …11†
m…dp 2 dL †
(iii) through¯ow lakes, where in¯ow is continuous
and balanced by a combination of out¯ow via In the case of the non-transient reservoirs (terminal
evaporation and liquid out¯ow (i.e. I ˆ Q 1 E). lakes and through¯ow lakes), heavy isotope enrich-
ment in lake water will approach an isotopic steady
Desiccating lakes are transient systems, and there- state dS (see Fig. 1(b)), so that deviation from dI along
fore, are not well represented by steady-state models, the local evaporation line (LEL) is constrained to be
nor are such lakes common in Boreal regions. In the less than dS…xˆ1† 2 dI : Enrichment beyond dS…xˆ1† is
case of both terminal lakes and through¯ow lakes, restricted to the desiccating reservoirs.
where hydrologic ¯uxes remain constant and volu- On plots of d 18O versus d 2H (Fig. 1(c)), the kinetic
metric changes are minor (i.e. dV=dt < 0), the lake fractionation of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes by
can be considered as close to hydrologic steady evaporation produces enrichment along LEL with
state. In a scenario, where lake water begins with an slopes ranging from 4 to 7, in contrast to shifts asso-
initial isotopic composition close to that of input ciated with pure equilibrium isotopic exchange, which
water (i.e. d0 < dI ), it will undergo progressive lie close to the MWL of Craig (1961) and have a slope
enrichment in the heavy isotopes as evaporation close to 8 as ®xed by the ratio of 1p2 =1p18 (Fig. 1(c)).
proceeds during residency of water in the lake (Fig. Note that degree of displacement along the LEL is
1). In terminal and through¯ow situations, an inte- proportionate to the fraction of water lost by evapora-
grated expression for temporal changes in lake water tion (x). In non-seasonal systems, the isotopic compo-
dL is obtained by combining Eqs. (2) and (3) accord- sition of atmospheric moisture, which ®xes the
ing to Gon®antini (1986) assuming other parameters potential enrichment via control on the d p and d S
are invariant as values is normally close to equilibrium with mean
annual precipitation …dA < dP 2 1p †:
dL ˆ dS 2 …dS 2 d0 † exp‰2…1 1 mx†…It=V†Š …6†

where d0 is the initial isotopic composition of the 1.2.1. Volume, residence time, and seasonality effects
reservoir, While lake volume is not a primary control on the
isotopic composition of lake water in systems which
dS ˆ …dI 1 mxdp †=…1 1 mx† …7† are close to isotopic and hydrologic steady state, the
132 J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144

Fig. 2. Time-series of isotopic composition of lake water (d L) for hypothetical lakes with ice-free periods ranging from 1/10 to 10/10 year. Note
that the scenario assumes initial d 0 of 220½, dS ˆ 210½; constant steady-state values for I ˆ E ˆ 1:4 mm=d during the ice-free (evapora-
tion) season, V ˆ 1000 mm; h ˆ 0:7; T ˆ 108C during the ice-free period, an instantaneous snowmelt in¯ow of 250 mm at the beginning of
each ice-free season. The lake is assumed to remain inactive during the ice-on period (i.e. no isotopic exchange and no water in¯ow or out¯ow
or evaporation). In the example, the various systems only reach pseudo-steady state (dotted horizontal lines) after 3±5 years, depending on the
water balance scenario. Note that the appropriate pseudo-steady-state values are close to average d L during the thaw season. The symbol
identi®es the d L record obtained from time-series sampling during a single ice-free period for the 8/10 scenario; identi®es the d S value
obtained from best-®t of d L data from , which yields estimates representative of water balance conditions during the ice-free period only; and
identi®es the d S value obtained by averaging ice-free period d L data, which yields estimates representative of mean annual water balance
conditions. Note that the latter approach was employed to obtain mean annual water balance parameters in the present study.

