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by James Thomson

Copyright 2003© James Thomson

Cover Image taken from Sci-Fi Clip-Art Collection Two, copyright © Philip Reed and
Christopher Shy. Used with permission.

Some interior artwork taken from Sci-Fi Clip-Art Collection One, Two and Three, copyright ©
Philip Reed and Christopher Shy. Used with permission. To learn more visit

Some Interior artwork by Tony Perna, taken from Superhero Image Portfolios 1.3 and 1.5.
copyright © Louis Porter, Jr. Design

Some Interior artwork taken from Arcane Publisher’s Edition, Volume 2 copyright © V Shane

Special Thanks to Joanne Vesper, for all her invaluable assistance.

Open Gaming Content: Non-generic names of individual weapons (e.g. “The Hermatrode”) or fictional
companies (e.g. “Gnorg Industries”) are Product Identity, but can be used with permission from the author.
Mention of the authorship in the credits of your own work is sufficient for permission to be implied—no prior
notification is required. The only use that is not permitted is to resell the content in another collection of
weapons. Any mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the
trademark or copyright concerned. Everything else in this book other than art, the product title (1001
Science Fiction Weapons D20 Version), “Plain Brown Wrapper Games” and this credits page is designated
as Open Gaming Content.

'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms
of the d20 System License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at Dungeons & Dragons(R) and
Wizards of the Coast(R) are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission.

This product is not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player's Handbook, Third Edition or the Dungeons & Dragons® Player's
Handbook, Edition 3.5 or D20 Modern, published by Wizards of the Coast®
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Extra Feats and Skills.............................................................................................................................................. 8
New Feats ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
New Weapon Proficiencies................................................................................................................................... 8
New Skills ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Organic Weapons .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Organic Melee Weapons..................................................................................................................................... 10
Swarm-Pods, Spore Pods and Other Organic Splash Weapons ............................................................................. 20
Scuttlebombs, Living Torpedos and Other Self-Actuated Living Weapons ........................................................... 25
Scuttlebombs...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Living Torpedoes ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Other Self-Actuated Living Weapons.................................................................................................................. 33
Miscellaneous Organic Weapons ........................................................................................................................ 36
Futuristic Melee Weapons..................................................................................................................................... 39
Advanced Materials Weapons............................................................................................................................. 39
Yo-Yo Weapons................................................................................................................................................. 42
Hyperice Weapons ............................................................................................................................................. 44
Radioactive Hand Weapons ................................................................................................................................ 46
Hypersharp Weapons.......................................................................................................................................... 48
Vibronic Weapons.............................................................................................................................................. 54
Chainsaws and Buzzsaws.................................................................................................................................... 60
Hot, Cold and Electrified Weapons ..................................................................................................................... 62
Force-Projection Weapons.................................................................................................................................. 70
Superheavy Weapons ......................................................................................................................................... 73
Fusion Blades..................................................................................................................................................... 77
Miscellaneous Futuristic Melee Weapons............................................................................................................ 79
Futuristic Throwing Weapons............................................................................................................................... 91
Throwing Disks and Shuriken............................................................................................................................. 91
Futuristic Bolas .................................................................................................................................................. 96
Guided and Self-Returning Throwing Weapons................................................................................................... 99
Futuristic Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons..................................................................................................... 107
Slingshots ........................................................................................................................................................ 107
Bows and Arrows ............................................................................................................................................. 109
Crossbows and Crossbow Bolts ........................................................................................................................ 121
Spearguns, Spike Guns and Harpoon Guns ........................................................................................................ 127
Spears and Spearguns ....................................................................................................................................... 127
Harpoons and Harpoon Guns ............................................................................................................................ 132
Giant Harpoons and Giant Harpoon Guns.......................................................................................................... 135
Stranger Stuff................................................................................................................................................... 136
Darts and Dart Guns ........................................................................................................................................... 138
Attack Drones...................................................................................................................................................... 148
Aerosol Weapons ................................................................................................................................................. 152
Disposable Weapons ............................................................................................................................................ 160
Projectile Weapons.............................................................................................................................................. 169
Shotguns .......................................................................................................................................................... 169
Pistols .............................................................................................................................................................. 173
Rifles............................................................................................................................................................... 175
Submachine Guns............................................................................................................................................. 178
Machine Pistols................................................................................................................................................ 181
Assault Rifles................................................................................................................................................... 183
The Z-Series: An Alternate Approach to the Future of Firearms......................................................................... 187
Thud Guns and Splat Guns: Another Alternate Approach to the Future of Firearms ............................................ 189
Bolt-Guns and other Superheavy Firearms......................................................................................................... 191
Miscellaneous Slugthrower Guns ...................................................................................................................... 193
Gyrojets ........................................................................................................................................................... 197
Gyrojet Loads .................................................................................................................................................. 201
Idiot Guns ........................................................................................................................................................ 204

Miniature Wrist-Rocket Launcher and Micromissiles ........................................................................................ 207
Micromissiles................................................................................................................................................... 207
Grenades and Grenade Launchers ..................................................................................................................... 210
Grenades.......................................................................................................................................................... 212
Heavy Ordinance.............................................................................................................................................. 230
Mortars ............................................................................................................................................................ 231
Rocket Launchers and Missiles ......................................................................................................................... 233
Explosives of Tomorrow...................................................................................................................................... 237
Land Mines.......................................................................................................................................................... 240
Gauss Guns.......................................................................................................................................................... 250
Using Gauss Guns With the “Burst-Fire” Feat ................................................................................................... 251
Advanced Gauss Weapons................................................................................................................................ 255
Lightning Guns.................................................................................................................................................... 258
Laser Weapons .................................................................................................................................................... 261
Early Laser Weapons........................................................................................................................................ 261
Advanced Laser Weapons................................................................................................................................. 266
X-Ray Lasers ................................................................................................................................................... 270
Early X-Ray Guns ............................................................................................................................................ 270
Advanced X-Ray Lasers ................................................................................................................................... 272
Microwave Weapons ........................................................................................................................................... 273
Ion Guns .............................................................................................................................................................. 276
Sonic Weapons..................................................................................................................................................... 281
Particle Accelerator Weapons ............................................................................................................................. 284
Blasters ................................................................................................................................................................ 288
Thump-Guns and Vibro-Guns ............................................................................................................................ 294
Disruptors............................................................................................................................................................ 296
Coagulators ......................................................................................................................................................... 299
Gamma Ray Guns ............................................................................................................................................... 301
Antimatter Weapons ........................................................................................................................................... 303
Plasma and Fusion Guns ..................................................................................................................................... 304
Fusion Guns..................................................................................................................................................... 306
Non-Lethal Weapons ........................................................................................................................................... 308
Non-Lethal Melee Weapons.............................................................................................................................. 308
Non-Lethal Ranged Weapons ........................................................................................................................... 315
Flamers................................................................................................................................................................ 322
Needleguns........................................................................................................................................................... 324
Miscellaneous Futuristic Ranged Weapons......................................................................................................... 326
Weird Science ...................................................................................................................................................... 335
Super-Advanced Weapons .................................................................................................................................. 361
Super-Advanced Melee Weapons...................................................................................................................... 362
Super-Advanced Ranged Weapons.................................................................................................................... 366
Fusion Sidearms............................................................................................................................................... 369
Disintegration Weapons.................................................................................................................................... 370
Lepton Guns .................................................................................................................................................... 372
The Witherslant Guns....................................................................................................................................... 375
Entropy Weapons ............................................................................................................................................. 377
Other Super-Advanced Weapons ...................................................................................................................... 379
Artifacts and Relics ............................................................................................................................................. 387
Weapons of Mass Destruction ............................................................................................................................. 403
Appendix A: A Few Brief Notes on Dealing With the Witherslant Masters ...................................................... 414
The Shopkeeper ............................................................................................................................................... 416
Appendix B: Bonus Weapons .............................................................................................................................. 416
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a................................................................................................................ 418


From the Dawn of Time, human beings have totally generic.

ceaselessly quested for new and interesting things to
bash one another with. In the spirit of this bold and Nor are there a lot of new rules to clutter up your
noble endeavor, I present you here with no less than game. We have a few new feats and Weapon
One Thousand and One new implements of bloody Proficiencies, but no more than are absolutely
carnage, for all your science-fiction savagery needs. required. Nothing here will force you to change any
The future is a marvelous time to hurt people, and I existing game mechanics. Ideally you should be able
applaud your decision to use it as a setting for your to fit these weapons into your game without anything
campaign. How can we be of service? but the Player's Handbook. A number of these
weapons affect the mind, but you won’t need the
Psionics Handbook to use them. You won’t even need
D20 Modern (although the weapons in this book are
What You Will Find in This Book all perfectly compatible with it).
Game statistics for one thousand and one weapons. In
cases where a given weapon is likely to be widely You also won’t find any attempt on my part to be
used I have provided a basic version and then a few absolutely comprehensive. I've provided you with
variants, so that if everyone in your game is running weapons that I thought you might find fun and
around with, say, Blaster Pistols, they won’t all have amusing, without trying to work out every last
to carry the same model. possible permutation and combination. Frankly, the
Double-Bladed Chainsword is silly enough--do you
really want me to come up with a "Chain-Axe" or a
What You Won't Find in This Book "Chain-Halberd" and make it even sillier? Nor would
I try to rip you off by making a "Chain-Broadsword" a
You won't find materials relating to any specific game
"Chain-Longsword" and a "Chain-Bastard Sword" and
universe--I want you to be able to adapt this material
calling them three different weapons. It’s my
as freely as possible to your own campaigns, so I have
intention to give you the greatest possible mayhem for
done my best to avoid using specific backgrounds for
your dollar.
any of these weapons. There are one or two places
where I couldn’t resist, but for the most part they are

Using these materials in your SF D20 carefully consider the effect that a given weapon will
Campaign have on your game before you introduce it. This is
actually easier to do than most manuals on
The weapons listed here aren't intended for any one
Gamemastering claim. A little foresight and you’ll be
particular science fiction campaign setting-that's why
so many of them have such generic names. Rather,
they are intended as a toybox you can pick and choose
from. The items you like should fit seamlessly into A Few Words About Money
your campaign and you can leave out the rest. Money is a crucial element of most Science Fiction
campaigns. If anything, SF games are even more
There may be places in the text where I suggest that a money-driven than fantasy games, since more
particular type of defense would work particularly equipment is for sale and it can do more for you.
well against a given weapon (for example I mention
that there are types of reflective armor out there which The precise cost of an item that a character wants can
will protect against lasers). These are only have a big effect on the decisions they make, so the
suggestions, entirely up to the DM to interpret. There DM should feel free to fiddle with any and all of the
are no defensive devices and no armor in this book— prices given here. These are approximations, based on
just weapons. what things might be like in a typical "Space Opera"
universe in a society not too unlike our own. Your
It is not inconceivable that a single science fiction universe (or the demands of your plot) could be very
universe might contain every one of the weapons different
listed here, but my intentions are really just to give
you the widest possible list to choose from. You may notice that all prices are listed in "Units."
What's a Unit? It's a generic unit of currency, equal in
Game Balance and Massive Firepower value to roughly 1 American Dollar, or one Silver
Piece. I frankly don't know what kind of currency
It’s tough to maintain game balance when your players
have access to hideously powerful weapons. As a you'll use in your game, whether you'll call it
general rule, the best way to combat the problem is to "Credits" or "new-Dollars" or "Neo-Yen", so I thought
give their opponents the same kind of hardware, or I'd just give it to you in the equivalent of SP and let
better yet, different but equally powerful hardware you take it from there.
(which of course is a lot easier to find when you have
1001 options to choose from). This does have a Most D20 science fiction roleplaying games use actual
money instead of the D20 Modern system of Purchase
tendency to shift the focus of the game from the
DCs. This is to be expected, since most science
characters to their machinery, but then again a lot of
science fiction is actually like that. fiction heroes, like their fantasy counterparts, are
shabby characters who don't have 401 K plans or
Still, let's face it--some of these weapons aren't really Savings Accounts to keep track of, and whose fortunes
intended for Player Characters to lug around in their rise and fall dramatically with their adventures. Their
knapsacks. Alien artifacts gathering space-dust at the wealth is easy to keep track of, without getting bogged
bottom of nameless ruins, or the twisted fruits of Mad down in the details of interest rates and escrow.
Science, these items are really more suitable for
For those of you who find it easier to use Purchase
cackling arch-villains, crazed cybernetic intelligences
or Martian invaders to have in their arsenals. DCs (or who are operating in a game environment
where it just makes more sense to do it this way) I
Less civic-minded Space Heroes may decide to keep have provided purchase DCs on each of the weapons
Doctor Ghastly's Diabolical Atomic Ray instead of in this book. However, they are even more fluid and
destroying it or turning it over to the Ministry of approximate than the listed prices. The Purchase DCs
Space. How to keep them from using it to blackmail in D20 Modern are based on a set of common
the world themselves (or at least to win barroom assumptions about the world that you can’t really
make about most science fiction settings. In an SF
game, how tough it is to acquire a given weapon
One good way is to make it either impossible or depends largely on what kind of world you are living
prohibitively expensive to replace a Wonder Weapon's in.
power source. To keep your players from feeling
jerked around when you do this, I've already done it One society might license firearms so strictly that
for you. So if you're wondering why so many of the anyone as shady as a typical Player Character would
most powerful weapons in this book have such limited have to buy them on the black market. Another might
sell hand grenades in vending machines at the airport.
and/or expensive ammunition, that's why.
It’s all up to the DM, ultimately, although I’m happy
Any weapons powerful enough to disrupt a whole to give you some guidelines.
campaign (or to be the focus of one) are clearly
marked as such in the text. It is still a good idea to A Word About Tech Levels (and why we

don't have them) options, not tie their hands. In some campaigns
Do hand-held particle accelerators first appear before projectile weapons will still be in use in the 40th
or after microwave weapons? Does the antimatter century. In others you’ll see phasers and matter
rifle make its first appearance on the battlefield before transmission by the mid 22nd.
fusion pistols? After them? At the same time? Will
new advances in recoil compensation give us a whole With that said, it does seem clear that some of these
generation of super-high-caliber slugthrowers? Will weapons are more advanced than others. We list, for
new advances in propellant instead give us a whole example, primitive laser guns and then later, more
generation of ultra-light, super-fast bullets? effective models. It also seems clear that things like
antimatter rifles and lepton projectors should appear
The answer to all these questions is, frankly, who considerably later than, say, shotguns and grenade
knows? Nobody can make anything more than a few launchers.
vague educated guesses at the future of firearms
technology and once we start to get into energy The following chart lays out a loose, tentative future
weapons, the waters grow even murkier. history of weapons-enough to keep things from getting
confusing, but not enough to slave the DM to a single
Frankly it should be up to the DM to decide what rigid technological track. Please note that in some
kinds of futuristic weapons are available to the futures many of these weapons are never developed,
players. This book is meant to give the DM more or developed in some unusual sequence.

A Word About Silly Weapons Using These Weapons in Your Own

There are so many weapons in this book that at least Work
one of them is bound to seem dorky to you. In some How much of this book is Open Game Content? All of
cases it’s intentional—the Freeze Cannon and the it! You can use the stats for these weapons however
Atomic Ray are intended for a particular style of B- you like. Feel free to put them in your own published
Movie camp SF. With others it’s more a question of adventures and sourcebooks. If you use the name of a
taste. named weapon ("the Hermatrode" for example, or the
"Tuff-Hammur") then I would greatly appreciate it if
If the Vibro-Claws or the Flying Buzzsaw Blade seem you would mention me and this book in the
goofy to you, what can I say? I assure you, there’s acknowledgments. Quite frankly, I want the broader
some guy out there in a Slayer tee-shirt who thinks gaming community to be able to make good use of this
they’re the best thing I’ve come up with, and I want material and I want it to get as much exposure as
him to enjoy this book, too. I make no excuses, but possible. The only use of this work that I would
you can have my apologies, if you want them. object to would be if you were to take a bunch of my
weapons and try to sell them as a weapon sourcebook
of your own, or use the descriptive passages I've
slaved over without mentioning me in the credits.

Extra Feats and Skills
We’ll try to keep these to an absolute minimum—the feats or skills at all—they’re adapted directly from that
whole philosophy of this book is to clutter up your book. The only completely original one is the feat
game with as few new rules as possible. Those of you “Yo-yo Tricks”, which I don’t imagine a lot of you are
who play D20 Modern won’t have to adopt any new going to feel forced to use.

New Feats
Burst Fire New Weapon Proficiencies
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, Personal Firearms A few of these are required to keep track of all the
Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency. new types of weapons--we’re introducing in this book.
It wouldn’t really work to just class everything more
Benefit: When using an automatic firearm which holds advanced than a crossbow as an “exotic” weapon.
at least five bullets, the character may fire a short burst
as a single attack against a single target. The character
receives a –4 penalty on the attack roll, but deals out
Slugthrower Weapons (Called “Personal
+2 dice of damage. Firing a burst uses up five shots Firearms” in the D20 Modern rules)
and can only be done if the weapon has at least five This proficiency covers any weapon smaller than a
rounds left in it. rocket launcher that spits out projectiles. Everything
from a derringer to a .44 Magnum to a double-barreled
Normal: Autofire uses ten bullets, targets everything shotgun to an AK-47 is covered by this proficiency.
in a 10-foot-by-10-foot area, and can’t be aimed at a Gyrojet weapons are so similar in shape and function
specific target. Without this feat, if a character to conventional bullet-launching guns that they are
attempts an autofire attack at a specific target, it covered by the same proficiency, as are Gauss
simply counts as a normal attack and all the extra Weapons.
bullets are wasted.
There are still a few heavy squad-support weapons
Special: Some firearms have burst settings that use that fire projectiles, but require specialized training to
less than five rounds. If they are using one of these use. Missile launchers and heavy machine guns, for
weapons, a character with the Burst Fire feat can example. These weapons require specific “Exotic”
launch a burst at a single target that uses up however ranged weapon proficiencies.
many rounds the weapon requires to count as a
“Burst”. So if the weapon fires four-round bursts they
only need to use up four rounds of ammunition, if it Energy Weapons
fires three round bursts they only need to use up three This proficiency covers most weapon that use a beam
rounds and so forth. or bolt of energy to damage the target. Lasers,
blasters, ion weapons, microwave guns, etc. Sonic
weapons and stunners also fall into this category.
Yo-Yo Tricks
This feat allows you to perform amusing tricks with a A few energy weapons require additional specialized
yo-yo. Make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 10 training to use. Some of them are heavy weapons like
every time you use the feat. If you succeed, you have laser cannons or fusion guns, others are just so alien
probably delighted any kids in the vicinity and made that they’re radically unfamiliar to most player
any adults present wonder if you have wasted your life characters. These weapons require specific “Exotic”
(but at least you didn't waste it on roleplaying ranged weapon proficiencies, and are clearly marked
games!) as such in the text.

At the DM's discretion, a successful yo-yo tricks roll

may add a +2 to a reaction roll or subject it to a -2 If you own a copy of D20 Modern
penalty, depending on who you are trying to impress. These weapon proficiencies are compatible with D20
Many of you may be asking "what the Hell is this feat Modern, but simplified a little. There is, for example,
even doing in this book?" I can only suggest that you no separate category for “Archaic” Melee Weapons. I
read on. want you to be able to adapt these new weapons freely
into whatever style of campaign you like, and who
knows what kinds of melee weapons might be

“archaic” in a given campaign world? It’s simpler just Martial and Exotic Melee Weapons.
to break it down the way the Players’ Handbook and
the Dungeon Master’s Guide do it—into Simple,

New Skills
Demolitions (Int) action. Placing an explosive device takes 1 minute or
Trained Only more, depending on the scope of the job.
Check: Setting a simple explosive to blow up at a
certain spot doesn’t require a check, but connecting Repair (Int)
and setting a detonator does. Also, placing an Trained Only (But see “Jury Rig” option below)
explosive for maximum effect against a structure calls
for a check, as does disarming an explosive device. Check: Allows the character to repair mechanical or
electronic devices. The DC is set by the DM, taking
Set Detonator: Most explosives require a detonator the individual circumstances into account. The
to go off. Connecting a detonator to an explosive amount of time required to repair a weapon or device
requires a Demolitions check (DC 10). Failure means is also strictly at the DM’s discretion.
that the explosive fails to go off as planned. Failure by
10 or more means the explosive goes off as the Most simple repairs have a DC of 10 to 15 and require
detonator is being installed. no more than a few minutes to complete. More
complex repair work can have a DC of 20 or higher
A character can make an explosive difficult to disarm. and require an hour or more. Making repairs may also
To do so, the character chooses the disarm DC before cost money, at the DM’s discretion (if spare parts are
making his or her check to set the detonator (it must required).
be higher than 10). The character’s DC to set the
detonator is equal to the disarm DC. Jury-Rig: A character can choose to attempt jury-
rigged, or temporary, repairs. Doing this reduces the
Place Explosive Device: Carefully placing an Repair check DC by 5, and allows the character to
explosive against a fixed structure (a stationary, make the checks in a single round. This is the usual
unattended inanimate object) can maximize the technique a character would use to clear a jammed
damage dealt by exploiting vulnerabilities in the weapon. It can be used untrained, at the usual –4
structure’s construction. penalty.

The DM makes the check (so that the character A jury-rigged repair can only fix a single problem
doesn’t know exactly how well they have done). On a with a check, and the temporary repair only lasts until
result of 15 or higher, the explosive deals double the end of the current encounter. The jury-rigged
damage to the structure against which it is placed. On object must be fully repaired thereafter, at the full time
a result of 25 or higher, it deals triple damage to the and cost.
structure. In all cases, it deals normal damage to all
other targets within its burst radius. A character can also use the jury-rig option to hot-wire
a car or jump-start an engine. The DC for this is at
Disarm Explosive Device: Disarming an explosive least 15, and it can be higher depending on whether or
that has been set to go off requires a Demolitions not the vehicle is equipped with security devices. The
check. The DC is usually 10, unless the person who DM has the final say.
set the detonator chose a higher disarm DC. If the
character fails the check, he or she does not disarm the If you fail a Repair Roll, you are normally free to roll
explosive. If the character fails by more than 5, the again, although this is at the DM’s discretion. The
explosive goes off. DM may decide that a failed Repair check has some
sort of negative effect on the device that prevents
Special: A character can take 10 when using the repeated checks.
Demolitions skill, but can’t take 20.
Special: A character can take 10 or take 20 on a
A character with the Cautious feat and at least 1 rank Repair check. When making a Repair check to
in this skill gets a +2 bonus on all Demolitions checks. accomplish a jury-rig repair, a character can take 10,
A character without a demolitions kit takes a –4 but can’t take 20.
penalty on Demolitions checks.
Repairing a device requires an electrical tool kit, a
Making an explosive requires the Craft (chemical) mechanical tool kit, or a multipurpose tool, depending
skill. See that skill description for details. on the task. If the character does not have the
appropriate tools, he or she takes a –4 penalty on the
Time: Setting a detonator is usually a full-round check. The sole exception to this rule is clearing a

jammed weapon with a jury rig, which can be done by Craft (mechanical) or Craft (electronic) can provide a
hand at no penalty. +2 synergy bonus on Repair checks made for
mechanical or electronic devices.

Organic Weapons
Some civilizations develop technologies that revolve exclusively around bio-engineering. They grow living houses,
living tools and weapons, sometimes even living starships.

Bio-technology can be unnerving to use. Tools breathe or shed dandruff or pulse warmly in your grasp. Weapons may
need to be fed, or be prone to flatulence, skin rashes and/or nameless sticky secretions. Bio-tech also tends to be
relatively ineffective in a vacuum-most of these weapons can't survive the rigors of space any better than the characters
who wield them.

Most Player Characters s hail from worlds that take more familiar technological paths, so the weapons listed below will
largely be found in the hands of NPCs. If a Player Character picks up a bio-weapon, the DM should make an effort to
bring across a sense of its strangeness

Please note that while a lot of these weapons are effectively Constructs in game terms, by no means all of them are.
Some biological weapons have enough brain-power to make limited decisions on their own, while others are just tools
made of meat. At times the distinction can be confusing. Most Scuttlebombs, for example, have to track targets and
find their way across uneven terrain. This requires enough moxie that it’s best to treat them as biological Constructs.
Most Living Torpedoes, on the other hand, require no more wits than are required to glide over to a target square and
explode. In game terms, they’re effectively self-propelled grenades, not constructs. Check carefully before using a
biological weapon in combat to see which type it is. It will help prevent a lot of needless confusion.

Organic Melee Weapons

uncomfortably warm and throbs faintly in the user's
hand. The blade can be used as many times as you
like and then disposed of. Twist the bulb on the
bottom, dislocate the tiny bones under its skin and it
will melt away into a pungent smelling stain within a
minute. It is utterly undetectable by any sensor-
system that isn't specifically designed to look for
Disposable Organic Blade organic weapons--it even mimics the user's scent.
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 275 Units Disposable Organic Blade, Venomous
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (usually illegal) Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Required Proficiency: Simple
“sleight of hand” roll)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Cost: 300 Units
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown)
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (usually illegal)
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Required Proficiency: Simple
Rate of Fire: Can only be used once.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2)
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown)
Weight: 1 pound “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 9
Magazine: 6 Doses of Venom
Hardness: 7
Rate of Fire: Can only be used once.
Hit Points: 2
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2), make a Fortitude
DC required to break this item with a Strength Save vs. DC 20 or take 3d8 additional damage from
Roll: 14
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 25 Units, weighs 1/2
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9
Description: A purely organic blade, made from a Hardness: 7
substance like chitin or a claw. The handle is

Hit Points: 2 Required Proficiency: Simple
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Roll: 14 Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown)
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 15 Units, weighs 1/2 “To Hit” Bonus: --
pound) Magazine: Unlimited
Description: Another disposable organic blade, this Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
one with a sack full of venom. There is enough poison attacks
for six injections. It takes the blade 3 hours to Damage: 1d4 Piercing (19-20 x2)
generate a new dose. You can use it as many times as Weight: 1 pound
you like, and then make it liquify itself. It completely Armor Class: 9
evaporates, leaving only a greasy mark behind, in Hardness: 7
about forty seconds. Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Wriggleblade Special: Infects the target with a vicious wasting
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a disease. The victim must make a Fortitude Saving
“sleight of hand” roll) Throw vs. DC 15 or lose a point of Strength and one
Cost: 250 Units of Constitution per day for 4d6 days until they are
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (usually illegal) cured by a doctor or reach 0 Constitution and die.
Required Proficiency: Simple Multiple blows will do more damage, but won't
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use increase the effect of the disease.
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) Description: This one looks a lot like a small, sharp,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- twisted piece of antler. It can be used an effectively
Magazine: Can be used 3 times (these uses can't be unlimited number of times without losing any of its
reloaded or replaced) hideous potency and can be set to dissolve into
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has harmless, untraceable organic compounds within a
attacks minute. It does not, of course, show up on a metal
Damage: 1d4 per round for 6 rounds Piercing (19-20 detector.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9 Plague Sword
Hardness: 7 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 1 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 3,750 Units
Roll: 14 Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (usually illegal)
Special: Continues to do 1d4 damage for 6 rounds Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
unless somehow neutralized Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 15 Units, weighs 1/2 Range Increment: --
pound) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: A jointed bony spur, about the size of a Magazine: Unlimited
stiletto. It breaks off in the victim's flesh and wriggles Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
its way into their organs, doing 1d4 damage per round attacks
for six rounds unless someone makes a medical skill Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x2)
roll vs. DC 20 and fishes it out, all bloody and Weight: 4 pounds
writhing. Eeew! Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 8
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16
Special: Infects the target with a vicious wasting
disease. The victim must make a Fortitude Saving
Throw vs. DC 15 or lose a point of Strength and one
of Constitution per day for 4d6 days until they are
cured by a doctor or reach 0 Constitution and die.
Multiple blows will do more damage, but won't
increase the effect of the disease.
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1
Plague Blade pound), Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150 Units,
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a holds 2 doses, negates effect of infection in 1-4 hours)
“sleight of hand” roll) Description: A sword made of what looks like striated
Cost: 300 Units bone or polished horn. Strangely shaped and
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (usually illegal) asymmetrical, it shifts and stretches itself to get

comfortable in the wielder's hand. It carries a limitless worn wrapped around the user's arm. When activated,
supply of viral disease, which the user becomes its tendrils shoot out to a maximum length of 10 feet
immune to in a week or so (21-Con days). If they and entangle the target. Make a Touch attack,
accidentally hurt themselves with the sword before ignoring armor. If you score a hit, the Tanglevine has
they have acquired an immunity to the virus, they will trussed up your opponent like a Christmas goose. An
suffer its full effects. entangled character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks,
has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4. They
move at half speed, and of course can't move outside
Plague Wand the Tanglevine's ten-foot range without first breaking
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a loose from its clutches. To free yourself from the
“sleight of hand” roll) Tanglevine, take a full action and make either an
Cost: 2,000 Units Escape Artist or a Strength check vs. DC 20. An attack
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually illegal) against the vine which does five hit points of damage
Required Proficiency: Simple will sever it, but if the blow misses there is a 50%
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use chance that it will instead hit the entangled victim.
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: Unlimited
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: Special (Disease)
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Description: A small, dry living wand. It looks at Venomous Bio-Sword
first glance like a twig, but on closer examination it's Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
more like a withered, impossibly long finger with too hand” roll)
many joints. It breathes and twitches faintly when at Cost: 3,250 Units
rest. Anyone struck by the wand is infected with a vile Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (Often Unavailable)
disease unless they make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20. Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
The sickness incapacitates the victim in 1-10 rounds, Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
reducing their Strength to a 1. Each day they suffer Range Increment: --
with the illness, they can make a Fortitude Saving “To Hit” Bonus: --
Throw vs. DC 15 to shake off the effects. If they fail Magazine: 25 Doses of Venom
it three days in a row, they plunge into a fever and die. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
There are many other versions of this weapon, each of attacks
which generates its own strange disease. This one can Damage: 1d8 Slashing (19-20 x2)
serve as the basic template for dozens of others. Weight: 4 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 8
Tanglevine Hit Points: 6
Cost: 350 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Roll: 16
hand” roll) Special: Coated with a poison that does 2d8 additional
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable) damage unless the victim makes a Fortitude Save vs.
Required Proficiency: Simple DC 20
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Accessories: Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) pound)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: An odd, crooked sword shaped a little
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has like a scimitar. Composed of a substance not unlike
attacks oyster shell, it glistens with toxin-saturated mucus.
Damage: Special, see description The sword holds twenty-five doses of venom. It takes
Weight: 2 pounds four hours to generate another full load.
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 0
Hit Points: 5 Venomous Bio-Spear
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Roll: 20 hand” roll)
Description: A living plant-weapon. The tanglevine is Cost: 3,500 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (Often Unavailable) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Required Proficiency: Simple Range Increment: --
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use “To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment: 20 Feet if thrown Magazine: 15 Doses of Bio-Agent
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Magazine: 30 Doses of Venom attacks
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x2), then 1d6 disease per
attacks round until stopped
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3), loaded with a toxin Weight: 1 pound
that does 2d8 additional damage unless the victim Armor Class: 9
makes a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 Hardness: 5
Weight: 6 pounds Hit Points: 2
Armor Class: 9 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 8 Roll: 14
Hit Points: 6 Special: Contains a flesh-eating virus that does 1d6
DC required to break this item with a Strength damage per round until the victim either dies or makes
Roll: 13 a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20.
Description: A short organic stabbing spear made of Description: A particularly loathsome biological
what looks like wood. The tip is jagged, black and weapon, this unsavory little chitinous spike is infected
stained with venom. It holds enough poison for about with a virulent flesh-eating virus that can liquefy a
thirty strikes and takes roughly four hours to man in minutes. It releases its biological kill-load in a
regenerate it. If damaged, it can regrow lost hit points soupy broth and only holds enough for fifteen doses. It
at a rate of one per day. It feels warm to the touch, can grow another dose in six hours.
and pulses faintly if it likes you.

Venomous Bio-Stabbing-Stick
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 3,075 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) Flesheater Blade
Required Proficiency: Simple Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use “sleight of hand” roll)
Range Increment: -- Cost: 3,800 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (Often Unavailable)
Magazine: 20 Doses of Venom Required Proficiency: Simple
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
attacks Range Increment: --
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3), loaded with a toxin “To Hit” Bonus: --
that does 2d8 additional damage unless the victim Magazine: 6 Doses of Bio-Agent
makes a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 3 pounds attacks
Armor Class: 9 Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x2) then 1d6 per round
Hardness: 7 until stopped
Hit Points: 4 Weight: 1 pound
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 9
Roll: 13 Hardness: 7
Description: A very short one-handed organic spear Hit Points: 5
grown for close combat. No longer than a shortsword, DC required to break this item with a Strength
it looks a lot like a jagged piece of wood. The sharp Roll: 14
end is visibly smeared with toxic glop. The stabbing Special: Contains a flesh-eating virus that does 1d6
stick holds twenty doses of poison. It takes eight damage per round until the victim either dies or makes
hours for it to grow another load. If damaged, it can a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20.
regrow lost hit points at a rate of one per day. Accessories: Scabbard (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
pound), Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150 Units,
holds 2 doses, negates effect of the disease in 1-3
Flesheater Spike rounds)
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Description: A jagged-looking organic sword, which
“sleight of hand” roll) resembles an ugly, crooked scimitar, covered with
Cost: 600 Units spikes and hooks. This ghastly weapon is tainted with
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually illegal) a flesh-eating virus that can rot a full-sized human
Required Proficiency: Simple being into a pile of reeking glop in just a few minutes.

It's a good idea to check your hands for open cuts toxin and once it is exhausted it can regenerate one
before you pick it up. The sword only holds six doses dose of poison every four hours.
of the virus, but once it has been emptied it can
produce a new dose in six hours. The virus has to get
into the victim's bloodstream to be effective--just Infectious Claws
smearing the fluid on them won't do any harm. Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 2,125 Units
Biological Claws Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (Often Unavailable)
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
“sleight of hand” roll) Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
Cost: 200 Units Range Increment: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 (Often Unavailable) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Magazine: Unlimited
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Range Increment: -- attacks
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2)
Magazine: Unlimitedt Weight: 1 pound
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Armor Class: 9
attacks Hardness: 7
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2) Hit Points: 2
Weight: 1 pound DC required to break this item with a Strength
Armor Class: 9 Roll: 14
Hardness: 7 Special: The claws are tainted with disease. The
Hit Points: 2 victim must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength or lose a point of Strength and one of Constitution per
Roll: 14 day for 4d6 until they are cured by a doctor or reach 0
Description: This handy set of claws attaches to the Constitution and die. Multiple doses won't increase the
user's fingertips on a spidery biological armature that effect of the disease.
wraps around their hand. The claws are made of Description: Artificial claws, grown from real
keratin, just like the claws you might find on a wild keratinous fingernail tissue. Infected with a virulent
predator. They leave no metal residue and don't turn pathogen, they are an excellent weapon for
up on metal detectors. They do leave a DNA assassinations. They never run dry of disease.
signature, but of course it's not the same DNA as the
Biological Katar
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Venomous Claws “sleight of hand” roll)
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Cost: 200 Units
“sleight of hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 12 (Often Unavailable)
Cost: 1,925 Units Required Proficiency: Simple
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Range Increment: --
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use “To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“To Hit” Bonus: -- attacks
Magazine: 10 Doses of Venom Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Weight: 2 pounds
attacks Armor Class: 9
Damage: 1d4+2d6 Slashing/Poison (19-20 x2) Hardness: 8
Weight: 1 pound Hit Points: 2
Armor Class: 9 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 7 Roll: 14
Hit Points: 2 Description: A gooey mass of wet tissue, with a
DC required to break this item with a Strength thick, irregular organic blade poking out of the middle.
Roll: 14 It fits over the user's hand and grips tight. Stray
Special: The claws inject a toxin that does 2d6 tendrils coil up the wielder's arm. It works like a
damage unless the victim makes a Fortitude Saving punch-dagger, and turns the user's fist into a stabbing
Throw vs. DC 20 blade. There is no metallic residue left in the wounds
Description: Artificial claws, made from real it makes and the device itself won't show up on metal
keratinous claw material. This model seeps poison detector.
into the wounds it makes. It holds ten doses of the

description for more details
Infected Biological Katar Weight: 1 pound
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Armor Class: 9
“sleight of hand” roll) Hardness: 5
Cost: 325 Units Hit Points: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Simple Roll: 14
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Description: A short, sharp biological spike, made
Range Increment: -- from a material a little like oystershell. In addition to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- stabbing damage, it doses the victim with a powerful
Magazine: Unlimited hallucinogen, the effects of which last for 2d10
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has minutes. A Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 keeps
attacks the drug from taking effect (although the victim will
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3) still feel strange and may experience mild psychedelic
Weight: 2 pounds phenomena that have no real effect on their skills or
Armor Class: 9 combat abilities). If the drug does take hold of them,
Hardness: 8 they won't have any clear idea of what is happening to
Hit Points: 2 them and will behave unpredictably. They must make
DC required to break this item with a Strength a Willpower Saving throw (DC 18) every round or roll
Roll: 14 on the following chart.
Special: Carries an infectious disease. The victim 1 Suddenly forget everything that has happened
must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or for the last 2-12 rounds. You will never recover these
lose a point of Strength and one of Constitution per memories, and the experience is so disorienting that
day for 4d6 days until they are cured by a doctor or you are Stunned (as per the Monk special attack) this
reach 0 Constitution and die. Multiple doses won't round, unable to take any useful action.
increase the effect of the disease. 2–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 350 into space, look at the ground or close your eyes.
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the virus in 1 5-6 Shout insane gibberish for a round, without
round) moving from the spot where you are standing. You
Description: A biological punch-dagger, infected with can take no other action unless attacked and you
a lethal disease. There is no limit to the number of cannot be persuaded to shut up. This is likely to
people who can be infected with this weapon. It looks attract the wrong kind of attention.
like a slimy wad of flesh with a fat organic blade 7 Verbally abuse the nearest creature, yelling
poking out of the middle. It fits over the user's hand deranged insults and accusations at them as loud as
like a mitten. you can. Even characters who can’t speak your
language can tell that your tone is threatening. While
obviously crazy, you may still get an aggrssive or even
homicidal reaction, depending on who you insult. If
you are completely alone, yell angry gibberish instead,
as described above.
8-9 Attack nearest creature or moving object for 1
round. You will only attack obviously non-living
objects if no living thing is within reach.
10 Act normally for 1 round. You are not aware
that you have been acting crazy. If attacked while
insane, the victim can defend themselves normally,
but unless they roll a 10 and "act normally", they are
incapable of articulate communication. The spike can
Psychoactive Spike actually generate more doses of the drug, but it takes
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a four hours for it to finish one.
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 350 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Death Thorn
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
hand” roll)
Range Increment: --
Cost: 500 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal)
Magazine: 15
Required Proficiency: Simple
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x2). Make a Fortitude
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Save vs. DC 20 or hallucinate like crazy. See
Magazine: Unlimited

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has hand” roll)
attacks Cost: 510 Units
Damage: 4d6 Nonlethal. The target must also make a Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or die in 2-12 rounds. See Required Proficiency: Simple
description Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weight: Effectively none Range Increment: --
Armor Class: 13 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 0 Magazine: 15 doses
Hit Points: 1 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks
Roll: 10 Damage: 3d6 Nonlethal damage per round for 2-12
Description: One of the most feared assassination rounds. A successful Willpower Saving Throw vs.
tools in existence. The death-thorn is small enough to DC 20 will allow the victim to take half damage. Roll
hide in the palm of your hand, and more lethal than a every round.
blaster rifle. If hit, the victim immediately takes 4d6 Weight: Effectively none
Nonlethal Damage as the neurotoxins flood through Armor Class: 13
their system. They must then make a Fortitude Saving Hardness: 0
Throw vs. DC 20, or they will die in 2-12 rounds. As Hit Points: 1
death approaches, the victim will take an additional DC required to break this item with a Strength
1d4 nonlethal damage per round. There is effectively Roll: 10
no limit to the number of people a death-thorn can Special: The target suffers a –4 penalty to all their
kill--a lethal dose is microscopic so it never really rolls on every round they take damage. A Willpower
depletes its supply. Saving Throw vs. DC 20 reduces this penalty to –2.
Description: This little black spine has been described
as the key to the gates of Hell. It contains a nerve
Paralysis Thorn agent which causes indescribable pain, while doing no
real damage. Few beings capable of experiencing pain
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
will be able to remain conscious for more than a few
hand” roll)
seconds after being poked with this thorn.
Cost: 490 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often unavailable, often
Required Proficiency: Simple Rage Thorn
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Range Increment: -- hand” roll)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Cost: 525 Units
Magazine: 17 Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Required Proficiency: Simple
attacks Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Damage: See description Range Increment: --
Weight: Effectively none “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 13 Magazine: 12
Hardness: 0 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hit Points: 1 attacks
DC required to break this item with a Strength Damage: Make a Willpower Save vs. DC 20 or
Roll: 10 engage in random violent behavior. See description for
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 125 details.
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1-4 Weight: Effectively none
rounds) Armor Class: 13
Description: A tiny thorn saturated with 17 doses Hardness: 0
worth of a powerful paralytic agent. The victim must Hit Points: 1
make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or be paralyzed and DC required to break this item with a Strength
helpless, unable to move or take any physical actions, Roll: 10
for 2d10 rounds. The victim is perfectly aware of Special:.
their surroundings, although unable to move. It is still Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 250
possible for the victim to take purely mental actions, Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1
which might leave them a surprising number of round)
combat options if the campaign makes use of psionics. Description: Anyone stuck with this thorn receives a
dose of a powerful aggression-inducing agent and
must make a Willpower Saving Throw every round
Pain-Thorn (DC 20) for 4-40 rounds to keep from attacking the
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of nearest target, whether friend or foe.

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Thorn of Madness attacks
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Damage: See Description
hand” roll) Weight: Effectively none
Cost: 520 Units Armor Class: 13
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal) Hardness: 0
Required Proficiency: Simple Hit Points: 1
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: -- Roll: 10
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150
Magazine: 15 Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has round)
attacks Description: A tiny thorn saturated with a
Damage: See description biochemical agent that robs muscles of their power. It
Weight: Effectively none can be easily concealed in the hand, inside a cigarette,
Armor Class: 13 in the tip of a pen, etc. It is of course totally invisible
Hardness: 0 to metal detectors. The victim temporarily loses 3d6
Hit Points: 1 Strength and 2d6 Constitution, down to a minimum of
DC required to break this item with a Strength 1 point. A Fortitude Save vs. DC 25. reduces the
Roll: 10 damage to 1d6 from each stat.
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 450 The lost Strength and Constitution will slowly
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1-3 come back at a rate of one point per every full hour of
rounds) rest.
Special: Make a Willpower Save vs. DC 18 or engage
in weird random behavior. This effect lasts for 6-36
rounds Brain-Rot Thorn
Description: Contains a psycho-active agent that Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
scrambles the victim's higher cognitive functions, hand” roll)
while leaving their motor skills largely intact. Cost: 515 Units
A Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 keeps the Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
drug from taking effect (although the victim will still Required Proficiency: Simple
feel strange and may experience mild psychadelic Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
phenomena that have no real effect on their skills or Range Increment: --
combat abilities). If the drug does take hold of them, “To Hit” Bonus: --
they must make a Willpower Saving throw (DC 18) Magazine: 15
every round or roll on the following chart. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
1 Wander away for 1 minute (unless prevented) attacks
2–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off Damage: See description
into space, look at the ground or close your eyes. Weight: Effectively none
5-6 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands, Armor Class: 13
twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting Hardness: 0
crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the Hit Points: 1
spot where you are standing. DC required to break this item with a Strength
7–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round Roll: 10
10 Act normally for 1 round. You are not aware Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 250
that you have been acting crazy. Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1-8
If attacked while insane, the victim can defend rounds)
themselves normally, but unless they roll a 10 and "act Description: A small, easily concealed spine which
normally", they are incapable of articulate contains a neural agent designed to disrupt higher
communication cerebral functions. If the victim fails a Fortitude
Saving Throw vs. DC 18, they lose 3d6 Intelligence.
A character with animal-like intelligence (3 or lower)
Debilitation Thorn can still recognize their friends and will follow them
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of around to keep from feeling anxious and alone. They
hand” roll) cannot speak or use tools in this condition.
Cost: 530 Units Lost intelligence points return slowly. If the victim
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) doesn't get the antidote or some kind of advanced
Required Proficiency: Simple medical help they will regain just one point of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Intelligence per week.
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: Holds 14 doses

Motor Function Disruption Thorn
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) Nerve-Rot Thorn
Cost: 495 Units Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) hand” roll)
Required Proficiency: Simple Cost: 535 Units
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
Range Increment: -- Required Proficiency: Simple
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Magazine: 16 Range Increment: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: --
attacks Magazine: 10
Damage: See description Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: Effectively none attacks
Armor Class: 13 Damage: Target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw
Hardness: 0 vs. DC 18 or suffer 1d6 permanent damage to their
Hit Points: 1 Dexterity per round for 2 rounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: Effectively none
Roll: 10 Armor Class: 13
Special: Make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 18 or have Hardness: 0
your Dexterity reduced by 3d6 (to a minimum of 1) Hit Points: 1
for 2d10 hours. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 350 Roll: 10
Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1-4 Description: This tiny thorn has been saturated with a
rounds) toxin that permanently ravages the target's peripheral
Description: Contains a neurotoxic agent that attacks nervous system, destroying large chunks of their
the brain's motor functions. A character with a Dexterity. At the DM's discretion there may be
Dexterity of 2 or 1 can't walk or feed themselves and futuristic medical treatments that can undo the damage
must make a Willpower Saving throw vs. DC 15 each done by a nerve-rot thorn.
time they try to speak, in order to correctly shape the The thorn itself is both small and brittle. It's small
words. enough to hide in the palm of your hand or between
your fingers, or for that matter in a victim's shoe. It
tends to break off in the wound and probably won't be
The Black Stinger good for more than one successful attack (DM's
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of discretion).
hand” roll)
Cost: 1,000 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually illegal) Demon Eel
Required Proficiency: Simple Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use “sleight of hand” roll)
Range Increment: -- Cost: 50 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (Often Unavailable)
Rate of Fire: Can only be used once. Required Proficiency: Simple
Damage: See description Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weight: Effectively none Range Increment: --
Armor Class: 13 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 0 Magazine: See description
Hit Points: 1 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks
Roll: 10 Damage: 2d4 Piercing (20 x2)
Special: Make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or die Weight: 6 pounds
instantly. Even if they make their saving throw, they Armor Class: 16
take 1d6 normal and 2d6 Nonlethal Damage. Hardness: 0
Description: A small, sharp spine with a black poison Hit Points: 6
sack attached. It contains one dose of the most rapidly- DC required to break this item with a Strength
acting organic toxin in existence. Not the most potent- Roll: N/A
-it actually requires a fairly sizable amount to produce Description: A mindless, air-breathing eel-like
a fatality, but the quickest. The victim usually dies animal, which spends most of its time asleep, coiled
within a second. This actually makes it a less than up around its owner's wrist. On command, it springs
ideal tool for most assassinations, since the victim will forward and takes a bite out of whoever its owner
collapse and die before the killer can get away from indicates. Then it snaps back into place. There are of
them. course many possible variations on this theme. A

Demon Eel with poison saliva? One infected with a Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (Often Unavailable)
horrible disease? Depraved DMs should have no Required Proficiency: Simple
trouble devising their own unpleasant versions. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: This weapon has ten feet of Reach
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Electric Eel Magazine: See description
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Rate of Fire: Once per round
“sleight of hand” roll) Damage: See description
Cost: 75 Units Weight: 5 pounds
Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (Often Unavailable) Armor Class: 15
Required Proficiency: Simple Hardness: 0
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hit Points: 6
Range Increment: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Roll: N/A
Magazine: 10 Special: Make a ranged touch attack, ignoring armor.
Rate of Fire: Once per round With a successful hit the target is entangled by the eel.
Damage: 2d6 Electrical The eel does 1d6 bludgeoning damage per round, for 6
Weight: 5 pounds rounds, unless the Target somehow fights their way
Armor Class: 15 free. An entangled character suffers a -2 penalty on
Hardness: 0 all attacks, has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4
Hit Points: 5 and cannot move out of the eel's reach. To free
DC required to break this item with a Strength themselves, they must take a full action and make
Roll: N/A either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or force their
Description: A slimy, sluglike animal, with no visible way free by making a Strength check vs. DC 20.
features, about a foot in length. It is born with its Successfuly forcing your way out of the Constrictor's
entire food supply already stored in is fat reserves and clutches with a Strength roll does 1d3 damage to it.
has no digestive tract. Most of its body volume is Description: A long, fat, boneless animal, a little like
taken up with bioelectric organs, which generate a a muscular slug. It's mottled skin is smooth, cool and
powerful jolt of electricity when the creature is dry. The constrictor generally bides its time wrapped
stimulated. The sticky underside of the animal is quite around the user's arm. It can be concealed this way,
safe to touch (if disgusting), and the creature is often but only if you wear very long, loose sleeves. When
worn around the user's wrist. Once it has exhausted its touched in just the right way, the constrictor lashes out
electric organs, it recharges at a rate of one shot per and grapples the target of your choice, pinning and
thirty minutes. slowly crushing them.
The "Electric Eel" lives for about six months. It has no eyes or ears and only the simplest nervous
There may be other versions out there which eat food system. It is immune to mind control attacks, fear,
and last longer, but most users find it simpler to emotion control and illusions. It cannot survive in a
dispose of the unit once they are done with it. vacuum. Poison, disease and other attacks which
“Electric eels” are also sometimes used for mines specifically target flesh will hurt it.
and booby traps. Concealed in the right place, they The eel is easy to care for. It has a small orifice at
can give unwanted guests a nasty surprise. one end into which you place a large feeding pill every
week or so. It lives for about six years, if regularly
Constrictor Eel
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 80 Units

Swarm-Pods, Spore Pods and Other Organic Splash

Swarm Pod it were full of wriggling vermin. And of course it is.

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a When the pod is hurled at the target, it bursts open and
“sleight of hand” roll) a cloud of biting, stinging, venomous insects engulfs
Cost: 325 Units everything within a ten foot radius. These are not
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable) normal insects--they have been specially bred for this
Required Proficiency: Simple task and they are far more agressive and far better
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use equipped to do damage to the target than most
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) ordinary arthropods. It's like being engulfed by army
“To Hit” Bonus: -- ants, except that they have wings and their bite is
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has worse.
attacks, but each pod can only be used once. Robots are not affected by the insects, although
Damage: 1 point of Slashing damage per round to they can't see through them. Nor will the swarm
every living thing in a 15 foot radius attack inanimate objects (unless of course they're
Weight: 3 pounds made of meat). It's completely useless to attack the
Armor Class: 9 swarm with anything but an area effect weapon.
Hardness: 0 Nothing else does any damage to them at all.
Hit Points: 3 The swarm will last for 3d6 minutes, unless it is
DC required to break this item with a Strength dispersed by a high wind or killed by an area attack.
Roll: 10 (goes off if broken) Any area attack kills them--they have only one Hit
Special: Affects everything in a fifteen-foot radius, Point each, so there's no point in making a Reflexes
unless their armor class is 20 or higher, in which case Saving Throw to see if they take half damage.
they take no damage. Does one point of damage every It is strictly the DM's call as to whether a given
round, until they leave the area of its effect. There is wind is strong enough to disperse the cloud. If you
no Saving Throw. Within the area of effect, visibility allow magic in your campaign, a "Gust of Wind" spell
is reduced to 2 feet. Characters with two hit dice or will do the trick. For the purposes of resisting poison
less who are caught inside the radius must make a and disease, the insects make Fortitude Saving Throws
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or flee at their at a +5.
maximum speed in a random direction for at least one It's extrememly dangerous to leave animals like
round. this cluttering up the landscape, so the insects’ preset
Description: A large, withered looking seed pod, lifespan is just a few minutes long. Once they emerge
about the color of a dirty traffic cone. When examined from their pod, the clock starts ticking. After 3d6
carefully, its surface seems to faintly writhe, as though minutes, the swarm will break up and the insects will

start to die. Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable,
usually Illegal)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Vacuum Swarm-Pod Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Range Increment: Maximum range of 15 feet if
“sleight of hand” roll) sprayed. Can also be thrown at a Range Increment of
Cost: 350 Units 10 feet
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Required Proficiency: Simple Magazine: 6 (or 1 if thrown like a grenade)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) attacks
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Damage: 2d6 if sprayed, 2d6/1d3 if thrown as a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has grenade-like weapon. See description for more
attacks, but each pod can only be used once. details.
Damage: 1 point Slashing damage per round to Weight: 1 pound
everything in a 15 foot radius Armor Class: 9
Weight: 5 pounds Hardness: 0
Armor Class: 9 Hit Points: 1
Hardness: 8 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 5 Roll: 10 (sprays everything in a 5 foot radius if
DC required to break this item with a Strength broken)
Roll: 15 (goes off if broken) Description: A wad of suppurating black tissue,
Special: Affects everything in a fifteen-foot radius which spurts contaminated blood when squeezed. It
that gives off heat. Does one point of damage every can be used as either an aerosol spray attack or as a
round. There is no Saving Throw--the only way to one-shot grenade-like attack.
avoid the damage is to leave the weapon’s radius of If used as a grenade-like weapon it does 2d6
effect. Within the affected area visibility is reduced to damage to the target and 1d3 splash damage to anyone
2 feet. Characters with two hit dice or less who are caught in a 5-foot radius who fails a Reflexes Saving
caught inside the radius must make a Willpower Throw vs. DC 20 (the Saving Throw completely
Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or flee at their maximum negates the damage).
speed in a random direction for at least one round. If used as a spray-weapon, it attacks everything in a
The swarm does not attack objects that don’t radiate five foot wide, fifteen-foot long jet with its vile
heat. droplets. If the target makes a Reflexes Saving Throw
Description: A black, crusted organic mass that looks vs. DC 20 they have completely evaded the weapon's
like a rock. This is a special verison of the swarm-pod jet of viscous, festering glop and they take no damage
weapon listed above. When the pod is thrown at a at all.
target, it breaks apart on impact, releasing a cloud of In addition to the damage it does on contact from
specially engineered insects, grown to survive for a the toxins in the blood, it infects its targets with a
few minutes in a vaccum. These insects leave the pod grisly disease. Any target that takes damage from a
with just enough oxygen stored in their tissues to Blood-Bomb must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs.
sustain them for long enough to attack the target. DC 18, or contract a circulatory disease that robs them
Their pinchers and stingers are as hard as steel and can of one point of Constitution per hour. They should
cut through a vaccum suit with ease. make another Saving Throw every hour to shake off
Unlike a normal swarm-pod, this one will eat the disease until they beat the infection, get medical
robots or indeed anything that gives off a heat help or hit 0 Con and die.
signature. It is however completely useless in an
atmosphere--the insects are pressurized for a vauccum
environment and they'll implode at normal Living Glue
atmospheric pressure. Apart from this, it works Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
almost exactly like a standard swarm-pod. “sleight of hand” roll)
The swarm lasts for 3d6 minutes and can't be Cost: 50 Units per dose
attacked by anything but an area effect weapon. Area Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable)
attacks automatically kill them—don’t even bother Required Proficiency: Simple
rolling damage. If they are somehow poisoned or Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
infected with some quick-acting disease, they make Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown)
Fortitude Saving Throws at a +7. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special--see description
Blood-Bomb Weight: 1 pound
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: 9
hand” roll) Hardness: 0
Cost: 500 Units Hit Points: 15

DC required to break this item with a Strength “sleight of hand” roll)
Roll: 27 Cost: 400 Units
Accessories: Solvent Pod (Weighs 1/20th lb, costs 15 Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Units, holds 3 doses, kills and inactivates glue in 1-3 Required Proficiency: Simple
rounds) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Description: A grenade-like weapon, this small Range Increment: Maximum range of 20 feet if
canister of goop bursts apart on impact, showering sprayed. Can also be thrown at a Range Increment of
everything in a five foot radius. Anything within that 10 ft
radius which fails a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 “To Hit” Bonus: --
is caught fast by the Living Glue. The trapped Magazine: 12 (1 if thrown)
character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, has their Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Dexterity effectively reduced by 4. They must attacks
immediately make another Reflexes Saving Throw Damage: See description
(DC 15) to avoid being stuck to the floor. If a Weight: 3 pounds
character is is fact glued to the floor, they are unable Armor Class: 9
to move. Even if they make the second saving throw, Hardness: 0
they still only move at half their normal rate. To free Hit Points: 2
themselves, they must make a Strength check vs. DC DC required to break this item with a Strength
27, or do at least fifteen points of damage to the glue. Roll: 10 (goes off if broken)
Hitting the glue is automatically successful. Description: A sticky purple spore pod, studded with
greenish growths. The spores are poisonous to most
forms of animal life. The pod can either be used to
Plastic-Eating Spore Pod spray poison like a garden atomizer at a single
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a target(this counts as a Ranged Touch attack and does
“sleight of hand” roll) 4d6 damage), or be thrown like a grenade (this does
Cost: 480 Units 4d6 damage to the target and 1d6 splash damage to
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) anyone caught in a 5-foot radius who fails a Reflexes
Required Proficiency: Simple Saving Throw vs. DC 18). A Fortitude Saving Throw
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use vs. DC 20 halves the damage (round fractions down).
Range Increment: Maximum range of 20 feet if At the DM's discretion there may be aliens whose
sprayed. Can also be thrown at a Range Increment of body chemistry is immune to the spores. Plant people,
10 ft for example, probably wouldn't be affected. Wearing
“To Hit” Bonus: -- a gas mask or a separate oxygen supply also negates
Magazine: 8 (1 if thrown) the attack.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
attacks, but each pod can only be used once.
Damage: See description Insanity Spore-Pod
Weight: 3 pounds Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Armor Class: 9 “sleight of hand” roll)
Hardness: 0 Cost: 490 Units
Hit Points: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Simple
Roll: 10 (goes off if broken) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Description: A garishly spotted red pod, with flakes Range Increment: Maximum range of 20 feet
of eczema crumbling off its skin. When squeezed, it “To Hit” Bonus: --
puckers open at one end and spits out a fine orange Magazine: 10
powder, full of spores. Anything made of plastic Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
which comes into contact with those spores attacks
immediately sprout tumorous-looking growths, Damage: See description
crumbles and falls apart, taking 2d8 damage per round Weight: 3 pounds
for 1-6 rounds, regardless of whether or not it leaves Armor Class: 9
the area of effect. Hardness: 0
The pod can be used as an aerosol spray attack vs. Hit Points: 2
an area 5 feet wide by 20 feet long, or it can be thrown DC required to break this item with a Strength
at the target, in which case it will do its damage to Roll: 10 (goes off if broken)
anything made of plastic in a ten foot radius. An Description: This shriveled green pod is full of spores
inanimate object's Hardness does not protect it from that permanently change the target's brain chemistry.
this attack. You tickle its belly to make it spit out the spores
(unlike many spore pods, it can’t be thrown like a
grenade). Make a ranged touch attack to affect the
Toxic Spore-Pod target. A Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 18 keeps the
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a spores from taking effect (although the victim will still

feel strange and may experience mild psychadelic This is a relatively rare weapon, since no one wants
phenomena that have no real effect on their skills or to have to harvest these pods. A completely sealed
combat abilities). If the spores do take hold of them, suit with its own oxygen supply completely negates
they won't have any clear idea of what is happening to the spores’ effect, but a gas-mask does not. The
them and will behave unpredictably. They must make spores don't have to get into the victim's lungs to
a Willpower Saving throw (DC 15) every round or roll wreak their neural havoc. They will penetrate any
on the following chart. scrap of exposed skin.
1 Wander away for 1 minute (unless prevented)
2–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off
into space, look at the ground or close your eyes. Sleep Gas Spore-Pod
5-6 Mutter andom insane gibberish, clap hands, Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting “sleight of hand” roll)
crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the Cost: 450 Units
spot where you are standing. Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
7–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round Required Proficiency: Simple
10 Act normally for 1 round. You are not aware Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
that you have been acting crazy. Range Increment: Maximum range of 20 feet if
If attacked while insane, the victim can defend sprayed. Can also be thrown at a Range Increment of
themselves normally, but unless they roll a 10 and "act 10 ft
normally", they are incapable of articulate “To Hit” Bonus: --
communication. Only some kind of advanced Magazine: 14 (1 if thrown)
neurological treatment can help the afflicted character. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
A vaccum suit or completely sealed protective gear attacks
completely negates the effect of this weapon. Damage: Target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw
vs. DC 20 or lapse into a drugged slumber for 2-12
Agony Spore-Pod Weight: 3 pounds
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Armor Class: 9
“sleight of hand” roll) Hardness: 0
Cost: 480 Units Hit Points: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Simple Roll: 10 (goes off if broken)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Special: Area Effect Attack, straight line, five feet
Range Increment: Maximum range of 20 feet if wide and twenty feet long.
sprayed. Can also be thrown at a Range Increment of Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150
10 ft Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the spores in 1
“To Hit” Bonus: -- round)
Magazine: 9 (1 if thrown) Description: A fat lump of slick black fungus. It
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has vomits out a puff of mottled greenish powder when
attacks squeezed, which affects every living thing in a five-
Damage: 2d6 nonlethal damage per round for 3 foot wide, 20 foot long path. It can also be thrown
rounds (a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves like a grenade, in which case it will affect anyone in a
the damage, but the target must roll every round) 5 foot radius who fails a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
Weight: 3 pounds DC 22.
Armor Class: 9 Characters who have been put to sleep are helpless,
Hardness: 0 but they will wake up if someone does at least one
Hit Points: 2 point of damage to them, whether normal or nonlethal.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 10 (goes off if broken)
Special: Ignores armor. The target must make a Flesh-Eating Spore-Pod
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 each round they Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
take damage or be Stunned for that round. hand” roll)
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 250 Cost: 510 Units
Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of the spores in 1 Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal)
round) Required Proficiency: Simple
Description: A brittle-looking reddish sporepod with Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
mottled brown spots. When gently squeezed, it spews Range Increment: Maximum range of 20 feet if
out a thin stream of spores which afflict the target's sprayed. Can also be thrown at a Range Increment of
nervous system with horrendous phantom pains. It can 10 ft
also e thrown like a grenade, in which case it will “To Hit” Bonus: --
affect anyone in a 5 foot radius who fails a Reflexes Magazine: 6 (1 if thrown)
Saving Throw vs, DC 20. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

attacks When you tickle the right spot on its belly, the pod
Damage: See description contorts in your hand and sneezes out a fine, wet mist,
Weight: 3 pounds laden with nerve-rot spores. This attack affects every
Armor Class: 9 living thing in a five-foot wide, twenty foot long path.
Hardness: 0 It can also be thrown like a grenade, in which case it
Hit Points: 2 affects anything in a 5 foot radius. A Reflexes Saving
DC required to break this item with a Strength Throw vs. DC 15 allows the target to dodge out of the
Roll: 10 (goes off if broken) way of the attack, provided that they use their next
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150 movement to leave the area of effect. In one round the
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the spores in 1 area will be safe to enter once more.
round) Once the pod has been emptied it can produce a
Description: This long, puffy mass of tissue is filled new dose in two hours. There is no easy or quick
with spores that invade and break down living flesh at remedy for the damage it does. Perhaps there is some
a shocking rate. It can reduce a full-sized adult human expensive high-tech medical treatment that might be
being into a pile of gym-sock smelling fungus in able to cure the nerve damage, but this of course is up
minutes. to the DM.
When squeezed, the pod opens up a wrinkled
orifice at one end and spits out a silent puff of fine
gray powder, effectively attacking everything in a Paralysis Spore-Pod
five-foot wide, twenty foot long path. It can also be Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
thrown like a grenade, in which case it affects “sleight of hand” roll)
anything in a 5 foot radius. A Reflexes roll vs. DC 15 Cost: 485 Units
allows the target to dodge out of the way of the attack, Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
provided that they use their next movement to leave Required Proficiency: Simple
the affected area. Anyone who doesn’t get out of the Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
way in time will take 1d6 damage per round until they Range Increment: Maximum range of 20 feet if
either die or make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20. sprayed. Can also be thrown at a Range Increment of
The spores die quickly if they don't find flesh to 10 ft
bury themselves in, and the squares infected by the “To Hit” Bonus: --
spore pod will be safe to enter on the next round. The Magazine: 12 (1 if thrown)
pod only holds ten doses, but once it has been emptied Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
it can produce a new dose in two hours. attacks
Damage: Special. The target must make a Fortitude
Save vs. DC 20 or be paralyzed and helpless, unable to
Nerve-Rot Spore-Pod move or take any physical actions, for 2d10 rounds.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Weight: 3 pounds
hand” roll) Armor Class: 9
Cost: 470 Units Hardness: 0
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) Hit Points: 2
Required Proficiency: Simple DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Roll: 10 (goes off if broken)
Range Increment: Maximum range of 20 feet if Description: A loose, slimy brown fungal sack, with
sprayed. Can also be thrown at a Range Increment of unhealthy-looking red fissures in its skin. When
10 ft gently stroked, it spurts out a stream of spores that
“To Hit” Bonus: -- cause paralysis in most animals. This attack affects
Magazine: 9 (1 if thrown) every living thing in a five-foot wide, twenty foot long
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has path. It can also be thrown like a grenade, in which
attacks case it affects anything in a 5 foot radius. A Reflexes
Damage: Target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw Saving Throw vs. DC 20 allows the target to dodge
vs. DC 18 or suffer 1d6 permanent damage to their out of the way of the attack, provided that they use
Dexterity each round for 1-3 rounds. their next movement to leave the area of effect.
Weight: 3 pounds At the DM's discretion, there may be creatures with
Armor Class: 9 unusual body chemistries who aren't affected. A
Hardness: 0 completely sealed suit will negate the effect of these
Hit Points: 2 spores but a gas-mask doesn't. They penetrate through
DC required to break this item with a Strength the skin and don't need to be inhaled.
Roll: 10 (goes off if broken)
Description: A rumpled and unappetizing lump of
vegetable matter, about the length of a man's forearm. Organic Spore-Pod Launcher
Its skin is a raw, unhealthy pink with ulcerated red Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
patches here and there that have odd tufts of wiry fur hand” roll)
growing out of them. Cost: 590 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (often unavailable) resembles a spotted, downy human liver. It's about the
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Ranged length of a man's arm, and has only one visible
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use feature--a huge, gaping, toothless mouth. If you load a
Range Increment: 30 feet spore-pod weapon into its mouth, the creature will stir,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- gulp the pod down with evident relish, and puff up a
Magazine: 1 set of tumorous looking air bladders on either side of
Rate of Fire: Once per round its body.(the whole loading process takes one Standard
Damage: Depends on which spore-pod it is launching Action). Point a pod-launcher at the target, tweak it
Weight: 4 pounds hard enough to cause it pain, and it will hurl the pod a
Armor Class: 14 surprising distance.
Hardness: 0 The launcher itself spends most of its time totally
Hit Points: 5 inert. It can be fed almost any nutrient in liquid form
DC required to break this item with a Strength (no chunks) and if properly nourished will live about
Roll: 20 ninety years. It can go without food for a month or so.
Accessories: --
Description: A smooth, boneless, eyeless animal that

Scuttlebombs, Living Torpedos and Other Self-

Actuated Living Weapons
Living weapons that move under their own power, some of these specially tailored animals have enough brain power to
qualify as independent constructs while others do not (as a rule Scuttlebombs do and Living Torpedoes don’t).

Living creatures that scamper across the ground toward the target and then explode, they come in a wide variety of
nasty forms and nastier effects. No two look quite alike. Most are smart enough to qualify as independent constructs,
since it takes at least a minimal amount of brainpower to find your way across uneven terrain. Yet even the smartest of
them are still really, really dumb compared to most animals. Even your average insect is significantly smarter.

Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: See description
Hardness: 0
Hit Points: See description
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: N/A
Special: This weapon is capable of independent
action. Treat it as a Fine Construct with an AC of 16, 8
hit points and an Attack Bonus of +5. It is immune to
Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not Sleep,
Paralysis or mental domination. It makes Willpower
Saving Throws at a -2 penalty. It can move 30 feet
per round under its own power and effectively has a
Stealth Skill of +5. It does draw attacks of
opportunity when it attacks (although there is little
point in attacking it with a melee weapon, since it will
Scuttlebomb detonate if it loses all its Hit Points). The bomb does
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of 3d6 Bludgeoning damage to anything in a 10 foot
hand” roll) radius when it goes off.
Cost: 595 Units Description: A mottled, hairless eight-legged
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) arthropod with no obvious eyes. It's body is plump
Required Proficiency: Simple and sags heavily from the weight of the explosives it is
Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions carrying. It can track the target either by scent or
independently after that. simply by being pointed at it and set in motion. The
Range Increment: -- weapon cannot be recalled or instructed to change
“To Hit” Bonus: -- targets once it has been set.
Rate of Fire: Once per round The creature has no mouth, never eats and has just
Damage: See description enough stored energy to reach the target and detonate.

It doesn't effectively take any time to wake the thing Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions
up, you just snatch off the membrane which covers its independently after that.
eyes and it is instantly ready to attack (call this a free Range Increment: --
action). If kept dormant, it will live for about twenty “To Hit” Bonus: --
years. Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: See description
Weight: 1 pound
Toxic Gas Scuttlebomb Armor Class: See description
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Hardness: 0
hand” roll) Hit Points: See description
Cost: 610 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Roll: N/A
Required Proficiency: Simple Special: This weapon is capable of independent
Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions action. Treat it as a Diminutive Construct with an AC
independently after that. of 16, 8 hit points and an Attack Bonus of +6. It is
Range Increment: -- immune to Fear, Emotion Control and Illusions but
“To Hit” Bonus: -- not Sleep, Paralysis or mental domination. It makes
Rate of Fire: Once per round Willpower Saving Throws at a +4 bonus. It can move
Damage: See description 30 feet per round under its own power and effectively
Weight: 1 pound has a Stealth Skill of +6. It does draw attacks of
Armor Class: See description opportunity when it attacks. It will explode if it loses
Hardness: 0 all its hit points. When it goes off, it does 3d6
Hit Points: See description piercing damage to anything in a 10 foot radius.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Anyone struck by its flechettes must make a Fortitude
Roll: N/A Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or take an additional d4 of
Special: This weapon is capable of independent poison damage every round for 2-8 rounds.
action. Treat it as a Construct with an AC of 16, 3 hit Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 250
points and an Attack Bonus of +5. It is immune to Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the poison in 1
Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not Sleep, round)
Paralysis or mental domination. It makes Willpower Description: A strange little animal which moves by
Saving Throws at a +2 bonus. It can move 30 feet per rolling like a ball, it looks like a sea urchin, or perhaps
round under its own power and effectively has a a hedgehog without a head. Covered with thick
Stealth Skill of +3. It does draw attacks of poison spines, it is safe to handle until it is armed and
opportunity when it attacks, but if it takes any damage sent after the target. It has a lot of eyes, buried
at all it immediately detonates. When it goes off, between its spines and will home in of the target
everyone in a 10 foot radius must make a Fortitude visually.
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take 4d10 poison damage. It can be instructed to home in on a particular
This toxin specifically attacks the lungs, so a gas mask square or to follow a particular target, by pointing it at
or a vacuum suit completely negates its effect. the target and squeezing a special place on its
Description: A bulging gas-bladder, with six underbelly.
powerful froglike legs and a single eye on a stalk. It The creature has only the simplest metabolism and
moves in a series of long leaps and hops. nervous system. It does not eat and is born with just
The creature has an extremely simple nervous enough stored energy to do its job. It remains
system and only understands one basic command--go completely dormant until it is activated, and if it isn't
to the first thing you see when the opaque membrane used can live off its stored energy for about six years.
is peeled away from your eye, and explode there. It
can be directed against either a whole square, or it can
pursue and chase down an individual target. Telepathic Scuttlebomb
Readying the bomb by unhooding its eye is a free Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
action and takes effectively no time. Once it has been hand” roll)
activated, there is no turning it back. Cost: 625 Units
When it isn't in use the weapon lies dormant. It Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
doesn't have a digestive system and is born with all the Required Proficiency: Simple
stored energy it will need to complete its one task. Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions
independently after that.
Range Increment: --
Toxic Flechette Scuttlebomb “To Hit” Bonus: --
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Rate of Fire: Once per round
hand” roll) Damage: See description
Cost: 600 Units Weight: 1 pound
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal) Armor Class: See description
Required Proficiency: Simple Hardness: 0

Hit Points: See description Range Increment: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: N/A Rate of Fire: Once per round
Special: This weapon is capable of independent Damage: 2d6 Damage per round to anything made of
action. Treat it as a Diminutive Construct with an AC plastic within a 10 foot radius.
of 16, 8 hit points and an Attack Bonus of +4. It is Weight: 1 pound
immune to Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not Armor Class: See description
Sleep, Paralysis or mental domination (although any Hardness: 0
attempt to mentally dominate the weapon will Hit Points: See description
instantly detonate it) It can move 30 feet per round DC required to break this item with a Strength
under its own power and effectively has a Stealth Skill Roll: N/A
of +7. It does draw attacks of opportunity when it Special: This weapon is capable of independent
attacks and does 3d6 Bludgeoning damage to anything action. Treat it as a Diminutive Construct with an AC
in a 10 foot radius when it detonates. If it loses any of of 16, 7 hit points and an Attack Bonus of +5. It is
its hit points, it instantly explodes. immune to Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not
Description: It resembles a large pillbug, about the Sleep, Paralysis or mental domination. It makes
size of a cucumber. It moves by either sculling along Willpower Saving Throws at a +2 bonus. It can move
on its fifty tiny legs or by curling up into an armored 30 feet per round under its own power and effectively
ball and rolling along the ground. has a Stealth Skill of +5. It does draw attacks of
The weapon is telepathic and remains in constant opportunity when it attacks.
contact with the mind of its user. You can order it to Description: A six-legged disk-shaped creature, with
change targets or to withdraw. It is not smart enough one strangely human looking eye. It has a shell and
to undertake any kind of strategy on its own and must looks a little like a very strange crab. It has a very
be carefully guided through every step of anything it simple nervous system and doesn't experience pain or
does. fear. When it isn't being used to attack, it either sleeps
You can see through its eyes if you concentrate. It or ambles pointlessly around its cage. It eats just about
has all five of the senses we are accustomed to, any garbage or organic waste you care to place in its
although the first time you use one of these weapons it feeding hole, although it cannot feed itself. If fed
takes at least two minutes of practice to get used to its regularly and treated well it will live for about five
weird sensory perspective. years.
The creature is by disposition passive and You arm it by breaking away a small crumbly piece
phlegmatic and spends most of its time asleep. It does of shell on top of its carapace. Once it is armed, you
however need to be fed daily. It can digest just about show it the target and utter a low whistle. It will then
any organic matter, but has to be fed by hand. If it attack that one particular target, moving to intercept it
isn't detonated, it will live for about three years. if it runs away.
If it somehow gets separated from its handler and
can't be telepathically guided home, it will make a
feeble attempt to find them, but will give up quickly Metal-Eating Scuttlebomb
and go to sleep. The next person to pick it up Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
becomes its handler. hand” roll)
Cost: 615 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions
independently after that.
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 2d6 Damage per round to anything made of
metal within a 10 foot radius. Continues to do damage
until the virus is somehow cured or neutralized.
Ignores up to 15 points of Hardness.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: See description
Plastic-Eating Scuttlebomb Hardness: 0
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Hit Points: See description
hand” roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 610 Units Roll: N/A
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Special: This weapon is capable of independent
Required Proficiency: Simple action. Treat it as a Diminutive Construct with an AC
Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions of 16, 2 hit points and an Attack Bonus of +6. It is
independently after that. immune to Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not

Sleep, Paralysis or mental domination. It makes spends most of its time dormant, waking about once a
Willpower Saving Throws at a –3 penalty. It can week to ingest a few grams of sugar water (it can't
move 30 feet per round under its own power and feed itself). It lives for about a year if it's fed
effectively has a Stealth Skill of +5. The weapon does regularly.
draw attacks of opportunity when it attacks, but if
struck it detonates on the spot.
Description: A fat pink worm, about the size of a Flesh-Eating Scuttlebomb
baby's arm , covered with odd, knobby growths. A Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
bloodshot and strangely human looking eye is visible hand” roll)
at either end. The worm wriggles after the designated Cost: 675 Units
target under its own power and then bursts open in a Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually illegal)
shower of glop. This liquid is saturated with a metal- Required Proficiency: Simple
eating virus, which does no damage to flesh but rusts Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions
out even the toughest metallic alloys in just a few independently after that.
rounds. The worm doesn't have a mouth or a digestive Range Increment: --
system, but it does metabolize food through its skin “To Hit” Bonus: --
and every week it needs to be immersed in a nutrient Rate of Fire: Once per round
bath for about an hour. If it is properly cared for, it Damage: Infects everyone in a 5 foot radius with a
will live for two years. flesh-eating virus that does 1d6 damage per round
until the victim either dies or makes a Fortitude Save
vs. DC 20.
Plague Scuttlebomb Weight: 1 pound
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: See description
hand” roll) Hardness: 0
Cost: 650 Units Hit Points: See description
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Simple Roll: N/A
Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions Special: This weapon is capable of independent
independently after that. action. Treat it as a Diminutive Construct with an AC
Range Increment: -- of 18, 10 hit points and an Attack Bonus of +5. It is
“To Hit” Bonus: -- immune to Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not
Rate of Fire: Once per round Sleep, Paralysis or mental domination. It makes
Damage: See description Willpower Saving Throws at a +1 bonus. It can move
Weight: 1 pound 30 feet per round under its own power and effectively
Armor Class: See description has a Stealth Skill of +5. It does draw attacks of
Hardness: 0 opportunity when it attacks, but if it loses all its hit
Hit Points: See description points it will detonate before it dies or is disintegrated.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: This scuttling, hairy crustacean
Roll: N/A resembles a flesh-colored crayfish with no claws and
Special: This weapon is capable of independent tufts of ugly black bristles, here and there. It has three
action. Treat it as a Diminutive Construct with an AC eyes on stalks and a long proboscis which it uses to
of 16, 7 hit points and an Attack Bonus of +5. It is inject the target with a flesh-eating virus that can turn
immune to Fear, Emotion Control and Illusions but a full-sized human being into bloody jello in minutes.
not Sleep, Paralysis or mental domination. It makes The creature has no mouth and is born with just
Willpower Saving Throws at a +2 bonus. It can move enough energy stored in its body to attack one target
30 feet per round under its own power and effectively and then die. It spends its life in hibernation until it is
has a Stealth Skill of +6. It does draw attacks of woken up and directed at a particular target. It can
opportunity when it attacks, but will explode on the either hunt the target down by smell, or simply be
spot if it loses all its hit points. pointed at the target and then tweaked in a special soft
Description: It looks like a huge black leech, about spot behind its bristly head. You can snap off its
the size of a small cat, with a single yellow eye at one proboscis before setting it loose (this takes a standard
end and bulging plague-sacks on either side of its action).in which case it will scuttle over to the target
body. It moves by rapidly humping across the and explode, dousing everything in a five foot radius
ground. When it reaches the target square, it puffs with the virus.
itself full of air and bursts, showering everyone in the If the creature is smashed open, the virus won't
vicinity with plague. spill out and become a hazard-it has to be activated by
Anyone caught in its burst radius must make a some complex biochemical process before it becomes
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or lose a point of virulent. The creature has a natural lifespan of about a
Strength and one of Constitution per day for 4d6 days year, if it isn't used.
until they are cured by a doctor or reach 0 Constitution
and die.
The weapon doesn't have much of a brain and

Deep-Space Scuttlebomb Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Required Proficiency: Simple
hand” roll) Handed: Requires 2 hands to activate, functions
Cost: 600 Units independently after that.
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Range Increment: 80 feet
Required Proficiency: Simple “To Hit” Bonus: --
Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions Rate of Fire: Once per round
independently after that. Damage: Special, see description
Range Increment: -- Weight: 1 pound
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Armor Class: See description
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hardness: 0
Damage: See description Hit Points: See description
Weight: 1 pound DC required to break this item with a Strength
Armor Class: See description Roll: N/A
Hardness: 0 Special: This weapon is capable of independent
Hit Points: See description action. Treat it as a Diminutive Construct with an AC
DC required to break this item with a Strength of 15, 6 hit points and an Attack Bonus of +4. It is
Roll: N/A immune to Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not
Special: This weapon is capable of independent Sleep, Paralysis or mental domination. It makes
action. Treat it as a Construct with an AC of 19, 10 hit Willpower Saving Throws at a –1 penalty. It can
points and an Attack Bonus of +4. It is immune to move 30 feet per round under its own power and
Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not Sleep, effectively has a Stealth Skill of +5. It does draw
Paralysis or mental domination. It makes Willpower attacks of opportunity when it attacks, but will
Saving Throws at a +6 bonus. It can move 60 feet per explode on the spot if it loses any hit points. When the
round under its own power in any direction and bomb goes off, living creatures within a 15 foot radius
effectively has a Stealth Skill of +4. It does not draw must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 18 or
attacks of opportunity when it attacks. When it become Nauseated, unable to attack, concentrate, use
detonates, the weapon does 4d6 Bludgeoning damage psionic powers or cast spells (if spell-casters or
to anything in a 15 foot radius. Targets can make a psionics exist in your campaign), and so forth. The
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to take half only action a nauseated character can take is a single
damage. move (or move-equivalent action) per turn. These
Description: One of the real limitations of effects last as long as the character is in the cloud and
scuttlebombs and other such living weapons is that for 1d4+1 rounds after he or she leaves the cloud.
they don't work in a vacuum. This strange creature (Roll separately for each nauseated character.) Those
solves this problem. It looks like an armor-plated who succeed at their saves but remain in the cloud
jellyfish, with tiny round eyes peeking out from must continue to save each round. The cloud lasts for
between the plates. 1d4 rounds, but a strong wind disperses it in 1 round.
It can move in zero-g by squirting out small puffs Description: An evil-smelling little animal, a bit like
of gas (it's helpless in standard earth gravity). You a three-legged furry spider, about the size of a man's
activate it by twisting a protrusion on one of its plates. hand. It has no mouth or stomach and is born with just
The plates separate slightly, its eyes peek out and it is enough stored energy in its tissues to chase down one
ready to be shown the target. It can take a long time to target and explode. It spends most of its life-cycle
track down its prey, if it has to. Periodically, it will hibernating with its legs folded up tightly under it.
extend a set of gossamer wing-like membranes from You activate the weapon, by pulling down its legs
between its plates and feed on raw solar energy, using with a short, sharp jerk, uncovering its seven beady
the heat and light to generate more gas from its eyes. To direct it to its target, you point its seventh,
tissues. It can pursue a target for months, years, central eye at the target and utter a high shrill whistle.
perhaps even centuries. The whole process of waking the creature up and
If kept dormant, no one really knows how long it selecting a target takes one Standard Action. If the
might live. There has never been a recorded case of bomb is activated, but not sent out to blow itself up, it
one going bad in storage. will amble around aimlessly for about two hours until
it runs out of energy and drops dead. You can fold its
legs back up over its eyes and put it back to sleep, if
Stench-Gas Scuttlebomb you can catch it--the bomb instinctively tries to evade
being caught.
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 500 Units

Living Torpedoes
Somewhat dumber than scuttlebombs, most living torpedoes have just enough brain power to glide through the air
toward a target and then explode. They too vary widely in appearance and capabilities.

Living Torpedo, Flying Bomb immune to fear, illusions and emotion control, but not
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of sleep, paralysis or mental domination. It makes
hand” roll) Willpower Saving Throws at a +2 bonus. If mentally
Cost: 510 Units dominated, it instantly explodes.
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Description: A living torpedo that resembles a pale
Required Proficiency: Simple six-eyed lobster with bat wings instead of claws and
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use ugly tufts of bristles here and there. It spends most of
Range Increment: 80 feet its time asleep, but unlike mmany living weapons it is
“To Hit” Bonus: -- active and affectionate toward its handler while it is
Rate of Fire: Once per round awake. It has a very simple metabolism and needs to
Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning, 10 foot radius. A be fed meat broth once every two days or so.
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 halves the damage. The creature is telepathic and actively reads its
Weight: 1 pound handler's mind. When it receives the mental
Armor Class: 15 command, it flies over to the target and detonates. It
Hardness: 0 requires no concentration on the part of the handler to
Hit Points: 1 do this-they are free to move, make other attacks, etc.
DC required to break this item with a Strength They cannot see through the creature's eyes or pick up
Roll: 15 (but it explodes if it is broken) impulses from its brain unless they are telepathic
Special: Not capable of independent action and so not themselves (the creature's own power only works one
a Construct. Immune to illusions and mental attacks. way—it’s a telepathic receiver, but it lacks a
Description: A tiny little flying bomb. This odd transmitter).
creature resembles a three-eyed hairless bat with no The handler can target anything in sight, whether it
mouth. It never eats or drinks and spends its life is technically in range or not. If the target is further
hibernating until it is woken up to go into combat. It away than the creature's range, it will simply keep
takes a Standard Action to rouse the beast and get it to flying toward it on the next round. It can chase
unfold its wings. Considerably less smart than an moving targets or change targets in mid flight if it is
insect, it will use its simple nervous system to home in told to.
the target it is flung at and then explode. It isn’t If the bomb becomes isolated from its handler's
capable of doing or thinking about anything else. thoughts, it will try to find its way back to them,
You can carry it around armed if you are expecting disarming its explosive load and retracing its flight
trouble. The beast won't make any noise and it can path. If for some reason this doesn't work it will settle
easily be returned to hibernation. However, it can only to the ground and wait for a new master to come
be kept awake for twenty-four hours in total before it along. It takes about an hour of holding and stroking
exhausts its limited energy supply and dies. the creature to attune it to a new handler's thoughts.

Living Torpedo, Telepathic Flying Bomb Living Torpedo, Toxic Flying Bomb
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 610 Units Cost: 520 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Simple Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 100 feet Range Increment: 80 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning, 10 foot radius. A Damage: Special, see description
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 halves the damage. Weight: 1 pound
Weight: 1 pound Armor Class: 15
Armor Class: See description Hardness: 0
Hardness: 0 Hit Points: 2
Hit Points: See description DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: 15 (but it explodes if it is broken)
Roll: N/A Special: Grenade-like weapon. Everyone in a 10 foot
Special: Diminutive Construct, AC 15, 4 hit points, radius must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20
Attack Bonus of +4, moves 100 feet per round. It is or take 4d6 poison damage. This toxin specifically

attacks the lungs, so a gas mask or a vacuum suit Bomb
completely negates its effect. It is immune to fear, Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
illusions and emotion control, but is still vulnerable to hand” roll)
sleep, paralysis and mental domination. It makes Cost: 550 Units
Willpower Saving Throws at a –2 penalty. If it takes Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (often unavailable,
damage or is mentally dominated, it instantly usually illegal)
explodes. Required Proficiency: Simple
Description: A fat cigar-shaped tube, glittering with Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
oily iridescent colors. Squeeze a particular spot on its Range Increment: 80 feet
back and it will unfold into a mothlike creature with “To Hit” Bonus: --
wet, transparent wings. It has no mouth and barely Rate of Fire: Once per round
any brain. The creature has just enough energy stored Damage: See description
in its tissues to make one attack and it is just smart Weight: 1 pound
enough to fly over to the target square on command Armor Class: 15
and explode. Hardness: 0
If kept dormant, it has a shelf-life of about five Hit Points: 1
years. Once armed, it will live for only 48 hours if it DC required to break this item with a Strength
isn't actually used. Roll: 15 (but it explodes if it is broken)
Special: Grenade-like weapon. Anyone caught in its
burst radius must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs.
Living Torpedo, Caustic Flying Bomb DC 15 or lose a point of Strength and one of
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- Constitution per day for 4d6 days until they are cured
hand” roll) by a doctor or reach 0 Constitution and die. If the
Cost: 530 Units target is hit by more than one bomb, it won’t increase
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) the effect of the disease.
Required Proficiency: Simple Description: A greenish wad of slimy flesh, covered
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use in weeping red blisters. It has three crablike eyes on
Range Increment: 90 feet stalks and a pair of membranous wings. Anyone who
“To Hit” Bonus: -- sees its jawless, fanged mouth is immediately
Rate of Fire: Once per round reminded of a lamprey, or perhaps of worse things. It
Damage: See description has no feet and cannot walk.
Weight: 1 pound The creature needs to be fed at least once a day (it
Armor Class: 15 prefers putrid meat but will eat any old organic matter)
Hardness: 0 and is prone to flatulence. With no appendages but its
Hit Points: 2 wings, it has no way of getting food into its puckered
DC required to break this item with a Strength little mouth and must be (carefully) fed by hand. It
Roll: 15 (but it explodes if broken) whines when it is hungry and gurgles when it is
Special: Splash weapon. The target takes 1d6 damage satisfied.
per round for 3 rounds, and everyone in a 5 foot radius You get it ready to detonate by giving it a short
must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or sharp jolt of pain on one particular spot on its
take 1 point of damage. If the attacker rolls a 20, the underbelly ( a lit cigarette works well here, as does a
target has been Blinded, per the spell. Blindness lasts hard pinch). Once it’s armed, fling it at the target
indefinitely. At the DM's discretion there may be square as fast as you can. Don't leave it in your hand-
futuristic medical techniques that can repair the it will explode on the next round no matter what.
target’s eyes. Not really a Construct, its behavior is limited to
Description: A small creature which resembles a exploding. Its pitifully simple nervous system is
hairless albino bat, its plump body covered with immune to illusions or mental attacks.
gristly chitinous plates. It has three segmented eyes Storing this weapon is tricky The diseases which
and no mouth. The bomb is born with just enough fester in the creature's unhealthy flesh will kill it in
stored energy to attack one target and explode. about six months, unless it is kept frozen in a cryo-
Not smart enough to qualify as a Construct, this is tank.
really just a grenade that happens to alive. It spends
most of its life dormant, folded up inside its leathery
wings. Living Torpedo, Flying Stench Bomb
It takes a Standard Action to wake it up, point it at Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
the target and break the tiny bone just under its skin hand” roll)
which arms it to attack. If it is woken up but not Cost: 485 Units
armed it will only live for two hours. It can be lulled Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
back into dormance with a Standard Action. Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 70 feet
Living Torpedo, Plague-Ridden Flying “To Hit” Bonus: --

Rate of Fire: Once per round Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious
Damage: Special, see description for 2-16 (2d8) minutes.
Weight: 1 pound Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150
Armor Class: 15 Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of gas in 1 round)
Hardness: 0 Description: An insectile creature, a lot like some
Hit Points: 1 weird flying crustacean. It spends most of its time
DC required to break this item with a Strength folded up in a dormant state, waking up only once
Roll: 15 (but it explodes if it is broken) every week to consume a few droppers full of sugar
Special: When the weapon explodes, living creatures water.(you put the food into a slot behind its head-it
within a 15 foot radius must make a Fortitude Saving has no real mouth and can't feed itself).
Throw vs. DC 18 or become Nauseated, unable to To activate it, point it at the target and snap off a
attack, concentrate, use psionic powers or cast spells tiny flange on the underside of its shell. It will fly
(if spell-casters or psionics exist in your campaign), over to the target's square under its own power and
and so forth. The only action a nauseated character can detonate.
take is a single move (or move-equivalent action) per If the target moves while it is in flight, it will
turn. These effects last as long as the character is in change course to the target's new location.
the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after he or she leaves Nonetheless, it isn’t smart or self-motivated enough to
the cloud. (Roll separately for each nauseated qualify as a Construct. It’s merely a weapon.
character.) Those who succeed at their saves but
remain in the cloud must continue to save each round.
The cloud lasts for 1d4 rounds. A strong wind Living Torpedo, Flying Pain-Gas Bomb
disperses it in 1 round. Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
Description: A warty gray lump with algae growing hand” roll)
on it. When you peel a slippery membrane off the Cost: 525 Units
front (this counts as readying the weapon) it exposes Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
the creature's yellowed eye and folded-up Required Proficiency: Simple
membranous wings. It will puff itself full of air Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
through its breathing hole and fly at whatever target Range Increment: 80 feet
you designate, bursting in a cloud of foul green vapor. “To Hit” Bonus: --
The weapon has only the simplest possible nervous Rate of Fire: Once per round
system and metabolism. It is effectively a tool, rather Damage: 5d6 nonlethal damage to everyone in a 10
than a Construct and isn't vulnerable to mental attacks foot radius. A Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20
or illusions. It is born with just enough stored energy halves the damage. Anyone who takes Nonlethal
to do its job. Once it is armed, it will live for 18 hours Damage from the gas must make a Willpower Saving
if it isn't used first. Throw vs. DC 20 or be Stunned (as per the Monk
special attack), and unable to take any action for one
round. Wearing a gas mask gives you a +2 to your
saving throws. Wearing a sealed environment suit
negates the damage completely.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 14
Hardness: 0
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Living Torpedo, Flying Sleep-Gas Bomb Roll: 15 (but it explodes if it is broken)
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150
hand” roll) Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of gas in 1 round)
Cost: 490 Units Description: A scaly, warty, sagging lump, with loose
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) pink skin hanging off it in smelly folds. To arm the
Required Proficiency: Simple weapon, you peel a wet strip of skin loose like a pull-
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use tab. This removes a cap of skin on the front end and
Range Increment: 80 feet reveals its eyes. Under the cap its flesh is red and wet,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- with five oddly human eyes blinking up at you. Once
Rate of Fire: Once per round it has been armed, it extends a pair of membranous
Damage: Special, see description wings and waits to be directed at the target.
Weight: 1 pound The bomb is born with just enough stored energy to
Armor Class: 15 fly to the target and explode. It has no digestive
Hardness: 0 system and only the most rudimentary brain. If it is
Hit Points: 2 left dormant the creature will live for about two years,
DC required to break this item with a Strength but this can be extended to ten with monthly nutrient
Roll: 15 (but it explodes if it is broken) injections.
Special: Everyone in a 15 foot radius must make a

Other Self-Actuated Living Weapons

Flying Bio-Injection Delivery System The Death-Head Scarab

Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 750 Units for a pack of 6. Rarely sold singly. Cost: 550 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 for a pack of 6 (Often Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
unavailable, usually illegal) Required Proficiency: Simple
Required Proficiency: Simple Handed: Requires 1 hand to activate, functions
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use independently after that.
Range Increment: -- Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 6 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Rate of Fire: Once per round Damage: See description
Damage: 1d6 (poison) per round for 3 rounds. A Weight: Effectively none
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves the damage Armor Class: See description
Weight: 1/10 pound Hardness: 0
Armor Class: 20 Hit Points: See description
Hardness: 0 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 1 Roll: N/A
DC required to break this item with a Strength Special: This weapon is capable of independent
Roll: N/A action. Treat it as a Diminutive Construct with an AC
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150 of 18, 10 hit points and an Attack Bonus of +5. It is
Units, holds 1 dose, negates effect of toxin in 1 round- immune to Fear, Emotion Control and Illusions but
-this is an example, there may be other antidotes for not Sleep, Paralysis or mental domination. It makes
other toxic substances that the device might inject, Willpower Saving Throws at a +3 bonus. It can move
with prices and characteristics of their own) 30 feet per round under its own power and effectively
Description: A winged insect, about the size of a very has a Stealth Skill of +6. It does draw attacks of
large mosquito. It has a long stinger at one end, which opportunity when it attacks. If it hits, it does 1d3 on
it will use to inject a dose of a powerful neurotoxin. It the first round. Once it has scored a successful hit, it
then flies back to its handler to rest. Treat it as a Fine burrows into into the victim's flesh and wriggles its
Construct with an AC of 20, 1 hit point and an Attack way toward their vital organs, doing 1d4 damage per
Bonus of +4. It is immune to fear, illusions, emotion round for six rounds unless someone makes a medical
control, sleep, paralysis and mental domination. It skill roll vs. DC 20 and fishes it out. Removing the
moves at 60 feet per round. In twenty-four hours, it creature does an additional 1d4 points of damage,
can generate a new dose of poison. regardless of the surgeon's skill.
The creature lives on sugar water and sleeps in a Description: A large black beetle, whose shiny
tiny spherical nest. It is mildly telepathic and carapace bears a distinctive "death's-head" pattern in
responds to mental commands from whoever hatched white. It has powerful hind legs and can leap as well
it However its user can't see through its eyes or as it can crawl. Standing on top of a chair is no sure
receive mental signals from it-the contact only goes defense against it.
one way. Point it at the target, lightly squeeze a special place
There are a number of different models of flying on its belly and it will pursue that one target
bio-weapon delivery system, each with its own lethal relentlessly (if the target isn't physically in sight, you
payload. Use these stats as a kind of standard can have it home in on their scent, instead). You
template and load the little fellows with whatever foul cannot tell it to change targets once it has been set
substance you like. Many of them carry lethal diseases loose. The thing's nervous system is considerably
instead of poison. simpler than an actual insect. It has virtually no
After about a week of use the delivery system will behaviors apart from its attack strategies and spends
shrivel up and die, so most users carry the eggs around most of its time curled up and dormant. If it is fed
in a packet, and then hatch them a day or so before once a month, it will live for about ten years.
they expect to use them. A packet will usually hold
enough viable eggs to hatch about six insects. The
hatching process takes about five hours until the Hunter-Killer
weapon is fully ready to launch. Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
of hand” roll)
Cost: 525 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)

Required Proficiency: Simple Roll: N/A
Handed: Requires no hands, functions independently. Special: This weapon is capable of independent
Range Increment: -- action. Treat it as a Construct with an AC of 17, 10 hit
“To Hit” Bonus: -- points and an Attack Bonus of +6. It is immune to
Magazine: 10 doses of poison (it can regenerate one Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not Sleep,
dose per hour of rest) Paralysis or mental domination. It makes Willpower
Rate of Fire: Once per round Saving Throws at a +4 bonus. It can move 30 feet per
Damage: If hit, the target must make a Fortitude round under its own power and effectively has a
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take 4d10 damage from Stealth Skill of +7. It does not draw attacks of
Poison opportunity when it attacks
Weight: 1 pound Description: A vicious-looking arthropod, a little like
Armor Class: See description a large, hairy scorpion without claws. A heavy stinger
Hardness: 0 curls ominously over its squat little body. Its sides
Hit Points: See description pant in and out like an eager little dog.
DC required to break this item with a Strength This weapon is telepathic and remains in constant
Roll: N/A contact with the mind of its user. You can order it to
Special: This weapon is capable of independent change targets or withdraw. You can see through its
action. Treat it as a Construct with an AC of 18, 7 hit eyes if you concentrate (it's deaf, but has exceptional
points and an Attack Bonus of +5. It is immune to vision for an arthropod). It holds ten doses of poison
Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not Sleep, in its stinger and can regrow a dose in about six hours.
Paralysis or mental domination. It makes Willpower Unlike most "living weapons" it is playful and
Saving Throws at a +2 bonus. It can move 30 feet per active and likes attention. It makes a sort of trilling
round under its own power and effectively has a sound when you scratch its stubbly bristles. It eats
Stealth Skill of +6. It does not draw attacks of meat, and will live for about ten years if treated well.
opportunity when it attacks
Accessories: Portable Terrarium Carrying Case
(Weighs 1 pound, costs 100 Units) Monster-in-a Can
Description: An evil looking centipede-like creature, Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
with eyes and stingers at both ends. It is an “sleight of hand” roll)
indiscriminate weapon When released, it will go sting Cost: 625 Units
the closest living thing (apart from its handler) and Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
then move on to the next one, stinging and stinging Required Proficiency: Simple
until either it is killed or the handler recalls it. It can Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
be summoned back into its carrying case with a high, Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown)
trilling whistle. “To Hit” Bonus: --
This creature is smarter and more active than most Rate of Fire: Up to six times per round, but only vs.
"living weapons" and can recognize its handler's separate opponents.
smell. If it becomes separated from its handler it will Damage: See description
do its best to find them. It eats only live prey and Weight: The seed-pod weighs 2 pounds. The thing
needs to be fed daily. It lives for about two years that emerges from it quickly grows to weigh about 200
under optimal conditions. pounds. When it has finished gorging itself, it will
weigh 450.
Armor Class: 9
Telepathic Hunter-Killer Hardness: 0
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Hit Points: 4
of hand” roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 650 Units Roll: N/A
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Special: The Hardness, Hit Points and AC listed
Required Proficiency: Simple above apply to the seed-pod itself, not to the creature
Handed: Requires no hands, functions independently which emerges from it. Treat the creature as a
Range Increment: -- Medium-sized Plant Monster with an AC of 18, 20 hit
“To Hit” Bonus: -- points, 3 points of Damage Resistance (not effective
Magazine: 10 doses of poison (it can regenerate one vs. fire) and an Attack Bonus of +5. It is rooted to the
dose per six hours of rest) ground and does not move under its own power, but
Rate of Fire: Once per round has ten feet of Reach in all directions. It does 2d6+5
Damage: The target must make a Fortitude Saving Slashing Damage and can attack up to six separate
Throw vs. DC 20 or take 5d8 damage from Poison opponents in any direction at no penalty (it can’t
Weight: 1 pound attack a single target multiple times in one round).
Armor Class: See description Description: It looks like a sort of seed-pod, but when
Hardness: 0 you throw it at the target it opens up into a gruesome
Hit Points: See description carnivorous plant-monster, with six hungry, gobbling
DC required to break this item with a Strength mouths. See the statistics above for all the unpleasant

details about its capabilities. It will attack anything Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
that gets within its range and has no way of telling Required Proficiency: Simple
friend from foe. After the thing has killed and eaten Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
five Medium or two Large creatures, it will settle Range Increment: --
down and become quiescent. From that point on it is “To Hit” Bonus: --
harmless and incapable of protecting itself. It will Rate of Fire: Once per round
produce beautiful flowers every spring. Damage: See description
Weight: --
Armor Class: 13 (but see description)
Amorphous Horror in a Can Hardness: N/A
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Hit Points: 20
“sleight of hand” roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 650 Units Roll: N/A
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Description: This weapon is capable of independent
Required Proficiency: Simple action. Treat it as a Huge Construct in Gasseous Form
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use AC 13, 20 HP, damage reduction 20/+3, immune to
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) poison and critical hits.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- The cloud is immune to Fear, Emotion Control and
Rate of Fire: Once per round Illusions but not Sleep or mental domination. If it is
Damage: See description put to sleep, rendered unconcious or otherwise
Weight: 5 pounds (after the thing has fed, it can incapacitated it sits still in one place. Anyone passing
weigh up to 20) through the incapacitated cloud still risks infection.
Armor Class: 9 The cloud moves by flying (speed 10,
Hardness: 0 maneuverability perfect). It can pass through small
Hit Points: 3 holes or narrow openings, even tiny cracks that a size
DC required to break this item with a Strength Fine creature would be unable to fit through. It cannot
Roll: N/A move forward in the face of winds faster than five
Special: The Hardness, Hit Points and AC listed miles per hour. If it encounters winds faster than ten
above apply to the fleshpod itself, not to the creature miles per hour, it will be blown in whichever direction
which emerges from it. Treat it as a Large Construct the wind is blowing. It cannot go underwater.
with an AC of 18, 40 hit points, 10 points of Hardness The cloud attacks by moving over an area (it is ten
and an Attack Bonus of +Slam +5. It is immune to feet in diameter), and subjecting everyone inside it to a
Fear, Emotion Control, Illusions but not Sleep, Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 18. If they fail the
Paralysis or mental domination. It makes Willpower roll, they have become infected with a noxious disease
Saving Throws at a +2 bonus. It can move 20 feet per and lose 1 point of Strength every day until they hit
round under its own power and effectively has a Strength 1, become bedridden and then begin to lose
Stealth Skill of +3. It does not draw attacks of points of Constitution at the same rate. When they hit
opportunity when it attacks. The creature makes a zero Constitution, they die.
Slam attack for 2d4+3 damage. If it hits, it will then At the DM's discretion, modern medicine may have
constrict the target for 2d4+3 and 1d4 acid damage a cure for the disease. Multiple exposures don't
each round, without having to make any further rolls increase the severity of the disease, they just give the
to hit. target more chances to catch it.
Description: A veinous green and red pod, warm to
the touch, which writhes in your grasp the first time
you pick it up. It is filled with a psychosentitive Living Toxic Cloud
gelatinous ooze, a little like a huge telepathic amoeba. Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
When you throw it at an enemy, it bursts open in Cost: 675 Units
midair, releasing the slimy abomination inside. The Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
thing can read your thoughts and will attack whoever Required Proficiency: Simple
you want it to. It actively scans your mind, so you Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
don't have to concentrate on giving it mental orders, Range Increment: --
and are free to act independently. “To Hit” Bonus: --
If you are incapacitated or somehow physically Rate of Fire: Once per round
separated from it by more than two-hundred feet, it Damage: 3d6 Poison (see description for more
will rapidly dissolve into a noxious brown stain. It details)
will also disolve on your mental command, or after Weight: N/A
twenty rounds, whichever comes first. Armor Class: See description
Hardness: N/A
Hit Points: See description
Contaminated Living Fog Cloud DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Roll: N/A
Cost: 680 Units Special: This weapon is capable of independent

action. Treat it as a large Construct in Gasseous Form 3d6 poison damage.
AC 13, 20 HP, damage reduction 20/+3, immune to Description: A gaseous entity, which is attuned to the
poison and critical hits. thoughts of its handler. It cannot see, hear or even feel
The cloud is immune to Fear, Emotion Control, things, but it has a clairvoyant sense which serves
Illusions but not Sleep, Paralysis or mental much the same role. For game purposes, assume that
domination. It makes Willpower Saving Throws at a it is aware of everything that is happening around it in
+1 bonus. a 360 degree radius (it can perceive both Ethereal and
It moves by flying (speed 10, maneuverability Invisible targets).
perfect). It can pass through small holes or narrow To tame this basically mindless entity, it is
openings, even tiny cracks that a size Fine creature necessary to make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC
would be unable to fit through. It cannot move 20. If you fail, it attacks you instead of becoming
forward in the face of winds faster than five miles per your ally. You cannot try to take it away from
hour. If it encounters winds faster than ten miles per someone it is already attuned to.
hour, it will be blown helplessly away in whichever The creature can read your mind and follow simple
direction the wind is blowing. It cannot enter water or instructions ("go here", "turn left," "chase that thing")
other liquid. but the communication goes only one way. You can't
It attacks by moving over an area (it is ten feet in see through it's "eyes", nor can it alert you to danger.
diameter). Anyone caught inside it must make a
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 18 every round or take

Miscellaneous Organic Weapons

Things so weird and icky that even we couldn’t think of a category to fit them in. They’re all yours, if you want them.
Enjoy! But make sure to check your hand for open cuts before you stick it in this grab-bag…

Contamination Wad they are in such discomfort that they cannot recover
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a lost fatigue (or psi points) through sleep, and make all
“sleight of hand” roll) skill and attack rolls at a –2 penalty.
Cost: 410 Units Anyone who spends more than a minute within 5
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) feet of the victim must make a Fortitude Saving
Required Proficiency: Simple Throw vs. DC 15 or contract the disease themselves.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use The wad’s user becomes immune to the disease
Range Increment: Usually a hand weapon, it can also after keeping the wad on their person for
be thrown at a Range Increment of 10 ft approximately a week. An injection of the user's
“To Hit” Bonus: -- blood may well be enough to cure the target of the
Magazine: 10 disease Re-roll the Saving Throw at a +2 bonus (and
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has hope the blood won’t kill them for some other reason).
Damage: See description
Weight: 3 pounds Tentacle Wad
Armor Class: 9 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Hardness: 0 “sleight of hand” roll)
Hit Points: 2 Cost: 465 Units
DC required to break this item with a Strength Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Roll: 10 (goes off if broken) Required Proficiency: Simple
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Units, holds 2 doses, negates the effect of the disease Range Increment: 10 ft if thrown
in 2d12 hours) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: A fist-sized chunk of mucus-covered Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
flesh. One part of its underbelly is clean and dry--this attacks, but each pod can only be used once.
is the only place that it is safe to hold the wad. Damage: Special, see description
Anyone who touches its slimy surface must make a Weight: 2 pounds
Fortitude Saving Throw or contract a vicious skin Armor Class: 9 when inactive, 12 when open and in
disease which covers their body in weeping red hives. use.
The target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. Hardness: 0
DC 15 or lose one point of Constitution and one of Hit Points: 10
Charisma per day until they are cured by advanced DC required to break this item with a Strength
medicine or reach 0 Constitution and die. Roll: 10 (goes off uncontrolled if broken)
After their Constitution has been reduced by half, Description: An innocuous-looking vegetable pod.

When it is flung at a target, it opens up into a huge attacks
wad of tentacles. These tendrils are very strong, but Damage: Special, see description
totally mindless. They just grab anything in a five- Weight: 3 pounds
foot radius and squeeze. Anyone inside this area of Armor Class: 14
effect must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC15 Hardness: 0
or be seized by the wad. Hit Points: 25
The tentacles do 1d3 bludgeoning damage per DC required to break this item with a Strength
round, for 6 rounds, unless the Target somehow fights Roll: 20
their way free. An entangled character suffers a -2 Description: A veinous fleshy wad. When flung at a
penalty on all attacks, has their Dexterity effectively target it expands and swallows the target up. Make a
reduced by 4 and has their movement halved. To free Ranged Touch attack, ignoring armor. If you score a
themselves, they must take a full action and make hit, the Engulfer swallows the target.
either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or force their The engulfed character suffers a -8 penalty on all
way free by making a Strength check vs. DC 20. attacks, has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4,
and moves at half speed. To free themselves, they
Arc-Eel must take a full action and make either an Escape
Cost: 90 Units Artist or a Strength check vs. DC 20. If they break
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a loose by making the Strength Check, it permanently
“sleight of hand” roll) ruptures and ruins the bio-engulfer.
Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (Often Unavailable) This weapon cannot recognize and will refuse to
Required Proficiency: Simple attack targets larger than “Large” in size. If hurled at a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use target that is “Huge” or larger, it will not engulf them,
Range Increment: 5 feet and instead will fall harmlessly to the ground in one of
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Metal Armor Only the adjacent squares (roll at random). If it accidentally
Magazine: 10 lands on another potential target, it will engulf them
Rate of Fire: Once per round instead.
Damage: 2d6 Electrical
Weight: 5 pounds
Armor Class: 16 Devourer
Hardness: 0 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Hit Points: 4 “sleight of hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 500 Units
Roll: N/A Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Description: A sluglike animal, with no visible Required Proficiency: Simple
sensory organs, about a foot in length. A mottled, Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
unclean gray in color, it always looks wet. Range Increment: 10 feet
This is a specially grown creature with a minimal “To Hit” Bonus: --
central nervous system. It is born with its entire food Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
supply already stored in is fat reserves, and it has no attacks
digestive tract. Most of its body is filled with Damage: 1d4 per round--see description
bioelectric organs, which can give out a powerful jolt Weight: 6 pounds
of electricity, strong enough to arc across the air to hit Armor Class: 13
the target at range. Hardness: 0
Often carried in a pocket or wrapped around the Hit Points: 20
user's wrist, the Arc Eel is actually quite safe (if DC required to break this item with a Strength
loathsome) to handle. You need to know exactly Roll: 20
where to tweak it to make it go off. Description: A black wad of flesh, which when flung
The Arc Eel lives for about six months. Once it at the target expands and swallows it up. Make a
has exhausted its electric organs, it recharges itself at a Ranged Touch attack, ignoring armor. If you score a
rate of one shot per thirty minutes. hit, the Devourer has swallowed the target. Its gastric
juices will do 1d4 damage per round until the target
either dies or fights their way free of the thing's maw.
Bio-Engulfer The engulfed character suffers a -8 penalty on all
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a attacks, has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4,
“sleight of hand” roll) and of course cannot walk or run anywhere. To free
Cost: 325 Units themselves, they must take a full action and make
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable) either an Escape Artist check vs. DC 20 or a Strength
Required Proficiency: Simple check vs. DC 20. If they break loose by making the
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Strength Check, it does 2d8 damage to the Devourer.
Range Increment: 10 feet This weapon is confused by targets that are larger
“To Hit” Bonus: -- than “Large” in size and it cannot effectively attack
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has them. If it is flung at a target that is “Huge” or larger,

it will not attack them, and will instead fall to the take its miniscule mind over, but you won't be able to
ground in one of the adjacent squares (roll at random). persuade it of anything--it is so stupid that it’s totally
If it lands on another potential target, it devours them immune to illusions.
instead. A Piranha Ball is vulnerable to disease, poison,
protein disruption attacks and all the other hazards that
affect flesh. If it is fed its own weight in meat once a
Piranha Ball week, it will live for about sixty years. If starved, it
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of lasts a month.
hand” roll)
Cost: 45 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (Often Unavailable) The Wubbly
Required Proficiency: Simple Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use of hand” roll)
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) Cost: 475 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (often unavailable)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Required Proficiency: Simple
attacks Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Damage: 1d6 Slashing (20 x2) per round. See “To Hit” Bonus: --
description for more details Magazine: Can only be used once
Weight: 1 pound Rate of Fire: --
Armor Class: 15 Damage: Special--see description
Hardness: 0 Weight: ¼ of a pound
Hit Points: 3 Armor Class: 18
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 0
Roll: N/A Hit Points: 1
Description: A round ball of nubbly, warty flesh, DC required to break this item with a Strength
about the size of a small orange. It has no visible Roll: 15
sensory apparatus, but there is a suggestive puckered Accessories: --
fold-line line across one side, like some sort of closed Description: A cute, furry little beast, like a ball of
orifice. fluff with two shiny eyes, a pair of comically large
When you fling the ball at a living target, the fold feet and no arms. It emits a pleasing sound, specially
opens up into a mouth full of crooked sharklike teeth. designed to hypnotize human beings.
If you score a hit, the ball clamps on to the target and Any human within a 30 foot radius of the creature
begins to chew its way inside, doing 1d6 damage per must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or
round. It takes a full round and a Strength Roll vs. DC stand still, taking no action as they listen entranced to
15 to detach the slobbering mouth. the little beast’s purrs and trills. A hypnotized
If the ball misses the target, it will bounce back to character is instantly released from the effect if they
its owner, moving at 20 feet per round. A piranha ball take damage while under its influence (normal or
will ignore a nonliving target and if it is flung at one it nonlethal), and if this happens the fascination effect
will bounce off the target without biting and hop back won't work on them again for at least an hour.
to its master. The creature spends most of its life cycle asleep,
If someone other than its owner picks it up, it will curled up inside a membrane, living off its fat
try to bite them at a -2 penalty, but apart from this it reserves. It takes a Standard Action to strip off its
can't be persuaded to attack anyone without being membrane and wake it up. It has no digestive system
thrown at them. Nor will it recognize anyone but its and just enough of a brain to stand upright and purr. (it
owner as an ally. isn’t even a Construct in game terms—just a weird
Piranha balls are usually purchased while they are grenade that happens to be alive).
still inside their birthing sheaths. Once removed from If it isn’t used it will live for about three years.
the sheath, the ball bonds with the smell of the first Once it has been activated, it will last for about a
person who handles it. It will try to eat anyone else. week.
A Piranha ball isn't even as in intelligent as an This may seem like a harmless, non-lethal weapon,
insect. It has no thoughts or objectives apart from but plenty of people have died of thirst or let their
feeding and getting back to its master's warm touch. children drown in the tub while listening to the
Accordingly, it isn't vulnerable to mental attacks, apart creature sweetly purr.
from direct mental domination. You might be able to

Futuristic Melee Weapons
Just because the future offers so many new ways to melt, fry, atomize and blow enormous holes through your enemies
at a distance doesn't mean that melee weapons will die out. On the contrary, the future holds myriad marvelous ways to
chop, bash, mangle and carve your enemies as well!

The following section enumerates the rippers, slicers, manglers and maulers of tomorrow, from simple weapons made
of futuristic alloys that have interesting new slashing and smashing properties, to the mighty fusion swords that only
mystic space-knights ever wield (chiefly because they're so expensive). The keys to the toybox are yours. Go knock
yourself out. Or better yet, go knock someone else out. Or better still, kill them--and see you do it reeeeal tasty-like.

Advanced Materials Weapons

Melee weapons made from strange new alloys, hyper-advanced synthetic materials, or produced by futuristic
manufacturing techniques which make them more effective than the best present-day Masterwork equivalents.

These weapons aren’t always lighter or more durable than their early 21st century counterparts, but they’re all more
efficient at cutting, piercing, bludgeoning or otherwise transmitting force into the target.

Tentative Purchase DC: 4

Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Advanced Alloy Blade attacks
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Damage: 1d4+1 Slashing (19-20 x2)
“sleight of hand” roll)
Weight: 1/2 pound
Cost: 20 Units
Armor Class: 13
Tentative Purchase DC: 4
Hardness: 15
Required Proficiency: Simple
Hit Points: 2
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: --
Roll: 14
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Special: Anyone searching for this knife suffers a –4
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
penalty to their roll.
Description: A tiny little knife, built into a belt buckle
Damage: 1d6+1 Slashing (19-20 x2)
or a cigarette lighter or a fountain pen or some other
Weight: 1 pound
such harmless-looking object. Made from a super-
Armor Class: 9
advanced alloy, it has superb strength and durability
Hardness: 15
for a blade this size.
Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 20 Units, weighs 1 Advanced Alloy Sword
pound) Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Description: New advances in metallurgy and blade hand” roll)
design make it possible to produce edged weapons far Cost: 150 Units
more effective and durable than anything we've seen Tentative Purchase DC: 11
by the early Twenty-First Century. This one is an all Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
purpose utility blade, about the size of a bayonet. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Advanced Alloy Holdout Dagger attacks
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Damage: 1d8+1 Slashing (18-20 x2)
of hand” roll)
Weight: 4 pounds
Cost: 20 Units

Armor Class: 7 itself to the thrower's grip. This weapon is better
Hardness: 15 weighted, produces less drag, flies farther and holds an
Hit Points: 6 edge longer than any throwing axe previously made.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1
Description: The kind of sword a starfaring
civilization might produce, after thousands of years of
refining the technique. Its design combines millenia
of craftsmanship with all the secrets of space-age
metalurgical technology.

Advanced Alloy Rapier

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 200 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 12
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Hyperalloy Claws
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Range Increment: -- “sleight of hand” roll)
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Cost: 150 Units
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Tentative Purchase DC: 11
attacks Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Damage: 1d6+1 Piercing (18-20 x2) Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use (one set of
Weight: 3 pounds claws per hand)
Armor Class: 7 Range Increment: --
Hardness: 15 “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Hit Points: 5 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks
Roll: 18 Damage: 1d6 Slashing (19-20 x2)
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1 Weight: 1 pound
pound) Armor Class: 9
Description: A rapier made with some hyper Hardness: 15
advanced alloy. It is a superb weapon, stronger, Hit Points: 6
sharper and more flexible than any such blade DC required to break this item with a Strength
produced today. Roll: 20
Description: A set of metal claws, made from some
futuristic alloy which is sharper, harder and at the
Advanced Alloy Throwing Axe same time more flexible than even the best grades of
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a modern steel.
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 80 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) Advanced Materials Punch Dagger
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has hand” roll)
attacks Cost: 20 Units
Damage: 1d6+1 Slashing (20 x2) Tentative Purchase DC: 4
Weight: 4 pounds Required Proficiency: Simple
Armor Class: 9 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hardness: 15 Range Increment: --
Hit Points: 3 “To Hit” Bonus: +1
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Roll: 20 attacks
Description: Who says throwing axes are just for Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3)
knuckle-dragging barbarians? The ultimate version of Weight: 2 pounds
this ancient weapon, it is perfectly balanced for Armor Class: 9
throwing, with a soft ergonomic handle that conforms

Hardness: 15 Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2)
Hit Points: 6 Weight: 2 pounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 9
Roll: 20 Hardness: 5
Description: A punch-dagger or "katar", made from Hit Points: 2
super-advanced materials. Punch daggers use the full DC required to break this item with a Strength
force of the wielder's arm, and this one is made from a Roll: 19
heavy, ultra-hard alloy which further magnifies the Description: A bull-whip, made from advanced
effect. It is stronger, has more momentum and holds polymer materials. It is far more powerful than a
an edge better than any punch dagger made out of regular leather bullwhip and does normal damage
steel. It is also nearly immune to corrosion--you could rather than Nonlethal damage. A whip can be used to
immerse it in salt water for a week and it would never make trip attacks and if the attacker accidentally trips
show a single spot of rust. themselves they can avoid the effects by dropping the
weapon. A whip grants a +2 on any attempt to Disarm
a foe with an opposed Attack Roll.
Advanced Materials Ribbon
Size: Large when extended (-8 penalty to conceal with
a “sleight of hand” roll), Tiny when rolled up and Advanced Materials Pick
concealed (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 175 Units Cost: 80 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Required Proficiency: Simple Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: This weapon has 15 feet of Reach, Range Increment: --
with no penalty to attack targets at close range “To Hit” Bonus: +1
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks
attacks Damage: 1d6+1 Piercing (20 x4)
Damage: 1d6 Slashing (18-20 x2) Weight: 5 pounds
Weight: 1 pound Armor Class: 5
Armor Class: 9 Hardness: 15
Hardness: 7 Hit Points: 28
Hit Points: 3 DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: 20
Roll: 20 Description: A military pick, made from tungsten or
Description: A strange weapon resembling nothing so titanium or some other such space-age alloy. The
much as a fiftteen-foot metal tape measure. Made head is filled with a heavy liquid like mercury or
from some weird futuristic metal, it is both incredibly bromine, further enhancing the impact the pick
flexible and razor-sharp. In the hands of an expert, it delivers.
presents a beautiful, terrifying spectacle as it whirls,
loops and lashes. The ribbon can be used to make trip
attacks and if the attacker accidentally trips Small Advanced Materials Pick
themselves they can avoid the effects by dropping the Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
weapon. It grants a +2 on any attempt to Disarm a foe hand” roll)
with an opposed Attack Roll. It is also one of the few Cost: 40 Units
weapons with Reach that can just as easily attack Tentative Purchase DC: 6
targets at close range. Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: --
Advanced Materials Whip “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 50 Units Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3)
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 Weight: 3 pounds
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also Armor Class: 9
works with any other Whip) Hardness: 15
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hit Points: 12
Range Increment: Has 15 feet of Reach DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Roll: 19
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Description: A small, one-handed military pick, made
attacks out of some super-advanced allow. It looks a lot like a

small rock-climbing tool and is sometimes sold as one. a foe with an opposed Attack Roll.
The feat "Weapon Finesse" will allow you to use
your Dexterity Bonus instead of your Strength Bonus
Hook and Chain, Hyperalloy with this weapon.
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 200 Units Advanced Materials Scythe
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also hand” roll)
works with any other Hook and Chain Weapon) Cost: 180 Units
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Tentative Purchase DC: 12
Range Increment: Has 15 feet of Reach, with no Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
penalty to attack targets at close range Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Range Increment: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: +1
attacks Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x2) attacks
Weight: 12 pounds Damage: 2d4+1 Piercing or Slashing (20 x4)
Armor Class: 7 Weight: 11 pounds
Hardness: 10 Armor Class: 5
Hit Points: 5 Hardness: 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 12
Roll: 21 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: Resembles a small grappling hook and Roll: 20
indeed can be used as one. It has a reach of 15 feet, Description: Perhaps some societies never really
but unlike most weapons with reach it can also attack develop the sword as we know it and instead use
targets that are right next to it. something like a scythe. This is what a scythe-weapon
A cruel weapon, it works by sinking the hook into made with advanced metallurgical technology might
an opponent and then yanking on it. The user can drag look like. The blade is stronger, more flexible and
a hooked victim toward them at a rate of 5 feet per holds an edge better than a conventional steel tool. It
round if they beat them at a Strength contest. This is also immune to rust (but not to the rust-like effects
does an additional 1d4 damage. of metal-eating viruses). This one is made specifically
A Hook and Chain can be used to make trip attacks for combat, but it is also superb for reaping wheat.
and if the attacker accidentally trips themselves they
can avoid the effects by dropping the weapon. A
Hook and Chain grants a +2 on any attempt to Disarm

Yo-Yo Weapons
A variation on throwing weapons, yo-yo's allow you to both throw the weapon a short distance and then have it come
back to you, without any antigravity generators or built in homing devices (I can't believe I said that with a straight

Combat yo-yos are rarely seen outside of anime. While some people say that this is because they are extremely silly, I
wanted to make them available to the rest of you. Here's a range of different yo-yos with different effects.

Combat Yo-Yo Weight: 1 pound

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: 9
hand” roll) Hardness: 5
Cost: 20 Units Hit Points: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 (Often Unavailable) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee Roll: 14
(Works with any Yo-Yo Weapon) Description: A heavy metallic yo-yo with a long
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use string made from some super-strong lightweight
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of reach polymer. This yo-yo is actually heavy and durable
“To Hit” Bonus: -- enough that in the hands of an expert it can be used as
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has a weapon. Why you would want to devote years of
attacks your life to learning how to hurt people with a yo-yo is
Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2) unclear, but if that's what you'd prefer to do with your

time, this is the right tool for the job. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Anyone with the Feat “Yo-Yo Tricks” can make a Rate of Fire: As many times as the user has attacks
Dexterity check vs. DC 15 to hit the target from the (but the special "exploding foam" attack can only be
side or even from behind while still facing them. This used once)
confers all the usual bonuses for hitting a target from Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20/x2). Can also be used
the flank or behind. to make a special one-use only attack--See description
In addition to bonking people on the head, a Weight: 1 pound
Combat Yo-Yo can be used to entangle your opponent Armor Class: 9
(this doesn’t require the “Yo-Yo” tricks feat—just the Hardness: 5
weapon proficiency) Count this as a ranged Grapple Hit Points: 2
Attack which doesn't expose you to any Attacks of DC required to break this item with a Strength
Opportunity. It can also be used to make Trip Attacks. Roll: 14
You can't use it to make attacks at the same time as Accessories: --
you have someone grappled in it. Description: This yo-yo weapon can be used to attack
a single target like a standard combat yo-yo (if there is
such a thing as a “standard” combat yo-yo).
Exploding Yo-Yo As with most other yo-yo weapons, someone with
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- the feat “Yo-Yo Tricks” can use it to attack from an
hand” roll) opponent’s side or rear, even while facing them.
Cost: 50 Units However, whenever its user tires of this game, they
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (Often Unavailable) can make it explode into a mass of quick-hardening
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee immobilizer foam.
(Works with any Yo-Yo Weapon) The foam effectively attacks everything in a ten-
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use foot square. To evade it, everyone in the target square
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of reach must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18, and
“To Hit” Bonus: -- spend their next Movement to leave the affected
Rate of Fire: As many times as the user has attacks square. Anyone who fails the roll or who can’t move
(but of course it can only explode once) out of the square is caught in the foam, suffers a -2
Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2) penalty on all attacks, moves at half their normal rate
Weight: 1 pound and has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4 until
Armor Class: 9 released. They must immediately make another
Hardness: 5 Reflexes Saving Throw (DC 15) or they are
Hit Points: 2 completely mired in the foam, unable to move at all.
DC required to break this item with a Strength To free themselves, they must make a Strength
Roll: 14 check vs. DC 27, or do at least 17 points of damage to
Description: A yo-yo weapon with a little something the foam (this applies whether you are completely
extra. It can be used to make bludgeoning attacks at stuck in the foam, or just hindered by it). You
range, to make trip attacks and to make ranged automatically hit the foam if you attack it.
Grapple Attacks that don't expose the user to Attacks
of Opportunity (See the Players' Handbook, page 137).
Anyone with the Feat “Yo-Yo Tricks” can make a Razorwire Yo-Yo
Dexterity check vs. DC 15 to hit the target from the Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
side or even from behind while facing them, with all hand” roll)
the usual bonuses for hitting a target from the flank or Cost: 60 Units
behind. Tentative Purchase DC: 8 (Often Unavailable)
It can also be set to explode, doing 4d6 damage to Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
the target and 1d4 to anything else within a five-foot (Works with any Yo-Yo Weapon)
radius (a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 will Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
reduce the area-effect damage by half). To hit the Range Increment: Has 10 feet of reach
target with the yo-yo as it explodes, make either a “To Hit” Bonus: --
ranged touch attack or grapple them with the string. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
You can set the explosive off whenever you prefer. attacks
Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2) or 1d8 Slashing
(18-20 x3)
Exploding Immobilizer Foam Yo-Yo Weight: 1 pound
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: 9
hand” roll) Hardness: 5
Cost: 60 Units Hit Points: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: 8 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Melee (also Roll: 16
works with any other Yo-Yo weapon) Description: A yo-yo with a string made from ultra-
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use fine, ultra-sharp wire. It's not quite as thin as

monofilament wire, but is still a great deal stronger Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (Often Unavailable)
than steel and a great deal sharper than a surgical Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
scalpel. (Works with any Yo-Yo Weapon)
If you have the weapon proficiency, you can Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
entangle opponents with the string, making a ranged Range Increment: Has 10 feet of reach
Grapple Attack (See the Players' Handbook, page 137) “To Hit” Bonus: --
without incurring any attacks of opportunity. It's no Magazine: 65
fun being entangled in that wire. If you succeed at Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
grappling them with the string, the target will take 1d4 attacks
damage each round until they free themselves. If you Damage: 1d8 Slashing (18-20 x3)
have an opponent entangled, you can't use the yo-yo Weight: 1 pound
for anything else until you free them or they free Armor Class: 9
themselves. Hardness: 5
Anyone with the Feat “Yo-Yo Tricks” can make a Hit Points: 2
Dexterity check vs. DC 15 to hit the target from the DC required to break this item with a Strength
side or even from behind while facing them. Only the Roll: 14
bludgeoning attack can be used this way. If you are Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs
instead trying to slash your opponent with the string, it 30 units)
must be done head-on. Description: A yo-yo with a spinning buzzsaw blade
built in. The string is made of a super-high-strength
polymer and almost impossible to break. You can
hang by it if you like.
The blade pops out only when you exert exactly the
right pressure, so that it doesn't fly back and hit you.
A skilled user can precisely control when to extend the
Like all yo-yo weapons, this one can be used to
entangle an opponent, performing what is in effect a
Grapple Attack at range (See the Players' Handbook,
page 137). This does not expose you to attacks of
opportunity. You can't use the buzzsaw blade while
you have someone grappled with the string.
This weapon also allows you to make trip attacks.
If you are tripped yourself in the course of making the
attack, you can drop the yo-yo (this takes effectively
no time) to avoid falling down.
If you have the Feat “Yo-Yo Tricks” in addition to
the Weapon Proficiency, you can make a Dexterity
check vs. DC 15 to hit the target from the side or even
from behind while still facing them.
Buzzsaw Bladed Yo-Yo
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
hand” roll)
Cost: 75 Units

Hyperice Weapons
New advances in refrigeration make it possible to make effective bladed weapons out of super-hard ice. A hyperice
blade generally comes with the refrigeration gear built into its handle. A blade-shaped mold to slip over the end and fill
with distilled water comes with the weapon, at no additional charge. Once the mold is in place (call this a Standard
Action) it takes only a fraction of a second to freeze the blade.

Hyperice weapons don't have the strength or the flexibility of a metal blade, but they hold up well enough to be used as
untraceable assassination tools. Most hyperice blades get used once, broken off and then thrown away, but they don't
have to be. If you were to get into a tough situation and had nothing else to defend yourself with, a hyperice blade
would make a tolerable fighting knife.

Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3)
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 8
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
HyperIce Blade Roll: 12
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
hand” roll) Description: A punching dagger based on an ancient
Cost: 45 Units Indian model. It fits over your knuckles and transmits
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal) the whole force of your punch into the target, doing
Required Proficiency: Simple considerably more damage than an ordinary dagger.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use This one has a blade made not from metal or
Range Increment: -- plastic, but from super-chilled ice, frozen so hard that
“To Hit” Bonus: -- it can easily withstand the force of impact. This
Magazine: Ice Blade lasts for 3 uses, or until the weapon leaves no trace of metal residue on the victim
wielder decides to melt it. and it is effectively untraceable. The blade melts
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has slightly in the wound and its contours change, foiling
attacks attempts to match a particular dagger with a particular
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2) injury. The only residue it leaves behind is water,
Weight: 1 pound which soon evaporates.
Armor Class: 9 The weapon has enough energy in its power cell to
Hardness: 8 keep a blade frozen for about six hours. It takes a
Hit Points: 1 standard action to replace the power cell. Growing a
DC required to break this item with a Strength new ice blade requires a supply of clean water, a
Roll: 12 special plastic mold (which comes with the katar at no
Accessories: Special, refrigerated scabbard (costs 100 extra cost) and about two hours' worth of time. A
Units, weighs 1/2 pound), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, partly-formed blade will still do damage to the target,
costs 10 units) but there is a 40% chance of it snapping off and
Description: A short stabbing blade, made from becoming useless each time it is used to make an
supercooled ice. It is as sharp as broken glass and attack, whether it hits or not.
leaves nothing but water in the victim's wounds.
Virtually untraceable, hyperice blades are almost
exclusively used as tools for asassination and are
therefore difficult to buy in most organized societies.
A power cell keeps the blade frozen for eight
hours. It takes a standard action to replace the power
cell. Regrowing the blade is a longer and more
involved process. It requires a supply of clean
(preferably distilled) water and about thirty minutes to
freeze a new blade. A blade-shaped mold comes with
the weapon at no extra cost, but it’s easy to improvise
one if the original gets lost.
If for some reason the knife is used before a new
blade is finished, it will still do 1d4 damage, but there Hyperice Throwing Hatchet
is a 50% chance of the blade breaking every time it is Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
used to make an attack (whether or not it hits). “sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 60 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 8 (often illegal)
Hyperice Katar Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 45 Units “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 Magazine: Ice blade lasts for 6 uses, or until the
Required Proficiency: Simple wielder decides to melt it.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: -- attacks
Damage: 1d6 Slashing (20/x2)
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Weight: 3 pounds
Magazine: Ice Blade lasts for 6 uses, or until the
Armor Class: 9
wielder decides to melt it.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Hardness: 8
attacks Hit Points: 1

DC required to break this item with a Strength hatchet on a camping trip to cut firewood, and cops
Roll: 12 are well aware of this fact. If this device isn't illegal
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) then it is at least sure to cause suspicion if the
Description: A small Hyperice tomahawk, with a authorities find it in your possession. A standard
blade made out of super-hard, supercold frozen water. energy cell keeps the blade frozen for about six hours.
It actually holds an edge well enough to use as a It takes only a standard action to replace a spent
weapon. Only slightly harder to conceal than a energy cell, but roughly an hour to freeze a new blade.
Hyperice dagger, it has considerably more stopping If for some reason a character has to use this weapon
power. before the blade is finished, it will still damage the
Weighted for throwing, it is seldom used that way target, but there is a 40% chance of it snapping off and
and is generally a hand weapon (there would be little becoming useless each time it is used to make an
point in killing someone with an untraceable weapon attack, whether it hits or not.
and then leaving it at the scene of the crime).
This is an assassin's tool, no one takes a hyperice

Radioactive Hand Weapons

There are many good ways to use futuristic technology to enhance the power of a melee weapon. Making the weapon
radioactive is not one of them.

A sure sign of a desperate, decadent or insane culture, radioactive hand weapons do appear from time to time. They
range from the sophisticated, relatively sane radiation projector wand, which gives off a discreet pulse of neutrons
when it hits the target, to the primitive and crazy radioactive mace, which is basically just a metal bar made out of
nuclear waste

None of them are exactly safe, but at least the better ones will do less damage to you than the target.

Radiation Projector Wand they rarely even feel it at the moment they are struck.
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a The wand is actually heavy enough to be used as a
“sleight-of-hand” roll) truncheon (1d6 damage), but few wielders would be
Cost: 350 Units willing to do this, because of the awful risk of
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (usually illegal) breaking the device open and exposing the radioactive
Required Proficiency: Simple materials at its core.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 30
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Radioactive Blade
Damage: Special. Target immediately takes 1d10
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Radiation damage. Target must make a Fortitude
“sleight of hand” roll)
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 once per hour or take another
Cost: 150 Units
d8 until they either make the roll or die
Tentative Purchase DC: 11 (usually illegal)
Weight: 4 pounds
Required Proficiency: Simple
Armor Class: 7
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hardness: 6
Range Increment: --
Hit Points: 5
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Damage: Special. Target immediately takes 1d6
Roll: 19 (Spills hazardous waste all over you if you
slashing (19-20 x2) +1d8 radiation damage. Target
break it, doing its full radiation attack to anyone in a
must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 once
10 foot radius)
per hour or take another d8 of radiation damage until
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
they either make the roll or die
Description: A long, fat metal wand with a nozzle at
Weight: 1 pound
one end. The radiation shielding material makes it
Armor Class: 9
heavier than it looks. When the nozzle strikes
Hardness: 9
something, it irises open for a fraction of a second and
Hit Points: 2
gives them a momentary directional burst of hard
DC required to break this item with a Strength
radiation. This does horrible things to the target, but

Roll: 16 (Spills hazardous waste all over you if you damage, but this is entirely up to the DM. The sword
break it, doing its full radiation attack to anyone in a itself is quite good. Most fissionable metals are
10 foot radius) extremely heavy and many of them (Uranium, for
Accessories: Lead-lined Scabbard (costs 100 Units, example) are also incredibly hard. The sword is tiring
weighs 2 pounds) to wield but it has a lot of penetration.
Description: A truly potent assassination weapon, this
long, heavy dagger is filled with a radioactive liquid,
shielded by a thin layer of Cadmium. When the Radioactive Mace
dagger penetrates someone's flesh, the shielding Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
momentarily retracts and the target is exposed to a hand” roll)
toxic dose of neutrons. Every time you use this Cost: 80 Units
weapon, whether you hit the target or not, there is a Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (usually illegal)
5% chance of accidentally exposing yourself to the Required Proficiency: Simple
radioactive material and suffering its effects. Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Radioactive Sword Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of attacks
hand” roll) Damage: Special. Target immediately takes 1d6+1
Cost: 200 Units bludgeoning and 1d8 radiation damage. Target must
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 (usually illegal) make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 once per
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee hour or take another d8 damage from radiation until
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use they either make the roll or die.
Range Increment: -- Weight: 18 pounds
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Armor Class: 7
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Hardness: 15
attacks Hit Points: 25
Damage: Special. Target immediately takes 1d8+2 DC required to break this item with a Strength
slashing (19-20 x2) +1d6 radiation damage. Target Roll: 24 (Spreads radioactive dust all over if you
must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 once break it—everyone in a 5 foot radius must make a
per hour or take another d6 radiation damage until Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or suffer the effects
they either make the roll or die. of the radiation)
Weight: 10 pounds Description: A big solid bar of radioactive metal.
Armor Class: 7 Like most fissionable metals it is heavier and harder
Hardness: 15 than iron, and would do a great deal of damage even if
Hit Points: 6 it weren't giving off deadly radiation.
DC required to break this item with a Strength A normal human being who carries this weapon
Roll: 17 (Spreads radioactive dust all over if you without any special protective gear will lose one hit
break it—everyone in a 5 foot radius must make a point per hour, permanently. When they reach zero,
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or suffer the effects they are incapacitated and begin to lose 1 hp per round
of the radiation) until they hit -10 and die. There may be futuristic
Accessories: Lead-lined Scabbard (costs 100 Units, medical technologies which can reverse the effects of
weighs 3 pounds) radiation poisoning--that is of course strictly up to the
Description: A weapon for desperate, suicidal troops- DM.
this chunky broadsword is made of radioactive Under ordinary circumstances you would only see
materials, and while it will do horrendous damage to this weapon in the hands of robots or opponents in
the target, it is slowly killing its wielder, too. Every heavily shielded battlesuits (of which there aren't any
hour that you carry a radioactive sword on your in this book). It is possible that crazed fanatics might
person, it destroys one of your hit points, permanently. also use weapons like this, if they get desperate
When you hit zero, you're incapacitated and begin enough. They’d have to be pretty crazed. Radiation
losing 1 hp per round. When you hit -10, you die. poisoning is one of the most disagreeable ways to die
And real tasty-like, I might add. Radiation sickness is we’ve yet discovered.
nowhere near as fun or as quick as, for example, being
boiled alive. It is possible that there might be some
futuristic medical treatment that can reverse the

Hypersharp Weapons
Monofilament wire has many uses, few of them nice. It's an amazing, nigh-indestructible substance, a wire made from
a single molecule, hundreds of times stronger than titanium and finer than the smallest hair, while thousands of times
sharper than the sharpest surgical steel. It didn't take long for people to start hurting one another with it.

Of course, swinging a loop of nearly invisible monofilament at your opponent is nearly as dangerous to you as it is to
them, so combatants insane enough to use it in its raw form weeded themselves out pretty quickly. It is common to
find normal weapons edged with monofilament wire, making them unbelievably sharp and yet slightly less dangerous
to the wielder.

Hypersharp weapons are extremely dangerous to handle, and the DM should feel free to call for arbitrary Reflexes
Saving Throws to avoid taking small amounts of damage while messing about with them, particularly if they don't
know how sharp the blade actually is.

far, far sharper than any conventional knife ever made

and never loses its edge.

Hypersharp Dagger
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 30 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 5
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown)
“To Hit” Bonus: +2
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d4+1 Slashing (17-20 x3)
Weight: 1 pound
Hypersharp Blade Armor Class: 9
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Hardness: 10
“sleight of hand” roll) Hit Points: 2
Cost: 50 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 Roll: 14
Required Proficiency: Simple Accessories: Holster (costs 10 Units, weighs 1/2
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use pound)
Range Increment: -- Description: A short dagger or survival knife, edged
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 with a monofilament wire. It is much sharper than a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has surgical scalpel or a Japanese katana. It also requires
attacks very little maintenance, and will never lose its edge.
Damage: 1d6+1 Slashing (17-20 x3) The only reason it isn’t “Vorpal” is that it’s too small
Weight: 1 pound to conveniently lop off the target’s head.
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hypersharp Claws
Roll: 15 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will “sleight of hand” roll)
sever the target's head from their body. This does not Cost: 200 Units
work on creatures that do not have heads and at the Tentative Purchase DC: 12
DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
particular ill effect from having their heads cut off Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use (one set of
(robots, for example, or zombies). claws per hand)
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 20 Units, weighs 1 Range Increment: --
pound) “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Description: A bayonet or cleaver-like blade, edged Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
with a monofilament wire one molecule thick. It is attacks
Damage: 1d6+1 Slashing (17-20 x2)

Weight: 1 pound attacks
Armor Class: 9 Damage: 1d6+1 Piercing or Slashing (17-20 x3)
Hardness: 10 Weight: 3 pounds
Hit Points: 2 Armor Class: 7
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 10
Roll: 15 Hit Points: 4
Description: A set of artificial claws, edged with DC required to break this item with a Strength
monofilament wire, no thicker than a single molecule. Roll: 17
They are far sharper than the sharpest razor or surgical Special: Vorpal. If the wielder uses this sword to
scalpel. make a Slashing attack and scores a critical hit, it will
sever the target's head from their body. This does not
work on creatures that do not have heads and at the
DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no
particular ill effect from having their heads cut off.
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1
Description: A thin, light dueling sword, edged with
monofilament wire. It is much sharper than any
ordinary blade, and so is used more for slashing and
Hypersharp Sword less for thrusting than most rapiers.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 225 Units Hypersharp Axe
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee hand” roll)
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use Cost: 120 Units
Range Increment: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 10
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
attacks Range Increment: --
Damage: 1d8+1 Slashing (17-20 x3) “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Weight: 4 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 7 attacks
Hardness: 10 Damage: 1d10+1 Slashing (17-20 x4)
Hit Points: 5 Weight: 7 pounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 5
Roll: 18 Hardness: 10
Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will Hit Points: 5
sever the target's head from their body. This does not DC required to break this item with a Strength
work on creatures that do not have heads and at the Roll: 17
DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will
particular ill effect from having their heads cut off sever the target's head from their body. This does not
(robots, for example, or zombies). work on creatures that do not have heads and at the
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1 DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no
pound) particular ill effect from having their heads cut off
Description: A cutlass, made out of some futuristic (robots, for example, or creatures with no vital organs
alloy, with a thin line of momofilament wire running in their heads).
along its edges. This gives it a cutting surface that is Description: An axe, enhanced with a monofilament
only one molecule wide. Far sharper than any edge. The blade is effectively one molecule thick on
conventional sword, it also never needs to be honed. its cutting surface and hence much sharper than any
conventional axe. It also never needs sharpening.

Hypersharp Rapier
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Hypersharp Scythe
hand” roll) Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Cost: 300 Units hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 Cost: 270 Units
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Range Increment: -- Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Range Increment: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: +2

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Tentative Purchase DC: 14
attacks Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Damage: 2d4+1 Piercing and Slashing (17-20 x4) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Weight: 12 pounds Range Increment: --
Armor Class: 5 “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Hardness: 10 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hit Points: 10 attacks (often used to attack twice in one round)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Damage: 1d10+1/ 1d10+1 Slashing (17-20 x4)
Roll: 17 Weight: 25 pounds
Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will Armor Class: 5
sever the target's head from their body. This does not Hardness: 10
work on creatures that do not have heads and at the Hit Points: 10
DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no DC required to break this item with a Strength
particular ill effect from having their heads cut off Roll: 17
(robots, for example, or zombies). Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will
Description: A scythe, made from advanced sever the target's head from their body. This does not
materials, with a blade edged in monofilament wire. work on creatures that do not have heads and at the
This makes it far sharper than any conventional DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no
scythe. It also never needs sharpening. There is particular ill effect from having their heads cut off
frankly little use for such an item as an agricultural (robots, for example, or creatures who don’t store their
tool. A monofilament edge makes the scythe's curved brains in their heads). If you use both ends to make
blade and leverage-increasing handle totally separate attacks in a single round, you suffer the
unnecessary. In fact a perfectly straight, one handed penalties for making two weapon attacks, as though
hypersharp blade would reap wheat equally well. You you were using a One Handed Weapon and a Light
still might see hypersharp scythes in the hands of Weapon (see the Player's Handbook, page 124).
advanced civilizations that have traditionally used Description: A huge, brutal weapon with an axe-blade
scythe-like hand-weapons. They are also popular with at each end, edged in monofilament wire. The blades
misfits who like to dress up in hooded cloaks and skull are only one molecule wide on the cutting edge, and
masks. vastly sharper than a conventional version of the
weapon (if there is such a thing). It’s a tricky weapon
to carry safely with its exposed hypersharp blades. If
Hypersharp Glaive a character who is holding a hypersharp double axe
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) falls down, the DM should feel free to have them
Cost: 120 Units make a Reflexes Saving Throw to avoid cutting
Tentative Purchase DC: 10 themselves.
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach Hypersharp Double-Bladed Sword
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Cost: 375 Units
attacks Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Damage: 1d10+1 Slashing (17-20 x4) Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Weight: 15 pounds Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Armor Class: 5 Range Increment: --
Hardness: 10 “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Hit Points: 10 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks
Roll: 17 Damage: 1d8+1/1d8+1 Slashing (17-20 x3)
Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will Weight: 15 pounds
sever the target's head from their body. This does not Armor Class: 5
work on creatures that do not have heads and at the Hardness: 10
DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no Hit Points: 5
particular ill effect from having their heads cut off. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: A ten foot pole, tipped with a cutting Roll: 17
blade edged in monofilament wire. It has ten feet of Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will
reach, but can't hit anything at closer range. The blade sever the target's head from their body. This does not
is unbelievably sharp and never needs honing. work on creatures that do not have heads and at the
DM's discretion there may be targets that suffer no ill
effect from having their heads cut off (robots, for
Hypersharp Double Axe example). If you use both ends to make separate
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) attacks in a single round, you suffer the penalties for
Cost: 350 Units making two weapon attacks, as though you were using

a One Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon (see the sharp edge, on the inside of the curve, which makes it
Player's Handbook, page 124). considerably safer than most Hypersharp weapons to
Description: A two-ended sword edged with use. It has little utility as an agricultural implement
hypersharp monofilament wire. It has a cutting (it's too easy to wound yourself on while harvesting)
surface no wider than a single molecule and is far and is really just a weapon.
sharper than a razor or a katana. No one has yet been
able to come up with a safe way to store this thing, so
don’t leave it lying around where your kids can find it!

Hypersharp Punch Dagger

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 30 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 5
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hypersharp Spear
Range Increment: -- Size:Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Cost: 75 Units
attacks Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Damage: 1d4+1 Piercing (17-20 x4) Required Proficiency: Simple
Weight: 2 pounds Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Armor Class: 9 Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach
Hardness: 10 “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Hit Points: 2 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks
Roll: 15 Damage: 1d8+1 Piercing (17-20 x4)
Description: While punch daggers derive most of Weight: 9 pounds
their penetrating force from the way they channel the Armor Class: 5
energy of the strike, rather than from the sharpness of Hardness: 10
the blade, it does still impove their lethality to give Hit Points: 2
them monofilament edges. The blade of this weapon DC required to break this item with a Strength
is far sharper than a razor and it never needs to be Roll: 15
honed. Description: A ten foot spear, tipped with a spearhead
edged in monofilament wire. It has ten feet of reach,
but can't hit anything at closer range. The spearhead is
Hypersharp Sickle astoundingly sharp and never needs further
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 90 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 9 Hypersharp Trident
Required Proficiency: Simple Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use hand” roll)
Range Increment: -- Cost: 225 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (often unavailable)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
attacks Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Damage: 1d6+1 Slashing (17-20 x3) Range Increment: --
Weight: 3 pounds “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Armor Class: 9 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hardness: 10 attacks
Hit Points: 2 Damage: 1d8+1 Piercing (17-20 x4)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 5 pounds
Roll: 15 Armor Class: 5
Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will Hardness: 10
sever the target's head from their body. This does not Hit Points: 5
work on creatures that do not have heads and at the DC required to break this item with a Strength
DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no Roll: 17
particular ill effect from having their heads cut off. Description: A trident, each of its three tines edged in
Description: A short, sickle-shaped weapon, edged ultra-sharp monofilament wire. Few interstellar
with ultra-sharp monofilament wire. It only has one civilizations use tridents in close combat, but you

might see it as a novelty item or in gladiatorial Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
combat. works with any other Whip)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach
Rigid Hyperwire "Bladeless" Blade “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“sleight of hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 150 Units Damage: 1d6+1 Slashing (17-20 x3)
Tentative Purchase DC: 11 (often illegal) Weight: 2 pounds
Required Proficiency: Simple Armor Class: 9
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hardness: 5
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Hit Points: 2
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has DC required to break this item with a Strength
attacks Roll: 16
Damage: 1d8+2 Slashing (17-20/x3) Description: A whip with many short monofilament
Weight: 1/2 pound wires protruding from its length. It leaves shallow but
Armor Class: 18 horrendous wounds on anything it hits. A hypersharp
Hardness: 8 whip can be used to make trip attacks and if the
Hit Points: 1 attacker accidentally trips themselves they can avoid
DC required to break this item with a Strength the effects by dropping the weapon. A whip grants a
Roll: 25 (and it will do 1d8 slashing damage to you if +2 on any attempt to Disarm a foe with an opposed
you fail the roll) Attack Roll.
Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will
sever the target's head from their body. This does not
work on creatures that do not have heads and at the Monofilament Whip
DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no ill Size: Medium when extended (-4 penalty to conceal
effect from having their heads cut off (robots, for with a “sleight of hand” roll), Tiny when rolled up and
example, or creatures who don’t keep any vital organs concealed (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
in their heads). hand” roll)
Accessories: Storage Rack (Costs 75 units to have Cost: 30 Units
made) Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (usually illegal and a sure
Description: It is possible to make a weapon out of a sign of mental instability on the part of its user)
single rigid monofilament wire no thicker than a single Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
molecule, sharper than the sharpest steel surgical works with any other Whip)
tools. It is however a terrible idea, as this model Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
amply demonstrates. Range Increment: Has 15 feet of Reach
It is about the length of a short sword, and consists “To Hit” Bonus: +2
of nothing but a handle with a stiff length of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
hypersharp wire sticking up out of it. Because it is attacks
difficult to see the wire with the naked eye, the makers Damage: 2d8+2 Slashing (16-20 x3)
have thoughtfully placed a little red ball on the tip, Weight: 1 pound
allowing the user to at least keep track of how long the Armor Class: 13
weapon is. Hardness: 20
This is an appallingly dangerous tool to use. Every Hit Points: 1
time a character rolls a "1" while trying to hit a target DC required to break this item with a Strength
with this weapon, there is a 10% chance that they have Roll: 40
hit themselves instead, for half the usual damage. Special: Improved Vorpal Weapon. On a critical hit
But the worst problem with this blade is with this weapon will sever the target's head from their
storing it. There is no way to sheathe the weapon, no body. If the target does not have a head, or suffers no
scabbard you can put it in that it won't slice right particular ill effect from having their head cut off, the
through. You can have a kind of rack made which whip has instead cut them into two or more pieces.
will at least store the thing handle up, to keep people There may still be a few creatures (totally amorphous
from wounding themselves on it by mistake, but even beings, for example) who can survive this, at the DM's
this is far from a safe option. Disposing of the thing discretion.
when it breaks is an even more troubling problem. Description: A very simple but tremendously
effective hand-weapon. It's nothing but a length of
ultra-fine, ultra-sharp monofilament wire, no thicker
Hypersharp Whip than a single molecule, with a weight at one end. This
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of wire is vastly stronger and sharper than the sharpest
hand” roll) metal blade ever forged. It has a range of about fifteen
Cost: 35 Units feet. You lash it at your opponent and they fall down
Tentative Purchase DC: 6 in slices (unless you cut your fingers off instead). It is

extremely dangerous for anyone who doesn't have the Slashing (17-20 x3) if used as a hand weapon
weapon proficiency to use a monofilament whip. Not Weight: 1/2 pound
only do they suffer a -4 penalty on attacks, but if they Armor Class: 9
miss there is a 1/10 chance that they have wounded Hardness: 3
themselves for 2d6 damage. If they roll an Hit Points: 5
unmodified 1, they have cut their own head off. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Special: Can be used as either a missile or a melee
Discombobulator Rod weapon.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Accessories: Special Carrying Case (Hardness 3, 4 Hit
hand” roll) Points, has to be custom-made, costs 200 units)
Cost: 300 Units Description: A deck of cards, made from a tough,
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (usually illegal) flexible synthetic material which is almost impossible
Required Proficiency: Simple to tear and never gets dog-eared. Each card is edged
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use with monofilament wire, no thicker than a single
Range Increment: -- molecule. They can be used as throwing weapons or
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 fanned out and used as a hand-blade. This is a
Magazine: 15 difficult weapon to find on the open market and even
Rate of Fire: Once per round more difficult to use safely. Favored by assassins with
Damage: 1d12+1 Slashing (17-20 x3), attacks a taste for cheap theatrics, it is the sort of thing you'd
everything in a 10 foot by 10 foot square adjacent to have to have specially made, or buy underground. It
the attacker. comes in a bullet-resistant case which looks like an
Weight: 3 pounds ordinary cardboard box for holding cards.
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 4 Giant Hypersharp Scissors
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Roll: 16 hand” roll)
Special: Improved Vorpal Weapon. On a critical hit Cost: 300 Units
this weapon will sever the target's head from their Tentative Purchase DC: 14
body. If the target does not have a head, or suffers no Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
ill effect from having their head cut off, the wire has Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
instead cut them into two or more pieces. There may Range Increment: --
still be a few creatures (totally amorphous beings, for “To Hit” Bonus: +2
example) who can survive this, at the DM's discretion. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Accessories: Holster (costs 30 Units, weighs 1 pound) attacks
Description: A slender plastic rod, about the length of Damage: 2d4 Slashing (17-20 x3)
a man's forearm. When the button in the handgrip is Weight: 5 pounds
pressed, loops of coiled monofilament wire spring out Armor Class: 7
of the end, slicing and mangling anything in the square Hardness: 15
immediately in front of the user, doing 1d12+1 Hit Points: 4
slashing damage. to friend and foe alike. A Reflexes DC required to break this item with a Strength
save vs. DC 15 completely negates this damage, as Roll: 19
does having an AC higher than 19. Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit this weapon will
sever the target's head from their body. This does not
work on creatures that do not have heads. At the
Deck of Many Wounds DM's discretion there may also be targets who suffer
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight no ill effect from having their heads cut off (robots,
of hand” roll) for example, or Atomic Zombies).
Cost: 500 Units (will probably have to be specially Description: A huge pair of metal shears, as long as a
made) sword. Made from a super-light, super strong alloy
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) and edged with monofilament wire, they are far, far
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee sharper than a razor or a scalpel. There may be some
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use alien races that use these as hand weapons,but they are
Range Increment: 20 feet much more likely to be found in the hands of the
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 terminally depraved.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (17-20 x3) if thrown or 1d6+2

Vibronic Weapons
Also known as vibroblades, these weapons enhance their cutting power by vibrating at amazing speed. They tend to be
quite dull, since they aren't getting much of their penetration from having a sharp edge and thinner blades tend not to
hold up to the wear and tear caused by the constant vibration.

When switched on, a vibroblade blurs faintly around the edges and emits a deep, painful hum which is just barely
audible to the human ear, but unpleasant nonetheless. The sound can be quite upsetting to certain animals. It doesn't
seem to come from anywhere, making it hard to pinpoint the user's location, but it is absolutely distinctive. If you turn
on a vibroblade, anyone within earshot who has heard one before will instantly know what it is, even if they can't quite
place the range or direction.

There have been experiments in combining hypersharp monowire-edged weapons with vibroblade technology, but the
results have usually been disastrous, creating incredibly potent cutting weapons that are prone to catastrophic metal
failure in the middle of combat, often with grievous results for the wielder.

Damage: 1d6+2 Slashing (18-20 x2), ignores 9 points

of Hardness or Damage Resistance
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Wrist-Mounted Power Pack (2 pounds, costs 30 units),
Scabbard (costs 20 Units, weighs 1 pound)
Description: Also known as a power blade, this short,
wide bayonet vibrates at just the right harmonic
frequency to cut through bone and flesh like a
chainsaw. It penetrates armor even better and does
even more damage than a hypersharp, monowire-
edged blade.
A vibroblade makes a dull angry hum when
switched on. The vibrating blade visbly blurs around
the edges.
It takes a full action to change the weapon's power
cell. Most vibroblades are kept pretty dull and aren't
very well balanced when they're switched off, making
it imperative that you replace the cell as soon as it runs
out. This can be a serious inconvenience in the middle
of a knife-fight. If you try to use this weapon while it
is switched off or out of power, you will suffer a –4
penalty. The weapon won’t have any of its bonuses or
special penetration against Damage Resistance if it has
no power.
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Vibroblade Axe
Cost: 50 Units Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 hand” roll)
Required Proficiency: Simple Cost: 120 Units
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Tentative Purchase DC: 10
Range Increment: -- Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Magazine: 30 if using a standard power cell, 50 if Range Increment: --
using the optional wrist-mounted power-pack “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Magazine: 50
attacks Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

Damage: 1d8+2 Slashing (18-20 x3), ignores 9 points surprisingly blunt. It has no damage bonus, no special
of Hardness or Damage Resistance penetration against Damage Resistance and suffers a –
Weight: 8 pounds 2 attack penalty if it is used while switched off.
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 5 Vibroblade Sword
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Roll: 17 hand” roll)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Cost: 225 Units
Description: An axe with a vibronic blade. The Tentative Purchase DC: 13
combination of leverage and vibratory penetration Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
make this a devastating weapon in close combat. The Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
axe itself is short and has an unusually bulky head, Range Increment: --
with two wires running out of the sides and plugging “To Hit” Bonus: +1
back into the handle. When switched on, it emits a Magazine: 30 if using a standard power cell, 50 if
deep, unpleasant hum just barely above the subsonic using the optional wrist-mounted power-pack
level, and the axe-blade visibly blurs. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
It takes a standard action to change the axe's power attacks
cell, which is either located inside the base of the Damage: 1d8+2 Slashing (18-20 x2), ignores 9 points
handle or clipped to the side, depending on the model. of Hardness or Damage Resistance.
If for some reason someone tries to attack with this Weight: 5 pounds
weapon while it is switched off or out of power, they Armor Class: 7
will suffer a –4 penalty to their roll. The axe won’t Hardness: 10
have either its +2 damage bonus or any of its special Hit Points: 5
penetration against Damage Resistance if it isn’t on. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Vibroblade Stiletto Wrist-Mounted Power Pack (2 pounds, costs 30 units),
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1 pound)
hand” roll) Description: A short, heavy sword with a peculiarly
Cost: 30 Units wide, thick blade. Two wires emerge from the pommel
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 and plug into sockets at the base of the blade. When
Required Proficiency: Simple activated, the blade blurs around the edges and emits a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use dull, angy hum which sets observers' teeth on edge. It
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) senses the characteristics of the medium it is cutting
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 through and instantly adjusts its harmonics to
Magazine: 15 whatever specific vibration will do the most damage.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has It will slice through nearly anything. The sword's one
attacks real drawback as a hand weapon is that its batteries
Damage: 1d4+2 Piercing (18-20 x2), ignores 9 points run out eventually, which is not a good thing to
of Hardness or Damage Resistance. happen in the midst of a duel. It's uselessly heavy and
Weight: 1 pound unbalanced when it’s out of power (-4 penalty to the
Armor Class: 13 attack roll, no extra penetration or damage bonus). It
Hardness: 10 takes a standard action to change the power-cell.
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13 Vibro-Claws
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
30 units)
“sleight of hand” roll)
Description: A narrow little vibroblade, ideal for Cost: 200 Units
muggings and sordid crimes of passion. It runs on a
Tentative Purchase DC: 12
smaller power cell and can't stay on as long as a full
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
sized vibroblade.
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use (one set of
They don’t make wrist-mounted powerpacks for claws per hand)
this kind of weapon, although at the DM’s discretion
Range Increment: --
an adapter might be available. A vibroblade stiletto
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
can easily be concealed up your sleeve or taped to
Magazine: 10 if using a standard power cell, 50 if
your leg. It makes the same ugly hum as any
using the extra wrist-mounted power-pack
vibroblade one it's switched on, limiting it
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
effectiveness for surprise attacks.
If you try to use it while it’s switched off or its Damage: 1d6+2 Slashing (18-20 x2), ignores 9 points
batteries are dead, you will find the weapon

of Hardness or Damage Resistance. gain much extra impact from being a punch-blade.
Weight: 1 pound These weapons are usually made by cultures which
Armor Class: 9 have relied heavily on katars for centuries, where
Hardness: 10 everyone is assumed to be more comfortable with the
Hit Points: 2 design.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Anyone using this weapon while it is switched off
Roll: 14 or out of power suffers a –4 penalty to their attack roll
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), (and of course the weapon won’t have its +2 damage
Wrist-Mounted Power Pack (2 pounds, costs 30 units) bonus or any of its special penetration against Damage
Description: Straddling the line between the silly and Resistance).
the sociopathic, vibro-claws may look goofy to some The power cell is located in the handle. It takes
of you, but they pack a mighty wallop. The battery only a Standard Action to replace, although vibro-
holds enough power for ten attacks. A wrist-mounted katar fights tend to be so fast and furious that you
power pack is available for 150 units. It holds an would almost never reload in the middle of combat.
additional fifty charges, but takes a full round to
replace when it runs out of power. Anyone using this
weapon while it is switched off or out of power will
suffer a –1 penalty The claws don’t have any special
penetration against Damage Resistance when they
aren’t switched on.

