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Physica 108B (1981) 1069-1070 RA 3

North-Holland Publishing Company


B. Sriram Shastry and B i l l Sutherland

Department of Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

We present some exact results f o r the ground state of a quantum mechanical a n t i f e r r o -

magnetic model in the two dimensions with next-nearest neighbor i n t e r a c t i o n s .

We have found some exact results f o r the saturates a lower bound to the ground state
ground state(s) of an anisotropic quantum spin energy f o r suitable values of the parameters
Heisenberg-Hamiltonian with next neighbor i n - and hence I~> is the rigorous ground state.
teractions in two and three dimensions. For We w r i t e H = ~t ht, where the sum is over
c l a r i t y we present the two dimensional case in the N t r i a g l e s (each diagonal bond supports
detail and postpone the three dimensional two t r i a n g l e s ) . Each t r i a n g u l a r Hamiltonian
results to a Forthcoming paper. We consider a has the form
two dimensional l a t t i c e (Fig. 1) where each
dashed l i n e represents a bond with strength 2a" h = h + h + a h - _h (S z + S z ) (5)
and each nearest neighbor bond has strength t i¢ i ~ ~m 2 ~ m
unity. The Hamiltonian is
z Hence a use of the v a r i a t i o n a l p r i n c i p l e implies
H= ~ h + 2a ~ h - h ~ S (1) Eo ) N et where et is the ground state energy of
<ij> i j <¢m> ~m i i Eq. (5). We have shown that et equals W and
hence I~> is the ground state of H, provided
where <ij> represents a sum over a l l nearest ) ab, where ~b is: (a) l + h/Jz f o r s = I / 2
neighbors and <~m> represents a sum over the and f o r a r b i t r a r y Jx, Jv and Jz" TFor the
diagonal bonds. Also i s o t r o p i c case we have ~ b e t t e r bound
~b = l + h/2J.) (b) 1 + s + h/2J f o r s ) I
in the i s o t r o p i c l i m i t (Jx = Jy = Jz = J)-
z z x x YS y
h =J S S + J S S + J S (2)
ab za b xa b ya b The nature of ground state c o r r e l a t i o n s in
I~> is seen to be l i q u i d l i k e , with only short
We r e s t r i c t our a t t e n t i o n to the n o n - t r i v l a l ranged order and hence we have termed i t the
case Jx,Jv,Jz ) O. This model resembles the "quantum spin l i q u i d " phase (Q.S.L.). This wave
triangula~ l a t t i c e Heisenberg antiferromagnet, function is of the type suggested by Anderson
which has been studied extensively in recent [1] and is f a m i l i a r from valence bond theory in
l i t e r a t u r e , [1,2,3J in t h a t the Ising l i m i t chemistry. For a smaller than the bounding
e x h i b i t s f r u s t r a t i o n [ 4 ] . I t is our hope t h a t value ab, we have not succeeded in
the exact solution sheds l i g h t on the i n t e r p l a y solving the model exactly. However, we can
between quantum effects and spinglass order- show that the character of the ground state
ing [ 5 ] . must change at some value of ~ between ~b and
2s/(2s + 1) since at the l a t t e r value, the N ~ l
A. QUANTUMCASE Our solution is inspired by (Ising) state provides a b e t t e r upper bound to
the surprising solution of Majumdar's, [6] f o r the ground state energy.
a l i n e a r chain Heisenberg antiferromagnet with
a nearest and next nearest neighbor coupling B. ISING LIMIT We have studied the ground
which is h a l f as strong as the f i r s t . We f i r s t state degeneracy of the Hamiltonian in the
observe t h a t the state Ising l i m i t Jx = Jy = 0 and h = 0 f o r s = 1/2.
I t is readily established that f o r ~ < 1, the
I~> = . [~,m] (3) ground state entropy is 0(1) whereas f o r a ) 1,
<zm> i t is of O(N). The case ~ > 1 is quite simple
since in t h i s case the only constraint is that
is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian Eq. (1) with spins at the ends of a diagonal bond must be
eigenvalue a n t i p a r a l l e l . The entropy then is S = kB
N(0.3466). The case a = 1 is much more complex,
E /N = W z - a ~ S ( S + 1)[J + J + J ] (4) since in t h i s case, more configurations are
o 3 x y z allowed than f o r ~ > 1. We have established
that the case ~ = 1 can be mapped on to a 10
(We use the notation [~,m] f o r a s i n g l e t combin- vertex model containing N/2 sites with two
ation of the spins ~ and m.) This is seen most s u b l a t t i c e s , which is a generalization of the
r e a d i l y by using the i d e n t i t y s i a ( s l ~ + Sk~) ice problem solved by Lieb [ 7 ] . We have
x [ j , k ] = O and hence the f i r s t term in Eq. (3) obtained a rigorous lower bound to the entropy
annihilates I~>. We f u r t h e r show t h a t Eo s ~ kB N(.4812) by using a braiding technique.

