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Ways to Be Pardoned 20

From The Hellfire

Hani Helmy
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire2
In the name of Allah1, The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful

All praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds... And peace and blessings be
upon the Prophet (SAWS2) , who was sent as a mercy to mankind,
Muhammad (SAWS) and his companions and those who followed his
message and are holding on to his sunnah (the Prophet’s tradition) till
the Day of Judgment.

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Allah pardons people on every day and every night
– in Ramadan- and every Muslim has in every day and every night an
accepted supplication.” [Reported by Imam Ahmad and reviewed by al-Albany (2169) in saheeh

The Prophet (SAWS) also said, “Allah the almighty pardons people at every
breaking of a fast.” [Reported by Imam Ahmad and al-Albany (2170)]

It is imperative for anyone who knows of those ahadith3 to do their best to strive
to be pardoned from the hellfire, especially during such a blessed time, where
Allah’s (SWT4) mercy is overflowing. So those who are seeking goodness. Come
along; for Satan is chained, the hellfire is locked and the gates to heaven are
wide open. Truly, Allah’s mercy is indeed magnificent. What God is more merciful
than Allah (SWT), all praise and gratitude to Him (SWT).

So many of those who are pardoned were immersed in sins and extravagance,
and became among the respected and honored after being slaves to the whims
of sins. All praise to Allah (SWT). How many of those who were destined to hell,
were pardoned to rejoice in the mercy and blessings of A6llah (SWT). All praise to
Allah (SWT).

So those of you with great sins, please make use of those wonderful days. Those
days are invaluable and may not be repeated. Those who are pardoned from the
hellfire during those days, had indeed won a significant prize.

For indeed, as the Prophet (SAWS) brought glad tidings to Abi-Bakr (RA5) by telling
him, “You are pardoned from the hellfire.” [Reported by al-Tirmidthi, al-Hakem and al-
Albany (1482) in Saheeh al-Jami’e]

Indeed, those with great fortune are the ones awarded this pardon. May Allah (SWT)
bless you and me with this great mercy.
The Prophet (SAWS) taught us about deeds that can cause our pardon from the
hellfire, and I have collected twenty one of those deeds for you. I ask you to
please try to follow them and

Allah: The word Allah is the Arabic term for God.
SAWS: Salla Allah alayhe Wa Salam [All Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon him]
Ahadith: Plural form of hadith. The Prophet’s actual sayings or actions as narrated by his companions.
SWT: Suhanahu wa Ta'ala [Glorified and Exalted Be He].
RA: Radya Allah anhu/anha [May Allah be pleased with him/her].
By Hani Helmy

Put them ahead of you as a target, a project of faith, from which to create a daily
program. This program’s feasibility study says: The profit is immeasurable and
can not be counted. The profit is “the pardon from the hellfire”.

Allah (SWT) said what can be translated as, “And whoever is removed away
from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life
of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).” (Ala-
Imran, 185)

Here are the causes for pardon, and all you have to do is strive to achieve them.
So do not stall or be lazy, for it is indeed the greatest prize.

Causes for Pardon


The Prophet (SAWS) said, “A man who, on the Day of Judgment, says, “There
is no God but Allah.” Solely for the sake of Allah, but was granted
pardon from the hellfire.” [Reported by al-Bukhari]

Among its signs: Active worship and obedience of Allah. Not informing people of
his/her good deeds.

Dthi-Noon was asked, “When does someone know that he/she is among the

He said, “If they strive and work hard to obey Allah, and wishes to be in a lower
status in front of people.”

So if you wish to earn this great status, then work hard and do your best and
show Allah (SWT) of yourself what will enable you to reach His contentment. And
the harder you work, the closer you will get to what you wish.

Abi-Bakr al-Sedeeq (RA) said, “By God, I did not sleep and dream, or was illusioned
and lost track. I am on the right path without going astray.”

Al-Rabee’ Bin KHouthaim was asked, “Why don’t you rest yourself?”
He replied, “It is the rest of my self which I seek.”
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire4
So give is all you have to reach your goal, the good deeds are always surrounded
with harsh surroundings or circumstances. Good and valuable deeds are always
reached after hard work and struggle. We often reach valuable things after
crossing a bridge of exhaustion. Everything that is precious has its price and its
path is often hard to reach.

Ibn al-Jawzy says in “Hunting Thoughts”, “There are people who will not be
content unless they do all the good and righteous deeds. For they seek every
knowledge, work hard at everything they do, and are patient in acquiring every
righteous deeds. If their bodies become week from all this strenuous work, their
intentions take over and replace the actions.”

