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Indian Institute of Management Kashipur

Self-Assessment Questionnaire 

1. Describe yourself briefly. What are your strengths and areas of improvement (at least 3 each)? Cite situations
to exemplify each. (Word Limit: Max 500 Min 250)

2. What is your single largest achievement so far? Why do you consider it to be your largest achievement? What
is your largest defeat to date and why do you consider it to be one? (Word Limit: Max 500 Min 100)

3. What are your personal goals in life? Please elaborate in three separate categories: Short-term (2-3 years),
Medium-term (5-6 years) and Long-term (ultimate objective). (Word Limit: Max 500 Min 250)

4. What are the three most important values that guide your thoughts and actions and why? (WL: 500)

5. Describe a challenging project or a seemingly impossible task, which you have undertaken. What was the
outcome? (Word Limit: Max 500 Min 100)

6. Tell us about a time when you had difficulty with a co-worker/team-mate and how you handled the situation.
(Word Limit: Max 500 Min 100)

7. Give two examples of how you have demonstrated leadership and inspired people towards achievement of
certain goals. (Word Limit: Max 500 Min 100)

All questions are compulsory for all participants. All questions are self-explanatory, answer as per your
understanding. No request for any sort of further explanation will be entertained. Participants with work-
experience are expected to preferably give examples from the same. However, in case of lack of such instances,
suitable examples from academic/extra-curricular/personal situations may be included.


 Responses should be submitted in the form of a PDF document with the naming convention: <CATID>_<Full
 Deadline for Submission: 20st June 2019 18:59:59
 Word limit is just an indication.

Plagiarism (copying) will be seriously penalized.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in serious repercussions.

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