Epidemiology Test Iv 1

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1. Biological Criteria for a Pandemic Influenza Virus:

new surface antigen
new core antigen (central)
both of them
2. Possible Bioterrorism Agent:
Yersinia pestis (plague)
Variola (small pox)
Both and others
3. Individuals at high risk for TB are :
HIV infected, immunosupressed
therapy with a TNF-α antagonist
all of these
4. Examples of latent infectious are:
These, named,and others, as VZV
5. Prevalence is:
3. Nnumber of cases of disease occurring within a population at any one given point
in time
number of new cases of disease occuring over a specified period of time
6. Flavivirus infection can manifest as:
Yellow fever
Viral Hepatitis type C
7. Prevention of herpes genitalis:
Barrier methods, such as condoms
HSV vaccines
None of these
8. Live, attenuated vaccines: measles, rubella, mumps cannot be used by:
immunocompromised individuals
pregnant women
none of them
9. Influenza virus vaccine (Afluria, Fluarix), intranasal (FluMist) are indicated for active
immunization to prevent:
influenza A Viruses
influenza B Viruses
both of them
10. HPV types 6 and 11infection usually results in the formation of condylomata;
these types have:
Low oncogenic potential
High-risk oncogenic potential
No relevance to oncogenic potential risk
11. Some Important Diseases with a Soil Reservoir are:
Viral encephalitis
12. HIV infected pacients with advanced immunologic decline have a lot of oral lesions;
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is incriminated in ethiopathogeny of:
Aphthous ulcers
Oral hairy leukoplakia
13. At what CD4 count should specific prophylaxes for Toxoplasmosis be initiated?
CD4 count of fewer than 100 cells/μL
CD4 count of fewer than 50 cells/μL
CD4 count has no importance(indifferent)
14. Nosocomial infections are infections that are a result of treatment in a hospital or a
healthcare service unit if:
first appear 48 hours or more after hospital
first appear 2 hours after hospital entrance
No related
15. Tuberculin skin testing (Mantoux test) is the most widely available test for diagnosing
tuberculous infection
in the absence of active disease (latent infection).
in active infection
16. Hepatitis E virus is the principal cause of enterically transmitted non-A, non-B
hepatitis; No treatment or vaccine available
17. Aedes aegypti (Mosquito) is Vector for:
Yellow Fever and Dengue Fever
Human Ebola hemorrhagic fever
18. As with other diseases, prevention of influenza is the most effective strategy; Two newer
drugs have been recently marketed for treatment of influenza A and B, Oseltamivir and
Zanamivir, specific inhibitors of:
both of them
19. Influenza virus vaccine is indicated for active immunization to prevent influenza A and
B viruses; the vaccination becomes effective:
first 72 hours after administration
10-14 days after administration
30 days after administration
20. Sources of infection for persons with Hepatitis C are:
Injecting drug use, needlestick
Sexual, Perinatal
All of these

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