He also says, “I contemplated seeking the valuable treasures of the sea and
found that it comes after great work. And those who think of what I just
mentioned will find several lessons clear to them. Those who are fortunate are
the ones who seek the opportunity to do what they can since there is no
guarantee of our time on earth. If we miss a chance to do a righteous deed, we
can not regain the moment again.”

Indeed if you are sincere and honest, then your reaction will be solid and clear. If
you read those ways to achieve pardon from the hellfire for example, your next
step would be to roll up your sleeves and get ready to achieve them all. You will
contemplate the severity of the hellfire, and the extent of its torture. You will pity
yourself and will work hard with patience to achieve this grand prize that can not
be compared to any other.

Fixing Your Prayer By Achieving the

Takberet al-Ihram (the first takbeer of

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever prays forty days on congregation where he is
present during the first takbir is awarded two pardons: a pardon from the hellfire
and a pardon from hypocricy.” [Reported by al-Tirmidthi and al-Albany (6365) in Saheeh al-Jami’e]

This is a project of faith which you need to focus on. Forty days is two hundred
prayers. So consider them to be two hundred steps towards paradise. Doesn’t the
valuable gift of Allah (SWT) deserve that you dedicate yourself to it?

Your path towards achieving this is by lightening your load of worldly worries
during this period, as well as supplication with every prayer that Allah (SWT)
grants you the next prayer where you are present during the first takbeer
(Takberat al-Ihram).

Be aware that doing righteous deeds during the day leads to the same thing
during the night, and the opposite is true as well. One can do so by avoiding sins,
persisting to obey Allah and
By Hani Helmy

doing dhikr6. So be sure to constantly think of reaching this level and to work
hard to achieve it. Always seek Allah’s help and support and never give up. If you
fail one day, do not stop. Continue and do not stall or get bored. This is paradise
we are seeking here. This is complete pardon from the hellfire, and avoiding its
deepest pit.

Persisting on making the Fajr and Asr


The Prophet (SAWS) said, “No one will enter the hellfire who has prayed
before sunrise and sunset – Fajr ad Asr prayers.” [Reported by Muslim]

Ensuring to make those prayers is guaranteed by praying them on time, and to

ensure to prayer the sunnah prayers before them as well.

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Praying the two Raka’a (one unit of Islamic prayer)
of Fajr is better than all the world has.” [Reported by Muslim]

The Prophet (SAWS) also said, “Allah bestowed mercy upon a man who prayed
four before Asr.” [Reported by Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi and al-Albany (3493) in Saheeh al-Jami’e]

It is imperative to constantly ask for Allah’s forgiveness and to supplicate

between the adhan (call to prayer) and the beginning of prayer, in order to
prepare for praying. By doing so, you will be blessed with humility and focus.
Persisting to do so is among the surest ways to create stability in your status with
Allah (SWT).

So allocate the due importance to those prayers. Prepare for praying Fajr by
going to sleep early, making wudu (ablution) before sleep, making dhikr and
asking Allah (SWT) to grant you this great blessing. Preparing for praying Asr by not
having lunch right before, and not to engage in matters that will occupy your
mind or keep you busy during that time. Always try as much as possible to relax
during that time of the day.

Dhikr: The remembrance of Allah
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire6

Persisting to pray the four raka’a before and

after Thuhr prayer

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever achieves praying the four raka’a before
Thuhr and four after Thuhr is pardoned by Allah (SWT) from the
hellfire.” [Reported by Abu Dawud, an-Nisa’ie, al-Tirmidhi and al-Albany (584) in Saheeh al-Targheeb]

This great reward is not reached expect by those who persist on making those
prayers. Some scholars consider it to be a confirmed sunnah due to its great
significance and reward. If you find yourself thinking that it is a hard task; then
simply think of being pardoned from the hellfire and by becoming persistent you
will find yourself getting used to it. It becomes easy to those who Allah (SWT)
blesses. And remember the great reward for prostrating to Allah and becoming
that close to Him (SWT), imagine the reward of taking sixteen steps closer to Allah
with those prostrations. Allah (SWT) will come close to you in multiple. If you taste
the joy of being close to Allah, you will indeed your best to obtain it and never
deprave yourself of it.

The Prophet (SAWS) says, “And know that every time you prostrate to Allah,
He (SWT) raises you one step, and takes away one of your sins.” [Reported by
Imam Ahmad and al-Albany]

What prize is greater than that? To cleanse yourself of your sins, become closer
to Allah (SWT) and to be raised one level as well.

Doesn’t this prize deserve that you do your best and not miss this chance?!!