temporal footprint of dL depends on the residence steady-state approximations in seasonal climates is

time of water in a lake given by not necessarily problematic, although parameters in
Eq. (11) must be carefully de®ned. Overall, the
t ˆ V=I …12†
atmospheric parameters …dA ; dp ; h; m† should be ¯ux-
which can be calculated from the annual dimension- weighted according to the seasonal timing of evapora-
less through¯ow index (x), mean lake volume (in mm) tion and variations in evaporation rates. In strongly,
and lake evaporation (in mm) as seasonal climates lakes will not attain isotopic steady
state (unchanging isotopic composition) during the
t ˆ xV=E…years† …13†
ice-free season as shown in Fig. 2. Ice cover serves
Lakes with smaller volume (or mean depth) will tend to isolate a water body from evaporation and atmo-
to be more affected by short-term perturbations spheric exchange during the winter and portions of the
related to ¯ood-drought cycles or other events that transitional months, and is therefore strongly linked to
may be buffered by larger lakes. In situations, where the seasonality. Duration of ice cover and seasonality
residence time is longer than 1 water year, steady- also in¯uence the ¯ux-weighted atmospheric para-
state approximations are expected to yield estimates meters, which may differ signi®cantly from the
close to annual values. In situations, where residence mean annual values in extreme climates. Fig. 2 is a
time is shorter than 1 water year, lakes are expected to time-series plot of isotopic enrichment in a series of
systematically ¯uctuate on a seasonal basis. hypothetical lakes with different ice-free durations
The steady-state model is a straightforward and ranging from 1/10 to 10/10 year. In the scenario, ice
reasonable approximation for most lakes with cover is allowed to vary in order to simulate lakes
dV=dt , ,5% in temperate climate zones although with varying seasonality and water balance. The
it does not account for short-term isotopic shifts, scenario assumes that: (i) the lakes behave like
which often occur in seasonal climates. Use of terminal lakes …x ˆ 1† during the ice-free season (i.e.
J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144 133

I ˆ E ˆ 1:4 mm=d) and dS ˆ 210½ and dI ˆ similar epilimnion and hypolimnion compositions is
220½; (ii) the lake is 1000 mm deep and is initially to use an average value to represent the undifferen-
®lled with water of d0 ˆ 220½; and (iii) at the begin- tiated lake volume. Potential errors related to strati®-
ning of each year, the lake water is assumed to be reset to cation are discussed later.
lower d values by instantaneous input of 250 mm of
snowmelt water of dI ˆ 224½: Progressive, monthly 1.2.3. Catchment effects
time-steps in isotopic enrichment are shown for each To maintain a relatively stable long-term water level,
ice-free period as predicted by Eq. (6). Note that differ- the in¯ows to a lake must roughly balance the discharges
ences in the ice-free period also imply differences in the by both evaporation and liquid out¯ow. Although short-
annual evaporation and water balance. term signals may be hidden in the volumetric change of
In seasonal settings, it is important to note that the reservoir, a knowledge of the long-term or annual
temporal isotope sampling of lakewater during the lake water balance should provide information on the
ice-free period can provide an estimate of d S and mean long-term catchment runoff. In¯ow to a lake is
hence x, that is, representative of the ice-free period comprised of both precipitation and lateral in¯ow
if a best-®t approach is applied whereas an estimate of from the catchment area. The general water and isotope
d S representative of long-term (annual) conditions is balance of such in¯ow is given by
obtained from the average of measured dL values
I ˆP1R …14†
during the ice-free period (Fig. 2). In principle, as
seasonality decreases so does the difference between
dI I ˆ dP P 1 dR R …15†
the mean annual and ice-free only dS values. Redis-
tribution of isotopes in ice covers due to freezing where P is the precipitation falling on the lake surface,
effects may also complicate isotope distributions in R is the combined surface and subsurface runoff from
lake water in the very early thaw season, although the catchment to the lake and d values represent the
this effect is largely restricted to a short interval isotopic composition of the various components.
following melting of the ice cover. Owing to the fact that catchment runoff is derived
directly or indirectly from precipitation in headwater
1.2.2. Incomplete mixing and strati®cation systems, the in¯ow to a lake is to a ®rst approximation
In strati®ed lakes or lakes with pronounced hori- given by dI < dP < dR although exposure to evapora-
zontal inhomogeneities, it can be necessary to account tion (not transpiration) during recharge and surface
separately for epilimnion and hypolimnion volumes runoff may lead to alteration of the evaporative signal
and exchanges, provided these have distinct isotopic in groundwater, wetlands, dry soils, and other
compositions (Gat, 1995). Neglecting strati®cation watershed compartments (Gibson, 2001). Transpira-
can lead to overestimation of the importance of tion can effectively remove substantial amounts of
evaporation loss, if sampling is conducted during potential runoff, although it does not signi®cantly
dry, strati®ed periods and underestimation of evapora- alter the isotopic composition of the soil water reser-
tion loss, if sampling is conducted during wet, voir except in extremely dry soils. A contribution
strati®ed periods. In¯ow bypass or short-circuiting from upstream lakes has also been referred to as the
of the system may also reduce the effective volume chain-of-lakes effect (Gat and Bowser, 1991). Catch-
of the lake during wet periods or reduce the effective ment effects are also be minimised in the case, where
input in the opposite situation. Incomplete mixing the drainage basin area is small relative to the surface
within the lake itself is also a potential source of area of the lake, so that R is a minor component of I. A
error, when applying Eq. (5) to large lakes. The effect tortuous sur®cial drainage con®guration may promote
of strati®cation is minimised in Boreal environments evaporative modi®cation of water during its residency
as reservoirs typically turnover annually. In principle, in the catchment. In addition, Eqs. (14) and (15) may
incomplete mixing can be characterised by spatial and not apply to lakes with deep-seated groundwater
temporal sampling to bracket potential errors to any contributions derived from distant recharge outside the
desired level of precision, although this is not always catchment area (i.e. from a non-local precipitation
practical. A simple approximation for systems with source).
134 J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144