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 120 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 10
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: --
Vibro-Katar “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Magazine: 50
“sleight of hand” roll) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Cost: 30 Units attacks
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (often unavailable) Damage: 1d6+2 Piercing (18-20 x4), ignores 9 points
Required Proficiency: Simple of Hardness or Damage Resistance.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Weight: 7 pounds
Range Increment: -- Armor Class: 5
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Hardness: 10
Magazine: 30 if using a standard power cell, 50 if Hit Points: 25
using the optional wrist-mounted power-pack DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Roll: 18
attacks Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Damage: 1d4+2 Piercing (18-20 x3), ignores 9 points Description: A military pick with a vibronic head,
of Hardness or Damage Resistance. which gives it vastly better penetration and keeps it
Weight: 3 pounds from getting stuck in the target. The power-cell fits
Armor Class: 9 into the handle. Anyone using this weapon while it is
Hardness: 10 switched off or out of power suffers a –4 penalty to
Hit Points: 2 their attack roll. The weapon has no special
DC required to break this item with a Strength penetration against Damage Resistance while it is
Roll: 16 switched off.
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Wrist-Mounted Power Pack (2 pounds, costs 30 units)
Description: A vibronic blade, mounted over the Small Vibro-Pick
user's knuckles, so as to transmit the full force of their Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
arm into the thrust. “sleight of hand” roll)
It seems like an odd choice to make a vibro- Cost: 60 Units
weapon out of a katar, since the vibronic blade already Tentative Purchase DC: 8
has so much penetrating power that it doesn't really Required Proficiency: Simple

Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 30 if using a standard power cell, 50 if
using the optional wrist-mounted power-pack
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d4+2 Piercing (18-20 x3), ignores 9 points
of Hardness or Damage Resistance.
Weight: 5 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 25
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Wrist-Mounted Power Pack (2 pounds, costs 30 units)
Description: A small, one-handed military pick with a
vibronic head that gives it vastly better penetration and
keeps it from getting stuck in the target. This is also a
good tool for rock-climbing and geology, and isn't
always sold as a weapon. The power-cell fits into the
handle. It takes a full round to replace. Anyone using
this weapon while it is switched off or out of power
will suffer a –4 penalty. The weapon also won’t have
any special penetration against Damage Resistance Vibroblade Sickle
unless it is switched on and powered up. Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 90 Units
Vibro-Scythe Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Required Proficiency: Simple
hand” roll) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Cost: 275 Units Range Increment: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Magazine: 30 if using a standard power cell, 50 if
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use using the optional wrist-mounted power-pack
Range Increment: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 attacks
Magazine: 50 Damage: 1d6+2 Slashing (18-20 x2) , ignores 9 points
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has of Hardness or Damage Resistance.
attacks Weight: 4 pounds
Damage: 2d4+2 Piercing and Slashing (18-20 x4), Armor Class: 9
ignores 9 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance. Hardness: 10
Weight: 13 pounds Hit Points: 2
Armor Class: 5 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 10 Roll: 14
Hit Points: 10 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
DC required to break this item with a Strength Wrist-Mounted Power Pack (2 pounds, costs 30 units)
Roll: 17 Description: The blade of this sickle vibrates with a
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) dull and painful hum, at just the right harmonic to cut
Description: A scythe with a vibronic blade, it has far through most materials like a chainsaw.Not
greater penetration against armor than any traditional particularly effective as an agricultural harvesting tool
or hypersharp model. The power-cell is stored in the (its batteries won't hold out for a whole day of reaping
long black plastic handle, and takes a full action to in the fields), this item is more for the customer who
change. Anyone using this weapon while it is gets really excited by the idea of slashing people up
switched off or out of power will suffer a –4 penalty with a sickle. The power cell is contained in the
(and of course the scythe won’t have any of its special handle. It takes a Standard Action to replace and at
penetration against Damage Resistance). It does seem the DM's discretion is compatible with most weapons
odd that a culture with access to vibroblade of the same period. Anyone using this weapon while
technology would still be using scythes, but then again it is switched off or out of power will suffer a –4
this implement is probably intended for reaping people penalty (and of course the weapon won’t have any of
rather than wheat. its special penetration against Damage Resistance).

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A spear, tipped with a vibronic head.
Ideal for certain types of hunting, particularly against
animals with armored carapaces. The power-cell fits
in just behind the spearhead and takes a full action to
change. You cannot set this spear against an incoming
charge and change its batteries in the same round.
There is a –2 penalty to use the weapon if it is
switched off or out of power.
Vibronic Glaive
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 120 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 10 Vibroblade Double-Sided Sword
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use hand” roll)
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach Cost: 380 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Magazine: 50 Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
attacks Range Increment: --
Damage: 1d10+2 Slashing (18-20 x3), ignores 9 “To Hit” Bonus: +1
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance. Magazine: 30
Weight: 16 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 5 attacks
Hardness: 10 Damage: 1d8+2/1d8+2 Slashing (18-20 x2), ignores 9
Hit Points: 5 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 17 pounds
Roll: 17 Armor Class: 5
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Hardness: 10
Description: A large, wide vibroblade mounted at the Hit Points: 5
end of a ten-foot metal pole. When switched on it DC required to break this item with a Strength
makes a dull, deep angry hum and the blade seems to Roll: 17
blur around the edges. It runs off the same type of Special: If you use both ends to make separate attacks
power cell as most energy weapons of the same in a single round, you suffer the penalties for making
period. The power cell fits into a housing just behind two weapon attacks, as though you were using a One
the front hand-grip. It takes a Standard Action to Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon (see the Player's
reload. There is a –4 penalty to attack with this Handbook, page 124).
weapon while it is switched off or out of power, owing Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
to its clumsy balance. Nor will have any of its special Description: A superb weapon for anyone who feels
penetration against Hardness or Damage Resistance. absolutely confident that they won't accidentally hit
themselves with it. This double-bladed sword is
actually better balanced than most vibronic weapons,
since it has a blade at either end. There is only a –2
Vibronic Spear penalty to use this weapon if it isn’t switched on,
Size:Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of (although of course its attack bonus and penetration
hand” roll) against damage resistance won’t apply). You can use
Cost: 80 Units this sword as two weapons at once, but you will incur
Tentative Purchase DC: 9 all the usual penalties for double-weapon attacks
Required Proficiency: Simple (unless of course you have the appropriate Feat). It
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use takes a standard action to open a compartment on the
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach pommel and change power cells.
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
attacks Vibroblade Double-Sided Axe
Damage: 1d8+2 Piercing (18-20 x3), ignores 9 points Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
of Hardness or Damage Resistance. Cost: 360 Units
Weight: 10 pounds Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Armor Class: 5 Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Hardness: 10 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Hit Points: 2 Range Increment: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Roll: 17 Magazine: 30
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

attacks same type of power cells as most energy weapons.
Damage: 1d10+2/1d10+2 Slashing (18-20 x3), The power cell fits into the whip's handle. It takes a
ignores 9 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance. Standard Action to reload once you're ready for more
Weight: 26 pounds sadistic hijinx.
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 10
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Special: If you use both ends to make separate attacks Slashmatic Kobra Blade
in a single round, you suffer the penalties for making Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
two weapon attacks, as though you were using a One hand” roll)
Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon (see the Player's Cost: 300 Units
Handbook, page 124). Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (usually illegal)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Description: A metal shaft with a vibronic axe-blade Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
at either end. Both axe-blades are unusually thick, “To Hit” Bonus: +3
heavy and dull. When the weapon is switched on, it Magazine: 40
gives off a low, evil-sounding hum and each of its Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
blades suddenly has the cleaving power of a chainsaw. attacks
You can use this sword as two weapons at once, but Damage: 1d8+2 Slashing (16-20/x3) Ignores 6 points
you will incur the penalties for double-weapon attacks of Hardness or Damage Resistance.
(unless you have the appropriate Feat). It takes a Weight: 7 pounds
standard action to open a compartment on the pommel Armor Class: 14
and change power cells. There is a –2 penalty to use Hardness: 2
this weapon if it isn’t switched on, and of course it’s Hit Points: 1
attack bonus and penetration against damage DC required to break this item with a Strength
resistance won’t apply. Roll: 12
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: There have been many attempts to
merge vibroblade technology with hypersharp
Vibronic Whip weapons, creating blades with single-molecule
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hypersharp edges and vibronic penetration. All such
hand” roll) attempts have failed, and this example shows why.
Cost: 300 Units A short, wide vibroblade about the size of a
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (often illegal) machete, it oscillates at tremendous speed, giving it
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapon--Melee the penetrating power of a motorized saw. An ultra-
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use thin, ultra-sharp mono-molecular wire runs around its
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach edge, making the blade thousands of times sharper
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 than the most superb Japanese katana.
Magazine: 50 Unfortunately, the vibration makes the
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has monofilament wire dig into the material of the blade,
attacks sawing and cutting at it, undermining its structural
Damage: 1d6+2 Slashing (17-20/x2), Ignores 5 points integrity. Combine this with the repeated shock of
of Hardness or Damage Resistance. impact and it will be only a matter of time before the
Weight: 3 pounds blade undergoes some kind of catastrophic failure.
Armor Class: 9 Every time you hit something with this blade, there is
Hardness: 5 a 2% chance that it breaks apart. The odds go up to
Hit Points: 2 5% if you hit an object that has any Damage
DC required to break this item with a Strength Resistance or Hardness, or a target that is wearing
Roll: 18 armor.
Special: A whip can be used to make trip attacks and When the blade finally breaks the hyperwire flies
if the attacker accidentally trips themselves they can in all directions, doing 1d6 slashing damage to
avoid the effects by dropping the weapon. A whip anything in a 5 foot radius (a Reflexes Saving Throw
grants a +2 on any attempt to Disarm a foe with an vs. DC 18 halves the damage).
opposed Attack Roll. This whip can still be used to It's amazing that this weapon's sleazy
make Trip and Disarm attacks after its power cell runs manufacturers can find anyone willing to sell it, let
out of energy. alone buy it. It's usually illegal and usually comes
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) with some sort of cheap, gaudy "tough-guy" design on
Description: A metal whip that vibrates at incredible the hilt. Dragons, flaming skulls, etc. are all popular.
speed, cutting through flesh and bone like a buzzsaw. The unit runs on a standard power cell which
This is not a nice weapon and it does not tend to find screws into its handle. Like the rest of the weapon, its
its way into the hands of nice people. It runs on the hilt is badly designed and it takes a full round to

replace a spent power cell. replace.

Textronix Model Ultra SmartSword

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
hand” roll) “sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 250,000 Units to have made. Only one Cost: 5,000 Units
prototype currently exists and it is not for sale. Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (Often Unavailable)
Tentative Purchase DC: 37 Required Proficiency: Simple
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Handed: Requires 0 or 1 hand to use
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 75 Magazine: 30
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
attacks attacks
Damage: 1d8+3 Slashing (16-20/x3), ignores 9 points Damage: 1d6+2 Slashing (18-20 x2)
of Hardness or Damage Resistance Weight: 1 pound
Weight: 9 pounds Armor Class: 9 (18 in the air)
Armor Class: 12 Hardness: 10
Hardness: 10 Hit Points: 2
Hit Points: 10 DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: 14 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
Roll: 20 Special: Ignores 9 points of Hardness or Damage
Special: Ignores 10 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance
Resistance Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Description: A semi-intelligent computerized
Description: Another attempt to meld vibroblade vibroblade with a built-in antigravity motor. It can
technology with hypersharp weapons. This one leave the user's hand, or for that matter just fly up out
actually works, but it's far too expensive to ever go of its scabbard (it knows the Quick Draw feat) and
into general production. It looks a little like a small fight on its own, hovering in mid air as it cuts and
glaive, with a large rectangular blade mounted at the parries. It attacks at a +3 bonus on its own (this
end of a short metal pole. includes the Vibroblade bonus) The blade cannot
The blade is made from complex many-layered move more than ten feet from its user, and can only
synthetic materials, designed for exactly the right fight on its own for thirty rounds in total before its
combination of strength and flexibility to resist the power cell runs dry and it falls harmlessly to the floor.
stress caused by the vibrating hyperwire. The wire If the blade is attacking by itself, then the user must
itself is set on a pair of internal spools and lengthens spend the first round designating appropriate targets.
and contracts with the vibration of the blade. After that the blade fights completely independantly
A lone prototype, this weapon was produced by a and they can take whatever actions they like.
design team that wanted to prove that it could be done. The weapon can follow simple instructions like
They weren't concerned with making it practical or "come here" or "drop to the floor" but it will not be
easy to produce. A wealthy adventurer who knows the able to manipulate objects or pick things up for them.
right people might be able to get a blade like this It can't even figure out how to turn on a light-switch or
custom-made, but it would take a top-flight ring a doorbell.
engineering team at least a year to produce and
probably isn't worth the time and expense. The
prototype runs off an ordinary power cell, clipped to
the side of the haft. It takes a Standard Action to

Chainsaws and Buzzsaws

A cheap alternative to vibronic weapons, chainsaws, buzzsaws and the weapons that evolve from them work by rapidly
moving the blade, eroding the target as much as cutting it. Bulky, heavy, ugly and great, no blood-soaked cyberpunk
game would be the same without them.

The weapons listed here are assumed to run on standard energy cells, but for all you chainsaw connoisseurs out there
we have given most of them the option of instead being driven by a smoky internal combustion engine. Let 'er rip!

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
or 1 gallon of liquid fuel (2 pounds, costs 3 Units)
Description: The favored hand-weapon among
violently disturbed cultures, this is a long, narrow
chainsaw designed specifically to hurt people. It does
this job admirably. A noisy weapon, it is impossible to
kill anyone silently with a Chainsword. There is a
variant version which uses liquid fuel instead of a
battery. It lasts a little longer, and can deal out 75
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
attacks before it runs out of gas.
hand” roll)
Cost: 75 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Required Proficiency: Simple Chainsword, Double Ended
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Range Increment: -- Cost: 250 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Tentative Purchase DC: 13
Magazine: 40 Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
attacks Range Increment: --
Damage: 2d6 Slashing (18-20 x3), ignores 5 points of “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Hardness or Damage Resistance Magazine: 40
Weight: 10 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 7 attacks
Hardness: 5 Damage: 2d8/2d8 Slashing (18-20 x3), ignores 5
Hit Points: 3 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 18 pounds
Roll: 14 Armor Class: 5
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Hardness: 10
or 1 gallon of liquid fuel (2 pounds, costs 3 Units) Hit Points: 5
Description: A generic template for a futuristic DC required to break this item with a Strength
chainsaw. It has a more powerful and efficient motor Roll: 14
than 21st century models, and a chain that is Special: If you use both ends to make separate attacks
considerably tougher. It takes a Standard Action to in a single round, you suffer the penalties for making
reload its power cell. The DM should feel free to vary two weapon attacks, as though you were using a One
the stats a little to come up with separate models of Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon (see the Player's
chainsaw, if need be. There are also versions that run Handbook, page 124).
on liquid fossil fuel, but they have the same stats--they Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
just take a full round to reload instead of a Standard or 1 gallon of liquid fuel (2 pounds, costs 3 Units)
Action. Description: Favored by gladiators and the criminally
insane, this weapon is the ultimate in excess. With two
roaring chainsaw blades at either end of a stick, it is
Chainsword only slightly less dangerous to the wielder than to their
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 200 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 Buzz-Saw Blade
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use “sleight of hand” roll)
Range Increment: -- Cost: 50 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Magazine: 50 Required Proficiency: Simple
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
attacks Range Increment: --
Damage: 2d8 Slashing (18-20 x3), ignores 5 points of “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Hardness or Damage Resistance Magazine: 40
Weight: 8 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 7 attacks
Hardness: 10 Damage: 2d6 Slashing (18-20 x3), ignores 5 points of
Hit Points: 5 Hardness or Damage Resistance
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 2 pounds
Roll: 14 Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 9

Hit Points: 2 find in the hands of a gladiator or a space pirate or
DC required to break this item with a Strength someone who thinks both of the above are cool. The
Roll: 14 power cell is either kept inside the handle or clipped to
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) the side. It takes a standard action to change, in either
Description: For some reason, evil cyborgs like to case.
mount these on their bionic limbs. There are also
hand-held military models for the terminally twisted to
enjoy. It's not a quiet weapon, nor does it have a lot of Electro-Demolisher
reach, but there's still so much about it to love. This Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
basic template could look like a traditional power saw, hand” roll)
or like some kind of razor-sharp spinning fan. Cost: 500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Buzz-Saw Blade on a Stick Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach
hand” roll) “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Cost: 100 Units Magazine: 50
Tentative Purchase DC: 10 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee attacks
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Damage: 2d6 Slashing (18-20 x3), 1d8 Electricity
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach Weight: 6 pounds
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Armor Class: 5
Magazine: 50 Hardness: 9
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Hit Points: 4
attacks DC required to break this item with a Strength
Damage: 2d6 Slashing (18-20 x3), ignores 5 points of Roll: 14 (13 to ruin its capacity to give electric
Hardness or Damage Resistance shocks)
Weight: 5 pounds Special: Slashing damage ignores 5 points of
Armor Class: 5 Hardness or Damage Resistance
Hardness: 9 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Hit Points: 4 Description: Space-Barbarians and heavy metal
DC required to break this item with a Strength bassists are the preferred market for this weapon. It's
Roll: 14 a kind of huge electrified buzz-saw on the end of a ten
Special: Polearm. Has ten feet of reach and can be set foot pole. Anything but a ordinary weapon, it still
against a charge. runs on ordinary power cells, interchangeable with
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) most other weapons and appliances. It takes a
Description: A spinning toothed blade mounted at the standard action to replace a spent cell.
end of a short metal pole. It's a sort of poor man's
Vibronic Glaive This is the kind of weapon you might

Hot, Cold and Electrified Weapons

Once a society has invented the kind of small, powerful energy cells required to power laser pistols, it's only a matter of
time before someone thinks of hooking one up to a sword or a truncheon, so that it will give off a massive electric
shock. From there it is only a short step to hand weapons with built in heating elements that glow red hot when in use,
and eventually to super-refrigerated clubs and blades which freeze and shatter the target on impact. Some may call
these weapons absurd or at least unethically cruel, yet there is always a market for them, nonetheless.

Hot Blade Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2), 2d6 heat

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Weight: 1 pound
“sleight of hand” roll) Armor Class: 9
Cost: 100 Units Hardness: 10
Tentative Purchase DC: 10 Hit Points: 2
Required Proficiency: Simple DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Roll: 15 (14 to ruin its heating element)
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Scabbard (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Magazine: 75 Description: A large blade, about the size of a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has bayonet. It contains a heating element that makes the
attacks blade glow red hot. It takes a full action to heat up the

blade, which sizzles when it strikes home. Hot Mace
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Hot Sword Cost: 250 Units
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Tentative Purchase DC: 13
hand” roll) Required Proficiency: Simple
Cost: 300 Units Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 Range Increment: --
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee “To Hit” Bonus: --
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Magazine: 75
Range Increment: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 attacks
Magazine: 75 Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2), 2d6 heat
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Weight: 13 pounds
attacks Armor Class: 7
Damage: 1d8 Slashing (19-20 x2), 2d6 heat Hardness: 10
Weight: 5 pounds Hit Points: 10
Armor Class: 7 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 10 Roll: 20 (14 to ruin its heating element)
Hit Points: 5 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: A heavy, one-handed metal truncheon
Roll: 17 (14 to ruin its heating element) made from some incredibly hard yet olddly flexible
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), metal, ideal for savage beatings. An intergral heating
Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1 pound) element makes the business end glow red hot. It takes
Description: A sword, made from some super-strong, a full action to heat up the blade.
ultra-sharp alloy, which has been further enhanced by
an intergral heating element that makes the blade glow
red hot. This does some additional damage, but is Hot Gauntlet
even better at scaring the wits out of your oponent. No Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
one wants to get anywhere near that thing while it's “sleight-of-hand” roll)
glowing. It takes a full action to heat up the blade. Cost: 495 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Hot Axe Required Proficiency: Simple
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Handed: Requires 1 hand to use, but that hand can
hand” roll) still perform certain tasks with the glove on. See
Cost: 200 Units description.
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 Range Increment: --
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee “To Hit” Bonus: --
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Magazine: 75
Range Increment: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 attacks
Magazine: 75 Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning (20 x2), 2d6 Heat
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Weight: 2 pounds
attacks Armor Class: 9
Damage: 1d8 Slashing, (20 x3) 2d6 Heat Hardness: 8
Weight: 7 pounds Hit Points: 5
Armor Class: 7 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 10 Roll: 15 (14 to ruin its heating element)
Hit Points: 5 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: A metal gauntlet that glows red hot
Roll: 17 (14 to ruin its heating element) when activated (but only on the outside, we hasten to
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) add. The user's hand remains cool and comfortable).
Description: An axe, made from some super-strong, A nasty, nasty weapon for close personal combat, it
ultra-sharp alloy, which has been further enhanced by has a huge psychological impact on most opponents.
an intergral heating element that makes the blade glow After some disastrous early attempts, the makers have
red hot. It takes a full action to heat up the blade. It’s learned not to put the "off" switch on the outside of
worth the wait to see the look on your opponent’s the gauntlet. It takes a full action to heat up, but you
face. would be ill advised to leave it running, as this can
lead to all sorts of unpleasant mishaps (don’t try to
answer your cell phone or scratch an itch on your nose
while wearing the gauntlet).

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A punch-dagger made from some super-
strong futurisic alloy, it has been further enhanced
with an intergral heating element that makes the blade
glow red hot. The weapon tends to smell of
overcooked meat after it’s been used a few times, and
it makes a sizzling sound as it strikes home. It takes a
full action to heat up the blade.

Red Hot Pick

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 160 Units
Red Hot Claws Tentative Purchase DC: 12
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
“sleight of hand” roll) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Cost: 190 Units Range Increment: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Magazine: 75
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use (one set of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
claws per hand) attacks
Range Increment: -- Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x4), 2d6 Heat
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Weight: 7 pounds
Magazine: 75 Armor Class: 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Hardness: 10
attacks Hit Points: 23
Damage: 1d6 Slashing (20 x2) 2d6 Heat DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 1 pound Roll: 17 (14 to ruin its heating element)
Armor Class: 9 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Hardness: 10 Description: A futuristic military pick, which has
Hit Points: 2 been further enhanced by an intergral heating element,
DC required to break this item with a Strength which makes the head glow red hot. This does some
Roll: 15 (14 to ruin its heating element) additional damage, but is chiefly important for the
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) psychological effect that it has on the foe. It takes a
Description: A set of hand-held claws, made from full action to heat the pick to a dull, angry red. It's not
some super-strong, super-sharp futurisic alloy, further advisable to leave the heating element on when you
enhanced by an intergral heating element that makes aren't using it.
the blades glow red hot. It takes a full action to heat
up the claws. Word of advice--don't fall asleep with
the claws on. Also a poor weapon to use while drunk. Red-Hot Scythe
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Hot Katar Cost: 360 Units
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Tentative Purchase DC: 15
“sleight of hand” roll) Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Cost: 40 Units Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Tentative Purchase DC: 6 Range Increment: --
Required Proficiency: Simple “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Magazine: 40
Range Increment: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 attacks
Magazine: 75 Damage: 2d4 Slashing (20 x4) or Piercing (20 x3)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has plus 2d6 Heat
attacks Weight: 13 pounds
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3), 2d6 Heat Armor Class: 5
Weight: 2 pounds Hardness: 10
Armor Class: 9 Hit Points: 8
Hardness: 10 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 2 Roll: 17 (14 to ruin its heating element)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Roll: 16 (14 to ruin its heating element) Description: A scythe, made from some super-strong,

ultra-sharp alloy. The blade contains a heating
element that makes the blade glow red hot. It takes a Superchilled Blade
full action to heat the blade up until it glows cherry- Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
red. It isn’t much good for actual reaping, as it tends “sleight of hand” roll)
to set the wheat on fire. Quite frankly, if you find this Cost: 125 Units
weapon hanging on someone's wall, you're probably Tentative Purchase DC: 11
dealing with a villain. Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
Motorized Hook and Chain, Superheated “To Hit” Bonus: --
Model Magazine: 50
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 360 Units Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2), 2d6 Cold
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) Weight: 1 pound
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also Armor Class: 9
works with any other Hook and Chain Weapon) Hardness: 10
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Hit Points: 2
Range Increment: Has 15 feet of Reach DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Roll: 15 (14 to ruin its Cold Attack)
Magazine: 75 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Description: A large wide blade, with some kind of
attacks supercooling liquid in a shielded reservoir in the
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x2), 2d6 Heat handle. When the sword is unsheathed, the liquid
Weight: 15 pounds flows through the blade, cooling it down to near
Armor Class: 7 absolute zero. An energy cell in the weapon’s
Hardness: 5 pommel keeps the liquid refrigerated. It takes a
Hit Points: 5 Standard Action to replace a spent cell. If the
DC required to break this item with a Strength weapon’s power source is replaced soon then the
Roll: 17 (14 to ruin its heating element) liquid remains supercold and the superchilled blade
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) continues to function normally. If on the other hand
Description: Resembles a small grappling hook on a the weapon is left without power for an hour or more,
chain. It has a reach of 15 feet, but unlike most reach it will take five minutes for a fresh energy cell to chill
weapons it can also attack targets that are directly the coolant back down.
adjacent to it.
The user sinks the hook into an opponent and then
yanks on it with an electric winch. The user can drag a Superchilled Sword
hooked victim toward them at a rate of 5 feet per Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
round. The target can resist if they like. It requires a hand” roll)
Strength roll vs. DC 18 to keep from being dragged by Cost: 325 Units
the winch. It does an additional 1d4 damage to have Tentative Purchase DC: 14
the winch tug at your injury, whether or not you Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
succeed in resisting the pull. Worse, a heating element Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
buried in the blade can render it red hot in just one Range Increment: --
round, doing 2d6 extra damage (it won’t do extra “To Hit” Bonus: --
damage on subsequent rounds—once that particular Magazine: 50
area of the target’s flesh has already been cooked like Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
a steak there isn’t much more you can do to it). attacks
The chain-end can also be used to make trip attacks Damage: 1d8 Slashing (19-20 x2), 2d6 Cold
and if the attacker accidentally trips themselves they Weight: 5 pounds
can avoid the effects by dropping the weapon. It's a Armor Class: 7
good weapon for entangling things and grants a +2 on Hardness: 10
any attempt to Disarm a foe with an opposed Attack Hit Points: 5
Roll. The feat "Weapon Finesse" will allow you to DC required to break this item with a Strength
use your Dexterity Bonus instead of your Strength Roll: 17 (14 to ruin its Cold Attack)
Bonus with this weapon. Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
The heating element and the winch both run on the Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1 pound)
same power source. Each use of either one drains one Description: A longsword, with a built in reservoir of
charge from the power cell. The cell itself is the same supercooled liquid in a shielded reservoir in the
type used in most energy weapons and takes a full handle. When the sword is unsheathed, the liquid
round to replace. flows through the blade, cooling it down to near
absolute zero. This not only does cold damage, but

increases the sword's penetration as well, by freezing Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
the material it is chopping through. attacks
An energy cell in the weapon’s pommel keeps the Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x4), 2d6 Cold
liquid refrigerated. It takes a Standard Action to Weight: 7 pounds
replace a spent cell. If the weapon’s power source is Armor Class: 5
quickly replaced then the liquid stays supercold and Hardness: 10
the sword continues to function. If however the Hit Points: 23
weapon is left without power for an hour or more, it DC required to break this item with a Strength
will take five minutes for a new energy cell to get the Roll: 18 (14 to ruin its Cold Attack)
coolant chilled. Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A military pick, with some kind of
supercooling liquid in a shielded reservoir in the
Superchilled Gauntlet handle. Perhaps it's something like liquid helium or
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a perhaps it's some pseudo-scientific super-cold
“sleight-of-hand” roll) substance.
Cost: 510 Units When the pick is in use, the liquid is pumped
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 through the head, cooling it down to near absolute
Required Proficiency: Simple zero. This does cold damage to the target and it also
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use, but that hand can improves the pick's penetration by making whatever
still perform certain tasks with the gauntlet on. See substance it is plunging through more brittle.
description. An energy cell in the base of the weapon’s haft
Range Increment: -- keeps the liquid refrigerated. It takes a Standard
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Action to replace a spent cell.
Magazine: 50 If the weapon’s power source is immediately
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has replaced then the liquid stays cold and the pick keeps
attacks working. If the weapon is left without power for an
Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning (19-20 x2), 2d6 Cold hour or more, it will take five minutes for a new
Weight: 3 pounds energy cell to chill the coolant.
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 5 Superchilled Scythe
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Roll: 15 (14 to ruin its Cold Attack) hand” roll)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Cost: 385 Units
Description: A bulky steel glove, which can lower its Tentative Purchase DC: 15
external temperature to near absolute zero. It takes a Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
full action to chill the gauntlet down. Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
It would be ill-advised to wear this item while your Range Increment: --
mind is wandering. The temptation to twiddle your “To Hit” Bonus: --
thumbs or thoughtlessly rest your head in your hands Magazine: 60
could have awkward consequences. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
An energy cell clipped to the back of the gauntlet attacks
keeps the liquid refrigerated. It takes a Standard Damage: 2d4 Slashing (20 x4) or Piercing (20 x3),
Action to replace a spent cell. plus 2d6 Cold
If the weapon’s power source is replaced within a Weight: 13 pounds
reasonable length of time, the liquid will remain Armor Class: 5
supercold and the gauntlet will keep functioning. If Hardness: 10
however the gauntlet is left without power for an hour Hit Points: 8
or more, it will take five minutes for a new energy cell DC required to break this item with a Strength
to get the coolant chilled. Roll: 17 (14 to ruin its Cold Attack)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A futuristic (but still recognizable)
Supercold Pick scythe with some kind of supercooling liquid in a
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of shielded reservoir in the handle. When the a button on
hand” roll) the handle is pressed, the liquid flows through the
Cost: 175 Units blade, cooling it down near absolute zero. This not
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 only does cold damage, but actually helps the scythe's
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee penetration, by making the target brittle.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use An energy cell in the weapon’s haft keeps the
Range Increment: -- liquid refrigerated. It takes a Standard Action to
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 replace a spent cell. If the weapon is left without
Magazine: 50 power for an hour or more, it will take five minutes for

a new energy cell to get the liquid cooled back down. undescribed. A long wand, about the length of a
Unlike many high-tech scythe designs, this one man's arm, it delivers 2d6 nonlethal damage
really does have some good applications as a farming (electrical) and 1-2 points of normal damage on a
implement. The superchilled blade does cut through successful hit. Metallic armor offers no protection
wheat more efficiently than a conventional scythe. It against a shockstick, but plastic or ceramic armor
still tends to find it's way into the hands of people who works just fine. It isn't solidly constructed enough to
identify a little too much with Death. use your melee damage bonus with. Over-enthusiastic
users who try will actually do their melee bonus worth
of damage to the shockstick itself, rather than their
Shock Gauntlet opponent.
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight-of-hand” roll)
Cost: 500 Units Shockstick Nunchaku
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Required Proficiency: Simple “sleight of hand” roll)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use, but that hand can Cost: 60 Units
still perform certain tasks with the glove on. Tentative Purchase DC: 8
Range Increment: -- Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor) Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
Magazine: 50 Range Increment: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor)
attacks Magazine: 50
Damage: 3d6 Electrical Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 3 pounds attacks, (and as many times as a Monk has Unarmed
Armor Class: 9 attacks)
Hardness: 9 Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2), 1d6 Electricity
Hit Points: 5 Weight: 2 pounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 7
Roll: 15 Hardness: 9
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units, Hit Points: 3
takes a Standard Action to replace) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: The ultimate joy-buzzer. An articulated Roll: 15
metal glove with an inconspicous power-pack on the Special: Can be used with a Monk's multiple attacks,
back, when activated by the user's mental pulse it just as though it were an unarmed attack.
gives out a thousand volts of pure fun! Your friends Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
will scream for help when you show them this swell Description: Futuristic societies that have never
new gag. outgrown their Kung-Fu Theatre phase may produce
shock-stick nunchaku. They work exactly like
ordinary, garden variety nunchucks, but do an extra
Shockstick 2d6 nonlethal damage. Very popular with space-
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of ninjas, yet mostly sold to juvenile delinquents.
hand” roll) Accidentally hitting yourself with them is even more
Cost: 50 Units embarrasing than it is with regular nunchuks.
Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor)
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d6 Nonlethal, 1d2 Electrical
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 7 Shockstick Staff
Hardness: 5 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 3 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 240 Units
Roll: 15 Tentative Purchase DC: 13
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Required Proficiency: Simple
Description: Primarily a riot-control device, you may Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
also see shocksticks in the hands of sadistic criminals Range Increment: --
or the dedicated enthusiasts of pursuits best left

“To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor) Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use (one set of
Magazine: 50 claws per hand)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment: --
attacks “To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor)
Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2), 2d6 Electricity Magazine: 50
Weight: 4 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 5 attacks
Hardness: 9 Damage: 1d6 Slashing (19-20 x2) plus 2d6 Electricity
Hit Points: 4 Weight: 1 pound
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 9
Roll: 15 Hardness: 10
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Hit Points: 2
Description: A double-ended shockstick, long enough DC required to break this item with a Strength
to be used as a quarterstaff. Generally used by Roll: 14 (13 to ruin it as an electrical weapon)
gladiators, or sometimes as a weapons-training tool in Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
martially-inclined/crazy-mean cultures. This weapon Description: A set of metal claws, with specially
is more durable than a riot control prod, and can be insulated handles. On impact, they deliver a massive
used with any of the feats that pertain to staffs. Apply electric shock. The wielder can easily toggle the
your melee damage bonus normally. electroshock option on and off without using their
other hand, so it's simple to decide whether or not you
want to use up a charge on a particular opponent. The
Robot Disrupter Wand power cell fits into the handle. It's the same kind used
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a to power energy weapons and countless small
“sleight-of-hand” roll) household appliances. It takes a standard action to
Cost: 500 Units change power cells, and for this you'll have to have at
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 least one hand free.
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: -- Electrified Sword
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor) Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Magazine: 30 hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Cost: 300 Units
attacks Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (often unavailable)
Damage: 1d6 Electricity vs. most targets, 5d12 (17-20 Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
x4) Electricity vs. Robots Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weight: 3 pounds Range Increment: --
Armor Class: 7 “To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor)
Hardness: 5 Magazine: 50
Hit Points: 3 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks, (and as many times as a Monk has Unarmed
Roll: 15 attacks)
Special: Does only 1d6 damage to living targets, but Damage: 1d8 Slashing (19-20 x2) +1d6 Electricity or
5d12 to sentient robots 2d6 Nonlethal Electrical damage
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Weight: 5 pounds
Description: A short, chunky wand with two flat Armor Class: 7
metal prongs protruding from one end. This device Hardness: 10
was designed specifically to disrupt a robot's Hit Points: 5
positronic brain (or whatever special gizmo makes DC required to break this item with a Strength
robots sentient in your campaign world). It does still Roll: 17 (13 to ruin it as an electrical weapon)
pack enough juice to injure a human being, although Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
with nothing like the catastrophic effect it has on Scabbard (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
cybernetic entities. It may or may not do equal Description: Few cultures regularly produce
amounts of damage to non-sentient hardware--it's electrified swords, but decadent aristocrats and leering
strictly the DM's call. arch-villains may have them specially made. On a
successful attack, the weapon delivers an additional
2d6 nonlethal damage or an extra 1d6 normal
Electroshock Claws electrical damage. The user can also elect not to use a
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a charge, or to do only electrical damage to the target by
“sleight of hand” roll) striking them with the flat of the sword. Subtle finger
Cost: 185 Units pressures on the haft control the level and type of
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 electrical discharge. Changing settings takes
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee effectively no time. If a character has multiple

attacks, they could do nonlethal damage with the first Weight: 4 pounds
one, normal damage with the second, no electrical Armor Class: 9
damage with the third or for that matter any other such Hardness: 5
combination in a single round. Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14 (13 to ruin it as an electrical weapon)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: Popular with kinky arch-villainesses and
sweaty bare-chested guys in hoods, this whip can
deliver an electric charge when the button on the
handle is pressed. The whip itself does only 1d3
Nonlethal damage, but the electric shock can be set to
do either 2d6 nonlethal or 1d6 normal damage,
Electrified Rapier depending on the Amperage. Like all whips, it can be
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of used to make trip attacks and if the attacker
hand” roll) accidentally trips themselves they can avoid the
Cost: 400 Units effects by dropping the weapon. A whip grants a +2
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 on any attempt to Disarm a foe with an opposed
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Attack Roll.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor) Motorized Hook and Chain, Electroshock
Magazine: 50 Model
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
attacks, (and as many times as a Monk has Unarmed hand” roll)
attacks) Cost: 350 Units
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (18-20 x2) +1d6 Electrical or Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable)
2d6 Nonlethal Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
Weight: 4 pounds works with any other Hook and Chain Weapon)
Armor Class: 7 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Hardness: 10 Range Increment: Has 15 feet of Reach
Hit Points: 5 “To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Magazine: 50
Roll: 16 (13 to ruin it as an electrical weapon) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), attacks
Scabbard (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound) Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x2) +1d6 normal
Description: Great for sneering, moustache-twirling Electricity or 2d6 Nonlethal Electricity damage
villains with names like "Baron Blitzkrieg" or "Count Weight: 15 pounds
Elektro" this fencing foil can deliver a 1d6 electrical Armor Class: 7
charge when it strikes home, or 2d6 worth of nonlethal Hardness: 5
damage. You can opt to hit the target with the flat of Hit Points: 5
the sword and do only the electrical or nonlethal DC required to break this item with a Strength
damage (this is a great way to show contempt for an Roll: 17 (13 to ruin it as an electrical weapon)
unworthy foe). Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: Resembles a small grappling hook with
a strange high-tech looking module attached to the
Electrified Whip base of the grapnel. It has a reach of 15 feet, but unlike
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of most reach weapons it can also attack targets that are
hand” roll) directly adjacent to it.
Cost: 100 Units It works by sinking the hook into an opponent and
Tentative Purchase DC: 10 then yanking on it with an electric winch. The user can
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also drag a hooked victim toward them at a rate of 5 feet
works with any other Whip) per round if the target fails a Strength contest vs. DC
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use 18. It does an additional 1d4 damage when the winch
Range Increment: -- starts pulling on the target’s wound, whether or not the
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 (only vs. metal armor) target wins the Strength contest. If that isn't sufficient
Magazine: 50 to take the fight out of the target, the hook can also
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has give out a jolt of electricity for an additional 1d6
attacks, (and as many times as a Monk has Unarmed normal or 2d6 Nonlethal damage.
attacks) This weapon can also be used to make trip attacks
Damage: 1d3 nonlethal damage +1d6 Normal and if the attacker accidentally trips themselves they
Electrical Damage or 2d6 Nonlethal Electrical damage can avoid the effects by dropping the hook and chain.

It grants a +2 on any attempt to Disarm a foe with an drains one charge from the power cell. The cell itself
opposed Attack Roll. The feat "Weapon Finesse" will is the same type used in most energy weapons and
allow you to use your Dexterity Bonus instead of your takes a full round to replace.
Strength Bonus with this weapon.
The electroshock module and the winch both run
on the same power source. Each use of either one

Force-Projection Weapons
Force-field technology makes a whole new generation of melee weapons available. Bladed weapons that don't have
any physical cutting surface at all, they instead project a blade-shaped force-field when switched on. They have
considerably more penetrating power than any bladed weapon made out of conventional matter--even hypersharp
weapons and vibroblades can't match a force-field weapon in terms of pure cutting power.

An advanced weapons technology, force-field blades tend to appear at around the same time as the last generation of
blaster weapons (unless of course the DM decides otherwise).

The same technology can also be made to enhance the impact of a bludgeoning weapon, delivering a jolt of extra
impact when it strikes home. Both sorts of power-enhanced weapons are listed below.

Force-Katar Force-Gauntlet
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll) “sleight-of-hand” roll)
Cost: 60 Units Cost: 515 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 8 Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Required Proficiency: Simple Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 1 hand to use, but the hand can still
Range Increment: -- be used to perform normal tasks (at a –2 penalty)
“To Hit” Bonus: +4 when it isn’t making an attack.
Magazine: 30 Range Increment: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: +1
attacks Magazine: 30
Damage: 1d4+3 Piercing (18-20 x3) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 2 pounds attacks
Armor Class: 9 Damage: Variable, see description
Hardness: 5 (This applies only to the haft--the blade Weight: 4 pounds
is not a physical object and cannot be physically Armor Class: 9
attacked) Hardness: 8
Hit Points: 2 Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14 Roll: 16
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A short, squat-looking handgrip with Description: A large, clumsy looking metal glove,
two prongs sticking up past the line of your fist. much bigger than the hand inside it. When switched
When switched on, it projects a solid blade of force on it crackles with energy and is surrounded by a kind
over the end of your knuckles and can be used as a of bluish-white aura. The glove uses force-projection
punching dagger. Some experts note that punch- technology to drastically magnify the impact of a
daggers derive their extra penetration by transmitting blow. With practice, the user can learn how to do as
the whole force of the wielder's arm into the target and little as 1d4 (19-20 x2) or as much as 4d4 (19-20 x2)
there isn't really any need to increase the penetration damage with each punch. You can use your strength
of a weapon that already slices through flesh like it bonus with this weapon, both to hit and to do damage.
isn't even there. Nonetheless there is a market for this The gauntlet carries its power cell clamped to the
weapon, mostly among cultures that have used punch- outside of the wrist. It takes a standard action to
daggers for centuries and built up whole schools of replace a spent cell.
combat techniques around them. The power cell slots
into the base, behind the handgrip. It takes a Standard
Action to reload.

DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 19
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A power rod as long as a polearm. The
Force Lance has a range of about ten feet and can't
Power Rod effectively strike anything inside its own reach. While
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of it is an energy weapon, it only requires a Martial
hand” roll) Melee Weapon proficiency to use and the user can
Cost: 225 Units apply their Strength Bonus to the attack. It takes a
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 Standard Action to replace its energy cell.
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: -- Force Staff
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Magazine: 40 hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Cost: 350 Units
attacks Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Damage: 1d10+2 Bludgeoning (19-20 x2) Required Proficiency: Simple
Weight: 2 pounds Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Armor Class: 7 Range Increment: --
Hardness: 10 “To Hit” Bonus: +3
Hit Points: 10 Magazine: 50
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Roll: 18 attacks
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Damage: 1d10+2 Bludgeoning (19-20 x2)
Description: A power rod releases a bolt of force Weight: 4 pounds
when it strikes its target, magnifying the impact. It Armor Class: 5
operates on roughly the same principle as a blaster and Hardness: 10
although it is technically an energy weapon, anyone Hit Points: 10
can use it without any special weapon proficiency. DC required to break this item with a Strength
You can use your strength bonus with this weapon, Roll: 19
both to hit and for damage. It runs on the same kind Special: If you use both ends to make separate attacks
of power cell as most energy weapons. It takes a in a single round, you suffer the penalties for attacking
Standard Action to replace a used-up cell. with two weapons in one round, as though you were
using a One Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon (see
the Player's Handbook, page 124).
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A long, double-ended power rod. It can
be used like a quarterstaff, with all the usual
restrictions regarding double attacks. It takes a
Standard Action to replace its energy cell.

Force Field Sword

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Force Lance hand” roll)
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Cost: 450 Units
hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Cost: 550 Units Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Required Proficiency: Simple Range Increment: --
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use “To Hit” Bonus: +4
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach Magazine: 30
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Magazine: 50 attacks
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Damage: 1d8+3 Slashing (18-20 x2)
attacks Weight: 2 pounds
Damage: 1d10+2 Bludgeoning (19-20 x2) Armor Class: 13
Weight: 14 pounds Hardness: 5 (This applies only to the haft--the blade
Armor Class: 5 is not a physical object and cannot be physically
Hardness: 10 attacked)
Hit Points: 10 Hit Points: 3

DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A big, bulky sword haft made from
metal and plastic, with a focusing ring where the blade
should be. When switched on, it projects a tranparent
greenish plane of force in the shape of a blade. This
pseudo-solid blade is both sharper and stronger than
any sword made out of real matter. It is also lighter,
and because of its strange balance it requires special
training to use. A force-sword feels all wrong to
someone who is used to wielding conventional blades.
It takes a Standard Action to replace its power cell. Force Field Axe
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 300 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +4
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d8+3 Slashing (18-20 x3)
Weight: 6 pounds
Force Field Halberd Armor Class: 5
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Hardness: 5 (This applies only to the haft--the blade
Cost: 475 Units
is not a physical object and cannot be physically
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Hit Points: 5
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach
Roll: 18
“To Hit” Bonus: +4
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Magazine: 50
Description: A long metal rod, which when switched
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
on projects a solid blade of force from one side. Its
energy cell fits into the pommel and takes a standard
Damage: 1d10+3 Slashing (18-20 x3)
action to reload.
Weight: 14 pounds
The weapon looks and functions like an axe, but it
Armor Class: 5
isn't especially useful as one. If you are cutting
Hardness: 5 (This applies only to the haft--the blade
firewood and chopping down trees with a force-blade,
is not a physical object and cannot be physically
you don't need the leverage of an axe behind you.
Any old force-blade will cut through wood like butter
Hit Points: 5
and mounting it on an axe-handle just makes it
DC required to break this item with a Strength
needlessly large.
Roll: 17
Clearly this isn't really intended as a tool--it's a
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
weapon, made to be used by someone who is already
Description: A long metal pole, tipped with a force-
familiar with axes, and doesn't want to learn a whole
field projector nozzle. When activated, the weapon
new weapon system. That generally means that
projects a large blade-like forcefield from its tip and
they've invested a lot of time in learning how to fight
can be used as a polearm. The force-field blade is a
with an axe, so if you see someone carrying this
great deal sharper and more durable than any physical
weapon, treat them with caution (even though they
cutting surface, including monofilament wire.
might also be carrying it because they think it looks
It is unclear why anyone would need a force-blade
polearm on a battlefield dominated by ranged weapons
(if your enemy is out of your reach, why not just shoot
him?) but perhaps they are used by gladiators or
ceremonial palace guards or in weird futuristic Double-Bladed Force Field Sword
jousting matches. Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
The weapon's energy cell is located under the Cost: 550 Units
second hand-grip, near the middle of the shaft. It Tentative Purchase DC: 16
takes a Standard Action to reload. Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use

Range Increment: -- Required Proficiency: Simple
“To Hit” Bonus: +4 Handed: Requires 0 or 1 hand to use
Magazine: 25 Range Increment: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: +3
attacks Magazine: 30
Damage: 1d8+3/ 1d8+3 Slashing (18-20 x2) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 14 pounds attacks
Armor Class: 9 Damage: 1d10+2/1d10+2 Bludgeoning (18-20 x3)
Hardness: 5 (This applies only to the haft--the blades Weight: 5 pounds
are not physical objects and cannot be physically Armor Class: 5 (15 in the air)
attacked) Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 3 Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 Roll: 17 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
Special: If you use both ends to make separate attacks Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
in a single round, you suffer the penalties for making Description: A semi-intelligent computerized power
two weapon attacks, as though you were using a One staff with an integral antigravity motor. It can leave
Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon (see the Player's the user's hand and fight on its own, hovering in mid
Handbook, page 124). air as it strikes and parries. It attacks at a +3 bonus on
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) its own The weapon cannot move more than ten feet
Description: When one force-field sword just isn't away from its user, and can only fight on its own for
enough, accept no substitutes (unless of course you thirty rounds in total before its power cell runs dry and
can somehow lay hands on a double-bladed fusion it falls out of the air.
sword). Ideal for cutting people you don't like into If the staff is attacking on its own, then the user
funny shapes. It runs on a standard energy cell, the must designate its targets on the first round (this takes
same type used to power blaster pistols and so forth. a standard action). After that the staff fights
It takes a standard action to pop an expended energy completely independantly. It does not require
cell out the side and slip a new one in. concentration or take up any of the wielder’s actions
once the targets have been designated.
The weapon can follow simple instructions like
Remote Control Power Staff "come here" or "drop to the floor" but it will not be
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of able to manipulate objects or pick things up.
hand” roll)
Cost: 6,500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 24 (Often Unavailable)

Superheavy Weapons
An irresponsible use of some very advanced technology, Superheavy weapons have a core made of ultra-dense,
collapsed matter, and should be impossible to lift, but each one is equipped with a small antigravity engine that allows
it to be picked up. The weapon may be light enough to wield, but it has lost none of its gigantic mass, and hits with the
force of a speeding truck.

Most cultures advanced enough to produce something like this have better things to use their super-science on than
bashing one another over the head, so you can really only buy Superheavy weapons from hyper-advanced societies that
have grown extremely bored and/or malignant. Unscrupulous emissaries from Uber-civilizations may sell them to louts
in horned helmets whose cultures are still at the stage where bashing one another over the head occupies a lot of their
time, or just hand them out to guys who look like they would use them in amusingly destructive ways.

There are two whopping drawbacks to using Superheavy weapons. The first is that the antigravity generator eventually
runs out of power, and the weapon will sit there, useless and unmovable until its energy cell is replaced.

The second is that while a superheavy weapon strikes the target with tremendous force, all that colossal momentum has
to go somewhere if it misses. If a character fails to hit the target with a superheavy melee weapon they must make a
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15. If they fail, the weapon spins them around helplessly and they are instantly facing
in a random direction. They must then make another Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 12 to keep from falling down,
unless there is no feasible way for this to happen.

In zero gravity, they won't fall down, but will have to make a Strength Roll vs. DC 20 to stop spinning. Let them roll
once per round until they succeed, let go of the weapon or starve to death. There may be special equipment (powerful
magnetic boots, for example) that will allow a player to escape the unwanted side effects of using superheavy weapons,

but this we leave in the hands of the DM.

Cost: 300 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 60
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 1d6+2 Bludgeoning (17-20 x2), Ignores 5
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance
Weight: 4 pounds (3 tons if the antigravity motor
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 15
Quantum Mass Sword Hit Points: 50
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of DC required to break this item with a Strength
hand” roll) Roll: 35 (15 to smash the antigravity unit and render
Cost: 700 Units the weapon permanently inert and too heavy to lift)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) Special: Can only be lifted because of its onboard
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee anti-gravity generator. When the power cell runs out,
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use the weapon becomes impossible for anyone with a
Range Increment: -- Strength of less than 50 to move.
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Magazine: 50 Description: A solid bar of hyperdense matter. You'd
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has never be able to lift it, but the onboard anti-gravity
attacks generator makes it light as a feather, without cutting
Damage: 1d8+2 Slashing (17-20 x3), Ignores 5 points down its bone-crushing mass. This club has enough
of Hardness or Damage Resistance momentum to knock even the largest of your enemies
Weight: 6 pounds (3 tons if the antigravity motor through something big and hard. It's the truncheon for
fails) crunchin'! The baton with the womp on! Change the
Armor Class: 7 antigravity engine's batteries every six weeks and get
Hardness: 10 ready to bring on the thump!
Hit Points: 50
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 35 (15 to smash the antigravity unit and render Superheavy Nunchaku
the weapon permanently inert and too heavy to lift) Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Special: Can only be lifted because of its onboard “sleight of hand” roll)
anti-gravity generator. When the power cell runs out, Cost: 600 Units
the weapon becomes impossible for anyone with a Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
Strength of less than 50 to move. Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
Scabbard (1/2 pound, costs 35 Units) Range Increment: --
Description: Do you want to hurt people? Sure, we “To Hit” Bonus: +1
all do! And with the amazing new Quantum Mass Magazine: 80
Sword from Slamco, it's never been easier. Built Rate of Fire: Once per round
around a core of Hyperdense Matter, it would be way Damage: 1d6+2 Bludgeoning (17-20 x2), Ignores 5
too heavy to lift without its handy built-in antigravity points of Hardness or Damage Resistance
projector. Easy to pick up, it loses none of its colossal Weight: 3 pounds (3 tons if the antigravity motor
mass, which you can put to work on your enemies in fails)
the form of Awesome, Unstoppable Cleavage! It hits Armor Class: 9
as hard as a truck and it’s as sharp as a razor. Hardness: 15
Available for a limited time, not sold in stores, act Hit Points: 50
now and put the power of Hyperdense matter to work DC required to break this item with a Strength
on folks you don't like today! Roll: 35 (15 to smash the antigravity unit and render
the weapon permanently inert and too heavy to lift)
Special: Can only be lifted because of its onboard
Superheavy Truncheon anti-gravity generator. When the power cell runs out,
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of the weapon becomes impossible for anyone with a
hand” roll) Strength of less than 50 to move.

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), agonizing, bone-crushing impact! Change the
Cool pseudo-silk carrying case with glow-in-the-dark antigravity engine's batteries every six weeks and
dragons on it (1/4 pound, costs 5 units). you’ll have the clobber of the gods in your sweaty,
Description: It's the amazing new Tuff-Chuks from eager hands!.
Slamco! Ideal for the space-ninja on your Christmas
gift list, these nunchucks are wrapped around a double
core of hyperdense matter. They'd be way too heavy
to lift, let alone flail around like proper nunchuks, but
each one has a tiny built-in antigravity generator. You
can swing them around like Bruce Lee, even though
they have the mass of a full-sized car. Just wait til you
see the look on your enemy’s face when they get a
clobber full of these chuks! Don't be fooled by
imitators! Cheapo chuks are a ninja disaster--they'll
break when the beating is only half done, every time!
For flailing on stuff, for wailing on stuff, accept no

Superheavy Axe
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 900 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Superheavy Hammer Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Range Increment: --
hand” roll) “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Cost: 360 Units Magazine: 70
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Damage: 2d6+2 Slashing (17-20 x3), ignores 5 points
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use of Hardness or Damage Resistance
Range Increment: -- Weight: 14 pounds (3 tons if the antigravity motor
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 fails)
Magazine: 80 Armor Class: 7
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hardness: 15
Damage: 1d10+2 Bludgeoning (17-20 x2), ignores 5 Hit Points: 55
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 20 pounds (3 tons if the antigravity motor Roll: 35 (15 to smash the antigravity unit and render
fails) the weapon permanently inert and too heavy to lift)
Armor Class: 5 Special: Can only be lifted because of its onboard
Hardness: 15 anti-gravity generator. When the power cell runs out,
Hit Points: 60 the weapon becomes impossible for anyone with a
DC required to break this item with a Strength Strength of less than 50 to move. Allows the wielder
Roll: 35 (15 to smash the antigravity unit and render to use the "Great Cleave" feat without actually having
the weapon permanently inert and too heavy to lift) learned it.
Special: Can only be lifted because of its onboard Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
anti-gravity generator. When the power cell runs out, Description: It's the amazing new Tuff-Axe from
the weapon becomes impossible for anyone with a SlamCo! It gives you the chop that just won't stop!
Strength of less than 50 to move. Based around a core of super-dense collapsed matter,
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) the blade of this axe should be far too heavy for
Description: It's the amazing new "Tuff-Hammur" anyone to lift, so we've equipped it with its own anti-
from SlamCo! It bashes! It smashes! It puts the gravity engine. Light enough to swing, it still loses
whammy on! Based around a core of super-dense none of its colossal mass, which you can pass on to the
collapsed matter, the hammer is far too heavy for any opponent of your choice in the form of Vicious
sentient being to lift, so it comes equipped with its Cleaving Power! Change the antigravity engine's
own anti-gravity engine. Light enough to use, it still batteries every six weeks and get ready to do some
loses none of its colossal mass, which you can pass on brutal things!
to the opponent of your choice in the form of

Special: Can only be lifted because of its onboard
Superheavy Flail anti-gravity generator. When the power cell runs out,
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of the weapon becomes impossible for anyone with a
hand” roll) Strength of less than 50 to move.
Cost: 625 Units Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Description: Are you tired of getting your pick stuck
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee inside some poor mook while you're stealing his stuff?
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Do you hate those revolting messes when you have to
Range Increment: -- work it out by hand? Do your space-pirate friends call
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 you "sticky-pick"? Then it's time to get the amazing
Magazine: 80 new "Tuff-Pick" from SlamCo. It's the pick that won't
Rate of Fire: Once per round stick and that makes 'em say "ick!" Yes, through the
Damage: 1d10+2 Bludgeoning (17-20 x2), ignores 5 miraculous penetrating power of Hyperdense matter,
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance we've created the ultimate in swing-actuated anti-
Weight: 18 pounds (3 tons if the antigravity motor personnel poking implements. You can punch holes
fails) through a starship hull with it and still smash a
Armor Class: 5 tomato! The antigravity engine in the handle makes it
Hardness: 15 possible to lift, so remember to change the batteries
Hit Points: 60 every six weeks to prevent embarrassing mishaps.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 35 (15 to smash the antigravity unit and render
the weapon permanently inert and too heavy to lift) Small Superheavy Pick
Special: Can only be lifted because of its onboard Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
anti-gravity generator. When the power cell runs out, “sleight of hand” roll)
the weapon becomes impossible for anyone with a Cost: 500 Units
Strength of less than 50 to move. Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Required Proficiency: Simple
Description: A giant steel ball at the end of a chain, Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
ready to satisfy all your needs for bashing and hurt. Range Increment: --
The ball is built around a core of hyperdense matter “To Hit” Bonus: +2
and weighs as much as a truck, but thanks to the Magazine: 25
onboard antigravity motor you can swing it like a dead Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
rat You'll be a one-man wrecking crew of violence attacks
with this baby swinging from your fist! Get ready to Damage: 1d4+2 Piercing (17-20 x3), ignores 5 points
bring down the walls and bring on the savage of Hardness or Damage Resistance
beatings! Weight: 4 pounds (3 tons if the antigravity motor
Armor Class: 5
Superheavy Pick Hardness: 15
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Hit Points: 45
hand” roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 850 Units Roll: 30 (15 to smash the antigravity unit and render
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) the weapon permanently inert and too heavy to lift)
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Special: Can only be lifted because of its onboard
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use anti-gravity generator. When the power cell runs out,
Range Increment: -- the weapon becomes impossible for anyone with a
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Strength of less than 50 to move.
Magazine: 55 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Description: If you thought the amazing new Tuff-
attacks Pick was just for space-barbarians and brain-eating
Damage: 1d6+2 Piercing (17-20 x4), ignores 5 points star-vermin, think again! This handy new one-handed
of Hardness or Damage Resistance model can fit under your jacket and yet still packs
Weight: 7 pounds (3 tons if the antigravity motor enough impact to solve all your interpersonal
fails) squabbles. The Hyperdense matter core gives it the
Armor Class: 5 mass of an elephant, while the antigravity module in
Hardness: 15 the handle makes it as easy to swing as a domestic cat.
Hit Points: 50 It's the most fun you can have with just one hand!
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 35 (15 to smash the antigravity unit and render
the weapon permanently inert and too heavy to lift)

Fusion Blades
In most campaigns, fusion blades are rare--the legendary weapons of some mystical order of star knights or other.
They will tend not to be found on the shelf of your local army surplus store or pawn shop, and any price listed here for
one is strictly tentative.

They work by projecting a blade shaped plasma flame, so hot that it is actually undergoing nuclear fusion at its core.
How an energy discharge of this intensity is kept under control is a tightly guarded secret, but there seems to be some
kind of force field containing the flame. There are a number of different types of fusion blade--the technology can be
used to mimic virtually any kind of bladed slashing weapon. Some of the most common variations are listed beneath.

Energy Claws
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 1,200 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use (one set of
claws per hand)
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +5
Magazine: 30
Fusion Sword Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of attacks
hand” roll) Damage: 1d6+3 Fusion (18-20 x2)
Cost: 1,500 Units Weight: 1 pound
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (Often Unavailable) Armor Class: 9
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee (also Hardness: 10 (This applies only to the handle--the
works with any other Fusion melee weapon) blades are not physical objects and cannot be
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use physically attacked)
Range Increment: -- Hit Points: 2
“To Hit” Bonus: +5 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Magazine: 50 Roll: 15
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
attacks Description: A metal framework which fits over your
Damage: 1d8+5 Fusion (17-20 x3) hand. When it is switched on, five blade-shaped
Weight: 1 pound plasma flames flare out of it like claws. The claws can
Armor Class: 13 be used to parry both projectile and energy weapon
Hardness: 7 (This applies only to the haft--the blade attacks. In game terms, this gives you a +3 to your
is not a physical object and cannot be physically Armor Class vs. all ranged attacks, unless you are
attacked) surprised or attacked from behind. Wearing claws on
Hit Points: 3 both hands gives you the ability to strike twice, at the
DC required to break this item with a Strength usual penalties for double-attacks. It does not increase
Roll: 15 your armor class any further.
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: The favorite weapon of mysterious
space-knights everywhere. It looks like a short metal
rod, with a plasma containment nozzle at one end.
When switched on it emits a long, thin, vaguely
sword-shaped plasma flame which makes a distinctive
deep humming sound when swung. This is an
amazingly potent hand-to-hand weapon--one you
won't find one hanging in a rack at a sporting goods
store. For some reason it is actually capable of
parrying energy weapons (don't ask me how) and adds
+3 to the wielder's AC while it is switched on. If the
sword is left on without hitting anything, it burns up
one charge per half hour. Double-Bladed Fusion Sword
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)

Cost: 3,000 Units glaive itself is (in most campaign words) exotic in the
Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (Often Unavailable) extreme. You are unlikely to find a fusion glaive on
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee (also the shelf at Astro-Bob's Lethal Weapons Emporium.
works with any other Fusion melee weapon) The cell fits into a compartment near the center of the
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use pole, just behind one of the hand-grips. It takes a
Range Increment: -- Standard Action to reload.
“To Hit” Bonus: +5
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Plasma-Blade Flingering
attacks Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Damage: 1d10+5 Fusion (17-20 x3) “sleight of hand” roll)
Weight: 2 pounds Cost: 2,000 Units
Armor Class: 9 Tentative Purchase DC: 20
Hardness: 7 (This applies only to the haft--the blades Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Ranged
are not physical objects and cannot be physically Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
attacked) Range Increment: 40 Feet
Hit Points: 3 “To Hit” Bonus: +5
DC required to break this item with a Strength Magazine: 50
Roll: 15 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) attacks
Description: When a fusion sword just isn't cool Damage: 1d4+5 Fusion (17-20/x3)
enough, you need the double-bladed model. It can Weight: 1 pound
parry energy attacks and adds +3 to the wielder's AC Armor Class: 15
while it is switched on. If the sword is left on without Hardness: 7 (This applies only to the central unit--the
hitting anything, it burns up two charges per half hour. blades are not physical objects and cannot be
You can use it as two weapons at once, but will incur physically attacked)
all the usual penalties for double-weapon attacks Hit Points: 3
(unless of course you have the appropriate Feat). DC required to break this item with a Strength
Might be worth it to look this cool, though. Roll: 15
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A flying four-bladed fusion weapon that
Fusion Glaive returns to the caster's hand after striking the target.
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) Equipped with a tiny antigravity motor, it is somehow
Cost: 900 Units keyed to its owner's unique energy signature and
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) knows how to return to them even if they have moved
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee (also while it is in flight. It also knows to shut down its
works with any other Fusion melee weapon) quadruple plasma flames just before it reaches your
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use hand, to prevent embarrassing and painful accidents.
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach For game purposes it isn't really possible to attack
“To Hit” Bonus: +5 the device while it's in flight--it's a ranged attack, not
Magazine: 50 an independent construct. If it were somehow
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has prevented from returning to its owner (if for example
attacks they teleported away) the device would settle gently to
Damage: 1d8+5 Fusion (17-20 x3) the floor and switch itself off.
Weight: 12 pounds Despite the incredibly advanced technology used to
Armor Class: 5 produce this weapon, it runs on an ordinary power
Hardness: 7 (This applies only to the haft--the blade cell, compatible with most other energy weapons. It
is not a physical object and cannot be physically takes a Standard Action to replace an empty cell
Hit Points: 6
DC required to break this item with a Strength Remote Control Double-Bladed Fusion
Roll: 17 Sword
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Description: A short metal pole, tipped with a blazing hand” roll)
fusion "blade". Like all of these exotic fusion hand
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
weapons, it has the ability to parry blasts from energy
usually not for sale.
weapons (don't ask me, ask George Lucas) and adds
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
+3 to the user's armor class. The AC bonus only
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
works against attacks the wielder expects. If
works with any other thought-actuated Remote-
surprised, they gain no bonus. It runs on a standard
Control melee weapon)
power cell, interchangeable with a great many energy Handed: Requires 0 or 1 hand to use
weapons, but the technology required to build the

Range Increment: -- Handbook, page 124).
“To Hit” Bonus: +5 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Magazine: 30 Description: A short black cylinder with glowing,
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has sword-shaped plasma flame blazing out of either end.
attacks It has a built-in antigravity motor and an onboard
Damage: 1d8+5/1d8+5 Fusion (17-20 x2) targeting computer, which allows it to leave the user's
Weight: 3 pounds hand and fight on its own, hovering in mid air as it
Armor Class: 9 (18 in the air) cuts and parries. It attacks at a +5 bonus on its own
Hardness: 10 (This applies only to the haft--the (this includes the Fusion Weapon bonus) The weapon
blades are not physical objects and cannot be cannot move more than ten feet from its user, and can
physically attacked) only fight on its own for thirty rounds in total before
Hit Points: 4 its power cell is exhausted and it falls. The blade
DC required to break this item with a Strength fights completely independantly and doesn't need to be
Roll: 16 (13 to break the antigravity motor) directed by the user. It has the required feat to attack
Special: This weapon has the capacity to fight twice at no penalty.
independently of its wielder. If the wielder uses it as a
hand weapon they suffer the penalties for making two
weapon attacks, as though they were using a One
Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon (see the Player's

Miscellaneous Futuristic Melee Weapons

There are other futuristic melee weapons that don't fit into any of the categories above. Here's a mixed grab-bag, a
jumbled toybox of violence for you, in no particular order. Play nice!

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Thump-Club
“sleight of hand” roll) Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Cost: 200 Units hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 (Often Unavailable) Cost: 300 Units
Required Proficiency: Simple Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Required Proficiency: Simple
Range Increment: -- Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: --
Magazine: 1 (spring-loaded, never runs out of shots “To Hit” Bonus: --
but takes a full action to reset for another blow) Magazine: 1 (spring-loaded, never runs out, but takes
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has a full action to reset for another blow)
attacks, but takes a full action to reset Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (18-20 x3) Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning (19-20 x2)
Weight: 1 pound Weight: 4 pounds
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5 Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 3 Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 Roll: 16
Description: This unpleasant device functions Description: A short, rounded truncheon with a
according to the same principle as a slaughterhouse button on the handle. When the button is pressed, a
bolt-gun. It is a kind of short stabbing spear with a powerful set of springs extends the truncheon to twice
powerful coiled spring inside. When activated, the its normal length. It's impossible to close the
carnifex suddenly doubles in length, plunging into the truncheon up by hand, so a small electric winch pulls
victim's flesh with far more power than human it back into place instead.. It takes a Standard Action
muscles could provide. It takes a standard action to for the truncheon to reload itself. The battery which
pull the spring back into place. The carnifex is used runs the winch holds enough power for 20 reloads
by the medics of fascistic Star Empires to euthanize before it has to be replaced. There are other versions
wounded men on the battlefield, by crazed genetic of this weapon that use a blank pistol cartridge to fire
engineers to get rid of their mistakes and would also the truncheon instead of a spring. They take a full
be handy for administering the coup-de-grace to round to reload, but of course they also have no
anyone you might care to hunt for sport. battery to replace. Apart from this, the two weapons
are identical. You can also use the truncheon as an

ordinary club, although this somehow isn't as their Str Bonus when using this weapon
satisfying. Description: A futuristic sword-cane. It does not take
a standard action to ready this weapon, provided that
you already have the object which conceals it in hand.
Spring-Loaded Wrist Blade Player Characters will usually have to have these
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a specially made, but a few sleazy shops in unsavory
“sleight of hand” roll) corners of the world might carry them. If a player
Cost: 50 Units character wants to have one made, the DM should
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 decide what kind of object could reasonably conceal a
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee blade of this length. A rapier could be reasonably
Handed: Requires 0 hands to use (Wrist-mounted) hidden in an umbrella or a walking stick, and with
Range Increment: -- futuristic metals technology one might telescope out
“To Hit” Bonus: -- from an object the length of a flashlight. With very
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has advanced technology, who knows?
Damage: 1d6 Piercing, (2d6 when first launched)
Makes critical hits with a 17-20 x3 on the first round "King Kobra" Telescoping Metal
of combat, 19-20 x2 after that. Truncheon
Weight: 2 pounds Size: Small when extended (No bonus or penalty to
Armor Class: 13 conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll), Tiny when
Hardness: 10 folded up (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 2 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 50 Units
Roll: 17 Tentative Purchase DC: 10
Special: Does an extra 1d6 of damage on first round Required Proficiency: Simple
of combat, does not need to be readied or drawn. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Description: A spring-loaded concealed blade, worn “To Hit” Bonus: --
around the user's forearm. A simple flick of the wrist Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
and it pops out at tremendous force, doing an extra d6 attacks
damage. Extending the blade is a free action--it takes Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20/x2)
effectively no time to ready this weapon. This model Weight: 2 pounds
is made from advanced materials unavailable in our Armor Class: 8
epoch, and is both stronger and lighter than such a Hardness: 5
weapon would be if it were constructed today. It also Hit Points: 3
holds an edge better and has more powerful springs. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Indeed, the spring is so powerful that it takes a whole Roll: 15
round to gently push the blade back into its hiding Description: A jointed spring-steel truncheon that can
place, so most users will only do the extra damage on be closed up like a telescope. It folds down into a rod
the first round of combat. no longer than your hand and takes effectively no time
to unfold to its full length. Folding it back up takes a
Standard Action. It is extremely flexible and
Concealed Rapier functions almost like a short metal whip in combat.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal the cane with a The chief advantage to this weapon is that it is easy to
“sleight of hand” roll. The blade itself is conceal. Any rolls made to spot it or detect it with a
automatically hidden) Search while it's folded up suffer a -4 penalty. It
Cost: 300 Units doesn't even leave much of a bulge under your shirt.
Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Ceramic Blade
Range Increment: -- Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
“To Hit” Bonus: -- hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Cost: 250 Units
attacks Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (usually illegal)
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (18-20 x2) or 1d6 Bludgeoning Required Proficiency: Simple
if sheathed (20 x2) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weight: 3 pounds Range Increment: --
Armor Class: 9 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 10 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hit Points: 3 attacks
DC required to break this item with a Strength Damage: 1d6 Slashing (19-20 x2)
Roll: 16 Weight: 1 pound
Special: User can apply their Dex Bonus instead of

Armor Class: 9 bayonet. It is invisible to metal detectors and cuts
Hardness: 8 deeper holes in its victims than shorter ceramic blades
Hit Points: 2 (good for those hard-to reach places!) It also makes
DC required to break this item with a Strength law-enforcement personnel get very excited if they
Roll: 16 find you in possession of it.
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 20 Units, weighs 1
Description: A knife made entirely from ceramic Low-End Plastic Sword
materials, it holds an edge almost as well as a metallic Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
blade. It is invisible to metal detectors. It is also hand” roll)
illegal almost everywhere, since its one real use is for Cost: 50 Units
assassinations. Tentative Purchase DC: 6 (often unavailable or
Required Proficiency: Martial
Ceramic Stiletto Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of “To Hit” Bonus: --
hand” roll) Rate of Fire: --
Cost: 250 Units Damage: 1d6 Slashing (20/x2)
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (usually illegal) Weight: 3 pounds
Required Proficiency: Simple Armor Class: 7
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hardness: 3
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown) Hit Points: 4
“To Hit” Bonus: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Roll: 14
attacks Accessories: Scabbard (Costs 15 Units, weighs 1
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (19-20 x2) pound)
Weight: 1 pound Description: A cheap, crummy, low-quality plastic
Armor Class: 13 sword. Made from some sort of futuristic polymer, it
Hardness: 8 holds an edge well enough to cut, won't show up on an
Hit Points: 1 x-ray and leaves no traceable metal residue in the
DC required to break this item with a Strength wound. Yet it isn't so much an assassin's weapon as it
Roll: 14 is the kind of thing you'd see a post-apocalyptic
Description: A slender ceramic dagger made for mutant wielding. It's also popular with prisoners and
stabbing rather than slashing. It comes in a spring- with guys who live like rats in the walls of more
loaded handle. Invisible to metal detectors, it is sure advanced civilizations. A desperately inferior
to arouse instant suspicion in any law-enforcement weapon, it will become uselessly blunt after 2d6 blows
officer who sees it and recognizes it for what it is. For and can't be re-sharpened.
this is the unmistakable calling card of an assassin.

Razor Fan
Ceramic Shortsword Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)
“sleight of hand” roll) Cost: 500 Units
Cost: 500 Units Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal) Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Range Increment: --
Range Increment: -- “To Hit” Bonus: +1
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks
attacks Damage: 1d6 Slashing (18-20 x3)
Damage: 1d8 Slashing (19-20 x2) Weight: 1 pound
Weight: 3 pounds Armor Class: 9
Armor Class: 9 Hardness: 9
Hardness: 8 Hit Points: 2
Hit Points: 5 DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: 14
Roll: 16 Description: An incredibly sharp folded metal fan.
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1 Suitably cruel and decadent for any futuristic Yakuza
pound) assassins on your Christmas gift list.
Description: Extremely determined or thorough
assassins may require the use of this large all-ceramic

Injection Device
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
of hand” roll) Sonic Disrupter Wand
Cost: 50 Units Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 “sleight-of-hand” roll)
Required Proficiency: Simple Cost: 500 Units
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Range Increment: -- Required Proficiency: Simple
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Magazine: 5 Range Increment: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: Varies, according to what kind of substance Magazine: 30
it is loaded with. See description Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 1 pound attacks
Armor Class: 9 Damage: 3d6 Sonic (18-20 x3) to living targets, 1d6
Hardness: 3 (20 x2) to non-living materials or targets with an AC
Hit Points: 1 higher than 19
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 3 pounds
Roll: 10 Armor Class: 7
Accessories: Gas Cartridge (weighs 1/10 pound, costs Hardness: 3
5 units), poisons, caustic chemicals, lethal pathogens, Hit Points: 3
etc. (cost and weight determined by type, at the DM's DC required to break this item with a Strength
discretion) Roll: 13
Description: A gas-powered injection module, about Special: Does not work in vacuum
the size and shape of a pistol, which fires drugs or Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
poison through the victim's skin at close range. This Description: A short-range version of the sonic
model is designed specifically for use on unwilling disrupter gun. With a successful touch attack, it emits
targets and is much tougher and more solidly a vibratory pulse that rips the flesh right off the
constructed than the kind you might see in a doctor's target's bones. It runs on an ordinary power cell that is
office. It injects any of a wide variety of unpleasant compatible with most energy weapons. The wand
substances--equip it with five doses of the poison or takes a Standard Action to reload.
drug of your choice.

Bang Stick
Micro-Injection Device Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)
hand” roll) Cost: 10 Units
Cost: 30 Units Tentative Purchase DC: 3
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (usually illegal) Required Proficiency: Simple
Required Proficiency: Simple Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Range Increment: --
Range Increment: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Rate of Fire: Once per round
Rate of Fire: Once per round Damage: 4d6 Bludgeoning (17-20 x3)
Damage: Varies, according to what kind of substance Weight: 3 pounds
it is loaded with. Armor Class: 7
Weight: 1/10 pound Hardness: 4
Armor Class: 13 Hit Points: 2
Hardness: 2 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 1 Roll: 12
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: The poor man's power rod. A bang stick
Roll: 9 consists of a small shaped-charge explosive at the end
Accessories: Gas Cartridge (weighs 1/10 pound, costs of a stick. It goes off when you poke things with it
5 units), Poisons, caustic chemicals, pathogenic loads, and hopefully does more damage to them than to
etc. (cost and weight determined by type, at the DM's yourself. This is a one-use weapon, and is generally
discretion) made from some disposable material. Primitive
Description: A tiny, one-shot injection device that can models are made with shotgun shells and are largely
easily be concealed in someone's palm. It fires a used to fend off big underwater carnivores (No joke!
soundless gas cartridge that will send a load of toxins As insane as it sounds to try to fight off a hungry shark
or drugs through the victim's skin without leaving a with a shotgun shell on a stick, that’s really what
mark. Load it with whatever foul, noxious substance divers use). More advanced versions become
your twisted heart desires. available in some societies, but they are also popular

with low-tech cultures that lack the capacity to Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal)
manufacture firearms and have to make do with Required Proficiency: Simple
improvised weapons. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Multi-Use Bang Stick Rate of Fire: Once per round
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Damage: 4d6 Piercing (17-20 x3) +3d8 poison (DC
hand” roll) 20 to resist)
Cost: 300 Units Weight: 3 pounds
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 Armor Class: 7
Required Proficiency: Simple Hardness: 4
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use Hit Points: 2
Range Increment: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Roll: 12
Magazine: 3 Description: A yet more vicious variation on bang-
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has stick technology. This one has a neurotoxin packed in
attacks with the flechette load.
Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning (17-20 x3)
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 7 Bang Stick With Boreworm Head
Hardness: 4 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 2 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 150 Units
Roll: 12 Tentative Purchase DC: 11 (usually illegal)
Description: If for some reason an advanced society Required Proficiency: Simple
were to try to develop bang-stick technology further, Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
they might come up with something like this. A long Range Increment: --
molded wand with a streamlined-looking pod at the “To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Armor Only
end, it holds three stacked shape-charges which Rate of Fire: Once per round
detonate one at a time. You can even snap another pod Damage: Special, see description
onto the end once you’re finished with it. Reloading Weight: 3 pounds
takes a standard action. Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 4
Hit Points: 2
Bang Stick With Flechette DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Roll: 12
hand” roll) Description: A bang-stick tipped with a horrible little
Cost: 30 Units drill-bit rocket, which actually burrows into the
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (Often Unavailable) target's flesh, doing 1d6 Piercing damage for 1-6
Required Proficiency: Simple rounds until it runs out of fuel or comes to rest against
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use something too solid for it to dig through. A strictly
Range Increment: -- one-shot weapon, used for thrill-hunting or
“To Hit” Bonus: -- particularly sick murders.
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 4d6 Piercing (17-20 x3)
Weight: 3 pounds Motorized Hook and Chain,
Armor Class: 7 Envenomation Model
Hardness: 4 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 2 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 330 Units
Roll: 12 Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable)
Description: A more advanced bang-stick, packed Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
with needle-sharp flechettes instead of shotgun pellets. works with any other Hook and Chain Weapon)
This one holds only a single charge but it is possible to Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
build them with up to four. Range Increment: Has 15 feet of Reach
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: Energy cell can power the device for 30
Bang Stick With Toxic Flechettes rounds. Poison Reservoir holds 10 doses of venom
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 50 Units Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x2), 3d8 poison (DC 18 to

resist) You control it through a cybernetic glove which you
Weight: 13 pounds wear over your hand. The floating gauntlet, or
Armor Class: 7 "Waldo", will do exactly what your hand does, and it's
Hardness: 5 a great deal stronger. Count it as a Strength 25
Hit Points: 5 construct, which can move through the air at 30 feet
DC required to break this item with a Strength per round. It has “perfect” manueverability in the air
Roll: 17 and can stop on a dime, reverse direction, hover or
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) even move backwards if need be. Like most
Description: This weapon resembles a small constructs, it is immune to pain, fear, mind control,
grappling hook on a chain (it is also available in a illusions, etc.
wide variety of stylized decorative forms, from a You can feel through the waldo, so if for some
dragon's head to a bird's foot to a clutching steel reason you lost sight of it you could continue to use it,
hand). It has a reach of 15 feet but unlike most reach with all the usual penalties for being blind.
weapons it can also attack targets that are directly It can ram targets like a fist for 2d6 Bludgeoning
adjacent to it. Damage. It can also Grapple opponents with its full
You sink the hook into an opponent and then yank 25 points of Strength. If it succeeds, on the next round
on it with an electric winch. You can drag a hooked it can begin to crush them for 1d6 damage per round.
victim toward you at a rate of 5 feet per round if the You rarely sees waldoes used as military weapons but
winch beats the victim at a Strength contest vs. DC 18. they have plenty of applications for crime.
Being dragged does an additional 1d4 damage. The
hook can also release a dose of venom which requries
a Saving Throw vs. DC 18 and will do 3d8 damage to Heavy Construction Waldo
the target if they fail their roll. Size: Waldo itself is Huge (Impossible to conceal), the
This weapon can be used to make trip attacks and if Control Unit is Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal
you accidentally trip yourself you can avoid the effects with a “sleight of hand” roll)
by dropping the weapon. It grants a +2 on any attempt Cost: 1,000 Units
to Disarm a foe with an opposed Attack Roll. The feat Tentative Purchase DC: 18
"Weapon Finesse" will allow you to use your Required Proficiency: Simple
Dexterity Bonus instead of your Strength Bonus with Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
this weapon. Range Increment: --
The winch runs on the same type of power cell “To Hit” Bonus: --
used in most energy weapons and takes a full round to Magazine: 45
replace. The poison reservoir takes two minutes to Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
carefully refill. attacks
Damage: Multiple Types, see description
Weight: 3 pounds (control gauntlet) 50 pounds
Killer Waldo (Waldo Unit)
Cost: 250 Units Armor Class: 3 at rest, 15 when in use
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 Hardness: 10
Required Proficiency: Simple Hit Points: 60
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: -- Roll: 25 (15 to disable the control unit)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Accessories: Cybernetic Control Glove (weighs 1/2
Magazine: 55 pound, costs 300 units to replace, but comes with the
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has waldo for no extra cost, AC 15, Hardness 2, 3 HP),
attacks Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, costs 30 units, fits
Damage: 2d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2) into the Control Glove), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs
Weight: 3 pounds (control gauntlet) 15 pounds 10 units, fits into the main Mobile Waldo Unit), Fuel
(Waldo Unit) Canister for welding torch (weighs 1 pound, costs 10
Armor Class: 3 at rest, 15 when in use Units to replace, although the unit is sold with a full
Hardness: 10 canister in place)
Hit Points: 30 Description: A heavy-construction waldo. It's a large
DC required to break this item with a Strength construct which you control through a cybernetic
Roll: 22 (15 to disable the control unit) glove. Its effective Strength is 25 and it can move
Accessories: Cybernetic Control Glove (weighs 1/2 through the air at 30 feet per round. It has “perfect”
pound, costs 300 Units to replace, but comes with the manueverability in the air, and can reverse direction,
waldo for no extra cost, AC 15, Hardness 2, 3 HP), hover, move straight up, move backwards, etc. It is
Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, costs 30 units, fits immune to pain, fear, mind control, illusions, and any
into the Control Glove), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs other mind-affecting technique. Unlike many waldoes,
10 units, fits into the main Mobile Waldo Unit) this one doesn't look much like a hand.
Description: A large metal gauntlet, equipped with an It comes equipped with a number of tools that can
antigravity module that allows it to float in mid-air. be used as weapons. It has a cutting torch which does

2d6 flame damage at Close range, a drill which does Damage: Multiple types, see description
1d6 Piercing Damage (19-20 x3) and ignores up to 10 Weight: 6 pounds
points of Hardness and a rotary blade which does 1d8 Armor Class: 5
Slashing damage (20 x2) and ignores up to 3 points of Hardness: 10
Hardness. It can also Grapple opponents with a set of Hit Points: 5
Strength 25 steel pincers, and does 1d4 damage per DC required to break this item with a Strength
round to the target while they are grappled. It can also Roll: 17 (15 to disable the control unit)
ram targets for 2d4 Bludgeoning Damage. Special: This weapon has ten feet of reach, but unlike
most weapons with reach, it can also hit targets which
are closer.
Grabber Arm Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units,
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of fits into the main Mobile Waldo Unit), Fuel Canister
hand” roll) for welding torch (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 5 Units to
Cost: 350 Units replace, although the unit is sold with a full canister in
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 place)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee Description: A construction and repair tool, designed
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use for welding and electrical work in hard-to reach
Range Increment: Has 15 feet of Reach places. You frequently see devices like this on
“To Hit” Bonus: -- starships or submarines--anywhere with a lot of
Magazine: 60 confined spaces and tightly packed conduits.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has The device fits over your hand. It has a long
attacks jointed metallic tentacle which can reach around
Damage: Multiple types, see description corners and fit into any space wider than three
Weight: 5 pounds centimeters in diameter. The tentacle has a welding
Armor Class: 5 torch (2d6 flame damage) a gripping tool and a cutting
Hardness: 15 tool (1d6 slashing damage, 20 x2) mounted on the
Hit Points: 10 end, as well as a tiny camera which you can use to see
DC required to break this item with a Strength into tight spaces.
Roll: 18 (15 to disable the control unit) The tentacle has a Strength of 20 for the purpose of
Special: This weapon has fifteen feet of reach, but Grappling Attacks but won't let you lift or carry heavy
unlike most weapons with reach, it can also hit targets objects (it's connected to your arm, which would still
at close range. have to bear the actual weight). If you have a target
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) grappled, you can use the cutting tool or the welding
Description: A modified construction tool, used for torch on them without having to roll to hit. You can
collecting and handling dangerous animals. A metal use the tentacle to make Trip Attacks, but if you get
bracelet covers the user's entire forearm and serves as tripped yourself you won't be able to drop it in time to
the housing for a jointed metal tentacle with a three- avoid falling down. It takes a standard action to put
pronged gripping mechanism at the end. It responds the device on or take it off.
to the wearer's thought-commands through the nerve For simplicity's sake we will assume that each
impulses in their wrist. The tentacle can strike the attack you make with the device, of whatever type,
opponent for 1d6+3 damage or make a grappling takes one charge per round, as does using the welding
attack at up to a ten-foot range, without exposing the torch to weld something. The device runs on the same
wielder to Attacks of Opportunity Once the target has kind of power cell as most energy weapons from its
been grappled, the tentacle can constrict them for 1d4 period. It takes a Standard Action to load a new cell.
damage per round, or unleash an electrical attack for
3d6 Nonlethal Damage. It takes a standard action to
switch out the unit's power cell, if it runs out of
electricity during a fight.

Repair Kit Waldo

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 150 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 11
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: Has 15 feet of Reach
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 65
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 75
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: Multiple Types, See description
Weight: 4 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 8
Hit Points: 6
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Fuel Canister for welding torch (weighs 1/2 pound,
costs 5 Units to replace, although the unit is sold with
Razor Tentacles a full canister of fuel)
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Description: Technically an all-purpose repair tool,
hand” roll) this device is easy to use as a weapon. A large metal
Cost: 600 Units gauntlet with a number of built-in retractable tools, it
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (often illegal) has a set of jeweler's picks (+3 to any fine
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee manipulation skills, including Lockpicking), a welding
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use torch (2d6 heat damage, no range, melee combat
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach only), a small vibroblade cutting tool (1d4+2 Slashing
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 damage, makes critical hits on an 18-20 for x2 damage
Magazine: 60 and ignores up to 6 points of Hardness) and a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has drill/screwdriver/socket wrench (the drill does 1d6
attacks Piercing damage, makes critical hits on a 19-20 for x3
Damage: 4d4 Slashing (17-20 x2) damage and ignores up to 8 points of Hardness).
Weight: 4 pounds It also has a snakelike camera probe which can
Armor Class: 7 wind its way up to eight feet inside a space as narrow
Hardness: 10 as four millimeters, with a tiny camera mounted on the
Hit Points: 5 end (the display pops up on the back of the glove and
DC required to break this item with a Strength can also be fed to a detachable eyepiece).
Roll: 18 (15 to disable the control unit) For simplicity's sake, assume that each use of a
Special: This weapon has ten feet of reach but unlike weapon function costs one charge and that non-
most weapons with reach it can also hit targets which weapon functions cost nothing.
are closer. The gauntlet itself has a Strength of 19, but it can’t
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) be used to lift heavy objects or to add bonuses to any
Description: A modified surgical tool, used for work skill that can't be performed with one hand. Replacing
on huge creatures whose internal organs are difficult the power cell is an involved process and takes a full
to reach. round.
A metal bracelet covers the user's forearm and
serves as the housing for six metal tentacles, each
tipped with a different type of razor-sharp scalpel. Crusher Gauntlet
When activated, the tentacles come snaking out of the Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
wrist housing and begin to cut and carve the target. hand” roll)
The tentacles are controlled by delicate hand gestures, Cost: 495 Units
so the user can't do anything else with that hand while Tentative Purchase DC: 15
the device is attacking. Nor can they attack more than Required Proficiency: Simple
one target at the same time. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use (but the wielder can
This weapon runs on a standard energy cell, still use the occupied hand normally when they aren’t
attached to the outside of the bracelet with a clip. It making attacks)
takes a Standard Action to replace. Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 25
Workman's Helper Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of attacks
hand” roll) Damage: 2d6+3 Bludgeoning (20 x2)
Cost: 490 Units Weight: 5 pounds
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Armor Class: 9

Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength Pincer Pike
Roll: 19 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Cost: 520 Units
Description: An oversized metal gauntlet, equipped Tentative Purchase DC: 16
with powerful servo-motors which greatly enhance the Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
strength of the wearer's grip. It has an effective Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Strength of 25 for the purposes of crushing or hanging Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach
onto objects, but otherwise gives the wearer no special “To Hit” Bonus: --
strength bonuses. It will not help them lift objects or Magazine: 40
swing weapons harder. It can however be used to Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
strike an opponent with an open-handed, crushing, attacks
raking blow, squeezing and ripping at them for 2d6+3 Damage: See description
Bludgeoning damage. This does not require a Weight: 17 pounds
successful Grapple—it’s just a particularly messy Armor Class: 5
melee attack. Hardness: 10
The gauntlet's power cell is attached to the wrist by Hit Points: 5
a clip. It takes a Standard Action to replace. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Pincer Gauntlet Special: Can’t attack anything that is less than 10 feet
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of away.
hand” roll) Description: A long cruel set of pincers at the end of
Cost: 480 Units a pole. They allow you to make Grapple Attacks (See
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 the Players' Handbook, page 137) at range without
Required Proficiency: Simple exposing yourself to Attacks of Opportunity. Once
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use the target has been grappled, you can play a number of
Range Increment: -- ugly tricks on them. You can make a "Trip" attack
“To Hit” Bonus: -- against them without having to roll to hit them or risk
Magazine: 55 being tripped yourself. You can unleash a low-
Rate of Fire: Once per round amperage electrical charge, doing 3d6 nonlethal
Damage: See description damage, or if you're really feeling mischievous, you
Weight: 6 pounds can extend the needle sharp spring-loaded spike
Armor Class: 7 hidden between the pincers and spear them for 2d4
Hardness: 10 piercing damage, without having to roll to hit. The
Hit Points: 7 device is controlled by a set of buttons on the handle.
DC required to break this item with a Strength They are marked with pictograms, and virtually
Roll: 17 anyone can figure out how to use them at a glance.
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A large pair of mechanical pincers
which fit over your hand and forearm like a glove. It Blood Hook
looks a little like a big steel lobster claw. An Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
industrial tool used for precision cutting and for Cost: 650 Units
handling dangerous materials, it has a Strength of 25, Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
but can't be used to lift heavy objects or swing melee Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
weapons. It only enhances the strength of your hand, Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
not your arm or back, so it will only give you a bonus Range Increment: Has 15 feet of Reach
on tasks like grappling, breaking an object with your “To Hit” Bonus: --
hand, hanging on to things, etc. Magazine: 80
This is not a subtle tool. You cannot use the Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
pincers to perform any task or skill that requires fine attacks
manipulation (DM's call as to which skills do and Damage: See description
don't qualify). Weight: 13 pounds
The pincers themselves do 2d6 Bludgeoning Armor Class: 5
damage (20 x2). Once you have hit the target with the Hardness: 8
pincers, you can keep squeezing them for an Hit Points: 3
additional 2d6 damage per round without having to DC required to break this item with a Strength
roll to hit them again. If you scored a critical hit, it Roll: 13
only applies to the first round—don’t keep rolling Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
double damage. Escaping the pincers requires a Jug (weighs 1/10 pound empty, costs 5 units, could be
Strength roll vs. DC 25. replaced in a pinch with an improvised jug for even

less money) Cost: 550 Units
Description: A fiendish metal hook mounted at the Tentative Purchase DC: 16
end of a pole. A tube emerges from the pole about Required Proficiency: Simple
halfway down its length, and connects to a large Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
empty plastic jug at the weapon's base. The function Range Increment: --
of the tube and the jug remain mercifully unclear, until “To Hit” Bonus: --
you see the weapon in use. Magazine: 45
The hooked staff allows its wielder to make a Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
grapple attack at range (See the Players' Handbook, attacks
page 137), without being subject to Attacks of Damage: 2d8 Cold
Opportunity. One the target has the hook around their Weight: 2 pounds
neck or torso, a horrible little hollow drill comes out Armor Class: 7
of the pole, bores a small but painful hole in their flesh Hardness: 3
and begin to suck out their juices (1d8 damage per Hit Points: 3
round). The blood and fluids go (you guessed it!) DC required to break this item with a Strength
down the tube and into the plastic jug. It takes a Roll: 14
standard action to kink off the valve and replace the Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
jug with a new one. This also allows the victim to add Description: A metal rod, about at thick as a
a +3 bonus to fight their way free of the hook on that flashlight, a little over two feet long. There is an
round. ominous looking hole at one end, rimed with frost.
There could be revolting alien invaders who use This peculiar weapon uses an induced molecular stasis
this weapon, but alas, it's even more likely to turn up field to suck all the warmth right out of the target. If it
in the hands of cellar-dwelling deviants. is held against a non-living object it temporarily
reduces the object's hardness by one point per round.
This effect lasts for 2d10 rounds.
Portable Heavy Drill
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 700 Units Coagulator
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee hand” roll)
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Cost: 600 Units
Range Increment: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable,
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 often illegal)
Magazine: 70 Required Proficiency: Simple
Rate of Fire: Once per round Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Damage: 2d10+3 Piercing (18-20 x3), Ignores up to Range Increment: --
10 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance “To Hit” Bonus: --
Weight: 15 pounds Magazine: 30
Armor Class: 5 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hardness: 10 attacks
Hit Points: 10 Damage: 2d10 Special (18-20 x3) Does not work on
DC required to break this item with a Strength non-living targets
Roll: 16 Weight: 2 pounds
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Armor Class: 7
Description: A large, powerful but surprisingly Hardness: 5
lightweight tungsten-carbide drill. It has much greater Hit Points: 2
torque and yet weighs considerably less than an early DC required to break this item with a Strength
21st century model. No longer just for freaks in Roll: 15
hockey masks, this is light and maneuverable enough Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
for anyone to use as a weapon. You usually see these Description: A narrow, transparent plastic wand,
mounted on killer robots in gladiatorial arenas. They about the length of a man's arm, filled with electrical
also turn up at the occasional slumber party massacre. components. It uses ion-bonding induction to
Some battlesuits may have them built in as well. If the scramble the target's innards, reducing their organs to
drill has been designed as a weapon, then it will take a substance resembling bloody cottage cheese.
only a standard action to load a new power cell. If it's Coagulators are feared and despised by most civilized
just a construction tool gone bad, then it takes a full cultures because of the hideous cruelty of the damage
round to reload. they inflict. They are completely ineffective against
robots, or indeed any non-living target. Silicon based
life may also be immune to the effects of a
Freeze Wand Coagulator, at the DM’s discretion.
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight-of-hand” roll)

Brain-Scrambler Rod Weight: 3 pounds
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Armor Class: 7
“sleight of hand” roll) Hardness: 3
Cost: 700 Units Hit Points: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually illegal) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Simple Roll: 14
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Special: Affects only living tissue.
Range Increment: -- Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: This weapon vaporizes flesh into a
Magazine: 30 greasy, evil-smelling mist, but leaves non-living
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has material undamaged. It can be set to only affect the
attacks tissue of a particular species, and for this reason is a
Damage: Special, see description popular weapon with the guards of alien prison camps.
Weight: 2 pounds It can recognize hundreds of different tissue types, but
Armor Class: 7 can only be set to recognize species that its makers
Hardness: 3 were familiar with. The rod itself isn't durable enough
Hit Points: 2 to damage anything if it's used as a club.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Poison Glove
Description: A squat, rounded metal rod, about the Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
length of a heavy flashlight. A wicked looking prong hand” roll)
sticks out of one end. Anyone struck by the prong Cost: 525 Units
receives a jolt of microwaves, patterned so as to Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal)
disrupt higher cerebral functions. If the victim fails a Required Proficiency: Simple
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20, they lose 3d6 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use, but the hand can still
Intelligence. A character with animal-like intelligence perform certain tasks while wearing the glove.
(3 or lower) can still recognize their friends and will Range Increment: --
still follow them around to keep from feeling anxious “To Hit” Bonus: --
and alone. They cannot speak or use tools in this Magazine: 10
condition. The effects of the Brain-Scrambler rod are Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
permanent. Only sophisticated medical treatment will attacks
help the afflicted character and then only at the DM’s Damage: Special--see description
discretion. Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 0
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Special: Make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or take 3d8
Description: A thin black glove which exudes tiny
droplets of a potent nerve-toxin through hundreds of
microscopic pores. It doesn't look wet when it's
coated with venom, although it does feel sticky to the
touch (or at least we assume it does--no one who has
touched it is available for comment). The glove can
also produce a dose of an agent that neutralizes the
Protoplasmic Disruptor Wand toxin, rendering it safe to handle. If for some reason
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a you were to leave the glove in its toxic mode without
“sleight-of-hand” roll) using the counteragent, the poison would last about a
Cost: 900 Units day in the shade, or about six hours in bright sunlight.
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Extruding the poison counts as a free action, as does
Required Proficiency: Simple neutralizing it. The neutralizing agent will do nothing
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use at all to help someone who has already been poisoned.
Range Increment: -- The toxin is stored in a small polymer bag just below
“To Hit” Bonus: -- the wrist. It takes a full round of very careful work to
Magazine: 50 replace. It goes without saying that this device is
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has illegal just about everywhere.
Damage: 3d12 (18-20 x3) Weird Energy, only affects
living tissue

Poison Glove, Undetectable precision. A craftsman's tool, it is used for a number
Size: Effectively Fine, with an extra concealment of media that are difficult to cut with conventional
bonus (total +14 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of blades.
hand” roll) This is the portable model, which can also be used
Cost: 560 Units as a weapon. It looks like a short wand, with a round
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal) plate at one end. When it is switched on, a thin
Required Proficiency: Simple transparent stream of water runs through the air up one
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use, but the hand can still side of the wand, and vanishes into the wide cap at the
perform most tasks while wearing the glove. end. The blade doesn't have a point, for obvious
Range Increment: -- reasons, but it is exceptionally good at cutting through
“To Hit” Bonus: -- soft elastic materials like flesh.
Magazine: 5 It produces very little spray, even when it comes
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has directly in contact with the target and wastes little of
attacks the water from its reservoir. The fluid reservoir only
Damage: Target must make a Fortitude Save vs. DC needs to be refilled every 100 rounds of combat. It
20 or take 5d6 Damage from poison has to be refilled with distilled water of exceptional
Weight: Negligible purity. Anything less pure and there is a 15% chance
Armor Class: 9 every time the device is switched on that it will do
Hardness: 0 itself one hit point of damage from debris flying
Hit Points: 1 through its delicate mechanism at high speed.
DC required to break this item with a Strength The water blade runs on the same kind of power
Roll: 10 cell as most energy weapons from the same period (it's
Description: If your friends think a joy buzzer is a the DM's call as to which other devices the power cell
mean prank then just wait til they get a load of this will or won't work with) It takes a standard action to
one! A skintight, transparent glove--it looks like skin, reload a spent energy cell. Refilling the fluid reservoir
it feels like skin but it's acually a superfine polymer is a much more involved task, and takes a full round of
that's too thin to see with the naked eye. The outside uninterrupted effort.
is coated with a microscopic layer of a poison so toxic
that it's illegal to even publish its name! Ideal for
those moments when you need a little extra discretion, Liquid Sword
this baby won't show up on most scanners, and after Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
you're done using it, you can wad it up and throw it hand” roll)
away. Just be careful not to put it on inside out by Cost: 750 Units
mistake! Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Water Blade Range Increment: --
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a “To Hit” Bonus: --
“sleight of hand” roll) Magazine: 50
Cost: 500 Units Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) attacks
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Damage: 1d8 Slashing (19-20 x2)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Weight: 4 pounds
Range Increment: -- Armor Class: 7
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hardness: 7
Magazine: 45 Hit Points: 3
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has DC required to break this item with a Strength
attacks Roll: 12
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2) Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Weight: 2 pounds Spare Fluid Reservoir (1/2 pound, costs 25 units),
Armor Class: 9 Scabbard (has to be specially made, weighs 1/2 pound,
Hardness: 7 costs 200 units)
Hit Points: 2 Description: A few cultures have discovered how
DC required to break this item with a Strength effective water blades are as hand weapons, and have
Roll: 12 adapted the design to make full-length swords.
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), This one is about the length of a longsword. It has
Spare Fluid Reservoir (1/2 pound, costs 25 units), no point, does only slashing damage and cannot be
Scabbard (has to be specially made, weighs 1/2 pound, used with the feat "Cleave."
costs 150 units) The blade runs on the same kind of power cell as
Description: An odd variation on motorized cutting most energy weapons from the same period (it's the
blade technology, it uses a thin jet of ultra-high DM's call as to which devices are compatible). It takes
pressure water to cut through material with great a standard action to reload.

The fluid reservoir needs to be refilled once every Weight: 15 pounds
100 rounds of combat. Refilling the reservoir takes a Armor Class: 7
full round. It requires distilled water of exceptional Hardness: 15
purity, or it will begin to malfunction. If the sword is Hit Points: 30
filled with impure water, there is a 15% chance every DC required to break this item with a Strength
time it is switched on that it will take one hit point of Roll: 20
damage as tiny bits of debris score its nozzles and jam Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
its gaskets. Special: This device has a number of built-in weapons
systems. One end of the rod acts as a Power Lance. In
this mode it drains 1 charge per use and does 2d6
Bludgeoning damage (20 x2). The Power Lance can
also be set to act as a short-range blaster. In blaster
mode it drains 2 charges per shot and does 3d10
Piercing damage (20 x2) with a range increment of 10
feet. The other end of the rod is tipped with large,
strangely shaped vibronic blade. The blade counts as
a +1 weapon. It does 1d10+2 Slashing Damage,
ignores up to five points of Hardness, and drains two
charges with each blow. If the wielder touches the
target with the flat of the blade, it functions as an
Agonizer, draining 1 charge and doing 3d8 nonlethal
damage. The pain it causes is so intense that the target
Rod of the Lawgiver
must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
be Stunned for one round.
hand” roll)
Description: No cruel Galactic Empire's ultimate
Cost: 2,000 Units
judicial authority would be complete without this
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (Often Unavailable)
handy item. Ideal for dispensing on-the-spot field
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
justice, it’s cruel and unusual enough for any
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
connoisseur. Despite its exalted nature, the weapon
Range Increment: --
runs on standard power cells, like any lowly prole’s
“To Hit” Bonus: +2
blaster pistol. It takes a standard action to reload a
Magazine: 50
spent cell (although we wouldn’t really know--this
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
function is generally performed by the servants).
Damage: Varies. See below for details.

Futuristic Throwing Weapons

Perhaps the oldest human combat technique is to throw stuff at the opponent. This seems to predate our actual
humanity by at least a few million years. So in tribute to all those countless glorious millennia of throwing stuff at
things, I provide you here with a wide assortment of weapons meant to be hucked, chucked, flung and hurled at your
enemies. Let us hope the next few million years will be as fruitful for throwing stuff at things as the last few were. So
far the signs look good!

A Note About Grenades: You won’t find them here. What list of stuff to throw at things would be complete without
grenades, you ask? I know, I know—my apologies. It made sense to list them together with grenade launchers, so
they’re actually down in the chapter on projectile weapons. If you hanker for grenades, just head down to section **.
They have what you need.

Throwing Disks and Shuriken

Advanced Materials Throwing Disk Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
“sleight-of-hand” roll) Range Increment: 20 feet
Cost: 10 Units “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Tentative Purchase DC: 3 Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,

but you can launch as many of them as you have Roll: 16
attacks Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit, this weapon will
Damage: 1d6 Slashing (20 x2) sever the target's head from their body. This does not
Weight: 1 pound work on creatures that do not have heads, and at the
Armor Class: 9 DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no
Hardness: 10 particular ill effect from having their heads cut off
Hit Points: 3 (robots, for example, or zombies).
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: A round "chakram" throwing disk,
Roll: 19 edged with monofilament wire no thicker than a single
Description: A sharp round throwing disk, sometimes molecule. It is much sharper than any previous such
called a "chakram", about the size of a dinner plate. weapons. It’s also much easier to accidentally cut your
This one is made from an advanced alloy that is fingers off with while throwing it. Frisbee, anyone?
lighter, less air resistant and easier to throw than
anything available in our own epoch. It also holds an
edge better and is usually kept as sharp as a scalpel.

Blunt Advanced Materials Throwing Disk

Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight-of-hand” roll)
Cost: 10 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 3
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
but you can launch as many of them as you have
Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2)
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 3 Vibro-Disk
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Roll: 19 “sleight-of-hand” roll)
Description: A blunt throwing disk made from Cost: 15 Units
strange new synthetic materials which have drastically Tentative Purchase DC: 4
improved its performance. It is more aerodynamic Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
than the best 21st century frisbee, depite its much Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
greater weight. This is not an edged weapon. It Range Increment: 20 feet
clobbers the target rather than cutting them. “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 20
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Hypersharp Throwing Disk but you can launch as many of them as you have
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a attacks
“sleight-of-hand” roll) Damage: 1d461 Slashing (18-20 x2)
Cost: 15 Units Weight: 1 pound
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 Armor Class: 9
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Hardness: 10
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hit Points: 2
Range Increment: 20 feet DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Roll: 15
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Special: Ignores 9 points of Hardness or Damage
but you can launch as many of them as you have Resistance
attacks Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
Damage: 1d6+2 Slashing (17-20 x3) costs 30 units, oddly shaped, not compatible with
Weight: 1 pound anything but powered throwing disk weapons)
Armor Class: 9 Description: A perfectly round vibroblade, which can
Hardness: 10 be flung at a target like a frisbee. It is considerably
Hit Points: 2 safer to use than a hypersharp disk, since the
DC required to break this item with a Strength vibroblade is set to switch on after the disk leaves your

hand. It switches off once the disk stops moving, so has a correspondingly greater range.These are made in
that it doesn't lie on the floor wasting power. The one a number of shapes, from traditional "stars" to the
real drawback to this weapon is that it's awfully kinds of knives you might see a circus knife-thrower
expensive to waste on throwing at people. It uses a use.
special flat, round power cell which isn't compatable
with any other weapon and takes a Standard Action to
replace. Hypersharp Shuriken
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
hand” roll)
Exploding Throwing Disk Cost: 15 Units
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a Tentative Purchase DC: 4
“sleight-of-hand” roll) Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Cost: 50 Units Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 Range Increment: 25 feet
Required Proficiency: Simple “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Range Increment: 20 feet but you can launch as many of them as you have
“To Hit” Bonus: -- attacks
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Damage: 1d4+1 Piercing (17-20 x3)
but you can launch as many of them as you have Weight: 1/10 pound
attacks Armor Class: 13
Damage: 3d6 Slashing (20 x2) to everything in a 5 Hardness: 5
foot radius (the target takes an additional 1d6 piercing Hit Points: 1
damage) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 1 pound Roll: 12
Armor Class: 9 Description: This throwing blade has been edged with
Hardness: 5 a one-molecule thick wire, making it far sharper than
Hit Points: 2 any conventional blade. Don't reach into your ninja-
DC required to break this item with a Strength bag for this one without looking!
Roll: 14
Description: A kind of long-range hand-grenade,
shaped like a discus or a frisbee. It can fly a good deal
further than an ordinary grenade. The disk is made
entirely of lightweight synthetic materials, with a
shaped-explosive charge curled up in the center,
carefully placed so as not to throw the disk off balance
while it's in flight.

Advanced Materials Shuriken

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
hand” roll)
Cost: 10 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 3
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 25 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
but you can launch as many of them as you have
attacks Force Projection Shuriken
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3)
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
Weight: 1/10 pound
hand” roll)
Armor Class: 13
Cost: 45 Units
Hardness: 10 Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Hit Points: 2
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Roll: 15
Range Increment: 25 feet
Description: A throwing blade made from either
“To Hit” Bonus: +4
metal alloys or plastics which have drastically
Magazine: 15
improved its performance. It is lighter, sharper and
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
more aerodynamic than the best steel shuriken, and

but you can launch as many of them as you have
Damage: 1d4+2 Piercing (18-20 x2) Shuriken With Poison Delivery System
Weight: 1/10 pound Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Armor Class: 13 hand” roll)
Hardness: 5 Cost: 20 Units
Hit Points: 1 Tentative Purchase DC: 4 (usually illegal)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Roll: 12 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs Range Increment: 25 feet
30 units) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: A tiny round metal disk. When you Magazine: 5
throw it at the target, six force-field blades flicker to Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
life all around the weapon. Please note that the blades but you can launch as many of them as you have
only switch on after the shuriken has left your hand, attacks
which spares you the trouble of having to pick your Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x2), 2d8 Poison (Save vs.
fingers up off the ground after you've thrown it (which DC 20)
would of course be particularly difficult if you had no Weight: 1/10 pound
fingers left to pick them up with). The device runs on Armor Class: 13
a small circular power-cell which takes a full round to Hardness: 4
replace and isn't compatible with any other energy Hit Points: 1
weapons. It can be used for a total of fifty throws DC required to break this item with a Strength
before the power cell runs out of energy. Roll: 12
Description: A shuriken with a tiny built in poison-
injection system. It can be reused, but takes two
Variable Metal Shuriken rounds to painstakingly reload with poison. The toxin
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- listed here is really just meant as an example. People
hand” roll) have filled these things with every noxious substance
Cost: 1,500 Units (if you can even find one--in most you can imagine--and some you wouldn't care to.
places, this is at least the equivalent of a minor
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (not usually possible to Shuriken, Exploding
buy) Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also hand” roll)
works with any other Variable Metal weapon) Cost: 55 Units
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Range Increment: 20 feet Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Range Increment: 25 feet
but you can launch as many of them as you have “To Hit” Bonus: --
attacks Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Damage: 1d4+3 Piercing (17-20 x3) or 2d10 but you can launch as many of them as you have
Nonlethal Damage attacks
Weight: 1/10 pound Damage: 3d4 Piercing to everything in a 5 foot radius
Armor Class: 13 (the target takes an additional 1d4 piercing damage)
Hardness: 15 Weight: 1/10 pound
Hit Points: 1 Armor Class: 13
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 4
Roll: 30 Hit Points: 1
Special: Ignores armor, ignores Hardness. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: A shuriken made from some weird alien Roll: 10
metal which glitters and shimmers with hundreds of Special: Anyone who is injured only by the explosion
nameless colors. You can adjust its atomic density, so can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take
that it will pass harmlessly through solid matter. It half damage (this does not help the actual target of the
can partially or completely materialize inside a target, attack)
just as you require. This allows it to strike objects on Description: When this shuriken strikes home it
the far sides of walls, and to ignore armor. It can do explodes, doing damage to both the target and anyone
either normal or nonlethal damage, depending on how in a five-foot radius. This is not entirely consistent
fully it materializes while passing through the target. with the idea of a shuriken being a silent, stealthy
This is a thought-sensitive device. You don't need to weapon--frankly if you're going to make this much
press any buttons or verbally instruct it on how to noise, why not just use a gun? Yet nonetheless, the
attack the target--it will follow your mental cues. market for these items continues to flourish.

gizmo makes robots sentient in your campaign world).
It does normal shuriken damage to living targets and
Exploding Shuriken With Fragmentation may or may not have some kind of catastrophic effect
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of on non-sentient machines at the DM's discretion.
hand” roll)
Cost: 55 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 Ceramic Throwing Blade
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use hand” roll)
Range Increment: 25 feet Cost: 50 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal)
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
but you can launch as many of them as you have Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
attacks Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown)
Damage: 3d6 Piercing to everything in a 5 foot radius “To Hit” Bonus: --
(the target takes an additional 1d4 piercing damage) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 1/10 pound attacks
Armor Class: 13 Damage: 1d4 Slashing (20 x2)
Hardness: 4 Weight: 1 pound
Hit Points: 1 Armor Class: 13
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 8
Roll: 10 Hit Points: 2
Special: Anyone who is injured only by the shrapnel DC required to break this item with a Strength
can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take Roll: 14
half damage (this does not help the actual target of the Accessories: Scabbard (costs 30 Units, weighs 1
attack) pound)
Description: An exploding shuriken which has been Description: A ceramic throwing blade, designed to
carefully pre-stressed so as to break apart into dozens pass invisibly through metal detectors. There could be
of deadly sharp fragments when it goes off. Rather many variations on this basic design--shuriken,
louder than a silent asassin's weapon should be, it chakrams, whatever kind of throwing blade a
nonetheless remains quite popular with afficianados of particular assassin favors.

Ceramic Throwing Hatchet

Polarizing Anti-Robot Shuriken Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- “sleight of hand” roll)
hand” roll) Cost: 45 Units
Cost: 30 Units Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (often illegal)
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 Required Proficiency: Simple
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown
Range Increment: 25 feet “To Hit” Bonus: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Robots Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, attacks
but you can launch as many of them as you have Damage: 1d4 Slashing (20/x2)
attacks Weight: 2 pounds
Damage: 1d4 piercing (20 x2) +1d4 Electrical Armor Class: 9
damage to living targets. 1d4 Piercing (17-20 x3) Hardness: 5
+5d8 Electrical Damage to robots Hit Points: 2
Weight: 1/10 pound DC required to break this item with a Strength
Armor Class: 13 Roll: 17
Hardness: 4 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Hit Points: 1 Description: A hypersharp tomahawk, edged with a
DC required to break this item with a Strength monofilament wire no thicker than a single molecule,
Roll: 12 hundreds of times sharper than a scalpel. The main
Special: Does an additional 5d8 to robots and other body of the weapon is made of plastic with a ceramic-
sentient machines. composite head. It is almost impossible to detect and
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, won't show up on x-ray photos. Weighted for
costs 30 units) throwing, it can be used just as effectively in melee
Description: This shuriken contains an combat. This weapon is the sure mark of a
electromagnetic pulse device designed specifically to professional killer-and a highly specialized one at that.
disrupt a robot's positronic brain (or whatever special If you see someone carrying this item, leave the

vicinity or ready a weapon of your own.

Futuristic Bolas
An entangling/bludgeoning weapon from South America, bolas are great for capturing and subduing targets from
horseback. Amazingly effective at bringing down fleeing bipeds, they may actually have been invented for use on
large flightless birds. They also work just dandy on people you dislike.

We have included all kinds of strange high-tech variations for herding bizarre alien livestock (or wreaking havoc on
your enemies). No space-gaucho should leave home without a set.

Advanced Materials Bolas synthetic material that's stronger than a steel cable and
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a has the lowest possible air resistance. It flies farther
“sleight of hand” roll) and hits harder than any bolas before it.
Cost: 50 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also Exploding Bolas
works with any other Bolas) Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use “sleight-of-hand” roll)
Range Increment: 50 feet Cost: 150 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 11
Rate of Fire: Once per round Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
Damage: Special, see description works with any other Bolas)
Weight: 2 pounds Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Armor Class: 9 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Range Increment: 50 feet
weapons) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 1 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Hit Points: 2 Damage: Special, see description
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 2 pounds
Roll: 30 (18 if you aren't entangled in them) Armor Class: 9 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Special: Make a ranged touch attack, ignoring armor. weapons)
With a successful hit the target is entangled in the Hardness: 1
bolas. If this attack would have hit them anyway, Hit Points: 2
even with their armor and/or natural toughness, they DC required to break this item with a Strength
also take 1d8 Bludgeoning damage from the weighted Roll: 30 (18 if you aren't entangled in them)
ends. Special: Make a ranged touch attack, ignoring armor.
The entangled character must make a Reflexes With a successful hit the target is entangled in the
Saving Throw or be flung to the ground. Whether or bolas. If this attack would have hit them anyway,
not they make their saving throw an entangled even with their armor and/or natural toughness, they
character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, has their also take 1d8 Bludgeoning damage from the weighted
Dexterity effectively reduced by 4, and moves at half ends. The entangled character must make a Reflexes
speed. To free themselves, they must take a full action Saving Throw or be flung to the ground. And then the
and make either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip bolas explode, doing 5d6 bludgeoning damage to
their way loose by making a Strength check vs. DC everyone in a five-foot radius. Anyone but the target
30. If they tear their way loose, it ruins the bolas. can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take
Description: Invented in South America, this weapon half damage.
both entangles and does Bludgeoning damage. Two Description: Usually, if you're hit by a pair of of
heavy metal balls are swung around and around on a bolas, you can take comfort in the thought that at least
cord, and then flung at the target. On impact, the cord they don't explode. But no more. Not nearly as useful
wraps itself around the target and the weights hit them. for capturing livestock as they are for murdering one's
An ideal weapon for catching large bipeds, it seems enemies, exploding bolas are difficult to find on the
to have been developed for use against big flightless open market and will probably have to be specially
birds. This is what a bola might look like if someone made. Still, there may be some societies out there
used advanced materials technology to revive the with livestock so huge and terrifying that they need
weapon. exploding bolas to herd them. Or for that matter there
The balls are made of a lightweight shock-resistant could be societies so callous that they use exploding
plastic, and filled with mercury to enhance their bolas to hunt homeless people.
momentum and impact. The cord is made from a

Rate of Fire: Once per round
Electroshock Bolas Damage: Special, see description
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a Weight: 3 pounds
“sleight-of-hand” roll) Armor Class: 9 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Cost: 300 Units weapons)
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 Hardness: 1
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also Hit Points: 2
works with any other Bolas) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Roll: 30 (18 if you aren't entangled in them)
Range Increment: 50 feet Special: Make a ranged touch attack, ignoring armor.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- With a successful hit the target is entangled in the
Rate of Fire: Once per round bolas. If this attack would have hit them anyway,
Damage: Special, see description even with their armor and/or natural toughness, they
Weight: 3 pounds also take 1d8 Bludgeoning damage from the weighted
Armor Class: 9 (Can't be attacked in flight by most ends. The entangled character must make a Reflexes
weapons) Saving Throw or be flung to the ground. Then the
Hardness: 1 Sonic Disrupter modules in the weighted balls start to
Hit Points: 2 liquify the character's flesh. The disruptors do 2d6
DC required to break this item with a Strength sonic damage per round, for 3 rounds, unless the
Roll: 30 (18 if you aren't entangled in them) character somehow fights their way free of the bolas.
Special: Make a ranged touch attack, ignoring armor. An entangled character suffers a -2 penalty on all
With a successful hit the target is entangled in the attacks, has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4,
bolas. If this attack would have hit them anyway, and moves at half speed. To free themselves, they
even with their armor and/or natural toughness, they must take a full action and make either an Escape
also take 1d8 Bludgeoning damage from the weighted Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their way loose by making
ends. The entangled character must make a Reflexes a Strength check vs. DC 30. If they tear their way
Saving Throw or be flung to the ground. And then the loose, it ruins the bolas.
bolas give them a huge electric shock (3d6 electrical Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (Unit requires
damage). two of them, each weighs 1/10pound, costs 30 units, is
An entangled character suffers a -2 penalty on all oddly shaped and incompatible with most other
attacks, has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4, weapons, except for bolas and spherical throwing
and moves at half speed. To free themselves, they weapons like the "Hyperspeed Ball", it's the DM's call
must take a full action and make either an Escape as to which other weapons they will or will not work
Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their way loose by making with)
a Strength check vs. DC 30. If they tear their way Description: Bolas with a little something extra. A
loose, it ruins the bolas. miniature sonic disrupter is built into each of the
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (Unit requires round weights, set to the precise frequency required to
two of them, each weighs 1/10pound, costs 30 units, is shake human bones to powder and rip flesh into jelly.
oddly shaped and incompatible with most other It has just enough charge for a single burst, but the
weapons, except for bolas and spherical throwing bolas can be retrieved and reused with a new power
weapons like the "Hyperspeed Ball", it's the DM's call cell. It is difficult to produce perfectly spherical sonic
as to which other weapons they will or will not work disrupter modules, and their odd shape and weight
with) throws off the weapon's balance, limiting its range.
Description: Ideal for catching especially huge and Certain to kill all but the largest livestock, these are
mean flightless birds, these bolas deliver a massive more of a hunting tool, or a gladiator's weapon.
electric shock to the entangled target. Also fun for
gladiatorial combat, or for disciplining unruly
schoolchildren. Note to the DM: Do not actually Sonic Screamer Bolas
construct a pair of electric bolas and use them on Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
unruly schoolchildren. Trust me, I know these things. “sleight-of-hand” roll)
Cost: 400 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Sonic Disruptor Bolas Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a works with any other Bolas)
“sleight-of-hand” roll) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Cost: 450 Units Range Increment: 50 feet
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also Rate of Fire: Once per round
works with any other Bolas) Damage: Special, see description
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Weight: 3 pounds
Range Increment: 50 feet Armor Class: 9 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
“To Hit” Bonus: -- weapons)

Hardness: 1 slashing damage from the wire. On each round
Hit Points: 2 thereafter, there is a 20% chance that they will take
DC required to break this item with a Strength another d4 slashing damage. Any attempt to move or
Roll: 30 (18 if you aren't entangled in them) take any action will automatically cause another d6
Special: Make a ranged touch attack, ignoring armor. damage. An entangled character suffers a -4 penalty
With a successful hit the target is entangled in the on all attacks and skill rolls, has their Dexterity
bolas. If this attack would have hit them anyway, effectively reduced by 6, and moves at one quarter
even with their armor and/or natural toughness, they normal speed. To free themselves, they must make an
also take 1d8 Bludgeoning damage from the weighted Escape Artist roll vs. DC 25.
ends. The entangled character must make a Reflexes Description: A especially cruel use of modern
Saving Throw or be flung to the ground. Then the materials technology, these bolas have a cord made
Sonic Screamer modules in the weighted balls go off, from an incredibly strong, incredibly thin polymer
doing 2d6 Nonlethal Damage per round, for 3 rounds, wire. This is not quite monofilament-it is
unless the character somehow fights their way free of considerably thicker than one molecule, but it's still
the bolas. Anyone who takes more than a point of strong and thin enough to be sharper than a razor or a
Nonlethal Damage must make a Fortitude Saving scalpel.
Throw vs. DC 20 or be Deafened by the weapon for 2- Like all bolas, they entangle the target, hindering
12 minutes. their movement and reducing their roll. But these do
An entangled character suffers a -2 penalty on all something worse, as well. When the target is
attacks, has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4, entangled, they take 2d6 slashing damage as the wire
and moves at half speed. To free themselves, they slices into their flesh. On each round thereafter, there
must take a full action and make either an Escape is a 20% chance that they will take another d4 damage
Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their way loose by making as the wire works its way in deeper. Any attempt to
a Strength check vs. DC 30. If they tear their way make an Escape Artist roll, whether successful or not,
loose, it ruins the bolas. causes a further 1d6 damage. So does trying to move
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (Unit requires or for that matter to take any physical action at all.
two of them, each weighs 1/10pound, costs 30 units, is The sheer pain and terror of being caught in this
oddly shaped and incompatible with most other device has a much more drastic effect on the target's
weapons, except for bolas and spherical throwing skills and movement abilities than an ordinary set of
weapons like the "Hyperspeed Ball", it's the DM's call bolas.
as to which other weapons they will or will not work A target with an AC of 19 or higher is completely
with) immune to these gruesome effects, and is entangled as
Description: A high-tech entangling and nonlethal though these were a normal set of bolas (count only
weapon, this one is actually useful for capturing AC from actual armor --being small and nimble
animals and might really find its way into the hands of doesn't protect you once you've already been
some futuristic gaucho. entangled).

Razorwire Bolas Constriction Bolas

Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight-of-hand” roll) “sleight-of-hand” roll)
Cost: 500 Units Cost: 560 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal) Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
works with any other Bolas) works with any other Bolas)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 50 feet Range Increment: 50 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 2 pounds Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Armor Class: 9 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
weapons) weapons)
Hardness: 3 Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2 Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 40 (18 if you aren't entangled in them) Roll: 30 (18 if you aren't entangled in them)
Special: Make a ranged touch attack, ignoring armor. Special: Make a ranged touch attack, ignoring armor.
With a successful hit the target is entangled in the With a successful hit the target is entangled in the
bolas, and must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. bolas. If this attack would have hit them anyway,
DC15 or be flung to the ground. They take 1d8 even with their armor and/or natural toughness, they
Bludgeoning damage from the weighted ends and 2d6 also take 1d8 Bludgeoning damage from the weighted

ends. weapons, except for bolas and spherical throwing
The entangled character must make a Reflexes weapons like the "Hyperspeed Ball", it's the DM's call
Saving Throw or be flung to the ground. Then the as to which other weapons they will or will not work
cables start to contract, cutting and crushing as they with)
constrict.. The bolas do 1d6 slashing damage per Description: A particularly sadistic and unsavory
round for 6 rounds unless the character somehow variation on bolas, there is a winch inside each of the
fights their way free. Anyone killed by the device is two round weights that begins to reel in the cable once
cut into sections. it has wrapped itself around something, crushing
An entangled character suffers a -2 penalty on all whatever is caught in its grip. The winches are oddly
attacks, has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4, balanced and heavy, reducing the weapon's effective
and moves at half speed. To free themselves, they range.
must take a full action and make either an Escape The power cells have only enough energy for one
Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their way loose by making attack (six rounds worth of squeezing) but the bolas
a Strength check vs. DC 30. If they tear their way can be retrieved and reused with new power cells.
loose, it ruins the bolas. You might want to wash them first, though--it's a
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (Unit requires messy way to die.
two of them, each weighs 1/10pound, costs 30 units, is
oddly shaped and incompatible with most other

Guided and Self-Returning Throwing Weapons

Throwing weapons with built in anti-gravity motors and computerized guidance systems. Whether or not this qualifies
as cheating we leave to you. Some of these weapons are too expensive to waste on flinging at people, and so have been
designed to return to your hand after use.

Roll: 15 (13 to break the antigravity motor and wreck

the guidance system)
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
costs 30 units, oddly shaped, not compatible with
anything but powered throwing disk weapons)
Description: A shuriken with a built-in targeting
computer. You designate the target before throwing it.
The on-board computer then makes course corrections
and steers the knife to its target.
These come in many shapes, from simple throwing
knives to star-shaped shuriken. The blade itself is
made from superb materials vastly superior to
anything found in our own eopch. It is lighter, harder
and holds an edge better than the best 21st century
steel. It also has less air resistance, and travels farther.
Guided Throwing Blade It is hard to say who would manufacture such an
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of elaborate throwing weapon, particularly since it really
hand” roll) just substitutes a targeting computer for skill. Then
Cost: 150 Units again there are plenty of space-ninjas who enjoy
Tentative Purchase DC: 11 (Often Unavailable) fighting dirty for its own sake.
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet Guided Javelin
“To Hit” Bonus: Always hits the target, unless you Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
roll a 1 hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Cost: 150 Units
but you can launch as many of them as you have Tentative Purchase DC: 11 (Often Unavailable)
attacks Required Proficiency: Simple
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (20 x2) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weight: 1 pound Range Increment: 60 feet
Armor Class: 3 “To Hit” Bonus: Always hits the target, unless you
Hardness: 4 roll a 1
Hit Points: 10 Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
DC required to break this item with a Strength but you can launch as many of them as you have

attacks hand” roll)
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x2) Cost: 350 Units
Weight: 2 pounds Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Armor Class: 5 Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Hardness: 5 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hit Points: 2 Range Increment: 30 feet
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 14 Magazine: 60
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, Rate of Fire: Once per round
costs 30 units, oddly shaped, not compatible with Damage: 2d4 Bludgeoning (20 x2)
anything else) Weight: 6 pounds
Description: An amazingly unsporting weapon, this is Armor Class: 5 (13 in the air)
a sort of a cross between a throwing spear and a cruise Hardness: 10
missile. It has an onboard targeting computer and a Hit Points: 5
tiny antigravity motor, which steer it unerringly DC required to break this item with a Strength
toward the target. It can change speed, make in-flight Roll: 17 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
course corrections, turn corners and generally do Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
whatever it has to do in order to hit the target. You Description: A large metal disk which can be used as
designate the target before you throw it, with a tiny a shield, for a +3 to your AC (but only from the front).
eyepiece which pops out of the shaft and then retracts It can also be flung at your opponent, and its built in
for the launch. It is possible to retrieve the javelin and antigravity motar and internal guidance computer will
use it again. It's power cell contains enough energy return it safely to your hand. If you move after
for twenty throws. The power cell’s housing isn't throwing it, it homes in on your new location and
made for easy access. It takes two rounds, a set of returns to you normally. If for some reason you can't
tools and a skill roll vs. DC 15 to successfuly replace a be found, it drops to the floor. The device runs off a
spent cell. The DM decides which futuristic skill special set of flat power cells, which aren't compatible
applies. with any other weapon and take a full round to

Self-Returning Flying Disk

Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a Self-Returning Flying Disk, Hypersharp
“sleight-of-hand” roll) Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Cost: 300 Units “sleight of hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 Cost: 375 Units
Required Proficiency: Simple Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Range Increment: 20 feet Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: 20 feet
Magazine: 50 “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Magazine: 50
attacks Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d6 Slashing (20 x2) attacks
Weight: 1 pound Damage: 1d6+1 Slashing (17-20 x3)
Armor Class: 9 (21 in the air) Weight: 1 pound
Hardness: 10 Armor Class: 9 (21 in the air)
Hit Points: 2 Hardness: 10
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 2
Roll: 15 (13 to break the antigravity motor) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Roll: 15 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
Description: A kind of steel frisbee, equipped with an Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit, this weapon will
antigravity motor and an onboard guidance system sever the target's head from their body. This does not
which allows the disk to return to your hand after it work on creatures that do not have heads, and at the
has struck the target. If you move while the disk is in DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no
flight, it homes in on your new location. If for some particular ill effect from having their heads cut off
reason it can't reach you, it falls to the ground. The (robots, for example, or zombies).
device runs off a small round power cell, which isn't Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
compatible with any other weapon and takes a full Description: A throwing disk edged with ultra-sharp
round to replace. monofilament wire. It has a built in guidance system
which returns it to your hand after it attacks. Of
course, a hypersharp disk might actually be the very
Flying Shield last thing you'd want flying into your hand. It is a
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of great deal sharper than a razor-its cutting surface is

only one molecule wide. Handle this weapon with resistance than any plastics made today. It also has a
extreme caution. Real enthusiasts always have tiny built-in anti-gravity generator, and a guidance
missing fingers and worse. system which allows it to return to your hand after it
hits the target. The whole unit is powered by a small,
strangely-shaped power cell that isn't compatible with
Self-Returning Vibro Disk any other weapons. It takes a round to open the unit
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a up and replace the power cell.
“sleight-of-hand” roll)
Cost: 380 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 30
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d6+2 Slashing (18-20 x2)
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9 (21 in the air)
Hardness: 9
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
Special: Ignores 9 points of Hardness or Damage
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Self-Returning Shuriken
Description: A perfectly round vibronic throwing Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
blade, equipped with a guidance system which brings hand” roll)
it back to your hand once you throw it. The Cost: 250 Units
vibroblade doesn’t become active until after it leaves Tentative Purchase DC: 13
your hand. It cuts through solid materials at least as Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
well as a hypersharp disk, and is considerably less Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
dangerous to handle. The disk runs on a small round Range Increment: 10 feet
power-cell, which isn't compatible with any other “To Hit” Bonus: --
weapons. Magazine: 30
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x2)
Automatic Boomerang Weight: 1/2 pound
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Armor Class: 13 (21 in the air)
“sleight of hand” roll)
Hardness: 9
Cost: 360 Units
Hit Points: 1
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Roll: 14 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
Range Increment: 30 feet costs 30 units)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: A tiny antigravity motor and an on-
Magazine: 75 board targeting system make this weapon possible.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has When you fling at a target, it makes minor course
attacks corrections, steers itself in just close enough to slash
Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2) the target without getting stuck and then returns to
Weight: 1 pound
your hand. Ideal for budget concious space-ninjas.
Armor Class: 9 (21 in the air)
You'll never have to buy new shuriken again.
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16 (13 to break the antigravity motor) Self-Returning Shuriken With Venom
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Description: A curved plastic stick, shaped like an hand” roll)
airfoil in cross-section. It's a sort of high-tech Cost: 275 Units
boomerang, made from advanced materials that have Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (usually illegal)
far better aerodynamic properties and far less air Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged

Handed: Requires 1 hand to use piercing damage. It could be shaped like a traditional
Range Increment: 10 feet Japanese "throwing star" or a two-ended knife or even
“To Hit” Bonus: -- the kind of blade circus knife-throwers use. Whichever
Magazine: 30 variety you prefer, be extra careful when reaching for
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has it in the dark!
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x2) The target must make a
Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or take an additional 3d8 Self-Returning Force-Blade
Damage from poison. Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Weight: 1/2 pound hand” roll)
Armor Class: 13 (21 in the air) Cost: 350 Units
Hardness: 8 Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Hit Points: 1 Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Roll: 15 (13 to break the antigravity motor) Range Increment: 30 feet
Special: Returns to your hand after you throw it, “To Hit” Bonus: +4
whether you hit the target or not. Magazine: 20
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
30 units) attacks
Description: A version of the self-returning shuriken Damage: 1d4+3 Slashing (18-20 x2)
that injects the target with poison. It only holds Weight: 1 pound
enough poison for one dose but it won't inject it unless Armor Class: 13 (21 in the air)
it actually hits flesh. The miniature power cell can be Hardness: 5
replaced in one round but it takes a minute or so of Hit Points: 2
intensive work with a set of jewler's tools to replace DC required to break this item with a Strength
the empty poison reservoir. Roll: 14 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A small black plastic sphere. When you
Self-Returning Throwing Knife, fling it at the target, a force-field sharper than any
Hypersharp physical blade appears in a shimmering deadly ring
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of around its middle. The device looks a little like a
hand” roll) model of the planet Saturn when it's in kill-mode. A
Cost: 315 Units built-in antigravity motor and computerized guidance
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 system will carry it back to your hand once it has done
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged its bloody work. The blade switches off before it
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use reaches you. If you are moving while you attack, it
Range Increment: 10 feet will track on your new position and return to you
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 there. Changng the power cell is an involved process
Magazine: 30 and takes a full round.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (17-20 x3) Razerang
Weight: 1 pound Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Armor Class: 13 (21 in the air) “sleight of hand” roll)
Hardness: 10 Cost: 400 Units
Hit Points: 1 Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Roll: 14 (13 to break the antigravity motor) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Special: Vorpal Weapon. On a critical hit, this Range Increment: 50 feet
weapon will sever the target's head from their body. “To Hit” Bonus: +3
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs Magazine: 30
30 units) Rate of Fire: Three Attacks Per Round
Description: A throwing blade edged with ultra-sharp Damage: 1d6+2 Slashing (17-20 x3)
monofilament wire, no thicker than a single molecule. Weight: 1 pound
It parts flesh far better than a hot knife through butter. Armor Class: 13 (23 in the air)
An tiny built in antigravity module and a miniature Hardness: 5
navigational computer can return it safely to your hand Hit Points: 3
(although "safe" might be a relative term when you DC required to break this item with a Strength
have a hypersharp blade flying toward your fingers). Roll: 15 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
This is a generic template for any hypersharp Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit, this weapon will
throwing knife with points, as opposed to a hypersharp sever the target's head from their body. This does not
disk or flying razor, which do slashing rather than work on creatures that do not have heads, and at the

DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no Self-Returning Hyperdense Ball
particular ill effect from having their heads cut off Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
(robots, for example, or zombies). hand” roll)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Cost: 355 Units
Target Designation Goggles (1/2 pound, cost 250 Tentative Purchase DC: 15
units) Required Proficiency: Simple
Description: It looks like a sort of flattened plastic Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
oval, but when flung at a target, two shiny curved Range Increment: 20 feet
blades slip out of either side. These blades are edged “To Hit” Bonus: +2
with monofilament wire, one molecule thick and are Magazine: 25
far sharper than any conventional knife. It flies past Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
the target, slashing them with its blades and then attacks
returns to the user's hand. The small antigravity motor Damage: 1d6+2 Bludgeoning (18-20 x2)
and on-board targeting systems are run by a tiny Weight: 5 pounds (3 tons if the antigravity motor
power cell, which takes a full round to replace. If you fails)
are wearing the Target Designation Goggles, you can Armor Class: 9 (18 in the air)
instruct the Razerang to attack up to three opponents Hardness: 15
in a single round and to continue attacking tagets on Hit Points: 60
the next round, rather than returning to your hand. Set DC required to break this item with a Strength
three or four razerangs going at once, and you've Roll: 35 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
really got a party! Special: Can only be lifted because of its onboard
anti-gravity generator. When the power cell runs out,
the weapon becomes impossible for anyone with a
Self-Returning Hammer Strength of less than 50 to move.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
hand” roll) Description: A black plastic sphere, a little smaller
Cost: 325 Units than a soccer ball. This is a high-tech variation on the
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 oldest human weapon. You hurl it at the target like a
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged big rock. It has a core of hyperdense matter and
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use would be far too heavy to lift if it didn't have an anti-
Range Increment: 20 feet gravity generator built in. It also has a small on-board
“To Hit” Bonus: -- targeting computer that guides it to the target, and then
Magazine: 25 back to the person who threw it. The ball has a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has gigantic mass, even though it effectively weighs
attacks nothing. It strikes the target with a huge amount of
Damage: 1d8 Bludgeoning (20 x2) momentum and has to be carefully decelerated on its
Weight: 5 pounds way back to the user.
Armor Class: 9 (18 in the air) The antigravity generator can run almost
Hardness: 10 indefinitely when the ball is just being carried around,
Hit Points: 7 but in combat it has only enough power for about 25
DC required to break this item with a Strength uses (the deceleration process drains it badly). It runs
Roll: 18 (13 to break the antigravity motor) on a special, oddly-shaped power cell which isn't
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) compatible with any other weapons. Changing the
Description: A short, heavy hammer with an almost battery is an involved process, which requires a toolkit
absurdly heavy head. This is a weapon, rather than a and takes three rounds of continuous concentration.
tool, meant to pound in faces rather than pound in If the antigravity engine runs out of power the ball
nails. It would be too heavy and too unbalanced to do will settle gently to the ground and sit there,
either, if it weren't for the antigravity engine built into immovable, until somebody replaces its power cell.
the handle. It also has a computerized guidance
system that can return it to your hand after you lob it
at the target. You can use it to bash people the old
fashioned way, at close range, or fling it at a target up
to forty feet away.
It is hard to be sure who would produce a weapon
like this. it's expensive, complex and highly
advanced, yet barbaric and more than a little silly.
Perhaps there are wealthy oddballs out there who are a
little too hung up on Norse mythology, or perhaps
there are advanced civilizations that have always Flying Guillotine
loved chucking hammers at people. Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 325 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (usually illegal) particular ill effect from having their head cut off, the
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged monofilament has instead cut them into two or more
(Also works with any other flying Hyperwire weapon) pieces. There may still be a few creatures (incorporeal
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use beings, for example) who can survive this, at the DM's
Range Increment: 20 feet discretion.
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/2 0pound,
Magazine: 25 costs 30 units)
Rate of Fire: Once per round Description: A smooth metallic oval. When flung at
Damage: 2d6 Slashing (16-20 x4) the target it separates into six floating antigravity
Weight: 1 pound modules, connected by a web of ultra-strong, ultra-
Armor Class: 9 (18 in the air) sharp monofilament wire, no thicker than a single
Hardness: 5 molecule. A direct hit from this device will reduce just
Hit Points: 5 about any medium-sized opponent to neat little
DC required to break this item with a Strength chunks. Any target wearing armor made from a
Roll: 25 (13 to break the antigravity motor) material with a hardness greater then 20 will instead
Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit, this weapon will break the wire and ruin the device. Whether or not the
sever the target's head from their body. This does not device hits the target, it will snap back together and
work on creatures that do not have heads, and at the return to the user's hand. If the device is broken, it
DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no may damage the user. Roll a ranged touch attack at a
particular ill effect from having their heads cut off +2 bonus. If it hits, the user catches themselves on a
(robots, for example, or zombies). stray piece of wire and loses 1d6 hp. The Web-Pod’s
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 30 units, guidance system is confused by targets that are bigger
oddly shaped, not compatible with most other than "Large" in size and it can't be persuaded to attack
weapons and equipment) them.
Description: A smooth ceramic pod with a line down
the middle. Fling it, and its antigravity motor floats it
smoothly through the air toward target. Halfway there
it seperates into two halves, about three-feet apart,
with a monofilament wire between them. Once it hits
the target, reaches the end of its range, or senses an
object in front of it which it can't cut through, the unit
snaps back together and returns to the wielder's hand.
It takes some practice to use without hurting yourself.
It is possible to attack the unit in the air, but its AC is
high enough to make this discouragingly difficult.
Our best advice is to spare the effort and duck. There
is only a limited market for this item, but it remains
popular with those keen on collecting heads.

Hyperwire Web-Pod
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 360 Units Self-Returning Hyperspeed Ball
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal) Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged hand” roll)
(Also works with any other flying Hyperwire weapon) Cost: 350 Units
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Range Increment: 20 feet Required Proficiency: Simple
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Magazine: 30 Range Increment: 40 feet
Rate of Fire: Once per round “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 4d6+4 Slashing (16-20 x4) Magazine: 50
Weight: 2 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 13 (18 in the air) attacks
Hardness: 5 Damage: 1d4+2 Bludgeoning (18-20 x2) or 1d4+2
Hit Points: 5 Nonlethal
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 1 pound
Roll: 25 (13 to break the antigravity motor) Armor Class: 13 (23 in the air)
Special: Improved Vorpal Weapon. On a critical hit, Hardness: 6
this weapon will sever the target's head from their Hit Points: 5
body. If the target does not have a head, or suffers no DC required to break this item with a Strength

Roll: 15 (13 to break the antigravity motor) with psychopaths, mad scientists and the occasional
Special: Returns to your hand after making an attack race of depraved invaders. It has little market outside
and can be used again on the next round. these venues.
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (Weighs 1/10
pound, costs 30 units, is oddly shaped and
incompatible with most other weapons, except Flying Three-Bladed Chainsaw
possibly for certain types of bolas and other spherical Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
throwing weapons, at the DM's discretion) hand” roll)
Description: A little round plastic ball, about the size Cost: 300 Units
of a jawbreaker. It contains a small antigravity motor Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (usually illegal)
and a very simple guidance system, which returns the Required Proficiency: Simple
device to your hand after it hits something. The Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
antigravity motor makes it go very fast once you Range Increment: 20 feet
launch it at the target and it hits with tremendous “To Hit” Bonus: --
force. It can break ribs, rupture organs and punch Rate of Fire: Once per round
holes in walls. By taking a Standard Action you can Damage: 3d12 Slashing (18-20 x4) Ignores up to 3
reset the ball to do only Nonlethal Damage. Replacing points of Hardness or Damage Resistance
its battery is much more involved. The ball will shut Weight: 15 pounds
down and refuse to perform before it's antigravity Armor Class: 7
module wears out, which will prevent you from Hardness: 9
getting into any embarrasing mishaps when the Hit Points: 5
hyperdense matter assumes its real weight. To open DC required to break this item with a Strength
the ball and switch out its used power cell for a new Roll: 13
one takes three full rounds. Special: -2 to any attempt to find this weapon with a
"Search" roll.
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: Antigravity technology meets antisocial
personality disorder. This rude weapon looks a lot like
three chainsaws pointing out from each other in
different directions. You hurl it at your enemies (or
your hapless victims, as the case may be) and it flies
spinning through the air toward them. The look of
stunned disbelief on their faces as they see it whirling
toward them is almost as satisfying as the sound of it
chewing through their bones.

Flying Buzzsaw Blade

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 285 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (usually illegal)
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: Requires 0 or 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 2d4+3 Slashing (18-20 x3) Ignores up to 3
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9 (18 in the air)
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 3 The Triparite Blade
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Roll: 14 (13 to break the antigravity motor) hand” roll)
Special: Returns to your hand after making an attack Cost: Not usually for sale, might fetch up to 25,000
and can be used again on the next round. Units if sold on the black market.
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (not usually possible to
Description: The flying Buzzsaw Blade is popular

buy) whirligig has instead cut them into slices. There may
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons, Missile still be a few creatures (totally amorphous beings, for
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use example) who can survive this, at the DM's discretion.
Range Increment: 40 feet Description: This diabolical little weapon consists of
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 a small central globe, with three disks whirling around
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, it at a distance of about three feet. The whirling disks
but you can launch as many of them as you have are connected to the central sphere with monofilament
attacks wire, hundreds of times sharper than the sharpest
Damage: 1d12 Slashing (18-20 x2) razor. The whirligig floats across the battlefield at a
Weight: 3 pounds rate of 60 feet per round and responds to the wielder's
Armor Class: 7 commands (it comes with a tiny remote control that
Hardness: 20 can be easily operated with one hand).
Hit Points: 60
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 45 Whomp-Disk
Description: A three-bladed crystalline weapon, Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
unnaturally hard and sharp. It can be used as a bladed “sleight-of-hand” roll)
melee weapon or flung like a missile weapon with the Cost: 750 Units
same weapon proficiency. It does not conduct Tentative Purchase DC: 17
electricity, is not subject to rust or corrosion attacks Required Proficiency: Simple
and is much more durable than any metal blade. If it Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
is thrown at a target and misses, it will return to your Range Increment: 50 feet
hand like a boomerang (but only if you have the “To Hit” Bonus: --
Weapon Proficiency). If an unskilled user tries to Magazine: 45
throw this weapon, they must make a Reflexes Saving Rate of Fire: Three attacks per round
Throw vs. DC 13 to keep from wounding themselves Damage: 1d8 Bludgeoning (20 x2)
for 1d4 damage. Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9 at rest, 23 when in flight.
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Description: A lightweight plastic disk a little bigger
than a saucer. You can carry it or leave it floating just
above your right wrist, spinning in place (it can do this
indefinitely). On command, the disk will fly out,
smack up to four opponents and return to your hand. It
is possible to attack the disk in mid-flight, but of
course its Armor Class is pretty high. The Whomp-
Disk can also be set to protect you in your sleep,
although it can't really tell friend from foe and will
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
simply attack anyone who comes within range. It
“sleight of hand” roll)
takes a few seconds of concentration to set the disk to
Cost: 800 Units
sleep-protection mode, so you can't do it while you are
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
being knocked unconcious. When it attacks by itself,
Required Proficiency: Simple
the disk has a Ranged Attack Bonus of +3.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +2
Magazine: 10 Whomp-Ball
Rate of Fire: Once per round Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Damage: 2d6 Slashing (15-20 x4) of hand” roll)
Weight: 2 pounds Cost: 650 Units
Armor Class: 9 Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Hardness: 5 Required Proficiency: Simple
Hit Points: 3 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
DC required to break this item with a Strength Range Increment: 60 feet
Roll: 40 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Special: Improved Vorpal Weapon. On a critical hit, Magazine: 60
this weapon will sever the target's head from their Rate of Fire: Four attacks per round
body. If the target does not have a head, or suffers no Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (19-20 x2)
particular ill effect from having their head cut off, the Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13 at rest, 24 when in flight.

Hardness: 4 Range Increment: 10 feet
Hit Points: 1 “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: Once per round
Roll: 14 Damage: From 1 to 7d6 Slashing-- see description
Description: A small plastic ball, soft and rubbery to Weight: 1 pound
the touch. It contains an antigravity engine made from Armor Class: 9
some kind of soft and flexible synthetic material, Hardness: 15
which only needs to have its battery replaced once Hit Points: 10
every ten years or so. DC required to break this item with a Strength
The ball responds to thought-commands and can Roll: 25
attack any four targets within forty feet in a single Accessories: None Known
round. At the end of every round in which it attacks, it Description: A folded-up spherical armature, about
returns to the user's hand. If it were somehow the size of a baseball. When flung at a a target, it
intercepted in mid-flight, whoever took it would be unfolds itself, opening up into a round metal
able to use it themselves on the next round. framework that is big enough to fit a man's torso
The Whomp-ball can be instructed to protect its inside.
user in their sleep, attacking anyone (friend, foe or The ball drops over the target, engulfing their head
hotel maid) who comes within 60 feet. You cannot set or their upper body. Then it folds back in on itself. It
it to sleep mode while you are in the act of falling can fold up a little and do just a die of damage or it
unconcious, but you could instruct ahead of time to go can fold up all the way and do its full seven dice or
into sleep mode if it senses that you have lost anywhere in between.
conciousness (this could be either a very wise move or Once the ball has someone trapped inside, it can
a very foolish one—it will attack paramedics, too). automatically do up to its full number of dice to them,
When it attacks by itself, the ball has an Attack spaced out over as many rounds as the wielder likes.
Bonus of +4. So, for example, it could do one die of damage to the
victim on the first round and then six dice on the
second. Or it could do two dice of damage on the
Hoberman's Deadly Sphere first, second and thrird rounds and then just one on the
Size: Small when collapsed (No bonus or penalty to next. The only way to keep from taking the damage is
conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll), Large when to escape the device's clutches, which requires a
fully expanded (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight Strength Roll vs DC 25 or an Escape Artist roll vs. DC
of hand” roll) 27.
Cost: 500 Units The sphere's ability to dole out painful damage
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) slowly, over a period of time, makes it an ideal tool
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged for interrogations, if you're some kind of a sadistic
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use freak.

Futuristic Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons

Bows, arrows, slings and their variants have served mankind well for the past 25,000 years. They haven’t died out yet,
nor have we stopped trying to improve them. Perhaps this technology will continue to advance into the distant future,
and muscle powered weapons will be seen alongside lasers and gaussguns in the arsenals of tomorrow.

An often overlooked variation on the bow, a slingshot can be a serious weapon if it’s made from the right materials.
Even now, in the early 21st century, surgical tubing can be used to make slingshots that carry enough force to be
dangerous at close range and in the future here may well be plastics with more elastic strength than any present-day

Small, cheap, easy to conceal and quick to aim, a slingshot can also have a surprising amount of stopping power,
particularly when you use it to launch a hand grenade. Slingshots can also be used to fire any of the darts listed in the
section on dart guns, at no penalty.

Heavy Slingshot
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 30 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 5
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 80 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d6+1 Bludgeoning (20 x2) or per special
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 1
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12
Description: An even more powerful futuristic
slingshot. It uses super-elastic, super-strong polymer
tubing to launch its projectiles. This model is too big
to fit conveniently in a street-urchin's back-pocket. It
is worn on a kind of metal brace which fits around
your wrist. It's a dangerous weapon when launching
rocks or steel ball bearings but it can also be used to
Advanced Materials Slingshot launch any of the darts or hand grenades listed in this
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a book. Use the slingshot's range rather than the dart or
“sleight of hand” roll) the grenade's range when you launch one.
Cost: 15 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 4
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 60 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2) or per special
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 1
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12
Description: The future of the slingshot, it launches
its missiles with an elastic tubing material that has far
more strength and resilience than anything in use
today. It can do real damage to a target at a surpisingly
good range, and can also be used to launch any of the
darts or any of the grenades listed in these rules. The
stats listed above assume that the weapon is firing a
steel ball bearing, but there are of course no end of
things you might use. A rock does slightly less
damage (1d4) while a glass bottle acts as a Splash-
effect weapon, doing 1d4 Slashing damage to the Improvised Slingshot
target and one point to anyone within a five foot radius Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
who fails a Reflexes Save vs. DC 15. hand” roll)
Cost: 5 Units to make yourself
Tentative Purchase DC: 2 (for the materials required
to make one)

Required Proficiency: Simple while its frame could be made from any sort of rigid
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use plastic or metal.
Range Increment: 40 Feet We have assumed that most of the futuristic
“To Hit” Bonus: -- slingshots listed here are made from materials
Magazine: 1 specially crafted to be ideal for the job (laminate
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has composite resins with just the right amount of strength
attacks and give, superelastic polymers, etc.) This one is made
Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning (20 x2) Or per special from whatever its builder could scavenge, so it doesn't
load. have anything like the same range and stopping
Weight: 1 pound power.
Armor Class: 9 Most commonly seen in the hands of post-
Hardness: 1 apocalyptic survivors, street gangs might also carry
Hit Points: 1 slingshots like this, if no better weapons are available.
DC required to break this item with a Strength If a PC would like to make one, let them gather
Roll: 10 some appropriate materials together and make a
Accessories: -- "Repair" skill roll vs. DC 15.
Description: A crude slingshot, made from whatever
materials are available. Surgical tubing or old rubber
tires are the likeliest materials it might use for elastic,

Bows and Arrows

Decadent or tradition-bound societies might apply advanced technology to bows and arrows. And they may have
broader uses in a futuristic setting than for gladiatorial combat and ceremonial hunts. Bows and arrows actually have
some surprising advantages on the post-modern battlefield. They are quiet and leave no chemical or energy signature
for sensors to pick up. They have excellent penetration against body armor and in the hands of a sufficiently skilled
marksman their range is comparable to firearms. Some armies might use bows and arrows as a kind of low-tech,
stealthy grenade launcher and design arrows that explode, or carry gas weapons or electroshock devices or all sorts of
other odd effects (especially if these cultures are big on comic books).

We have listed four sample futuristic bows for you here, along with a wide selection of strange trick arrows. You want
a Sonic Screamer Arrow? We've got it. A Boxing Glove Arrow? I'm afraid we've got that too

Damage: Usually 1d6 (20 x3) Piercing (but see

individual arrows)
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 10
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 18
Accessories: Arrow (Weighs 3 pounds per 20 arrows,
costs 10 for a set of 20)
Description: A composite bow, made out of synthetic
materials that give it greater force and flexiblity than
any bow from our own epoch. This is how an
advanced civilization that really cares about archery
Advanced Materials Composite Bow would craft a bow.
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 1,000 Units Advanced Materials Shortbow
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged hand” roll)
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Cost: 300 Units
Range Increment: 120 Feet (but can be less with Tentative Purchase DC: 14
certain arrows) Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment: 75 Feet (but can be less with
attacks certain arrows)

“To Hit” Bonus: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks
attacks Damage: Usually 1d6+1 (20 x3) Piercing (but see
Damage: Usually 1d6 (20 x3) Piercing (but see individual arrows)
individual arrows) Weight: 6 pounds
Weight: 3 pounds Armor Class: 8
Armor Class: 9 Hardness: 6
Hardness: 5 Hit Points: 12
Hit Points: 10 DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: 25
Roll: 18 Special: Does an extra +2 points of piercing damage,
Accessories: Arrow (Weighs 3 pounds per 20 arrows, whatever arrow it is firing.
costs 10 for a set of 20) Accessories: Arrow (Weighs 3 pounds per 20 arrows,
Description: A shorter, cheaper bow, made for casual costs 10 for a set of 20)
enthusiasts rather than professional bowhunters. It Description: A monster bow, intended for creatures
doesn't have the same pull and is far easier to use. It with greater than human strength to use. Anyone with
also doesn't have anything like the range of a really a Strength of less than 16 will use this weapon at a -4
high-end weapon, but then again it's not intended to. penalty. Anyone with a Strength of less than 12 can't
even attempt to use it (they can't draw the bowstring).
It isn't built to the same standard as some of the other
Advanced Materials Bow, Lightweight bows listed here, so it doesn't get quite as much of a
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of range bonus as it otherwise might.
hand” roll)
Cost: 500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Advanced Materials Bow, Masterpiece
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use hand” roll)
Range Increment: 100 Feet (but can be less with Cost: 5,000 Units (if you can find one at all)
certain arrows) Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (Often Unavailable)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
attacks Range Increment: 170 Feet (but can be less with
Damage: Varies, according to what kind of arrow it certain arrows)
fires. Usually 1d6 Piercing (20 x3) “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Weight: 2 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 9 attacks
Hardness: 5 Damage: Damage: Usually 1d6+1 (20 x3) Piercing
Hit Points: 10 (but see individual arrows)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 3 pounds
Roll: 18 Armor Class: 9
Accessories: Arrow (Weighs 3 pounds per 20 arrows, Hardness: 6
costs 10 for a set of 20, other arrows have their own Hit Points: 11
individual costs and weights, see individual listings) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: A lighter bow, intended for lengthy Roll: 19
excursions, where weight is at a premium. It Accessories: Arrow (Weighs 3 pounds per 20 arrows,
sacrifices some range to be easy to carry, but it is built costs 10 for a set of 20)
from the same advanced materials technology as the Description: A truly superb weapon, built with the
"Advanced Composite Bow" and like it is intended for very best materials available, no time constraints and
serious hunters and outdoorsmen, rather than casual no concern for expense. This is the kind of weapon a
hobbyists. very wealthy expert bowhunter from a technologically
advanced civilization might have specially made by a
hand-picked team of design experts, or that the most
Advanced Materials Bow, Ultraheavy exalted heroes of a culture that reveres the bow might
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of wield. If there are space-elves in your campaign (and
hand” roll) they aren't all using silly "energy bows") this is the
Cost: 1,200 Units weapon that their king uses.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Advanced Materials Arrow
Range Increment: 150 Feet (but can be less with Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
certain arrows) hand” roll)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Cost: 10 Units (set of 20)

Tentative Purchase DC: 3 Armor Class: 9
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Hardness: 5
Handed: N/A Hit Points: 1
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is being fired DC required to break this item with a Strength
from Roll: 15 Arrow itself is DC 12)
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Description: An arrow with a head edged in
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has monofilment wire. This gives it a cutting surface
attacks which is one one molecule thick--far sharper than the
Damage: 1d6+1 Piercing (20 x3) sharpest possible arrowheads made with conventional
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds materials. But be careful when fishing this one out of
Armor Class: 9 your quiver!
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength Exploding Arrow
Roll: 13 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Description: An arrow made from futuristic plastics, hand” roll)
far lighter, far stronger and with far less air resistance Cost: 450 Units
than any arrow from our own epoch. This is how a Tentative Purchase DC: 15
starfaring civilization might construct them. Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Half that of the bow it is fired
Spent Uranium Arrowhead from
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of “To Hit” Bonus: --
hand” roll) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Cost: 20 Units (set of 20) attacks
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3), plus 5d6 Bludgeoning
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged to anything in a 5-foot radius
Handed: N/A Weight: 10 arrows per 3 pounds
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is being fired Armor Class: 9
from, minus ten feet Hardness: 1
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. AC from armor. Does not Hit Points: 1
apply to Dex-based AC. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Roll: 10
attacks Description: For all those of you who feel that they
Damage: 1d6+2 Piercing (18-20 x3), Ignores 10 never should have canceled the Dukes of Hazard, we
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance. present this handy item. An exploding arrowhead,
Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds packed with a lightweight plastic explosive substance
Armor Class: 9 that takes up far less weight and volume than
Hardness: 5 dynamite or TNT. This allows the arrow to be only
Hit Points: 1 slightly heavier than and to have nearly as much range
DC required to break this item with a Strength as a normal shaft. It does 5d6 damage to anything in a
Roll: 14 (Arrow itself is DC 12) five-foot radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
Description: An arrow with an armor-piercing head, it halves the damage. If the arrow has hit its target then
is especially good for use against vehicles. the target isn’t allowed to make a Saving Throw—the
arrow is already stuck in them so they can’t get out of
its way.

