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Game Refinement Settings on Idle Games

Yoppy Sazaki Anggina Primanita

Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Computer Science
Universitas Sriwijaya Universitas Sriwijaya
Palembang, Indonesia Palembang, Indonesia

Siti Zaiton Mohd Hashim Indri Dwi Ayu

Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Computer Science
University Teknologi Malaysia Universitas Sriwijaya
Johor Bahru, Malaysia Palembang, Indonesia

Abstract— Idle game is a game that has minimal Game refinement theory is a mathematical
interaction with the player so it is considered approach to assess the level of pleasure in playing
unpleasant. To make the idle game more entertaining games. The numerical approach model conducted by
it can be done by applying a comfortable setting. The
[2] writes that game speed/scoring is how players
comfortable setting can be analyzed through measure
excitement of game using game refinement. Game
reach the end of the game while game information is
with game refinement value within zone value 0,07- how the final match results in a certain period or
0,08 is considered as an ideal and fun to played. step. In previous studies, game refinement has been
Testing is done by determining the parameters first used for various purposes, including research to find
by analyzing idle RPG Infinity Heroes. After getting settings that make the game exciting and fun by
the parameters, testing is done by applying 4 different using game refinement theories [3], [4], [5], [6].
settings where every setting will be played 50 times.
The result showed that game refinement value on the The problem that will examine in this study is
dynamic setting is within zone value 0,08 which how the game idle settings are following the game
indicates this setting is suitable to be applied on idle refinement theory. This study aims to determine the
RPG game that has same environment with Infinity appropriate settings in the idle game and analyze
Heroes the parameters in the idle game that can fulfill the
Keywords— idle game, RPG game, idle RPG game refinement. The benefit of this research is to
game, game refinement, game setting become a reference for game developers so they
can build more fun idle games with appropriate
settings and become the reference for the next
I. INTRODUCTION game refinement theory research.
Idle games or commonly called incremental Limitation of the problem in this final project
games are types of games that have little or no is :
interaction with players. This game is timeless, 1. The idle type of game to be simulated is the
which allows players to get points continuously and idle RPG game Infinity Heroes.
can play endless games [1]. 2. The parameters to be examined in the game
idle are:
Figure 1 shows the results of a survey a. The number of stages that have been
conducted by [1] that around 40%-60% give values won (Win Stage).
below 5 for enjoyment idle game ratings. These b. The number of steps that successfully
results prove that the majority of respondents rated during the game (Total Stage).
idle games as unpleasant games. c. The number of coins spent during the
game (Coin Spent).
d. The number of medals earned during the
game (Coin Earn).
3. Idle games will include simulation until stage
4. The settings tested in the Infinity Heroes
simulation are four settings.
5. Each parameter will test 50 times the game.

