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1 If you have to take the training session for a particular technology platform, then which of the following
things should you consider while finalizing the selection criteria of the trainees?
1. Language
2. Literacy
3. Numeracy

Option A. Only 1 and 2

Option B. Only 2
Option C. Only 3
Option D. All 1, 2, and 3

Q.2 If you have prepared the learning material in the form of PowerPoint presentations, then which of the
following equipment is required for the training session to be conducted?

Option A. Projector
Option B. Inverter
Option C. Stabilizer
Option D. Black/white board

Q.3 In order to meet the needs of the adult learners, which of the following should be done for making the
learning materials?
1. Make them learner-centered to engage learners
2. Connect them to their life experiences
3. Make them more experimental and participative

Option A. Only 1 and 2

Option B. Only 2
Option C. Only 3
Option D. All 1, 2, and 3

Q.4 Arrange the following activities in the [b]correct order[/b] of sequence while training a new batch.
1. Summative assessment
2. Class introduction
3. Explaining the learning objectives of the course

Option A. 2-1-3
Option B. 2-3-1
Option C. 3-1-2
Option D. 1-2-3

Q.5 Which of the following training methods is [b]least effective[/b] in ensuring participation of the learners?

Option A. Classroom lectures

Option B. Group activities
Option C. Role plays
Option D. Field trips
Q.6 Exit Cards are used for:

Option A. delivering lectures at an appropriate pace

Option B. ensuring and encouraging two-way communication
Option C. summarising key concepts and understanding of students
Option D. understanding any non-verbal and verbal communication among participants
Q.7 Identify the level of Bloom's Taxonomy in which demonstration is used as a method to deliver training.

Option A. Synthesis
Option B. Evaluation
Option C. Analysis
Option D. Application

Q.8 Which of the following things should you identify while preparing for the demonstration?
1. Location and facilities where the demonstration will take place
2. Time allowed for the demonstration
3. Topics to be included in the demonstration

Option A. Only 1 and 2

Option B. Only 2 and 3
Option C. All 1, 2, and 3
Option D. Only 1 and 3
Q.9 If you have to conduct a demonstration but you have a bad throat, then which of the following equipment
should you use to make yourself audible?

Option A.

Option B.

Option C.
Option D.

Q.10 You are briefing a learner regarding the health and safety guidelines to be followed. Which of the following
signs will you follow for evacuation at the time of fire emergency?

Option A.

Option B.

Option C.

Option D.

Q.11 If you have to arrange tools and equipment that will be used by the learners for performing different
activities, then which of the following information will you consider?

Option A. Batch size

Option B. Gender ratio of the batch
Option C. Skill level of individuals in the batch
Option D. Economic level of individuals in the batch
Q.12 Why is it advised to practice a task during On-Job-Training?

Option A. Task decay rate is very high

Option B. Saves the trainer from giving regular instructions
Option C. Saves the training time
Option D. Task decay rate is very slow

Q.13 Which of the following type of assessments should be scheduled in between the training to identify the
learners' progress?

Option A. Diagnostic assessment

Option B. Formative assessment
Option C. Summative assessment
Option D. Diagnostic and Summative assessments

Q.14 If you are assessing 80 learners, then arrange the following assessment methods in an [b]increasing order
of time[/b] required for each method.
1. Demonstrations
2. Multiple choice questions
3. Group discussions

Option A. 1-2-3
Option B. 2-3-1
Option C. 1-3-2
Option D. 3-1-2

Q.15 While identifying issues related to the work environment, which of the following should you report as a
security issue?

Option A. Unauthorized access

Option B. Ergonomically wrong posture of sitting
Option C. Unavailability of safety signs
Option D. Open emergency exit doors in the facility

Q.16 In order to promote safety in case of emergencies, learners must be trained on:

Option A. Mock drills

Option B. Athletics
Option C. Cognitive learning
Option D. Personal grooming

Q.17 Which of the following factors enhance your professional image?

1. Appropriate dress code
2. Good communication skills
3. Being punctual

Option A. Only 1 and 2

Option B. Only 2 and 3
Option C. Only 1 and 3
Option D. All 1, 2, and 3

Q.18 Post-evaluation of the training session, a trainer must document the:

Option A. learners' areas of improvement

Option B. behaviour of the learners
Option C. conflict episodes among the learners
Option D. learners' personal details
Answer Key Correct Answer

1 D
2 A
3 D
4 B
5 A
6 C
7 D
8 C
9 D
10 D
11 A
12 A
13 B
14 B
15 A
16 A
17 D
18 A

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