Arrow With Hypersharp Head Exploding Arrow, Fragmentary

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 30 Units (set of 20) Cost: 460 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from Range Increment: Half that of the bow it is fired
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. AC from armor. Does not from
apply to Dex-based AC. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
attacks attacks
Damage: 1d6+3 Piercing (17-20 x4) Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3) to the target plus an
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds extra 5d6 Piercing to anything in a 5-foot radius

Weight: 10 arrows per 3 pounds Exploding Arrow, Shaped Charge
Armor Class: 9 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hardness: 1 hand” roll)
Hit Points: 1 Cost: 465 Units
DC required to break this item with a Strength Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Roll: 10 Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Description: A crueler version of the exploding Handed: N/A
arrow. This one is filled with lightweight metal Range Increment: Same as the bow it is being fired
shrapnel and does damage to anything in the target's from, minus ten feet
vicinity. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves “To Hit” Bonus: --
the damage (although the arrow’s specific target isn’t Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
allowed to roll). attacks
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (17-20 x3), plus 5d6
Bludgeoning in a 25 foot cone. The Bludgeoning
damage ignores up to 10 points of Hardness or
Damage Resistance.
Weight: 10 arrows per 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 1
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 10
Description: An exploding arrow designed especially
to penetrate armor. It does its area-effect damage in a
short cone, instead of a sphere. A Reflexes Saving
Throw vs. DC 20 halves the damage from the
Exploding Arrow, Flechette explosion. If the arrow was shot into a specific target,
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of the target isn’t allowed to make a saving throw.
hand” roll)
Cost: 475 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Acid-Filled Arrow
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: N/A hand” roll)
Range Increment: Half that of the bow it is fired Cost: 600 Units
from Tentative Purchase DC: 16
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: N/A
attacks Range Increment: 1/3 the range of the bow it is fired
Damage: See description from
Weight: 10 arrows per 3 pounds “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 9 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hardness: 1 attacks
Hit Points: 1 Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3), plus 2d6 Caustic
DC required to break this item with a Strength damage per round for 1d6 rounds (or until the acid is
Roll: 10 somehow cleaned off or neutralized).
Description: An exploding arrow packed with razor- Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
sharp darts, it's heavier and slower than a standard Armor Class: 9
arrow and doesn't have nearly as much range. On Hardness: 0
impact, it does 6d6 Piercing damage to anything Hit Points: 1
within a 5-foot radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC 20 halves the damage (the arrow’s specific target Roll: 8
isn’t allowed to make a saving throw). There really Description: This truly mean-spirited arrow is
isn't much use for this item apart from murder and designed to shatter on impact and spray the target with
some extremely unsportsmanlike kinds of hunting, so acid. Heavy and poorly balanced, it sacrifices a
they're usually illegal and hard to find. There may be certain amount of range and accuracy to carry its
a few odd cultures that use them in a military capacity caustic load. The acid is stored in the shaft, which is
or others where mutilating wildlife is regarded as a carefully scored so as to shatter on impact when fired
jolly laugh. from a bow, but not break apart when hastily grabbed
out of a quiver. A splash attack weapon, it does its
full load of damage to the target and 1 point of
damage to anyone else within a five foot radius. A
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 negates the splash

damage. arrrowhead-shaped force field, tougher and sharper
than any blade made from ordinary matter. The
arrow's excessive weight and awkward balance limit
Variable Metal Arrow its range, but its stopping power is unequalled. It runs
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of on a long narrow power cell which fills up its shaft. It
hand” roll) is possible to collect and reuse the arrow once you
Cost: 1,000 Units (if one can even be found--in most have fired it, but the power cell will have to be
places, this is at least the equivalent of a minor replaced. This takes a full round and requires a skill
Artifact) roll vs. DC 13 (probably Repair, but of course the DM
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) can decide what skill would be appropriate to the
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged campaign).
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Robot Disrupter Arrow
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
attacks hand” roll)
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (18-20 x3) or 2d6 Nonlethal, Cost: 110 Units
ignores armor, ignores Hardness and Damage Tentative Purchase DC: 10
Resistance, makes a Ranged Touch Attack. Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds Handed: N/A
Armor Class: 9 Range Increment: 1/3 the range of the bow it is fired
Hardness: 10 from
Hit Points: 5 “To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Robots
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Roll: 30 attacks
Description: An arrow made from super-advanced Damage: 1d6 piercing (18-20 x3) +1d6 Electrical vs.
variable metal. It can adjust its own molecular density most targets. Does an additional 5d8 Electrical
and pass harmlessly through solid objects. It can also damage to robots and other sentient machines.
materialize inside them. It can hit objects on the other Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds
side of walls or pass though a target's armor and hit Armor Class: 9
them from the inside. It can also partially Hardness: 1
rematerialize and do nonlethal damage, disrupting the Hit Points: 1
target's system without actually piercing their flesh. DC required to break this item with a Strength
This is one of the few attacks that might do nonlethal Roll: 10
damage to robots (at the DM's discretion). Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
costs 30 units)
Description: A heavy, stubby, poorly balanced arrow
Force-Projection Arrow that contains a Robot Disrupter module, powered by a
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of special long, thin battery. This weapon really only
hand” roll) lends itself to a few unlikely battlefield scenarios, so
Cost: 100 Units it's likely to be rare and difficult to find, unless you
Tentative Purchase DC: 10 make them yourself.
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from
“To Hit” Bonus: +3
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d6+2 Piercing (18-20 x3) Electroshock Arrow
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Armor Class: 9 hand” roll)
Hardness: 1 Cost: 455 Units
Hit Points: 1 Tentative Purchase DC: 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Roll: 10 Handed: N/A
Special: Ignores up to 10 points of Hardness or Range Increment: 1/3 the range of the bow it is fired
Damage Resistance from
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, “To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Metal Armor Only
costs 30 units) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Description: An strangely balanced metal arrow with attacks
a force-field projection nozzle where the arrowhead Damage: 1d6 piercing (20 x3) +2d6 electricity
should be. When launched from a bow it creates an Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds

Armor Class: 9 radius. A Fortitude Saving throw vs. DC 18 reduces
Hardness: 1 the damage from the gas attack by half .Wearing some
Hit Points: 1 kind of breathing apparatus negates it entirely.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
Roll: 10 Armor Class: 9
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, Hardness: 0
costs 30 units) Hit Points: 1
Description: A stubby, oddly balanced arrow with a DC required to break this item with a Strength
power-cell built into the shaft. It delivers a potent Roll: 8
electric shock to the target, in addition to doing its Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
regular damage. A character who has the ability to Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of gas in 1 round)
deflect arrows with their bare hands (a D&D Monk, Description: It is difficult to find room on an arrow to
for example) will still take the electrical damage. load a gas-weapon delivery system. Yet that doesn't
Won't they look silly grabbing this one out of the air! stop designers from trying. This one stores the gas
and a propellant in two separate chambers in the shaft
and mixes them on impact. It’s bulky, slow, delicate
and expensive.

Boxing Glove Arrow Arrow With Sleep Drug

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 10 Units Cost: 25 Units (set of 20)
Tentative Purchase DC: 3 Tentative Purchase DC:
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is being fired Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from
from, minus twenty feet “To Hit” Bonus: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -1 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has attacks
attacks Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3) plus sleep drug. See
Damage: 1d6 nonlethal (20 x2) description for more details
Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5 Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 1 Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 10 Roll: 10
Description: A weird short-range arrow with a large, Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 100
soft bulb at one end instead of a standard arrowhead. Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1-4
Even when made from the lightest, strongest and least rounds)
air-resistant materials that futuristic technology can Description: This arrow has been loaded with a
dream up, this is still a clumsy object to launch from a powerful anesthetic. In addition to taking 1d6 normal
bow. It is just about the only non-lethal arrows ever damage from the arrow itself, the target must make a
devised. Fortitude save vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 19-
Con hours (so a character with a Con of 15 would be
unconscious for 4 hours, a character with Con 10
would be unconscious for 9 hours and so forth). The
Poison Gas Arrow arrow itself is made from synthetic materials far
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
superior to fiberglass or wood and has outstanding
hand” roll)
range and accuracy.
Cost: 510 Units
Tentative Purchase DC:
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A Arrow With Pain Drug
Range Increment: Half that of the bow it is fired Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
from hand” roll)
“To Hit” Bonus: -1 Cost: 30 Units (set of 20)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Tentative Purchase DC:
attacks Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3) plus a gas attack that Handed: N/A
does 1d10 damage to living creatures in a 5 foot Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from
“To Hit” Bonus: --

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has bonus to hit the blind character.
attacks Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3), also does 1d6 Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of drug in 1-6
nonlethal damage per round to live targets (a rounds)
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 21 halves the Description: This arrow has been partly coated with a
damage, but the target must roll each round) The drug that affect's the target's optic nerves, causing
target will continue to take nonlethal damage until temporary Blindness, as per the spell. At the DM's
they make two Saving Throws in a row (on discretion, it might not work on creatures with very
subsequent rounds) or else fall unconscious. Target different body chemistry from ours. The drug also has
suffers a –4 to their attack and skill rolls on any round no effect on creatues that don't have eyes.
in which they fail their Willpower Saving Throw.
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9 Arrow With Psychedelic Drug
Hardness: 5 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 1 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 20 Units (set of 20)
Roll: 10 Tentative Purchase DC:
Special: Once struck, the target must make a Fortitude Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be Stunned (as per the Handed: N/A
Monk special attack), and unable to take any action for Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from
one round. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1 attacks
round) Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3). Also doses the target
Description: This arrow has been coated with a drug with a potent psychedelic drug. See description for
that causes the target horrendous pain. Like most details.
poisoned or drugged arrows, the pain-inducing agent Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
has been painted around the shaft, rather than on the Armor Class: 9
arrowhead. This helps to prevent awkward moments Hardness: 5
when you reach hastily into your quiver and nick Hit Points: 1
yourself on an arrowhead. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 10
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 125
Arrow With Blinding Drug Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of drug in 1-3
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of rounds)
hand” roll) Description: In addition to taking damage from the
Cost: 25 Units (set of 20) arrow, the target must make Fortitude Saving Throw
Tentative Purchase DC: vs. DC 20 or suffer the effects of a powerful
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged hallucinogenic agent. The drug's effects last for 3d12
Handed: N/A rounds. Anyone who fails the initial Fortitude Saving
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from Throw must now make a Willpower Saving throw
“To Hit” Bonus: -- (DC 18) every round or roll on the following chart.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has 1 Shout insulting and inarticulate threats at no one
attacks for a round, drawing all kinds of negative attention
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3). Also doses the target from anyone in earshot.
with a neural agent that causes temporary blindness if 2–4 Do nothing at all for 1 round. Stare passively
they fail a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15. See off into space, look at the ground or close your eyes.
below for details. 5-6 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands,
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting
Armor Class: 9 crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the
Hardness: 5 spot where you are standing.
Hit Points: 1 7–9 Throw yourself to ground and take 1 point of
DC required to break this item with a Strength damage. If you roll this result twice in a row you
Roll: 10 begin to batter yourself against the ground, taking 1d3
Special: The target must make a Fortitude Saving damage per round.
Throw vs. DC 15 or become Blind for 2d12 hours. 10 Act normally for 1 round. You are not aware
Blind characters suffer a 50% chance of missing in that you have been acting crazy. If attacked while
combat (all their targets effectively have full insane, the victim can defend themselves normally,
concealment), lose any Dexterity Bonus they might but unless they roll a 10 and "act normally", they are
have had to their Armor Class, move at half speed, incapable of articulate communication.
suffer a -4 penalty on Search checks and both Strength
and Dexterity based skill rolls. All attackers have a +2

Poison Arrow Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Handed: N/A
hand” roll) Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from
Cost: 20 Units (set of 20) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged attacks
Handed: N/A Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3), any living target must
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or die instantly.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Armor Class: 9
attacks Hardness: 5
Damage: 1d6 piercing (20 x3). Make a Fortitude Save Hit Points: 1
vs. DC 20 or take 3d8 additional Poison damage. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds Roll: 10
Armor Class: 9 Description: An extremely lethal poison arrow,
Hardness: 5 loaded with a fiendish omnitoxin called Thanatoline.
Hit Points: 1 Although the chemical engineering required to
DC required to break this item with a Strength produce Thanatoline is pretty sophisticated, the arrow
Roll: 10 itself is quite simple and the poison delivery system
Special: goes back to the stone age. Thanatoline isn't a contact
Description: A high-tech version of one of mankind's poison and has to be injected directly into the victim's
oldest weapons. This arrow is made of special bloodstream. The arrow is therefore painted with a
lightweight flexible polymers with the lowest possible small ring of the stuff at the end of the shaft. This is
air resistance. It has superb range and accuracy. After both far simpler and far safer than building some kind
a few embarrassing accidents, the designers found that of delivery system into the arrowhead. It also doesn't
it was actually far safer to paint a ring of poison interfere with the arrow's balance.
around the shaft, rather than put an injection system in
the arrowhead.
Plague Arrow
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Poison Arrow, Extra-Lethal hand” roll)
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Cost: 15 Units (set of 20)
hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 4 (usually illegal)
Cost: 25 Units (set of 20) Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (usually illegal) Handed: N/A
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from
Handed: N/A “To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“To Hit” Bonus: -- attacks
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3). Also infects the target
attacks with disease. See description for details.
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3). Make a Fortitude Save Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
vs. DC 20 or take 5d8 damage from poison. Armor Class: 9
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds Hardness: 5
Armor Class: 9 Hit Points: 1
Hardness: 5 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 1 Roll: 10
DC required to break this item with a Strength Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Roll: 10 Units, holds 2 doses, halts the progress of the disease
Description: A more advanced poison arrow loaded in 1 hour)
with a yet more lethal toxin. New advances in Description: An arrow with a small, plague-filled
aerodynamics and polymer technology have given it a capsule in the head, which breaks apart on impact and
lighter, stronger shaft and a smoother airflow than infects the target with a horrendous wasting disease.
ever, increasing its range. The target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs.
DC 20 or contract the illness. The infection reduces
the victim's Constitution by one point every hour,
Poison Arrow, Superlethal unless they either make the saving throw (roll once
every two hours), get medical treatment or hit 0
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Constitution and die. Within 1d6 minutes of
hand” roll)
contracting the illness the target's attack and skill rolls
Cost: 30 Units (set of 20)
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (usually illegal) are all reduced by -2.

Arrow With Flesh-Eating Virus
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 20 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 (usually illegal)
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is being fired
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d6 piercing (20 x3), also transmits a flesh- Napalm Arrow
eating virus that does 1d6 damage per round until the Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
victim either dies or makes a Fortitude Save vs. DC hand” roll)
20. Cost: 250 Units
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds Tentative Purchase DC: 13
Armor Class: 9 Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Hardness: 5 Handed: N/A
Hit Points: 1 Range Increment: Half that of the bow it is fired
DC required to break this item with a Strength from
Roll: 10 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 275 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Units, holds 2 doses, neutralizes virus in 1-3 rounds) attacks
Description: A sealed capsule in the head of this Damage: 1d6 piercing (20 x3). Also does Heat
arrow bursts on impact, releasing a flesh-eating virus damage--see description for details.
that will strip the meat off a man's bones within a few Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
rounds. The virus has to get into the victim's Armor Class: 9
bloodstream to be effective. Smearing the fluid on Hardness: 0
their skin won't do them any harm. Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 10
Incendiary Arrow Description: A thick, heavy arrow filled with a sticky,
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of flammable substance, not unlike a more advanced
hand” roll) version of white phosphorus. The arrow shatters and
Cost: 485 Units ignites on impact, covering the target and anyone else
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 nearby in burning glop. This does an extra 1d6
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged damage to the target and 1 point of damage to
Handed: N/A anything within a five foot radius. A Reflexes saving
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is being fired throw vs. DC 20 negates the Splash Damage, provided
from, minus ten feet that you use your next movement to leave the five-foot
“To Hit” Bonus: -- radius of effect. The load continues to burn for three
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has rounds, doing a d6 of damage to the target and one
attacks point to everything else each round. It cannot be
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3). Also does 1d6 Heat extinguished with water, sand, or any other method
damage per round for 3 rounds. that relies on taking oxygen away from a flame.
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 4 Meltaway Arrow
Hit Points: 1 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
DC required to break this item with a Strength hand” roll)
Roll: 10 Cost: 40 Units
Description: An arrowhead packed with a lightweight Tentative Purchase DC: 6
plastic thermite compound, it is only marginally larger Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
and heavier than an ordinary arrowhead and only Handed: N/A
reduces the arrow’s range by a relatively small Range Increment: Same as the bow it is being fired
amount. It ignites on impact, doing an extra d6 heat from, minus ten feet
damage per round to the target for three rounds, or “To Hit” Bonus: --
until it is extracted. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d6+2 Piercing (20 x3)

Weight: 30 arrows per 3 pounds limiting its range.
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 0
Hit Points: 1 Psi-Scream Arrow
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Roll: 10 hand” roll)
Description: An arrow that melts away into nothing a Cost: 650 Units
few seconds after striking the target. This actually Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
does worse damage (from hemorrhaging) than an Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
ordinary arrow and of course leaves no trace of the Handed: N/A
murder weapon behind. The materials aren't quite as Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from
lightweight, strong or as drag-resistant as with some “To Hit” Bonus: --
high-tech arrows, so its range isn't quite as far. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Venomous or plague-filled versions may also be attacks
available. Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3), plus 4d6 Nonlethal
Damage to every living creature in a 15 foot radius (a
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 negates this
Sonic Screamer Arrow damage)
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds
hand” roll) Armor Class: 9
Cost: 500 Units Hardness: 0
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Hit Points: 1
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: N/A Roll: 10
Range Increment: Half that of the bow it is fired Description: An oddly-shaped, asymmetrical arrow
from made out of what appears to be either some tranparent
“To Hit” Bonus: -- organic matter or half-melted crystal. You can launch
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has it from a conventional bow with no difficulty. Despite
attacks its strange shape it still manages to be perfectly
Damage: 1d6 piercing (20 x3), plus 3d6 nonlethal balanced. It's even the right weight. Once it hits the
damage to anyone in a 5 foot radius (a Reflexes target it gives off a terrible psychic shriek, doing
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves this damage). Also nonlethal damage to anyone in the vicinity. Every
Deafens anyone in a 10 foot radius if they fail a living target in a 15 foot radius must make a
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20. Continues to Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take 4d6
scream, causing Deafness and nonlethal damage, for Nonlethal Damage.
three rounds.
Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9 Life-Drain Arrow
Hardness: 0 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 1 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 750 Units
Roll: 10 Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
30 units) Handed: N/A
Description: A relatively short, stubby arrow with a Range Increment: Same as the bow it is being fired
tiny sonic screamer grenade built into the shaft. from, minus ten feet
The screamer goes off on impact, doing 3d6 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Nonlethal damage to anyone in a five foot radius and Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
causing Deafness to anyone within a ten foot radius if attacks
they fail a Fortitude Saving Throw (DC 20). A Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3). Living targets also
reflexes saving throw allows them to take only half of receive 1-4 negative levels
the nonlethal damage, but this only works if they Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds
spend an action to move out of the arrow's radius that Armor Class: 9
round. Hardness: 3
The screamer continues to shriek and do non-lethal Hit Points: 1
damage for three rounds, so if you've been hit with DC required to break this item with a Strength
one, it's a good idea to extract it from your flesh as Roll: 10
quickly as possible. Description: A strangely shaped black arrow, made
The designers have done everything in their power from some unknown metal. It feels cold to the touch,
to make this arrow as light and as aerodynamic as and weirdly light. The product of some bizarre alien
possible, but it's a losing battle with a weapon like psi-technology, it actually drains the target's life
this. The arrow is heavy and awkwardly balanced, energy, giving them 1-4 Negative Experience levels if

it hits them and they fail a Willpower Saving Throw Hit Points: 1
vs. DC 18. For each negative level, the victim suffers DC required to break this item with a Strength
a -1 Competence penalty on all skill checks, attack Roll: 10
rolls, ablility checks, saving throws and effective Description: An arrow packed with a quick-freezing
levels. If the character is hit by more than one arrow, agent, which pops apart and showers the target on
the Negative Levels stack. Negative Energy Levels impact. It does normal piercing damage plus an
fade away at a rate of one per eighteen hours. If a additional 1d6 Cold damage to the target. It also does
target reaches level -1, they die. one point of Cold damage to anyone caught in its five-
foot splash radius (a reflexes saving throw vs. DC 20
negates the Splash Damage). It then continues to do
Arrow With Brain-Scrambler Toxin 1d3 Cold Damage to the target for another three
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of rounds. It is difficult to fill an arrow with a liquid
hand” roll) without distorting its flight performance, and this one
Cost: 25 Units (set of 20) certainly pays the price for it. It is best used at short
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 range, for it looses accuracy fairly quick.
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from Glue Arrow
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has hand” roll)
attacks Cost: 450 Units
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3), 3d6 Intelligence loss Tentative Purchase DC: 15
(a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 negates the Stat Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
loss) Handed: N/A
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds Range Increment: 1/3 the range of the bow it is fired
Armor Class: 9 from
Hardness: 5 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hit Points: 1 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks
Roll: 10 Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3). Also douses the target
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 in glue. See description for details of this effect.
Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1-20 Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds
rounds) Armor Class: 9
Description: This arrow has been painted with a Hardness: 0
neural agent that disrupts higher cerebral functions. If Hit Points: 1
the victim fails a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20, DC required to break this item with a Strength
they lose 3d6 Intelligence. A character with animal- Roll: 8
like intelligence (3 or lower) can still recognize their Description: An arrow full of a powerful, sticky resin.
friends and will still follow them around. They cannot It bursts apart on impact, covering the target with glue
speak or use tools in this condition. Lost intelligence In addition to taking damage from the arrow, the target
points return slowly. If the victim doesn't get some suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks and has their
kind of advanced medical help they will regain just Dexterity effectively reduced by 4. They must
one point of Intelligence per week. immediately make another Reflexes Saving Throw
(DC 15) to avoid being stuck to the floor. If a
character is is fact glued to the floor, they are unable
Frost Arrow to move. Even if they make the second saving throw,
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of they still only move at half their normal rate. To free
hand” roll) themselves, they must make a Strength check vs. DC
Cost: 465 Units 27, or do at least fifteen points of damage to the glue.
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Hitting the glue is automatically successful.
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Half that of the bow it is fired
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
attacks Tangleweb Arrow
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3) plus 1d6 Cold. See Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
description. hand” roll)
Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds Cost: 460 Units
Armor Class: 9 Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Hardness: 0 Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged

Handed: N/A rendered completely helpless and incapable of taking
Range Increment: 1/3 the range of the bow it is fired any physical action . Paralyzed characters are still
from completely aware of their surroundings. And yes, they
“To Hit” Bonus: -- can still feel pain.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 5 arrows per 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 0
Guided Arrowhead
Hit Points: 1 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
DC required to break this item with a Strength hand” roll)
Roll: 8 Cost: 50 Units
Description: A squat, short-range arrow with a Tentative Purchase DC: 7
tangleweb load crammed inside. Make a ranged touch Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
attack, ignoring armor. If the arrow hits the target, it Handed: N/A
bursts open and releases an elastic net, snaring them Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from
with doing any actual damage. The trapped character “To Hit” Bonus: +3
suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, has their Dexterity Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
effectively reduced by 4 and moves at half speed. To attacks
free themselves, they must take a full action and make Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3)
either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their way Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds
loose by making a Strength check vs. DC 25. Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Arrow With Paralysis Drug Roll: 10
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs
hand” roll) 30 units)
Cost: 20 Units (set of 20) Description: A very high-tech variation on bow and
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 arrow technology, this arrow has a tiny antigravity
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged engine in its shaft and a flight computer in its head. A
Handed: N/A small laser in the arrowhead marks the target before
Range Increment: Same as the bow it is fired from the shaft is launched and the arrow actually homes in
“To Hit” Bonus: -- on the target as it flies, making course corrections as it
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has goes. The targeting mechanism is completely
attacks contained in the arrow itself-- it can be used with any
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (20 x3). Any living target may bow, even a primitive one. The user sights down the
also be paralyzed. See description for more details. length of the arrow and selects the target with a tiny
Weight: 20 arrows per 3 pounds switch near the fletchings.
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Energy Bow
Roll: 10 Cost: 1,300 Units
Special: The victim must make a Fortitude Save vs. Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (Often Unavailable)
DC 20 or be paralyzed and helpless, unable to move or Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
take any physical actions, (a few weird psionic powers Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
may still function, at the DM's discretion) for 19- Range Increment: 100 feet
Constitution hours (so a character with a Con of 15 “To Hit” Bonus: --
would be paralyzed for 4 hours, a character with Con Magazine: 50
10 would be paralyzed for 9 hours and so forth) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 attacks
Units, holds 2 doses, negates the effect of the drug in 1 Damage: 2d10 Piercing (19-20 x2)
round) Weight: 6 pounds
Description: An arrow dipped in a potent neural Armor Class: 7
agent, which produces paralysis in seconds. As with Hardness: 5
most poison arrows, the toxin is actually smeared in a Hit Points: 5
ring around the arrow's shaft, just behind the head, DC required to break this item with a Strength
rather than on the tip. This helps prevent unpleasant Roll: 18
accidents when you drop one on your foot. In addition Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
to taking damage from the arrow, the target must Description: Very nostalgic or very tradition-bound
make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be societies may manufacture this curious item. It's an

energy-weapon in the shape of a bow. The device is tractor/pressor beam energy then shoots out of the
made of some superlight metal, covered in circuitry bow. It has somehow been shaped to look a lot like a
and odd blinking lights. It is shaped like a recurved glowing arrow, but of course it moves so fast that it's
bow, but has no string. To fire it, you hold the bow in difficult to make out.
the usual manner, and then move your hand as though
plucking an invisible bowstring. A bolt of

Crossbows and Crossbow Bolts

Crossbows, like muscle-powered bows, might remain in use for centuries as specialized sniper and commando
weapons. They're quiet and leave no energy signature for sensors to detect. Nor can a ballistics expert match a
particular quarrel to a particular crossbow.

It takes more time and effort to train a crossbow expert than a rifleman, but it may be worth it, on balance.

I have listed here a number of futuristic crossbows and a wide variety of special "trick loads". The trick bolts are a lot
like the trick arrows listed above, so I'm not going to count any of them against the total 1,001 weapons in this book.

and pull the string back into place. The power cell for
the winch lasts for two or three weeks worth of regular

use. A lot of societies have long forgotten about

crossbows by the time they're this advanced, but if
they still make them, this is a good generic template
for what one would look like.

Repeating Crossbow
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Advanced Materials Crossbow hand” roll)
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Cost: 400 Units
hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Cost: 350 Units
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Range Increment: 100 feet
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment: 130 feet
Magazine: 10
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 1d10 Piercing (19-20 x2), unless firing one
Damage: 1d10 Piercing (19-20 x2), unless firing one
of the special loads listed below.
of the special loads listed below.
Weight: 8 pounds
Weight: 14 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 3
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Roll: 15
Accessories: Crossbow Bolts (Weigh 3 pounds per 20
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
bolts, cost 10 Units, for a set of 20), Scope (1/2 lb,
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Description: New advances in materials technology
every target within the affected area must make a
make it possible to build crossbows that are lighter,
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
stronger and more accurate than the weapon's
Autofire shoots 10 bolts, and can only be used if the
medieval inventors could ever have imagined. This
weapon has at least 10 quarrels left in the magazine.
model is mostly constructed of plastic, with a bow
Accessories: Crossbow Bolts (Weigh 2 pounds per 20
made from a metal alloy of exceptional strength and
bolts, cost 10 Units, for a set of 20), Magazine
flexibility. .The bow has too much resistance to be
(Weighs 1 pound, costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs
cocked by hand, and is operated with a small electric
150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)
winch. It takes a Standard Action to reload a quarrel
Description: A futuristic repeating crossbow.

Constructed entirely from of synthetic materials, it
launches quarrels at a greater velocity than any 21st Advanced Materials Crossbow Bolt
century crossbow. A large square magazine rests on Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
top of the bow and holds the spare bolts. An electrical hand” roll)
mechanism feeds the bolts into the weapon and cocks Cost: 20 Units (set of 20)
the string, allowing you to fire it as often as you can Tentative Purchase DC: 4
make ranged attacks. It even has the capacity for Required Proficiency: Simple
autofire, although this drains the whole magazine. Handed: N/A
The magazine is unwieldy to reload. Even if you Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
already have a spare magazine handy and loaded it from
still takes a full round to slot it into place. “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d8+1 Piercing (20 x3)
Weight: 10 Crossbow Bolts per pound
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Description: A futuristic crossbow bolt, stronger,
lighter and more aerodynamic than anything made in
our own epoch.

Indetectible Crossbow Bolt

Advanced Hand Crossbow Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)
hand” roll) Cost: 50 Units
Cost: 450 Units Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (often illegal)
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Required Proficiency: Simple
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Handed: N/A
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Range Increment: 50 feet from
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Rate of Fire: Once per round Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x2), unless firing one of attacks
the special loads listed below. Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3)
Weight: 3 pounds Weight: 20 Crossbow Bolts per pound
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5 Hardness: 3
Hit Points: 2 Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 Roll: 11
Accessories: Crossbow Bolts (Weigh 2 pounds per 20 Description: A crossbow bolt made from carefully
bolts, cost 10 Units, for a set of 20), Scope (1/2 lb, layered resins. Metal detectors and x-rays won’t pick
costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one) it up, and more sophisticated scanning devices have a
Description: A small, light, one-handed crossbow. way of confusing it with other organic materials (-6 to
Made from superadvanced plastics, it is far more detect it with a scanning device). Since the bolt is
powerful than you would guess from its size. It can be designed specifically to escape detection, it tends to
cocked with one hand and takes no more than a single make police officials very suspicious, even if it isn’t
Standard Action to reload. A handheld crossbow has a actually illegal.
number of advantages over most handguns. It makes
very little noise (until the target screams) and leaves
no energy signature for sensors to detect. It won't Crossbow Bolt With Hypersharp Head
puncture a spacecraft's hull but it will puncture a Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
human being easily enough, making it ideal for zero- hand” roll)
gravity combat. Nevertheless, this weapon is largely a Cost: 30 Units (set of 20)
hobbyist's curiosity piece (unless of course the DM Tentative Purchase DC: 5
decides otherwise). Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: N/A

Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired target of the attack, if it hits
from Weight: 1 pound
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Armor Class: 9
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Hardness: 1
attacks Hit Points: 1
Damage: 1d8+3 Piercing (17-20 x4) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 10 Crossbow Bolts per pound Roll: 10
Armor Class: 9 Description: An exploding Crossbow Bolt full of
Hardness: 5 lightweight metal shrapnel, which detonates on
Hit Points: 1 impact.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 (Crossbow Bolt itself is DC 13)
Description: An Crossbow Bolt tipped with ultra-
sharp monofilment wire. It is much sharper than any
conventional arrowhead, and can be dangerous to

Exploding Crossbow Bolt

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) Exploding Crossbow Bolt, Shaped
Cost: 375 Units Charge, Armor Piercing
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Required Proficiency: Simple hand” roll)
Handed: N/A Cost: 470 Units
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired Tentative Purchase DC: 15
from, minus ten feet Required Proficiency: Simple
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Handed: N/A
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
attacks from, minus twenty feet
Damage: 5d8 Bludgeoning (20 x3) to everything in a “To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. armored opponents
5 foot radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
halves the damage. Does an extra d8 Piercing damage attacks
to the specific target of the attack. Damage: 5d8 Bludgeoning to everything in a 5 foot
Weight: 1 pound radius, plus an additional 1d8 Piercing, (17-20 x3) To
Armor Class: 9 the target. All damage to the weapon’s specific target,
Hardness: 1 whether Piercing or Bludgeoning, ignores up to 10
Hit Points: 1 points of Hardness
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 1 1/2 pound
Roll: 10 Armor Class: 9
Description: An exploding Crossbow Bolt, packed Hardness: 1
with a lightweight plastic explosive, only slightly Hit Points: 1
heavier than a normal load, and with nearly as much DC required to break this item with a Strength
range. Roll: 10
Description: An exploding Crossbow Bolt designed
especially to penetrate heavy armor. It is full of spent
Exploding Crossbow Bolt, With uranium shrapnel.
Fragmentation Load
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) Acid-Filled Crossbow Bolt
Cost: 475 Units Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 hand” roll)
Required Proficiency: Simple Cost: 600 Units
Handed: N/A Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired Required Proficiency: Simple
from, minus ten feet Handed: N/A
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: 1/3 the range of the weapon it is
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has fired from
attacks “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 5d8 Piercing (20 x3) to everything in a 10 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
foot radius. Does an extra d8 damage to the specific attacks
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3), plus 2d8 Caustic

damage per round for 1d8 rounds or until somehow (17-20 x3) +5d8 Electrical damage to robots and other
neutralized sentient machines.
Weight: 1/2 pound Weight: 1 ½ pound
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 0 Hardness: 1
Hit Points: 1 Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 8 Roll: 12
Description: A crossbow bolt full of acid. It shatters Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
on impact, dousing the target and anything around it costs 30 units)
with caustic fluid. This is a splash attack weapon--it Description: A short, heavy, poorly balanced
does its full load of damage to the target and 1 point of Crossbow Bolt with a built-in Robot Disrupter
damage to anyone within a five foot radius. A module, powered by a special long, thin battery. Rare
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 negates the splash and hard to find, unless of course you make them
damage. yourself.

Dazzleflash Crossbow Bolt

Boreworm Bolt Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)
hand” roll) Cost: 110 Units
Cost: 480 Units Tentative Purchase DC: 10
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often unavailable Required Proficiency: Simple
and/or illegal—this is the kind of thing you’d have Handed: N/A
specially made and hope no one finds out about) Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Required Proficiency: Simple from, minus twenty feet
Handed: N/A “To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
from, minus ten feet attacks
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Damage: 1d8 piercing (18-20 x3) and see description
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Weight: 1 pound
attacks Armor Class: 9
Damage: 1d8+2 (but see Descrition) Hardness: 1
Weight: 1 pound Hit Points: 1
Armor Class: 9 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 1 Roll: 10
Hit Points: 1 Special: Every living thing in a 15 foot radius must
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or become
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12 Blind for the next 2d10 minutes. Anyone in the radius
Description: Description: A Crossbow Bolt with a of effect also takes 1d8 Nonlethal Damage, with no
strange looking drill-bit head. On impact, the head saving throw.
detaches and burrows its way deeper into the target, Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
doing an extra d8 damage per round for 1-6 rounds, costs 30 units)
ignoring up to 5 points of Hardness or Damage Description: A heavy, chunky, badly balanced
Resistance. Crossbow Bolt loaded with a small phosphorus
grenade, which detonates on impact in a blaze far
brighter than the sun. Creatures without eyes are not
affected by the flash, and at the DM’s discretion
Robot Disrupter Crossbow Bolt robots might not be either.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 115 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 10
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Half that of the weapon it is fired
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Robots
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Electroshock Crossbow Bolt
attacks Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Damage: Does 1d8 Piercing (18-20 x3) +1d8 hand” roll)
Electrical damage to living targets. Does 1d8 Piercing Cost: 445 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15

Required Proficiency: Simple attacks
Handed: N/A Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3), plus 1d4 heat damage
Range Increment: Half that of the weapon it is fired per round to everything in a five foot radius for three
from rounds
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Metal Armor Only Weight: ¼ pound
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Armor Class: 9
attacks Hardness: 4
Damage: 1d8 piercing (20 x3)+2d8 electricity Hit Points: 1
Weight: 1 pound DC required to break this item with a Strength
Armor Class: 9 Roll: 10
Hardness: 1 Description: A Crossbow Bolt packed solid with
Hit Points: 1 some kind of futuristic thermite. It ignites on impact,
DC required to break this item with a Strength roasting the target and scorching anything else in the
Roll: 10 vicinity. It is suprisingly light and accurate for an
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, exploding bolt.
costs 30 units)
Description: A stubby, oddly balanced Crossbow Bolt
with a miniature power-cell built into the shaft. It Superheated Crossbow Bolt
delivers a powerful electric shock on impact. A Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
character with the capacity to deflect arrows with their hand” roll)
bare hands will still take electrical damage from this Cost: 375 Units
weapon. Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: N/A
Poison Gas Crossbow Bolt Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of from, minus ten feet
hand” roll) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Cost: 500 Units Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 attacks
Required Proficiency: Simple Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3) and see description
Handed: N/A Weight: 1 pound
Range Increment: Half that of the weapon it is fired Armor Class: 9
from Hardness: 0
“To Hit” Bonus: -1 Hit Points: 1
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has DC required to break this item with a Strength
attacks Roll: 10
Damage: See description Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs
Weight: ½ pound 30 units)
Armor Class: 9 Description: A Crossbow Bolt with a heating element
Hardness: 0 in the tip. It glows red hot when fired and does 1d6
Hit Points: 1 Heat damage to the target for 1-4 rounds or until it is
DC required to break this item with a Strength extracted. Both the heat damage and the piercing
Roll: 8 damage ignore up to 3 points of Damage Resistance or
Description: A delicate, poorly balanced crossbow Hardness.
bolt that explodes into a toxic mist on impact. It does
1d10 damage to anyone in a five foot radius who isn't
wearing some kind of breathing apparatus. A
Fortitude Saving throw vs. DC 18 reduces the damage
by half .

Incendiary Bolt Screamer Bolt

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 450 Units Cost: 500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Simple Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: N/A Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired Range Increment: Half that of the weapon it is fired
from, minus ten feet from
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: --
attacks Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3) and see description attacks
Weight: 1 pound Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3) and see description
Armor Class: 9 Weight: 1 ½ pounds
Hardness: 0 Armor Class: 9
Hit Points: 1 Hardness: 0
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 1
Roll: 10 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs Roll: 8
30 units) Description: A hollow Crossbow Bolt filled with
Description: A Crossbow Bolt with a sonic screamer powerful, sticky glue. It breaks apart on impact,
grenade built in. Anyone in a a ten foot radius will be covering the target with adhesive gunk In addition to
deafened if they fail a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC taking damage from the Crossbow Bolt, the target
20. The screamer also does 3d8 Nonlethal damage to suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, and has their
anyone in a five foot radius. A reflexes saving throw Dexterity effectively reduced by 4. They must
vs. DC 15 allows them to reduce the nonlethal damage immediately make another Reflexes Saving Throw
by half, but only if they take an action to move out of (DC 15) to avoid being stuck to the floor. If a
the affected radius that round. The screamer continues character is is fact glued to the floor, they are unable
to shriek and do damage for 1-6 rounds, so if you've to move. Even if they make the second saving throw,
been hit with one, it's a good idea to dig it out of your they still only move at half their normal rate. To free
body as quickly as possible. themselves, they must make a Strength check vs. DC
27, or do at least fifteen points of damage to the glue.
Hitting the glue is automatically successful.
Frost-Load Crossbow Bolt
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) Tangleweb Crossbow Bolt
Cost: 450 Units Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 hand” roll)
Required Proficiency: Simple Cost: 450 Units
Handed: N/A Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired Required Proficiency: Simple
from, minus twenty feet Handed: N/A
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: Half that of the weapon it is fired
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has from
attacks “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3) and see description Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 1 pound attacks
Armor Class: 9 Damage: Special, see description
Hardness: 0 Weight: 2 pounds
Hit Points: 1 Armor Class: 9
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 0
Roll: 10 Hit Points: 1
Description: A fragile and not very accurate DC required to break this item with a Strength
Crossbow Bolt packed with a quick-freezing agent, Roll: 8
which bursts and showers the target on impact. It does Description: A short-range Crossbow Bolt with a
1d8 Cold damage to the target and one point to anyone tangleweb load crammed inside. The attacker should
in a five-foot splash radius. It then continues to do make a ranged touch attack and ignore the target’s
1d3 Cold Damage to the target for another 1-4 rounds. armor (if any). If they hit, the target has been
A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 negates the point enveloped in a net. The trapped character suffers a -2
of Splash Damage. penalty on all attacks, has their Dexterity effectively
reduced by 4 and moves at half speed. To free
themselves, they must take a full action and make
Glue Bolt either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their way
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of loose by making a Strength check vs. DC 25.
hand” roll)
Cost: 420 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Self-Guided Crossbow Bolt
Required Proficiency: Simple Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: N/A hand” roll)
Range Increment: Half that of the weapon it is fired Cost: 40 Units
from Tentative Purchase DC: 6

Required Proficiency: Simple DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: N/A Roll: 10
Range Increment: Twice that of the weapon it is Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20pound, costs
fired from 30 units)
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Description: This Bolt has a built-in antigravity
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has engine and an onboard targeting computer. It actually
attacks homes in on the target, making course corrections as it
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3) goes. The targeting mechanism is completely
Weight: 10 Crossbow Bolts per pound contained in the Bolt itself. It can be used with any
Armor Class: 9 crossbow, even a medieval one.
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 1

Spearguns, Spike Guns and Harpoon Guns

It is possible for weapons technology to take some strange side turns. The guns listed below all launch spears or spikes
instead of bullets. Some of them (like the underwater spearguns made for fishing) are perfectly compatible with the
history of our own weapons technology, while others (like the "spike pistol") are probably the product of worlds where
the whole evolution of projectile weapons took a very different course. As a rule, spearguns have a lot of stopping
power and a limited range. They are quiet but not easy to conceal.

To help avoid confusion, we have listed four different categories beneath: Spears and Spearguns, Harpoons and
Harpoon Guns, Giant Harpoons and Giant Harpoon Guns, and “Stranger Stuff”. Spears, harpoons and spikes made for
one category of weapon don’t work with weapons from the other categories.

Spears and Spearguns

with a ten foot elastic cord and the unit comes with a
powerful electric winch (Strength 18) which can drag
a speared target toward the gun. This can result in
some gruesome games of tug-o-war! If the gun's user
is trying to reel in an unwilling catch, make two
Speargun separate opposed Strength rolls, one for the target vs.
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of the winch, the other for the target vs. whoever is
hand” roll) holding the gun. If the target fails to beat the winch,
Cost: 480 Units but beats the person holding the speargun, then the
Tentative Purchase DC: gun is wrenched out of the user's hands. Being
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged dragged by the winch does an extra d3 damage to the
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use target, but it's a d4 if they're struggling.
Range Increment: 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Miniature Speargun
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3) May also be able to
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
fire some of the special loads listed below, at the
“sleight of hand” roll)
DM’s discretion.
Cost: 500 Units
Weight: 6 pounds
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Armor Class: 7
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Hardness: 5
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hit Points: 5
Range Increment: 10 feet
DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 18
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Accessories: Spear (weighs 2 pounds, costs 3 units),
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (19-20 x3). May also be able to
Spare retractor cord (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 15 units)
fire some of the special loads listed below, at the
Description: Used mostly for underwater hunting, a
DM’s discretion.
speargun doesn't have much range, but packs a
Weight: 4 pounds
considerable impact and makes little noise. This one
Armor Class: 9
is made from post 21st Century materials, lighter and
Hardness: 5
stronger than its present-day equivalent.
Hit Points: 2
Its three-pronged spear is attached to the barrel

DC required to break this item with a Strength Damage: 1d8+5 Piercing (19-20 x3)
Roll: 14 Weight: 2 pounds
Accessories: Spear (weighs 1 pound, costs 3 units), Armor Class: 5
Spare retractor cord (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 15 units) Hardness: 9
Description: A tiny, one-handed speargun, about the Hit Points: 2
size of a long pistol. It has a ten foot cord attached to DC required to break this item with a Strength
the spear for easy retrieval, but unlike the full-sized Roll: 18
model it does not have a winch. It takes a full action Description: This spearhead opens out into a huge
to reload. Like all spring-powered weapons it can metal bulb after it has plunged into the target's flesh.
effectively be fired an unlimited number of times. This rips and crushes up the target’s innards, causing
considerably more damage.

Advanced Combat Speargun

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Explosive Spearhead
hand” roll) Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Cost: 510 Units hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Cost: 10 Units
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Tentative Purchase DC: 3
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Range Increment: 50 feet Handed: N/A
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: Half that of the weapon it is fired
Rate of Fire: Once per round from
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Weight: 10 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
Armor Class: 7 attacks
Hardness: 5 Damage: 3d8 Piercing (19-20 x3)
Hit Points: 5 Weight: 2 pounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 5
Roll: 18 (15 to break the electric winch) Hardness: 7
Special: Can use any of the special spear-loads listed Hit Points: 2
below DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Spear (weighs 1 pound, costs 3 units), Roll: 18
Spare propellant bottle (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 25 Description: This spearhead is packed with a
units, contains enough fuel for 40 shots, Size: Tiny, 4 lightweight plastic explosive. It detonates once it's
Hardness, 2 HP, 10% chance of exploding if it loses inside the target. If it does more damage in a single
all its hit points, doing 2d6 damage to the wielder and attack than the target has, everything in a five foot
1d3 to anyone in a 5 foot radius) radius of the target will take a point of Bludgeoning
Description: A higher-tech variation on the speargun, damage (a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 negates
this one is an all-purpose weapon, rather than an this damage).
underwater fishing tool. The weapon is powered by
explosive liquid propellant, kept in a reservoir in the
speargun's stock. It has four rotating barrels, each Armor-Piercing Explosive Spearhead
loaded with a spear, and can fire them as fast as the Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
user can work the trigger. The gun takes a full round hand” roll)
to reload, since all four spears need to be set in place Cost: 15 Units
and the reservoir has to be changed. It can fire a wide Tentative Purchase DC: 4
variety of different specialized spears, each with its Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
own nasty effect. We've detailed some of them below. Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Half that of the weapon it is fired
Expanding Spearhead “To Hit” Bonus: +3 vs. Armor Only
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 5 Units Damage: 3d8 Piercing (18-20 x3), Ignores 6 points of
Tentative Purchase DC: Hardness or Damage Resistance
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Weight: 3 pounds
Handed: N/A Armor Class: 5
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired Hardness: 9
from Hit Points: 2
“To Hit” Bonus: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has Roll: 18
attacks Description: A spearhead packed with an armor-

piercing shaped-charge in the tip. If there don't
happen to be any giant armor-plated game animals on Thermite Spearhead
your planet, it also makes a handy tool to use against Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
vehicles and light battlesuits. hand” roll)
Cost: 15 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 4
Fragmentation Spearhead Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Handed: N/A
hand” roll) Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Cost: 15 Units from
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
Handed: N/A attacks
Range Increment: Half that of the weapon it is fired Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3), plus 2d6 heat
from damage per round for 1-4 rounds
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Weight: 2 pounds
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has Armor Class: 5
attacks Hardness: 7
Damage: 3d6 Piercing to everything in a 5 foot radius Hit Points: 2
(a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves this DC required to break this item with a Strength
damage) The target takes an additional 1d8 Piercing Roll: 18
damage (19-20 x3) Description: Packed with a lightweight plasticine
Weight: 2 pounds incendiary compound that burns like white phosphorus
Armor Class: 5 and it gets hot enough to actually melt the spear inside
Hardness: 7 the target. The shaft has been carefully re-balanced to
Hit Points: 2 make up for the lightweight head, so it has about the
DC required to break this item with a Strength same flight performance as a normal spear, and isn't
Roll: 17 any more difficult to aim.
Description: This spear not only explodes on impact,
but fragments into shrapnel, wounding both the target
and anyone unlucky enough to be nearby. It's hard to Poison Spearhead
imagine what sort of game animal would require a Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
load like this, so the spear is likely to be rare and hand” roll)
difficult to acquire. Cost: 15 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 4
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Detachable Bore-Worm Spearhead Handed: N/A
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
hand” roll) from
Cost: 20 Units “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 (usually illegal) Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged attacks
Handed: N/A Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3). The target must
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or take 4d8
from additional damage from poison.
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Armor Only Weight: 2 pounds
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has Armor Class: 5
attacks Hardness: 7
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3). Continues to do Hit Points: 2
1d6 piercing damage per round for another 1-6 rounds. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 2 pounds Roll: 18
Armor Class: 5 Description: A modern variation on a very old
Hardness: 8 weapon. Rather than painting the toxin on the outside
Hit Points: 2 of the weapon, the spearhead itself has been hollowed
DC required to break this item with a Strength out to contain a small poison sack, which vents into
Roll: 18 the wound through six tiny holes. It is possible to
Description: On impact this spearhead detaches from retrieve this spear and reload the poison. It takes a full
the shaft, activates a small onboard motor and then round to open up the spearhead and fit in a new poison
burrows into the target's flesh. It keeps digging until it sack.
runs out of power, comes to rest against something too
solid to drill through or comes out the other side.

Robot-Disrupter Spearhead target's system as it passes through them without
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of actually punching holes in their flesh. You tell the
hand” roll) harpoon which objects to pass through and when to
Cost: 20 Units rematerialize just before you launch it (it responds to
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 your thoughts). You can't give it any further
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged instructions once it has been launched. Why cultures
Handed: N/A that can manufacture variable metal are still using
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired spearguns is unclear, but most societies that advanced
from, minus ten feet are pretty well incomprehensible anyway.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
attacks Radioactive Spearhead
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (17-20 vs. robots, 19-20 vs. Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
living targets x3). Does an additional 5d8 to robots hand” roll)
and other sentient machines. Cost: 20 Units
Weight: 3 pounds Tentative Purchase DC: 4 (usually illegal)
Armor Class: 5 Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Hardness: 7 Handed: N/A
Hit Points: 2 Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
DC required to break this item with a Strength from
Roll: 18 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: Intended specifically to destroy robots, Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
the harpoon is loaded with a small electromagnetic attacks
pulse device designed to disrupt a cybernetic brain. It Damage: 1d8+2 Piercing, (19-20 x3) +1d12 Radiation
may or may not have some kind of catastrophic effect per round for 2-8 rounds Target can make a Fortitude
on non-sentient machines at the DM's discretion. This Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage from the
is probably a rare weapon, since it would take an odd radiation (this has no effect on the piercing damage)
combination of circumstances to produce a society Weight: 2 pounds
which uses spearguns as military hardware and yet Armor Class: 5
also has robots that might need to be destroyed. Hardness: 12
Perhaps a culture that hunts robots for sport might Hit Points: 2
manufacture them. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 18
Special: Description: A very dangerous weapon, best
Variable Metal Spear handled with extreme caution. The spearhead is
Size:Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of packed with spent atomic fuel-rod material, shielded
hand” roll) with a lead casing that detatches on impact, and
Cost: 500 Units (if available at all-in most places this hopefully not before. If the spear takes damage before
would be an artifact) it is used, there is a 5% chance per each time it is
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) struck that the casing will split open and anyone
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged standing within five feet will have to make a Fortitude
Handed: N/A Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or suffer the effects of the
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired radiation (radiation shielding, however it works in
from your game, will completely negate the effect). They
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 must make this check every time they enter the five-
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has foot radius where the casing broke until some brave
attacks soul in a radiation suit cleans it up. Clearly, this
Damage: 1d8+3 Piercing (17-20 x3) or 3d8 Nonlethal weapon is only for use on targets that you need to
Weight: 3 pounds make absolutely sure are dead.
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 15
Hit Points: 5 Hypersharp Spear
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Roll: 30 hand” roll)
Special: Ignores armor, ignores Hardness. Cost: 15 Units
Description: A spear made from hyper-advanced Tentative Purchase DC: 4
variable metal. It can adjust is own molecular density Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
and pass harmlessly through solid objects. It can also Handed: N/A
materialize inside them. It can hit objects on the other Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
side of walls or pass right though a target's armor and from
hit them from the inside. It can also partially “To Hit” Bonus: +2
rematerialize and do nonlethal damage, shocking the Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has

attacks Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Damage: 1d8+1 Piercing (17-20 x3) from, minus ten feet
Weight: 2 pounds “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 5 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hardness: 9 attacks
Hit Points: 2 Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 2 pounds
Roll: 18 Armor Class: 5
Special: Ignores 3 points of Hardness or Damage Hardness: 6
Resistance Hit Points: 2
Description: A spear with a wide, leaf-shaped head, DC required to break this item with a Strength
which has been edged in ultra-sharp monofilament Roll: 13
wire. This wire is no thicker than a single mollecule, Description: A long, sharp length of ice. Pressure
and gives the spear a cutting surface much sharper frozen at an incredibly low temperature, it is hard
than anything conventional metals technology can enough to do nearly as much damage as a
produce. This approach is less effective in a piercing conventional spear. It's weight and balance are
weapon than in a slashing weapon, but it still gives the completely different, however, making it harder to
spear a great deal of penetration, even though it lacks aim. Once the ice melts and evaporates, the weapon
the "Vorpal" characteristics which so many leaves no trace in the wound.
hypersharp weapons have.

Toxic Hyperice Spear

Vibronic Spearhead Size:Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)
hand” roll) Cost: 10 Units
Cost: 25 Units Tentative Purchase DC: 3 (usually illegal)
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Handed: N/A
Handed: N/A Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired from, minus ten feet
from “To Hit” Bonus: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has attacks
attacks Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3). Two rounds after
Damage: 1d8+2 Piercing (18-20 x3) being struck, the target must make a Fortitude Save vs.
Weight: 2 pounds DC 20 or take 2d8 additional damage drom poison and
Armor Class: 5 then 1d8 damage per round for the following two
Hardness: 7 rounds.
Hit Points: 2 Weight: 2 pounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 5
Roll: 16 Hardness: 6
Special: Ignores 9 points of Hardness or Damage Hit Points: 2
Resistance DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Roll: 13
Description: A vibroblade spearhead, it has excellent Description: A hyperice spear with a deadly poison
penetration against hard targets, particularly when frozen into the ice, like a kind of toxic popsicle. The
combined with the spear's impressive mass. The spear ice actually has to start to melt before it can deliver its
can be retrieved and used again. It's tiny power-cell is load, and the cold surface tends to close up the
located just behind the head, and has enough power victim's capillaries, slowing the rate at which the
for three uses before it has to be replaced. poison is absorbed. The toxin therefore doesn't take
effect until two rounds after the target has been struck.
This weapon isn't as hard to trace as a standard
Hyperice Spear hyperice spear, since there will of course be poison in
Size:Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of the victim's system, but once the ice has melted it can't
hand” roll) be linked with a particular gun. It isn't even possible to
Cost: 10 Units take an accurate cast of the wound, since the extreme
Tentative Purchase DC: 3 cold puckers the flesh that the spear has pierced.
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A

Harpoons and Harpoon Guns
Harpoon Gun Hit Points: 10
Cost: 590 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) Roll: 19
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Special: Can use any of the special harpoon-loads
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged listed below
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use, usually fired from a Accessories: Harpoon (weighs 5 pounds, costs 10
mount units), Spare propellant bottle (weighs 1/2 pound,
Range Increment: 60 feet costs 25 units, contains enough fuel for 40 shots, Size:
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty for anyone with a Tiny, 4 Hardness, 2 HP, 10% chance of exploding if it
Strength of less than 16 to use without a mount loses all its hit points, doing 2d6 damage to the
Rate of Fire: Once per round wielder and 1d3 to anyone in a 5 foot radius), Tripod
Damage: 1d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) Mount (Weighs 4 pounds, Costs 100 units)
Weight: 18 pounds Description: A double-barreled muzzle-loading
Armor Class: 5 harpoon gun, in case the first harpoon misses. Each of
Hardness: 6 its massive twin launchers takes a full round to reload,
Hit Points: 10 unless the weapon is being loaded by someone size
DC required to break this item with a Strength Large or bigger, in which case it takes only a standard
Roll: 19 action to slip a harpoon into each tube. Most of the
Special: Can use any of the special harpoon-loads sportsmen who hunt game with harpoon guns consider
listed below this an unsporting weapon, but of course there are
Accessories: Harpoon (weighs 5 pounds, costs 10 some cultures that don't care about such niceties.
units), Spare propellant bottle (weighs 1/2 pound,
costs 25 units, contains enough fuel for 40 shots, Size:
Tiny, 4 Hardness, 2 HP, 10% chance of exploding if it Heavy Harpoon Gun
loses all its hit points, doing 2d6 damage to the Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
wielder and 1d3 to anyone in a 5 foot radius), Tripod Cost: 1,000 Units
Mount (Weighs 4 pounds, Costs 100 units) Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable)
Description: Much larger than a standard speargun, Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
this is a big game hunter's weapon. The size of a Handed: Requires 2 hands to use, usually fired from a
heavy machine gun, it can only be used without a mount
tripod by characters with with Strength of 16 or Range Increment: 70 feet
higher. Anyone else has a -4 penalty. It is powered by “To Hit” Bonus: -6 penalty for anyone with a
explosive liquid fuel, kept in a reservoir on the side, Strength of less than 19 to use without a mount.
which holds enough for 10 shots. It takes a full action Rate of Fire: Once per round
to reload the gun. It fires equally well under and Damage: 2d8 Piercing (19-20 x3)
above the water. A number of specialized harpoons Weight: 36 pounds
are available for various kinds of game. We've listed a Armor Class: 3
few below. Hardness: 7
Hit Points: 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Double-Barreled Harpoon Gun Roll: 20
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal) Special: Can use any of the special harpoon-loads
Cost: 700 Units listed below
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) Accessories: Harpoon (weighs 10 pounds, costs 10
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged units), Spare propellant bottle (weighs 2 pounds, costs
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use, usually fired from a 25 units, contains enough fuel for 60 shots, Size:
mount Small, 4 Hardness, 3 HP, 15% chance of exploding if
Range Increment: 40 ft it loses all its hit points, doing 2d6 damage to the
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty for anyone with a wielder and 1d3 to anyone in a 5 foot radius), Tripod
Strength of less than 16 to use without a mount Mount (Weighs 4 pounds, Costs 200 units)
Magazine: 2 Description: An elephant-killer gun. Unless you have
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has space-ogres in your campaign, no one is going to fire
attacks (but only holds two shots) this weapon without a mount. It's powered by a liquid
Damage: 1d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) explosive propellant and launches harpoons which are
Weight: 18 pounds fully compatible with the "Harpoon Guns" listed
Armor Class: 5 above--it just launches them further and harder. The
Hardness: 6 weapon works equally well underwater and on dry

land. It takes a full action to reload. Handed: N/A
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
from, minus ten feet
Expanding Harpoon “To Hit” Bonus: +4 vs. Armor Only
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of Rate of Fire: Once per round
hand” roll) Damage: 6d12 Piercing (18-20 x3). Ignores up to 10
Cost: 10 Units points of Hardness
Tentative Purchase DC: 3 Weight: 6 pounds
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Armor Class: 3
Handed: N/A Hardness: 10
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired Hit Points: 5
from DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Roll: 19
Rate of Fire: Once per round Description: More an alternate military technology
Damage: 5d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) than a hunting weapon, this is better for hunting
Weight: 5 pounds armored cars than big game. It's packed with spent
Armor Class: 3 uranium, and has a teflon-like coating that gives it
Hardness: 10 extra penetration.
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 19 Fragmentation Harpoon
Description: What a bad way to die. When it enters Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of
the target, the head of this harpoon blossoms out like a hand” roll)
bloody steel flower, causing huge amounts of internal Cost: 30 Units
damage. Tentative Purchase DC: 5
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A
Explosive Harpoon Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of from, minus ten feet
hand” roll) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Cost: 15 Units Rate of Fire: Once per round
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 Damage: 5d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) to the target, 2d12
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Piercing to anything else in a 10 foot radius. A
Handed: N/A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves the area-
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired effect damage.
from, minus ten feet Weight: 5 pounds
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Armor Class: 3
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hardness: 10
Damage: 5d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) to the target, 1d12 Hit Points: 5
Bludgeoning to anything else in a 10 foot radius. A DC required to break this item with a Strength
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 allows anyone Roll: 18
caught in the blast area to take half damage. Description: This harpoon explodes on impact,
Weight: 5 pounds sending metallic fragments everywhere. This does
Armor Class: 3 damage to the target and to anyone unlucky enough to
Hardness: 10 be in the vicinity. Fragmentation harpoons may be
Hit Points: 5 harder to find than most of these other varieties, since
DC required to break this item with a Strength they make for a fairly unsporting hunting weapon.
Roll: 19 Then again, some worlds may have game animals that
Description: This harpoon explodes on impact, after it require this kind of hardware.
has already entered the target. There may be some
very large animals which require this kind of load, but
otherwise, most hunters tend to look on explosive Detachable Bore-Worm Harpoon
harpoons as wretched excess. Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 35 Units
Armor-Piercing Explosive Harpoon Tentative Purchase DC: 6
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
hand” roll) Handed: N/A
Cost: 25 Units Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 from
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round

Damage: 1d12 Piercing, plus an additional 2d6 Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Piercing damage per round for the next 1-6 rounds from, minus ten feet
Weight: 5 pounds “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 3 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Hardness: 10 Damage: 1d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) to living targets.
Hit Points: 5 1d12 Piercing (17-20 x4) +4d12 electricty to robots
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 6 pounds
Roll: 18 Armor Class: 3
Accessories: Extra Boreworm Head (weighs 1/2 Hardness: 10
pound, costs 15 Units) Hit Points: 5
Description: This harpoon is tipped with a drill- DC required to break this item with a Strength
shaped solid fuel rocket. Once the harpoon strikes Roll: 18
home, the head detaches, it's engine ignites and it Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
burrows spinning into the target's flesh until it runs out costs 30 units)
of fuel, comes to rest against something too solid to Description: The barbed head of this harpoon
dig through or comes out the other side. contains an electromagnetic pulse device designed
specifically to disrupt a robot's central processing unit.
It does normal harpoon damage to living targets and
Poison Harpoon may or may not have some kind of catastrophic effect
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of on non-sentient machines at the DM's discretion.
hand” roll)
Cost: 10 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 3 Radioactive Harpoon
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: N/A hand” roll)
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired Cost: 15 Units
from Tentative Purchase DC: 4
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Rate of Fire: Once per round Handed: N/A
Damage: 1d12 Piercing (19-20 x3). Target must Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or take 1d10 from
additional Damage from poison each round for the “To Hit” Bonus: --
next 5 rounds. Rate of Fire: Once per round
Weight: 5 pounds Damage: 1d12 Piercing (19-20 x3). On the round
Armor Class: 3 after they are struck, the target will begin to take 2d12
Hardness: 10 Radiation damage per round. They will continue to
Hit Points: 5 take radiation damage for for 1-4 rounds. A Fortitude
DC required to break this item with a Strength Saving Throw vs. DC 23 will halve the radiation
Roll: 19 damage for that round. Roll each round.
Special: Weight: 6 pounds
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150 Armor Class: 3
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of toxin in 1 Hardness: 10
round) Hit Points: 5
Description: There is room to pack a lot of poison DC required to break this item with a Strength
into a harpoon and this one carries a whopping dose. Roll: 19
The toxin is stored inside the center of the shaft, and Description: Bigger and more durable than a
drains out through holes in the head once the harpoon radioactive spear, there is enough room on this
has sunk home in the target. The specific poison listed weapon to store its radioactive load more securely,
here is just an example. Feel free to fill it with and it doesn't suffer from the same drawbacks. When
whatever foul stuff you like. the harpoon strikes home, it detonates a small
explosive charge in the head, which blows radioactive
dust into the wound. If the harpoon itself takes
Robot-Disrupter Harpoon damage, it will have to lose all its hit points before it
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of bursts and spills its deadly load. If this happens,
hand” roll) anyone standing within five feet will have to make a
Cost: 25 Units Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or suffer the effects
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 of the radiation (2d12 damage).
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: N/A

Giant Harpoons and Giant Harpoon Guns
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Description: Standard for hunting very large game,
this monster harpoon opens out into a jagged furl of
metal once it enters the target's flesh, ripping and
stretching the wound into a far more grievous injury.

Giant Harpoon Gun

Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) Giant Explosive Harpoon
Cost: 2,200 Units Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of
Tentative Purchase DC: hand” roll)
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Cost: 50 Units
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use, usually fired from a Tentative Purchase DC: 7
mount Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Range Increment: 80 feet Handed: N/A
“To Hit” Bonus: -8 penalty for anyone with a Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Strength of less than 22 to use without a mount from
Rate of Fire: Once per round “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 3d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Weight: 100 pounds Damage: 8d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) to the target, plus
Armor Class: 3 3d12 Bludgeoning to anything else in a ten foot radius.
Hardness: 10 A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 halves the
Hit Points: 25 Bludgeoning damage.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 10 pounds
Roll: 22 Armor Class: 3
Special: Can use any of the special giant harpoon- Hardness: 10
loads listed below Hit Points: 10
Accessories: Harpoon (weighs 15 pounds, costs 10 DC required to break this item with a Strength
units), Spare propellant bottle (weighs 5 pounds, costs Roll: 20
40 units, Size: Small, 4 Hardness, 5 HP, 20% chance Description: For particularly resilient targets, this
of exploding if it loses all its hit points, doing 3d6 giant harpoon comes with a high-explosive charge set
damage to the wielder and 1d6 to anyone in a 5 foot in the spearhead that detonates after it has buried itself
radius), Tripod Mount (Weighs 10 pounds, Costs 500 in the target.
Description: This is a whale-killer. Meant to be
mounted on vehicles, it's not possible for anything Giant Armor-Piercing Explosive Harpoon
smaller than a Large creature to use this massive gun Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of
as a personal hand-weapon. hand” roll)
Cost: 75 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Giant Expanding Harpoon Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of Handed: N/A
hand” roll) Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Cost: 25 Units from
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 “To Hit” Bonus: +4 vs. Armor Only
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Rate of Fire: Once per round
Handed: N/A Damage: 9d12 Piercing (18-20 x3), ignores up to 10
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired points of Hardness
from Weight: 15 pounds
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Armor Class: 3
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hardness: 10
Damage: 7d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) Hit Points: 10
Weight: 10 pounds DC required to break this item with a Strength
Armor Class: 3 Roll: 20
Hardness: 10 Description: Meant for use against who-knows-what
Hit Points: 10 kind of monster target, this harpoon has a spent
uranium core and can easily punch its way into an

armored car.
Giant Robot-Disrupter Harpoon
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of
Giant Fragmentation Harpoon hand” roll)
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal with a “sleight of Cost: 75 Units
hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Cost: 60 Units Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Tentative Purchase DC: 8 Handed: N/A
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired
Handed: N/A from, minus ten feet
Range Increment: Same as the weapon it is fired “To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Robots
from Rate of Fire: Once per round
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Damage: Does 3d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) to living
Rate of Fire: Once per round targets. Does 3d12 Piercing (17-20 x4) plus 7d12
Damage: 7d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) to the target, plus electrical damage to robots
4d12 Piercing to anything else in a ten foot radius. Weight: 12 pounds
Anyone who is injured only by the shrapnel can make Armor Class: 3
a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half Hardness: 5
damage (this does not help the actual target of the Hit Points: 10
attack) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 10 pounds Roll: 18
Armor Class: 3 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Hardness: 9 Description: Made for use against really large robots,
Hit Points: 10 this harpoon contains an electromagnetic pulse device
DC required to break this item with a Strength designed specifically to disrupt a robot's higher
Roll: 19 functions. It may or may not have the same kind of
Description: This colossal exploding harpoon fills the catastrophic effect on non-sentient machines. This is
air with deadly metallic fragments. Few big game strictly up to the DM.
animals require this kind of treatment, so the weapon
is thankfully rare.

Stranger Stuff
Spike Pistol Description: A one-handed version of the spike gun,
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of about the size of the largest conventional pistols. It's
hand” roll) too big for most holsters but one could be specially
Cost: 900 Units made to contain it. Five wickedly barbed spikes
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) protrude from its five barrels. They can only be
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons launched one at a time. The weapon is powered by a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use small compressed gas cylinder on the back, above the
Range Increment: 40 feet grip. It holds just enough gas for five shots.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 4
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3)
Weight: 5 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 6
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17 Light 3-Barrel Spike Pistol
Accessories: Compressed Gas Canister (Weighs 1/2 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
lb, costs 10 units, lasts for fifteen shots), Barbed hand” roll)
Spikes (Weigh 1 pound each, costs 2 Units for a set of Cost: 900 Units
five), Holster (Weighs 1 pound, costs 150 units to Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
have specially made, may be more widely available Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
and cost less in a world where spike pistols are Handed: Requires 1 hand to use

Range Increment: 40 ft can be fired as many times as you have spikes to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- launch from it. This weapon launches spikes that are
Magazine: 3 larger and heavier than the other two spike pistols
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has listed here and which aren't compatible with them.
attacks More accurate than multibarrel spike guns, it also has
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20/x3) more stopping power. It still can't compete with
Weight: 5 pounds conventional slug-throwing firearms, despite its
Armor Class: 9 durability and ease of use. It takes a Standard Action
Hardness: 6 to reload the gun This is a muzzle-loading weapon-
Hit Points: 4 you shove the spike down its barrel.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16
Accessories: Compressed Gas Canister (Weighs 1/2 Automatic Spike Gun
pound, costs 10 units, lasts for fifteen shots), Barbed Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
Spikes (Weigh 1 pound each, costs 2 Units for a set of Cost: 1,100 Units
five), Holster (Weighs 1 pound, costs 120 units to Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable)
have specially made, may be more widely available Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
and cost less in a world where spike pistols are Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
commonplace) Range Increment: 50 feet
Description: A relatively lightweight spike-launching “To Hit” Bonus: --
handgun. It has three barrels, each of which holds one Magazine: 30
steel spike. Powered by metal springs, it does not use Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
an energy cell or gas cylinder and makes very little attacks
noise when fired (until of course the target screams). Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20 x3)
This is a fairly exotic weapon. Few cultures that Weight: 25 pounds
use gunpowder would produce small arms like this, so Armor Class: 5
it is rarely seen in the same time or place as what we Hardness: 6
would call conventional projectile weapons. Hit Points: 10
It takes a Standard Action to reload each of its DC required to break this item with a Strength
three barrels. Relaoding is extremely simple-you just Roll: 18
push the spike into the barrel. It fires spikes which are Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
compatible with the five-barreled model listed above, target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
but not the single-barrel model. an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
every target within the affected area must make a
Reflexes Saving Throw (DC 15) or take the weapon’s
One-Shot Spike Pistol damage. Autofire uses up 10 rounds, and can only be
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of used if the weapon has 10 rounds in it.
hand” roll) Accessories: Compressed Gas Canister (Weighs 2
Cost: 800 Units pounds, costs 15 units, lasts for 30 shots), Magazine
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) (Weighs 2 pounds unloaded, costs 10 Units), Spikes
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons (Weigh 2 pounds each, costs 12 Units for a set of 30),
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Tripod Mount (Weighs 3 pounds, Costs 200 units)
Range Increment: 50 ft Description: Some cultures follow radically different
“To Hit” Bonus: -- paths to firearms technology. This is a kind of gas-
Magazine: 1 propelled speargun. It's a big weapon, about the size of
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has a heavy machine gun. Despite the fact that it fires
attacks two-foot metal spikes, the kickback is not excessive
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (19-20/x3) and almost anyone capable of lifting the weapon can
Weight: 5 pounds use it with ease. The ammunition is belt-fed and hangs
Armor Class: 9 out the left side. If the user turns a crank on the right,
Hardness: 6 it will deliver an autofire burst of spikes. The
Hit Points: 4 compressed gas canister fits in the top of the weapon
DC required to break this item with a Strength and has to be changed at the same time as the ammo
Roll: 16 belt.
Accessories: Barbed Spikes (Weigh 1 ½ pounds each, Ludicrous in some respects, this odd gun does have
costs 2 Units for a set of five), Holster (Weighs 1 certain advantages. It makes little noise and has a lot
pound, costs 150 units to have specially made, may be of stopping power. It also doesn't have much range,
more widely available and cost less in a world where and is far too big and heavy for the amount of
spike pistols are commonplace) firepower it generates.
Description: A one-shot spike-launching pistol. This weapon is not designed to launch any of the
Powered by springs, rather than compressed gas or an special loads designed for Advanced Spearguns,
energy cell, it effectively never runs out of energy, and Harpoon Guns, etc. It just fires big metal spikes.

damage. Autofire uses up 10 rounds, and can only be
used if the weapon has 10 rounds in it.
Automatic Lance-Gun Accessories: Compressed Gas Canister (Weighs 5
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) pounds, costs 30 units, lasts for 20 shots), Magazine
Cost: 1,200 Units (Weighs 5 pounds unloaded, costs 10 Units), Spikes
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) (Weigh 7 pounds each, costs 50 Units for a set of 20)
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged Description: A huge, bulky, shoulder-mounted
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use device, it launches four-foot metal spikes at the target
Range Increment: 60 feet and is capable of autofire.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- It has some real advantages in combat--the weapon
Magazine: 20 is nearly silent and produces no chemical or energy
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has signature. Its chief drawback is its size. The barrel is
attacks as long as a bazooka and a huge magazine rests on top
Damage: 1d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) of the firing mechanism. It takes a full round to reload
Weight: 50 pounds this monster, even if all the spikes have already been
Armor Class: 3 slotted into the giant magazine.
Hardness: 7 Only someone with Strength 16 or higher can use
Hit Points: 15 this gun as anything but a mounted weapon. Anyone
DC required to break this item with a Strength else firing it without at least the support of a tripod
Roll: 17 does so at a -4.
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can This weapon is not designed to launch any of the
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has special loads designed for the other spear and harpoon
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, guns listed here. It fires only its own strange
every target within the affected area must make a ammunition.
Reflexes Saving Throw (DC 15) or take the weapon’s

Darts and Dart Guns

Darts are among the oldest and longest-lasting human weapons. Widely available in the stone age, they persist (in a
limited role) through the space age and beyond. It's not hard to see why. Darts travel at subsonic speeds, make little
noise, are hard to detect with sensors and ultimately there just isn't a better way to get drugs or poison into a target at

We have listed stats for a blowgun made from modern high-performance materials and some compressed gas dartguns
of the type used for animal control, as well as a host of futuristic darts with a wide variety of effect. Most of the darts
found in this section can (at the DM's discretion) be launched from slingshots as easily as blowguns

Disposable Compressed Air Dart DC required to break this item with a Strength
Projector Roll: 12
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Special:
Description: A sort of mechanized blowgun. It looks
“sleight of hand” roll)
like a short plastic tube with a small air canister
Cost: 200 Units
attached to the side. The weapon is approximately the
Tentative Purchase DC: 12
size and shape of a turkey baster. It holds only one
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
dart at a time. You load it by slipping the dart in
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 10 feet through the muzzle (this takes a Standard Action).
The gas canister can launch six darts before it has to
“To Hit” Bonus: --
be replaced, but few users will actually reuse the
Magazine: 1
device that many times. This is an assassination
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
weapon, made so as to be hard to detect and easy to
dispose of. The whole thing is made of ordinary
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3) The target must make a
plastic and can easily be burned or recycled once you
Fortitude save vs. DC 18 or take an additional 4d8
are done with it.
damage from poison
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 0 Concealed Dart Projector
Hit Points: 2 Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight

of hand” roll) They are lauched by powerful springs and so there is
Cost: 750 Units no gas canister or power cell to replace. The damage
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 listed here is for generic poison darts. Feel free to
Required Proficiency: Simple load the wrist-unit with whichever darts you like. Just
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use be sure to move your hand out of the way when you
Range Increment: 10 feet fire it!
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
attacks Advanced Materials Blowgun
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3). The target must make Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or take an additional 3d8 hand” roll)
damage from poison Cost: 75 Units
Weight: 1/10 pound Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Armor Class: 13 Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Hardness: 0 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Hit Points: 1 Range Increment: 30 feet
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 10 Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
Description: A one-shot dart projector, small enough attacks
to be built into a wide variety of unlikely objects. It Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3)
could fit into a fountain pen, a cigarette lighter or even Weight: 1 pound
a wristwatch. These usually aren't designed to be Armor Class: 9
reloaded--once you've killed someone with the device Hardness: 4
you'd want to discard it and get as far away as possible Hit Points: 3
before it's discovered on your person. It is however DC required to break this item with a Strength
possible that some cost-concious spy agency might Roll: 16
build them for multiple use. The statistics listed here Accessories: Advanced Materials Darts (A pack of 30
assume the launcher holds a generic "poison dart" but darts weighs 1/2 pound, costs 15 units, but other types
of course you could put any type of dart inside. of darts are available as well. See the listings below)
Description: A two and a half foot tube, made from
synthetic materials which give it better performance
Wrist-Mounted Dart Projector characteristics than even the finest wood. For the sake
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a of example, I've listed the damage it would do it you
“sleight of hand” roll) loaded it with a simple dart, without any poison,
Cost: 400 Units drugs, explosives, etc. I'm sure you can think of all
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 kinds of other things to do with it.
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 15
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3) The target must make a
Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or take an additional 3d8
damage from poison
Weight: 1 pound Compressed Air Dart Pistol, Animal
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 4 Collection
Hit Points: 2 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
DC required to break this item with a Strength “sleight of hand” roll)
Roll: 14 Cost: 250 Units
Accessories: Advanced Materials Darts (A pack of 30 Tentative Purchase DC: 13
darts weighs 1/2 pound, costs 15 units, but other types Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
of darts are available as well. See the listings below) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Description: A good weapon for commandos and Range Increment: 30 feet
anyone else who needs to kill people silently (or who “To Hit” Bonus: --
just feels a hankering to). It looks like a narrow, flat Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
box strapped to the top of the user's wrist, and is easily attacks
concealed under a long-sleeved garment. The unit has Damage: Special. The target must make a Fortitude
no magazine and the darts each have to be loaded save vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 19-Con hours
separately. It takes a full action to load each one. (so a character with a Con of 15 would be unconscious

for 4 hours, a character with Con 10 would be ten shots), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
unconscious for 9 hours and so forth). Range Increment by one), Antidote Vial (1/20th lb,
Weight: 2 pounds costs 200 Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of drug
Armor Class: 9 in 1-6 rounds)
Hardness: 4 Description: A long-range compressed air single-shot
Hit Points: 2 dart gun, designed for collecting live wildlife (or
DC required to break this item with a Strength tagging them with radio collars). The unit breaks open
Roll: 13 to reload, like a shotgun. This takes a standard action.
Accessories: Dart with sleep drug (A pack of 30 darts These guns are surprisingly hard to come by. Only a
weighs 1/2 pound, costs 30 units, but other types of few companies make them and you can only really
darts are available as well. See the listings below), order one through catalogs that sell zoo and wildlife
Compressed Gas Canister (Weighs 1/10 pound, costs 5 control equipment. They generally want to check your
units, lasts for ten shots), Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, credentials before selling you one.
costs 200 Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of drug
in 1-6 rounds)
Description: As seen on the Discovery Channel! This Dart Rifle, Military/Intel
large, bulky pistol holds a single tranquilizer dart. It is Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
usually sold with about ten darts, which can be loaded hand” roll)
with varying doses of different types of sedatives Cost: 1,200 Units
and/or muscle relaxants, for animals of different sizes Tentative Purchase DC: 18
and physiologies. The sleep-drug listed here is really Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
just an example--you can load a dart up to drop a Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
monkey or to drop a rhino. It breaks open to load, like Range Increment: 70 feet
a single barrel shotgun. It's hard to find holsters the “To Hit” Bonus: --
right size and shape for this distinctly non-standard Magazine: 25
weapon, so it is generally carried around in its storage Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has
case. attacks
Damage: Special. The target must make a Fortitude
save vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 19-Con hours
(so a character with a Con of 15 would be unconscious
for 4 hours, a character with Con 10 would be
unconscious for 9 hours and so forth).
Weight: 7 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Dart Rifle, Animal Collection Roll: 15
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Accessories: Dart with sleep drug (A pack of 30 darts
hand” roll) weighs 1/2 pound, costs 30 units), Compressed Gas
Cost: 300 Units Canister (Weighs 1/10 pound, costs 5 units, lasts for
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 ten shots), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Range Increment by one), Antidote Vial (1/20th lb,
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use costs 200 Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of drug
Range Increment: 60 feet in 1-6 rounds)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: This dart rifle is designed specifically
Rate of Fire: As many times as the weapon has for military/intelligence skullduggery. It might have
attacks been possible to design one with a magazine, but most
Damage: Special. The target must make a Fortitude snipers change position just after taking a shot
save vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 19-Con hours anyway, so they left it as a single-shot weapon. You
(so a character with a Con of 15 would be unconscious load it through a chamber in the breech, a little like a
for 4 hours, a character with Con 10 would be pump-action shotgun. The gas canister holds enough
unconscious for 9 hours and so forth). pressure for ten shots before it has to be changed. For
Weight: 7 pounds the sake of example, this rifle is loaded with a sleep-
Armor Class: 7 dart potent enough to down an average-sized human
Hardness: 4 being, but you could of course load it with whatever
Hit Points: 3 kind of dart is available.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Dart with sleep drug (A pack of 30 darts "Silent Lightning" Autofire Dart Rifle
weighs 1/2 pound, costs 30 units), Compressed Gas Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Canister (Weighs 1/10 pound, costs 5 units, lasts for hand” roll)

Cost: 3,000 Units Range Increment: 30 ft if thrown, more if launched
Tentative Purchase DC: 22 from a weapon
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapon--Ranged “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
Range Increment: 60 feet you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x2)
Magazine: 30 Weight: 1/2 pound
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
attacks weapons)
Damage: 1d4 (20 x2) Hardness: 3
Weight: 9 pounds Hit Points: 1
Armor Class: 7 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 4 Roll: 13
Hit Points: 3 Description: A standard template for what a dart
DC required to break this item with a Strength made from super-advanced, space-age materials might
Roll: 13 look like. It is constructed from a composite material
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can which is both lighter and stronger than anything we
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has have presently. It also produces less air resistance and
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, is accurate at a greater range. Please note that while
every target within the affected area must make a you can use this same template for a throwing dart, a
Reflexes save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. blowgun dart, or the kind of dart you launch from a
Autofire shoots 10 darts, and can only be used if the dart-gun, you can't actually interchange these different
weapon has at least 10 darts left in the magazine. types of darts. A throwing dart isn't suitable for being
Accessories: Specially designed plastic ammo clip launched from a dartgun, a blowgun dart isn't very
(Weighs 1/2 pound fully loaded, costs 10 units, 2 clips effective if you throw it and so forth.
come free with the weapon), Spare Darts (A pack of
30 darts weighs 1/2 pound, costs 10 units, but other
types of darts are available as well. See the listings Dart, Undetectable Materials
below), Compressed Gas Canister (Weighs 1/2 pound, Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
costs 15 units, lasts for thirty shots), Scope (1/2 lb, of hand” roll)
costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one) Cost: 1 Unit per dart
Description: A technological curiosity, this dart rifle Tentative Purchase DC: 2 (but is often unavailable
holds a full ammunition clip and is capable of autofire. or illegal or both)
It was intended as a low-cost, low maintenance Required Proficiency: Simple
alternative to slugthrower assault rifles, but was never Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
adopted by any regular army. Air rifle hobbyists have Range Increment: 20 ft if thrown, possibly more if
kept the brand alive, although this is still a very rare launched from a weapon
weapon. “To Hit” Bonus: --
It fires ammunition clips, like all autofire rifles did Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
in the days before caseless ammo. It takes a minute or you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
so to load a clip with darts, but only a single standard Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x2)
action to pop a loaded clip into the magazine. The gun Weight: 1 pound
usually fires ordinary "advanced material darts" but it Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
could conceivably be loaded with any of the special weapons)
darts listed here as well. If you have loaded a clip Hardness: 2
with a combination of different darts, you have to fire Hit Points: 1
them strictly in the order in which they were loaded. DC required to break this item with a Strength
There is no way to choose a particular dart. Roll: 12
In addition to the magazine, the gun requires a Description: A dart made from genetically-
special oversized compressed gas canister, which isn't engineered vegetable material. It looks and feels like
compatible with other dart weapons or needleguns. a hard plastic or a ceramic, with no metal on the tip. It
The canister holds enough gas for 30 shots, the same won't show up on metal detectors or on the more
as the magazine. advanced scanners which search for military plastics.
The dart doesn't have the same penetrating power as
one with, say, a tungsten/titanium alloy tip, and its
Advanced Materials Dart balance is just a bit odd, limiting its range. If a
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight customs official somehow discovers this item on your
of hand” roll) person, it will be tricky to explain.
Cost: 10 Units for a pack of 30 darts
Tentative Purchase DC: 3
Required Proficiency: Simple Dart With Sleep Drug
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight

of hand” roll) a dart.
Cost: 15 Units for a pack of 30 darts
Tentative Purchase DC: 4
Required Proficiency: Simple Poison Dart
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if of hand” roll)
launched from a weapon Cost: 15 Units for a pack of 30 darts
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 4 (often illegal)
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but Required Proficiency: Simple
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Damage: Special. The target must make a Fortitude Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if
save vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 19-Con hours. launched from a weapon
A character with a Con of 15 would be unconscious “To Hit” Bonus: --
for 4 hours, a character with Con 10 would be Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
unconscious for 9 hours and so forth. It will not work you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
at all on a creature that is Huge or larger in size. Damage: Make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or take
Weight: 1/2 pound 4d4 damage from poison.
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Weight: 1/2 pound
weapons) Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hardness: 3 weapons)
Hit Points: 1 Hardness: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 1
Roll: 12 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: A small dart which does no actual Roll: 13
damage, and instead delivers a dose of a potent Description: What sinister brotherhood of assassins
tranquilizing drug. The target shouldn't be surprised to would be complete without poison darts in their
wake up with a tag in their ear and a radio collar Arsenal of Sneaky Evil? You could use these same
around their neck. weapon statistics for a blowgun dart, a hand-thrown
dart, etc.

Super-High Potency Stun Dart

Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Poison Dart, Extra-Lethal
of hand” roll) Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Cost: 15 Units for a pack of 30 darts of hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 Cost: 20 Units for a pack of 30 darts
Required Proficiency: Simple Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (usually illegal)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Required Proficiency: Simple
Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
launched from a weapon Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if
“To Hit” Bonus: -- launched from a weapon
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but “To Hit” Bonus: --
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
Damage: Target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
vs. DC 27 or fall unconscious for 3d6 hours. There is Damage: Make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or take
no limit on the size of the animal. If it is used on a 5d6 damage from poison.
creature that is size Small or smaller, they must make Weight: 1/2 pound
an additional Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or go Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
into shock and die. weapons)
Weight: 1/2 pound Hardness: 3
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Hit Points: 1
weapons) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 3 Roll: 13
Hit Points: 1 Description: A dart loaded with an even more lethal
DC required to break this item with a Strength toxin. This could be a blowgun dart, a hand-thrown
Roll: 12 dart, a dart-pistol dart, etc. The stats are the same. It's
Description: Good for knocking out big carnivores in enough like the first poison dart that I would feel a
order to tag them for study, or to put your enemies to little dubious about calling it a separate weapon, so
sleep for long enough to do humiliating things to I'm not going to count it against the total 1001.
them. This dart contains a powerful sedative drug
which it injects on impact. It can be reused but holds
only enough of the drug for a single dose. It takes one
minute and a skill roll (DM's choice) to correctly refill

Poison Dart, Superlethal be specially made. Then again, maybe the player
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight characters live in a society where aristocrats hunt
of hand” roll) peasants with these things. It's up to the DM.
Cost: 100 Units per dart
Tentative Purchase DC: 10 (usually illegal)
Required Proficiency: Simple Dart With Blinding Drug
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if of hand” roll)
launched from a weapon Cost: 20 Units for a pack of 30 darts
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 5
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but Required Proficiency: Simple
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Damage: Make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or die Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if
instantly. launched from a weapon
Weight: 1/2 pound “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
weapons) you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
Hardness: 3 Damage: Special, see description
Hit Points: 1 Weight: 1/2 pound
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Roll: 13 weapons)
Description: A shockingly lethal poison dart, loaded Hardness: 3
with a diabolical toxin called Thanatoline. This is the Hit Points: 1
most fast-acting, lethal poison known (or at least the DC required to break this item with a Strength
most lethal one you're probably going to want to Roll: 12
introduce to your campaign). Description: This dart delivers a dose of a drug that
affects the target's optic nerves. The target must make
a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or become Blind
Dart With Pain Drug for 2d12 hours. Blind characters suffer a 50% chance
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of missing in combat (all their targets effectively have
of hand” roll) full concealment), lose any Dexterity Bonus they
Cost: 15 Units for a pack of 30 darts might have to their Armor Class, move at half speed,
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 (often unavailable) suffer a -4 penalty on Search checks and both Strength
Required Proficiency: Simple and Dexterity based skill rolls. All attackers have a +2
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use bonus to hit the blind character. At the DM's
Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if discretion the drug might not work on creatures with
launched from a weapon very different physiologies, and of course it has no
“To Hit” Bonus: -- effect on creatures that don't have eyes.
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
Damage: 1d6 Nonlethal Damage per round for three Dart With Mesmeric Drug
rounds. A Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
the damage. Roll each round. of hand” roll)
Weight: 1/2 pound Cost: 20 Units for a pack of 30 darts
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Tentative Purchase DC: 5
weapons) Required Proficiency: Simple
Hardness: 3 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hit Points: 1 Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if
DC required to break this item with a Strength launched from a weapon
Roll: 12 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Special: Once struck, the target must make a Fortitude Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be Stunned (as per the you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
Monk special attack), and unable to take any action for Damage: Special, see description
one round. Even if the target is not Stunned, they will Weight: 1/2 pound
suffer a –2 penalty to all their attacks and skill rolls in Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
any round where they take nonlethal damage from the weapons)
drug. Hardness: 3
Description: This dart injects a drug that induces Hit Points: 1
agonizing pain. It can cause unconciousness, but does DC required to break this item with a Strength
no real, lasting damage to the target (at least Roll: 12
physically). This is not an item most zoos would Description: This dart is loaded with a powerful
stock or most catalogs would offer and it may have to hypnogogic, which renders the target vulnerable to

suggestion. The target must make a Willpower Saving Damage: Make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 18 or have
Throw vs. DC 20 or become susceptible to hypnotic your Dexterity reduced by 3d6 for 2d10 hours.
suggestion for 1d4 rounds. Characters who have just Weight: 1/2 pound
been injected with the drug are visibly spacy and odd Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
while they are receiving hypnotic commands, but weapons)
afterwards will look normal. The person making the Hardness: 3
suggestion must be brief, limiting their remarks to a Hit Points: 1
sentence or two. The suggestion must be worded in DC required to break this item with a Strength
such a manner as to make the activity sound Roll: 12
reasonable. Description: Anyone struck by this dart takes a
The effect normally ends when the subject finishes massive but temporary Dexterity loss. The affected
whatever it was that they were instructed to do. stat cannot go lower than 1. A character with a
However, the person giving the hypnotic instructions Dexterity of 1 or 2 can't walk or feed themselves and
can also specify conditions that will trigger the must make a Willpower Saving throw vs. DC 15 each
command. If nothing triggers them, these commands time they try to speak, in order to correctly shape the
can lie dormant for years. words.

Dart With Brain-Scrambler Toxin Dart With Paralysis Drug

Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
of hand” roll) of hand” roll)
Cost: 1 Unit per dart Cost: 15 Units for a pack of 30 darts
Tentative Purchase DC: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: 4
Required Proficiency: Simple Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if
launched from a weapon launched from a weapon
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
Damage: The target must make a Fortitude Saving Damage: The victim must make a Fortitude Save vs.
Throw vs. DC 20, or lose 3d6 Intelligence for 2d8x10 DC 20 or be paralyzed and helpless, unable to move or
hours take any physical actions, for 2d10 rounds.
Weight: 1/2 pound Weight: 1/2 pound
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
weapons) weapons)
Hardness: 3 Hardness: 3
Hit Points: 1 Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12 Roll: 12
Description: A dart loaded with a neural agent that Description: A dart loaded with a powerful paralytic
disrupts higher cerebral functions. A character with agent. The victim is perfectly aware of their
animal-like intelligence (3 or lower) can still surroundings, although unable to move. It is still
recognize their friends and will still follow them possible for the victim to take purely mental actions, if
around. They cannot speak or use tools in this the campaign makes use of magic or psionics. This
condition. dart is presented here as kind of template. It could be
the kind of dart you launch from a blowgun, the kind
you shoot from a dart gun or the kind you throw.
Dart With Motor Function Disrupter Everything but its range remains the same. The Range
Toxin Increment listed here assumes that you throw the dart,
without any kind of launcher.
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
of hand” roll)
Cost: 25 Units for a pack of 30
Tentative Purchase DC: 6 Dart With Psychedelic Drug
Required Proficiency: Simple Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use of hand” roll)
Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if Cost: 20 Units for a pack of 30 darts
launched from a weapon Tentative Purchase DC: 5
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Required Proficiency: Simple
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if
launched from a weapon

“To Hit” Bonus: -- lose a point of Strength and one of Constitution per
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but day for 4d6 days until they are cured by a doctor or
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks reach 0 Constitution and die. Multiple doses won't
Damage: Special, see description increase the effect of the disease.
Weight: 1/2 pound Description: This dart is contaminated with a lethal
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most pathogen. As with a number of the other darts
weapons) presented here, you could use these same weapon
Hardness: 3 statistics for a blowgun dart, a hand-thrown dart, etc.
Hit Points: 1 If you're using this dart with a blowgun, be extra
DC required to break this item with a Strength careful not to let it touch your lips.
Roll: 12
Description: A dart loaded with a psychosis-inducing
hallucinogenic. I have no intention of putting a Dart With Flesh-Eating Virus
sermon on the Perils Of Drugs into this book, but you Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
most definitely don't want to shoot yourself in the foot of hand” roll)
with this dart. This isn't the kind of dosage that Cost: 50 Units per dart
guitarists might have fun with--in fact it's not even the Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal)
kind of dose that drummers might enjoy. Required Proficiency: Simple
When hit, the target must make Fortitude Saving Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Throw vs. DC 20 or lose touch with reality for 3d12 Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown by hand, more if
rounds. Anyone who fails the initial Fortitude Saving launched from a weapon
Throw must now make a Willpower Saving throw “To Hit” Bonus: --
(DC 18) every round or roll on the following chart. Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
1 Wander away in a random direction at your you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
normal walking speed for 1-6 rounds. Do not re-roll Damage: Special, see description
until you are finished walking. Weight: 1/2 pound
2–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
into space, look at the ground or close your eyes. weapons)
5-6 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands, Hardness: 3
twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting Hit Points: 1
crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the DC required to break this item with a Strength
spot where you are standing. Roll: 12
7–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round Description: This dart is infected with a gruesome
10 Act normally for 1 round. You are not aware flesh-eating virus that can liquefy a man in minutes. It
that you have been acting crazy. If attacked while does 1d6 damage per round until the victim either dies
insane, the victim can defend themselves normally, or makes a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20. The target can
but unless they roll a 10 and "act normally", they are attempt to make a Fortitude Saving Throw every
incapable of articulate communication. round. The dart breaks open inside the target to release
its load and so can be used only once.

Plague Dart
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Incendiary Dart
of hand” roll) Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Cost: 25 Units for a pack of 30 of hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 6 (usually illegal) Cost: 20 Units for a pack of 30 darts
Required Proficiency: Simple Tentative Purchase DC: 5
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Required Proficiency: Simple
Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown by hand, more if Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
launched from a weapon Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown by hand, more if
“To Hit” Bonus: -- launched from a weapon
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but “To Hit” Bonus: --
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
Damage: Special, see description you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
Weight: 1/2 pound Damage: 1d3 Piercing, plus 1d4 Heat per round for 4
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most rounds
weapons) Weight: 1 pound
Hardness: 3 Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hit Points: 1 weapons)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 3
Roll: 12 Hit Points: 1
Special: Carries an infectious disease. The victim DC required to break this item with a Strength
must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or Roll: 12

Description: A dart packed with lightweight plastic Roll: 12
thermite compound, which barely increases its weight. Accessories: Miniature Power Cell (1/50 pound, costs
Its flight characteristics and range are the same as an 20 units)
ordinary dart. You can use these statistics as the Description: This fat, heavy dart contains a miniature
template for blowgun, throwing and dartgun versions power cell, which releases all its energy in a single
of the weapon. electric burst on impact. It is hard to make a battery
that is both powerful enough to generate a lethal
electric shock, and light enough that it doesn't
Vibratory Disruptor Dart seriously affect the dart's flight performance. This
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight model is not a completely satisfying compromise. It is
of hand” roll) heavy and not very accurate at long range, while the
Cost: 25 Units per dart electric shock is a little underpowered.
Tentative Purchase DC: 6
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Mental Domination Implant Dart
Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown by hand, more if Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
launched from a weapon of hand” roll)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Cost: 150 Units per dart
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but Tentative Purchase DC: (usually illegal)
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks Required Proficiency: Simple
Damage: 4d6 Piercing (20 x2) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weight: 1 pound Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown by hand, more if
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most launched from a weapon
weapons) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 3 Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
Hit Points: 1 you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
DC required to break this item with a Strength Damage: Special, see description
Roll: 12 Weight: 1/2 pound
Accessories: Miniature Power Cell (1/20 pound, costs Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
20 units) weapons)
Description: This heavy, chunky dart contains a Hardness: 3
miniature sonic disruptor, which goes off on impact, Hit Points: 1
wreaking grisly harm on the target. The effects of a DC required to break this item with a Strength
sonic disrupter aren't pretty and seeing this weapon Roll: 12
used on someone is cause for an immediate morale Accessories: Mind Control Unit (Weighs ½ pound,
check. The disrupter and its power source have been costs 1,500 units, usually illegal, has 2 Hit Points and
stripped down as much as possible to save on weight, no damage resistance. You wear it on your head)
so the dart usually burns itself out on the first time it's Description: Anyone struck by this tiny dart must
used. Why anyone would take a stealthy, silent make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or at once
weapon like a dart, and add something as noisy and become the willing thrall of whoever is wearing the
indiscreet as a sonic disrupter remains unclear. mind-control unit. They can make another Saving
Throw every hour, plus one every time they are
instructed to do something severely counter to their
Electrostatic Dart nature (it's purely the DM's call as to what qualifies)
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight This effect lasts indefinitely, until they make the
of hand” roll) saving throw or someone removes the dart.
Cost: 1 Unit per dart Removing the dart from a target who isn't
Tentative Purchase DC: 2 struggling requires a Dexterity Roll or some sort of
Required Proficiency: Simple medical skill roll vs. DC 20, and does 1 point of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use damage to the target. To pluck the implant out of a
Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown by hand, more if target who is sturggling requires a touch attack at a –4
launched from a weapon and does 1d3 damage.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- The mind-control unit's range is about one mile. It
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but allows the enslaved character to hear the user's
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks commands, but does not let the user read the enslaved
Damage: 1d3 Piercing (20 x2) plus 2d8 Electrical character’s thoughts. Communication is strictly one-
Weight: 1 pound way.
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hardness: 3 Bore Worm Dart
Hit Points: 1 Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
DC required to break this item with a Strength of hand” roll)

Cost: 5 Units per dart example) they will turn around and run screaming in a
Tentative Purchase DC: 2 (usually illegal) different random direction.
Required Proficiency: Simple 3) The character's neural responses become
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use weirdly sluggish. They must make a Willpower
Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown by hand, more if Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take any action at all, and
launched from a weapon even then all their rolls suffer a -4 penalty
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Armor Only 4) The character becomes homicidal and will
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but attack the closest available target with whatever melee
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks weapon is closest to hand. They will use no missile
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (19-20 x3) per round for 1-6 attacks. Even if they are holding some kind of missile
rounds. Only roll for critical hits on the first round. weapon, they will use it only as a club. If the target
Weight: 1/2 pound dies, falls unconscious or lies still, they keep hitting it
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most for one round and then move on the next nearest
weapons) target.
Hardness: 3 5) Target temporarily loses 3d6 Wisdom, down to a
Hit Points: 1 minimum of 1.
DC required to break this item with a Strength 6) Target lapses into immobility and is aware of
Roll: 14 nothing but violent hallucinations for the duration of
Description: This dart is tipped with a spiral drill bit, the effect. They can take no action and can't
which burrows into the target's flesh until it runs out effectively defend themselves.
of power, comes to rest against something too solid to 7) Target is rendered both Blind and Deaf for the
dig through or comes out the other side. duration of the effect.
8) The character attacks themselves with the closest
available weapon. Not the most damaging weapon,
Psi-Scream Dart just the closest. If two weapons are equally close, they
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight will chose melee weapons over ranged weapons and
of hand” roll) weapons that do more damage over weapons that do
Cost: 75 Units per dart less damage. They automatically hit. Roll damage as
Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (Often Unavailable) per normal. They will do this once per round until the
Required Proficiency: Simple effect wears off or they die.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Robots are unaffected by this dart and if the DM is
Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown by hand, more if using psionics in his or her campaign there may be
launched from a weapon psionic defenses which block or help resist its effect.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: A dart with a miniature culture of
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but telepathic human brain tissue growing in it. When the
you can launch as many of them as you have attacks dart hits the target, the brain matter convulses and
Damage: Special, see description dies, broadcasting its agonies to anyone in the vicinity,
Weight: 1/2 pound causing them unspeakable pain and bewildering,
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most senseless visions. Only societies well-versed in the
weapons) arts of psionics and genetic engineering can
Hardness: 3 manufacture these, and then only if they still use darts.
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12 Life-Drain Dart
Special: Anyone struck by the dart must make a Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20. The psi-scream of hand” roll)
affects different people in different ways, but the Cost: 85 Units per dart
effects always last for 2d10 rounds. Roll on the chart Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (Often Unavailable)
beneath to find out what happens to characters who Required Proficiency: Simple
fail their Saving Throws. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
1) Character collapses in a heap, aware of their Range Increment: 30 feet if thrown by hand, more if
surroundings but unable to take any action as their launched from a weapon
body jerks and spasms at random. They will also drop “To Hit” Bonus: --
anything they are holding and fall down, which may or Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be used once, but
may not have an effect on game play, depending on you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
the situation and on how cruel the DM is feeling. Damage: 1d2 Piercing (20 x2). Target must make a
2) The character runs, screaming gibberish in a Willpower Saving throw vs. DC 25 or receive 1d3
straight line in a random direction. They still have negative levels
their full AC bonus for Dexterity, but can take no Weight: 1/2 pound
action apart from running and screaming and can use Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
no skills or feats. If they encounter a barrier, even one weapons)
which they could easily get through (a closed door, for Hardness: 2

Hit Points: 2 chance that it will break. The odds rise to15% if it
DC required to break this item with a Strength misses. If it hits a non-living target, the DM should
Roll: 12 judge the chances of breakage based on the object's
Description: An oddly shaped crystalline throwing Hardness. For every point of Hardness, there is a 10%
dart. A product of some weird psionic technology, it chance that the dart will break.
actually sucks the life-force out of the target. This
item can be reused as many times as you can retrieve
it. Every time it strikes a living target, there is a 10%

Attack Drones
We present you here with a whole wide range of diabolical little devices, built to seek out and attack targets under their
own power. Some bore their way into the target, some inject them with poison or other unpleasant substances, some
slash them with tiny knives. Illegal just about everywhere, miniature attack drones are almost always used for terror
and assassination.

The DM should feel free to vary the appearance of these devices widely-they're often built by warped inventors who
make them look like toys

Miniature Robot Attack Drone you prefer. In fact, quite a number of sick freaks have
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of made evil robot toys which work on this model.
hand” roll) Whether it's a faceless spinning blade on wheels, a
Cost: 250 Units pair of razor-sharp chattering teeth or a cute little
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (usually illegal) teddy bear with a boning knife in his adorable little
Required Proficiency: Simple paw, it should have about these same statistics.
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Poison Injecting Miniature Robot Attack
Rate of Fire: Once per round Drone
Damage: 1d6 Slashing (19-20 x2) Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
Weight: 1 pound hand” roll)
Armor Class: See description Cost: 350 Units
Hardness: See description Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (usually illegal)
Hit Points: See description Required Proficiency: Simple
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: N/A
Roll: 12 Range Increment: --
Special: This weapon is capable of independent “To Hit” Bonus: --
action. Treat it as a Fine Construct with an AC of 18, 5 Magazine: 3
hit points, 5 points of Hardness and an Attack Bonus Rate of Fire: Once per round
of +5. It is immune to mind-influencing effects, Damage: 1d3 Piercing damage (19-20 x3). Target
poison, disease, and all the other frailties of biological must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
life. It is not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, take an additional 4d8 dice of damage from poison.
ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive Weight: 1 pound
damage. It can move 20 feet per round under its own Armor Class: See description
power and effectively has a Stealth Skill of +5. It Hardness: See description
does not draw attacks of opportunity when it attacks Hit Points: See description
The construct does 1d6 Slashing damage with its DC required to break this item with a Strength
blade. Roll: 10
Accessories: Remote Control (1/20th lb, costs 400 Special: This weapon is capable of independent
Units, range of 300 yards unless the DM determines action. Treat it as a Fine Construct with an AC of 18, 5
that something is interfering with the signal, allows hit points, 5 points of Hardness and an Attack Bonus
the user to effectively see through the drone's camera), of +5. It is immune to mind-influencing effects,
Supplemental Audio Unit (1/20 pound, costs 50 units, poison, and disease. It is not subject to critical hits,
allows the user to hear through the drone as well as nonlethal damage, ability damage, energy drain, or
see) death from massive damage. It can move 20 feet per
Description: A generic template for a tiny robot round under its own power and effectively has a
which attacks the target with claws, fangs, a small Stealth Skill of +4. It does draw attacks of
rotary blade, etc. You can make it look like whatever opportunity when it attacks.

Accessories: Remote Control (1/20th lb, costs 400
Units, range of 300 yards unless the DM determines
that something is interfering with the signal, allows Remote Control Injection Device
the user to effectively see through the drone's camera), Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Supplemental Audio Unit (1/20 pound, costs 50 units, of hand” roll)
allows the user to hear through the drone as well as Cost: 1,000 Units
see) Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually illegal)
Description: A small, scuttling metal spider with a Required Proficiency: Simple
pair of steel injector fangs, loaded with a powerful Handed: Requires 0 or 1 hand to use
anti-coagulent. The poison causes copious bleeding Range Increment: --
and an exceedingly painful death. It takes a full “To Hit” Bonus: --
minute of careful work and a skill roll (the DM Magazine: 25 doses of various dangerous substances.
decides which skill) vs. DC 13 to reload its poison Battery enables the unit to float or fly for 100 rounds
reservoir. You can see through the spider's eyes on a until it needs replacement.
tiny solid-state screen and can instruct it to change Rate of Fire: Once per round
targets in the middle of a mission or withdraw and Damage: Variable, See description
return to your side. You can also tell it to self- Weight: 1 pound
destruct, causing 1d3 Slashing damage to anyone who Armor Class: 13 (21 in the air)
is touching it as it flies apart. Hardness: 3
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Flying Miniature Robot Attack Drone Roll: 10
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- Special: This weapon is capable of independent
hand” roll) action. Treat it as a Diminutive Construct with an AC
Cost: 400 Units of 17, 2 hit points, 3 points of Hardness and an Attack
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal) Bonus of +5. It is immune to mind-influencing
Required Proficiency: Simple effects, poison and disease. Nor is it subject to critical
Handed: N/A hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, energy drain,
Range Increment: -- or death from massive damage. It can move at a speed
“To Hit” Bonus: -- of 35 feet per round (Maneuverability Perfect).
Rate of Fire: Once per round Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20 x2) costs 30 units), Remote Control (1/20th lb, costs 400
Weight: 1 pound Units, range of 300 yards unless the DM determines
Armor Class: See description that something is interfering with the signal, allows
Hardness: See description the user to effectively see through the drone's camera),
Hit Points: See description Supplemental Audio Unit (1/20 pound, costs 50 units,
DC required to break this item with a Strength allows the user to hear through the drone as well as
Roll: 13 see), Extra Loads of Toxin/Bioweapon (1/20 pound.,
Special: This weapon is capable of independent priced by type of toxin, as determined by the DM)
action. Treat it as a Fine Construct with an AC of 19, Description: A tiny flying construct, based around a
4 hit points, 5 points of Hardness and an Attack Bonus minature anti-gravity module.
of +5. It is immune to mind-influencing effects, It generally has about five doses each of various
poison and disease. Nor is it subject to critical hits, deadly poisons and mind-melting drugs stored in its
nonlethal damage, ability damage, energy drain, or reservoirs. We've fitted this particular model with a
death from massive damage. It can fly 60 feet per mixture of toxins and narcotics that you might find
round under its own power (Maneuverability Good) amusing, but of course you're free to load it with
and does not draw attacks of opportunity when it whatever horrible substances you like.
attacks. It presently holds 5 doses of a toxin that requires
Accessories: Remote Control (1/20th lb, costs 400 the target to make a Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or take
Units, range of 300 yards unless the DM determines 3d8 damage, 5 doses of a different toxin which
that something is interfering with the signal, allows automatically does 1d4 damage per round to the target
the user to effectively see through the drone's camera), for 8 rounds (a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20
Supplemental Audio Unit (1/20 pound, costs 50 units, allows them to take half damage), 5 doses of a
allows the user to hear through the drone as well as sedative that forces the target to make a Fortitude
see) Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconcious for 2d10
Description: A generic template for a tiny flying minutes, 5 doses of a drug that forces the target to
robot which attacks the target with some kind of sharp make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or go
little melee weapon. You can make it look like berzerk and mindlessly attack the nearest target with
whatever you prefer. Deviants and psychopaths (the the closest available melee weapon for 3d10 rounds
chief market for these weapons) often like to make and 5 doses of a fast-acting virus that will force the
them look like butterflies or flying toys. Whatever it target to make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 25
looks like, it has roughly the same stats. every hour or permanently lose a point of Constitution

(this goes on for 3d8 hours or until the target reaches 0
Constitution and dies).
Steering the device can be a challenge. You can
see through the tiny camera mounted by the needle, by
making use of a special eyepiece (at the DM's
discretion, certain types of electromagnetic radiation
may interfere with the link or affect the device in
peculiar ways). It requires Concentration to guide the
injection module to its target while peering through its
tiny camera.
If you are attacking a target within your own line of
sight, then you don't need to use the eyepiece or
Concentrate. Just make a ranged attack.
The power cell lasts for one hundred rounds worth
of movement. After that, the camera shuts down and
the unit floats silently to the floor. It takes a full round Guided Land-Torpedo
to unscrew the unit's rear section and replace either the
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
power cell or the reservoirs.
hand” roll)
Cost: 450 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (often unavailable)
Murder Mole Required Proficiency: Simple
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Handed: N/A
of hand” roll) Range Increment: --
Cost: 1,500 Units “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (usually illegal) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Required Proficiency: Simple Damage: 5d6 Bludgeoning to everything in a 5 foot
Handed: Requires 0 or 1 hand to use radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 halves
Range Increment: -- the damage.
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Weight: 2 pounds
Magazine: 50 Armor Class: 18
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hardness: 2
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (19-20 x3) per round. See Hit Points: 2
description for more details. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 1 pound Roll: 12
Armor Class: 13 (22 in the air) Accessories: Remote Control (1/20th lb, costs 400
Hardness: 4 Units, range of 300 yards unless the DM determines
Hit Points: 1 that something is interfering with the signal, allows
DC required to break this item with a Strength the user to effectively see through the drone's camera),
Roll: 13 Supplemental Audio Unit (1/20 pound, costs 50 units,
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, allows the user to hear through the drone as well as
costs 30 units), Remote Control (1/20th lb, costs 400 see), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units, powers
Units, range of 300 yards unless the DM determines the torpedo for 1 hour)
that something is interfering with the signal, allows Description: A bomb on wheels, this device is
the user to effectively see through the drone's camera), something like a tiny remote-controlled car, although
Supplemental Audio Unit (1/20 pound, costs 50 units, it can run equally well when flipped over onto its
allows the user to hear through the drone as well as back. You steer it with a miniature remote control
see) which can be built into any small unobtrusive object
Description: A sort of tiny floating antigravity (subject to the DM's approval). It is equipped with an
module with a drill at one end, the Murder Mole is electromagnet that allows it to stick to walls in zero
really better for assassinations and random acts of gravity. It can't swim. The device can run along the
savagery than for use on the battlefield. A harmless bottom but can't reach targets on the surface (unless of
looking oval metal pod, about the size of a pen, it course they're in the blast radius when it goes off).
floats along at a rate of 40 feet per round, enough to Unlike most missile weapons, the land torpedo
catch a fleeing victim but not a fleeing vehicle. doesn't simply make an attack, hit or miss and then go
When it gets close enough to make contact with its away. You can use it to chase down the target, round
hapless victim the pod blossoms open like a flower, after round. It moves at 110 feet per round and must
revealing its ugly set of hooks and boring tools. The make a Ranged Touch Attack to hit the target. If you
Mole will continue boring into the victim, doing 2d6 miss, just keep chasing the target and hope they don't
damage per round until it's destroyed, detached or the outrun it, go out of your sight or jump in a boat.
target dies. It is surprisingly tenacious. Once attached, If you lose sight of the torpedo while you are
it takes a Strength Roll vs. DC 15 to pull it loose (this directing it, make an Intelligence Roll vs. DC 20. If
also does an extra d3 of damage to the victim). you succeed, you can carefully steer it back into your

line of sight. If you fail, the torpedo moves 30 feet in you succeed, you can carefully steer it back into your
a random direction unless you shut it down altogether. line of sight. If you fail, the torpedo moves 30 feet in
There may be certain types of electromagnetic a random direction unless you shut it down altogether.
radiation which interfere with your ability to control The torpedo can dig through dirt, sand or clay, but
the weapon. The DM should adjudicate the details. it is stymied by solid rock and will attempt to go
Sufficiently rough terrain (DM's call) may reduce the around it, circling the target until its power cell runs
device's movement rate by half or even more, but out.
nothing apart from a wall or a chasm will block it
Flying Buzz-Bomb Torpedo
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Burrowing Torpedo hand” roll)
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Cost: 650 Units
“sleight of hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Cost: 600 Units Required Proficiency: Simple
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 Handed: N/A
Required Proficiency: Simple Range Increment: --
Handed: N/A “To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment: -- Rate of Fire: Once per round
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Damage: 5d6 Piercing to everything in a 5 foot radius.
Rate of Fire: Once per round A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 halves the
Damage: 1d12+2 Piercing (19-20 x2) to everything in damage.
a 10 foot radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 Weight: 1 pound
halves the damage. Armor Class: 20
Weight: 4 pounds Hardness: 5
Armor Class: 16 Hit Points: 2
Hardness: 4 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 3 Roll: 14
DC required to break this item with a Strength Accessories: Remote Control (1/20th lb, costs 400
Roll: 15 Units, range of 300 yards unless the DM determines
Accessories: Remote Control (1/20th lb, costs 400 that something is interfering with the signal, allows
Units, range of 300 yards unless the DM determines the user to effectively see through the torpedo's
that something is interfering with the signal, allows camera and radar sensors), Energy Cell (1/2 pound,
the user to effectively see through the drone's camera), costs 10 units, powers the torpedo for 1 hour)
Supplemental Audio Unit (1/20 pound, costs 50 units, Description: A miniature aircraft with a bomb on
allows the user to hear through the drone as well as board. It can be steered toward an evading target,
see), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units, powers attacking round after round until it runs out of power
the torpedo for 1 hour) or gets shot down. It moves at 150 feet per round and
Description: A kind of mechanical mole with a bomb must make a Ranged Touch Attack to hit the target. If
attached. It will home in on and pursue whatever it misses, it will keep chasing the target until they go
target you select until it runs out of fuel. It doesn't inside a fortified building or its batteries run out. This
simply make an attack, hit or miss. If it misses on the is a more sophisticated weapon than the "Land
first round it can chase down the target, attacking Torpedo" and will continue to home in on the target
again and again. It moves at 80 feet per round and even if you aren't actively controlling it. If the target
must make a Ranged Touch Attack to hit the target. If goes inside and the weapon is flying on autopilot, it
it misses it will keep chasing the target until its will become confused and circle the building until
batteries run out. either the target comes back out or its batteries run
If you lose sight of the torpedo while you are down
directing it, make an Intelligence Roll vs. DC 20. If

Aerosol Weapons

Largely used for self-defense, aerosol weapons spray the target with one or another noxious substance. They tend to be
small, sometimes small enough to wear on a keychain, and are often disposable.

Their effects are as variable as the whole vast range of things you wouldn't want sprayed in your eyes. Some do
subdual damage, others etch the target's skin with caustic chemicals, some burst into flame on contact or convey
insidious toxins. As a rule, the more destructive the effects of an aerosol weapon, the more likely it is to be illegal.

Generic Aerosol Spray Weapon

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Aerosol Stun Spray
hand” roll) Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
Cost: 50 Units hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 Cost: 50 Units
Required Proficiency: Simple Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Required Proficiency: Simple
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
Magazine: 15 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round Magazine: 15
Damage: 2d6 Poison (if the target makes a Fortitude Rate of Fire: Once per round
Saving Throw vs. DC 15, they take half damage) Damage: 4d6 Nonlethal Damage. A Fortitude Saving
Weight: 1 pound Throw vs. DC 25 negates the damage.
Armor Class: 13 Weight: 1 pound
Hardness: 2 Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 1 Hardness: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 1
Roll: 13 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Special: Can either make a ranged touch attack Roll: 13
against a single target or attack an entire ten-foot Special: Can either make a ranged touch attack
square. A target square has an effective defense of 10, against a single target or attack an entire ten-foot
and anyone in it can make a Reflexes Saving Throw square. A target square has an effective defense of 10,
vs. DC 18 to take half damage. and anyone in it can make a Reflexes Saving Throw
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 50 vs. DC 18 to take half damage.
units) Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 40
Description: A small spray canister filled with a fast- units)
acting toxic chemical. It does little visible damage to Description: This is the single most common type of
the target, although their skin turns pale and aerosol spray weapon. It contains a skin irritant, much
unhealthy-looking. It also causes relatively little pain, like CX tear gas or pepper spray. Unlike those
despite all the damage it does. This makes it an substances, it has been carefully engineered not to do
excellent asassination weapon, which in turn makes the target any lasting damage if it gets in their mouth
law-enforcement authorities very suspicious of or nasal cavity and is all but impossible to kill
anybody they find carrying one. anybody with. It has no effect on robots, or anyone in
a gas mask or a sealed environment suit.

Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2
Aerosol Immobilizer Foam Spray Hit Points: 1
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- DC required to break this item with a Strength
hand” roll) Roll: 13
Cost: 50 Units Special: Can attack either a single target or a ten-foot
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 square. If it is used against an entire square, the target
Required Proficiency: Simple can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to take
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use half damage. Anyone who takes any Nonlethal
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet Damage must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC
“To Hit” Bonus: -- 20 or be Stunned (as per the Monk special attack), and
Magazine: 15 unable to take any action for one round.
Rate of Fire: Once per round Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 50
Damage: Special, see description units)
Weight: 1 pound Description: An innocent looking little canister,
Armor Class: 13 loaded with a neural agent that induces unbelievable
Hardness: 2 agony in the target. It's a good idea to run away once
Hit Points: 1 the target is immobilized, as you really won't want to
DC required to break this item with a Strength be around them when it wears off. A completely
Roll: 13 sealed suit with its own oxygen supply will protect the
Accessories: Solvent Capsule (Weighs 1/20th lb, costs target from the effects of the weapon, but a gas-mask
25 Units, holds 4 doses, dissolves and inactivates foam won't. The drug is absorbed through the skin and
in 1-3 rounds) doesn't need to be inhaled.
Special: Can make a Ranged Touch Attack vs. a
single target or can attack an entire ten-foot square
(the target square has an effective defense of 10). To Aerosol Hallucinogenic Spray
evade the area attack, anyone in the target square must Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18, and spend hand” roll)
their next Movement to leave the affected square. Cost: 75 Units
Anyone caught in the foam suffers a -2 penalty on all Tentative Purchase DC: 9
attacks, and has their Dexterity effectively reduced by Required Proficiency: Simple
4. They must immediately make another Reflexes Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Saving Throw (DC 15) or they are completely mired Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
in the foam, unable to move. Even if they make the “To Hit” Bonus: --
second saving throw, they still only move at half their Magazine: 15
normal rate. To free themselves, they must make a Rate of Fire: Once per round
Strength check vs. DC 27, or do at least 17 points of Damage: The target must make a Fortitude Saving
damage to the foam. It is impossible to miss the foam Throw vs. DC 18 or hallucinate wildly for 3d6 rounds.
with an attack. See the description for details.
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 50 Weight: 1 pound
units) Armor Class: 13
Description: Silly string on strange bad steroids. This Hardness: 2
canister contains enough quick-hardening foam to Hit Points: 1
cover everything in a ten-foot square. The foam DC required to break this item with a Strength
hardens in one round and becomes harmless to touch. Roll: 13
It does however block the square, making it Special: Can attack either a single target or a ten-foot
impossible to move through. square. The target square has an effective defense of
10. No Reflexes Saving Throw is allowed.
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 75
Aerosol Pain Spray units)
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- Description: A spray canister loaded with a powerful
hand” roll) psychotropic--it's a bummer in a can. This stuff isn't
Cost: 50 Units just a perception-altering drug like the kinds of
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 hallucinogenics people experiment with at Phish
Required Proficiency: Simple concerts. It's more like having delerium tremens. If
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use the target fails their saving throw they will experience
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet actual visual hallucinations, vivid and terrifying, like
“To Hit” Bonus: -- some cheesy anti-drug film from the 1930s.
Magazine: 15 The world won't make any sense to them or vice
Rate of Fire: Once per round versa for the duration of the drug's effect, so roll at
Damage: 3d6+3 Nonlethal random on the chart below to see how they behave.
Weight: 1 pound 1 Wander off in a random direction for 1d6 rounds

(unless prevented)
2–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off Aerosol Hemorrhage-Gas Spray
into space, look at the ground or close your eyes. Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
5 Fall to the ground and convulse, doing 1-2 points hand” roll)
of damage to yourself for one round. Cost: 75 Units
6-7 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands, Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (usually illegal)
twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting Required Proficiency: Simple
crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
spot where you are standing. Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
8–9 Scream uncontrollably for 1-6 rounds, “To Hit” Bonus: --
attracting lots of unwanted attention. You can do Magazine: 15
nothing but stand in one place and scream. Rate of Fire: Once per round
10 Attack the nearest character or other moving Damage: Special, see description
object with the nearest available melee weapon for Weight: 1 pound
two rounds. Armor Class: 13
If attacked while under the influence of the spray, Hardness: 2
the target can defend themselves normally, but they Hit Points: 1
are incapable of articulate communication DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Special: Can affect a single target or a ten-foot square
Aerosol Sleep Spray adjacent to the person firing the weapon. The target
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- square has an effective defense of 10. No Reflexes
hand” roll) Saving Throw is permitted.
Cost: 50 Units Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 75
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 units)
Required Proficiency: Simple Description: This aerosol weapon does 2d6 damage
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use per round for 2-12 Rounds. A Fortitude Saving Throw
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet vs. DC 20 halves the damage, but the target must roll
“To Hit” Bonus: -- every round. It is a truly gruesome weapon to see at
Magazine: 15 work. Opponents who see hemorrhage gas in use
Rate of Fire: Once per round must make a Morale check at a -2 modifier.
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13 Aerosol Freezing Spray
Hardness: 2 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
Hit Points: 1 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 50 Units
Roll: 13 Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Description: This disposable canister is filled with a Required Proficiency: Simple
potent general anesthetic, which can put a full-sized Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
human being into a drugged stupor in seconds. If hit Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
by the spray, the target must make a Fortitude Save vs. “To Hit” Bonus: --
DC 20 or fall into a drugged slumber, unaware of their Magazine: 15
surroundings, for 3d10 minutes. If they are aware that Rate of Fire: Once per round
they have been drugged, it is possible for them to Damage: 3d6 Cold
make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC20 to wake Weight: 1 pound
up, every time they hear a loud noise. The drugged Armor Class: 13
character will also wake up if they take at least one Hardness: 2
point of damage, whether normal or Nonlethal. Hit Points: 1
Characters who wake up early will function at DC required to break this item with a Strength
impaired efficiency until the drug runs its course. Roll: 13
Until either the drug wears off naturally or they take Special: Can affect a single target or a ten-foot square
some sort of antidote, all their skill rolls, attack rolls adjacent to the person firing the weapon. The target
and saving throws are made at a -2 penalty. square has an effective defense of 10. Anyone in the
This is a good non-lethal weapon--it even gives the target square can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
target time to lie down instead of falling over and DC 15 to take half damage.
splitting their head open. It still makes policemen Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 50
uneasy, since it's also a handy tool for robbery and units)
other crimes. A gas mask or sealed environment suit Description: A quick-freezing chemical which sucks
(a space suit, for example) will completely negate this the heat right out of the target. Much more efficient
attack. It doesn't work on robots, either. than modern freezing agents like freon, this is like
being doused in liquid helium. It doesn't take many

squirts to freeze a man straight through. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Special: Can affect a single target or an entire ten-foot
Aerosol Paralysis Spray square. The target square has an effective defense of
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- 10
hand” roll) Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 50
Cost: 50 Units units), Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 150 Units,
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 holds 2 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1-3 rounds)
Required Proficiency: Simple Description: This spray canister is filled with a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use neurological agent which causes temporary Blindness,
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet as per the spell. You don't have to spray it directly
“To Hit” Bonus: -- into the target's eyes for it to blind them; the drug is
Magazine: 15 absorbed through the skin. At the DM's discretion, it
Rate of Fire: Once per round might not work on creatures whose body chemistry is
Damage: The victim must make a Fortitude Save vs. signifigantly different. It also has no effect on creatues
DC 20 or be paralyzed and helpless, unable to move or that don't have eyes.
take any physical actions, for 2d10 rounds.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13 Aerosol Fear Spray
Hardness: 2 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
Hit Points: 1 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 50 Units
Roll: 13 Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Accessories: Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 250 Required Proficiency: Simple
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the drug in 1-3 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
rounds) Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
Special: Can affect a single target or a ten-foot square “To Hit” Bonus: --
adjacent to the person firing the weapon. The target Magazine: 15
square has an effective defense of 10. Anyone in that Rate of Fire: Once per round
square should make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC Damage: Special, see description
18. If they succeed, they have avoided getting the Weight: 1 pound
spray in their lungs and make their Fortitude Saving Armor Class: 13
Throw at a +2. Hardness: 2
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 60 Hit Points: 1
units) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: Paralyzed characters are still aware of Roll: 13
their surroundings and if your game uses psionics, Special: The target must make a Willpower Saving
they might (at the DM's discretion) be able to use Throw vs. DC 20 or flee from the attacker. A fleeing
some of their mental powers while paralyzed. A character has a 50% chance of dropping whatever they
completely sealed suit with its own oxygen supply will are holding, and chooses their path randomly (as long
protect the target from the effects of the weapon, but a as it leads away from immediate danger), and flees
gas-mask won't. The drug is absorbed through the any other dangers that confront them. If cornered, a
skin and doesn't need to be inhaled. panicked character cowers. These effects last for 4d6
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 70
Aerosol Blindness Spray units)
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- Description: This is perhaps the perfect self-defense
hand” roll) spray. It makes your assailant run away, rather than
Cost: 50 Units fall down at your feet or go berzerk and it does it
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 without causing them any lasting damage. It probably
Required Proficiency: Simple won't work on beings with radically different nervous
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use systems and could have very strange effects on
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet creatures whose emotions don't work the same way as
“To Hit” Bonus: -- our own (this is all strictly the DM's call, of course).
Magazine: 15 A completely sealed suit with its own oxygen supply
Rate of Fire: Once per round will protect the target from the effects of the weapon,
Damage: The target must make a Fortitude Saving but a gas-mask won't. The drug is absorbed through
Throw vs. DC 20 or become Blind for 3d6 minutes the skin and doesn't need to be inhaled.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2 Aerosol Rage Spray
Hit Points: 1 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-

hand” roll) Armor Class: 13
Cost: 50 Units Hardness: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal) Hit Points: 1
Required Proficiency: Simple DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Roll: 13
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet Special: Attacks either a single target or everything in
“To Hit” Bonus: -- a ten-foot square. Can affect a single target or a ten-
Magazine: 15 foot square adjacent to the person firing the weapon.
Rate of Fire: Once per round The target square has an effective defense of 10.
Damage: The target must make a Willpower Saving Anyone in that square should make a Reflexes Saving
Throw vs. DC 20 or become violently, mindlessly Throw vs. DC 21. If they succeed, they have avoided
aggressive for 3-18 rounds. See the description for getting the spray in their lungs and will make their
details. Willpower Saving Throw at a +2.
Weight: 1 pound Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 75
Armor Class: 13 units)
Hardness: 2 Description: Illegal nearly everywhere, this spray
Hit Points: 1 canister contains a horrendous mind-agent which links
DC required to break this item with a Strength the target's pain centers to their pleasure centers. They
Roll: 13 must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or at
Special: Attacks either a single target or everything in once begin to mutilate themselves with whichever
a ten-foot square. The target square has an effective hand weapon is closest, gasping and moaning with joy
defense of 10. If the weapon is used to attack a whole the whole time. If no hand weapon is within easy
square, anyone in that square can make a Reflexes reach, they will shoot themselves with the nearest
Saving Throw vs. DC 25. If they succeed, they have available missile weapon. If neither is available they
avoided getting the spray in their lungs and make their will rip and claw at themselves, doing 1 point of
Fortitude Saving Throw at a +3. damage per round.
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 75 They are effectively helpless while they are hurting
units) themselves, which gives any attacker a +4 bonus to hit
Description: Perhaps this not the best self-defense them. They may start raving about is how good this
spray you could imagine, but it still has plenty of uses feels or beg other characters to hurt them but apart
in espionage and crime. Anyone who is dosed with from this they aren't capable of articulate
Rage Spray and fails their Saving Throw immediately communication.
attacks the closest person or moving object with If you are attacking yourself, you can only miss if
whatever melee weapon is most convenient. If they you roll a 1, but since all of the character's actions are
have a gun in their hand, they will use it as a club. at a -4 while they are under the influence of the gas,
The afected character is incapable of coherent speech they actually fail to hurt themselves on a 5 or less.
and completely indiscriminate as to their targets. They Most weapons aren't really made to wound the user,
will attack friends, foes, ticking grandfather clocks-- and will do one point of damage less than usual
whatever draws their attention. If they are in the act of (minimum of one point).
attacking one target and another potential target comes The effects last indefinitely, until the target either
closer, they will lose interest in the first target and makes a saving throw or dies. Let them make another
attack the new one with equal ferocity. The drug is throw every other round.
transmitted through the skin but is even more The drug is transmitted through the skin, but works
efficacious and fast-acting if inhaled. A gas mask or better if inhaled. A gas mask or oxygen tank will give
oxygen tank will give the target a +4 to their Saving the target a +4 to their Saving Throw, while a sealed
Throw, while a completely sealed environment suit or environment suit or a vaccum suit will completely
a vaccum suit will totally negate the drug's effect. negate the drug's effect.

Aerosol Suicide Gas Spray Aerosol Flesh-Eating Spray

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 75 Units Cost: 75 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (usually illegal) Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (usually illegal)
Required Proficiency: Simple Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 15 Magazine: 15
Rate of Fire: Once per round Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description Damage: 1d6 damage per round until the target either
Weight: 1 pound recovers or dies. Every round after the first one the

infected character can make a Fortitude Saving Throw hand” roll)
vs. DC 20 to shake off the effects of the disease. Cost: 50 Units
Weight: 1 pound Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal)
Armor Class: 13 Required Proficiency: Simple
Hardness: 2 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hit Points: 1 Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 13 Magazine: 15
Special: Attacks either a single target or everything in Rate of Fire: Once per round
a ten-foot square. If the weapon is used to attack a Damage: Special, see description
whole square, anyone in that square can make a Weight: 1 pound
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25. If they succeed, Armor Class: 13
they have avoided getting the spray in their lungs and Hardness: 2
will take only half damage each round. Hit Points: 1
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 75 DC required to break this item with a Strength
units), Antidote Capsule (1/20th lb, costs 350 Units, Roll: 13
holds 2 doses, negates effect of the disease in 1-4 Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 50
rounds) units)
Description: You might have some trouble explaining Description: This innocuous-looking little spray
this one as a self-defense weapon. The canister bottle contains fifteen doses of the dreaded "Lobotomy
contains a flesh-eating virus that can turn a person into Drug". It has a ruinous effect on the neural pathways
bloody mush in minutes. Probably not a good idea to of anyone who inhales it. If the victim fails a Fortitude
use without gloves or a face-mask on. Unless you Saving Throw vs. DC 20, they lose 3d6 Intelligence.
have the antidote in your veins when you spray the A character with animal-like intelligence (3 or lower)
weapon, there is a 15% chance that the air currents can still recognize their friends and will still follow
will move in exactly the wrong way and get enough of them around to keep from feeling anxious and alone.
it on you to make you regret it. They cannot speak or use tools in this condition. The
brain damage done by the Lobotomy Drug is
permanent. Only sophisticated medical treatment will
Aerosol Metal-Eating Spray help the afflicted character. A vaccum suit or oxygen
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- mask completely protects the target from the effects of
hand” roll) this drug, but a conventional filter mask is useless
Cost: 75 Units against it.
Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Aerosol Infection Spray
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
“To Hit” Bonus: -- hand” roll)
Magazine: 15 Cost: 50 Units
Rate of Fire: Once per round Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal)
Damage: 2d6 damage per round for 2-8 rounds to Required Proficiency: Simple
anything made of metal, ignores up to 15 points of Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hardness and Damage Resistance. Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
Weight: 1 pound “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 13 Magazine: 15
Hardness: 2 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Hit Points: 1 Damage: Special, see description
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 1 pound
Roll: 13 Armor Class: 13
Special: Attacks either a single target or everything in Hardness: 2
a ten-foot square. The target square has an effective Hit Points: 1
defense of 10. Has no effect on non-metallic objects. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 75 Roll: 13
units) Special: Anyone hit by the spray must make a
Description: This canister contains a fast-acting virus Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to avoid being
which eats metal. The viral infection tends to burn infected with a virulent disease. Anyone who fails the
itself out after just a few rounds, but it can still wreak roll will lose 1 point of Constitution per day until they
enormous amounts of havoc. either make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 (roll
once per day), are cured by advanced medical science,
or reach 0 Constitution and die. It takes quite a bit of
Aerosol Lobotomy-in-a-Can Spray the liquid to actually infect the victim--a few drops
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- won't do it, so this is not an area affect weapon.

Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 35 Constitution every two days until they hit zero and die.
units) After the first two week, they are in so much pain and
Description: A difficult item to acquire in most distress that they make all their rolls at a -2 penalty.
civilized socieites, since it is technically a weapon of After the fourth week, it goes up to -4. Once their
mass destruction. It contains a lethal pathogen that Constitution hits 3, they are bedridden and must make
will kill the target within just a few days unless it is a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 10 once per round to
treated. The diease is non-infectous--the victim won't undertake any physical activity whatever.
be spreading it to everyone they know and it is Be warned, whenever you use the spray in combat,
treatable with futuristic medicine, but it works so fast there is a 15% chance that enough of it will get on you
that most potential victims will be dead before they to seriously change your vacation plans. This chance
have a chance to seek medical treatment. A filter mask goes up to 25% if you use the spray in an area attack.
provides the wearer with some protection against the Whether or not the cancer can be cured is up to the
disease (it gives them a +2 to their initial Fortitude DM, based on the medical technology available in this
Saving Throw) and a sealed environment suit protects campaign. It shouldn't be easy--otherwise why make
the wearer completely (the attack has no effect on this weapon in the first place?
them at all). They might want to sterilize their suit
before they take it off, though.
Aerosol Caustic Spray
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
Aerosol Carcinogenic Spray hand” roll)
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of- Cost: 50 Units
hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal)
Cost: 50 Units Required Proficiency: Simple
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Required Proficiency: Simple Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use “To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet Magazine: 15
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Rate of Fire: Once per round
Magazine: 15 Damage: Does 1d4 caustic damage per round for 2d4
Rate of Fire: Once per round rounds. There is a 30% chance that it will also destroy
Damage: Special, see description 1-6 points of the target’s Charisma.
Weight: 1 pound Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13 Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2 Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 1 Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13 Roll: 13
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 80 Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 40
units) units)
Description: A brutal assassination weapon, this Special: Can affect a single target or a ten-foot square
canister is filled with a tasteless, odorless carcinogen adjacent to the person firing the weapon. The target
which will give the target six kinds of inoperable, fast- square has an effective defense of 10. Anyone in that
metastisizing cancers if they're lucky. square should make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC
It's more effective if inhaled, but just getting the 20. If they succeed, they take half damage.
vile stuff on your skin can be fatal. Makes a ranged Description: A spray-pump full of acid. It makes an
touch attack and can be used to attack an entire square ideal gift for jealous models, vicious pimps and the
(although this is risky). The target square has an terminally depraved.
effective defense of 10. Anyone in that square should
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18. If they
succeed, they have avoided getting the spray in their Aerosol Napalm-Spray
lungs and will make their Fortitude Saving Throw at a Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight-of-
+3. hand” roll)
When hit by the spray, the target must make a Cost: 50 Units
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 25. If they are Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually illegal)
wearing an independant oxygen supply, they roll at a Required Proficiency: Simple
+4. Filter masks offer no protection at all. A Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
completely sealed suit will totally negate the attack. If Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
they fail the roll, they have developed at least one “To Hit” Bonus: --
malignant melanoma. These tumors spread at an Magazine: 15
astounding rate. Their whole body will be full of Rate of Fire: Once per round
cancer in just a few days. Damage: 2d6 flame damage per round for 2-8 rounds
The character loses one permanement point of Weight: 1 pound

Armor Class: 13 varies according to what the load is, see the above
Hardness: 2 listings for prices on various loads)
Hit Points: 1 Description: A spray-bottle with a number of
DC required to break this item with a Strength different loads stored in concentrated form in five
Roll: 13 separate reservoirs. You can switch between the
Accessories: Extra Load (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 60 different effects by thumbing a dial on the back. This
units) does not effectively take any time and does not require
Special: Can affect a single target or a ten-foot square you spend an action. If you have multiple attacks per
adjacent to the person firing the weapon. The target round, you could use a different effect with each
square has an effective defense of 10. Anyone in that attack at no penalty. The stats listed here assume the
square should make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC weapon is loaded with five of the most common anti-
20. If they succeed, they take only 1d6 damage per personnel sprays, but of course you could load it with
round. whichever aerosol weapon you like (if the DM makes
Description: A spray-pump bottle full of a sticky, it available for purchase). The inside of the casing is
flammable substance like napalm or white phosporus. tightly packed with the flexible plastic contaniers that
It contains its own oxygen supply and is extremely hold the liquid ammunition, making it tricky to reload.
difficult to extinguish. Neither water, nor sand nor It takes a full round to dig out one of the empty
rolling on the ground nor any other fire-extinguishing reservoirs, replace it with a new one and squeeze
technique which relies on smothering a flame will put everything back into place.
it out.

Lady's Traveling Companion

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 150 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 11
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: Maximum Range 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 5 Squirts of Stun Spray, 5 Squirts of
Caustic Spray, 5 Squirts of Sleep Spray, 5 Squirts of
Paralysis Spray, 5 Squirts of Blindness Spray, Hypersoaker
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
attacks “sleight of hand” roll)
Damage: Multiple types, see description Cost: 25 Units
Weight: 1 pound Tentative Purchase DC: 5
Armor Class: 9 Required Proficiency: Simple
Hardness: 2 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hit Points: 1 Range Increment: 20 feet
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 13 Magazine: 20
Special: Can make various types of attack, all of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
which can be used to affect either a single target or attacks
everything in a ten-foot square (the target square has Damage: 2d6 Caustic
an effective Defense of 10). A Reflexes Saving Throw Weight: 1/2 pound
vs. DC 15 will allow anyone in the target square to Armor Class: 9
either take half damage or get a +3 bonus to their Hardness: 0
Fortitude Saving Throw. Hit Points: 1
Stun Spray does 4d6 Nonlethal Damage unless the DC required to break this item with a Strength
target makes a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 25, Roll: 10
Caustic Spray does 2d6 normal damage, Sleep Spray Accessories: Spare reservoir (1/10 pound, costs 5
forces the target to make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. units), Aerosol Weapon Loads (weigh 1/10 pound,
DC 20 or fall into a drugged slumber, unaware of their cost varies by load, see the above listings for prices on
surroundings, for 3d10 minutes, Paralysis Spray various liquid attack agents)
requires the target to make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 Description: A lightweight plastic pistol, powered by
or be paralyzed and helpless, unable to move or take a compressed gas cartidge. It squirts a narrow stream
any physical actions, for 2d10 rounds, Blindness of liquid which is accurate out to sixty feet (although
Spray renders the target blind for 3d6 minutes unless the box says ninety) and can hold a wide variety of
they make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20, nasty loads. Here we've assumed you've filled it with
Accessories: Extra Loads (weigh 1/10 pound, cost some caustic chemical, but you can of course load any

of the aerosol spray weapons into the hypersoaker,
which will deliver them just as effectively. It can only
attack single targets, rather than a whole area. "Water Balloon" Improvised Grenade
Instead of storing the liquid in a magazine inside Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
the gun, the hypersoaker has a bottle mounted on top, “sleight of hand” roll)
just above the trigger. This allows the user to reload Cost: 1 or less Units
by snapping a new bottle into place, taking only a Tentative Purchase DC:
single action. The gas cartridge is good for about a Required Proficiency: Simple
hundred shots (90+1d20). Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 10 feet (more if launched from a
Li'l Bugger Ultra-Hypersoaker “To Hit” Bonus: --
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 50 Units Damage: Splash-effect weapon. Target takes 2d6
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 damage Heat damage, everything in five foot radius
Required Proficiency: Simple takes 1d3 Heat. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use negates the splash-effect damage.
Range Increment: 30 feet Weight: 1 pound
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Armor Class: 9
Magazine: 60 Hardness: 0
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Hit Points: 1
attacks DC required to break this item with a Strength
Damage: 2d6 Caustic Roll: 8
Weight: 1 pound (6 with backpack) Description: An improvised grenade made out of
Armor Class: 7 some disposable elastic material. It could be party
Hardness: 0 balloon, a latex glove or perhaps a ziplock bag. This
Hit Points: 1 one is full of some kind of quick-burning substance
DC required to break this item with a Strength that ignites on impact, but feel free to fill it with
Roll: 10 whatever unsavory stuff your heart desires, and hope it
Special: Attacks either a single target or everything in doesn't eat through the balloon before you throw it
a ten-foot square. (DM's call, I'm afraid).
Accessories: Backpack reservoir (1 lb, costs 15 units), You could fill it with acid, for example (1d4
Aerosol Weapon Loads (weigh 1/10 pound, cost varies damage to the target per round for 1-6 rounds, 1 pt per
by load, see the above listings for prices on various round to everything else in its radius), or poison, or the
liquid attack agents) disease-ridden juices you've drained off a corpse with
Description: A large, two-handed squirtgun with a the plague (the target must make a Fortitude Saving
backpack-mounted water supply, driven by an electric Throw vs. DC 15 or be infected with the loathsome
pump. It has an effective range of a hundred feet (the pathogen of your choice). Different substances may do
box says two hundred) and can be loaded with different types of damage, but they will all function as
whatever vile substance the user would like. The listed splash effect weapons with roughly the same radius.
stats assume you've filled it with some kind of caustic If you are struck or fall down while carrying one of
chemical, but it can also be used to project any of the these items, you must make a Reflexes Saving Throw
aerosol weapons listed above at range. The backpack vs. DC 10 to keep it from going off and drenching
reservoir has two separate compartments and it is you. Increase the DC by 2 if you are carrying more
possible to load them with different substances and to than two balloons. Increase it by 4 if you are carrying
switch between them without using up an action. It more than four balloons.
can only attack one target at a time. The battery is
good for about a thousand shots (950+percentile dice).

Disposable Weapons
It is possible that very advanced weapons technology might take all kinds of unexpected turns. Extremely affluent
societies, or those forced to recycle every possible scrap of material, might find it more expedient to create disposable
weapons rather than reusable ones.

If material goods can be produced very quickly for almost no effort, or if every bit of matter has to be carefully re-used,
then it would make sense to produce weapons for single, specific uses and then discard or reabsorb them. This might
be an inefficient way to wage a long-term war, but societies that have access to things like nanotechnology and matter

duplication probably don't fight serious large-scale conflicts with hand-weapons anyway.

While we have prices listed for these weapons, there is a strong likelihood that the specific kinds of cultures which
would use these items wouldn't use money as we understand it. Use the listed costs as guidelines.

Disposable Derringer
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
of hand” roll)
Cost: 100 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
don't use money)
Tentative Purchase DC: 10 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Disposable Automatic Shotgun Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3)
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Weight: 1 pound
hand” roll)
Armor Class: 13
Cost: 500 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
Hardness: 3
don't use money)
Hit Points: 1
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Roll: 12
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Description: A tiny weapon which looks like a white
Range Increment: 30 feet
ceramic losenge. There is a single small bullet buried
“To Hit” Bonus: --
in the center of the capsule, and when the bottom is
Magazine: 30
squeezed the right way, the weapon fires its single
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
shot and then crumbles into dust. The waste products
it leaves behind are simple hydrocarbons, impossible
Damage: 3d6 Piercing (20 x3)
to identify with any known explosive or weapons
Weight: 7 pounds
technology. This is not exclusively an assassination
Armor Class: 7
weapon--sometimes rich people pass them out as party
Hardness: 4
favors and hold impromptu shooting contests after
Hit Points: 3
drinks in the garden. Sometimes they fight duels with
DC required to break this item with a Strength
them. Shopkeepers and nervous commuters may carry
Roll: 16
them for self defense, and of course they are popular
Special: Attacks everything in one ten by ten foot
with the inmates of correctional facilities as well.
square. Not capable of attacking a single target, it
Particularly callous or mercentile societies may make
always targets the entire square. The target square has
them available in vending machines.
an effective defense of 10. Anyone in that square can
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Description: A long, vaguely triangular piece of what
appears to be resilient flexible plastic with a pistolgrip
molded into the bottom and a trigger guard just behind
it. Every part of this disposable shotgun is curved so
as to fit the user's body as snugly and smoothly as
possible. It doesn't have shells or even a firing
chamber as such--the shot is embedded in a line of ten
shaped explosive charges, buried behind the barrel.
When you pull the trigger, all ten detonate like a string
of firecrackers, throwing a continuous stream of shot
out of the barrel for a few seconds. The gun then
dissolves into a pile of biodegradable waste-products,
which look like liquid styrofoam and feel like lumpy
instant oatmeal. Despite the flexible, shock-absorbant
material the gun is made from, it produces a Disposable Slugthrower Pistol
staggering amount of recoil and is really best fired Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
from the shoulder. “sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 300 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
don’t use money)
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable)

Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet Disposable Shotgun Pistol
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Magazine: 12 “sleight of hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Cost: 425 Units (but is often produced by cultures
attacks that don’t use money)
Damage: 1d10 Piercing (20 x3) Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Weight: 2 pounds Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Armor Class: 9 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hardness: 4 Range Increment: 10 feet
Hit Points: 2 “To Hit” Bonus: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength Magazine: 3
Roll: 13 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Description: A completely different kind of handgun, attacks
this disposable weapon fires twelve explosive capsules Damage: 3d6 Piercing (20 x3)
from its sealed chamber and then crumbles into bio- Weight: 2 pounds
degradable waste products. It is very cheap to Armor Class: 9
manufacture if you have the required technology. Hardness: 4
With its completely sealed system the gun requires no Hit Points: 2
maintenance. It doesn't look much like a conventional DC required to break this item with a Strength
pistol, in that it doesn't have a barrel. It looks more Roll: 13
like the plastic hand grip for some other piece of Description: A molded block of plastic that fits over
machinery, with a little square hole on the front. your hand up to about the middle of your forearm. It
feels soft and cushioned inside, a little like foam
rubber. It doesn't look much like a pistol. There is no
obvious barrel and no hole in the end for bullets to
come out of. In fact the whole front part of the gun is
a nested set of shaped-charges, loaded with tiny hard
pellets. When the weapon is fired the front end
disappears in a cloud of ceramic shot, doing a great
deal of damage at close range. As with all shotgun
Disposable Slugthrower Carbine weapons, it is considerably less effective at greater
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of ranges. Even with as much shock absorbtion as the
hand” roll) gun has, it still produces so much recoil that it isn't
Cost: 400 Units (but is often produced by cultures that practical to fire it more than once per round. Once the
don’t use money) last round has been fired, the weapon crumbles into a
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) pleasantly minty-smelling dust.
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 60 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 15
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d12 Piercing (20 x3)
Weight: 5 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 4
Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Description: A smooth molded plastic pod with grips
for two hands and a built-in scope (its range modifyer
is already figured into the weapon's stats). It fires
small explosive capsules which are built into the body Disposable Machine Pistol
of the weapon in a single solid chunk. It has no Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
moving parts and the casing can never be opened. “sleight of hand” roll)
This makes it extremely durable, reliable and easy to Cost: 400 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
maintain. Once it has fired its last round it dissolves don’t use money)
into a puddle of liquid which smells of bread and Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
dishwashing soap. Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons

Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Description: An extremely light and simple plastic
Range Increment: 40 feet weapon. It resembles a flare gun, or a big plastic toy
“To Hit” Bonus: -- pistol with a wierdly large mouth The grenade is built
Magazine: 50 into the unit and can't be removed or loaded into
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has another weapon. This is a very easy weapon to use.
attacks Just point it and pull the trigger. Be sure to hold on
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3) tight to the handle with both hands--it kicks like a
Weight: 3 pounds mule. Once the launcher has been used, it's just a half-
Armor Class: 7 melted empty plastic shell and can be discarded.
Hardness: 3 We've loaded this one with a fragmentation grenade,
Hit Points: 3 just for the sake of example, but you can find models
DC required to break this item with a Strength with any type of grenade in them.
Roll: 13
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. This uses up 10 shots Disposable 6-Shot Grenade Launcher
and so can only be done if the weapon currently has at Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
least ten shots left. The targeted area has an effective hand” roll)
Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, every target Cost: 650 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
within the affected area must make a Reflex save (DC don’t use money)
15) or take the weapon’s damage. Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
Description: A large disposable pistol which can Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
launch all its rounds in a single autofire stream. Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
Extremely simple to maintain, it performs very well Range Increment: 70 feet
under inclement conditions. The entire mechanism is “To Hit” Bonus: --
sealed and never meant to be opened, so it's almost Magazine: 6
impossible for dust and grit to get inside. When it Rate of Fire: Once per round
fires its last explosive capsule it dissolves into an Damage: 6d6 Bludgeoning to everything in a 10 foot
untraceable sludge of organic compounds. radius. Anyone caught in the radius of effect can
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half
Weight: 6 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 4
Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Description: A plastic grenade launcher with a rotary
magazine that resembles an oversized revolver
cylinder. By manually turning the cylinder you can
select whichever grenade you like. The sample
version listed here is loaded with concussion grenades
Disposable 1-Shot Grenade Launcher but there are versions with every conceivable
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of combination of grenades in the six chambers. The
hand” roll) grenades are built into the weapon and when the last
Cost: 600 Units (but is often produced by cultures that of them is fired the launcher will melt into a puddle of
don’t use money) sweet-smelling liquid (this takes one round) which
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) will then evaporate into nothing in five minutes.
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 70 feet Disposable 12-Shot Grenade Launcher
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Rate of Fire: Once per round hand” roll)
Damage: 6d6 Piercing to everything in a 10 foot Cost: 750 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
radius. Anyone caught in its area of effect can make a don’t use money)
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
damage. Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Weight: 1 1/2 pounds Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
Armor Class: 7 Range Increment: 70 feet
Hardness: 1 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hit Points: 2 Magazine: 12
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: Once per round
Roll: 13 Damage: 6d6 Piercing to everything in a 10 foot

radius. Anyone caught in the radius of effect can Required Proficiency: Simple
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
damage. Range Increment: 40 feet
Weight: 9 pounds “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 5 Magazine: 5
Hardness: 4 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hit Points: 5 attacks
DC required to break this item with a Strength Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x3)
Roll: 14 Weight: 2 pounds
Description: A nondescript plastic pod with a pair of Armor Class: 9
molded hand-grips. When armed, it opens up like a Hardness: 2
lethal flower, revealing the smooth blunt ends of 12 Hit Points: 1
rifle grenades. When the last grenade is fired, the DC required to break this item with a Strength
weapon crumbles into a wet mass of biodegradable Roll: 10
hydrocarbons, which are shortly absorbed back into Description: This weapon looks a lot like a half-
the environment. The stats listed here assume the melted turkey baster. When you squeeze the bulb at
launcher is loaded with fragmentation genades, but the bottom, it shoots out one of its five darts as though
there may be other models. If your launcher fires launched from a blowgun. The stats listed here
more than one type of grenade, then you are free to assume that it is loaded with an ordinary, non-
launch them in whatever order you would like. venomous dart, but of course it could hold any
combination of darts you like. Once it fires its last
dart, it crumbles into a sandlike organic grit,
Disposable Needle Gun chemically indistinguishable from ordinary dirt.
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
of hand” roll)
Cost: 225 Units (but is often produced by cultures that Disposable Micro-Dart Projector
don’t use money) Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (Often Unavailable) of hand” roll)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Cost: 200 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use don’t use money)
Range Increment: 30 feet Tentative Purchase DC: 12 (Often Unavailable)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Required Proficiency: Simple
Magazine: 40 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment: 20 feet
attacks “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 1 pound attacks
Armor Class: 13 Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x2), make a Fortitude Save
Hardness: 3 vs. DC 20 or take 3d8 additional Damage from poison
Hit Points: 2 Weight: 1/10 pound
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 13
Roll: 12 Hardness: 0
Description: About the size and shape of a large Hit Points: 1
ergonomic pen, this weapon contains twenty needles DC required to break this item with a Strength
and just enough compressed gas to launch them at Roll: 8
lethal speed. The gun makes little noise (although it is Description: A squeeze-bulb device which looks a lot
still louder than a gauss pistol) and can be concealed like a half-melted eyedropper. It fires a single dart,
in a coat pocket. After it fires its last shot, the device and then turns into a watery sludge which soon
melts away into a creamy sludge which smells of evaporates, leaving no trace. The damage listed here
popcorn and lemon. This substance is a harmless and is purely a sample. It assumes that the user is firing a
untraceable soup of organic compounds which rapidly simple poison dart, but the projector can be used with
break down and defy most attempts at forensic any of the darts listed in this book. The projector itself
reconstruction. The needles themselves break down doesn't show up on a metal detector, but of course
and become untraceable ten minutes after being fired. there are certain darts (electrostatic shock darts, for
example) which won't be so easy to conceal. This
weapon has little use apart from acts of skullduggery
Disposable Dart Projector and so is illegal almost anywhere that they have
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a actually heard of it.
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 175 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
don’t use money) Disposable Gyrojet Pistol
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 (Often Unavailable) Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a

“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 250 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
don’t use money)
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 15
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d6+2 Piercing (20 x3)
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 4 Disposable Laser Pistol
Hit Points: 2 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
DC required to break this item with a Strength “sleight of hand” roll)
Roll: 12 Cost: 300 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
Description: A very small disposable rocket launcher. don’t use money)
After it has launched all its missiles, it dissolves into a Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable)
pile of minty-smelling suds, which quickly break Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
down into untraceable organic compounds. For the Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
sake of example, this one has been loaded with Range Increment: 40 feet
standard gyrojet rounds, but you could build them to “To Hit” Bonus: --
launch any of the special gyrojet loads listed in this Magazine: 35
book. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d8 Heat (20 x3)
Disposable Poison Injector Weight: 2 pounds
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: 9
hand” roll) Hardness: 4
Cost: 75 Units (but is often produced by cultures that Hit Points: 2
don’t use money) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (Often Unavailable) Roll: 13
Required Proficiency: Simple Description: A thirty-five shot laser pistol,
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use manufactured in a single block of plastic. Some parts
Range Increment: -- of the material are superconductive, other parts have
“To Hit” Bonus: -- the right optical properties to generate coherent light,
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has but the whole thing is one solid block of matter. Once
attacks the built-in battery is exhausted, the weapon melts into
Damage: Target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw a gelatinous sludge of biodegradable non-staining
vs. DC 20 or take 4d6 poison damage hydrocarbons and you buy a new one. Most users hate
Weight: 1/20 pound it when the gun melts in their hand, so there is a
Armor Class: 13 twenty-second delay (during which you might still use
Hardness: 4 the empty weapon to threaten someone--be sure you
Hit Points: 1 do it fast though!)
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 10
Description: A tiny soft bulb with a hypodermic
needle sticking out of one end. You slip it into the
target's vein and squeeze. The stats listed here assume
that it is filled with neurotoxic venom, but of course
you could load it with whatever foul stuff you like.
The plague? A cancer-causing agent? Gasoline?
Whatever your evil soul desires. Once the device has
been used it melts away into a liquid which then
evaporates within minutes. Disposable Laser Rifle
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Hand roll)
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 500 Units (but is often produced by cultures that

don’t use money) characteristics, levels of electrical conductivity and so
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) forth. If you were to cut it open it would look like one
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons contiguous mass. You would need some fairly
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use sophisticated sensors to detect the various
Range Increment: 90 feet "components". Once it fires its last burst of protons,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- the gun falls apart into a sweet-smelling soup of
Magazine: 20 biodegradable hydrocarbons which cannot be traced
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has with most sensors.
Damage: 2d8 Heat (20 x3)
Weight: 6 pounds Disposable Hyper-Soaker
Armor Class: 7 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hardness: 4 hand” roll)
Hit Points: 3 Cost: 15 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
DC required to break this item with a Strength don’t use money)
Roll: 16 Tentative Purchase DC: 4 (Often Unavailable)
Description: A fifty-shot laser pistol, all Required Proficiency: Simple
manufactured in a single block of plastic. Some parts Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
of the material are superconductive, or have the right Range Increment: 40 feet
optical properties to focus coherent light, but the “To Hit” Bonus: --
whole thing is one solid block of matter. Once the Magazine: 15
built-in battery is exhausted, the weapon melts into a Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
gelatinous sludge of biodegradable glop and you buy a attacks
new one. Even though the waste-products won't stain Damage: 2d6 Caustic.
clothing (which in a culture like this one are probably Weight: 1/2 pound
disposable anyway) most people don't like hanving the Armor Class: 9
weapon turn to sludge in their hands, so there is a Hardness: 0
twenty-second delay between when the gun runs out Hit Points: 1
of power and when it starts to fall apart. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 10
Special: Effectively an Autofire weapon. It can
expend one load and attack a single individual target
or three loads and attack everything in a ten-foot
square. If the gun is being used in Autofire mode then
a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will allow the
target to take half damage if the weapon is firing a
substance that damages the target directly, or to gain a
+4 bonus to their Fortitude Saving Throw if the
Disposable Particle Accelerator
substance requires them to make a Saving Throw.
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Description: A strangely curved blob of plastic with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
molded handgrip at the bottom. It contains a liquid
Cost: 350 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
weapon with a compressed gas propellant.
don’t use money)
Something like a long-range aerosol weapon, It
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable)
hurls a thin stream of liquid at the target, and can
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
attack either individual characters or a ten-foot square.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Once the last dose is gone, the weapon melts into a
Range Increment: 40 feet
pile of bio-degradable suds that smell a lot like
“To Hit” Bonus: --
freshly-baked bread. It is almost impossible to detect
Magazine: 30
the weapon's remains with a scanner--they're just
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
ordinary organic molecules, similar in chemical
composition to potting soil.
Damage: 2d10 Radiation (20 x3)
While we have filled this one up with a caustic
Weight: 7 pounds
liquid for the sake of example, you could use a
Armor Class: 9
disposable hypersoaker to deliver any of the aerosol
Hardness: 4
weapons listed above. At the DM's discretion, they
Hit Points: 2
may sell models pre-loaded with any number of nasty
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16
Description: A disposable thirty-shot proton rifle.
Like all particle accelerator guns, it is big and heavy.
It doesn’t really have separate components--different Disposable Aerosol Weapon
parts of the plastic just have different physical Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)

Cost: 25 Units (but is often produced by cultures that open its casing without breaking it. When the last
don’t use money) charge is fired, the weapon crumbles into a fine
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (Often Unavailable) biodegradable powder which is nearly impossible to
Required Proficiency: Simple trace.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: Maximum range of 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: The target must make a Fortitude Saving
Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 2-12 minutes.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 0
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 10 (but will spray everything in a 5 foot radius if
broken) Disposable Throwing Blade
Special: Can attack either a single target or a ten-foot
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
square. The target square has an effective defense of
hand” roll)
10. Anyone in that square should make a Reflexes
Cost: 25 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
Saving Throw vs. DC 20. If they succeed, they have don’t use money)
avoided getting the drug in their lungs and will make
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (Often Unavailable)
their Fortitude Saving Throw at a +3.
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Description: A tiny spray bottle loaded with a fast-
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
acting sleep agent. It looks like a small blue bulb with
Range Increment: 10 feet
a nozzle at one and and can easily be concealed in one
“To Hit” Bonus: --
hand. Once the last dose is used, the weapon turns
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
into a small puddle of fast-evaporating liquid, which
leaves no detectable trace for chemical analysis.
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (20 x2)
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9
Disposable Blaster-Pistol Hardness: 4
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Hit Points: 1
“sleight of hand” roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 300 Units (but is often produced by cultures that Roll: 12
don’t use money) Description: These come in a number of different
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable) shapes. Some look like traditional “throwing star”
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons shuriken, others like small razor-sharp disks and still
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use others look like knives. They all do the same amount
Range Increment: 30 feet of damage and all have the same characteristics.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Made from adavanced artificial substances, they are
Magazine: 20 better balanced for throwing and better at cutting
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has through flesh than even the best metallic throwing
attacks blades. Best of all, once they hit the target (or miss
Damage: 2d8 Weird Energy (20 x3) and hit the ground) they dissolve into an untraceable
Weight: 2 pounds cloud of organic materials.
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 4
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Description: A curved piece of plastic with no sharp
angles that resembles an ergonomically designed
electric razor. It is activated with touch-sensitive
controls on the top of the weapon and has no obvious
trigger. The gun takes some getting used to. It isn't
even immediately obvious which direction you point it
in. When it is fired a hole forms in the smooth material
at the front end and it emits a blaster bolt. There is no
way to change the weapon's power cell, or even to

Disposable Stiletto
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 30 Units (but is often produced by cultures that
don’t use money)
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown)
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: Dissolves when instructed
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (19-20 x2)
Weight: 1 pound
Disposable Tomahawk Armor Class: 13
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Hardness: 3
“sleight of hand” roll) Hit Points: 1
Cost: 600 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal) Roll: 12
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Description: A round pastel oval, shaped a lot like an
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use oversized candy-covered almond. When it is
Range Increment: 20 feet if thrown. Can also be squeezed, the front opens up into a sharp plastic blade,
used as a melee weapon. as strong as steel and a good deal less brittle. Once
“To Hit” Bonus: -- you are done using the stilleto, it dissolves into a pile
Magazine: Can only be used once of sludge that smells like fresh bread.
Rate of Fire: Each individual hatchet can only be
thrown once, but you can throw as many of them as
you have attacks Disposable One-Shot Missile Launcher
Damage: 1d4 Slashing (19-20/x2) Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Weight: 2 pounds hand” roll)
Armor Class: 10 Cost: 1,000 Units
Hardness: 4 Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable)
Hit Points: 2 Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
DC required to break this item with a Strength works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher)
Roll: 15 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Accessories: -- Range Increment: 150 feet
Description: A carefully balanced throwing axe made “To Hit” Bonus: --
from some sort of layered resin composite. It has a Rate of Fire: Once per round
much more rounded, aerodynamic appearance than Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning to everything in a 10 foot
most hatchets, and produces so little drag that it makes radius. Targets can make a Reflexes Saving Throw
no noise as it sails through the air toward the target. vs. DC 20 to take half damage.
Once the axe strikes home, it melts into a transparent Weight: 5 pounds
liquid with a lemony fresh scent. The residue it leaves Armor Class: 5
behind is a soup of random organic molecules, almost Hardness: 1
impossible to tell from dirt or an old food stain. Even Hit Points: 2
the most sophisticated chemical analysis is unlikely to DC required to break this item with a Strength
be able to tell the difference. Roll: 14
Description: A plastic missile-launching tube, with
the missile already built in. This is an extremely
simple weapon, which nearly anyone can use with just
a few minutes worth of training. You put the tube
over your shoulder, pull a tab to arm it, peer through a
sight and pull the trigger. Be sure to stand more than

ten feet behind anyone firing the launcher, or you'll could contain any of the missiles listed in this book.
have to make a Reflexes Saving throw vs. DC 15 to
keep from taking 1d6 Flame damage. It can't be
reused. The stats listed here assume that the missile
has a standard concussive warhead, but of course it

Projectile Weapons
Guns guns guns! We have all sorts of nifty guns for you here, howitzers and handguns, derringers and missile
launchers and everything in between, yet we've barely even begun to explore the topic. Projectile weapons come in
innumerable shapes and sizes by the early 21st century and who knows how many new forms they may yet evolve
into? While any such listing will always be incomplete, this should at least give you enough varieties to add depth and
richness to your game.