(SWT )
Crying out of fear of Allah

The Prophet (SAWS) said “A man who cries out of fear of Allah never enters
the hellfire. The dust, from striving in the sake of Allah (SWT), and the
smoke of the hellfire never combines in a Muslim’s nose.” [Reported by al-
Tirmidhi, al-Nisa’ei and l-Albany (7778) in Saheeh al-Jamie’”

So rejoice if you shed one tear out of fear from Allah. Hearts are cleansed of sins
with one’s tears. Crying may be more common during the month of Ramadan and
with listening to Qur’an during the prayers of Tahajud and Tarweeh.

But as Sufian al-Thawry said, “If a person cries out of fear of Allah once a year;
then this is enough. It is sufficient that whoever was blessed with this tear was
chosen by Allah (SWT) with an invaluable gift. Such a person will be under the
shade of Allah (SWT) on the Day of Judgment among the seven
By Hani Helmy

who are shaded on such a day according to the hadith of the Prophet (SAWS) in ‘…
and a man whose eyes watered at the mention of Allah’.” [Reported by Muslim]

Allah (SWT) likes this act and it may result in this person receiving the utmost of
generosity and forgiveness.

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Nothing is more loved to Allah than two drops and
two footprints. One drop is a tear from the fear of Allah. The other drop
is from blood shed in striving in the sake of Allah. One footprint in
striving in the sake of Allah, while the other footprint in performing an
act of obedience or worship for the sake of Allah.” [Reported by al-Tirmidthi and al-
Albany (1363)]

Khaled Bin Ma’dan said, “A tear may put down seas of fire. If a tear slides down
the cheek of a person, then this face will not see the hellfire. And no one cries out
of fear of Allah (SWT) except whose entire body was humbled and fearful of Allah
This person’s name and the name of their father are written in the highest
heavens as it lights up their heart with the remembrance of Allah.” [Tenderness and Crying
by Ibn Abi ad-Dunia. Page 48]

We seek refuge from Allah (SWT) that our eyes never tear up out of fear of him (SWT).

We ask Him (SWT) for tearful eyes and a humble heart.

(SWT )
6. Taking steps for the sake of Allah

Yazid Ibn Abi Mariam said “Obaya Bin Refa’a Bin Rafie’ (RA) caught up with me
while I was walking to the Friday prayer and told me to rejoice as my steps with
for the sake of Allah (SWT). And said that he heard Aba Abss say that the Prophet
say that a person whose feet were covered in dust from taking steps for the
sake of Allah (SWT) then he was pardoned from the hellfire.” [Reported by al-Tirmidhi and al-
Albany (687) in Saheeh al-Targheeb]

So walk with the intention of dedicating every step to the sake of Allah (SWT), such
as walking to the mosque, and especially those steps to the Friday prayer.

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever washed on Friday then heads out early,
walked and not rode, sat close to the imam, listened and paid attention
and did not argue, then he is awarded the good deeds of one year for
every step he took.” [Reported by Imam Ahmad, Ibn Habban, al-Hakem and al-Albany (6405) in Saheeh al-
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire8
It was said that this is the greatest hadith in the benefits of deeds. So rejoice you
who take such steps for the sake of Allah (SWT). Make your steps with the intention
of being solely for

the sake of Allah whether it is for visiting the sick, helping a Muslim, aiding
someone in nee, attending funerals and calling others to Islam. And other
matters which require great effort, for they maybe your way to be pardoned from
the hellfire.

7- Kind Manners

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever was reachable, kind and flexible is
pardoned from the hellfire.” [Reported by al-Hakem and al-Albany (1745) in Saheeh al-Targheeb]
Al-manawy said, “The Prophet (SAWS) was incredibly flexible. If his companions
mention this worldly life, he would mention it with them. And if they mention the
Day of Judgment, he would mention it with them. If they mentioned food, he
would mention it with them as well.” [Fayed al-Qadeer (207/6)]

He (SAWS) was as Allah (SWT) described in what can be translated as, “for the
believers (he SAW is) full of pity, kind, and merciful.” [Al-Tawba: 128]

So be kind and forgiving in all your dealings with people, smile in their faces and
remember that it is an act of charity to smile in someone’s face. Be tolerant and
do not get angry easily. Do not alienate people or boycott them. Choose your
words carefully and have a tender heart. If someone treats you harshly, be kind
to them. And do not forget that this kindness and flexibility may be your way to
being pardoned from the hellfire.