Fig Fig 1. Results of the Idle Game Survey

978-1-7281-4796-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

The type of data used in this study is primary, 1 Win Stage Total Stage
the data source to use in this study comes from the 2 Coin Spent Coin Earn
value of each parameter which is the result of the
Infinity Heroes simulation program that will be C. Simulation of Infinity Heroes
made in this study, where data collection methods After knowing the parameters that can be used
obtain through the Infinity Heroes parameter values in-game refinement, the simulation will be tested
with some settings that apply to each data collection. by applying 4 settings with different levels of
A. Reviewing Game Refinement, Infinity Heroes difficulty and recording the value of these
and Arrangements That Will Be Tested parameters. The arrangements that will be applied
to the Infinity Heroes simulation will be explained
The main stage in this research is the stage of
in Table II. Settings 1, 2 and 3 are the settings used
reviewing concepts about game improvement and
in Dungeons and Dragons, Pokemon Generation 1
algorithms from the idle game Infinity Heroes.
and Disgaea respectively while setting 4 is a setting
After understanding the concepts of game
made based on the idle game RPG Infinity Heroes.
improvement and idle algorithms, Infinity Heroes
games can be determined parameters and settings TABLE II. Difficulty Level Function (Attack Enemy)
to analyze in this study. Settings Difficulty Level Function (AttackEnemy)
1 AttackEnemy = 500∗¿
2 AttackEnemy = ¿¿
3 AttackEnemy = ¿¿
4 if (stage mod 10 == 0)
AttackEnemy = Random.Range (100 to 500)
else if (stage < 10)
AttackEnemy = Random.Range(10 to 100)
else if (10 < stage < 20)
AttackEnemy = Random.Range(20 to 200)
else if(20 < stage < 30)
AttackEnemy = Random.Range(30 to 300)
else if (30 < stage < 40)
AttackEnemy = Random.Range(40 to 400)
Fig 2. Flowchart of Infinity Heroes
else if (40 < stage < 50)
AttackEnemy = Random.Range(50 to 500)
B. Parameter Testing
D. Test Data Format
After the parameters to examine, have been
determined, an idle game parameter analysis will Testing each setting using the Infinity Heroes
be performed by playing Infinity Heroes first simulation will be done 50 times. After completing
before analyzing the ideal settings. the simulation, the value of the parameters will be
obtained which will then be analyzed for the value
In this study the parameters to be examined are: of the game refinement for each setting to find out
1. The number of stages won (Win Stage). which settings are considered to be fun for idle
2. The number of stages that have been games.
successfully passed during the game (Total
Stage). E. Tools Used in Conducting Research
3. The number of coins spent during the game In this study software will be developed in the
(Coin Spent). form of idle Infinity Heroes game simulation to
4. The number of coins earned during the game obtain data that will be used as a source of
(Coin Earn). analytical data to determine the parameters of idle
games that can increase the level of pleasure in
From the results of the sample data generated playing where the analysis is done using game
from Infinity Heroes which parameters can be used refinement in the test.
for calculation of game repairs, the combination of
parameters that will be calculated for game repair
calculations will be analyzed in Table I.
TABLE I. Combination of Game Refinement Parameters
Combinatio G T
F. Research Testing concluded that this parameter can be used by
Infinity Heroes settings so that this game is fun.
While the results of combination 2 with the Coin
Spent parameter as G and Coin Earn as T are
outside the zone value game refinement. This does
not mean that these parameters cannot be used in-
game refinement. To ensure that the use of Coin
Spent and Coin Earn parameters is commutative to
obtain game refinement values in the zone value
that will be shown in Table IV.
TABLE IV. Commutative Results
R Coin Spent Coin Earn

0,07 19784 2009,366

Fig III-2. Research Testing Stages
0,07 2040584 20407
G. Analysis of Testing Results and Making
Conclusions 0,08 19784 1758,195
After doing the Infinity Heroes simulation test,
the results of each set will be obtained. To get the 0,08 2665252 20407
game refinement (R) value, game speed/scoring
rate (G) and game information progress (T)
parameters are needed, as shown in equation 1[7]. Based on Table IV, it can be seen that to get
game refinement value in the value zone of 0.07-
( G
1 R= √ 0.08, the amount of Coin Spent must be more
T significant than Coin Earn, but in the game, it is
) impossible for the number of coins that players
spend is higher than the amount obtained during the
game. It can be concluded that the use of Coin
Value G is a value associated with the Spent and Coin Earn cannot be used as a parameter
movement of players in winning or completing for calculating game refinement, so the next
games, while T is a value associated with activities parameter to be used in this study is Win Stage and
carried out during the game that also determine the Total Stage.
duration of the game. The G and T parameters
selected after conducting the Infinity Heroes test 2) Test Settings 1
will be analyzed for the R-value for each setting. In setting 1 experiment the stage difficulty will
be based on the value of AttackEnemy, which is the
III. RESULT AND ANALYSIS fighting value of the opponent attacking the player
shown in Formula (2) taken from the RPG
A. Test Result Data Dungeons and Dragons game formula while the
1) Testing of Infinity Heroes simulation result 1 can be seen in Table IV.
AttackEnemy=500∗¿ (2)
The parameters used to calculate the value of
game refinement on the idle game Infinity Heroes
were conducted by playing the Infinity Heroes
game. TABLE IV. Setting Test Results 1

