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The Prisoner of Zenda - Synopsis

A Brief Synopsis

This adventure romance sets in Ruritania, an imaginary country in South-

eastern Europe, in the eighteenth century. The main character in the story is
Rudolf Rassendyll, a 29-year-old English gentleman. He is well-educated,
handsome, rich, happy and leads a carefree life. His sister-in-law, Rose, insist
that he finds a job. He agrees to that when his brother gets him a job as an
attache' to the ambassador, Sir Jacob Borrodaille.

However, before he starts working, he wants to go for a holiday. He decides

to visit Ruritania, to witness the coronation of King Rudolf V, which will be
held in Strelsau, the capital city. On the way here, he stops at Zenda where
people are amazed at him because he looks very similar to the King. He is so
fascinated with the Zenda Castle and the woods. So, he takes a walk and by
chance, he meets King Rudolf V and his loyal followers, Colonel Sapt and Fritz
Von Tarlenheim. The King likes him and invites him over to his lodge.

Duke Michael, who is also known as Black Michael, wants to drug the King by
sending him a drugged bottle of wine. This is to sabotage the coronation
ceremony because Duke Michael himself wants to be the King. The Kings'
advisers, Colonel Sapt and Fritz, convince Rudolf to impersonate the King in
order to save the Kings throne and life.

While the real King V is kidnapped by Duke Michael and lies unconscious in
the Zenda Castle, Rudolf Rassendyll is crowned as the King at Strelsau. Duke
Michael, being very mean, knows that he has to get Rudolf out of the way. So
he hired killers, famously known as 'The Famous Six' to kill Rudolf. However,
he manages to escape. In the midst of all these,

Rudolf falls in love with Princess Falvia, who turns love him very much.
However, she does not know that he is not the 'real' king. Things get
complicated when people expect King Rudolf V to save the King Rudolf V to
set a date for the wedding. So, Rudolf with the assistance of Colonel Sapt and
Fritz plan to save the King from Zenda Castle. As Rudolf and his men quietly
advance upon the castle, Duke Michael is killed not by them but by Rupert
Hentzau, the chief of 'The Famous Six' over the love of a beautiful
Frenchwoman, Antoinette.

During this commotion, Rudolf rescues the King and goes after Rupert bt he
escapes. Arriving at Zenda, Princess Flavia gets to know that Rudolf is not the
'real' king. So she has to give up her love and marries King Rudolf V as it is
her duty to the people and country. Being an honourable man, Rudolf has to
give up his love.

The King thanks Rudolf for saving his life and throne. Rudolf returns to
England heartbroken and lives with the memories of his sweetheart, Princess
Flavia. However, he stills get to hear about her and Ruritania from Fritz and
his wife who visit him once a year.


This is a classic swashbuckler. Rudolph Rassendyll, Rudolf V's identical

distant cousin, is asked to risk his life and impersonate the would-be king
when his relative is kidnapped before his impending coronation. If Rudolf V
isn't present at the ceremony, he will forfeit the crown to his younger brother.
Complications ensue when Princess Flavia, the cousin's betrothed, begins to
notice a "personality change" in her fiancé. Written by Albert Sanchez Moreno

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