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How to Rank higher in Amazon Search

Amazon is the largest ecommerce site in the world. This is why you want to be selling your products
on Amazon. However, search engine optimization or Amazon SEO differs somewhat from
conventional SEO, though you need to show up on the first results page in both cases if you want to
maximize your odds of sealing the deal. Let’s learn more about how to rank higher in Amazon


Amazon SEO puts as much weight on product titles as conventional SEO. However, your product
page titles should emphasize the brand and features of the product, not a general description. For
example, describe the item as a “Model XYZ by Company ABC, color, size and compatible
connectors” instead of calling it a cheap smartphone.


Amazon searches are often done through categories. For example, someone may go to the category
for “toys” and then do a search for the appropriate age range or for keywords like “building toys”. If
your product isn’t properly categorized, it won’t show up as a similar item for someone searching for
that type of product.

Make certain to fill in every checkbox that Amazon customers can use to filter out products by. For
example, you’ll lose potential customers looking for something in a given age range if you don’t
specify one for toys. Don’t just state that the product has frustration free packaging. Have it
classified as such by Amazon so that it shows up in the appropriate search results. Identify the color
of the outfit so that it comes up when the customer searches for pants or dresses in that color. Food
products should be categorized when appropriate as fat-free, sugar-free or vegan. However, you’ll
be severely penalized if you use those search terms and category for your product when they are not


It is hard to sell anything, even an eBook, if there is no image for the product on the Amazon
ecommerce page. A small or grainy image will cause many potential buyers to go to the next product
in their search results. Use high quality, relevant images. Ideally, you’ll include pictures showing the
product in use.

When you’re selling on Amazon, you’ll get extra points with customers if the item ships out of an
Amazon warehouse. That’s often necessary if you’re going to offer same-day or next day delivery. If
your products can be shipped with other items in an Amazon Prime shipment, it is seen as a better
deal to customers. If you don’t have Amazon serving as your distributor, make it clear that you’ll
ship on similar terms as Amazon’s default options.


Reviews are important to any ecommerce site. They are invaluable to Amazon sellers. You’ll lose
potential customers if your products don’t have any reviews, since customers can filter by ratings.
For example, if your product has no ratings, it won’t show up when the search results are limited to
“3 stars or above”. Sending emails asking customers to leave a review is one approach. However,
you must aggressively deal with negative reviews. Don’t berate the customer or try to flood the site
with fake five star reviews. Instead, respond to the customer, try to resolve the problem, and ask
them to change the review once the problem is fixed.

Optimized Content

More than two thirds of would-be buyers start their search on Amazon. That makes ranking well in
search results essential to selling to potential customers. More importantly, you know they’re in the
final stage of the sales funnel if they’re researching prices and options on Amazon. This means your
content needs to be focused on promoting the product and answering customer questions. Your SEO
must focus on keywords those in the last stages of the sales funnel are using, though your SEO
should also include the brand and product name.

Fill out a frequently asked questions section. Answer questions people have about the ingredients in
your recipe and the materials used in your product. Answer questions about sizes, shapes, colors,
and anything else customers ask your staff when they’re deciding what to buy. Make it clear when
something isn’t compatible with the plugs in a foreign country, and tell them the functional limits of
the product. You’d rather lose out on a potential sale than get a negative review from an unhappy

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