0378-4363/81/0000-0000/$02.50 © North-Holland Publishing Company 1069


C. CLASSICALLIMIT As s + ®, the singlet References

state is the ground state only as a ÷ ®. [1] P.W. Anderson, Mat. Res. Bull. 8, 153
However, for arbitrary a, we have succeeded in (1973), P. Fazekas and P.W. Anderson,
determining the ground state exactly in the Phil. Mag. 30, 432 (1974).
isotropic l i m i t . We observe that the classical [2J D.C. Mattis, Phys. Rev. Letts. 42, 1503
planar ( i . e . , x-y) and Heisenberg model share a (1979); L.G. Marland and D.D. B~ts, Phys.
ground state for the triangular Hamiltonian (5). Rev. Letts. 43, 1618 (1979).
Each triangle has a two-fold discrete "chiral" [3] R. J u l l i e n , R-Z.A. Penson, P. Pfeuty and K.
degeneracy, over and above the continuous Uzelac, Phys. Rev. Letts 44, 1551 (1980).
degeneracy, of the sort discovered by V i l l a i n t4] G. Toulouse, Comm. Phys. E 115 (1977).
in similar systems [8]. The optimum twist [SJ R. K1emm, J. Phys. C. 12,--L735 (1979).
angle between a spin at the base and apex of L6J C.K. Majumdar, J. Phys~--C. 3, 911 (1970).
a triangle is (~ ± cos-I I/2~) and the two [7] E. Lieb, Phys. Rev. Letts. I-8, 692 (1967).
c h i r a l i t i e s correspond to the two choices of the [8] J. V i l l a i n , J. de. Physique-~IB, 385 (1977).
sign. One may then assign arrows to the bonds [9] S. Coleman, J. Math. Phys. 7_,---787 (1966).
indicating the direction along which rotations
are anti-clockwise. The constraint on a square
containing a diagonal bond is that the arrows \
\ \
on parallel sides be in the same direction. \ \
The constraints on empty squares is that the \ \
\ \
line integral of the arrows vanish ( i r r o t a t i o n - \ \
al flow). There are precisely four degenerate \
/ /
ground states which satisfy these constraints. / /
Each ground state contains one preferred direc- / /
tion, say one of the four points of the compass, / /
such that there is an average flow of arrows in /
/ /
this direction. Thus, the spins exhibit helical /
ordering as we proceed in this preferred direc- \
tion. for a ~ 1/2, the Neel state is the ground \ \
state. \
\ \
\ \
D. SUMMARY Our understanding of the model in N \
the isotropic l i m i t is summarized in the "phase / /
diagram" (Fig. 2). The l i n e bounding the Q.S.L. / /
phase is the point of highest frustration in / /
the Ising l i m i t . In the Q.S.L. phase the Ising / /
l i m i t has macroscopic degeneracy but the quantum
effects freeze this degeneracy out for arbi-
t r a r i l y small Jx and Jy. I t is interesting that Fig. I. The Lattice
similar behavior is found in approximate treat-
ments of similar systems [2,3,5].

Finally we would l i k e to point out the

remarkable property of the ground state I~> for
s = I/2 in the case a ~ 1 and Jx ~ Jv ~ Jz. In
this case the ground state possesses-rotation
invBriance (being a singlet) even though the
Hamiltonian does not. This is the only example
of symmetry br--r-ea-kTh-g in reverse that we are
aware of. This provides an exmple in non-
r e l a t i v i s t i c physics where the invariance of
of the vacuum exceeds the invariance of the
world [9]. 2

I° 1/s
Fig. 2. The Phase Diagram

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