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It was the autumn of 1975, as any other common day of the year the little Sebastian was walking

around the streets of Paris attached to his mother, the path was getting longer every time they went to
aunt’s Mary house, well it didn’t matter for him because he was so excited anticipating playing all day
long with his older cousins, and of course, eating the delicious cakes that his mother bought for him on
misses Sprouse bakery.

As soon as they got there Mary shouted:

 Hello little sis, hello little Sebastian, how come you are so late today?
 I am sorry dear sister, but my little kid wanted some cookies from misses Sprouse Bakery, and I
couldn’t say no- Ana answered laughing
 Hello aunt Mary- Said Sebastian with the sweet voice any other 5 year old has

Sebastian run to wake up his older cousins meanwhile Ana and Mary went to the kitchen for a coffee.
They were a little awkward until Ana decided to talk first:

 Are you sure we are going to do this?

 We don’t have any other choice, our father needs us – her sister answered
 Even though, we can’t leave our children with a stranger
 I told you she is not a stranger, I have known Samantha for a while
 Okay I will believe in you, let’s try to return as soon as possible

The sound of the children playing and running upstairs interrupted the conversation, “You all come
down this second”, said Mary, “Hurry up, we need to tell you something” continued Ana. Samantha
arrived just at that moment, and both sisters started explaining her all the cares their little suns
needed, “do you have to leave mom?”, “it is just for a few days dear”. And both of them left as soon as
the sun set.

Samantha was so ugly that anyone could think she was some kind of witch or even worst, some sick
person that run away form a mental hospital. Actually, she was a mother that unfortunately lost all his
family on a big fire.

It had been already four days since the children got away from their mothers, everything was normal,
all three of them were eating, playing and living well. Soon the fourth days became ten and then a
month, eventually Sebastian started asking and missing her mom, Samantha tried to calm him down by
giving all the pastries he asked for, saying “I can be your mother, I can love you like a mother, can’t you
accept me?”, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t stopped him from asking, crying and
standing all day at the door hoping for his mother to appear.

One day Samantha decided it was just going to be too difficult with him, and noticed that the other two
kids were starting to feel the same way, so, she took him for a walk with the excuse of going to misses
Sprouse bakery, but never got there, she just returned home alone and told the others that Sebastian
wasn’t a good kid and that is why he wasn’t going to come anymore, also, that they needed to leave
because the house was sold then she hold their hands and asked again “I can be your mother, I can
love you like a mother, can’t you accept me?”- smiling.

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