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Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns

I. Health Perception Health Management Pattern

The patient is known to be diabetic and hypertensive. The said

diseases runs in their family. Even though she is regularly scheduled for
dialysis, she sometimes fail to comply with the regimen. According to her,
she does not seek consult to health care providers if she can still tolerate
and manage symptoms.

II. Nutritional Metabolic Pattern

According to client, she is fond of eating sweets and fatty foods.

The usual foods that are being served during their meals are protein rich.
But she occassionally eats vegetables. She drinks 8-10 glasses of water
everyday and she is conscious when it comes to salty foods. Sometimes
she lacks appetite when eating especially if she does not like the food
being served. She seldoms eat fruits.

III. Elimination Pattern

The patient voids 4-5 times a day and has a regular bowel elimination
of 1-2 times a day. She has reported any costipation or diarrhea.

IV. Activity-Exercise Pattern

The client has a sedentary lifestyle because according to her she

does not observe regular exercise. she takes care of her grandchildren
when they visit the client. She also cooks food for her family and is fond of
watching TV wheh she has nothing to do. She is also fond of listening to
her favorite songs and it sometimes put her to sleep. According to her,
listening to music also promotes rest for her. She is not fond of having a
walk in their vicinity. Instead she is contented staying inside their house.

V. Sleep-Rest Pattern

She usually gets 4-6 hours of sleep without interruption. Before

sleep, she is fond of doing her rituals such as taking a bath. When she
wakes up, she sees to it that she fix her bed.

VI. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern

The client reported blurring of sight. According to her she cannot
see people around her clearly without the use of eyeglasses. Her hearing
is normal but there are times that she cannot understand what are the
things being said by the ones talking to her.

VII. Self-perception and Self-concept Pattern

The client is an accountancy graduate and according to her, she

has fulfilled her obligations. She does not regrets with what happened
during her past and she is happy with the things that gave her lessons in
life. She used her experiences to reflect during times that she has a

VIII. Role-Relationship Pattern

The client is married and has children who are apparently well. She
does have a good relationship to people around her. According to her, her
spouse has an extramarital relationship but she does not take this as a big
deal. She focuses herself rom being a responsible mother to her children.

IX. Sexuality Pattern

The patient has a monogamous relationship with his spouse.

X. Coping-Stress Pattern

Whenever the client has a problem or stressed, she sees to it that

she has enough rest. Moreover she does think about her problems that
much. She believes that problems are not given to her as punishment.
Instead gives her a room for improvement.

XI. Value-Belief Pattern

The patient is in a Roman Catholic religious orientation. She goes to

mass regularly on Sundays. If she has a problem, she faces it through not
forgetting to seek divine intervention and giving a handful of effort to
solve the problem.

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