CAD Contest Question

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Competition Information:

⚫ You must be running SolidWorks on the computer. Questions of the competition are given in this PDF.

⚫ You and your teammate have to solve 12 questions in total and one of the team members has to put
the required answer in the following google form. (We would suggest every teams to fill the answers
altogether just before submitting the form).


⚫ After each question, save a version of your model in a different file for later reference. This may also
help you to fix errors later on in the test.

⚫ The multiple choice questions will help you check whether your model is on the right track or not. If
your answer is not listed in the selections offered, it is likely that there is something wrong with your

⚫ Your exam will contain 12 questions.

⚫ Total Points : 330

⚫ You are allowed to answer the questions in any order you prefer.

⚫ You will have : 120 min or 2 hours to complete the exam. Once the google form link is closed you will
not be able to submit your answers. If you failed to submit your answer script within 2 hours, none of
your answer will be checked.

⚫ Your answer should be within 1% of the actual answer to be marked correct.For example: If the
correct answer is 500 grams, then the allowed error deviation for your answer must be within 5 grams.

Question 1 of 12 : For 50 Points

Build this part in SolidWorks. (Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)

Unit System: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

Decimal Place: 2
Part Origin: Arbitrary
Material: Aluminium 2014-T6
Density= 2800 kg/m^3
All holes are through all unless shown otherwise.
Radius of fillets and rounds = 2mm unless otherwise noted.

Note: Fillets and rounds to be created are highlighted in RED in the images for better clarity.
--There are 10 total filleted edges, R= 2 mm.

❖ Measure the mass of the part. (in grams)

⚫ Dimensions are shown without fillet.

⚫ Images contain object with fillet.

Question 2 of 12: For 30 Points
Build this part in SolidWorks. (Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)

Unit System: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

Decimal Place: 2
Part Origin: Arbitrary
Material: Wood Mahogany
Density=600 kg/m^3
All holes are through all unless shown otherwise.
Radius of fillets and rounds = 2 mm unless otherwise noted.

*2 Hole Wizards dimensions:

Hole type: Countersink
Srandard: ANSI Metric
Type: Socket countersink head-cap screw
Size: M6
Fit: Normal
End Condition: Up to next

Note: Fillets and rounds to be created are highlighted in RED in the images for better clarity.
Note: Dimensions of part are given without showing fillets for better understanding.

❖ Measure the mass of the part. (in grams)

Question 3 of 12: For 20 Points
Modify the part in SolidWorks of Question 2 as mentioned following. (Save part after each question in a different
file in case it must be reviewed)

Unit System: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

Decimal Place: 2
Part Origin: Arbitrary
Material: Wood Mahogany
Density=600 kg/m^3
All holes are through all unless shown otherwise.
Radius of fillets and rounds = 2 mm unless otherwise noted.

*2 Hole Wizards dimensions:

Hole type: Countersink
Srandard: ANSI Metric
Type: Socket countersink head-cap screw
Size: M6
Fit: Normal
End Condition : Up to next

Note: Fillets and rounds to be created are highlighted in RED in the images for better clarity.
Note: Dimensions of part are given without showing fillets for better understanding.
Note: Dimensions that are not measured should be considered same as of the original part made previously.

❖ Measure the mass of the part. (in grams)

Question 4 of 12: For 30 Points
Build this part in SolidWorks. (Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)

Unit System: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

Decimal Place: 2
Part Origin: Arbitrary
Material: 1060 Alloy (Aluminium)
Density=2700 kg/m^3
All holes are through all unless shown otherwise.
Note: Carefully notice all the pictures with dimensions , understand the part structure well first.

**Measure the mass of the part. (in grams)

Question 5 of 12: For 30 Points

Build this part in SolidWorks. (Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)

Unit System: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

Decimal Place: 2
Part Origin: Arbritrary
Material: Alloy Steel
Density= 7700 kg/m^3
All holes are through all unless shown otherwise.
Radius of fillets and rounds = 10mm unless otherwise noted.

Note: Fillets and rounds to be created are highlighted in RED in the images for better clarity.
--There are 6 total filleted edges, R= 10 mm.

❖ Measure the mass of the part. (in grams)

Question 6 of 12: For 20 Points
Modify sketch from previous question. (Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)

Unit System: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

Decimal Place: 2
Part Origin: Arbritrary
Material: Alloy Steel
Density= 7700 kg/m^3
All holes are through all unless shown otherwise.
Radius of fillets and rounds = 10mm unless otherwise noted.

Note: Fillets and rounds to be created are highlighted in RED in the images for better clarity.
--There are 7 total filleted edges, R= 10 mm

❖ Measure the mass of the part. (in grams)

Question 7 of 12: For 20 Points
Build this part in SolidWorks. (Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)

Unit System: IPS (Inch, pound, second)

Decimal Place: 2
Part Origin: Arbritrary
Material: Cast Stainless Steel
Density= 7700 kg/m^3

❖ Measure the mass of the part. (in pounds)

Question 8 of 12: For 20 Points
Build this part in SolidWorks. (Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be reviewed)

Unit System: MMGS (milimeter, gram and seconds)

Decimal Place: 2
Part Origin: Arbritrary
Material: Brass
Density= 8500 kg/m^3

❖ Measure the mass of the part. (in grams)

Question 9 of 12: For 20 Points

Modify the part in SolidWorks as mentioned following. (Save part after each question in a different file in case it must be

Unit System: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

Decimal Place: 2
Part Origin: Arbritrary
Material: Default
All holes are through all unless shown otherwise.

-Download and Open the part S2-1.sldprt from the following link.