Game to Win Stage Total Stage R

TABLE III. Results of Game Refinement Infinity Heroes
1 1571 3092 0,013
Combinatio G T R 2 1705 3360 0,012
n 3 1617 3184 0,013
1 85 111 0,083 4 1591 3132 0,013
5 1474 2898 0,013
2 19784 20407 0,007 6 1266 2482 0,014
7 5031 10012 0,007
8 3838 7626 0,008
The results in Table III show a combination of
9 2892 5734 0,009
1, between Win Stage parameters and Total Stage
10 18712 37374 0,004
in the game refinement value zone so it can be
11 3298 6546 0,009 1 272 494 0,033
12 3115 6180 0,009 2 124 198 0,056
13 3014 5978 0,009 3 139 228 0,052
14 4943 9836 0,007 4 119 188 0,058
15 1633 3216 0,013 5 151 252 0,049
16 2619 5188 0,010
6 136 222 0,053
17 1721 3392 0,012
7 153 256 0,048
18 7164 14278 0,006
8 146 242 0,050
19 1752 3454 0,012
20 9 159 268 0,047
1894 3738 0,012
21 3777 7504 0,008 10 138 226 0,052
22 8980 17910 0,005 11 157 264 0,047
23 1621 3192 0,013 12 135 220 0,053
24 3698 7346 0,008 13 145 240 0,050
25 8275 16500 0,006 14 134 218 0,053
26 3739 7428 0,008 15 135 220 0,053
27 1272 2494 0,014 16 132 214 0,054
28 1387 2724 0,014
17 181 312 0,043
29 1612 3174 0,013
18 134 218 0,053
30 1365 2680 0,014
19 170 290 0,045
31 1734 3418 0,012
32 20 142 234 0,051
1509 2968 0,013
33 1265 2480 0,014 21 133 216 0,053
34 1457 2864 0,013 22 134 218 0,053
35 1787 3524 0,012 23 155 260 0,048
36 1737 3424 0,012 24 129 208 0,055
37 2479 4908 0,010 25 126 202 0,056
38 3085 6120 0,009 26 135 220 0,053
39 2240 4430 0,011 27 126 202 0,056
40 2332 4614 0,010
28 115 180 0,060
41 1500 2950 0,013
29 134 218 0,053
42 1513 2976 0,013
30 139 228 0,052
43 1550 3050 0,013
44 31 142 234 0,051
1856 3662 0,012
45 1476 2902 0,013 32 153 256 0,048
46 1510 2970 0,013 33 251 452 0,035
47 1522 2994 0,013 34 130 210 0,054
48 1524 2998 0,013 35 121 192 0,057
49 1784 3518 0,012 36 117 184 0,059
50 1499 2948 0,013 37 103 156 0,065
Average 0,011 38 123 196 0,057
3) Test Settings 2 39 330 610 0,030
40 139 228 0,052
In setting 2 experiments the stage difficulty will
be based on the value of AttackEnemy, which is the 41 112 174 0,061
value of fighting the opponent attacking the player 42 134 218 0,053
shown in Formula (V-2) taken from the Pokemon 43 136 222 0,053
Generation 1 RPG formula while the results of
44 151 252 0,049
simulation 2 can be seen in Table V.
45 206 362 0,040
AttackEnemy=¿ (3) 46 170 290 0,045
47 154 258 0,048
48 138 226 0,052
TABLE V. Setting Test Results 2
Game Win Total 49 140 230 0,051
to Stage Stage
50 155 260 0,048 32 54 58 0,127
Average 0,051 33 55 60 0,124
4) Test Settings 3 34 50 50 0,141

In setting three experiments, the stage 35 54 58 0,127

difficulty will be based on the value of 36 52 54 0,134
AttackEnemy, which is the fighting value of the 37 53 56 0,130
opponent attacking the player shown in Formula
(4) taken from the Disgaea RPG game formula 38 50 50 0,141
while the simulation result of setting three can be 39 57 64 0,118
seen in Table VI.
40 61 72 0,108