For your convenience, we'll start out with a few generic future firearms and then move on to more specific models,
exploring various directions in which projectile weapons might evolve. In some futures the trend may be toward tiny,
high speed bullets, in others it may be toward new forms of recoil compensation that permit absurdly huge rounds. In
one caseless ammunition may come to dominate the field, in another bullets will be driven by liquid propellant or
superheated plasma.

Science Fiction tends to assume that at some point in the mid-to-distant future energy weapons will completely displace
guns that launch projectiles, but there is no reason why that has to be true. We've included a few super-advanced
slugthrowers from distant futures in which energy weapons turned out to be impractical.

We also have included some heavy ordinance, howitzers, missile launchers and so forth. They are technically
projectile weapons so this seemed like the best place to put them.


Simple, old, reliable firearms technology, there is no reason to suppose that shotguns won’t continue to serve us long
into the future. They are mostly useful for hunting, with only limited military applications (largely in urban settings).
They are also popular with criminals, thanks to their ease of use, fearsome reputation and their amazing capacity to
render even the toughest opponent very dead with one shot.

Double-Barreled Shotgun Tentative Purchase DC: 14

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
hand” roll). Medium if you saw off the barrels (-4 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll) Range Increment: 30 feet
Cost: 300 Units “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 1 per barrel

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has effectively attacking an area ten feet wide by twenty-
attacks five feet long. Anything in that area takes damage
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3) per barrel. Can fire (half if they make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC
one or both barrels at once. 15).
Weight: 8 pounds A pistolgrip under the barrels allows you to steady
Armor Class: 7 the weapon when firing, but it's still advisable to fire
Hardness: 5 this monstrosity from the shoulder and brace yourself
Hit Points: 6 as well as possible. It has a lot of built-in recoil
DC required to break this item with a Strength compensation, but it still packs an amazing kick when
Roll: 18 it lets everything go at once.
Accessories: Caseless Shotgun Shells (weigh 1/4 lb The mechanism is no different from any double-
each, cost 20 Units, for a box of 50) barreled shotgun. You break the weapon open and
Description: The double-barreled shotgun is an slip new shells into the breeches to reload, which takes
ancient design, elegant in its simplicity and durability. a full round.
It requires no power cells, no electrical components
and only a few simple moving parts. You break the
gun open, slip the shells into the breech, snap it shut Pump-Action 12 Gauge
and fire, either one barrel at a time for 2d6 damage or Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
both at once for 4d6. hand” roll)
The basic design has changed little, but Cost: 350 Units
improvements in materials technology have made it Tentative Purchase DC: 14
more durable than a 21st century gun. It fires Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
caresless ammunition--solid round blocks of explosive Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
with shot embedded in them, and so it produces no Range Increment: 30 feet
spent shells to be ejected. “To Hit” Bonus: --
This is a generic template. Vary the details and Magazine: 5
you could produce any number of individual guns. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Reduce the damage to 2d4 per barrel and you have a attacks
lightweight 20 gauge birding piece. Increase the Damage: 4d6 Piercing (20 x3)
damage to 3d6 per barrel and you have a ten-gauge Weight: 9 pounds
monster. Reduce the length to 24 inches and you have Armor Class: 7
a sawed-off shotgun suitable for bank robbery and Hardness: 5
cyberpunk hijinx Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Pipe Organ Shotgun Accessories: Caseless Shotgun Shells (weigh 1/4 lb
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of each, cost 20 Units for a box of 50)
hand” roll) Description: A classic projectile weapon, little
Cost: 800 Units changed from its twentieth century forbearers. It fires
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) caseless ammunition and so never needs to eject a
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons spent shell from the breech, making it even easier to
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use maintain.
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 1 per barrel (6 barrels in total)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3) per barrel. Can fire up
to 6 barrels at once.
Weight: 16 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Zlotny-Grushka 12 Gauge Light Combat
Hardness: 5 Shotgun
Hit Points: 5 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
DC required to break this item with a Strength hand” roll)
Roll: 18 Cost: 700 Units
Accessories: Caseless Shotgun Shells (weigh 1/4 lb Tentative Purchase DC: 17
each, cost 20 Units, for a box of 50) Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Description: An odd variation on the double-barreled Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
shotgun. This strange weapon has six short barrels Range Increment: 30 feet
arranged side by side. The barrels can be fired “To Hit” Bonus: --
separately or in any combination. They do 2d6 Magazine: 5
damage each. If you fire all six at once, you are Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

attacks attacks
Damage: 4d6 Piercing (20 x3) Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20/x3) per barrel. Can fire up
Weight: 7 pounds to 3 barrels at once.
Armor Class: 7 Weight: 5 pounds
Hardness: 5 Armor Class: 7
Hit Points: 5 Hardness: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 4
Roll: 17 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Caseless Shotgun Shells (weigh 1/4 lb Roll: 15
each, cost 20 Units for a box of 50) Accessories: Caseless Shotgun Shells (weigh 1/4 lb
Description: A short, semi-automatic shotgun with a each, cost 20 Units for a box of 50)
pistolgrip instead of a stock. It has barely any barrel Description: A plastic shotgun with three barrels, no
and can be easily concealed under a coat. It fires solid stock and two pistolgrips. Made for mayhem and
blocks of caseless ammunition and it takes only a skullduggery, it is easy to conceal, won't set of metal
standard action to reload. You just slap the block in detectors and is illegal almost everywhere. What
the magazine. There are no spent shells to eject-the Player Character group would be complete without
whole round is consumed when it fires. one? It takes a full round to break it open, pull out the
spent shells and reload all three barrels. It only takes a
Standard Action if you only reload one barrel (if, for
Steissner Combat Shotgun example, you're in a desperate hurry).
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 800 Units Riot-Ram
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (often restricted to Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
military and police use) Cost: 1,000 Units
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Range Increment: 30 feet Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: 30 feet
Magazine: 5 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Magazine: 5
attacks Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 4d6+4 Piercing (20 x3) attacks
Weight: 11 pounds Damage: 4d6 Piercing (20 x3) or 4d6 Nonlethal
Armor Class: 7 Weight: 15 pounds
Hardness: 5 Armor Class: 5
Hit Points: 7 Hardness: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 15
Roll: 18 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Caseless Shotgun Shells (weigh 1/4 lb Roll: 20
each, cost 20 Units for a box of 50) Accessories: Slab of 5 Shotgun Shells (Weighs 1
Description: A huge ten-gauge semiautomatic pound, costs 10 units), Slab of 5 Rubber Slugs
shotgun, with a pistolgrip stock and a second grip (Weighs 1 pound, costs 20 units)
under the barrel. It has a magazine which looks as Description: Designed specifically for urban assaults,
though it belongs on an assault rifle rather than a this gun is built into a bulletproof plastic shield which
shotgun. The weapon fires solid blocks of caseless covers the user from head to ankles, giving them a +4
ammunition and produces no spent shells. You just to their Armor Class. The shield only protects the user
clap the new block in the magazine, which takes only from the front and it reduces their movement by 10
a single standard action.. feet. The shield is transparent and so offers no
protection whatever against laser weapons. The gun
can be detached from the shield, but this takes a full
Model 6 "Jack Murder" Plastic Shotgun round and a set of tools. It fires huge 10 gauge
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a shotgun shells or rubber slugs that do 4d6 nonlethal
“sleight of hand” roll) damage. This is caseless ammunition, and produces no
Cost: 600 Units spent shells. It comes in solid blocks of ammunition
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal) and takes a Standard Action to reload.
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 25 ft "Killmaster" 6-Gague Shotgun
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
Magazine: 1 per barrel (3 Barrels) Cost: 1,200 Units
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Tentative Purchase DC: 18

Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Range Increment: 30 feet every target within the affected area must make a
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Rate of Fire: Once per round Autofire uses up 10 rounds, and can only be used if
Damage: 6d6 Piercing (20 x3) the weapon has 10 rounds left in it.
Weight: 22 pounds Accessories: Solid Block of 50 Caseless Shotgun
Armor Class: 5 Shells (weighs 5 lbs, costs 40 units), Special
Hardness: 5 Oversized Magazine (holds 100 rounds, weighs 1/2
Hit Points: 10 pound unloaded, costs 90 units)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: A fully automatic shotgun, regarded as
Roll: 20 ideal for crowd-control in certain less ethically-
Accessories: Caseless 6 Gauge Shotgun Shells (weigh advanced societies. It can actually be controlled by a
1/4 lb each, cost 60 Units, for a box of 50), Bipod single human operator without a tripod mount. In fact
Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs 100 units) it doesn't even have a stock--just two pistolgrips.
Description: New improvements in recoil When you fire it, my best advice would be to hang on
compensation make it possible to revive a long-lost tight! The gun comes with a 50 round magazine, but
weapon from the 1920s--the six gague shotgun. you can attach a 100 round drum if you like. It takes
The original six-gauge shotguns were far too large only a single Standard Action to reload one of the
and produced far too much recoil to be fired from the gun's oversized blocks of caseless ammunition, but it
shoulder. They were placed on fixed swivel mounts takes a full round to properly replace the drum.
on boats, for the most part. This model can be fired
like any shotgun.
A gigantic single barrel weapon, it has a shock-
absorption system behind the firing chamber and a
number of other recoil suppression devices built in. It
still fights like a wild beast when you fire it. No pump
or semi-automatic version was ever built, since the
weapon is so tough to control if it's fired rapidly. No
double-barreled version was ever built either, because
of course that would be silly.

Liberator Assault Gun

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 150 Units
Auto-Shotgun Tentative Purchase DC: 11 (usually illegal)
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Required Proficiency: Simple
hand” roll) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Cost: 1,500 Units Range Increment: 20 feet
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (usually restricted to “To Hit” Bonus: --
military and police use) Magazine: 30
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use attacks
Range Increment: 30 feet Damage: 4d6+2 Piercing (20 x3)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Weight: 10 pounds
Magazine: 50 Armor Class: 7
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Hardness: 5
attacks Hit Points: 3
Damage: 4d6 Piercing (20 x3) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 10 pounds Roll: 15
Armor Class: 7 Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Hardness: 5 target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Hit Points: 4 an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
DC required to break this item with a Strength every target within the affected area must make a
Roll: 17 Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can

Autofire uses up 10 rounds, and can only be used if Damage: 5d6+5 Piercing (20 x3)
the weapon has 10 rounds left in it. Weight: 75 pounds
Accessories: None Armor Class: 5
Description: Cheaply made for distribution to Hardness: 5
underground guerilla armies, this gun is chiefly useful Hit Points: 12
for massacring unarmed civilians as messily as DC required to break this item with a Strength
possible. A short, wide fully automatic shotgun, it is Roll: 19
made entirely from low-cost synthetics, but the Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
ammunition will still set off metal detectors. Instead target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
of round shot, its caseless shells are packed with an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
jagged metal flechettes which do amazingly horrible every target within the affected area must make a
things to flesh and bone, but don't have as much range Reflex save (DC 20) or take the weapon’s damage.
as conventional shotgun pellets. This is not a weapon Add any AC the target gets from armor to their roll-
meant for accuracy and finesse in any case. Because the gun does a lot of damage, but it doesn't have much
the makers don't trust the user to know how to take penetration. Autofire shoots 10 shells, and can only
care of a weapon, the mechanism is completely sealed. be used if the weapon has 10 shells left in it.
It cannot be reloaded. Once it fires its last burst, you Accessories: Solid Block of 50 Caseless Shotgun
may as well throw it away--it doesn't even make a Shells (the gun holds 4 of these blocks, each weighs 5
very good club. lbs, costs 40 units), Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds,
Costs 150 units)
Description: A heavy support gun, used for riot
"Rippergun" Heavy, Mounted Auto- control by less-enlightened societies, where an ideal
Shotgun law-enforcement weapon is one that does the most
possible damage to the greatest number of unarmed
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
civilians at once. By these standards, this is a truly
Cost: 5,000 Units
admirable weapon. Four rotating barrels spit out
Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (usually restricted to
shotgun blasts at an astounding rate, ripping anything
military and police use)
in its path to bits. The anti-gravity recoil compensator
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
makes it possible to fire this weapon from a bipod
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
mount or even for a strong man to fire it manually, but
Range Increment: 40 feet
it is usually seen as a vehicle-mounted weapon.
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty to use without a mount. –
8 if your Strength is less than 16.
Magazine: 200
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

This category does not include fully automatic “machine pistols” that are capable of burst-fire. Those weapons have
their own special section further down.

Cost: 500 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 20
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3)
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Slugthrower Pistol Roll: 15
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 35
“sleight of hand” roll) units), Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs 40

units) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range “sleight of hand” roll)
Increment by one), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 Cost: 1,000 Units
pound, costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually illegal)
muzzle flash by -2), Silencer (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
300 units, reduces Listen rolls made to hear shot by -2, Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
cuts Range Increment in half, usually illegal) Holster Range Increment: 30 feet
(costs 10 Units, weighs 1/2 pound) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: A basic, standard template for what a Magazine: 15
futuristic automatic pistol might look like. Add frills Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
and individual details as you please. Ammo counters? attacks
Built-in targeting systems? Caseless ammunition? Damage: 1d10 Piercing (20 x3)
Whatever you like. A number of variations on the Weight: 2 pounds
theme follow, as examples. I should add that since Armor Class: 9
this is the standard model from the DMG, I'm not Hardness: 8
going to count it against the 1001 new weapons I Hit Points: 2
promised to deliver you. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 25
units), Box of 50 rounds (weighs 4 pounds, costs 65
Description: A small, strangely shaped pistol made
entirely out of synthetic materials. It has little range
and not a lot of stopping power, but it's quiet and more
importantly, it's totally invisible to metal detectors.
Thin and curved to imitate the shape of the human
body, it's ideal for concealing under your clothes. Any
Search rolls performed against it are made at a -2,
Subsonic Murder Gun unless the wearer is actually stripped of their clothes.
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
It fires fragmenting ceramic bullets which do a
“sleight of hand” roll)
surprising amount of damage for their small size.
Cost: 700 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually illegal)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Slugthrower Pistol, Derringer
Range Increment: 30 feet Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
“To Hit” Bonus: -- hand” roll)
Magazine: 10 Cost: 200 Units
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Tentative Purchase DC: 12
attacks Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Damage: 1d10 Piercing (20 x3) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weight: 2 pounds Range Increment: 20 feet
Armor Class: 9 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 5 Magazine: 1
Hit Points: 2 Rate of Fire: Once per round
DC required to break this item with a Strength Damage: 1d10 Piercing (20 x3)
Roll: 14 Weight: 1 pound
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, Armor Class: 13
costs 20 units), Holster (costs 10 Units, weighs 1/2 Hardness: 5
pound) Hit Points: 1
Description: A pistol with an integral silencer, DC required to break this item with a Strength
designed specifically for assassinations. It is illegal Roll: 14
almost everywhere. This gun uses solid blocks of Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs
caseless ammunition, like most sidearms of its epoch, 40 units), Extra-Small Holster (costs 10 Units, weighs
but the blocks it uses are specially made for low 1/2 pound)
velocity rounds. They look like ordinary pistol Description: A tiny, easily concealed one-shot pistol.
ammunition at a casual glance, but careful There are derringers available for nearly every caliber
examination and a skill roll vs. DC 15 reveals them for in existence, but the invention of caseless ammunition
what they really are. makes them smaller than ever. This is a typical model-
-a myriad of others exist, but while they vary a bit in
terms of stopping power, they all tend to share its size
and limited range.
Ceramic Pistol
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a

Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
costs 20 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound,
Slugthrower Target Pistol costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a by -2), Silencer (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units,
“sleight of hand” roll) reduces Listen rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts
Cost: 700 Units Range Increment in half, usually illegal), holster (costs
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 10 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Description: A third basic auto-pistol template, this
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use one for a large, heavy caliber weapon. It too can be
Range Increment: 40 feet tinkered with to produce many distinctive individual
“To Hit” Bonus: -- models. It fires solid slabs of caseless ammunition,
Magazine: 30 stored in the stock. Its closed breach makes it much
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has easier to keep clean than a present-day sidearm.
attacks Generally, it will either have a window in the
Damage: 2d4 Piercing (20 x3) magazine to keep track of how many bullets it has left,
Weight: 1 pound or a counter near the trigger guard.
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2 Shotgun Pistol
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Roll: 14 “sleight of hand” roll)
Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs Cost: 850 Units
40 units) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Increment by one), Holster (costs 10 Units, weighs 1/2 Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
pound) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Description: Another basic auto-pistol design, this Range Increment: 10 feet
one for a lightweight target pistol. Here too, you can “To Hit” Bonus: --
use this one model to spawn dozens of distinctive Magazine: 8
individual varieties, varying their features however Rate of Fire: Once per round
you like. It fires single, separate caseless bullets, Damage: 2d8 Piercing (20 x3)
unlike most firearms of its epoch, which use large Weight: 3 pounds
solid blocks of ammunition. This makes its Armor Class: 9
lightweight 5.0 mm round difficult to buy and easy to Hardness: 5
trace. Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16
Slugthrower Pistol, Heavy Caliber Accessories: Caseless Shotgun Shells (weigh 1/4 lb
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of each, cost 20 Units, for a box of 50), Holster (costs 25
hand” roll) Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Cost: 825 Units Description: Special recoil-compensation techniques
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 and new materials technology make this weapon at
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons last feasible. There are many possible variations on
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use the theme, but this one breaks open like a double-
Range Increment: 30 feet barreled shotgun to reload, taking a full round to fish
“To Hit” Bonus: -- out the hot shells and replace them. It holds its four
Magazine: 15 shots in something like a modified revolver cylinder.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has It is possible to keep an extra cylinder preloaded, and
attacks then pop it into the gun as a standard action, just as
Damage: 2d8 Piercing (20 x3) you might with an ordinary revolver.
Weight: 3 pounds

We’re not counting fully automatic weapons under this category—assault rifles and other machine guns have their own
sections listed further down. This category is for non-military, all-purpose longarms. These are more the kind of rifles

you’d buy at a sporting goods store than the kind you’d buy from the trunk of somebody’s car on a deserted road.

the most common firearm worldwide was the thirty

caliber bolt-action carbine. Made by a wide variety of
firms under a wide variety of names, these weapons
could be found from Alaska to Singapore, from the
Slugthrower Rifle Andes to the Ganges to the Congo. Many of them
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of were cheaply made and fell apart quickly in rough
Hand roll) conditions. Yet others were sturdy enough to last for
Cost: 1,000 Units centuries. Here is a generic template for one. You
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 might find it hanging on a mantelpiece or over a bar,
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons untouched for decades, almost anywhere on Earth.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Because this isn’t strictly speaking a futuristic
Range Increment: 70 feet weapon, I won’t count it against the total 1001 I’ve
“To Hit” Bonus: -- promised you.
Magazine: 10
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
attacks Type 1 "Wampum" Carbine
Damage: 1d20 Piercing (20 x3) Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Weight: 8 pounds hand” roll)
Armor Class: 7 Cost: 200 Units
Hardness: 5 Tentative Purchase DC: 12
Hit Points: 4 Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Roll: 18 Range Increment: 70 feet
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, “To Hit” Bonus: --
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Magazine: 20
Range Increment by one) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Description: A basic, standard template for what a attacks
futuristic semi-automatic rifle might look like. Add Damage: 1d12 Piercing (20 x3)
individual details as you like. Ammo counters? Built- Weight: 7 pounds
in targeting systems? Caseless ammunition? Armor Class: 7
Whatever you like. A number of variations on the Hardness: 5
theme follow. Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Generic 20th Century Carbine Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
hand” roll) Range Increment by one)
Cost: 150 Units (if you can find one for sale in a Description: A cheaply made firearm, designed
bargain bin somwehere) largely for export to less-developed nations. While
Tentative Purchase DC: 11 simple and basic, it is also durable, reliable and
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons extremely easy to use. It was in fact specifically built
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use for users who are unfamiliar with firearms. Largely
Range Increment: 60 feet made of molded green plastic, it has a completely
“To Hit” Bonus: -- solid-state firing mechanism with no moving parts but
Magazine: 15 the trigger. Like all "bullpup" configuration rifles it is
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has short-no longer than a man's arm, and easy to carry. It
attacks fires solid blocks of caseless .30 caliber ammunition
Damage: 1d20 Piercing (20 x3) and never has a round left in the firing chamber. A
Weight: 7 pounds small plastic window allows the user to see how many
Armor Class: 7 shots they have left.
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength Slugthrower Rifle, Light Caliber
Roll: 17 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 35 hand” roll)
units), Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs 40 Cost: 800 Units
units) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Increment by one) Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Description: By the middle of the twentieth century Handed: Requires 2 hands to use

Range Increment: 80 feet caseless ammunition. If you like, you can vary the
“To Hit” Bonus: -- specifics a bit to create different models, but for a
Magazine: 15 strictly generic gun we're going to assume that it fires
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has something roughly equivalent to a .30 caliber rifle
attacks bullet.
Damage: 2d8 Piercing (20 x3)
Weight: 7 pounds
Armor Class: 7 Slugthrower Rifle, Big Game
Hardness: 5 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 3 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 1,500 Units
Roll: 16 Tentative Purchase DC: 19
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment by one) Range Increment: 90 feet
Description: A generic template for a futuristic light “To Hit” Bonus: --
hunting rifle, made largely from synthetic materials. It Magazine: 8
weighs considerably less than a gun made from wood Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
and metal. Designed for accuracy above all else, it has attacks
a number of advanced recoil compensation Damage: 2d12 Piercing (20 x3)
components unavailable to early 21st century weapons Weight: 12 pounds
and barely produces any kick. It fires solid blocks of Armor Class: 5
caseless ammunition, inserted just in front of the Hardness: 5
trigger guard. By slightly varying the magazine size, Hit Points: 10
range increment and so forth, the DM should be able DC required to break this item with a Strength
to produce a wide range of near-future low-caliber Roll: 20
rifles. Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Range Increment by one)
Description: A .375 caliber rifle, made to stop
charging buffalo and other big game. An expensive
weapon, usually special-ordered weeks or months in
advance. Unless you're on a planet where the local
wildlife is spectacularly fierce, you probably won't
find one of these on the wall of your local gun shop.
The weapon is long for a rifle, and has a wooden
Slugthrower Rifle, Heavy Caliber stock. It produces less recoil than a modern big game
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of rifle, and fires solid blocks of caseless ammunition,
hand” roll) producing no spent brass. It takes a standard action to
Cost: 1,200 Units reload.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Slugthrower Rifle, Elephant Gun
Range Increment: 80 feet Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Cost: 3,000 Units
Magazine: 10 Tentative Purchase DC: 22
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
attacks Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Damage: 2d10 Piercing (20 x3) Range Increment: 90 feet
Weight: 8 pounds “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 7 Magazine: 2
Hardness: 5 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Hit Points: 8 Damage: 4d10 Piercing (20 x3)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 20 pounds
Roll: 20 Armor Class: 5
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, Hardness: 5
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Hit Points: 10
Range Increment by one) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: A generic template for a futuristic Roll: 20
heavy-duty rifle, suitable for hunting bears and elk (or Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 3 pounds,
space-bears and space-elk, as the case may be). It is a costs 100 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units,
semiautomatic weapon and fires solid blocks of reduces Range Increment by one)

Description: A true elephant gun, specially made to
order by a gunsmithing firm. It has two barrels, and
fires hand-turned .50 caliber caseless bullets which are
loaded separately rather than in a solid block of
ammunition. The gun breaks open like an antique
double-barreled shotgun to reload. This takes a full
round, but of course you are unlikely to use the
weapon more than once in a given encounter. It can
drop just about anything with one shot.

Slugthrower Sniper Rifle Slugthrower Sniper Rifle, High-Caliber

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
hand” roll) Cost: 4,000 Units
Cost: 2,000 Units Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (usually restricted to
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to military and police use)
military and police use) Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Range Increment: 90 feet
Range Increment: 90 feet “To Hit” Bonus: Anyone with a Strength over 16 can
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 fire the gun normally without its bipod. For anyone
Magazine: 15 else, the penalty is -4/
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Magazine: 20
attacks Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 1d12+2 Piercing (20 x3) Damage: 2d12 Piercing (20 x3), ignores 10 Points of
Weight: 16 pounds Hardness or Damage Resistance
Armor Class: 7 Weight: 25 pounds
Hardness: 5 Armor Class: 5
Hit Points: 5 Hardness: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 10
Roll: 19
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, Roll: 20
costs 30 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash costs 40 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound,
by -2), Silencer (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash
reduces Listen rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts by -2), Silencer (Weighs 1 pound, costs 400 units,
Range Increment in half, usually illegal) Scope (1/2 lb, reduces Listen rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts
costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one), Range Increment in half, usually illegal) Scope (1/2 lb,
Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs 100 units) costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one),
Description: A long, lightweight rifle, made largely Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs 150 units)
from synthetic materials. Every surface of the rifle is a Description: Intended mostly for use against vehicles,
matte, unreflective brownish color. It has a flash- this giant weapon is deadly accurate at amazing
suppresor built into the barrel, and every type of recoil distances. Surprisingly light for its size, it is mostly
suppression available. This is a semi-automatic constructed from plastic and ceramic components.
weapon, with no capacity for autofire. The rifle fires The barrel is long but the rest of the weapon is stubby
long narrow caseless bullets with armor piercing and wide.
plastic jackets and explosive heads. The ammunition
comes in solid blocks, and produces no spent brass.
The gun takes a standard action to reload.

Submachine Guns
Rarely seen in the hands of regular infantry, submachine guns are for the most part used by police and paramilitary
units, or as the emergency backup weapon for vehicle crews. They are also popular with terrorists and criminals.

Submachine guns can be as small as a machine pistol or as large as a carbine. This can make it confusing as to what
qualifies as a submachine gun and what does not. Technically, a submachine gun is any fully automatic weapon that
fires handgun bullets rather than rifle bullets

Futuristic models tend to use caseless ammunition and to hold more rounds, but their combat role remains essentially
unchanged for as long as they are produced.

QZ-5 Light Submachine Gun

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 650 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
Krutch Industries Submachine Gun Range Increment: 40 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Model 3 Magazine: 40
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 750 Units Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Weight: 4 pounds
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Armor Class: 7
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Hardness: 5
Range Increment: 50 feet Hit Points: 3
“To Hit” Bonus: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
Magazine: 40 Roll: 14
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
attacks target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Damage: 2d6+2 Piercing (20 x3) an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Weight: 5 pounds every target within the affected area must make a
Armor Class: 7 Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Hardness: 5 Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Hit Points: 4 weapon has at least 10 bullets left.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
Roll: 15 costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can Range Increment by one), Special oversized Flash
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units,
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -2), Silencer
every target within the affected area must make a (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, reduces Listen
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range Increment in
Autofire uses up 10 bullets, and can only be used if the half, usually illegal), holster (costs 75 Units, weighs
weapon has 10 bullets left in its magazine. 1/2 pound)
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, Description: This submachine gun is so small that it
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces begins to skirt the question of whether or not it
Range Increment by one), Special oversized Flash qualifies as a machine pistol. It has no gyrostabilizer
Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units, and is best fired with the shoulder stock, but is
Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -2), Silencer certainly no longer than the largest pistols. It shoots
(Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, reduces Listen low caliber bullets at a very high rate of fire (900
rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range Increment in rounds per minute). The ammunition is caseless and
half, usually illegal), holster (costs 75 Units, weighs comes in solid blocks. It ejects no empty shells--the
1/2 pound) entire cartridge is consumed when the bullet is fired.
Description: A submachine gun, larger than a It takes a standard action to reload.
machine pistol but smaller than an assault rifle. It
fires solid blocks of caseless pistol ammunition and
produces no spent brass. This is a "bullpup"
configuration weapon, with the firing mechanism
located behind the trigger. This makes it unusually
short, even for a submachine gun. It won't fit in a
conventional holster but it can easily be concealed
beneath a large coat. It takes a standard action to slap
a new block of ammunition into the magazine.
Basuto Heavy Submachine Gun Mk 7
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 850 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 17 every target within the affected area must make a
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Range Increment: 40 feet weapon has 10 bullets in it.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
Magazine: 35 costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment by one), Special oversized Flash
attacks Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units,
Damage: 2d8 Piercing (20 x3) Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -2), Silencer
Weight: 6 pounds (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, reduces Listen
Armor Class: 7 rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range Increment in
Hardness: 5 half, usually illegal), holster (costs 75 Units, weighs
Hit Points: 4 1/2 pound)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: Long after assault rifles have evolved
Roll: 16 into general purpose weapons systems, bristling with
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can grenade launchers and missile racks, submachine guns
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has remain single-function firearms. This one is
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, contemporary with advanced assault rifles like the
every target within the affected area must make a Mark X.
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. It is made almost entirely from synthetic materials
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the and has two separate magazines, placed side by side in
gun still has at least 10 bullets in it. front of the trigger guard. One contains explosive
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, anti-personnel bullets and the other holds armor-
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces piercing rounds. It does not take an action to switch
Range Increment by one) between them, but you can't mix both in a single burst.
Description: This gun defies the general trend toward This weapon skirts the boundary between assault
making submachine guns smaller and faster. It shoots rifles and submachine guns. It's big enough that you
giant 10 mm slugs at a relatively low rate of fire. This can't really conceal it and it does have to be used with
would make the weapon difficult to control, but new two hands. Yet it fires pistol rounds rather than rifle
advances in recoil suppression balance this out. It is rounds, and that of course is the acid test
advisable to use this weapon with two hands. It also Although this is a chunky, boxy, "bullpup"
makes a great deal of noise. It uses caseless configuration weapon, it retains a much more
ammunition, which comes in solid blocks rather than "gunlike" shape than most assault rifles from the same
being loaded individually into clips. It expends no period. Despite the dual magazine, it takes only a
shell casings. These are the same rounds that almost single standard action to reload.
any ten millimeter pistol uses, and can be exchanged
freely with any 10mm handgun.

Krutch Industries Submachine Gun 40

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 950 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 50 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Krutch Industries Submachine Gun 43-B
Magazine: 40 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
attacks Cost: 900 Units
Damage: 3d8 Piercing (20 x3) or 1d12 Piercing Tentative Purchase DC: 17
(ignores 8 points of hardness) (20 x3) Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Weight: 4 pounds Handed: Requires 2 hands to use (unless you have a
Armor Class: 7 Strength of 14 or greater)
Hardness: 5 Range Increment: 40 feet
Hit Points: 4 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 40
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Roll: 17
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can attacks
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has Damage: 3d6 Piercing (20 x3)
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, Weight: 4 pounds

Armor Class: 7 (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, reduces Listen
Hardness: 5 rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range Increment in
Hit Points: 4 half, usually illegal), holster (costs 75 Units, weighs
DC required to break this item with a Strength 1/2 pound)
Roll: 14 Description: A small, light submachine gun, made
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can almost entirely from advanced plastics It has a
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has shoulder stock but can be fired one-handed. It's an
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, ugly little gun and looks a lot like a plastic box with a
every target within the affected area must make a trigger guard on the bottom. It uses solid blocks of
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. caseless ammunition and ejects no spent shells. You
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the insert the block into the magazine from above-it rests
weapon has 10 bullets in it. horizontally on top of the weapon. The bullets
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, explode on impact, doing considerable damage to the
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces target.
Range Increment by one), Special oversized Flash
Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units,
Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -2), Silencer

Machine Pistols
Improvements in recoil compensation and gyrostabilization eventually lead to the birth of true machine pistols-tiny
submachine guns that can be easily controlled with one hand even when on fully automatic fire.

There are of course small submachine guns that skirt the edges of this definition. What's a machine pistol and what's
just a small submachine gun? For us the defining line is whether or not an average person can easily direct a full auto
burst from the gun without having to use two hands. By 2003, no existing firearms fully meet this definition.

I've assumed that some kind of gyrostabilizer is almost always necessary to build a true machine pistol, which gives all
of them a characteristic appearance, and incidentally makes it hard to design good holsters for them.

an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,

every target within the affected area must make a
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Range Increment by one), Special oversized Flash
Mk 1 Gyrostabilized Machine Pistol Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units,
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -2), Silencer
“sleight of hand” roll) (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, reduces Listen
Cost: 850 Units rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range Increment in
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 half, usually illegal), holster (costs 75 Units, weighs
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons 1/2 pound)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Description: Gyroscopic stabilization and other such
Range Increment: 40 feet pre-antigravity recoil compensation devices make it
“To Hit” Bonus: -- possible to produce extremely small, one-handed
Magazine: 30 submachine guns-true machine pistols. This one is an
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has early model, expensive, touchy and still fairly large. It
attacks fires solid blocks of 10 mm caseless ammunition. In
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3) appearance, it resembles a long automatic pistol with
Weight: 4 pounds an oversized ammunition holder in front of the trigger
Armor Class: 9 guard and a strange metal ring around the middle of
Hardness: 5 the barrel. This ring and the overall length of the
Hit Points: 2 weapon make a specially designed holster necessary.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Anyone can fire it one-handed at no penalty.
Roll: 14
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has Black Talon Gyrostabilized Machine

Pistol Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a attacks
“sleight of hand” roll) Damage: 2d4 Piercing (20 x3)
Cost: 700 Units Weight: 4 pounds
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Armor Class: 9
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Hardness: 5
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hit Points: 3
Range Increment: 50 feet DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Roll: 14
Magazine: 40 Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
attacks an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Damage: 1d10 Piercing (20 x3) every target within the affected area must make a
Weight: 4 pounds Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Armor Class: 9 Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Hardness: 5 weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Hit Points: 3 Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
DC required to break this item with a Strength costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Roll: 14 Range Increment by one), Special oversized Flash
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units,
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -2), Silencer
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, reduces Listen
every target within the affected area must make a rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range Increment in
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. half, usually illegal), holster (costs 75 Units, weighs
Autofire uses up 10 rounds, and can only be used if 1/2 pound)
the weapon has at least 10 rounds left in its magazine. Description: This machine pistol sacrifices a certain
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, amount of stopping power in order to make the gun as
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces small and easy to conceal as possible. The makers try
Range Increment by one), Special oversized Flash to compensate by giving it a large magazine, with
Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units, mixed results.
Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -2), Silencer
(Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, reduces Listen
rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range Increment in
half, usually illegal), holster (costs 75 Units, weighs
1/2 pound)
Description: This is a more advanced model. Sleek,
black and deadly-looking, it does away with the bulky
ammo hopper (which it places in the stock) and
instead of an external ring, it puts the Gyrostabilizer
inside a thickened barrel. It too uses blocks of caseless
ammo, and has a small counter on the side to keep RK Arnvelt Heavy Machine Pistol
track of ammunition. Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 825 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 50 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 35
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Mark 12 Gyrostabilized Machine Pistol attacks
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Damage: 2d8 Piercing (20 x3)
“sleight of hand” roll) Weight: 5 pounds
Cost: 800 Units Armor Class: 9
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Hardness: 5
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Hit Points: 4
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: 40 feet Roll: 15
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Magazine: 50 target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,

every target within the affected area must make a Weight: 4 pounds
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. Armor Class: 9
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the Hardness: 5
weapon has 10 bullets in it. Hit Points: 3
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, DC required to break this item with a Strength
costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Roll: 15
Range Increment by one), Special oversized Flash Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units, target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -2), Silencer an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
(Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, reduces Listen every target within the affected area must make a
rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range Increment in Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
half, usually illegal), holster (costs 75 Units, weighs Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
1/2 pound) weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Description: This large gyrostabilised sidearm skirts Accessories: Disposable Ammunition Drum (weighs
the boundary between machine pistols and light 1 pound, costs 20 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150
submachine guns. It is a gyrostabilizer weapon and it units, reduces Range Increment by one), Special
can be controlled with one hand, but it really is too big oversized Silencer (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units,
for a shoulder holster. reduces Listen rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts
Range Increment in half, usually illegal), holster (costs
75 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Helix Pistol Description: A long but lightweight gyrostabilized
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of machine pistol, it has a barrel-shaped magazine
hand” roll) perched on top of the weapon which holds an
Cost: 800 Units astounding 150 .25 caliber rounds in an unique helix-
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 shaped array. The ammunition is caseless and built
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons into the disposable magazine in a single solid round
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use block. To switch magazines, you just pull the old
Range Increment: 40 feet drum off and snap a new one into place. This takes
“To Hit” Bonus: -- only a Standard Action, although you might wonder
Magazine: 100 what the point is of switching magazines if the first
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has 150 bullets didn't solve the problem.
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3)

Assault Rifles
This category contains full-sized military rifles that are capable of autofire. Most of these guns will be hard for
civilians to acquire without going through dubious channels. They are organized by their level of technological
advancement, starting with what could be mid 21st century weapons and moving on to the kinds of guns our
descendants might one day take to the stars.

Damage: 2d10 Piercing (20 x3)

Weight: 9 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 7
Assault Rifle DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of Roll: 18
Hand roll) Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Cost: 1,000 Units target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
military use) every target within the affected area must make a
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Range Increment: 70 feet weapon has 10 bullets in it.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
Magazine: 45 costs 20 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound,
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash
attacks by -2), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range

Increment by one) Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Description: A basic template for a generic next- Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
generation assault rifle. A "bullpup" configuration Range Increment: 70 feet
weapon with the firing mechanism inside the stock, it “To Hit” Bonus: --
is much shorter than an M-16 or an AK-47. The gun Magazine: 40
is made largely from plastic, except for the barrel and Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
firing mechanism. It fires 7.7 mm caseless bullets that attacks
come enclosed in a block of their own propellant, and Damage: 2d12 Piercing (20 x3)
produce no spent brass cartridges. This also allows it Weight: 13 pounds
to fit more rounds in the magazine than more Armor Class: 7
conventional assault rifles. It takes a standard action to Hardness: 5
clap a solid slab of bullets into the weapon's magazine. Hit Points: 10
In appearance it is chunky and oddly curved, with a DC required to break this item with a Strength
surprisingly short barrel. A small counter by the Roll: 19
gunsight keeps track of the remaining ammunition. Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Light Assault Rifle every target within the affected area must make a
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Hand roll) Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Cost: 1,000 Units weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
military use) costs 30 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Range Increment by one), Special oversized Holster
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use (costs 75 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Range Increment: 80 feet Description: While the trend in advanced assault
“To Hit” Bonus: -- rifles is toward smaller calibers and higher rates of
Magazine: 50 fire, there are exceptions. The so-called "Thunder
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Gun" goes in the opposite direction. It fires giant
attacks explosive 10 mm bullets in blocks of caseless
Damage: 2d8 Piercing (20 x3) ammunition. A short, squat, ugly bullpup weapon, its
Weight: 7 pounds look is charitably described as "boxy."
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, Helix Rifle
every target within the affected area must make a Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. Hand roll)
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the Cost: 1,100 Units
weapon has 10 bullets in it. Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound, military and police use)
costs 20 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
by -2), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Range Increment: 70 feet
Increment by one), Special oversized Holster (costs 75 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Units, weighs 1/2 pound) Magazine: 100
Description: A lighter assault rifle, which sacrifices a Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
certain amount of stopping power in exchange for attacks
holding more rounds. This one fires a 5.5 mm bullet, Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3)
in solid blocks of caseless ammunition. Weight: 9 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
10 mm Thunder Gun Hit Points: 3
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of DC required to break this item with a Strength
hand” roll) Roll: 17
Cost: 1,200 Units Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
military use) an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,

everyone in the affected area must make a Reflex save
(DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. Autofire shoots
10 rounds, and can only be used if the weapon has 10 Police Model 90 Assault Carbine
rounds left in it. Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Accessories: Disposable Ammunition Drum (weighs hand” roll)
1 pound, costs 20 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs Cost: 950 Units
1/2 pound, costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
muzzle flash by -2), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, military and police use)
reduces Range Increment by one) Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Description: An odd new innovation in ammunition, Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
this light assault rifle carries a full 100 rounds of Range Increment: 70 feet (rifle), 30 feet (shotgun)
lightweight 6mm bullets packed into a disposable “To Hit” Bonus: --
drum on top of the weapon. A counter by the trigger Magazine: 65 Rifle bullets, 10 Shotgun shells
guard keeps track of the number of rounds spent. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 1d12 or 2d8 Piercing (20 x3)
Assault Rifle, Advanced Weight: 10 pounds
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: 7
hand” roll) Hardness: 5
Cost: 1,000 Units Hit Points: 4
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to DC required to break this item with a Strength
military and police use) Roll: 17
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Range Increment: 70 feet an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- every target within the affected area must make a
Magazine: 60 bullets, 3 rocket grenades. Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
attacks weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Damage: 3d6+3 Piercing (20 x3), or 5d6 Bludgeoning Accessories: Rifle Ammunition Block (weighs 1
Damage to everything in a 5 foot radius (a Reflexes pound, costs 30 units), Shotgun Ammunition Block
Save vs. DC 15 allows the target to take half damage). (weighs 1 pound, costs 10 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs
Weight: 8 pounds 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)
Armor Class: 7 Description: A smaller advanced assault rifle,
Hardness: 5 designed specifically for police tactical units--
Hit Points: 5 especially clearing out buildings. It fires 5.5 mm
DC required to break this item with a Strength expanding rounds and has a semiautomatic shotgun
Roll: 18 mounted under the main barrel. It can fire only one
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can weapon per attack, but it does not require an action to
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has switch between them. Both the shotgun and the main
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, weapon use solid blocks of caseless ammunition, and
every target within the affected area must make a produce no spent shells. The shotgun can be loaded
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. with specialized loads (solid slug, armor-piercing
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the SABOT rounds, etc).
weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Accessories: Ammunition Block (weighs 1 pound,
costs 30 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, Mark X Assault Rifle
costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
by -2), Silencer (Weighs 1 pound, costs 400 units, Hand roll)
reduces Listen rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Cost: 1,200 Units
Range Increment in half, usually illegal) Scope (1/2 lb, Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one), military use)
Grenades (see individual descriptions) Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Description: The next step up in the evolution of the Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
assault rifle, this is a basic template that you can vary Range Increment: 100 feet
a little to produce a wide variety of individual models. “To Hit” Bonus: --
It fires 7.7 mm exploding bullets in blocks of caseless Magazine: 80 (40 Explosive, 40 Armor piercing, plus
ammunition and has a 5-shot miniature rocket-grenade 10 Grenades)
launcher slung underneath the main barrel. A counter Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
keeps track of its ammunition. Load the rocket attacks
launcher with whatever seems appropriate to the Damage: 3d10 (20 x3) or 2d12 (19-20 x3)Armor-
mission. Piercing (ignores up to 8 points of Hardness), or by

Grenade Type 1 pound, costs 20 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs
Weight: 8 pounds 1/2 pound, costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot
Armor Class: 7 muzzle flash by -2), Silencer (Weighs 1 pound, costs
Hardness: 5 300 units, reduces Listen rolls made to hear shot by -2,
Hit Points: 5 cuts Range Increment in half, usually illegal), Scope
DC required to break this item with a Strength (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by
Roll: 18 one)
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can Description: A different vision of what infantry
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has weapons might evolve into after the "Advanced
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, Assault Rifle" stage. This short, boxy "bullpup"
every target within the affected area must make a weapon has two disposable solid drums of
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. ammunition on top, which each contain 100 caseless
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the rounds arranged in a kind of helix. One magazine is
weapon has 10 bullets in it. loaded with shaped-charge high explosive rounds for
Accessories: Exploding Ammunition Block (weighs 1 penetrating armor, the other with exploding incendiary
pound, costs 40 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 rounds meant for unarmored targets. The user can
pound, costs 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot select between them without taking a Standard Action,
muzzle flash by -2), Armor-Piercing Ammunition but can fire only one type of round in a single Attack.
Block (weighs 1 pound, costs 50 units), Scope (1/2 lb, It has been found that keeping track of two separate
costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one) counters tends to distract the weapon's operator, so it
Description: A basic template for what assault rifles doesn't have any. Instead a warning light comes on
might evolve into after the "Advanced Assault Rifle" when you're down to your last ten bullets.
stage. It has a dual magazine, containing one caseless
slab of exploding fragmentation bullets and another of
armor-piercing rounds. The user can select between Model Q-90 Autogun
them without taking a standard action, but cannot mix Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
the two together in a single attack. It comes with a hand” roll)
ten-grenade launcher on the bottom. A short, squat, Cost: 3,000 Units
bullpup weapon, it is made almost entirely of synthetic Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (usually restricted to
materials and looks even more like an ugly plastic box military use)
than its predecessors. Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 200 feet
Hyper-Helix Gun “To Hit” Bonus: +3 This weapon also completely
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of ignores Darkness and Concealment.
hand” roll) Magazine: 40 bullets, 5 grenades
Cost: 1,100 Units Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to attacks
military use) Damage: 3d10 Piercing (20 x3), Fragmentation
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Grenades do 5d6 Piercing to anything in a 5 foot
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use radius (a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves this
Range Increment: 70 feet damage)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Weight: 8 pounds
Magazine: 150 Armor Class: 7
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Hardness: 5
attacks Hit Points: 6
Damage: 3d10 Piercing (20 x3) or 2d10 Piercing DC required to break this item with a Strength
(ignores up to 8 points of Hardness) (19-20 x3) Roll: 19
Weight: 8 pounds Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Armor Class: 7 target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Hardness: 5 an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Hit Points: 4 every target within the affected area must make a
DC required to break this item with a Strength Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Roll: 18 Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can weapon has 10 bullets in it.
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has Accessories: Exploding Ammunition Block (weighs 1
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, pound, costs 40 units), Grenades (see individual
every target within the affected area must make a descriptions), Tripod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. 175 units), Scope and targeting system already built
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the into the weapon and taken account of in its stats.
weapon has 10 bullets in it. Description: An assault rifle with a difference, this is
Accessories: Disposable Ammunition Drum (weighs the most heavily computer-aided slug thrower rifle

ever made. You only really see weapons like this in attack.
the hands of cultures that have held on to slugthrower The weapon can also be mounted on a tripod and
technology slightly too long, after most civilizations set to "Automatic", in which case the computer will
have already moved on to energy weapons. open fire on any moving object that gets within its
A short, squat, bullpup weapon, it fires blocks of range. It always attacks at a +3 bonus, regardless of
exploding 10 mm caseless bullets and has a five-shot other conditions or modifiers.
grenade-launcher on the bottom. What makes it The gun is fairly stupid. It can be given simple
remarkable is its targeting system. A screen molded instructions like not to shoot at people, or only to
into the top of the weapon displays the target, cutting shoot at people, or not to shoot at people who give it a
through any concealment or darkness, compensating particular radio signal or only to defend a particular
automatically for wind, local gravity, the operator's arc of fire. Sophisticated commands like "don't shoot
shaking hands and any other such factors. It even me" are completely beyond it.
reveals (non magical) invisible objects and beings.
This effectively grants the user a +3 to his or her

The Z-Series: An Alternate Approach to the Future of

But what do I know about guns, really? In fact what does anyone actually know about the future of firearms? Most
science fiction games postulate (if they address the issue at all) that rifles will evolve into generalized, multi-purpose
weapons like the Police Model 90 and the Mark X Assault Rifle. We are told that the ammunition of the future will
come in solid caseless slabs, that every new design will eventually go over to the stubby, easy to carry bullpup
configuration, etc. What if they're wrong?

I therefore present here a completely different advanced projectile-weapon technology, in which these weapons
evolved down a completely different track. It might be interesting to see rival civilizations that have adopted these two
separate approaches come up against one another.

every target within the affected area must make a

Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs
20 units), Propellant Bottle (weighs 1/2 pound, costs
20 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs
200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -
Z-1 Survival Rifle 2), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of Increment by one)
Hand roll) Description: The Z-1 provides its own liquid
Cost: 830 Units propellant for its projectiles, obviating the need to
Tentative Purchase DC: pack an explosive into a shell casing with the bullet. It
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons carries its fuel in a disposable plastic bottle that fits
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use into the stock. A hunting rifle designed for wilderness
Range Increment: 90 feet use, it breaks down into three sections and is standard
“To Hit” Bonus: -- survival gear on light aircraft, escape pods, etc. It is a
Magazine: 40 very durable weapon, good for inclement weather and
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has hostile climates--the firing mechanism is particularly
attacks simple and resistant to wear. The rounds themselves
Damage: 1d10 Piercing (20 x3) are basically .22 caliber rifle bullets, without brass
Weight: 7 pounds casings. It will fire underwater or in a vacuum.
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 9
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,

Cost: 880 Units
Tentative Purchase DC:
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 50 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 100
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d6+2 Piercing (20 x3)
Z-3 Pistol Weight: 5 pounds
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: 7
hand” roll) Hardness: 5
Cost: 640 Units Hit Points: 3
Tentative Purchase DC: DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Roll: 15
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Range Increment: 40 feet target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
“To Hit” Bonus: -- an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Magazine: 100 every target within the affected area must make a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
attacks Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3) weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Weight: 3 pounds Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs
Armor Class: 9 20 units), Propellant Bottle (weighs 1/2 pound, costs
Hardness: 5 20 units) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Hit Points: 2 Increment by one), Special Oversized Flash
DC required to break this item with a Strength Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units,
Roll: 13 Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -2), Silencer
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 units, reduces Listen
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range Increment in
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, half, usually illegal), holster (costs 75 Units, weighs
every target within the affected area must make a 1/2 pound)
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. Description: A different kind of gyrostabilized
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the machine-pistol, it provides its own, liquid propellant
weapon has 10 bullets in it. for its projectiles, obviating the need to pack an
Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs explosive in with the bullet. It carries its fuel in a
20 units), Propellant Bottle (weighs 1/2 pound, costs disposable plastic bottle that fits into the stock. The
20 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs Gyrostabilizer fits inside its short, thick barrel--there is
200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by - no external ring. A small counter to one side of the
2), Silencer (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 200 units, sights keeps track of how much ammunition the
reduces Listen rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts weapon has left. It can be fired underwater or in a
Range Increment in half, usually illegal), Scope (1/2 vacuum.
lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)
Description: A slightly more advanced liquid
propellant firearm, this is an astronaut's sidearm. It is Z-5 Assault Rifle
large for a pistol., long and heavy It fires .20 caliber Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
bullets, which travel at a shockingly high speed. This Hand roll)
gun is really too destructive for battles in hard Cost: 1,000 Units
vacuum, where puncturing a craft's hull can kill Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
everyone inside, and it is soon replaced by models military use)
with vastly lower muzzle velocities. The gun is still Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
produced, however, since its giant magazine and Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
deadly high-speed rounds make it an excellent sidearm Range Increment: 80 feet
for downing armored or cybernetically-enhanced “To Hit” Bonus: --
opponents. Magazine: 100
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Z-Series Gyrostabilized Machine Pistol Damage: 1d12 Piercing (20 x3)
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Weight: 8 pounds
“sleight of hand” roll) Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5

Hit Points: 3 “To Hit” Bonus: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength Magazine: 200
Roll: 17 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can attacks
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has Damage: 2d12+6 Piercing (20 x3)
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, Weight: 7 pounds
every target within the affected area must make a Armor Class: 7
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. Hardness: 5
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the Hit Points: 4
weapon has 10 bullets in it. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs Roll: 17
20 units), Propellant Bottle (weighs 1/2 pound, costs Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
20 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by - an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
2), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range every target within the affected area must make a
Increment by one) Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Description: The first purely military application of Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
liquid propellant technology, the Z-5 is a long, weapon has 10 bullets in it.
lightweight assault rifle with a barrel-shaped Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs
ammunition drum on top. It holds a very large 20 units), Propellant Bottle (weighs 1/2 pound, costs
number of .20 caliber bullets, which it fires at an 20 units), Flash Suppressor (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs
amazing velocity and a very high rate of fire-more 200 Units, Reduces chance to Spot muzzle flash by -
than a thousand rounds a minute. The Z-5 can fire an 2), Silencer (Weighs 1 pound, costs 400 units, reduces
accurate burst at tremendous range without losing any Listen rolls made to hear shot by -2, cuts Range
of its considerable stopping power. It is also an Increment in half, usually illegal, Scope (1/2 lb, costs
elegant-looking weapon, particularly when compared 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)
to its boxy, bullpup competitors. Instead of looking Description: A more advanced liquid-propellant
like a squat metal box, the Z-5 is still recognizably a assault rifle, the Z-12 retains the light, sleek look of its
rifle, with a molded, swept-back look. The bottle of predecessors. It is made almost entirely from
propellant slots into the stock, as with previous synthetic materials--only the barrel and firing chamber
models. A counter to one side of the gunsight keeps are still made of metal. It continues the trend toward
track of ammunition, recording it both by number and small, super-fast, super-accurate bullets and very large
by the number of ten-round bursts the gun has left. magazines. The Z-12 fires .15 caliber bullets with
spent uranium cores, has a still greater rate of fire and
a still higher muzzle velocity than previous Z-rifles.
Z-12 Assault Rifle The round is intended for a battlefield on which most
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of combatants wear body armor and has perhaps more
Hand roll) penetration than actual stopping power, for which the
Cost: 1,000 Units weapon compensates with its extraordinary rate of
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to fire. It uses every possible means of recoil damping,
military use) and has relatively little kick, particularly for a gun that
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons fires 1800 rounds per minute.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 80 feet

Thud Guns and Splat Guns: Another Alternate

Approach to the Future of Firearms
But, as I said, what do I know about guns? Any gamer worth his or her salt loves spent brass--who am I to deny you
your spent brass?

The following weapons are based on yet a third evolutionary track. Here caseless ammunition is either impractical or
never catches on and neither do liquid propellants. Here most of the new advances in firearms come in materials
technology and for some reason I don't have time to think up, new advances in metallurgy and/or plastics make
weapons with very high calibers and high rates of fire available.

Okay, if you insist I'll think up a reason… hmmm… let’s see… Aha! Spent brass is cool.

Splat Gun Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
hand” roll) an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Cost: 750 Units every target within the affected area must make a
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Range Increment: 30 feet Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 35
“To Hit” Bonus: -- units), Box of 50 rounds (weighs 2 pounds, costs 60
Magazine: 30 units) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Increment by one), Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds,
attacks Costs 100 units)
Damage: 2d10 Piercing (20 x3) Description: A huge assault rifle with a short wide
Weight: 9 pounds barrel. It has blocky, heavy lines and a lot of rivets in
Armor Class: 7 its construction. It looks big, mean and lethal. And it
Hardness: 5 is. New advances in recoil-compensation technology
Hit Points: 5 allow it to fire giant 11mm rifle bullets at a very high
DC required to break this item with a Strength rate of fire (1000 rounds per minute) without the
Roll: 18 operator losing control of the weapon. It produces lots
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can of spent brass, you'll be glad to know.
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
every target within the affected area must make a Megasplat Gun
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the Cost: 1,500 Units
weapon has 10 bullets in it. Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (Often Unavailable)
Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 35 Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
units), Box of 50 rounds (weighs 2 pounds, costs 50 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
units) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Range Increment: 70 feet
Increment by one) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: A large submachine gun, big enough that Magazine: 40
it might be considered a small assault rifle. It has a Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
heavy, boxy, chunky look--the sort of weapon Russian attacks
gangsters would approve of. It fires large pistol bullets Damage: 3d12+3 Piercing (20 x3)
(.45 caliber) at a very high rate of fire. The only Weight: 35 pounds
reason that it's possible for anyone to control a weapon Armor Class: 5
like this is that there have been enormous advances in Hardness: 5
recoil compensation. It produces lots of spent brass Hit Points: 10
very quickly, I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Thud Gun target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
hand” roll) every target within the affected area must make a
Cost: 1,200 Units Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 35
Range Increment: 70 feet units), Box of 50 rounds (weighs 4 pounds, costs 75
“To Hit” Bonus: -- units) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Magazine: 30 Increment by one), Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds,
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Costs 100 units)
attacks Description: Now here's the one you've been waiting
Damage: 3d10 Piercing (20 x3) for. This sloppy beast fires slugs the size of shotgun
Weight: 15 pounds shells from its four rotating barrels at 900 rounds per
Armor Class: 7 minute, and generates enough spent brass to satisfy
Hardness: 5 even the most ardent connosuier. For some reason it
Hit Points: 7 still only produces enough recoil to make a Space
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hero's brawny muscles really stand out.
Roll: 19

Bolt-Guns and other Superheavy Firearms
Perhaps new advances in recoil compensation and materials technology will make it possible to produce slugthrower
guns with enormously high calibers. .60 caliber handguns and gigantic hunting rifles made for taking down dinosaurs.

For our purposes we have assumed that most of these monster guns use caseless ammunition, but the DM can easily
modify any of them if he or she thinks it would be cool to have the gun spit out huge empty shells. Just assume that the
time required to load the weapon is actually the time required to slap a new clip in place, and that clips take about a
minute of non-combat time to load with these gigantic bullets.

.60 Caliber Pistol Armor Class: 7

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Hardness: 5
hand” roll) Hit Points: 5
Cost: 875 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Roll: 18
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 35
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use units), Box of 50 rounds (weighs 2 pounds, costs 60
Range Increment: 50 feet units), Holster (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 40 units)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: The ultimate in high-caliber excess.
Magazine: 8 Here's a .75 caliber pistol guaranteed to make Clint
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Eastwood's descendants green with envy. Huge, scary
attacks and tuff-looking, with a snarling shark face on one
Damage: 1d12 Piercing (20 x3) side, it's full of recoil compensation hardware and
Weight: 5 pounds actually has ducts on the side of the barrel which let
Armor Class: 9 out streams of flame when it's fired.
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 35
units), Box of 50 rounds (weighs 2 pounds, costs 50
units), Holster (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 30 units)
Description: Advanced mechanical technology makes
hand-weapons with obscenely high calibers available.
Here's a .60 Caliber Monster. It just barely fits in a RZ-7 "Southern Cross" .75 Hunting Rifle
shoulder holster, and if you're going to conceal it, you Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
might want to invest in a long coat. You can come up Cost: 3,000 Units
with a version which uses caseless ammunition if you Tentative Purchase DC: 22
like, but this particular model belongs to the same Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
technological pathway as the Splat Gun. Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 120 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 3d10 Piercing (20 x3)
Tigershark .75 Pistol Weight: 25 pounds
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: 5
hand” roll) Hardness: 5
Cost: 900 Units Hit Points: 10
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Roll: 20
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Accessories: Shells (Weigh 1/2 pound and cost 2
Range Increment: 40 feet Units, each), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 300 units, reduces
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment by one)
Magazine: 8 Description: The same advanced recoil compensation
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has technology which makes it possible to produce .75
attacks caliber pistols can also be applied to rifles. Only a few
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20 x3) small firms make these super-huge guns, as not many
Weight: 6 pounds customers need to hunt dinosaurs. This one is the

most popular and well-known, a product of the Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
venerable Australian company known as Southern attacks
Cross Gun-Works. It fires bullets that are one and a Damage: 5d10 Piercing (20 x3)
half times the size of a .50 caliber round. Weight: 6 pounds
The gun itself is huge and has an octagonal barrel Armor Class: 5
like an antique buffalo gun. It is a semiautomatic Hardness: 5
weapon and doesn't need to be cocked. It still can't be Hit Points: 12
fired more than once per round--even with all of it's DC required to break this item with a Strength
anti-recoil devices the weapon still kicks hard enough Roll: 20
to do you permanent nerve-damage if you fire it any Accessories: Collapsed Matter Rounds (Weigh 1
faster. pound and cost 2 Units each), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150
This gun is hellaciously loud, and has ducts on the units, reduces Range Increment by one)
side of the barrel which actually belch flame when it is Description: Antigravity and inertial damping
fired. Its specially-made ammunition doesn't come in technology make it possible for very advanced
blocks, so each shell has to be loaded individually. It civilizations to produce hand-held projectile weapons
takes a whole round to completely reload the gun. that fire absurdly large ammunition. The Bolt-Gun
lobs a chunk of super-dense matter as big as a fist, yet
it weighs only a few pounds and produces only the
Superheavy Caliber Sniper Rifle slightest recoil. It takes a Standard Action to reload.
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
Cost: 2,000 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 120 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +2
Magazine: 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 3d10 Piercing (20 x3) Bolt-Pistol
Weight: 35 pounds Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Armor Class: 7 hand” roll)
Hardness: 5 Cost: 850 Units
Hit Points: 10 Tentative Purchase DC: 17
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Roll: 20 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Accessories: Spent Uranium Rounds (Weigh 1/2 Range Increment: 20 feet
pound and cost 2 Units, each), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 400 “To Hit” Bonus: --
units, reduces Range Increment by one) Magazine: 5
Description: A giant semiautomatic sniper rifle, made Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
for eliminating vehicles. It fires a 20 mm, 30 gram attacks
bullet with a spent uranium core, and can do Damage: 3d10 Piercing (20 x3)
significant damage to a tank. Even with all the anti- Weight: 5 pounds
recoil hardware built into this gun, it is still advisable Armor Class: 7
to fire it from a tripod mount. The huge bullets are Hardness: 5
caseless and produce no spent brass. They don't come Hit Points: 3
in solid blocks and have to be chambered individually. DC required to break this item with a Strength
It takes a full round to reload this gun. Roll: 19
Accessories: Collapsed Matter Rounds (Weigh 1
pound and cost 2 Units, each)
Superheavy Caliber Bolt-Gun Description: The Bolt-Pistol is a particularly
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) extravagant use of bolt-gun technology. It's too big to
Cost: 1,200 Units effectively conceal, and yet too small to hold much
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 ammunition. It's main function seems to be to satisfy
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons the buyer who has always wanted a handgun in a truly
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use ridiculous size.
Range Increment: 60 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 15

Miscellaneous Slugthrower Guns
And now for some stuff that doesn’t easily fit into other categories. Improvised “zip guns”, weapons made for fighting
in zero gravity, hyper-advanced slugthrowers that defy modern categories and even a heavy machine gun or two. I
couldn’t figure out how to organize these items, so here they all are in a jumbled-up heap.

Zero-Grav Pistol attacks

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Damage: 1d10 Piercing (20 x3). Won’t damage
“sleight of hand” roll) anything with more than 6 points of Hardness or
Cost: 890 Units Damage Resistance.
Tentative Purchase DC: Weight: 8 pounds
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Armor Class: 7
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hardness: 5
Range Increment: 30 feet Hit Points: 3
“To Hit” Bonus: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
Magazine: 8 Roll: 14
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Accessories: Rocket loads (weigh 1/10 pound, cost 3
attacks Units, each)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (20 x3). Won’t damage Description: A recoliless rifle made specifically for
anything with more than 6 points of Hardness or zero-gravity combat. It fires tiny rockets at subsonic
Damage Resistance. speeds from an open breech. It is important to
Weight: 2 pounds remember to fire this weapon only from the
Armor Class: 9 shoulder,and to make sure that no one is directly
Hardness: 5 behind you. Anything that gets within one foot of the
Hit Points: 2 open breech while the weapon is being fired takes 1d4
DC required to break this item with a Strength heat damage. Instead of explosive warheads the
Roll: 13 missiles have soft metallic tips designed to penerate
Accessories: Rocket loads (weigh 1/10 pound, cost 3 bone and flesh but not punch through a spacecraft's
Units, each) hull. The gun has a sort of oversized revolver cylinder
Description: A weapon designed to meet the unique which holds up to six rockets. It takes a full round to
challenges of zero gravity combat. It is a wide, heavy, pop out the cylinder and reload it.
double-barreled pistol, which fires tiny rockets at
subsonic speeds. The back of the breech is open, so
the rockets transmit no recoil to the user-- a crucial Hand-Held Chain Carbine
matter in zero-gravity. Instead of explosive warheads Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
the missiles have soft metallic tips and are for all hand” roll)
intents and purposes self-propelled bullets. They tend Cost: 1,500 Units
to expand in gruesome ways inside the target, but Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (usually restricted to
won't punch through a spacecraft's hull (also a vital military use)
consideration in space combat, where a single Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
misplaced shot can empty a craft of air and kill the Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
whole crew). It takes a full action to reload each Range Increment: 60 feet
barrel, which can be truly nerve-wracking under fire. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Later models have up to six barrels and bear an odd Magazine: 100
resemblance to the multi-barreled hand weapons of the Rate of Fire: Once per round
mid 19th century. Damage: 2d12 Piercing (20 x3) vs. a single target, a
10 by 10 foot square or a 25 foot cone.
Weight: 16 pounds
Zero-Grav Carbine Armor Class: 7
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Hardness: 5
hand” roll) Hit Points: 7
Cost: 1,200 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 Roll: 17
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Range Increment: 60 feet an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- every target within the affected area must make a
Magazine: 10 Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the

weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Accessories: Extra-Large Ammunition Block (weighs
2 pounds, costs 50 units, gun can hold up to four)
Description: New materials technology and recoil
compensation techniques actually make it possible to
produce a handheld six barrel ultra-high-speed
chaingun. The barrels rotate to keep from overheating Dragunov Model Z-4980 Machine Gun
while the gun spews out thirty caliber rifle bullets at Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
an astounding rate. It can attack a lone target, a single Cost: 1,900 Units
ten foot square or even a twenty-five foot cone if the Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
urge strikes you. If it is used to make a cone-shaped military use)
attack, a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25 will allow Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
the target to take half damage. The chain carbine Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
carries its ammunition in an extra- large caseless block Range Increment: 60 feet
on top of the weapon. It takes an entire round to “To Hit” Bonus: -6 penalty for anyone with a
reload. Strength of less than 16 to use without a mount
Magazine: 150
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Heavy Machine Gun attacks
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) Damage: 2d12+2 Piercing (19-20 x3)
Cost: 2,000 Units Weight: 35 pounds
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to Armor Class: 5
military use) Hardness: 5
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Hit Points: 8
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: 80 feet Roll: 19
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty for anyone with a Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Strength of less than 15 to use without a mount target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Magazine: 100 an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has every target within the affected area must make a
attacks Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
Damage: 2d12 Piercing (19-20 x3) Autofire uses up 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Weight: 25 pounds weapon has 10 bullets left in it.
Armor Class: 5 Accessories: Extra-Large Ammunition Block (weighs
Hardness: 5 2 pounds, costs 50 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 600
Hit Points: 8 units, gives the user Darkvision, reduces Range
DC required to break this item with a Strength Increment by one), Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds,
Roll: 18 Costs 100 units)
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can Description: A heavy machine gun with a little more
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has character and personality. This is a mid 21st Century
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, Russian model, one of the last built by Novya-
every target within the affected area must make a Dragunov. A throwback to an earlier period of
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. Russian design theory, it is big, heavy, simple to
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the maintain and extremely durable. It performs
weapon has 10 bullets left in it. particularly well in inclement weather and in arctic
Accessories: Extra-Large Ammunition Block (weighs cold. The use of caseless ammunition makes it even
2 pounds, costs 50 units), Computerized Targeting easier to maintain and still less prone to malfunctions
System (1/2 lb, costs 500 units, reduces Range than earlier Russian designs. Its one drawback is its
Increment by one, gives weapon a +2 modifier), Bipod limited range. In trying to make the weapon tough,
Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs 100 units) simple and powerful its designers have given it little
Description: A generic template for a squad-support- finesse. It takes only a Standard Action to reload one
gun. Most infantrymen won’t be issued weapons this of its giant ammunition blocks (like everything else on
massive, but every unit should have at least one. They this gun, the mechanism is extremely simple to use).
fire giant 50 caliber bullets and require special
oversized blocks of caseless ammunition that aren’t
compatible with smaller firearms. It takes only a Ultra-Heavy Machine Gun
standard action to reload Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
Cost: 5,000 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use

Range Increment: 100 feet Armor Class: 9
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hardness: 10
Magazine: 200 Hit Points: 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has DC required to break this item with a Strength
attacks Roll: 20
Damage: 2d12+4 Piercing (20 x3) Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Weight: 75 pounds target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Armor Class: 5 an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Hardness: 5 every target within the affected area must make a
Hit Points: 10 Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the
Roll: 21 weapon has 10 bullets in it.
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 35
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has Units), 7.5mm uranium slug (weighs 1/10 pound,
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, caseless round, not compatible with other firearms,
every target within the affected area must make a costs 40 Units for a box of 50, if its makers still
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. recognize the concept of money). The scope and
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the targeting system are already built into the weapon, and
weapon has 10 bullets left in it. taken into account in its Range Modifier.
Accessories: Extra-Large Ammunition Block (weighs Description: A heavy-duty sidearm, produced by
2 pounds, costs 50 units, gun can hold up to four), more advanced technology than most slugthrowing
Computerized Targeting System (1/2 lb, costs 500 weapons, it is something like the ultimate
units, reduces Range Increment by one, gives weapon semiautomatic pistol.
a +2 modifier), Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs The user's hand fits inside a molded plastic shell
100 units) with a short square barrel protruding from one side. A
Description: A generic template for a heavy machine- targeting screen blinks to life above their hand as soon
gun, of the type you might find on a tank or a as they take the safety off (it also displays the gun's
helicopter. It's too big for one person to carry and use temperature and how many shots are left in the
as a hand-weapon. A generation earlier these guns magazine).
were belt-fed, but now you load them with three or Squeezing the handle activates a completely solid-
four oversized blocks of caseless ammunition. It takes state electrical firing mechanism which contains no
a full round to carefully set the new blocks in the moving parts. It launches a 7.5 mm spent uranium
ammo hopper, but since the gun is usually too hot to round with a liquid metal core. The ammunition is
fire for at least another minute after it runs out of caseless, but comes in individual slugs rather than in
ammo, you may as well take your time. solid blocks. It has a magazine, which although oddly
curved is not unlike the magazines used by firearms
that are centuries older. The gun produces no recoil
and very little sound.

Assault Rifle, Last Generation

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 1,000 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Usually Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Slugthrower Pistol, Last Generation Range Increment: 200 feet
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a “To Hit” Bonus: +3
“sleight of hand” roll)
Magazine: 75 bullets, six micromissiles
Cost: 800 Units (but is often used by societies that Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
have outgrown money)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) Damage: Bullets do 5d12 Piercing (20 x3), see
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons description for micromissile damage.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Weight: 4 pounds
Range Increment: 50 feet Armor Class: 7
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Hardness: 10
Magazine: 30 Hit Points: 15
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength
attacks Roll: 22
Damage: 2d10 Piercing (20 x3) Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Weight: 2 pounds target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has

an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, Description: A one-shot homemade handgun of the
every target within the affected area must make a type favored by teenage hooligans and post-
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. apocalyptic mutants. Made from a length of pipe and a
Autofire shoots 10 bullets, and can only be used if the few odds and ends, anyone can build one of these with
weapon has 10 bullets in it. 10 Units worth of material and a Repair roll vs. DC
Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 35 18. It's up to the DM as to what specific materials you
units, but is often used by societies that have outgrown need, but the most crucial part is always a tube that's
money), 7.5mm uranium slug (weighs 1/10 pound, strong enough to serve as the firing chamber and
caseless round, not compatible with other firearms, barrel.
costs 40 for a box of 50 if its makers still use money), This is a breech-loading gun that breaks open to
Super-Advanced Micromissiles (weigh 1/2 pound reload. Slip a caseless .30 caliber rifle shell in the
each, cost 150 units for a pack of six). The scope and back and snap it shut. The process of reloading takes
targeting system have been built into the weapon, and only a standard action if you're using caseless ammo
are already taken into account in its Range Modifier (there's no hot shell to fish out of the breech) It takes a
Description: In universes where the DM has decided full round if you’re using ammunition with brass
that energy weapons are impractical, gauss-guns are cases.
unfeasible and gyrojets are silly, this would be the The zip gun has a kind of a stock, but no trigger.
kind of rifle carried by the troops of a star-spanning You fire it by pulling back the hammer and letting go.
civilization. It uses neither liquid nor solid propellant, There's no safety mechanism, so handle with care.
and instead generates an expanding plasma field in the Every time the gun is fired, there is a 5% chance
firing chamber, which hurtles the projectiles into the that it will explode, doing 1d6 bludgeoning damage to
target at such horrendous speeds that the bullets whoever is holding it and 1 point of piercing damage
sometimes experience localized time dillation effects to anyone in a 5 foot radius (unless they make a
(this has no bearing on game-play, it's just a cool Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15).
detail you can mention to your players, to make them
say "oooh").
A small missile-launcher on the bottom contains up Zip-Gun Rifle
to six micro-missiles with programmable loads. The Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
missiles can be set to detonate for 3-12 d8 hand” roll)
bludgeoning damage in a 20 foot radius, a burst of Cost: Seldom for sale, it takes 20 Units worth of
radiation which does the same adjustable amount of materials to make this weapon yourself.
damage but only affects living targets or an anti-robot Tentative Purchase DC: 5
electromagnetic pulse which does the same range of Required Proficiency: Simple
damage but only affects machines. These missiles are Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
smart enough to understand commands like: "go see Range Increment: 40 feet
what's behind that barn and kill it" or "go kill that guy “To Hit” Bonus: --
next to the tank unless he's one of our troops, in which Magazine: 1
case go hit that jeep over on the left instead--not the Rate of Fire: Once per round
green jeep, but the one next to it." Damage: 1d8+1 Piercing (20/x3)
Weight: 7 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Zip-Gun Hardness: 3
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Hit Points: 2
“sleight of hand” roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: Seldom for sale, it takes 10 Units worth of Roll: 12
materials to make this weapon yourself. Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 40 units)
Required Proficiency: Simple Description: A single-shot homemade rifle of the type
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use favored by people who can't afford better. You can
Range Increment: 10 feet build one of these guns with 20 Units worth of
“To Hit” Bonus: -- material and a Repair roll vs. DC 18. It's up to the
Magazine: 1 DM as to what specific materials you need, but the
Rate of Fire: Once per round crucial part is always a long, durable length of pipe.
Damage: 1d8+1 Piercing (20/x3) Calling it a rifle is extremely charitable. This is a
Weight: 2 pounds smoothbore weapon with no rifling on the barrel and
Armor Class: 9 the bullet pretty much goes where it will.
Hardness: 3 You break the gun open to reload it. Slip a caseless
Hit Points: 1 rifle shell (caliber unimportant) in the barrel, close it,
DC required to break this item with a Strength pull the hammer back and let it fire. No point in
Roll: 12 raising the gun to your shoulder before you fire--
Accessories: Box of 50 rounds (weighs 1 pound, costs aiming it does little good.
40 units) The process of reloading takes only a standard

action if you're using caseless ammunition, or a full Hardness: 4
round if you have to dig a sizzling hot shell out of the Hit Points: 3
weapon before you can put another one in. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Every time the gun is fired, there is a 5% chance Roll: 13
that it will explode, doing 1d6 bludgeoning damage to Accessories: Caseless Shotgun Shells (weigh 1/4 lb
whoever is holding it and 1 point of piercing damage each, cost 20 Units for a box of 50)
to anyone in a 5 foot radius (unless they make a Description: Homemade junkyard shotguns are
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15). somewhat more effective than improvised pistols and
rifles, if no less apt to blow your fingers off. The lack
of rifling on the barrel isn't a problem, so if you can
Zip-Shotgun find a length of pipe that won't burst open when you
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of touch off a shell inside it, you can make a weapon
hand” roll) that’s about as accurate as an actual single-barrel
Cost: Seldom for sale, it takes 10 Units worth of shotgun. You can build one with 10 Units worth of
materials to make this weapon yourself. material and a Repair roll vs. DC 15. It takes a
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 standard action to reload if you're firing caseless
Required Proficiency: Simple shells, or a full round if you have to pull a hot shell out
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use of the breach before reloading. Be warned, every time
Range Increment: 30 feet you fire the gun, there is a 5% chance that it will
“To Hit” Bonus: -- explode, and do 2d6 Piercing damage to everyone in a
Magazine: 1 5 foot radius (a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15
Rate of Fire: Once per round halves the damage).
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (20/x3)
Weight: 8 pounds
Armor Class: 7

Gyrojet weapons are an interesting technological sidebar--a futuristic weapon that showed promise yet never got off the
ground in our world. But in the future or in some other reality, who knows? Perhaps this, rather than energy weapons,
is the technology that will replace slugthrowers.

Essentially a very small missile launcher, a gyrojet is no bigger than an ordinary sidearm and fires solid fueled rockets
the size of large bullets. The United States tried to use them early on in the Vietnam conflict, but the technology wasn't
ready for the specific challenges of jungle warfare and the concept has languished ever since.

There are a number of advantages to gyrojet weapons, once the technology is perfected. They are quiet, accurate, and
extremely versatile. A whole wide range of different loads becomes available when and if these weapons come into
common use, turning every gun into a potential arsenal of different tricks.

Range Increment: 40 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: -1
Magazine: 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d6+1 (19-20 x3) Piercing. Only does
1d6+1 if it hits any target that is closer than ten feet.
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 4
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Primitive Gyrojet Pistol Roll: 13
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Accessories: Primitive Gyrojet Shells (Weigh 1/10
“sleight of hand” roll) pound and cost 5 Units, each)
Cost: 650 Units Description: An early prototype gyrojet pistol. These
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 have been around in one form or other since the mid
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons 1960s. It looks like a large, boxy automatic handgun
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use with two rows of gas-vent holes running down either

side of the barrel. More than one observer has noted (with fake wood decals on the side, for some
its resemblence to a toy gun. incomprehensible reason).
It fires 12mm solid-fuel rockets, which do a great The carbine fires the same 12 mm solid-fueled
deal of damage on impact, due to their enormous size rocket as the pistol. It has the same significant
(they don't actually explode). strengths and appalling weaknesses. It is very light,
It is a very quiet gun and makes only a hissing nearly silent and does a lot of damage (the rockets are
sound when fired--no louder than an overflowing can the size of 50 caliber bullets) Yet it is also wildly
of beer. It's also much lighter than any slugthrower inaccurate, difficult to load properly and fires
pistol of the same size. ammunition that is prone to developing lethal defects.
Yet despite these advantages 1965 technology just The mid 20th century just wasn't the right time for
wasn't up to making these guns practical. Despite gyrojet weapons, Still, it remains an interesting
what its enthusiasts have to say, this gun is wildly beginning (unless of course the DM decides that they
inaccurate at any range. The ammunition is sensitive are a useless dead end).
to humidity and prone to going dangerously bad
without any visible indication that it's no longer safe to
use. Gyrojet Pistol
The gun is also needlessly difficult to load. The Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
rockets are pushed down into a spring-loaded “sleight of hand” roll)
magazine from above and have to all be crammed in at Cost: 600 Units
once. If you open the magazine while it still has Tentative Purchase DC: 16
rockets inside, they will all fly back out. It takes a full Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
round and a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 10 to Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
successfuly reload the gun. Range Increment: 50 feet
A few still exist in the hands of dedicated collectors “To Hit” Bonus: --
by the dawn of the 21st century. Most haven't been Magazine: 20
fired in decades. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d6+2 Piercing (19-20 x3)
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Standard 13 mm Gyrojet Shells (weigh
1/20 pound each, cost 10 Units for a box of 50),
Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Primitive Gyrojet Carbine Description: An early gyrojet pistol, it improves
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of drastically on its 20th century ancestors. It fires
hand” roll) 13mm solid fuel rockets, which do a tremendous
Cost: 1,300 Units amount of damage to the target--they're bigger and
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 faster than 50 caliber bullets. Unlike previous models
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons this gun is deadly accurate and the ammunition isn't
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use vulnerable to humid weather. The rockets can be
Range Increment: 80 feet loaded into a clip and slapped into the gun's magazine
“To Hit” Bonus: -- in a single standard action. It looks like a large
Magazine: 5 automatic handgun, but is much lighter. The barrel is
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has perforated with distinctive gas venting holes, up and
attacks down its length. This gun makes very little sound
Damage: 2d6+1 Piercing (19-20 x3) when fired—just a low hiss.
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 4
Hit Points: 2
Gyrojet Derringer
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
DC required to break this item with a Strength
hand” roll)
Roll: 14
Cost: 400 Units
Accessories: Primitive Gyrojet Shells (Weigh 1/10
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
pound and cost 5 Units, each)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Description: Less well remembered than the gyrojet
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
pistol, the gyrojet carbine also appeared in the mid
Range Increment: 30 feet
1960s. It looks even more like a toy than the pistol
“To Hit” Bonus: --
does, bearing some resemblance to a simplified M16
Rate of Fire: Once per round

Damage: 2d6 Piercing (19-20 x3) Cost: 1,000 Units
Weight: 1 pound Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
Armor Class: 13 military use)
Hardness: 5 Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Hit Points: 1 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
DC required to break this item with a Strength Range Increment: 100 feet
Roll: 13 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Accessories: Standard 13 mm Gyrojet Shell (weighs Magazine: 40
1/20 pound, costs 10 Units for a box of 50), Holster Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
(costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound) attacks
Description: Because they produce so little recoil, it Damage: 4d6 Piercing (19-20 x3) to a single target or
is possible to produce a gyrojet derringer with much 3d6 Bludgeoning to everything in a 10 foot square (a
more stopping power than a conventional one-shot Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 reduces this
pistol. This is a typical model, meant as a template for damage by half)
you to develop others from, if you like. It is even Weight: 7 pounds
simpler than most gyrojet weapons. The ignition Armor Class: 7
system is completely electric and you reload by Hardness: 5
dropping the new round into the weapon's muzzle. Hit Points: 5
The only moving part is the trigger button. You DC required to break this item with a Strength
sometimes see these as survival weapons, on lifeboats Roll: 17
and in escape-pod equipment packs. Accessories: Exploding Gyrojet Shells (weigh 1/20
pound each, costs 10 Units for a box of 50), Scope
(1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by
Gyrojet Carbine one)
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Description: A military gyrojet rifle, designed as a
hand” roll) generalized infantry weapon. It fires 12 mm solid
Cost: 850 Units rockets with exploding warheads. Unlike virtually all
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 military projectile weapons, it does not have the
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons capacity for autofire, although it's exploding warheads
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use do give it the ability to make area attacks.
Range Increment: 90 feet A small button next to the trigger gives you the
“To Hit” Bonus: -- option not to arm the warhead, so that the missile will
Magazine: 30 behave like an ordinary .50 caliber bullet. This can be
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has an extremely useful option, depending on the
attacks situation, as the gun makes little noise if the warhead
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (19-20 x3) doesn't detonate.
Weight: 6 pounds It is a very light weapon, simple, durable easy to
Armor Class: 7 maintain and easy to carry. It doesn't fire bursts, so it
Hardness: 5 is easier to aim and control than a conventional
Hit Points: 3 slugthrowing automatic rifle, which also means that it
DC required to break this item with a Strength is easier to train men in its use. Nor does it need to be
Roll: 16 reloaded as often, since it doesn't expend more than
Accessories: Standard Gyrojet Shells (weigh 1/20 one round at a time. It takes a standard action to
pound, costs 10 Units for a box of 50), Scope (1/2 lb, reload this gun.
costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)
Description: A short rifle, made largely from
synthetic materials. It has a simple, unadorned look Miniature, Concealed Gyrojet
and almost resembles a toy gun. The barrel is Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
perforated with distinctive gas vent holes. It is an hand” roll)
extremely lightweight weapon, easy to carry and store. Cost: 700 Units
The design is both simple and durable with as few Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually illegal)
separate moving parts as possible. It fires 13mm Required Proficiency: Simple
solid-fuel rockets which do a great deal of damage on Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
impact, owing to their enormous speed and size. This Range Increment: 10 feet
is a far better rifle than its 20th century ancestor, “To Hit” Bonus: --
accurate and reliable. It takes a standard action to Rate of Fire: Once per round
reload. Damage: 1d12 Piercing (19-20 x3)
Weight: 1/2 pound
Armor Class: 13
Gyrojet Assault Rifle Hardness: 3
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of Hit Points: 1
Hand roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength

Roll: 10 characteristics), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Description: A one-shot assassination weapon, these pound)
tiny missiles come in little plastic tubes that can be Description: Once the technology to create small
concealed in a pen or even a cigarette. This is a missiles grows sufficiently advanced, gyrojet guns
disposable weapon and can't be reused. become veritable arsenals, with all sorts of specialized
warheads for different tasks. This one is an advanced
police weapon, ideal for keeping justice in the lawless
mega-cities of the future (ahem).
It uses a rotary magazine and can load whichever
type of round is required into the chamber, in
whichever order you need them. The stats given here
assume that it is carrying 3 heat-seekers, 3 Exploding
rounds, 3 Mercy Gas Bullets, 3 Fear Gas Rounds and
3 Armor-Piercing Rounds. You can of course load it
with whichever rounds you prefer, in whatever
It is a complex weapon, heavier and less durable
Advanced Gyrojet "Lawdog" Pistol than most gyrojet pistols, but its versatility as a police
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a tool is all but unequalled. It takes a standard action to
“sleight of hand” roll) reload, assuming that you've pre-prepared a clip with
Cost: 900 Units whichever loads you would prefer.
Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 50 feet Advanced Gyrojet Assault Rifle
“To Hit” Bonus: Most loads have no bonus. Heat- Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
seeking rounds fly out to a point 30 feet distant from Hand roll)
the gun, and then attack the nearest warm target, Cost: 1,000 Units
hitting it automatically unless the target makes a Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 27. military use)
Magazine: 3 heat-seeking rounds, 3 Exploding Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
rounds, 3 Mercy Gas Bullets, 3 Fear Gas Rounds and Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
3 Armor-piercing Rounds Range Increment: 100 feet
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: Most loads have no bonus. Heat-
attacks seeking rounds fly out to a point 30 feet distant from
Damage: Varies by type of round. Heat-seeking the gun, and then attack the nearest warm target,
rounds do 2d6+2 Piercing (19-20 x3), Exploding hitting it automatically unless the target makes a
rounds do 3d6 to anything in a 5 foot radius (a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 27.
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 halves the damage), Magazine: Holds 30 Rounds in total. Usually loaded
Mercy Gas Bullets require every living target that isn't with 5 heat-seeking rounds, 15 Exploding rounds, 5
wearing a full body protection suit in a 10 foot radius Incendiary rounds and 5 Armor-piercing Rounds
to make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
unconscious for 2d10 minutes, Fear Gas Rounds force attacks
everyone in a 10 foot radius to make a Fortitude Damage: Varies by type of round. Heat-seeker
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or flee in a blind panic for rounds do 2d6+2 (19-20 x3), Exploding rounds do
2d10 rounds ( a gas mask or independent oxygen 3d6 to anything in a 5 foot radius, Incendiary Rounds
supply completely shields the target from this effect), do 2d6 per round to the target for 3 rounds and ignore
Armor-Piercing Rounds do 2d6 damage (19-20 x3), up to 10 points of Hardness, Armor-piercing Rounds
ignore up to 10 points of Hardness and do an do 2d6 damage (19-20 x3), ignore up to 10 points of
additional 4d6 to targets that have 7 or more points of Hardness and do an additional 4d6 to targets that have
damage resistance. 7 or more points of damage resistance
Weight: 3 pounds Weight: 4 pounds
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5 Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2 Hit Points: 7
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 Roll: 18
Special: Can fire any of the special Gyrojet Loads Special: Can fire any of the special Gyrojet Loads
listed below. listed above.
Accessories: Standard Gyrojet Shells (weigh 1/20 Accessories: Standard Gyrojet Shells (weigh 1/20
pound each, cost 10 Units for a box of 50), any other pound each, costs 10 Units for a box of 50), Scope
Gyrojet Shells you care to load it with (see individual (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by
descriptions below for weight, cost and one)

Description: An advanced military gyrojet rifle, “To Hit” Bonus: +1
equipped with a wide variety of specialized loads. It Magazine: 10
stores its ammunition on a rotary chain, which can put Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
whichever rocket you need in the chamber whenever attacks
you need it. You don't need to use up one type of load Damage: 5d6 Piercing (19-20 x3)
in order to get down to the next one. Weight: 7 pounds
It isn't as light or as simple as previous models of Armor Class: 7
gyrojet rifle, but it still compares favorably to Hardness: 5
slugthrower and gauss weapons on both points. It is Hit Points: 7
nearly as quiet as a gauss gun but has better DC required to break this item with a Strength
penetration. It has the stopping power of a Roll: 19
slugthrower rifle but doesn't need to be reloaded as Special: Can fire any of the special Gyrojet Loads
often. listed above.
As with previous models, it isn't an autofire Accessories: Standard Gyrojet Shells (weigh 1/20
weapon and instead relies on exploding rounds to pound each, cost 10 Units for a box of 50), Scope (1/2
make area attacks. lb, costs 300 units, reduces Range Increment by one)
While the stats listed here assume the rifle is loaded Description: A gyrojet weapon made specifically for
with a standard mixture of the most common types of snipers. It fires a specialized long-distance rocket,
round, you are of course free to load it with whatever 10mm in diameter. The rocket has a shaped-charge
combination you would prefer. explosive head which can penetrate armored targets.
You can arm it or choose not to as a free action. Be
warned, if the charge is armed, it will make a lot of
Gyrojet Sniper Rifle noise when it goes off. This rifle has a lot of
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of advantages. It is far lighter than any conventional
Hand roll) sniper rifle made for disabling vehicles and can be
Cost: 2,000 Units fired without a tripod. It makes less noise than a laser
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to or a slugthrowing rifle (unless of course you arm the
military use) warhead) and doesn't produce a muzzle-flash. It's
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons more durable than a gaussgun, and much easier to
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use repair. Reloading takes a standard action.
Range Increment: 110 feet

Gyrojet Loads
A wide range of different specialty gyrojet loads are listed beneath. They can all be used by any of the gyrojet guns
listed here (except for the oldest and most primitive ones). Since these aren't really separate weapons, just different
types of ammunition, we're not going to count any of them against the total 1001 weapons in this book.

Gyrojet Load, Standard Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons

Cost: 10 Units (for a box of 50) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 3 Damage: 2d6 Electrical (18-20 x3) Does an extra 6d8
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Electrical damage to robots and other sentient
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 vs. armor only machines.
Damage: 2d6+2 Piercing (18-20 x3) Weight: 1/20 pound
Weight: 1/20 pound Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most weapons)
weapons) Hardness: 2
Hardness: 10 Hit Points: 1
Hit Points: 1 DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: 14
Roll: 17 Description: A gyrojet round with an EMP warhead
Description: A standard, basic gyrojet round. It is designed specifically to disrupt robotic neural
basically a small solid-fueled rocket, about the size of networks. It will still do damage to a human target (it
a .50 caliber round. It does not explode on impact, but does no one any good to have a small missile shot into
will still punch enormous holes through the target. their body) but nothing like the catastrophic effect it
has on robots and other sentient computers.

Gyrojet Load, Anti-Robotic Warhead

Cost: 5 Units Gyrojet Load, Armor-Piercing
Tentative Purchase DC: 2 Cost: 20 Units (for a box of 50)

Tentative Purchase DC: 4 Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 25 to keep from
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons becoming effectively useless, unable to take any
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. armor only actions but screaming and trembling until the gas
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (17-20 x3), ignores 10 points wears off. A gas mask or other independant oxyen
of Hardness or damage resistance. Does an additional supply completely shields the target from this effect.
4d6 damage to targets that have 7 or more points of A hardware store filter mask or some other such
damage resistance. improvised filter grants the target a +2 to their Saving
Weight: 1/20 pound Throw.
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Description: This load can be fired directly into a
weapons) target's body in an emergency (in which case it does
Hardness: 5 2d6+2 damage, like an ordinary gyrojet load of its
Hit Points: 1 size), but is usually used as an area attack weapon, to
DC required to break this item with a Strength chase away angry crowds, etc. Fear gas loads are
Roll: 15 normally fired when a policeman or soldier finds
Description: A gyrojet round packed with spent themselves desperately outnumbered, but sick freaks
uranium. It has enormous penetration, but it is almost also may use them on crowds for kicks.
pointless to waste it on human infantry, unless of
course they are heavily armored. Most of the round's
force will just go straight through them. Gyrojet Load, Fragmentation Bomb
Cost: 5 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 2
Gyrojet Load, Exploding Round Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Cost: 20 Units (for a box of 50) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 Damage: 5d6 Piercing (19-20 x3) to the target, 4d6
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Piercing to anything else in a 15 foot radius. Anyone
“To Hit” Bonus: -- (except the target) caught inside the area of attack can
Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning to anything in a 5 foot make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
radius. Any target caught inside the area of attack can damage.
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half Weight: 1/20 pound
damage. Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Weight: 1/20 pound weapons)
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Hardness: 2
weapons) Hit Points: 1
Hardness: 2 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 1 Roll: 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: An anti-personnel rocket, packed with as
Roll: 15 much shrapnel as will fit in its tiny warhead. It is
Description: A micro-missile filled with a high- somewhat less effective than a fragmentation grenade,
explosive compound. It can be set to detonate on but still really bad to be around when it goes off.
impact or just when it passes through a particular
Gyrojet Load, Glue-Bomb
Cost: 10 Units
Gyrojet Load, Fear Gas Tentative Purchase DC: 3
Cost: 5 Units Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Tentative Purchase DC: 2 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Damage: Special, see description
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Weight: 1/20 pound
Damage: Special, see description Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Weight: 1/20 pound weapons)
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Hardness: 2
weapons) Hit Points: 1
Hardness: 2 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: Roll: 14
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: On impact this rocket bursts apart,
Roll: 14 showering everything in a five foot radius. Anything
Special: Everyone in a 10 foot radius of the impact within that radius which fails a Reflexes Saving
must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or Throw vs. DC 20 is caught fast by the glue. A trapped
flee in a blind panic for 2d10 rounds. Fleeing targets character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, has their
can defend themselves if attacked, but otherwise can Dexterity effectively reduced by 4 and must
take no action apart from running away. If cornered immediately make another Reflexes Saving Throw
and unable to leave the area, they must make another (DC 15) to avoid being stuck to the floor. If a

character is is fact glued to the floor, they are unable explosive in its nose. Not really intended as an anti-
to move. Even if they make the second saving throw, personnel round, it's meant to be used against vehicles.
they still only move at half their normal rate. To free Actually less effective against human targets than
themselves, they must make a Strength check vs. DC many less powerful rounds, as most of the damage
27, or do at least fifteen points of damage to the glue. tends to go straight through a human body and out the
Hitting the glue is automatically successful. other side.

Gyrojet Load, Heat-Seeker Gyrojet Load, Incendiary

Cost: 5 Units Cost: 20 Units (for a box of 50)
Tentative Purchase DC: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: 4
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
“To Hit” Bonus: Special, see description “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 2d6+2 Piercing (19-20 x3) Damage: 1d6+1 Piercing (19-20 x3) plus 2d6 Heat
Weight: 1/20 pound damage. Target will continue to take 2d6 Heat
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most damage per round for for 3 rounds
weapons) Weight: 1/20 pound
Hardness: 2 Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hit Points: 1 weapons)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 2
Roll: 15 Hit Points: 1
Special: Automatically hits the target unless they DC required to break this item with a Strength
make a Reflexes Save vs. DC 27, but see description. Roll: 15
Description: When fired, the round flies out to a Special: Ignores 10 points of Hardness or damage
distance of thirty feet, and then automatically hit the resistance.
nearest living target, whether it is a friend, a foe or an Description: A gyrojet round packed with a
innocent bystander. Please note that it does not lightweight plastic thermite compound, it ignites on
necessarily hit the nearest living thing to the weapon's impact and only does heat damage to the target itself--
user. Instead it targets the nearest living thing to the from the inside.
point (thirty feet distant) where its internal guidance
system takes over. If there is no living, warm-blooded
animal within thirty feet, the missile will instead hit Gyrojet Load, Mercy Gas
the nearest non-living heat source. If used in a Cost: 5 Units
situation where there is no living thing present and no Tentative Purchase DC: 2
reasonable way to select a secondary target (outdoors Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
in Antarcrtica, inside an ice cave, etc), there is a 50% “To Hit” Bonus: --
chance that the missile will abort and detonate once it Damage: Special, see description
reaches the thirty-foot mark, and a 50% chance that it Weight: 1/20 pound
will instead become confused and come back to attack Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
the person who fired it. Heat-seekers are extremely weapons)
useful in certain situations and lead to tragic farce in Hardness: 2
others. Hit Points:
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Gyrojet Load, High-Explosive, Anti- Roll: 14
Vehicle Special: Every living target in a 10 foot radius must
Cost: 10 Units make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall
Tentative Purchase DC: 3 unconcious for 2d10 minutes. A gas mask grants only
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons a +2 bonus to the target's saving throw, but a vacuum
“To Hit” Bonus: -- suit or other such sealed full-body protection suit will
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (18-20 x3). Ignores 10 points completely negate the effect. Has no effect on Robots
of Hardness or damage resistance. Does an additional and at the DM's discretion certain aliens may be
4d6 damage to targets that have 7 or more points of affected differently (or not at all) by the drug.
damage resistance. Description: If the shell is shot into a living target’s
Weight: 1/20 pound body rather than being used as an area effect weapon,
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most it will do damage like a standard gyrojet load (2d6+2
weapons) Piercing). There is a 50% chance that the gas load
Hardness: 2 won’t detonate properly, and if it does, there is a 65%
Hit Points: 1 chance that it won’t affect anyone but the target
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Description: A gyrojet round with a shaped-charge

Gyrojet Load, Paralysis Gas
Cost: 10 Units Gyrojet Load, Poison Flechette Bomb
Tentative Purchase DC: 3 Cost: 10 Units
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Tentative Purchase DC: 3
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Damage: Everyone in a 5 foot radius must make a “To Hit” Bonus: --
Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or be paralyzed and helpless, Damage: 5d6 Piercing to anything in a 15 foot radius.
unable to move or take any physical actions, for 2d10 Any target caught inside the area of attack can make a
rounds. Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Weight: 1/20 pound damage. Anyone who takes Piercing damage from this
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most weapon must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs.DC
weapons) 20 or take an additional 3d8 damage from poison.
Hardness: 2 Weight: 1/20 pound
Hit Points: Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
DC required to break this item with a Strength weapons)
Roll: 14 Hardness: 2
Description: If the shell is shot into a living target’s Hit Points: 1
body rather than being used as an area effect weapon, DC required to break this item with a Strength
it will do damage like a standard gyrojet load ( 2d6+2 Roll: 15
Piercing). There is a 60% chance that the gas load Description: A low-velocity gyrojet round, with an
won’t detonate properly if it fired into a solid object exploding warhead full of poison-tipped flechette
and if it does there is a 75% chance that it won’t affect darts. It can be set to detonate on impact or just
anyone but the target. The gas has no effect on Robots explode over a given square and give everyone present
and at the DM's discretion certain aliens may be a taste. In most sane societies, this round is both
affected differently (or not at all) by it. A gas mask highly illegal and quite hard to find. There may
won't offer any protection but a vacuum suit or other however be less civilized cultures out there which
closed environment suit will completely negate the aren't so finicky.
effect of this load. Unless of course it gets shot into
your body.

Idiot Guns
We tend to assume that the soldier of tomorrow will be better trained, better prepared and better educated than ever
before. What if that's not true? In many darker futures, the next stage in firearms technology may be to produce
weapons that an illiterate can use with a few minutes instruction. When life is cheap and the battlefield attrition rate is
very high, it may not make good economic sense to invest much time and energy into individual soldiers. You also see
weapons like this in ethnic wars fought by nonprofessional armies, or in conflicts where a significant number of
combatants are under the age of 12.

Magazine: 5
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 4d6 Piercing to everything in a thirty foot
cone. Anyone in that area of effect must make a
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20. If they succeed,
they take half damage.
Weight: 12 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 4
Idiot Gun Hit Points: 10
Size:Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 19
hand” roll)
Description: Manufactured for sale to less-developed
Cost: 400 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) nations, to be used by troops with an absolute
minimum of training. This is a squad-support weapon
Required Proficiency: Simple
that anyone can use effectively with five minutes of
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
instruction, and has seen service in many tiny, vicious
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- bush wars.
It's not so much a machine-gun as it is a directional

grenade. A set of shaped-charges are stacked in a row, Damage: 6d6 Slashing to everything in area ten feet
each one packed with a murderous load of flechette wide by fifty feet long. Can also be set to do damage
darts. in a twenty-five foot cone. Any character caught in its
It looks like a camouflage-colored oval pod with a area of effect must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
hole in one end. There is no barrel. To fire it, you DC 20. If they succeed, they take half damage.
stick your hand in the hole, firmly grasp a molded Weight: 12 pounds
handle buried inside, flip the safety lock off with your Armor Class: 7
thumb, and squeeze. Hardness: 4
Trigger the weapon, and the charges all go off in Hit Points: 10
sequence like a string of firecrackers, filling the air DC required to break this item with a Strength
with whistling death. It affects a wide cone, so you Roll: 19
barely need to aim the thing. Just point it in vaguely Description: A yet more unpleasant version of the
the right direction and let 'er rip! Then throw the Idiot Gun. This directional grenade is loaded with
burnt-out shell away before the UN inspectors find it. thirty five short lengths of steel chain instead of
Ideal for the ethnic cleansing or pointless blood feud flechettes. It affects a long thin area ten feet wide by
of your choice. fifty feet long instead of a cone. Once you squeeze the
handle, the whole thing unloads. You can turn it into
Variable Intensity Idiot Gun a cone-effect weapon by swinging it to the left or right
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of while it fires, spraying the whole arc with chains. This
hand” roll) affects a maximum arc of twenty-five feet. For the
Cost: 600 Units purposes of determining which squares it attacks, the
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) weapon ignores barriers with a toughness of less than
Required Proficiency: Simple 8 (it slices right through them).
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: See description
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 1-12d6 Piercing. Do as many or as few dice
as you like in one turn. After it has done 12 dice of
damage in total, it ceases to function. This gun affects
either a thirty foot cone or a ten foot wide, fifty-foot
long stream. Anyone in its area of effect must make a
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20. If they succeed, Idiot Gun (Caltrop Load)
they take half damage. Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Weight: 12 pounds hand” roll)
Armor Class: 7 Cost: 500 Units
Hardness: 4 Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Hit Points: 10 Required Proficiency: Simple
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Roll: 19 Range Increment: --
Description: A slightly more sophisticated version of “To Hit” Bonus: --
the "Idiot Gun". By varying the pressure on the Magazine: 5
handle, you can affect either a wide cone or a narrow Rate of Fire: Once per round
stream ten feet wide by fifty feet long. You can even Damage: 5d6 Piercing to everything in a thirty foot
let go of the handle and stop firing, saving some cone. Living targets take an extra 2d6. Anyone in its
charges for later. Like most Idiot Guns, there are area of effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
pictographic instructions on the outside, in case the DC 20. If they succeed, they take half damage.
user can't read. Weight: 12 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 4
Idiot Gun (Chainload) Hit Points: 10
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of DC required to break this item with a Strength
hand” roll) Roll: 19
Cost: 500 Units Description: An idiot gun loaded with little steel
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) caltrops, which resemble razor-sharp jacks. It is
Required Proficiency: Simple particularly good at mangling flesh, and does
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use additional damage to any living target. It can't be
Range Increment: -- stopped once it has been triggered and will exhaust its
“To Hit” Bonus: -- whole load, leaving a cored-out ceramic husk that
Magazine: 5 some people call a "Chechnian Rose."
Rate of Fire: Once per round

Idiot Gun (Ball-Bearing Load)
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Idiot Gun (Napalm Load)
Magazine: 5 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Rate of Fire: Once per round hand” roll)
Damage: 6d6 Piercing to everything in a thirty foot Cost: 550 Units
cone. Anyone in that area of effect must make a Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable)
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20. If they succeed, Required Proficiency: Simple
they take half damage. Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Weight: 12 pounds Range Increment: --
Armor Class: 7 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 4 Magazine: 5
Hit Points: 10 Rate of Fire: Once per round
DC required to break this item with a Strength Damage: 5d6 Flame to everything in a thirty foot
Roll: 19 cone. Anyone in that area of effect must make a
Description: An idiot gun loaded with large steel ball- Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20. If they succeed,
bearings. The charges are shaped to focus maximal they take half damage
force in a tight area. It has a lot of penetration and Weight: 10 pounds
ignores 8 points of Hardness vs. any inanimate object Armor Class: 7
caught in its area of effect. This one is intended Hardness: 4
specifically for use against vehicles, but it also does a Hit Points: 10
fine job against crowded churches, orphanages and DC required to break this item with a Strength
funeral processions when fired from a speeding jeep. Roll: 19
Description: An idiot gun which sprays the target area
with a sticky flammable substance. The inflammable
liquid contains its own oxygen source and can't be
extinguished by any means that would involve
choking off its oxygen supply. It even works

Miniature Wrist-Rocket Launcher and Micromissiles
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 4
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Modular Targeting System (weighs 1/2
lb, costs 350 units, improves the Range Increment by
one and gives the weapon a +1 “To Hit” bonus)
Description: A small, flat rectangular box, meant to
be strapped to your forearm. It can be concealed, but
only under a garment with big, loose sleeves.
This minature missile launcher holds up to twelve
micro-missiles of whatever type you prefer. The stats
listed here assume that the launcher is loaded with
solid-spike missiles (a little like long sharp gyrojet
shells) but in fact you can use any of the missiles
listed below.
The launcher itself is extremely simple. The
Wrist-Rocket Launcher missiles are stored next to one one another in two
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a layers, and they launch out the front separately,
“sleight of hand” roll) without having to be loaded into a firing chamber.
Cost: 750 Units This means that you can launch them in any order—a
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 useful feature if you have the launcher loaded with
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons more than one type of missile.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Reloading the weapon is rather involved. You
Range Increment: 30 feet have to open the top (which of course you can't do if
“To Hit” Bonus: -- the launcher is hidden up your sleeve) and slip the new
Magazine: 20 missile in from above. This takes a full action for
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has each missile you load.
Damage: 2d8+2 Piercing


Wrist-Rocket, Solid Spike Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of weapons)
hand” roll) Hardness: 10
Cost: 35 Units Hit Points: 3
Tentative Purchase DC: 6 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Roll: 17
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Description: A solid metal spike with a wad of rocket
Range Increment: 30 feet propellant at one end. It has more penetration than a
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 vs. armor only gyrojet round, due to its greater length and weight, but
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has not as much range.
Damage: 2d8+2 Piercing (18-20 x3)
Weight: 1/2 pound

Wrist-Rocket, Glue-Bomb Wrist-Rocket, Concussion Bomb
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 50 Units Cost: 50 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 20 feet Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
attacks attacks
Damage: Special, see description Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning to anything in a 5 foot
Weight: 1/10 pound radius. Any target caught inside the area of attack can
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
weapons) damage.
Hardness: 2 Weight: 1/10 pound
Hit Points: 1 Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
DC required to break this item with a Strength weapons)
Roll: 14 Hardness: 2
Description: On impact this rocket bursts apart, Hit Points: 2
showering everything in a five foot radius with glue. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Anyone within that radius who fails a Reflexes Saving Roll: 15
Throw vs. DC 20 is caught fast. A trapped character Description: A micro-missile filled with an explosive
suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, has their Dexterity compound. It can be set to detonate when it hits a
effectively reduced by 4, their movement reduced by target or when it passes over a particular square.
half and must immediately make another Reflexes
Saving Throw (DC 15) to avoid being stuck to the
floor. If a character is is fact glued to the floor, they Wrist-Rocket, Fragmentation Load
are unable to move. To free themselves, they must Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
make a Strength check vs. DC 27, or do at least fifteen hand” roll)
points of damage to the glue. Hitting the glue is Cost: 50 Units
automatically successful. Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Wrist-Rocket, Anti-Robotic Warhead Range Increment: 30 feet
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of “To Hit” Bonus: --
hand” roll) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Cost: 75 Units attacks
Tentative Purchase DC: 9 Damage: 4d6 Piercing, 15 foot radius. Any target
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons caught inside the area of attack can make a Reflexes
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage.
Range Increment: 30 feet Weight: 1/10 pound
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has weapons)
attacks Hardness: 2
Damage: 1d4 Piercing (18-20 x3), 2d6 Electricity. Hit Points: 2
Does an extra 6d8 damage to robots and other sentient DC required to break this item with a Strength
machines. Roll: 15
Weight: 1/10 pound Description: An anti-personnel rocket, packed with
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most shrapnel. Not as effective as a fragmentation grenade,
weapons) but much easier to carry.
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength Wrist-Rocket, Poison Flechette Bomb
Roll: 14 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Description: A wirst rocket with a warhead designed hand” roll)
specifically to disrupt robotic neural networks. It will Cost: 75 Units
also do some damage to living targets, but nothing like Tentative Purchase DC: 9 (usually illegal)
the catastrophic effect it has on robots. Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: 30 feet
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: --
attacks Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 5d6 Piercing (19-20 x3) to anything in a 15 attacks
foot radius. Any target caught inside the area of attack Damage: 1d4 Piercing (19-20 x3) on the first round.
can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take For the next three rounds it will do 2d6 Heat per
half damage. Living targets must also make a round. The Heat damage ignores up to 10 points of
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take an Hardness or damage resistance.
additional 3d8 damage from poison. Weight: 1/10 pound
Weight: 1/10 pound Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most weapons)
weapons) Hardness: 2
Hardness: 2 Hit Points: 2
Hit Points: 2 DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: 15
Roll: 15 Special: Description: A micro-missile loaded with
Description: A low-velocity wrist rocket, with a thermite, it only does heat damage to the target itself,
warhead full of poison-tipped flechette darts. It can be cooking it from the inside.
set to detonate on impact or explode over a given
square. A cruel and unusual weapon to be sure, and
not an easy one to find. Robots and certain alien Wrist-Rocket, High-Explosive, Anti-
lifeforms (at the DM's discretion) are immune to the Vehicle
poison. Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 65 Units
Wrist-Rocket, Armor-Piercing Tentative Purchase DC: 8
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
hand” roll) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Cost: 60 Units Range Increment: 30 feet
Tentative Purchase DC: 8 “To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. armor only
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use attacks
Range Increment: 30 feet Damage: 2d8 Piercing Ignores 10 points of Hardness
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. armor only or damage resistance. Does an additional 4d6 damage
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has to targets that have 7 or more points of damage
attacks resistance.
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (17-20 x3) Ignores 10 points of Weight: 1/10 pound
Hardness or damage resistance. Does an additional Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
4d6 damage to targets that have 7 or more points of weapons)
damage resistance. Hardness: 2
Weight: 1/10 pound Hit Points: 2
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most DC required to break this item with a Strength
weapons) Roll: 15
Hardness: 5 Description: A micro-missile loaded with a shaped-
Hit Points: 2 charge explosive, made for penetrating armor. It's
DC required to break this item with a Strength really meant to be used against vehicles rather than
Roll: 15 people, as most of the force tends to pass right through
Description: A solid metal spike with a rocket engine a human body.
built into the back. Its tip has been coated with a
teflon-like substance and its core is full of spent
uranium. It has enormous penetration—perhaps too Wrist-Rocket, Heat-Seeker
much to use on human opponents. Most of the
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
missile’s impact will go right through them.
hand” roll)
Cost: 75 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 9
Wrist-Rocket, Incendiary Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
hand” roll) Range Increment: 30 feet
Cost: 50 Units “To Hit” Bonus: Automatically hits the target unless
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 they make a Reflexes Save vs. DC 27, but see
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons description.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has the nearest living target, whether it is a friend, a foe or
attacks neither. Please note that they don't hit the nearest
Damage: 3d8 Piercing to the target, 1d4 Bludgeoning living thing to the weapon's user. They hit the nearest
to everything else in a 5 foot radius. Any target living thing to the point (thirty feet distant) where their
caught inside that radius can make a Reflexes Saving internal guidance system takes over. If there is no
Throw vs. DC 15 to take half damage. living, warm-blooded animal within thirty feet, the
Weight: 1/10 pound missile will instead hit the nearest non-living heat
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most source. If used in a situation where there is no living
weapons) thing present and no reasonable way to select a
Hardness: 2 secondary target, there is a 50% chance that the
Hit Points: 2 missile will abort and detonate once it reaches the
DC required to break this item with a Strength thirty-foot mark, and a 50% chance that it will instead
Roll: 15 become confused and come back to attack the person
Special: who fired it. Heat-seekers are extremely useful in
Description: Heat-seeking wrist-rockets function certain situations and worse than useless in others.
exactly like heat-seeking gyrojet loads. They fly out
to a distance of thirty feet, and then automatically hit

Grenades and Grenade Launchers

There are actually two basic types of grenades, hand grenades and rifle grenades. Hand grenades are meant to be flung
at the target by hand or perhaps with some kind of improvised weapon like a slingshot. They can be set as booby traps
or dropped down a hole. Rifle grenades are fired from specialized grenade-launching weapons (of which we have
listed quite a few). They look like oversized bullets, about an inch in diameter.

You can't stuff a hand grenade into a grenade launcher, it's the wrong shape and it isn't meant to be used this way. You
can't set off a rifle grenade by throwing it at the target, either-they have to be launched from a grenade launcher to have
their fuse armed. Nor can you tie a string to a rifle grenade and set it as a booby trap-there's no pin to pull out or switch
to activate.

For simplicity's sake, we're giving both types of grenade the same prices and stats. If you buy a fragmentation rifle
grenade, it costs and weighs the same as a fragmentation hand grenade and it’s just as difficult to break. This may not
make much sense, but it's the way nearly all modern and science fiction role-playing games handle it and it does make
things simpler, so it's the convention we'll follow.

As many a policeman knows, it is possible to shoot an individual target with a rifle grenade, instead of just attacking an
area. They are clumsy weapons for this purpose and are fired at a -2.penalty. Any target hit directly by a rifle grenade
takes an additional 2d6 damage from the impact, above and beyond the damage done by the explosion (or whatever
nasty effect the grenade is packing).

As an optional rule, the DM can declare that if a target with Damage Resistance takes a direct hit from a rifle grenade,
and if it sustains more than 2 points of damage from the initial attack, the grenade has actually been shot inside the
target, so the target can't apply its damage resistance to the subsequent explosion.

Grenade Launcher, 1 Shot make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of damage.
hand” roll) Weight: 7 pounds
Cost: 400 Units Armor Class: 7
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to Hardness: 5
military use) Hit Points: 3
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also DC required to break this item with a Strength
works with any other Grenade Launcher) Roll: 18
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Special: Affects a 20 foot radius around the point of
Range Increment: 70 feet impact. Anyone caught in the radius can make a
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Rate of Fire: Once per round damage.
Damage: 3d6 Piercing, affects a 20 foot radius around Description: A one-shot grenade launcher, often used
the point of impact. Anyone caught in the radius can as a riot-control tool. It looks like a plump shotgun

with a very wide barrel. It breaks open to load, and Grenade Launcher, 12-Shot
there is usually some ejected matter from the last shell Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
to be cleaned out, so reloading it takes a full round. Cost: 2,500 Units
The stats listed here assume that it is loaded with a Tentative Purchase DC: 21 (usually restricted to
fragmentation grenade, but of course it can fire any of military use)
the grenades in this book, (except perhaps for the Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
super-advanced ones). works with any other Grenade Launcher)
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 70 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 12
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 3d6 Piercing, affects a 20 foot radius around
the point of impact. Anyone caught in the radius can
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Weight: 19 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 5
Grenade Launcher, 6-Shot Hit Points: 4
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 2,000 Units Roll: 17
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to Special:
military use) Description: A generic template for a large shoulder-
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also mounted grenade launcher. You can find verisons that
works with any other Grenade Launcher) hold only 10 grenades and others that hold 15. They
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use all have about the same performance characteristics.
Range Increment: 70 feet The statistics listed here assume the launcher is loaded
“To Hit” Bonus: -- with fragmentation grenades, but of course you can
Magazine: 6 use it with whichever type of grenades the DM makes
Rate of Fire: Once per round available. The grenades are kept on a belt which will
Damage: 3d6 Piercing, affects a 20 foot radius around move whichever one you select into the firing
the point of impact. Anyone caught in the radius can chamber as a free action. If you have loaded the
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half weapon with multiple types of grenades, you can fire
damage. whichever type you prefer, in whatever order. This
Weight: 13 pounds weapon cannot be used to launch hand-grenades. For
Armor Class: 7 that, get a slingshot.
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Special: Affects a 20 foot radius around the point of
impact. Anyone caught in the radius can make a
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Description: A rocket grenade launcher which looks
not unlike an oversized pistol. The start listed here
assume that it's loaded with fragmentation grenades,
but of course you can load it with whatever rifle-
grenades the DM makes available to you. It uses a "Pepperpot" One-handed Grenade
huge revolver cylinder to store the grenades and if you Launcher
have loaded it with more than one grenade type, you Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
can select the grenade you want by turning the hand” roll)
cylinder. This is actually tough to do in combat, Cost: 1,000 Units
because of the device's weight and complexity, and Tentative Purchase DC: 18
takes a standard action. Otherwise, the grenades just Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
fire in whatever sequence you loaded them in. It works with any other Grenade Launcher)
hardly needs to be mentioned, but hand grenades Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
cannot be launched with this device. Range Increment: 40 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 3

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment: 40 feet
attacks “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 3d6 Piercing, affects a 20 foot radius around Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
the point of impact. Anyone caught in the radius can attacks
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half Damage: 3d6 Piercing, affects a 20 foot radius around
damage. the point of impact. Anyone caught in the radius can
Weight: 2 pounds (8 pounds if the antigravity motor make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
is disabled) damage.
Armor Class: 7 Weight: 3 pounds
Hardness: 5 Armor Class: 9
Hit Points: 3 Hardness: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 2
Roll: 16 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: Anti-gravity technology makes possible Roll: 15
this cartoonish weapon, a one-handed grenade Description: As seen in the movie "Hard Target" (by
launcher. It looks like a gigantic revolver, far too big the five or six people who actually watched it). This
to fit in any holster ever made. Pull the trigger and it miniature grenade launcher is no bigger than a long
launches a rocket-grenade. The damage listed here pistol, with a smoothbore barrel slightly wider than a
assumes that the Pepperpot is loaded with standard shotgun’s. It's too big to fit in a shoulder holster but
fragmentation grenades, but you are of course free to you could easily carry it on your belt. The weapon
load it with whatever strikes your fancy. breaks open like a single barreled shotgun. You set
the grenade in the breech, snap it shut, aim and fire. It
takes a standard action to reload. The stats listed here
Grenade Pistol assume that you have loaded it with a fragmentation
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a grenade, but of course you can use it with whichever
“sleight of hand” roll) type of rifle-grenade you like. It cannot be used to
Cost: 1,400 Units launch hand-grenades.
Tentative Purchase DC:
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use


Concussion Grenade, Light Handed: Requires 1 hand to use

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
hand” roll) launched from a weapon
Cost: 500 Units “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
military use) but you can launch as many of them as you have
Required Proficiency: Simple attacks

Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning to everything in a 5 foot attacks
radius. Anyone caught in the Area of Effect can make Damage: 6d6 Bludgeoning to everything in a 20 foot
a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half radius. Anyone caught in the Area of Effect can make
damage. a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Weight: 1 pound damage.
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Weight: 1 pound
weapons) Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hardness: 2 weapons)
Hit Points: 2 Hardness: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 2
Roll: 15 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: An explosive grenade, designed to do as Roll: 15
little collateral damage as possible. It affects Special: Every living target in a 30 foot radius must
everything in a five-foot radius. make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or be
Deafened (as per the spell) for 2d10 rounds.
Description: The most powerful concussion grenade
Concussion Grenade, Heavy manufactured. It damages everything in a twenty-foot
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of radius, and can deafen bystanders within thirty feet. It
hand” roll) is no larger than any other concussion grenade--it just
Cost: 500 Units contains an explosive with a higher yield.
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Simple Fragmentation Grenade
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if hand” roll)
launched from a weapon Cost: 500 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, military use)
but you can launch as many of them as you have Required Proficiency: Simple
attacks Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Damage: 4d6 Bludgeoning to everything in a 10 foot Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
radius. Anyone caught in the Area of Effect can make launched from a weapon
a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to take half “To Hit” Bonus: --
damage. Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Weight: 1 pound but you can launch as many of them as you have
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most attacks
weapons) Damage: 4d6 Piercing, 20-foot Radius. Anyone
Hardness: 2 caught in the Area of Effect can make a Reflexes
Hit Points: 2 Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half damage
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 1 pound
Roll: 15 Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Special: Anyone caught in this weapon’s Area of weapons)
Effect must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 Hardness: 2
or be Deafened (as per the spell) for 2d6 rounds. Hit Points: 2
Description: A more powerful concussive device, DC required to break this item with a Strength
with a wider radius of effect.. It's probably not a good Roll: 15
idea to use this one to solve hostage situations. Description: A basic template for a fragmentation
grenade, whether hand-held or rifle-launched. This is
probably the most common type of grenade you will
Concussion Grenade, Ultraheavy see on the battlefield. It is made from lighter, tougher
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a materials than its modern equivalent and contains a
“sleight of hand” roll) more powerful explosive, but otherwise it is much the
Cost: 500 Units same.
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Simple Flechette Grenade
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if hand” roll)
launched from a weapon Cost: 525 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, military use)
but you can launch as many of them as you have Required Proficiency: Simple

Handed: Requires 1 hand to use hand” roll)
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Cost: 600 Units
launched from a weapon Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- military use)
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Required Proficiency: Simple
but you can launch as many of them as you have Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
attacks Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Damage: 6d6 Piercing, 20 foot radius. Anyone launched from a weapon
caught in the Area of Effect can make a Reflexes “To Hit” Bonus: --
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Weight: 1 pound but you can launch as many of them as you have
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most attacks
weapons) Damage: 4d6 Bludgeoning, 25 foot cone, affects a 20
Hardness: 2 foot radius around the point of impact. Anyone caught
Hit Points: 2 in the area of effect can make a Reflexes Saving
DC required to break this item with a Strength Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage.
Roll: 15 Weight: 1 pound
Description: A deadlier variation on the Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
fragmentation grenade, this one is packed with needle- weapons)
sharp darts, carefully arranged to go off in a particular Hardness: 2
spread. This is a far more labor-intensive item to Hit Points: 2
produce than an ordinary fragmentation grenade, and DC required to break this item with a Strength
only societies with very extensive automated Roll: 15
manufacturing ever mass-produce them. Description: A shaped charge grenade that detonates
in a 25 foot cone-shaped area of effect instead of a
sphere. If it misses the target hex, roll a d10 to
Poison Flechette Grenade determine which direction the grenade is facing when
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of it lands. (it’s like rolling a d8 to determine facing, but
hand” roll) 1 means “up” and 10 means “down”)
Cost: 550 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal)
Required Proficiency: Simple Flechette Grenade, Shaped Charge
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if hand” roll)
launched from a weapon Cost: 625 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, military use)
but you can launch as many of them as you have Required Proficiency: Simple
attacks Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Damage: 6d6 Piercing, 15 foot radius. Anyone caught Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
in the Area of Effect can make a Reflexes Saving launched from a weapon
Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage. Anyone who “To Hit” Bonus: --
takes damage from this weapon (whether or not they Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
make their Reflexes Saving Throw) must make a but you can launch as many of them as you have
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take an attacks
additional 3d8 poison damage. Damage: 8d6 Piercing, 25 foot cone
Weight: 1 pound Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
weapons) weapons)
Hardness: 2 Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2 Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 Roll: 15
Description: What's worse than a flechette grenade? Description: A flechette grenade that goes off in a 25
A poison flechette grenade! Yes, that's right, each of foot cone-shaped area of effect instead of a sphere. If
these hundreds of tiny darts has been dipped in a it misses the target hex, roll a d10 to determine which
potent organic toxin, giving this weapon that extra zip direction the grenade is facing when it lands. (1
you need. Not advised for crowd control. means “up”, 10 means “down” and 2-9 indicate each
of the 8 squares surrounding the target square).

Concussion Grenade, Shaped Charge

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of

Polarizing Anti-Robot Grenade a more humane alternative. It doesn't even drop them
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of in their tracks, it gives them a second or two to lie
hand” roll) down, so they don't fall and hurt themselves.
Cost: 500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
military use) Pain Gas Grenade
Required Proficiency: Simple Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use hand” roll)
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Cost: 500 Units
launched from a weapon Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- military use)
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Required Proficiency: Simple
but you can launch as many of them as you have Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
attacks Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Damage: 1d8 Electrical, 10 foot radius. Does an launched from a weapon
additional 5d8 damage to robots and other sentient “To Hit” Bonus: --
machines. Anyone but a robot who is caught in the Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
area of effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. but you can launch as many of them as you have
DC 15 to take half damage. attacks
Weight: 1 pound Damage: 5d6 Nonlethal to everything in a 10 foot
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most radius. A Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves
weapons) the damage. Anyone who takes damage from the gas
Hardness: 2 must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be
Hit Points: 2 Stunned (as per the Monk special attack), and unable
DC required to break this item with a Strength to take any action for one round. Even if they make
Roll: 15 both their saving throws, they will suffer a –2 penalty
Description: This grenade fires an electromagnetic to all their actions for the next 1-4 rounds.
pulse device designed specifically to disrupt a robot's Weight: 1 pound
brain. It damages any robot within a ten foot radius Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
and may have some effect on other complex weapons)
electronics at the DM's discretion. Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Sleep Gas Grenade Roll: 14
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
hand” roll) Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of gas on 1 victim
Cost: 500 Units in 1 round)
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to Description: A greatly feared weapon, used for crowd
military use) control in a few unsavory police-states. It releases a
Required Proficiency: Simple cloud of gas which directly stimulates the brain's pain
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use centers, causing indescribable agony.
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
launched from a weapon
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Blinding Gas Grenade
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
but you can launch as many of them as you have hand” roll)
attacks Cost: 500 Units
Damage: Everyone in a 10 foot radius must make a Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious military use)
for 2-12 minutes. Required Proficiency: Simple
Weight: 1 pound Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
weapons) launched from a weapon
Hardness: 2 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hit Points: 2 Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
DC required to break this item with a Strength but you can launch as many of them as you have
Roll: 14 attacks
Description: Not quite as effective a riot-control tool Damage: Special, see description
as gas weapons that cause pain or nausea. Once Weight: 1 pound
you've put a crowd to sleep, someone has to clear Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
them away (if you hurt or nauseate them they'll leave weapons)
under their own power). Still, this is for the most part Hardness: 2

Hit Points: 2 Description: Particularly good for riot control, this
DC required to break this item with a Strength substance is sure to move a crowd out of the area
Roll: 14 quickly. There is an unfortunate chance that some of
Special: Affects any living target in a 5 foot radius. them will get trampled in the process. Worse,
Anyone caught in that radius must make a Fortitude sometimes a terrified mob will run in the wrong
Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or become Blind for 2d12 direction or do awful, irrational things.
hours. Blind characters suffer a 50% chance of
missing in combat (all their targets effectively have
full concealment), lose any Dexterity Bonus they Psychedelic Gas Grenade
might have to their Armor Class, move at half speed, Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
suffer a -4 penalty on Search checks and both Strength hand” roll)
and Dexterity based skill rolls. All attackers have a +2 Cost: 500 Units
bonus to hit the blind character. A gas mask offers Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
some protection from the gas, and gives the character military use)
a +2 bonus to their Saving Throw. A vacuum suit Required Proficiency: Simple
protects against it completely. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1 launched from a weapon
victim in 1 round) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: This grenade is loaded with an aerosol Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
contact poison which affects the target's optic nerves, but you can launch as many of them as you have
causing temporary Blindness, as per the spell. At the attacks
DM's discretion, it might not work on creatures whose Damage: Special, see description
body chemistry is significantly different. It also has no Weight: 1 pound
effect on creatures that don't have eyes. Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hardness: 2
Fear Gas Grenade Hit Points: 2
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of DC required to break this item with a Strength
hand” roll) Roll: 14
Cost: 500 Units Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1
military use) victim in 1 round)
Required Proficiency: Simple Description: Anyone caught within a five-foot radius
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use of this grenade must make a Fortitude Saving Throw
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if vs. DC 15 or have their perceptions scrambled by a
launched from a weapon powerful psychoactive agent. If they they fail the roll,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- then for 2d10 rounds they must make a Willpower
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Saving throw vs. DC 18 every round or roll on the
but you can launch as many of them as you have following chart.
attacks 1 Run away at full speed in a random direction for
Damage: Special, see description 2 rounds. If you encounter a barrier, turn around and
Weight: 1 pound run back the way you came.
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most 2 Attempt to destroy whatever object you are
weapons) holding (make a Strength roll and try to beat its
Hardness: 2 breakage DC). If you aren’t holding anything, attempt
Hit Points: 2 to grab the nearest breakable object and break it.
DC required to break this item with a Strength 3-4 Lie down and curl up into a ball. If attacked,
Roll: 14 you are unable to defend yourself.
Special: Any live target in a 15 foot radius must make 5-6 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands,
a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or become twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting
panicked for 4d6 rounds..A panicked character flees crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the
immediately. They have a 50% chance of dropping spot where you are standing.
whatever they are holding and will choose their path 7–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round
randomly (as long as it leads away from immediate 10 Act normally for 1 round. You are not aware
danger). They suffer a suffer a –2 penalty to all their that you have been acting crazy.
saving throws for as long as they are under the effects If attacked while insane, the victim can defend
of the gas. If cornered, a panicked character cowers themselves normally, unless they roll a 3 or a 4.
and can take no action save to defend themselves.. Unless they roll a 10, they can’t communicate
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 coherently, use skills or feats or do anything else that
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1 would be useful.
victim in 1 round)

Damage: Special, see description
Debilitation Gas Grenade Weight: 1 pound
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
hand” roll) weapons)
Cost: 500 Units Hardness: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to Hit Points: 2
military use) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Simple Roll: 14
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1
launched from a weapon victim in 1-3 rounds)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: Affects everyone in a ten-foot radius.
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Anyone caught in the area of attack must make a
but you can launch as many of them as you have Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or immediately
attacks attack the closest moving object with whatever melee
Damage: Special, see description weapon comes to hand. If they are carrying a ranged
Weight: 1 pound weapon, they aren't coherent enough to use it properly
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most and will swing it like a club. They will attack friends,
weapons) foes, or whatever moving object catches their
Hardness: 2 attention.
Hit Points: 2 Affected characters are incapable of
DC required to break this item with a Strength communicating, and look really scary. You don't want
Roll: 14 to look in their eyes, especially if they're someone you
Special: Everyone in a ten-foot radius must make a are close to.
Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or lose 3d6 Strength, for A filter mask or independent oxygen supply will
2d10 minutes. The target's Strength can go no lower give the target a +2 bonus to their saving throw. A
than 1. Any character whose Strength has been completely sealed suit (a vacuum suit, for example)
reduced to 1 is completely helpless, unable to stand or totally negates the attack.
effectively defend themselves. There may still be Not a great riot control weapon, far better at
certain types of skill rolls or purely mental activities inciting riots than quelling them. Still not without its
that the DM might allow them to perform in this state. uses.
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 140
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the gas on 1
victim in 1 round) Suicide Gas Grenade
Description: A mild neurotoxic agent that drastically Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
weakens anyone who inhales it. They must actually hand” roll)
get it in their lungs to be fully affected. The agent can Cost: 500 Units
make you feel woozy and strange if it gets on your Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal)
skin, but not enough to have any game effects. A gas Required Proficiency: Simple
mask or even a good filter mask of the kind used in Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
home construction projects will totally negate the Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
effect. A wet handkerchief over your face probably launched from a weapon
won't do the job, but it might give you some kind of “To Hit” Bonus: --
bonus to your Saving Throw. The effectiveness of Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
such improvised filtering techniques is strictly up to but you can launch as many of them as you have
the DM. attacks
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 1 pound
Rage Gas Grenade Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of weapons)
hand” roll) Hardness: 2
Cost: 500 Units Hit Points: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to DC required to break this item with a Strength
military use) Roll: 14
Required Proficiency: Simple Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if victim in 1-3 rounds)
launched from a weapon Description: It is widely supposed that the nerve-
“To Hit” Bonus: -- agent in this grenade causes suicidal despair in the
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, target, but the truth is far more unpleasant.
but you can launch as many of them as you have Anyone caught in its area of effect must at once
attacks make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or begin

to mutilate themselves with whichever hand weapon is absorbed through the skin, but getting it in your lungs
closest, grunting and howling with ectcasy the whole increases the effect. A gas mask gives the target a +3
time. If no hand weapon is within easy reach, they to their Saving Throw and an improvised mask gives
will shoot themselves with the nearest missile weapon, them +1. Any completely sealed environment suit
at its most lethal setting. If neither is available they negates the effect of this weapon.
will rip and claw at themselves, doing 1 point of
damage per round.
They are effectively helpless while they are hurting Paralysis Gas Grenade
themselves, giving any attacker a +4 bonus. They Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
may say terrible things about how good it feels to hand” roll)
wound themselves or they may plead with you to hurt Cost: 500 Units
them but aren't really capable of communicating Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
anything else. military use)
If you attack yourself, you can only miss if you roll Required Proficiency: Simple
a 1, but since all of the character's actions are at a -4 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
while they are under the influence of the gas, they Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
actually fail to hurt themselves on a 5 or less. Most launched from a weapon
weapons aren't really made to wound the user, and “To Hit” Bonus: --
will do one point of damage less than usual (minimum Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
of one point). but you can launch as many of them as you have
The effects last indefinitely, until the target either attacks
makes a saving throw or dies. Let them make another Damage: Everyone in a five-foot radius must make a
throw every other round. Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or be paralyzed and helpless,
The drug is transmitted through the skin, but works unable to move or take any physical actions, for 2d10
better if inhaled. A gas mask or oxygen tank will give rounds.
the target a +4 to their Saving Throw, while a Weight: 1 pound
completely sealed environment suit or a vaccum suit Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
will completely negate the drug's effect. weapons)
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
Motor Dysfunction Gas Grenade DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Roll: 14
hand” roll) Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Cost: 550 Units Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade in 1
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to round)
military use) Description: A canister of paralyzing gas. Although
Required Proficiency: Simple this is officially a police weapon, it is far more useful
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use to commit crimes than it is for riot control. This is a
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if nearly ideal tool for robbing banks, transport vehicles,
launched from a weapon jewelry stores etc.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
but you can launch as many of them as you have Poison Gas Grenade
attacks Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Damage: Special, see description hand” roll)
Weight: 1 pound Cost: 500 Units
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
weapons) military use)
Hardness: 2 Required Proficiency: Simple
Hit Points: 1 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
DC required to break this item with a Strength Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Roll: 14 launched from a weapon
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1 Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
victim in 1 round) but you can launch as many of them as you have
Description: Anyone in a 10 foot radius must make a attacks
Fortitude Save vs. DC 18 or lose 2d6 Dexterity for Damage: Special, see description
2d10 minutes. The target's Dexterity can't be reduced Weight: 1 pound
below 1. A character with a Dexterity of 2 or 1 can't Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
walk or feed themselves and must make a Willpower weapons)
Saving throw vs. DC 15 each time they try to speak, in Hardness: 2
order to correctly shape the words. This gas is Hit Points: 2

DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 2
Roll: 14 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: Everyone in a 10 foot radius must make Roll: 14
a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or take 3d8 Description: Everyone in a 10 foot radius must make
poison damage. A gas mask gives you a +4 bonus to a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or die on the
your roll, and a sealed environment suit negates the spot. A gas mask gives you a +2 bonus to your roll,
effect. It has no effect whatever on robots, and at the and a sealed environment suit negates the effect. The
DM's discretion there may be alien races which aren't poison breaks down quickly, but for 2d10 minutes
affected by it either. anyone who enters the burst radius must make a
Dexterity Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to keep from
getting any live toxin on their skin. If you do get
Poison Gas Grenade, Extra-Lethal contaminated this way, you get a +1 bonus to your
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Fortitude Saving Throw for every 2 minutes the
hand” roll) poison has been exposed to air.
Cost: 525 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to
military use) Plague Grenade
Required Proficiency: Simple Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use hand” roll)
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Cost: 675 Units
launched from a weapon Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually restricted to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- military use)
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Required Proficiency: Simple
but you can launch as many of them as you have Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
attacks Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Damage: Special, see description launched from a weapon
Weight: 1 pound “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
weapons) but you can launch as many of them as you have
Hardness: 2 attacks
Hit Points: 2 Damage: Infects everyone in a five-foot radius with
DC required to break this item with a Strength an infectious disease. The victim must make a
Roll: 14 Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or lose a point of
Description: Everyone in a 10 foot radius of the Constitution per day for 4d6 days until they are cured
grenade must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC or reach 0 Constitution and die.
20 or take 5d10 poison damage. A gas mask gives Weight: 1 pound
you a +2 bonus to your roll, and a sealed environment Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
suit negates the effect. It has no effect on robots and at weapons)
the DM's discretion there may be alien races with very Hardness: 2
different body chemistries from ours who aren't Hit Points: 2
affected by it either. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Poison Gas Grenade, Superlethal Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of victim in 1 round)
hand” roll) Description: Illegal on just about every civilized
Cost: 600 Units world. This small metal canister has a small explosive
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to charge inside--just enough to spread the disease-
military use) bearing mist over the target area.
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Bloodrot Grenade
launched from a weapon Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
“To Hit” Bonus: -- hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Cost: 700 Units
but you can launch as many of them as you have Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually restricted to
attacks military use)
Damage: Special, see description Required Proficiency: Simple
Weight: 1 pound Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
weapons) launched from a weapon
Hardness: 2 “To Hit” Bonus: --

Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
but you can launch as many of them as you have Flesh-Eating Grenade
attacks Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Damage: Infects everyone in a five-foot radius with hand” roll)
an infectious disease. The victim must make a Cost: 685 Units
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or lose a point of Tentative Purchase DC: (usually illegal)
Strength and one of Constitution per hour until they Required Proficiency: Simple
are cured or reach 0 Constitution and die. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weight: 1 pound Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most launched from a weapon
weapons) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 2 Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Hit Points: 2 but you can launch as many of them as you have
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks
Roll: 14 Damage: Special, see description
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Weight: 1 pound
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of disease on 1 Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
victim in 1-4 hours) weapons)
Description: An even more dangerous and even more Hardness: 2
illegal biological weapon. The virus it carries acts Hit Points: 2
faster and has more gruesome symptoms. The prison DC required to break this item with a Strength
sentence for using it is usually longer, too. Roll: 14
Special: Affects everything in a ten-foot radius.
Contains a flesh-eating virus that does 1d6 damage per
Viral Grenade, Superlethal ("The round until the victim either dies or makes a Fortitude
Chattering Death") Save vs. DC 20. They can attempt a Saving Throw
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of once each round, but only after they have already
hand” roll) taken damage.
Cost: 680 Units Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually illegal) Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1
Required Proficiency: Simple victim in 1-3 rounds)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Description: One of the most loathed and feared
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if grenade-weapons in existence. Don't use this one for
launched from a weapon crowd control unless you work for a rampaging
“To Hit” Bonus: -- barbarian horde--it violates just about every war-
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, crimes statute ever written. There is a simple antidote
but you can launch as many of them as you have to the virus, if you can inject it in time.
Damage: Infects everyone in a five-foot radius with
an infectious disease. The victim must make a Incendiary Grenade
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or lose a point of Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Dexterity, one of Intelligence and one of Constitution hand” roll)
per round until they are cured or reach 0 Constitution Cost: 500 Units
and die. Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Weight: 1 pound military use)
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Required Proficiency: Simple
weapons) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hardness: 2 Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Hit Points: 2 launched from a weapon
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 14 Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 but you can launch as many of them as you have
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1 attacks
victim in 1-4 rounds) Damage: 5d6 Heat damage to everything in a ten-foot
Description: The most lethal and fast-acting radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 will
biological weapon anyone has been sick enough to allow a target to take half damage.
think of, yet. It acts on the central nervous system. Weight: 1 pound
Victims are prone to uncontrollable bouts of chattering Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
teeth and to shouting out obscenities and songs from weapons)
their childhood as they die. This is why they call it the Hardness: 2
Chattering Death Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength

Roll: 15 Hit Points: 2
Description: A grenade packed with a quick-burning DC required to break this item with a Strength
thermite compound. It has completely burnt itself out Roll: 14
in a round, but may set other fires in the blast radius at Description: This unusual grenade is filled with a
the DM's discretion. quick-freezing liquid, with a small explosive charge in
the middle. When it detonates, it sprays the liquid all
over the radius of effect, in a fine mist.
Napalm Grenade
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) Electrostatic Grenade
Cost: 500 Units Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to hand” roll)
military use) Cost: 500 Units
Required Proficiency: Simple Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use military use)
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Required Proficiency: Simple
launched from a weapon Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, launched from a weapon
but you can launch as many of them as you have “To Hit” Bonus: --
attacks Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Damage: Special, see description but you can launch as many of them as you have
Weight: 1 pound attacks
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Damage: 4d6 Electricity to everything in a 5 foot
weapons) radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 halves
Hardness: 2 the damage.
Hit Points: 2 Weight: 1 pound
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Roll: 15 weapons)
Description: A canister filled with a sticky, Hardness: 2
flammable substance. It ignites on impact, covering Hit Points: 2
anyone in a 10-foot radius with burning glop, doing DC required to break this item with a Strength
1d6 damage per round. The napalm continues to burn Roll: 14
for three rounds, and cannot be extinguished with Description: A portable thunderbolt. This grenade
water, sand, or any other method which relies on has a built-in power cell, which it discharges in a
taking oxygen away from a flame. A Reflexes saving crackling field of electrical havoc. This melts the
throw vs. DC 20 halves the damage, provided that you grenade into a small metal pool, but forensic
use your next movement to leave the five-foot radius investigators will still be able to figure out what kind
of effect. of weapon was used here. Robots and other such
cybernetic entities may or may not take additional
damage from this grenade, at the DM's discretion.
Frost Grenade
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll) Caustic Grenade
Cost: 500 Units Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to hand” roll)
military use) Cost: 485 Units
Required Proficiency: Simple Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use military use)
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Required Proficiency: Simple
launched from a weapon Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, launched from a weapon
but you can launch as many of them as you have “To Hit” Bonus: --
attacks Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Damage: 3d6 Cold to everything in a ten-foot radius. but you can launch as many of them as you have
A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 will allow the attacks
target to take half damage. Damage: 2d6 Caustic damage per round for 2d4
Weight: 1 pound rounds to anything in a 10 foot radius
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Weight: 1 pound
weapons) Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hardness: 2 weapons)

Hardness: 2 Damage: Special, see description
Hit Points: 2 Weight: 1 pound
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Roll: 14 weapons)
Description: A metal canister full of acid, with a Hardness: 2
small explosive in the center, which detonates on Hit Points: 2
impact and blankets the area with a fine caustic mist. DC required to break this item with a Strength
This is not a splash attack weapon as such. It does an Roll: 15
equal amount of damage to anything in its radius, Description: A strange biological weapon. Each of
rather than doing the majority of its damage to a these grenades creates a barrier of tangled bushes with
particular target and then a reduced amount to needle-sharp thorns. It takes one round for them to rip
everything else. their way up from the ground after the seeds and the
hypernutrient are spread across the target area.
Any character who moves through the barrier takes
Neutron Grenade 25 points of damage per round of movement, minus 1
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of for each point of the character’s AC. Dexterity and
hand” roll) dodge bonuses do not help the character evade
Cost: 1,000 Units damage. Only actual physical armor counts.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to By adjusting the setting on the canister before you
military use) launch it (this takes a Standard Action) you can shape
Required Proficiency: Simple the wall into any pattern of 20 10-by-10-foot blocks.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Characters must force their way slowly through the
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if wall. To make any progress, a character must succeed
launched from a weapon at a Strength check (DC 20). A successful character
“To Hit” Bonus: -- moves a number of feet equal to the Strength check
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, result minus 19, so a character who rolled 24 on their
but you can launch as many of them as you have Strength check could move 5 feet in a round.
attacks A character trapped in the thorns can choose to
Damage: 6d6 Radiation, in a thirty-foot radius. Only remain motionless in order to avoid taking any more
living organisms or complex electronics take damage damage. Any characters within the area of effect take
from this attack. Robots, cyborgs, computers, etc. damage as if they had moved into the wall.
take full damage. The bio-barrier can be carefully pared away by
Weight: 1 pound edged weapons. Chopping at the barrier creates a safe
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most passage 1 foot deep for every 5 minutes of work. Fire
weapons) also affects it normally.
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength Glue Grenade
Roll: 15 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Description: Leaves buildings standing but kills hand” roll)
unwanted people dead on contact. It makes only a Cost: 450 Units
faint buzzing sound. The area it has devastated Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
remains toxic for 2d6 hours. Anything entering its military use)
blast radius must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. Required Proficiency: Simple
DC 15 for every round they remain inside, or suffer Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
1d4 silent, invisible damage. Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
launched from a weapon
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Bio-Barrier Grenade Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of but you can launch as many of them as you have
hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 500 Units Damage: Special, see description
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to Weight: 1 pound
military use) Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Required Proficiency: Simple weapons)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hardness: 2
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Hit Points: 1
launched from a weapon DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Roll: 14
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
but you can launch as many of them as you have Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1
attacks victim in 1 round)

Description: This small canister of goop bursts apart Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
on impact, showering everything in a five foot radius. launched from a weapon
Anything within that radius which fails a Reflexes “To Hit” Bonus: --
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 is caught fast by the glue. A Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
trapped character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, but you can launch as many of them as you have
has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4 and must attacks
immediately make another Reflexes Saving Throw Damage: Every target in a 15 foot radius must make a
(DC 15) to avoid being stuck to the floor. If a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or become Blind
character is fact glued to the floor, they are unable to for the next 2d10 minutes. Anyone in the radius of
move. Even if they make the second saving throw, effect also takes 1d6 Nonlethal Damage, with no
they still only move at half their normal rate. To free possibility of a saving throw.
themselves, they must make a Strength check vs. DC Weight: 1 pound
27, or do at least fifteen points of damage to the glue. Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hitting the glue is automatically successful. weapons)
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
Tanglebomb Grenade DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Roll: 15
hand” roll) Description: Anyone in this grenade's radius of attack
Cost: 485 Units runs an excellent chance of being temporarily blinded.
Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to This makes for a good non-lethal weapon, but isn't
military use) that useful for crowd control, since it leaves the crowd
Required Proficiency: Simple staggering around panicky and blind, instead of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use moving them out of the area. It doesn't work on
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if creatures that don't have eyes, or (DM's call) that see
launched from a weapon in some radically different kind of spectrum.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
but you can launch as many of them as you have Sonic Screamer Grenade
attacks Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Damage: Special, see description hand” roll)
Weight: 1 pound Cost: 480 Units
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Tentative Purchase DC: 15
weapons) Required Proficiency: Simple
Hardness: 2 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hit Points: 2 Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
DC required to break this item with a Strength launched from a weapon
Roll: 14 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Special: Ensnares everything in a 5 foot radius, unless Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
they make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 and at but you can launch as many of them as you have
once move out of the target square. A trapped attacks
character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, has their Damage: Special, see description
Dexterity effectively reduced by 4, and moves at half Weight: 1 pound
speed. To free themselves, they must take a full action Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
and make either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip weapons)
their way loose by making a Strength check vs. DC Hardness: 2
25. Hit Points: 2
Description: This slow-moving grenade bursts open DC required to break this item with a Strength
over the target and encases them in a tangleweb net. Roll: 14
It's a convenient law-enforcement tool, also popular Description: The screamer goes off on impact,
with criminals and wildlife zoologists. There is a causing Deafness to anyone within a fifteen foot
hand-thrown version of this grenade, but you're much radius if they fail a Fortitude Saving Throw (DC 20).
more likely to see it fired from a grenade launcher. It also does 3d6 Nonlethal damage to anyone in a 10
foot radius. A reflexes saving throw vs. DC 15 allows
a target to take half damage, provided that they take an
Hyperflash Grenade action to move out of the grenade's radius that round.
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of It screams for three rounds. Creatures who do not
hand” roll) have the ability to hear are not affected by this weapon
Cost: 475 Units at all.
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use

Immobilizer Foam Grenade Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of weapons)
hand” roll) Hardness: 2
Cost: 490 Units Hit Points: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to DC required to break this item with a Strength
military use) Roll: 15
Required Proficiency: Simple Description: A small omni-directional stun-wave unit,
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use which burns itself out in a single charge. It fires an
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if electromagnetic pulse specially calibrated to disrupt
launched from a weapon the neuo-electrical activity in a living creature's brain.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- It can be preset to disrupt robots' neural networks
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, instead, but can't do both at once.
but you can launch as many of them as you have
Damage: Special, see description Single-Plane Grenade
Weight: 1 pound Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most hand” roll)
weapons) Cost: 510 Units
Hardness: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to
Hit Points: 2 military use)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Simple
Roll: 14 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Accessories: Solvent Kit (1/20th lb, costs 15 Units, Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
holds 3 doses, negates effect of grenade in 1 round) launched from a weapon
Description: This grenade bursts open and covers “To Hit” Bonus: --
everything within a 5-foot radius with quick-hardening Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
foam. but you can launch as many of them as you have
To evade it, anyone in the target square must make attacks
a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18, and spend their Damage: 3d6 Slashing to anything in a 20 foot radius.
next Movement to leave the affected square. Anyone A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves the
caught in the foam suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, damage.
and has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4. They Weight: 1 pound
must immediately make another Reflexes Saving Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Throw (DC 15) or they are completely mired in the weapons)
foam, unable to move. Even if they make the second Hardness: 2
saving throw, they still only move at half their normal Hit Points: 2
rate. To free themselves, they must make a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
check vs. DC 27, or do at least 17 points of damage to Roll: 15
the foam. As an inert object, it is impossible to miss Description: This concussion grenade explodes in a
the foam with an attack. single flat plane, rather than a sphere. This does
The foam hardens in one round and becomes slashing damage rather than bludgeoning damage and
harmless to touch. It does however block the square, greatly magnifies the explosive's force. Roll a d20 to
making it impossible to move through. attack each target in the burst radius. If you roll a
natural 20, the target has been decapitated, as per a
Vorpal weapon. There may be some targets like
Stun Grenade robots, zombies or amorphous beings who suffer no
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of particular adverse effects from having their heads
hand” roll) removed.
Cost: 500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
military use) Metal-Eating Grenade
Required Proficiency: Simple Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use hand” roll)
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Cost: 500 Units
launched from a weapon Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- military use)
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Required Proficiency: Simple
but you can launch as many of them as you have Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
attacks Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Damage: 5d6 Nonlethal (10 foot radius) No saving launched from a weapon
throw is permitted. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Weight: 1 pound Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,

but you can launch as many of them as you have Hemorrhage Gas Grenade
attacks Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Damage: Splash-effect weapon, does 2d6 damage per hand” roll)
round for 2-8 rounds (2d4) to the target and 1 pt per Cost: 500 Units
round to anything in a 10 ft radius for 2-7 rounds Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
(1d6+1). Ignores up to 5 points of Hardness or military use)
Damage Resistance. Only affects targets made of Required Proficiency: Simple
metal. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weight: 1 pound Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most launched from a weapon
weapons) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 2 Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Hit Points: 2 but you can launch as many of them as you have
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks
Roll: 14 Damage: Special, see description
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Weight: 1 pound
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of grenade in 1 Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
round) weapons)
Description: This grenade is packed with a metal- Hardness: 2
eating virus. It is a splash weapon, and does more Hit Points: 2
damage to the main target than to anyone else in the DC required to break this item with a Strength
blast radius. It is largely used against robots, although Roll: 14
anything made of any type of metal will suffer the Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 230
same effects. Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of the hemotoxin
on 1 victim in 1-2 rounds)
Description: A grenade filled with a powerful air-
Brain-Scrambler Grenade borne hemotoxin, which makes the target bleed from
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of every orifice and pore. Any living target in a 10 foot
hand” roll) radius will take 2d6 damage per round for 1d6 rounds.
Cost: 550 Units While taking damage they will make all rolls at a -2
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to penalty, because of the agonizing discomfort and fear
military use) this weapon produces. A Fortitude Saving Throw vs.
Required Proficiency: Simple DC 25 will reduce the damage to 1d6 per round. A
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use gas mask will give the wearer a +2 to their Fortitude
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Saving Throw, but has no other effect. A completely
launched from a weapon sealed environment suit negates the attack. The
“To Hit” Bonus: -- effects of this weapon are gruesome in the extreme
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, and any troops who see hemorrhage gas used on their
but you can launch as many of them as you have comrades must make an immediate Morale Check at a
attacks -2 penalty.
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Plastic-Eating Grenade
weapons) Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Hardness: 2 hand” roll)
Hit Points: 2 Cost: 500 Units
DC required to break this item with a Strength Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Roll: 14 military use)
Description: This grenade is loaded with a microwave Required Proficiency: Simple
pulse-emitter which disrupts the higher mental Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
functions of organic life. It affects everyone in a five- Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
foot radius. If anyone in its range fails a Fortitude launched from a weapon
Saving Throw vs. DC 20, they lose 3d6 Intelligence. “To Hit” Bonus: --
A character with animal-like intelligence (3 or lower) Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
can still recognize their friends and will still follow but you can launch as many of them as you have
them around to keep from feeling anxious and alone. attacks
They cannot speak or use tools in this condition. The Damage: Splash-effect weapon, does 2d6 damage per
effects of the Brain-Scrambler Grenade are permanent. round for 2-8 rounds (2d4) to the target and 1 pt per
Only sophisticated medical treatment will help round to anything in a 10 ft radius for 2-7 rounds
afflicted characters. (1d6+1). Only affects targets made of plastic.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most

weapons) of hand” roll)
Hardness: 2 Cost: 675 Units
Hit Points: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually restricted to
DC required to break this item with a Strength military use)
Roll: 14 Required Proficiency: Simple
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 120 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of grenade on 1 Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
target in 1-3 rounds) launched from a weapon
Description: A metal canister which bursts apart on “To Hit” Bonus: --
impact, releasing a plastic-eating virus. This isn't Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
really a splash weapon. The virus is distributed pretty but you can launch as many of them as you have
evenly over the five-foot radius of effect and does the attacks
same number of dice worth of damage to everything in Damage: 4d6 Piercing damage to anything in a 20
that area. If a larger object made of plastic extends foot radius
partway into the grenade’s radius of effect, it Weight: 1 pound
continues to take damage even after that section has Armor Class: 13
been eaten away, as the disease spreads through the Hardness: 2
rest of it.. Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Discombobulator Grenade Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
hand” roll) that something is interfering with the signal)
Cost: 500 Units Description: A small sonic module which emits a
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to trilling hum at exactly the right frequency to soothe
military use) and fascinate human beings. When it activates,
Required Proficiency: Simple everyone within a 20 foot radius must make a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or stand
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if fascinated, smiling happily as the device trills.
launched from a weapon Anyone under its spell will feel a compulsion to get
“To Hit” Bonus: -- closer to it, so after it has become activated, a tightly
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, packed crowd of people usually gathers around it.
but you can launch as many of them as you have After 2-10 rounds (the user sets the timer before
attacks arming the weapon), it explodes, showering all of its
Damage: 6d6 Slashing, five foot radius. A Reflexes happy new friends with shrapnel. Anyone within a 20
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will halve the damage, but foot radius who still has their wits about them can
will not protect the target from the weapon’s special make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to take half
effect (see below). damage (at the DM's discretion they may get a bonus
Weight: 1 pound if enough people are packed in around the device to
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most soak up most of the shrapnel). Everyone else takes
weapons) 4d6 piercing damage.
Hardness: 2 The hush-my-darling doesn't work underwater or in
Hit Points: 2 a vacuum and of course it has no effect on robots. At
DC required to break this item with a Strength the DM's discretion it may or may not affect aliens. It
Roll: 15 is common for whoever uses a Hush-My-Darling to
Special: Although this is an area effect weapon, the put it inside a stuffed toy, as a joke.
DM should make individual “To Hit” rolls for every
potential target in the blast radius. These rolls have no
effect unless a critical hit is rolled. On a critical hit, Improvised Fragmentation Grenade
this weapon has cut the target into sections, killing Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
them instantly. At the DM's discretion there may be a hand” roll)
few entities who can recover from injuries like this Cost: 15 Units worth of materials to make Units
(for example creatures that are made of totally Tentative Purchase DC: 4
undifferentiated tissue). Required Proficiency: Simple
Description: A grenade packed with coils of ultra- Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
sharp monofilament wire. No more than a single Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
molecule thick, it does grievous damage to flesh and launched from some kind of weapon
bone when it's flung at high speed. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: Can only be used once
Rate of Fire: --
Hush-My-Darling Damage: 2d6 Piercing to everything in a 5 foot radius
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Weight: 1 pound

Armor Class: 9 military use)
Hardness: 1 Required Proficiency: Simple
Hit Points: 1 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
DC required to break this item with a Strength Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Roll: 10 launched from a weapon
Accessories: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: One step above a Molotov cocktail, this Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
improvised grenade can be made from 20 Units worth but you can launch as many of them as you have
of material (it's the DM's call as to exactly what attacks
materials will work-gas and liquid fuel canisters are Damage: Variable, does 1-8 d8 Radiation damage in a
among the usual suspects) and a Repair Roll vs. DC 5-20 foot radius. Most obstacles do not block its radius
15. Packed full of nails, gravel and other fragments, it of effect.
will make a very satisfying explosion on impact. Weight: 1 pound
Unfortunately, it is also prone to going off in your Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
hand. If this device loses all its Hit Points, it explodes, weapons)
doing its full amount of damage to everything in a 5 Hardness: 2
foot radius, whether or not you happen to be holding it Hit Points: 2
at the time. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Special: Damages only living tissue or complex
Variable-Intensity Concussion Grenade electronics. Area of effect can only be blocked by
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of lead shielding.
hand” roll) Description: Just how dead do you want to kill them?
Cost: 650 Units This handy item emits a silent but deadly pulse of hard
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to radiation. You set the radius, you set the intensity.
military use) Walls don't stop it, doors don't stop it, floors don't stop
Required Proficiency: Simple it. In fact, nothing short of an inch of lead shielding
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use stops it. It's not a reusable item, you won't find
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if yourself hunting all over the battlefield for a grenade
launched from a weapon that's rolled under something--just fire and forget
“To Hit” Bonus: -- about it. How's that for convenience?
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
but you can launch as many of them as you have
attacks Variable-Intensity Anti-Robot Grenade
Damage: Variable. Can be set to do 1-4d6 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Bludgeoning, in a 5-20 foot radius hand” roll)
Weight: 1 pound Cost: 600 Units
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to
weapons) military use)
Hardness: 2 Required Proficiency: Simple
Hit Points: 2 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
DC required to break this item with a Strength Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Roll: 15 launched from a weapon
Description: Troops often call this one the dial-a- “To Hit” Bonus: --
grenade. It can be set to do varying amounts of Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
damage in a varying radius of effect. Two small dials but you can launch as many of them as you have
on top of the hand-grenade version control the range attacks
and intensity. If these weapons are standard issue for Damage: Variable. Can be set to do 1-2d4 electrical
grenade launchers, then the mechanism for setting the damage to anything in a 10 foot radius. Can also be
grenade's intensity is usually found on the weapon set to do an additional 1-5d8 to robots and other
itself. Information on the grenade's current setting can sentient machines.
generally be seen in a pop-up display on the weapon's Weight: 1 pound
scope. Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hardness: 2
Variable-Intensity Radiation Pulse Hit Points: 2
Grenade DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Description: This grenade fires an electromagnetic
hand” roll)
pulse device designed specifically to disrupt a robot's
Cost: 625 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to brain. A highly sophisticated weapon, it can be set to
damage one or more targets within the blast radius but

leave others unharmed. Adjusting its settings takes a which burns itself out after a single use. It does only
Standard Action. half damage to inanimate objects and robots, but has a
devastating effect on anything made of flesh.

