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El amor fuente fundamental para la formación integral Date: June –

Subject: Reading and Writing 2020
Teacher: Pérez Garcia Richard


Please read the instructions well before making the synthesis project, send the work within the
stipulated time so respect the delivery dates, Please at the time of submitting your work be punctual
with your personal data NAME, LAST NAMES, GRADE and after send your work only to

You have a deadline to send it until June 15th.

Ninth grade

For the project synthesis of the second term you must create a relationship tree, this consist
of choosing 10 people from your social environment and then choosing only 4 people and
describing in your notebook why they are your best friends or very important for you. Please
keep in mind the following questions:
- What´s your definition of a close friend?
- How many close friends do you think people generally have?
- How many friends do you have?
- So how can you know who your close friends are?
- Are you surprised that we generally have only two close friends? Why or not why?
- Which two qualities in the article are the most important in a close friendship? Why?
You have a deadline to send it until June 15th.

Tenth grade:

For the second term the synthesis project you must take into account the events that occurred on
November 13th, 1985, when the town of Armero disappeared Due to the Ruiz Mountain explosion,
look for the relevant information and pretend you are a journalist who is covering the news. Write a
text in your notebook explaining everything related to news in English using 150 words or more.

You have a deadline to send it until June 15th.

Eleventh grade:

For the synthesis project you must make a report written in your notebook talking about the history
and development of 3 old and 3 modern buildings, don't forget that the buildings must be from
Colombia. This report must have an amount of information and vocabulary according to the work of
an eleventh grade student, the effort and dedication and deepening of the history applied in said
report will be rated.

You have a deadline to send it until June 15th.

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