AttackEnemy=¿ (4) 41 50 50 0,141

42 57 64 0,118
TABLE VI. Setting Test Results 3 43 50 50 0,141
Game to Win Stage Total Stage R 44 55 60 0,124
1 50 50 0,141 45 50 50 0,141
2 87 124 0,075 46 50 50 0,141
3 50 50 0,141 47 50 50 0,141
4 50 50 0,141 48 152 254 0,049
5 65 80 0,101 49 57 64 0,118
6 54 58 0,127 50 124 198 0,056
7 50 50 0,141 Average 0,123
8 55 60 0,124
9 5) Test Settings 4
50 50 0,141
10 87 124 0,075 In the setting experiment 4, the stage
11 63 76 0,104 difficulty will be based on the value of
12 AttackEnemy, which is the fighting value of the
223 396 0,038
opponent attacking the player shown in the V-1
13 53 56 0,130 Algorithm taken from the idle formula RPG
14 50 50 0,141 Infinity Heroes while the simulation result four can
15 be seen in Table VII.
80 110 0,081
16 53 56 0,130 if (stage mod 10 == 0)
AttackEnemy = Random.Range (100 to 500)
17 53 56 0,130 else if (stage < 10)
18 AttackEnemy = Random.Range(10 to 100)
50 50 0,141
else if (10 < stage < 20)
19 50 50 0,141 AttackEnemy = Random.Range(20 to 200)
else if(20 < stage < 30)
20 65 80 0,101 AttackEnemy = Random.Range(30 to 300)
21 else if (30 < stage < 40)
50 50 0,141 AttackEnemy = Random.Range(40 to 400)
22 56 62 0,121 else if (40 < stage < 50)
AttackEnemy = Random.Range(50 to 500)
23 50 50 0,141
24 TABLE VII. Setting Test Results 4
53 56 0,130
Game to Win Stage Total Stage R
25 50 50 0,141
1 56 62 0,121
26 53 56 0,130
2 86 122 0,076
27 56 62 0,121
3 57 64 0,118
28 51 52 0,137
4 50 50 0,141
29 50 50 0,141
5 50 50 0,141
30 50 50 0,141
6 50 50 0,141
31 50 50 0,141
7 55 60 0,124 Average 0,080
8 82 114 0,079
9 55 60 0,124 6) Comparison of Settings Simulation Tests
10 83 116 0,079
11 106 162 0,064
Based on experiments conducted using
Infinity Heroes simulation with four different
12 95 140 0,070 settings, the results of the comparison of each
13 118 186 0,058 parameter can be seen in Table VIII.
14 135 220 0,053
TABLE VIII. Comparison Test Settings
15 68 86 0,096 Settings Game Refinement Value
1 0,011
16 63 76 0,104 2 0,051
17 77 104 0,084 3 0,123
4 0,080
18 112 174 0,061
19 97 144 0,068
B. Overall Analysis
20 82 114 0,079
The results of the research conducted with
21 55 60 0,124 four different settings show that with parameters
22 203 356 0,040 one and two which produce game refinement
23 values below the zone value of 0.011 and 0.051, the
82 114 0,079
Infinity Heroes game idle becomes less fun. The
24 95 140 0,070 AttackEnemy function in settings 1 and 2 makes
25 77 104 0,084 the game challenging to play because it requires a
26 long time and a lot of effort to be able to achieve a
68 86 0,096
minimum of skill to be able to defeat the opponent
27 69 88 0,094 at each stage so that the game becomes tiresome.
28 66 82 0,099 The game refinement results in setting 3 are
29 123 196 0,057 above the zone value, which is equal to 0.123. This
30 94 138 0,070
makes idling the game with these settings too fun
and less ideal for playing because the AttackEnemy
31 188 326 0,042 function produces a low opponent's value, which
32 129 208 0,055 keeps the game running with little effort to increase
33 Skill.
131 212 0,054
34 82 114 0,079 The game refinement value in setting 4 is in
the value zone of 0.080. The settings applied to the
174 298 0,044 Infinity Heroes simulation make the game fun.
36 147 244 0,050 There is an uncertainty factor in each stage that
37 151 252 0,049
makes the AttackEnemy function dynamic and
balance between effort and opportunity from that
38 107 164 0,063 uncertainty. This setting is an appropriate setting to
39 71 92 0,092 be applied to idle games.
40 79 108 0,082
41 98 146 0,068
42 1. Research on 4 different settings with 50 times
97 144 0,068
the experiment in each environment shows that
43 79 108 0,082 the context of the idle RPG Infinity Heroes with
44 94 138 0,070 setting 4 produces a game refinement value of
0.080 which is in the zone value so that in
93 136 0,071
settings with dynamic opponent functions in
46 99 148 0,067 this game the game is considered fun and can be
47 117 184 0,059 an appropriate setting for idle RPG games with
environments such as Infinity Heroes.
48 124 198 0,056
49 2. The parameters used to assess the idle of the
71 92 0,092
RPG Infinity Heroes game are Win Stage and
50 93 136 0,071 Total Stage.
3. Settings 1 and 2 produce game refinement
values below the zone value so that the game is
considered less fun, the three-game refinement
value settings are above the zone value so this
arrangement is considered too competitive.
4. Game refinement can only assess the level of
pleasure in playing games from aspects of game
scoring rate/ speed and game information
progress without looking at the graphics or
game stories.


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