Kindly raising daughters or sisters

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Anyone from my nation who looks after three daughters
or three sisters and is kind to them, then they would be his shield from the
hellfire.” [Reported by al-Bayhaqy and al-Albany (5372) in Saheeh al-Jami’e]

The Prophet (SAWS) also said, “Whoever has three young daughters who he feeds,
quenches their thirst, dresses and was patient to, then they would be his shield
from the hellfire on the Day of Judgment.” [Reported by Imam Ahmad, Ibn Majjah, al-Albany (6488) in Saheeh
By Hani Helmy

So check that your intention in earning your living is also to be able to provide for
your children or sisters. And make sure you check your intention in all the time
you invest in raising them. But be ware of insincerity. You are raising them for
Allah’s sake, to worship Allah. Not to be your security when you grow up, or to
show them off in front of people. This will show in your attention to their
education of their religion, by helping them memorize Qur’an, your interest in
them wearing hijab (veil) and providing them with knowledge of good and bad
characteristics. If you truly have the right intention, then inshAllah (God willing)
you will be guided and assisted by Allah (SWT).

9. Pardon…... You will be pardoned

The divine ruling indicates that consequences and results are from the same type
as the action or deed. So whoever wants to be pardoned tomorrow from the
hellfire, must offer the same treatment to others by pardoning them.

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Any Muslim man who pardons another Muslim man, then
he is pardoned from the hellfire. Allah (SWT) rewards him by a greater reward
than what he did. And any Muslim woman who pardons another Muslim woman,
then she is pardoned from the hellfire. Allah (SWT) rewards her by a greater
reward than what she did. Any Muslim man who pardons two Muslim women,
then he is pardoned from the hellfire. Allah (SWT)
rewards him by a greater reward than what he did.” [Reported by al-Tabarany, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majjah
and at-Tirmidhi. Reviewed by al-Albany (2700)]

And if doing so is hard in our time, the generosity of Allah (SWT) does not end.
There are several good deeds which can be your means to being pardoned from
the hellfire.

Doing dhikr after Fajr prayer until sunrise or

after Asr prayer until sunset.

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “To sit with people who do dhikr of Allah (SWT) from Fajr
until sunrise is closer to my heart than pardoning four of the sons of Ismail, each
with a ransom of twelve thousand. And to sit with people who do dhikr of Allah
(SWT) from Asr and until sunset is closer to my heart than pardoning four.”
[Reported by Abu Dawud, al-Albany (5036) in Saheeh al-Jami’e, (2916)]
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire10

The Prophet (SAWS) also said, “To sit down praising and glorifying Allah (SWT) until
sunrise is closer to my heart than pardoning two of the sons of Ismail. And to do
so between the Asr prayer until sunset is closer to my heart than pardoning four
of the sons of Ismail.” [Reported by Imam Ahmad and al-Albany in Saheeh al-Targheeb (466)]

Doing dhikr after Fajr

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever after the Fajr prayer while their legs are still
bent before saying anything else says ‘There is no God but You Allah alone, there
is God to be asked but You, There is no other God to be feared but You, there is
no associate with You, all sovereignty in You, and praise be unto you, You revive
the dead, and inflicts death, You are Immortal and dies not. All good is in Yours,
and You are the Almighty’ ten times, then for each time he says it, he will earn
reward, and one of his sins will be omitted. He will be elevated on level, and will
be pardoned from the hellfire. Nothing bad will happen to him during that day,
and he will be guarded from satan. And no bad deed will be committed by him
that day except shirk (associating others with Allah)” [Reported by an-Nisa’ie in al-Kubra and

Albany in Saheeh al-Targheeb (472)] In another narration, “And they are like pardoning two from the sons of Ismail” [Al-

Silsila al-Saheeha (113)].

Saying “Allahu Akbar” one hundred times before


The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever says Allahu Akbar one hundred times before
sunrise and before sunset; that is better than one hundred one hundred camels.
And whoever says AlhamduleAllah one hundred times before sunrise and before
sunset; that is better than one hundred horses. And whoever says Allahu Akbar
one hundred times before sunrise and before sunset that is better than pardoning
one hundred people. And whoever says ‘There is no God but You Allah alone,
there is God to be asked but You, There is no other God to be feared but You,
there is no associate with You, all sovereignty in You’ then no one would have
done better deeds than he Day of Judgment except for those who said the same
or exceeded.” [Reported by an-Nisa’ie in al-Kubra and al-Albany in Saheeh al-Targheeb (658)].
By Hani Helmy

13- Doing this dhikr during the day and


The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever says ‘O Allah, verily I have reached the morning
and call on You, the bearers of Your throne, Your angels, and all of Your creation
to witness that You are Allah, none has the right to be worshipped except You,
alone, without partner and that Muhammad is Your Servant and Messenger’ once;
Allah (SWT) pardons one third of him from the hellfire. And if he says it twice,
Allah (SWT) pardons two thirds of him from the hellfire. And if he says it three
times, Allah (SWT) pardons him completely from the hellfire.” [Reported by al-Hakem in
al-Mustadrak and al-Albany in al-Saheeh (267)]