the Caribou Mountains Lakes, NCE Lakes and the

Road-Accessible lakes (TROLS), are located in north-
ern and north-central Alberta (Fig. 3). Some lakes
were accessible by highways, logging roads or off-
road trails, while others were only visited by ®xed-
wing Cessna ¯oat plane. Details on site selection have
been discussed elsewhere (McEachern et al., 2000;
Prepas et al., 2001). Vertically integrated samples
were collected from the euphotic zone (depths receiv-
ing $1% of ambient surface light) at two sites
(including the deepest) along the longitudinal axis of
each lake. In some of TROLS, grab samples of the
epilimnion and hypolimnion were also obtained,
along with supplementary sampling of groundwaters,
surface waters, precipitation, snowpack, and evapora-
tion pans. Water samples were collected in tightly
sealed 30 ml high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
Fig. 3. Map of Alberta, Canada and vicinity showing the approx- bottles and returned to the University of Waterloo
imate location of lakes and lake groups included in the study, and for standard analysis of d 18O and d 2H by mass spec-
location of nearest IAEA/WMO Global Network of Isotopes in trometry within 6 months of collection. d values are
Precipitation stations at Edmonton and Ft. Smith. A more extensive reported as deviations in permil (½) from the Vienna-
network of climate stations used to interpolate meteorological para-
meters is not shown.
standard mean ocean water (SMOW), such that
d sample ˆ 1000((Rsample/Rsmow) 2 1), where R is
O/ 16O or 2H/ 1H. Values cited herein are normalised
From the assumption that the volume of runoff from on the SMOW-SLAP scale, so that standard light
the catchment is equal to the volume of lake in¯ow arctic precipitation (SLAP) has a value of 255.5½
minus the precipitation to the lake, the catchment in d 18O and 2428½ in d 2H (Coplen, 1996). Analy-
runoff to a lake of area LA can also be evaluated tical uncertainty is estimated to be ^0.1½ for d 18O
from the lake isotopic data using and ^2½ for d 2H.
  Lake volume, surface area, mean lake depth, and
Rˆ 2P …16† maximum lake depth were estimated from bathymetric
x DBA maps, and drainage basin area and percent coverage by
where DBA is the drainage basin area such that wetlands, uplands, bogs and fens were estimated using
(LA 1 DBA ˆ CA), where CA is the total catchment 1:20,000 or 1:15,000 aerial photographs.
area, R is the catchment runoff, P is precipitation, and The annual precipitation was estimated for each
DBA is the drainage basin area. This also permits lake-site along with relevant ice-free exchange para-
estimation of the runoff/precipitation ratio …R=P† or meters (lake evaporation, weighted air temperature
the effective drainage basin area (eDBA) as and humidity 2) by spatial interpolation (kriging)
from all climate stations in the Mackenzie Basin.
R For the NCE and TROLS lakes, isotopic composi-
eDBA < DBA …17†
P tion of input d I for each individual lake was estimated
based spatial interpolation (kriging) of long-term
1.3. Study area and methods amount-weighted precipitation data from 15 Canadian
climate stations in the global network for isotopes in
In 1996 and 1997, water samples were collected in precipitation (GNIP) database (nearest neighbours are
70 lakes (3 times per year for most lakes) during the
ice-free season, which extends from May to October. 2
Ice-free season estimates are based on monthly data for May±
The lakes, belonging to three study groups, namely September weighted according to the monthly evaporation ¯ux.
J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144 135