Anti-Etheric Blast Grenade

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Selective Effect Grenade
hand” roll) Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Cost: 785 Units hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to Cost: 750 Units
military use) Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually restricted to
Required Proficiency: Simple military use)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Required Proficiency: Simple
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
launched from a weapon Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
“To Hit” Bonus: -- launched from a weapon
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, “To Hit” Bonus: --
but you can launch as many of them as you have Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
attacks but you can launch as many of them as you have
Damage: 3d6+3 Weird Energy to everything in a 20 attacks
foot radius. Only affects ethereal targets. Damage: Variable, does 1-6d6 Bludgeoning damage
Weight: 1 pound in a 5-20 foot radius. The weapon’s user sets the size
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most and strength of the explosion before throwing the
weapons) grenade (this takes effectively no time). See
Hardness: 2 description for more details.
Hit Points: 2 Weight: 1 pound
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Roll: 15 weapons)
Description: Civilizations plagued by Hardness: 2
extradimensional invaders sometimes develop Hit Points: 2
weapons that can attack ethereal opponents. This DC required to break this item with a Strength
device emits a pulse of destructive energy on the Roll: 15
Ethereal plane. It has a fairly good range and does a Description: This super-advanced grenade explodes
lot of damage, but only affects ethereal objects. in a flash of radiant energy. The explosion is partly on
this plane and partly on the Ethereal, and can be partly
shifted from one to another with great subtlety. In
Disruptor Grenade practical terms this means that not only can the
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of grenade harm ethereal targets, but it can be set to do
hand” roll) damage to some things in its radius of effect and not
Cost: 625 Units others. In game terms this means that when the player
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to launches or throws the grenade, they announce which
military use) objects in its radius of attack they intend to do damage
Required Proficiency: Simple to, and how many dice of damage they intend to do to
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use each. Everything else is completely unharmed. This
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if device won't ripple the skin on a custard unless you
launched from a weapon tell it to.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
but you can launch as many of them as you have Plasma Grenade
attacks Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Damage: 8d4 Weird Energy to every living thing in a hand” roll)
fifteen-foot radius, 4d4 to robots or inanimate objects. Cost: 800 Units
A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will allow any Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually restricted to
target to take half damage. military use)
Weight: 1 pound Required Proficiency: Simple
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
weapons) Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Hardness: 2 launched from a weapon
Hit Points: 2 “To Hit” Bonus: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Roll: 15 but you can launch as many of them as you have
Special: Does half damage to non-living objects. attacks
Description: A small one-shot disrupter module Damage: 8d6 Heat in a 10 foot radius, a 20 foot

semicircle or a 30 foot cone. A Reflexes Saving launched from a weapon
Throw vs. DC 20 will halve the damage. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Weight: 1 pound Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most but you can launch as many of them as you have
weapons) attacks
Hardness: 2 Damage: 6d10+3 Heat to everything in a 35 foot
Hit Points: 2 radius. Ignores up to 20 points of Hardness or Damage
DC required to break this item with a Strength Resistance A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 23
Roll: 15 halves the damage.
Description: A very advanced, very destructive Weight: 1 pound
weapon, it unleashes an omnidirectional burst of high- Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
energy plasma. It's a little like having a small piece of weapons)
a star burst out of the grenade and engulf the target. Hardness: 3
The grenade can be set to unleash its lethal load in a Hit Points: 4
10 foot radius, a 20 foot semicircle or a 30 foot cone. DC required to break this item with a Strength
If it misses the target square and is using the Roll: 15
semicircle or cone-shaped attack, roll a d10 to Description: A miniature fusion weapon. This is
determine which way the grenade is facing when it about the most powerful infantry weapon ever built.
goes off (1 means “up” and 10 means “down”, 2-9 are Its one fatal flaw on the battlefield is its huge burst
the eight squares adjacent to the target square). radius, which barely gives you time to get out of the

Antimatter Grenade
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Psi-Scream Grenade
hand” roll) Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Cost: 1,200 Units hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to Cost: 700 Units
military use) Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Simple Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
launched from a weapon launched from a weapon
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
but you can launch as many of them as you have but you can launch as many of them as you have
attacks attacks
Damage: 6d10 Weird Energy to everything in a 30 Damage: 4d8 Nonlethal damage to any living thing
foot radius. No Saving Throw is permitted. with a nervous system in a 10 foot radius. A
Weight: 1 pound Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 18 reduces the
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most damage by half.
weapons) Weight: 1 pound
Hardness: 2 Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hit Points: 2 weapons)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 2
Roll: 15 Hit Points: 1
Description: A few brave souls will actually try to DC required to break this item with a Strength
hurl handheld antimatter grenades at a target, but for Roll: 15
the most part this is a grenade-launcher weapon. It's Description: The product of some strange psionic
huge blast radius makes it difficult for most creatures technology, this grenade looks like a weird, half-
to throw the handheld version safely, although you do melted crystal with a strip of pulsing brain-matter at
see them used as suicide bombs and in booby-traps. its core. There are no buttons or switches or pins. It
senses when you want to arm it. Despite its strange
shape and odd feel it still manages to be perfectly
Fusion Grenade balanced for throwing. It's even the right weight.
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Once it hits the target, it somehow gives off a terrible
hand” roll) psychic shriek, doing nonlethal damage to anyone in
Cost: 1,100 Units the vicinity. This grenade comes only in a hand-
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to thrown variety. It's won't fit in a grenade launcher
military use)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Life-Drain Grenade
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of

hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to
Cost: 750 Units military use)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) Required Proficiency: Simple
Required Proficiency: Simple Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, possibly more if launched from a weapon
launched from a weapon “To Hit” Bonus: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, but you can launch as many of them as you have
but you can launch as many of them as you have attacks
attacks Damage: 7d10 Weird Energy in a twenty-foot radius.
Damage: Every living thing in a 5 foot radius gains Only does damage to living tissue.
2d3 negative levels. Only affects living targets. Weight: 1 pound
Weight: 1 pound Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most weapons)
weapons) Hardness: 2
Hardness: 1 Hit Points: 2
Hit Points: 5 DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: 15
Roll: 15 Special: Any living creature reduced to zero Hit
Description: Another bizarre crystalline psi-weapon, Points by this weapon is completely annihilated,
this one looks like an asymmetrical lump of black beyond the reach of most attempts to revive them.
obsidian, or perhaps a chunk of glass, filled with some Description: A product of some very advanced
strange, shifting black liquid. It actually sucks the civilization, it explodes in a noisy burst of purple
life-force out of anyone caught in its radius of attack. energy, and annihilates any living flesh in its vicinity,
This destroys the grenade, which vanishes in a puff of leaving no trace of anything it destroys. Only living
black light and with a sound unnervingly like some tissue takes damage. It will evaporate a man, but
deep inhuman laughter. leave the cigarette in his mouth unbroken, his hair and
the tips of his fingernails lying on the ground. How it
does this remains unclear--it's some kind of wonder-
Biotic Eraser Grenade science thing involving “harmonic emanations”.
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Whatever this weapon actually is, it makes for just
hand” roll) about the ultimate anti-personnel weapon.
Cost: 650 Units

Heavy Ordinance
We've already shown you plenty of things that go bang, now for variety's sake let's look at some things that go boom.
This is where we keep the big stuff--missiles, cannons, and even tastier things. Note that these are all futuristic
projectile weapons. No heavy energy weapons are listed here. Instead laser cannons are listed with lasers, antimatter
cannons are listed with antimatter guns and so forth.

Projectile weapons produce a much wider range of heavy ordinance than energy guns (perhaps because science fiction
authors who are heavily into the hardware of combat tend to be more interested in present day weapons and their future
evolution). They therefore require a whole section of their own.

Quite a few of the bigger guns listed here are meant to mounted on vehicles. This is of course a book of weapons, not a
book of vehicles, so I have left the vehicles they go with deliberately vague. Fit them onto the vehicle of your choice.
They should work well with most of the published vehicle design systems out there.

Auto-Cannon Tentative Purchase DC: 29 (usually restricted to

Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) military use)
Cost: 25,000 Units Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged

Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount It takes only two rounds to completely reload this
Range Increment: 500 feet weapon. The gunner's assistant just drops more blocks
“To Hit” Bonus: -- of ammunition in the ammo hopper and checks to
Magazine: 100 make sure they're properly aligned.
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 9d6 Piercing (20 x3)
Weight: 500 pounds Howitzer
Armor Class: 0 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Hardness: 10 Cost: 10,000 Units
Hit Points: 60 Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (usually restricted to
DC required to break this item with a Strength military use)
Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the Handed: Requires Fixed hands to use
DM) Range Increment: 1,000 feet
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can “To Hit” Bonus: --
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has Magazine: 200
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, Rate of Fire: Once per round
every target within the affected area must make a Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning to anything in a 5 foot
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. radius of the spot where the shell lands
Autofire uses up 10 rounds, and can only be used if Weight: 1 ton
the weapon still has 10 rounds left in it. Armor Class: 0
Accessories: Shells (Weigh 2 pounds and cost 20 Hardness: 10
Units, each) Hit Points: 50
Description: A generic template for a .30mm auto- DC required to break this item with a Strength
cannon, of the type used by fighter aircraft. You also Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
sometimes find these huge multibarrel weapons on the “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
battlefield in a support roll. It is in effect a giant DM)
machine gun which fires massive exploding bullets. Accessories: Shells (Weigh 5 pounds and cost 20
Getting hit by one is just about certain death for any Units each)
human being. Description: A generic template for a field-gun. This
Instead of an ammunition belt, its rounds come in model can't move under its own power and is usually
large caseless blocks. Each shell is surrounded by a towed into battle by a support vehicle. It requires a
casing of solid propellant, which is completely two-man crew and can only fire once every other
consumed when the shell is launched. It produces no round, due to the time required to adjust the firing
spent shell-casings and can hold considerably more angle and load another shell.
rounds than present-day models.

A 16th century weapon than continues to give good service through at least the early 21st. Mortars are small upright
cannons, based on the very oldest and simplest artillery design. You drop a specially designed shell into the muzzle, its
first charge sends it up into the air at a steep trajectory, it falls back down on top of something and the second charge

Cheap to build, quick to set up and extremely simple to use, these are superb weapons for jungle and urban settings.
They are in many respects far superior to the heavy energy weapons that eventually replace them. Most energy
weapons fire only in a straight line, but a mortar can send a shell straight over an obstruction, to hit a target that the
operator can’t even see.

“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 6d6 Bludgeoning, 10 foot radius
Weight: 5 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 3
Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16
Special: Grenade-like weapon. Affects everything in
a 10 foot radius of wherever the shell lands. Anyone
caught within that range must make a Reflexes Saving
Throw vs. DC 20. If they succeed, they take half
Accessories: Mortar Shell (3 lbs., costs 200 units)
Description: A disposable mortar, light and simple
enough for anyone to use without any special training.
The instructions are printed on the side in pictograms,
in case the user is illiterate. The mortar comes with a
round already built it. You set it up (this takes a
round) put the target in the cross-hairs on its tiny
Advanced Materials Mortar liquid crystal screen, and fire. You can set it to go off
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) immediately, or to wait for up to three rounds (giving
Cost: 800 Units you time to hurry away and look innocent).
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually restricted to It won't target anything within fifty feet, as the
military use) designers have found that this has a way of getting
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged inexperienced users killed.
(Also works with any other Mortar) Once the mortar has fired it melts into an
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use unremarkable greasy brown stain. These marks are
Range Increment: 500 feet hard for chemical sensors to pick up, but experienced
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty to hit anything within 50 soldiers can recognize them by sight. They are known
feet. colloquially as "Belfast widows' teardrops," for
Rate of Fire: Once per round reasons about which it is probably better not to
Damage: 6d6 Bludgeoning, 10 foot radius speculate.
Weight: 10 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 10 Smart Mortar
Hit Points: 5 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 3,000 Units
Roll: 20 Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (usually restricted to
Special: Affects everything in a 10 foot radius of military use)
wherever the shell lands. Anyone caught within that Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
range must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20. (Also works with any other Mortar)
If they succeed, they take half damage. Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Accessories: Mortar Shell (3 lbs., costs 200 units) Range Increment: 500 feet
Description: A lightweight one-man collapsible “To Hit” Bonus: +4 (if firing itself—see description)
mortar, made from synthetic materials far lighter and Rate of Fire: Once per round
more durable than anything available today. A single Damage: 6d6, 10 foot radius
infantryman can easily carry this mortar, set it up, fire Weight: 20 pounds
it and change positions before the enemy can get a Armor Class: 5
clear fix on their position. It takes only a single round Hardness: 10
to set up or take down. Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 18
Disposable Mortar Special: Grenade-like weapon. Affects everything in
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) a 10 foot radius of wherever the shell lands. Anyone
Cost: 50 Units caught within that range must make a Reflexes Saving
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (usually restricted to Throw vs. DC 20. If they succeed, they take half
military use) damage.
Required Proficiency: Simple Accessories: Mortar Shell (3 lbs., costs 200 units),
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Spare Radio Identification Tag (1/20 pound, costs 300
Range Increment: 450 feet units)

Description: A self-actuated semi-intelligent mortar. attaches to one side. It holds up to fifteen shells. It
Light enough for one man to carry, it comes with a takes a round to set the mortar up and another to
built-in targeting computer which is actually switch it fully over to automatic mode and set up its
sophisticated enough to acquire targets and fire on ammo hopper. If you skip the hopper and leave it with
them by itself. You can use either your ranged attack just one round in the tube, it takes only a Standard
bonus or the weapon's own. Action to load.
The weapon can be set to fire automatically on any Like all mortars, it isn't very good at hitting nearby
moving object within two hundred feet that doesn't targets. It suffers a -4 penalty to hit anything within
give off the correct radio signal. It comes with a small fifty feet. As an artificial intelligence, it is immune to
radio dog tag that identifies its operator as friendly. fear, sleep, illusions, emotion control and any other
Presumably any army which uses smart-mortars has a sort of mental attack.
plentiful supply of identification tags for its own men, This is a very durable weapon. Sometimes they
but you never know. Sometimes these things are less can lie in the underbrush, primed and ready, for
well organized than they ought to be. decades after the war is over.
If the mortar has been set to automatic mode, the
operator clips on a hopper of spare rounds which

Rocket Launchers and Missiles

other versions are available as well. Anyone standing
behind the rocket launcher (within five feet) when it
goes off is scorched by the exhaust for 2d6 heat
damage. If they make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
DC 15, they take half damage.

Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launcher

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launcher,
hand” roll) Three-Pack
Cost: 2,200 Units Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Tentative Purchase DC: 21 (usually restricted to Cost: 3,300 Units
military use) Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (usually restricted to
Required Proficiency: Simple military use)
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
Range Increment: 150 feet works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Rate of Fire: Once per round Range Increment: 150 feet
Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning “To Hit” Bonus: --
Weight: 5 pounds Magazine: 3
Armor Class: 7 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Hardness: 1 Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning
Hit Points: 2 Weight: 20 pounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 5
Roll: 14 Hardness: 5
Special: This weapon affects a 10 foot radius around Hit Points: 3
the point of impact. Anyone caught in that radius can DC required to break this item with a Strength
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half Roll: 18
damage. Ignores up to 10 points of the specific target’s Special: This weapon affects a 10 foot radius around
Hardness or Damage Resistance. This does not apply the point of impact. Anyone caught in that radius can
to the other objects caught in the burst-radius—just the make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
target of the attack. damage. Ignores up to 10 points of the target’s
Accessories: Computerized Targeting System Module Hardness or Damage Resistance. This does not apply
(Weighs 1/2 pound, Costs 500 units, reduces range to the other objects caught in the burst-radius—just the
increment by 1) target itself.
Description: A one-shot disposable missile launcher. Accessories: Computerized Targeting System Module
It comes with its own rocket and looks like a green (Weighs 1/2 pound, Costs 500 units, reduces range
plastic tube. Operating it is extremely simple and increment by 1)
requires no particular weapon proficiency. You fold Description: A shoulder-mounted reusable missile
the tube out to its full length (this counts as a Move launcher. It is much shorter than the "bazooka"
Action), point it, and shoot. Then throw the tube away. weapons of the mid 20th century and can be hidden in
This one has been loaded with an anti-tank rocket, but a suitcase. It is not a good idea to stand directly

behind this weapon when it is fired. Anyone standing Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
behind the rocket launcher (within ten feet) is Range Increment: 150 feet
scorched by the exhaust for 2d6 damage. If they make “To Hit” Bonus: --
a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25, they take half Magazine: 12
damage. The stats listed here assume that the launcher Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
has been loaded with anti-tank rockets but of course attacks
you can load it with whatever missiles the DM makes Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning
available. Weight: 65 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 5
Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launcher, Hit Points: 5
Five-Pack DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 5,500 Units Special: Each missile affects a 10 foot radius around
Tentative Purchase DC: 24 (usually restricted to the point of impact. Anyone caught in the radius can
military use) make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also damage. The attack ignores up to 10 points of the
works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher) target’s Hardness or Damage Resistance. This last
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use effect does not apply to other objects caught within
Range Increment: 150 feet the burst radius.
Accessories: Computerized Targeting System Module
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 5 (Weighs 1/2 pound, Costs 500 units, reduces range
Rate of Fire: Once per round increment by 1)
Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning Description: A twelve-shot man-portable rocket-
Weight: 30 pounds launcher. It resembles a big plastic box, which you
Armor Class: 5 balance on one shoulder. Targets are selected through
Hardness: 5 the electronic eyepiece and marked with an infrared
Hit Points: 3 signature which the missile is then assigned to track.
Anyone standing within ten feet of the launcher’s rear
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 18 end while it is fired takes 2d6 damage from the
Special: Affects a 10 foot radius around the point of scorching exhaust (if they can make a Reflexes Saving
impact. Anyone caught in the radius can make a Throw vs. DC 25, they take half damage). The SK is
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half a disposable weapon, and can't be reloaded once it has
damage. Ignores 10 points of Hardness or Damage been used. It is also, as you may have noticed,
Resistance. This last effect only applies to the target insanely powerful and likely to send your campaign
struck, not to other objects within the burst radius. teetering off course if it falls into the hands of player
characters (although having twelve hostile tanks
Accessories: Computerized Targeting System Module
suddenly show up can put a swift end to the problem).
(Weighs 1/2 pound, Costs 500 units, reduces range
increment by 1)
Description: A large portable rocket launcher, which
resembles a tall, narrow plastic box with the blunt Anti-Tank Rocket
ends of five missiles sticking out of the front. Don't Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
stand within ten feet of the launcher's rear end when hand” roll)
it's fired, or you'll take 2d6 flame damage from the Cost: 1,000 Units
missile's exhaust (if you make a Reflexes Saving Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
Throw vs. DC 25, you take half damage). The stats military use)
listed here assume that the launcher has been loaded Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
with anti-tank rockets, but of course it can be loaded works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher)
with whatever missiles the DM makes available. If Handed: N/A
there are multiple types of missiles in the launcher Range Increment: 150 feet
they can be set off in any order. “To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. armor only
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning
SK 12 Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Weight: 5 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Launcher Hardness: 5
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Hit Points: 6
Cost: 10,000 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (usually restricted to Roll: 19
military use) Special: Affects a 10 foot radius around the point of
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also impact. Anyone caught in the radius can make a
works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher) Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half

damage. Ignores up to 10 points of Hardness or fine, lethal mist over the area. For the next 4d10
Damage Resistance. This only applies to the actual rounds anything entering its area of effect must make
target of the attack, not to other objects within the a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or die. A
burst radius. moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the gas in 4
Description: An armor-piercing anti-tank rocket. rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses it in 1
Suitable for launch from any of the rocket-launchers round. At the DM's discretion, there may be little
listed here. This is the basic model, the kind you might patches that are still toxic to the touch here and there
see inside a disposable LAW. for days. Or who knows, perhaps decades.

Anti-Personnel Rocket Metal-Eating Virus Warhead

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “Sleight of Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 1,000 Units Cost: 2,000 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
military use) military use)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher) works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher)
Handed: N/A Handed: N/A
Range Increment: 150 feet Range Increment: 90 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 10d6 Piercing Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 5 pounds Weight: 5 pounds
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5 Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 6 Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 19 Roll: 19 (50% chance of splattering the contents all
Special: Affects a 20 foot radius around the point of over yourself when it breaks)
impact. Anyone caught in the radius can make a Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half Units, holds 3 doses, negates effect of virus in 1-3
damage. rounds)
Description: A rocket designed specifically for use Description: A slow-moving rocket loaded with a
against massed troop formations, its warhead is loaded metal-eating virus. Rather than impacting the target, it
with metallic shrapnel. detonates over it in an airburst, spraying its load across
a fifteen foot radius. Anything made of metal within
that radius takes 2d6 damage per round until it either
Chemical Warhead Rocket receives a dose of the antidote or crumbles away
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “Sleight of entirely. Things made of "living metal" (whatever that
Hand” roll) means) are entitled to a Fortitude Saving Throw vs.
Cost: 1,500 Units DC 15 every round. When they succeed at the roll,
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (usually restricted to the infection has been beaten and the damage stops.
military use)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher) Flesh-Eating Virus Warhead
Handed: N/A Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Range Increment: 90 feet hand” roll)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Cost: 2,000 Units
Rate of Fire: Once per round Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually illegal)
Damage: Special, see description Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
Weight: 5 pounds works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher)
Armor Class: 9 Handed: N/A
Hardness: 5 Range Increment: 90 feet
Hit Points: 5 “To Hit” Bonus: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: Once per round
Roll: 19 (50% chance of splattering the contents all Damage: Special, see description
over yourself when it breaks) Weight: 5 pounds
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Armor Class: 9
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of gas in 1 round) Hardness: 5
Description: A rocket loaded with deadly nerve-gas, Hit Points: 5
it detonates over the target in an airburst, speading a DC required to break this item with a Strength

Roll: 19 (50% chance of splattering the contents all when it went off will feel the disease's effects.
over yourself when it breaks)
Special: Affects a 10 foot radius around the point of
impact. Anyone caught in the radius can make a Shaped-Charge Concussion Warhead
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25 to avoid taking Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
damage. Anyone who fails the roll will take 2d6 hand” roll)
damage per round until they either die or make a Cost: 1,500 Units
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 27 (roll once per Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (usually restricted to
round). There may also be advanced medical military use)
techniques that can save the victim. Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher)
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of virus in 1-3 Handed: N/A
rounds) Range Increment: 150 feet
Description: Unpopular with war-crimes tribunals, “To Hit” Bonus: --
this low-velocity missile blankets the area with a Rate of Fire: Once per round
flesh-eating virus that can turn an adult human being Damage: 9d6 Bludgeoning
into meaty jam in just a few minutes. The virus isn't Weight: 5 pounds
contagious once the first few victims have been Armor Class: 9
infected--it uses a chemical agent to get through their Hardness: 5
skin. Hit Points: 6
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 19
Plague Warhead Rocket Special: Affects a 20 foot radius semicircle in front of
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “Sleight of the point of impact. Anyone caught in its area of
Hand” roll) attack can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
Cost: 2,000 Units to take half damage. Anyone, that is, except the target
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually illegal) (if they have been hit).
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also Description: A missile with a special shaped-charge
works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher) warhead, which only detonates in one direction, doing
Handed: N/A damage not in a circular radius, but in a semicircle
Range Increment: 90 feet ahead of the weapon.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description Incendiary Missile
Weight: 5 pounds Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Armor Class: 9 hand” roll)
Hardness: 5 Cost: 1,000 Units
Hit Points: 5 Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
DC required to break this item with a Strength military use)
Roll: 19 (50% chance of splattering the contents all Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
over yourself when it breaks) works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher)
Special: Affects a 20 foot radius around the point of Handed: N/A
impact. Anyone caught in the radius must make a Range Increment: 150 feet
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to avoid being “To Hit” Bonus: --
infected with a virulent disease. Anyone who fails the Rate of Fire: Once per round
roll will lose 1 point of Constitution per day until they Damage: Grenade-like weapon. Does 5d6 flame
either die or make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC damage to the target and 1d6 flame damage to
20 (roll once per day), are cured by advanced medical anything in a ten-foot radius. Anyone caught in the
science, or reach 0 Constitution and die. blast radius can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 200 DC 20 to take half damage.
Units, holds 2 doses, cures disease and negates effect Weight: 5 pounds
in 1 round) Armor Class: 9
Description: This low-velocity rocket detonates over Hardness: 5
the target rather than impcating on it. The explosion Hit Points: 6
itself doesn't do much damage, but the payload is DC required to break this item with a Strength
something else again. It spreads a fine mist laden with Roll: 19
a deadly virus over the target area, and is sure to Description: A missile with an incendiary warhead.
attract the unwelcome attention of international law- The thermite carries its own oxygen supply and will
enforcement (if it's the kind of campaign world where work perfectly well in space or underwater. It can't be
such a thing exists). The virus doesn't live long extinguished by any means that relies on taking
outside its host and is not contagious. Only those oxygen away from the flame. Water, Carbon dioxide,
lucky few who were standing underneath the missile sand and rolling on the ground are all equally useless.

Target-Lock Smart Missile
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “Sleight of
Heatseeker Missile Hand” roll)
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Cost: 2,000 Units
hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
Cost: 1,500 Units military use)
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (usually restricted to Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
military use) works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also Handed: N/A
works with any other Missile or Rocket Launcher) Range Increment: 150 feet
Handed: N/A “To Hit” Bonus: +4
Range Increment: Maximum range of 3,000 feet Rate of Fire: Once per round
(does not roll to hit and so does not actually have a Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2) to the target, 5d6
Range Increment as such) Bludgeoning to anything in a 5 foot radius of the
“To Hit” Bonus: Special, see description target. Anyone caught in the blast radius can make a
Rate of Fire: Once per round Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to take half
Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2) to the target, 5d6 damage.
Bludgeoning to anything in a 5 foot radius of the Weight: 5 pounds
target. Armor Class: 9
Weight: 5 pounds Hardness: 5
Armor Class: 9 Hit Points: 6
Hardness: 5 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 6 Roll: 19
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: This missile is equipped with a complex
Roll: 19 guidance system which ensures that it always hits the
Description: This missile travels out to a distance of target. It only misses if you roll a 1 (which means that
one hundred feet from the launcher, and then homes in the missile was either defective or fired improperly).
on the nearest warm target. It hits automatically, Cover offers no protection against the missile.
although anyone caught in its blast radius is entitled to Evasive action and jumping behind walls are equally
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half useless. It can go around corners or double back over
damage. It will home in on enemy vehicles, enemy its tracks to hit the target. However, you must actually
personnel, friendly vehicles, friendly personnel, cows see the target when you launch the missile. You
grazing in a field or the person who fired it-- cannot simply instruct it to "go behind that house and
whichever happens to be closest. This makes it a hit anything that moves on the other side.” It must
superb weapon for some situations and a terrible have a specific target acquired before it will launch.
weapon for others. Use judiciously.

Explosives of Tomorrow
More things that go "boom"! For who could ever have enough? The future of explosives is a bright and happy one. If
the past five hundred years are any indication, humanity will have an ever-growing need to blast things into tiny little
bits--a need which science will be happy to fulfill. So as the future unfolds, we will see larger and larger things blown
into smaller and smaller bits (a prospect which has many of us wild with eager anticipation). The list of futuristic
explosives given below is organized in the order in which they are likely to appear, with more powerful versions
coming later as chemical engineering makes bold new strides. It should be remembered, however, that Explosive X is
a product of Mad Science, and can turn up unexpectedly at any point.

C12 military use)

Size: Each individual block is Small (No bonus or Required Proficiency: Simple
penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put Handed: N/A
three of them together and they become Medium (-4 Range Increment: --
penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put “To Hit” Bonus: --
nine of them together and they become Large (-8 Rate of Fire: Once per round
penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Damage: 5d6 Bludgeoning, 15 foot radius. Anyone
Cost: 300 Units per pound caught in the Area of Effect can make a Reflexes
Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to take half damage.

Weight: 1 pound that something is interfering with the signal), Blasting
Armor Class: 9 Caps (1/20 pound, costs 3 units, does 1d4 damage if
Hardness: 0 set off by accident)
Hit Points: 1 Description: A still more powerful and advanced
DC required to break this item with a Strength military-grade explosive. Like C12 it is available to
Roll: 12 to disable with a Demolitions Skill Roll civilians only on the underground market. It's wide
Special: The damage listed here represents a 1-pound blast radius will help the DM keep the players from
block. Additional blocks can be wired together, constantly making bombs out of the stuff and throwing
increasing the damage and burst radius; each it all over the place.
additional block increases the damage by +2d6 and the
burst radius by 3 feet. It requires a Demolitions skill
check (DC 15) to link them. Dexxaxx
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Size: Each individual block is Small (No bonus or
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put
that something is interfering with the signal), Blasting three of them together and they become Medium (-4
Caps (1/20 pound, costs 3 units, does 1d4 damage if penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put
set off by accident) nine of them together and they become Large (-8
Description: A powerful military-grade explosive, penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll).
used by Special Operations demolition teams on the Cost: 300 Units per pound
battlefields of tomorrow. Also popular with terrorists Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to
and random maniacs. C-12 is not easy to find. As a military use)
strictly military weapon, access is tightly controlled Required Proficiency: Simple
and for a civilian to get some they'll have to deal with Handed: N/A
a black market source. Unless of course the DM feels Range Increment: --
otherwise. Who knows, this may be the kind of world “To Hit” Bonus: --
where you can find C-12 on the shelf at Seven-Eleven Rate of Fire: Once per round
next to the plague-bombs, missile launchers and Damage: 8d6 Bludgeoning in a 20 foot radius or a 30
Twinkies. foot semicircle or a 50 foot cone. Anyone caught in
the Area of Effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw
vs. DC 20 to take half damage.
C24 Weight: 1 pound
Size: Each individual block is Small (No bonus or Armor Class: 9
penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put Hardness: 0
three of them together and they become Medium (-4 Hit Points: 1
penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put DC required to break this item with a Strength
nine of them together and they become Large (-8 Roll: 12 to disable with a Demolitions Skill Roll
penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
Cost: 300 Units per pound Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to that something is interfering with the signal), Blasting
military use) Caps (1/20 pound, costs 3 units, does 1d4 damage if
Required Proficiency: Simple set off by accident)
Handed: N/A Description: The standard explosive used by some
Range Increment: -- future civilization--it is a rubbery, clay-like substance
“To Hit” Bonus: -- which can easily be formed into all sorts of
Rate of Fire: Once per round complicated shape-charges. With a successful
Damage: 6d6 Bludgeoning, 20 foot radius. Anyone Demolitions skill roll vs. DC 15 it can be shaped so as
caught in the Area of Effect can make a Reflexes to affect a standard burst radius, a semicircle or a
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage. cone. With a roll vs. DC 20 it can be shaped to leave
Weight: 1 pound certain squares within its area of effect untouched.
Armor Class: 9 The damage listed here represents a 1-pound block.
Hardness: 0 Additional blocks can be mashed together, increasing
Hit Points: 1 the damage and burst radius; each additional block
DC required to break this item with a Strength increases the damage by +3d6 and the burst radius (or
Roll: 12 to disable with a Demolitions Skill Roll the length of the cone-effect) by 5 feet. It does not
Special: The damage listed here represents a 1-pound require a skill roll to link them--you just smoosh them
block. Additional blocks can be wired together, together like modeling clay.
increasing the damage and burst radius; each
additional block increases the damage by +3d6 and the
burst radius by 4 feet. It requires a Demolitions skill Triaxx
check (DC 15) to link them. Size: Each individual block is Small (No bonus or
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines three of them together and they become Medium (-4

penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put Hardness: 0
nine of them together and they become Large (-8 Hit Points: 1
penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 300 Units per pound Roll: 12 to disable with a Demolitions Skill Roll
Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
military use) Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
Required Proficiency: Simple that something is interfering with the signal), Blasting
Handed: N/A Caps (1/20 pound, costs 3 units, does 1d4 damage if
Range Increment: -- set off by accident)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: A thermite compound which burns with
Rate of Fire: Once per round incredible heat. It is extremely pliable and can be
Damage: 9d6 Bludgeoning, to either a 25 foot radius, shaped so as to explode in either a circular radius, a
or any combination of five ten-foot squares within a semicircle or a cone. To the touch it feels a lot like
fifty-foot radius. Anyone caught in the Area of Effect bread-dough, although it is heavier. The damage
can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take listed here represents a 1-pound block. Additional
half damage. blocks can be mashed together, increasing the damage
Weight: 1 pound and burst radius; each additional block increases the
Armor Class: 9 damage by +2d6 and the burst radius (or the length of
Hardness: 0 the cone-effect) by 5 feet. It does not require a skill
Hit Points: 1 roll to link them--you just squeeze them together.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12 to disable with a Demolitions Skill Roll
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Hyperthermexx
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines Size: Each individual block is Small (No bonus or
that something is interfering with the signal), Blasting penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put
Caps (1/20 pound, costs 3 units, does 1d4 damage if three of them together and they become Medium (-4
set off by accident) penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). Put
Description: A later, more advanced version of nine of them together and they become Large (-8
Dexxaxx. It is a soft, clay-like substance which is penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll).
actually a better medium for sculpting than modeling Cost: 450 Units per pound
clay. With a skill roll vs. DC 15 (the DM decides Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to
which futuristic skill would be appropriate) you can military use)
mold it to attack whichever squares within its area of Required Proficiency: Simple
effect you would like. You can shape the area Handed: N/A
however you prefer, it doesn't have to be a circle, Range Increment: --
semi-circle or cone--you're only limited as to the “To Hit” Bonus: --
number of squares. You can even craft it to lob a small Rate of Fire: Once per round
chunk of explosive up into the air like a mortar, so that Damage: 6d6 Heat to everything in a 15 foot radius or
it when it lands it will attack a square which isn't any combination of four ten-foot squares within a
contiguous with the others. Additional blocks can be forty-foot radius. Anyone caught in the Area of Effect
mashed together, increasing the damage and burst can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take
radius; each additional block increases the damage by half damage.
+3d6 and adds an additional ten foot square to its total Weight: 1 pound
area of effect. It does not require a skill roll to link Armor Class: 9
them--you just stick them together like lumps of clay.. Hardness: 0
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Thermexx Roll: 12 to disable with a Demolitions Skill Roll
Cost: 400 Units per pound Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
military use) that something is interfering with the signal), Blasting
Required Proficiency: Simple Caps (1/20 pound, costs 3 units, does 1d4 damage if
Handed: N/A set off by accident)
Range Increment: -- Description: A later, more advanced version of
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Thermexx. With a Demolitions skill roll vs. DC 20
Rate of Fire: Once per round (or whatever futuristic skill would be appropriate) you
Damage: 6d6 Heat in a 10 foot radius or a 20 foot can shape it to affect whichever squares within its
semicircle or a 30 foot cone. Anyone caught in the radius you would like. It doesn't have to be a circle,
Area of Effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. semi-circle or cone-shaped attack. The squares must
DC 20 to take half damage. be contiguous, but apart from this the affected area can
Weight: 1 pound be whatever shape you prefer. The damage listed here
Armor Class: 9 represents a 1-pound block. Additional blocks can be

mashed together, increasing the damage and burst Hardness: 0
radius; each additional block increases the damage by Hit Points: 1
+3d6 and the burst radius (or the length of the cone- DC required to break this item with a Strength
effect) by 5 feet. It does not require a skill roll to link Roll: --
them. You just squish them together like wads of Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
dough. Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
that something is interfering with the signal), Blasting
Caps (1/20 pound, costs 3 units, does 1d4 damage if
Explosive X set off by accident)
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Description: If you've ever been hounded out of your
of hand” roll) career as an explosives designer by blind
Cost: 1,000 Units per dose (not commercially narrowminded fools who mocked your theories and
available--this is the cost to manufacture the stuff called you a madman, this is probably the stuff you'll
yourself) use to make them all pay. A thin, odorless liquid, it
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (can't be purchased, can be painted invisibly in any pattern you like, and
must be made or found) will only become active once it dries. It can annihilate
Required Proficiency: Simple squares in any array and leave the squares next to
Handed: N/A them totally untouched. It can blow holes shaped like
Range Increment: -- letters in a pane of glass and leave the rest of the glass
“To Hit” Bonus: -- unbroken. Explosive X has an adjustable composition
Rate of Fire: Once per round and at the moment it is armed can be set to detonate
Damage: 9d6 Bludgeoning in a 25 foot radius, or any when touched, when an object of a particular weight
combination of five ten-foot squares within a fifty-foot passes over it or even when a particular number of
radius Anyone caught in the Area of Effect can make a objects of various weights pass over it. Soon they'll
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 23 to take half regret the day they turned their backs on you...
Weight: 1/10 pound
Armor Class: 13

Land Mines
Landmines are an old and dependable weapon of war, cheap and effective. They're simple to make and virtually any
army can afford them. Something of a battlefield equalizer, they allow you to deny territory to superior forces and to
stop tank advances even if you don't have any anti-tank rockets. Despite the ugly collateral damage they can cause for
years after the fact, landmines are unlikely to be eliminated from the world’s arsenals any time soon.

We have quite a number of futuristic land mines listed here. It is assumed that almost all of them can be set off with
timers, electric eyes or remote control detonators. If the DM doesn't think that's actually what the future of landmines
holds, they should feel free to eliminate these features.

Fragmentation Mine DC required to break this item with a Strength

Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Roll: 15
hand” roll) Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
Cost: 400 Units Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to that something is interfering with the signal)
military use) Description: It's the future, and they still haven't
Required Proficiency: Simple gotten around to banning these things. A next-
Handed: N/A generation fragmentation land mine, it's composed
Range Increment: -- largely of synthetic materials and almost impossible to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- find with a metal detector (-6 penalty to locate with
Rate of Fire: Once per round one). The mine can be set to detonate when stepped
Damage: 5d6 Piercing to anything in a 5 foot radius A on, at a radio command from the operator, or when
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 allows the target to any warm body steps within five feet (this last setting
take half damage doesn't work in extremely hot climates and is only
Weight: 2 pounds 60% reliable in arctic conditions). These little scamps
Armor Class: 13 can lie in the ground for decades after a conflict, so
Hardness: 2 stay on your toes!
Hit Points: 2

a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 18 or take an
additional 3d8 damage from the poison.
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
that something is interfering with the signal), Antidote
Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Units, holds 2 doses,
negates effect of poison on 1 victim in 1 round)
Description: A mine packed with steel flechette darts,
sure to do far more damage than ordinary shrapnel.
Of course, the fact that each one has been lovingly
Heavy Fragmentation Mine hand-painted with deadly poison helps. There may, at
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of the DM's discretion, be sentient races whose
hand” roll) physiology is different enough from ours that the
Cost: 400 Units poison won't have any effect. The flechettes, on the
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to other hand, are equal-opportunity death for all. Like
military use) most advanced mines this one can be set to detonate
Required Proficiency: Simple when stepped on, at a radio command from the
Handed: N/A operator, or when any warm body steps within five
Range Increment: -- feet (this last setting doesn't work in extremely hot
“To Hit” Bonus: -- climates and is only 60% reliable in arctic conditions).
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 6d6 Piercing to anything in a 10 foot radius
A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 allows the target Anti-Tank Mine
to take half damage Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Weight: 3 pounds hand” roll)
Armor Class: 13 Cost: 400 Units
Hardness: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Hit Points: 2 military use)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Simple
Roll: 15 Handed: N/A
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Range Increment: --
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines “To Hit” Bonus: --
that something is interfering with the signal) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Description: A bigger fragmentation mine, designed Damage: 6d6 Bludgeoning to anything in a 10 foot
to cripple vehicles. It's not fussy, however, and will radius, ignores up to 10 points of Hardness or Damage
gladly cripple anyone else who comes its way. It can Resistance. The target can make a Reflexes Saving
be set to detonate when stepped on, at a radio Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage (tanks aren’t
command from the operator, or when anything trips its very good at making Reflexes Saves, however).
electromagnetic motion sensor (which has a range of Weight: 3 pounds
ten feet and is not set off by anything smaller than Armor Class: 13
"Small" in size). Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Poison Flechette Mine Roll: 15
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
hand” roll) Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
Cost: 425 Units that something is interfering with the signal)
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal) Description: A very large mine with a potent shaped-
Required Proficiency: Simple charge load designed specifically to penetrate armor.
Handed: N/A Instead of shrapnel, it contains dozens of round slugs
Range Increment: -- of spent uranium, to increase its penetration. It can be
“To Hit” Bonus: -- set to go off when stepped on, when it feels the
Rate of Fire: Once per round vibrations of a heavy vehicle within five feet or by
Damage: 5d6 Piercing to anything in a 5 foot radius. coded radio signal. It's actually quite difficult for an
The target can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC infantryman to set this mine off by stepping on it,
20 to take half damage. Living targets must also make because it takes so much pressure to activate.

can actually survive injuries like this.
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
Shaped-Charge Directional Mine Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of that something is interfering with the signal)
hand” roll) Description: A land mine packed with coils of ultra-
Cost: 450 Units sharp monofilament wire. No more than a single
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to molecule thick, it can do horrendous things to human
military use) tissue when big wads of it are flung around at high
Required Proficiency: Simple velocity. The mine can be set to detonate when
Handed: N/A stepped on, when it detects a warm body within five
Range Increment: -- feet, or by radio.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 5d6 Bludgeoning to anything in its range. Proximity Mine
See description for details. Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Weight: 2 pounds hand” roll)
Armor Class: 13 Cost: 400 Units
Hardness: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Hit Points: 2 military use)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Simple
Roll: 15 Handed: N/A
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Range Increment: --
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines “To Hit” Bonus: --
that something is interfering with the signal) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Description: This mine contains a flexible shaped- Damage: 5d6 Bludgeoning to anything in a 5 foot
charge which can be preset to explode in a ten foot radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 allows
radius, a twenty foot semicircle or a 25 foot cone. A the target to take half damage
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 allows the target to Weight: 2 pounds
take half damage. Like most mines of its period, it Armor Class: 13
can be set to go off when stepped on, when a warm Hardness: 2
body passes within its range or by coded radio signal. Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Discombobulator Mine Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
hand” roll) that something is interfering with the signal)
Cost: 400 Units Description: An advanced land-mine with a gravitic
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to proximity detector, which can sense when any moving
military use) mass passes within five feet, no matter what kind of
Required Proficiency: Simple shielding it uses. It can also be set to detonate when
Handed: N/A stepped on, or by radio signal.
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round Polarizing Anti-Robot Mine
Damage: 6d6 Slashing to anything in a 5 foot radius. Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 allows the target hand” roll)
to take half damage Cost: 400 Units
Weight: 2 pounds Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Armor Class: 13 military use)
Hardness: 2 Required Proficiency: Simple
Hit Points: 2 Handed: N/A
DC required to break this item with a Strength Range Increment: --
Roll: 15 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Special: Although this is an area effect weapon, the Rate of Fire: Once per round
DM should make individual “To Hit” rolls for every Damage: 3d6 Electricity (8d6 vs. robots). Affects
potential target in the blast radius, solely for the anything in a 5 foot radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw
purpose of seeing if any critical hits have been scored. vs. DC 20 allows a living target to take half damage.
On a critical hit, this weapon has cut the target into Robots do not get a saving throw.
sections, killing them instantly. It does not matter Weight: 2 pounds
whether or not they have made their Reflexes Saving Armor Class: 13
Throw to take half damage—they’re just as dead. At Hardness: 2
the DM's discretion there may be a few creatures who Hit Points: 2

DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Simple
Roll: 15 Handed: N/A
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Range Increment: --
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines “To Hit” Bonus: --
that something is interfering with the signal) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Description: This mine contains an electromagnetic Damage: 5d6 Electricity to anything in a 5 foot
pulse device designed specifically to disrupt a robot's radius. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 allows the
brain. It damages any robot within a ten foot radius target to take half damage
and may have some effect on other complex Weight: 3 pounds
electronics at the DM's discretion. The mine can be Armor Class: 13
set to detonate when stepped on, with a simple Hardness: 2
proximity fuse (it detonates when anything steps Hit Points: 2
within 5 feet) or to only go off when a robot passes DC required to break this item with a Strength
within its range. The one problem with this last Roll: 15
setting is that the device is only 80% effective at Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
recognizing robots. There is a 20% chance that it will Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
let a robot pass unharmed and an equal chance that it that something is interfering with the signal)
go off when a human soldier passes within its range. Description: The bulk of this mine is taken up by a
giant power cell, which releases all of its electrical
energy in a single burst when the mine is triggered.
Bioweapon Mine The power cell tends to mess up radio reception at
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of close range, so this mine is only triggered by a
hand” roll) pressure switch or by a tiny ultraviolet electric eye.
Cost: 525 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Special: Infects everyone in a ten-foot radius with a Sonic Disrupter Mine
virulent disease. The victim must make a Fortitude
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or lose a point of
hand” roll)
Constitution per day for 4d6 days until they are cured
Cost: 400 Units
by a doctor or reach 0 Constitution and die. Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
military use)
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
Required Proficiency: Simple
that something is interfering with the signal), Antidote
Handed: N/A
Vial (1/20th lb, costs 200 Units, holds 3 doses,
Range Increment: --
negates effect of grenade on 1 victim in 1-4 rounds)
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: A biological warfare mine, it releases its
Rate of Fire: Once per round
viral load so quietly that the target is unlikely to even Damage: 6d6 Sonic to anything made of flesh in a ten
realize they've triggered it (Make a Listen Roll vs. DC
foot radius, 3d6 to non-organic materials. A Reflexes
15). It can be cleaned out, reloaded and reused,
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 allows a target to take half
although it might be hard to find someone willing to
go collect it. Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2
Electrostatic Discharge Mine Hit Points: 1
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of DC required to break this item with a Strength
hand” roll) Roll: 15
Cost: 400 Units Special: Won't work in a vacuum
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
military use)

Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines Armor Class: 13
that something is interfering with the signal) Hardness: 2
Description: A single large sonic disruptor with a Hit Points: 2
triggering mechanism, designed to burn itself out in a DC required to break this item with a Strength
single overloaded burst of lethal sound. This is an Roll: 15
antipersonnel weapon, much better at turning fragile Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
protoplasmic tissue into loose strawberry Jello than it Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
is at destroying armored vehicles. It can be set to go that something is interfering with the signal)
off when stepped on, when a warm body passes within Description: This advanced mine releases an
five feet or when it receives a coded radio signal. Like electromagnetic pulse, specially modulated so as to
all sonic weapons, it doesn't work in a vacuum. disrupt the electrical activity in a human brain. It
renders the target unconcious without killing them and
can be reused up to three times before its powerpack
Sonic Screamer Mine wears out. It can be set to go off when stepped on,
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of when a warm body passes within five feet or when it
hand” roll) receives a coded radio signal.
Cost: 350 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 14
Required Proficiency: Simple Debilitation Gas Mine
Handed: N/A Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Range Increment: -- hand” roll)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Cost: 400 Units
Rate of Fire: Once per round Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Damage: 5d6 Nonlethal, (20 foot radius) also forces Required Proficiency: Simple
anyone caught in its radius of effect to make a Handed: N/A
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be Deafened for Range Increment: --
2-12 minutes. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Weight: 2 pounds Rate of Fire: Once per round
Armor Class: 13 Damage: Special, see description
Hardness: 2 Weight: 2 pounds
Hit Points: 2 Armor Class: 13
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 2
Roll: 15 Hit Points: 1
Special: Won't work in a vacuum DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Roll: 15
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines Special: Everyone in a ten-foot radius must make a
that something is interfering with the signal) Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or lose 3d6 Strength, for
Description: An omnidirectional sonic screamer unit. 2d10 minutes. A character’s Strength can drop to no
When triggered it emits a blast of high pitched sound lower than 1. Anyone whose Strength has been
that will deafen and stun anyone in a twenty-foot reduced to 1 is completely helpless, unable to stand or
radius. The mine burns itself out in a single turn and effectively defend themselves. There may still be
can't be reused. It can be set to go off when it is certain types of skill rolls or purely mental activities
stepped on, when it receives a particular radio signal that the DM might allow them to perform in this state.
or when it hears something that weighs more than Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
thirty pounds move within twenty feet. Like all sonic Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
weapons, it will not work in a vacuum that something is interfering with the signal), Antidote
Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Units, holds 2 doses,
negates effect of the gas on 1 victim in 1 round)
Mercy Mine Description: When it is triggered (by a pressure
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of switch, a radio signal or by the presence of a warm
hand” roll) body within five feet) this mine silently releases an
Cost: 425 Units odorless gas, which scrambles the peripheral nervous
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 system of anyone within its radius of attack. It isn't
Required Proficiency: Simple much use in a vacuum, and has no effect agaisnt
Handed: N/A troops in sealed environment suits.
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round Brain Scrambler Mine
Damage: 6d6 Nonlethal Damage to anything in a 10 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
foot radius. A Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 23 hand” roll)
allows the target to take half damage. Cost: 460 Units
Weight: 2 pounds Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to

military use) the first time it detonates. A completely sealed
Required Proficiency: Simple environment suit will protect the wearer from the
Handed: N/A poison, but a gas mask will only give them a +4 to
Range Increment: -- their Saving Throw.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description Toxic Gas Mine, Ultralethal
Weight: 2 pounds Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Armor Class: 13 hand” roll)
Hardness: 2 Cost: 430 Units
Hit Points: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: (usually illegal)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Simple
Roll: 15 Handed: N/A
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Range Increment: --
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines “To Hit” Bonus: --
that something is interfering with the signal) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Description: This mine can be set to detonate when Damage: Every living thing within a 5 foot radius
stepped on, when a tripwire is pulled or when any must make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 18 or die in 1-6
warm body passes within five feet of it. It gives out a rounds.
electromagnetic pulse at the precise modulation Weight: 2 pounds
required to permanently disrupt higher cortical Armor Class: 13
activity. If anyone caught in its radius of attack fails a Hardness: 2
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20, they lose 3d6 Hit Points: 1
Intelligence. A character with animal-like intelligence DC required to break this item with a Strength
(3 or lower) can still recognize their friends and will Roll: 15
still follow them around to keep from feeling anxious Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
and alone. They cannot speak or use tools in this Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
condition. The effects of the Brain-Scrambler mine that something is interfering with the signal), Antidote
are permanent. Only sophisticated medical treatment Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Units, holds 2 doses, negates
will help the afflicted character. effect of poison on 1 victim in 1 round)
Description: This mine can be set to detonate when
stepped on, when it receives a radio command or when
Toxic Gas Mine any warm body passes within five feet of it. When
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of triggered, it silently releases a dose of an extremely
hand” roll) powerful toxin. The mine actually holds three doses
Cost: 400 Units worth of poison, and will automatically re-arm itself
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to after the first time it goes off. A vaccum suit or a
military use) completely sealed environment suit will protect the
Required Proficiency: Simple wearer from the poison, but a gas mask will not.
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Fear Gas Mine
Magazine: 5 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Rate of Fire: Once per round hand” roll)
Damage: Every living thing within a 5 foot radius Cost: 400 Units
must make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20 or take 3d8 Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Damage. military use)
Weight: 2 pounds Required Proficiency: Simple
Armor Class: 13 Handed: N/A
Hardness: 2 Range Increment: --
Hit Points: 1 “To Hit” Bonus: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: Once per round
Roll: 15 Damage: Special, see description
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Weight: 2 pounds
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines Armor Class: 13
that something is interfering with the signal) Hardness: 2
Description: This mine can be set to detonate when Hit Points: 1
stepped on, when a tripwire is pulled or when any DC required to break this item with a Strength
warm body passes within five feet of it. When it is Roll: 15
triggered, it silently releases an invisible dose of nerve Special: The target must make a Willpower Saving
gas. The mine actually holds enough of the toxin for Throw vs. DC 20 or flee in a mad panic. A fleeing
five doses, and will automatically re-arm itself after character chooses their path randomly (as long as it

leads away from immediate danger), and flees any while they are under the influence of the gas, they
other dangers that confront them. If cornered, they actually fail to hurt themselves on a 5 or less. Most
cower. A character under the effects of the gas suffers weapons aren't made to wound the user, and will do
a –2 penalty on saving throws. There is a 50% one point of damage less than usual (minimum of one
chance that they will drop whatever they are holding point).
when they flee. These effects last for 4d6 rounds. The effects last indefinitely, until the target either
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 makes a saving throw or dies. Let them make another
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines Willpower Saving Throw every other round (and don't
that something is interfering with the signal), Antidote apply the -4 penalty).
Vial (1/20th lb, costs 100 Units, holds 1 dose, negates The drug is transmitted through the skin, but works
effect of this mine on 1 victim in 1-2 rounds) better if inhaled. A gas mask or oxygen tank will give
Description: When triggered, this mine releases a the target a +4 to their Saving Throw, while a
cloud of psychoactive gas which affects anything with completely sealed environment suit or a vaccum suit
a functioning central nervous system within a ten-foot will completely negate the drug's effect.
radius, causing intense anxiety, dismay and a strong The mine can be set to detonate when stepped on,
desire to leave the vicinity. This is not as effective for by radio signal or when anything bigger than a Tiny
warding people away from restricted areas as you object passes within five feet of it and sets off its
might think, as there is no way to ensure that the motion detector.
affected character(s) will move in the right direction
once they've been panicked.
Pain Gas Mine
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Suicide Gas Mine hand” roll)
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Cost: 400 Units
hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Cost: 400 Units military use)
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal) Required Proficiency: Simple
Required Proficiency: Simple Handed: N/A
Handed: N/A Range Increment: --
Range Increment: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Rate of Fire: Once per round
Rate of Fire: Once per round Damage: 4d6 Nonlethal, 10 foot radius
Damage: Special, see description Weight: 2 pounds
Weight: 2 pounds Armor Class: 13
Armor Class: 13 Hardness: 2
Hardness: 2 Hit Points: 1
Hit Points: 1 DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: 15
Roll: 15 Special: Anyone caught in the mine's 10 foot radius of
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 effect must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines or be Stunned (as per the Monk special attack), and
that something is interfering with the signal), Antidote unable to take any action for one round. There is a
Vial (1/20th lb, costs 200 Units, holds 2 doses, 15% chance that anyone who fails their saving throw
negates effect of this mine on 1 victim in 1-3 rounds) will do 1d4 damage to themselves as they thrash and
Description: If you’ve ever wanted to be accused of spasm on the ground.
crimes against humanity, then just leave this land mine Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
lying around somewhere. Anyone caught in its area of Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
effect must at once make a Willpower Saving Throw that something is interfering with the signal), Antidote
vs. DC 20 or begin to wound themselves with Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Units, holds 2 doses,
whichever hand weapon is closest, writhing and negates effect of this mine on 1 victim in 1 round)
wheezing with unclean joy as they do it. If no hand Description: This mine releases a nerve-agent that
weapon is within easy reach, they will shoot causes unbelivable spasmodic pain in the target. It is
themselves with the nearest missile weapon. If neither absorbed through the skin, so gas masks offer no
is within arm’s length they will rip at their flesh, doing protection at all against it. A vaccum suit or sealed
1 point of damage per round. environment suit completely negates the effect. This
Affected characters are effectively helpless while mine is particularly feared, and any troops who enter
they are hurting themselves, giving any attacker a +4 an area where they know these devices have been used
bonus. They may giggle about how great this feels or must immediately make a Morale Check.
beg people to hurt them, but they won't be able to
carry on a meaningful conversation.
If you attack yourself, you can only miss if you roll Incendiary Mine
a 1, but since all of the character's actions are at a -4 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of

hand” roll) Description: Silent but deadly! This mine gives off a
Cost: 400 Units noiseless pulse of hard radiation, doing heavy damage
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to to any organic life or electrical systems in its radius of
military use) effect, but leaving most non-computerized machines
Required Proficiency: Simple unharmed. It affects living beings, robots and
Handed: N/A computers equally (for simplicity's sake). It is
Range Increment: -- possible to make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs DC 25
“To Hit” Bonus: -- to dive out of its radius and take half damage, but only
Rate of Fire: Once per round if you actually know the mine is there and that it's
Damage: 6d6 heat damage to anything in a 5 foot going to go off. The mine can be set to detonate when
radius it is stepped on or when any warm body passes within
Weight: 2 pounds a 15 foot radius (or both). The radiation source tends
Armor Class: 13 to affect radio signals, so this model can't be set to
Hardness: 2 detonate by radio control.
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 Metal-Melter Mine
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines hand” roll)
that something is interfering with the signal). Cost: 470 Units
Description: Instead of an explosive, this mine is Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
packed with a thermite compound, which burns hot military use)
enough to melt steel. It can be triggered when stepped Required Proficiency: Simple
on, by radio signal or when anything bigger than a Handed: N/A
domestic cat passes within five feet of it. Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 2d6 damage per round for 2-8 rounds,
ignores 4 points of Hardness but only affects targets
made of metal. 20 foot radius
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of Mine in 1
Description: Another attempt at a more humane, non-
Radiation Pulse Mine lethal land mine. It sprays a metal eating virus all over
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of the vicinity when it is triggered. The virus eats
hand” roll) through most metal objects in mere seconds, but is
Cost: 555 Units completely harmless to organic life. Unlike most gas-
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to weapon mines, this one is noisy and impossible not to
military use) notice when it goes off. It can be set to detonate when
Required Proficiency: Simple stepped on, when by radio signal or when any warm
Handed: N/A body passes within five feet of it.
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round Plastic-Eating Mine
Damage: 6d6 radiation damage to living things and Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
robots in a 5 foot radius hand” roll)
Weight: 2 pounds Cost: 400 Units
Armor Class: 13 Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Hardness: 2 military use)
Hit Points: 2
Required Proficiency: Simple
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: N/A
Roll: 15 Range Increment: --
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines Rate of Fire: Once per round
that something is interfering with the signal)
Damage: 2d6 damage per round for 2-8 rounds, only

affects targets made of plastic. 10 foot radius
Weight: 2 pounds Variable-Intensity Concussion Mine
Armor Class: 13 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Hardness: 2 hand” roll)
Hit Points: 2 Cost: 500 Units
DC required to break this item with a Strength Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
Roll: 15 military use)
Accessories: Antidote Vial (1/20th lb, costs 150 Required Proficiency: Simple
Units, holds 2 doses, negates effect of Mine in 1 Handed: N/A
round) Range Increment: --
Description: Designed specifically to fight certain “To Hit” Bonus: --
types of android, this mine speads a plastic eating Rate of Fire: Once per round
virus across a ten-foot radius. The virus is completely Damage: Variable Damage. Can be set to do
harmless to organic life. Unlike most gas-weapon anywhere from 1-8d6 damage. Bludgeoning
mines, this one is impossible not to notice when it Weight: 2 pounds
goes off. It can be set to detonate when stepped on, by Armor Class: 13
radio signal or when any warm body passes within Hardness: 2
five feet of it. Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Immobilizer Foam Mine Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
hand” roll) that something is interfering with the signal)
Cost: 400 Units Description: This mine can be preset to do varying
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 amounts of damage and to cover a varying radius of
Required Proficiency: Simple effect. It can do from 1 to 8 d6 damage in either a five
Handed: N/A foot radius, a ten-foot radius or a twenty-foot radius.
Range Increment: -- Like most futuristic mines, it can be detonated when
“To Hit” Bonus: -- stepped on, by radio signal or when any warm body
Rate of Fire: Once per round passes within five feet of it.
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 13 Variable-Intensity Mercy Mine
Hardness: 2 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 1 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 500 Units
Roll: 15 Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Accessories: Solvent Kit (1/20th lb, costs 15 Units, Required Proficiency: Simple
holds 3 doses, negates effect of mine in 1 round) Handed: N/A
Description: This mine releases a quick-hardening Range Increment: --
foam which covers everything within a 5-foot radius. “To Hit” Bonus: --
To evade it, anyone in the target square must make a Rate of Fire: Once per round
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 19, and spend their Damage: Variable Damage. Can be set to do
next Movement to leave the affected square. Anyone anywhere from 1-8d6 Nonlethal in either a 15 foot
caught in the foam suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, radius or any combination of four ten-foot squares
and has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4. They within forty feet of the mine
must immediately make another Reflexes Saving Weight: 2 pounds
Throw (DC 15) or they are completely mired in the Armor Class: 13
foam, unable to move. Even if they make the second Hardness: 2
saving throw, they still only move at half their normal Hit Points: 2
rate. To free themselves, they must make a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
check vs. DC 27, or do at least 20 points of damage to Roll: 15
the foam. It is impossible to miss the foam with an Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
attack. Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
The mine can be set to detonate when stepped on, that something is interfering with the signal)
by radio signal or when any warm body passes within Description: This small plastic disk projects an
five feet of it. After the foam has hardened (on the electromagnetic field modulated specifically to disrupt
next round) it becomes harmless and will no longer the target's central nervous system. The field can
immobilize anyone who comes in contact with it. It deliver a pulse of varying intensity and can be shaped
does however block the square, making it impossible to affect whatever pattern of squares you like. It can
to move through. blanket a cone, a hemisphere, an odd-shaped array, it
can skip squares or affect isolated squares. You

program in the pattern and intensity when you arm the DC required to break this item with a Strength
mine (this takes a Standard Action). Roll: 15
Like most mines of its period, it can be set to Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
detonate when stepped on, when it receives a coded Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
radio signal or when any warm body passes within that something is interfering with the signal)
five feet of it. If a robot or other moving object made Description: A super-high technology mine, it
of a conductive substance passes within three feet of releases a burst of radiant energy at the target and can
the mine, there is a 15% chance that it will become be used up to six times before burning out.
confused and detonate. The mine is fairly intelligent, and can be instructed
to project its force in a 5-15 foot radius, a 10-20 foot
semicircle, or a 25 foot cone. It can also be
Variable-Intensity Electrostatic Discharge programmed to affect only certain squares in its radius
Mine or cone effect, and leave other squares untouched, or
to do varying amounts of damage to different squares.
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
It can also be told to recognize the presence of
hand” roll)
certain targets and detonate only when they are in
Cost: 600 Units
range, or only when they step on a particular square.
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to
However, the mine is only 85% accurate at
military use)
recognizing individual beings and vehicles. The DM
Required Proficiency: Simple
should make a roll the next time any living being or
Handed: N/A
vehicle passes within the mine's range. There is a
Range Increment: --
%15 chance that it will decide this is the target and
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Variable Damage. Can be set to do
anywhere from 1-8d8 Electricity damage in a 10-20
foot radius Protein Disrupter Mine
Weight: 2 pounds Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Armor Class: 13 hand” roll)
Hardness: 2 Cost: 475 Units
Hit Points: 1 Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually restricted to
DC required to break this item with a Strength military use)
Roll: 15 Required Proficiency: Simple
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10 Handed: N/A
Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines Range Increment: --
that something is interfering with the signal) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: A small metal disk, which projects a Rate of Fire: Once per round
destructive electromagnetic field whenever anything Damage: 5d6 (10 foot radius) Weird Energy, only
conductive moves within ten feet of it. It is not affects living targets. No saving throw is possible.
possible to build these mines to respond to radio Weight: 2 pounds
signals--the mine itself creates too much interference. Armor Class: 13
You just arm the device and then move out of its range Hardness: 2
as quickly as you can. It will become active in exactly Hit Points: 2
one round. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
Smart Mine Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of that something is interfering with the signal)
Description: An advanced land-mine which gives off
hand” roll)
a burst of specially polarized radiant energy. For
Cost: 800 Units
some reason which makes no sense according to our
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually restricted to
own limited understanding of physics, it destroys
military use)
living flesh, but leaves anything else untouched.
Required Proficiency: Simple
When the mine is triggered, it leaves little piles of
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: -- equipment, hair and dental fillings where enemy
soldiers were standing. It has a sophisticated sensor
“To Hit” Bonus: --
array which can detect when living tissue passes
Rate of Fire: Once per round
within reach. It's even 50% effective at telling friend
Damage: 5d6 Bludgeoning (5-15 foot radius)
from foe. Robots do not trigger this mine.
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2 Psi-Scream Mine
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of

hand” roll) missile attacks. Even if they are holding some kind of
Cost: 600 Units missile weapon, they will use it only as a club. If the
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) target dies, falls unconscious or lies still, they keep
Required Proficiency: Simple hitting it for one round and then move on the next
Handed: N/A nearest target.
Range Increment: -- 5) Target temporarily loses 3d6 Wisdom, down to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- a minimum of 1.
Rate of Fire: Once per round 6) Target lapses into immobility and is aware of
Damage: Special, see description nothing but violent hallucinations for the duration of
Weight: 1 pound the effect. They can take no action and can't
Armor Class: 13 effectively defend themselves.
Hardness: 1 7) Target is rendered both Blind and Deaf for the
Hit Points: 3 duration of the effect.
DC required to break this item with a Strength 8) Character attacks themselves with the closest
Roll: 15 available weapon. Not the most damaging weapon,
Special: Anyone in a 10 foot radius of the device must just the closest. If two weapons are equally close, they
make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be will chose melee weapons over ranged weapons and
incapacitated. The psi-scream affects different people weapons that do more damage over weapons that do
in different ways, but the effects always last for 2d10 less damage. They automatically hit. Roll damage as
rounds. Roll on the chart beneath to find out what per normal. They will do this once per round until the
happens to characters who fail their Saving Throws. effect wears off of they die.
1) Character collapses in a heap, aware of their Robots are unaffected by this device and if the DM
surroundings but unable to take any action as their is using psionics in his or her campaign there may be
body jerks and spasms at random. They will also drop psionic defenses which block the effect.
anything they are holding and fall down, which may or Description: A product of some weird psionic
may not have an effect on game play, depending on technology. It looks like a nondescript plastic disk,
the situation and on how cruel the DM is feeling. but just handling it leaves a funny taste on your
2) The character runs, screaming gibberish in a tongue, and makes little flashes of nameless,
straight line in a random direction. They still have indescribable colors flicker on the edges of your
their full AC bonus for Dexterity, but can take no vision.
action apart from running and screaming and can use It can be set to detonate when stepped on, when it
no skills or feats. If they encounter a barrier, even one receives a telepathic command from the person who
which they could easily get through (a closed door, for set it, or when any living thing with an Intelligence of
example) they will turn around and run screaming in a more than 3 passes within ten feet.
different random direction. When detonated, it dies. In the throes of its death
3) The character's neural responses become agonies it gives off a psychic shriek which requires
weirdly sluggish.. They must make a Willpower everyone within a ten foot radius to make a Willpower
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take any action at all, and Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or suffer one of the dire
even then all their rolls suffer a -4 penalty effects listed above.
4) The character becomes homicidal and will
attack the closest available target with whatever
melee weapon is closest to hand. They will use no

Gauss Guns
Gauss guns use a magnetic linear accelerator to fling a metallic load at the target. They operate by the same principle
as the giant railguns used to launch mineral ore into space from low-gravity worlds (assuming that this ever happens in
your campaign world).

A magnetic pulse travels down the length of the weapon's barrel, pulling the metal load after it, so that the load leaves
the gun at tremendous speed. This method can be used equally well for tiny derringers or giant cannons, so you see
gauss guns of every conceivable size.

Apart from the huge rail guns used for artillery and squad support, most early gauss guns fire streams of steel needles at
an amazingly high rate of fire, ripping the target to bits. They have a lot of advantages over ordinary projectile
weapons, and some severe drawbacks that initially limit their role on the battlefield.

Gauss guns are nearly silent, have tremendous range and relatively few moving parts. Their ammunition is extremely
cheap to manufacture and has a lot of stopping power against unarmored targets.

Gauss guns are however expensive, heavy and tough to repair in the field. They also have very little penetration against
armor. The needles they fire are light and brittle when compared with conventional bullets, and while they will plunge
through flesh in a most satisfactory matter, they tend to shatter against hard surfaces. This last problem is so
pronounced that we actually need a special game mechanic to simulate it.

Whenever you shoot a target with Hardness or Damage Resistance, it counts twice against an early model gaussgun.
So, if the target is wearing armor that gives them 3 DR, subtract 6 from the damage a gaussgun does to them. Shoot a
wall with Hardness 5, and you deduct 10 points of damage from the total.

This limitation is pretty severe on any battlefield where the opposing troops wear armor, so for most of their early
history, gaussguns are primarily used as hunting weapons and sniper rifles. There are a few armies that adopt them
wholesale, largely due to how cheap the ammunition is, and so I have included stats for early gaussgun assault rifles as

Using Gauss Guns With the “Burst-Fire” Feat

With a few exceptions (like heavy rail guns), all gauss weapons use a special version of Autofire which expends only
five rounds instead of the usual ten. Anyone with the “Burst-Fire” feat can fire a burst at a single target from one of
these weapons and expend only 3 rounds worth of ammunition, instead of the usual five. They incur all the penalties
and bonuses associated with using the burst-fire feat while doing this.

Prototype Rail Gun

Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 10,000 Units (this is actually the cost required to
build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Ranged Weapon
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
Range Increment: 90 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 5
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 5d6 Piercing (17-20 x3)
Weight: 80 pounds
Armor Class: 5 Gauss Pistol
Hardness: 5 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Hit Points: 3 “sleight of hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 700 Units
Roll: 14 Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
(Weighs 15 pounds, costs 1,000 units, AC 12, 3 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hardness, 8 HP, 30% chance of exploding when it Range Increment: 40 feet
loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the “To Hit” Bonus: --
wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius), Magazine: 60
Slugs(weigh 2 pounds each, cost 4 Units apiece) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Description: An early gauss weapon, used mainly as a attacks
squad support weapon. It isn't as big or as clumsy as Damage: 4d6 Piercing (17-20 x3).
the first military lasers but is still inconvenient to carry Weight: 3 pounds
and use. It's basically a small man-portable railgun Armor Class: 9
which launches solid metal slugs at the target, one at a Hardness: 5
time. It is silent, produces no recoil or muzzle flash, Hit Points: 2
has tremendous range and a lot of stopping power but DC required to break this item with a Strength
it is still a less than an ideal sniper rifle, as its large Roll: 15
size and heavy powerpack make it difficult to move Special: This weapon is capable of a special version
silently while wearing it (-2 to all attempts to be of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area.
stealthy while in motion). It is used largely to kill The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If
vehicles, until other more efficient weapons replace it. the attack succeeds, every target within the affected
area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20

or take damage. This uses up five rounds of body. Any Search rolls made to find this weapon
ammunition. suffer a -2. penalty. Like all gauss-weapons of its
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), period, it has a lot of accuracy and stopping power, but
Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable little penetration against armor. The target’s Hardness
magazine, holds enough for 60 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, and Damage Resistance count twice against this
costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces weapon.
Range Increment by one), Holster (weighs 1/2 pound,
costs 10 Units)
Description: A generic template for an early gauss- High-End Gauss-Pistol
pistol. It fires a stream of ultra-sharp needles at super- Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
high speed, makes no noise and leaves no chemical or “sleight of hand” roll)
energy signature for a sensor to detect. Cost: 900 Units
Its rate of fire is so high that there isn't any sense Tentative Purchase DC: 17
measuring it in conventional terms. Because it only Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
fires bursts (just touching the trigger will fire off two Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
or three needles) we are counting its magazine in Range Increment: 50 feet
terms of how many bursts it can fire, rather than how “To Hit” Bonus: --
many individual needles it holds. Magazine: 60
It would take an unreasonable amount of time to Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
load each needle individually, so you buy them in pre- attacks
assembled clips. Damage: 4d6 Piercing (17-20 x3)
Tremendously effective at ripping up flesh, a Weight: 2 pounds
gauss-pistol is at a disadvantage against armored Armor Class: 9
opponents. A target’s Hardness and/or Damage Hardness: 5
Resistance is doubled for the purpose of calculating Hit Points: 2
damage. So a target with 3 points of Hardness has 6 DC required to break this item with a Strength
DR vs. Gauss Pistols, a target with 4 points of Roll: 16
Hardness has 8 DR, and so forth. Special: This weapon is capable of a special version
There aren't really a lot of variant models of gauss of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area.
pistol. They're all the same caliber and they all have The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If
pretty much the same rate of fire. Only the brand- the attack succeeds, every target within the affected
name varies. area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
or take damage. This uses up five rounds of
Gauss Pistol, Intelligence Model Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Size: Tiny (and has an additional +2 bonus to conceal Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable
with a “sleight of hand” roll, for a total of +6) magazine, holds enough for 60 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb,
Cost: 800 Units costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Range Increment by one), Holster (weighs 1/2 pound,
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons costs 10 Units)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Description: An attempt to create the very highest
Range Increment: 50 feet quality gauss-pistol, for marksmanship competitions,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- sparing no expense. You will only find this weapon in
Magazine: 5 the hands of professional marksmen, elite honor
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has guards and perhaps the very rich. It has even more
attacks range than a standard gauss-pistol and better stopping
Damage: 4d6 Piercing (17-20 x3). power as well. Like all gauss-weapons of its period, it
Weight: 2 pounds isn't very effective against armor. Double any
Armor Class: 9 Hardness or Damage Resistance the target has for the
Hardness: 5 purpose of resisting this attack.
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13 Concealed Gauss Gun
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable of hand” roll)
magazine, holds enough for 5 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, Cost: 400 Units
costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal)
Range Increment by one), Holster (weighs 1/2 pound, Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
costs 10 Units) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Description: A very small gauss-pistol, which holds Range Increment: 30 feet
only enough needles for a few short bursts. It's nearly “To Hit” Bonus: --
flat, and curved so as to fit the shape of the user's Magazine: 1

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has fire, rather than how many individual needles it holds.
attacks It would take an unreasonable amount of time to
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (17-20 x3) load each needle separately, so you buy them in pre-
Weight: 1 pound assembled clips. They only take a Standard Action to
Armor Class: 13 reload.
Hardness: 5 Gauss rifles are usually seen as sniper weapons but
Hit Points: 1 some armies use them as infantry rifles.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Tremendously effective at damaging soft fleshy
Roll: 12 targets, a gauss-rifle is ineffective against armored
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), opponents--the needles are brittle and tend to shatter
Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into a disposable when they strike an unyielding surface. Whenever
magazine, holds enough for 1 burst, weighs 1/10 this weapon is used against a target with Hardness or
pound, costs 15 Units), Damage Resistance, double the protective power of
Description: A tiny gauss pistol built into a pen. It the DR. So, if the target is wearing armor that gives
could also be hidden in a large cigarette lighter or any them 3 DR, subtract 6 from the damage. If the target
other such common object. It holds just enough has Hardness 5, deduct 10 points of damage and so
needles and just enough power in its battery for a forth.
single short-range burst. An ideal assassination As with gauss pistols, there is little to vary about
weapon in many respects (silent, untraceable, leaves the design. Most military gauss rifles are pretty much
no energy or chemical signature) it isn't very effective the same. There isn't even a special sniper version.
against armored targets. Double the target’s DR (if
they have any) for the purpose of resisting this attack.
Model Orion Sporting Gauss Rifle
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Gauss Rifle, Military Version hand” roll)
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Cost: 1,000 Units
hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Cost: 1,200 Units Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
military use) Range Increment: 130 feet
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons “To Hit” Bonus: --
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Magazine: 60
Range Increment: 140 feet Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“To Hit” Bonus: -- attacks
Magazine: 120 Damage: 5d6 Piercing (17-20 x3)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Weight: 8 pounds
attacks Armor Class: 7
Damage: 6d6 Piercing (17-20 x3) Hardness: 5
Weight: 10 pounds Hit Points: 6
Armor Class: 7 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 5 Roll: 16
Hit Points: 7 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
DC required to break this item with a Strength Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable
Roll: 17 magazine, holds enough for 60 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb,
Special: This weapon is capable of a special version costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. Range Increment by one)
The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If Description: Gauss weapons make superb sniper
the attack succeeds, every target within the affected rifles, but they aren't nearly as good for hunting. They
area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 may have excellent range but they will rip a squirrel or
or take damage. This uses up five rounds of a bird to pieces and have a tendency to mar other
ammunition. trophies as well. It also strikes many hunters as
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), unsporting to hunt with an autofire weapon. This rifle
Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable is an attempt to make gauss weapons more suitable. It
magazine, holds enough for 120 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, fires only very short bursts, can't be used to make area
costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces attacks and does considerably less damage to the
Range Increment by one) target than a military gauss gun. It's still best not to
Description: A generic military gauss rifle. It uses a use it against small game, which tends to disintegrate
magnetic accelerator to launch a stream of thin steel into mush when hit. The Orion isn’t really meant for
needles at a very high rate of fire, but is nearly silent. use against armored targets. If for some reason this
Because it only fires bursts (just touching the gun is used against a target that has Damage
trigger will fire off two or three needles) the magazine Resistance, double the target’s DR.
is counted in terms of how many short bursts it can

Railgun, Man Portable
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 2,000 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
(Also works with any other Railgun)
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
Range Increment: 150 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 40
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 9d6 Piercing (20 x3), Ignores up to 5 points
of Hardness or Damage Resistance.
Weight: 35 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 10
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 19
Special: This weapon is capable of a special version
of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area.
The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If
the attack succeeds, every target within the affected
area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
or take damage. This uses up five rounds of
Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds,
costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all
its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode,
Magnetic Needle Cannon
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in
Cost: 25,000 Units
a 5 foot radius), Steel Slugs (weigh 2 pounds each,
Tentative Purchase DC: 29 (usually restricted to
cost 4 Units, apiece), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units,
military use)
reduces Range Increment by one)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Description: A long, heavy gauss weapon, meant for
Handed: Not a hand weapon. Usually fired from a
squad support. Unlike most weapons of its size, a
mount or a fixed position.
railgun is not harder to fire than an ordinary rifle.
Range Increment: 100 feet
Like any gauss weapon it produces almost no recoil
“To Hit” Bonus: --
and is easy to control. The only reason it isn't
Magazine: 400
practical to equip a whole squad with these weapons is
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
the gun’s weight and size. It makes more noise than a
gauss rifle but then again it is not meant to be a subtle
Damage: 12d6 Piercing (17-20 x3)
weapon. Because of the size and weight of its
Weight: 85 pounds
ammunition, a railgun does not have the same
Armor Class: 3
limitations when used against armor as most smaller
Hardness: 5
gauss guns.
Hit Points: 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
Special: Can attack a single target, a ten-foot wide
square or a sixty-foot cone. Anyone caught in its area
of attack can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC
20 to take half damage.
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
costs 25 units), Oversized Packet of Needles (pre-
assembled into disposable magazine, holds enough for
100 bursts, weighs 3 pounds, costs 110 Units, weapon
can hold up to four of these packets in the ammo

hopper), Computerized Targeting System (weighs 1 mounted on a tank, an armored car or a helicopter.
pound, costs 500 units, reduces Range Increment by Unlike smaller gauss guns, it has no difficulty
two when firing against a single target) penetrating armor. Fortunately for the gun's one-man
Description: A heavy gauss-gun support weapon. It crew the needles come pre-packed in oversized clips.
projects a continuous stream of needles across the Otherwise the cannon would take hours to load. As it
field and can make single, area, or cone-shaped is, it still takes a full round to open the hamper and
attacks. It is absolutely devastating to closely packed carefully set the bundles of ammunition in place.
troops. No one wants to look at a battlefield after a
Needle Cannon attack. Far too heavy for any single
character to carry as a sidearm, it is usually seen

Advanced Gauss Weapons

After a certain point, gauss guns outgrow their early limitations. Advances in magnetic acceleration make it possible
for them to launch needles at incredible new speeds, metallurgical advances create needles with more tensile strength
and better penetration.

This new generation of linear accelerator weapons can punch right through walls and armored targets, and with its
extremely high rate of fire and astounding range, becomes a fearsome presence on the battlefield.

Gauss guns may (or may not, depending on the DM) finally come into really widespread use at this stage, and in a
world where energy weapons never turn out to be practical, this may be the small arms technology that we take to the

the attack succeeds, every target within the affected

area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
or take damage. This uses up five rounds of
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable
magazine, holds enough for 55 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb,
costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Range Increment by one), Holster (weighs 1/2 pound,
costs 10 Units)
Description: Further advances in magnetic accelerator
technology and metallurgy make possible a whole new
generation of gauss-guns, with all the advantages and
none of the limitations of previous models. This is a
Advanced Gauss Pistol generic template for an advanced gauss-pistol. It is
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a smaller and lighter than its ancestors, and suffers no
“sleight of hand” roll) penalties when used against armored targets. These
Cost: 700 Units needles are a lot harder and travel a lot faster, so they
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 have considerably better penetration. Because of its
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
high rate of fire (it's impossible to fire less than two or
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
three needles at a time) we measure the number of
Range Increment: 60 feet
shots it has left in terms of how many bursts it can
“To Hit” Bonus: --
fire, rather than the actual number of needles in the
Magazine: 55 magazine. Like previous models, its ammunition
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has comes pre-loaded into disposable clips. It takes a
attacks standard action to reload.
Damage: 4d6 Piercing (17-20 x3)
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5 Advanced Gauss Rifle
Hit Points: 2 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hand roll)
Roll: 14 Cost: 1,000 Units
Special: This weapon is capable of a special version Tentative Purchase DC: 18
of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If Handed: Requires 2 hands to use

Range Increment: 140 feet Hardness: 5
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Hit Points: 8
Magazine: 65 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Roll: 17
attacks Special: This weapon is capable of a special version
Damage: 6d6 Piercing (17-20 x3) of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area.
Weight: 9 pounds The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If
Armor Class: 7 the attack succeeds, every target within the affected
Hardness: 5 area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
Hit Points: 7 or take damage. This uses up five rounds of
DC required to break this item with a Strength ammunition.
Roll: 17 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Special: This weapon is capable of a special version Packet of Poison Needles (pre-assembled into
of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. disposable magazine, holds enough for 40 bursts,
The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If weighs 1/2 lb, costs 80 Units), Packet of Exploding
the attack succeeds, every target within the affected Needles (pre-assembled into disposable magazine,
area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 holds enough for 40 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, costs 65
or take damage. This uses up five rounds of Units), Packet of Armor-Piercing Needles (pre-
ammunition. assembled into disposable magazine, holds enough for
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), 40 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2
Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)
magazine, holds enough for 65 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, Description: This is not a sniper's weapon, per se. It
costs 55 Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces is meant for ordinary front-line troops. It has a triple-
Range Increment by one) magazine and can fire a stream of poison-tipped
Description: An advanced all-purpose gauss-rifle. It needles or a burst of exploding needles or of super-
uses a portable magnetic accelerator to fire a stream of dense armor-piercing needles. You can switch back
very hard needles at enormous speed. This is a superb and forth between the various loads as a free action,
sniper weapon. Almost silent, it produces no muzzle but cannot mix the different types of ammunition in a
flash and leaves neither chemical residue nor an single burst. It takes a standard action to reload each
energy signature for sensors to trace. Unlike older magazine. Its ammunition comes pre-loaded in
models, it suffers no penalties when used against disposable clips. As with all gauss-rifles, the number
armored opponents-these needles are much harder and of shots in the magazine really refers to the number of
travel much faster. Its ammunition comes pre-loaded short bursts it can fire. Even if it isn't using its
in disposable clips, so the user does not have to spend "autofire" option and is only attacking a single target,
hours carefully packing tiny needles into the it is still going to fire off at least three or four needles.
magazine. You can reload it in one Standard Action. The exploding ammunition makes a good deal more
noise than an ordinary gauss-rifle.

Advanced Gauss Rifle, Infantry Version

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Gauss "Pebble Gun"
hand” roll) Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Cost: 1,200 Units hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to Cost: 1,250 Units
military use) Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 130 feet Range Increment: 100 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 120 (40 poison-tipped needles, 40 Magazine: 20
exploding needles, 40 armor-piercing needles). Has Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
three separate magazines, each made to hold one clip attacks
of 40 rounds. Damage: 5d6 Piercing (17-20 x3), ignores up to 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has points of Hardness or Damage Resistance.
attacks Weight: 11 pounds
Damage: The weapon has three separate modes. It Armor Class: 7
can do 3d6 Piercing (17-20 x3) plus 3d8 poison (a Hardness: 5
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 negates the Hit Points: 7
poison), or it can do 6d6 Piercing (17-20 x3), or it can DC required to break this item with a Strength
do 5d6 Piercing (17-20 x3) that ignores up to 7 points Roll: 18
of Hardness. Special: This weapon is capable of a special version
Weight: 10 pounds of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area.
Armor Class: 7 The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If

the attack succeeds, every target within the affected (Also works with any other Railgun)
area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
or take damage. This uses up five rounds of Range Increment: 200 feet
ammunition. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Magazine: 40
Steel Lozenges (box of 50 weighs 1/2 lb, costs 30 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Damage: 10d6 Piercing (20 x3), ignores ten points of
Increment by one) Hardness or Damage Resistance
Description: The same technological advances which Weight: 20 pounds
lead to advanced gauss rifles also make it possible to Armor Class: 5
apply magnetic accelerator technology to larger Hardness: 5
projectiles than gauss-needles. A pebble gun fires a Hit Points: 15
stream of small aerodynamic metal lozenges which DC required to break this item with a Strength
expand when they hit the target. The ammunition Roll: 20
makes more noise than most gauss-weapons, but is Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
still very quiet compared to a blaster or a slugthrower costs 25 units), Explosive Armor-Piercing Slugs
(weigh 2 pounds each, cost 10 Units, apiece), Scope
(1/2 lb, costs 400 units, reduces Range Increment by
Gauss "Pebble Pistol" one)
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Description: A smaller, deadlier, more advanced
“sleight of hand” roll) version of the man-portable railgun. It is still a huge,
Cost: 750 Units unwieldy weapon, better suited to a squad-support role
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 than as an infantry rifle. It hurls massive exploding
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons metal spikes that can punch through the armor of a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use tank, yet makes very little noise and generates no
Range Increment: 30 feet detectable recoil. It takes one standard action to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- replace its oversized power cell and one to clap in
Magazine: 5 another load of slugs.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 3d6 Piercing (17-20 x3), ignores up to 5 Heavy Railgun
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance. Size: Huge (not possible to conceal with a “Sleight of
Weight: 4 pounds Hand” roll)
Armor Class: 9 Cost: 35,000 Units
Hardness: 5 Tentative Purchase DC: 30 (usually restricted to
Hit Points: 7 military use)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
Roll: 16 (Also works with any other Railgun)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
Steel Lozenges (box of 50 weighs 1/2 lb, costs 30 Range Increment: 500 feet
Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range “To Hit” Bonus: --
Increment by one), Holster (weighs 1/2 pound, costs Magazine: 150
10 Units) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Description: A small, handheld version of a pebble Damage: 15d6 Piercing (20 x3), Ignores fifteen points
gun, it uses a magnetic linear accelerator to launch of Hardness or Damage Resistance.
solid metal losenges at the target. It is not an autofire Weight: 150 pounds
weapon, and launches only one of its "pebbles" per Armor Class: 5
round. These rounds move much faster than ordinary Hardness: 5
bullets, and are particularly good for punching through Hit Points: 40
armor. This weapon makes more noise than most DC required to break this item with a Strength
gauss-guns, but it is still very quiet compared with a Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
conventional slugthrower or a blaster pistol. The “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
"pebbles" come pre-packaged in a plastic clip, which DM)
takes a Standard Action to reload. Accessories: Giant Armor-Piercing Slug (weighs 15
pounds, costs 15 units, comes packed in loads of 10,
Ammo Hopper can hold up to 15 loads, 150 Slugs in
Advanced Portable Railgun total), Computerized Targeting System Module
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) (Weighs 1/2 pound, Costs 500 units, reduces range
Cost: 2,000 Units increment by 1 when firing at a single target)
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to Description: A railgun made to be mounted on a tank
military use) or placed in a turret on a starship. It is a quiet weapon
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged and often won't trigger automatic defense systems

(most of them tend to look for either the chemical the attack succeeds, every target within the affected
traces of rocket exhaust or the radiation from an area must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
energy weapon) but has one real disadvantage over or take damage. This uses up five rounds of
energy guns--it requires ammunition and can run out ammunition.
of it. Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Packet of Needles (pre-assembled into disposable
magazine, holds enough for 45 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb,
Mass-Driver Weapon System costs 50 Units), Packet of Tranquilizer Needles (pre-
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of assembled into disposable magazine, holds enough for
hand” roll) 20 bursts, weighs 1/2 lb, costs 65 Units), Scope (1/2
Cost: 1,250 Units lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Increment by one)
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to Description: A different kind of gauss-gun, this is a
military use) generalized weapon system with a variety of lethal and
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons non-lethal options.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use It has a dual magazine, one half of which holds
Range Increment: 100 feet (gauss needles), 70 feet enough armor piercing needles for 45 bursts while the
(grenade launcher) other holds 20 shots worth of needles laden with a
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 tranquilizer drug.
Magazine: Energy cell holds 70 charges. See A magnetic railgun launcher on the bottom of the
description for details on how to use charges for the weapon can lob either 5 grenades or an equal number
various types of attack this weapon can make. The of solid metal slugs (mix and match them however
dual needle magazines hold 45 bursts worth of you like).
standard needles and 20 bursts worth of tranquilizer The gun can also give off its energy in a short-
needles. The magnetic grenade launcher holds 5 range electromagnetic pulse which disrupts robots'
grenades--3 Fragmentation and 2 Solid Slug rounds. internal circuitry over a 20 foot cone-shaped area (it
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has does 6d6 damage and only affects cybernetic entities).
attacks The needles come pre-packaged in clips. Each clip
Damage: Varies by type of round. Standard loads do takes a Standard Action to reload, as does the
6d6 damage, anyone struck by a Tranquilizer Needle weapon's power cell. Each grenade or slug takes a
must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall Standard Action to chamber into the accelerator.
unconscious for 2d10 minutes. The Grenade Launcher The weapon doesn't have to have different loads in
can fire fragmentation grenades that do 4d6 damage to its dual magazine. It can just as easily carry all
anyone in a 20 foot radius, or solid spent uranium standard rounds or all tranquilizer rounds. And you
slugs that do 3d6 damage, ignore up to 10 pts of could of course load the grenade launcher with
Hardness and do an extra 3d6 damage to targets with a whatever grenades are available.
Hardness of 7 or higher. The special electromagnetic As with all gauss-guns, we're measuring its
attack does 6d6 damage in a 20 foot cone, but only to magazine in terms of how many bursts it can fire,
cybernetic entities. rather than how many actual needles are in each
Weight: 11 pounds magazine. It is impossible to fire single shots with
Armor Class: 7 this gun, as just touching the trigger launches two or
Hardness: 10 three needles.
Hit Points: 7 It takes one charge from the energy cell to fire a
DC required to break this item with a Strength burst of either type, two to launch a slug or a grenade,
Roll: 18 and three to use the electromagnetic anti-robot attack.
Special: This weapon is capable of a special version It cannot fire mixed bursts—it pulls from either one
of Autofire. It can target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. magazine or the other.
The targeted area has an effective Defense of 10. If

Lightning Guns
The most primitive form of energy weapon, lightning guns launch a bolt of electricity at the target, burning and
electrocuting it. Largely seen in alternate 19th century “Steampunk” scenarios, they may also come into their own in
futures where other forms of energy weapons turn out to be impractical. Few science fiction campaigns will revolve
around this technology, so I haven’t provided a lot of variant or “brand-name” models. Jut some basic designs that you
can adapt as needed.

Lightning Pistol “sleight of hand” roll)

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Cost: 600 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) far better insulated.
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet Heavy Lightning Rifle
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Magazine: 40 Cost: 1,100 Units
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable)
attacks Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Damage: 1d20 Electricity (20 x2) Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
Weight: 3 pounds mount
Armor Class: 9 Range Increment: 90 feet
Hardness: 4 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hit Points: 2 Magazine: 75
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Roll: 15 attacks
Accessories: Special Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, Damage: 2d20+2 Electricity (20 x2)
costs 50 Units to buy or 60 to build in a lab, not Weight: 14 pounds
compatible with other energy weapons, except Armor Class: 5
possibly a lightning rifle), Holster (costs 100 Units, to Hardness: 4
have specially custom-made, weighs 1/2 pound) Hit Points: 4
Description: The simplest form of energy weapon DC required to break this item with a Strength
imaginable. It's essentially a Tesla coil with an Roll: 20
incredibly potent battery. Turn it on and gigantic Accessories: Special Energy Cell (2 pounds, costs 150
electrical sparks crackle out of it, frying the target in Units to buy or 175 to build in a lab, not compatible
their shoes. Good for "Steampunk" campaigns and for with other energy weapons, even those designed for
science fiction sagas in which most energy weapons other lightning guns)
are unfeasible. The pistol itself is long, thin and Description: A lightning gun the size of a bazooka, it
wicked-looking, with a sharp metal spike where the shoots bolts of electricity at the target and has a
barrel should be. tendency to make its user's hair stand on end. This is a
deafeningly loud weapon. It makes a genuine
thunderclap and if there aren't any big ominous clouds
Lightning Rifle in the sky this is sure to attract the curiosity of anyone
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of in a quarter-mile radius.
Hand roll)
Cost: 825 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) Variable Intensity Lightning Gun
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use hand” roll)
Range Increment: 80 feet Cost: 1,200 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable)
Magazine: 50 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
attacks mount
Damage: 1d20+1d10 Electricity (20 x2) Range Increment: 80 feet
Weight: 9 pounds “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 7 Magazine: 50, see description
Hardness: 4 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hit Points: 3 attacks
DC required to break this item with a Strength Damage: Variable, can be set to do from 1-10d6
Roll: 17 Electricity (20 x2) or 1-10d6 Nonlethal damage
Accessories: Special Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, Weight: 8 pounds
costs 50 Units to buy or 60 to build in a lab, not Armor Class: 7
compatible with other energy weapons, except perhaps Hardness: 4
for a lightning pistol--it's the DM's call) Hit Points: 4
Description: The most basic form of energy weapon. DC required to break this item with a Strength
It's nothing but a Tesla coil hooked up to an incredibly Roll: 15
large power source. It creates huge electrical sparks, Accessories: Special Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
the size of small lightning bolts. The weapon is costs 50 Units, to buy or 60 to build in a lab, not
loosely called a rifle, but it's more the size of a combat compatible with other energy weapons, except perhaps
shotgun, with a long sharp spike in place of a barrel. for other lightning guns, if the DM approves)
In Steampunk campaigns it's made of riveted metal, Description: A strange glass and metal carbine,
with rubberized hand grips. In futuristic scenarios it's somewhere between the size of a large pistol and a

small submachine gun. It has a metal spike, shaped burning out completely each time it is fired.
like a lightning rod, in place of a barrel. The device
shoots massive, jagged electric sparks at the target.
The weapon’s operator can vary the voltage and
amperage to whatever is suitable. The gun can do
from one to ten dice of electrical damage, either
normal or Nonlethal. It can mix different types of
damage in a single attack, doing partly normal and
partly Nonlethal damage, but it can never do more
than ten dice of damage in total. Each d6 of damage,
whether normal or Nonlethal, costs one charge. It
takes a standard action to replace the weapon's energy

"Safe-T SlamGun" Miniature Lightning Projector

Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
of hand” roll)
Cost: 45 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 7
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 10 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 1
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 1d20 Electricity (20/x3)
Weight: 1/10 of a pound
Armor Class: 18 Lightning Cannon
Hardness: 1 Size: Colossal (Impossible to conceal)
Hit Points: 1 Cost: 50,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
DC required to break this item with a Strength actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Roll: 12 Tentative Purchase DC: 31 (Often Unavailable)
Special: If the target takes more than 5 points of Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
damage, they must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
DC 15 to avoid being Stunned for 1-6 rounds Range Increment: 300 feet
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, “To Hit” Bonus: --
costs 50 units, not compatible with full-sized energy Magazine: Special, see description
weapons) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Description: A small one-shot lightning gun, which Damage: 6d20 Electricity to anything in a 10 foot
runs on a special miniature power cell that isn't radius around the point of impact. A Reflexes Saving
compatible with most other energy weapons. Easily Throw vs. DC 20 allows anyone caught in that radius
concealed in one hand, it is more often used for self- to take half damage
defense than for assassination, as it makes a lot of Weight: 100 tons
noise and will set off metal detectors. This is a good Armor Class: 0
close-range weapon for an unskilled combatant to use Hardness: 6
against a mugger or a burglar, since it requires no Hit Points: 25
special weapon proficiency and is more apt to DC required to break this item with a Strength
incapacitate the target than to kill them. Not built for Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
rapid reloading, it takes a full round to open up its “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
battery pack and fit a new power cell into place. It is DM)
possible to buy a super-cheap version of this gun, Description: A giant Tesla coil, the size of a large
which costs half as much but has a 40% chance of building. It doesn't look so much like a cannon as it

does like some kind of strange radio antenna. It's troops. The lightning cannon requires an external
shaped like a squat mushroom, made from an open power source on the scale of a hydroelectric dam. It
lattice of girders, with the generator hidden never exhausts its magazine, but it can only be fired
somewhere deep inside. It fires huge electrical sparks, twenty times in a half-hour period, after which it has
the size and strength of lightning bolts. This is a to cool for fifteen minutes.
hideously inefficient way to build an energy weapon,
but it undeniably makes a huge inpression on enemy

Laser Weapons
What science fiction campaign would be complete without lasers? Lasers are (usually) the first energy weapons and
until Blasters arrive on the scene they tend to dominate the market.

Laser weapons have a number of distinct advantages over guns that launch projectiles. They have greater range and are
nearly silent. Once the technology to manufacture them becomes available they are easier to manufacture—factories
that produce laser guns can make other consumer electronics as well, whereas the technology required to make
slugthrower rounds can’t really be used for anything else.

They also have some marked drawbacks. Early lasers require the user to lug separate powerpacks around. The first
models actually require huge backpack-mounted generators, making it almost impossible to carry any equipment but
the gun itself. Later models use smaller energy cells that can be strapped to the user’s thigh or even worn around their
wrist, but this can still be awkward. It’s a particularly odious requirement for laser pistols, since it makes them tricky
to draw from a holster.

In addition, lasers have a bad way of getting dispersed by anything that scatters and diffuses light. A thick fog can cut
the damage done by a laser in half (it’s strictly the DM’s call as to when this would happen—I don’t have a game
mechanic handy for determining the thickness of fog).

Not too long after lasers first appear on the battlefield, anti-laser aerosols which completely block their effect are
introduced as well (and here I do have a game mechanic for you: A typical Anti-Laser Aerosol Canister costs 500
Units, is Tiny in size, weighs 2 pounds, has 3 Hardness, 1 Hit Point and when flung at a target square it totally negates
the effect of any laser fired into or through that 10 foot by 10 foot square for 1-6 rounds, or until dispersed by a sudden
gust of wind. It’s the DM’s call as to what constitutes a sudden gust of wind).

It is also difficult for lasers to penetrate reflective surfaces—they tend to bounce right off mirrors. It doesn’t take long
for munitions designers to realize this, and start producing reflective armor. The specifics are up to the DM. This book
contains only weapons, not armor, and leaving this undefined gives the DM more flexibility for adapting laser weapons
into his or her campaign.

Early Laser Weapons

Primitive Laser Pistol Hardness: 2

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Hit Points: 1
“sleight of hand” roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 1,800 Units Roll: 12
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 Description: Energy weapons have a certain romance
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons about them, and long before they are practical, some
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use hobbyists will try to build them. This is a working
Range Increment: 40 feet laser pistol made with early 21st century technology.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- It is a big, bulky weapon which should really be aimed
Magazine: 5 with two hands, even though it produces no recoil.
Rate of Fire: Once per round The gun is powered by a liquid sodium battery kept in
Damage: 1d6 (20 x2) Heat. The target must also make its oversized stock and takes about two hours to fully
a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 9 to avoid being recharge from house current.
rendered Blind The battery can be dangerous if it ruptures.
Weight: 5 pounds Sodium explodes on contact with water. The DM
Armor Class: 9 should judge whether or not the battery ruptures when

the gun takes damage, and whether the sodium is Hit Points: 5
likely to explode if it does.(if it's raining, then an DC required to break this item with a Strength
explosion is likely, if it's a dry clear day then it isn't, Roll: 18
unless you're standing in a puddle). Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Much too large and awkwardly shaped to fit in any Description: A handheld laser construction tool,
conventional holster, this is more of a novelty item suitable for everything from woodwork to spot
than a functional sidearm. Yet while it does less welding. It can also be used as a melee weapon, in a
damage than a projectile weapon, it is still capable of pinch. The DM should determine which Craft and
killing or blinding an opponent. Professional skills this device can be used for. It
should be a wide range, this is a versatile device and
has applications in any conceivable kind of welding or
Heavy Laser Cutter cutting job. Bulky and awkward to use as a melee
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) weapon, it has an automatic -2 penalty. The device
Cost: 3,000 Units runs on standard power cells, compatible with most
Tentative Purchase DC: 22 other power tools and energy weapons.Not really
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons designed for combat, it is impossible to reload quickly.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use It takes a full round to unbolt its battery housing and
Range Increment: Special. Can be used as a melee replace a spent energy cell if you have a screwdriver.
weapon or to make ranged attacks at a maximum It takes two rounds if you're fumbling at the bolts with
distance of 10 feet. It cannot attack objects that are your fingers.
more than 10 feet away.
“To Hit” Bonus: -2 penalty
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 4d10 Heat (20 x3)
Weight: 50 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
(Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 7 Mark 1 Military Laser
Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the Cost: 10,000 Units
wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius) Tentative Purchase DC: 26(usually restricted to
Description: A short-range laser cutting tool intended military use)
for construction work, but also popular for maiming Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
and killing people. A huge, bulky, two-handed tool, Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
it's about the size and shape of a jackhammer but Range Increment: 40 feet
somewhat lighter. It is unique in that it can be used as “To Hit” Bonus: --
either a melee weapon or a short-range missile weapon Magazine: 20
under the same weapon proficiency It absolutely Rate of Fire: Once per round
requires two hands to use, and even then it’s clumsy Damage: 3d10+2 Heat (20 x3)
and awkward. Unlike most laser weapons, it works Weight: 15 pounds (45 with backpack power cell)
perfectly well under water. Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 3
Light Construction Laser DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Roll: 13
hand” roll) Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
Cost: 300 Units (Weighs 25 pounds, costs 1,500 units, AC 12, 3
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 Hardness, 10 HP, 40% chance of exploding when it
Required Proficiency: Simple loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius)
“To Hit” Bonus: -2 penalty to use as a weapon Description: This is a standard template for an early
Magazine: 40 military laser. A bulky two-handed metal tube, longer
Rate of Fire: Once per round than a rifle, it requires a heavy backpack power unit.
Damage: 2d10 Heat (19-20/x3) You might mistake it for some new kind of
Weight: 8 pounds flamethrower, except for the lens at the end of the
Armor Class: 7 barrel.
Hardness: 7 As big as it is, the weapon can be used by almost

anyone, regardless of their size or strength, as it common to lasers. They won't function underwater,
produces no kickback at all. It is also quiet, at least thick fog completely negates the attack, as do certain
compared to a conventional firearm, and makes only a types of reflective armor.
sort of crackling noise when in use.
It's chief drawback, as with all laser weapons, is
that it is easy to take countermeasures against. The
beam can be broken up and scattered by mist or fog,
which harmlessly diffuses the light. It's the DM's call
as to whether a given patch of fog is thick enough to
neutralize the beam. Please bear in mind that smoke
and dust have no effect. Only a cloud of tiny droplets
of liquid will properly diffuse the beam. Lasers also
have a tough time penetrating reflective objects. Not
just shiny objects, a surface has to be at least as
reflective as, say, a bathroom mirror to deflect a laser
beam. Techtronics Type 9 Laser Pistol
Soon after this weapon's introduction, reflective Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
armor suits begin appearing on the battle field, “sleight of hand” roll)
limiting the laser's effectiveness. It is still a potent Cost: 500 Units
weapon, used largely in a squad support role like a Tentative Purchase DC: 15
rocket launcher or a heavy machine gun. Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 40 feet
Mark 1.9 Laser Pistol “To Hit” Bonus: --
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Magazine: 50
“sleight of hand” roll) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Cost: 400 Units attacks
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Damage: 2d10 Heat (20 x3)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Weight: 2 pounds
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Armor Class: 7
Range Increment: 40 feet Hardness: 5
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hit Points: 2
Magazine: 50 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Roll: 14
attacks Accessories: Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds,
Damage: 2d10 Heat (20 x3) costs 30 units), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Weight: 2 pounds pound), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Armor Class: 7 Increment by one)
Hardness: 5 Description: A better, more compact laser pistol than
Hit Points: 2 the Mark 1.9. This one is only the length of a large
DC required to break this item with a Strength handgun, and fits conveniently in a holster. It
Roll: 13 connects to the wrist-mounted powerpack with a small
Accessories: Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds, prong that extends sideways from the stock. With a
costs 30 units), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 little practice (i.e. the Weapon Proficiency) you can
pound) learn to draw the weapon and snap it into its power
Description: Once energy weapons displace projectile supply all in one fluid motion.
weapons, there's no going back The chemical
engineering required to produce slugthrowing rounds
is complicated, expensive and has no other use. It
can’t compete economically with weapons that are
made in the same factories as consumer electronics
and so once energy weapons are a reality,
manufacturers of traditional slugthrower guns swiftly
go out of business. As a result, some firearms are
displaced by energy weapons which actually aren’t as Mark 4.5 Laser Pistol
effective as the slugthrower equivalent. Pistols are a Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
particular case in point. Early in the history of “sleight of hand” roll)
military lasers, it is extremely difficult to make them Cost: 500 Units
small. The first laser pistols are long and bulky, won't Tentative Purchase DC: 15
fit most holsters and require a wrist-mounted Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
powerpack that covers the user's whole forearm. The Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Mark 1.9 and its cousins also have all the weaknesses Range Increment: 40 feet

“To Hit” Bonus: -- Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds,
Magazine: 50 costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode,
attacks doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in
Damage: 2d10 Heat (20 x3) a 5 foot radius), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Weight: 2 pounds Range Increment by one)
Armor Class: 7 Description: An attempt to make military lasers easier
Hardness: 5 to use. This weapon looks like a short metal tube
Hit Points: 2 (about the length of a combat shotgun) with two pistol
DC required to break this item with a Strength grips. The power supply is worn strapped to the user's
Roll: 14 thigh, and is far lighter that the backpack model. The
Accessories: Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds, weapon is also cheaper to produce and becomes the
costs 30 units), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 first standard-issue infantry laser weapon, displacing
pound), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range slugthrowing guns more or less altogether. This gun
Increment by one) has all the weaknesses common to lasers. Reflective
Description: Another attempt to make a viable laser armor and thick fog completely negate the attack.
pistol. This one keeps the pistol clipped to the side of
its wrist-mounted powerpack, rather than in a holster.
To ready the weapon, you reach over with your other "Woodsman 3" Light Hunting Laser
hand and yank it off your wrist (trying hard not to pull Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
the power cord loose from its sockets). Since the hand” roll)
powerpack itself is large enough to cover the user's Cost: 800 Units
whole forearm, it is difficult to wear this pistol as a Tentative Purchase DC: 17
concealed weapon, unless you wear very wide sleeves. Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
It can be awkward to aim and shoot with an elastic Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
power-cord stretched between your hands, so an Range Increment: 150 feet
alternate rig is available, which instead pushes the gun “To Hit” Bonus: --
down into your near hand on a little mechanical arm. Magazine: 45
If you use this version, be careful not to set the Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
launcher off by mistake, as it can both hurt your attacks
fingers and lead to unfortunate misunderstandings. Damage: 3d10 Heat (20 x3)
Weight: 6 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16
Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds,
costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all
its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode,
doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in
a 5 foot radius), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Range Increment by one)
Mark 3 Laser Carbine Description: Early laser weapns make much better
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hunting rifles than they do handguns. They're quiet,
hand” roll) easy to keep clean, and produce no kickback This is
Cost: 950 Units one of the first produced commercially for hunting.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 The user wears a wrist-powerpack which covers their
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons whole forearm. It doesn't hold as may shots as a big
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use thigh-mounted military powerpack, but it's far less
Range Increment: 100 feet likely to get tangled in the underbrush.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Pulse-Laser Big Game Rifle
Damage: 2d10 Heat (20 x3) Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Weight: 15 pounds Cost: 1,400 Units
Armor Class: 7 Tentative Purchase DC: 19
Hardness: 5 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Hit Points: 3 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 100 feet
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 “To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 5

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has for a sniper than an infantryman, since for the most
attacks part a sniper can pick and choose his targets. The rifle
Damage: 6d10 Heat (20 x3) uses a wrist-mounted powerpack, with a long elastic
Weight: 14 pounds power cord, which makes it easier to run with quietly.
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 10 Improvised Laser Carbine
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Roll: 18 hand” roll)
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell (15 Cost: 450 (Must usually be made instead of bought)
pounds, costs 300 units, AC 12, Hardness 4, HP 7, if it Units
loses all its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (but must usually be
explode, doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to built, rather than bought)
anyone in a 5 foot radius), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
units, reduces Range Increment by one) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Description: A long, heavy rifle with a small Range Increment: 50 ft
backpack mounted power unit. Designed for killing “To Hit” Bonus: --
very large game, it drains the entire power unit in just Magazine: 15
two shots. It is expensive and tricky to maintain, but Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
nonetheless is a superb big-game rifle, deadly and attacks
accurate at tremendous range. It takes a full round to Damage: 2d10 Heat (20/x3)
take off the used powerpack, don another one and plug Weight: 6 pounds
the weapon back in. This is not a real disadvantage, Armor Class: 7
however, since any hunter worth his salt would be Hardness: 2
expected to have dropped the beast with the first shot. Hit Points: 2
Indeed, having to use the second shot is regarded as a DC required to break this item with a Strength
disgraceful thing among serious big-game enthusiasts. Roll: 13
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: Anyone with the skill "Repair" can
Mark X4 Laser Sniper Rifle convert a laser welder or other such device into an
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of improvised laser carbine. This requires a skill roll vs.
Hand roll) DC 20. It is possible to "take 20" by increasing the
Cost: 1,100 Units amount of time spent on the job, unless of course you
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to are using the "Jury Rig" option. The resulting weapon
military use) tends to be about the size of a stubby rifle, with
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons roughly the strength of a short-range pistol. The DM
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use must carefully adjudicate what kind of laser can or
Range Increment: 180 feet cannot be converted into a weapon. Unless this is a
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 comic book game, laser pointers and the tiny lasers
Magazine: 30 that read CD-Roms probably can't be converted into
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has weapons. There is a 5% chance that an improvised
attacks laser weapon will burn out and become impossible to
Damage: 3d10+3 Heat (20 x3) repair each time it is fired.
Weight: 6 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5 Underwater Laser Pistol
Hit Points: 5 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
DC required to break this item with a Strength “sleight of hand” roll)
Roll: 18 Cost: 700 Units
Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds, Tentative Purchase DC: 17
costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode, Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in Range Increment: 20 feet
a 5 foot radius), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces “To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment by one) Magazine: 30
Description: A modified version of the Woodsman 3, Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
adopted by the military as a sniper rifle. It has superior attacks
range and firepower--sniper rifles are really where Damage: 2d10 Heat (20 x3)
laser weapons come into their own. However, it does Weight: 2 pounds
still suffer from all the limitations common to lasers. Armor Class: 7
The beam has difficulty penetrating dense fog or Hardness: 5
reflective surfaces. Of course this is less of a problem Hit Points: 2

DC required to break this item with a Strength Magazine: 30
Roll: 14 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Special: Works underwater, unlike most laser attacks
weapons. Damage: 3d10 Heat (20 x3)
Accessories: Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds, Weight: 7 pounds
costs 30 units), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 Armor Class: 7
pound) Hardness: 5
Description: A short-range laser pistol which fires a Hit Points: 3
blue-green beam. It has been specially polarized to DC required to break this item with a Strength
work underwater. It will also work on dry land, Roll: 15
although it seldom is used this way. It requires the use Special: Works underwater, unlike most laser
of a wrist-mounted power-pack, which attaches to the weapons.
weapon by an elastic electrical cord. The gun draws Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds,
more power than most laser pistols and so can't fire as costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all
often before the power-pack needs recharging. its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode,
doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in
a 5 foot radius)
Underwater Laser Carbine Description: A short-range laser carbine which fires a
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of blue-green beam that works underwater. It will still be
hand” roll) deflected by reflective armor and if it is fired on land
Cost: 1,100 Units it can still be dispersed by heavy fog. The gun draws
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 its power from a thigh-mounted energy-pack, which
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons attaches to the weapon by an elastic power cord.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --

Advanced Laser Weapons

Eventually energy-cell technology improves and laser weapons that don't require bulky battery packs become available
(or the DM can just skip the power-pack phase if they don't care for it and say that all laser weapons work this way).
The following weapons run on batteries which fit directly into the weapon, and are no larger than the ammo clip on a
projectile weapon. For the sake of convenience, assume that the type of energy cell used by laser weapons is
compatible with most other energy weapons of the same period.

Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Description: A more advanced laser pistol, this one
Advanced Laser Pistol doesn't require an external power pack, and instead
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a draws its power from a replaceable energy cell the size
“sleight of hand” roll) of a 6 Volt Battery. This is basically the "Laser
Cost: 550 Units Pistol" from the Dungeon Master's Guide, so we're not
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 going to count it against the total 1001 weapons listed
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons in this book.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 40 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: -- V186 Heavy Laser Pistol
Magazine: 50 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “sleight of hand” roll)
attacks Cost: 700 Units
Damage: 2d10 Heat (20 x3) Tentative Purchase DC: 17

Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 40 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 40
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d10+2 Heat (20 x3)
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2 RR-X20 "Dominator" Heavy Laser Pistol
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Roll: 15 hand” roll)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Cost: 600 Units
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
pound) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Description: A heavy laser pistol, which sacrifices Range Increment: 30 feet
magazine size for stopping power. Shorter, wider and “To Hit” Bonus: --
heavier than the generic laser pistol listed above, it Magazine: 40
still uses the same power cell. It takes a standard Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
action to reload. attacks
Damage: 3d10 Heat (20/x3)
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Q334 Laser Pistol Hardness: 5
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Hit Points: 3
“sleight of hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 550 Units
Roll: 14
Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Description: This is the heaviest laser pistol you can
Range Increment: 50 feet
buy. Meant to compete directly with blasters, it
“To Hit” Bonus: --
sacrifices a certain amount of accuracy for sheer
Magazine: 45
stopping power. It is precision made and uses a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
mechanism that is perhaps slightly too complex for its
own good, rendering the weapon bulky and fragile.
Damage: 2d8 Heat (20 x3)
On balance, most gun experts feel that it gives up too
Weight: 1 pound
much of its accuracy and still can't beat a heavy
Armor Class: 9
blaster pistol in terms of raw power. It runs on
Hardness: 5
standard energy cells, has no external power pack and
Hit Points: 2
takes a Standard Action to reload.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Description: An advanced laser pistol made for target
shooting. It is longer, but lighter and more slender
than the generic pistol listed above. It has less
stopping power but a truly superb range. It runs on the
same power cells as most other energy weapons from
the same period, and takes a Standard Action to

Advanced Laser Rifle

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Hand roll)
Cost: 900 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons

Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Cost: 650 Units
Range Increment: 180 feet Tentative Purchase DC: 16
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Magazine: 50 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment: 20 feet
attacks “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 3d10 Heat (20 x3) Magazine: 40
Weight: 6 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 7 attacks
Hardness: 5 Damage: 2d10 Heat (20 x3)
Hit Points: 5 Weight: 2 pounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 9
Roll: 17 Hardness: 5
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Hit Points: 2
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range DC required to break this item with a Strength
Increment by one) Roll: 14
Description: An advanced laser rifle, which does not Special: Works underwater, unlike most laser
require a bulky backpack power source, and instead weapons.
draws its energy from a replaceable energy cell slotted Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
into the weapon itself. This is more or less the same Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Laser Rifle described in the Dungeon Master's Guide, Description: A more advanced version of the
so we're not going to count it as one of the 1001 underwater laser pistol. It fires a blue-green laser
weapons we've promised you. beam which works underwater but drains a lot of
energy. It can be deflected by reflective armor and if
it is fired on dry land it can be dispersed by laser
QQ19 Laser Hunting Rifle aerosols. The biggest difference between this model
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of and its predecssors is that it doesn't require a separate
Hand roll) power pack and instead uses a small energy cell that
Cost: 800 Units slots directly into the weapon. This is the same type
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 of power cell used by most energy weapons from the
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons same period and it is compatible with nearly all of
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use them.
Range Increment: 170 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 50 Advanced Underwater Laser Carbine
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
attacks hand” roll)
Damage: Variable. Can be set to do from 1-3d10 Heat Cost: 1,000 Units
(20 x3) Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Weight: 6 pounds Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Armor Class: 7 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Hardness: 5 Range Increment: 30 feet
Hit Points: 6 “To Hit” Bonus: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength Magazine: 40
Roll: 15 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), attacks
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Damage: 3d10 Heat (20 x3)
Increment by one) Weight: 6 pounds
Description: An advanced laser weapon, intended for Armor Class: 7
civilian use. It has a lot of range and can be adjusted Hardness: 5
to do less damage, so as not to ruin small animals' Hit Points: 3
pelts or for that matter to blast them into ashes. It is in DC required to break this item with a Strength
many respects superior to a blaster rifle from the same Roll: 16
period. This gun does not require an external power Special: Works underwater, unlike most laser
source, and instead uses replacable energy cells, weapons.
interchangeable with most other energy weapons. It Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
takes a Standard Action to reload. Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Increment by one)
Description: A more advanced version of the
Advanced Underwater Laser Pistol underwater laser carbine. It also fires a blue-green
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a laser beam which works underwater but drains a lot of
“sleight of hand” roll) energy. The biggest difference is that it doesn't

require a bulky independent power pack and instead DC required to break this item with a Strength
uses a small energy cell which slots directly into the Roll: 16
weapon. This is the same type of power cell used by Special: Like an autofire weapon, a beam-effect laser
most of the energy weapons from the same period and can attack an entire ten-foot square. Everyone in the
it is compatible with nearly all of them. Square must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC
20. If they succeed, they take only half the damage.
Unlike an autofire weapon, it uses up only one charge
Laser Beam-Effect Pistol to attack a square.
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
“sleight of hand” roll) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Cost: 700 Units Increment by one)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Description: A two-handed beam-effect laser weapon,
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons the descendant of the Advanced Laser Rifle. It doesn't
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use look much like a 20th century firearm. It's just a long
Range Increment: 30 feet plastic tube with a pair of curved hand-grips on the
“To Hit” Bonus: -- bottom. Its energy cell is much more powerful than the
Magazine: 20 batteries used by earlier laser guns, but is about the
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has same size. Reloading it takes a Standard Action.
Damage: 2d10 Heat (20 x3)
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Special: Like an autofire weapon, a beam-effect laser
can attack an entire ten-foot square. Everyone in the
Laser Personnel Removal Tool
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Square must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC
20. If they succeed, they take only half the damage. of hand” roll)
Unlike an autofire weapon, it burns only one charge to Cost: 2,000 Units
use the area-attack. Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually illegal)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Range Increment: 10 feet
Description: In universes where lasers don't get
“To Hit” Bonus: --
displaced by "Blasters" this is what they evolve into
Magazine: 3
next. They vary little in their design from earlier
military lasers, but use a vastly more potent type of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
energy cell. This makes it practical to have the attacks
weapon emit a continous beam rather than a single Damage: 4d10 Heat (18-20 x3)
short burst of energy. It looks more like a skinny Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13
flashlight with a tapered end than it does a pistol. It
Hardness: 5
takes a full action to replace the energy cell.
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Laser Beam-Effect Rifle Special: Any attempt to find this weapon with a
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of Search roll suffers a -2 penalty, unless the searcher
Hand roll) knows exactly what they are looking for.
Cost: 1,200 Units Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 costs 50 units), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Description: This weapon is only available to military
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use and intelligence personnel, in any but the most lawless
Range Increment: 90 feet and chaotic societies. It's only real use is for
“To Hit” Bonus: -- assassinations. A tiny laser, about the size of a
Magazine: 30 penlight, it runs on a special miniature energy cell and
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has burns it all out in one burst. It doesn't look like much
attacks of anything-just a smooth plastic tube with a button on
Damage: 3d10 Heat (20 x3) the side and a hole in one end. The device has little
Weight: 8 pounds range, but it will easily cut a man in half in close
Armor Class: 7 combat. It's nearly silent and can be concealed up
Hardness: 5 your sleeve or in the palm of your hand. There is no
Hit Points: 5

safety catch, so handle with care! weapon for hostage rescues, although few police
forces could afford one. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
DC 20 allows a target to take half damage.
"Smartgun" Heavy Laser Support
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Laser Cannon
Cost: 2,000 Units Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to Cost: 40,000 Units
military use) Tentative Purchase DC: 31
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
mount Range Increment: 800 feet
Range Increment: 200 feet “To Hit” Bonus: --
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Magazine: 200
Magazine: 100 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Rate of Fire: Once per round Damage: 10d10 Heat (20 x3) to the target, 2d10 heat
Damage: 4d10 Heat (20 x3) to anything in a 5 foot radius of the target (a Reflexes
Weight: 9 pounds Saving Throw will reduce the area-effect damage by
Armor Class: 5 half).
Hardness: 5 Weight: 1 ton
Hit Points: 9 Armor Class: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 5
Roll: 20 Hit Points: 60
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, DC required to break this item with a Strength
costs 25 units) Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
Description: A super-advanced, computer-guided “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
heavy laser rifle. This is a squad support weapon, DM)
bigger than an infantryman's rifle, and while it can be Description: What interstellar war would be complete
carried by a single man it is at its most effective when without them? This is a generic template for a laser
fired from a vehicle mount or a tripod. cannon, of the type used on spacecraft and on tanks.
It is a beam-effect laser, and so has the game There are some versions that can move under their
equivalent of Autofire. You can direct the beam like a own power on a half-track chassis. They are rarely
garden hose, attacking a whole square at once if you fast-moving--most have a maximum speed of 20 feet
like. per round.
When in computer-aided-autofire mode, it can Laser cannons are either powered by the vehicle
rapidly select a group of individual targets through it they are attached to, or by an onboard fusion reactor.
scope and then track each of them with the beam as They don't need to be reloaded.
they move, hitting them all in sequence and avoiding A laser cannon only requires a single crewman,
other targets. In game terms this means that it can who has 1/2 cover while firing the weapon. Cannons
target a square for an area attack (a square has an that move under their own power also require a driver.
effective defense of 10), per the standard rules on It is not possible to be both driver and gunner at the
Autofire, but it only affects the targets you select. same time. The driver has complete cover while
Everything else in the square remains unharmed. This sitting at the controls.
is ideal for things like firing into a group of grappling
melee combatants and also makes it an excellent

X-Ray Lasers
The next stage in the evolution of coherent light weapons, X-Ray lasers eliminate the two biggest drawbacks of laser
weaponry. Later models can’t be dispersed by fog or aerosols and they all cut right through reflective armor.
However, by the time the technology grows advanced enough to produce these guns, lasers have usually been displaced
by blaster weapons, so you chiefly see X-Ray lasers as sniper weapons. Professional hunters sometimes use them as

Early X-Ray Guns

Contemporary with the first few generations of laser pistol, most of these weapons still require the user to lug bulky
power packs around and can still be dispersed by anti-laser aerosols. This combined with their expense keeps them in a
limited combat niche until the technology improves.

Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds,
costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all
its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode,
doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in
a 5 foot radius), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Range Increment by one)
Description: A laser rifle which fires a pulse of
invisible X-Rays. It can be dispersed by laser aerosols
or mist, but it cuts through reflective armor and
X-Ray Laser Pistol produces no visible beam. Most often seen as a
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a commando weapon, it is particularly useful for night
“sleight of hand” roll) assaults. It uses a thigh-mounted power-pack which
Cost: 650 Units connects to the gun with an elastic cord. It takes a lot
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 of energy to produce a lethal beam at this frequency,
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons so its power pack doesn't last as long as most laser
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use rifles.
Range Increment: 50 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 30 in the energy cell, plus 2 in the gun
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d10 Heat (19-20 x3)
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds, X-Ray Laser Sniper Rifle
costs 30 units), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
pound), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Hand roll)
Increment by one) Cost: 1,200 Units
Description: A laser pistol set to the invisible X-Ray Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
frequencies. It can be dispersed by laser aerosols or military use)
mist, but it cuts through reflective armor and produces Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
no visible beam. It uses a wrist-mounted powerpack Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
that covers the user's whole forearm, but the weapon Range Increment: 190 feet
itself can store an additional two charges, for use in “To Hit” Bonus: +2
emergencies. It requires more energy to emit a beam Magazine: 45
in this ultra-high frequency, so the power pack doesn't Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
last as long as it would for a conventional laser pistol. attacks
Damage: 3d10+3 Heat (19-20 x3)
Weight: 7 pounds
X-Ray Laser Rifle Armor Class: 7
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of Hardness: 5
Hand roll) Hit Points: 4
Cost: 880 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Roll: 18
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds,
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all
Range Increment: 110 feet its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in
Magazine: 40 a 5 foot radius), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment by one)
attacks Description: A long and relatively heavy laser
Damage: 3d10 Heat (19-20 x3) weapon, intended for sniper work. It can be dispersed
Weight: 7 pounds by laser aerosols or misty conditions, but it punches

right through reflective armor and produces no visible powerpack, but can store two shots in the weapon
beam. It is a truly outstading sniper weapon. It's one itself when disconnected. This feature greatly aids in
drawback is its length, which makes it difficult to drag making quick getaways.
through heavy underbrush (reduce Movement by two
feet when doing this). It runs off a thigh-mounted

Advanced X-Ray Lasers

X-Ray guns really come into their own just as blasters appear to push laser weapons out of the market altogether.
These later models have all the strengths and none of the weaknesses associated with lasers. Fog and aerosols have no
effect on them, they don’t require external power packs and they punch right through reflective armor. In a universe
where blasters are never developed this could be the next step in the evolution of energy weapons. Otherwise, they are
specialty weapons for snipers, hunters and professional marksmen.

Q2 "Olympian" X-Ray Laser Pistol Cost: 1,200 Units

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
“sleight of hand” roll) military use)
Cost: 750 Units Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Range Increment: 200 feet
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Range Increment: 70 feet Magazine: 40
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Magazine: 50 attacks
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Damage: 3d10+3 Heat (19-20 x3)
attacks Weight: 7 pounds
Damage: 2d8 Heat (19-20 /x3) Armor Class: 7
Weight: 1 pound Hardness: 5
Armor Class: 9 Hit Points: 7
Hardness: 5 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 2 Roll: 19
DC required to break this item with a Strength Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Roll: 15 Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Increment by one)
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Description: An advanced military laser rifle,
Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 intended for snipers. This gun remains in service long
pound) after Blasters have displaced lasers in most other
Description: An ultra-lightweight x-ray laser target areas. Lasers make superb sniper weapons, and this
pistol, made primarily for marksmanship one has few of the limitations of its predecessors. It
competitions. This gun appears just as blasters are produces no visible beam or bolt. Reflective armor
pushing lasers out of the market and it beats them doesn't stop it. The gun does not require a bulky
handily in target shooting competitions every time. external power source, and instead uses replacable
Because of the unfortunate timing of its appearance, energy cells, interchangeable with most other energy
this becomes a rare gun, prized by collectors and weapons from the same epoch. It takes only a
seldom seen outside of a display case. If you see standard action to reload. It can't fire through dense
someone carrying this weapon for self-defense they've fog or anti-laser aerosols, but this is less of a
either stolen it without knowing what it is or else disadvantage for a sniper than for an infantryman in
they're a seriously dangerous gunfighter. any case, since a sniper can usually pick and choose
targets at leisure.

Type 483 X-Ray Laser Sniper Rifle

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Hand roll)

Microwave Weapons
Microwave guns tend to appear early in the history of energy weapons. All that's really required to build one is an
understanding of radio waves and a strong enough power source to tote around. They fire an invisible, silent beam of
focused electromagnetic waves, much like a microwave oven.

As a rule, microwave weapons are cheap, durable and easy to produce. Generally quiet, they can cause sparks and
make a loud crackling sound when directed against a metal target (it's the DM's discretion as to when and whether this
happens). They don't have all that much range or stopping power, but are on balance a good alternative to lasers until
both are rendered obsolete by blasters (unless of course that never happens in your universe).

Mark 7 Microwave Pistol

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 480 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d8 Heat (18-20 x2)
Weight: 2 pounds Sarvio Kornfeld Heavy Microwave Pistol
Armor Class: 9 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hardness: 5 hand” roll)
Hit Points: 2 Cost: 600 Units
DC required to break this item with a Strength Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Roll: 14 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Description: A short, vaguely pistol-shaped weapon Range Increment: 30 feet
with what looks like a satellite dish where the barrel “To Hit” Bonus: --
should be. It fires an invisible beam of coherent Magazine: 40
microwaves and cooks the target from the inside. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Microwave sidearms take much less energy than attacks
laser and ion guns and are powered by a single Damage: 2d8+2 Heat (18-20 x2)
replaceable battery, located in the stock. It takes a Weight: 3 pounds
standard action to change batteries. This is a real Armor Class: 9
advantage over contemporary laser and ion pistols, Hardness: 5
which either require unwieldy power-packs or take Hit Points: 2
hours to recharge. DC required to break this item with a Strength
As versatile as a laser, a microwave pistol can be Roll: 15
used to start fires or cook a meal, but it can't be used Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
as a welding tool. It makes an extremely distinctive Description: An attempt at a "high-caliber"
and unpleasant high-pitched whine when in use, but is microwave pistol. It is bigger and heavier than most
still a lot quieter than an ion gun or a projectile microwave pistols and does more damage, but it lacks
weapon. both the stopping power of a heavy Ion Pistol and the
If it strikes a target who is carrying a metal object, range of a laser. It has all the usual advantages of a
the object may suddenly give off jagged electrical microwave weapon. The beam is invisible, the gun
sparks. This is alarming, but causes no additional doesn't need an external power pack and takes only
damage. one standard action to reload. It is also more durable
and needs less maintenance than either a laser or an
ion gun. It does not work underwater.

Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 9
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 18
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
Increment by one)
Description: An explorer's weapon, the Bush Rifle is
as durable and dependable as energy weapons come.
An extremely simple device, it has no moving parts
but the trigger and breaks down into easily replaceable
modules. It projects coherent microwave energy in a
Mark 14 Microwave Pistol
tight beam, and can be set to do from 1-6d4 Nonlethal
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
or normal damage. It is as good a specimen-collecting
“sleight of hand” roll)
tool as it is a hunting rifle.
Cost: 500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Type V-6 Microwave Rifle
Range Increment: 30 feet Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hand roll)
Magazine: 50 Cost: 900 Units
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Tentative Purchase DC: 17
attacks Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Damage: 2d8 Heat (18-20 x2) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Weight: 2 pounds Range Increment: 70 feet
Armor Class: 9 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 5 Magazine: 60 (55 in the wrist-mounted power-supply
Hit Points: 2 and 5 in the gun itself)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Roll: 15 attacks
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Damage: 3d8 Heat (18-20 x2)
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range Weight: 7 pounds
Increment by one) Armor Class: 7
Description: A microwave target pistol, designed for Hardness: 5
marksmanship competitions. It is a good, accurate, Hit Points: 7
dependable weapon, but not the equal of a laser at DC required to break this item with a Strength
range. This is an excellent weapon to take on a Roll: 17
camping trip, because of its light weight and rugged Accessories: Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds,
durability. It is not an ideal hunting weapon, however, costs 30 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces
as it makes a high, loud irritating sound which Range Increment by one)
frightens off game and the damage that it does is often Description: A microwave infantry rifle. It doesn't
random and sloppy, scorching the feathers off birds have the range of a laser and its stopping power is
and marring animal pelts. alarmingly low, but it does have a number of distinct
advantages. It is a light, short weapon, easy to carry
and extremely simple to maintain. It requires only a
small, wrist-mounted power supply and can actually
Bush Rifle
function without it for a few shots. It creates no
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
visible beam or bolt and while it does make an
Hand roll)
obnoxious high-pitched whining sound, it is far more
Cost: 780 Units
quiet than a slugthrower rifle or an ionic weapon.
Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 80 feet Short-Range Heavy Microwave Projector
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Magazine: 75 hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Cost: 2,000 Units
attacks Tentative Purchase DC: 20
Damage: Variable. Can be set to do from 1-6 d4 Heat Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
(18-20 x2) or from 1-6 d4 Nonlethal damage Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Weight: 7 pounds “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 3

Rate of Fire: Once per round Cost: 5,000 Units
Damage: 5d8 Heat to everything in a 35 foot cone. Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (usually restricted to
Anyone in its area of effect can make a Reflexes military use)
Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half damage. Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Weight: 10 pounds Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
Armor Class: 7 Range Increment: 100 feet
Hardness: 4 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hit Points: 3 Magazine: 150
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: Once per round
Roll: 15 Damage: 8d8 Heat (18-20 x2)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Weight: 2 tons
Description: A short, wide, heavy microwave carbine. Armor Class: 3
This is a squad support weapon, which serves a role Hardness: 5
much like a combat shotgun. It has very little range Hit Points: 45
but does a lot of damage in a wide area. Ideal for DC required to break this item with a Strength
clearing rooms in urban combat settings, it persists in Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
this role long after blasters have displaced most “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
microwave guns from combat duty. The weapon itself DM)
is heavy and bulky, but not very long. It is durable, Description: A generic template for a light
waterproof and requires little maintenance. It uses two microwave field artillery piece. The cannon looks a
standard power cells, set side by side. Each holds 3 lot like a large satellite dish mounted on a half-track
shots and takes a Standard Action to reload. vehicle. The weapon's operator sits in a chair at the
back of the weapon and works a touch-activated
screen. The cannon only requires one operator. It can't
Type RSK Microwave Heavy Support drive and fire at the same time. The relatively small
Weapon size and short profile of a microwave cannon give it
some advantages on the battlefield, although it's range
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
may not be as good as a laser cannon. It emits no
Cost: 2,000 Units
visible beam, but dues give off a penetrating high-
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
pitched whine which can be heard for some distance.
military use)
Most small animals find the sound of a microwave
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
cannon extremely unnerving and will flee the area in a
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
panic if they hear one in use.
Range Increment: 90 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 100 Variable Effect Microwave Pistol
Rate of Fire: Once per round Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Damage: 6d8 Heat (18-20 x2) “sleight of hand” roll)
Weight: 17 pounds Cost: 550 Units
Armor Class: 5 Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Hardness: 5 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Hit Points: 10 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
DC required to break this item with a Strength Range Increment: 30 feet
Roll: 20 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, Magazine: Special, see description
costs 25 units) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Description: A microwave heavy weapon, meant for attacks
squad support. It is too big for a single soldier to Damage: Variable, see description
carry, and is usually mounted on a vehicle or placed in Weight: 2 pounds
a fixed postion in a fortification. The gun looks like a Armor Class: 9
small radio telescope, and while it is light enough for a Hardness: 5
strong man to carry, the awkward shape of its reflector Hit Points: 2
dish makes it impractical to use as an infantry weapon. DC required to break this item with a Strength
It doesn't have very much range, but it is cheap, Roll: 15
durable and easy to maintain. You usually see the Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Type RSK in the hands of small nations or rebel Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
groups. Description: This microwave weapon resembles a
tiny satellite dish on top of a plastic hand grip. It has
five settings of varying levels of intensity, controlled
Microwave Cannon by a dial on the handle. The user can set it to do from
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) one to 3d4 Nonlethal Damage and up to 4d4 Heat (18-
20 x2) normal damage. Alas, the weapon's lower

settings are not particularly efficient and it will always DC required to break this item with a Strength
do at least one d4 of real damage, over and above any Roll: 17
Nonlethal damage it inflicts. Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Each d4 of damage you use burns up one "charge" Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
so the highest settings tend to wear the batteries out Increment by one)
fairly quick. Description: An attempt to create a humane rifle for
low-intensity conflicts, this gun is more often used as
a police weapon than a military one.
Variable Effect Microwave Carbine It can do between 1 and 6 d4 Nonlethal Damage or
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of between 1 and 8 d4 normal Heat damage (18-20 x2).
hand” roll) Its stun settings aren't as effective as perhaps they
Cost: 1,000 Units should be--the weapon will always do at least one d4
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 of normal damage to the target, in addition to the
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Nonlethal Damage.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use It takes a standard action to fiddle with the dials
Range Increment: 70 feet and change the setting. Each die of damage expends 1
“To Hit” Bonus: -- charge from its power cell, so keep careful track of
Magazine: Special, see description your shots (it's easy to lose count). A spent power cell
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has takes a Standard Action to reload.
attacks This is a very short weapon, officially a carbine
Damage: Variable, see description because it takes two hands to fire. It has no barrel, just
Weight: 6 pounds a round microwave focusing antenna on the front, and
Armor Class: 7 can easily be concealed under a long coat.
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 5

Ion Guns
A cheap alternative to laser weapons, Ionic guns take a simpler, brute force approach . Essentially a juiced-up version
of the cathode ray tube in a television, they use the electrical energy from the powerpack to generate massive quantities
of charged ions, and then project them at the target. The effect is a lot like being struck by a thunderbolt-a combination
of heat and electrical damage. Ion guns are loud (they sound like a small thunderclap), messy and leave an extremely
distinctive ozone smell.

They don't have nearly the range of a laser, and yet they remain a popular alternative for centuries. You generally see
ionic weapons first appear at around the same time as the second generation of lasers and then become obsolete around
when the "Advanced Laser Pistol" makes its first appearance. Still, it's your universe. They might even be the only
kind of energy weapon that ever becomes practical, if that's what you would prefer.

G-1 "Headhunter" Ionic Sidearm Accessories: Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Range Increment by one), Holster (must be custom-
hand” roll) made, for about 150 Units, weighs 1/2 pound),
Cost: 600 Units Optional Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds, costs
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 30 units, can recharge the pistol twice)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Description: Better in many respects than laser pistols
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use of the same period, the G-1 Ionic Sidearm is a short,
Range Increment: 20 feet wide, heavy handgun with two sharp metal spikes
“To Hit” Bonus: -- sticking out the end of its broad barrel. It manages to
Magazine: 15 incorporate the power-supply into the unit, at the
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has expense of making it as big as a hair-dryer. This still
attacks gives it a marked advantage over most contemporary
Damage: 2d12 Weird Energy (20 x3) laser pistols, which still carry their energy supply
Weight: 3 pounds around in a separate external power pack.
Armor Class: 9 When fired, the gun jumps wildly and gives out a
Hardness: 5 flash of white light. It makes a very loud bang--
Hit Points: 2 louder than all but the very largest slugthrower pistols.
DC required to break this item with a Strength It also leaves a heavy scent of ozone in the air, and
Roll: 13 tends to make bystanders' hair stand on end.

The intergral power-pack can't be removed from
the weapon, and must be recharged from house current
or an energy cell, rather than being replaced. This
takes only one round, but few users relish the prospect
of trying to find an outlet in the midst of a gunfight so
most of them wear a wrist-mounted powerpack to
recharge the weapon as needed.

G-5.1 "Red Claw" Ionic Sidearm

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll) G-6 "Thunderhammer" Ionic Sidearm
Cost: 700 Units Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 hand” roll)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Cost: 825 Units
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Range Increment: 20 feet Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Magazine: 15 Range Increment: 20 feet
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: --
attacks Magazine: 10
Damage: 2d10 Weird Energy (20 x3) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 2 pounds attacks
Armor Class: 9 Damage: 2d12+2 Weird Energy (20 x3)
Hardness: 5 Weight: 4 pounds
Hit Points: 2 Armor Class: 9
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 5
Roll: 13 Hit Points: 2
Accessories: Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment by one), Holster (must be custom- Roll: 15
made, for about 150 Units, weighs 1/2 pound), Accessories: Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Optional Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds, costs Range Increment by one), Holster (must be custom-
30 units, can recharge the pistol three times) made, for about 150 Units, weighs 1/2 pound),
Description: The G-5.1 Ionic Sidearm was created in Optional Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds, costs
an effort to counteract the popular impression of ion 30 units, can recharge the pistol twice)
guns as clumsy and inaccurate. It is an ionic target Description: Some people just like big guns. This is
pistol, intended for marksmanship competitions the ion pistol for them. It has less shots than most
Despite the maker's best efforts, it is not as accurate models, but gives you considerably more wallop per
as a laser pistol. It does however fill one important shot. It is also impressively large, ugly and scary. Big
niche. This is an energy weapon that you can carry and mean is something ion weapons do well, and this
concealed in a shoulder holster. A long, skinny one does it superbly. Like all G-Series ion guns, it
weapon, it has two distinctive metal spikes sticking carries its power supply in the chunky, oversized stock
out of its waspish barrel. and needs to be periodically recharged. It only takes a
It may be discreet to carry, yet it's anything but round to recharge, but it's hardly practical to scorunge
discreet to fire. It makes a thunderous bang and gives about for wall outlets in the middle of a battle, so most
off a bright white flash as the bolt of charged ions users carry a wrist-mounted power pack (the same
slams into the target. kind used for early laser pistols) for quick recharges
The gun has an integral power-pack, which must be on the go.
recharged from house current or an energy cell, rather
than being replaced. This takes only one round, but of
course it can be tricky to find an outlet in the middle GS-2 "Sportsmaster" Ion Rifle
of a firefight, so many users wear a wrist-mounted Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
powerpack to recharge it as needed. Hand roll)
Cost: 900 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 70 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 20
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

Damage: 3d12 Weird Energy (20 x3) clearing rooms, pillboxes and so forth. In this
Weight: 10 pounds capacity it eventually saw widespread use with a
Armor Class: 7 number of police forces.
Hardness: 5 The power-pack is built into the weapon and must
Hit Points: 3 be recharged rather than being replaced. This takes a
DC required to break this item with a Strength full round. Most soldiers carry it plugged into a wrist
Roll: 15 or thigh-mounted powerpack to recharge as needed.
Accessories: Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Range Increment by one), Optional Wrist-Mounted
Energy Cell (2 pounds, costs 30 units, can recharge
the rifle twice)
Description: Ion guns don't really make very good
hunting rifles, at least compared to lasers. This ionic
rifle has better range than some, but it will turn birds
into scorched piles of feathers and is so loud that it's
sure to frighten the game away. Still, it does a lot of GS-X Heavy Sporting Ion Rifle
damage and has those cool spikes sticking out of the Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
barrel. In hunting circles, this gun is the sure sign of Hand roll)
the overenthusiastic amateur. It's a short, chunky, Cost: 1,100 Units
square weapon, with impressively brutal lines. The Tentative Purchase DC: 18
power-pack is built into the gun and needs to be Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
recharged when it runs out of shots. This takes a full Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
round. Some hunters carry wrist-mounted powerpacks Range Increment: 80 feet
to recharge with, but for most sportsmen twenty-five “To Hit” Bonus: --
shots is sufficient for an afternoon excursion. Magazine: 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 4d12+4 Weird Energy (20 x3)
GS-9 Military Ion Rifle Weight: 15 pounds
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Armor Class: 5
Hand roll)
Hardness: 5
Cost: 1,000 Units
Hit Points: 4
Tentative Purchase DC: 18
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Roll: 18
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Accessories: Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
Range Increment: 60 feet
Range Increment by one), Optional Wrist-Mounted
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Energy Cell (2 pounds, costs 30 units, can recharge
Magazine: 25
the pistol twice)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Description: The one place where ion rifles really
excel is in their ability to do a lot of damage. They
Damage: 3d12+3 Weird Energy (20 x3)
may be loud and they don't have much range, but if
Weight: 12 pounds
you're hunting dinosaurs these may be secondary
Armor Class: 7
considerations. This is a standard, commercially
Hardness: 5
available big-game rifle. It's big and bulky and best
Hit Points: 4
fired from the shoulder. Largely constructed from
DC required to break this item with a Strength
plastic, it still weighs a lot for its size. This extra
Roll: 18
weight is largely its huge battery. Like most ion
Accessories: Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
weapons of its period, it doesn't require a separate
Range Increment by one), Optional Wrist-Mounted
power supply and has its battery built into the stock.
Energy Cell (2 pounds, costs 30 units, can recharge
The power supply needs to be recharged once the
the unit twice)
weapon has used all its shots, so most big game
Description: Ion rifles are both cheaper and do more
hunters either carry a wrist-mounted power pack to
damage than early laser rifles, but they aren't really
periodically reload it from. It takes a full round to
viable as a main infantry weapon, because of their
limited range and small magazines. The designers of
the GS-9 were attempting to get around this problem
by making it as cheaply as possible and selling it to
less developed nations. Only a few impoverished
states took them up on it.
A blocky, boxy, brutal looking weapon, it's only as
long as a man's arm, but is thick, wide and
surprisingly heavy. It looks lethal, but it's really better
suited to a support role like a combat shotgun, for

Swauk Mortenson-Davies Ionic Elephant Costs 100 units)
Gun Description: A squad-support sized ion gun. It has
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) impressive stopping power, but less range than the
equivalent laser weapon. The gun can be carried and
Cost: 2,500 Units
fired from the shoulder, but it jerks like a wild beast
Tentative Purchase DC: 21
and is best used with a tripod. It comes with a
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use backpack-mounted power supply, which is prone to
Range Increment: 70 feet unpleasant accidents when struck.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 2
Rate of Fire: Once per round Turbo-Cannon Heavy Ion Projector
Damage: 6d12+3 Weird Energy (20 x3) Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Weight: 25 pounds Cost: 3,000 Units
Armor Class: 5 Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (usually restricted to
Hardness: 5 military use)
Hit Points: 6 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
Roll: 19 mount
Accessories: Scope (1/2 lb, costs 250 units, reduces Range Increment: 90 feet
Range Increment by one, not compatible with other “To Hit” Bonus: --
weapons), Custom-made Power Cell (Weighs 1 Magazine: 100, see description
pound, costs 100 units). Rate of Fire: Once per round
Description: The largest, heaviest ionic big game rifle Damage: 6d12 Weird Energy (20 x3)
ever made. Enormous even for an ion rifle, it is best Weight: 75 pounds
fired from the shoulder, preferably from a prone Armor Class: 3
position. The gun itself is beautifully made, shapely Hardness: 5
and sleek. Each one is individually built to order by Hit Points: 10
hand and there are no more than two dozen of them in DC required to break this item with a Strength
existence. Unlike most ion guns, it has a detachable Roll: 19
power source mounted in the stock, which can be Accessories: Custom-made Power Cell (12 pounds,
exchanged for a new powerpack in a single standard costs 1,300 units).
action. These batteries are themselves custom-made Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
and can't be used with other devices. target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
every target within the affected area must make a
Heavy Ion Projector Reflex save (DC 20) or take the weapon’s damage.
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Autofire uses up 10 shots, and can only be used if the
Cost: 2,000 Units weapon has at least10 charges left in its power cell.
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to Description: A large ionic weapon, meant to be
military use) mounted on vheicles. It delevers a rapid-fire burst of
ionic blasts and makes a deafening amount of noise. It
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a can be loaded with either its own specially made
mount oversized power cell, or an adapter unit containing
Range Increment: 80 feet twelve standard power cells.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 100
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 6d12+3 Weird Energy (20 x3)
Weight: 35 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 8
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 19
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
(Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 7
Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it
loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the
wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius),
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Increment by one), Tripod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds,

Variable Intensity Ionic Tool
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 650 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 20 feet Ion Cannon
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Magazine: 50, see description Cost: 4,000 Units
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (usually restricted to
attacks military use)
Damage: Variable. Can be set to do 1-4d4 Weird Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Energy (20 x3) Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
Weight: 1 pound Range Increment: 150 feet
Armor Class: 9 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hardness: 5 Magazine: 100, see description
Hit Points: 2 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
DC required to break this item with a Strength attacks
Roll: 14 Damage: 9d12 Weird Energy (20 x3) to anything in a
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) 5-foot radius around the point of impact. A Reflexes
Description: Long after blasters render ion guns Saving Throw vs. DC 18 will allow anyone in the
obsolete (if that's what happens in your campaign radius but the target to take half damage.
universe), they remain in use as power tools. Weight: 3 tons
This is a more advanced ion projector, no larger Armor Class: 0
than a cell-phone, which is as much a tool as it is a Hardness: 5
weapon. It is often used by explorers and colonists Hit Points: 50
because of its simple construction and versatility. It's DC required to break this item with a Strength
a welding torch, a cutting tool, a soldering iron, a Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
medical cauterizing implement, a firestarter, and, if “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
you turn the setting up high enough, a short-range DM)
weapon. At the DM’s discretion, you can use it as a Description: A full-sized ion cannon. It is best suited
tool to help perform any number of skills (Craft, to an anti-aircraft or costal defense role, or perhaps to
Repair, etc.) be mounted on a tank. It does an apalling amount of
It runs on a modular power cell and comes with a damage but doesn't really have the range you would
colapsable solar collector which can give it back one want in a starship weapon. This is intended as a basic
charge per hour under ideal conditions. The DM template for you to customize as needed. You can put
decides how much longer it takes under inclement wheels on and make it a howitzer, or you can put it in
conditions. The solar cells don't work at all in the a turret on board a battleship.
shade or at night.

Sonic Weapons
Sonic weapons are a side-step in the evolution of small arms. Some cultures develop them and some don't. Starfaring
races seldom use them, so you tend to see sonic weapons in the hands of beings who moved beyond slugthrower
technology before doing much space exploration.

A sonic weapon directs a blast of concentrated sound at the target, vibrating it until it pops apart. The effects of a sonic
gun are always loud and spectacular, particularly when it's used on living targets. They have a number of advantages
and one glaring weakness.

Ideal antipersonnel weapons, they do large amounts of extremely ugly damage to soft, fleshy targets at close range.
They don't have a lot of moving parts, are durable and don't require much maintenance. They have little range,
however, and are just about useless for hunting (they rip the carcass to bits and scare all the game away), but these are
minor drawbacks.

The real problem with sonic weapons is that they won't work in a vacuum, and work unpredictably in different
atmospheres. Sonic guns are therefore most commonly used by ground-based militias, by police or by guards in an
indoor setting. Street gangs like them, too, because they're easy to use and make a big mess. Within these limited roles,
sonic weapons perform exceptionally well.

Hand-Held Sonic Screamer

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 400 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 10
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 3d6 Nonlethal damage, 25 foot cone. A
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 allows a target to
take half damage. Deafens anyone in the cone for
4d10 minutes if they fail a Fortitude Saving Throw
(DC 20). Anyone standing in the square directly in
front of the weapon must also make a Fortitude Saving Sonic Pistol
Throw vs. DC 15, or be rendered permanently deaf Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
(unless there is something that advanced medical “sleight of hand” roll)
science can do for them) Cost: 500 Units
Weight: 3 pounds Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Armor Class: 9 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Hardness: 4 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hit Points: 2 Range Increment: 20 feet
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 13 Magazine: 20
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Special: Does not work in a vacuum. attacks
Description: A short, fat plastic cylinder with a sonic Damage: 2d10 Special (20 x2)
focusing cup at one end. When fired it projects a Weight: 2 pounds
brain-rattling blast of sound. Deaf characters aren't Armor Class: 9
affected by it at all and at the DM's discretion robots Hardness: 5
may not be either. This is a tricky weapon to reload-- Hit Points: 2
it's meant as an emergency hold-out device, rather DC required to break this item with a Strength
than a battlefield weapon and it never occurred to the Roll: 16
designers that anyone might urgently need to change Special: Does not work in a vacuum.
the power cell in the middle of a firefight. It takes a Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
full round to unscrew the battery plate, fish out the Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
power cell and replace it. Increment by one)

Description: A long narrow pistol with a round sonic
focusing cup at the end of the barrel. It fires a
concentrated blast of coherent ultrasound and rips the
target's flesh right off their bones. The damage done
by a sonic weapon tends to be extremely gruesome.
The target’s blood vessels burst, their organs rupture,
their teeth shatter, etc. Sonic guns are also quite loud
and will immediately draw the attention of anyone in
the vicinity. Even creatures without ears will be able
to feel the distinctive vibrations of a sonic attack. A
sonic pistol has a lot of stopping power for a weapon
its size. It's one serious drawback is that it won't work
in a vacuum. Sonic pistols run on the same type of
energy cells as laser weapons or blasters. They take a
standard action to reload.

Sonic Rifle
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 850 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Snorkstrom-F'naaugh "Sonik
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 80 feet Destruktor"
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Magazine: 30 hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Cost: 500 Units
attacks Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Damage: 3d10 Special (20 x2) Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Weight: 8 pounds Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Armor Class: 7 Range Increment: 50 ft
Hardness: 5 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hit Points: 3 Magazine: 20
DC required to break this item with a Strength Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Roll: 18 attacks
Special: Does not work in a vacuum. Damage: 3d8 Special (20/x2)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Weight: 9 pounds
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range Armor Class: 7
Increment by one) Hardness: 3
Description: A short, lightly built rifle with a folding Hit Points: 2
shoulder stock We're calling it a "rifle" here, but it's DC required to break this item with a Strength
more like the size of a large submachine gun. You can Roll: 15
fire it one-handed at no penalty. It has a sonic Special: Does not work in a vacuum.
focusing dish where the barrel should be. Like all Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
sonic weapons it is incredibly loud and doesn't work in Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
a vaccum. Apart from this, it's a very good weapon. Increment by one)
It's lightweight, easy to carry, does a lot of damage Description: A low quality sonic carbine made from
and doesn't have any parts that will rust. Sonic rifles the cheapest available parts, assembled with no
run on the same type of energy cells as laser weapons. particular care. Its makers have an unsavory reputation
They take a standard action to reload. and pay little attention to safety or quality control.
Shabby and bad, the Sonik Destruktor was intended

for export to less developed worlds, but can be also be military use)
seen in the hands of poorly-equipped thugs and Required Proficiency: Simple
teenage delinquents. It has even less range than a Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
typical sonic rifle and no more stopping power than a mount
pistol. It is also fragile and prone to malfunctions. Range Increment: --
Unlike most weapons of its epoch, it does not use a “To Hit” Bonus: --
standard energy cell and instead has to be recharged Magazine: 45
from a wall outlet when it runs out of shots. Rate of Fire: Once per round
Recharging the unit takes about an hour. Damage: 4d10 Special
Weight: 22 pounds
Armor Class: 5
M-48 Sonic Sniper Rifle Hardness: 5
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Hit Points: 10
hand” roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 1,100 Units Roll: 18
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 Special: Affects everything in a forty-foot cone. Does
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons not work in a vacuum.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
Range Increment: 110 ft costs 25 units)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: This unpleasant weapon does a ferocious
Magazine: 25 7d8 damage to anything in its cone-shaped area of
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has effect. As with all ranged sonic weapons, it makes an
attacks ungodly amount of noise even before the victim starts
Damage: 2d10 Special (20/x2) screaming and is impossible to use without attracting a
Weight: 8 pounds lot of attention.
Armor Class: 7 The Demolisher’s greatest drawback as a weapon is
Hardness: 4 that it can't be used in a vacuum and behaves in
Hit Points: 2 unpredictable (and sometimes fatal) ways in exotic
DC required to break this item with a Strength atmospheres. Its power pack fits inside the weapon
Roll: 18 and is good for 15 shots.
Special: Does not work in a vacuum. If the Demolisher is used in atmospheres with
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), greater or lesser density than Earth-normal, there is a
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range 5% chance per each multiple heavier or lighter the
Increment by one) atmosphere is that the weapon will explode when
Description: A poor attempt to create a long-range fired, doing 7d8 damage to whoever is holding it and
sonic rifle. Sonic guns have a notoriously limited 4d8 damage to anything in a five-foot radius. So, if
range, which keeps most armies from adopting them you fired the weapon in an atmosphere that was twice
as infantry weapons. This one attempts to get around as dense as the Earth's, there would be a ten percent
the problem by ruthlessly focusing the gun's energy chance of it exploding. In an atmosphere that is a
into a very tight beam. The result is a disappointing quarter as dense as the Earth's, there would be a 20%
compromise from nearly every standpoint. It doesn't chance of exploding. Always round up when
have enough range to compete with laser rifles, but determining the odds of a lethal malfunction. For
wastes most of its energy in the focusing process and example, in an atmosphere that is 3 ¼ times as dense
so doesn't have much stopping power, either. It is also as earth's, there would be a 20% chance of an
long, bulky and fragile, offsetting the usual advantages explosion.
of sonic weapons (which are generally short, light and
This gun was a crashing commercial failure. Most Sonic Cannon
of its run was sold cheap to primitives who hadn't seen Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
energy weapons before. A few of them are still in Cost: 10,000 Units
circulation and will turn up in pawnshops and bazaars. Tentative Purchase DC: 26(usually restricted to
Like all sonic weapons, the M-48 is completely military use)
useless in a vacuum and at the DM's discretion it may Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
function strangely in non-earthlike atmospheres. It Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
runs on ordinary power cells, and takes a Standard Range Increment: 90 feet
Action to reload. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Sonic Broad-Beam Demolisher Damage: 8d10 Special (20 x2)
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Weight: 1 ton
Cost: 1,900 Units Armor Class: 3
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to Hardness: 5

Hit Points: 50 vehicles, because of the height and shape of the
DC required to break this item with a Strength focusing dish. Sonic cannons are therefore usually
Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the free-standing weapons, either towed on a wheeled
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the carriage behind a vehicle or mounted on treads and
DM) capable of independent movement (a typical cannon
Special: Can attack a single target, or a ten-foot wide moves pretty slowly under its own power-20 feet per
square. Anyone caught in the target square can make a round is about average). It doesn't have much range
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half and isn't particularly effective against armored
damage. Does not work in a vacuum. vehicles, but it can wreak an amazing amount of havoc
Description: A short but bulky artillery piece, with a on infantry.
giant sonic focusing dish where the barrel would
usually be. It takes only a single operator to use. It is
awkward to mount one of these devices on most

Particle Accelerator Weapons

A completely different approach to energy weapons, particle accelerators have a number of advantages and
disadvantages over lasers, and tend to flourish at around the same time. Because they require widely divergent
manufacturing technology, few cultures produce both military lasers and particle accelerator weapons.

The principle a particle accelerator works on is simple. It hurls a wad of charged subatomic particles (usually protons)
at the target, disrupting its molecular structure, burning and ionizing it like a bolt of lightning.

These weapons are not subject to the usual limitations of lasers but they do have their own weaknesses. Particle
accelerators are loud, heavy, delicate machines with a lot of fragile precision components. They can't be manufactured
quickly and require careful maintenance. They aren't as noisy as ion guns and have better range, but they're also more
expensive and tricky to use. All these traits make them prone to being replaced by Blasters at around the same time as
laser and ion weapons, unless of course you decide that in your campaign blasters are never invented.