Saying SubhanAllah and AlhamduleAllah one

hundred times

Um Hani’e (RA) said, “The Prophet (SAWS) passed by me one day so I said ‘O
Prophet of Allah, I have grown old and week. Give me something to do while
sitting.’ The Prophet (SAWS) said, ‘Say SubhanAllah one hundred times. It is
equivalent to pardoning one hundred of the sons of Ismail. And say
AlhamduleAllah one hundred times. It is equivalent to having one hundred horses
on which you load for the sake of Allah (SWT). And say Allahu Akbar

one hundred times. It is equivalent to having one hundred camels. And hail Allah
one hundred times. It fills between the earth and heavens. And no one does a
better deed on that deed more than you do, unless it is someone who did exactly
what you did.” [Reported by al-Bayhaqy, Ahmad, al-Albany (1553) in Saheeh al-Targheeb (1316)]

And in another report by Ibn Abi al-Dunia, the reward of pardoning hundred
people was for saying AlhamduleAllah while the hundred horses were the reward
for saying SubhanAllah. He

also reported that hailing Allah one hundred times will result in her not incurring
any future sins.

So say the above dhikr numerous times, and do not leave out a day or night
without saying it.
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire12
The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Take your paradise from the hellfire and say
‘SubhanAllah, AlhamduleAllah, La Ilaha Ila Allah (There is no God worthy of
worship but Allah) and Allahu Akbar. For they come on the Day of Judgment from
your front, side and back. And they are the ever-lasting ones.” [Reported by al-Nisa’ie, al-
Hakem and al-Albany (3214) in Saheeh al-Jami’e]

15- Saying this dhikr during the day

and night

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever says ‘There is no God but You Allah alone, there
is God to be asked but You, There is no other God to be feared but You, there is
no associate with You, all sovereignty in You, and praise be unto you, and You are
the Almighty’ one hundred times in a day, it is equivalent to pardoning ten from
the sons of Ismail, one hundred good deeds, deleted one hundred sins and
protected him from satan for the rest of the day. No one can do a better deed
than him that day unless it is someone who says the same dhikr.” [Agreed Upon

So say it in abundance. Each time equivalent to pardoning ten people, and if you
.say it in a hundred times, you will be rewarded with this divine generous reward

16- Circling the Ka’aba seven times and praying

two Raka’as afterwards

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever circles the Ka’aba seven times then prays two
Raka’ahs afterward, it is rewarded by being pardoned from the hellfire.” [Reported by
[(Ibn Majjah and al-Albany in Saheeh al-Jami’e (6379

He (SAWS) also said, “Whoever circles this house one week, he will be pardoned
from the hellfire. And he shall not set foot anytime after that unless with Allah
(SWT) rewarding him one good deed and taking away one sin.” [Reported by al-Tirmidhi,
[an-Nisa’ie, al-Hakem and al-Albany (6380) in Saheeh al-Jami’e

Al-tabarrani reported the same hadith above but as follows, “Whoever circles the
house for one week without getting involved in idle talk, will be rewarded by
being pardoned from the hellfire.” [Reported by al-tabarany in al-Kabeer and al-Albany in Saheeh al-Targheeb

.O’ Allah, bless us with ummrah and hajj, and do not deny us visiting Your house
By Hani Helmy

Set your intention to make ummrah and hajj, and if you can not actually go there
.in action, you would have done so with your intention

The Prophet (SAWS) said in a battle, “There are people in Madina behind us who are
with us in spirit in every route or valley we go through. Their circumstances
prevented them from attending.” [Agreed upon

So they received the reward of Jihad. A person’s intention is better than their
deeds. So never give up or say “It can’t happen” Allah’s generosity and kindness
.is limitless

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “No day sees people or nations pardoned from the hellfire
more than the day of Arafa.” [Reported by Muslim

17- Interest Free Loans

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever gives away money or milk to a thirsty person, it
is equivalent to pardoning one person from the hellfire.” [Reported by Imam Ahmad and
reviewed by al-Arna’outy]

So if someone asks you for a loan, give him/her without being cheap. And it may
be the reason for your own pardon from the hellfire. If you can help someone
meet their financial needs, such as giving a sewing machine to a poor woman,
help a poor man with starting his own shop or lead someone lost or a blind
person to the right way, then do not underestimate the power and reward of
these deeds. And remember that the greatest deeds are those following in the
path of the Prophet (SAWS) [What me and my companions are like].

18- Defending a Muslim when others are

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever defends a Muslim who is not present, Allah (SWT)
will pardon him/her from the hellfire.” [Reported by Imam Ahmad, al-tabarrany, al-Albany (6240) in Saheeh al-
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire14
So be ware of backbiting sessions and anyone speaking ill about someone who is
not present with you. If you find yourself in this situation, make sure you speak
against it. Try to make

the person saying those things to retract them in front of them, if not then at
least make them regret it in their hearts.

