Customer As Vendor

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Customer as Vendor

We have to ensure following activities in SAP, in order to ensure that the customer and vendor are
correlated and function correctly

1. Ensure Customer and Vendor Master General Data are linked in Tcode BP
2. Open Items are existing i.e. booked as a customer and vendor separately
3. Document Type of Customer Receipt allows settlement with vendor (Type K)
4. Clearing is done considering open items of Customers and Vendors together

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Existence of open items can be checked in FBL5N –> Customer Code -> Open Items (Please select
Normal items and Vendor Line items which will also show all the open items of vendors which have been
linked above)

We can see below open items which are in existence on account of customer and vendor

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Now we’ll try to receive differential amount (Amt. Rs 10,028) after settling Rs. 10500 (receivable as
Customer) and Rs. 472(Payable as Vendor). Key things to be considered (T.Code F-28 – Customer
Receipt) are:-

a. Please select ‘Other Accounts’ check box which helps to select open items of other Account
type, other than the account type selected (D in our case)
b. Once done, please select ‘Process open items’ which will pop up a screen wherein linked vendor
data is to be entered (‘Standard OIs depict checkbox ensures that special GL items will not come
in open items). Press enter once done
c. Note – Please ensure that the document type used has Vendor allowed in Account type (T.Code
OBA7 –> Select Document type (DZ in our case) –> ensure that Vendor checkbox is selected
(Screenshot below)

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Let us have a look at the Customer line items post bank receipt. Please ensure that Vendor checkbox is
ticked in T.Code FBL5N

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