Special: Affects Ethereal beings

Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
(Weighs 20 pounds, costs 1,000 units, AC 14, 5
Hardness, 10 HP, 40% chance of exploding when it
loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the
wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius)
Description: A huge, clunky particle accelerator
mounted on a backpack. A thick cable runs from the
device to a blunt metal nozzle, which the operator
Backpack-Mounted Particle Accelerator points at the target like a firehose. This crude and
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) dangerous weapon fires a stream of protons at the
Cost: 12,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is target, breaking up it's atomic structure and giving it
actually the cost required to build the weapon) radiation burns. It has a number of disadvantages for
Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (usually restricted to use on the battlefield.
military use) Apart from its excessive weight, it is expensive,
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons hard to maintain and fights the operator like a demon
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use when it's switched on, making it difficult to aim.
Range Increment: 100 feet Nonetheless, it does a lot of damage and for some
“To Hit” Bonus: -- reason is capable of affecting ethereal entities. You
Magazine: 30 are most likely to encounter this weapon in prototype
Rate of Fire: Once per round form. It takes six hours to recharge its spent batteries
Damage: 5d6 Radiation (20 x3), will affect Ethereal from house-current. Anyone who wears it for more
targets than twenty hours over the course of a month becomes
Weight: 10 pounds (50 with backpack) sterile. One in five of them will eventually develop
Armor Class: 3 cancer (it's completely the DM's call as to how to
Hardness: 5 handle this last matter).
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14

a 5 foot radius), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces
Range Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units,
weighs 1/2 pound)
Description:. Calling this gun a pistol actually seems
a little dubious--it's longer than a lot of submachine
guns. You can fire it with one hand, so I suppose it
just barely qualifies. There is little variation between
Murder Gun different types of particle accelerator pistol, at least in
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight the early stages of their development. This is as small
of hand” roll) as they can make them. It makes a loud "crack" and
Cost: 850 Units gives off a bright flash of blue-white light when fired.
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually illegal) It requires a thigh-mounted power pack. The smaller
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons wrist-mounted power packs that some energy weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use use don't hold enough energy. It is typical to wear the
Range Increment: Maximum Range of 5 feet gun's holster and the powerpack on the same leg, so
“To Hit” Bonus: -- that the cord doesn't get tangled when you draw it.
Magazine: 1
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
attacks Particle Accelerator Rifle
Damage: 2d10 Radiation (20 x3) Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Weight: 1 pound Hand roll)
Armor Class: 13 Cost: 1,000 Units
Hardness: 3 Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Hit Points: 1 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Roll: 12 Range Increment: 120 feet
Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound, “To Hit” Bonus: --
costs 50 units), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Magazine: 40
Description: Ideal for assassinations, this tiny particle Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
beam weapon can easily be concealed in the killer’s attacks
palm, between their fingers or even under their Damage: 5d6 Radiation (20 x3)
wristwatch. Sometimes spies hide them in cigarette Weight: 8 pounds
lighters, fountain pens and so forth. It emits an Armor Class: 7
invisible, soundless beam which is so narrow that it Hardness: 5
doesn’t always leave a visible hole in the victim’s Hit Points: 5
clothing. It only holds enough charge for a single DC required to break this item with a Strength
shot. Roll: 17
Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds,
costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all
Particle Accelerator Pistol its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode,
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in
“sleight of hand” roll) a 5 foot radius), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces
Cost: 600 Units Range Increment by one)
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 Description: A generic template for a military particle
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons accelerator rifle. It hurls a stream of protons at the
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use target, disrupting its molecular structure. It gives off a
Range Increment: 40 feet bright bluish-white flash when fired and makes a loud
“To Hit” Bonus: -- "crack" sound.
Magazine: 20 Like most early particle accelerator guns, this one
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has is long, awkward to carry and drains a lot of power. It
attacks makes more noise than a laser (although nowhere near
Damage: 3d6 Radiation (20 x3) as much as an ion gun) and doesn't have the same
Weight: 3 pounds range, but it is also doesn't have the limitations
Armor Class: 9 common to laser weapons of the same period.
Hardness: 5 Reflective armor is useless against it and the beam
Hit Points: 2 isn't dispersed by airborne water droplets.
DC required to break this item with a Strength This weapon produces no recoil, but most people
Roll: 15 prefer to fire it from the shoulder anyway, because of
Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds, its size and weight.
costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all The gun requires a thigh-mounted powerpack,
its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode, interchangeable with the ones used for laser carbines.
doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in It takes two rounds to take off an expended power

pack, strap a new one on, plug it in and charge up the Hardness: 5
weapon. Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 18
Particle Accelerator Hunting Rifle Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of (Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 7
Hand roll) Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it
Cost: 850 Units loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius),
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Increment by one)
Range Increment: 140 feet Description: A heavy particle-accelerator rifle which
“To Hit” Bonus: -- uses a backpack-mounted power unit. It is a big
Magazine: 35 weapon, longer and heavier than a laser and it doesn't
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has hold as many shots or have quite the same range.
attacks However it also doesn't have the disadvantages of a
Damage: 4d6 Radiation (20 x3) laser weapon. It can't be stopped by mirrored surfaces
Weight: 7 pounds or dispersed by fog. Reflective armor is ineffective
Armor Class: 7 against it. Like all particle accerators it makes a
Hardness: 5 distinctive loud "crack" when fired and gives off a
Hit Points: 4 blue-white flash of light that can be seen at some
DC required to break this item with a Strength distance. It takes three rounds to disconnect a used
Roll: 15 power pack, take it off, strap a new one into place,
Accessories: Thigh-Mounted Energy Cell (4 pounds, plug it in and charge up the weapon.
costs 150 units, AC 18, Hardness 4, HP 5, if it loses all
its hit points there is a 30% chance that it will explode,
doing 3d6 damage to the wearer and 1d4 to anyone in Particle Accelerator Support Gun
a 5 foot radius), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Range Increment by one) Cost: 2,000 Units
Description: Civilian particle accelerator rifles are Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
rare. They are too big and bulky to be much good for military use)
hunting. This is an attempt to build one for hunting Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons, Missile
large animals from boats. It would blow apart small Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
game and it's too heavy to lug through the underbrush mount
for miles, so this is about the only niche for it Range Increment: 120 feet
This rifle has better range but less stopping power “To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty for anyone with a
than a standard military model. Expensive and clumsy, Strength of less than 15 to use without a mount
it would only be a popular weapon in a world where Magazine: 75
laser weapons haven't been invented and projectile Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
guns have already been relegated to the scrap-heap. attacks
It uses the same thigh-mounted power-pack as the Damage: 8d6 Radiation (20 x3)
military version. The power units are interchangeable. Weight: 15 pounds
It takes two rounds to take off an expended power Armor Class: 5
pack, strap a new one on, plug it in and charge up the Hardness: 5
weapon. Hit Points: 10
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Heavy Particle Accelerator Rifle Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of (Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 7
Hand roll) Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it
Cost: 1,100 Units loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius),
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Tripod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs 100 units)
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a Description: A particle accelerator the size of a heavy
mount machine gun, built to serve much the same combat
Range Increment: 130 feet role. It is possible for someone with a Strength of 15
“To Hit” Bonus: -- or greater to use this gun as a hand weapon (anyone
Magazine: 60 else suffers a -4 penalty) but for the most part it is is
Rate of Fire: Once per round fired either from a tripod or a vehicle. It draws its
Damage: 6d6 Radiation (20 x3) energy either from a vehicle’s power supply or from a
Weight: 11 pounds huge backpack-mounted energy cell. It is a tough
Armor Class: 5 weapon to carry through heavy undergrowth or across

rugged terrain, so it is more often seen as a vehicle- Hardness: 5
mounted weapon than in a squad-support role. Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Particle Accelerator Cannon Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Cost: 40,000 Units Increment by one)
Tentative Purchase DC: 31 (usually restricted to Description: Most civilizations outgrow particle beam
military use) weapons when they discover blasters. If they don't, or
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons if blasters don't exist in your campaign world, then
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount here is what an advanced particle accelerator rifle
Range Increment: 900 feet would look like. It is still longer and heavier than a
“To Hit” Bonus: -- laser, with less range, but it also isn't vulnerable to the
Magazine: See description same limitations. Reflective armor has no effect on it.
Rate of Fire: Once per round The beam can't be dissipated by anti-laser aerosols and
Damage: 18d6 Radiation (20 x3) the gun works perfectly well underwater. It fires a
Weight: 2 tons beam of charged subatomic particles at the target,
Armor Class: 0 burning them and disrupting their cellular structure.
Hardness: 5 This rifle runs on a standard power cell,
Hit Points: 65 interchangeable with most other energy weapons from
DC required to break this item with a Strength the same period. It takes a Standard Action to reload.
Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
DM) Advanced Particle Accelerator Pistol
Description: Particle accelerators really come into Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
their own as artillery. They make large, heavy “sleight of hand” roll)
cannons, but their range is tremendous. This is a Cost: 600 Units
generic version of the kind of heavy particle beam you Tentative Purchase DC: 16
might see mounted on a tank or a starship. They do Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
also build them as stand-alone cannons, which are Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
either towed into battle behind a support vehicle or Range Increment: 40 feet
lumber across the field under their own power. It's “To Hit” Bonus: --
rare to see one that can move very fast on its own Magazine: 50
treads. 20 feet per turn is typical. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
The weapon only requires a crew of one. The attacks
gunner has ½ cover while operating the cannon. If the Damage: 3d6 Radiation (20 x3)
gun is self-propelled, then it requires a separate driver Weight: 3 pounds
and it may or may not be able to fire while in motion, Armor Class: 9
depending on the model. Hardness: 5
Most particle accelerator cannons either draw their Hit Points: 2
power from the tank or ship they are mounted on. If DC required to break this item with a Strength
it's a self-propelled gun, then it generally has a small Roll: 15
on-board fusion reactor, which provides it with an Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
effectively unlimited power supply. The gun itself Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
will wear out long before the power does. Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Description: Far smaller and more practical than
Advanced Particle Accelerator Rifle earlier models, this particle beam pistol is still
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of somewhat larger and heavier than most hand-held
Hand roll) lasers. It also uses more power and holds less shots.
Cost: 1,000 Units Still, these drawbacks may be worth it to have a
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 weapon that won't bounce off reflective armor. Like
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons all particle accelerator weapons it emits a bright blue
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use flash and makes a cracking sound when fired. It's
Range Increment: 120 feet quieter but produces more flash than a projectile gun.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Instead of a separate power source, it runs on the same
Magazine: 50 energy cells as most energy weapons of the same
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has epoch. It takes a standard action to reload.
Damage: 5d6 Radiation (20 x3)
Weight: 7 pounds
Armor Class: 7

hand” roll)
Cost: 2,000 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 20
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 130 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 20
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 4d6+3 Radiation (20 x3) vs. either a single
Lightweight Advanced Particle target or everything in a 10 foot square.
Weight: 12 pounds
Accelerator Pistol Armor Class: 7
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Hardness: 5
“sleight of hand” roll) Hit Points: 5
Cost: 350 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 Roll: 16
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Range Increment: 30 feet Increment by one)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: A particle accelerator which emits a
Magazine: 60 continuous blue beam of protons. The beam can be
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has played across a ten-foot square like a garden hose,
attacks attacking anything in the square. A square has an
Damage: 2d6+3 Radiation (20 x3) effective AC of 10, and anyone standing in it can
Weight: 2 pounds make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Armor Class: 9 damage. It uses up only one charge to attack a square.
Hardness: 5 Created as a direct attempt to compete with
Hit Points: 2 continuous beam lasers, this gun is not altogether
DC required to break this item with a Strength satisfactory. It is big and heavy and can only manage
Roll: 14 a few sustained shots before it drains its energy cell
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), dry. It also makes a very loud noise (sort of a
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range crackling hum) and gives off a very bright flash that
Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 can be seen for miles.
pound) Despite the fact that it works against reflective
Description: An attempt to produce a small, armor and can't be dispersed by anti-laser aerosols this
lightweight particle beam pistol, suitable for use as a was not a popular weapon, and was sold cheap to
concealed weapon. It is a partial success. The gun is dubious parties better left unnamed. This is the heavy
indeed small enough to hide in a shoulder holster or a weapon that a second rate army or a futuristic biker
large pocket, but it sacrifices a good deal of stopping gang might carry.
power to do this and doesn't hold very many shots. It uses an ordinary power cell, interchangeable with
Less noisy than most particle beam weapons, it still most other energy weapons and takes a Standard
makes the same bright blue flash as a full-sized pistol. Action to reload. There was an alternate version
It uses a standard power cell, interchangeable with just which used a backpack-mounted power supply. This
about any energy weapon from the same period. It increased the weapon's magazine to fifty shots, but
takes a Standard Action to reload. was even less popular.

Continuous Beam Proton Gun

Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of

A combination of the best characteristics of projectile weapon and energy weapon technology, blasters tend to displace
other energy weapons almost as soon as they are invented. They have a great many strengths and few limitations. Ion
guns and particle accelerators may hit harder, lasers may have better range and make less noise, microwave guns
require less maintenance, but blasters have the best characteristics overall.

Lasers tend to live on as sniper weapons and microwave guns as hunting and survival tools, but Blasters swiftly rise to

dominate the market for blowing holes in things.

They operate on a simple, ancient principle. A sort of modified tractor beam, the gun throws a bolt of solid kinetic
force at the target, punching a hole in it the way a projectile weapon would, but without the projectile. The tremendous
energy with which the bolt hits the target tends to leave the edges of the wound burnt and charred, but most of the
damage is done by the impact. Unlike most energy weapons, blasters actually produce recoil, although nowhere near
as much as a slugthrower gun of comparable force.

Blasters tend to eventually be supplanted by Gamma Ray weapons or plasma guns, but it's usually a long time before
most cultures get that advanced.

Model 1 Blaster Magazine: 50

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 1,000 Units Damage: 2d10 Weird Energy (20 x3)
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 Weight: 2 pounds
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Armor Class: 9
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Hardness: 5
Range Increment: 30 feet Hit Points: 2
“To Hit” Bonus: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
Magazine: 25 Roll: 15
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
attacks Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Damage: 3d10+3 Weird Energy (20 x3) Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Weight: 8 pounds pound)
Armor Class: 7 Description: The most commonly used blaster pistol
Hardness: 5 in existence. It is a tough, reliable design which does
Hit Points: 2 more damage than a laser pistol, has better range than
DC required to break this item with a Strength an ion gun and is more durable than either. Longer
Roll: 14 than most slugthrower pistols, it will fit conveniently
Accessories: Wrist-Mounted Energy Cell (2 pounds, in a belt holster but really can't be worn under the
costs 30 units), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 shoulder. It runs off a single power cell inside the
pound) stock, and takes a full action to reload.
Description: An early blaster, it's roughly the size of a
submachine gun and can be fired with either one or
two hands. It uses enormous amounts of power
compared to a laser, and still requires a wrist-mounted
energy pack Yet it offers significant advantages over
the lasers and ion guns of its period. It delivers more
damage to the target than a laser and remains accurate
at greater range than an ion gun. It can punch right
through reflective armor and is totally unaffected by
anti-laser aerosols. Model ZE-7 "Overlord" Heavy Blaster
This model becomes enormously popular,
eventually displacing laser weapons everywhere but as
hunting and sniper tools, while eliminating ion guns Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
more or less altogether. There are countless imitators hand” roll)
and knock-offs, but they all use roughly the same Cost: 850 Units
stats. For a really cheap and badly made one, cut the Tentative Purchase DC: 17
price in half and reduce the range increment to 20 feet. Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use, unless your
Strength is 15 or higher, in which case you can fire it
Model ZE-5 Blaster Pistol Range Increment: 30 feet
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of “To Hit” Bonus: --
hand” roll) Magazine: 45
Cost: 600 Units Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 attacks
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Damage: 2d10+3 Weird Energy (20 x3)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Weight: 3 pounds
Range Increment: 30 feet Armor Class: 9
“To Hit” Bonus: --

Hardness: 5 however ideal for someone with less physical strength,
Hit Points: 2 for it produces very little recoil.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Blaster Dueling Pistol
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Increment by one) “sleight of hand” roll)
Description: A big, heavy blaster pistol, meant to be Cost: 900 Units
aimed with two hands. This is the 44 magnum of Tentative Purchase DC: 17
blaster weapons. It delivers maximum stopping power Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
without sacrificing as much accuracy as an ionic pistol Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
and it has a respectable range. It is also somewhat Range Increment: 20 feet
difficult to use. It's more the size of a small “To Hit” Bonus: --
submachine gun than a large pistol. It doesn't have a Rate of Fire: Once per round
shoulder stock, which makes it absolutely necessary Damage: 1d8 Weird Energy (20 x3)
(at least for most people) to use both hands when you Weight: 1 pound
aim it. Too big for a holster and not really big enough Armor Class: 9
for a shoulder strap, it's an inconvenient weapon to Hardness: 5
carry. Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Increment by one), Holster (must be custom-made,
usually costs about 150 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Description: A small, lightweight, underpowered
blaster pistol, often heavily ornamented and/or styled
to look like an 18th century flintlock. This weapon is
used primarily by aristocrats and other people rich and
bored enough to have nothing better to do than shoot
their friends over petty squabbles. Despite its low
power and limited range, it still does an admirable job
of making their tedious lives mercifully brief.

Model ZM-3 Light Blaster Pistol

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Model Aleph-3 Blaster Carbine
“sleight of hand” roll) Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Cost: 340 Units hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 Cost: 1,000 Units
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Range Increment: 30 feet Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: 80 feet
Magazine: 40 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Magazine: 50
attacks Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d8 Weird Energy (20 x3) attacks
Weight: 1 pound Damage: 3d10+3 Weird Energy (20 x3)
Armor Class: 9 Weight: 8 pounds
Hardness: 5 Armor Class: 7
Hit Points: 2 Hardness: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 3
Roll: 14 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Roll: 17
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
pound) Increment by one)
Description: An attempt to build a small, lightweight, Description: Somewhere between the size of a pistol
concealable blaster pistol, suitable for a shoulder and a rifle, you hold this weapon by a pistolgrip about
holster, this is a mixed success. The weapon is stubby a third of the way down its length. It has a folding
and relatively light but it’s still awkward to conceal metal stock which rests against your shoulder when
and gives up a great deal of stopping power. It is you fire it. A boxy weapon with a short, heavy barrel,

it looks suspiciously like the one imperial Roll: 16
sturmtroopers carry in you-know-which famous Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
science fiction movie. Description: Favored by howling space-apes who
don't know any better, this is a heavy blaster carbine
built in the shape of a crossbow. It runs off the same
energy cell as a standard blaster and sacrifices a
certain amount of accuracy and range for raw stopping
power. It takes a standard action to reload.
Civilizations that attach special symbolic meaning to
crossbows might use this weapon to equip an honor
Model Upsilon Military Blaster Carbine guard unit, or a weapons manufacturer might build
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of them for sale to primitives who feel more comfortable
hand” roll) with its familiar shape.
Cost: 550 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually restricted to
military use) Model Daleth-Rho Blaster Rifle
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use Hand roll)
Range Increment: 70 feet Cost: 1,250 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Magazine: 50 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
attacks Range Increment: 90 feet
Damage: 3d8 Weird Energy (20 x3) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Weight: 9 pounds Magazine: 50
Armor Class: 7 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hardness: 5 attacks
Hit Points: 3 Damage: 3d10+3 Weird Energy (20 x3)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 11 pounds
Roll: 15 Armor Class: 7
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Hardness: 5
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Hit Points: 5
Increment by one) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: A low-cost blaster rifle, made largely for Roll: 17
export to nations which can't afford better. It is made Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
almost entirely of plastic, except for the barrel and Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
firing mechanism. It produces a surprising amount of Increment by one)
recoil for a blaster which does such sub-standard Description: A heavy, shoulder-mounted blaster rifle.
damage, but has only a flimsy folding shoulder stock This is a military weapon, intended as an infantry
The barrel is short and despite its many drawbacks it is assault rifle. It is longer and more difficult to carry
an easy weapon to carry. It is also quite simple to than a blaster carbine, but it also has better range.
maintain. Some armies prefer the Aleph-3 Carbine, which is
cheaper to manufacture, but for nations with better
resources or for elite troops, this is the weapon of
Blaster Crossbow choice..
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 950 Units Model T-40 Light Blaster Rifle
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Hand roll)
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Cost: 800 Units
Range Increment: 80 feet Tentative Purchase DC: 17
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Magazine: 20 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment: 100 feet
attacks “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 3d10+4 Weird Energy (20 x3) Magazine: 45
Weight: 9 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 7 attacks
Hardness: 5 Damage: 3d10 Weird Energy (20 x3)
Hit Points: 3 Weight: 7 pounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 7

Hardness: 5 Model XX Competition Blaster
Hit Points: 4 Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
DC required to break this item with a Strength hand” roll)
Roll: 15 Cost: 1,500 Units
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Tentative Purchase DC: 19
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Increment by one) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Description: A lightweight blaster rifle meant for Range Increment: 110 feet
hunting. It is longer than a carbine, but smaller and “To Hit” Bonus: --
lighter than a military weapon. This is a "varmint Magazine: 25
gun" meant to kill small game without reducing them Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
to ash. It does not have the range and accuracy of a attacks
laser weapon and of course makes far more noise. It's Damage: 3d10 Weird Energy (20 x3)
only real advantage over a laser rifle is that it's short Weight: 7 pounds
and easy to carry through underbrush. However, by Armor Class: 7
the time this weapon appears laser rifles are expensive Hardness: 5
specialty items made for snipers and big game hunters Hit Points: 3
and are seldom available to casual sportsmen. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 250 units, reduces Range
Increment by one)
Description: A blaster rifle made for target-shooting
competitions. It is much longer and lighter than most
blaster rifles and it drains its tiny power cell dry in a
single shot. Much of its energy is spent on focusing
the bolt as tightly as possible, through a series of
magnetic rings around the barrel. It also produces
much less recoil than most blaster weapons, thanks to
Model T-90 Big Game Rifle an ingenious shock-absorber system. It still doesn't
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) have the range or accuracy of a laser weapon.
Cost: 2,500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 21
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Gridley-Forbes Mark III Dinosaur Gun
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Range Increment: 90 feet Cost: 5,000 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (Often Unavailable)
Magazine: 20 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Rate of Fire: Once per round Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Damage: 5d10 Weird Energy (20 x3) Range Increment: 80 feet
Weight: 20 pounds “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 5 Magazine: 2
Hardness: 5 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Hit Points: 10 Damage: 6d10+6 Weird Energy (20 x3)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 30 pounds
Roll: 20 Armor Class: 5
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Hardness: 5
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range Hit Points: 15
Increment by one) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: Blaster rifles work better for hunting big Roll: 20
game than small game. They make more noise than a Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
laser and have less range, but they're far better at Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
bringing down things like charging hippos. This one Increment by one)
is designed to drop large game animals at long range. Description: A custom-made blaster rifle, ideal for
It burns up its power cell in just a few rounds, but does hunting elephants or dinosaurs. It's a huge weapon,
an astounding amount of damage. More accurate than longer than most hunters are tall, and it really should
most blaster rifles at range, this also makes an only be fired from the shoulder. It comes with a built-
excellent sniper weapon, despite its cumbersome in tripod mount and it would be a good idea to make
length. It takes a standard action to reload the used use of it. It burns its whole power cell out in a single
power cell. burst, and can drop a rhino with no real difficulty.
This is not an inexpensive weapon, or an easy one to
find. Each gun is hand-made by a small family firm

for a select and discriminating group of clients. Damage: 5d10 Weird Energy (20 x3)
Weight: 75 pounds
Armor Class: 3
Model ZX-15 Heavy Blaster Hardness: 5
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Hit Points: 55
Cost: 2,000 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to Roll: 20
military use) Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds,
Range Increment: 120 feet every target within the affected area must make a
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 to use without a mount, unless Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage.
your Strength is 16 or higher Autofire uses up 10 of the weapon's charges, and can
Magazine: 75 only be used if the weapon has 10 charges left.
Rate of Fire: Once per round Description: Too large for most infantry units to
Damage: 5d10+5 Weird Energy (20 x3) carry, this is a light artillery piece that usually sees
Weight: 35 pounds service in a vehicle support role. It has eight rotating
Armor Class: 5 barrels mounted on a wheeled chassis, and can deliver
Hardness: 5 prolonged autofire attacks. It only requires one man to
Hit Points: 12 operate. The operator crouches behind the weapon
DC required to break this item with a Strength and inputs data on a screen (they have ½ cover from
Roll: 19 most attacks while they are at the controls). The gun
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, can move under its own power, but not very fast (20
costs 25 units) Tripod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs feet per round), so it's usually towed into combat. It
100 units) runs on three large power cells of the type used to
Description: A heavy blaster, intended as a squad- power tracked vehicles and takes a full round to
support weapon. It plays more or less the same reload.
battlefield role as a heavy machine gun or a rocket
launcher. This weapon can be hand-fired by someone
with a Strength of 16 or higher (everyone else uses it Heavy Blaster Cannon
at a -4), but most people are better off using it with a Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
tripod mount. This is a superior weapon, much more Cost: 35,000 Units
effective than the laser and ion guns that precede it. Tentative Purchase DC: 30 (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
Range Increment: 350 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 75
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 10d10+10 Weird Energy to the target itself,
2d10+5 to anything in a 5 foot radius of the target.
Anyone in the blast radius can make a Reflexes
Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half damage.
Weight: 2 tons
Armor Class: 3
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 65
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Turbo Blaster Cannon Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
Cost: 10,000 Units DM)
Tentative Purchase DC: 26(usually restricted to Description: A generic template for a Blaster Cannon,
military use) suitable to be mounted on a tank, a fixed emplacement
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons or a starship. If it is mounted in a turret, it can be fired
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a once every round. If not, it must take a full round to
mount reorient itself and point at a new target. At the DM's
Range Increment: 200 feet discretion, this may require skill checks on the part of
“To Hit” Bonus: -- the weapon's crew, or may even be impossible from
Magazine: 400 some angles.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

Thump-Guns and Vibro-Guns
While blasters use a small, sharply focused pressor beam to punch a hole in the target, it is also possible to use the same
technology to hit the target with a solid blunt ram of force. These “thump guns” are harder to manufacture and drain
more power than a blaster so they tend to appear later, after more efficient power cells have been invented. Few
cultures rely exclusively on thump-guns, which tend to be either specialty weapons or technological curiosities.

When yet more potent power cells are invented, we see the emergence of “vibro guns”, which use essentially the same
hardware to grab the target with both a tractor and a pressor beam at once, pushing and pulling it in opposite directions
until it shakes itself apart. More societies come to rely on vibro-guns than thump guns, but these are still rare weapons.

Thump-Pistol Magazine: 40
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“sleight of hand” roll) attacks
Cost: 850 Units Damage: 6d4 Bludgeoning (20 x2)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Weight: 9 pounds
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Armor Class: 7
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hardness: 5
Range Increment: 40 feet Hit Points: 5
“To Hit” Bonus: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
Magazine: 40 Roll: 18
Rate of Fire: Once per round Special: Any target smaller than "Large" in size is
Damage: 4d4 Bludgeoning (20 x2) knocked back ten feet by the beam. If there is a solid
Weight: 3 pounds object behind them, the target and the object both take
Armor Class: 9 1d6 damage from the impact (at the DM's discretion
Hardness: 5 they may take more damage if the object they were
Hit Points: 2 knocked into is a cactus, an electrified fence, a pile of
DC required to break this item with a Strength discarded hypodermic needles, etc.). Anyone knocked
Roll: 16 down by the beam must take a Movement Action to
Special: Any target smaller than "Large" in size is pick themselves back up.
knocked back ten feet by the beam. If there is a solid Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
object behind them, the target and the object both take Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
1d6 damage from the impact (at the DM's discretion Increment by one)
they may take more damage if the object they were Description: A carbine-sized energy weapon with a
knocked into has spikes, beakers full of acid perched set of focusing plates where the barrel should be. The
on top of if, wallpaper flocked with plutonium, etc.). gun only needs two hands to fire because of its weight
Anyone knocked down by the beam must take a and length. A Thump-Rifle produces no recoil,
Movement Action to pick themselves back up. despite the massive impact it sends into the target. It
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), makes an unmistakable deep low metallic "whomp"
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range sound when fired. Changing the depleted energy cell
Increment by one) takes a standard action.
Description: A small handgun with a stubby barrel,
the thump-pistol produces no kickback at all, despite
the massive impact it sends into the target. It makes an Heavy Thump-Gun
unmistakable deep low metallic "whomp" sound when Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
fired. It takes a standard action to reload. Cost: 2,500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 21 (usually restricted to
military use)
Thump-Rifle Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
hand” roll) mount
Cost: 1,100 Units Range Increment: 110 feet
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Magazine: 100
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Rate of Fire: Once per round
Range Increment: 100 feet Damage: 6d8 Bludgeoning (20 x2)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Weight: 22 pounds

Armor Class: 5 Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
Hardness: 5 (Weighs 20 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 4
Hit Points: 10 Hardness, 8 HP, 30% chance of exploding when it
DC required to break this item with a Strength loses all its Hit Points, doing 4d6 damage to the
Roll: 20 wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius)
Special: Any target smaller than "Large" in size is Description: A larger and more powerful variation on
knocked back 30 feet by the beam. If there is a solid the Thump-Gun, this weapon projects a solid beam of
object behind them, the target and the object both take force, which can be played across the target area like a
1d6 damage from the impact (at the DM's discretion garden hose, attacking everything in a ten foot square.
they may take more damage if the object they were The target square has an effective defense of 10.
knocked into is covered with spikes, has a tank full of Anyone in the target square can make a Reflexes
stinging jellyfish balanced on top of it, has molten lava Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to take half damage and be
trickling down its surface, etc.). Anyone knocked knocked back only 15 feet instead of 30. Using it this
down by the beam must take a Movement Action to way burns up ten charges.
pick themselves back up. This weapon requires a bulky backpack power unit,
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, which isn't compatible with most other energy
costs 25 units) weapons and takes a full round to replace when it runs
Description: A large, heavy Thump-Gun with a long, out of power. For this reason, although it was intended
wide barrel. A sort of modified tractor-beam, it as a squad support weapon (like a rocket launcher or a
generates a bolt of pure impact, which rams into the heavy machine gun) it is seldom seen on the
target like a solid object. Although it produces no battlefield. A few police forces use these weapons in
recoil, this model is too large for most people to use specialized tactical roles, for blasting off armored
without a tripod. Anyone with a Strength of less than doors and so forth, but for the most part they are a
16 takes a -4 penalty if they attempt to use this gun technological curiosity, seen largely at trade shows
without a mount. This weapon has excellent range, and in the hands of collectors
but it is fragile and is almost always used in some kind
of specialized combat role, rather than as a regular
squad-support weapon. Despite its size, the gun uses a Tractor-Pressor Vibro Gun
standard power cell, compatible with most energy Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
weapons from the same epoch. It takes a Standard hand” roll)
Action to reload. Cost: 1,200 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Heavy Force Projector Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Range Increment: 90 feet
hand” roll) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Cost: 3,000 Units Magazine: 30
Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (usually restricted to Rate of Fire: Once per round
military use) Damage: 6d6 Bludgeoning
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Weight: 10 pounds
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Armor Class: 5
Range Increment: 100 ft Hardness: 5
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hit Points: 9
Magazine: 100 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: Once per round Roll: 18
Damage: 4d8 Bludgeoning (20/x2) Special: Make a Ranged Touch Attack when you fire
Weight: 15 pounds this weapon. It ignores armor. The weapon also does
Armor Class: 5 damage to any equipment the target is carrying.
Hardness: 5 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Hit Points: 9 Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
DC required to break this item with a Strength Increment by one)
Roll: 18 Description: A nasty improvement on the Thump-
Special: Any target smaller than "Large" in size is Gun. Instead of hitting the target with a focused
knocked back 30 feet by the beam. If there is a solid pressor beam, it grabs them with both a tractor and a
object behind them, the target and the object both take pressor beam at the same time, pushing and pulling
1d6 damage from the impact. At the DM's discretion them simultaneously, until it sets up a destructive
the target may take more damage if the object they vibrational harmonic and the target shakes itself to
were knocked into is red hot, covered in needle-sharp bits.
spines, has a bucket of rusty razor blades balanced on It can be quite spectacular to use this weapon on a
top of it, etc. Anyone knocked down by the beam large machine and watch the rivets pop out and the
must take a Movement Action to pick themselves back bolts wriggle their way loose before it flies to pieces.
up. Some users think it’s even more fun to watch the

effect it has on people. out of. It produces no actual recoil, but it twists and
The weapon itself is about the size of a shotgun and turns violently when fired and can be difficult for a
strangely-shaped, with two barrels and a handgrip on novice to get used to.
the crosspiece between them. You can fire it one-
handed, but only if you have it well braced against
your shoulder. It doesn't produce any recoil in the Vibro-Cannon
usual sense, but it twists and turns strangely in the Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
user's hands when fired and is difficult for an Cost: 40,000 Units
inexperienced shooter to control. Tentative Purchase DC: 31 (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Vibro-Pistol Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Range Increment: 300 feet
“sleight of hand” roll) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Cost: 900 Units Magazine: 100
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Damage: 15d6 Bludgeoning
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Weight: 2 tons
Range Increment: 30 feet Armor Class: 0
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hardness: 5
Magazine: 10 Hit Points: 60
Rate of Fire: Once per round DC required to break this item with a Strength
Damage: 4d6 Bludgeoning Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
Weight: 3 pounds “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
Armor Class: 9 DM)
Hardness: 5 Special: This weapon attacks a 10 foot by 10 foot
Hit Points: 2 square. Anyone caught in its area of effect can make a
DC required to break this item with a Strength Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Roll: 17 damage. The weapon also does damage to any
Special: Make a Ranged Touch Attack when you fire equipment the target is carrying.
this weapon. It ignores armor. The weapon also does Description: A waspish, two barreled energy cannon.
damage to any equipment the target is carrying. It fires a combined tractor-repulsor ray that pushes and
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), pulls the target in two directions at once, until it
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range shakes itself to pieces. This weapon is far too large to
Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 be carried by a single infantryman. You tend to see it
pound) mounted on armored vehicles or starships. It is better
Description: A small, handheld Tractor-Pressor at demolishing buildings or attacking small vehicles
Vibro-Gun. It directs both a tractor beam and a pressor than it is at damaging really big spacegoing vessels, so
beam at the target, pushing and pulling at the same it tends to be an auxiliary weapon on spacecraft. If the
time. Caught between the opposing forces, the target cannon is a self-powered artillery piece, it tends to
vibrates itself to pieces. Equally usable in a vaccum, float along on an antigravity cushion at a maximum
an atmosphere or underwater, it is the preferred hand- rate of about 60 feet per round. powered by a small
weapon of those few cultures who have figured out fusion reactor which effectively never runs out of
how to mass produce them cheaply. The gun has two power. It requires a crew of only one. The gunner has
barrels, connected by a crossbar which the user grips. ¾ cover while seated at the controls.
It is difficult for someone who hasn't encountered one
of these guns before to tell which end the beams come

A high-tech energy weapon contemporary with later versions of the Blaster. Disruptors somehow disrupt the cohesion
of the target's matter, eroding holes in inanimate objects and hopelessly scrambling the delicate chemistry that makes
life function. They are extremely potent weapons, but have certain drawbacks. They are utterly useless for hunting, as
they either disintegrate the target or render its meat inedible. They cannot be used to start campfires or to weld metal.
Their sole function is to kill and destroy. For this reason, you usually see them in the hands of highly advanced but less
enlightened species.

If aliens land and they are carrying disruptor rifles, you might want to maintain a healthy skepticism when they tell you
they come in peace.

Disruptor Pistol
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 650 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 20
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 4d6 Weird Energy (16-20 x2)
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14 Gnorg Industries Heavy Disrupter Pistol
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range hand” roll)
Increment by one) Cost: 750 Units
Description: A big, brutal looking energy pistol with Tentative Purchase DC: 17
three focusing rings around the barrel. It's smaller than Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
a laser pistol or a blaster--no larger than a big Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
projectile pistol, but something about its sharp, swept- Range Increment: 20 feet
back lines looks distinctly sinister. Anything which “To Hit” Bonus: --
loses all its hit points in a single round from this Magazine: 15
weapon disintegrates in a noisy blaze of light (this Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
happens even if a number of disrupters were focusing attacks
their fire on the same target). Living organisms which Damage: 5d6 Weird Energy (16-20/x3)
die from disrupter wounds without disintegrating are Weight: 4 pounds
charred, blackened and horribly warped. Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 4
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Special: Anything which loses all its hit points in a
single round from this weapon disintegrates
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Description: A heavy Disruptor pistol, made for sheer
firepower with few other design considerations.
Disruptor technology lends itself well to making big,

sloppy handguns and this is one of the biggest and single round from this weapon disintegrates.
sloppiest. It sacrifices a certain amount of accuracy Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
for sheer stopping power. It's also finicky, complex, Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
prone to malfunctions and demanding to maintain. Nor Increment by one)
is this a cheap weapon, by any means. Still, for Description: A lightweight, long-range disruptor rifle.
aficionados of very large pistols, its massive stopping It would be ideal for hunting, if not for its distressing
power and menacing appearance are more than tendency to vaporize small game. Designed for use in
enough to make up for a few flaws. The gun is deep wilderness conditions, where weight is a
powered by standard energy cells, compatible with particular issue, it’s heavier and has less range than a
most weapons and appliances of the period, and takes laser, so it's usually produced by cultures that have
a Standard Action to reload. given laser weapons up for disruptors altogether. The
gun is also somewhat fragile for a survival rifle and
makes a lot of noise. It runs on ordinary power cells,
Disruptor Rifle compatible with most other energy weapons, and takes
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of a Standard Action to reload.
hand” roll)
Cost: 1,100 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 18
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 70 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 30
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 6d6 Weird Energy (16-20 x2)
Weight: 11 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 16
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
Increment by one)
Description: A two-handed energy weapon about the
size of a shotgun. Anything which loses all its hit
points in a single round from this weapon disintegrates
in a flash of light Living organisms that die from Snorkstrom-F'naaugh "Destrukt-O-Zap"
disrupter wounds without disintegrating are charred
and strangely distorted. They look half-melted, like P-80
candle wax. Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 700 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Thar-Zebb Light Disrupter Rifle Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
hand” roll) Range Increment: 50 ft
Cost: 1,100 Units “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 Magazine: 20
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Damage: 4d6 Weird Energy (16-20/x2)
Range Increment: 90 feet Weight: 10 pounds
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Armor Class: 7
Magazine: 30 Hardness: 4
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hit Points: 4
Damage: 5d6 Weird Energy (16-20/x2) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 9 pounds Roll: 15
Armor Class: 7 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Hardness: 5
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
Hit Points: 5 Increment by one)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: A poorly built disruptor carbine, created
Roll: 16 by two of the most shady and irresponsible arms
Special: Anything which loses all its hit points in a

merchants in known space. Like all of messrs. Magazine: 50
Snorkstrom and F'naaugh's products, it is as cheaply Rate of Fire: Once per round
and flimsily made as possible. This weapon was Damage: 8d6 Weird Energy (16-20 x2)
intended for sale to ignorant primitives, but its Weight: 34 pounds
manufacturers shortly discovered that budget-concious Armor Class: 5
criminals were willing to buy them, too. Fairly short Hardness: 5
and light for a rifle, the P-80 has barely the stopping Hit Points: 10
power of a disruptor pistol. It is an ugly weapon, DC required to break this item with a Strength
designed to appeal to customers who desperately want Roll: 18
to look tough. It takes a standard Action to reload. Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
costs 25 units)
Description: Short for a heavy energy weapon, this
Heavy Disruptor squad-support sized disruptor gun still weighs enough
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) that it can't effectively be fired by anyone with a
Cost: 2,500 Units Strength of less than 17 without using a tripod (there is
Tentative Purchase DC: 21 (usually restricted to a -4 penalty if you try). It runs off a special oversized
military use) power cell which takes a Standard Action to replace.
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons As with all matter disruptor weapons, it completely
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a disintegrates any target which loses all its hit points,
mount and leaves other targets strangely warped and
Range Increment: 100 feet blackened.
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty to fire without a mount,
unless your Strength is 17 or higher.

Among the most feared energy weapons in existence, coagulators inflict hideously painful damage to living tissue, but
leave inanimate objects unscathed. This gives them certain peculiar advantages and disadvantages in combat.

An offshoot of the technology that leads to matter transmission, they work by subtly rearranging the matter in the
target's tissues, scrambling and mangling their innards in shocking ways. The principle they operate on is not fully
understood. Why they only work on living flesh remains a mystery, although it seems to have to do with the relative
ease of scrambling molecules as complex and delicate as the ones that compose organic life. At the DM’s discretion,
there may be other, non-living hypercomplex substances which can they also affect.

Property damage is as important to many battles as actual loss of life, so you rarely see whole armies equipped with
nothing but coagulators. These are specialty weapons, but superb within their limited range. If you would like to kill
someone who is crouching in your ship's warp-drive, or standing in the control room of a nuclear reactor, or for that
matter in front of the Mona Lisa, you couldn't ask for a better tool. Call it ideal for those hard-to-reach places.

Not all civilizations eventually discover coagulator weapons. Those that do often have serious ethical problems with
their use.

Coagulation Ray Weight: 36 pounds

Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Armor Class: 5
Cost: 2,400 Units Hardness: 5
Tentative Purchase DC: 21 (Often Unavailable) Hit Points: 10
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a Roll: 15
mount Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
Range Increment: 50 feet costs 25 units)
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty to anyone with a strength Description: A greatly feared weapon, it coagulates
of less than 15, unless fired from a mount. the liquids inside the target's organs, causing what is
Magazine: 15 said to be an exquisitely disagreeable death. If it isn't
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has hooked up to a vehicle's power supply then it requires
attacks a heavy energy cell and takes a full round to reload. If
Damage: 4d10 Special (18-20 x4), only affects living the opposing troops see that you have a coagulator ray
targets and know what one is, they must make an immediate

morale check. Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Coagulator Rifle Roll: 13
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Hand roll) Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
Cost: 1,200 Units Increment by one)
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) Description: A pistol sized version of the coagulator
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons rifle. Like the bigger version, it is a long and
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use somewhat unwieldy weapon. It also has the same
Range Increment: 40 feet sinister reputation, because of the hideous damage and
“To Hit” Bonus: -- the excruciating pain that it inflicts on living targets.
Magazine: 10 Troops who face someone armed with a coagulator
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has pistol have to make an immediate morale check.
attacks Robots and other non-living objects are completely
Damage: 3d10+3 Special (18-20 x4), only affects unaffected by either the weapon or its reputation.
living targets Coagulator pistols run on energy cells, and take a
Weight: 8 pounds Standard Action to reload.
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 200 units, reduces Range
Increment by one) Micro-Coagulator Ray
Description: A greatly feared weapon which Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
coagulates the target's internal fluids into something of hand” roll)
like bloody scrambled eggs. This is an extremely Cost: 1,000 Units
painful way to die and troops who see that the enemy Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually illegal)
has coagulator rifles (and who know what one is) must Required Proficiency: Simple
immediately make a morale check. It is long and Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
bulky, and absolutely must be held with two hands, Range Increment: Maximum range of 10 feet
but it is not at all heavy for its size. The rifle has no “To Hit” Bonus: --
effect whatever on robots or inanimate objects. It runs Magazine: 3
on a standard power cell and takes a Standard Action Rate of Fire: Once per round
to reload. Damage: 2d6+2 Special (18-20 x4), only affects
living targets
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 0
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Coagulator Pistol Roll: 10
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
“sleight of hand” roll) costs 50 units), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Cost: 900 Units Description: A tiny little coagulator ray, about the
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable) size of a fountain pen. Coagulator rays are usually
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons big, long, heavy weapons and it's difficult to make one
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use this small. It burns its entire power cell out in a single
Range Increment: 20 feet shot and has a range of only ten feet. The mechanism
“To Hit” Bonus: -- has a 25% chance of burning out each time it is used,
Magazine: 5 but if it doesn't burn out it can be reloaded with a new
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has energy cell. This is a complicated process, which
attacks requires taking the whole unit apart, and can't be done
Damage: 2d10+2 Special (18-20 x4), only affects in less than one full minute.
living targets
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9

Gamma Ray Guns
Sometimes called “Grasers”, these weapons emit coherent beams of deadly gamma rays. This is the next step in the
evolution of lasers beyond X-ray guns, if they don't get displaced by blasters and relegated to the technological scrap
heap first. Like X-ray lasers, gamma ray guns have all the advantages of laser weapons without any of the usual
disadvantages. They are unaffected by anti-laser aerosols, they give off no visible beam or bolt and reflective armors
don’t stop them. Gamma rays have the added advantage of penetrating almost any material and of wreaking even more
havoc on the target than X-rays.

Early Gamma-Ray Projector

Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 10,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: 26
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 80 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 10
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 5d6 Radiation (19-20 x3)
Weight: 8 pounds (23 with backpack)
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength Gamma-Ray Pistol
Roll: 13 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell “sleight of hand” roll)
(Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 7 Cost: 875 Units
Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it Tentative Purchase DC: 17
loses all its Hit Points, doing 6d6 damage to the Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
wearer and 1d12 to anything else in a 5 foot radius), Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range Range Increment: 30 feet
Increment by one) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: A generic template for a weapon that Magazine: 20
gives off coherent gamma rays, a little like an ultra- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
high frequency laser. The weapon is silent and emits attacks
no visible burst of energy. It is unaffected by Damage: 3d6 Radiation (19-20 x3) vs. either a single
reflective armor and anti-laser sprays. It requires a target or everything in a 10 foot square. A square has
heavy backpack-mounted power unit, which impairs an effective defense of 10, and anyone standing in it
its effectiveness as a sniper weapon. can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 23 to take
half damage. It uses up only one charge to attack a
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Description: A small, lightweight plastic gun, shaped
a little like an ergonomic handrest. Only the magnetic

focusing ring on one end tells you that this is a to attack a single target or be spread over an area like
weapon and which direction to point it in. It emits a an autofire weapon. It makes no noise, emits no
lethal beam of gamma rays, which can be focused on a visible beam and leaves no marks on a living target. It
specific target or spread out to attack a 10 foot square. will destroy complex electronics but leaves other
It makes no particular sound when fired and emits inanimate materials intact. It takes a Standard Action
no visible beam or bolt. Nor does it leave any to reload its power cell.
identifiable mark on a living target--they just slump
over and die.
Robots and complex electronics take the full Gamma-Ray Broadbeam Emitter
amount of damage , but most inanimate objects are Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
immune to the effects of a gamma-ray pistol. Cost: 2,200 Units
A small touch-activated screen allows you to select Tentative Purchase DC: 21 (usually restricted to
how many dice of damage you want to do to the military use)
target. Despite this flexibility, the gun doesn't have the Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
versatility of a laser. It can't cut metal or start Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
campfires, it just kills things. It takes a Standard Range Increment: --
Action to reload the weapon's power cell. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 30
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 6d6 Radiation damage to anything in a 45
foot cone. Anyone in the cone can make a Reflexes
Saving Throw vs. DC 23 to take half damage.
Weight: 15 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 5
Gamma-Ray Rifle Hit Points: 10
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hand roll) Roll: 21
Cost: 1,100 Units Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 costs 25 units)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Description: A very large energy rifle with a wide
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use and unusually complicated focusing appuratus. It
Range Increment: 90 feet emits a silent, invisible cone of gamma rays, which
“To Hit” Bonus: -- kill without leaving a mark. It will kill living things
Magazine: 20 and irretrivably scramble robots and complex
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has electrical appliances, but it leaves other inanimate
attacks objects untouched. This is a strictly military weapon
Damage: 5d6 Radiation (19-20 x3) vs. either a single and is rarely available to ordinary citizens (unless it's
target or everything in a 10 foot square (it only uses up the sort of world where you can buy guns and heroin
one charge to attack a square). A square has an in a vending machine). It requries a lot of power and
effective defense of 10. Anyone in the target square actually uses two separate energy cells, which slot into
can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 23 to take the weapon from beneath (each holds 15 shots worth
half damage. of power). It takes an entire round to reload.
Weight: 7 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 6 Gamma-Ray Cannon
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Roll: 18 Cost: 35,000 Units
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Tentative Purchase DC: 30 (usually restricted to
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range military use)
Increment by one) Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Description: A large, two-handed gamma-ray Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
weapon. Gamma-ray guns are much less specialized Range Increment: 600 feet
than projectile weapons or lasers. They all have “To Hit” Bonus: --
roughly the same performance characteristics for their Magazine: 50
size. It's not possible to give one, say, more range but Rate of Fire: Once per round
less stopping power or anything of that nature. Damage: 15d6 Radiation to any living creatures or
Therefore there are no separate civilian and military complex electronics in a 10 foot radius from the point
models. This rifle is as likely to be seen on the of impact. Does not affect anything else. Anyone in
battlefield as on a hunting expedition. It can be used the blast radius can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
DC 27 to take half damage.

Weight: 1 ton hasn't rendered helicopters obsolete). Sometimes they
Armor Class: 3 are used as free-standing artillery, either towed into
Hardness: 5 battle behind a support vehicle or moving under their
Hit Points: 60 own power.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Gamma-ray cannons are lighter than most heavy
Roll: 16 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the energy weapons and can move faster under their own
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the power. A cannon with its own propulsion system
DM) usually floats a few feet off the ground on a cushion of
Description: Gamma-ray cannons are used almost anti-gravity and has a top speed of 70 feet per round.
exclusively as anti-personnel or anti-vehicle weapons. The weapon makes only a faint buzzing sound
They are quite effective at killing people and ruining when fired and leaves no visible mark on its victims.
complex machinery, but completely useless for They just fall down.
blowing holes in fortifications or starship hulls.
You generally see them mounted on tanks and
slow-moving aircraft like helicopters (if anti-gravity

Antimatter Weapons
Antimatter weapons direct a bolt of anti-particles at the target, annihilating chunks of its matter in a flash of gamma

These weapons appear at around the same time as blasters, unless the DM decides otherwise. They play a combat role
more like a shotgun than anything else, in that they deliver an enormous amount of damage at very close range, but
don't have much use beyond that.

They also drain so much power that they will exhaust a standard energy cell in just a few shots, making them
impractical as infantry rifles. No one ever figures out a good way to increase their range or energy limitations (at least
without making the weapon prohibitively bulky and expensive) so despite their tremendous destructive power, they
remain a technological curiosity of only limited use.

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),

Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Description: A large, bulky pistol, which can be fired
with either one hand or two. You can wear it on a belt-
holster, but to carry it concealed, some sort of long
coat is probably a good investment (fortunately a lot
of Player Characters already wear them).
This is an incredibly powerful handgun, which
throws antimatter particles at the target and breaks up
its atomic structure. Anything which takes more than
twice its hit points worth of damage from an
Antimatter Pistol antimatter pistol disintegrates altogether.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of The gun doesn't have much range and drains its
hand” roll) power cell dry in two shots, so it seldom sees police or
Cost: 1,000 Units military service. Still, there is just about no better way
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) to kill someone absolutely, totally, positively dead
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons with one shot. If you shoot someone with this monster
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use and they don't drop, run far and fast--that's one bad
Range Increment: 10 feet dude.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 2
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 4d10 Weird Energy (20 x2)
Antimatter Rifle
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Weight: 4 pounds
Hand roll)
Armor Class: 9
Cost: 1,500 Units
Hardness: 5
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (Often Unavailable)
Hit Points: 2
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Roll: 13

Range Increment: 10 feet used to guard the entrances to fortifications. Within
“To Hit” Bonus: -- its limited range there are few weapons that can match
Magazine: 2 it for sheer destructive power. Any target that takes
Rate of Fire: Once per round more than twice its hit points from an antimatter
Damage: 6d10 Weird Energy (20 x2) projector is completely disintegrated. It takes a
Weight: 14 pounds standard action to reload its oversized energy cell.
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 10 Antimatter Cannon
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Roll: 15 Cost: 20,000 Units
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Tentative Purchase DC: 28 (usually restricted to
Description: A devastatingly powerful short-range military use)
weapon, little used on the battlefield. It fires a stream Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
of antiparticles at the target, disolving its matter in a Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
puff of gamma rays. Any target which takes more Range Increment: 250 feet
than twice its hit points from an antimatter rifle is “To Hit” Bonus: --
completely disintegrated. It takes a standard action to Magazine: 1 or unlimited (if hooked up to an outside
reload. In all fairness, this gun is a lot like the power source)
"Antimatter Rifle" in the Dungeon Master's guide, so Rate of Fire: Once per round
I'm not going to count it against the total 1001 Damage: 15d10 Weird Energy to everything in a 10
weapons I've promised you. foot radius from the point of impact. Any target
caught inside the area of attack can make a Reflexes
Saving Throw vs. DC 25 to take half damage.
Heavy Antimatter-Projector Weight: 500 pounds
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Armor Class: 3
Cost: 3,000 Units Hardness: 5
Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (usually restricted to Hit Points: 75
military use) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged Roll: 16 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
mount DM)
Range Increment: 20 feet Description: A small field artillery piece that
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty unless fired from a mount launches a wad of antimatter at the target. This does
(or unless your Strength is 15 or greater) catastrophic amounts of damage, and yet the weapon
Rate of Fire: Once per round is not widely used. Its range is much too short for
Damage: 8d10 Weird Energy (20 x2) most battlefield applications, let alone for use on
Weight: 60 pounds starships. You mostly see antimatter cannons used for
Armor Class: 5 demolishing fortifications, or for short-range urban
Hardness: 5 combat. The gun is almost never-self-propelled and is
Hit Points: 25 typically mounted on a vehicle. It takes only a single
DC required to break this item with a Strength operator and draws on the vehicle's power source. It
Roll: 18 can be fired an effectively unlimited number of times
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, without melting down. It produces no recoil. The gun
costs 25 units) can be aimed at a specific target, but it is more
Description: A powerful short range weapon, rarely common to target a whole square (a target square has
used on the battlefield. It's too big to use as a hand an effective AC of 10).
weapon and too short range for most armored
vehicles. It does sometimes see service as a secondary
support weapon on light armored vehicles, or may be

Plasma and Fusion Guns

Very advanced and extremely destructive, these weapons fire a stream of superheated plasma that resembles the
substance of a star. More advanced models can heat the plasma to the point where it actually undergoes nuclear fusion
as it strikes the target. Even cultures advanced enough to produce these guns have a hard time building them small or
cheap, so they almost always remain squad-support weapons, playing a role much like a missile launcher or a heavy
machine gun. Heavy, bulky, delicate, tricky to maintain, prone to malfunctions, they make up for all these drawbacks
with sheer power. Almost nothing can beat a plasma weapon in terms of its capacity to hurt the target.

“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 20
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 12d6 heat to everything in a 10 foot radius
from the point of impact. Any target caught inside the
area of attack can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
DC 25 to take half damage.
Weight: 10 pounds (50 with backpack)
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 5
Prototype Plasma Gun Hit Points: 3
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 25,000 Units (this is actually the cost required to
Roll: 15
build the weapon)
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
Tentative Purchase DC: 29 (usually restricted to
(Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 7
military use)
Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius)
Range Increment: 80 feet
Description: A more advanced plasma gun, it's both
“To Hit” Bonus: --
lighter and partially assisted by antigravity
Magazine: 15
technology, making it much easier to carry and wear
Rate of Fire: Once every other round
than it looks. It can be fired once per round and
Damage: 12d6 Heat to everything in a 10 foot radius
doesn't hamper the wearer's movement. It still takes
from the point of impact. Any target caught inside the
two rounds to reload the backpack power cell although
area of attack can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
the cell itself is considerably smaller and lighter. Its
DC 20 to take half damage.
one real disadvantage is its range. Handheld missile
Weight: 15 pounds (75 with backpack)
launchers seldom do as much damage, but they do
Armor Class: 5
enough, and their range is often considerably greater.
Hardness: 3
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13 GP-X7 Plasma Rifle
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
(Weighs 40 pounds, costs 500 units, not compatible Cost: 12,000 Units
with any other energy weapons, AC 15, 7 Hardness, Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (usually restricted to
18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it loses all its military use)
Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the wearer and 2d6 to Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
anything else in a 5 foot radius) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Description: An early man-portable plasma gun. It is Range Increment: 150 feet
a huge, bulky weapon, with a giant back-pack- “To Hit” Bonus: --
mounted power unit and a complicated targeting visor Magazine: 30
which connects to the gun with a flexible metal cord. Rate of Fire: Once per round
It slows your movement rate by 10 ft per round. Few Damage: 10d6 Heat (20 x2), 5d6 Heat to everything
characters can carry much other equipment while in a 5 foot radius from the target. A Reflexes Saving
lugging this monster around. It takes two rounds to Throw vs. DC 20 halves the damage for anyone
disconnect everything, unharness the power unit and caught in the blast radius, but the actual target of the
put on a new one. When the gun is fired, it takes a full attack will always take the full amount.
round to power up, humming and rumbling ominously Weight: 15 pounds (55 with backpack)
as it builds a charge of plasma. Despite its many Armor Class: 7
drawbacks, this is still a tremendously potent weapon. Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
GP-4 Backpack-Mounted Plasma Gun Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
(Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 7
Cost: 10,000 Units
Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it
Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (usually restricted to
loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 damage to the
military use)
wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Description: An attempt to give plasma-guns more
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
range, by tightly focusing the plasma-stream. It is a
Range Increment: 120 feet
mixed success. The magnetic focusing apparatus does

greatly increase the gun's range, but it also makes it power cell holds 20 shots worth of energy.
even longer and heavier, while sacrificing some of its
stopping power. And it still lacks the range of most
missile-launchers. The gun slows the user's Plasma Cannon
movement by 10 ft per round. It takes two rounds to Size: Gargantuan (Impossible to conceal)
disconnect and replace the backpack-mounted power Cost: 80,000 Units
cell. Tentative Purchase DC: 33 (usually restricted to
military use)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
Plasma Support Weapon Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Range Increment: 500 feet
Cost: 24,000 Units “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 29 (usually restricted to Magazine: 50
military use) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged Damage: 18d6 Heat to everything in a 20 foot radius
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a of the point of impact. Any target caught inside the
mount area of attack can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
Range Increment: 200 feet DC 20 to take half damage.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Weight: 3 tons
Magazine: 60 Armor Class: 3
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hardness: 5
Damage: 15d6 Heat (20 x2), 5d6 Heat to everything Hit Points: 40
in a 5 foot radius from the target. A Reflexes Saving DC required to break this item with a Strength
Throw vs. DC 30 halves the damage for anyone Roll: 17 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
caught in the blast radius, but the actual target of the “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
attack will always take the full amount. DM)
Weight: 100 pounds Description: A large, heavy energy cannon with a
Armor Class: 5 glowing transparent barrel. It is usually carried
Hardness: 5 around on a truck bed, but they sometimes build them
Hit Points: 5 to move around under their own power on treads. A
DC required to break this item with a Strength product of highly advanced technology, it moves
Roll: 15 much faster than most mobile artillery--60 feet per
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Requires three, each round. It requires only one person to operate, even if
weighs 1 pound, costs 25 units) it is self-propelled, and can fire while in motion at no
Description: An extra-large plasma gun, usually seen penalty. The gun is powered by an onboard fusion
mounted on fortifications or vehicles. It is much too reactor and while it never runs out of power, it can
heavy to carry by hand. A difficult weapon, it requires only be fired five times in succession before it needs a
a two man crew to effectively aim and charge before round in which to cool off.
firing. The weapon is powered either by the vehicle it
is mounted on or by a set of three oversized power
cells, which take two full rounds to replace. Each

Fusion Guns
FGZ-20 Backpack-Mounted Fusion Gun takes the full damage.
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Weight: 12 pounds (58 with backpack)
Cost: 11,000 Units Armor Class: 5
Tentative Purchase DC: 26(usually restricted to Hardness: 5
military use) Hit Points: 2
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Roll: 17
Range Increment: 110 feet Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
“To Hit” Bonus: -- (Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 7
Magazine: 20 Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it
Rate of Fire: Once per round loses all its Hit Points, doing 6d8 damage to the
Damage: 15d6 Heat to everything in a 10 foot radius wearer and 2d8 to anything else in a 5 foot radius)
from the point of impact. Anyone caught inside the Description: A fusion gun produces plasma which
area of attack can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. reaches such incredibly high temperatures in the firing
DC 20 to take half damage. The specific target always chamber that it actually undergoes nuclear fusion. It's

a little like spraying a tiny reusable H-Bomb at the from the point of impact. Anybody caught inside the
target. This is a huge, bulky weapon and despite all blast radius can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
it's built-in antigravity technology it reduces the DC 30 to take half damage, but the actual target of the
wearer’s movement by ten feet. The backpack power attack will always take the full amount.
cell takes two rounds to completely disconnect, power Weight: 280 pounds
down and replace. It has better range than a plasma Armor Class: 5
gun but still can't shoot as far as most missile Hardness: 5
launchers. It has one other significant disadvantage Hit Points: 25
for use on the battlefield. If you are wearing one of DC required to break this item with a Strength
these, everyone on the other side will shoot at you. Roll: 18
Description: A heavy fusion gun (of course all fusion
guns are heavy, but this one is too big to be portable)
FGXx2 Fusion Gun made to be mounted on vehicles. It doesn't have the
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) power or the range of a plasma cannon but it is still an
Cost: 10,000 Units awe-inspiring weapon. You sometimes see these guns
Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (usually restricted to mounted on fortifications, as well, but they are seldom
military use) carried by infantry, who would usually be issued an
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons FGZ-20 instead.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 150 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Fusion Cannon
Magazine: 50 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Rate of Fire: Once per round Cost: 45,000 Units
Damage: 15d6 Heat to everything in a 10 foot radius Tentative Purchase DC: 31 (usually restricted to
from the point of impact. Anybody caught inside the military use)
blast radius can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
DC 25 to take half damage, but the actual target of the Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
attack will always take the full amount. Range Increment: 600 feet
Weight: 5 pounds (40 with backpack) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 7 Magazine: Special, see description
Hardness: 5 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Hit Points: 5 Damage: 20d6 Heat to everything in a 10 foot radius
DC required to break this item with a Strength from the point of impact. Anybody caught inside the
Roll: 17 blast radius can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell DC 30 to take half damage, but the actual target of the
(Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units, AC 15, 7 attack will always take the full amount.
Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of exploding when it Weight: 10 tons
loses all its Hit Points, doing 6d8 damage to the Armor Class: 3
wearer and 2d8 to anything else in a 5 foot radius) Hardness: 5
Description: An advanced fusion gun, far lighter and Hit Points: 60
easier to use than its predecessors. It's no larger or DC required to break this item with a Strength
bulkier than a 20th Century flame-thrower. The gun's Roll: 20 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
range has also drastically improved and it can now “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
compete on nearly even footing with missile DM)
launchers. It still requires a backpack power-unit, but Description: A full-sized fusion artillery piece. It is a
the process of reloading has been drastically hugely effective weapon, and does far more damage
streamlined and now requires only a single round. than a laser cannon or a particle accelerator. It's one
real disadvantage is that it takes a while to build up a
charge and can only be fired once every two rounds.
FGZ-46 Fusion Support Weapon It requires a two-man crew--one to target and one
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) to actually work the weapon itself, carefully tending
Cost: 25,000 Units its plasma cells and monitoring the fusion reaction to
Tentative Purchase DC: 29 (usually restricted to keep it from getting out of control.
military use) Fusion guns are big. If you see one that isn't
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged mounted on a starship, it will probably be a self-
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a propelled artillery piece. Most civilizations are pretty
mount advanced by the time they can make fusion cannons,
Range Increment: 200 feet so they have better drive systems and move faster than
“To Hit” Bonus: -- a lot of self-propelled guns. A typical fusion cannon
Magazine: 40 hovers a few inches above the ground on an anti-
Rate of Fire: Once per round gravity cushion and can float across water as readily
Damage: 18d6 heat to everything in a 20 foot radius as land. It moves at a maximum rate of 80 ft per

round. times in a row, there is a 15% chance that it will
Fusion cannons are powered by tritium and never require some kind of lengthy repair and recallibration,
really run out of ammunition. However, while they lasting 2d6 hours.
aren't exactly delicate they do sometimes have
difficulty holding up against the incredible energies
they generate. Every time a Fusion Gun is fired ten

Non-Lethal Weapons
Many players may be disappointed to learn that non-lethal weapons are also flourishing in the future. What's the point
of technological advancement if nobody gets hurt, you ask? Beats the heck out of me, but nonetheless non-lethal
weapons are a staple of science fiction.

In this section you will find everything from stun rays to Tazers to pain generators, to shotguns that shoot bean-bags.
Many of these weapons operate by giving off electromagnetic pulses that disrupt the target's central nervous system at a
distance, while others rely on everything from sonic effects to plain old fashioned smacking people in the head.

Non-Lethal Melee Weapons

Advanced Materials Net Electrified Lariat
Size: Large when unfurled (-8 penalty to conceal with Size: Large when in use (-8 penalty to conceal with a
a “sleight of hand” roll). Small when balled up (No “sleight of hand” roll). Medium when coiled up (-4
bonus or penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)
roll) Cost: 450 Units
Cost: 200 Units Tentative Purchase DC: 15
Tentative Purchase DC: 12 Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee (this
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (this proficiency works with any lasso or lariat)
same proficiency works with any Net) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Range Increment: Has 15 feet of reach
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores armor, makes a Ranged
“To Hit” Bonus: +1 Touch Attack
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Magazine: 50
attacks Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description Damage: See description
Weight: 5 pounds Weight: 5 pounds
Armor Class: 5 Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 6 Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 5 Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 30 Roll: 23 (13 to ruin it as an electrical weapon)
Description: Stronger and more durable than the Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
kinds of nets medeival technology makes available, it Description: A metallic lariat which can deliver a
still functions in more or less the same way. Make a vicious electrical charge.
Ranged Touch attack, ignoring armor. If you score a Make a Ranged Touch attack, ignoring armor. If
hit, your opponent has been caught in the net. The you score a hit, your opponent has been caught by the
trapped character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, lariat. The trapped character suffers a -2 penalty on all
has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4 and moves attacks, has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4,
at half speed. If the net is attached to a rope and the moves at half speed and of course can't move outside
rope is fixed to something or held by someone, then the rope's length without first getting loose. They also
the victim can't move outside the rope's length. To take 2d6 Nonlethal Damage (electrical) per round, for
free themselves, they must take a full action and make as long as their attacker chooses to keep expending
either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their way charges. To free themselves, they must take a full
loose by making a Strength check vs. DC 30. If they action and make either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20
rip their way loose, it ruins the net. or rip their way loose by making a Strength check vs.
DC 25. If they rip their way loose, it breaks the lariat.
The battery case isn’t made for quick and easy
replacement. It takes a full round and a screwdriver to

open it and replace a spent power cell. Description: A self-powered chain, made from some
weird living metal. It responds to the holder’s
thoughts and can turn and twist on its own. The
Electrified Net tanglechain can be used to make trip attacks and if the
Size: Large when unfurled (-8 penalty to conceal with attacker accidentally trips themselves they can avoid
a “sleight of hand” roll). Small when balled up (No the effects by dropping the weapon. It grants a +3 on
bonus or penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” any attempt to Disarm a foe with an opposed Attack
roll) Roll.
Cost: 425 Units It can also be told to wrap itself around the target
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 and immobilize them. Make a Ranged Touch attack,
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged ignoring armor. If you score a hit, your opponent has
(works with any Net) been entangled in the chain. The trapped character
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, has their Dexterity
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown effectively reduced by 4, and moves at half speed. To
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores armor, makes a Ranged free themselves, they must take a full action and make
Touch Attack either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or a Strength
Magazine: 50 check vs. DC 30.
Rate of Fire: Once per round The chain cannot be used for anything else while it
Damage: See description is holding someone immobile. Nor can it be used like
Weight: 6 pounds a flail to make Bludgeoning attacks—it’s too soft and
Armor Class: 5 flexible.
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 28 (13 to ruin it as an electrical weapon)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A classic of the genre, often used by
villains to capture particularly tough heroes. Make a
Ranged Touch attack, ignoring armor. If you score a
hit, your opponent has been caught in the net. The
trapped character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks,
Hand Tazer
has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4, and Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
moves at half speed. They also take 1d6 nonlethal hand” roll)
damage (electricity) per round. If the net is attached to Cost: 140 Units
a rope and the rope is fixed to something or held by Tentative Purchase DC: 11
someone, then the victim can't move outside the rope's Required Proficiency: Simple
length. To free themselves, they must take a full Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
action and make either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 Range Increment: --
or rip their way loose by making a Strength check vs. “To Hit” Bonus: +2 vs. Metal Armor Only
DC 30. If they rip their way loose, it ruins the net. Magazine: 30
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: See description
Tanglechain Weight: 1 pound
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Armor Class: 9
hand” roll) Hardness: 3
Cost: 500 Units Hit Points: 3
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee Roll: 13
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Range Increment: 10 ft if thrown. Also has 10 feet of Description: A molded plastic box, about the size and
Reach shape of a cell-phone, with two ominous-looking
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores armor, makes a Ranged metal prongs at one end. It does 3d6 nonlethal
Touch Attack damage, and always does one point of normal damage
Rate of Fire: Once per round as well. It is possible to kill someone with a Tazer--it
Damage: Special, see description just takes a long time.
Weight: 7 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 8
Hit Points: 5 Paralyzer
DC required to break this item with a Strength Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Roll: 25 “sleight of hand” roll)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Cost: 250 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 13 suppression tool, since it makes the rioters disperse
Required Proficiency: Simple and run away under their own power. As an added
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use advantage, it doesn’t flood the area with gas or foam
Range Increment: -- or otherwise make it hard to retake. The Fear Wand is
“To Hit” Bonus: -- expensive to produce and difficult to maintain, which
Magazine: 50 makes it hard for most police agencies to afford in
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has quantity. It looks a lot like a long police baton, with
attacks three oddly-shaped metal spikes at one tip. It gives off
Damage: Anyone struck by this weapon must make a a vibratory pulse which can't be heard, but which on
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be paralyzed for contact causes incredible levels of distress in most
2-12 minutes. large mammals. Robots are completely unaffected by
Weight: 1 pound the fear wand. It is possible that there are also aliens
Armor Class: 9 who aren't affected, but of course this is strictly the
Hardness: 3 DM's call.
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13 Fear Gauntlet
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Description: A short metal rod, no longer than a “sleight-of-hand” roll)
heavy flashlight, with a set of six metal flanges at one Cost: 15,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
end. It emits a short-range pulse of electromagnetic actually the cost required to build the weapon)
energy specially modulated so as to cause temporary Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
paralysis in whoever it touches. The target is still or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
fully concious and will see a certain amount of what is Wealth check)
happening around them, depending on the position Required Proficiency: Simple
they are lying in. Multiple blows will not increase the Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
duration past the weapon's normal maximum, even if Range Increment: --
the target fails the saving throws. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 40
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Fear Wand attacks
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a Damage: Special, see description
“sleight-of-hand” roll) Weight: 3 pounds
Cost: 10,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Armor Class: 9
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Hardness: 5
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Hit Points: 5
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple DC required to break this item with a Strength
Wealth check) Roll: 13
Required Proficiency: Simple Special: Make a touch attack, ignore armor. If hit, the
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use target must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC
Range Increment: -- 20 or flee from the attacker. A fleeing character has a
“To Hit” Bonus: Make a touch attack, ignore armor. 50% chance of dropping whatever they are holding,
Magazine: 30 chooses their path randomly (as long as it leads away
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has from immediate danger, and flees any other dangers
attacks that confront them. If cornered, a panicked character
Damage: Special, see description cowers. These effects last for 4d6 rounds.
Weight: 2 pounds Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Armor Class: 7 Description: An articulated metal glove with a
Hardness: 2 translucent white oval on its wrist and a three metal
Hit Points: 2 spikes on the palm. It delivers a silent vibratory attack
DC required to break this item with a Strength which causes intense fear and dismay in most higher
Roll: 14 animals. It's hard to do this discreetly--the gauntlet is
Special: If hit, the target must make a Willpower not an unobtrusive weapon. The power-cell fits under
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or flee from the attacker. A the oval, which glows dimmer as the power supply
fleeing character has a 50% chance of dropping runs down.
whatever they are holding, chooses their path
randomly (as long as it leads away from immediate
danger) and flees any other dangers that confront
them. If cornered, a panicked character cowers. These
effects last for 3d6 rounds.
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: The Fear Wand is an excellent riot-

Cost: 450 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Pocket Agonizer attacks
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Damage: 3d10 Nonlethal +1d3 Bludgeoning (20 x2)
hand” roll) The user does not have to hit the target hard enough to
Cost: 400 Units do bludgeoning damage—this is strictly at their option
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable, Weight: 2 pounds
usually illegal) Armor Class: 7
Required Proficiency: Simple Hardness: 5
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hit Points: 2
Range Increment: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Roll: 13
Magazine: 75 Special: Anyone who takes Nonlethal Damage from
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has this weapon must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs.
attacks DC 20 or be Stunned (as per the Monk special attack),
Damage: 2d10 Nonlethal and unable to take any action for one round.
Weight: 1 pound Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Armor Class: 13 Description: A long narrow truncheon, about the
Hardness: 3 length of a man's arm. It emits an electromagnetic
Hit Points: 2 pulse modulated at exactly the right frequency to
DC required to break this item with a Strength stimulate the brain's pain centers. It causes
Roll: 12 excruciating discomfort in the target, roughly
Special: Anyone who takes Nonlethal Damage from equivalent to being burned alive. Opponents who see
the weapon must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. that you are armed with a Pain Wand (and who know
DC 20 or be Stunned (as per the Monk special attack), what that means) must at once make a morale check.
and unable to take any action for one round. Designed for use in combat situations, it is much
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) easier to reload than a Pocket Agonizer. You can
Description: About the size and shape of a computer switch out a spent power cell in one Standard Action.
mouse, the pocket agonizer fires a short-range burst of It uses the same type of power cell as most energy
electromagnetic energy which interferes with the weapons, although of course this is up to the
target's nervous system, causing them indescribable individual DM's discretion.
amounts of pain.
It is useless against robots and surprisingly
ineffective as a police tool, since many people who Pain Glove
have been hit by one would actually prefer to die Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
rather than go through the experience again and will “sleight of hand” roll)
fight to the death to avoid being hit with an agonizer a Cost: 500 Units
second time. Regardless, in any truly grim futuristic Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable)
dystopia this is the police tool of choice. Everywhere Required Proficiency: Simple
else they are totally illegal if they exist at all. In really, Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
really grim futuristic dystopias you can find them in Range Increment: --
the hands of schoolteachers, hall-monitors and idle, “To Hit” Bonus: --
cruel rich people. Magazine: 30
It takes a full round to unbolt the battery casing and Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
change the power cell. attacks
Damage: 3d10 Nonlethal
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Special: Anyone who takes Nonlethal Damage from
Pain Wand this weapon must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of DC 20 or be Stunned (as per the Monk special attack),
hand” roll) and unable to take any action for one round.

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) of a riot baton, jointed into many sections. When
Description: Otherwise known as the palm of pain, activated it grabs and entangles its target, wrapping
the hand of hurt and other yet less pleasant things. around itself and grabbing tight. Make a Ranged
This oversized black metal gauntlet gives off an Touch attack, ignoring armor. If you score a hit, your
electromagnetic pulse modulated to exactly the right opponent has been entangled by the wand. The
frequency to cause hideous agony in most higher trapped character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks,
animals. Popular with college fraternities in has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4, and
particularly barbarous futures, it's great for all kinds of moves at half speed. To free themselves, they must
wacky pranks and nutty hijinks.. It uses a special flat take a full action and make either an Escape Artist roll
power cell, stored in its wrist. You can replace a used vs. DC 20 or rip their way loose by making a Strength
power cell in a single Standard Action and let the check vs. DC 30. If they rip their way loose, it does
hilarity ensue! not damage the Tanglewand.

Stunstick Tangle-Ribbon
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Size: Large when unfurled (-8 penalty to conceal with
hand” roll) a “sleight of hand” roll). Tiny when wound up (+4
Cost: 400 Units bonus to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 Cost: 200 Units
Required Proficiency: Simple Tentative Purchase DC: 12
Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
Range Increment: -- Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: --
Magazine: 50 “To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Magazine: 20
attacks Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d10 Nonlethal +1pt normal damage attacks
Weight: 2 pounds Damage: Special, see description
Armor Class: 7 Weight: 1 pound
Hardness: 5 Armor Class: 9
Hit Points: 2 Hardness: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 5
Roll: 16 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Roll: 20 Unless the attacker is entangled by the
Description: A primitive version of the mental device.
disruption wand, this long truncheon gives out a sonic Description: A long thin metal ribbon, coiled inside a
pulse which does nonlethal damage to the target on tiny little control module, small enough to be hidden
impact. It is an imperfect non-lethal weapon, and in one hand. The ribbon itself is about thirty feet long,
always does one point of normal damage in addition to but has an effective range of only about fifteen feet.
its nonlethal damage. It is useless in a vacuum and Its edges are very sharp.
may function strangely in exotic atmospheres. You can use the ribbon to do 1d4 Slashing damage
to a target within 15 feet, or attempt to wrap the ribbon
around them and immobilize them. To entangle an
TangleWand opponent, make a Ranged Touch attack, ignoring
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a armor. If you score a hit, your opponent has been
“sleight-of-hand” roll) entangled in the ribbon. The trapped character suffers
Cost: 150 Units a -2 penalty on all attacks, has their Dexterity
Tentative Purchase DC: 11 effectively reduced by 4, moves at half speed, and of
Required Proficiency: Simple course can't move outside the ribbon's length.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use To free themselves, they must take a full action and
Range Increment: -- make either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their
“To Hit” Bonus: -- way loose by making a Strength check vs. DC 30. If
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has they rip their way loose, it does 1d6 damage to the
attacks ribbon (its Hardness does not count against this
Damage: Special, see description damage).
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 5 Mental Disruption Wand
Hit Points: 5 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
DC required to break this item with a Strength hand” roll)
Roll: 20 unless the attacker is entangled by the device. Cost: 450 Units
Description: A short metallic wand, about the length Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (usually illegal)

Required Proficiency: Simple behavior just won't make sense. They will be able to
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use carry on a coherent conversation and will seem totally
Range Increment: -- unaware that anything is wrong. Be warned, there is
“To Hit” Bonus: -- an excellent chance that they will abruptly stop talking
Magazine: 30 and attack you.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: Special, see description Debilitator Rod
Weight: 2 pounds Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Armor Class: 7 “sleight of hand” roll)
Hardness: 3 Cost: 750 Units
Hit Points: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: 17
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Simple
Roll: 13 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Special: Anyone hit by this weapon must make a Range Increment: --
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or have their “To Hit” Bonus: --
behavior randomized for 2-12 rounds. Roll on the Magazine: 30
following chart once per round to determine their Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
behavior. attacks
1 Move in a random direction at half your normal Damage: Special--see description
speed. Take no other action unless attacked (and then Weight: 2 pounds
all you can do is defend yourself) Armor Class: 7
2 Shout insulting angry gibberish at the nearest Hardness: 3
creature or moving object for one round. Even Hit Points: 2
creatures that don’t speak your language will know DC required to break this item with a Strength
they are being taunted. If there is no one around to Roll: 15
insult, scream your senseless threats at no one. Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
3–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off Description: Anyone struck by this innocuous looking
into space, look at the ground or close your eyes. device temporarily loses 3d6 Strength, down to a
5 Throw whatever you are holding as far away as minimum of 1 point. A Fortitude Save vs DC 25.
you can in a random direction. If you aren’t holding reduces the damage to 1d6. The lost Strength will
anything, grab the most expensive piece of equipment come back at a rate of one point per every full hour of
you are carrying on your person and throw it. If you rest.
have no equipment to throw, make frantic throwing
motions for a round. You are incapable of taking any
other action while in the grips of this mania for Motor Function Disruptor Rod
throwing things.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
6-7 Fidget rapidly and senselessly for 2 rounds,
hand” roll)
paying no attention to anything else. If anyone
Cost: 700 Units
touches you while you are fidgeting, you will attack
Tentative Purchase DC: 17
them with whatever melee weapon is closest. After
Required Proficiency: Simple
you strike them once, you will go back to fidgeting
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
and ignore them.
Range Increment: --
8–9 Attack nearest creature or moving object for 1
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 30
10 Act normally for 1 round. You are not aware
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
that you have been acting crazy. If attacked while
insane, the victim can defend themselves normally,
Damage: Special--see description
but unless they roll a 10 and "act normally", they are
Weight: 2 pounds
incapable of articulate communication
Armor Class: 7
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Hardness: 3
Description: A short, heavy metal truncheon with a
Hit Points: 2
magnetic focusing nozzle at one end. It functions on
DC required to break this item with a Strength
the same principle as a Stunner and gives off an
Roll: 12
electromagnetic pulse which disrupts the target's
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
central nervous system. Unlike a stun-weapon, it Description: A short metal rod, which looks a lot like
doesn't shock the target's system into unconciousness an elongated metal flashlight with three prongs where
and instead it severely scrambles their behavior, the lens should be. Anyone struck by this device loses
causing them to take irrational, seemingly random and 3d6 Dexterity points, down to a minimum of 1. A
often violent actions. Fortitude Save vs DC 25. reduces the damage to 1d6.
Someone suffering from the effects of a mental The lost Dexterity will slowly come back at a rate of
disruption wand won't appear demented--their
one point per every three full hours of rest. A

character with a Dexterity of 2 or 1 can't walk or feed instead their behavior has been somehow permanently
themselves and must make a Willpower Saving throw randomized.
vs. DC 15 each time they try to speak, in order to The wand itself can reverse the effect, at the cost of
correctly shape the words. one charge. It is the DM's call as to whether or not
there is some other way to repair the target’s shattered
mind. Any psychiatrist who has seen the effects of an
Insanity Rod Insanity Rod before will immediately recognize them.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 1,100 Units Concealed Micro-Stunner
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually illegal) Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
Required Proficiency: Simple of hand” roll)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Cost: 600 Units
Range Increment: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (usually illegal)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Required Proficiency: Simple
Magazine: 30 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Range Increment: --
attacks “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: See description Rate of Fire: Once per round
Weight: 2 pounds Damage: If hit, the target must make a Willpower
Armor Class: 7 Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 1-8
Hardness: 5 minutes.
Hit Points: 2 Weight: 1/10 pound
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 13
Roll: 14 Hardness: 1
Special: Anyone hit by this weapon must make a Hit Points: 1
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be rendered DC required to break this item with a Strength
permanently psychotic.. If they fail the Saving Throw, Roll: 10
they must make a Willpower Saving throw (DC 18) Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
every round or roll on the following chart to determine costs 50 units), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
their behavior. Description: It looks like an ordinary writing stylus,
1 Wander away for 1 minute (unless prevented) but there is a tiny one-shot stunner built into the tip.
Don’t re-roll until the minute is up. Although you must touch the target to hit them, you
2 Suddenly forget everything that has happened in do not attract attacks of opportunity by doing this. It
the last 2-12 minutes. Otherwise act normally. The makes only a faint noise and there is no blue flash.
missing memories will never come back. The weapon burns up its power cell in a single shot.
3–4 Do nothing for 1 minute. Stare passively off You can replace the battery and reuse it, but this
into space, look at the ground or close your eyes. involves taking the entire weapon apart and requires a
5-6 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands, full round.
twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting
crazy behavior for five minutes, without moving from
the spot where you are standing. Stun Glove
7–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
10 Act normally for 1 round. You are not aware “sleight of hand” roll)
that you have been acting crazy. Cost: 500 Units
If attacked while insane, the victim can defend Tentative Purchase DC: 15
themselves normally, but unless they roll a 10 and "act Required Proficiency: Simple
normally", they are incapable of articulate Handed: Requires 1 hand to use (but unless it is
communication. The weapon can be set to reverse the actually making an attack you can still use the hand to
effect. perform other tasks).
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Range Increment: --
Description: A strange psionic weapon, produced by “To Hit” Bonus: --
some unknown civilization (don't worry, you won't Magazine: 10
need the Psionics Handbook to make use of it). It Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
looks amost like a 36 inch crystaline stalactite that has attacks
somehow been partially melted. It lets out a resonant Damage: If hit, the target must make a Willpower
high-pitched note whenever it strikes a target and Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 1-12
gives off a flash of blue-green light. Neither effect minutes
can be recorded and robots can't perceive them. Weight: 2 pounds
When struck, the target must make a Willpower Armor Class: 9
Saving Throw or go indefinitely insane. They aren't Hardness: 5
afflicted with any recognizable psychiatric ailment-- Hit Points: 5

DC required to break this item with a Strength contact, it gives off a specially modulated
Roll: 13 electromagnetic pulse which shuts down their central
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) nervous system. This is completely ineffective against
Description: A metal and plastic gauntlet with a robots and there may be certain alien species who are
short-range stunner built into the palm. You have to also resistant (it's the DM's call).
actually touch the target with the gauntlet to affect
them, although you do not attract attacks of
opportunity by doing this. Once the gauntlet makes

Non-Lethal Ranged Weapons

Harmonic Painwave Projector Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use, usually fired from a
Cost: 2,000 Units swivel mount.
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (Often Unavailable) Range Increment: Area-effect weapon, does not have
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons a Range Increment per se.
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a “To Hit” Bonus: --
mount Magazine: 50
Range Increment: Cone-effect weapon, has no Range Rate of Fire: Once per round
Increment as such Damage: Special, see description
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Weight: 25 pounds
Magazine: 20 Armor Class: 5
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hardness: 3
Damage: Special, see description Hit Points: 3
Weight: 23 pounds DC required to break this item with a Strength
Armor Class: 5 Roll: 14
Hardness: 3 Special: Affects a ten foot wide, fifty foot long area.
Hit Points: 3 Anyone caught in the area of attack takes 3d10
DC required to break this item with a Strength Nonlethal Damage and must make a Willpower
Roll: 16 Saving Throw vs. DC 18 or be Stunned (as per the
Special: Affects a twenty-five foot cone-shaped area. Monk special attack), and unable to take any action for
Anyone caught in the area of attack takes 2d10 one round. Does not work on robots.
Nonlethal damage. Crippled by pain, they make all Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
their rolls at a –4 for as long as they remain inside the costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2
cone. Each round they must make also make a pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be Stunned (as compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to
per the Monk special attack), and unable to take any reload) Tripod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs 100
action for one round. Does not work in vacuum. units)
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, Description: A bulky, two-handed weapon which is
costs 25 units), Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs difficult and awkward to carry. It emits an
100 units) electromagnetic pulse that directly stimulates the
Description: A large vibratory weapon, difficult to brain's pain and distress centers, causing the target
fire without at least a bipod mount. It has a small bell- indescribable discomfort. You almost always see the
shaped sonic emitter where you might expect to see agony ray in prototype form, usuallly in the hands of
the barrel. It sets up vibrations on a very specific vengeful mad scientists.
frequency which is inaudible to the human ear, but
causes intense pain and dismay in primates. Like all
sonic weapons, it doesn’t function in a vacuum and Pocket Agony Ray
there may be planets with atmospheres that affect its Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
usefulness (DM's call--anything significantly denser or “sleight of hand” roll)
thinner than Earth-normal may hamper its Cost: 900 Units
performance). Robots are unaffected by this device, Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (usually illegal)
as are most aliens. Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 20 feet
Agony Ray “To Hit” Bonus: --
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Magazine: 25
Cost: 1,500 Units Rate of Fire: Once per round
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (Often Unavailable) Damage: Special, see description

Weight: 3 pounds shot worth of energy per 20 minutes. To actually
Armor Class: 9 change the power cell, you have to unbolt its battery
Hardness: 3 compartment, which takes an entire round.
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 13
Special:. Causes 3d10 Nonlethal damage. A
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 25 allows the target
to take half damage. Anyone struck by the beam must
make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or be
Stunned (as per the Monk special attack), and unable
to take any action for one round. Regardless of
whether ir not they made their saving throws, all of the
target’s actions suffer a –2 penalty for the next three
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
weighs 1/2 pound) Hand Stunner
Description: A bulbous, strangely-shaped pistol. It is Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
possible to have a holster specially made to fit this “sleight of hand” roll)
gun, but it will not fit in any ordinary one. The Cost: 550 Units
weapon emits an electromagnetic pulse which directly Tentative Purchase DC: 16
stimulates the brain's pain and distress centers, causing Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
the target indescribable discomfort. It runs on Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
standard power-cells, interchangeable with more Range Increment: 20 feet
conventional energy weapons, and takes a Standard “To Hit” Bonus: --
Action to reload. This weapon does not work on Magazine: 50
robots. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: If hit, the target must make a Willpower
Short-Range Personal Stunner Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 1-12
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight minutes
of hand” roll) Weight: 2 pounds
Cost: 300 Units Armor Class: 9
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 Hardness: 5
Required Proficiency: Simple Hit Points: 2
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: 10 feet Roll: 13
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Rate of Fire: Once per round Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
Damage: If hit, the target must make a Willpower Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 1-12 pound)
minutes Description: Not a sonic weapon or a tazer--an actual
Weight: 1 pound stun-gun uses much more sophisticated technology to
Armor Class: 9 put the target to sleep without harming them. It fires a
Hardness: 2 kind of electromagnetic pulse modulated at just the
Hit Points: 2 right frequency to disrupt the brain's electrical activity,
DC required to break this item with a Strength causing immediate loss of consciousness.
Roll: 12 It looks like a short plastic pistol with no hole in
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) the barrel. When fired it gives off a high-pitched
Description: A miniature short-range stunner, about whine and a blue flash of light, but it still makes far
the size and shape of the very smallest cell phones. less noise than a blaster.
Often used as a self-defense weapon by nervous Although the stun beam itself does no damage, it is
commuters, it doesn't need a holster and fits possible for a target to indirectly get hurt. They could
conveniently into a pocket. It fires a modulated wound themselves falling over, bite their tongues, land
electromagnetic pulse at just the right frequency to face down in puddles and so forth. Most stunners are
shut down the activity in the target's brain, plunging therefore set to give the target just enough time to
them into unconsciousness. This doesn't work on sense what is happening to them and lie down. It
robots and at the DM's discretion there may be alien would still be extremely harmful to someone who is,
races with oddly-constructed brains who are also say, driving a car or carrying a large tub of boiling
immune. This model runs on a rechargeable power acid. The DM should carefully moderate any such
cell. When plugged into a wall socket, it recovers one collateral damage.

There may be silicon-based or other highly exotic Hardness: 5
lifeforms who don't use the same type of electrical Hit Points: 10
impulses in their brains and are immune to stun DC required to break this item with a Strength
weapons. Roll: 19
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A police weapon, made for riot
Stun Rifle suppression and for SWAT teams. It's a large two-
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of handed stunner, shaped a lot like a giant flashlight,
Hand roll) with a force-field generator built in. When the
Cost: 800 Units weapon is armed, a hemispherical force-field protects
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 the user, increasing their armor class by 5. It only
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons protects them in front and has no effect on attacks
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use from the side or rear. The force field is clearly visible.
Range Increment: 50 feet Touch attacks can't penetrate it at all, and are
“To Hit” Bonus: -- completely negated, provided that they don't come in
Magazine: 60 from the rear or side. The weapon runs on an ordinary
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has power cell, compatible with any energy weapon of the
attacks period. It takes a Standard Action to reload.
Damage: If hit, the target must make a Willpower
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 1-12
minutes Wide-Beam Stunner
Weight: 7 pounds Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Armor Class: 7 Cost: 1,800 Units
Hardness: 5 Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
Hit Points: 6 military or police use)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Roll: 16 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Range Increment: Cone-effect weapon, doesn’t
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range really have a “Range Increment” as such.
Increment by one) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Description: Despite being called a “rifle” this Magazine: 20
weapon is no bigger than a submachine gun. It Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
requires two hands to use effectively, but that's really attacks
just because of the way it's balanced. The weapon is Damage: Affects a 25 foot-foot cone. Anyone caught
light and produces only the faintest recoil. Stunners in this area of attack must make a Willpower Saving
emit a pulse of electromagnetic energy which Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 2-12 minutes
temporarily shuts down the target's brain, plunging Weight: 16 pounds
them into a temporary coma. While this is a non- Armor Class: 7
lethal weapon, it can still be used to indirectly harm Hardness: 5
the target. It gives the target a moment to lie down Hit Points: 3
safely, but of course this won't help someone who is DC required to break this item with a Strength
flying an airplane, driving an automobile or fleeing a Roll: 19
pack of frenzied space-weasels. Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
costs 25 units)
Description: A more advanced stunner, somewhere
Stun Ram between the size of a pistol and a carbine. It can be set
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) to affect either a single target, or every living thing in
Cost: 1,000 Units a 25-foot cone. It can also be set to affect sentient
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to robots, shutting down their central processing units
military or police use) until a technician switches them back on. It does not
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons affect living creatures and robots on the same setting--
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use you must pick one or the other. At the DM's
Range Increment: 50 feet discretion, there may be certain alien species or
“To Hit” Bonus: -- unusual types of robots who are immune to the
Magazine: 55 weapon's effect. A Wide-Beam Stunner uses a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has standard power cell, interchangeable with most other
attacks energy weapons. It takes a Standard Action to reload.
Damage: If hit, the target must make a Willpower
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 2-12
minutes Crowd-Control Heavy Stunner
Weight: 12 pounds Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Armor Class: 5 Cost: 2,000 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
military or police use)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged Dazzleflash Gun
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
mount “sleight of hand” roll)
Range Increment: Cone-effect weapon (doesn’t have Cost: 450 Units
a range increment) Tentative Purchase DC: 15
“To Hit” Bonus: -2 unless fired from a mount Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Magazine: 50 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Rate of Fire: Once per round “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: Special, see description Magazine: 5
Weight: 24 pounds Rate of Fire: Once per round
Armor Class: 5 Damage: Anyone in a 35 foot cone must make a
Hardness: 5 Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take 1d3
Hit Points: 10 Nonlethal damage and become Blind for 2d6 Minutes.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Blind characters suffer a 50% chance of missing in
Roll: 19 combat (all their targets effectively have full
Special: Affects a 40 foot-foot cone. Anyone caught concealment), lose any Dexterity Bonus they might
in this area of attack must make a Willpower Saving have to their Armor Class, move at half speed, suffer a
Throw vs. DC 20 or fall unconscious for 3d6 minutes -4 penalty on Search checks and both Strength and
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, Dexterity based skill rolls. All attackers have a +2
costs 25 units), Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs bonus to hit the blind character.
100 units) Weight: 3 pounds
Description: A very large stun weapon, usually found Armor Class: 9
mounted on a vehicle. It is light enough for one Hardness: 5
person to carry, but so long that it's tricky to maneuver Hit Points: 2
and aim. It fires an electromagnetic pulse that causes DC required to break this item with a Strength
everyone in its cone of effect to lapse into Roll: 14
unconsciousness. Like all stun weapons it has no Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
effect on robots and at the DM's discretion there may Holster (Must be custom-made, costs 100 Units,
be certain types of aliens that it doesn't work on either. weighs 1/2 pound)
Description: A non-lethal weapon about the size and
shape of a chunky pistol, with a wide lens where the
Bean-Bag Gun barrel should be. It gives off a brilliant flash of light,
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of capable of blinding anyone in a 35 foot cone. It is
hand” roll) physically painful to be blinded by the gun, which also
Cost: 650 Units does a small amount of nonlethal damage.
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 The light emitter is carefully hooded, so as not to
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons affect the weapon's operator. However, at the DM's
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use discretion, there may be reflective surfaces that
Range Increment: 20 feet bounce some of the light back at the wielder. Any
“To Hit” Bonus: -- character who suffers this effect should have at least a
Rate of Fire: Once per round +2 bonus to their Saving Throw.
Damage: 4d6 Nonlethal Damage (20 x2) (also does The gun is completely silent but this is still not a
2d6 normal bludgeoning damage on a Critical Hit) subtle weapon to use, particularly at night. Anyone in
Weight: 7 pounds the vicinity will see the flash. In fact it’s visible from
Armor Class: 7 passing airliners.
Hardness: 5 Creatures without eyes are completely unaffected
Hit Points: 5 by this weapon and at the DM's discretion robots may
DC required to break this item with a Strength be resistant to it as well. There are specially
Roll: 18 constructed goggles and visors that can negate the
Accessories: Gel Bags (weigh 1 pound each, cost 10 weapon's effect, but ordinary sunglasses won't do it.
Units) Dazzleflash guns run on standard power cells,
Description: No one remembers why it's called this. compatible with most energy weapons and many other
It's a single barreled, smoothbore weapon, a lot like a devices. They are not constructed for quick reloads
short, wide-mouthed shotgun. It fires a plastic bag full and it takes a full round to replace the weapon’s power
of gel at subsonic speeds. Technically non-lethal, as cell.
they say, it can still break your nose or crack your
sternum without too much difficulty. To reload, you
break it open and slip another bag into the breech. Two-Handed Dazzleflash Gun
This only takes a single standard action if you have Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
another bag handy. hand” roll)

Cost: 750 Units directly in front of the weapon's user must make a
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 or become Blind
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons for 1d6 Minutes. Blind characters suffer a 50%
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use chance of missing in combat (all their targets
“To Hit” Bonus: -- effectively have full concealment), lose any Dexterity
Magazine: 20 Bonus they might have to their Armor Class, move at
Rate of Fire: Once per round half speed, suffer a -4 penalty on Search checks and
Damage: Anyone in a 60 foot cone must make a both Strength and Dexterity based skill rolls. All
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 23 or take 1d4 attackers have a +2 bonus to hit the blind character.
Nonlethal Damage and become Blind for 2d6 Hours. Weight: 1/4 pound
Blind characters suffer a 50% chance of missing in Armor Class: 15
combat (all their targets effectively have full Hardness: 1
concealment), lose any Dexterity Bonus they might Hit Points: 1
have to their Armor Class, move at half speed, suffer a DC required to break this item with a Strength
-4 penalty on Search checks and both Strength and Roll: 13
Dexterity based skill rolls. All attackers have a +2 Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
bonus to hit the blind character. costs 50 units, not compatible with full-sized energy
Weight: 6 pounds weapons)
Armor Class: 7 Description: A tiny little one-shot Dazzleflash gun,
Hardness: 5 made for self-defense. It will fit conveniently on a
Hit Points: 3 keychain or in a change purse. The flash it gives out
DC required to break this item with a Strength is capable of blinding an attacker for several minutes.
Roll: 15 This weapon doesn't come with a set of protective
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), goggles--it's normally used in fend off sudden,
Safety Goggles (1/4 pound, cost 20 units) unexpected attacks, so the makers assume the user
Description: A big two-handed dazzleflash gun, made won't have time to don protective eyewear. To
for riot control. It is a heavy and delicate weapon, minimize the risk to the user, it focuses the light it
with a fairly limited combat role. gives off into a much tighter beam--you have to make
It also has a bad way of bouncing some of its light a Ranged Touch Attack to hit the target’s eyes.
back at the user if they're facing a reflective surface The weapon runs on a special, tiny power cell
when they fire it (we leave this effect to the DM's which is compatible with most other small electrical
discretion, although any character who has this happen appliances from the same epoch. It could probably be
to them should get at least a +2 bonus to their used to run a pocket computer, a camera or a watch (at
SavingThrow). The safety goggles that come with the the DM's discretion, naturally). The gun is not
device completely block its effect but ordinary designed to be rapidly reloaded. It takes a full round
sunglasses will not offer any real protection. to open its battery case and replace the power cell.
Like all dazzleflash weapons, it has no effect on
beings that don't have eyes and it's the DM's call as to
whether or not it can affect robots, cameras, etc. (as a Gluegun
general rule of thumb, I find it works well to say that Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
robots can have their "eyes" overloaded by a hand” roll)
dazzleflash weapon, but they get a big bonus to their Cost: 750 Units
Saving Throw and don't take nonlethal damage). Tentative Purchase DC: 17
This weapon is designed for combat situations Required Proficiency: Simple
rather than self-defense, and so is much easier to Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
reload quickly than the other models presented here. It Range Increment: 20 feet
runs on two standard-sized power cells. Each cell “To Hit” Bonus: --
holds 10 shots and each one can be reloaded in a Magazine: 3
single Standard Action. Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 5 pounds
Tiny One-Shot Dazzleflash Gun Armor Class: 7
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Hardness: 4
of hand” roll) Hit Points: 2
Cost: 30 Units DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: 5 Roll: 13
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Accessories: Glue Canister (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use 300 Units), Solvent Kit (1/20th lb, costs 15 Units,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- holds 3 doses, negates effect of grenade in 1 round)
Magazine: 1 Description: A two-handed carbine which looks a
Rate of Fire: Once per round little like a grease-gun or an oversized pistol. Made
Damage: Anyone in the 10 foot by 10 foot square entirely from plastic components, it won't set off metal

detectors. It shoots a thin, highly pressurized stream DC required to break this item with a Strength
of glue. Make a Ranged Touch Attack. If hit, the Roll: 16
target is covered in fast-hardening gunk. Anyone hit Special: Affects everything in a 30 foot cone. Each
by the gluegun suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, and target must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC
has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4. They 25 or take 1d6 Nonlethal damage and be forced to run
must immediately make another Reflexes Saving away as quickly as possible, taking the most direct
Throw (DC 15) to avoid being stuck to the floor. If a route. They make take no other action unless
character is is fact glued to the floor, they are unable attacked, until they have run for 3d6 rounds. If they
to move. Even if they make the second saving throw, are forced to fight someone while under the effects of
they still only move at half their normal rate. To free the nausea gun, they make all their attack rolls at a –4
themselves, they must make a Strength check vs. DC and must start running again the moment their
27, or do at least fifteen points of damage to the glue. opponent stops attacking them. Anyone who has
You automatically hit the glue if you attack it. succumbed to the effect of a Nausea Gun makes all
their skill rolls at a -2
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Tangleweb Gun Description: A police weapon, used for breaking up
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of violent crowds, it fires an electromagnetic pulse which
hand” roll) interacts with the target's nervous system, causing
Cost: 700 Units intensely unpleasant vertigo and sickness. Anyone hit
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 by a nausea gun wants nothing more than to get away
Required Proficiency: Simple from it as fast as possible. As good as this tool is for
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use breaking up riots, it isn't much good for most other
Range Increment: 20 feet forms of police work, so you usually only see nausea
“To Hit” Bonus: -- rifles if the cops are expecting an angry mob. It uses
Rate of Fire: Once per round the same power cell as most other energy weapons,
Damage: Special, see description and takes a Standard Action to reload
Weight: 6 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 4 Heavy Nausea Gun
Hit Points: 2 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 2,000 Units
Roll: 13 Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to
Accessories: Tangleweb Load (Weighs 1/2 pound, military or police use)
costs 300 Units) Required Proficiency: Simple
Description: A stubby, widemouthed pistol, it fires a Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
canister which unfurls into a elastic net, immobilizing Range Increment: Cone-effect weapon (has no range
the target. Make a ranged touch attack, ignoring increment as such)
armor. The trapped character suffers a -2 penalty on “To Hit” Bonus: -4 to use without a mount, unless
all attacks, has their Dexterity effectively reduced by your Strength is 16 or higher.
4, and moves at half speed. To free themselves, they Magazine: 60
must take a full action and make either an Escape Rate of Fire: Once per round
Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their way loose by making Damage: Special, see description
a Strength check vs. DC 30. If they rip their way Weight: 37 pounds
loose, it ruins the net. Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 4
Hit Points: 10
Nausea Gun DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Roll: 19
hand” roll) Special: Affects everything in a 50 foot cone. Each
Cost: 1,000 Units target must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 30 or take 2d4 Nonlethal damage and be forced to run
Required Proficiency: Simple away as quickly as possible, taking the most direct
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use route. They make take no other action unless
Range Increment: 40 feet attacked, until they have run for 4d6 rounds. If they
“To Hit” Bonus: -- are forced to fight someone while under the effects of
Magazine: 150 the nausea gun, they they make all their attack rolls at
Rate of Fire: Once per round a –4 and must start running again the moment their
Damage: Special, see description opponent stops attacking them. Anyone under the
Weight: 5 pounds effect of a Nausea Gun makes all their rolls at a -2
Armor Class: 7 Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
Hardness: 5 costs 25 units)
Hit Points: 5 Description: Projects a low-level electromagnetic

pulse which affects human nervous systems. It works system, causing intense feelings of vertigo and
on the same principle as a stunner, but instead of dismay. For self-defense purposes it has one huge
shocking the target's brain into unconsciousness, it advantage over stun gas or mace--it makes the
induces an intense feeling of vertigo and sickness. assailant go away. A pocket nausea gun runs on the
This has real advantages as a riot control weapon--it same type of power cell as a laser pistol or a disrupter.
makes people want to leave the vicinity under their It takes a standard action to reload.
own power. This is a heavy weapon, meant to be
mounted on a vehicle or at least fired from a bipod. It
requires surprisingly little power for an energy Micro-Nausea Gun
weapon of its size and uses the same standard power- Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
cell as a laser pistol. It takes a Standard Action to hand” roll)
reload. Cost: 1,600 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually illegal)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: None, only works at Close range,
within 5 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 3
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Pocket Nausea Gun Roll: 12
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Special: The target must make a Willpower Saving
“sleight of hand” roll) Throw vs. DC 15 or take 1d4 Nonlethal damage and
Cost: 800 Units be forced to run away as quickly as possible, taking
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 the most direct route. They make take no other action
Required Proficiency: Simple unless attacked, until they have run for 3d6 rounds. If
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use they are forced to fight someone while under the
Range Increment: 30 feet effects of the nausea gun, they must start running
“To Hit” Bonus: -- again the moment their opponent stops attacking them,
Magazine: 100 whether they have been killed, incapacitated or just
Rate of Fire: Once per round distracted from the battle. Anyone under the effect of a
Damage: Special, see description Nausea Gun makes all their rolls at a -2 penalty.
Weight: 2 pounds Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
Armor Class: 9 costs 50 units), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Hardness: 4 Description: A tiny little nausea gun, about the size of
Hit Points: 2 a fountain pen. It works only at close range and has
DC required to break this item with a Strength little application apart from self-defense or playing
Roll: 14 cruel pranks. Like all nausea guns, it fires an
Special: The target must make a Willpower Saving electromagnetic pulse which disrupts the target's
Throw vs. DC 120 or take 1d4 Nonlethal damage and central nervous system, causing intense feelings of
be forced to run away as quickly as possible, taking vertigo and distress. It is so easy to play malicious
the most direct route. They make take no other action practical jokes with this device that it is usually illegal.
unless attacked, until they have run for 3d6 rounds. If It uses a small power cell that is interchangeable with
they are forced to fight someone while under the many other small tools. The gun isn't really designed
effects of the nausea gun, they make all their attack for quick reloads and it takes an entire round to
rolls at a –3 and they must start running again the replace a spent power cell.
moment their opponent stops attacking them, for
whatever reason. Anyone under the effect of a Nausea
Gun makes all their rolls at a -2
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Description: A small nausea gun, largely intended for
self-defense. It's a good deal shorter and lighter than a
laser pistol, and can be easily concealed in a pocket or
a shoulder holster. It fires an electromagnetic pulse
which interferes with the target's central nervous

devices to set it to respond to another person's thought

Stun-Bomb Projector
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 1,500 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (Often Unavailable)
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 10 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Personal Protection Throwing Disk Weight: 14 pounds
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a Armor Class: 5
“sleight-of-hand” roll) Hardness: 5
Cost: 1,000 Units Hit Points: 3
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Simple Roll: 14
Handed: Requires 1 or none hands to use Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Range Increment: 40 feet Stun Bombs (1/2 pound, cost 400 Units, each)
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Description: A super-advanced police weapon,
Magazine: 75 particularly useful in hostage situations.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has A long, heavy device, it has two barrels-one wide
attacks and open, the other small and tipped with a lens.. The
Damage: 4d10 Nonlethal small barrel emits a greenish ray which creates a
Weight: 1 pound miniature Phase Door (see the Players Handbook,
Armor Class: 9 page 235) through up to two feet of any material (there
Hardness: 10 may at the DM's discretion be special substances
Hit Points: 5 which the projector can't penetrate). For a fraction of a
DC required to break this item with a Strength second, the wall becomes permeable to other matter
Roll: 25 The large barrel then launches a stun-bomb through
Description: A product of some super-advanced the wall without leaving a hole.
culture, made to protect their representatives on trips Anyone within a 10 foot radius of the bomb when
to less civilized parts of the cosmos. It looks like it goes off must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs.
floppy plastic octagon, about the size of a dinner plate, DC 20 or fall unconcious for 1-12 minutes The effects
with a glowing translucent sphere in the middle. The of the weapon are quite visible-the wall will glow
wielder can carry it on their person, or it can be set to green, ripple and pulse where the ray touches it.
float along behind them. It is equipped with a It is a little depressing to think that a civilization
miniature mental disruptor that will render a target advanced enough to produce a device like this one
unconcious on contact. The device is keyed into the would still have hostage crises to resolve, but there we
thoughts of one particular user. At their mental are.
command, it will attack any one living target within a
hundred feet and then return to the user. It takes about
an hour for a skilled tech who is familiar with these

People who spend a lot of time thinking about ways to hurt their enemies often consider setting them on fire. This is an
ancient human impulse, and one with such powerful appeal that it gets applied to the battlefield almost before the
technology is ready for it.

The flamethrowers of the 1940s were bulky, clumsy, dangerous weapons that both forced the operator to put a tank of
inflammable liquid on their back and made everyone on the other side want to shoot at them. Later models are both
more compact and more discreet.

A typical flamethrower of the future runs off a fuel canister slung under its barrel, which can be replaced in a standard
action and weighs only a pound. They are still relatively bulky, but no more so than early model lasers.

Range Increment: This is an area effect weapon and

doesn’t have a Range Increment as such.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 10
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 3d6 Flame. Attacks everything in a 5-foot
wide area, out to its maximum range of 40 feet.
Targets can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15
to take half damage.
Weight: 12 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 4
Light Hand-Flamer Hit Points: 3
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a DC required to break this item with a Strength
“sleight of hand” roll) Roll: 15
Cost: 350 Units Accessories: Fuel Canister (weighs 1/2 pound, costs
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 15 units)
Required Proficiency: Simple Description: A two-handed weapon, about the size of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use a carbine or a combat shotgun. It fires a five-foot
Range Increment: This is an area effect weapon and wide stream of flame at the target, doing damage to
doesn’t have a Range Increment as such. anything in its path which fails a saving throw. It uses
“To Hit” Bonus: -- a liquid fuel canister instead of a power cell, but still
Magazine: 10 takes a Standard Action to reload. The fuel won't
Rate of Fire: Once per round explode if the weapon gets shot, and neither will spare
Damage: 2d6 Heat. Attacks everything in a 5-foot canisters. It only combusts when mixed and heated
wide area, out to its maximum range of thirty feet. exactly right.
Targets can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15
to take half damage.
Weight: 2 pounds Backpack-Mounted Hand-Flamer
Armor Class: 9 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Hardness: 3 Cost: 1,000 Units
Hit Points: 2 Tentative Purchase DC: 18
DC required to break this item with a Strength Required Proficiency: Simple
Roll: 14 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Accessories: Fuel Canister (weighs 1/2 pound, costs Range Increment: This is an area effect weapon and
15 units) doesn’t have a Range Increment as such.
Description: This lightweight plastic weapon projects “To Hit” Bonus: --
a five-foot wide stream of flame out to its maximum Magazine: 50
range. It runs on a liquid fuel canister, rather than an Rate of Fire: Once per round
energy cell and takes a Standard Action to reload. It Damage: 4d6 Flame
carefully mixes and heats two separate chemicals in its Weight: 5 pounds (50 with backpack)
firing chamber to produce its flame. Neither Armor Class: 3
component is flammable unless mixed with the other Hardness: 4
at exactly the right temperature, so the weapon won't Hit Points: 3
explode if it is struck during combat. This weapon DC required to break this item with a Strength
bears a suspicious resemblance to the "Flamer" in the Roll: 15
Dungeon Master's Guide, so I'm not going to count it Special: Attacks everything in a 5-foot wide area, out
against the total one-thousand-and-one new weapons to its maximum range of 50 feet. Targets can make a
I've promised you. Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Fuel Supply
Heavy Hand-Flamer (Weighs 20 pounds, costs 200 units, AC 12, 4
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Hardness, 5 HP, 60% chance of exploding when it
hand” roll) loses all its Hit Points, doing 3d6 damage to the
Cost: 825 Units wearer and 1d6 to anything else in a 5 foot radius)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Description: A traditional backpack-mounted
Required Proficiency: Simple flamethrower. It is smaller and lighter than its
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use twentieth century equivalent, and is made entirely of

super-strong plastic. If the backpack loses all its hit Accessories: Spare Fuel Canister (weighs 1/2 pound,
points, there is a 50% chance that it will explode, costs 10 units)
doing 6d6 flame damage to the wearer and anyone Description: As every juvenile delinquent knows, it is
within five feet. It takes a full round to replace its possible to build an improvised short-range
disposable tanks of flammable liquid. flamethrower with nothing more than a can of
propellant, a lighter and a reckless disregard for your
own safety.
Improvised Flamethrower In D20 terms, it requires about 15 units worth of
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of materials and a Repair Roll vs. DC 15. You can build
hand” roll) an Improvised Flamethrower with a Jury Rig roll (DC
Cost: 15 Units worth of material to build Units 18) if the right materials are handy (it's strictly the
Tentative Purchase DC: 4 DM's call as to whether or not you have the right items
Required Proficiency: Simple at hand).
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Improvised flamers are tricky, dangerous weapons
Range Increment: Maximum range of 25 feet to use. Every time you fire one there is a 5% chance
“To Hit” Bonus: -- that it will explode in your hands, doing 1d6 damage
Magazine: 20 to you and one point of damage to anything else in a 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has foot radius. If the weapon loses all its hit points, there
attacks is a 60% chance that it will explode in the same way.
Damage: 2d6 Heat (20/x2). Attacks everything in a It is not usually possible to reload an improvised
5-foot wide area, out to its maximum range of 25 feet. flamer, but with an additional Repair Roll vs. DC 15
Targets can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 (DC 18 to do it with a Jury Rig) its maker can set it up
to take half damage. so that new fuel bottles can be slotted into place when
Weight: 5 pounds it runs dry. If the weapon can be reloaded at all, it
Armor Class: 7 takes a Standard Action. There is a 3% chance of
Hardness: 1 sparking the fuel and setting off an explosion every
Hit Points: 2 time you reload it.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12

Not gauss weapons, but spring-loaded or gas driven needle launchers, new advances in materials technology eventually
make it possible to build springs and compressed gas canisters that hold enough energy to make these weapons viable.

Needle guns are quiet and produce no chemical or energy traces that sensors can identify when you fire them. They
also don't have a lot of range or stopping power.

Cheap to manufacture once you have the materials, they are often seen in the hands of impoverished armies or criminal
gangs. Cops are aware that this is a weapon street thugs often carry, and they may react accordingly when they see one

Concealed Needle Gun DC required to break this item with a Strength

Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Roll: 13
of hand” roll) Special: -4 to any attempt to find this weapon with a
Cost: 600 Units Search roll.
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 Accessories: Needles (pack of 50 weighs 1 pound,
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons costs 30 units)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Description: A tiny springloaded needle gun,
Range Increment: 10 feet powerful enough to kill a man at close range, but
“To Hit” Bonus: -- small enough to be hidden in a cigarette lighter, a
Magazine: 5 fountain pen, or even a wristwatch. Use this model as
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has a template, and start building these nasty little
attacks surprises into whatever household objects strike your
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (18-20 x3) taste. Be sure to hum the James Bond theme music as
Weight: 1/2 pound you fire the gun.
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 1

Needle Gun the "Steel Talon", the casing is made of plastic and
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a easy to break. Fragile, underpowered, ugly and
“sleight of hand” roll) inaccurate, it lacks range, stopping power and just
Cost: 450 Units about any other redeeming features apart from its
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 price. It does however come with tough looking
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons decals on the sides, although they tend to flake and
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use curl after a few weeks of use.
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 40 Spring-Loaded Needle Rifle
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
attacks Hand roll)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (18-20 x3) Cost: 750 Units
Weight: 2 pounds Tentative Purchase DC: 17
Armor Class: 9 Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Hardness: 3 Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Hit Points: 3 Range Increment: 50 feet
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 14 Magazine: 80
Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 25 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Units), Needles (pack of 50 weighs 1 pound, costs 30 attacks
units) Damage: 1d8+2 Piercing (18-20 x3)
Description: New advances in metalurgical Weight: 6 pounds
technology make it possible to construct springs which Armor Class: 7
hold far more energy than any produced today. This Hardness: 5
makes spring-loaded needle weapons practical. They Hit Points: 5
have a number of advantages over most conventional DC required to break this item with a Strength
weapons. They are nearly silent and produce neither Roll: 15
chemical nor energy singatures for sensors to trace. Accessories: Needles (pack of 50 weighs 1 pound,
However their range is somewhat limited and they costs 30 units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces
take longer to reload than most energy weapons or Range Increment by one)
slugthrowers. It takes two standard actions to reload a Description: This is a heavier, two-handed version of
needler--one to slip in the magazine and one to reset the needle-gun. No longer than a carbine, it has greater
the spring. range and shoots longer, heavier needles than a one-
handed needle gun. This weapon is very popular with
space pirates, since it will puncture a vacuum suit but
Steel Talon Needlegun won't poke holes in a spacecraft hull--and also because
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a it's a gruesome, scary way to kill someone.
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 120 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 Ice Pistol
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use “sleight of hand” roll)
Range Increment: 20 ft Cost: 600 Units
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Tentative Purchase DC: 16
Magazine: 30 Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
attacks Range Increment: 30 feet
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (18-20/x3) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Weight: 2 pounds Magazine: 20
Armor Class: 9 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Hardness: 2 attacks
Hit Points: 2 Damage: 1d6 Piercing (18-20 x3)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 2 pounds
Roll: 14 Armor Class: 9
Accessories: Magazine (weighs 1/2 pound, costs 25 Hardness: 4
Units), Needles (pack of 50 weighs 1 pound, costs 30 Hit Points: 3
units) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: Needleguns have an undeserved Roll: 14
reputation as cheap, shoddy weapons for punks who Accessories: Compressed Gas Canister (Weighs 1/10
don't know or can't afford any better. This gun pound, costs 5 units, holds enough gas for 40 shots),
deserves every bit of it. Don't ask us why it's called spare water reservoir (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 5

Units) Armor Class: 7
Description: A modified needle gun, this one uses Hardness: 4
compressed gas instead of a spring, and launches Hit Points: 5
sharp little spikes of superchiled ice. This weird pistol DC required to break this item with a Strength
is popular with guerilla armies, since it leaves no Roll: 15
traceable material in the wound, produces no energy Accessories: Compressed Gas Canister (Weighs 1/10
or chemical signature for satellites to spot, makes little pound, costs 5 units, holds enough gas for 40 shots),
noise and requires no ammunition but water and spare water reservoir (weighs 1/10 pound, costs 5
compressed air canisters. The gas canister slots into Units), Scope (1/2 lb, costs 150 units, reduces Range
the unit above the firing chamber, and holds enough Increment by one)
air to unload the whole magazine. A larger plastic Description: A long, lightweight rifle with a
tank of water rests in front of it, horizontally over the distinctive streamlined look. Made almost entirely of
barrrel. To reload, detach the empty water reservoir, plastic, it is easy to carry despite its length.
fill it up and snap it back into place along with a new This weapon is powered by compressed gas and
gas canister. It is actually possible to refill a gas shoots spikes of superchilled ice. The gun doesn’t
canister five or six times before it gives out--there is a have much range but it makes up for this flaw with a
hand-pump under the barrel which looks a lot like the number of advantages. It leaves no traceable material
slide on a pump-action shotgun. Most users prefer to in the wound and it produces no energy or chemical
get a new canister if at all possible, since it takes half signature that sensors (or for that matter forensic
an hour of laborious effort to pump one back up. A science) can pick up. It is nearly silent, has little
tiny fuel cell in the stock runs the freezing process, recoil and requires no ammunition but water and
and can keep manufacturing ice for years. compressed air canisters.
The gas canister slots into the unit above the stock,
and holds enough air to unload the whole magazine.
Ice Rifle A larger plastic tank of water rests in front of it,
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of horizontally over the firing chamber. To reload,
Hand roll) detach the empty water reservoir, refill it and snap it
Cost: 825 Units back into place along with a new gas canister.
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 It is actually possible to reload a gas canister five
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons or six times before it gives out--there is a hand-pump
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use under the barrel which looks a like the slide on a
Range Increment: 50 feet pump-action shotgun. Most users prefer to get a new
“To Hit” Bonus: -- canister if at all possible, since it takes half an hour of
Magazine: 40 laborious effort to pump one back up.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has A tiny fuel cell in the stock runs the freezing
attacks process, and can keep manufacturing ice for years.
Damage: 2d6 Piercing (18-20 x3)
Weight: 7 pounds

Miscellaneous Futuristic Ranged Weapons

In this category we have lumped random implements of mayhem that we weren't smart enough to figure out a category
for. They're organized in roughly by type (buzzsaw gun next to buzzsaw cannon, etc.) but the only thing they really
have in common is that they hurt stuff at a distance.

Action at-a Distance Gauntlet strength bonus (please note that the gauntlet
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of effectively enhances their Strength by +3)
hand” roll) Weight: 3 pounds
Cost: 500 Units Armor Class: 9
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (Often Unavailable) Hardness: 5
Required Proficiency: Simple Hit Points: 5
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: 20 feet Roll: 15
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: A large metal gauntlet, covered with
Magazine: 75 wires and circuitry. It uses a sophisticated system of
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has miniature tractor beams to manipulate objects at a
attacks distance. You can use it to perform any task that you
Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning (20 x2) plus the wielder's could usually do with your hand in a sixty foot radius.

You can use it to wield a weapon, to perform manual objects made from plant matter (wood, cotton, etc.) in
skills, tweak the noses of people you don't like, etc. If a 30 foot cone. See description for more details
you use it to carry an object, you can move the object Weight: 15 pounds
up to 30 ft per round. Armor Class: 7
You can suddenly stop one task and use the Hardness: 3
gauntlet on something else anywhere in its radius, Hit Points: 2
without having to move the invisible hand over there. DC required to break this item with a Strength
This does however require you to drop whatever you Roll: 16
were holding at the time. Special: Affects everything in a 40 foot cone
You can't feel pain or temperature through the Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
gauntlet, but otherwise it’s as sensitive as your actual or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 pounds, costs
hand. The force-projection is a little stronger than 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not compatible
your hand (+3 Strength) but not too much--that would with other weapons, takes a full round to reload)
spoil its sensitivity. Description: This weapon emits a cone-shaped energy
It takes a full round to replace the device's energy field that disrupts the subtle electrochemical processes
cell, which isn't compatible with most energy of plant life. Plants are more biochemically complex
weapons. than animals, and while they are in some respects
stronger and hardier, there are elements of their
metabolism that are much easier to disrupt.
Action-at a Distance Katar Any plant life caught in the weapon's forty-foot
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a cone of effect takes a truly staggering amount of
“sleight of hand” roll) damage If for some reason the target is capable of
Cost: 550 Units motion under its own power and actually has a
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (Often Unavailable) Dexterity score, a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
Required Proficiency: Simple will halve the damage.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use At very close range, the beam will damage animal
Range Increment: 20 feet tissue as well, although not as badly. Any living
“To Hit” Bonus: -- animal standing less than ten feet from the weapon's
Magazine: 60 emitter nozzle, inside its cone of effect, will take 3d4
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Radiation damage per round. A Reflexes Saving
attacks Throw vs. DC15 reduces this damage by half.
Damage: 1d4+1 Piercing (20 x3) Only a civilization menaced by some form of
Weight: 2 pounds malignant plant life would be likely to bother
Armor Class: 9 investing the time and expense of developing a
Hardness: 5 weapon like this one. Perhaps a very rich, bored
Hit Points: 2 culture might as well, or perhaps someone with a need
DC required to break this item with a Strength for it could have it custom-made. It is both bulky and
Roll: 15 delicate, but at least it runs on standard power cells
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) and takes only a Standard Action to reload.
Description: A wide, heavy punch-dagger, with a
miniature tractor beam unit built into the blade. You
use it like a normal punch dagger, but whenever you Box Full of Death
lunge forward with it and squeeze the handle at the Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
same time, it fires an invisible pressor beam which “sleight of hand” roll)
conveys the shock of the impact to any target up to Cost: 1,200 Units
twenty feet away. It does no more damage than an Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually illegal)
ordinary katar, but works at range. It also scares the Required Proficiency: Simple
bejeezus out of low tech opponents (or else enrages Handed: N/A
them). Range Increment: 100 feet (Gamma Ray Laser), 50
feet (Micromissile)
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Anti-Floral Thanatizer Magazine: 100
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal) Rate of Fire: Two attacks per round
Cost: 2,500 Units Damage: See description
Tentative Purchase DC: 21 (often unavailable) Weight: 5 pounds
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Ranged Armor Class: 9
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Hardness: 10
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hit Points: 15
Magazine: 15 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Roll: 22
attacks Description: A metal box with a built in gamma-ray
Damage: Does 6d10 damage to any plant life or laser that fires invisibly and inaudibly through its

sides. Once activated, it will shoot at moving heat like a rifle. It's not a long weapon but it's bulky and
source bigger than a cat within 100 feet, doing 4d8 really should only be fired from the shoulder. It
damage (19-20 x3). launches a stream of spinning buzzsaw blades at
It can be set to recognize a particular radio, subsonic speed, and so does a huge amount of damage
microwave or tachyon signal. It can aslo be set to without making much noise. Not too effective at long
recognize verbal paswords or even gestures, but it range. It is also, as you may have noticed, rather silly.
isn’t as good at this (give it the password and there is a When you see someone carrying this gun, it is a good
15% chance that it will get confused and shoot you indication that they have some pretty serious issues
anyway). When you turn the box on, you can set it to (and that this would be the wrong time to discuss
either become active immediately or to wait for up to them).
fifteen rounds.
It is powered by a set of three standard power cells,
each of which holds fifty charges. It takes a standard Chain Sweeper Gun
action to replace each one, but make sure you give the Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
signal first. The box will do 3d6 electrical damage to hand” roll)
any unauthorized person who touches it (this uses one Cost: 1,100 Units
charge). Tentative Purchase DC: 18
If the box senses the approach of a large vehicle, it Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
will pop open and fire an armor-piercing micromissile Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
at it. This does 8d6 damage and ignores up to ten Range Increment: This is an area effect weapon and
points of Hardness. The box has only has three doesn’t have a Range Increment as such.
missiles. They can be fired all at once or one at a time, “To Hit” Bonus: --
depending on how many vehicles are approaching. Magazine: 3
Each missile takes a full round to replace. Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: See description
Weight: 15 pounds
Buzzsaw Gun Armor Class: 5
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Hardness: 5
Cost: 1,200 Units Hit Points: 4
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons Roll: 16
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Special: Affects an area twenty feet wide by eighty
Range Increment: 20 feet feet long. Anything caught in the swath must make a
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or they will take
Magazine: 10 4d10 Slashing damage (17-20 x3). If they make the
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Saving Throw they avoid taking any damage, and
attacks don’t suffer the effects of a critical hit. Roll to hit
Damage: 4d10 Slashing (17-20 x3) anyone in the target area, purely for the purpose of
Weight: 14 pounds determining whether or not they have taken a critical
Armor Class: 7 hit.
Hardness: 4 This is also an Improved Vorpal Weapon. On a
Hit Points: 3 critical hit, this weapon will sever the target's head
DC required to break this item with a Strength from their body. If the target does not have a head, or
Roll: 15 suffers no particular ill effect from having their head
Special: This weapon is capable of Autofire. It can cut off, the chain has instead cut them into two or
target a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. The targeted area has more pieces. There may still be a few creatures
an effective Defense of 10. If the attack succeeds, (totally amorphous beings, for example) who can
every target within the affected area must make a survive this, at the DM's discretion.
Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. Accessories: Chain-Load (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 1
Autofire uses up 10 of the weapon’s blades, and can unit per round)
only be used if the gun has 10 blades left in it. Description: A short, wide-mouthed weapon that
This is also a Vorpal weapon. On a critical hit, it resembles a small missile launcher, but is closed at the
will sever the target's head from their body. This does back. It fires special shaped-charge wads of exposive,
not work on creatures that do not have heads, and at with a weighted chain coiled up inside. When the
the DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no weapon is fired, the chain unfurls and sweeps down
particular ill effect from having their heads cut off the battlefield, doing horrendous damage to anything
(robots, for example, or certain types of plant- caught in it's twenty-foot wide path. The gun breaks
creature). open to reload like an enormous shotgun. It takes a
Accessories: Buzzsaw Blades (pack of 10 weighs 1/2 full round to take it off your shoulder, break it open,
pound, costs 10 units) spray the inside with a frigid gas to cool it down and
Description: A wide-mouthed, shoulder mounted slip in another oversized load, so the weapon can
weapon about the size of a missile launcher, shaped effectively be fired only once every other round.

Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Buzzsaw Cannon Roll: 16
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal) Special: Improved Vorpal Weapon. On a critical hit,
Cost: 12,000 Units this weapon will sever the target's head from their
Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (usually illegal) body. If the target does not have a head, or suffers no
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Ranged particular ill effect from having their head cut off, the
Handed: Mounted weapon, too heavy to fire by hand flying monowire has instead cut them into multiple
“To Hit” Bonus: -- pieces. There may still be a few creatures (totally
Magazine: 1 amorphous beings, for example) who can survive this,
Rate of Fire: Once per round at the DM's discretion.
Damage: 10d6 Slashing to anything in a 75 foot cone. Accessories: Monofilament Rounds (Weighs 1/20
Ignores 6 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance. pound, Costs 5 Units, per round)
Anyone caught in its cone of effect can make a Description: A two-handed, chunky carbine, which
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25 to take half spits out wads of tangled monofilament wire. These
damage. hypersharp strands are only one molecule thick,
Weight: 1,000 pounds capable of cutting through nearly anything. When
Armor Class: 0 shot out of a gun at supersonic speed their slicing
Hardness: 10 power is multiplied enormously, but they don't have a
Hit Points: 40 lot of range. The gun is difficult to load and it takes a
DC required to break this item with a Strength full round to switch out the magazine.
Roll: 19 (to disable with a skill roll--it's the DM's
choice as to which one applies)
Accessories: Specially made shells (Weigh 5 pounds Razor Cannon
and cost 40 Units, each) Size: Huge (impossible to conceal)
Description: Some maniacal space-barbarian's idea of Cost: 14,000 Units
a good time, this unlikely weapon shoots a stream of Tentative Purchase DC: 27 (usually illegal)
whirling buzzsaw blades at the target. Bigger than a Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Ranged
heavy machine gun, smaller than a cannon, it's usually Handed: Mounted weapon, too heavy to fire by hand
seen mounted on a vehicle or towed along behind one “To Hit” Bonus: --
on a caisson. Magazine: 1
The blades actually come pre-packed with their Rate of Fire: Once per round
own shaped-charge propellant. It takes a full round to Damage: 12d6 Slashing to everything in a 50 foot
clean out the gun's breech and drop another shell cone. Anyone caught in its cone of effect can make a
inside. Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
It's hard to tell who would manufacture a device damage. Any target with 6 or more points of Damage
like this--it's expensive to produce, difficult to Resistance gets a +5 bonus to their Saving Throw.
maintain, has a lot of complicated components and Weight: 750 pounds
wastes much of its energy getting the blades to spin as Armor Class: 0
they come out of the muzzle. It also doesn't have much Hardness: 10
range. Then again, there may be societies where Hit Points: 50
orphanages use them to prevent escapes, or where they DC required to break this item with a Strength
can be found in a typical family's garage next to the Roll: 20 (to disable with a skill roll--it's the DM's
unused exercise equipment and the armored war-truck. choice as to which one applies)
Accessories: Specially made shells (Weigh 6 pounds
and cost 35 Units, each)
Razorgun Description: An ugly weapon of terror that launches a
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of cone-shaped stream of rectangular metal blades,
hand” roll) slicing and mangling everything in its path. It's a little
Cost: 1,100 Units like a huge, evil shotgun that fires razor blades instead
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) of pellets. It uses giant blocks of caseless ammunition,
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons which look like big square shotgun shells. Each block
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use contains hundreds of blades, carefully placed so as to
Range Increment: 20 feet fly in the correct pattern to wreak maximum havoc on
“To Hit” Bonus: -- soft and fleshy targets. Expensive, heavy, prone to
Magazine: 10 malfunctions and useless against armor, the only real
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has function of a Razor Cannon is to terrorize civilians.
attacks One of this weapon's few redeeming features is the
Damage: 3d10 Slashing (17-20 x3) fact that it can be reloaded very fast. It takes only a
Weight: 12 pounds Standard Action to drop a stack of five blocks into the
Armor Class: 7 ammo hopper. The shells aren't compatible with any
Hardness: 4 other artillery.

be played across an entire ten-foot square, like an
autofire weapon, at a cost of three charges. The target
Steam Gun, Backpack-Mounted square has an effective AC of 10. Anyone caught in
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) the area of effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw
Cost: 1,100 Units vs. DC 15 to take half damage.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) Accessories: Spare water reservoir (weighs 1/10
Required Proficiency: Simple pound, costs 5 Units), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use 10 units, good for 75 shots before it has to be
Range Increment: 20 feet replaced)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: A short-range weapon, about the size
Magazine: 40 and shape of a chunky plastic shotgun. It has a
Rate of Fire: Once per round pistolgrip instead of a stock, since it produces very
Damage: 3d6 Heat (20 x2) little kickback. A long, bulletproof plastic bottle runs
Weight: 10 pounds (55 with backpack) along the top, over where the firing mechanism would
Armor Class: 5 be on a conventional slug-throwing weapon. The
Hardness: 5 barrel is short and wide, but ends in an odd, stubby
Hit Points: 5 nozzle. Used mainly by boarding parties and
DC required to break this item with a Strength spaceship security officers, this gun shoots a highly
Roll: 17 compressed jet of superheated steam. It works like a
Special: Can either be used against a single target or flamethrower without the flame and does minimal
be played across an entire ten-foot square, like an damage to equipment.
autofire weapon, at a cost of three charges. The target
square has an effective AC of 10. Anyone caught in
the area of effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw Steam Pistol
vs. DC 15 to take half damage. Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Accessories: Backpack reservoir (1 lb, costs 15 units), “sleight of hand” roll)
Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units, good for 75 Cost: 900 Units
shots before it has to be replaced) Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (Often Unavailable)
Description: Combat inside spacecraft is a tricky Required Proficiency: Simple
business. You need to kill the enemy, but can't afford Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
to puncture the hull of the craft. Flamers are one Range Increment: 10 feet
solution to the problem, but there are situations where “To Hit” Bonus: --
an open flame inside a spacecraft is at least as bad as Magazine: 10
punching a hole in the hull. One solution is the Rate of Fire: Once per round
pressurized steam-gun. It shoots a jet of superheated Damage: 1d6+2 Heat (20 x2)
water, doing nearly as much damage as a flamer, but Weight: 4 pounds
without running any risk of setting things on fire. As Armor Class: 9
an added bonus, it neatly cooks the flesh off the Hardness: 5
target's bones, but leaves most of their gear intact. this Hit Points: 2
is a large, two-handed model with a backpack DC required to break this item with a Strength
reservoir. It's about the same size as a flamethrower. Roll: 14
Special: Can either be used against a single target or
be played across an entire ten-foot square, like an
Steam Gun, Two Handed autofire weapon, at a cost of three charges. The target
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of square has an effective AC of 10. Anyone caught in
hand” roll) the area of effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw
Cost: 1,000 Units vs. DC 15 to take half damage.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable) Accessories: Spare water reservoir (weighs 1/10
Required Proficiency: Simple pound, costs 5 Units), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use 10 units, good for 75 shots before it has to be
Range Increment: 10 feet replaced), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Description: A short-range pistol which fires a jet of
Magazine: 20 superheated steam. This weapon was designed
Rate of Fire: Once per round specifically to repel boarding parties and is issued
Damage: 2d6 Heat (20 x2) mainly to pilots and other non-security personnel to
Weight: 8 pounds defend their posts if need be. It isn't much use in a
Armor Class: 7 vacuum, but in the enclosed environment of a
Hardness: 5 spacecraft it is extremely effective, as it does
Hit Points: 5 relatively little damage to equipment and won't punch
DC required to break this item with a Strength a hole in the hull. The gun itself is smaller than a laser
Roll: 16 pistol, with a tank of water resting hoizontally over the
Special: Can either be used against a single target or barrel. It takes a standard action to replace the plastic

water bottle, provided that you already have one filled Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
and ready. attacks
Damage: 2d6 Weird Energy
Weight: 1 pound
Laser Sphere Protection Unit Armor Class: 9
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Hardness: 7 (This applies only to the haft--the blade
hand” roll) is not a physical object and cannot be physically
Cost: 800 Units attacked)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 Hit Points: 3
Required Proficiency: Simple DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 0 hands to use Roll: 18
Range Increment: 30 feet Special: Ignores armor, makes a Ranged Touch
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Attack. Can do either normal or Nonlethal Damage.
Magazine: 50 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Rate of Fire: Once per round Description: It looks like a coiling, whirling rope
Damage: 1d10 Heat (20 x2) made of light, which continually twists and lashes a
Weight: 1 pound per sphere (5 spheres in total) few inches above its control rod. When activated, the
Armor Class: 9 at rest, 15 when active. lash streaks out, hits the target with a jolt of energy
Hardness: 5 and jumps back into position over the control unit.
Hit Points: 2 per Sphere This is not a subtle weapon and while it is small
DC required to break this item with a Strength enough to conceal on your person it is sure to attract a
Roll: 14 per Sphere lot of attention once you start using it. Of course it's
Accessories: Carrying case (5 pounds, costs 50 units, even more conspicuous in the dark. As strange a
AC 10, Hardness 3) weapon as the energy lash is, it still runs on standard
Description: In the field of weapons design, there is power cells. It takes a standard action to replace a
often a fine line between the visionary and the silly. spent cell.
Sometimes you find a weapon that straddles the line.
This peculiar device is usually found as a prototype, or
in use against opponents who haven't yet developed
energy weapons. It consists of five metal anti-gravity
globes, each with a laser weapon mounted on board.
When activated, they whirl around the user and shoot
down incoming projectiles. This gives the user a +10
to their Armor Class, only vs. projectile weapons.
As a defensive device it has three serious flaws. General Weapon System Mark 183
First, it offers no protection against energy weapons. Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Second, it doesn't recognize anything slower than an hand” roll)
arrow as an attack. Thrown rocks, hurled grenades, Cost: 1,100 Units
boomerangs and flying anti-gravity weapons all pass Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually restricted to
straight through it. Third and most grievously, it will military use)
destroy an incoming rocket or shell at a range of Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons and
twenty feet from the user, which can be awkward if Energy Weapons (the operator needs both)
the incoming weapon’s blast radius is larger than that. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
In addition to its defensive capacities, the device Range Increment: 20 ft (Shotgun), 70 ft (Particle
can be ordered to attack a target within 40 feet with its Accelerator), 30 ft (Micro-Missiles), 40 ft (Grenade
lasers. All five beams will focus on the target, but Launcher), 100 ft (laser)
they fire individually, effectively making 5 separate “To Hit” Bonus: --
1d4 attacks in a single round. Their attack bonus is Magazine: See description
+4. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: Shotgun does 4d6 Piercing (18-20 x3)
Energy Lash Particle Accelerator does 2d10 Radiation (20 x3)
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Micromissiles do 3d6 Bludgeoning damage to
hand” roll) anything in a 5 foot radius (a Reflexes Saving Throw
Cost: 350 Units vs. DC 15 allows the target to take half damage)
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (Often Unavailable) Grenades do 4d6 Piercing in a 10 foot radius (a
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 allows the target to
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use take half damage)
Range Increment: n/a (Maximum range of 30 feet, Laser does 2d10 Heat (20 x3).
accuracy does not diminish out to that range) Tanglewebs make a ranged touch attack, ignoring
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 armor. Anyone caught by the Tangleweb suffers a -2
Magazine: 30 penalty on all attacks, has their Dexterity effectively

reduced by 4, and moves at half speed. To free with an extra 4d4 to targets with more than 8 points of
themselves, they must take a full action and make Hardness, and ignores up to 10 points of Damage
either an Escape Artist roll vs. DC 20 or rip their way Resistance.
loose by making a Strength check vs. DC 25. The Stun Ray makes a ranged touch attack and forces
Weight: 8 pounds the target to make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC
Armor Class: 7 20 or fall unconcious for 2d10 minutes.
Hardness: 5 Weight: 7 pounds
Hit Points: 5 Armor Class: 7
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 6
Roll: 17 Hit Points: 7
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tangleweb Load (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 300 Units), Roll: 18
Shotgun Shells (1/4 of a pound, cost 20 Units for a Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
box of 50), Grenades (Weigh 1 pound and cost 500 Scope and targeting system are already built into the
Units each), Micro-Missiles (Weigh 1/10 pound each, weapon, and taken into account in its Range Modifier
cost 50 Units), Scope and targeting system are already Description: A much more advanced General
built into the weapon, and taken into account in its Weapon Pod than the 183. Like its predecessor, it
Range Modifier looks like a plastic pod that covers the user's forearm.
Description: A heavy plastic pod which covers the When the weapon is armed, a targeting display pops
user's entire forearm. The front of the pod opens up to up on the user’s visual field (no goggles or scopes are
display a formidable array of weapons. There is a required—the weapon beams the signal directly into
micromissile launcher with slots for five rockets the user’s brain) and the front of the pod morphs into a
(we've loaded this one with concussion warheads but gun barrel.
of course you can use whatever rockets the DM makes It can fire a long-range x-ray laser, a short range
available), a shotgun with a 5-round magazine, a one- burst of antimatter particles, a wad of superheated
shot tangleweb launcher, a grenade launcher with plasma that does damage to everything in a 5 foot
room for three grenades (we assumed you'd want radius, an armour-piercing bolt of force, or an
Fragmentation but as with the wrist rockets, listen to electromagnetic pulse that disrupts the target’s central
your heart and select whatever you like) , a 2d10 nervous system, putting them harmlessly to sleep.
particle beam and a 2d10 laser, which share a 60-shot Each weapon function draws on the same power
magazine between them cell. The power cell is interchangeable with most
The energy weapons run on the same power cell, other energy weapons from the same period and takes
which takes a Standard Action to reload. Each of the a Standard Action to reload.
other weapon systems takes a Standard Action to
reload individually, except for the wrist-rockets, which
take a Standard Action per rocket.

General Weapon System Mark 490

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 2,000 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (usually restricted to Generic Ray Gun
military use) Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons “sleight of hand” roll)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Cost: 850 Units
Range Increment: 130 ft (X-Ray Laser), 10 ft Tentative Purchase DC: 17
(Antimatter Gun), 60 ft (Plasma Gun), 50 ft (Armor- Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Piercing Force Bolt), 20 ft (Stun Ray) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: 40 feet
Magazine: 75 Charges. The X-Ray Laser and Stun “To Hit” Bonus: --
Ray use one charge each, the Antimatter Gun and Magazine: 50
Armor-Piercing Force Bolt use two charges each and Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
the Plasma Gun uses three charges. attacks
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Damage: 2d10 Weird Energy (19-20 x3)
attacks Weight: 3 pounds
Damage: X-Ray Laser does 3d10+3 Heat (18-20 x3) Armor Class: 9
Antimatter Gun does 6d10 Weird Energy (20 x2) Hardness: 10
Plasma Gun does 8d6 Heat damage to anything in a 5 Hit Points: 5
foot radius (a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 DC required to break this item with a Strength
allows the target to take half damage) Roll: 15
Armor-Piercing Force Bolt does 6d4 Piercing (20 x3) Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),

Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: A small, bulbous hand gun, which Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
appears to be made from cheaply stamped metal. It “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
looks very 1950s and is usually found in the hands of DM)
sinister little green aliens with enormous heads, who Description: Once the little green men get tired of
fly around in saucers and try to conquer Mankind for being punched out by square-jawed Earthmen, they
the sheer twisted heck of it. Cringe, puny Earthling, invariably resort to this huge, evil, pulsing weapon
before the might of my Generic Ray Gun! (for all the good it ever seems to do them). Generic
Ray Cannons tend to look a little like huge Art Deco
dental X-Ray machines, with big nasty reflectors
around the glowing red emitter knob.

Immuno-Disrupter Gun
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 4,000 Units
Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (usually illegal)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Ranged
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Generic Ray-Gun Rifle Range Increment: 40 feet
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of “To Hit” Bonus: --
Hand roll) Magazine: 5
Cost: 1,000 Units Rate of Fire: Once per round
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 Damage: Special--see description
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Weight: 10 pounds
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Armor Class: 8
Range Increment: 100 feet Hardness: 3
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hit Points: 4
Magazine: 50 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Roll: 10
attacks Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Damage: 3d10 Weird Energy (19-20 x3) Description: A silent radiation pulse weapon designed
Weight: 8 pounds specifically to wreck the target's immune system. This
Armor Class: 7 is a cruel but cunning weapon of assassination as it
Hardness: 10 tends to make the target's death look like natural
Hit Points: 10 causes.
DC required to break this item with a Strength The gun is as small and unobtrusive as it can
Roll: 17 possibly be made, but it’s still bulky, awkwardly
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) shaped and difficult to conceal. Yet it makes no sound,
Description: A bigger, two-handed version of the produces no flash, and can't even be felt by the target.
generic ray-gun, favored by hulking space-henchmen Any human being or other earth-mammal struck by
with vocabularies limited to the word "Rrr!" the beam must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC
35. If they fail, they now have a permanent -12
penalty on any Fortitude Saving Throw to resist
disease. Other saving throws are not affected.
Generic Ray Cannon Most aliens don't react the same way to this
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
weapon, and instead take 1d4 damage when hit with
Cost: 30,000 Units
the beam. Unlike human targets, they will most
Tentative Purchase DC: 30 (usually restricted to
definitely know that they have been shot. Robots
military use)
aren't affected at all.
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
The weapon is powered by a standard energy cell
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
and isn't really made for rapid reloading. It takes a
Range Increment: 300 feet
full round to replace a spent cell.
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 10d10 Weird Energy Metabolic Interference Ray
Weight: 2 tons Size: Huge (impossible to conceal)
Armor Class: 3 Cost: 5,000 Units
Hardness: 10 Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (often unavailable)
Hit Points: 65 Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Ranged
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use

Range Increment: 30 feet the target to make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC
“To Hit” Bonus: -- 20 or be Stunned for one round), Punishment Bolt (30
Magazine: 5 foot range increment, drains 2 charges) 2d6 electrical
Rate of Fire: Once per round (20 x2), Anti-Robot Field (30 foot cone-shaped attack,
Damage: If hit by the beam, the target must make a drains 3 charges) 1d6 electrical (20 x2) to living
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 30 or lose the ability targets and 6d6 damage to sentient machines.
to metabolize food. They will slowly starve to death Weight: 7 pounds
no matter how much they eat. See description for Armor Class: 5
more details. Hardness: 14
Weight: 18 pounds Hit Points: 15
Armor Class: 7 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 5 Roll: 20
Hit Points: 3 Special: For a cost of one charge per round, the Rod
DC required to break this item with a Strength can generate a Repulsion Screen which gives the
Roll: 15 wielder +4 to their Armor Class. The wielder can also
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), use the staff to fly at a rate of 40 feet per round
or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 pounds, costs (Maneuverability Good). It costs 1 charge per round
15 Units to make in a basement lab, not compatible of flight.
with other weapons, takes a full round to reload) Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: A horrendous weapon, illegal almost Description: A personal weapon used by elite honor
everywhere, which most nations will deny guards or perhaps by the ruling class of violence-
manufacturing. Clumsy, loud, heavy and fragile, it oriented cultures. This long metal staff is packed with
doesn't have a lot of range and it won't kill the target weapon systems. It also holds a small onboard anti-
dead in its tracks but this is still a greatly feared gravity generator which can lift about four hundred
device. pounds, enabling the user to fly for short periods. Its
It subtly alters the target's biochemistry, so that power cell slots into a hidden compartment in the
they can no longer metabolize food. Apply the middle of the staff. It takes a Standard Action to
standard rules for starvation. Water will still nourish reload.
them, they aren’t dying of thirst, but even intravenous
nutrient injections will do them no good at all.
At the DM's discretion there may be some
incredibly advanced, exotic technique that can cure the
ray's effects, but this should be exceedingly rare
and/or expensive if it exists at all. It is much easier to
do this kind of damage than to reverse it.
The gun itself looks a bit like an old movie camera
without any film reels, or a dental x-ray machine. It
runs on special, oversized power cells like the type
used for heavy energy weapons. The battery case is
usually bolted shut and takes a full round to reload.
Universal Energy Tool
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 950 Units
The Master's Rod Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (Often Unavailable)
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
hand” roll) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Cost: 2,000 Units (usually not for sale to anyone but Range Increment: 50 feet
the Cruel Alien Overlords or perhaps the police) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 20 (Often Unavailable) Magazine: 75
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons. Melee Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use attacks
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Damage: Variable, See description
Magazine: 60 Weight: 2 pounds
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Armor Class: 9
attacks Hardness: 6
Damage: Power-Enhanced Blow (melee attack, drains Hit Points: 2
1 charge) 2d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2), Hot Probe of DC required to break this item with a Strength
Inquiry (melee attack, drains 1 charge) 1d6 piercing Roll: 17
(20 x3) and 1d4 heat, Agony Ray (10 foot range Accessories: Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
increment, drains 2 charges) 3d6 Nonlethal (and forces pound), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Description: The favorite weapon of Hyper-

Advanced Utopian Star Confederations, the Universal Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Energy Tool has a little of everything. It can be set to attacks
do between 1 and 10d6 normal or nonlethal damage. Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning (20 x2) to the target, 2d6
Anything destroyed by the tool in a single blast to everything in a 5 foot radius of the target (a
vanishes in a burst of light. It looks not unlike a small Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 allows anyone
cordless electric razor. Officially used for welding, caught in the blast radius to take half damage)
starting campfires and so forth. Alas, more than one Weight: 1 pound
first contact team has found itself using the Universal Armor Class: 13
Energy Tool in a very different manner. We come in Hardness: 3
peace. Set Universal Energy Tools to “Kill!” Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Energy Rocks Description: Sometimes in four-color space-opera
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of campaigns you may encounter planets with weird
hand” roll) rocks or glowing crystals lying around, which blow up
Cost: 50 Units per rock (not usually for sale-- when hucked at things. While this may seem silly to
sometimes found lying around for free) some of us, who am I to deny you the pleasure of
Tentative Purchase DC: 7 (Often Unavailable) having them in your campaign? Whether chucked by
Required Proficiency: Simple hand or flung with a slingshot, they're sure to be an
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use unwelcome surprise to the Bug-Eyed Monster of your
Range Increment: 10 ft if thrown, possibly more if choice.
launched from a weapon
“To Hit” Bonus: --

Weird Science
Now we enter the strange and shabby realm of Weird Science. It's a pulp-novel, midnight movie kind of place, filled
with the broken artifacts of nameless civilizations and the twisted fruits of science gone horribly wrong. Here alien
invaders always seems to arrive in spacecraft shaped like hubcaps and scientists have names like "Doctor Murder,

Space Opera at best, most of the devices found in this section would be out of place in any kind of Hard Science Fiction
campaign (you might just barely be able to squeak one past as psi-technology or an alien relic so advanced that our
puny minds can't comprehend it). Players really will try to call you on a device that's too obviously silly for a given
campaign, so choose from this list with care.

Hypno-Ray Roll: 12 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the

Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is DM)
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not
Wealth check) compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons reload)
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Description: A large device (much too big and bulky
Range Increment: Affects everything in a 40 foot to use as a hand-weapon) which doesn't really
cone, and does not have a Range Increment as resemble a gun. It has a huge spinning disk with the
such. image of a spiral on it. When in use it makes an eeire
“To Hit” Bonus: -- ululating wail that is instantly distinctive to anyone
Magazine: 70 who has heard it before.
Rate of Fire: Once per round It affects a 40 foot cone-shaped area. Anyone
Damage: Special, see description caught in the cone must make a Willpower Saving
Weight: 50 pounds Throw vs. DC 20 or fall under the ray’s effect and
Armor Class: 3 become hypnotized. The weapon’s user can influence
Hardness: 1 a hypnotized character’s actions by verbally
Hit Points: 3 suggesting a course of activity (limited to a sentence
DC required to break this item with a Strength or two). The suggestion must be worded in such a

manner as to make the activity sound reasonable. with anything else and takes a full round to replace.
They can specify conditions that will trigger the
action. There is no specific time limit to the ray’s
effect--it ends when the subject finishes what they Flesh-Warping Ray
were asked to do. A very reasonable suggestion Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
causes the save to be made at a penalty (of no more Cost: 30,000 Units (Almost always a prototype--this
than –2) at the DM’s discretion. is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
The device either runs on house current, or has a Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
huge energy cell of the type used to power vehicles. If or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
it has a portable energy supply, the battery takes a full Wealth check)
round to replace. Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
A prototype, covered with cables and improvised Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
components, this is rarely a mobile weapon. If it is mount
mobile, it's much more likely to be lashed to the back Range Increment: 50 feet
of a flatbed truck than mounted on a tank. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 75 or unlimited (See description)
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Pocket Hypno-Ray Damage: Special, see description
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Weight: 85 pounds
hand” roll) Armor Class: 5
Cost: 45,000 Units (Almost always a prototype--this Hardness: 2
is actually the cost required to build the weapon) Hit Points: 3
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built DC required to break this item with a Strength
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Roll: 15
Wealth check) Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not
Range Increment: -- compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to
“To Hit” Bonus: -- reload)
Magazine: 60 Description: A fiendish product of the worst kind of
Rate of Fire: Once per round mad science. The flesh-warping ray turns its victims
Damage: Special, see description into grotesquely distorted piles of meat.
Weight: 4 pounds The ray's effects are foul in the extreme. Their
Armor Class: 9 flesh puckers, bubbles and warps (if they make their
Hardness: 0 saving throw it snaps back to normal before the
Hit Points: 2 change becomes permanent). Limbs twist in on
DC required to break this item with a Strength themselves, bones bend in impossible ways, teeth
Roll: 13 sprout out of places where no teeth belong.
Accessories: Home-made energy cell (weighs 1 Anyone unlucky enough to be hit by the beam must
pound, costs 10 Units to make in a private workshop, make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or lose
not compatible with other weapons, takes a full round 4d10 hit points, 1d6 Charisma and a point of
to reload) Constitution. Damage Resistance does not offer any
Description: A short but bulky pistol-like weapon. protection against these effects. Even if they make the
Where you would expect to see a barrel, it has a large Saving Throw they take 2d6 Nonlethal Damage and
white disk, painted with a spiral. Pull the trigger and 1d6 normal damage from the effect of having their
the spiral begins to spin, while the device emits a veins and organs momentarily twisted around like
weird high ululation. Anyone caught in its 25-foot balloon animals.
cone of effect must make Willpower Saving Throw vs. The ray itself is big and bulbous, with a weirdly
DC 20 or be hypnotized. short, narrow barrel for its size. It is impossible to use
The ray’s user can influence a hypnotized subject’s as a hand-weapon. Evil geniuses like to keep them on
actions by suggesting a course of activity (limited to a swivel mounts, the better to point them at helpless
sentence or two). The suggestion must be worded in prisoners and cackle wickedly about it.
such a manner as to make the activity sound The beam is a brilliant white, too bright to look at,
reasonable. The user can specify conditions that will and makes a great deal of noise. When they fire one
trigger the action. The effect ends when the subject of these machines up, you'll know something awful is
finishes what they were asked to do. A very happening!
reasonable suggestion causes the save to be made with It runs either on some massive external generator
a penalty (of no more than –2) at the DM’s discretion. or on a set of three oversized power cells, which take a
This device does not need to be produced in pistol full round to replace. Robots are completely
form and could just as easily be set in an oversized unaffected by this weapon, to their enormous relief.
pocket watch or in the middle of a large top hat.
It uses a homemade battery which isn't compatible

Pocket Flesh-Warping Ray
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 60,000 Units (Almost always a prototype--this
is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Wealth check)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 20 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 15 Flesh-Melting Ray
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
attacks Cost: 35,000 Units (Almost always a prototype--this
Damage: Special, see description is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Weight: 2 pounds Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
Armor Class: 9 or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Hardness: 1 Wealth check)
Hit Points: 2 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Roll: 13 Range Increment: This is a cone-effect weapon and
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), doesn’t have a Range Increment as such.
Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound) “To Hit” Bonus: Anyone with a Strength of less than
Description: Not a very discreet weapon, a flesh- 16 will suffer a –2 penalty.
warping ray makes a bright flash and a thunderous Magazine: 40
noise. And then of course there are the ray's effects. Rate of Fire: Once per round
The target's body twists and distorts like a cartoon Damage: 10d6 Weird Energy (No critical hits) to
character, veins bursting, bones running like candle every living target in a 35 foot cone. Only affects
wax, flesh blossoming with mutant growths. living tissue. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
Anyone unlucky enough to be hit by the beam must allows a target to take half damage.
make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or lose Weight: 18 pounds
3d10 hit points, 1d3 Charisma and a point of Armor Class: 5
Constitution. If they make the Saving Throw they still Hardness: 3
take 2d6 Nonlethal Damage and 1d6 normal damage Hit Points: 5
from having their innards briefly crumpled up like a DC required to break this item with a Strength
paper bag. Damage Resistance is useless against the Roll: 17
ray's effects. Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
Although the ray is clearly a prototype and too costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2
strangely shaped to fit in a standard holster, it runs on pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not
a standard power cell, compatible with most other compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to
energy weapons from the same period. The energy reload), Tripod Mount (Weighs 4 pounds, Costs 100
cell is bolted into the frame at an awkward angle, and units)
takes a full round to replace. Description: A large, heavy weapon which resembles
It is of course entirely up to the DM as to whether a series of glass balls, half-filled with weirdly colored
or not futuristic medical science can repair the damage liquids, connected together with gold and bronze
to the target's Constitution and Charisma, but as a pipes. It is possible but difficult for a single person to
general rule it should be difficult. This is an unusual carry and fire it. The gun is usually seen attached to a
weapon, with unfamiliar effects. swivel-mount.
It fires a red cone-shaped beam which liquifies any
living flesh in its path. The ray has no effect on
anything but living tissue, and will leave a pile of teeth
and hair on top of the target's empty clothes. If
someone survives an attack by a flesh-melter ray, their
wounds are utterly disinctive (they appear to have
been melted like a candle).
The colored liquids can only be replaced by the
unfathomable processes of Wierd Science, but the
device draws its electrical power from an oversized
energy cell, interchangeable with the ones used to run
other large energy weapons.
This device is vulnerable to attacks that do extra

damage to glass or crystaline materials. Roll: 17
Accessories: 2 Heavy Energy Cells (weigh 1 pound
and cost 25 units each), or a home-made energy cell
Pocket Flesh-Melting Ray (weighs 2 pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a basement lab, not compatible with other weapons,
“sleight of hand” roll) takes a full round to reload), Tripod Mount (Weighs 5
Cost: 70,000 Units (Almost always a prototype--this pounds, Costs 110 units)
is actually the cost required to build the weapon) Description: A big weird ray-gun with a strangely
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built organic, half-melted look. It appears to be composed
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple entirely of plastics. This gun is too large for most
Wealth check) people to use without a tripod.
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons The ray runs on standard power cells (or can be
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use easily adapted to them with an easy skill roll at the
Range Increment: 30 feet DM's discretion). It seems to have been designed by
“To Hit” Bonus: -- either some utterly alien intelligence or a raving
Magazine: 20 lunatic, and is really awkward to reload. It holds two
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has power cells and it takes a full round to replace either
attacks one of them.
Damage: 4d6 Weird Energy (No critical hits), only It's effects are as spectacular as its science is
affects living tissue wonky. Anything made of metal caught in the cone-
Weight: 3 pounds shaped area of attack begins to melt like a candle. If it
Armor Class: 9 loses all its hit points it turns into a smooth hard
Hardness: 2 puddle on the ground.
Hit Points: 2 It is important to note that the weapon doesn't melt
DC required to break this item with a Strength metal by heating it up--it uses some much stranger and
Roll: 13 less probable method. Metal affected by this weapon
Special: Only damages living flesh. only remains liquid while the ray is actually trained on
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) it. The objects it has melted aren't even warm to the
Description: A short but heavy pistol that resembles a touch when the ray is switched off.
series of glass balls, half-filled with weirdly colored
liquids, connected together with gold and bronze
pipes. It fires a red beam which liquifies living flesh. Pocket Metal-Melting Ray
The ray has no effect on anything but living tissue. Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Even a sheet of paper will completely block its effect. “sleight of hand” roll)
It's shape is odd enough that you can't really construct Cost: 50,000 Units (Almost always a prototype--this
a holster for it. is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Metal-Melting Ray Wealth check)
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Cost: 25,000 Units (Almost always a prototype--this Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
is actually the cost required to build the weapon) Range Increment: 40 feet
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built “To Hit” Bonus: --
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Magazine: 30
Wealth check) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons attacks
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Damage: 3d10 Weird Energy (no Critical Hits).
Range Increment: This is a cone-effect weapon and Ignores up to 15 points of Hardness. Only damages
doesn’t have a Range Increment as such. objects made of metal.
“To Hit” Bonus: Anyone with a Strength of less than Weight: 3 pounds
15 suffers a -4 penalty if they use the weapon without Armor Class: 9
a mount. Hardness: 4
Magazine: 50 (25 per energy cell) Hit Points: 2
Rate of Fire: Once per round DC required to break this item with a Strength
Damage: 6d10 Weird Energy. Affects a 50 foot cone. Roll: 15
Ignores up to 15 points of Hardness. Only damages Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
objects made of metal. Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Weight: 38 pounds Description: A strange product of pulp-novel pseudo-
Armor Class: 5 science, this ray reduces metallic objects to hard,
Hardness: 5 smooth puddles without even heating them up. The
Hit Points: 10 debris left by a metal melting ray isn't liquid. The
DC required to break this item with a Strength metal appears to run and flow while it is being struck

by the ray but it becomes hard again the instant the ray
is shut off.
While the pocket version of this weapon only
attacks individual targets, rather than making area
attacks, it can still be used to make large holes in
metal walls. You can bore a hole up to two feet deep
and five feet in diameter for every full round you take
and every two charges you expend.
The gun itself is smaller and lighter than most
pistols and despite its peculiar design will fit easily
into most conventional holsters.