Fig. 4. Plots of (a) d 18O and (b) d 2H measured in lake water and modelled in precipitation, as sorted by lake group. Black and grey circles
represent the mean isotopic composition of lakes based on multiple sampling during the 1996 and 1997 ice-free periods, respectively. Open
circles depict estimates of the isotopic composition of in¯ow.

shown in Fig. 3). These values were found to be in Lakes, d I was estimated as the intersection of the
close agreement with measured isotopic composition MWL and LEL in d 18O versus d 2H space (Gibson
of precipitation and groundwater collected at selected et al., 1993). This method produced input estimates
®eld stations except in the Caribou Mountains. Due to that were in better agreement with measured precipi-
the distinct upland setting of the Caribou Mountains tation and groundwater in the area. The isotopic
136 J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144

Fig. 5. (a) Plot of d 18O versus d 2H showing lake water, range of modelled precipitation for lakes in this study, and measured precipitation at
GNIP stations in Canada. Note that MWL denotes the MWL of Craig (1961) with a slope of 8. Lake samples cluster to form a local evaporation
trend (LEL) with a slope of about 5. Note that the intersection of MWL and LEL corresponds closely to the precipitation input composition
expected for the study area. Enhanced evaporation loss (lower through¯ow) corresponds to enhanced displacement of lake water from the
MWL along the LEL; (b) Plot of d 18O versus d 2H showing measured and modelled input sources.
J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144 137

Table 1
Summary of water balance parameters by lake group calculated by (1) d 18O balance and (2) d 2H balance (² and ³ denote maximum and
minimum representative values, respectively (4 extreme values removed))

Lake group x (%) t (years) R=P (%)

1 2 1 2 1 2

Caribou Mountains …n ˆ 27† Mean 32 42 1.8 2.6 33 24

Max ² 75 96 9.3 13.6 175 186
Min ³ 16 18 0.2 0.2 3 1
1 std 13 18 2.1 3.2 33 35
NCE …n ˆ 27† Mean 25 25 0.6 0.6 75 75
Max ² 51 61 2.3 2.3 186 187
Min ³ 6 5 0.1 0.1 19 19
1 std 13 13 0.5 0.5 44 44
TROLS …n ˆ 11† Mean 45 45 2.1 2.2 20 20
Max ² 81 94 7.2 8.3 77 76
Min ³ 12 10 0.2 0.1 9 5
1 std 26 30 1.9 2.2 19 19

composition of atmospheric moisture was calculated ment of lake water, which produces a LEL, the degree
based on the precipitation equilibrium assumption of offset of individual lakes from the MWL re¯ecting
…dA ˆ dP 2 1p †; where d P and 1 p were weighted proportion of water loss by evaporation. The consis-
according to the monthly evaporation ¯ux. It should tent LEL slopes for both years, and high correlation
be noted that, as expected, the interpolation approach between d 18O and d 2H suggests an evaporation
yielded d 18O estimates that were less enriched than regime governed by robust and consistent exchange
measured lake water isotope compositions for all parameters.
lakes. For three locations, however, d 2H of input The isotopic composition of modelled input used in
was estimated to be slightly more enriched than the water balance calculations (Fig. 5(b)) is intermedi-
observed lake water, re¯ecting greater uncertainty ate between observed d values in groundwaters from
with this tracer or slight problems with the kriging upland areas and the meteoric water line (MWL),
routine used in the present setting. re¯ecting the mean global trend of d 18O and d 2H in
precipitation. Also shown (Fig. 5(b)) are d values for
some lakeshore areas, which are evidently affected by
2. Results and discussion subsurface out¯ow from the lake (in these cases likely
due to bank storage), and wetlands and ponds, which
2.1. Isotopic variations are also evaporatively enriched. Although enrichment
does occur in waters residing in surface storage for
Lakes were found to be systematically, but variably signi®cant periods, the overall ¯ux-weighted inputs
enriched in both heavy isotopes relative to measured (accounting for the small contributions of many of
and modelled inputs at each site (Fig. 4), similar to these highly evaporated sources) are not likely signif-
distributions observed elsewhere in surveys of small icantly different than predicted in precipitation. For
lakes in Canada (Gibson et al., 1993). The isotopic example, in the upland catchment, where the detailed
separation between lake water and modelled input is sampling was conducted, the arithmetic mean isotopic
different for each lake, although comparable patterns composition of groundwater …n ˆ 59† is 218.1 and
are found for both tracers and similar (although not 2146½ for d 18O and d 2H, respectively, depleted by
identical) patterns are obtained for 1996 and 1997. As 0.3 and 2.5½ compared to precipitation at the site,
shown in plots of d 18O versus d 2H (Fig. 5(a)), this and close to the limit of analytical uncertainty. This
separation is clearly the result of evaporative enrich- effect is attributed to contributions of snowmelt,
138 J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144

