Online Readiness Results and Action Plan

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Here are my results after completing the readiness quiz.

If I had to choose three specific areas to

improve on, they would be (self direction, learning preferences and study habits). I would choose self
direction because I have a tendency to not write things down in a calendar or a planner what I have to
do and when I have to get it done by. By doing so, id be a lot more organized and there wouldn’t be a
chance id forget to get my work done by a certain time. The second area id improve on would be my
learning preference. As much as I’m used to learning in a classroom setting, I wanted to try an online
course and ease myself back into the life of having school. And by doing so, I decided to take this course
and do it online with it fitting my work schedule as well. Taking an online course does seem like it can
be a challenge considering you’re kind of teaching yourself, I’m always up for challenges and bettering
myself everyday. The last thing I need to work on would be my study habits. I say this because with it
being an online course, its so easy to be distracted from getting stuff done and studying. There's a TV
around me, my cell phone, family around me, something that can easily distract me and that’ll put me
off course from what I was doing. With that being said, I need to be in an environment where none of
that is around me so I can focus on getting my work done. The sooner I get it done, the much more time
ill have later on to do whatever I enjoy doing. I do keep my phone on me at all times, but while doing
this assignment right now, its on silent and away from reaching distance. I know if I go and check my
phone, I'll lose concentration of what I was doing and waste my time from finishing this assignment. So
moving forward with this class this summer and the rest of my college life, I plan on staying focused on
my goals and where I want to be in life and ignore the little distractions that's beside me.

Self Direction

You need to improve your time management skills and study habits (such as keeping yourself on track,
meeting deadlines, and working independently) before you can be successful in online learning. Set
some challenging goals for yourself and commit yourself to achieving them. Also, review the UNC
Learning Center’s Time Management handout before starting an online course.

Learning Preferences

You may need to stretch yourself to use different types of media, such as audio, to learn in an online
course. Self-reliance to solve minor problems or make decisions about your learning is also vital.
Because you may work in an online group, you will need sharp communication skills. Take a look at
these UNC Writing Center handouts before starting an online course: Can You Improve Your Reading
Skills, The Importance of Reading Flexibility, and Effective Listening.

Study Habits

To succeed in an online course, you must carefully choose a place to study compatible with your work
habits, and plan on spending 10-20 hours each week there. An online course requires at least 10 hours a
week of work. Devise a way to keep track of your assignments and due dates so you can plan your work.
You will also need to be willing to reach out to your instructor and fellow classmates when you have
questions. The UNC Learning Center handouts, Study Skills "Do's" and "Don'ts" and 7-Day
Procrastination Plan, may assist you in these areas.

Technology Skills

It seems you have good technology skills. Remember, if you need technical assistance, you can go to the
ITS Help Desk at

Computer Equipment Capabilities

It seems you have adequate computer capabilities. The complete list of hardware and software required
for online learning may vary slightly by course. Review specific course requirements before starting any
online course.

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