Pocket Debilitation Ray

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 30,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Wealth check)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet
Debilitation Ray “To Hit” Bonus: --
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Magazine: 25
Cost: 15,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Rate of Fire: Once per round
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Damage: Special, see description
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Weight: 4 pounds
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Armor Class: 9
Wealth check) Hardness: 5
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged Hit Points: 2
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: 60 feet Roll: 12
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Magazine: 45 Description: A hand-held version of the debilitation
Rate of Fire: Once per round ray. It resembles a bulbous, chunky pistol and while it
Damage: Special, see description is too large to fit in a conventional holster, it can be
Weight: 42 pounds concealed under a jacket. As with a full-sized
Armor Class: 5 Debilitation Ray, anyone struck by the beam
Hardness: 6 temporarily loses 3d6 Strength and 2d6 Constitution,
Hit Points: 3 down to a minimum of 1 point. A Fortitude Save vs
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC 25 reduces the damage to 1d6 from each stat. The
Roll: 13 lost Strength and Constitution will slowly come back
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, at a rate of one point per every full hour of rest.
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to Life-Essence-Draining Ray
reload), Tripod Mount (Weighs 4 pounds, Costs 100 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
units) Cost: 60,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
Description: A bulky, tripod mounted energy weapon. actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Typical mad-scientist gear, it looks like a half-finished Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
prototype. Anyone struck by it's sickly green ray or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
temporarily loses 3d6 Strength and 2d6 Constitution, Wealth check)
down to a minimum of 1 point. A Fortitude Save vs Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
DC 25. reduces the damage to 1d6 from each stat. The Handed: Requires a mount to use effectively
lost Strength and Constitution will slowly come back Range Increment: 80 feet
at a rate of one point per every full hour of rest. “To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty if used without a mount
Magazine: 30
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: The target receives 2d3 negative levels
Weight: 33 pounds

Armor Class: 5 evil as an Evil Ray, this is still one evil ray. It sucks
Hardness: 5 the life essence out of the target and then transfers it
Hit Points: 10 into the gun's wielder.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Dear to the hearts of elderly mad professors
Roll: 15 everywhere, this weapon it most often found pointed
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, at struggling young women strapped to gurneys and
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 etc. It fires a bruise-purple beam and makes a devilish
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not thrumming sound. The victim usually screams and
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to writhes in a way that brings glee to a twisted genius'
reload) heart.
Description: A fiendish ray which sucks the life-force There are two basic models of Life Transference
out of its target and annoys the Hell out of hard Ray. One has a big transparent ball slung under the
science fiction fans. Found in the ruins of lost barrel, which fills up with a swirling blue fluid as the
civilizations or the labs or drooling madmen, it's pure gun accumulates life essence. To gain the benefits of
scientific drivel but an important addition to the DM's the accumulated energy, the weapon's operator must
arsenal nonetheless. remove the ball (this takes a Standard Action) and
It's large and heavy weapon, about the size of a drink the fluid (this takes another Standard Action).
squad support gun, like a missile launcher or a heavy There are also Life Transference Rays that directly
blaster. Too bulky to carry conveniently, it's usually pump the stolen life-essence into the gun's operator as
seen in fixed positions on a swivel mount. Anyone they fire it, surrounding their body with crackling
who fires it without at least propping it across a log purple lightning.
will suffer a -4 penalty, even though it produces no Both types are, of course, flatly impossible in the
recoil. real world, and will make hard science fiction fans
It runs on an absolutely standard power cell, unless snarl with derision. Save this device for science
you are using it in a Victorian Science Fantasy game, fantasy and/or pulp adventure campaigns.
in which case it has the same number of shots, but is
driven by a large galvanic pile, made from sheets of
different metals layered together like a sandwich. Anti-Etheric Ray
This power source weighs 10 lbs and costs 12 Pounds Size: Huge (impossible to conceal)
Sterling (36 Francs in a Jules Verne game) to replace. Cost: 4,000 Units (Almost always a prototype--this is
usually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
Life-Essence Transference Ray or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Wealth check)
Cost: 80,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Ranged
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Range Increment: Affects everything (provided it's
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple incorporeal) in a 40 foot cone
Wealth check) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Magazine: 10
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Range Increment: 80 feet attacks
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Damage: Special--see description
Magazine: 35 Weight: 20 pounds
Rate of Fire: Once per round Armor Class: 7
Damage: The target receives 1 negative level, while Hardness: 4
the gun's wielder gains a +1 bonus on all their rolls (up Hit Points: 3
to a maximum of +4). Both effects last for 2d6 DC required to break this item with a Strength
minutes. Roll: 14
Weight: 27 pounds Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Armor Class: 5 or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 pounds, costs
Hardness: 5 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not compatible
Hit Points: 5 with other weapons, takes a full round to reload)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: An anti-etheric ray affects only targets
Roll: 15 that are Ethereal, or otherwise out of phase with
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, normal reality. It does no actual damage to the target,
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 but it forces them to materialize and then make a
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not Fortitude Saving throw vs. DC 18 or be Stunned for 1-
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to 3 rounds.
reload) These weapons are sometimes used by cultures that
Description: A long, lightweight, sinister looking have a problem with phase-technology being abused
gun, about the size of a heavy machine gun. Not as by criminals and spies or that have invaders from

other planes of reality lurking at their doorstep. colored purple beam is reduced to Diminutive size,
If the weapon is mass produced (or if it’s custom- with all the bonuses and penalties that implies. Any
built by an established energy-weapons firm) then it gear they were carrying on their person is reduced as
runs on standard power cells, compatible with most well.
other energy weapons, and takes a Standard Action to The ray works on any size object, and reduces the
reload. target by three increments on the scale of sizes. So, a
If on the other hand it is a technological aberration, Medium sized creature would become Diminutive, a
produced by some lone inventor in an attic, it will Huge creature would become Small, a Gargantuan
probably powered by a home-made battery that creature would become Medium sized and so forth.
weighs up to three pounds, isn't compatible with The effects of a Shrink Ray last for 20 days minus
anything else and takes a full round to replace. the shrunken character's Constitution (so a character
with a Con of 15 would stay shrunken for 5 days, a
character with Con 11 would remain shrunken for 9
days and so forth). At the end of this period, the target
will begin to grow at a rate of one size increment per
three rounds.
The ray can also be set to restore a shrunken object
to its usual size in a single round, but unless you have
the weapon proficiency for it, you must make an
Intelligence roll vs. DC 15 to figure out how to make
it do this. It is not possible to use the ray to make
things bigger than their normal size, and the ray's
inventor will laugh aloud at such a preposterous,
pseudo-scientific idea.
Shrink Ray
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 1,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype-- Pocket Shrink Ray
this is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
“sleight of hand” roll)
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Cost: 5,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype--
Wealth check)
this is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Wealth check)
Range Increment: 20 feet
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Magazine: 20
Range Increment: 10 feet
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 15
Damage: Special, see description
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 34 pounds
Armor Class: 5
Damage: Special, see description
Hardness: 3
Weight: 3 pounds
Hit Points: 3
Armor Class: 9
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness: 2
Roll: 13
Hit Points: 2
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
DC required to break this item with a Strength
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2
Roll: 12
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to
Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
weighs 1/2 pound)
Manufacturer’s Warning: For use only in campy
Description: A smaller but only slightly more
science-fantasy campaigns, can induce severe silliness
ludicrous version of the shrink ray. This model fits
in Hard SF scenarios.
conveniently in a mad scientist's pocket. It functions
Description: This large, bulbous weapon looks like a
more or less the same way as the larger model. Any
prototype, covered with exposed wires and electrical
human-sized object struck by its luridly colored beam
gauges, tubes and balls of mysterious bubbling liquids.
is reduced to Diminutive size, with all the bonuses and
It is too heavy to be conveniently used as a hand penalties that implies. Any gear they were carrying on
weapon, and is usually found mounted in a fixed
their person is reduced as well.
emplacement (generally in a demented scientist's
The ray works on any size being or object, and
secret lab) or sometimes on a tripod.
reduces them each by three increments on the scale of
Any human being struck by the noisy, brightly-
sizes. So, a Medium sized creature would become

Diminutive, a Huge creature would become Small, a Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Gargantuan creature would become Medium sized and Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
so forth. Range Increment: 20 feet
The effects of a Pocket Shrink Ray last for 20 days “To Hit” Bonus: --
minus the shrunken character's Constitution (so a Magazine: 40
character with a Con of 16 would stay shrunken for 4 Rate of Fire: Once per round
days, a character with Con 10 would remain tiny for Damage: 2d8 Cold (20 x2)
10 days and so forth). At the end of this period, the Weight: 2 pounds
shrunken character and their equipment will begin to Armor Class: 9
grow at a rate of one size increment per three rounds. Hardness: 5
The ray can also be set to restore a shrunken object Hit Points: 2
to its usual size in a single round, but unless you have DC required to break this item with a Strength
the weapon proficiency for it, you must make an Roll: 14
Intelligence roll vs. DC 15 to figure out how to make Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
it do this. It is not possible to use the ray to make Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
things bigger than their normal size--why the very idea weighs 1/2 pound)
is madness! Description: A small version of the Freeze Ray,
which can be concealed handily in a pocket, but is so
oddly shaped that it requires a specially designed
Freeze-Ray holster. It is not built to be reloaded in combat and it
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) takes a full round to replace its energy cell.
Cost: 10,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Freeze-Ray Rifle
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
Wealth check) Hand roll)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Cost: 5,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Range Increment: 90 feet Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
“To Hit” Bonus: -- or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Magazine: 75 Wealth check)
Rate of Fire: Once per round Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Damage: 4d8 Cold damage in a 25 foot cone (A Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves the damage.) Range Increment: 80 feet
Weight: 15 pounds (45 with backpack) “To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 5 Magazine: 50
Hardness: 5 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Hit Points: 9 Damage: 3d8 Cold (20 x2)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 11 pounds
Roll: 18 Armor Class: 7
Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell Hardness: 5
(Weighs 15 pounds, costs 500 units to buy or 450 Hit Points: 5
units to make in a basement lab, AC 12, 3 Hardness, 9 DC required to break this item with a Strength
HP, 50% chance of exploding when it loses all its Hit Roll: 16
Points, doing 4d8 Cold damage to the wearer and 2d6 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
to anything else in a 5 foot radius, takes two rounds to Description: A bulky two-handed weapon, which
reload) fires a narrow, pale blue beam. It is not a cone-effect
Description: From the outer reaches of mad science weapon like the big backpack-mounted model and
comes this peculiar device. It projects a cone of "Pure must be directed against individual targets.
Cold" or "Reverse Anti-Thermic Energy" or
something even less probable. The device's Achilles
heel is the heavy, vulnerable backpack power supply. Giant Freeze-Cannon
Size: Gargantuan (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 20,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype--
Freeze-Ray Pistol this is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
“sleight of hand” roll) or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Cost: 5,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Wealth check)
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Handed: Fixed in place, not a hand-weapon
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Range Increment: 400 feet
Wealth check) “To Hit” Bonus: --

Magazine: 100 or unlimited if hooked up to an red light when it strikes its target. Every carbon-based
outside power supply biological organism in a 10 foot radius is affected.
Rate of Fire: Once per round Anyone caught in the blast radius must make a
Damage: 10d6 Cold, 200 foot cone. Anyone caught in Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20, or lose 3d6
the area of attack can make a Reflexes Saving Throw Intelligence.
vs. DC 20 to take half damage. A character with animal-like intelligence (3 or
Weight: 60 tons lower) can still recognize their friends and will still
Armor Class: 3 follow them around. They cannot speak or use tools
Hardness: 10 in this condition.
Hit Points: 25 The effects of the ray wear off at a rate of one point
DC required to break this item with a Strength of Intelligence per character per day.
Roll: 13 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
DM) Pocket Brain-Melting Ray
Description: A monster freeze cannon, as big as a Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
barn. With its transparent barrel and bulbous art deco “sleight of hand” roll)
lines it looks as though it’s come straight off the cover Cost: 160,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this
of some trashy 1930s pulp novel. Despite its size, the is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
cannon requires only a single operator, who is Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
effectively shielded by the weapon's enormous bulk or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
(90% cover from the front). Wealth check)
It is best to wear insulated clothing while you work Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
the cannon's over-elaborate controls. After the gun Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
has been fired two or three times, the temperature in Range Increment: 20 feet
the control chair drops to around 35 degrees. “To Hit” Bonus: --
After a Giant Freeze cannon has fired 2d8 times it Magazine: 20
generally needs some minor part replaced. This takes Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
1-6 rounds and a skill roll vs. DC 12 (the DM decides attacks
which skill would be appropriate). Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Brain-Melting Ray Hardness: 3
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Hit Points: 2
Cost: 90,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is DC required to break this item with a Strength
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Roll: 13
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
Wealth check) weighs 1/2 pound)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Description: A handheld version of the Brain-Melter
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount Ray, which affects only one target at a time. Anyone
Range Increment: 40 feet struck by the beam must make a Fortitude Saving
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Throw vs. DC 20, or lose 3d6 Intelligence.
Magazine: 70 A character with animal-like intelligence (3 or
Rate of Fire: Once per round lower) can still recognize their friends and will still
Damage: Special, see description follow them around out of instinctive loyalty. They
Weight: 48 pounds cannot speak or use tools in this condition.
Armor Class: 5 The effects of the ray wear off at a rate of one point
Hardness: 4 of Intelligence per character per day.
Hit Points: 4
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 Enslavement Ray
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 Cost: 120,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
reload) or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Description: A bulky, jerry-built looking energy Wealth check)
weapon. Usually seen in prototype form, usually in Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
the hands of an embittered and/or insane scientist. It's Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
normally placed in a fixed position, but could be Range Increment: 90 feet
mounted on wheels or even placed on a heavy tripod. “To Hit” Bonus: --
It fires a pulsating red beam and creates a burst of Magazine: 55

Rate of Fire: Once per round Hardness: 1
Damage: Special, see description Hit Points: 2
Weight: 35 pounds DC required to break this item with a Strength
Armor Class: 5 Roll: 13
Hardness: 2 Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Hit Points: 9 Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
DC required to break this item with a Strength weighs 1/2 pound)
Roll: 15 Description: Anyone struck by the enslavement ray
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 become the user's willing slave and will undertake
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not whatever is asked of them.
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to The weapon's user is not in mental contact with
reload) their slaves and must issue orders verbally. If the
Description: If struck, the Target must make a enslaved character does not understand the master's
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or become language, they will do their best to figure out what is
indefinitely Enslaved. Anyone struck by the required of them, but with little or no common sense.
enslavement ray who fails their saving throw will Someone under the effect of an enslavement ray
undertake whatever the user asks of them. looks and acts normal. They genuinely desire to do
They are not in telepathic communication with their Master's bidding and know enough to conceal
their new master, who must verbally order them their condition from people who wouldn't understand.
around. If the user does not understand their An enslaved character can make a new Saving
language, the enslaved targets will do their best to Throw every time they are asked to do something
figure out what the master wants of them, sometimes radically against their nature (it's the DM's call as to
with amusing or tragic consequences. what that means).
Someone under the effect of an enslavement ray If someone tries to snap them out of their
looks and acts normal enough. The only odd thing Enslavement with a successful Bluff, Diplomacy or
about them is that they regard the ray's operator as Intimidation roll vs. DC 15, they can make a new
their master. Saving Throw for each successful attempt. If the
They can make a new Saving Throw every time person who is trying to persuade them is a friend,
they are asked to do something radically against their lover, parent, etc. the enslaved chartacter gets a +2
nature, or someone tries to snap them out of their bonus to their Saving Throw.
Enslavement with a successful Bluff, Diplomacy or
Intimidation roll vs. DC 15. If the person who is
trying to persuade them is a close associate (DM's call Giant Enslavement Ray
as to who qualifies), they get a +2 bonus to their Size: Gargantuan (Impossible to conceal)
Saving Throw. Cost: 200,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype--
The ray itself looks a lot like a stage prop from a this is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
1950s science fiction movie. It's too big for most Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
people to use as a hand weapon (-4 penalty if your or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Strength is less than 16) and is most often seen on a Wealth check)
swivel mount. It uses an oversized power cell which Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
takes a full round to change. Handed: Fixed weapon, cannot be carried by hand.
Range Increment: 2 miles
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Pocket Enslavement Ray Magazine: 150 or unlimited if hooked up to an
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a outside power supply
“sleight of hand” roll) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Cost: 240,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this Damage: Special, see description
is actually the cost required to build the weapon) Weight: 30 tons
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Armor Class: 3
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Hardness: 5
Wealth check) Hit Points: 35
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
Range Increment: 30 feet “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
“To Hit” Bonus: -- DM)
Magazine: 35 Description: A gigantic version of the enslavement
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has ray, it's as big as a tractor-trailer truck and almost
attacks impossible to transport. No accessories are listed for it
Damage: Special, see description because we assume that any energy weapon this big
Weight: 3 pounds must either have its own generator or be plugged into
Armor Class: 9 a power grid.

It affects every sentient being within a 50 foot its most basic programming directives (it's strictly the
radius of where the beam strikes. Anyone caught in DM's call as to what that means).
that range must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. At the DM's discretion, it may be possible to free
DC 20 or become indefinitely Enslaved. an enslaved robot with a successful computer-related
The weapon's user is not in mental contact with skill roll vs. DC 20. Unlike most products of mad
their slaves and must issue orders verbally. If an science Robot Enslavement devices almost make
enslaved character does not understand the master's sense and might actually be commercially available.
language, they will try figure out what is required of Unless the DM decides otherwise, there is a chance of
them, but will often make mistakes. picking one up with a Wealth check instead of having
Someone under the effect of an enslavement ray to build or find it.
looks normal and they don't act blatantly strange. The device uses a type of small power cell found in
They genuinely desire to do the Master's bidding and many small appliances. It takes a standard action to
understand that they should conceal their condition replace.
from outsiders.
An enslaved character can make a new Saving
Throw every time they are asked to do something Micro Robot Enslavement Ray
severely contrary to their nature (it's up to the DM to Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight
determine what that means). of hand” roll)
If another character tries to persuade them to shake Cost: 40,000 Units
off the ray's effects, and makes a successful Bluff, Tentative Purchase DC: 31
Diplomacy or Intimidation roll vs. DC 15, the Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Enslaved character can make a new Saving Throw. If Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
the person who is trying to persuade them is a friend, Range Increment: 10 feet
lover, parent, etc. the enslaved chartacter gets a +2 “To Hit” Bonus: --
bonus to their Saving Throw. Magazine: 50
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Robot Enslavement Ray Damage: Special, see description
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Weight: 1/2 pound
Cost: 20,000 Units Armor Class: 13
Tentative Purchase DC: 28 Hardness: 4
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Hit Points: 1
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: 120 feet Roll: 10
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Special: Only affects robots. Must make a touch
Magazine: 100 attack against the target, which draws an attack of
Rate of Fire: Once per round opportunity. If struck, the Target must make a
Damage: Special, see description Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or become
Weight: 1 pound indefinitely Enslaved.
Armor Class: 5 Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
Hardness: 5 costs 50 units), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Hit Points: 40 Description: A tiny device which fires an invisible
DC required to break this item with a Strength electromagnetic beam that resets a mechanism in an
Roll: 14 artificial intelligence's brain, overrides all of its
Special: Only affects Robots. If struck, the Target previous programming dictates and makes it the user's
must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or slave.
become indefinitely Enslaved. The weapon's user does not gain any type of mental
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) link with the enslaved robot and must verbally order it
Description: A small machine which resembles a around.
television remote, but has fewer buttons. It fires an An enslaved robot can make a new Saving Throw
invisible electromagnetic beam that resets some every time they are asked to do something which
crucuial mechanism in an artificial intelligence's brain violates their most basic programming directives (it's
and renders it the user’s slave, overriding all of its strictly the DM's call as to what that would entail,
previous programming dictates. They are not in direct based on the robot's function).
mental communication with the device's user, who At the DM's discretion, it may be possible to free
must verbally order them around. If the robot does not an enslaved robot with a successful computer-related
understand human speech or if they have no language skill roll vs. DC 20.
in common, the robot will do its best to figure out
what the master wants of them (they often guess
An enslaved robot can make a new Saving Throw
every time it is asked to do something which violates

“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Wealth check)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 40 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 20
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: Anyone struck by the beam must make a
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or die.
Weight: 3 pounds
Death Ray Armor Class: 9
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Hardness: 6
Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Hit Points: 2
actually the cost required to build the weapon) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Roll: 14
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 50 Units,
Wealth check) to buy or 75 to produce in a lab, not compatible with
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons other weapons and devices), Holster (must be custom-
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use made, for about 150 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Range Increment: 70 feet Description: A bulbous metal handgun. It has a
“To Hit” Bonus: -4 penalty for anyone with a transparent barrel with three rings around it. Its power
Strength of less than 16 to use without a mount. pack isn't compatible with any other energy weapons
Magazine: 40 and takes a Standard Action to replace. When fired it
Rate of Fire: Once per round makes an unconvincing "thoom" sound and fires a
Damage: Anyone struck by the beam must make a narrow beam which bears a suspicious resemblance to
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or die. a scratch in the film. Usually found in the hands of
Weight: 33 pounds little green men or slobbering space-monsters with
Armor Class: 5 visible zippers down their backs. Not much has been
Hardness: 6 seen of Pocket Death Rays since the numerous Saucer
Hit Points: 9 Invasions of the 1950s. It's high time some
DC required to break this item with a Strength enterprising psychopathic genius brought them back.
Roll: 17
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 Short-Range Micro Death-Ray
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to hand” roll)
reload) Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
Description: A classic example of all the wonderful actually the cost required to build the weapon)
things that can be achieved by science gone horribly Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
wrong. No campy pulp scenario would be complete or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
without a Death Ray or two. The Death Ray has a Wealth check)
long and illustrious history. Between 1905 and 1925 Required Proficiency: Simple
no less than seven patents were issued for Death Rays Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
in the United States and Britain (no joke!) This one is Range Increment: Touch only
an improvement over all of them, in that it actually “To Hit” Bonus: --
works. The device is as large as a heavy machine gun Rate of Fire: Once per round
and is difficult for anyone with a Strength of less than Damage: If struck, the Target must make a Willpower
16 to use as a hand weapon (-4 penalty). It works best Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or die.
mounted on a vehicle or perched on a tripod in some Weight: 1/10 pound
cackling deviant's secret lair. It is also popular with Armor Class: 13
Martians, and with decadent civilizations at the Earth's Hardness: 4
core. Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12
Pocket Death Ray Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a costs 50 units)

Description: A tiny little one-shot Death Ray, easily medical technology can help the afflicted character,
concealed in a palm or built into a trick cigarette but even then it shouldn't be easy. This is no ordinary
lighter. It has almost no range and must actually touch cancer.
the target to do its evil work (this does not attract an
attack of opportunity). While designed as a disposable
weapon, it is also expensive, so budget-concious Portable Cancer Ray
assassins might want to keep and reuse it. The device Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
runs off a miniature power cell which is a real hassle Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
to fish out and replace. It takes a full round to reload. actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Cancer Ray Wealth check)
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Cost: 10,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Range Increment: 80 feet
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built “To Hit” Bonus: --
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Magazine: 50
Wealth check) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged attacks
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a Damage: Special, see description
mount Weight: 24 pounds
Range Increment: 90 feet Armor Class: 5
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hardness: 3
Magazine: 75 Hit Points: 5
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has DC required to break this item with a Strength
attacks Roll: 16
Damage: Special, see description Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Weight: 500 pounds Scope (1/2 lb, costs 300 units, reduces Range
Armor Class: 3 Increment by one)
Hardness: 4 Description: A long, heavy weapon, about the size of
Hit Points: 9 a machine gun. It produces no recoil, so anyone who
DC required to break this item with a Strength can lift it can use it. A small metal canister at the back
Roll: 14 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the of the device emits a poisonous green glow. The
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the weapon makes no noise and emits no visible light
DM) when fired. It gives the target a dozen or so malignant
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, tumors, all of them growing at an amazing rate.
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 Anyone struck by the ray must make a Fortitude
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not Saving Throw vs. DC 25. If they fail, they will lose
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to one permanement point of Constitution every two
reload) days until they hit zero and die.
Description: A greatly feared weapon--it gives the After the first two weeks, they are suffering so
target cancer. The weapon itself is the size of a small badly that they make all their rolls at a -2 penalty.
cannon or perhaps a very large machine gun. It's After the fourth week, it goes up to -4. Once their
much too big for any human being to carry and is Constitution hits 3, they are bedridden and must make
inconveniently large to mount on most vehicles. It has a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 10 once per round to
a long barrel with a number of magnetic foucusing undertake any physical activity whatever.
rings around it, and a large metal canister with It is just possible that futuristic medical science
transparent sides on top, pulsing with a hellish, toxic will be able to save the afflicted character. Even then,
green light. When fired it emits no visible beam and it won't be easy.
makes only the faintest hum. Nor is it easy to reload the weapon. The green
Anyone struck by the ray must make a Fortitude canister holds the ammunition and detatching it safely
Saving Throw vs. DC 27 or at once develop a dozen from the gun is quite a chore. It takes a full round to
different types of fast-growing cancer. The target unbolt it and then bolt another one into place.
loses one permanement point of Constitution every
two days until they hit zero and die.
After the first two weeks they are in so much pain Pocket Cancer Ray
and distress that they make all their rolls at a -2 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
penalty. After the fourth week, it goes up to -4. Once “sleight of hand” roll)
their Constitution hits 3, they are bedridden and must Cost: 40,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 10 once per actually the cost required to build the weapon)
round to undertake any physical activity whatever. Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
At the DM's discretion it is possible that advanced or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple

Wealth check) are holding, and chooses their path randomly (as long
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons as it leads away from immediate danger), and flees
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use any other dangers that confront them. If cornered, a
Range Increment: 30 feet panicked character cowers. These effects last for 5d6
“To Hit” Bonus: -- rounds.
Magazine: 40 Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2
attacks pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not
Damage: Special, see description compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to
Weight: 3 pounds reload)
Armor Class: 9 Description: It's a mad science classic! This large,
Hardness: 3 heavy weapon looks at though it's just come out of a
Hit Points: 2 demented inventor's workshop--and probably has.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cobbled together from unlikely bits and pieces of
Roll: 13 other equipment, it's too bulky and awkward to fire
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), from the shoulder and is usually placed on a swivel
Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units, mount. When fired, it blankets the area in pure cold
weighs 1/2 pound) fear. Whether it uses a half-plausible means like a
Description: A small version of the Cancer Ray you subliminal sonic signal, or some goofy pseudo-science
can hide in your pocket. Anyone struck by its maguffin like "Fear Waves" is a moot point. The
invisible and nearly soundless beam must make a effect is the same. The effect of the Fear Ray is
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or immediately visible, but not as showy as some Sinister Secret Rays.
contract a dozen or so fatal forms of cancer. They lose The air darkens and the light seems to vibrate and
one permanement point of Constitution every two distort in the path of the beam.
days until they hit zero and die.
After the first week, they are in so much pain and
distress that they make all their rolls at a -2 penalty. Giant Fear Ray
After the third week, it goes up to -4. Once their Size: Gargantuan (Impossible to conceal)
Constitution hits 3, they are bedridden and must make Cost: 10,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype--
a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 10 once per round to this is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
undertake any physical activity whatever. Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
The Cancer Ray runs on a glowing green canister or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
which has to be carefully screwed out before it can be Wealth check)
replaced. The whole process takes a complete round. Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
Handed: Fixed in place, not a hand-weapon
Range Increment: 10 miles
Fear Ray “To Hit” Bonus: --
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Magazine: 20
Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Rate of Fire: Once per round
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Damage: Special, see description
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Weight: 100 tons
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Armor Class: 0
Wealth check) Hardness: 5
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Hit Points: 30
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a DC required to break this item with a Strength
mount Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
Range Increment: 70 feet “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
“To Hit” Bonus: -- DM)
Magazine: 35 Special: Attacks a 500 foot radius area. (the target
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has square has an effective defense of 10, but with a radius
attacks this wide, who’d notice a miss?). Anyone caught
Damage: Special, see description inside that radius must make a Willpower Saving
Weight: 25 pounds Throw vs. DC 20 or flee the scene. A fleeing character
Armor Class: 5 has a 50% chance of dropping whatever they are
Hardness: 2 holding, and chooses their path randomly (as long as it
Hit Points: 3 leads away from immediate danger), and flees any
DC required to break this item with a Strength other dangers that confront them. If cornered, a
Roll: 13 panicked character cowers. These effects last for 10d6
Special: Area effect, 30 foot cone. Anyone caught in rounds.
the area of effect must make a Willpower Saving Description: A Gargantuan version of the fear-ray.
Throw vs. DC 20 or flee from the attacker. A fleeing This enormous cannon could be used to blanket entire
character has a 50% chance of dropping whatever they cities (or to make them pay a hefty ransom).

The Giant Fear Ray looks a lot like a huge Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
telescope. The operator sits in a chair about halfway Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
up the side, near the giant pivot, peering at the target Range Increment: 10 feet
through a set of virtual reality goggles. Because of its “To Hit” Bonus: --
enormous range, it is standard to hook a device like Magazine: 3
this up to a telescopic camera or a spy satellite, in Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
order to see the target. attacks
The one real disadvantage of the device is that it Damage: Special, see description
can't be effectively used on targets within 300 yards, Weight: 1 pound
so it can't really defend itself against oncoming enemy Armor Class: 13
troops. Hardness: 0
Hit Points: 1
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Fear Projector Pistol Roll: 12
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Special: Makes a Ranged Touch attack, ignores
“sleight of hand” roll) armor. The target must make a Willpower Saving
Cost: 30,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Throw vs. DC 20 or flee from the attacker. A fleeing
actually the cost required to build the weapon) character has a 50% chance of dropping whatever they
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built are holding, and chooses their path randomly (as long
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple as it leads away from immediate danger), and flees
Wealth check) any other dangers that confront them. If cornered, a
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons panicked character cowers. These effects last for 2d6
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use rounds.
Range Increment: 30 feet Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- costs 50 units).
Magazine: 10 Description: A tiny version of the Fear Ray, which
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has can be hidden in the palm of the operator's hand. It
attacks doesn't have much range or very many shots, but it's
Damage: Special, see description still a potent tool for spreading chaos and havoc.
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 1
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 11
Special: The target must make a Willpower Saving
Throw vs. DC 20 or flee from the attacker. A fleeing
character has a 50% chance of dropping whatever they Ray of Silence
are holding, and chooses their path randomly (as long Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
as it leads away from immediate danger), and flees hand” roll)
any other dangers that confront them. If cornered, a Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
panicked character cowers. These effects last for 4d6 actually the cost required to build the weapon)
rounds. Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Description: A handheld fear projector. It doesn't Wealth check)
really look like a gun, and is the wrong shape to fit in Required Proficiency: Simple
a holster, but it can easily be hidden in your waistband Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
or under your coat. Unlike the larger models, it mount
attacks individual targets rather than areas. It's beam is Range Increment: --
invisible and it makes only a faint whirring sound. “To Hit” Bonus: --
This makes it ideal for antisocial, disruptive pranks, as Magazine: 150
more than one arch-villain will be happy to tell you, Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 6 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Tiny Fear Ray Hardness: 1
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Hit Points: 2
of hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: 50,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Roll: 15
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 1 pound,
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not
Wealth check)

compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a tinkerer’s
reload) workshop, not compatible with other weapons, takes a
Description: This weird science-fantasy weapon full round to reload), Tripod Mount (Weighs 5 pounds,
creates eight ten-foot squares of absolute silence. No Costs 110 units)
sound may be heard or made within its area of effect. Description: So, they laughed at your Atomic Ray,
The area of effect may be shaped however you did they? The Blind, narrow-minded, shortsighted
like—it can even be discontinuous. You can set the fools! Soon they'll all pay…
weapon to generate a smaller area if you prefer or This gigantic, bulbous device is covered with
even to render a single target silent, in which case the rivets, pipes dials and gauges. It looks distinctly like a
target carries the effect with them and will remain product of the 1950s—the controls are a morass of
silent even if they leave the vicinity. The silence lasts toggle-switches, analog meters and big round red
either until the gun dispels it (this takes a Standard buttons. For some reason, even the thinnest layer of
Action) or 3d10 rounds elapse. lead will completely block its effect.
The gun itself is somewhere between the size of a Even madder scientists or Sinister Collectivist
pistol and a small submachine-gun, and looks like an Nations may build yet bigger versions of the ray with
art-deco prop from a 1930s serial. It requires two ranges as great as ten-thousand miles and a blast
hands to fire and is badly balanced. radius of a mile or more.
This ray completely cancels the effect of sonic
weapons. A single target that has been struck by the
ray is actually immune to damage from sonic weapons Backpack-Mounted Atomic Ray
for as long as the effect lasts. Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Despite its bizzare appearence and improbable Cost: 15,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
effect, it runs on a standard power cell, actually the cost required to build the weapon)
interchangeable with most other advanced energy Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
weapons (at the DM's discretion). It takes a standard or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
action to reload. Wealth check)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Atomic Ray Range Increment: 90 feet
Size: Huge to Colossal (Impossible to conceal in any “To Hit” Bonus: --
case) Magazine: Effectively unlimited, but the gun must be
Cost: 10,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is allowed to cool for one round per every five rounds of
actually the cost required to build the weapon) use.
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Rate of Fire: Once per round
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Damage: Special, see description
Wealth check) Weight: 10 pounds (45 with backpack)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged Armor Class: 5
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount Hardness: 5
Range Increment: 1,000 feet Hit Points: 10
“To Hit” Bonus: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
Magazine: 100 or unlimited if hooked up to an Roll: 17
outside power supply Special: Attacks a 5 foot radius area. Anyone caught
Rate of Fire: Once per round inside that radius takes 3d8 heat damage and 1d8
Damage: Special, see description Radiation Damage. A successful Reflexes Saving
Weight: 10 tons Throw vs. DC 15 halves the amount of heat damage.
Armor Class: 3 A Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves the
Hardness: 10 Radiation Damage. The affected area continues to do
Hit Points: 15 1d3 Radiation Damage per round to anyone who
DC required to break this item with a Strength enters it for 1d6 hours.
Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Nuclear Reactor
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the (Weighs 50 pounds, costs 500 units, not compatible
DM) with any other energy weapons, AC 13, 4 Hardness, 5
Special: Attacks a 10 foot radius area. Anyone caught HP, 50% chance of exploding when it loses all its Hit
inside that radius takes 4d8 heat damage and 2d8 Points, doing 5d6 damage to the wearer and 2d6 per
Radiation Damage. A successful Reflexes Saving round to anything else in a 5 foot radius)
Throw vs. DC 15 halves the amount of heat damage. Description: So, they also laughed at your backpack
A Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves the mounted Atomic Ray, did they? The Blind, narrow-
Radiation Damage. The affected area continues to do minded, shortsighted fools! Soon they'll all pay too...
1d3 Radiation Damage per round to anyone who A smaller version of the Atomic Ray, this bulky,
enters it for 1d6 hours. two-handed device comes with its own portable (if
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, heavy and awkward) backpack-mounted fission
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 reactor. It effectively never runs out of ammunition.

One word of warning, though, if the reactor loses thousand years later it will still do 1d6 damage per
all its hit points or if the gun is fired more than five round to anyone who enters it.
times without taking a round to cool off, the backpack-
mounted reactor will suffer a meltdown and explode,
drenching the vicinity (15 foot radius) with radioactive
glop that will do 2d6 damage per round to anyone
foolish enough to remain there (a Fort Save vs. DC 18
halves the damage). This tainted area is more or less
permanent--it will still be there, killing anyone who
enters it, centuries from now.

Pocket Atomic Ray Entropy Wave Projector

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
“sleight of hand” roll) hand” roll)
Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
actually the cost required to build the weapon) actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Wealth check) Wealth check)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 40 feet Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: See description Magazine: N/A
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Rate of Fire: Once per round
attacks Damage: Special, see description
Damage: 3d8 heat damage (20 x2) and 1d8 Radiation Weight: 350 pounds
Damage. A Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves Armor Class: 5
the Radiation Damage. Hardness: 15
Weight: 4 pounds Hit Points: 15
Armor Class: 9 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hardness: 4 Roll: 18 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
Hit Points: 2 “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
DC required to break this item with a Strength DM)
Roll: 14 Description: A large, upright device about the size
Accessories: Scope (1/2 lb, costs 300 units, reduces and shape of an engine block. It does not really look
Range Increment by one) like a weapon.
Description: So, they even laughed at your poor little Covered with weird blinking lights and alien
Pocket Atomic Ray, did they? The Blind, narrow- circuitry, it exudes a certain indefinable aura of
minded, shortsighted fools! Soon they'll all pay as menace. Anyone scanning its surface will find that it
well… is entirely devoid of microorganisms.
In the meantime, this is a campy looking metallic When switched on, the projector begins to vibrate
energy pistol which gives out blasts of pure radiation. and everyone within a thirty foot radius feels suddenly
It has a small fission reactor built in and never runs unhappy and unwell. Then they start to die.
out of ammunition. However, it can only be fired for Any living thing or complex machine within the
three rounds in a row before it has to be turned off for device's radius will take no damage on the first round,
a round to cool. If you ignore this and keep firing it, 1d4 damage on the second round and 1d6 damage
in 1-3 rounds the reactor will melt down and shower every round after that. The damage isn't visible at
the vicinity (5 foot radius) with radioactive glop that first—only after target loses half its hit points will it
will do 1d6 damage per round to anyone foolish actually start to turn gray and crumble around the
enough to remain there (a Fort Save vs. DC 18 halves edges.
the damage). The device runs for about a day before it succumbs
The contaminated area never really goes away. A to its own entropic field and collapses into dust. It

takes only a standard action to to turn it off. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: N/A
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Handheld Entropy Wave Projector Damage: Special, see description
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Weight: 3 pounds
hand” roll) Armor Class: 9
Cost: 30,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Hardness: 4
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Hit Points: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built DC required to break this item with a Strength
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Roll: 12
Wealth check) Description: This device allows the user to dominate
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons any one creature's mind. The target must make a
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Willpower Save vs. DC 20 or be mentally dominated
Range Increment: -- by the user, forced to do their bidding.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- The user establishes a telepathic link with the
Magazine: 20 target’s brain and if they share a common language the
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has user can then force the subject to do whatever they
attacks wish, within the limits of the subject's abilities. If they
Damage: Special, see description share no common language, the user can communicate
Weight: 2 pounds only basic commands, such as "come here," "go
Armor Class: 7 there," "attack," and "stand still" to the subject.
Hardness: 10 The user can only take over the mind of someone
Hit Points: 10 within a thirty foot radius, but once control is
DC required to break this item with a Strength established, the range at which it can be exercised is
Roll: 16 unlimited, as long as the user and the subject are on
Accessories: Holster (must be custom-made, for about the same plane. The user need not see the subject to
150 Units, weighs 1/2 pound) control them.
Description: A small black device, covered with tubes The user does not receive direct sensory input from
and alien cicuitry. It is roughly cube-shaped and does the subject and does not know what is happening to
not look like a weapon. When you switch it on, it them while they are out of sight. Issuing a mental
accelerates the progress of entropy within its 15 foot command requires concentration and takes a Standard
radius. Nothing blocks the effect--it will penetrate any Action.
substance or energy screen. The target is entitled to a new Saving Throw once
Every living thing and complex machine in its per day. Any target forced to take actions against their
radius will slowly turn gray and crumble into dust if nature can make a new saving throw with a bonus of
the device isn't switched off. The targets will take no +1 to +4, depending on the type of action required. It
damage on the first round, 1d3 damage on the second is strictly the DM's call as to what constitutes "against
round, 1d4 damage on the third round and 1d6 damage their nature." The target will not under any
every round after that. cicumstances do anything directly suicidal.
The damage isn't obvious at first. Only when the
target has lost half its hit points will the effects
become visible. However, the moment the machine is Insanity Ray
switched on every living thing or sentient robot within Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
its radius will feel sick and distressed. It will be Cost: 15,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
obvious to anyone present that something bad is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
happening. Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
The device has enough power to run for 60 rounds or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
in total. No one knows what powers it or how to Wealth check)
recharge it. Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
Range Increment: This is a cone effect weapon and
Mental Domination Helmet doesn’t have a Range Increment as such.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of “To Hit” Bonus: --
hand” roll) Magazine: 75
Cost: 100,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this Rate of Fire: Once per round
is actually the cost required to build the weapon) Damage: Special, see description
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Weight: 35 pounds
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Armor Class: 3
Wealth check) Hardness: 3
Required Proficiency: Simple Hit Points: 4
Handed: Requires no hands to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
Range Increment: -- Roll: 13

Special: Affects a fifty-foot cone. Damage: Special, see description
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, Weight: 8 pounds
costs 25 units), Tripod Mount (Weighs 6 pounds, Armor Class: 5
Costs 120 units) Hardness: 2
Description: A large, bulky energy weapon, too big Hit Points: 3
for anyone with a Strength of less than 16 to use DC required to break this item with a Strength
without a tripod mount. It looks as though it was Roll: 12
jerry-built from spare parts. There is no casing, Special: Affects a twenty-five foot cone.
exposed vacuum tubes and hastily soldered wires are Accessories: Backpack-Mounted Energy Cell
visible through the side. This is clearly a prototype (Weighs 45 pounds, costs 500 units, not compatible
and anyone who spends much time examining its with any other energy weapons, AC 13, 3 Hardness, 7
construction will begin to suspect that it was built by a HP, 40% chance of exploding when it loses all its Hit
madman (which is probably true). Points, doing 5d6 damage to the wearer and 2d6 to
When fired, it emits a strange muliticolored cone of anything else in a 5 foot radius)
light. Anyone caught in its cone of effect must make a Description: A man-portable version of the Insanity
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be rendered Ray. This too looks like the badly-assembled
psychotic, indefinitely. They must make a Willpower junkyard creation of an unbalanced mind. It requires a
Saving throw (DC 18) every round or roll on the bulky backpack generator and although the gun is
following chart. short and stubby for a carbine, it is heavy and requires
1 Wander away for 1 minute (unless prevented) both hands to use.
2–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off Anyone caught in its cone-shaped area of effect
into space, look at the ground or close your eyes. must make a Willpower Save vs. DC 20. If they fail,
5-6 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands, they turn psychotic for 2-12 hours. Insane characters
twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting must make a Willpower Saving throw (DC 18) every
crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the round or roll on the following chart.
spot where you are standing. 1 Wander away for 1 minute (unless prevented)
7–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round 2–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off
10 Act normally for 1 round. You are not aware into space, look at the ground or close your eyes.
that you have been acting crazy. 5-6 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands,
If attacked while insane, the victim can defend twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting
themselves normally, but unless they roll a 10 and "act crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the
normally", they are incapable of articulate spot where you are standing.
communication. 7–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round
The weapon can actually be set to reverse the 10 Act normally for 1 round. They are not aware
effect, but it might be tricky to figure out how to make that they have been acting crazy.
it do this when you're already insane. Advnced If attacked while insane the victim can defend
psychiatric help might also cure the afflicted character, themselves at no penalty, but unless they roll a 10 and
but is likely to take weeks, if not years. "act normal" they are incapable of articulate

Insanity Ray, Handheld

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: 30,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Insanity Ray, Portable Wealth check)
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Cost: 15,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Range Increment: 40 feet
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built “To Hit” Bonus: --
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Magazine: 20
Wealth check) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Damage: Special, see description
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Weight: 3 pounds
Range Increment: This is a cone effect weapon and Armor Class: 7
doesn’t have a Range Increment as such. Hardness: 2
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Hit Points: 2
Magazine: 50 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Rate of Fire: Once per round Roll: 10

Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), following chart.
Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units, 1 Wander away for 1 minute (unless prevented)
weighs 1/2 pound) 2–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off
Description: A handgun-sized version of the Insanity into space, look at the ground or close your eyes.
Ray. It looks like a pile of badly soldered electrical 5-6 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands,
components in the vague shape of a gun. It may fit twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting
some holsters, but you might be better off having one crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the
specially made for it. spot where you are standing.
Unlike its larger cousins, it does not have an area 7–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round
effect and the beam is invisible. This makes it ideal 10 Act normally for 1 round. They are not aware
for taking revenge on those who mocked your that they have been acting crazy. If attacked while
experiments and called you a lunatic. insane the victim can defend themselves at no penalty
Anyone struck by the soundless beam must make a but unless they roll a 10 and "act normal" they are
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20. If they fail, they incapable of articulate communication.
become psychotic for 2-40 rounds (roll 2d20). A Description: A large, wide, squat looking energy
psychotic character must make a Willpower Saving cannon, which seems to have materialized straight off
throw (DC 18) every round or roll on the following the cover of a pulp science fiction novel. Clearly a
chart. prototype, it is too large and delicate to be moved. It
1 Wander away for 1 minute (unless prevented) requires only one operator, despite the fever-dream
2–4 Do nothing for 1 round. Stare passively off maze of levers, switches and buttons on its hastily
into space, look at the ground or close your eyes. jury-rigged control panel. The operator perches on a
5-6 Mutter random insane gibberish, clap hands, kind of uncomfortable chair at the back of the weapon,
twitch and engage in other harmless but distracting and turns with the gun as it swivels.
crazy behavior for a round, without moving from the If the gun loses all its hit points, there is a 50%
spot where you are standing. chance that it will explode in 2-12 rounds, doing 8d6
7–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round damage to everything in a 20 foot radius. If this is
10 Act normally for 1 round. about to happen, it takes a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
The afflicted character is not aware that they have DC 15 to get down from the chair in a single round. If
been acting crazy. If attacked while insane the victim you fail, you can either take 3 rounds to get down
can defend themselves at no penalty but unless they safely, or throw yourself to the floor and take a d4 of
roll a 10 and "act normal" they are incapable of damage.
articulate communication.

Giant Insanity Ray

Size: Gargantuan (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 12,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype--
this is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Wealth check)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
Handed: Requires Fixed hands to use
Range Increment: 250 miles
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Evil Ray
Magazine: 100 or unlimited if hooked up to an Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
outside power supply Cost: 80,000 Units (Almost always a prototype or an
Rate of Fire: Once per round artifact--this is actually the cost required to build the
Damage: Special, see description weapon)
Weight: 4 tons Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
Armor Class: 0 or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Hardness: 6 Wealth check)
Hit Points: 25 Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
DC required to break this item with a Strength Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount
Roll: 13 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the Range Increment: This is a cone effect weapon and
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the doesn’t have a Range Increment as such.
DM) “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor
Special: Affects a 75 foot Burst Radius. Anyone Magazine: 75 or unlimited if hooked up to an outside
caught in its area of effect must make a Willpower power supply
Save vs. DC 25. If they fail, they turn psychotic for 2- Rate of Fire: Once per round
12 hours. Insane characters must make a Willpower Damage: Special, see description
Saving throw (DC 18) every round or roll on the Weight: 150 pounds

Armor Class: 5 Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or add "evil" to
Hardness: 3 their alignment. So, for example, if they are Chaotic
Hit Points: 6 Neutral, they become Chaotic Evil. If they are Neutral
DC required to break this item with a Strength Good, they become Neutral Evil. This effect lasts
Roll: 15 until the target makes the Willpower Saving Throw.
Special: Cone effect weapon. Anyone caught in the Roll once every half hour.
50 foot cone of effect must make a Willpower Saving Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Throw vs. DC 25 or add "evil" to their alignment. So, Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
for example, if they are Lawful Good, they become weighs 1/2 pound)
Lawful Evil. If they are Neutral, they become Neutral Description: A pistol-sized version of the Evil Ray.
Evil. Everyone affected should make another Saving It's as small as a derringer, and can be easily hidden in
Throw once every hour. The effect lasts until the a pocket. This is not a Cone Effect Weapon. You must
target makes the Willpower Saving Throw. make a Ranged Touch Attack to hit the target (armor
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, can't stop pure evil! Mwa-ha-ha!). The weapon itself
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 looks as sleek and swept-back as the big version. It
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not also makes people really uncomfortable to be around.
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to If you have an Evil Ray in your pocket, everyone
reload) reacts to you at a -2, unless of course they are
Description: A large, streamlined heavy energy themselves evil, in which case they look on you with
weapon, with a glossy black metal finish. It's not newfound respect (+2 to their reaction rolls).
really the right size to be used as a personal firearm--
it's more the kind of weapon you'd mount on a vehicle.
The device makes an ominous pulsing, thrumming Giant Evil Ray
sound when it isn't in operation. It fires a jagged- Size: Gargantuan (Impossible to conceal)
looking black ray that looks almost like a jet of some Cost: 20,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype--
foul liquid. Some people imagine that they can see this is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
hideous shapes and faces in the beam. Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
Anyone caught in its cone-shaped area of attack or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 25, or Wealth check)
become Evil. Yes, you heard me right. It turns people Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
(and robots) evil. Don't ask me how, I just work here. Handed: Requires Fixed hands to use
Whatever mad scientist built the thing will no Range Increment: 300 miles
doubt talk about his early obsession with Evil, the way “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor
he came to see it as a discreet physical force like Magazine: 100 or unlimited if hooked up to an
magnetism, the way his colleagues laughed at the idea outside power supply
and called him mad, etc. Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 50 tons
Tiny Evil Ray Armor Class: 0
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Hardness: 5
hand” roll) Hit Points: 40
Cost: 160,000 Units (Almost always a prototype or an DC required to break this item with a Strength
artifact--this is actually the cost required to build the Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
weapon) “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built DM)
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Special: Affects a 100 foot radius around the point of
Wealth check) impact. Anyone caught in the area of effect must
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or add
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use "evil" to their alignment. So, for example, if they are
Range Increment: 20 feet Lawful Good, they become Lawful Evil. If they are
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor Neutral, they become Neutral Evil. Everyone affected
Magazine: 10 should make another Saving Throw once every three
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has hours. The effect lasts until the target manages to
attacks make the Willpower Saving Throw.
Damage: Special, see description Description: A huge, weird cannon the size of a
Weight: 1 pound house, found only in 4-color science-fantasy scenarios.
Armor Class: 13 Streamlined, spiky and wicked looking, it's made of
Hardness: 2 some shiny jet black metal, which seems to faintly
Hit Points: 2 pulse and ripple when you don't look directly at it. It
DC required to break this item with a Strength constantly emits a faint, high, unnerving sound, just
Roll: 13 barely within the human threshold of hearing.
Special: Anyone struck by the beam must make a The whole vicinity around the gun positively throbs

with evil. Even characters who aren't attuned to these Roll: 20
things will feel a sense of overpowering wrongness Special: Damage varies according to the weather. It
once they get within a hundred yards of it. Any Good does 5d6 damage on a bright, hot, sunny day; 3d6 on a
character who spends more than ten consecutive bright, cloudless, cool day and no damage on a cloudy
minutes within fifty feet of the cannon will make all day or at night.
their rolls at a -2 penalty until they leave its vicinity. Description: A primitive energy weapon, this is a
Most animals know to avoid the gun, but a few, polished parbolic mirror with a set of lenses held over
like scorpions, pit vipers and certain species of wasp the center on wires. It's a classic "steampunk" design,
feel soothed by its presence and tend to congregate or perhaps something even older. Archemides is said
around it (if the gun’s location makes that possible). to have built one of these to help defend Syracuse
The cannon only requires a single operator, who from the Roman invaders. The weapon is delicate and
sits in a streamlined black chair mounted on the back much too big for one person to carry on their person.
of the barrel. Anyone sitting in the chair has 50% The only way you could really make it mobile is to
cover, unless they are attacked from above. mount it on wheels. It has to be kept carefully
polished when it isn't in use, or it will do one die less
of damage.

Giant Solar Ray

Size: Gargantuan (Impossible to conceal)
Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Wealth check)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
Handed: Requires Fixed hands to use
Range Increment: 100 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: Unlimited (but can only be fired while the
sun is shining brightly)
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: 12d6 Heat (20 x2) but see description
Weight: 12 tons
Armor Class: 0
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Special: Affects an entire 10 foot square. Anyone
caught in the area of effect can make a Reflexes
Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half damage.
Solar Ray Damage varies according to the weather. It does 12d6
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) damage on a bright, hot, sunny day; 8d6 on a bright,
Cost: 10,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is cloudless, cool day and no damage on a cloudy day or
actually the cost required to build the weapon) at night.
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Description: A giant curved metal mirror, the size of
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple a house. It can attack an entire ten-foot square, but
Wealth check) only on a sunny day. The mirror takes a team of ten
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons men (or two oxen) to turn and aim, in addition to the
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use gunner. If for some reason a more technologically
Range Increment: 40 feet sophisticated civilization were to build a weapon like
“To Hit” Bonus: -- this, substitute a tractor or a truck for the oxen. It
Magazine: Unlimited (but can only be fired while the might be possible to transport the weapon over long
sun is shining brightly) disntances on a large platform, but this requires a team
Rate of Fire: Once per round of at least ten oxen and it still won't move any faster
Damage: 5d6 Heat (20 x2) but see description than 10 feet per round.
Weight: 500 pounds
Armor Class: 3
Hardness: 10 Pertrification Ray
Hit Points: 3 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: 15,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is

actually the cost required to build the weapon) Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Range Increment: 50 feet
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple “To Hit” Bonus: --
Wealth check) Magazine: 35
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a attacks
mount Damage: Anyone struck by the beam must make a
Range Increment: 70 feet Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 18 or be Petrified
“To Hit” Bonus: -6 penalty if anyone with a Strength indefinitely. Weight: 10 pounds
of less than 16 attempts to use it without a mount Armor Class: 5
Magazine: 45 Hardness: 5
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hit Points: 4
Damage: Anyone struck by the beam must make a DC required to break this item with a Strength
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 or be Petrified Roll: 16
indefinitely. See description for further details Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Weight: 50 pounds Description: A shotgun-sized version of the
Armor Class: 3 Petrification Ray. It has much the same overall shape
Hardness: 5 and exactly the same effect as the larger gun. And
Hit Points: 9 yes, it's just as silly. Anyone struck by it is turned to
DC required to break this item with a Strength stone, unless they make their Fortitude Saving Throw.
Roll: 17 A petrified character has their AC reduced by 10
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, points, but gains 7 points of Damage Resistance.
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 They cannot move, think, recover lost psionic points
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not or do anything else while pertified. The ray can be set
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to to un-petrify a target, but unless you already have the
reload), Tripod Mount (Weighs 4 pounds, Costs 100 weapon proficiency it requires an Intelligence check
units) vs. DC 15 to figure out how.
Description: A bulky gunmetal energy weapon, about
the size of a heavy machine gun. Its long, fluted
barrel ends in what looks like a piece of green cut Pocket Petrification Ray
glass, or perhaps some sort of gem. Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Too big for anyone with a Strength of less than 16 hand” roll)
to use without at least a tripod mount, it is usually Cost: 50,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
found in a fixed position (often guarding the entrance actually the cost required to build the weapon)
to a deranged scientist's lair). Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
It transmutes living flesh into a hard, calcified or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
substance that resembles pale rock. The victim's Wealth check)
clothes and posessions are left unaffected, unless they Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
are made of leather, natural fibers, or some other such Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
organic matter. Range Increment: 30 feet
A petrified character has their AC reduced by 10 “To Hit” Bonus: --
points, but gains 7 points of Damage Resistance. Magazine: 10
They cannot think, dream, use psionic abilities or do Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
anything else while pertified—they have been attacks
rendered utterly inert. Damage: Anyone struck by the beam must make a
It is possible to set the ray to turn them back, but it Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 18 or be Petrified
takes an Intelligence Check vs. DC 15 to figure out indefinitely. See description for further details.
how to do it if you don't already have the weapon Weight: 2 pounds
proficiency. Armor Class: 9
Probably a good idea to save this weapon for Hardness: 4
campy science-fantasy campaigns, as it tends to make Hit Points: 2
hard SF fans howl with (justified) indignation. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Portable Pertrification Ray Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) weighs 1/2 pound)
Cost: 25,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Description: A large, bulky energy-pistol with a
actually the cost required to build the weapon) strange greenish gem in the end of of the barrel and
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built bewildering array of buttons, gagues and dials on the
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple stock. Smaller but no less goofy than a full sized
Wealth check) Petrification Ray, it functions exactly the same way.
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons It turns living flesh into a hard, calcified, rock-like

substance. A petrified character has their AC reduced of time, from a matter of rounds to a matter of
by 10 points, but gains 7 points of Damage Resistance. centuries.
Their clothes and posessions are left unaffected, unless
they are made of leather, natural fibers, or some other
such organic matter. Pocket Bubble Gun
It is possible to set the ray to un-petrify a victim, Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
but it takes an Intelligence Check vs. DC 15 to figure “sleight of hand” roll)
out how if you don't already have the weapon Cost: 3,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
proficiency. actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Bubble Gun Wealth check)
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
hand” roll) Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Cost: 1,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Range Increment: 30 feet
actually the cost required to build the weapon) “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built Magazine: 10
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Wealth check) attacks
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Damage: Special, see description
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Weight: 2 pounds
Range Increment: 40 feet Armor Class: 9
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor Hardness: 5
Magazine: 25 Hit Points: 2
Rate of Fire: Once per round DC required to break this item with a Strength
Damage: Special, see description Roll: 15
Weight: 4 pounds Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Armor Class: 5 Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
Hardness: 5 weighs 1/2 pound)
Hit Points: 10 Description: A round, stubby pistol with a very wide
DC required to break this item with a Strength mouth. It fires an expanding transparent bubble made
Roll: 17 from some strange artificial matter. It engulfs the
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, target and imprisons them inside The bubble can grow
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 large enough to capture anything up to and including a
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in your garage, not Huge creature. It can make a ranged touch attack
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to against any single creature or an area attack against
reload) every free-standing object in a ten-foot radius (the
Description: A large, bulky two-handed weapon. It target area has an effective defense of 10).
fires an expanding transparent bubble made from The bubble itself has 8 points of Damage
some unclassifiable artificial matter. The bubble Resistance and can takes 25 hp worth of damage. If
engulfs the target and imprisons them inside. It can be an attacker does more than 25 points of damage to the
used to make either a ranged touch attack against any bubble in a single attack, the character trapped inside
single target (size Huge or smaller) or an area attack must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
against every free-standing object in a ten-foot radius take the remainder of the damage themselves. To
(the target area has an effective defense of 10). burst the bubble open from the inside requires a
The bubble itself has 9 points of Damage Reistance Strength roll vs. DC 30.
and takes 30 points of damage to break open. If an Air can pass through the bubble's walls, so the
attacker does more than 30 points of damage to the captive is in no danger of suffocating. It offers no
bubble in one round, the character trapped inside must protection against poison gas attacks.
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or take the The bubble will last until it is broken or until the
remainder of the damage themselves. To burst the bubble-gun is set to dissipate it. The gun can be set in
bubble open from the inside with sheer brute force advance to produce a bubble that lasts for a set period
requires a Strength roll vs. DC 30. of time, from a matter of rounds to a matter of years.
Air can pass through the bubble's walls, so the
captive is in no danger of suffocating. It offers no
protection against poison gas attacks and little Homicide Ray
protection against inclement weather. Rain won't Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
penetrate the bubble but its internal temperature is hand” roll)
always the same as it is outside. Cost: 50,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
The bubble will last until it is broken or until the actually the cost required to build the weapon)
bubble-gun is set to dissipate it. The gun can be set in Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
advance to produce a bubble that lasts for a set period or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple

Wealth check) Special:
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
mount weighs 1/2 pound)
Range Increment: This is a cone effect weapon and Description: A homicide ray projector that is small
doesn’t have a Range Increment as such enogh to be concealed in your pocket. It doesn't look
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor like a weapon and it doesn't emit a visible beam. The
Magazine: 75 ray affects a twenty-five foot cone-shaped area.
Rate of Fire: Once per round Anyone caught in this area of attack must make a
Damage: Special, see description Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or immediately
Weight: 20 pounds attack the closest person or moving object with
Armor Class: 5 whatever melee weapon comes to hand. If they are
Hardness: 2 carrying a ranged weapon, they will use it as a club.
Hit Points: 3 Affected characters are incapable of communicating
DC required to break this item with a Strength and completely indiscriminate as to their targets.
Roll: 16 They will attack friends, foes, or whatever moving
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, object catches their attention. If they are in the act of
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 attacking one target and another potential target comes
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not closer, they will lose interest in the first target and
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to attack the new one with equal ferocity.
Description: A large, heavy weapon, shaped a little
like a fat, short rifle. It can be held and fired with two Giant Homicide Ray
hands, but is awkward to carry. Anyone caught in its Size: Gargantuan (Impossible to conceal)
50 foot cone-shaped area of attack must make a Cost: 50,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype--
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or immediately this is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
attack the closest person or moving object with Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
whatever melee weapon is most convenient. If they or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
have a gun in their hand, they will use it as a club. Wealth check)
Affected characters are incapable of Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
communicating, can't be reasoned with and are Handed: Fixed in position, can’t be carried, takes two
completely indiscriminate as to their targets. They will hands to operate
attack friends, foes, or whatever moving object Range Increment: 100 miles
catches their attention. If they are in the act of “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor
attacking one target and another potential target comes Magazine: 100 or unlimited if hooked up to an
closer, they will lose interest in the first target and outside power supply
attack the new one with equal ferocity. Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 20 tons
Pocket Homicide Ray Armor Class: 0
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Hardness: 3
“sleight of hand” roll) Hit Points: 25
Cost: 65,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is DC required to break this item with a Strength
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Roll: 15 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built “Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple DM)
Wealth check) Description: A Homicide Ray the size of a barn. It
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons has the capacity to bounce it's massive insisible beam
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use off satellite reflectors and by using this technique can
Range Increment: This is a cone effect weapon and (if you own a set of satellites and have installed the
doesn’t have a Range Increment as such neecesary type of reflectors on them) reach almost any
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor point on the surface of the planet. It affects everything
Magazine: 45 in a 500 foot radius of where the beam touches down.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Everyone caught within its radius of effect must
attacks make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
Damage: Special, see description immediately attack the closest person or moving
Weight: 2 pounds object with whatever melee weapon comes to hand. If
Armor Class: 9 they are carrying a ranged weapon, they will use it as a
Hardness: 3 club. Affected characters are incapable of
Hit Points: 2 communicating and completely indiscriminate as to
DC required to break this item with a Strength their targets. If they are attacking one target and
Roll: 13 another potential target moves closer, they will lose

interest in the first target and attack the new one. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 12
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Motor Function Disrupter Ray Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) weighs 1/2 pound)
Cost: 25,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Description: A handheld version of the ray, it holds
actually the cost required to build the weapon) fewer shots in its magazine, but has exactly the same
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built effect. It also looks like it's just come off a laboratory
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple work bench, not quite ready for beta testing. Anyone
Wealth check) struck by the beam loses 3d6 Dexterity points, down
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons to a minimum of 1. A character with a Dexterity of 2
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a or 1 can't walk or feed themselves and must make a
mount Willpower Saving throw vs. DC 15 each time they try
Range Increment: 70 feet to speak, in order to correctly shape the words. A
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 25 halves the
Magazine: 50 Dexterity loss.
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 40 pounds Self-Immolation Ray
Armor Class: 5 Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal)
Hardness: 3 Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is
Hit Points: 3 actually the cost required to build the weapon)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built
Roll: 15 or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound, Wealth check)
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2 Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons, Missile
pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a lab, not Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to mount
reload) Range Increment: 70 feet
Description: A big, bulky weapon, more commonly “To Hit” Bonus: -6 penalty for anyone with a
seen mounted on a vehicle or a tripod than hand-held. Strength of less than 17 to use without a mount.
Clearly a prototype, it's covered with mysterious Magazine: 35
gagues, lights and exposed tubes. Anyone struck by Rate of Fire: Once per round
the beam loses 3d6 Dexterity points, down to a Damage: Special, see description
minimum of 1. A character with a Dexterity of 2 or 1 Weight: 45 pounds
can't walk or feed themselves and must make a Armor Class: 5
Willpower Saving throw vs. DC 15 each time they try Hardness: 3
to speak, in order to correctly shape the words. A Hit Points: 3
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 25 halves the DC required to break this item with a Strength
Dexterity loss. Roll: 14
Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2
Pocket Motor Function Disrupter Ray pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a private lab, not
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to
“sleight of hand” roll) reload)
Cost: 40,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Description: A big, bulky weapon, too large for most
actually the cost required to build the weapon) people to use without at least a tripod mount. Clearly
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built a prototype, it looks like a crazed, near-random
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple assemblage of electrical components with a focusing
Wealth check) nozzle on the front. It fires an unwholesome-looking
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons purple ray and makes a sound which is exquisitely
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use painful to the ears.
Range Increment: 30 feet Anyone hit by the beam must at once make a
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or begin to
Magazine: 20 mutilate themselves with whichever hand weapon is
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has closest, moaning and wheezing with ecstatic joy. If no
attacks hand weapon is within easy reach, they will shoot
Damage: Special, see description themselves with the nearest missile weapon, at its
Weight: 3 pounds most lethal setting. If neither is available they will rip
Armor Class: 9 and claw at themselves, doing 1 point of damage per
Hardness: 2 round.
Hit Points: 2 They are effectively helpless while they are hurting

themselves, giving any attacker a +4 bonus. They Magazine: 15
may babble about how good it feels to hurt themselves Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
or beg onlookers to hit them but they aren't capable of attacks
any meaningful communication. If you attack Damage: Special, see description
yourself, you can only miss if you roll a 1, but since Weight: 3 pounds
all of the character's actions are at a -4 while they are Armor Class: 9
under the ray's fiendish influence, they actually fail to Hardness: 2
hurt themselves on a 5 or less. Most weapons aren't Hit Points: 2
designed to hurt the person wielding them, and will do DC required to break this item with a Strength
one point of damage less than usual (minimum of one Roll: 13
point). Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
The effects last indefinitely, until the target either Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
makes a saving throw or dies. Let them make another weighs 1/2 pound)
throw every other round. Description: A handheld version of the Self-
Immolation Ray. It too looks like the product of a
lunatic's basement workbench, rather than a munitions
Anyone struck by the beam must make a
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or begin to
wound themselves with whichever hand weapon is
closest, shrieking with pleasure as the weapon bites
into their flesh. If no hand weapon is within easy
reach, they will shoot themselves with the nearest
missile weapon. If neither is available they will rip at
themselves with their bare hands, doing 1 point of
damage per round.
They are effectively helpless while they are hurting
themselves, giving any attacker a +4 bonus. They
Pocket Self-Immolation Ray aren't capable of meaningful communication, although
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a they may rant and rave about how great it feels to be
“sleight of hand” roll) hurt. A character who attacks themselves can only
Cost: 45,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is miss if you roll a 1, but since all of the character's
actually the cost required to build the weapon) actions are at a -4 while they are under the ray's
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (Weapon must be built diabolical influence, they actually fail to hurt
or found--you cannot acquire one with a simple themselves on a 5 or less. Most weapons aren't made
Wealth check) to hurt the person who wields them, and will do one
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons point of damage less than usual (minimum of one
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use point). The effects last for 2-8 rounds.
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --

Super-Advanced Weapons
The product of very advanced technology, any one of these weapons has the capacity to set your game balance
seriously askew, so use them judiciously. By and large, these are the weapons used by adventurers from the distant
future, relics of ancient and unimaginably powerful galactic empires or prototypes built by isolated geniuses.

Of course, it might be fun to run a campaign set in a hyper-advanced civilization, in which everyone, player and non-
player characters alike, runs around with hardware like this. What such a society would be like, and what sort of
adventures you might have there (defending the realm from infradimensional invaders? Fighting endless duels out of
boredom? Overthrowing lesser civilizations for sport?) I leave to the DM's imagination

You may well ask how these items differ from "Relics" and the answer is that there could easily be more than one of
any Super-Advanced Weapon, but Relics are always unique. Even the Witherslant Guns (with the exception of the
Model Omega) could turn up in many hands, but there is only one Flenser, only one Wummel Device.

They also fit into a storyline differently. A super-advanced weapon could be the plot hook for an adventure or two,
without having any broader impact on the game universe but the appearance of a Relic should always have a big effect
on the campaign as a whole.

Super-Advanced Melee Weapons
Disintegration Rod DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Roll: 14
hand” roll) Accessories: Miniature Energy Cell (1/20 pound,
Cost: 300 Units (Only available for sale in very costs 50 units), Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Description: A tiny version of the Disintegration Rod,
or a Relic) it is no larger than a ballpoint pen and can easily be
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (if available) concealed in one hand. It works in exactly the same
Required Proficiency: Simple way. Anyone struck by the rod must make a Fortitude
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Save vs. DC 20 or vanish forever in a puff of light.
Range Increment: -- Even if they succeed they take 5d6 damage. Really big
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor creatures (bigger than "Large") automatically make
Magazine: 9 the save, but big inanimate objects do not, and will
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has lose about ten cubic feet of their volume where the
attacks disintegration rod struck them.
Damage: Target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw
vs. DC 20 or be Disintegrated
Weight: 2 pounds Energy Drain Rod
Armor Class: 7 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hardness: 4 hand” roll)
Hit Points: 3 Cost: 1,200 Units (Only available for sale in very
DC required to break this item with a Strength advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Roll: 16 or a Relic)
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units) Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
Description: The rod's wielder makes a "touch" attack Required Proficiency: Simple
against the target, ignoring armor. Anyone unlucky Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
enough to be struck by the rod must make a Fortitude Range Increment: --
save vs. DC 20. If they fail, they disintegrate, leavng “To Hit” Bonus: --
not even dust behind. If they succeed, they take a Magazine: 40
mere 5d6 damage. It can't affect more than about ten Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
cubic square feet of matter at a time and will take attacks
chunks that size out of bigger objects. Living beings Damage: The target gains 2 negative levels, which
that are bigger than "Large" automatically succeed at last for 2d6 hours
the save and take the damage instead of being Weight: 2 pounds
disintegrated. Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 6
Hit Points: 2
Pocket Disintegration Rod DC required to break this item with a Strength
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Roll: 17
“sleight of hand” roll) Description: The product of some strange psionic
Cost: 250 Units (Only available for sale in very technology, this asymmetrical two-foot rod appears to
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact be made of faceted crystal, which has melted and run
or a Relic) in places like a candle. It's refractive properties are
Tentative Purchase DC: 13 (if available) extremely strange, but if you peer deep inside you can
Required Proficiency: Simple catch glimpses of what might be electrical components
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use and what might be organs. At one end, there is a
Range Increment: -- mouthlike opening, with little inward-curving spikes
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor around the edges. This is the end you hit things with.
Magazine: 3 When you strike someone with the rod, there is a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has momentary flash of green light from deep inside its
attacks center. It actually devours the target's life-energy in
Damage: Target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw some mysterious way.
vs. DC 20 or be Disintegrated.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 3
Hit Points: 1

Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 30
Accessories: Scabbard (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Description: A weird, semitransparent blade which
looks a little like a strangely-shaped crystalline
shortsword. Its lines seem to shift and fold in on
themselves like one of Escher's optical illusions.
Staring at the blade for too long can induce mild
vertigo. It makes a faint, high humming sound as it
This weapon is made of variable matter, and can
adjust its atomic structure to pass through other
Energy Drain Gauntlet objects. It can strike the target, pass through the target
Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a without doing any damage or materialize just enough
“sleight-of-hand” roll) to cause a shock to their system (2d6 Nonlethal
Cost: 1,200 Units (Only available for sale in very Damage). In the hands of a skilled operator it can be
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact made to partially materialize inside a target once it has
or a Relic) passed harmlessly through the outer layers, making
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available) armor useless against it. (This effect can only be used
Required Proficiency: Simple by someone who has the Weapon Proficiency).
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 50 Variable Metal Punch-Dagger
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
attacks “sleight of hand” roll)
Damage: The target gains 2 negative levels, which Cost: 3,000 Units
last for 2d6 hours Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (if available)
Weight: 4 pounds Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee (also
Armor Class: 9 works with any other Variable Metal weapon)
Hardness: 7 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hit Points: 5 Range Increment: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: +3
Roll: 19 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Description: An oddly jointed, uncomfortable attacks
gauntlet, made from what at first appears to be metal Damage: 1d4+3 Piercing (17-20 x3) or 2d6 nonlethal.
but is in fact an opaque black crystaline substance. See description.
Through some unknown process, it drains the life- Weight: 1 pound
energy out of the target. Armor does offer some Armor Class: 9
resistance to the process, so the user should make an Hardness: 15
ordinary melee attack, rather than a Touch Attack. Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 30
Description: A strange, short, triangular object.
Variable Metal Sword Partially transparent, it's angles seem to move and
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of shift in impossible ways. Staring at it makes people's
hand” roll) teeth hurt and the roots of their hair throb strangely. If
Cost: 4,000 Units you study it more carefully, you will find that it is
Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (if available) meant to fit over a person's hand, and functions like a
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee (also punch-dagger. Even though you can see through the
works with any other Variable Metal weapon) weapon, you can't see the hand inside it.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use This object is made of variable matter, and can
Range Increment: -- adjust its atomic structure to pass through other solid
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 objects. It can strike the target, pass through the target
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has without doing any damage or materialize just enough
attacks to cause a shock to their system (2d6 Nonlethal
Damage: 1d8+3 Slashing (17-20 x2) or 2d6 nonlethal. Damage). In the hands of a skilled operator it can be
See description. made to partially materialize inside a target once it has
Weight: 1 pound passed harmlessly through the outer layers, making
Armor Class: 7 armor useless against it . (This effect can only be used
Hardness: 15 by someone who has the Weapon Proficiency). It can

also strike a target on the far side of a wall without DC required to break this item with a Strength
damaging the wall. Roll: 30
Description: A ten-foot metal shaft, topped with a
very strange blade. While the shaft looks normal
Variable Metal Spear enough, the blade is a bizzare, asymmetrical,
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) tranparent shard of what at first appears to be crystal,
Cost: 4,000 Units but is in fact something much stranger.
Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (if available) The blade is made of variable matter, and can
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee (also adjust its atomic structure to pass through other
works with any other Variable Metal weapon) objects. It can strike the target, pass through the target
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use without doing any damage or materialize just enough
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach to cause a shock to their system (2d6 Nonlethal
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Damage). In the hands of a skilled operator it can be
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has made to partially materialize inside a target once it has
attacks passed harmlessly through the outer layers, making
Damage: 1d8+3 (17-20 x3) or 2d6 nonlethal. See armor useless against it . (This effect can only be used
description by someone who has the Weapon Proficiency). The
Weight: 3 pounds weapon has reach and cannot be used to attack targets
Armor Class: 5 that are closer than ten feet away.
Hardness: 15
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength Xammitrice Glaive
Roll: 30 Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
Description: A long, slender transparent lance, about Cost: 12,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
eight feet in length. Its exact length is difficult to tell, advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
and seems to change depending on what angle you or a Relic)
view it from. It looks almost like it might be made of Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (if available)
crystal, but it doesn't glitter or refract light. The Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
spear's angles seem somehow unnatural, and its lines works with any other Remote-Control melee weapon)
are difficult to follow with the eye. It makes an odd, Handed: Requires 0 or 2 hands to use (can fight
faint hum as it moves. independently)
This weapon is made of variable matter, and can Range Increment: --
adjust its atomic structure to pass through other “To Hit” Bonus: +3
objects. It can strike the target, pass through the target Magazine: 30
without doing any damage or materialize just enough Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
to shock their system (2d6 Nonlethal Damage). In the attacks
hands of a skilled operator it can be made to partially Damage: 1d10+3 Slashing (17-20 x3) or 2d6
materialize inside a target once it has passed nonlethal. Ignores armor. Only Dexterity based AC
harmlessly through the outer layers, making armor counts against it.
useless against it . (This effect can only be used by Weight: 3 pounds
someone who has the Weapon Proficiency). While it Armor Class: 5 (18 in the air)
does have Reach, it can just as easily be used against Hardness: 15
targets at close range. Hit Points: 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 30 (13 to break the antigravity motor)
Variable Metal Glaive Special: This weapon has the capacity to fight
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) independently of its wielder. However, if the wielder
Cost: 5,000 Units uses it as a hand weapon they suffer the penalties for
Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (if available) making two weapon attacks, as though they were
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee (also using a One Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon (see
works with any other Variable Metal weapon) the Player's Handbook, page 124).
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units)
Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach Description: A metal staff with a blade at either end.
“To Hit” Bonus: +3 Made from variable matter, it can adjust its molecular
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has density and pass harmlessly through solid objects. It
attacks can partially or completely materialize some of its
Damage: 1d10+3 Slashing (17-20 x3) or 2d6 length, while the rest of its mass remains immaterial.
nonlethal. See description This allows it to strike objects on the far sides of
Weight: 3 pounds walls, and to ignore armor. It can do either normal or
Armor Class: 5 nonlethal damage, depending on how fully it
Hardness: 15 materializes inside the target.
Hit Points: 5 It also has a built-in antigravity motor and an

onboard computer which enables it to leave the user's a “sleight of hand” roll). Tiny when turned off (+4
hand and fight on its own, hovering in mid air as it bonus to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll)
cuts and parries. It can make two attacks per round Cost: 12,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
without penalty. The glaive cannot move more than advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
ten feet from its user, and can only fight on its own for or a Relic)
fifty rounds before its power cell runs dry and it falls Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (if available)
to the ground. The weapon fights completely Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
independantly of its user, who does not need to Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
concentrate on the weapon. Range Increment: --
The Glaive can follow simple instructions like “To Hit” Bonus: +4, makes touch attacks, gnores
"come here" or "drop to the floor" but it will not be armor
able to manipulate objects or pick things up. Magazine: N/A
Strangely, it runs on standard power cells, Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
interchangeable with much lower-tech weapons. attacks
Damage: 2d8 Slashing (17-20 x4), ignores Hardness
and Damage Resistance
Mind Sword Weight: 1 pound
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight Armor Class: 7
of hand” roll) Hardness: 5 (only applies to the handle--the blade
Cost: 4,000 Units (Only available for sale in very itself can't be hurt by 3-dimensional matter)
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Hit Points: 5 (only applies to the handle--the blade
or a Relic) itself can't be hurt by 3-dimensional matter)
Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (if available) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee Roll: 18 (only applies to the handle)
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Description: A strangely shaped handle made from
Range Increment: -- some transparent substance which defies analysis.
“To Hit” Bonus: +4 When squeezed, it extrudes a two-dimensional plane
Magazine: Special, see description of synthetic matter that has no thickness at all. When
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has turned to one side, the blade becomes invisible. It can
attacks penetrate any conventional matter with perfect ease. It
Damage: 1d8+4 Slashing (17-20 x2), can also do ignores armor and hardness completely, and if you use
1d8+ Nonlethal damage it on an opponent who is armed with a melee weapon,
Weight: 1 pound you can choose to attack the weapon instead of its
Armor Class: 7 wielder. It can even damage weapons made of
Hardness: 15 Variable Matter.
Hit Points: 35
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 19 Tesseract Weapon
Special: Can be readied as a free action, ignores Size: Varies (but always has a +4 bonus to be
armor, makes all attacks as touch attacks, does no concealed with a “Sleight of Hand” roll)
damage to non-living objects, can be set to do Cost: 15,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
Nonlethal Damage rather than real damage. advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Description: A small mental focusing crystal which or a Relic)
fits easily in the palm of the user's hand. When the Tentative Purchase DC: 27 (if available)
user concentrates on it, it projects a blade of pure Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Melee
psychic force which can be used like a sword. The Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
mental blade glows with psionic energy and makes a Range Increment: Has 10 feet of Reach
high-pitched wailing sound as it swings. It inflicts “To Hit” Bonus: +4 touch attack, ignores armor and
damage only on living targets and ignores armor. cover altogether.
Everyone's mind-sword looks a little different, Magazine: N/A
depending on their personality. The DM should Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
describe a given character's sword in terms of what the attacks
character is like. An angry character might have a Damage: 1d8+2 Slashing (17-20 x2), ignores all
blade that pulses a dull red, a nervous character might Hardness and Damage Resistance
have a jagged blue weapon which crackles with Weight: 1 pound
sparks, and so forth. Armor Class: 9
Unlike a lot of psychic weapons, the mind-sword is Hardness: 15
not sentient and will work for whoever picks it up. Hit Points: 30
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 45
Two-Dimensional Blade Description: A four-dimensional weapon, produced
Size: Medium when in use (-4 penalty to conceal with by who-knows-what kind of hyper-technology. It

looks like a sort of transparent star, which constantly leave the wall undamaged. It can hit ethereal targets
changes shape and subtly readjusts its size as you look with no difficulty. It attacks the target from the inside
at it. Its lines intersect in ways that don't make sense, and leaves horrendous gashes that rarely reach the
like an optical illusion. Rumors say that staring at it surface of the target's skin.
too long can drive you mad. Even the wounds it leaves have unsettling physical
You grip the weapon by one of its points. Your properties and don't behave like ordinary space. A
hand vanishes when you hold the weapon, which physician might accidentally drop a surgical tool into
appears to float above the stump of your wrist (your one wound, only to have it suddenly come flying out
hand reappears as soon as you let go). of another wound at high speed, as though it had fallen
As a four-dimensional object, it is not subject to the a long ways (this has no specific game effect—it just
laws of three dimensional space. It ignores armor and adds atmosphere).
makes touch attacks. Cover is useless against it--the
weapon can hit a target on the far side of a wall and

Super-Advanced Ranged Weapons

Hypermass Spear Launcher set the weapon down before it crushes you.
Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) What kind of big game is this thing used to hunt?
Cost: 600 Units Perhaps it's actually better not to know.
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (if available)
Required Proficiency: Martial-Ranged
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Solar Torch
Range Increment: 60 feet Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“To Hit” Bonus: +4 vs. Armor Only “sleight of hand” roll)
Magazine: Only holds one spear, but the energy cell Cost: 6,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
holds enough power to use the launcher 50 times. advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Rate of Fire: Once per round or a Relic)
Damage: 1d6+2 Piercing (17-20 x3) Tentative Purchase DC: 24 (if available)
Weight: 12 pounds Required Proficiency: Simple
Armor Class: 5 Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Hardness: 10 Range Increment: 70 ft when attacking a single
Hit Points: 55 target
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 40 Magazine: 50, but see description
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units), Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Spear (weighs 5 pounds when the antigravity engine attacks
works, 2 ½ tons when it doesn’t , costs 100 units if Damage: Varies, 1-6d8 Heat (20 x2), see description
you can find one, can only be lifted because of its for details
onboard anti-gravity generator. The mico-power cell Weight: 2 pounds
on the spear takes years to run out, but if it does Armor Class: 9
finally expire or if it somehow gets broken the spear Hardness: 10
becomes impossible for anyone with a Strength of less Hit Points: 10
than 50 to move). DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: A massive spear-gun which launches a Roll: 30
spike built around a core of hypersdense matter. Only Accessories: Energy Cell (8 oz in weight, price
the extensive use of antigravity generators on both the unknown, may not even be available)
spear and its lancher make it possible to use at all. Description: A very powerful but incedibly simple
It takes a full round to reload one of the superheavy energy weapon, it gives out a blaze of hot white light
spears. The power cell must be changed once every with such a massive power source behind it that the
month—an indicator light comes on a few days before beam can burn through steel.
the antigravity motors run out of juice. It takes only a By adjusting the lens you can create a wide beam
standard action to swap out a spent power cell. There or a tightly focused one. Damage varies according to
is usually enough energy left in the antigravity engines how many charges you want to spend and how wide
to keep the weapon from suddenly weighing three tons an area you want to affect. To do damage in a 25 foot
while you’re holding it. Assume that the gun doesn’t cone costs three charges per d8 of damage (maximum
become impossible to hold until three rounds after its 3d8). To attack a single ten-foot square costs 2
power cell has been pulled. Even then it happens charges per d8 of damage (maximum 4d8) and to
gently enough that you have a full round in which to attack a single target costs one charge per d8

(maximum of 6d8). radius and level of damage) but leaves biological life
Reflective armors which offer special protection unharmed.
against lasers also protect against the Solar Torch, but They can also make Autofire attacks against a
anti-laser aerosols do not. whole ten foot square, but choose which targets to hit
The torch seems to have been made by some and which to avoid. Autofire uses up ten rounds of
unthinkably advanced civilization which had long ammunition, just as with any automatic rifle.
since outgrown energy weapons but for some reason The gun itself is still recognizably a firearm, albeit
wanted to produce one, and took the simplest route. It long, thin and light. It's made from a kind of living
looks a lot like a short white flashlight with a dial near metal, which heals any injuries to itself at a rate of 1
the lens. hp per every six hours. It always looks shiny and new,
The solar torch runs on a special type of energy no matter how old it is, and slowly shapes itself to
cell, produced by whatever society built it. Where you better fit the user's hand.
would find replacements (if any exist) is up to the The missiles don't come in blocks of caseless
DM. ammunition like bullets, and still have to be
individually loaded into a magazine. It takes a
standard action to reload this weapon if a magazine is
Smart Gun already prepared and ready.
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of A large, wide, short scope floats over the barrel.
hand” roll) Although it doesn't appear to be physically connected
Cost: 900 Units (Only available for sale in very to the gun, the scope moves with it and feels solidly
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact attached. You can remove it by flipping a catch on the
or a Relic) back. The scope displays everything going on around
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (if available) the gun's operator in a 360% radius, and can see
Required Proficiency: Slugthrower Weapons through walls up to six feet thick (there may be some
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use special substances that it can't see through-it's the
Range Increment: 500 feet DM's call).
“To Hit” Bonus: +3, Ignores Armor, Ignores Cover The weapon is intelligent (Int 14) and can
Magazine: 50 communicate telepathically with its user, but only if
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has they are actually holding it. If someone finds the gun,
attacks it will pick up on the user's language in 1d6 days, but
Damage: Special, see description only if they spend a lot of time talking around it. The
Weight: 6 pounds weapon has a happy, jaunty, cheerful personality but
Armor Class: 7 will only want to talk about gun-related matters,
Hardness: 20 combat, etc. It will work for whoever picks it up. It
Hit Points: 5 feels no particular loyalty to previous owners and will
DC required to break this item with a Strength kill them as amiably as anyone else (although it might
Roll: 33 give them a cheery hello and ask how they're doing
Accessories: Smart Missiles (Artifact, probably not first).
for sale, might cost as much as 10,000 Units if you
don't find them yourself, weigh 1/10 pound each)
Description: A kind of hyper-advanced, last- Hypermissile
generation gyrojet weapon. It fires tiny intelligent Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
missiles, made of Variable Matter. These Smart- hand” roll)
Bullets can pursue targets around corners, over Cost: 500 Units (Only available for sale in very
barriers or behind the gun's operator. They can adjust advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
their atomic structure to pass through walls or armor or a Relic)
without leaving a mark. Cover provides no protection Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (if available)
whatever from smart bullets and neither does armor. Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
The gun makes what is in effect a Ranged Touch Handed: N/A
Attack against the target. Range Increment: 10 miles
On impact, the bullets can either partially “To Hit” Bonus: +3, Ignores Armor
materialize, doing 1-4 D8 Nonlethal Damage to the Rate of Fire: Once per round
target, they can do 1-4 D8 Piercing damage (18-20 Damage: Special, see description
x3), they can explode, doing from one to four d8 Weight: 3 pounds
Bludgeoning damage to anything in a five to fifteen Armor Class: 9
foot radius (the gun's operator chooses the level of Hardness: 20
damage and the radius of the explosion, but in any Hit Points: 20
case a target can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC 20 to take half damage), or give out a burst of Roll: 26 (to deactivate)
electromagnetic radiation which does up to 6d8 Description: This is what rocket weapons utlimately
damage to any robots or silicon-based life-forms in a evolve into. Fully intelligent missiles (Int 14), made
radius of up to 15 feet (here too the operator sets the of Variable Matter, capable of detonating with a wide

range of effects. The missile is smarter than most according to how many charges you want to spend and
human beings and the DM should role-play it like any how wide an area you want to affect.
intelligent, helpful character. It can follow To do damage in a 25 foot cone costs three charges
instructions as complex or vague as "Hit the one per d8 of damage (maximum 2d8).
dressed like an ambassador " or " If you don't hear To attack a single ten-foot square costs 2 charges
back from me in fifteen minutes, launch and go kill per d8 of damage (maximum 3d8).
the highest ranking enemy officer you can find--unless To attack a single target costs 1 charge per d8
you see a really valuable piece of equipment, in which worth of damage (maximum 4d8).
case go kill it instead". It can verbally ask questions If caught by any of the area attacks, a target can
to clarify its user's intent, if need be. make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half
Hypermissiles can adjust their atomic structure to damage.
pass harmlessly through walls or armor without The Molecular Agitator seems to have been
leaving a mark, and then rematerialize on the other intended to be as much of a tool as a weapon
side. Cover provides no protection from a (although it remains unclear what kind of job would
Hypermissile and neither does armor. It makes a require you to create a 25 foot cone of cold). Certainly
Ranged Touch Attack against the target. it doesn't look much like a gun. The Agitiator most
On impact, the missile can do from one to 15d6 closely resembles a large electric razor, with three
Bludgeoning damage to anything in a five to thirty small metal nozzles sticking out of one end. It uses its
foot radius, do the same amount of nonlethal damage own strange type of power cell, which may or may not
in the same radius, or give out a burst of be possible to find in your campaign.
electromagnetic radiation which does up to 9d10
damage to any robots or silicon-based life-forms in a
radius of up to 20 feet (here too the operator sets the Personal Safety Unit
radius and level of damage) but leaves biological life Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
unharmed. The missile can select some targets in the “sleight of hand” roll)
radius to take damage and others to be spared. Any Cost: 950 Units (Only available for sale in very
target can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25 advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
to take half damage. or a Relic)
The Hypermissile’s personality is upbeat, Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
cooperative and gung-ho. It grows confused if asked Required Proficiency: Simple
to talk about anything not related to combat. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: “Freeze Ray” 40 feet, “Zap” 80
feet, Disintegration Ray 60 feet
Molecular Agitator “To Hit” Bonus: --
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Magazine: 20
“sleight of hand” roll) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Cost: 750 Units (Only available for sale in very attacks
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Damage: Special, see description
or a Relic) Weight: 2 pounds
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (if available) Armor Class: 9
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Hardness: 15
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hit Points: 25
Range Increment: 60 ft when attacking a single DC required to break this item with a Strength
target Roll: 23
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Accessories: Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
Magazine: 25 pound)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Description: This weapon is favored by annoying
attacks tourists from the distant future and the tiresome,
Damage: Varies, 1-4d8 Flame or Cold (19-20 x2). dangerous children of unimaginably powerful races
See description for more details. from beyond our galaxy. It has a number of settings,
Weight: 1 pound most of them thankfully non-lethal. It's one real
Armor Class: 9 weakness is its power supply, which is only good for
Hardness: 5 20 shots and all but impossible to replace outside the
Hit Points: 9 owners' home world/dimension/epoch.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Setting 1 Defense Screen: Projects a force-field
Roll: 30 around the user, which increases their Armor Class by
Accessories: Energy Cell (8 oz in weight, price 25, but doesn't allow them to strike anything outside
unknown, may not even be available) the field. This setting doesn't actually use any charges.
Description: A device that affects molecular Setting 2 "Freeze Ray": Projects a Paralysis
vibration, speeding it up or slowing it down, creating beam (Fortitude Save vs. DC 25) which leaves the
intense heat or intense cold. Can do either Heat or victim stuck comically in mid-pose until setting three
Cold Damage. The amount of damage varies can be used on them (it also keeps the target from

aging or having to eat or breathe and gives them a Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, not compatible
temporary Damage Resistance of 20) with other weapons, usually unavailable or the subject
Setting 3: Reverses the effect of the "Freeze Ray" of an adventure), or a home-made energy cell (weighs
Setting 4 "Zap": Does 6d10 Nonlethal Damage 2 pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab,
to anyone struck by the beam. not compatible with other weapons, takes a full round
Setting 5 “Disintegrate”: Anyone or anything to reload)
size Large or smaller that is struck by the beam must Description: A big, long, but surprisingly light
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 or be weapon, made largely from some weird, ultra-high-
disintegrated. tech composite material. It is capable of repairing
itself, and will regain one lost Hit Point per hour. This
makes it impossible to tell the weapon's age. It never
Phase-Shift Gun accumulates any wear and tear, and always looks as
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of new as when it was first manufactured.
hand” roll) Anyone struck by its faint purple beam is at once
Cost: 3,000 Units (Only available for sale in very sent out of phase with the rest of reality. In game
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact. terms, they have been rendered Incorporeal and
Could also be a prototype, in which case the listed Invisible, capable of moving through solid objects in
price is actually the cost required to build the unit). any direction at their normal movement rate. It also
Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (if available) renders them both blind and deaf, incapable of smell,
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons taste, touch or of making themselves heard, since they
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use are no longer interacting with the physical world.
Range Increment: 20 feet It is possible to set the gun to reverse this effect,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- but finding the target once they're invisible may prove
Magazine: 4 a challenge, particularly if they start moving around in
Rate of Fire: Once per round a blind panic.
Damage: Special--see description The weapon runs on some strange kind of power
Weight: 5 pounds cell that is only available to the hyper-advanced beings
Armor Class: 7 who produced this gun. If you can somehow manage
Hardness: 5 to find one and recognize what it is, the gun takes a
Hit Points: 4 Standard Action to reload.
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 17

Fusion Sidearms
Even the most advanced civilizations that we know of can’t make fusion guns small enough to be practical infantry
weapons. It is flatly impossible, they assure us, to build fusion weapons of below a certain size and bulk. But there are
other, still more powerful entities out there somewhere who scoff at these limitations. These are the guns they might

Damage: 12d6 Heat (17-20 x3) to the specific target,
8d6 Heat to everything else in a 10 foot radius (a
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves this damage)
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 5
Fusion Pistol Hit Points: 2
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
DC required to break this item with a Strength
“sleight of hand” roll)
Roll: 20
Cost: 900 Units (Only available for sale in very Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units,
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact probably isn't compatible with less advanced
or a Relic) weapons), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (if available) Description: Perhaps the ultimate handgun. This
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons pistol can project nearly as much destructive power as
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use a full-sized fusion gun. Despite being the product of
Range Increment: 50 feet
some unbelievably advanced civilization, it still looks
“To Hit” Bonus: --
a lot like a pistol. It is made from some weird living
Magazine: 5 substance and will regain lost hip points at a rate of 1
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has

HP every four hours. It runs on a power source that we Hardness: 5
can't possibly understand, but which looks like an Hit Points: 10
energy cell and can be replaced in one Standard DC required to break this item with a Strength
Action. These energy cells are extremely difficult to Roll: 25
find, unless you happen to be one of the nigh-godlike Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units,
beings who make these weapons, in which case you probably isn't compatible with less advanced
can pick them up at a convenience store, right between weapons)
the Hypertwinkies and the Secret of Existence. Description: Very advanced societies become capable
of producing ridiculously small fusion guns. This one
is no bigger and heavier than a laser rifle, yet has all
Fusion Rifle the stopping power of its giant predecessors.
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of It runs on a tiny power cell which is made only by
Hand roll) the hyper-advanced society which produced the gun. It
Cost: 1,200 Units (Only available for sale in very takes a Standard Action to reload.
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact The gun itself is made from a shiny green metallic
or a Relic) substance which is somehow alive, and will regenerate
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available) damage at a rate of 1 hp per every 4 hours.
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons As a general rule, cultures advanced enough to
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use make these weapons have already moved on to lepton
Range Increment: 160 feet guns, which attack the very substance of the target's
“To Hit” Bonus: -- reality and don't make nearly as much mess as a fusion
Magazine: 20 weapon. Then again, since no one understands these
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has cultures, they may well have some unknowable reason
attacks to build fusion guns that we can't begin to
Damage: 15d6 Heat (17-20 x3), to the specific target, comprehend. Or they may get a kick out of blowing
10d6 Heat to everything else in a 10 foot radius (a things up.
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 halves this damage)
Weight: 7 pounds
Armor Class: 7

Disintegration Weapons
Once a culture discovers matter transmission, it’s only a short step to producing weapons that take matter apart and
don’t put it back together. The real trick to getting disintegration weapons right isn’t to find a way to disrupt the
target’s atomic structure—it’s to do it without causing a nuclear explosion. Useless for hunting, these guns are not just
weapons of war. They have any number of uses as cutting tools and other applications that we’re not advanced enough
to comprehend. While they do huge amounts of damage they tend not to have much range and are seldom the only
kind of sidearm that a given culture relies on.

Disintegration Ray Roll: 20

Size: Huge (Impossible to conceal) Accessories: Heavy Energy Cell (Weighs 1 pound,
10,000 Units (Only available for sale in very advanced costs 25 units), or a home-made energy cell (weighs 2
societies. In most places, this is an Artifact. Could pounds, costs 15 Units to make in a basement lab, not
also be a prototype, in which case the listed price is compatible with other weapons, takes a full round to
actually the cost required to build the unit). reload)
Tentative Purchase DC: 26 (if available) Description: A short, squat weapon with a wide
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons barrel. Largely made of synthetic materials, it looks
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a like the product of some unthinkably advanced
mount technology, and it is. It tears the target apart at the
Range Increment: 90 feet subatomic level, reducing them to a flash of greenish
“To Hit” Bonus: -- light.
Magazine: 30 Anyone struck by the beam must make a Reflexes
Rate of Fire: Once per round Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be utterly disintegrated,
Damage: Special, see description leaving not even dust behind. With a successful
Weight: 85 pounds throw, the target only takes 5d6 damage. The beam
Armor Class: 5 can only disintegrate about twenty cubic feat of
Hardness: 5 material, so targets bigger than "Large" in size
Hit Points: 10 automatically make their saving throws. If the
DC required to break this item with a Strength weapon is used against a Huge or larger non-living

object it will remove a twenty cubic foot chunk of As advanced as the weapon is, it's simple enough to
material. fire. Anyone familiar with energy weapons can use it.
This weapon is too heavy to carry, but works very
well as a mounted antipersonnel gun on an armored
vehicle. It is also good to turn on screaming captive
heroines who call you mad...

Disintegrator Rifle
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 5,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Disintegrator Pistol
or a Relic)
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Tentative Purchase DC: 23 (if available)
“sleight of hand” roll)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Cost: 3,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Range Increment: 60 feet
or a Relic)
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (if available)
Magazine: 20
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Damage: Special, see description
Range Increment: 20 feet
Weight: 8 pounds
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Armor Class: 7
Magazine: 10
Hardness: 5
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Hit Points: 7
Damage: Special, see description
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Weight: 2 pounds
Roll: 19
Armor Class: 9
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Hardness: 5
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 300 units, reduces Range
Hit Points: 2
Increment by one)
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Description: A heavy disintegration weapon. We're
Roll: 16
calling it a rifle because it has more range than a
Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
disintegrator pistol and you hold it with two hands, but
Scope (1/2 lb, costs 250 units, reduces Range
it's actually shorter than a sawed-off shotgun. It fires a
Increment by one), Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
thin green ray that reduces matter into subatomic
Description: This is a very advanced weapon, and
Anyone struck by the beam must make a Reflexes
one that is seldom seen. It fires a thin green ray which
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be utterly disintegrated.
somehow suppresses the nuclear "strong force" that
With a successful throw, the target only takes 4d6
holds atomic nuclei together, and erases the target into
damage. The beam can only disintegrate about twenty
its component particles.
cubic feet of material, so targets bigger than "Large"
Anyone struck by the beam must make a Reflexes
in size automatically make their saving throws. If the
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be utterly disintegrated,
weapon is used against a Huge (or larger) non-living
leaving no trace behind. With a successful throw, the
object it will remove a twenty-cubic foot chunk of
target only takes 3d6 damage. The beam can only
disintegrate about twenty cubic feet of material, so
The disintegrator rifle uses the same strange super-
targets bigger than "Large" in size automatically make
power-cells as the disintegrator pistol. Unfortunately,
their saving throws. If the weapon is used against a
they don't work with anything else and are extremely
Huge or larger non-living object it will remove a
difficult to find. If you can locate a fresh cell, it takes a
twenty-cubic foot chunk of material.
Standard Action to reload the gun.
It uses a unique and very powerful energy cell,
found only in the possession of the super-advanced
beings who produced the gun. Should you find a
spare power cell somehow, it takes only a standard
action to reload.

are faced with a disintegrator cannon, and who know
what that means, must at once make a Morale Check.
It affects a ten foot wide, six hundred foot long
path. Anything caught in that path must make a
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 30 or be utterly
disintegrated, leaving not even dust behind. With a
successful throw, the target only takes 10d6 damage.
The beam can only disintegrate about forty cubic feet
of material, so targets larger than "Huge" in size
automatically make their saving throws. If the
weapon is used against a Gargantuan or larger non-
living object it will remove a forty-cubic foot chunk of
Disintegrator Cannon The product of extremely advanced technology, a
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) Disintegrator Cannon is more likely to be an
Cost: 600,000 Units (Only available for sale in very experimental prototype or an ancient alien relic than
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact. anything a contemporary army might have in its
Could also be a prototype, in which case the listed arsenal. Still, that's entirely up to the DM. If you find
price is actually the cost required to build the unit) yourself at war with a civilization that can mass
Tentative Purchase DC: 40 (if available) produce these weapons, look out!
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged In appearence it looks a lot like a stubby green
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount metal egg with a set of tranparent focusing rings
Range Increment: Doesn’t have a “range increment” around the narrow end. Only one person is required to
as such. Maximum range is 600 feet. The weapon operate the device, but the controls are baffling in the
does not lose any accuracy toward the outer end of its extreme to anyone who hasn't been trained to work the
range. weapon. Every time someone without the weapon
“To Hit” Bonus: -- proficiency attempts to fire the Disintegrator Cannon,
Magazine: 70 or unlimited if hooked up to an outside they must first succeed at an Intelligence Roll vs. DC
power supply 20. If they roll a 1, it goes off in the wrong direction
Rate of Fire: Once per round (the DM should select one at random).
Damage: Special, see description A large, heavy weapon even for a piece of artillery,
Weight: 5 tons disintegrator cannons have a relatively short range.
Armor Class: 0 Ineffective at long-range bombardment, but superb at
Hardness: 10 stopping infantry and armored assaults, they are
Hit Points: 50 usually mounted on fixed fortifications. Some models
DC required to break this item with a Strength have been equipped with treads, but due to the
Roll: 20 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the cannon's weight they can seldom move faster than
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the thirty feet per round.
Description: One of the most feared energy-weapons
ever seen on the battlefield. Troops who see that they

Lepton Guns
Among the most advanced weapons ever built, lepton guns fire streams of excited quarks and attack the reality of the
target on its most basic level. Destructive enough to gravely unbalance most campaigns, they are usually seen as
artifacts left behind by vanished civilizations or perhaps as prototypes built by some incredible genius thousands of
years ahead of his or her time. Fortunately for the DM, they tend to run on hyper-advanced power cells that can't be
replaced or duplicated by present-day technology.

Phased Lepton Projector Range Increment: 500 feet

Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor
Cost: 20,000 Units (almost always a prototype--this is Magazine: 20
actually the cost required to build the weapon) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Tentative Purchase DC: (Weapon must be built or Damage: 8d10 Weird Energy (20 x3)
found--you cannot acquire one with a simple Wealth Weight: 75 pounds (or a 15 pound projector with a 60
check) pound backpack-mounted power cell)
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Armor Class: 5
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Hardness: 3

Hit Points: 5 Description: A sidearm used only by very advanced
DC required to break this item with a Strength societies. It bears little resemblance to a conventional
Roll: 15 pistol. Only by actually holding and trying to point it
Special: Ignores up to 15 points of Hardness or can you tell which direction it is supposed to be
Damage Resistance aimed. Made of living matter, it can regrow one hit
Accessories: Infantry models come with a Backpack- point of damage per six hours and unless it has been
Mounted Energy Cell (Weighs 60 pounds, costs 1,000 recently damaged it always looks shiny and new. It
units, AC 15, 7 Hardness, 18 HP, 20% chance of takes a Standard Action to reload, but runs on power
exploding when it loses all its Hit Points, doing 5d6 cells that are impossible to find outside of the hyper-
damage to the wearer and 2d6 to anything else in a 5 civilization that manufactured it.
foot radius)
Description: An early portable lepton projector, this is
a huge, bulky, fragile weapon. These guns are Lepton Pistol (Light)
generally too large for one man to carry and fire. Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
There are a few experimental models designed for hand” roll)
infantry, which come with a backpack mounted Cost: 400 Units (Only available for sale in very
generator (it isn't compatible with any other energy advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
weapons) and slows the user's movement by a third. or a Relic)
The man-portable version is identical in its stats, Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (if available)
weight, length, etc. to the vehicle-mounted version. Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
The weight of the backpack exactly makes up for the Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
reduced weight of the gun itself. Range Increment: 300 feet
This gun fires a stream of quarks and attacks the “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor, makes a Ranged
enemy's structure at the subatomic level. It makes a Touch Attack
little noise-about as much as a laser, although its range Magazine: 20
and stopping power are vastly superior to any laser Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
sidearm ever made. A strictly military piece of attacks
hardware, almost never available to civilians unless Damage: 4d10 Weird Energy (20 x3), Ignores up to
they have invented it themselves. 15 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 15
Hit Points: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Accessories: Energy Cell (8 oz in weight, price
Lepton Pistol unknown, a minor artifact in its own right, almost
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a never available), Scope with integral targeting system
“sleight of hand” roll) (weighs 1/2 lb, gives the weapon a +2 To Hit bonus
Cost: 600 Units (Only available for sale in very and reduces the Range Increment by one, cost
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact unknown, a minor artifact in its own right, seldom
or a Relic) available for sale)
Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (if available) Description: A specialized lepton pistol, which
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons reduces its firepower in order to have greater range.
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Cultures advanced enough to make a gun like this
Range Increment: 250 feet are difficult to understand. We don't know what
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor, makes a Ranged unfathomable purpose it may be intended for. Perhaps
Touch Attack it's a target pistol? It's certainly useless for hunting, as
Magazine: 40 it leaves very little left of most game.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has It does not look much like a pistol, but once you
attacks pick it up it’s easy to tell how the gun is meant to be
Damage: 5d10 Weird Energy (20 x3). Ignores up to used. Made of living metal, it never has any nicks or
15 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance scratches on it surface and always looks as new as the
Weight: 2 pounds day it was manufactured. It can also grow back lost
Armor Class: 9 hit points at a rate of 1 every six hours.
Hardness: 20 It takes a Standard Action to reload. However,
Hit Points: 10 unless you are a citizen of an unbelievably advanced
DC required to break this item with a Strength civilization, you won't be able to find fresh power
Roll: 25 cells easily. A quest to the far side of the galaxy is
Accessories: Energy Cell (8 oz in weight, price more likely to turn them up than a trip to the
unknown, a minor artifact in its own right, almost convenience store.
never available),

Lepton Carbine
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 850 Units (Only available for sale in very Lepton Rifle
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a Sleight of
or a Relic) Hand roll)
Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (if available) Cost: 1,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use or a Relic)
Range Increment: 450 feet Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor, makes a Ranged Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Touch Attack Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Magazine: 45 Range Increment: 750 feet
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor, makes a Ranged
attacks Touch Attack
Damage: 6d10+6 Weird Energy (20 x3), Ignores up to Magazine: 50
15 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Weight: 4 pounds attacks
Armor Class: 7 Damage: 8d10 Weird Energy (20 x3), Ignores up to
Hardness: 20 15 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance
Hit Points: 15 Weight: 6 pounds
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 7
Roll: 30 Hardness: 20
Accessories: Energy Cell (8 oz in weight, price Hit Points: 25
unknown, a minor artifact in its own right, almost DC required to break this item with a Strength
never available), Scope with integral targeting system Roll: 35
(weighs 1/2 lb, gives the weapon a +2 To Hit bonus Accessories: Energy Cell (8 oz in weight, price
and reduces the Range Increment by one, cost unknown, a minor artifact in its own right, almost
unknown, a minor artifact in its own right, seldom never available), Scope with integral targeting system
available for sale) (weighs 1/2 lb, gives the weapon a +2 To Hit bonus
Description: A small, light Lepton Rifle, no bigger and reduces the Range Increment by one, cost
than a sawed-off shotgun. It can deliver either a single unknown, a minor artifact in its own right, seldom
bolt, expending one charge, or a continuous beam that available for sale)
can be played across an entire ten-foot square like an Description: A full-sized military Lepton Rifle (if
autofire weapon at a cost of three charges. societies advanced enough to make these weapons still
The gun is made of living metal, and can have something we could recognize as a military).
regenerate lost hit points at a rate of one every six It can deliver either a single bolt, using one charge
hours. It never shows any sign of wear or aging. from its power cell, or a continuous beam that can be
It takes only a single Standard Action to replace the played across an entire ten-foot square like an autofire
device's power cell, but finding a spare power cell in weapon at a cost of three charges. The target square
the first place is quite another matter. There may be has an effective defense of 10. Anyone caught in the
one or two sitting on dusty museum shelves, target square can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
unclassified, or venerated as gods by some lost DC 20 to take half damage.
primitive tribe, or in some even more unlikely and Made of living metal, it can regenerate one hit
dangerous place. Acquiring a new one should amost point every six hours, and never shows any of the
always be the subject of a whole adventure, if the DM usual signs of wear and tear. A Lepton rifle made a
allows it at all. thousand years ago looks no older than one made
This is one of the most powerful hand-weapons
ever made and should be treated with extreme caution
by the watchful DM. Fortunately for the sake of your
campaign, its power cells are extremely difficult to
find, unless you live in a society which manufactures
them (in which case everyone has Lepton Rifles and

the game-balance problem disappears). It takes a Special: Ignores up to 15 points of Hardness or
Standard Action to reload. Damage Resistance
Accessories: Bipod Mount (Weighs 2 pounds, Costs
150 units)
Quantum Cannon Description: This appears to be a squad-support
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) weapon, although it's hard to guess what kind of
Cost: 45,000 Units (Only available for sale in very small-unit tactics beings advanced this advanced
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact would devise.
or a Relic) The gun can deliver either a single bolt, using one
Tentative Purchase DC: 31 (if available) charge from its power cell, or a continuous beam
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged which can be played across an entire ten-foot square
Handed: Weapon must be fired from a mount like an autofire weapon at a cost of three charges. The
Range Increment: 500 feet target square has an effective defense of 10. Anyone
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor caught in the target square can make a Reflexes
Magazine: 70 Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage.
Rate of Fire: Once per round Roughly the size and shape of a shoulder-mounted
Damage: 10d20+20 Weird Energy rocket launcher, it is as light as a feather but still needs
Weight: 2 pounds to be fired from a bipod mount, because of its length
Armor Class: 3 and awkward balance. It is very hard to understand
Hardness: 25 how to operate this weapon.
Hit Points: 80 Made from some strange living metal, it can
DC required to break this item with a Strength regenerate damage at a rate of one hp per hour and
Roll: 25 to disable with a skill roll (perhaps the never looks old or worn from use.
“Repair” skill, although this of course is up to the

The Witherslant Guns

The Weapon Masters of Witherslant lurk in the world's dark corners, quietly plying the trade of death. No one knows
much about them, save that they sell the finest weapons ever created, yet the price they charge is so dreadful that you
still wouldn't want one.

I have left most details about the Witherslant Masters deliberately vague and/or mysterious so as to better fit your
campaign. Shadowy arms merchants who produce energy weapons of remarkable power, no one knows who they are,
what they want or what could be done to stop them. Their products are far more advanced than the technological norm
and function according to principles that aren't fully understood. They sell their wares surreptitiously and they don't
charge money. Instead, the buyer must kill whoever the Witherslant Masters instruct them to for one year.

The DM is free to come up with the identity and goals of the Witherslant Masters. Appendix A "A Few Brief Notes on
Dealing With the Witherslant Masters" provides extensive suggestions for how to incorporate them into your campaign
without any major adjustments, as well as a lengthy description of how one would actually go about acquiring one of
their weapons. Use or discard as much of it as you like.

Required Proficiency: Simple

Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 200 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +3
Magazine: 75
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 6d8 Weird Energy (19-20 x3)
Weight: 7 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Witherslant Gun, Model Zed Hardness: 20
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Hit Points: 25
hand” roll) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Cost: Kill whoever the horrible Weapon Masters say Roll: 30
for one year Accessories: Scope and targeting system are already
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (see "cost") built into the weapon, and taken into account in its

Range Modifier
Description: Crafted by the infamous Weapon-
Masters of Witherslant, this unbelievably powerful
energy weapon is available to any human being who
cares to pay their terrible price. It does 6d8 damage,
and flies up into the wielder's hand at a thought,
rendering it totally unnecessary to Ready the weapon Witherslant Gun, Model Q
before combat. It also projects an invisible force field Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
around the wielder, adding a +5 to their AC (the field hand” roll)
can be expanded to cover anyone at Close range). Cost: Kill whoever the horrible Weapon Masters say
Each of their weapons is isomorphic, and responds for one year
only to its one individual user. It looks Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (see "cost")
unremarkable—just a carbine-shaped piece of what Required Proficiency: Simple
looks like molded gray plastic. But anyone who knows Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
what it is will give the bearer a wide berth. Range Increment: 200 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +3
Magazine: 70
Witherslant Gun, Model X Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of attacks
hand” roll) Damage: 2d6 Weird Energy (18-20 x3) plus 4d8
Cost: Kill whoever the horrible Weapon Masters say Nonlethal
for one year Weight: 7 pounds
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (see "cost") Armor Class: 7
Required Proficiency: Simple Hardness: 20
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Hit Points: 25
Range Increment: 100 feet DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Roll: 30
Magazine: 50 Accessories: Scope and targeting system are already
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has built into the weapon, and taken into account in its
attacks Range Modifier
Damage: 4d8 Weird Energy (17-20 x3), Ignores up to Description: Another cruel and twisted product of the
7 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance Witherslant Masters, This model specializes in
Weight: 6 pounds inflicting pain. It fires a green ray which can be
Armor Class: 7 adjusted to affect either a 40 foot cone or a single
Hardness: 20 target. It can also be sprayed back and forth like an
Hit Points: 20 autofire weapon, attacking everything in a ten foot
DC required to break this item with a Strength square (this takes only a single charge). Anyone hit
Roll: 25 by the beam suffers unbelievable torments and will
Special: take not only Nonlethal damage from the pain itself,
Accessories: Scope and targeting system are already but also normal damage from the spasms and
built into the weapon, and taken into account in its convulsions. A small-touch activated switch on the
Range Modifier side makes the gun affect sentient robots instead of
Description: An ugly weapon, grim and lethal living organisms. Any troops hit by this weapon must
looking. About the size and shape of a submachine make an immediate morale check at -4.
gun, it's made of what looks like matte-black plastic, The gun itself is small, narrow and streamlined
with a sharp three-pronged spike where the barrel looking. It's too long for a shoulder holster but could
should be. The Model X needs to fired with two be hidden under a long coat. The material it is made
hands, but it can be easily concealed under a coat. It from is somehow alive, and can regenerate one hit
makes no sound at all when fired, although silent blue point per hour if the weapon is damaged.
electrical sparks flicker around the trident. Like all of Like all of the Witherslant guns, it projects an
the Witherslant guns it flies up into the wielder's hand energy field around its user which increases their
at a thought, rendering it totally unnecessary to Ready armor class by +3, and it will fly up into their hand at
the weapon before combat. It also projects an invisible a thought. Readying the weapon is always a free
force field around the wielder, adding a +3 to their AC action. It responds only to its owner. If anyone else
vs. energy weapons (the field can be expanded to presses the trigger-button, they suffer the full effects
cover anyone within a 5 foot radius). It responds only of its agonizing attack.
to its owner. If anyone else presses the trigger-button,
it simply won't fire.
Witherslant Gun, Model Aleph-Naught
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: Kill whoever the Witherslant Weapon Masters

say for one year Witherslant has been the first name in evil since the
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (see "cost") nameless depths of time!
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Range Increment: 200 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
Magazine: 65
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 5d8 Weird Energy (19-20 x3)
Weight: 7 pounds
Armor Class: 7
Hardness: 20
Hit Points: 25
Witherslant Pistol
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
DC required to break this item with a Strength
“sleight of hand” roll)
Roll: 30
Cost: Kill whoever the Witherslant Weapon Masters
Accessories: Scope and targeting system are already
say for one year
built into the weapon, and taken into account in its
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A (see "cost")
Range Modifier
Required Proficiency: Simple
Description: A diabolical product of the fiendish
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Weapon Masters, this gun fires a lethal stream of
Range Increment: 40 feet
Tachyon particles, which move backward it time,
“To Hit” Bonus: +1
hitting the target before you can even pull the trigger.
Magazine: 50
For reasons that involve time paradoxes the
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Tachyons can't hit anything before you made the
decision to pull the trigger, so they normally travel
Damage: 4d8 Weird Energy (19-20 x3), Ignores up to
only a few fractions of a second backwards in time. In
7 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance
game terms this means that you automatically win any
Weight: 2 pounds
contest of initiative. Unless you are surprised, you
Armor Class: 9
always go first.
Hardness: 20
Physically the gun looks harmless enough. It's a
Hit Points: 10
piece of what looks like matte beige plastic, about the
DC required to break this item with a Strength
size of a sawed-off shotgun, with two grips molded
Roll: 20
into the side. It's hard to tell which end is which--
Accessories: Holster (costs 20 Units, weighs 1/2
there is no obvious barrel and it fires no visible beam.
You point it at the target, they explode and then you
Description: Another game-unbalancing product of
pull the trigger. In game terms it isn't really possible
the fiendish Weapon-Masters, this gun is small enough
to stop someone from pulling the trigger after the
to hide in a pocket but can punch holes in a tank.
target has already been hit (there isn't enough time).
Thought-senstitve, it flies up into the user's hand by
Like all of the Witherslant guns, this one projects
itself and never takes an action to Ready. It projects an
an energy screen which gives the user a +3 Armor
invisible force field around the wielder, adding a +2 to
Class bonus vs. energy weapons, and will fly up into
their AC vs. energy weapons. It only responds to its
the user's hand at a thought (and so never needs to be
owner's thoughts.
A testament to how scary and awful super-weapons
can be. Buy one today and you'll see why

Entropy Weapons
It is rumored that some races at the highest end of the technological scale have developed weapons that project the
primal force of entropy itself. Some say that’s impossible, or at least gravely immoral (it increases the rate of universal
decay to fire one of these guns, reducing the lifespan of the Universe by perhaps an hour with each shot). If you have
neither objection to using them, here they are.

Entropy Projector or a Relic)

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Tentative Purchase DC: 17 (if available)
“sleight of hand” roll) Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons, Missile
Cost: 850 Units (Only available for sale in very Handed: N/A
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Range Increment: 40 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor

Magazine: 50 field. It costs a full charge every time you use the
Rate of Fire: Once per round weapon, even if the field you create is smaller than
Damage: Can be set to do anywhere from 1-12 d8 of usual.
damage (no critical hits). Each die of damage done Just being around the anti-life projector is subtly
expends one charge. unpleasant. Living things instinctively know that it is
Weight: 2 pounds saturated with death. Any living thing reacts to
Armor Class: 9 someone carrying an anti-life projector at a -2. Troops
Hardness: 7 faced with an anti-life projector, even if they don't
Hit Points: 10 know what it is, must make all morale checks at a -2
DC required to break this item with a Strength penalty. Robots don't care, and react normally.
Roll: 19
Description: A small, matte-gray oval with a handle
at one end, this is not obviously a weapon. It emits no Pocket Anti-Life Projector
beam and makes no sound when in operation –the Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
target just blackens and dies. Useless as a cutting tool hand” roll)
or to start campfires, it is only really good for killing Cost: 1,200 Units (Only available for sale in very
things. It responds to thought-commands from its user, advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
and does between 1 and 12 eight-sided dice of or a Relic).
damage. If used on a wall or other non-living object, Tentative Purchase DC: 18
the target will blacken and crumble, rather than Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
bursting into flames or exploding. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: This is an area effect weapon and
doesn’t have a Range Increment as such.
Anti-Life Projector “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) Magazine: 30
Cost: 1,500 Units (Only available for sale in very Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact attacks
or a Relic). Damage: Special, see description
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 Weight: 2 pounds
Required Proficiency: Simple Armor Class: 9
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a Hardness: 4
mount Hit Points: 5
Range Increment: This is an area effect weapon and DC required to break this item with a Strength
doesn’t have a Range Increment as such. Roll: 13
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor Accessories: Holster (must be custom-made, for about
Magazine: 60 150 Units, weighs 1/2 pound), Energy Cell (8 oz in
Rate of Fire: Once per round weight, price unknown, a minor artifact in its own
Damage: Special, see description right, almost never available).
Weight: 35 pounds Description: A tiny, handheld version of the anti-life
Armor Class: 3 projector. It functions like a scaled down version of
Hardness: 4 the full-sized device. Living creatures don't like it and
Hit Points: 15 will react to someone carrying it at a -2. Troops faced
DC required to break this item with a Strength with an anti-life projector must make all morale
Roll: 15 checks at a -2 penalty, regardless of whether or not
Accessories: Energy Cell (1 pound in weight, price they consciously know what it does. Their
unknown, a minor artifact in its own right, almost unconscious mind grasps the truth only too well. This
never available). thing is Death.
Description: A large, chunky weapon with a The projector creates an area one square across and
complicated array of lenses in place of a barrel. up to four squares long (you can shape it however you
Smaller than a cannon, bigger than a rifle, it's not like) in which any living creature must make a
really a hand-weapon and is usually fired from a Fortitude roll vs. DC 20 or instantly die. They must
mount. It's controls are complex and arcane, a maze roll once for every round that they remain within the
of toggle switches, buttons and mysterious gauges. field. It always takes a charge to use the projector,
The projector creates an area one square across and even if you create a field that's smaller than maximum
up to ten squares long (you can shape it however you size.
like) in which any living creature must make a
Fortitude roll vs. DC 20 or instantly die. They must
roll once for every round that they remain within the

Other Super-Advanced Weapons
The Porcupine
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 1,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
or a Relic).
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, could be more if
launched from some kind of a weapon
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Once per Round
Damage: 4d6 piercing damage to anything in a 10
foot radius. Anyone caught in the device's radius of
effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20
to take half damage
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 15
Hardness: 3
Hit Points: 10
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20
Description: A small spikey ball made from some
weird alien metal. When it lands in the target square,
its spines suddenly grow out to ten feet long, plunging
through everything in a 10 foot radius. Then just as
suddenly they retract, leaving the ball sitting there
harmlessly on the ground. It can do this an unlimited The Vivisector Pane
number of times--it has no magazine as such. Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
After it has been in a particular user's posession for hand” roll)
3d6 days minus their Charisma bonus, it becomes Cost: 1,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
attuned to their thoughts and can be set to play a advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
number of nasty tricks. It can be instructed to wait for or a Relic).
a variable amount of time (there is no upper limit) Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
before it goes off, or to go off only when someone Required Proficiency: Simple
picks it up, or when a moving object passes within ten Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
feet of it, or when a warm moving object passes within Range Increment: 20 feet
ten feet of it. It can be told to do this just once, or as “To Hit” Bonus: --
many times as you like. Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 3d8 Slashing (18-20 x4) to everything in a
ten foot square On a critical hit, the target has been
cut in half.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 15
Hit Points: 25
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 50
Description: A small rectangle of what looks like
glass. It is in fact made of some strange
polydimensional substance which doesn't function like
ordinary matter. You throw the rectangle at a
particular square, and it rapidly expands when it
reaches the target, slicing neatly across the square and
effectively attacking anything inside it. Anyone
caught in the target square must make a Reflexes

Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or take damage as the pane 6d8 damage.
slices through their body. After the attack has been The Thousand Wound Spiral can trap any being
resolved, the pane contracts to its original size and can from size Huge to size Small. If it is thrown at a larger
be collected and used again. or smaller creature it will become confused and seek
out the nearest available target. If the only available
target is the person who cast it, they had better be
prepared to have a sense of humor about their plight.
The device continues to wound the target until they
die or break out of the device's orbit or the device runs
out of power or its user mentally commands it to stop.
Alas, it won't recognize your mental commands if it
has already decided that you are its target. If the target
dies or you command the blade to stop, it instantly
flies back to your hand, taking effectively no time.
Once the device runs out of power, it falls to the
ground inert. If there is some way to recharge it, no
one has ever found out what it is.

Variable Metal Throwing Disk

Size: Small (no bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight-of-hand” roll)
Cost: 1,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
or a Relic).
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged (also
The Thousand Wound Spiral works with any other Variable Metal weapon)
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
hand” roll) Range Increment: 20 feet
Cost: 1,050 Units (Only available for sale in very “To Hit” Bonus: +3
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once,
or a Relic). but you can launch as many of them as you have
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available) attacks
Required Proficiency: Simple Damage: 1d4+3 Slashing (17-20 x3) or 2d10
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Nonlethal Damage. Ignores Hardness and Damage
Range Increment: 40 feet Resistance.
“To Hit” Bonus: Hits automatically Weight: 1 pound
Magazine: 35 Armor Class: 9
Rate of Fire: Once per round Hardness: 15
Damage: Special, see description Hit Points: 5
Weight: 1 pound DC required to break this item with a Strength
Armor Class: 13 Roll: 30
Hardness: 10 Special: Ignores armor, makes a Ranged Touch
Hit Points: 5 Attack.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Description: A razor-sharp throwing disk made from
Roll: 35 super-advanced variable metal. It can adjust is own
Description: This mean little weapon looks like a molecular density and pass harmlessly through solid
crooked, irregularly shaped piece of plastic with a objects. It can also materialize inside them. The disk
single razor-sharp edge. can hit objects on the other side of walls or pass right
You throw it at the target, and it begins circling though a target's armor and hit them from the inside.
them at high speed, unpredictably changing its course it can also partially rematerialize and do nonlethal
with every orbit. It spins so fast that it looks like a damage, shocking the target's system as it passes
single long metallic streak. Each round it brushes up through them without actually slicing into their flesh.
against the target's exposed flesh, doing a point of You have to tell the disk which objects to pass through
damage. If the target attempts any physical action and when to rematerialize before you launch it. You
apart from standing perfectly still, they must make a can't give it any further instructions once it has been
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or take an launched.
additional 1d6 damage. Anyone who tries to touch
them will also take 1d6 damage with each attempt. If
the target leaves the spot they are standing on, they
step through the path of the whirling blade and take

Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13 when dormant, 3 when in use.
Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 20
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 27
Description: A small flat pentagon, made from what
looks like smooth gray plastic. It feels very odd to the
touch, both smooth and yet somehow rubbery and
sticky at the same time.
You can fling the device at the target or it can fly
there under its own power-the weapon is thought-
Restraint Ring guided. Once it reaches the target, it expands to an
appropriate size and hovers just above their head.
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Then eleven other pentagons materialize out of some
“sleight of hand” roll)
extradimensional space, trapping the target in a prison
Cost: 350 Units (Only available for sale in very
the shape of a twelve-sided die.
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
The Imprisonment Module is gas-permeable (the
or a Relic)
prisoner can breathe normally through its walls) and
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (if available)
offers no protection against toxic atmospheres or
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
poison gas attacks. The temperature inside is always
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
ten degrees warmer that it is outside. The module has
Range Increment: 20 feet
a Hardness of 10 and it takes 20 hp worth of damage
“To Hit” Bonus: --
to break open. If an attacker does more than 20 points
Magazine: N/A
of damage to the module, the character trapped inside
Rate of Fire: Once per round
takes the remainder. To burst the prison open from
Damage: Special, see description
the inside with sheer brute force requires a Strength
Weight: 1 pound
roll vs. DC 27.
Armor Class: 13 (18 in the air, 12 when pinioning a
The module can expand wide enough to imprison a
live opponent)
Large Creature, but it will grow confused and return to
Hardness: 15
its wielder if it is asked to imprison anything bigger
Hit Points: 25
than that. A simple thought-command from its user
DC required to break this item with a Strength
releases the prisoner.
Roll: 65
Description: A small metal ring, covered with
incomprehensible alien circuitry. It flies out from the
wielder’s hand, expanding to a diameter of about five Tesseract Throwing Weapon
feet, then drops down over the target, pinning their Size: Varies (but always has a +4 bonus to be
arms to their sides. If it misses, it flies back to the concealed with a “Sleight of Hand” roll)
wielder’s hand. It is possible to attack the ring in mid- Cost: 1,100 Units (Only available for sale in very
flight, but because it drops on the target from above, it advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity. The or a Relic).
trapped character suffers a -2 penalty on all attacks, Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
has their Dexterity effectively reduced by 4, and Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged
moves at half speed. To free themselves, they must Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
take a full action and make an Escape Artist roll vs. Range Increment: 20 feet
DC 25. “To Hit” Bonus: +4
Magazine: N/A
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Imprisonment Module attacks
Damage: 2d4 Slashing (17-20 x2), ignores armor,
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hardness, damage resistance and cover altogether.
hand” roll)
Affects Ethereal targets
Cost: 350 Units (Only available for sale in very
Weight: 1 pound
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Armor Class: 9
or a Relic)
Hardness: 15
Tentative Purchase DC: 14 (if available)
Hit Points: 30
Required Proficiency: Simple
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Roll: 45
Range Increment: 30 feet
Description: A four-dimensional throwing blade,
“To Hit” Bonus: --
which teleports back to your hand after you throw it (if

you have the Weapon Proficiency). This is not a Required Proficiency: Simple
magical or psionic weapon and neither magical nor Handed: N/A
psionic attempts to block its teleportation ability will Range Increment: --
affect it. It looks like a semitransparent star-and “To Hit” Bonus: --
changes its shape and size as you move it. It's angles Rate of Fire: Once per round
don't make sense to human eyes and hurt to look at for Damage: Special, see description Energy Drain
very long. Weight: 1 pound
As a four-dimensional object, it is not subject to the Armor Class: 13
laws of three dimensional space. It ignores armor and Hardness: 1
makes a ranged touch attack. Cover is useless against Hit Points: 3
it--the weapon can hit a target on the far side of a wall DC required to break this item with a Strength
and leave the wall undamaged. It attacks the target Roll: 18
from the inside and leaves deep incisions that don't Description: An odd psychic artifact which looks like
reach the surface of the target's skin and have bizzare an irregular transparent pancake with five black
spatial properties, sometimes connecting with one spheres of varying sizes stuck in it. When it is
another in impossible ways. detonated, it gives 1d4 negative levels to anyone in a
ten-foot radius. It responds to thought commands and
can be set to detonate when it is stepped on or
Dagger of the Mind whenever it psychically senses a living being within
Size: Diminutive (+8 bonus to conceal with a “sleight ten feet. It can also be set off by telepathic command.
of hand” roll) The mine can hear its master's thoughts at a range of
Cost: 1,600 Units (Only available for sale in very about one mile. It does not however have a mind of
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact its own, stictly speaking, and cannot communicate
or a Relic) anything about what it "sees" back to its master.
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (if available)
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Vortex Mine
Range Increment: -- Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
“To Hit” Bonus: Hits automatically, See description hand” roll)
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Cost: 550 Units (Only available for sale in very
attacks advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Damage: Special, see description or a Relic)
Weight: 1/2 pound Tentative Purchase DC: 16 (if available)
Armor Class: 13 Required Proficiency: Simple
Hardness: 9 Handed: N/A
Hit Points: 10 Range Increment: --
DC required to break this item with a Strength “To Hit” Bonus: --
Roll: 30 Rate of Fire: Once per round
Description: A small, jagged piece of what appears to Damage: Special, see description
be light green glass, shaped a little like a knife. It has Weight: 2 pounds
very strange reflective properties and can induce mild Armor Class: 13
vertigo if stared at too long. It gives the wielder the Hardness: 3
ability to make mental attacks, stabbing into the mind Hit Points: 5
of the opponent. You can use the weapon to attack DC required to break this item with a Strength
anyone in your line of sight. You don't need to roll to Roll: 15
hit them, but you do need to Concentrate to make the Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 10
weapon work. The target must make a Willpower Units, range of 200 yards unless the DM determines
Saving Throw vs. your Intelligence +2 or take 1d8 that something is interfering with the signal)
damage. This damage is extremely gruesome--the Description: A very advanced device, but still a
Target bleeds from the nose and eyes. There is no recognizably a land-mine. It can be set to go off when
limit to the number of times the weapon can be used-it it is touched, when up to five moving objects pass
runs on the power of your mind, not some power within its range (it will count them, and only go off
source of its own. when the required number of moving objects are
present) or when it receives a coded radio signal.
When triggered, it opens a round, 20 foot wide
Energy-Drain Mine dimensional portal, sending everything in its range off
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of to some other plane. Some inventive DM's may allow
hand” roll) there to be some way for characters stranded on the far
Cost: 500 Units (Only available for sale in very side of the dimensional barriers to one day come back.
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact for the most part, however, we can assume they are
or a Relic) gone for good.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)

Magazine: 15
Ultra-Smart Land Mine Rate of Fire: Once per round
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Damage: Special, see description
hand” roll) Weight: 3 pounds
Cost: 1,000 Units (Only available for sale in very Armor Class: 9
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Hardness: 5
or a Relic) Hit Points: 2
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available) DC required to break this item with a Strength
Required Proficiency: Simple Roll: 15
Handed: N/A Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units),
Range Increment: -- Holster (must be custom-made, for about 150 Units,
“To Hit” Bonus: -- weighs 1/2 pound)
Rate of Fire: Once per round Description: A small silver colored, streamlined
Damage: Varies, from 1-7d6 damage, nonlethal or object that bears only the faintest reseblance to a
normal. Affects a radius from 5 feet to 20 feet. Can do pistol. It creates a 25 foot cone in which time comes
varying amounts of damage to individual targets in the to a stop. Anyone and anything stuck in the cone is
same blast radius. See description for more details frozen in place, invulnerable and unable to take any
Bludgeoning action, until either the device runs out of charges or
Weight: 2 pounds the user turns it off. It is possible to shoot an object
Armor Class: 9 caught in the field with a ranged weapon, but the shot
Hardness: 5 will freeze in place at the edge of the field until the
Hit Points: 2 generator is turned off. A frozen character can't use
DC required to break this item with a Strength their Dexterity to enhance their Armor Class. The
Roll: 20 Stasis Pistol takes ordinary power cells, of the type
Description: Weird relic of some lost civilization, it used by most other energy weapons. It can be
looks like a lump of transparent goop about the size of reloaded in one Standard Action.
a fried egg, with a pulsing crystal nodule at the center.
It is in fact a hyperintelligent land mine. It can
recognize complex commands ("detonate as soon as Temporal Stasis Generator
the third admiral enters the room" or even "don't Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
detonate unless you can see the negotiations have Cost: 1,400 Units (Only available for sale in very
failed" are well within its capacities). It will follow advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
orders thoughtfully and intuitively, not rigidly and or a Relic)
mechanically. It can also arrange to direct it's blast Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
partly on this plane of existence and partly on others, Required Proficiency: Simple
so it can hit ethereal targets. The mine can easily Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a
shape its impact to hit some targets while leaving mount
others unscathed and can vary the number of dice of Range Increment: This is a cone effect weapon and
damage it does to each one. It can affect a ten foot doesn’t have a Range Increment as such
radius, a ten foot cone, or any smaller shape the user “To Hit” Bonus: --
requests. In addition to the burst of explosive force, it Magazine: 30
can arrange to do its damage in the form of heat, cold, Rate of Fire: Once per round
hard radiation, electricity or any combination of the Damage: Special, see description
above. It also writes poetry in six languages and will Weight: 38 pounds
ask politely not be detonated. If it is instructed to Armor Class: 5
destroy itself, the mine will carry out its user's orders Hardness: 5
to the very best of its ability, despite the regret it feels Hit Points: 9
at leaving this existence. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 18
Special: Creates a 25 foot cone in which time comes
Temporal Stasis Pistol to a stop. Anyone and anything stuck in the cone is
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a frozen in place, invulnerable and unable to take any
“sleight of hand” roll) action, until either the device runs out of charges or
Cost: 1,100 Units (Only available for sale in very the user turns it off. It is possible to shoot an object
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact caught in the field with a ranged weapon, but the shot
or a Relic) will freeze in place at the edge of the field until the
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available) generator is turned off.
Required Proficiency: Simple Description: A large, silver colored device that just
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use barely resembles a gun. Only the fact that it's fired
Range Increment: This is a cone effect weapon and with a trigger indicates that it's some kind of weapon.
doesn’t have a Range Increment as such Only rarely would it be mounted on a vehicle. While
“To Hit” Bonus: -- the field isn't lethal in and of itself, it's easy to kill

someone caught inside it. Just shoot them a bunch of Armor Class: 13
times with some other weapon, and then turn the Hardness: 2
generator off. All the shots you fired at them will be Hit Points: 2
frozen in place at the edge of the Temporal Stasis DC required to break this item with a Strength
field, ready to slam into the target simultaeously once Roll: 15
you switch the field off. The Stasis Generator is Special: Disintegrates everything in a ten-foot radius.
hardly standard, off-the-shelf technology, but it has It completely annihilates everything in that radius,
been adapted to take standard power cells. regardless of hit points, hardness, etc. If a target makes
a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25, and immediately
moves out of the grenade's radius of effect, they only
Temporal Stasis Grenade take 5d6 damage. A chunk of their body is now
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of missing.
hand” roll) Description: A transparent, barrel-shaped object,
Cost: 500 Units (Only available for sale in very made from artificial matter. Somewhere deep inside
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact some sort of mechanism appears to be moving and
or a Relic) shifting, but it's impossible to make out. A product of
Tentative Purchase DC: 15 (if available) technonolgy that can manipulate reality at its most
Required Proficiency: Simple fundamantal level, it simply cancels the existance of
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use anything in its radius of effect. Don't roll for damage.
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, more if launched Everything in its radius is simply gone. This creates no
from a weapon. explosion or detectable energy signature. The only
“To Hit” Bonus: -- noise it makes is the "whoosh" of air rushing in to fill
Rate of Fire: Once per round the empty space. If anyone tries to take the grenade
Damage: Special, see description apart to see how it works, it goes off.
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13
Hardness: 2 Selective Matter-Annihilation Grenade
Hit Points: 2 Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
DC required to break this item with a Strength hand” roll)
Roll: 15 Cost: 1,200 Units (Only available for sale in very
Special: Stops time in a 15 foot radius. Anyone and advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
anything stuck in the area of effect is frozen in place, or a Relic)
invulnerable and unable to take any action, for 2-12 Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
rounds. It is possible to shoot an object caught in the Required Proficiency: Simple
field with a ranged weapon, but the shot will freeze in Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
place at the edge of the field until the effect wears off. Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, more if launched
Description: A silver-colored grenade, covered in from a weapon.
strange looking circuitry, which seems to cross over “To Hit” Bonus: --
and under itself in impossible ways. When flung at Rate of Fire: Once per round
the target, it creates a field of temporal stasis, freezing Damage: Special, see description
everything in its radius of effect in place. To keep the Weight: 2 pounds
enemy from flinging it back at you, the grenade has Armor Class: 13
only enough charge in its power cell for one shot, and Hardness: 2
its circuits fuse together into a useless mass once its Hit Points: 2
charge has been used up. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15
Special: Disintegrates everything in a ten-foot radius
Matter-Annihilation Grenade but leaves anything the user wants to spare totally
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of untouched. Everything else is completely and utterly
hand” roll) annihilated, regardless of how many hit points or how
Cost: 1,000 Units (Only available for sale in very much damage resistance it has. If a target makes a
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25, and immediately
or a Relic) moves out of the grenade's radius of effect, they only
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available) take 3d8 damage. Targets that are large enough to be
Required Proficiency: Simple only partially destroyed take 6d10 damage, which
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use ignores hardness and damage resistance.
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, more if launched Description: A transparent, barrel-shaped object,
from a weapon. made from arfiticial matter. Some sort of mechanism
“To Hit” Bonus: -- appears to be moving and shifting around near its
Rate of Fire: Once per round center. A thought-actuated device, it can be told to
Damage: Special, see description leave certain targets in its radius of effect untouched.
Weight: 2 pounds It won't read the user's mind unless the user wants it

to, so the user must conciously instruct the grenade as assembled)
to what to leave intact. The objects it destroys simply DC required to break this item with a Strength
wink out of existance, leaving no trace. Roll: 10 (20 when assembled)
Special: Vorpal. On a critical hit, this weapon will
sever the target's head from their body. This does not
Vortex Grenade work on creatures that do not have heads, and at the
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of DM's discretion there may be targets who suffer no
hand” roll) particular ill effect from having their heads cut off
Cost: 1,500 Units (Only available for sale in very (robots, for example, or zombies).
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Description: A small blue capsule which looks a lot
or a Relic) like a vitamin pill. When you twist the two halves of
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 the capsule in opposite directions (this takes two
Required Proficiency: Simple hands) it unfolds a large hypersharp sword from some
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use extradimensional space. It takes a round for the blade
Range Increment: 10 feet if thrown, more if launched to fully manifest. The weapon itself is made from
from a slingshot or other such device. some synthetic material and is as sharp as a weapon
“To Hit” Bonus: -- edged with mononofilament wire. It can be folded
Rate of Fire: Each weapon can only be thrown once, back up into the package and reused, if you like. This
but you can launch as many of them as you have also takes a full round.
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 2 pounds
Armor Class: 13 (Can't be attacked in flight by most
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 2
DC required to break this item with a Strength Self-Assembling Gun
Roll: 15 Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
Description: A very advanced weapon which barely hand” roll) before it is assembled. Large once it has
looks like a traditional grenade. It comes only in a been assembled (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight
hand-thrown version--there is no rifle-grenade variant. of hand” roll)
When detonated, it opens an extradimensional portal Cost: 1,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
and sucks in everything within a fifteen foot radius. advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Anyone caught in the vortex must make a Reflexes or a Relic).
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 be transported to another Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
plane of existence (which plane is of course up to the Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
DM, but it almost doesn't matter--they're probably Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
gone for good). Range Increment: 80 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 50
Self-Assembling Sword Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of attacks
hand” roll) when dormant. Medium when assembled Damage: 3d10+3 Radiation (19-20 x3)
(-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll) Weight: 1/10 pound when dormant, 4 pounds when
Cost: 1,000 Units (Only available for sale in very assembled
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Armor Class: 13 when dormant, 7 when fully
or a Relic). assembled.
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available) Hardness: 10
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee Hit Points: 10 when dormant, 15 when fully
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use assembled)
Range Increment: -- DC required to break this item with a Strength
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Roll: 10 (18 when assembled)
Magazine: Unlimited Description: A small red capsule, about the size of a
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has vitamin pill, packed with nano-machines. To activate
attacks the device, you twist the capsule open and throw it up
Damage: 1d8+1 Slashing (17-20 x2) into the air. It pulls matter out of a tiny dimensional
Weight: 1/10 pound when dormant, 3 pounds when rift and assembles it into an energy rifle. It takes only
assembled. a single standard action for the weapon to form and
Armor Class: 13 when dormant, 7 when fully drop into the user's hands. The rifle itself is extremely
assembled. simple. It fires a focused beam of light at the target,
Hardness: 15 relying on its massive power supply to overcome the
Hit Points: 15 when dormant, 25 when fully inherent inefficiency of this technique. The rifle isn't

really made to last and once it has exhausted its Weight: 1/10 pound when dormant, 500 pounds when
battery it will take itself apart into a pile of watery assembled
gray soup. Armor Class: 13 when dormant, 3 when fully
Hardness: 16
Self-Assembling Heavy Weapon Hit Points: 15 when dormant, 65 when fully
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of assembled)
hand” roll) before it is assembled. Huge (can’t be DC required to break this item with a Strength
concealed) once it has been fully assembled Roll: 10 (24 when assembled)
Cost: 1,650 Units (Only available for sale in very Description: A small blue capsule, about the size of
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact an asprin. To activate the device, you twist the
or a Relic). capsule open and throw it up into the air. It pulls
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (if available) matter out of a tiny dimensional rift and assembles it
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged into an energy cannon, which settles down into the
Handed: Requires 2 hands, usually fired from a nearest two unoccupied squares. It takes only a single
mount standard action for the weapon to form and settle to
Range Increment: 200 feet the ground. If there are no unoccupied squares
“To Hit” Bonus: -- available the device will not activate. The cannon
Magazine: 75 itself is extremely simple. It fires a focused beam of
Rate of Fire: Once per round light at the target, relying on its massive power supply
Damage: 5d10 Weird Energy (20 x3) to make this crude technique effective. Once it has
Weight: 1/10 pound when dormant, 22 pounds when exhausted its battery it will take itself apart into a pile
assembled. of watery gray soup.
Armor Class: 13 when dormant, 5 when fully
Hardness: 10 Self-Assembling Bomb
Hit Points: 10 when dormant, 15 when fully Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
assembled) hand” roll) until activated. It then becomes Huge and
DC required to break this item with a Strength impossible to conceal with a Sleight of Hand roll.
Roll: 10 (20 when assembled) Cost: 3,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
Special: Affects a 60 foot cone. Anyone caught in its advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
area of effect can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. or a Relic).
DC 18 to take half damage. Tentative Purchase DC: 22 (if for sale at all)
Description: A transparent green capsule, which Required Proficiency: Simple
looks not unlike a vitamin tablet. When you twist Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
both ends end and let it drop, a heavy energy weapon “To Hit” Bonus: --
unfolds itself from some transdimensional space and Magazine: Can only be used once
settles to the ground at your feet. This gun clearly Damage: 10d6 Bludgeoning damage to anything in a
isn't made from anything like normal matter. Parts of 40 foot radius
it look like a glowing outline, rather than a solid Weight: 1/20 of a pound before it has been assembled.
object, parts of it are transparent and even the solid 500 pounds once it has assembled itself.
bits have a distinctly unnatural feel. It fires a broad 60 Armor Class: 18 before it is assembled, 0 after it has
foot cone of some strange green energy and when its been assembled
magazine is exhausted, it dissolves away into Hardness: 15
nothingness Hit Points: 15
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 15 to disable with a "Demolitions" or other skill
Self-Assembling Howitzer roll, but See description.
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Accessories: --
hand” roll) before it is assembled. Huge (can’t be Description: A transparent red capsule, roughly the
concealed) once it has been assembled. size of a vitamin tablet. When you twist it and throw it
Cost: 2,000 Units (Only available for sale in very to one side, it unfolds itself into a tremendously
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact destructive explosive device about the size and shape
or a Relic). of a barrel. The bomb clearly isn't made of ordinary
Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (if available) matter—parts of it are transparent and glow. If you
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons-Ranged are in the square where the bomb unfolds itself, make
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to avoid being
Range Increment: 500 feet caught underneath it. Anyone the bomb lands on top
“To Hit” Bonus: -- of will take 1d6 Bludgeoning damage and have part of
Magazine: 20 their body pinned beneath the device unless they can
Rate of Fire: Once per round free themselves with a Strength Roll vs. DC 20 This
Damage: 9d6 Weird Energy may however be the least of their worries. In exactly

15 rounds, the bomb will go off. A Demolitions skill hands and can't be persuaded to pick up a weapon. It
roll is useless for disarming the device or resetting its seems to somehow know who the operator wants it to
timer, unless you learned the skill from the fight and it will soldier on without pause or question
superadvanced beings who made this weapon.(in for either six hours or fifty rounds of combat,
which case deactivating or resetting the bomb is a DC whichever comes first. It will respond to orders,
15 task). Should you somehow figure out how to reset whether verbal or mental, but it can't handle anything
it, the timer can be set for up to three days, or down to more complex than "go over there", "smash that" ,
one round "pick me up and get us out of here," etc. When it is
done, it quietly fades back into nothingness.

Self-Assembling Killer Robot

Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of Glob
hand” roll) before it is assembled. Size: Medium (but has an additional -2 penalty to
Cost: 1,150 Units (Only available for sale in very conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll, for a total of -6)
advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact Cost: 1,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
or a Relic). advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available) or a Relic).
Required Proficiency: Simple Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
Handed: Requires N/A hands to use Required Proficiency: Simple
Range Increment: -- Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Range Increment: 10 feet
Magazine: N/A “To Hit” Bonus: +2
Rate of Fire: -- Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 2d10+5 Bludgeoning (20 x2) attacks
Weight: 1/10 pound when dormant, 2 tons after it has Damage: 2d6 bludgeoning (20 x2) or nonlethal
assembled itself. damage.
Armor Class: 13 when dormant, see description for Weight: None
stats when fully assembled. Armor Class: 14
Hardness: See description Hardness: None, but see below
Hit Points: 10 when dormant, 45 when fully Hit Points: 100
assembled. DC required to break this item with a Strength
DC required to break this item with a Strength Roll: N/A
Roll: 10 (N/A when assembled) Special: Can only be damaged by a Lepton Weapon, a
Description: A small crystalline bead which when Singularity Projector or the weird harmonic energies
activated unfolds a combat robot from some of the Ogmius Harp.
extradimensional pocket. The Defender Unit is not Description: A glowing wad of pure force, left lying
made of normal matter and looks very strange. In around by some unbelievably advanced and/or
places it seems to be a glowing outline rather than an unbelievably strange beings. Anyone can pick it up
actual solid object, in other places it is transparent. and use it. The glob can be flung at anything within
Treat it as a Medium Construct with an AC of 20, 100 feet, and instantly returns to the hand of whoever
45 hit points, 10 points of Hardness and an Attack hurled it. The Glob can't be attacked in the air, nor
Bonus of +10. It is immune to mind-influencing does anything but a Lepton Weapon seem to do
effects, poison, disease, critical hits, nonlethal damage to it. It glows brightly enough to illuminate a
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from 30 by 30 foot room, and is for this reason very
massive damage. It can move 60 feet per round under difficult to conceal.
its own power and does 2d10+5 Bludgeoning (20 x2)
with its fists.
The robot fights with only its own massive metal

Artifacts and Relics

These are the weapons that wars are fought over and whole campaigns revolve around. Each one has a long and
tangled story of its own, which I've sketched in lightly, so as to better allow you to fit them into your campaign world.
Most are presented here as the relics of vanished civilizations but they could just as well have dropped out of a time
warp or a dimensional rift. Many of them were simply discovered lying around somewhere and their origins remain
completely obscure.

They aren't meant to be found at random, unless that's the premise you use to jump-start the entire campaign.

Remember as well that once a character owns a relic, they will become a target for all the various parties who want to
control, possess or destroy it. In some game worlds these can be very large forces indeed. Whole interstellar
civilizations might be willing to go to war over a relic like the Oughtred Lens or the Mark IV Tyranizer.

drain 2d6 from their Constitution (a Fortitude Saving

Throw negates this attack), or if the wielder is so
inclined, restore 3d8 lost hit points or 2d6 lost
Constitution. (and no, you can't use the device to
artificially enhance your hit points or Constitution
above their usual level). It can also be set to restore
blind characters' vision, deaf characters' hearing or to
revive a Stunned, sleeping or unconcious character.
Each such repair costs one charge. The target will
recover from their affliction in 1-6 rounds.
It is possible to use the tool to cure infectious
diseases, but it is confused by the unfamiliar
pathogens of this epoch and prone to making ugly
mistakes. If the machine expends a charge to cure a
disease, there is an 80% chance that it will cure it, but
a 15% chance that it will instead do 1d6 damage to the
target and a 5% chance that it will kill them outright.

Fleshmaster 6A1
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a Mark IV Tyranizer
“sleight of hand” roll) Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation, Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
usually not for sale. usually not for sale.
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons, Missile Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 50 feet Range Increment: 600 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: -- “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 150 when fully charged (holds 30 charges Magazine: See description
presently) Rate of Fire: Once per round
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Damage: 9d12+12 heat, in a 50 foot radius from the
attacks point of impact. No saving throw will help reduce the
Damage: Special, see description damage.
Weight: 1 pound Weight: 20 pounds
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 5 Hardness: 50
Hit Points: 5 Hit Points: 150
DC required to break this item with a Strength DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 20 Roll: 60
Description: A relic from the distant future, this Accessories: None known
device was originally intended as a medical tool, but Description: The most powerful hand weapon ever
in our more violent age it has been used mostly as a produced--legends are told about this one and wars are
weapon. It looks like a short, fat plastic rod with fought over it.
rounded ends. There is a set of six nested dials on the No one knows who produced it or why. No one
butt-end, each marked with pictographic icons. It knows what it's made from or how it works. It fires a
appears to use matter transmission technology to huge, loud jet of flame which gives off a weird
selectively reassemble its patients. neutrino signature and creates a whopping big
This is strictly a close-range tool—you have to explosion when it comes into contact with anything.
actually touch the "patient" with the device to heal or This is all we know. Even its age is in dispute--its
harm them. If you miss with your attack, it does not shiny red casing has no scratches or nicks and looks
expend a charge. No one is really sure how much brand new.
power the device has left in it (Note to the DM: It has The weapon is about as long as a man is tall, but it
thirty charges left) or how to replace the power supply seems to weigh nothing. It has a sleek, molded look
when it runs out. and it's hard to tell which end is which--there is no
It takes a full action to change settings-the dials are hole in the end of the barrel and the grip is oddly
complex and the settings finicky placed. A long cable made of the same shiny red
Each charge can either do 3d8 damage to the target, material leads from the body of the gun to a gauntlet,

which somehow directs the weapon. take half-damage, if caught in the blast).
People who have used the Tyranizer say that once Setting 4 emits a specialized form of short-range
you put the gauntlet on the weapon links into your matter disruption beam (range Increment 20 feet) that
nervous system and you instinctively know how to use does 4d10 damage (18-20 x3), but only affects
it. Its scope and heads-up targeting display actually Ethereal beings or objects (anyone who looks through
appear on your visual field, sent directly to your brain. the "gem" while the weapon is on setting four can see
Unfortunately, it doesn't tell you how many shots it onto the ethereal plane).
has left or how you would recharge it (this is up to the Setting five warps the "Gem" into a strangely-
DM, but I recommend giving it a hundred or so shaped hand-weapon, which ignores armor and does
charges if you think it is never likely to fall into a 2d8 damage. Any proficiency with swords will enable
player character's hands, fifteen or so if you think a you to use this weapon.
player may eventually get their hands on it) The "gem" will shift itself around into weird and
As feared and famed as this gun is, it has certain improbable new configurations for each setting but it's
real disadvantages. The radius of effect is so huge that not really possible to tell what each setting does by
it's impossible to use the Tyranizer against anything at looking at the shapes it assumes.
close range. It gives off a completely distinctive The device is thought-activated and after a week or
energy signature, it's impossible to conceal and of so it will become attuned to its user and respond only
course let's not forget that every scoundrel, killer, and to them. Whatever strange source of energy this thing
evil star-empire in the galaxy wants it for their own. uses, it never seems to run out.

Matter Disruption Tool

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
usually not for sale.
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Range Increment: 30 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: Unlimited
Rate of Fire: Once per round
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 3 pounds
Armor Class: 13 Matter Storage Gun
Hardness: 25 Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
Hit Points: 15 “sleight of hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
Roll: 40 usually not for sale.
Accessories: None known Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Description: Made of some weird transdimensional Required Proficiency: Unavailable--see description
material, this weapon knows a wide variety of nasty Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
tricks. Range Increment: 20 feet
It looks like a transparent multifaceted gem stone, “To Hit” Bonus: --
floating just above a short brass-colored metal handle. Magazine: Can store up to 15 objects at a time. See
It hurts to look at the pseudo-gem, which seems to description for more details.
shift and pulse in deeply unnatural ways. The handle Rate of Fire: Once per round
has a dial, marked with five simple, if meaningless, Damage: Special, see description
icons. Weight: 2 pounds
It's easy enough to operate. Each symbol on the Armor Class: 9
dial marks one of its five settings. Hardness: 9
Setting 1 projects a 30 foot cone of Radiant Energy Hit Points: 10
that does 3d10 damage (anyone caught in the area of DC required to break this item with a Strength
effect can make a Reflexes Save vs. DC 20 to take Roll: 24
half-damage). Accessories: None known
Setting 2 delivers a single, concentrated energy Description: This weapon is either a relic from the
attack at long range, doing 6d10 (20 x3) to a single distant past or a misplaced souvenir from the distant
target (range increment 200 ft). future. It stores matter. Any single object, size
Setting 3 produces a Matter Disruption beam "Large" or smaller that is struck by the beam gets
(range Increment 100 ft) that causes a 3d10 Explosion taken apart and stored in its memory. It will not take
in a 10 foot radius (make a Reflexes Save vs. DC 20 to

anything bigger than a "Large" object and it won't take Range Increment: --
chunks out of bigger things. There is no saving throw. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Anything previously stored in the gun’s memory Magazine: 60
can be released, unharmed, after an indefinite amount Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
of time. To release a trapped object or entity, the user attacks
must have a direct, unobstructed path to the spot Damage: 1d8 Slashing (18-20 x2) and see description
where the object will reappear, which must be within Weight: 2 pounds
the device's rather limited range. Cruel DMs may Armor Class: 7
have any number of unpleasant things lurking in the Hardness: 10
machine's memory banks, waiting to be unleashed. Hit Points: 50
It has room to store fifteen separate objects. Once DC required to break this item with a Strength
it reaches its limit, a warning light goes off and the Roll: 19
gun asks in some incomprehensible language whether Special: The Psion Sabre has ten powers, which can
the user wants to delete an item or free one. If they be activated either separately or together. (Only one
say nothing, it frees something. weapon proficiency is required to use all of its various
The user can intentionally erase a victim from the functions).
device's memory, or release them in a hostile 1: Teleports into the wielder's hand, eliminating
environment (deep space, over a cliff, the crater of an the need to spend an action Readying the weapon (this
active volcano etc). They cannot however send the uses a charge)
prisoner back into a solid object-the device will refuse 2: Projects an anti-missile field around the user,
to even try. increasing their AC by 4, but only vs. ranged
Instructing the device to erase something from its projectile weapons (this uses one charge per round)
memory, free a particular item or to choose whether or 3: Projects an anti-energy field around the user,
not to delete something from memory requires an Int increasing their AC by 6, but only vs. energy weapons
roll vs. DC 15. (this uses one charge per round)
The device is no more complex than a TV remote 4: On a successful melee hit, the sword can be
controller, but imagine trying to set your VCR if the instructed to drain an extra 1d4 HP from the target
buttons were labeled in Aramaic and you had never (this uses up one charge) and transfer them to the
seen a remote before. It is simple enough to fire the sword's wielder. This function only works if the
device (no Int roll required) but the non-proficiency wielder is already wounded, and won’t give them
penalty is a -4. extra Hit Points.
5: Psi-Scream. Forces every living being in a 30
foot cone to make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. the
wielder's Intelligence Score +2 or run away in panic
for 1-6 rounds. A panicked character can't do
anything but run away or defend themselves, can't use
any skills, and can't use any feats except for those
directly associated with running or defense. They will
run away on foot even if they have some better mode
of transport available, unless they are actually sitting
at the controls of a vehicle. If they are cornered and
can't run, they cower instead, unable to take any action
but defend themselves.
6: Psi-Shock. Touch attack-ignores armor. 3d8
Nonlethal damage, ignores up to 8 points of Damage
Resistance. (This attack uses one charge).
7: In addition to doing physical damage, the sword
drains 1d6 pts of Strength from a target with a
successful hit. (This uses one charge) These lost
points will return quickly, at a rate of one point per
game minute.
8: The sword can fire a bolt of psychic energy.
This is a Ranged Touch attack (if you have
proficiency with the sword, you are also proficient at
Psion Saber this attack) that does 2d8 Nonlethal Damage. (This
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of uses one charge)
hand” roll) 9: The sword can give off a burst of mental energy
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation, which forces anyone in a 20 foot radius to make a
usually not for sale. Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or fall to the
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A ground, conscious but immobile, for 1-8 rounds (this
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee uses two charges).
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use 10: The sword can give the wielder a +8 bonus to

one Willpower Saving Throw, instantly, without next round. Otherwise it will go off right there and do
taking an action. (This uses two charges). 18d6 damage to everything in a 5 foot radius, with no
Accessories: Scabbard (Costs 35 Units, weighs 1/2 lb) chance of a saving throw!
Description: An intelligent psychoactive blade, the A packet of pure energy is a fearsome weapon
Psion Sabre has a whole wide range of mental attacks indeed, and does considerably more damage than a
and defenses at its command. fusion gun or for that matter any other hand weapon
No one knows who constructed this artifact, ever built (with the possible exception of the
although the names of many psionically powerful legendary Mark IV Tyrannizer).
races have been suggested. It looks like a long It runs off some strange power cell that can only be
asymmetrical piece of crystal with a strangely shaped produced by whatever super-advanced civilization
handgrip and gives off a faint bluish glow which built the gun. Should you find a replacement cell, it
doesn't come out on film. takes a Standard Action to reload.
To regenerate its sixty charges, the wielder must
hold the blade and meditate over it for one
uninterrupted hour per charge. Selective Biological Disrupter
The blade is very fussy about who it will attach Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
itself to. Anyone who finds it must make a Charisma “sleight of hand” roll)
Roll vs. DC 15 and a Wisdom Roll vs. DC 15 or it Cost: 2,000 Units (Only available for sale in very
won't manifest any of its powers for them. It is loyal advanced societies. In most places, this is an Artifact
to its user and won't perform for anyone who has done or a Relic)
them harm, so it's not really possible to loot it from an Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (if available)
opponent’s corpse. Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
The blade will communicate mentally with its user. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
It remembers everyone who ever wielded it and knows Range Increment: 60 feet
a lot of interesting things (places where old treasures “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor
might be found, locations of wrecked spacecraft and Magazine: 60
ancient ruins--the sword should have at least half a Rate of Fire: Once per round
dozen adventure seeds it can send players off on) but Damage: Special, see description
doesn't know who made it or why. Its personality is Weight: 2 pounds
aloof, reserved, but helpful. It feels more like a butler Armor Class: 9
than a friend. Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 10
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Quantum Packet Gun Roll: 35
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Description: It's hard to tell what the original function
hand” roll) of this artifact might have been. It has been speculated
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation, that it may have been been some kind of
usually not for sale. superadvanced medical tool like the “Fleshmaster” but
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A no one has ever been able to get it to heal anything.
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Instead it hurts living things in amazingly precise
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use ways.
Range Increment: 70 feet The Disrupter can be set to do between one and
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor 4d8 damage to the target. It can also be set to reduce
Magazine: 40 any of their Characteristics by one or two d6, down to
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has a minimum of one point (it can only damage one
attacks Characteristic in a single round). It can cause
Damage: 18d6 Weird Energy Blindness or Deafness if the target fails a Fortitude
Weight: 40 pounds Saving Throw vs. DC 30. Lost Characteristics return
Armor Class: 5 at a rate of one point per week. Blindness and
Hardness: 20 Deafness last 2d6 weeks.
Hit Points: 10 In addition to the obvious effects, a blind character
DC required to break this item with a Strength has a 50% chance of missing any target they attack,
Roll: 55 regardless of whether they make their attack roll (all
Accessories: Energy Cell (8 oz in weight, price opponents have full concealment). They also lose any
unknown, may not even be available) Dexterity bonus to AC, while anyone who attacks
Description: A long, bulky, wedge-shaped piece of them has a +2 bonus to their roll. Blind characters
metal with a spike at one end. You stick one hand move at half speed, and suffer a -4 penalty on most
inside the back of the gun and balance it with the Strength and Dexterity-based skills.
other. When activated it generates a glowing ball of A deaf character automatically fails any Listen
pure quantum energy, which hovers and pulses just off checks and suffers a -4 penalty on initiative.
the tip of the spike. It takes a full round to form the The Disrupter looks like a wide, short plastic oval
quantum packet, which must be launched on the very with a glowing white hemisphere at one end and a

touch-activated screen on the side. When you touch one and hope your grandchildren are prepared to carry
the screen, a complex and incomprehensible graphic on the task. Collecting two of every animal you can
interface appears. There are pictographs here and lay your hands on might also be advisable.
there among the glowing lines, arcs and circles, which
show the device's different functions. Touch a
pictograph, the white hemisphere pulses, and the The Beige Slayer
device somehow inflicts the selected harm on the Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
target without making a sound. “sleight of hand” roll) but can be expanded into a
As with many ancient technological artifacts, no Medium, Large or even a Huge weapon. However,
one is really sure how many charges the device has since it takes effectively no time to change shape, the
left in its batteries, or how to recharge them. wielder can always count it as a Small weapon (No
bonus or penalty to conceal with a “sleight of hand”
roll), unless for some reason they prefer not to shrink
Singularity Projector it down to its original size.
Size: Gargantuan (can’t be concealed) Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation, usually not for sale.
usually not for sale. Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons Handed: Requires 1 or 2 hands to use, depending on
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use the setting
Range Increment: 200 feet Range Increment: can be extended to have up to 10
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor, makes Ranged feet of reach
Touch attacks, can hit ethereal targets. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: Unlimited, but will only fire four times per Magazine: None, can be used an effectively unlimited
day number of times.
Rate of Fire: Once Every Three Rounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: 12d8 Special (no critical hits) attacks
Weight: 200 tons Damage: 1d10+4 Special (and see description)
Armor Class: 0 Weight: 1 pound
Hardness: 13 Armor Class: 9
Hit Points: 500 Hardness: 5
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 40
Roll: N/A DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: None known Roll: 45
Description: It isn't shaped like a cannon--it's just Description: This weapon is comprised of a kind of
some gigantic and incomprehensible alien machine, polymorphous pseudo-matter, made possible by
about two stories tall. Only the tiny little round tinkering with reality at the sub-quark level. It looks
emitter barrel gives you any hint that this is a weapon, like a sharp piece of matte-beige, about the size of a
and it looks more like a small security camera. bayonet, with no features or irregularities on its
When fired, the device projects tiny black holes, no surface at all. The handle molds itself to fit the user's
larger than a uranium atom, with only slightly more grip.
mass than the Earth's moon. They make pinprick- It has two basic settings. On the first setting it only
sized tunnels through whatever they hit, emerging affects living matter. This allows it to penetrate armor
cleanly from the other side. Most of the damage is and make a kind of modified touch attack. Any armor
actually done by the black hole's gravitational field class bonuses or damage resistance the target gets
bending and warping the target's internal structure in from dexterity, tough hide or strange psychic powers
impossible ways, creating localized time diallation still apply, but armor worn externally does not (unless
effects that wreak havoc with biochemical processes, the armor is itself alive). On the second setting it only
etc. affects non-living matter.
The weapon can't be fired very often, but when it It can also adjust its internal structure to become
is, you might want to make arrangements to leave the longer or shorter. If the user takes a Standard Action
planet as quickly as possible. If the Projector is used they can reduce the blade to the size of a large dagger
inside the gravity well of a planetary body, the black or extend it into a kind of bladed polearm that has ten
hole will plummet to the center of the planet (this feet of reach, with all the usual bonuses and penalties
takes about an hour with a planet the size of the Earth, of Reach weapons.
and about a day for a gas giant) and begin to eat it up The same weapon proficiency covers all three
from the inside, growing in mass as it devours the manifestations of the weapon. It does the same
world. amount of damage in every form.
The first earthquakes and tidal waves will begin in
1-100 years. The planet will be gone a week or so
later. If you don't have access to an interstellar
spacecraft, my best advice would be to start building

character can once more attempt to become dominant
whenever they next enter combat or whenever the DM
feels that the situation has come to some significant
The Torc isn't evil, but it may well want the wearer
to kill or steal for it. The DM should decide what the
thing's agenda actually is, but it should always seem
weird and incomprehensible to the luckless wearer.