Fig. 6. Isotope-based estimates of through¯ow index (x or E=I), residence time (t ), and runoff/precipitation ratios …R=P† for lakes sampled in
1996, sorted by lake group. Note that good agreement is obtained between estimates using oxygen-18 (d 18O) and deuterium (d 2H). E=I in
excess of 100% may suggest model calibration problems or effect of volumetric drawdown. R=P values are found to be higher than the expected
maximum of about 50% (see text for explanation). Small vertical arrows indicate lakes excluded from the summary in Table 1.

which tends to be depleted in the heavy isotopic runoff than non-wetland catchments suggesting that
species, rather than by evaporative enrichment. this effect is either small or it is overwhelmed by
Based on the available isotopic information, the problems with underestimation of catchment area in
evaporative enrichment during runoff to the lakes is wetland areas.
expected to be minor in upland-dominated lakes. In
the case of wetland-dominated lakes, there is certainly 2.2. Quantitative estimates
more potential for some interference of the isotopic
signal by evaporation from wetlands, which would The through¯ow index (x or E=I), was estimated
lead to overestimation of x and the residence time, based on Eq. (11) and interpolated humidity, tempera-
and underestimation of the catchment runoff. ture and isotope exchange parameters for each site.
However, wetland catchments (.50% wetland Note that isotope values for each lake were averages
cover) generally had higher average depth-equivalent obtained from three samples taken during July to
J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144 139

Fig. 7. Plot of x …E=I† for 1996 versus 1997 based on d 18O and d 2H. Note that 1997 evaporation losses are estimated to be ,80% on average of
1996 water losses, based on both tracers, which is attributed mainly to inter-annual climate variations.

September. By introducing estimates of lake volume in the upland Caribou Mountains and TROLS groups
(mean depth), interpolated annual evaporation, and had mean x of about 30±50% (i.e. 30±50% of water
catchment morphological parameters, the residence loss by evaporation, 50±70% by surface/subsurface
time (t ) for each lake was estimated from Eq. (13) runoff). Lakes of NCE group, which tended to have
and the runoff/precipitation ratio was estimated using a higher percentage of wetland cover had about 25%
Eq. (16). Results are summarised in Table 1 and illu- water loss by evaporation on average. A cross plot of x
strated in Fig. 6. for 1996 versus 1997 (Fig. 7) reveals a close agree-
Overall, the results show a wide range in lake water ment between years with systematically reduced
balance in the headwater lakes. Although there are evaporation losses during 1997.
regional consistencies (i.e. each lake group shows Comparison between estimates based on oxygen-18
similar properties), the high intra-group variability and deuterium was used as a guideline to judge the
veri®es that local morphological setting may be uncertainty of the model. In general, estimates based
equally important or more important than climatic on both tracers are in agreement to within ^10%.
controls on the water balance. This effect would be Lakewater residence times (Table 1 and Fig. 6) are
expected to diminish at lower levels of the drainage predicted to range from 0.1 to 14 years, and are
hierarchy as amalgamation of headwater basins are consistent with values expected for lakes of the Boreal
integrated and converge on a regional signal. Plain (Prepas et al., 2001). Note that `years' in this
The calculated through¯ow index (x) ranged from context refer to water years rather than calendar years.
about 5 to 100% in individual reservoirs suggesting To calculate actual years, it is necessary to account for
that lakes in the survey spanned the full range from the inactive winter season, which would result in
terminal reservoirs to high-through¯ow lakes. Note calendar year estimates of about 40% longer in the
that several lakes (denoted by arrows in Fig. 6) were present setting.
excluded from the summary table due to extreme Runoff/precipitation ratios are estimated to range
conditions attributed to poor headwater situation from 1 to 185%, with average values of between 20
(e.g. they were receiving water from upstream lakes, and 35% in both the Caribou Mountains and TROLS
which was not detected in air photos). Overall, lakes groups and close to 75% in the NCE group. Calculated
140 J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144