The great scholar al-Ghazaly said, “And it is not enough to signal with one’s hand
to indicate that they wish the person to stop speaking ill of another. The message
must be verbal and clear to stop.” [Fayd al-Qadeer (127/6)]

19- Throw an arrow in the sake of Allah

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Whoever throws an arrow (spear) for the sake of Allah,
then he is pardoned from the hellfire.” [Reported by al-Tabarrany in al-Kabeer and reviewed by al-Albany in
Saheeh al-Jami’e (2739)]

This is the case for those who were required to fight for the cause of Allah, and
scholars have used this hadith as reference to the value and importance of
learning how to throw spears. [Ibn al-Qayyem (138)]

However, if you were not among those require to fight, remember that Allah (SWT)
said, “And strive (fight them) with it” meaning the Qur’an (al-Furqan, 52). This is the
Jihad of science and knowledge. So throw your spear in the form of calling for
Islam and educating people about it. For if Allah (SWT) enables you to provide
guidance to one person then this is indeed better than all the richness of the

Remember that those who lead to good deeds receive the same reward as those
who actually did them. So try to help educate people about the Qur’an by helping
them memorize it, by helping construct centers for its studies and helping in
printing and distributing the Qur’an.

And throw in spear in defending those who attack the Prophet (SAWS) by sponsoring
those seeking knowledge and helping them financially with this heavy task. Help
spread books on the sunnah of the Prophet (SAWS) in order not to leave a chance for
anyone to claim ignorance about the sunnah and attack the Prophet (SAWS).
By Hani Helmy

20- Adamant Supplication

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “There is no man who prays to enter paradise for three
times, unless the paradise itself says ‘O Allah, let him enter me’. And no man
seeks refuge from the hellfire for three times, unless the hellfire asks Allah to
pardon this man from entering it.” [Reported by Imam Ahmad and al-Albany (5630) in Saheeh al-Jami’e]

Sufian al-Thawry used to wake up terrified and say “The hellfire. The hellfire” He
said, ‘Thinking of the hellfire took me away from life and sleep.’ Then he would
make ablution and say ‘O Allah (SWT) you know my situation, I only ask that You
pardon me from the hellfire.” [Al-Hulya (60/7)]

So be adamant about asking Allah (SWT) to pardon you from the hellfire and
remember to ask it wholly with your heart and humility and fear. Sit towards the
prayer direction and be sure to make your ablution. Repetitively say
AlhamduleAllah and call Him (SWT) by His beautiful names. And raise your hands
in surrender. Ask Allah (SWT) for forgiveness and repent.

Try to do so in the six times of acceptable supplication which are; the last third of
the night, at the time do adhan, between the adhan and prayer, the required
prayers, while the Imam is getting ready to give his sermon during the Friday
prayer and the last house after Asr of the same day.

It is best to give some money to charity after making this supplication, for there
could be nothing better than making this supplication then doing a good deed
such as charity as Ibnul Qayyem said in his book al-Jawab al-Kafy (page 5).

21. Perfecting Fasting

The Prophet (SAWS) said “Fasting is paradise that pardons a person from the
hellfire.” [Reported by al-tabarany in al-Kabeer and confirmed by al-Albany in Saheeh al-Jami’e (3867)]

And Allah (SWT) made fasting equivalent for the compensation or pardoning of
someone who killed by mistake.

Allah (SWT) said, “Compensation (blood money - Diya) must be paid to his family,
and a believing slave must be freed. And whoso finds this (the penance of freeing
a slave) beyond his means, he must fast for two consecutive months in order to
seek repentance from Allah. And Allah is Ever All-knowing, All Wise.” (An-Nisa’, 92)
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire16

Allah (SWT) said, “And those who make unlawful to them (their wives) and wish to
free themselves from what they uttered, (the penalty) in that case (is) the freeing
of a slave before they touch each other. That is an admonition to you (so that you
may not return to such an ill thing). And Allah is All-Aware of what you do. And he
who finds not (the money for freeing a slave) must fast two successive months
before they both touch each other.” (Al-Mujadila, 3-4)

Hence if prayer sets free someone to be pardoned, it is safe to assume that

adamantly fasting and perfecting it for this reason will in fact grant us the pardon
from the hellfire. However, one must intend to perfect his/her fast by staying
away from all that is forbidden and striving hard to become closer to Allah, focus
on the task ahead, not be consumed with worldly issues and do all that pleases
Him (SWT).

