Phys427 Lab 3

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Gamma Rays: Detector Resolution & Calibration Curve

Jake Oxley
The objectives of this experiment include learning about gamma ray detection, the
operation of equipment such as a scintillation detector and the multichannel analyzer,
determining the resolution of a NaI(Tl) detector and how it relates to the gain, voltage, and
gamma energy. We are also demonstrated that manipulation of gain can be used to position a
photopeak in the desired channel of the multichannel analyzer, and that a channel vs energy
linear calibration curve is possible due to the linear relationship between resolution and gamma
This experiment uses a NaI(Tl) detector. This detector uses a crystal to convert gamma
rays into visible light, then the visible light is converted to an electromagnetic signal with a
photomultiplier tube, and is sorted into 1024 channels, depending on the magnitude of the
voltage pulse.
The scintillating crystal transforms gamma ray interaction into visible light. This light
hits a photocathode, which emits a number of electrons proportional to the intensity of visible
light. These electrons then hit several dynodes, and with the kinetic energy they acquire from a
high voltage power supply, they free up more electrons. The electrons are then collected at the
anode, and a negative current pulse is measured, with an intensity proportional to the intensity of
gamma ray energy that interacted with the crystal.
The resolution of the detector is defined as it’s ability to differentiate between gamma
rays of similar energy. Mathematically, resolution is defined with the following equation:
FWHM (Channels)
R ( % )= × 100
Centroid Channel
It is important that the associated gamma energy is reported along with the resolution. A good
resolution is around 8%, and it is based physically on the NaI crystal, the photomultiplier tube,
and the associated electronic components.
The multichannel analyzer has settings, called “fine gain” and “course gain” that allows
the user to select what approximate channels a specific peak of a gamma source appears at. By
keeping these settings fixed, and recording the channel of a few peaks with known gamma
energies (not necessarily from the same source), a calibration curve can be construction that
allows for a quick conversion from channel number to energy for those specific gain settings.
Experimental Procedures
First set up the multichannel analyzer as a pulse height analyzer. Place a sample of
Cesium-137, encased in plastic, in the given slot. Turn on the high voltage using the
multichannel analyzer, in this case 700 volts. Coarse gain was set to 16 and fine gain to 1.3, and
data was taken for approximately 60 seconds. Using an ROI (region of interest) tool, the peak
was highlighted and it’s FWHM and centroid channel automatically recorded. After saving the
data, the memory was wiped, and more spectrums could be taken.

Figure 1- first cesium-137 spectrum recorded

The next spectrums were also from Cesium-137, but this time three spectrums were taken
and the coarse and fine gain settings were changed so that cesium’s characteristic peak was near
channel 200, 600, and 1000, respectively. Next another spectrum, with the same gain as the
channel ~1000 spectrum was taken, but this time with the voltage reduced by 10%, in this case
630 volts.
A similar procedure was used for Cobalt-60, Sodium-22, Manganese-54, Cobalt-57, and
Cadmium-109. For these, the fine gain and coarse gain was set so that Cobalt-60’s highest peak
was approximately at channel 1024, and afterwards these settings were not changed.
Data & Analysis
Effects of gain: after cesium-137 was taken at three different gain settings, the following
table was made:
Source HV Coarse gain Fine Gain Centroid (channel) FWHM (channel) Resolution
Cs-137 700 32 1.4 923 67 7.2589382
Cs-137 700 16 1.5 538 39 7.2490706
Cs-137 700 8 1.25 230 18 7.826087
This clearly shows that gain has a direct relationship with FWHM, and has no effect on
Effects of low voltage: again with cesium-137, a table was made comparing spectra at
differing high voltages:
Source HV Coarse gain Fine Gain Centroid (channel) FWHM (channel) Resolution
Cs-137 700 32 1.4 923 67 7.2589382
Cs-137 630 32 1.4 501 37 7.3852295

This shows that while a lower voltage results in the peak appearing at a lower channel, it does
not affect the resolution. In fact, it has all the same effects as just lowering the gain.
Effects of differing gamma sources: for each source below, the gain was set to 16 coarse
and 1.3 fine. In addition to resolution, the known gamma energy of the peaks of each source was
recorded from a table, except for cadmium-109. Sodium-22’s spectrum was recorded, but the
minimum possible gain (1 coarse, 1.0 fine) was used to be able to see its peak
Source HV Coarse gain Fine Gain Centroid (channel) FWHM (channel) Resolution Gamma Energy (keV)
Cs-137 700 16 1.3 468 33 7.0512821 662
Co-60 700 16 1.3 815 45 5.5214724 1173
Co-60 700 16 1.3 922 52 5.6399132 1332
Mn-54 700 16 1.3 584 38 6.5068493 835
Co-57 700 16 1.3 90 11 12.222222 136
Cd-109 700 16 1.3 364 30 8.2417582 N/A
Na-22 700 1 1 881 52 5.9023837 1274

Plotting resolution vs gamma energy, a trend emerges:

Resoluti on vs Gamma energy



10 f(x) = − 0.01 x + 11.78

R² = 0.85
Resolution (%)

0 2 00 4 00 6 00 8 00 1000 1200 1400
Gamma Energy (keV)

This shows that resolution is affected by energy of the gamma ray peaks, and thus each source
will have a different resolution for a given detector.
Calibration Curve: Using the same set of data above, a calibration curve can be made for
these gain settings by plotting channel number vs gamma energy

Gamma energy vs channel #


1200 f(x) = 1.44 x − 1.94

R² = 1
Gamma Energy (keV)






0 100 2 00 3 00 400 5 00 600 7 00 8 00 900 1000
Channel #

As we can see, the points fit much more neatly into a nearly perfect straight line. Using the
trendline equation, channel number can now be easily converted into energy. For example,
channel 450 would become:
energy=1.4425 × 450−1.943=647.2 keV
If one wanted a calibration of 1 keV/channel, one would simply adjust the gain so that Cs-137’s
peak’s centroid was placed squarely on channel 662, then do the same with two other sources,
such as Co-57 on channel 136 and Co-60’s lower peak on channel 1173.
Using the data from the spectra taken, it’s clear that resolution is not affected by gain
settings or changing voltage. The only thing that notably changed the resolution was the gamma
energy of a particular source, with a higher energy giving a lower resolution and thus a better
detector. This is further confirmed when you look at the resolution of all of the Cs-137 spectra
Source HV Coarse gain Fine Gain Centroid (channel) FWHM (channel) Resolution Gamma Energy (keV)
Cs-137 700 16 1.3 468 33 7.0512821 662
Cs-137 700 32 1.4 923 67 7.2589382 662
Cs-137 700 16 1.5 538 39 7.2490706 662
Cs-137 700 8 1.25 230 18 7.826087 662
Cs-137 630 32 1.4 501 37 7.3852295 662

This is why when resolution is given for a detector with a specific gamma source. This could be
because the higher energy gamma rays create more visible light in the scintillating crystal, which
is then easier to detect in the photomultiplier tube.

Figure 2 - Cadmium-109 spectrum incorrectly labeled Na-22

Figure 3 - Manganese-54 spectrum, incorrectly labeled Cs-137

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