R/P values are high given that the runoff ratio is not that interpolation rather than direct measurement of
expected to exceed about 50% in most situations (i.e. isotope composition is used to characterise the input
50% of precipitation falling on the catchment signatures. However, a good indication that the
reaches the lake). This may in part re¯ect problems method is robust is that it was repeatable from isotope
with de®ning isotope exchange parameters, such as surveys conducted in 1996 and 1997 (Fig. 7). For
the limiting isotopic enrichment d p, but more likely regional applications, the ®eld-based assessment of
re¯ects poor de®nition of catchment areas (required water balance parameters using isotope techniques is
to estimate R=P) in very low-relief, large wetland likely comparable or better than state-of-the-art
basins. Despite this problem, isotope-based R=P hydrological modelling techniques that are not ®eld-
ratios are still very useful for comparative analysis based, but this remains to be tested. One primary
of the runoff regime. source of potential error is strati®cation effects,
As the through¯ow index (x) is only dependent which are discussed later.
on the isotopic enrichment, the humidity, and the
air temperature, and is not affected by potential 2.4. Effects of strati®cation
errors related to catchment morphological charac-
In general, integrated euphotic zone samples were
teristics or precipitation amounts, it is likely the
collected and analysed from two locations in each
most reliable quantitative isotope indicator. Resi-
lake, and the average value was used to estimate the
dence time is also quite robust as it relies on x,
isotopic composition of lake water. Integrated
the mean annual evaporation rate and mean lake
sampling ensured that values used for d L were repre-
depth, but absolute accuracy of R=P (and eDBA)
sentative. In some cases, the euphotic zone constituted
is limited by quality of the catchment parameters.
the whole water column, but more often excluded the
Analysis using isotope-based information could
deepest portion of the lake. To verify the potential
avoid this by comparing volumetric in¯ow rather
errors in water balance estimates arising from possible
than depth-equivalent parameters although this
strati®cation effects, an additional 45 pairs of grab
provides less information on the effect of various
samples of epilimnion and hypolimnion water were
catchment characteristics and terrain con®gurations.
collected and analysed from lakes in the TROLS
Nevertheless, the isotope method provides a quan-
group. Overall the pairs had mean differences in
titative basis for comparison and classi®cation of
d 18O (and d 2H) of 0.25½ (1.5½), with maximum
the hydrological regime.
difference of 1.7½ (11½) and standard deviation of
0.46½ (3.7½). As the euphotic zone samples were
2.3. Errors and sensitivity integrated it is expected that differences between
epilimnion and hypolimnion pairs represent an
Previous studies have provided a detailed overview
extreme scenario of potential errors arising from
of potential errors associated with application of
incomplete mixing. One standard deviation in d L of
isotope-based water balance models (Gibson et al.,
0.46 and 3.7½ in d 18O and d 2H, respectively, trans-
1993, 1998). Although absolute errors are dif®cult to
lates to potential errors in x and t of not more than
evaluate, the estimates are likely comparable to stan-
^8% for x values in the range of 45 ^ 28%, charac-
dard physically based water balance (Carignan et al.,
teristic of the TROLS group, where the sampling was
2000), which has also been con®rmed in detailed
conducted (Table 1). Due to generally shallower depth
evaluation studies (Gibson et al., 1996a,b, 1998).
of lakes in the NCE and Caribou Mountains groups,
Overall, accuracy of annual water balance estimates
potential errors associated with strati®cation effects
for the current application is likely not better than
are likely to be less than a few percent, and do not
^20±30%, although it is expected to be half an
overwhelm the primary water balance signals.
order of magnitude more precise for comparative
applications. The principal advantage of the current 2.5. Water balance and catchment morphology
approach is that accuracy is signi®cantly improved by
use of multiple time-series samples to characterise The relationship between catchment morph-
each lake water value. The principal drawback is ology and water balance is not straightforward, but
J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144 141

