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Optimizing advertisements, using math?

In this assignment we were asked to use linear programming to maximize the number of

advertisements heard/seen by a potential customer. I was able to find the optimal number of

radio ads to television ads by using a series of inequalities and an objective function using the

budget for ads, and the cost per type of ad. After solving the inequalities for (x,y) points, I

plotted the lines, and found all possible solutions that satisfied the allotted budget.

Using linear programming was a great way to eliminate the guesswork out of maximizing

the budget. I would have probably just done rough math calculations based on the costs per ad

and would not have maximized my potential earning opportunity. I think that any business

owner/manager worth their salt would value this information. This allows them to maximize

profits and expenditures. Just as in this example they used it to calculate the number of ads to

purchase, they could similarly use linear programming to find how much of a certain product

over another they should stock on their shelves. I think that using linear programming would be

excellent when deciding the location of a store. Of course, some locations would be less

expensive than others, but that does not necessarily mean that they are the most cost-effective

location for a company. You can use linear programming to analyze clients per day vs cost of

rent etc. for a store.

If the manager were unable to clearly demonstrate how they arrived at their conclusion, I

would be skeptical that they had done the math correctly to back the data. On the other hand, if

they were able to show me the equations, graph, and their solution clearly, I would be confident

in following their suggestion. I especially like looking at the graph. At first, it was hard to see
how these equations could possibly tell me any useful information, but after drawing each line

and shading in the correct areas, I was able to see that the equations provided great insight.

I have always had an appreciation for math in day to day life, but particularly in the

professional work environment. Like I previously stated, before doing this assignment, I would

have likely done some rough math, and hoped that I got the most out of the advertisement

budget. But, knowing this method will allow me to be sure that my data is correct, ultimately

optimizing profit.

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