-Modify the starting part by adding, removing or modifying the minimum amount of dimensions or features so that angle X and
and radius Y have the following value :

X=14.5 degrees
Y=2.50 mm

Note: The part before the modification is labeled 1 and the part after the modification is labeled 2 (See images)
Note: No other parameters or feature dimensions will be changed.

❖ Measure the distance indicated by the dimension Z (mm)?

Question 10 of 12: For 30 Points
Build the assembly in SOLIDWORKS (Robotic Arm).
It contains (1) Actuator1, (2) Base, (3) X1 Subassembly, (4) X2 Subassembly.

-Create the assembly after downloading the part files from the given link below. Save the parts in a different folder
to continue further fluently.

Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, seconds)

Decimal places: 2
Assembly origin: Arbitrary

-Insert the part called “Base” into a new assembly and fix the Position of the Base accepting the default position.
-Save the assembly with the name "RA".
-Create a coordinate system at the location and orientation shown in the first image and rename it CS1

-Insert the part “Actuator1” into the "RA" main assembly.

-Position and mate the Actuator with respect to the Base as shown. Create all the necessary mates.

Note: The position of Actuator 1 should be fully constrained after all the mates have been applied.

-Insert the “X1 subassembly” to the "RA" main assembly.

-Mate and position the X1 sub-assembly as shown in the images
Note1: Please refer to the second image, Details F and L, to ensure that you have oriented the X1 sub-assembly
Note2: X1's position should be fully constrained after all the mates have been applied
Note3: An interference may exist between the Xl sub assembly and the Actuator component. If there is an
interference, this will be corrected at a later stage of the design not covered by this exam.

-Insert the “X2 subassembly” to the RA main assembly
-Mate and position the X2 sub-assembly as shown in the images

Note X2's position should be fully constrained after all the mates have been applied

- Suppress/Delete the one mate that will allow the assembly X2 to rotate as shown in the images
-With Collision Detection turned ON, rotate assembly X2 until it is stopped by the Base
Note: Only detect collisions between the X2 assembly and Base and ignore any other collisions that may occur
- Measure the angle Z (degrees) indicated in the image
Note: The angle will be between 0 and 90 degrees
*What is the measured angle Z (degrees)?

Question 11 of 12: For 30 Points
Build the assembly in SOLIDWORKS (Gripper Assembly).

It contains 1 Body (1), 1 Arm1 (2), 1 Arm2 (3), 2 Grips (4), 1 Large Pin (5) and 2 Small Pins (6).

Unit System: MMGS

Decimal Places:2
Assembly Origin: Default Origin of Small Pin1 which is Coincident with Arm1 (Blue one).

##Download the following zip file, save it and the open it. This file contains all the part files necessary for this assembly.
Note: If SOLIDWORKS prompts “Do you want to proceed with feature recognition?” Please click the option

*Create the assembly using the following conditions:

1)Insert the body (1) accepting the default origin location and position.
2)Large Pin (5) is mated mated concentric to Body (1), Arm1 (2) and Arm2 (3).
3)Front of Large Pin (5) is coincident with flat of counterbore of Body (1).
4)Small Pin (6) is mated concentric to Arm1 (2) and Grip (4).
5)Small Pin (6) is mated concentric to Arm2 (3) and Grip (4).
6)Small Pin (6) is mated coincident with front flat of Grip (4).
7)Arm1 (2), Arm2 (3) and Grips (4) will be mated coincident as shown in Details A, B and C.
8)Front of Arm2 (3) is coincident with front inside face of Body (1) as shown in Detail C.
9)Grips (4) will be mated parallel to Arm1 (2) and Arm2 (3) as shown in Details E and F.
10) X=60.00 degrees.
11)Make a custom coordinate system (accepting the default axis directions) in the default origin point of Small Pin1 which is
Coincident with Arm1 (Blue one). Name it as coordinate system 1.

**What is the Center of Mass of the Assembly with respect to coordinate system 1? (in mm)

**The signs in the images indicates traditional meaning. (i.e. // means parallel relation).

Question 12 of 12: For 30 Points
You will be creating an assembly of a toy car. All the parts will be given to you.
-Download and save the attached zip file. This zip file contains all the parts and assemblies you will need for this problem set.
-Open the downloaded zip file and save the contents to a location that Solidworks can access on your computer.

Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

Decimal Places: 2
Assembly origin: Arbitrary

-Inset the part called Part 3 into a new assembly and fix the position of the Part 3 accepting the default position.
-Insert Part 1, Part2, Steering wheel base into the assembly and create the necessary mates with respect to part 3 as shown.
- Part1, Part 2 and Steering Wheel Base’s position should be fully constrained after all the mates have been applied.
-Insert steering wheel into the assembly and create necessary mates. One side of the bar of the steering wheel has to be made
parallel to one side of part 3 as shown in the image to fully constrain the steering wheel.
-Insert Chassis, Tyre and Rim into the assembly and create necessary mates. One side of the bar of the rim and top plane of part
3; one side of the bar of the tyre and top plane of part 3 have been made parallel as shown in the image to fully constrain the
rims and the tyres.
-Create a coordinate system at the location and orientation shown in the first image.
❖ Measure the Center of Mass of the assembly relative to the new coordinate system.

This exam is a sample exam to testify your skills as a Mechanical Design Engineer in CAD
using Solidworks Software. The credentials by this exam does not mean you are bad at
something. This simply is a short time skill judgement process. Rather you might have much
better skill in designing in many other ways .
EXPLORE YOURSELF. And have fun. We are all here for your support. You can knock on
messenger or can call directly to any of us for any kind of support.
1) Umaeer Al Hammad
Department of Mechanical Engineering,BUET.

2) Nudrat Nawal
Department of Mechanical Engineering,BUET.

3) Rashed Nizam
Department of Mechanical Engineering,BUET.


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