The Benadanitto Torc

Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
“sleight of hand” roll)
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
usually not for sale.
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires no hands to use (you wear it
around your neck)
Range Increment: 100 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 75
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: Special, see description
Weight: 1 pound
Armor Class: 13 The Black Gauntlet
Hardness: 25 Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Hit Points: 90 hand” roll)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
Roll: 55 usually not for sale.
Accessories: None known Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Description: The Benadanitto Torc clamps around the Required Proficiency: Simple
user's neck like a high metal collar. It is covered with Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
what are either alien decorative designs or very Range Increment: See description
strange integrated circuits. A small oval gem on the “To Hit” Bonus: --
front pulses with indescribable colors. Magazine: 90
The torc projects an energy screen around the user Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
which gives them +3 AC vs. all attacks and an extra attacks
10 Damage Resistance vs. energy attacks. It also Damage: Variable, see description
allows them to read the surface thoughts of intelligent Weight: 4 pounds
beings (per the spell Detect Thoughts, see the Player's Armor Class: 9
Handbook, page 194 ) to telekinetically lift up to 160 Hardness: 30
lbs at a range of 30 feet and to shoot bolts of psychic Hit Points: 125
energy out of their hands (3d10 damage, normal or DC required to break this item with a Strength
nonlethal). Roll: 58
Each use of the torc costs one charge. It restores its Accessories: None known
charges by draining its user’s life-energy, recovering Description: An oversized black gauntlet, made for a
one charge per point of Nonlethal Damage it does to six-fingered left hand. It is made of some shiny, glass-
its wearer. The user decides how fast to recharge the like substance. It looks almost as though it is filled
torc. They can take as much or as little nonlethal with a swirling black liquid. While the gauntlet
damage as they like, and will recover this damage appears to be made for a Medium sized creature, it
normally, through rest or sleep. will grow or shrink to fit Large or Small creatures if
Alas, all this power comes with a higher price than they try it on. It can regenerate damage done to itself
a few points of nonlethal damage. The Torc is at a rate of 1 hp per hour.
conscious, has an Ego of 18 and will constantly try to The Black Gauntlet is superhumanly strong
subvert the wearer to some strange agenda of its own. (Strength 25) but can only exert this strength for
Whenever the DM decides that the torc wants its crushing objects or hanging on to things. It does not
wearer to take some kind of action, they must make a make the wielder's arm or body stronger, just the hand
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to resist. The itself.

The Gauntlet enables the user to telekinetically
grab and manipulate objects at a distance. In game
terms, this allows them to do anything that they could
ordinarily do with one hand at a range of up to forty
feet. Their telekinetic grip is as strong as the Gauntlet,
but they can't lift any more than they could with their
arm. They can pick locks, wield weapons, etc, all at a
distance. Remember though, it's their left hand. If the
character is right-handed, then all the usual off-handed
penalties apply.
It also grants the wielder a weird kind of sixth
sense. Count this as Clairvoyance, per the spell (see
the Player's Handbook, page 184), usable six times per
It projects an invisible energy screen around its
wearer, which improves their Armor Class by 3 (this
does not drain any of its charges).
It can project beams of heat, cold or pure
bludgeoning kinetic force, doing 1-7 d6 damage (19-
20 x2) to either a single target (Range Increment 80
feet) or a 30 foot cone. Each use of a Heat, Cold or
Kinetic Force (Bludgeoning) attack uses a single
charge, regardless of how many dice of damage the
user chooses to do, whether the user is attacking a
single target or a cone. Anyone caught in one of its
cone attacks can make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
DC 18 to take half damage.
The Gauntlet is intelligent (Int 18, Wis 19) and has
its own agenda. It will not speak to its wearer, but it
will communicate with them empathically from time
to time. It doesn't do this much-only when it wants
them to do something. There are people it would like The Eye of Zluggoth
to attack, others it would like to avoid and places it Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
would like to go. The DM should fill in the details of “sleight of hand” roll)
what the Gauntlet actually wants. Its actions should be Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
bewildering to the character who owns it. It isn't evil, usually not for sale.
but it is ruthlessly determined to do whatever it is Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
trying to accomplish and won't hesitate to kill people Required Proficiency: Simple
or to defy its wearer if it needs to. If the Gauntlet gets Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
into a conflict with its wearer, have them make Range Increment: 10 feet (if thrown)
opposed Willpower Saving Throws (the Gauntlet has a “To Hit” Bonus: --
bonus of +7) If the character wins, they force the Rate of Fire: The weapon itself can be used only
Gauntlet to do what they want next round. If it wins, once, but Zluggoth can attack up to five different
it forces them to do what it wants for the next opponents at once.
round.Of course, you can always end a struggle with Damage: See description
the Gauntlet by taking it off. Weight: Canister weighs 4 pounds. The thing that
This is a very powerful artifact, and a highly sought emerges from it quickly expands to weigh about 1000
after one. Finding the Black Gauntlet is usually a pounds.
good way to gain the attention of powerful, dubious Armor Class: 13
interests (and perhaps get chased halfway across the Hardness: 0
galaxy by teams of assassins and/or a space fleet or Hit Points: 5
two). DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: N/A
Special: This weapon can be used only once. The
Hardness, Hit Points and AC listed above apply to the
canister, not to the creature which emerges from it.
Treat Zluggoth itself as a Large, Chaotic Evil Outsider
with an AC of 17, 50 hit points and an Attack Bonus
of +10. It can move 20 feet per round under its own
power. It does 3d6+4 Bludgeoning or 2d6+5 Slashing
damage, whichever the situation seems to call for.
Description: A pulsing black organic canister, about

the size of a can of baked beans. When flung at the nonlethal, to living tissue and if it is attacking a cone-
target, a horrendous alien monster explodes out of it. shaped area of effect it can be set to harm some targets
The thing doesn't really have a shape--it's just a and not others.
mass of tentacles and pincers, bloodshot eyes on stalks It can also be set to cause Blindness and/or
and less easily defined appendages (it's hard to say Deafness in the target (Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC
what they do, but it's clearly something unpleasant). 20 to avoid these effects).
This creature is only one small manifestation of a It can also do 1-3 d6 damage to any of the target's
much larger transdimensional obscenity, but stats but Wisdom (Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20
fortunately it can only push a little of itself into our to avoid this effect).
reality and can stay here for only a limited time. Furthermore, on the area effect setting it can do one
Zluggoth knows what you want of it and will only type of damage to some targets and other types of
attack the targets you want it to attack. It doesn't need damage to others. So, for example, if three targets
to be told and it doesn't bother to read your mind. If were caught in its cone, it could do Nonlethal Damage
you are rendered unconcious it will fight on, choosing to one of them, strike another one blind and shave 2d6
whatever targets you would be most likely to pick. points off the third one's Charisma.
Despite its vast intellect, Zluggoth doesn't It is powered by a non-standard, ultra high-tech
understand our universe well enough to use any skills energy cell which is almost but not quite impossible to
or feats here. It will not speak, but does a fine job of find. A few of them turn up in archaeological digs or
howling, snarling and gurgling. in the hands of private collectors. Finding a new
power cell could be the subject of an adventure, but it
shouldn't be totally impossible.

The Fulgichrome Blade

Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
usually not for sale.
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Required Proficiency: Martial-Melee
The Flenser Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of “To Hit” Bonus: +3
hand” roll) Magazine: 5 doses of wasting illness, 5 doses of fast-
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation, acting poison, 5 doses of slow poison, 5 doses of
usually not for sale. flesh-eating virus, 5 doses of brain-scrambler toxin, 5
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A doses of debilitation toxin, 5 doses of nerve-rot, 5
Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons doses of muscle spasmodic, 5 doses of virulent plague.
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Range Increment: 50 feet attacks
“To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor Damage: 1d8 slashing (19-20 x2). See description for
Magazine: 80 additional effects.
Rate of Fire: Once per round Weight: 3 pounds
Damage: Special, see description Armor Class: 7
Weight: 3 pounds Hardness: 8
Armor Class: 7 Hit Points: 6
Hardness: 15 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 25 Roll: 23
DC required to break this item with a Strength Accessories: Scabbard (has to be specially custom-
Roll: 48 made, costs 200 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Accessories: Weird energy cell (1/2 pound in weight, Description: From somewhere on the darkest side of
price unknown, minor artifact in its own right) biological engineering comes the Fulgichrome Blade.
Description: This infamous relic is a larger and more This living weapon looks a bit like a short scimitar,
powerful version of the “Fleshmaster” and appears to made from shiny black obsidian. On closer
be a product of the same distant epoch. While the examination, the blade is slick with some foul black
Flenser may have once been a medical tool, now it excrescence it sweats out through its pores. Look
does nothing but cause harm, and grievous amounts of more carefully and you can see it faintly breathing.
it. In this it resembles the “Selective Biological The Fulgichrome Blade can infect the wounds it
Disrupter” but it looks nothing like it and seems to be makes with any of a number of toxins or viruses, each
a product of an entirely different civilization. with their own grisly effect.
The Flenser can be adjusted to either attack a single It can unleash a wasting illness, which requires the
target or a thirty-foot cone. It can be set to do target to make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 25
anywhere from 1 to 8d10 damage, normal or every day or permanently lose a point of Constitution,

for 4d8 days.
It can inject the target with a fast-acting poison,
which does 3d8 additional damage if the target fails a
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20. It can release a
slow poison which will do 1d4 additional damage per
round until the target makes a Fortitude Saving Throw
vs. DC 25.
It can infect the target with a flesh-eating virus that
does 1d6 damage per round until the victim either dies
or makes a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20.
It can release a brain-scrambler toxin that requires
the target to make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 18 or lose
3d6 points of Intelligence (to a minimum of 1) until
cured by some kind of advanced neurological
It can give out a debilitation toxin which reduces
the target's Strength by 3d6 (minimum of 1) unless
they make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 25.
The Blade can give the target a fearsome case of
nerve-rot, permanently reducing their Dexterity by
3d6 unless they make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. The Hermatrode
DC 20. Size: The device itself is Medium sized (-4 penalty to
It can dose the target with a muscle spasmodic. If conceal with a “sleight of hand” roll). However, the
the target fails a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 20 effects of the Hermatrode on its wielder can’t really be
they take 1d4 damage per round for 6 rounds. They concealed with the Sleight of Hand skill.
are also afflicted with an increasing penalty to all Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
their die rolls of -1 per round as their muscles start to usually not for sale.
lock up. By the sixth round they will make all their die Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
rolls at a -6 and this penalty won't go away for 2d6 Required Proficiency: Simple
hours. Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
But its most feared attack is a virulent plague that Range Increment: 30 feet (can also be used to make
reduces the target's Constitution by one point an hour, melee attacks)
and requires anyone who comes into contact with the “To Hit” Bonus: +3 (for both melee and missile
victim (after the first hour) to make a Fortitude Saving attacks)
Throw vs. DC 20 or contract the same disease. Magazine: 95
It regenerates all of its toxins and contaminations at Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
a rate of one dose per four hours. attacks
The blade is alive and in constant telepathic contact Damage: 3d6 Weird Energy (18-20 x3)
with its host. It has a wide experience of killing things Weight: 6 pounds
and will guide its wielder’s hand to the target (hence Armor Class: 7
the melee bonus) It's thoughts are poison and it Hardness: 15
continually tries to subvert its wielder to some foul Hit Points: 30
agenda of its own (not a Big Sinister Plot, just acts of DC required to break this item with a Strength
sadism and treachery--it likes to see things suffer). Roll: 48
Accessories: Weird energy cell (1/2 pound in weight,
price unknown, minor artifact in its own right)
Description: A short rod with an odd hooked blade on
the end. It seems to be made of some sort of living
metal. It is shiny, hard and smooth but pulses as
though breathing.
The first time anyone picks it up with their bare
hand they must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs.
DC 15. If they fail, they take 3d6 Nonlethal damage
and are Stunned for one round. They can never use the
device once they have failed their initial roll. If they
pick it up again it will jolt them with 1d4 Nonlethal
damage each round and refuse to do anything else.
If they succeed, the device bonds itself to them.
Silvery living metal streaks out over their skin,
covering them from head to toe with some sort of
weird organic armor. It goes under their clothes. If
they are already wearing body armor it bursts the other

armor off of them, ruining it. The transformation Hit Points: 90
happens very fast--it takes only one Standard Action. DC required to break this item with a Strength
The armor itself grants a +4 to the wearer’s AC and Roll: 54
gives them 5 points of Damage Resistance. The Accessories: None known
armor’s wearer also receives a temporary +10 bonus to Description: The Morganos Device occasionally turns
their Strength and a +5 to their Dexterity. This affects up in the possession of one hero or another, but
all their skills and attack rolls. whether it chooses them or they simply find it remains
For each round that they remain suited up, they a mystery. It looks like an oddly-shaped asymmetrical
burn one of the device's charges. They can make as prism, which pulses with a weird yellow light. It will
many attacks as they like, either ranged or melee--it function for only one user (you attune it to your
drains power strictly according to how long you wear psyche by making a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC
it. 21). It will not attune itself to Robots or other artificial
The Hermatrode can't be used to make attacks with intelligences.
the armor turned off. It makes a loud crackling, With a little practice (21 minus Int hours worth) the
buzzing sound, and gives off a blinding white bolt of user can can figure out how to access its weapon
energy whether it is making a melee attack or a ranged systems. It can fire a beam of radiant energy (4d10
one. It can be used with any of the melee combat feats makes a Critical Hit on a 20 for 2x normal damage), a
that apply to swords. 25-foot cone-shaped attack (2d10, a Reflexes Saving
The device uses a completely bizarre and Throw vs. DC 18 halves the damage) project a
unfamiliar type of energy cell, which isn't compatible defensive force-field (+4 AC), erect a Force-Wall (as
with anything else. There are a few of these cells per the spell) or grab and lift objects at a distance on a
scattered around, with varying amounts of energy left beam of force.
in them. Acquiring one could be the subject of an The prism can lift up to 800 lbs. out to a range of
adventure, but you're unlikely to find them for sale. 50 feet and can grab creatures up to size Large. To
grab and pin an unwilling opponent, make a Ranged
Touch Attack, ignoring any points of AC that come
from Armor. They are entitled to a Reflexes Saving
Throw vs. DC 25. If they fail the roll, they have been
caught. A character who has been seized by the prism
cannot move and makes all skill rolls, attack rolls and
Reflexes Saving Throws at a -4.
The Device is capable of fine manipulation as well
as brute force and can be used to perform any manual
skill at up to a fifty foot range, but if the objects you
are manipulating are too far away to see clearly, the
DM should assess a penalty of between -2 and -8 to
the roll.
Each use of the device, whether to maintain a
force-field, pick up an object or fire a bolt of energy,
costs one charge per round. The Morganos Device
regains one charge per hour while its user is awake
and 3 charges per hour while its user is asleep (or "at
rest" for beings who do not sleep). If it ever runs out
of charges completely, it vanishes and turns up later in
someone else's hands.
The Morganos Device
Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
usually not for sale.
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use The Morituri Staff
Range Increment: 150 feet Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
Magazine: 70 usually not for sale.
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
attacks Required Proficiency: Simple
Damage: Special, see description Handed: Requires 2 hands to use
Weight: 2 pounds Range Increment: --
Armor Class: 13 “To Hit” Bonus: +3
Hardness: 25 Magazine: Unlimited

Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has being used. See description for details.
attacks “To Hit” Bonus: --
Damage: 3d8/3d8 Weird Energy (19-20 x2) Magazine: 75
Weight: 5 pounds Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Armor Class: 5 attacks
Hardness: 15 Damage: Varies according to the effect. See
Hit Points: 30 description for details.
DC required to break this item with a Strength Weight: 5 pounds
Roll: 38 Armor Class: 7
Special: If you use both ends to make separate attacks Hardness: 5
in a single round, you suffer the penalties for making Hit Points: 35
two weapon attacks as though you were using a One DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon (see the Player's Roll: 20
Handbook, page 124). Accessories: None known
Description: This powerful, dangerous weapon never Description: From somewhere out on the farthest
stays in one user’s hands for long. It looks like a edge of science-fantasy comes the Ogmius Harp. Part
plump staff with rounded ends. Made from some dark weapon, part musical instrument, it is the product of
synthetic material, it is covered with irregular metal some unimaginable alternate technology. It plays the
patches, circuitry and winking lights. When it’s "Celestial Harmonies", whatever that means, and can
switched on, rippling globes of distorted space pulse harness their power to create a wide variety of
over both ends of the staff. unearthly effects.
It attunes itself to the mental signature of the first The harp looks like a transparent, curved piece of
living being who picks it up, and will function only for volcanic glass, with a number of oddly shaped tuning
them until they die. Anyone else who touches the pegs and small levers set around it here and there. It
weapon will receive a jolt of 1d4 radiation damage. sounds a little like a stringed instrument when played,
The device no longer works as well as it once did, but no strings are visible. You play it by moving your
and does one HP of damage to its wielder every day. hands (or tentacles, psuedopods, etc.) over its surface
The missing point won’t heal, and can’t be repaired and adjusting the pegs and levers.
medically. They are dying, and there isn’t really much The Ogmius Harp has ten settings, each with its
that can be done about it. Discarding the staff won’t own effect. All of them will work underwater or in a
stop the damage. It seems to be able to reach its vacuum. Each sounds like some strange musical note,
chosen wielder anywhere. Shifting it to another plane and is audible even if it shouldn't be (in a vacuum, for
would keep it from being able to get at its owner, as example).
would subjecting it to some severe time-dilation effect If it's an attack which affects only a single being,
(so that it would take eons for the wielder to lose their then only that one particular target can hear the note,
next hit point). Dropping it in a black hole would do whether or not the attack hits them.
both. Setting 1: Causes Fear in any one target (ranged
touch attack, maximum range of 200 feet) unless they
make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15.
Characters who fail the roll will drop whatever they
are doing and flee for 2d10 rounds, taking no actions
but to run away and to defend themselves. If
cornered, unable to flee, they will cower, unable to
undertake anything but purely defensive actions.
Setting 2: Causes Fear, as per above, but affects
every living thing in a 15 foot radius.
Setting 3: Does 3d6 Nonlethal Damage to any
living target in a 20 foot radius, can be adjusted to
spare selected targets.
Setting 4: Negates unconsciousness, paralysis
and/or stunning. Every living creature in a 5 foot
radius of the harp immediately recovers from any of
these conditions and regains any and all lost Nonlethal
The Ogmius Harp Damage.
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Setting 5: Charm everyone in a 20 foot radius, per
hand” roll) the spell, unless they make a Willpower Saving Throw
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation, vs. DC 15.
usually not for sale. Setting 6: Charm any non-sentient animals in a 20
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A foot radius, per the spell. This only works on
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapon creatures with nervous systems complex enough that
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use they have an Intelligence score of at least 2.
Range Increment: Varies according to the effect Setting 7: 5d6 Weird Energy attack. (Ignores up to

15 points of Hardness or Damage Resistance, Range
Increment 75 feet, scores a Critical Hit on a 20, for x2
Setting 8: 4d6 Vibratory Attack, ignores up to 5
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance, affects a
35-foot cone. Anyone caught in its area of effect can
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 18 to take half
Setting 9: Vibratory attack, affects everything in a
15-foot radius, does 5d6 damage, but only to non-
living materials that have at least 4 points of Hardness.
A sentient robot or other such construct is entitled to
make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 to take half
Setting 10: Every sentient being in a 50 foot cone
must make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
be fascinated by the sound of the harp, unable to take
any actions but listen to its eerie music. This effect
lasts as long as the harp's user cares to keep playing
this note and expending charges, without using any of The Oughtred Lens
its other functions. A fascinated character is instantly Size: Tiny (+4 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
released from the harp's effect if they take damage hand” roll)
while under its influence, and the fascination effect Cost: DM sets price based on situation, usually not for
won't work on them again for at least an hour. sale.
Anyone who doesn't have the weapon proficiency Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
but tries to play the harp anyway must roll on the chart Required Proficiency: Simple
beneath Handed: Requires no hands to use (attaches to the
1-2 Nothing happens. It doesn't even make a middle of the user's forehead, like a third eye).
sound. Range Increment: Varies according to the effect
3-4 The harp plays a discordant blast of sound and being used. See description for details.
jerks violently in your hands, but nothing else “To Hit” Bonus: --
happens. Magazine: 60
5-6 The harp plays a horrible noise that does 2d6 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Nonlethal damage to anyone in a forty-foot radius, no attacks
saving throw. Even creatures that don't have ears are Damage: Multiple Types, See description
affected. Weight: 1 pound
7 The harp raises or lowers the temperature of Armor Class: 13
everything in a 30 foot radius by 1-100 degrees (roll Hardness: 25
percentile dice) Hit Points: 70
8-10 The harp functions normally and does exactly DC required to break this item with a Strength
what you told it to. Roll: 46
Special: Can produce a wide variety of different
At the cost of one charge, it can generate an energy
screen which gives the wielder +4 AC vs. energy
attacks for 2 rounds.
It can do 4d8 Weird Energy damage to a single
target (Range Increment 110 feet, makes a Critical Hit
on a 20, for x3 damage), or 2d8 in a 30 foot cone
(anyone caught in the cone can make a Reflexes
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 to take half damage).
It can create a 3d6 explosion which affects
everything in a 10 foot radius of the lens (a Reflexes
Saving Throw vs. DC 18 halves the damage) and can
be set to leave certain targets in the blast radius
It can also fire a ray which does 5d10 damage, but
only affects non-living tissue (Range Increment of 30
feet, makes a Critical Hit on a 20, for x2 damage).
All of its attack functions can be set to do
Nonlethal Damage, if the wielder prefers, or to affect
Ethereal or Incorporeal targets.

The lens grants its bearer a +2 bonus to Willpower safe from it.
Saving Throws and can be called upon to produce Creatures with unprotected eyes must also make a
Telekinesis, per the spell, three times per day. Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 every round they
Accessories: None known remain inside the cloud. This won't reduce the
Description: A strange crystalline artifact with a gem damage, but it will save them from being permanently
at the center, the Oughtred Lens grafts itself into the blinded by the flying metal shards.
flesh of whoever picks it up, attaching itself to their A blind character has a 50% chance of missing any
forehead, wrist or chest until they figure out how to target they attack, regardless of whether they make
make it detach (You detach it by asking it to let go of their attack roll (all opponents have full concealment).
you). Surgery can't remove it--the lens is intermeshed They also lose any Dexterity bonus to AC, while
too tightly with the target's central nervous system. anyone who attacks them has a +2 bonus to their roll.
The lens is intelligent (Int 15) and can Blind characters move at half speed, and suffer a -4
communicate non-verbally with its wearer but knows penalty on most Strength and Dexterity-based skills.
little apart from its own combat capabilities. It is a It is possible that some futuristic medical technique
friendly, distant presence in the wearer's mind, but it might be able to repair their mutilated eyes.
won’t do much for them apart from explaining how to This is a difficult weapon to attack, because it is
use its various functions. The Lens cannot see or hear, almost impossible to hit the individual shards. The
and it does not know where it came from, who made it Razor Cloud is completely immune to Piercing,
or how it works. It has no particular agenda apart Slashing, and Bludgeoning damage. Only area effect
from helping its wielder and no personality to speak attacks will have any effect on it, and anything but an
of. electrical or ionic attack will do only half damage.
Once it has been with a particular user for 2d6 Worse, it can reintegrate itself once it has been
hours it grows attuned to their mental energies and damaged, and regenerates a hit point every round
will work only for them. It must go unused for 3d6 unless it is completely destroyed.
months to accept a new owner. It has no particular Contrary to appearances, the Razor Cloud isn't an
defenses against being stolen-it just refuses to work independent construct. Rather, the weapon responds
for whoever stole it (for 3d6 months). It can be directly to the thoughts of its operator.
instructed to accept someone else as its new master, To use the Razor Cloud, you must first have the
but it won't explain this unless asked. weapon proficiency. You must be within 600 feet of
the cloud to initially take control of it. It takes a
Willpower check vs. DC 15 to make the cloud yours,
Razor Cloud unless of course someone else is already controlling it,
Size: Huge (impossible to conceal) in which case you must win an opposed willpower
Cost: Artifact--not usually for sale contest with them. It takes a Standard Action to
Tentative Purchase DC: -- attempt to seize control of a Razor Cloud.
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons--Ranged To direct the cloud's movements, the user must
Handed: Requires 0 hands to use stand within 600 feet of it. Once the cloud has been
“To Hit” Bonus: -- attuned to a particular user, controlling it is easy and
Rate of Fire: Can attack as many targets as are requires no special rolls or even concentration. The
engulfed inside its radius, but can attack them each user is free to perform other tasks while directing the
only once per round cloud. If the cloud's user somehow loses contact with
Damage: See description it or moves out of its range, they will have to take
Weight: -- another standard action and roll to take control of it
Armor Class: 8 again the next time they come within range.
Hardness: 10 (and see description--most weapons If the cloud becomes uncontrolled, it will sit
don't harm it at all) patiently in place, whirling and gnashing, until
Hit Points: 75 someone takes control of it again. Once every hour
DC required to break this item with a Strength there is a 5% chance that it will suddenly move 20 feet
Roll: n/a in a random direction.
Accessories: -- This is a greatly feared weapon and at the DM's
Description: An animate cloud 15 feet in diameter, discretion it may adversely affect enemy morale. The
made up of whirling, tinkling razor-sharp metal opposing troops don't even need to have heard of the
shards. razor-cloud to feel anxious about facing it—the cloud
Although the individual metal fragments spin and presents a fearsome sight, ripping everything in its
tumble at tremendous speed, the cloud itself moves path to bits as it advances across the battlefield.
slowly, at a maximum rate of 20 feet per round. It can
move in any direction, including up and down and can
float in midair indefinitely. The Wummel Device
Anything engulfed by the cloud takes 3d6 slashing Size: Tiny (but still impossible to conceal with a
damage per round that they remain inside, making this “sleight of hand” roll)
a bad weapon to get cornered by. The cloud will not Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
hurt its owner if it passes over them, but no one else is usually not for sale.

Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Required Proficiency: Simple
Handed: Does not occupy either hand when in use
(floats over the user's left wrist)
Range Increment: 80 feet
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Magazine: 150
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Damage: Multiple Types, see description
Weight: --
Armor Class: 9
Hardness: 30
Hit Points: 75
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: N/A (Can’t be broken with this kind of roll)
Accessories: None known
Description: A weird relic from some distant age, the
Wummel device functions according to principles that Unclassified Anomalous Object 6
defy most of what we think we know about physics. Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
It looks like a mass of flashing lights, circling a “sleight of hand” roll)
space about five inches in diameter just above the Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
wielder's left wrist. When it is fired, a small usually not for sale.
polyhedron briefly appears in the midst of the lights, Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
but it vanishes too quickly to make out in any detail. Required Proficiency: Martial Missile
The Wummel Device attunes itself to the first Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
person who finds it and functions only for them. If Range Increment: 40 feet
more than one person discovers it, then it attaches “To Hit” Bonus: Ignores Armor
itself to the one with the highest Charisma. Magazine: 85
Anyone within sight of the device's owner can Rate of Fire: Up to three attacks per round
attempt to steal it by beating them at a Charisma Damage: Special, see description
contest (both characters roll twenty-sided dice and add Weight: 2 pounds
whatever bonuses they have for Charisma. The high Armor Class: 9
roll wins). The Device is seldom stolen, however, Hardness: 15
since the thief must conciously attempt to take it over Hit Points: 60
and almost no one knows that it is possible to do this. DC required to break this item with a Strength
Once the Wummel Device runs out of charges, the Roll: 45
lights grow dim and slow down. It regenerates one Special: Can attack up to three targets per round.
charge every four hours. Anyone struck by the device must make a Fortitude
It can fire a variety of different rays, with a number Saving Throw vs. DC 20 or be utterly disintegrated,
of different effects. leaving not even dust behind. With a successful
One does 4d10 radiation damage (20 x2) to a single throw, the target only takes 5d6 damage. The beam
target (Range Increment 80 feet). can only disintegrate about twenty cubic feat of
One does 2d10 radiation damage in a 25 foot cone material, so targets larger than "Large" in size
(anyone caught in the cone can make a Reflexes automatically make their saving throws. If the
Saving Throw vs. DC 16 to take half damage). weapon is used against a Huge or larger non-living
One makes a Ranged Touch Attack (Range object it will remove a twenty-cubic foot chunk of
Increment 20 feet) and does 2d10 heat damage (20 material.
x2). Accessories: None known
One does 5d10 Weird Energy damage (20 x3), but Description: A powerful and baffling artifact, it looks
only affects non-living tissue (Range Increment 40 like an eight-pointed metal star with a bronze-colored
feet). nozzle at each point. Throw it like a shuriken and it
One does 3d10 Nonlethal Damage (20 x2), with a will seek out up to three opponents you mentally
Range Increment of 50 feet. designate, make a Ranged Touch Attack against each
of them with its nozzles and disintegrate them in a
flash of greenish light. It cannot make multiple
attacks against the same target in a single turn. If it
can't find three separate targets then the remaining
attacks are wasted. Nor can it disintegrate objects or
opponents bigger than "Large." Each successful
disintegration attack drains one charge. It costs
nothing to miss. No one really knows how many

charges the device has left, or how you would go
about recharging it. Nor for that matter does anyone
understand why its makers didn't simply build a
disintegration ray, if they wanted to disintegrate things
at range.

The Xugulor
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Witherslant Gun, Model Omega Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) usually not for sale.
Cost: Kill the person you love most for the Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
amusement of the Witherslant Masters Required Proficiency: Energy Weapons
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A Handed: Requires 1 hand to use
Required Proficiency: Simple Range Increment: 70 feet
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use “To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment: 300 feet Magazine: Special, see description
“To Hit” Bonus: +2 Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Magazine: 55 attacks
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Damage: As many d10 of Weird Energy as you ask it
attacks for--but see "Special"
Damage: Anyone struck by the beam must make a Weight: 4 pounds
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or die. Armor Class: 7
Weight: 10 pounds Hardness: 20
Armor Class: 5 Hit Points: 50
Hardness: 20 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Hit Points: 30 Roll: 25
DC required to break this item with a Strength Special: Permanently drains 1 permanent point of
Roll: 50 Constitution from its user per 2d10 of damage it
Special: Makes a Ranged Touch Attack, ignores inflicts (round fractions up).
armor. Accessories: None known
Accessories: Scope and targeting system are already Description: A horrible vampiric artifact from who-
built into the weapon, and taken into account in its knows where, pity the wielder of the Xugulor, but pity
Range Modifier his victims, too. Made of some weird greenish metal,
Description: The ultimate creation of the dreaded the Xugulor is about the length of a man's forearm.
Witherslant-Masters, the existance of this weapon has The user puts their arm inside, the weapon unfolds its
only been rumored. They supposedly offer it to strange gossamer wings and then grafts itself into the
special clients or to creatures who have amused them user’s flesh. It requires a Strength Roll vs. DC 20 or
in other ways. Like all of their guns it flies up into the an hour's worth of work with a set of surgical tools
user's hand at a thought, and never has to Readied. It and a medical skill roll vs. DC 18 to remove the thing.
also projects an invisible force field around the It causes 1d6 damage to carefully remove the device
wielder, adding a +5 to their AC (the field can be and 2d6 to just rip it loose. Sometimes the Xugulor’s
expanded to cover anyone at Close range). It is users swear they can hear it whispering to them in
isomorphic, and responds only to its owner. Anyone their dreams.
else who picks it up suffers 2d8 radiation damage.
Unlike most of their weapons, it looks dramatic. As
long as a heavy machine-gun, it's impossible to
conceal. It is slender, waspish, swept back and
somehow radiates death. A faint, high, unpleasant
whine constantly emmanates from the gun, setting
everyone's teeth on edge.

Roll: 50
Special: Automatically hits the target, if the target is
within the shooter's line of sight. The shooter can hit
any target they can see, whether with their own eyes
or on a monitor, provided that the target is on the same
plane of reality.
Accessories: Holster (must be custom-made, for about
The Zed Gun 140 Units, weighs 1/2 pound)
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Description: The legendary Zed Gun never misses, it
hand” roll) is said. It fires a beam which can turn corners, reverse
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation, on itself and chase down its prey. Anything which the
usually not for sale. wielder can see is within the Zed Gun's reach. There
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A is only one Zed Gun, if indeed the weapon exists at
Required Proficiency: Simple all. It has its own strange power-generation device
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use which never runs dry. In appearance, the Zed Gun is a
Range Increment: -- strangely-shaped green metal pistol, with a globe filled
“To Hit” Bonus: Always hits, never misses with some strange red swirling liquid set on top. The
Magazine: Unlimited metal is a weirdly mottled color and seems to slowly
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has change its pattern when you aren’t looking directly at
attacks it. It does not have a trigger, but it knows when you
Damage: 3d12 Weird Nameless Energy want it to fire. No one can really say where it came
Weight: 3 pounds from, but it is said to have never brought its owner
Armor Class: 9 happiness.
Hardness: 30
Hit Points: 100
DC required to break this item with a Strength

Weapons of Mass Destruction

And now for the part you've all been waiting for. Weapons of mass destruction come in many forms, but for the
purposes of this book we're chiefly interested in the ones that make really loud noises. And here they are, organized
roughly in order of lethality, from weapons that can devastate cities to weapons that can lay waste to continents, to far
worse things.

Some DMs may worry that these devices might upset game balance, particularly the ones that are powerful enough to
split planets in half but fit conveniently in a suitcase. To this I can only respond that if your campaign has already
reached the stage where weapons of mass destruction would be flung around, the time to worry about game balance is
already long past. It’s time to kick back and enjoy the special effects.

Fuel-Air Explosive Device Units, uses a satellite uplink and has effectively
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) unlimited range unless the DM determines that
Cost: 10,000 Units something is interfering with the signal)
Tentative Purchase DC: 2625 Description: A poor man's atomic bomb. But not a
Required Proficiency: Simple very poor man. This is perhaps the most destructive
Handed: N/A device you can build without a nuclear reaction. It
Range Increment: -- releases a fine vapor of flammable fuel over a wide
“To Hit” Bonus: -- area and then ignites it all at once. Fuel-air explosives
Rate of Fire: Once per round aren't small and they aren't very portable, but they're
Damage: 15d6 Heat damage to everything in a 500 ideal for denying resources to an invading army, or for
foot radius. Anyone caught within that range can make blackmailing cities into paying enormous ransoms.
a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25 to take half This one comes with a timer, which can be set for up
damage. to six hours. It can also be detonated by remote
Weight: 1 ton control, preferably from a great distance.
Armor Class: 3
Hardness: 2
Hit Points: 3
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Roll: 14 to disable
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 150

Small Fission Bomb
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll)
Cost: 20,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype--
this is actually the cost required to build the weapon)
Tentative Purchase DC: 45
Required Proficiency: Demolition (or other skill, at
the DM's discretion) at +5 or better.
Handed: N/A
Range Increment: --
“To Hit” Bonus: --
Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once.
Damage: Special, see description
Large Fuel-Air Explosive Device Weight: 25 pounds
Size: Gargantuan (can’t be concealed) Armor Class: 7
Cost: 50,000 Units Hardness: 5
Tentative Purchase DC: 31 30 Hit Points: 15
Required Proficiency: Simple DC required to break this item with a Strength
Handed: N/A Roll: Demolitions Skill Check vs. DC 15
Range Increment: -- Special: Does area effect damage which decreases as
“To Hit” Bonus: -- it gets further from the site of the blast.
Rate of Fire: Once per round It does 30d8 Bludgeoning + 20d8 Heat Damage
Damage: Does area effect damage that decreases with +5d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a 150 foot
the distance. radius. This damage ignores up to 50 points of
Everything in a 100 foot radius takes 18d6 heat Hardness or Damage Resistance. Anything in this first
damage Everything between 100 and 500 feet away area which loses all its hit points can never be
from the bomb takes 8d6 damage, everything between repaired, restored or brought back to life-it has been
500 and 100 feet takes 5d6 damage. Anyone standing utterly annihilated.
more than a hundred feet from the weapon can make a The bomb does 20d8 Bludgeoning + 10d8 Heat
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 25 to take half Damage +4d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a
damage. radius of 151-300 feet. This damage ignores up to 30
Weight: 30 tons points of hardness or Damage Resistance.
Armor Class: 0 It does 15d8 Bludgeoning + 8d8 Heat Damage
Hardness: 3 +3d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of
Hit Points: 4 301-500 feet. This damage ignores up to 20 points of
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hardness or Damage Resistance.
Roll: 14 to disable It does 10d8 Bludgeoning + 6d8 Heat Damage
Accessories: Remote Detonator (1/20th lb, costs 150 +2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of
Units, uses a satellite uplink and has effectively 501-1,000 feet. This damage ignores up to 10 points of
unlimited range unless the DM determines that Hardness or Damage Resistance.
something is interfering with the signal) It does 5d8 Bludgeoning + 3d8 Heat Damage +1d6
Description: This one really is the most destructive Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of 1,001-
device you can build without a nuclear reaction. It's 2000 feet. Hardness and Damage Resistance protect
just like a fuel-air explosive device, but much, much normally against this damage. At this range the DM
bigger. It releases a fine vapor of flammable fuel over may decide that a character must make a Reflexes
an even wider area and then ignites it all at once. As Saving Throw vs. DC 15-20 to avoid being crushed by
big as building, far too large to drop from an aircraft, some flying piece of debris for additional damage
this model is more the kind of thing you'd find in an (DM's discretion as to how much).
arch-villain's lair. Despite its terrifying destructive It does 3d8 Bludgeoning + 2d8 Heat Damage to
power, it doesn't really have that much value as a anything in a radius of 2001-3,500 feet. A Reflexes
military weapon, since you can't launch it at a target, Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will halve this damage (it is
and if detonated it will devastate a huge swath of your at this range that you generally start to see a few
own territory. Favored by insane dictators who'd wounded survivors, buildings that are still standing
rather blow up their country than lose control of it, or and so forth). Flying Debris remains a serious hazard
masked lunatics who can't afford a giant death ray. Its at this range, and the DM is entitled to make a
timer can be set for up to 48 hours, and it can also be character roll to avoid it.
detonated by satellite. However, anyone crazy enough It does 2d8 Bludgeoning + 1d8 Heat Damage to
to build this thing is just as likely to set it off by hand. anything in a radius of 3,501-4,500 feet. A Reflexes
Saving Throw vs. DC 15 will halve this damage. At
this range flying debris is still everywhere, and the
DM should feel free to make characters make Reflexes
Saving Throws of up to DC 20 to avoid it.

It does 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage to anything in a You can set the timer for up to seventy-two hours
radius of 4,501-6,000 feet, still more than enough to (no skill roll required) and run like Hell, or detonate
kill an ordinary Level 0 citizen or blast all the the weapon with a coded satellite transmission (It
windows out of a building. A Reflexes Saving Throw takes a skill roll vs. DC 10 to do this. The DM should
vs. DC 20 will halve this damage. Flying Debris isn't decide which futuristic skill would be appropriate).
as much of a hazard at this range, but the DM can still The bomb cannot be armed by remote control.
call for a Reflexes Saving Throw to avoid taking extra Someone has to physically move it into position and
damage. arm the device before the timer can be set into motion
There are certain additional hazards to being in the by satellite feed.
vicinity of a small, dirty nuclear blast. Anyone who Once you get the case open, the device is
takes any damage from the bomb must make a surprisingly easy to disarm. A Demolitions skill check
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15+the number op hit vs. DC 15 will do the job. Only rolling an unmodified
points taken in damage, or suffer the effects of 1 will set the bomb off in the course of trying to
radiations sickness. Radiation Sickness destroys one disarm it.
point of Constitution per hour. It lasts until the The bomb itself is round and with its white
character can make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20, (roll pentagonal shaped charges set all over it surface it
once per 2 hours) but since their Con score is looks a lot like a soccer ball.
continually declining, it gets harder and harder to It is also possible to set a booby trap in place which
make the roll. will detonate the bomb the moment the case is opened,
The final stages of the condition are extremely but few operatives would ever be fanatical or suicidal
unpleasant to experience. One the character's Con enough to use it. If the booby trap has been set in
reaches 4, they make all their rolls (except Fortitude place, then disarming the bomb becomes a DC 20 skill
Saving Throws, just to be fair) at a -2 penalty. When check. Fail the roll and the weapon detonates.
they reach Con 3 the penalty increases to -4. When
they lose another point it becomes a -6 penalty and
when they reach Con 1 they are unable to take any
action, or even to move. If they can make a
Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15, they can force
themselves to say a few words or to undertake some
purely mental action-at a -6 penalty, of course.
Small, primitive nuclear weapons like this one are
also notoriously dirty. 20-240 (2d12x10) minutes
after the initial blast, a black, greasy rain begins to fall
from the sky, contaminating everything out side with
radiation (no saving throw). Anyone caught out in this
deadly rain (or "fallout") must at once make a
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or suffer the effects
of Radiation Sickness, as described above.
Anyone caught outside or within sight of a window
anywhere inside the blast radius of an atomic attack
must make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
become permanently blind. There may or may not be
some kind of futuristic medical technique which can
fix this. The DM may assign bonuses to the Saving
Throw, depending on various extenuating factors.
How far the character is from the window, the angle Large Fission Bomb
they're facing, etc. This is strictly the DM's call. Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
Little, dirty bombs often leave a target area Cost: 10,000,000 Units
seriously contaminated for long periods of time. The Tentative Purchase DC: 45
entire area will remain dangerously radioactive for Required Proficiency: Demolition (or other skill, at
2d4 weeks. During that period, anyone who ventures the DM's discretion) at +5 or better.
into the blast radius must make a Fortitude Saving Handed: N/A
Throw vs. DC 15 once per every two hours they spend Range Increment: --
there, or lose a point of Constitution. “To Hit” Bonus: --
For 2d6 years, there is a 15% chance that anyone Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once.
who spends more than a month here will contract Damage: Special, see description
some lethal form of cancer. The chance rises to 30% if Weight: 1 ton
they spend more than five years living in the vicinity. Armor Class: 4
Description: Nuclear weapons come in all shapes and Hardness: 15
sizes. This one is made to fit in a large metal Hit Points: 35
briefcase, and comes with its own timer and satellite DC required to break this item with a Strength
uplink antenna. Roll: Demolitions Skill Check vs. DC 10

Special: Does area effect damage which decreases as reaches 4, they make all their rolls (except Fortitude
it gets further from the site of the blast. Saving Throws, just to be fair) at a -2 penalty. When
It does 30d8 Bludgeoning + 20d8 Heat Damage they reach Con 3 the penalty increases to -4. When
+5d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a 200 foot they lose another point it becomes a -6 penalty and
radius. This damage ignores up to 50 points of when they reach Con 1 they are unable to take any
Hardness or Damage Resistance. Anything in this first action, or even to move. If they can make a
area which loses all its hit points can never be Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15, they can force
repaired, restored or brought back to life--it has been themselves to say a few words or to undertake some
utterly annihilated. purely mental action--at a -6 penalty, of course.
The bomb does 20d8 Bludgeoning + 10d8 Heat Anyone caught outside or within sight of a window
Damage +4d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a anywhere inside the blast radius of an atomic attack
radius of 201-350 feet. This damage ignores up to 30 must also make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
points of hardness or Damage Resistance. become permanently blind. There may or may not be
It does 15d8 Bludgeoning + 8d8 Heat Damage some kind of futuristic medical technique which can
+3d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of fix this. The DM may assign bonuses to the Saving
351-550 feet. This damage ignores up to 20 points of Throw, depending on various extenuating factors.
Hardness or Damage Resistance. How far the character is from the window, the angle
It does 10 d8 Bludgeoning + 6d8 Heat Damage they're facing, etc. This is strictly the DM's call.
+2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of Fission weapons also produce a lot of radioactive
551-1,500 feet. This damage ignores up to 10 points of waste. 20-240 (2d12x10) minutes after the initial
Hardness or Damage Resistance. blast, a black, greasy rain begins to fall from the sky,
It does 5d8 Bludgeoning + 3d8 Heat Damage +1d6 contaminating everything outside with radiation (no
Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of 1,501- saving throw). Anyone caught out in this deadly rain
3000 feet. Hardness and Damage Resistance protect (or "fallout") must at once make a Fortitude Saving
normally against this damage. At this range the DM Throw vs. DC 15 or suffer the effects of Radiation
may decide that a character must make a Reflexes Sickness, as described above.
Saving Throw vs. DC 15-20 to avoid being crushed by The whole target area will probably be
some flying piece of debris for additional damage contaminated for a long time. For the first 2d4 weeks,
(DM's discretion as to how much). anyone who ventures into the blast radius must make a
It does 3d8 Bludgeoning + 2d8 Heat Damage to Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15 once per every two
anything in a radius of 3001-4,500 feet. A Reflexes hours they spend there, or lose a point of Constitution.
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will halve this damage (it is For 2d6 years, there is a 15% chance that anyone who
at this range that you generally start to see a few spends more than a month here will contract some
wounded survivors, buildings that are still standing lethal form of cancer. The chance rises to 30% if they
and so forth). Flying Debris remains a serious hazard spend more than five years living in the vicinity.
at this range, and the DM is entitled to make a Description: A one-megaton fission bomb, meant to
character roll to avoid it. be dropped on a population center by airplane. It
It does 2d8 Bludgeoning + 1d8 Heat Damage to looks like a squat black steel ball. You tend to see
anything in a radius of 4,501-6,500 feet. A Reflexes these weapons in the hands of states that have just
Saving Throw vs. DC 15 will halve this damage. At figured out how to use atomic bombs, before they
this range flying debris is still everywhere, and the become capable of making cleaner and more powerful
DM should feel free to make characters make Reflexes fusion weapons. A site that has been nuked by one of
Saving Throws of up to DC 20 to avoid it. these things won't be safe for a long time. This bomb
It does 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage to anything in a doesn't have a timer or a radio detonator-it's meant to
radius of 6,501-9,000 feet. A Reflexes Saving Throw go off either on impact or when it falls to a certain
vs. DC 20 will halve this damage. Flying Debris isn't altitude. It is easy to disarm once you take the
as much of a danger at this range, but the DM can still maintenance plate off the side. It requires only a
call for a Reflexes Saving Throw to avoid taking extra Demolitions skill check vs. DC 10. However, the
damage. plate is so securely bolted on that the whole process of
There are certain additional hazards to being in the disabling the bomb will take 2-12 minutes.
vicinity of a small, dirty nuclear blast. Anyone who
takes any damage from the bomb must make a
Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15+ the number of hit Small Fusion Bomb
points taken in damage, or suffer the effects of Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
radiations sickness. Cost: 30,000,000 Units
Radiation Sickness destroys one point of Tentative Purchase DC: 50
Constitution per hour. It lasts until the character can Required Proficiency: Demolition (or other skill, at
make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20, (roll once per 2 the DM's discretion) at +5 or better.
hours) but since their Con score is continually Handed: N/A
declining, it gets harder and harder to make the roll. Range Increment: --
The final stages of the condition are extremely “To Hit” Bonus: --
unpleasant to experience. One the character's Con Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once.

Damage: Special, see description Radiation sickness destroys one point of
Weight: 150 pounds Constitution per hour. It lasts until the character can
Armor Class: 4 make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20, (roll once per 2
Hardness: 15 hours) but since their Con score is continually
Hit Points: 20 declining, it gets harder and harder to make the roll.
DC required to break this item with a Strength This is a bad way to die and the agony it causes
Roll: Demolitions Skill Check vs. DC 15 will begin to seriously affect the character’s rolls as it
Special: Does area effect damage which decreases as enters its final stages. One the character's Con reaches
it gets further from the site of the blast. 4, they make all their rolls (except Fortitude Saving
It does 30d8 Bludgeoning + 20d8 Heat Damage Throws, just to be fair) at a -2 penalty. When they
+3d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a 300 foot reach Con 3 the penalty increases to -4. When they
radius. This damage ignores up to 50 points of lose another point it becomes a -6 penalty and when
Hardness or Damage Resistance. Anything in this first they reach Con 1 they are unable to take any action, or
area which loses all its hit points can never be even to move. If they can make a Willpower Saving
repaired, restored or brought back to life-it has been Throw vs. DC 15, they can force themselves to say a
utterly annihilated. few words or to undertake some purely mental action-
The bomb does 20d8 Bludgeoning + 10d8 Heat at a -6 penalty, of course.
Damage +2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a Anyone caught outside or within sight of a window
radius of 301-500 feet. This damage ignores up to 30 anywhere inside the blast radius of an atomic attack
points of hardness or Damage Resistance. must also make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
It does 15d8 Bludgeoning + 8d8 Heat Damage become permanently blind. There may or may not be
+2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of some kind of futuristic medical technique which can
501-750 feet. This damage ignores up to 20 points of fix this. The DM may assign bonuses to the Saving
Hardness or Damage Resistance. Throw, depending on various extenuating factors.
It does 10d8 Bludgeoning + 6d8 Heat Damage How far the character is from the window, the angle
+2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of they're facing, etc. This is strictly the DM's call.
751-1,500 feet. This damage ignores up to 10 points of The target area will be dangerously radioactive for
Hardness or Damage Resistance. a few days. For the first 3d20 hours, anyone who
It does 5d8 Bludgeoning + 3d8 Heat Damage +1d6 ventures into the blast radius must make a Fortitude
Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of 1,501- Saving Throw vs. DC 15 once per every two hours
3000 feet. Hardness and Damage Resistance protect they spend there, or lose a point of Constitution.
normally against this damage. At this range the DM Accessories: None Known
may decide that a character must make a Reflexes Description: A one-megaton fusion bomb, this is the
Saving Throw vs. DC 15-20 to avoid being crushed by main nuclear weapon in the arsenal of late 20th-
some flying piece of debris for additional damage century superpowers. Far cleaner than a fission bomb
(DM's discretion as to how much). of the same size, it produces very little lasting atomic
It does 3 d8 Bludgeoning + 2d8 Heat Damage to waste.
anything in a radius of 3001-4,500 feet. A Reflexes Small fusion weapons come in a lot of shapes and
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will halve this damage (it is configurations. This particular device is a modular
at this range that you generally start to see a few warhead, meant to be mounted on any of a number of
wounded survivors, buildings that are still standing different delivery systems. It could be placed on an
and so forth). Flying Debris remains a serious hazard ICBM and hit targets on the far side of the planet, or
at this range, and the DM is entitled to make a on a small surface-to-surface battlefield missile with a
character roll to avoid it. It does 2d8 Bludgeoning + range of just a few miles. Or it could be dropped out
1d8 Heat Damage to anything in a radius of 4,501- of a bomber.
6,500 feet. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 will All too often Player Characters encounter these
halve this damage. At this range flying debris is still devices in the hands of cackling madmen intent on
everywhere, and the DM should feel free to make nuclear blackmail. If this is the case, then the bomb
characters make Reflexes Saving Throws of up to DC will be wired up to some sort of improvised timing
20 to avoid it. It does 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage to device. Typically the detonator will have a timer
anything in a radius of 6,501-9,000 feet. A Reflexes which can be set for up to 18 hours. They can usually
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will halve this damage. also be set off by a coded radio signal, either directly
Flying Debris isn't as much of a danger at this range, or via satellite.
but the DM can still call for a Reflexes Saving Throw The DM should determine how difficult it is to
to avoid taking extra damage. defuse the device by how skilled the person who wired
There are certain additional hazards to being in the it up is (probably a Demolitions skill roll vs. DC 15 or
vicinity of a nuclear blast. While fusion weapons so). Frankly, most villains assume that if you've
aren't nearly as dirty as fission bombs, there is still a gotten this far then their master plan is doomed
risk of getting radiation sickness from exposure to the anyway, so only rarely do they make the bomb itself a
blast itself. Anyone who takes damage directly from maze of tricks and booby traps.
the bomb must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC
10 or suffer the effects of radiation sickness.

Large Fusion Bomb Throw vs. DC 20 will halve this damage. Flying
Size: Huge (can’t be concealed) Debris isn't as much of a danger at this range, but the
Cost: 50,000,000 Units DM can still call for a Reflexes Saving Throw to avoid
Tentative Purchase DC: 55 taking extra damage.
Required Proficiency: Demolition (or other skill, at There are certain additional hazards to being in the
the DM's discretion) at +5 or better. vicinity of a nuclear blast. While fusion weapons
Handed: N/A aren't nearly as dirty as fission bombs, there is still a
Range Increment: -- risk of getting radiation sickness from the initial
“To Hit” Bonus: -- exposure. Anyone who takes damage directly from
Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once. the bomb must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC
Damage: Special, see description 10 or suffer the effects of radiation sickness.
Weight: 800 pounds Radiation sickness destroys one point of
Armor Class: 4 Constitution per hour. It lasts until the character can
Hardness: 15 make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20, (roll once per 2
Hit Points: 50 hours).
DC required to break this item with a Strength The final stages of the condition are excruciatingly
Roll: Demolitions Skill Check vs. DC 20 unpleasant. One the character's Con reaches 4, they
Special: Does area effect damage which decreases as make all their rolls (except Fortitude Saving Throws,
it gets further from the site of the blast. just to be fair) at a -2 penalty. When they reach Con 3
It does 30d8 Bludgeoning + 20d8 Heat Damage the penalty increases to -4. When they lose another
+3d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a 600 foot point it becomes a -6 penalty and when they reach Con
radius. This damage ignores up to 50 points of 1 they are unable to take any action, or even to move.
Hardness or Damage Resistance. Anything in this first If they can make a Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC
area which loses all its hit points can never be 15, they can force themselves to say a few words or to
repaired, restored or brought back to life-it has been undertake some purely mental action-at a -6 penalty,
vaporized. of course.
The bomb does 20d8 Bludgeoning + 10d8 Heat Anyone caught outside or within sight of a window
Damage +2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a anywhere inside the blast radius of an atomic attack
radius of 601-800 feet. This damage ignores up to 30 must also make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
points of hardness or Damage Resistance. become permanently blind. There may or may not be
It does 15d8 Bludgeoning + 8d8 Heat Damage some kind of futuristic medical technique which can
+2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of fix this. The DM may assign bonuses to the Saving
801-1,200 feet. This damage ignores up to 20 points of Throw, depending on various extenuating factors.
Hardness or Damage Resistance. How far the character is from the window, the angle
It does 10d8 Bludgeoning + 6d8 Heat Damage they're facing, etc. This is strictly the DM's call.
+2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of The target area will be dangerously radioactive for
1,201-1,750 feet. This damage ignores up to 10 points a few days. For the first 3d20 hours, anyone who
of Hardness or Damage Resistance. ventures into the blast radius must make a Fortitude
It does 5d8 Bludgeoning + 3d8 Heat Damage +1d6 Saving Throw vs. DC 15 once per every two hours
Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of 1,751- they spend there, or lose a point of Constitution.
6000 feet. Hardness and Damage Resistance protect Accessories: None Known
normally against this damage. At this range the DM Description: A twenty-megaton fusion bomb, made
may decide that a character must make a Reflexes for cracking open underground missile silos and
Saving Throw vs. DC 15-20 to avoid being crushed by fortifications. This device can't be hidden in a suitcase
some flying piece of debris for additional damage or a car-trunk, and is almost always either dropped
(DM's discretion as to how much). from an aircraft or placed on a ballistic missile.
It does 3d8 Bludgeoning + 2d8 Heat Damage to It is just conceivable that a giggling madman intent
anything in a radius of 6001-9,500 feet. A Reflexes on blackmail or revenge might hide one somewhere in
Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will halve this damage (it is a major metropolitan area, but it is unusual for would-
at this range that you generally start to see a few be arch-villains to lay their hands on a nuke this big.
wounded survivors, buildings that are still standing They tend to prefer weapons that are easier to steal,
and so forth). Flying Debris remains a serious hazard cost less and can be hidden better.
at this range, and the DM is entitled to make a These bombs aren't meant to be used by ordinary
character roll to avoid it. soldiers and aren't simple to work with. If the player
It does 2d8 Bludgeoning + 1d8 Heat Damage to characters encounter such a device, it will require a
anything in a radius of 9,501-12,000 feet. A Reflexes skill roll vs. DC 20 to either arm it or disarm it (the
Saving Throw vs. DC 15 will halve this damage. At DM should pick an appropriate skill).
this range flying debris is still everywhere, and the It is unlikely that the player-characters will ever
DM should feel free to make characters make Reflexes actually own one of these items, but they might be
Saving Throws of up to DC 20 to avoid it. forced to deal with the effects of one if they make the
It does 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage to anything in a wrong kind of mistake or get really unlucky.
radius of 12,001-15,000 feet. A Reflexes Saving

some flying piece of debris for additional damage
(DM's discretion as to how much).
It does 3d8 Bludgeoning + 2d8 Heat Damage to
anything in a radius of 12,001-19,000 feet. A
Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will halve this
damage (it is at this range that you generally start to
see a few wounded survivors, buildings that are still
standing and so forth). Flying Debris remains a serious
hazard at this range, and the DM is entitled to make a
character roll to avoid it.
It does 2d8 Bludgeoning + 1d8 Heat Damage to
anything in a radius of 19,001-24,000 feet. A Reflexes
Saving Throw vs. DC 15 will halve this damage. At
this range flying debris is still everywhere and the DM
should feel free to make characters make Reflexes
Saving Throws of up to DC 20 to avoid it.
It does 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage to anything in a
Very Large Fusion Bomb radius of 24,001-39,000 feet. A Reflexes Saving
Size: Gargantuan (can’t be concealed) Throw vs. DC 20 will halve this damage. Flying
Cost: 800,000,000 Units (almost always a prototype-- Debris isn't as much of a danger at this range, but the
this is actually the cost required to build the weapon) DM can still call for a Reflexes Saving Throw to avoid
Tentative Purchase DC: 75 taking extra damage.
Required Proficiency: Demolition (or other skill, at There are certain additional hazards to being in the
the DM's discretion) at +5 or better. vicinity of a nuclear blast. While fusion weapons
Handed: N/A aren't nearly as dirty as fission bombs, there is still a
Range Increment: -- risk of getting radiation sickness from the initial
“To Hit” Bonus: -- exposure. Anyone who takes damage directly from
Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once. the bomb must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC
Damage: Special, see description 10 or suffer the effects of radiation sickness.
Weight: 3 tons Radiation sickness destroys one point of
Armor Class: 4 Constitution per hour. It lasts until the character can
Hardness: 15 make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 20, (roll once per 2
Hit Points: 75 hours).
DC required to break this item with a Strength The final stages of the condition are extremely
Roll: Demolitions Skill Check vs. DC 15 unpleasant to experience. One the character's Con
Special: Does area effect damage which decreases as reaches 4, they make all their rolls (except Fortitude
it gets further from the site of the blast. Saving Throws, just to be fair) at a -2 penalty. When
It does 30d8 Bludgeoning + 20d8 Heat Damage they reach Con 3 the penalty increases to -4. When
+3d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a 1,200 foot they lose another point it becomes a -6 penalty and
radius. This damage ignores up to 50 points of when they reach Con 1 they are unable to take any
Hardness or Damage Resistance. Anything in this first action, or even to move. If they can make a
area which loses all its hit points can never be Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15, they can force
repaired, restored or brought back to life--it has been themselves to say a few words or to undertake some
utterly annihilated. purely mental action-at a -6 penalty, of course.
The bomb does 20d8 Bludgeoning + 10d8 Heat Anyone caught outside or within sight of a window
Damage +2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a anywhere inside the blast radius of an atomic attack
radius of 1,201-1,600 feet. This damage ignores up to must also make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
30 points of hardness or Damage Resistance. become permanently blind. There may or may not be
It does 15d8 Bludgeoning + 8d8 Heat Damage some kind of futuristic medical technique which can
+2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of fix this. The DM may assign bonuses to the Saving
1,601-2,400 feet. This damage ignores up to 20 points Throw, depending on various extenuating factors.
of Hardness or Damage Resistance. How far the character is from the window, the angle
It does 10d8 Bludgeoning + 6d8 Heat Damage they're facing, etc. This is strictly the DM's call. The
+2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of target area will be dangerously radioactive for a few
2,401-3,500 feet. This damage ignores up to 10 points days. For the first 3d20 hours, anyone who ventures
of Hardness or Damage Resistance. into the blast radius must make a Fortitude Saving
It does 5d8 Bludgeoning + 3d8 Heat Damage +1d6 Throw vs. DC 15 once per every two hours they spend
Radiation Damage to anything in a radius of 3,501- there, or lose a point of Constitution.
12,000 feet. Hardness and Damage Resistance protect Accessories: None Known
normally against this damage. At this range the DM Description: A two-hundred megaton bomb, much
may decide that a character must make a Reflexes larger and more dangerous than anything produced by
Saving Throw vs. DC 15-20 to avoid being crushed by the 21st century. Physically, this is a bigger weapon

than the other nukes we have listed here--it's the size Radiation Damage to anything in a radius (or cone) of
of a house. 1,501-3000 feet. Hardness and Damage Resistance
Very large nuclear bombs hit a point of protect normally against this damage. At this range
diminishing returns on destructive yield. This weapon the DM may decide that a character must make a
does not do nearly as much damage as twenty ten- Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15-20 to avoid being
megaton bombs, and far less than two-hundred one- crushed by some flying piece of debris for additional
megaton devices. damage (DM's discretion as to how much).
This bomb is probably either a terror-weapon or the It does 3 d8 Bludgeoning + 2d8 Heat Damage to
product of some large, wasteful and destructive anything in a radius (or cone) of 3001-4,500 feet. A
civilization with a lot of resources and a regular habit Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 20 will halve this
of annihilating other cultures. damage (it is at this range that you generally start to
It would take a rocket the size of a Saturn Five to see a few wounded survivors, buildings that are still
effectively launch this weapon. But of course there standing and so forth). Flying Debris remains a serious
may be warlike galactic empires with enough hazard at this range, and the DM is entitled to make a
resources to put ten or twenty of them on every police character roll to avoid it.
cruiser and pleasure yacht. It does 2d8 Bludgeoning + 1d8 Heat Damage to
anything within 4,501-6,500 feet. A Reflexes Saving
Throw vs. DC 15 will halve this damage. At this
Directional Nuke range flying debris is still everywhere, and the DM
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of should feel free to make characters make Reflexes
hand” roll) Saving Throws of up to DC 20 to avoid it.
Cost: 50,000,000 Units It does 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage to anything
Tentative Purchase DC: 80 within 6,501-9,000 feet. A Reflexes Saving Throw vs.
Required Proficiency: Demolition (or other skill, at DC 20 will halve this damage. Flying Debris isn't as
the DM's discretion) at +5 or better. much of a danger at this range, but the DM can still
Handed: N/A call for a Reflexes Saving Throw to avoid taking extra
Range Increment: -- damage.
“To Hit” Bonus: -- There are certain additional hazards to being in the
Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once. vicinity of a nuclear blast. While fusion weapons
Damage: Special, see description aren't nearly as dirty as fission bombs, there is still a
Weight: 200 pounds risk of getting radiation sickness from exposure to the
Armor Class: 4 blast itself. Anyone who takes damage directly from
Hardness: 15 the bomb must make a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC
Hit Points: 40 10 or suffer the effects of radiation sickness. Radiation
DC required to break this item with a Strength sickness destroys one point of Constitution per hour. It
Roll: Demolitions Skill Check vs. DC 15 lasts until the character can make a Fortitude Save vs.
Special: Does area effect damage which decreases as DC 20, (roll once per 2 hours) but since their Con
it gets further from the site of the blast. score is continually declining, it gets harder and harder
It can be set to do damage in either a hemisphere or to make the roll.
a cone-shaped area of attack, but the actual amount of The final stages of the condition are extremely
damage doesn't vary according to the shape of the unpleasant to experience. One the character's Con
blast--only the distance from the point of detonation. reaches 4, they make all their rolls (except Fortitude
It does 30d8 Bludgeoning + 20d8 Heat Damage Saving Throws, just to be fair) at a -2 penalty. When
+3d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a 300 foot they reach Con 3 the penalty increases to -4. When
radius (or cone). This damage ignores up to 50 points they lose another point it becomes a -6 penalty and
of Hardness or Damage Resistance. Anything in this when they reach Con 1 they are unable to take any
first area which loses all its hit points can never be action, or even to move. If they can make a
repaired, restored or brought back to life--it has been Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 15, they can force
utterly annihilated. themselves to say a few words or to undertake some
The bomb does 20d8 Bludgeoning + 10d8 Heat purely mental action-at a -6 penalty, of course.
Damage +2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a Anyone caught outside or within sight of a window
radius (or cone) of 301-500 feet. This damage ignores anywhere inside the blast radius of an atomic attack
up to 30 points of hardness or Damage Resistance. must also make a Reflexes Saving Throw vs. DC 15 or
It does 15d8 Bludgeoning + 8d8 Heat Damage become permanently blind. There may or may not be
+2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius (or some kind of futuristic medical technique which can
cone) of 501-750 feet. This damage ignores up to 20 fix this. The DM may assign bonuses to the Saving
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance. Throw, depending on various extenuating factors.
It does 10d8 Bludgeoning + 6d8 Heat Damage How far the character is from the window, the angle
+2d6 Radiation Damage to anything in a radius (or they're facing, etc. This is strictly the DM's call.
cone) of 751-1,500 feet. This damage ignores up to 10 The target area will be dangerously radioactive for
points of Hardness or Damage Resistance. a few days. For the first 3d20 hours, anyone who
It does 5d8 Bludgeoning + 3d8 Heat Damage +1d6 ventures into the blast radius must make a Fortitude

Saving Throw vs. DC 15 once per every two hours crater where the field cuts into the ground.
they spend there, or lose a point of Constitution.
Accessories: None Known
Description: A fusion weapon equipped with a Gravitic Implosion Bomb
nuclear damper--it can be set to do its catacylsmic Size: Huge (can’t be concealed)
damage in a cone-shaped area or a hemishpere instead Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
of a radius-effect. usually not for sale.
If you are standing within fifty feet of the bomb Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
when it goes off, you still take 6d6 bludgeoning Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapon
damage and 4d6 heat damage from the collateral Handed: N/A
effects of having such a massive explosion occur in Range Increment: --
your immediate vicinity. “To Hit” Bonus: --
Any being smaller than Colossal in size will also be Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once.
flung 50-500 feet in a random direction (possibly into Damage: Special, see description
the heat and atomic catastrophe of the actual blast). Weight: 500 pounds
Colossal creatures are merely knocked to the ground Armor Class: 4
when they take damage. Hardness: 10
Hit Points: 10
DC required to break this item with a Strength
Thanatic Field Projector Roll: 27 to deactivate with a skill roll (but See
Size: Medium (-4 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of description)
hand” roll) Accessories: None Known
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation, Description: Gravitic explosion bombs are among the
usually not for sale. most terrible and devastating weapons ever produced.
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A One of these devices can burst a planet open like a
Required Proficiency: Simple rotten piece of fruit.
Handed: N/A It works according to a very simple principle. A
Range Increment: -- few drops of liquid fall through a vacuum tube (the
“To Hit” Bonus: -- tube is typically about six inches in length). When the
Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once. liquid reaches the bottom of the tube, it falls through a
Damage: Special, see description tiny space-warp back up to the top. The material keeps
Weight: 2 pounds falling through that tiny space, over and over again,
Armor Class: 7 accelerating, building up speed as it falls and falls.
Hardness: 60 After 12 hours or so of continuous acceleration, it is
Hit Points: 250 going to make one Hell of a bang when it finally slams
DC required to break this item with a Strength into the bottom of the tube.
Roll: N/A At an acceleration rate of 32 feet per second, per
Accessories: None Known second (normal for Earth-gravity) it will take only a
Description: A smooth, shiny gray cube, made of few days for the material to reach speeds where it
what appears to be metal but is in fact something would be extremely dangerous to turn the machine off.
much stronger. There is a large red button on one After the first 12 hours, it does 10d6 damage to
side. anything in a 40 foot radius when switched off or
When you press the button, every living thing broken. After the next 12 hours it does 20d6 damage
within a 5 foot radius of the device must make a to anything within 100 feet. After the 40th hour it does
Saving Throw vs. DC 25 or lie down and die. Robots 30d6 damage to anything within two hundred miles.
and complex machines fare a little better, and only roll After the 48th hour it will do 40d6 damage to anything
vs. DC 20. You must roll once every round that you within a thousand mile radius, devastating a
remain within the field. significant chunk of the planet and causing
After two rounds, the field begins to expand. It catastrophic weather over the rest of it.
doubles in size every round thereafter, affecting a ten- As the materials approach the speed of light, some
foot radius, then a twenty-foot radius, then a fourty- time near the middle of the third day, their effective
foot radius, then an eighty foot radius, then a 160 foot mass begins to increase, bending local space like a
radius and so forth. It grows to a maximum radius of black hole and very possibly disrupting the planet's
1280 feet, about the size of a small nuclear blast rotation. Earthquakes, tidal waves and exceptionally
(although of course it is far more destructive). Once violent storms appear without warning as the planet's
the field reaches its maximum range it will remain crust starts to distort. The bomb's casing starts to warp
there for 2-12 years, and then suddenly vanish, taking from the weird gravitational effects at around the end
the device with it. of the third day.
Everything inside the field will slowly turn to dust Approaching the bomb is difficult once it has
over the first few months. By the time two years have begun to warp space. After about the 60th hour, It
gone by, the earth and stone will have crumbled into requires a Strength roll vs. DC 15 not to fall down and
nothingness, leaving a smooth-sided hemispherical roll 10 feet toward the machine, every round you

remain within 50 feet of it. Anyone who gets within metal pull tab in the top. It's easy to tip over, but after
25 feet will take 1d6 points of damage per round (no the first day it would be a terrible idea.
Saving Throw unless the character somehow has the The device works exactly the same way as a full-
ability to warp space themselves--and then it should be sized gravitic implosion bomb--it just uses a much
a tough one) as the buckling space-time continuum smaller machine to create the space-warp. Use the
stretches their veins and organs in unpleasant ways. same rules to determine how much damage it does
By this point it would certainly doom all life on the when switched off or knocked over and how hard it is
planet's surface to switch the bomb off. Then, 1d12 to approach after the 60th hour. In 60+1d12 hours it
hours after the first earthquakes, the bomb tears itself will blow the planet apart like an M-80 in a bullfrog.
apart and the material hits the floor with enough force Until it starts seriously distorting the planet's
to crack the planet like a nut. gravitational field on the third day, it is alomst
The physical statistics given here assume that the impossible to find--it could be hidden just about
device was built by some cruel interstellar empire with anywhere.
a foreign policy mandate that involves blowing up Really big mean civilizations issue three or four of
planets. If on the other hand some madman has built these grenades to every infantry grunt. Really, really
the machine in his basement, it will be a lot bigger and big mean civilizations sell them to juvenile
a lot more delicate. delinquents for kicks.
A mad scientist's homemade gravititc implosion
bomb should consist of about five tons of equipment
linked up with a maze of cables around the central
vacuum chamber. It should have a Hardness of 5 in
some places, but as little as 1 in others. It will take 5
Hit Points worth of damage, whether to a single one of
its components or spread out among all of them,
before it ceases to function.
The mass-produced version looks like a squat
truncated metal pyramid with a control panel hidden
behind one of its plates. Alas, there is no safe way to
shut a Gravitic Implosion Bomb down once it's started

Thanatos Device
Size: Fine (+12 bonus to conceal with a “sleight of
hand” roll, although you can’t really pick it up)
Gravitic Implosion Grenade Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation,
Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a usually not for sale.
“sleight of hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: N/A
Cost: Artifact, DM sets price based on situation, Required Proficiency: Simple
usually not for sale. Handed: N/A
Tentative Purchase DC: N/A Range Increment: n/a (It’s a grenade-like weapon,
Required Proficiency: Simple but is impossible to throw or launch)
Handed: N/A “To Hit” Bonus: --
Range Increment: 10 ft (if thrown--but frankly there Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once.
would be little point in throwing it) Damage: Every living thing and cybernetic entity in
“To Hit” Bonus: -- an eighty-thousand light-year radius must make a
Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once. Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 60 or die. Those few
Damage: Special, see description gods, cosmic entities, etc. who make their Saving
Weight: 2 pounds Throws take 175d10 damage (just roll 7d10 and
Armor Class: 9 multiply the result by 25). The stars then go out and
Hardness: 15 their planets plunge hurtling off into the void.
Hit Points: 5 Weight: Nil
DC required to break this item with a Strength Armor Class: 13
Roll: 21 (but See description) Hardness: N/A (can't be damaged unless instructed to
Accessories: None Known self-destruct)
Description: Slightly worse than a Gravitic Implosion Hit Points: N/A (It can't be damaged, but it can be
Bomb, this version fits conveniently in a large coat instructed to self destruct with an Intelligence Roll vs.
pocket. It looks like a long shiny gold cylinder with a DC 35, if you also know the code-phrase)

DC required to break this item with a Strength galaxy dies.
Roll: N/A Who would create such a weapon is almost as
Special: The effect of the blast is not instantaneous. puzzling as how. The device itself would be happy to
Instead the destruction radiates outward at a speed of answer any such questions once it has been activated.
10,000 light years per round. Someone with a It is sentient, can communicate telepathically with any
sufficiently fast starship might actually be able to get concious being and is willing to engage in
away to some other galaxy, fleeing ahead of the wave conversation if you think to ask. You can hold off the
as the stars wink out behind them. explosion by talking to the device. Make a Charisma
Accessories: None Known Check vs. DC 25 every round to keep its attention.
Description: An extremely small, extremely simple When its mind starts to wander, everything dies.
device. It looks like a tiny upside-down four-sided die Despite its flightiness, the device knows most of
hovering in space, so black that it has no features at all the great cosmic secrets of the universe which have
It can't be moved and it can't be damaged unless you baffled men and gods from the very dawn of time and
know the code-phrase that makes it self-destruct (and will gladly tell them to you. It's a pity that you won't
of course no one does). If you were to ram someone have time to share them or to put them to any use.
into it with all your strength, its sharp corners ignore The self-destruct phrase is "And the thing which I
all damage resistance and do 1d6 Piercing damage am thinking of is not part of the thing that I am
You activate the Thanatos Device by thinking the thinking of, or any other thing except the thing that I
phrase "Death to Life" at it (any language will do). am thinking of." You can't just say the words--you
There is no timer, the device simply goes off and the have to mentally express the concept.

Appendix A: A Few Brief Notes on Dealing
With the Witherslant Masters
I have left the Witherslant Masters as open and that is required is that the target die. At the end of the
undefined as I could, in an effort to let you work them year, the customer will receive their gun. If a player
into your campaign (or leave them out of it) as easily asks how they will know who to kill, the robot says
as possible. If however you would like guidelines on that they will be informed. It won't discuss methods.
how a Player Character would go about acquiring one
of their weapons, feel free to use the following. No written contract is required, the robot is content to
accept their word, and will shake their hand if they
No one knows who the Witherslant Masters really are, like. If they ask to test a particular gun, the weapon
where they come from or what they want. At materializes on the countertop and the robot politely
unpredictable intervals, one of their shops will asks if they would like to shoot him with it. If they
suddenly appear at some random location. The shop would like to test the gun more thoroughly, the back
will never appear while anyone is looking or any wall of the shop can be extended about a thousand feet
security cameras are pointed at it. Sometimes it will to form a sort of impromptu firing range (this has no
appear in a vacant lot and sometimes it will effect on its external appearance). If they destroy the
temporarily replace an existing storefront. The shops robot while testing the gun, another identical robot
have a way of appearing where people who are materializes behind the counter to complete the
looking for a Witherslant Gun will stumble across transaction. If they would rather shoot some other
them, but there is no reliable way to summon one. target, a strangely shaped bullseye appears, floating in
When and if the Player characters find one, it will be the air. It has a basic AC of 15 and can absorb 150 hit
strictly at the DM's whim. points worth of damage.

A number of weird looking energy weapons are The robots are infinitely patient and will allow the
displayed in the shop's window, and a small sign customers to play around for as long as they like
explains that Witherslant Guns may be purchased before deciding on a weapon. They can't get insulted
here. It also bears their motto: “The Only Real and don't take offense at anything a customer might
Freedom is the Freedom to Kill.” say. They can't be threatened either, as they have no
sense of pain and no regard for their own existence.
The door opens inwards, revealing a single small room
with matte gray walls, about 20 feet by 20 feet. There Customers are free to test the weapons on one another
are no furnishings apart from a counter that appears to if they prefer. The robots will not intervene if one
be molded from the same material as the floor. customer decides to rob, fight or kill another, although
it will politely ask if they are finished afterwards
A humanoid plastic robot with rudimentary facial
features greets prospective customers from behind the If a buyer intentionally attacks the shop itself, it
counter. Stats for the shopkeeper are listed at the end vanishes, leaving them behind. Although it's not likely
of this section. to come up, the walls, ceiling, counter, door, window
and floor all have 25 points of damage resistance and
Despite the robot's bland voice and blank appearance, can take 30 points of damage.
there is something indefinably sinister about it (the
DM might simulate this by inserting unnervingly long If a display model of a gun is taken out of the shop, it
pauses into its sentences, or speaking its dialogue disintegrates the instant it leaves. So does the robot
softly enough that the players inadvertently lean shopkeeper, if for some reason a PC attempts to steal
forward in their chairs). him. If a PCs somehow freezes time to prevent the
stolen item from disintegrating, it vanishes the
The robot speaks whatever languages its customers moment time's flow is restored. Tricks like
speak. It explains the function of the various guns extradimensional teleports will not keep the item from
they have available, the relative advantages of each, vanishing--it only exists as a projection of the shop's
and then it explains the terms of sale. The Masters energy in the first place.
don't want your money. They do business only in the
one universal currency-- violence. The robot shopkeeper won't discuss matters apart from
guns and the terms of sale, except to make small talk
For the next year, the purchaser will kill whoever the in the vaguest terms ("How are you feeling today?
Witherslant Masters instruct them to kill. There is no That is good. It is good to feel well."). At the DM's
preferred method and the purchaser is free to hire out a discretion, it may also recite some pre-prepared sales
sub-contractor to do the actual killing if they like. All pitch, geared to the particular customer ("you appear

to be about thirrty years old. In thirty years, surely you within one year, but there is no obvious logic to the
must have met someone that you wanted to kill."). choice of most targets. Only very rarely do the
Witherslant Masters ask for the head of anyone
While describing the various guns for sale, the famous. Most victims are just ordinary people, going
shopkeeper will not mention the Witherslant Model about their lives, unaware of the assassin on their trail.
Omega unless asked, and then it is completely up to Yet at least two of them are certain to be really
the DM as to whether this fearsome weapon is difficult and dangerous. Here too, there seems to be
currently available. no central organizing principle. Dangerous targets
could be mafia bosses or soldiers on active duty or the
If a PC has some means of reading or controlling residents of some super-high-tech, ultra-secure
artificial minds, they will find that the shopkeeper retirement home or anything else that poses a difficult
knows nothing about the Witherslant Masters or how challenge.
the shop works or for that matter anything else apart
from how to sell guns to people. The Witherslant Masters do not care what order you
kill the targets in, how many other people get killed,
Once a buyer leaves the store, the Witherslant Masters how much publicity you attract or whether or not you
begin to make use of them. Messages will arrive, tell anyone that you are working for them. The only
neatly printed on folded up sheets of what appears to rule is that if the targets don't all die within a year, you
be paper (but is in fact plastic), listing a prospective don't get your gun. They may or may not send another
victim's name, address and sometimes some customer to kill you if you fail. If they do, the
information about their habits and where they can be assassin could arrive tomorrow or they could take
found at a particular time of day. A photograph of the decades. They might send just one killer or they might
target is usually printed on the page. keep sending them until you die.

The notes arrive at seemingly random intervals. They If you have failed them once and find one of their
do not wait for a target to die before they assign the shops again, they will deal with you as though nothing
next one. has happened. The shopkeeper gives no sign of
recognition and the terms remain the same. You
The DM should feel free to have the messages arrive probably won't be assigned to kill any of the same
by all kinds of mysterious means. Sometimes they are targets, but then again you might. If another customer
delivered by private courier, in which case no one is already out to kill you, they won't call it off. Nor
seems to be able to figure out who dropped the will they assign you to kill yourself.
message off or paid the delivery fee. The desk clerk at
the PC's hotel may tell them they have a message, and Once the last target dies, the gun arrives. It either
hand them the note. The clerk has no idea who arrives by delivery service with no return address or
dropped it off and the security tape, if there is one, else it simply appears while no one is looking. The
doesn't show anyone doing it. The PC may be gun comes in a large unmarked plastic box, padded
approached by a street urchin who was paid fifty with ordinary packing material. Once the gun is yours,
bucks to hand them a note. The man who paid the they never contact you again. Unless of course you
street kid looked ordinary enough, but now he's stumble onto another one of their shops and decide
nowhere to be found. The money he gave the street that you need another gun.
urchin is real, but newly minted and bears no chemical
trace of anyone else having ever touched it. Perhaps a If the customer wishes to purchase the Model Omega
public phone rings as they pass it on the street and (and the DM decides that it is actually available) the
when they pick it up a quiet voice tells them where to method of payment is much simpler. They must kill
find the note hidden nearby. the person they love most, apart of course from
themselves. Once the greatest love of their life lies
You can use all kinds of atmospheric tricks like this, dead, the gun is suddenly, inexplicably there in their
but the message should always prove to be hands, without leaving a blip on even the most
untraceable. When in doubt, the note simply appears sensitive scanner system.
next to the PC while no one is looking.
Alas, most people feel conflicted over who they really
The Witherslant Masters seem to be able to reach their love most. The character must make a Wisdom Check
agents anywhere. The customer could get another vs. DC 15 to determine who the greatest love of their
note in the depths of space or while they're on a life actually is. If they fail the roll, they get it wrong.
different Plane of reality. The gun won't show up until they kill the right person,
although a PC who has already killed most of the
The customer may be asked to kill as many as twelve people close to them after a series of bad rolls might
or as few as two targets over the next year, but it tends be permitted to get a bonus, since the process of
to be six or seven. Sometimes the prospective elimination won't have left as many possible targets.
customer is asked to kill someone who backed out of a
previous contract, or who couldn't kill all the targets No one knows why the Witherslant Masters go to all

this trouble and expense or what they get out of it, Special Qualities: Robot. Immune to mind-
although they do seem to enjoy spreading chaos, influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning,
havoc and woe. and disease. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from
massive damage.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5
The Shopkeeper Abilities: Str 20, Dex 12, Con --, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha
Medium-Size Robot
Hit Dice: 10d10 (100 hp)
Skills: Diplomacy +9, Profession (Salesman) +10,
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Spot +8
Speed: 30 ft.
Feats: None.
AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
Challenge Rating: 0 (it won’t fight back)
Damage Resistance: 15 (all types)
Alignment (if you use Alignment in your game):
Attacks: Slam +3 melee (but it never attacks)
Lawful Evil
Damage: Could Slam a target for 1d4+1 Bludgeoning
Combat: The Shopkeeper will neither attack nor
damage, but won’t. defend itself. It won’t even take the trouble to Dodge.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None

Appendix B: Bonus Weapons

minute until they either succeed or your players kill
Here are a few Bonus Weapons, over and above the you and/or the author, whichever happens first.
thousand-and-one I promised you (‘cause you’d come
hurt me if I tried to make you pay me money for
them). Orgasmatron
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of
Atomic Disco Ray hand” roll)
Size: Large (-8 penalty to conceal with a “sleight of Cost: 1,500 Units
hand” roll) Tentative Purchase DC: 19 (often sold out, purchaser
Cost: Artifact, not usually for sale must often wait in long lines at dubious shops)
Tentative Purchase DC: -- Required Proficiency: Simple
Required Proficiency: Exotic Weapons (Ranged) or a Handed: Requires 2 hands to use (oddly enough)
“Disco Dancing” skill level above +3 Range Increment: Affects everything in a 45 foot
Handed: Requires 2 hands to use cone
Range Increment: 20 feet “To Hit” Bonus: --
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Magazine: 45
Magazine: 50 (regenerates one charge every hour) Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has
Rate of Fire: Once per Round attacks (most targets wish it was more)
Damage: Special, see Description Damage: 3d6 Subdual Damage
Weight: 15 pounds (hea-vy!) Weight: 20 pounds
Armor Class: 5 Armor Class: 5
Hardness: 15 Hardness: 8 (Ahem, you may expect me to make a
Hit Points: 10 rude joke here, but I shall refrain)
DC required to break this item with a Strength Hit Points: 4
Roll: 29 DC required to break this item with a Strength
Accessories: None Known. Gold chains with Roll: 18
medalion optional. Accessories: Energy Cell (1/2 pound, costs 10 units,
Description: From the deepest darkest depths of the takes a Standard Action to reload)
Disco Dimension comes this dreaded implement of Description: Errr… this weapon, ah… it does
infamy. It emits an Atomic Disco Ray that looks and Subdual Damage. The Orgasmatron emits a cone-
sounds like a terrible late 1970s special effect— shaped area of effect and anyone caught in it…
perhaps designed by Sid and Marty Kroft. well…they’re incapacitated and breathe really heavy
Anyone unlucky enough to be struck by the ray must and strange. Bring it on, baby!
make a Willpower save vs. DC 20 or commence to
boogie down. While getting their freak on, they will
be unable to do anything but par-tay and their AC will Gut Disrupter
be reduced by 4. The victim will continue to endure Size: Small (No bonus or penalty to conceal with a
the torments of the disco inferno until they manage to “sleight of hand” roll)
make the Willpower Save. Check once per game Cost: 1,000 Units

Tentative Purchase DC: 18 (usually illegal, thank Weight: 1 pound
God) Armor Class:
Required Proficiency: Simple Hardness:
Handed: Requires 1 hand to use Hit Points:
Range Increment: Affects everything in a 30 foot DC required to break this item with a Strength
cone. Roll:
“To Hit” Bonus: -- Accessories: Energy Cell (Weighs 1/2 pound, costs 10
Magazine: 15 units, takes a Standard Action to reload), Colostomy
Rate of Fire: As many times as the wielder has Bag (Weighs 1/20 of a pound, costs 5 units for a new
attacks box of 20, less if used. Do not buy used!)
Damage: Variable. Can be set to do from 1-3 d8 Description: Errr… this weapon, ah… it also does
Subdual to anyone in a 30 foot cone. Each die burns a Subdual Damage. It has three settings. Anal Storm,
charge. A Willpower Saving Throw vs. DC 18 halves Rectal Apocalypse, and Prolapse. The Gut Disrupter
the damage. The target gains a +2 bonus to their emits a 30 foot cone-shaped area of effect and anyone
Saving Throw if they haven’t eaten anything in 18 caught in it… well…they’re incapacitated and breathe
hours or more. really heavy and strange.

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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1001 Weapons Copyright 2003, James M Thomson III
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.75 Caliber, 208 Aerosol Infection Spray, 169
10 mm Thunder Gun, 201 Aerosol Metal-Eating Spray, 168
Acid-Filled Arrow, 120 Aerosol Napalm-Spray, 170
Acid-Filled Crossbow Bolt, 131 Aerosol Pain Spray, 163
Action at-a Distance Gauntlet, 358 Aerosol Paralysis Spray, 165
Action-at a Distance Katar, 359 Aerosol Rage Spray, 167
Advanced Alloy Blade, 41 Aerosol Sleep Spray, 164
Advanced Alloy Holdout Dagger, 41 Aerosol Spray Weapon, 162
Advanced Alloy Rapier, 42 Aerosol Stun Spray, 162
Advanced Alloy Sword, 41 Aerosol Suicide Gas Spray, 167
Advanced Alloy Throwing Axe, 42 Aerosol Weapon, Disposable, 182
Advanced Combat Speargun, 136 Agony Ray, 345, 367
Advanced Gauss Pistol, 277 Agony Ray, Pocket-Sized, 346
Advanced Gauss Rifle, 277 Agony Spore-Pod, 23
Advanced Gauss Rifle, Infantry Version, 277 Amorphous Horror in a Can, 36
Advanced Gyrojet, 217 Anti-Etheric Blast Grenade, 248
Advanced Gyrojet Assault Rifle, 218 Anti-Etheric Ray, 374
Advanced Hand Crossbow, 130 Anti-Floral Thanatizer, 359
Advanced Laser Pistol, 291, 303 Anti-Life Projector, 412
Advanced Laser Rifle, 293, 295 Antimatter Cannon, 334
Advanced Materials Arrow, 118 Antimatter Grenade, 249
Advanced Materials Blowgun, 148 Antimatter Pistol, 333
Advanced Materials Bolas, 102 Antimatter Rifle, 333
Advanced Materials Bow, Lightweight, 117 Antimatter Weapons, 333
Advanced Materials Bow, Masterpiece, 117 Antimatter-Projector, Heavy, 333
Advanced Materials Bow, Ultraheavy, 117 Anti-Personnel Rocket, 255
Advanced Materials Composite Bow, 116 Anti-Tank Mine, 262
Advanced Materials Crossbow, 129, 130 Anti-Tank Rocket, 255
Advanced Materials Crossbow Bolt, 130 Arc-Eel, 38
Advanced Materials Dart, 148, 150 Armor-Piercing Explosive Harpoon, 142
Advanced Materials Mortar, 252 Armor-Piercing Explosive Spearhead, 137
Advanced Materials Net, 338 Arrow With Blinding Drug, 122
Advanced Materials Pick, 43, 44 Arrow With Brain-Scrambler Toxin, 126
Advanced Materials Punch Dagger, 43 Arrow With Flesh-Eating Virus, 124
Advanced Materials Ribbon, 43 Arrow With Pain Drug, 122
Advanced Materials Scythe, 44 Arrow With Paralysis Drug, 127
Advanced Materials Shortbow, 117 Arrow With Psychedelic Drug, 123
Advanced Materials Shuriken, 99 Arrow With Sleep Drug, 122
Advanced Materials Slingshot, 115 Arrow, Acid-Filled, 120
Advanced Materials Throwing Disk, 97 Arrow, Advanced Materials, 118
Advanced Materials Throwing Disk, Blunt, 97 Arrow, Boxing Glove (?!), 116, 121
Advanced Materials Weapons, 41 Arrow, Electroshock, 121
Advanced Materials Whip, 43 Arrow, Exploding, 118, 119
Advanced Particle Accelerator Pistol, 314 Arrow, Exploding, Fragmentation, 119
Advanced Particle Accelerator Pistol, Arrow, Exploding, Shaped Charge, 119
Lightweight, 315 Arrow, Force-Projection, 120
Advanced Particle Accelerator Rifle, 314 Arrow, Fragmentary, Flechette, 119
Advanced Portable Railgun, 279 Arrow, Frost, 127
Advanced Underwater Laser Carbine, 294 Arrow, Glue, 127
Advanced Underwater Laser Pistol, 293 Arrow, Guided, 128
Aerosol Blindness Spray, 166 Arrow, Incendiary, 124
Aerosol Carcinogenic Spray, 169 Arrow, Life-Drain, 126
Aerosol Caustic Spray, 170 Arrow, Meltaway, 125
Aerosol Fear Spray, 166 Arrow, Napalm, 125
Aerosol Flesh-Eating Spray, 168 Arrow, Plague, 124
Aerosol Freezing Spray, 165 Arrow, Poison, 123
Aerosol Hallucinogenic Spray, 163 Arrow, Poison Gas, 121
Aerosol Hemorrhage-Gas Spray, 164 Arrow, Poison, Extra-Lethal, 123
Aerosol Immobilizer Foam Spray, 162 Arrow, Poison, Superlethal, 124

Arrow, Psi-Scream, 126 Blade, Vibronic, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64
Arrow, Robot Disrupter, 121 Bladeless, 55
Arrow, Sonic Screamer, 116, 125 Blaster Cabrine, Model 1, 316
Arrow, Spent Uranium, Armor-Piercing, 118 Blaster Cannon, Autofire, 321
Arrow, Tangleweb, 127 Blaster Cannon, Heavy, 321
Arrow, Variable Metal, 120 Blaster Carbine, Model Aleph-3, 318
Artifacts and Relics, 422 Blaster Carbine, Model Upsilon, 318
Assault Carbine, Police Model 90, 202 Blaster Crossbow, 318
Assault Rifle, 200, 202, 203, 213 Blaster Dueling Pistol, 317
Assault Rifle, Advanced, 202 Blaster Pistol, Heavy (Model ZE-7, 317
Assault Rifle, Heavy, 201 Blaster Pistol, Light (Model ZM-3), 317
Assault Rifle, Helix Gun, 201 Blaster Pistol, Model ZE-5, 316
Assault Rifle, Last Generation, 213 Blaster Rifle, Dinosaur Gun (Gridley-Forbes Mark
Assault Rifle, Light, 201 III Dinosaur Gun), 320
Assault Rifle, Mark X, 202, 204 Blaster Rifle, Light (Model T-40), 319
Atomic Ray, 6, 7, 383, 384 Blaster Rifle, Model Daleth-Rho, 319
Atomic Ray, Pocket-Sized, 384, 385 Blaster, Big Game Rifle (T-90), 319
Attack Drones, 157 Blaster-Pistol, Disposable, 183
Auto-Cannon, 251 Blinding Gas Grenade, 235
Autogun, Model Q-90, 203 Blood Hook, 93
Automatic Boomerang, 107 Blood-Bomb, 21, 22
Automatic Shotgun, Disposable, 173 Bloodrot Grenade, 239
Automatic Spike Gun, 146 Blowgun, Advanced Materials, 148
Auto-Shotgun, 188, 189 Blunt Advanced Materials Throwing Disk, 97
Axe, Double-Bladed Hypersharp, 53 Bolas, Advanced Materials, 102
Axe, Force Field, 77 Bolas, Constriction, 105
Axe, Hot, 67 Bolas, Electroshock, 103
Axe, Hypersharp, 52 Bolas, Exploding, 102
Axe, Superheavy, 80 Bolas, Razorwire, 104
Axe, Vibronic, 58 Bolas, Sonic Disruptor, 103
Backpack-Mounted Atomic Ray, 384 Bolas, Sonic Screamer, 104
Backpack-Mounted Hand-Flamer, 355 Bolt-Gun, Superheavy Caliber, 209
Backpack-Mounted Particle Accelerator, 311 Bolt-Pistol, 210
Bang Stick, 88, 89 Boomerang, Automatic, 107
Bang Stick With Boreworm Head, 89 Bore Worm Dart, 156
Bang Stick With Flechette, 88 Boreworm Bolt, 132
Bang Stick With Toxic Flechettes, 89 Bow, Composite, Advanced Materials, 116
Bang Stick, Multi-Use, 88 Bow, Energy, 128
Basuto Heavy Submachine Gun Mk 7, 196 Bow, Lightweight, Advanced Materials, 117
Bean-Bag Gun, 349 Bow, Masterpiece, 117
Beige Slayer, the, 427 Bow, Short, Advanced Materials, 117
Benadanitto Torc, the, 428 Bow, Ultraheavy, Advanced Materials, 117
Bio-Barrier Grenade, 242 Bows and Arrows, 116
Bio-Engulfer, 38 Box Full of Death, 360
Biological Claws, 14 Boxing Glove Arrow, 116, 121
Biological Katar, 15 Brain Scrambler Mine, 266
Biological Katar, Infected, 15 Brain-Melting Ray, 376
Bio-Spear, Venomous, 13 Brain-Melting Ray, Pocket-Sized, 377
Bio-Stabbing-Stick, Venomous, 13 Brain-Rot Thorn, 18
Bio-Sword, Venomous, 12 Brain-Scrambler Grenade, 245
Biotic Eraser Grenade, 250 Brain-Scrambler Rod, 94
Bioweapon Mine, 264 Bubble Gun, 392
Black Gauntlet, the, 428, 429 Bubble Gun, Pocket-Sized, 392
Black Stinger, The, 18 Burrowing Torpedo, 160
Black Talon Gyrostabilized Machine Pistol, 198 Bush Rifle, 300
Blade, Advanced Materials, 41 Buzz-Saw Blade, 66
Blade, Ceramic, 86 Buzz-Saw Blade on a Stick, 66
Blade, Disposable, Organic, 10 Buzzsaw Blade, Flying, 111
Blade, Hot, 67 Buzzsaw Bladed Yo-Yo, 46
Blade, Hypersharp, 51 Buzzsaw Cannon, 361
Blade, Radioactive, 49 Buzzsaw Gun, 360
Blade, Superchilled, 70 C12, 258, 259

C24, 259 Armor Piercing, 131
Cancer Ray, 380, 381 Crossbow Bolt, Frost-Load, 134
Cancer Ray, Pocket-Sized, 381 Crossbow Bolt, Glue-Load, 134
Cancer Ray, Portable, 381 Crossbow Bolt, Incendiary-Load, 133
Carnifex, 84 Crossbow Bolt, Indetectible, 130
Caustic Grenade, 241 Crossbow Bolt, Poison Gas Load, 133
Ceramic Blade, 86 Crossbow Bolt, Robot Disrupter Load, 132
Ceramic Pistol, 190 Crossbow Bolt, Screamer-Load, 134
Ceramic Shortsword, 86 Crossbow Bolt, Self-Guided, 135
Ceramic Stiletto, 86 Crossbow Bolt, Superheated, 133
Ceramic Throwing Blade (Generic), 101 Crossbow Bolt, Tangleweb, 134
Ceramic Throwing Hatchet, 101 Crossbow, Advanced Materials, 129, 130
Chain Carbine, Hand-Held, 211 Crossbow, Handheld, Advanced, 130
Chain Sweeper Gun, 361 Crossbow, Repeating, 129
Chainsaw, 65 Crowd-Control Heavy Stunner, 349
Chainsaw, Flying, Three-Bladed, 112 Crusher Gauntlet, 92
Chainsaws and Buzzsaws, 64 Dagger of the Mind, 416
Chainsword, 5, 65 Dagger, Hypersharp, 51
Chainsword, Double Ended, 65 Dart Pistol, Animal Collection, 149
Chemical Warhead Rocket, 255 Dart Projector, Concealed, 148
Claws, Advanced Materials, 42 Dart Projector, Disposable, 179
Claws, Biological, 14 Dart Projector, Throwaway, 147
Claws, Electrified, 73 Dart Projector, Wrist-Mounted, 148
Claws, Fusion-Blade, 82 Dart Rifle, Animal Collection, 149
Claws, Hot, 68 Dart Rifle, Military/Intel, 149
Claws, Hypersharp, 51 Dart With Blinding Drug, 153
Claws, Infectious, 14 Dart With Brain-Scrambler Toxin, 153
Claws, Venomous, 14 Dart With Flesh-Eating Virus, 155
Claws, Vibronic, 59 Dart With Mental Domination Implant, 156
Coagulation Ray, 329 Dart With Mesmeric Drug, 153
Coagulator, 94, 329, 330 Dart With Motor Function Disrupter Toxin, 153
Coagulator Pistol, 329 Dart With Pain Drug, 152
Coagulator Ray, Micro, 330 Dart With Paralysis Drug, 154
Coagulator Rifle, 329 Dart With Psychedelic Drug, 154
Combat Yo-Yo, 45 Dart With Sleep Drug, 151
Compressed Air Dart Pistol, Animal Collection, Dart, Advanced Materials, 148, 150
149 Dart, Bore Worm, 156
Concealed Dart Projector, 148 Dart, Electrostatic, 155
Concealed Gauss Gun, 274 Dart, Incendiary, 155
Concealed Micro-Stunner, 344 Dart, Life-Drain, 157
Concealed Needle Gun, 356 Dart, Plague, 154
Concealed Rapier, 85 Dart, Poison, 151, 152
Concussion Grenade, Heavy, 232 Dart, Poison, Extra-Lethal, 152
Concussion Grenade, Light, 232 Dart, Poison, Super-Lethal, 152
Concussion Grenade, Shaped Charge, 234 Dart, Psi-Scream, 156
Concussion Grenade, Ultraheavy, 232 Dart, Stun, Super-High Potency, 151
Constriction Bolas, 105 Dart, Undetectable Materials, 151
Constrictor Eel, 19 Dart, Vibratory Disruptor, 155
Construction Laser, 285 Darts and Dart Guns, 147
Contaminated Living Fog Cloud, 36 Dazzleflash Crossbow Bolt, 132
Contamination Wad, 37 Dazzleflash Gun, 349
Continuous Beam Proton Gun, 315 Dazzleflash Gun, Tiny, One-Shot, 351
Crossbow Bolt With Hypersharp Head, 130 Dazzleflash Gun, Two-Handed, 350
Crossbow Bolt, Acid-Filled, 131 Death Ray, 379, 380
Crossbow Bolt, Advanced Materials, 130 Death Ray, Pocket-Sized, 380
Crossbow Bolt, Boreworm Head, 132 Death Thorn, 16
Crossbow Bolt, Dazzleflash, 132 Death-Ray, Micro, 380
Crossbow Bolt, Electroshock, 133 Death-Thorn, 16
Crossbow Bolt, Exploding, 131 Debilitation Gas Grenade, 236
Crossbow Bolt, Exploding, Fragmentation Load, Debilitation Gas Mine, 265
131 Debilitation Ray, 372, 373
Crossbow Bolt, Exploding, Shaped Charge, Debilitation Ray, Pocket-Sized, 372

Debilitation Thorn, 17 Drill, Heavy, 93
Debilitator Rod, 343 Early Gamma-Ray Projector, 330
Deck of Many Wounds, 56 Eel,, 19
Deep-Space Scuttlebomb, 29 Eel, Arc, 38
Demon Eel, 19 Eel, Constrictor, 19
Derringer, Disposable, 174 Eel, Electric, 19
Destrukt-O-Zap, 328 Electric Eel, 19
Detachable Bore-Worm Harpoon, 142 Electrified Buzz-Saw on a Stick, 66
Detachable Bore-Worm Spearhead, 137 Electrified Lariat, 338
Devourer, 38, 39 Electrified Net, 339
Dexxaxx, 259, 260 Electrified Rapier, 73
Directional Nuke, 445 Electrified Sword, 73
Discombobulator Grenade, 246 Electrified Whip, 74
Discombobulator Mine, 263 Electro-Demolisher, 66
Discombobulator Rod, 56 Electroshock Arrow, 121
Disintegration Ray, 403, 405 Electroshock Bolas, 103
Disintegration Rod, 396 Electroshock Claws, 73
Disintegration Rod, Pocket-Sized, 396 Electroshock Crossbow Bolt, 133
Disintegrator Cannon, 406, 407 Electrostatic Dart, 155
Disintegrator Pistol, 405 Electrostatic Discharge Mine, 264
Disintegrator Rifle, 406 Electrostatic Grenade, 241
Disposable 12-Shot Grenade Launcher, 178 Energy Bow, 128
Disposable 1-Shot Grenade Launcher, 177 Energy Claws, 82
Disposable 6-Shot Grenade Launcher, 177 Energy Drain Gauntlet, 397
Disposable Aerosol Weapon, 182 Energy Drain Rod, 397
Disposable Automatic Shotgun, 173 Energy Lash, 364
Disposable Blaster-Pistol, 183 Energy Rocks, 368
Disposable Compressed Air Dart Projector, 147 Energy-Drain Mine, 417
Disposable Dart Projector, 179 Enslavement Ray, 377
Disposable Derringer, 174 Enslavement Ray, Giant, 378
Disposable Gyrojet Pistol, 179 Enslavement Ray, Pocket-Sized, 377
Disposable Hyper-Soaker, 182 Entropy Projector, 412
Disposable Laser Pistol, 180 Entropy Wave Projector, 385
Disposable Laser Rifle, 181 Entropy Wave Projector, Handheld, 385
Disposable Machine Pistol, 176 Evil Ray, 373, 388, 389
Disposable Micro-Dart Projector, 179 Evil Ray, Giant, 389
Disposable Mortar, 252 Evil Ray, Tiny, 389
Disposable Needle Gun, 178 Expanding Harpoon, 141
Disposable One-Shot Missile Launcher, 184 Expanding Spearhead, 136
Disposable Organic Blade, 10 Exploding Arrow, 118, 119
Disposable Organic Blade, Venomous, 11 Exploding Arrow, Flechette, 119
Disposable Poison Injector, 180 Exploding Arrow, Fragmentary, 119
Disposable Shotgun Pistol, 176 Exploding Arrow, Shaped Charge, 119
Disposable Slugthrower Carbine, 175 Exploding Bolas, 102
Disposable Slugthrower Pistol, 175 Exploding Crossbow Bolt, 131
Disposable Stiletto, 184 Exploding Crossbow Bolt, Shaped Charge, Armor
Disposable Throwing Blade, 183 Piercing, 131
Disposable Tomahawk, 184 Exploding Crossbow Bolt, With Fragmentation
Disrupter Pistol, Heavy, 326 Load, 131
Disruptor Grenade, 248 Exploding Immobilizer Foam Yo-Yo, 45
Disruptor Pistol, 325 Exploding Shuriken, 100
Disruptor Rifle, 327 Exploding Shuriken With Fragmentation, 101
Disruptor, Heavy, 328 Exploding Yo-Yo, 45
Double Axe, Hypersharp, 53 Explosive Harpoon, 141
Double-Barreled Harpoon Gun, 141 Explosive Spearhead, 137
Double-Barreled Shotgun, 186 Explosive X, 258, 260, 261
Double-Bladed Force Field Sword, 77 Explosives, 258
Double-Bladed Fusion Sword, 83 Eye of Zluggoth, the, 429
Double-Bladed Remote Control Fusion Sword, 84 Fear Gas Grenade, 235
Double-Sided Axe, Vibronic, 63 Fear Gas Mine, 266
Double-Sided Sword, Vibronic, 62 Fear Gauntlet, 340
Dragunov Model Z-4980 Machine Gun, 212 Fear Projector Pistol, 382

Fear Ray, 381, 382, 383 Frost-Load Crossbow Bolt, 134
Fear Ray, Giant, 382 Fuel-Air Explosive Device, 438
Fear Ray, Tiny, 383 Fuel-Air Explosive Device, Large, 439
Fear Wand, 340 Fulgichrome Blade, the, 430, 431
FGXx2 Fusion Gun, 337 Fusion Blades, 82
FGZ-20 Backpack-Mounted Fusion Gun, 336 Fusion Bomb, Large, 443
FGZ-46 Fusion Support Weapon, 337 Fusion Bomb, Small, 442
Fission Bomb, Large, 440 Fusion Bomb, Very Large, 444
Fission Bomb, Small, 439 Fusion Cannon, 337
Flail, Superheavy, 81 Fusion Glaive, 83
Flamer, Backpack-Mounted, 355 Fusion Grenade, 250
Flamer, Heavy, 355 Fusion Gun, Backpack-Mounted (FGXx2), 337
Flamer, Light, 354 Fusion Gun, Backpack-Mounted (FGZ-20), 336
Flamethrower, Improvised, 355, 356 Fusion Pistol, 404
Flechette Grenade, 233, 234 Fusion Rifle, 404
Flechette Grenade, Shaped Charge, 234 Fusion Support Weapon (FGZ-46), 337
Flenser, the, 430 Fusion Sword, 82
Flesheater Blade, 14 Fusion Sword, Double-Bladed, 83
Flesheater Spike, 13 Fusion Sword, Remote Control, Double-Bladed,
Flesh-Eating Grenade, 240 84
Flesh-Eating Scuttlebomb, 29 Futuristic Melee Weapons, 41, 84
Flesh-Eating Spore-Pod, 24 Futuristic Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons,
Flesh-Eating Virus Dart, 155 114
Flesh-Eating Virus Warhead, 256 Futuristic Throwing Weapons, 97
Fleshmaster 6A1, 423 G-1, 303
Flesh-Melting Ray, 370 G-5.1, 303
Flesh-Melting Ray, Pocket-Sized, 371 G-6, 304
Flesh-Warping Ray, 369 Gamma-Ray Broadbeam Emitter, 332
Flesh-Warping Ray, Pocket-Sized, 370 Gamma-Ray Cannon, 332
Flying Bio-Injection Delivery System, 34 Gamma-Ray Pistol, 331
Flying Buzz-Bomb Torpedo, 161 Gamma-Ray Projector, Early, 330
Flying Buzzsaw Blade, 111 Gamma-Ray Rifle, 331
Flying Disk, Self-Returning, 106, 107 Gauntlet, Electrified, 71
Flying Disk, Self-Returning, Hypersharp, 107 Gauntlet, Energy Drain, 397
Flying Guillotine, 110 Gauntlet, Force, 75
Flying Miniature Robot Attack Drone, 158 Gauntlet, Hot, 68
Flying Shield, 106 Gauntlet, Superchilled, 70
Flying Three-Bladed Chainsaw, 112 Gauss, 278
Force Field Axe, 77 Gauss Gun, Concealed, 274
Force Field Halberd, 77 Gauss Gun, Magnetic Needle Cannon, 276
Force Field Sword, 76 Gauss Pistol, 273
Force Lance, 76 Gauss Pistol, Advanced, 277
Force Projection Shuriken, 99 Gauss Pistol, Intelligence Model, 273
Force Projector, Heavy, 323 Gauss Rifle,, 279
Force Staff, 76 Gauss Rifle, Advanced, 277
Force-Blade, Self-Returning, 109 Gauss Rifle, Advanced, Infantry Version, 277
Force-Gauntlet, 75 Gauss Rifle, Military Version, 274
Force-Katar, 75 Gauss Rifle, Model Orion, 275
Force-Projection Arrow, 120 Gauss Rifle, Sportsman's Version, 275
Force-Projection Weapons, 74 Gauss-Pistol, High-End, 273
Fragmentation Grenade, 203, 233 General Weapon System Mark 183, 364
Fragmentation Grenade, Improvised, 247 General Weapon System Mark 490, 365
Fragmentation Harpoon, 142 Generic 20th Century Carbine, 192
Fragmentation Mine, 261 Generic Ray Cannon, 366
Fragmentation Spearhead, 137 Giant Armor-Piercing Explosive Harpoon, 144
Freeze Wand, 94 Giant Enslavement Ray, 378
Freeze-Cannon, Giant, 376 Giant Evil Ray, 389
Freeze-Ray, 375, 376 Giant Expanding Harpoon, 144
Freeze-Ray Pistol, 375 Giant Explosive Harpoon, 144
Freeze-Ray Rifle, 376 Giant Fear Ray, 382
Frost Arrow, 127 Giant Fragmentation Harpoon, 145
Frost Grenade, 241 Giant Freeze-Cannon, 376

Giant Harpoon Gun, 135, 144 Grenade, Matter-Annihilation, 419
Giant Homicide Ray, 393 Grenade, Matter-Annihilation, Selective, 419
Giant Hypersharp Scissors, 57 Grenade, Metal-Eating, 245
Giant Insanity Ray, 388 Grenade, Motor Dysfunction Gas, 238
Giant Robot-Disrupter Harpoon, 145 Grenade, Napalm, 241
Giant Solar Ray, 390 Grenade, Neutron, 242
Glaive, Fusion, 83 Grenade, Pain Gas, 235
Glaive, Hypersharp, 53 Grenade, Paralysis Gas, 238
Glaive, Variable Metal, 398 Grenade, Plague, 239
Glaive, Variable Metal, Remote Control, 399 Grenade, Plasma, 249
Glaive, Vibronic, 62, 66 Grenade, Plastic-Eating, 246
Glaive, Xammitrice, 399 Grenade, Poison Flechette, 233
Glob, 422 Grenade, Poison Gas, 238, 239
Glue Arrow, 127 Grenade, Poison Gas, Extra-Lethal, 239
Glue Bolt, 134 Grenade, Poison Gas, Superlethal, 239
Glue Grenade, 242 Grenade, Psi-Scream, 250
Gluegun, 351 Grenade, Psychedelic Gas, 236
Gnorg Industries Heavy Disrupter Pistol, 326 Grenade, Radiation Pulse, Variable-Intensity, 247
GP-4 Backpack-Mounted Plasma Gun, 335 Grenade, Rage Gas, 237
GP-X7 Plasma Rifle, 335 Grenade, Selective Effect, 249
Grabber Arm, 90 Grenade, Single-Plane Blast, 244
Gravitic Implosion Bomb, 446, 447 Grenade, Sleep Gas, 234
Gravitic Implosion Grenade, 447 Grenade, Sonic Screamer, 243
Grenade Launcher, 1 Shot, 229 Grenade, Stun, 244
Grenade Launcher, 12-Shot, 230 Grenade, Suicide Gas, 237
Grenade Launcher, 6-Shot, 230 Grenade, Tanglebomb, 243
Grenade Launcher, Disposable, 12-Shot, 178 Grenade, Temporal Stasis, 418
Grenade Launcher, Disposable, 1-Shot, 177 Grenade, Viral, Superlethal, 240
Grenade Launcher, Disposable, 6-Shot, 177 Grenade, Vortex, 419
Grenade Pistol, 231 Grenades, 97, 202, 203, 204, 229, 365
Grenade,, 246, 247 Gridley-Forbes Mark III Dinosaur Gun, 320
Grenade, Anti-Etheric Blast, 248 Guided Arrowhead, 128
Grenade, Antimatter, 249 Guided Javelin, 106
Grenade, Anti-Robot, 234 Guided Land-Torpedo, 160
Grenade, Anti-Robot, Variable-Intensity, 248 Guided Throwing Blade, 105
Grenade, Bio-Barrier, 242 Gyrojet Assault Rifle, 217
Grenade, Biotic Eraser, 250 Gyrojet Assault Rifle, Advanced, 218
Grenade, Blinding Gas, 235 Gyrojet Carbine, 216
Grenade, Bloodrot, 239 Gyrojet Carbine, Primitive, 215
Grenade, Brain-Scrambler, 245 Gyrojet Derringer, 216
Grenade, Caustic, 241 Gyrojet Load, Anti-Robotic Warhead, 219
Grenade, Concussion Ultraheavy, 232 Gyrojet Load, Armor-Piercing, 219
Grenade, Concussion, Heavy, 232 Gyrojet Load, Exploding Round, 220
Grenade, Concussion, Shaped Charge, 234 Gyrojet Load, Fear Gas, 220
Grenade, Concussion, Variable-Intensity, 247 Gyrojet Load, Fragmentation Bomb, 220
Grenade, Debilitation Gas, 236 Gyrojet Load, Glue-Bomb, 220
Grenade, Discombobulator, 246 Gyrojet Load, Heat-Seeker, 220
Grenade, Disruptor, 248 Gyrojet Load, High-Explosive, Anti-Vehicle, 221
Grenade, Electrostatic, 241 Gyrojet Load, Incendiary, 221
Grenade, Fear Gas, 235 Gyrojet Load, Mercy Gas, 221
Grenade, Flechette, 233, 234 Gyrojet Load, Paralysis Gas, 221
Grenade, Flechette, Shaped Charge, 234 Gyrojet Load, Poison Flechette Bomb, 222
Grenade, Flesh-Eating, 240 Gyrojet Load, Standard, 219
Grenade, Fragmentation, 203, 233 Gyrojet Pistol, 216
Grenade, Frost, 241 Gyrojet Pistol, Advanced, 217
Grenade, Fusion, 250 Gyrojet Pistol, Disposable, 179
Grenade, Glue, 242 Gyrojet Pistol, Primitive, 215
Grenade, Hemorrhage Gas, 245 Gyrojet Sniper Rifle, 218
Grenade, Hyperflash, 243 Gyrojet, Miniature, Concealed, 217
Grenade, Immobilizer Foam, 244 Halberd, Force Field, 77
Grenade, Incendiary, 240 Hammer, Self-Returning, 109
Grenade, Life-Drain, 250 Hammer, Superheavy, 80

Hand Stunner, 347 Hot Blade, 67
Hand Tazer, 339 Hot Gauntlet, 68
Hand-Flamer, Backpack-Mounted, 355 Hot Katar, 68
Hand-Flamer, Heavy, 355 Hot Mace, 67
Hand-Flamer, Light, 354 Hot Motorized Hook and Chain, 69
Hand-Held Chain Carbine, 211 Hot Sword, 67
Handheld Entropy Wave Projector, 385 Hot, Cold and Electrified Weapons, 66
Hand-Held Sonic Screamer, 308 Howitzer, 252
Harmonic Painwave Projector, 345 Hunter-Killer, 35
Harpoon Gun, 135, 140, 141, 147 Hunter-Killer, Telepathic, 35
Harpoon Gun, Double-Barreled, 141 Hush-My-Darling, 246, 247
Harpoon Gun, Giant, 135, 144 Hyperalloy Claws, 42
Harpoon Gun, Heavy, 141 Hyperdense Ball, Self-Returning, 110
Harpoon, Detachable Bore-Worm Head, 142 Hyperflash Grenade, 243
Harpoon, Expanding, 141 Hyper-Helix Gun, 203
Harpoon, Exploding, 141 HyperIce Blade, 47
Harpoon, Explosive, Armor-Piercing, 142 Hyperice Katar, 47
Harpoon, Explosive, Fragmentation, 142 Hyperice Spear, 140
Harpoon, Giant, Expanding, 144 Hyperice Throwing Hatchet, 48
Harpoon, Giant, Exploding, 144 Hyperice Weapons, 47
Harpoon, Giant, Explosive, Armor-Piercing, 144 Hypermass Spear Launcher, 400
Harpoon, Giant, Explosive, Fragmentation, 145 Hypermissile, 402
Harpoon, Giant, Robot-Disrupter, 145 Hypersharp Axe, 52
Harpoon, Poison, 142 Hypersharp Blade, 51
Harpoon, Radioactive, 143 Hypersharp Claws, 51
Harpoon, Robot-Disrupter, 143 Hypersharp Crossbow Bolt, 130
Heatseeker Missile, 257 Hypersharp Dagger, 51
Heavy Antimatter-Projector, 333 Hypersharp Double Axe, 53
Heavy Blaster, 320 Hypersharp Glaive, 53
Heavy Blaster Cannon, 321 Hypersharp Punch Dagger, 54
Heavy Construction Waldo, 90 Hypersharp Rapier, 52
Heavy Disruptor, 328 Hypersharp Scythe, 53
Heavy Force Projector, 323 Hypersharp Shuriken, 99
Heavy Fragmentation Mine, 261 Hypersharp Sickle, 54
Heavy Hand-Flamer, 355 Hypersharp Spear, 54, 139
Heavy Harpoon Gun, 141 Hypersharp Sword, 52
Heavy Ion Projector, 306 Hypersharp Throwing Disk, 98
Heavy Ion Projector,, 306 Hypersharp Trident, 55
Heavy Laser Cutter, 284 Hypersharp Weapons, 51
Heavy Laser Pistol, 292 Hypersharp Whip, 55
Heavy Lightning Rifle, 281 Hypersoaker, 172
Heavy Machine Gun, 211 Hyper-Soaker, Disposable, 182
Heavy Microwave Projector, 301 Hyperspeed Ball, Self-Returning, 111
Heavy Nausea Gun, 352 Hyperthermexx, 260
Heavy Particle Accelerator Rifle, 313 Hyperwire Web-Pod, 110
Heavy Railgun, 279 Hypno-Ray, 368
Heavy Thump-Gun, 322 Hypno-Ray, Pocket-Sized, 369
Helix Pistol, 200 Ice Pistol, 357
Helix Rifle, 201 Ice Rifle, 358
Helix Rifle, Advanced, 203 Idiot Gun, 222, 223, 224, 225
Hemorrhage Gas Grenade, 245 Idiot Gun (Ball-Bearing Load), 224
Hermatrode, the, 2, 431, 432 Idiot Gun (Caltrop Load), 224
High-End Gauss-Pistol, 273 Idiot Gun (Chainload), 223
Homicide Ray, 392, 393 Idiot Gun (Napalm Load), 225
Homicide Ray, Giant, 393 Idiot Gun, Variable Intensity, 223
Homicide Ray, Pocket-Sized, 393 Immobilizer Foam Grenade, 244
Hook and Chain, Advanced Materials, 44 Immobilizer Foam Mine, 269
Hook and Chain, Electrified, 74 Imprisonment Module, 416
Hook and Chain, Hot, 69 Improvised Flamethrower, 355, 356
Hook and Chain, Hyperalloy, 44 Improvised Fragmentation Grenade, 247
Hook and Chain, Venomous, 89 Improvised Laser Carbine, 289
Hot Axe, 67 Improvised Slingshot, 115

Incendiary Arrow, 124 Laser Pistol, Heavy,, 292
Incendiary Bolt, 133 Laser Pistol, Heavy, Advanced, 291
Incendiary Dart, 155 Laser Pistol, Mark 1.9, 286
Incendiary Grenade, 240 Laser Pistol, Mark 4.5, 287
Incendiary Mine, 268 Laser Pistol, Primitive, 284
Incendiary Missile, 257 Laser Pistol, Techtronics Type 9, 286
Indetectible Crossbow Bolt, 130 Laser Pistol, Underwater, 290
Infected Biological Katar, 15 Laser Pistol, Underwater, Advanced, 293
Infectious Claws, 14 Laser Rifle, Advanced, 293, 295
Injection Device, 87 Laser Rifle, Disposable, 181
Insanity Ray, 386, 387 Laser Sniper Rifle,, 289
Insanity Ray, Giant, 388 Laser Sphere Protection Unit, 364
Insanity Ray, Handheld, 387 Laser, Early Military,, 285
Insanity Ray, Portable, 387 Laser, Light Construction, 285
Insanity Rod, 344 Lawdog, 217
Insanity Spore-Pod, 23 Lepton Carbine, 408
Ion Cannon, 307 Lepton Pistol, 408
Ion Projector, Heavy, 306 Lepton Pistol (Light), 408
Ion Projector, Heavy,, 306 Lepton Projector, Early, 407
Ion Rifle, GS-2, 304 Lepton Rifle, 409
Ion Rifle, Heavy Sporting (GS-X), 305 Liberator Assault Gun, 189
Ion Rifle, Military (GS-9), 304 Life-Drain Arrow, 126
Ionic Elephant Gun, 306 Life-Drain Dart, 157
Ionic Sidearm, G-1, 303 Life-Drain Grenade, 250
Ionic Sidearm, G-5.1, 303 Life-Essence Transference Ray, 373
Ionic Sidearm, G-6, 304 Life-Essence-Draining Ray, 373
Ionic Tool, Variable Intensity, 307 Light 3-Barrel Spike Pistol, 146
Jack Murder, 187 Light Assault Rifle, 201
Javelin, Guided, 106 Light Blaster Rifle, Model T-40, 319
Katar, Action-at a Distance, 359 Light Construction Laser, 285
Katar, Advanced Materials, 43 Light Disrupter Rifle, 327
Katar, Biological, 15 Light Hand-Flamer, 354
Katar, Force-Field, 75 Lightning Cannon, 283
Katar, Hot, 68 Lightning Gun, Variable Intensity, 281
Katar, Hyperice, 47 Lightning Pistol, 280
Katar, Hypersharp, 54 Lightning Rifle, 281
Katar, Variable Metal, 398 Lightning Rifle, Heavy, 281
Katar, Vibronic, 60 Lightweight Advanced Particle Accelerator Pistol,
Killer Waldo, 89 315
Krutch Industries Submachine Gun 4, 197 Liquid Sword, 96
Krutch Industries Submachine Gun 40, 197 Living Glue, 22
Krutch Industries Submachine Gun 43-B, 197 Living Torpedo, Caustic Flying Bomb, 32
Land Mines, 261 Living Torpedo, Flying Bomb, 31
Land-Torpedo, Guided, 160 Living Torpedo, Flying Pain-Gas Bomb, 33
Large Fission Bomb, 440 Living Torpedo, Flying Sleep-Gas Bomb, 33
Large Fuel-Air Explosive Device, 439 Living Torpedo, Flying Stench Bomb, 32
Large Fusion Bomb, 443 Living Torpedo, Plague-Ridden Flying Bomb, 32
Lariat, Electrified, 338 Living Torpedo, Scuttlebomb, 26
Laser Beam-Effect Pistol, 294 Living Torpedo, Stench-Gas Scuttlebomb, 30
Laser Beam-Effect Rifle, 294 Living Torpedo, Telepathic Flying Bomb, 31
Laser Big Game Rifle, 288 Living Torpedo, Telepathic Scuttlebomb, 27
Laser Cannon, 295 Living Torpedo, Toxic Flechette Scuttlebomb, 26
Laser Carbine, Improvised, 289 Living Torpedo, Toxic Flying Bomb, 31
Laser Carbine, Mark 3, 288 Living Torpedo, Toxic Gas Scuttlebomb, 26
Laser Carbine, Underwater, 290 Living Toxic Cloud, 37
Laser Carbine, Underwater, Advanced, 294 Low-End Plastic Sword, 87
Laser Cutter, Heavy, 284 M-48 Sonic Sniper Rifle, 310
Laser Hunting Rifle, Advanced,, 293 Mace, Hot, 67
Laser Personnel Removal Tool, 295 Mace, Radioactive, 50
Laser Pistol, Advanced, 291, 303 Machine Gun, Heavy, 211
Laser Pistol, Advanced,, 291 Machine Gun, Heavy,, 212
Laser Pistol, Disposable, 180 Machine Gun, Ultra-Heavy, 212

Machine Pistol,, 198, 199 Mine, Concussion, Variable-Intensity, 269
Machine Pistol, Heavy, 199 Mine, Debilitation Gas, 265
Machine Pistol, Helix Gun, 200 Mine, Directional, Shaped-Charge, 262
Machine Pistol, Z-Series, 205 Mine, Discombobulator, 263
Magnetic Needle Cannon, 276 Mine, Electrostatic Discharge, 264
Mark 1 Military Laser, 285 Mine, Electrostatic Discharge, Variable-Intensity,
Mark 1.9 Laser Pistol, 286 270
Mark 12 Gyrostabilized Machine Pistol, 199 Mine, Energy-Drain, 417
Mark 14 Microwave Pistol, 300 Mine, Fear Gas, 266
Mark 3 Laser Carbine, 288 Mine, Fragmentation, 261
Mark 4.5 Laser Pistol, 287 Mine, Fragmentation, Heavy, 261
Mark 7 Microwave Pistol, 298 Mine, Immobilizer Foam, 269
Mark IV Tyranizer, 423 Mine, Incendiary, 268
Mark X Assault Rifle, 202, 204 Mine, Mercy, 265
Mark X4 Laser Sniper Rifle, 289 Mine, Mercy, Variable-Intensity, 270
Mass-Driver Weapon System, 279 Mine, Metal-Melter, 268
Matter Disruption Tool, 424 Mine, Pain Gas, 267
Matter Storage Gun, 424 Mine, Plastic-Eating, 269
Matter-Annihilation Grenade, 419 Mine, Protein Disrupter, 271
Megasplat Gun, 207 Mine, Proximity Fused, 263
Melee Weapons, Advanced Materials, 41 Mine, Psi-Scream, 271
Melee Weapons, Hot, Cold and Electrified, 66 Mine, Radiation Pulse, 268
Melee Weapons, Hypersharp, 51 Mine, Smart, 270
Melee Weapons, Miscellaneous, 84 Mine, son Flechette, 262
Melee Weapons, Organic, 10 Mine, Sonic Disrupter, 264
Melee Weapons, Radioactive, 48 Mine, Sonic Screamer, 265
Melee Weapons, Super-Advanced, 396 Mine, Suicide Gas, 267
Melee Weapons, Superheavy, 78 Mine, Toxic Gas, 266
Melee Weapons, Vibronic, 57 Mine, Toxic Gas, Ultralethal, 266
Meltaway Arrow, 125 Mine, Vortex, 417
Mental Disruption Wand, 343 Miniature Robot Attack Drone, 158
Mental Domination Helmet, 386 Miniature Robot Attack Drone, Flying, 158
Mental Domination Implant Dart, 156 Miniature Robot Attack Drone, Poison Injecting,
Mercy Mine, 265 158
Metabolic Interference Ray, 367 Miniature Speargun, 136
Metal-Eating Grenade, 245 Miniature, Concealed Gyrojet, 217
Metal-Eating Scuttlebomb, 28 Miscellaneous Futuristic Melee Weapons, 84
Metal-Eating Virus Warhead, 256 Miscellaneous Futuristic Ranged Weapons, 358
Metal-Melter Mine, 268 Missile Launcher, Disposable, One-Shot, 184
Metal-Melting Ray, 371 Mk 1 Gyrostabilized Machine Pistol, 198
Metal-Melting Ray, Pocket-Sized, 372 Model 1 Blaster, 316
Micro Robot Enslavement Ray, 379 Model Aleph-3 Blaster Carbine, 318
Micro-Coagulator Ray, 330 Model Daleth-Rho Blaster Rifle, 319
Micro-Dart Projector, Disposable, 179 Model Orion Sporting Gauss Rifle, 275
Micro-Injection Device, 87 Model Q-90 Autogun, 203
Micro-Nausea Gun, 353 Model T-40 Light Blaster Rifle, 319
Micro-Stunner, Concealed, 344 Model T-90 Big Game Rifle, 319
Microwave, 300 Model Upsilon Military Blaster Carbine, 318
Microwave Cannon, 302 Model XX Competition Blaster, 320
Microwave Carbine, Variable Effect, 302 Model ZE-5 Blaster Pistol, 316
Microwave Heavy Support Weapon, 301 Model ZE-7, 317
Microwave Pistol,, 298, 300 Model ZM-3 Light Blaster Pistol, 317
Microwave Pistol, Heavy,, 299 Model ZX-15 Heavy Blaster, 320
Microwave Pistol, Variable Effect, 302 Molecular Agitator, 402, 403
Microwave Projector, Heavy, Short-Range, 301 Monofilament Whip, 55
Microwave Rifle,, 301 Monster-in-a Can, 35
Military/Intel Dart Rifle, 149 Morganos Device, the, 432
Mind Sword, 399 Morituri Staff, the, 432
Mine, Anti-Robot, 263 Mortar, Advanced Materials, 252
Mine, Anti-Tank, 262 Mortar, Disposable, 252
Mine, Bioweapon, 264 Mortar, Smart, 253
Mine, Brain Scrambler, 266 Mortars, 252

Motor Dysfunction Gas Grenade, 238 Particle Accelerator, Backpack-Mounted, 311
Motor Function Disrupter Ray, 394 Particle Accelerator, Continuous Beam, 315
Motor Function Disrupter Ray, Pocket-Sized, 394 Particle Accelerator, Tiny, 312
Motor Function Disruption Thorn, 18 Personal Safety Unit, 403
Motor Function Disruptor Rod, 343 Pertrification Ray, 390
Motorized Hook and Chain, Electroshock Model, Pertrification Ray, Portable, 391
74 Petrification Ray, Pocket-Sized, 391
Motorized Hook and Chain, Envenomation Phased Lepton Projector, 407
Model, 89 Phase-Shift Gun, 403
Motorized Hook and Chain, Superheated Model, Pick, Advanced Materials, 43
69 Pick, Advanced Materials (Small), 44
Multi-Use Bang Stick, 88 Pick, Hot, 69
Murder Gun, 312 Pick, Supercold, 71
Murder Mole, 159, 160 Pick, Superheavy, 81
Napalm Arrow, 125 Pick, Superheavy (Small), 81
Napalm Grenade, 241 Pick, Vibronic, 60
Nausea Gun, 352, 353 Pick, Vibronic (Small), 60
Nausea Gun, Heavy, 352 Pincer Gauntlet, 92
Nausea Gun, Micro, 353 Pincer Pike, 93
Nausea Gun, Pocket-Sized, 352 Pipe Organ Shotgun, 186
Needle Gun, 356 Piranha Ball, 39
Needle Gun, Concealed, 356 Pistol, Ceramic, 190
Needle Gun, Disposable, 178 Pistol, Subsonic, 190
Needle Rifle, Spring-Loaded, 357 Plague Arrow, 124
Needlegun,, 357 Plague Blade, 11
Nerve-Rot Spore-Pod, 24 Plague Dart, 154
Nerve-Rot Thorn, 18 Plague Grenade, 239
Net, Advanced Materials, 338 Plague Scuttlebomb, 28
Net, Electrified, 339 Plague Sword, 11
Neutron Grenade, 242 Plague Wand, 12
Non-Lethal Ranged Weapons, 345 Plague Warhead Rocket, 256
Non-Lethal Weapons, 338 Plasma Cannon, 336
Nunchaku, Electrified, 72 Plasma Grenade, 249
Nunchaku, Superheavy, 79 Plasma Gun, Backpack-Mounted (GP-4), 335
Ogmius Harp, the, 433 Plasma Gun, Prototype, 334
One-Shot Spike Pistol, 146 Plasma Rifle, Backpack-Mounted (GP-X7), 335
Organic Blade, Disposable, 10 Plasma-Blade Flingering, 83
Organic Blade, Disposable, Venomous, 11 Plastic Shotgun, 187
Organic Spore-Pod Launcher, 25 Plastic Sword, 87
Organic Weapons, 10, 37 Plastic-Eating Bio Pod, 22
Other Super-Advanced Weapons, 413 Plastic-Eating Grenade, 246
Oughtred Lens, the, 434 Plastic-Eating Mine, 269
Pain Gas Grenade, 235 Plastic-Eating Scuttlebomb, 27
Pain Gas Mine, 267 Pocket Agonizer, 341
Pain Glove, 341 Pocket Agony Ray, 346
Pain Wand, 341 Pocket Anti-Life Projector, 413
Pain-Thorn, 16 Pocket Atomic Ray, 384, 385
Painwave Projector, 345 Pocket Brain-Melting Ray, 377
Paralysis Gas Grenade, 238 Pocket Bubble Gun, 392
Paralysis Spore-Pod, 25 Pocket Cancer Ray, 381
Paralysis Thorn, 16 Pocket Death Ray, 380
Paralyzer, 339 Pocket Debilitation Ray, 372
Particle Accelerator Cannon, 314 Pocket Disintegration Rod, 396
Particle Accelerator Hunting Rifle, 313 Pocket Enslavement Ray, 377
Particle Accelerator Pistol, 312 Pocket Flesh-Melting Ray, 371
Particle Accelerator Pistol, Advanced, 314 Pocket Flesh-Warping Ray, 370
Particle Accelerator Pistol, Advanced, Pocket Homicide Ray, 393
Lightweight, 315 Pocket Hypno-Ray, 369
Particle Accelerator Rifle, 312 Pocket Metal-Melting Ray, 372
Particle Accelerator Rifle, Advanced, 314 Pocket Motor Function Disrupter Ray, 394
Particle Accelerator Rifle, Heavy, 313 Pocket Nausea Gun, 352
Particle Accelerator Support Gun, 313 Pocket Petrification Ray, 391

Pocket Self-Immolation Ray, 395 QQ19 Laser Hunting Rifle, 293
Pocket Shrink Ray, 375 Quantum Cannon, 409
Poison Arrow, 123 Quantum Mass Sword, 79
Poison Arrow, Extra-Lethal, 123 Quantum Packet Gun, 426
Poison Arrow, Superlethal, 124 QZ-5 Light Submachine Gun, 196
Poison Dart, 151, 152 Radiation Projector Wand, 48
Poison Dart, Extra-Lethal, 152 Radiation Pulse Mine, 268
Poison Dart, Superlethal, 152 Radioactive Blade, 49
Poison Flechette Grenade, 233 Radioactive Hand Weapons, 48
Poison Flechette Mine, 262 Radioactive Harpoon, 143
Poison Gas Arrow, 121 Radioactive Mace, 49
Poison Gas Crossbow Bolt, 133 Radioactive Spearhead, 139
Poison Gas Grenade, 238, 239 Radioactive Sword, 49
Poison Gas Grenade, Extra-Lethal, 239 Rage Gas Grenade, 237
Poison Gas Grenade, Superlethal, 239 Rage Thorn, 17
Poison Glove, 95 Railgun, Heavy, 279
Poison Glove, Undetectable, 95 Railgun, Man Portable, 275
Poison Harpoon, 142 Railgun, Portable, dvanced, 279
Poison Injecting Miniature Robot Attack Drone, Ranged Weapons, Miscellaneous, 358
158 Rapier, Advanced Materials, 42
Poison Injector, Disposable, 180 Rapier, Concealed, 85
Poison Spearhead, 138 Rapier, Electrified, 73
Polarizing Anti-Robot Grenade, 234 Rapier, Hypersharp, 52
Polarizing Anti-Robot Mine, 263 Ray Cannon, Generic, 366
Polarizing Anti-Robot Shuriken, 101 Ray of Silence, 383
Police Model 90 Assault Carbine, 202 Razerang, 109
Porcupine, the, 413 Razor Cannon, 362
Portable Cancer Ray, 381 Razor Cloud, 435
Portable Heavy Drill, 93 Razor Fan, 87
Portable Pertrification Ray, 391 Razor Tentacles, 91
Power Rod, 75 Razorgun, 362
Power Staff, Remote Control, 78 Razorwire Bolas, 104
Primitive Gyrojet Carbine, 215 Razorwire Yo-Yo, 46
Primitive Gyrojet Pistol, 215 Red Hot Claws, 68
Primitive Laser Pistol, 284 Red Hot Pick, 69
Protein Disrupter Mine, 271 Red-Hot Scythe, 69
Protoplasmic Disruptor Wand, 94 Relics, 422
Prototype Plasma Gun, 334 Remote Control Double-Bladed Fusion Sword, 84
Prototype Rail Gun, 272 Remote Control Injection Device, 159
Proximity Mine, 263 Remote Control Power Staff, 78
Psion Saber, 425 Remote Control Variable Metal Glaive, 399
Psi-Scream Arrow, 126 Remote Control Vibroblade, 64
Psi-Scream Dart, 156 Repair Kit Waldo, 91
Psi-Scream Grenade, 250 Repeating Crossbow, 129
Psi-Scream Mine, 271 Restraint Ring, 415
Psychedelic Dart, 154 Riot-Ram, 187
Psychedelic Gas Grenade, 236 RK Arnvelt Heavy Machine Pistol, 199
Psychoactive Spike, 15 Robot Disrupter Arrow, 121
Pulse-Laser Big Game Rifle, 288 Robot Disrupter Crossbow Bolt, 132
Pump-Action 12 Gauge, 186 Robot Disrupter Wand, 72
Punch Dagger, Advanced Materials, 43 Robot Enslavement Ray, 378
Punch Dagger, Force-Field, 75 Robot Enslavement Ray, Micro, 379
Punch Dagger, Hot, 68 Robot-Disrupter Harpoon, 143
Punch Dagger, Hyperice, 47 Robot-Disrupter Spearhead, 138
Punch Dagger, Hypersharp, 54 Rocket, Anti-Personnel, 255
Punch Dagger, Vibronic, 60 Rocket, Anti-Tank, 255
Punch-Dagger, Action-at a Distance, 359 Rocket, Chemical Warhead, 255
Punch-Dagger, Biological, 15 Rocket, Flesh-Eating Virus Warhead, 256
Punch-Dagger, Infected, 15 Rocket, Heatseeker, 257
Punch-Dagger, Variable Metal, 398 Rocket, Incendiary, 257
Q2, 297 Rocket, Metal-Eating Virus Warhead, 256
Q334 Laser Pistol, 291 Rocket, Plague Warhead, 256

Rocket, Shaped-Charge Concussion Warhead, Shotgun, Riot-Ram, 187
257 Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launcher, 253, 254
Rocket, Target-Lock, 258 Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launcher, Five-Pack,
Rod of the Lawgiver, 96 254
RR-X20, 292 Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launcher, SK 12, 255
RZ-7, 209 Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launcher, Three-
Sarvio Kornfeld Heavy Microwave Pistol, 299 Pack, 254
Scissors, Hypersharp, 57 Shrink Ray, 374
Screamer Bolt, 134 Shrink Ray, Pocket-Sized, 375
Scuttlebomb, Deep-Space, 29 Shuriken With Poison Delivery System, 100
Scuttlebomb, Metal-Eating, 28 Shuriken, Advanced Materials, 99
Scuttlebomb, Plague, 28 Shuriken, Anti-Robot, 101
Scuttlebomb, Plastic-Eating, 27 Shuriken, Exploding, 100
Scythe, Advanced Materials, 44 Shuriken, Exploding, Fragmentation, 101
Scythe, Hot, 69 Shuriken, Force Projection, 99
Scythe, Hypersharp, 53 Shuriken, Hypersharp, 99
Scythe, Superchilled, 71 Shuriken, Poison, 100
Scythe, Vibronic, 61 Shuriken, Self-Returning, 108
Selective Biological Disrupter, 426, 430 Shuriken, Self-Returning, Poison, 108
Selective Effect Grenade, 249 Shuriken, Variable Metal, 100
Selective Matter-Annihilation Grenade, 419 Sickle, Hypersharp, 54
Self-Assembling Bomb, 421 Sickle, Vibronic, 61
Self-Assembling Gun, 420 Single-Plane Grenade, 244
Self-Assembling Heavy Weapon, 421 Singularity Projector, 422, 427
Self-Assembling Howitzer, 421 SK 12 Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launcher, 255
Self-Assembling Killer Robot, 422 Slashmatic Kobra Blade, 63
Self-Assembling Sword, 420 Sleep Gas Grenade, 234
Self-Guided Crossbow Bolt, 135 Sleep Gas Spore-Pod, 23
Self-Immolation Ray, 394, 395 Slingshot, Advanced Materials, 115
Self-Immolation Ray, Pocket-Sized, 395 Slingshot, Improvised, 115
Self-Returning Flying Disk, 106, 107 Slingshots, 114
Self-Returning Flying Disk, Hypersharp, 107 Slugthrower Carbine, Disposable, 175
Self-Returning Force-Blade, 109 Slugthrower Pistol, 190, 191, 212
Self-Returning Hammer, 109 Slugthrower Pistol, .75 Caliber, 208
Self-Returning Hyperdense Ball, 110 Slugthrower Pistol, Derringer, 191
Self-Returning Hyperspeed Ball, 111 Slugthrower Pistol, Disposable, 175
Self-Returning Shuriken, 108 Slugthrower Pistol, Heavy Caliber, 191
Self-Returning Shuriken With Venom, 108 Slugthrower Pistol, Last Generation, 212
Self-Returning Throwing Knife, Hypersharp, 108 Slugthrower Rifle, 192, 193, 194
Shaped-Charge Concussion Warhead, 257 Slugthrower Rifle, 20th Century Carbine, 192
Shaped-Charge Directional Mine, 262 Slugthrower Rifle, Big Game, 194
Shield, Flying, 106 Slugthrower Rifle, Elephant Gun, 194
Shock Gauntlet, 71 Slugthrower Rifle, Heavy Caliber, 193
Shockstick, 71, 72 Slugthrower Rifle, Light Caliber, 193
Shockstick Nunchaku, 72 Slugthrower Rifle, Type 1, 193
Shockstick Staff, 72 Slugthrower Sniper Rifle, 194, 195
Shopkeeper Robot (Stats), 452 Slugthrower Sniper Rifle, High-Caliber, 195
Shortbow, Advanced Materials, 116 Slugthrower Target Pistol, 191
Short-Range Heavy Microwave Projector, 301 Small Advanced Materials Pick, 44
Short-Range Micro Death-Ray, 380 Small Fission Bomb, 439
Short-Range Personal Stunner, 346 Small Fusion Bomb, 442
Shortsword, Ceramic, 86 Small Superheavy Pick, 81
Shotgun Pistol, 192 Small Vibro-Pick, 60
Shotgun Pistol, Disposable, 176 Smart Gun, 401
Shotgun, Automatic, 188, 189 Smart Mine, 270
Shotgun, Combat, 187 Smart Mortar, 253
Shotgun, Double-Barreled, 186 SmartSword, 64
Shotgun, Liberator Assault Gun, 189 Sniper Rifle, Superheavy Caliber, 209
Shotgun, Light Combat, 187 Solar Ray, 390
Shotgun, Pipe Organ, 186 Solar Ray, Giant, 390
Shotgun, Plastic, 187 Solar Torch, 401
Shotgun, Pump-Action 12 Gauge, 186 Sonic Broad-Beam Demolisher, 310

Sonic Cannon, 310 Stun-Bomb Projector, 354
Sonic Disrupter Mine, 264 Stunner, Concealed, Miniature, 344
Sonic Disrupter Wand, 88 Stunner, Hand, 347
Sonic Disruptor Bolas, 103 Stunner, Heavy (Crowd-Control), 349
Sonic Pistol, 308 Stunner, Short-Range, Personal, 346
Sonic Rifle, 309 Stunner, Wide-Beam, 348, 349
Sonic Screamer Arrow, 116, 125 Stunstick, 342
Sonic Screamer Bolas, 104 Submachine Gun, (Krutch Industries #4, 197
Sonic Screamer Grenade, 243 Submachine Gun, (Krutch Industries #40, 197
Sonic Screamer Mine, 265 Submachine Gun, (Krutch Industries #43-B, 197
Sonic Screamer, Hand-Held, 308 Submachine Gun, Heavy,, 196
Sonic Sniper Rifle, 310 Submachine Gun, Light, QZ-5, 196
Sonik Destruktor, 309 Subsonic Murder Gun, 190
Spear Launcher, Hypermass, 400 Suicide Gas Grenade, 237
Spear Venomous, 13 Suicide Gas Mine, 267
Spear, Armor-Piercing Explosive Head, 137 Super-Advanced Melee Weapons, 396
Spear, Detachable Bore-Worm Head, 137 Super-Advanced Ranged Weapons, 400
Spear, Expanding, 136 Super-Advanced Weapons, 395
Spear, Exploding, 137 Superchilled Blade, 70
Spear, Exploding Fragmentation, 137 Superchilled Gauntlet, 70
Spear, Hyperice, 140 Superchilled Scythe, 71
Spear, Hyperice, Toxic, 140 Superchilled Sword, 70
Spear, Hypersharp, 54, 139 Supercold Pick, 71
Spear, Poison, 138 Superheated Crossbow Bolt, 133
Spear, Radioactive, 139 Superheavy, 79
Spear, Robot-Disrupter Head, 138 Superheavy Axe, 80
Spear, Thermite, 138 Superheavy Caliber Bolt-Gun, 209
Spear, Variable Metal, 138, 398 Superheavy Caliber Sniper Rifle, 209
Spear, Vibronic, 62, 139 Superheavy Flail, 81
Spear, Vibronic Head, 139 Superheavy Hammer, 80
Speargun, 135 Superheavy Nunchaku, 79
Spearguns, Spike Guns and Harpoon Guns, 135 Superheavy Pick, 81
Spent Uranium Arrowhead, 118 Superheavy Truncheon, 79
Spike Pistol, 145 Superheavy Weapons, 78
Spike Pistol, Light (3-shot), 145 Super-High Potency Stun Dart, 151
Spike Pistol, One-Shot, 146 Swarm Pod, 20
Splat Gun, 206, 207, 208 Swarm-Pod, Vacuum, 21
Spore-Pod, Agony, 23 Swauk Mortenson-Davies Ionic Elephant Gun,
Spore-Pod, Flesh-Eating, 24 306
Spore-Pod, Insanity, 23 Sword, Advanced Materials, 42
Spore-Pod, Nerve-Rot, 24 Sword, Electrified, 73
Spore-Pod, Paralysis, 25 Sword, Force Field, 76
Spore-Pod, Sleep Gas, 23 Sword, Force Field, Double-Bladed, 77
Spore-Pod, Toxic, 22 Sword, Fusion, 82
Spring-Loaded Needle Rifle, 357 Sword, Hot, 67
Spring-Loaded Wrist Blade, 85 Sword, Hypersharp, 52
Stabbing-Stick, Venomous, 13 Sword, Plastic, Low-Quality, 86
Staff, Electrified, 72 Sword, Quantum Mass, 79
Staff, Force, 76 Sword, Radioactive, 49
Staff, Remote Control, Power-Enhanced, 78 Sword, Superchilled, 70
Steam Gun, Backpack-Mounted, 363 Sword, Variable Metal, 397
Steam Gun, Two Handed, 363 Sword, Vibronic, 59
Steam Pistol, 363 Sword, Water Blade, 96
Steel Talon Needlegun, 357 Tanglebomb Grenade, 243
Steissner Combat Shotgun, 187 Tanglechain, 339
Stiletto, Ceramic, 86 Tangle-Ribbon, 342
Stiletto, Disposable, 184 Tanglevine, 12
Stiletto, Vibronic, 58 Tanglewand, 342
Stun Glove, 344 Tangleweb Arrow, 127
Stun Grenade, 244 Tangleweb Crossbow Bolt, 134
Stun Ram, 348 Tangleweb Gun, 351
Stun Rifle, 347 Target Competition Blaster, 320

Target-Lock Smart Missile, 258 Turbo Blaster Cannon, 321
Tazer, 339 Turbo-Cannon Heavy Ion Projector, 306
Techtronics Type 9 Laser Pistol, 286 Two-Bladed Axe, Vibronic, 63
Telepathic Hunter-Killer, 35 Two-Bladed Chainsword,, 65
Temporal Stasis Generator, 418 Two-Bladed Sword, Force Field, 77
Temporal Stasis Grenade, 418 Two-Bladed Sword, Fusion, 83
Temporal Stasis Pistol, 418 Two-Bladed Sword, Vibronic, 62
Tentacle Wad, 38 Two-Dimensional Blade, 399
Tesseract Throwing Weapon, 416 Two-Handed Dazzleflash Gun, 350
Tesseract Weapon, 400 Type 1, 193
Thanatic Field Projector, 446 Type 483 X-Ray Laser Sniper Rifle, 298
Thanatos Device, 447, 448, 455 Type RSK Microwave Heavy Support Weapon,
Thar-Zebb Light Disrupter Rifle, 327 301
The Black Stinger, 18 Type V-6 Microwave Rifle, 301
The Death-Head Scarab, 34 Ultra-Heavy Machine Gun, 212
The Master's Rod, 367 Unclassified Anomalous Object 6, 436
The Triparite Blade, 112 Underwater Laser Carbine, 290
Thermexx, 260 Underwater Laser Pistol, 290
Thermite Spearhead, 138 Universal Energy Tool, 368
Thorn of Madness, 17 V186 Heavy Laser Pistol, 291
Thorn, Brain-Rot, 18 Vacuum Swarm-Pod, 21
Thorn, Debilitation, 17 Variable Effect Microwave Carbine, 302
Thorn, Motor Function Disruption, 18 Variable Effect Microwave Pistol, 302
Thorn, Nerve-Rot, 18 Variable Intensity Idiot Gun, 223
Thorn, Pain, 16 Variable Intensity Ionic Tool, 307
Thorn, Paralysis, 16 Variable Intensity Lightning Gun, 281
Thorn, Rage, 17 Variable Metal Arrow, 120
Thousand Wound Spiral, the, 414, 415 Variable Metal Glaive, 398
Three-Bladed Chainsaw, Flying, 112 Variable Metal Glaive, Remote Control, 399
Throwing Axe, Advanced Materials, 42 Variable Metal Punch-Dagger, 398
Throwing Blade, Ceramic, 101 Variable Metal Shuriken, 100
Throwing Blade, Disposable, 183 Variable Metal Spear, 138, 398
Throwing Blade, Guided, 105 Variable Metal Sword, 397
Throwing Disk, Advanced Materials, 97 Variable Metal Throwing Disk, 415
Throwing Disk, Advanced Materials (Blunt), 97 Variable-Intensity Anti-Robot Grenade, 248
Throwing Disk, Hypersharp, 98 Variable-Intensity Concussion Grenade, 247
Throwing Disk, Variable Metal, 415 Variable-Intensity Concussion Mine, 269
Throwing Disk, Vibronic, 98 Variable-Intensity Electrostatic Discharge Mine,
Throwing Hatchet, Ceramic, 101 270
Throwing Knife, Self-Returning, Hypersharp, 108 Variable-Intensity Mercy Mine, 270
Throwing Weapons, Futuristic, 97 Variable-Intensity Radiation Pulse Grenade, 247
Thud Gun, 206, 207 Venomous Bio-Spear, 13
Thump-Club, 85 Venomous Bio-Stabbing-Stick, 13
Thump-Gun, Heavy, 322 Venomous Bio-Sword, 12
Thump-Pistol, 322 Venomous Claws, 14
Thump-Rifle, 322 Venomous Disposable Organic Blade, 11
Tigershark .75 Pistol, 208 Very Large Fusion Bomb, 444
Tiny Evil Ray, 389 Vibratory Disruptor Dart, 155
Tiny Fear Ray, 383 Vibro Disk, Self-Returning, 107
Tiny One-Shot Dazzleflash Gun, 351 Vibroblade, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64
Tomahawk, Disposable, 184 Vibroblade Axe, 58
Torpedo, Burrowing, 160 Vibroblade Double-Sided Axe, 63
Torpedo, Flying Buzz-Bomb, 161 Vibroblade Double-Sided Sword, 62
Torpedo, Land, Guided, 160 Vibroblade Sickle, 61
Toxic Gas Mine, 266 Vibroblade Stiletto, 58
Toxic Gas Mine, Ultralethal, 266 Vibroblade Sword, 59
Toxic Hyperice Spear, 140 Vibro-Cannon, 324
Toxic Spore-Pod, 22 Vibro-Claws, 59
Tractor-Pressor Vibro Gun, 323 Vibro-Disk, 98
Triaxx, 259 Vibro-Katar, 60
Trident, Hypersharp, 55 Vibronic Glaive, 62, 66
Truncheon, Superheavy, 79 Vibronic Spear, 62, 139

Vibronic Spearhead, 139 Wrist-Rocket, Anti-Robotic Warhead, 227
Vibronic Weapons, 57 Wrist-Rocket, Armor-Piercing, 228
Vibronic Whip, 63 Wrist-Rocket, Concussion Bomb, 227
Vibro-Pick, 60 Wrist-Rocket, Fragmentation Load, 227
Vibro-Pistol, 323 Wrist-Rocket, Glue-Bomb, 227
Vibro-Scythe, 61 Wrist-Rocket, Heat-Seeker, 229
Viral Grenade, Superlethal, 240 Wrist-Rocket, High-Explosive, Anti-Vehicle, 228
Vivisector Pane, the, 414 Wrist-Rocket, Incendiary, 228
Vortex Grenade, 419 Wrist-Rocket, Poison Flechette Bomb, 228
Vortex Mine, 417 Wrist-Rocket, Solid Spike, 226
Waldo, Grabber Arm, 90 Wubbly, The, 39
Waldo, Heavy Construction, 90 Wummel Device, the, 435, 436
Waldo, Killer, 89 X-Ray Laser Pistol, 296
Waldo, Razor Tentacles, 91 X-Ray Laser Rifle, 296
Waldo, Repair Kit, 91 X-Ray Laser Sniper Rifle, 297
Water Blade, 95 X-Ray Laser Sniper Rifle,, 298
Weapons of Mass Destruction, 438 X-Ray Laser Target Pistol, 297
Weird Science, 368 Xugulor, the, 437
Whip, Advanced Materials, 43 Yo-Yo Weapons, 44
Whip, Electrified, 74 Yo-Yo, Buzzsaw Bladed, 46
Whip, Hypersharp, 55 Yo-Yo, Combat, 45
Whip, Vibronic, 63 Yo-Yo, Exploding, 45
Whirligig, 113 Yo-Yo, Immobilizer, 45
Whomp-Ball, 113 Yo-Yo, Razorwire, 46
Whomp-Disk, 113 Z-1 Survival Rifle, 204
Wide-Beam Stunner, 348, 349 Z-12 Assault Rifle, 206
Witherslant Gun, Model Aleph-Naught, 411 Z-3 Pistol, 205
Witherslant Gun, Model Omega, 437 Z-5 Assault Rifle, 206
Witherslant Gun, Model Q, 411 Zed Gun, the, 438
Witherslant Gun, Model X, 410 Zero-Grav Carbine, 210
Witherslant Gun, Model Zed, 410 Zero-Grav Pistol, 210
Witherslant Masters, The, 451 Zip-Gun, 213, 214
Witherslant Masters’ Shopkeeper Robot, 452 Zip-Gun Rifle, 214
Witherslant Pistol, 412 Zip-Shotgun, 214
Wriggleblade, 11 Zlotny-Grushka 12 Gauge Light Combat
Wrist Blade, Spring-Loaded, 85 Shotgun, 187
Wrist-Mounted Dart Projector, 148 Z-Series Gyrostabilized Machine Pistol, 205
Wrist-Rocket Launcher, 226


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