Lesson Plan Guide in Progress LPG Word-Jc 1

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Name: Patricia Cegielski LESSON PLAN GUIDE

TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)

4.1 A - Listen actively, ask relevant questions to clarify After completion of this lesson Students will
information, and make pertinent comments. comprehend stories they hear and read through
use of self checking activities with 70% accuracy by
Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant _Time
Grade: 4th Subject: Reading

Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: What skills must be


Assessment: (C5)

Self-check, Actively
listen, revelent By modeling as well as explaining my
How to actively listen/read, how and what type of questions to ask, actions step by step including my thoughts
and how to make pertinent comments. and then having students do as I do. We
Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)
Teach the vocabulary through understanding context Books and note will be accessed through a chromebook.
clues. Group students into pairs each taking turns as Students must be given time to type as they practice
the instructor and the reader. Work one sentence at a where the keys are.
time writing notes or paraphrasing.
Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)
Formative assessments by asking students explain how they feel about the difference the self- checking steps are
Visual Students
– them will learnwhat
to take notes so they can Chromebooks
helping comprehend they are reading. By listening to them read and asking questions to gage their use
A class book
readingsthrough the chromebook
test over thesobook.
see the story unfold we
of self check
Auditory – strategies, by reading their questions and comments for and by their
are all on the same material while we are learning how
Students will hear other students read as
to read to learn.
Kinesethic –
Google Docs to take notes or paraphrase. Paper to draw
Students will take notes after each
if students prefer.
sentence to keep the movements going.
Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)

1. What words have you read that gives you the meaning of “that” word?

2. What do you think will happen next in the story?

What elements of the story have you seen so far? Why were these elements important?

Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Using me as an example to show students I can relate I will use a whip around closure to have students answer
to their struggles. Can you believe I’m almost 50 and I any of the following questions. “what difference if any
just learned how to completely understand longer did you notice from the first passage I read, to the
passages the first time? Don’t worry, I refuse to let you passage where I used my cheat, to the last passages you
guys suffer like I did; wasting all time reading something read?” Can you see how taking the time to learn to self-
1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)
I will begin by reading a long but interesting passage in a non-enthusiastic way, while students follow along. I will
ask students to repeat back the meaning and main points of the story. A few will but most students will not be able
I will ask who has no idea what I just read and I will raise my hand and “admit” I have no clue either because I didn’t
take the time to actively listen and take the steps to self-check my progress.
I will reread the passage and explain what makes an active listener with body language and intent. I will stop after
each sentence (we have to start somewhere but will build up quickly) and rephrase what the sentence was about.
2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)
The students will take a few minutes to practice the self-check and actively listening with me. Once I see they can
stop to paraphrase or ask questions as needed I will explain that the one listening will usually know the missed
pronounced word before the reader because it’s easier to actively listen and comprehend at this point than it is to
read; the groups will break into pairs with each taking turns reading a sentence, paraphrasing, asking questions or
making comments as necessary. I will be walking around the room listening to make sure students are taking the
time for each sentence individually and helping them think of questions or asking them their opinions and thoughts
to teach them how and when to comment on the passage.
3. Independent Practice: (C6)
I will explain that everyone will be ready to move onto more sentences at different paces and that’s the way it
should be. We will continue these practices a few minutes each day until we are up to paragraphs or pages. Now
students will practice reading, taking notes, paraphrasing, or drawing pictures for each sentence. I will walk
around the room to check your progress and answer any questions. I might ask some students to practice with two
sentences to determine a pace for us to increase our sentences.

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

Students will need time to develop typing skills and will gain them through our notetaking.
OBJECTIVE: After completion of this lesson Students will comprehend stories they hear and read through use of self-
Rigor checking activities with 70% accuracy by then end of the second week and by 80% by the end of the 6

Retrieval Can you believe I’m almost 50 and I just learned how to completely comprehend long boring passages
without having to read it for a third time? How many of y’all remember reading a passage or a page of a
book and have no idea what you just read? Don’t worry, I refuse to let you guys suffer like I did; I’m going
to show you my “cheat” that dramatically improved my reading in just a few weeks.
Relevance First, the students will need to learn what it is to be an active listener/ reader such as using appropriate
body language, focus and eye contact. By taking notes and paraphrasing, thinking questions to yourself
MODEL: and thinking about your thoughts and opinions as you listen or read the story.
Routing As I read the passage, I will pause and consider what I just read; I will paraphrase and ask questions that I’d like
to know. I’ll demonstrate my thoughts as I read and draw pictures explaining it’s to help me remember what this
paragraph was about. I’ll explain to the students that I started off with just a few sentences at a time but it gets
easier quickly.
Retaining / Rehearsing
I’ll practice with the students with each of us taking turns to read a sentence, paraphrase, ask questions or give opinions.
I will explain that when doing just one sentence at a time there might not be any information to give until after a few
sentences but we still need to stop and consider each sentence for now as we practice. Then students will break into
Students will continue on their own as I walk around the room giving them tips and pointers as needed. They should be
writing their notes, questions and comments.


As I walk around and listen to the students, I will stop and listen to make sure they understand our ask them questions to
help give them something to consider while they read.
My formative assessment will be as I walk around listening and interacting with the students as well as when I check their
notes. My formal assessment will be in the form of their AR test over the book. I expect all students to score 100% but not
knowing their background during this pandemic I will look for 70% to reduce stress and anxiety of coming back to school.
Chromebooks, reading material found on chromebooks, paper as needed for students who chose to draw.

I will use a whip around closure to have students answer any of the following questions. “what difference if any did you
notice from the first passage I read, to the passage where I used my cheat, to the last passages you read?” Can you see how
taking the time to learn to self-check might help improve your understanding? How?

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