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Péng(掤)Expanding Energy
Péng is an energy of continuous outward expansion. It pushes out in all directions to create a
protective buffer around the core. It’s often described as the fundamental energy of Tàijíquán, and
applies to all Tàijíquán movement.

1. Imagine a large water balloon. The water inside expands outward equally in all directions.
Press into it and it presses back. Left alone the water remains still, filled with spring-like energy.
2. With training, your body and mind can instinctively exhibit this same spring-like energy.
3. In daily life, an upright posture with expanding energy shows confidence and positivity.

0. Neutral position
1. Turn and hold the ball
2. Hold the ball in an empty step
3. Step out
4. Sink and gather
5. Expand forward
6. Back to neutral

1. Imagine embracing a large helium balloon between your arms. If your arms are too loose, it will
float away; if too tight, the balloon will pop.
2. Péng intention should be present in every part of the body. Imagine the balloon expanding in
all directions; it pushes your arms forward and your back backward, creating a rounded shape.
3. Relax – don’t be forceful or stiff. Just like the water in the water balloon, Péng isn’t about
forcefully pushing your arms outward.

1. Leaning forward or backward: Always keep your body upright and centered (Key Principle #1).
If you lean forward or backward, it’s hard to expand equally in all directions.
2. Straight arms: A rounded structure allows you to dissipate more incoming force. Be sure to
keep your arms and elbows bent, and not locked out.
3. Extending knee past the toes: This causes all the body’s weight and pressure to become
concentrated in the knee, which can lead to pain and injury.

掤劲义何解? What is Péng (Expanding Energy)?
如水负行舟 Like water buoyantly supporting a boat
全体弹簧力 It fills the entire body with spring-like energy.
*Adapted from the secrets of the Taiji Eight Energies: Song of Péng, by Tan Meng Xian (谭梦贤), early 20th century.

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