Fig. 8. (a) Plot of R=P (%) versus %wetland showing mean and maximum values of R=P for wetland- and upland-dominated basins and (b) R=P
(%) versus bog/fen ratio for wetland-dominated basins. Note that higher R=P is noted for wetland-dominated basins, and especially for basins
with a higher proportion of fens. Note that closed symbols are Caribou Mountains lakes, open symbols are NCE lakes and grey symbols are
TROLS lakes; circles being for reference lakes, squares being for lakes in recently burnt catchments and diamonds being for lakes in harvested

systematic differences are detected in wetland- and wetland cover) have higher mean and maximum
upland-dominated catchments. Overall, lakes from runoff ratios than upland-dominated basins.
all groups and treatment types spanned a wide range Although R=P should only be taken as a relative
of water balance conditions. A plot of R=P versus index of runoff, it is initially apparent that wetland-
%wetland for 1996 (Fig. 8(a)) reveals that lakes dominated basins appear to be hydraulically better
with wetland-dominated drainage basins (.50% connected to lakes than upland basins. Higher R=P
142 J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144

mosaic are particularly evident in frequency distribu-

tion plots of the through¯ow index (x) (Fig. 9). Note
that the regional distribution of x in lakes is skewed to
lakes with lower x and lower isotopic enrichment,
which is consistent with reduced runoff contributions
from highly evaporation sources. This applies to refer-
ence lakes, wetland-dominated lakes, upland-
dominated lakes and disturbed lakes. Non-headwater
lakes and streams at lower levels in the drainage
hierarchy, which collect water from large number of
lakes might be expected to acquire an isotopic signal
re¯ecting close to 25±30% water loss by evaporation
in the present setting or about 216 and 2138½ in
d 18O and d 2H, respectively. This is close to summer
Fig. 9. Frequency (%) of lakes in a given E=I class. The plot distin- base¯ow values observed in large local rivers
guishes subgroups including (i) reference lakes (no disturbance in
catchment area), (ii) disturbed lakes (with burnt or harvested catch-
(Hitchon and Krouse, 1972).
ments), (iii) wetland-dominated lakes, and (iv) upland-dominated
lakes. In all cases, skewed distributions were obtained. This is
attributed to similar internal structure of all systems, i.e. reduced
3. Concluding comments
contributions of water to lakes from high E=I (evaporative)
watershed compartments and increased contributions from low Application of the isotope balance approach in the
E=I compartments. present study provides a framework for quantitative
comparison of hydrology and hydrologic changes
arising from forest ®re and clear-cut harvesting
(McEachern et al., 2000; Prepas et al., 2001). As
ratios in wetland-dominated basins are not attributed
the method is ideally suited to incorporation in
to differences in vapour loss mechanisms in wetland
water quality surveys, it offers new possibilities for
versus upland systems. This would lead to more
examining hydrologic controls on the aquatic chem-
enriched lake water in wetland basins, higher x,
istry and ecology of lakes. It is also a potentially
and reduced R=P; as upland basins lose water predo-
valuable tool for study of the role of lakes in regional
minantly via transpiration from soil zone, whereas
water balance at nodes in the drainage hierarchy.
wetland-dominated basins lose water by both tran-
Ongoing research is focused on developing a more
spiration and evaporation. One plausible explanation
sophisticated understanding of large-scale character-
for this observation may be that upland-dominated
istics of the isotope exchange parameters to permit
basins are more ef®cient at detaining and removing
more extensive use of isotope mass balance in regio-
water due to higher in®ltration capacity and more
nal surveys. Additional studies are investigating
ef®cient evapotranspiration. In addition, it is prob-
hydrograph and ¯ux-based methods for partitioning
able that R=P ratios may be somewhat overestimated
of evaporation and transpiration, mainly in Boreal
in wetland-dominated basins due to systematic
and Arctic areas.
underestimation of catchment areas in lower-relief
areas, where wetlands tend to occur.
Additional insight into controls on the runoff ratios Acknowledgements
can be gleaned from examining the bog/fen ratios in
wetland-dominated catchments (Fig. 8(b)). In general, This study was funded by the Canadian Network of
it is found that R=P tends to be much higher in fen- Centres of Excellence in Sustainable Forest Manage-
dominated areas than in bog-dominated areas. This ment with in-kind support from the National Water
suggests that fens may be more effective at delivering Research Institute (NWRI), Saskatoon. We are grate-
water from catchment areas to the lake. ful to Uwe Haberlandt, Potsdam Institute for Climate
Systematic patterns in the regional lake hydrology Impact Research, Germany for providing us with
J.J. Gibson et al. / Journal of Hydrology 262 (2002) 128±144 143

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