22- Feeding the poor

Allah (SWT) has made feeding the poor equivalent to being pardoned from the
hellfire in compensation as indicated in the verse below “And he who finds not
(the money for freeing a slave) must fast two successive months before they
both touch each other” (al-Mujadila, 4)

And also made feeding and clothing the poor rewarded greatly in compensation
as we can see from this verse, “Allah will not punish you for what is unintentional
in your oaths, but He will punish you for your deliberate oaths; for its expiation (a
deliberate oath) feed ten Masakin (poor persons), on a scale of the average of
that with which you feed your own families; or clothe them; or manumit a slave.
But whosoever cannot afford (that), then he

should fast for three days. That is the expiation for the oaths when you have
sworn. And protect your oaths (i.e. do not swear much). Thus Allah make clear to
you His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) that you
may be grateful.” (Al-Ma’eda, 89)

It was reported in the Israelites that Moses said to Allah (SWT), ‘And what is the
reward of one who feeds a poor person solely for Your sake?” Allah (SWT) said,
“O Moses, those who do so are pardoned from the hellfire.” (Hulyat al-Awleya’ 19/6)

And to feed the hungry, especially those who are poor, is greatly rewarded in
Islam. It is among the most beloved deeds to Allah (SWT).

Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn al-A’as (RA) reported that a man asked the Prophet
,”What are the best deeds in Islam?” To Which the Prophet replied “To feed
the poor and to give greetings to those you know and don’t know” [Agreed Upon]
By Hani Helmy

The Prophet (SAWS) was also asked, “Which of the deeds are the best?” To which he
replied by saying. “Bringing happiness to the heart of a believer who you satisfied
his hunger, or clothes or helped him out.” [Reported by al-Tabarany in al-Awsat and confirmed by al-
Albany (954) in Saheeh al-Targheeb]

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Worship the All-Merciful, and feed those who are hungry,
give greetings to each other, and you will enter paradise in peace.” [Reported by al-

Indeed Allah (SWT)

especially chose those who do such good deeds by eternal joy in

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Paradise has rooms which one can see its inside from the
outside and outside from the inside. Abu Malek al-Ash’ary asked, “To whom are
these rooms?” The Prophet replied, “It is to those who speak kindly, feed the poor
and stays up late at night in worship while others are asleep.” [Reported by al-Tabarany in
al-Kabeer, al-Hakem and confirmed by al-Albany in Saheeh al-Targheeb (946)]

Indeed such a person will be among the best of humans to Allah.

The Prophet (SAWS)

said, “The best among you is one who feeds others.” [Reported by Abu

al-Sheikh Ibn Hayyan and al-Albany in Saheeh al-Targheeb (948)]

It is enough that Allah (SWT)

saves his reward to the Day of Judgment.

Allah (SWT) says in the Qudsi hadith, “O Son of Adam, I fed you but you did not feed
me.” He said, “O Allah, how can I feed You when You are the Lord of the worlds?”
Allah (SWT) said, “Didn’t a certain person ask you for food but you refused? Don’t
you know that by feeding him you would be rewarded by me?” [Reported by Muslim]

To those of you, who are awarded pardon from the hellfire, rejoice. And to those
of you who missed this great reward, my condolences.

Ata’ al-Kharasany used to say, “I will not ask you to watch for this earth, for you
do that already and you are keen on it. I will ask you however to be keen on your
end. You know that lineage and money will not cause a person to be pardoned
from the hellfire. Those who are pardoned are indeed fortunate and it is with
their deeds which Allah granted mercifully to them. Those who are not pardoned
will be in the worst situation and there will be no going back. So work for your
end and do not focus solely on this finite earthly life. So always remember to
seek Allah’s forgiveness for everything that you do.”

Remember to always says “There is no God worthy of Worship but Allah, He has
no Partner. Allahu Akbar. AlhamduleAllah, the Lord of the worlds. SubhanAllah. I
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire18
ask for Allah’s forgiveness and I repent to Him. There is no help or power without

Your good deeds will help erase the bad ones when you make such supplications.
Allah (SWT) says, “Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds (i.e. small sins).
That is a reminder (an advice) for the mindful (those who accept advice).” (Houd,

So those who end their time in this life with good and bad deeds but repented
and asked for Allah’s forgiveness. As the great verse above indicates, their good
deeds will remove the evil ones. While those who remained arrogant and did not
ask for Allah’s forgiveness, they will not be awarded such great fortune. [Hulyat al-
Awleya’ (194/5)]

Ibn Rajjab said, “If you seek being pardoned, then buy yourself from Allah.”

Allah (SWT) says, “Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their
properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise.” (At-Tawba, 111)

So those who value themselves will gladly give all it takes to be pardoned from
the hellfire.

Some of the great characters in our history have ‘purchased’ themselves from
Allah three or four times through giving their entire weight in silver charity.

Amer Ibn Abdullah Bin az-Zubair purchased him self by the diya (compensation)
of six times in which he gave large amounts of money to charity.

And Habeeb purchased himself from Allah (SWT)

with forty thousand dirham which
he gave away in charity.

And Abu-Huraira (RA) used to say SubhanAllah each day twelve thousand times in
order to ‘purchase’ himself.

Supplications from Great Scholars and Pious People

O’ Allah, Lord of the Old House, pardon my neck from the hellfire and I seek
refuge in Thee from satan

O’ Allah, You wish for us to come closer to you through pardoning and letting go
of our slaves (servants). And we are Your slaves (servants). And You are more
generous than we will ever be. Pardon us.

O’ Allah, You ordered us to give to the poor in charity. We are poor next to You.
And You are more generous than we will ever be. Pardon us.
By Hani Helmy

O’ Allah, You told us to pardon those who mistreated us, and we have mistreated
ourselves and left ourselves astray. You are more worthy of being generous to
us. So pardon us.

O’ Allah, You are The Alive, The One Who remains and does not end. You are The
Lord of Majesty and Bounty. You are the Most Merciful of all. You are the Most
charitable of all. You are the One whose favors never end. You are The Kind. You
are the One who gives blessings. You are The Most Generous. We ask you of the
Mercy which You have written upon Yourself to pardon us with all the mercy and
generosity in You. We ask you for peace, blessings and prayers upon Your
Prophet Muhammad and his lineage and companions and the rest of Your good

O’ Allah, pardon us from the hellfire. Save us from the evils within us. Take away
from us any evil or unkindness. Purify us from the diseases of the hearts. Purify
us from our previous sins. Elongate the distance between us and our sins. We
seek refuge in Thee from satan.

O’ Allah, prepare us and purify us to be able to meet you. Have mercy on our
souls. Let us join those with the righteous deeds. Help us be more thankful to
You. Aid us in Your obedience. Bless us with being among your favored party.
Bless us with your victorious soldiers. Bless us with the companionship of
messengers, scholars, pious ones and martyrs.

O Allah, forgive us our previous sins. And guard us for the remainder of our lives.
Every time we return to a sin, bless us with returning to repenting from it. If
obedience becomes heavy, make it light on us. Remind us when we forget. Help
us see when we can not see for ourselves. Make us be included in the prayers
and supplications of the righteous ones. And help us include them in our prayers
and supplications. All of this is with Your Mercy, Lord of the worlds.

We praise Thee for all the blessings in the universe.

We Praise Thee for all the blessings you blessed Your servants with.
We praise Thee for all the blessings and Mercy You have shown to nations.
We praise Thee as you have taught us to.
We praise Thee in ways beyond our universe and space, we praise Thee as You
wants us to praise Thee.
You are our Creator, with not partner in Creation.

You blessed us with limitless blessings.

We were dead and You made us alive. We were poor and You made us rich. We
were hungry and thirsty and You blessed us with food and water. You sheltered
and protected us. You sent us messengers and the Qur’an. You wrote faith in our
hearts and all our feelings. All praise to Thee for all that You have given us.

O’ Allah, forgive us for what we did. You are our lord. O’ Allah grant us good
deeds in this life and after. O’ Allah grant us pardon from the hellfire.
20 Ways to Be Pardoned from The Hellfire20

Finally, I hope that this article was of benefit to you. If you benefited in anyway, I
ask you to please pray for me that Allah (SWT) grants us sincerity in all of our
deeds for His sake, and to pardon you and us from the hellfire.

I love you all for the sake of Allah

Hani Helmy


Topic Page
Introduction 2
Sincerity 3-4
Achieving The Ihram Takbeer for forty days 4
Persisting on making the Fajr and Asr prayers 4
Persisting on making the Dhur sunnah prayers 5

(before and after)

(Crying out of fear of Allah (SWT 5
(Taking steps for the sake of Allah (SWT 6
Good and kind manners 6
Kindly raising good daughters and sisters 7
Pardon... You will be pardoned 7
Doing dhikr after Fajr and Asr 8
Doing Dhikr after Fajr 8
Saying Allahu Akbar one hundred times before 8

Morning and Night supplications and adkhar 8
Saying SubhanAllah and AlhamduleAllah one 9

hundred times
Doing excessive Dhikr 9
Circling the Kaaba 7 times and praying two 10

Rak’ahs afterwards
(Interest free loans (interest free 10
Defending a Muslim when others are taking about 11

him/her behind their back

By Hani Helmy

(Throw an arrow for the sake of Allah (SWT 11

Adamant Supplication 1
Perfecting fasting 12
Feeding the Poor 12
The best for last: From the supplication of the 15


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