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Chemosphere 70 (2008) 531–537

Technical Note

Hydroponic phytoremediation of Cd, Cr, Ni, As, and Fe: Can

Helianthus annuus hyperaccumulate multiple heavy metals?
Mary C. January a, Teresa J. Cutright a,*
, Harry Van Keulen b, Robert Wei c

Department Civil Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-3905, United States
Department Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH 44115, United States
Department of Chemistry, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH 44115, United States

Received 1 March 2007; received in revised form 21 June 2007; accepted 26 June 2007
Available online 13 August 2007


Sundance sunflowers were subjected to contaminated solutions containing 3, 4, or 5 heavy metals, with and without EDTA. The sun-
flowers exhibited a metal uptake preference of Cd = Cr > Ni, Cr > Cd > Ni > As and Fe >> As > Cd > Ni > Cr without EDTA and
Cr > Cd > Ni, Fe >> As > Cd > Cr > Ni with EDTA. As uptake was not affected by other metals, but it decreased Cd and Ni concen-
tration in the stems. The presence of Fe improved the translocation of the other metals regardless of whether EDTA was present. In
general, EDTA served as a hindrance to metal uptake. For the experiment with all five heavy metals, EDTA decreased Cd in the roots
and stems from 2.11 to 1.36 and from 2.83 to 2.32 mg g1 biomass, respectively. For the same conditions, Ni in the stems decreased from
1.98 to 0.94 mg g1 total metal uptake decreased from 14.95 mg to 13.89 mg, and total biomass decreased from 2.38 g to 1.99 g. These
results showed an overall negative effect in addition of EDTA. However it is unknown whether the negative effect was due to toxicity
posed by EDTA or the breaking of phytochelatin-metal bonds. The most important finding was the ability of Sundance sunflowers
to achieve hyperaccumulator status for both As and Cd under all conditions studied. Ni hyperaccumulator status was only achieved
in the presence of three metals without EDTA.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Helianthus annuus hyperaccumulator; Sunflowers; Heavy metals; Phytoremediation

1. Introduction been reported in the mining districts of Spain, agricultural

fields inn China (Zhang et al., 2005), industrial sections of
There are a total of 31 metal contaminated sites in Ohio; Germany (Evangelou et al., 2006) and in Uttar Pradesh
25 of which are on the National Priority List (OEPA, India (Gupta and Sinha, 2007).
2005). Of the most heavily contaminated sites, 25 contain Phytoremediation is the use of green plants to remove
arsenic, 20 have chromium, 19 have cadmium, 16 contain contaminants from soil and groundwater or to lower con-
nickel, and 13 sites are contaminated with all four metals taminant mobility (Madrid et al., 2003). It has become a
(OEPA, 2005). The Ohio sites contain similar contaminant promising remediation technique with the discovery of
characteristics as heavy metal sites all over the world. For hyperaccumulators; plants that are able to take up large
instance, more than 1.4% of the total soil surface in Flan- quantities of metals (Roosens et al., 2003). Achievement
ders Belgium is heavily contaminated with heavy metals of hyperaccumulator status is based on the ability to
(Meers et al., 2005). Toxic levels of heavy metals have also uptake and retain within the shoot (stem and leaves) one
of the following metals at a minimum of: 10 mg g1 of
Zn or Mn, 1 mg g1 of Ni, Co, Cr, Cu or Pb, 0.1 mg g1
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 330 972 4935; fax: +1 330 972 6020. of As or Cd (Roosens et al., 2003; Turgut et al., 2005).
E-mail address: (T.J. Cutright). Different strains of the Brassica, Alyssum, Arabidopis,

0045-6535/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
532 M.C. January et al. / Chemosphere 70 (2008) 531–537

and Petrisis species have been the most widely studied of 2.2. Cultivar source and seedling preparation
the more than 400 hyperaccumulating vascular plants
(Roosens et al., 2003). It is important to note that most The Sundance cultivar of the dwarf sunflower, H.
of the known hyperaccumulators are selective toward one annuus, was used for each hydroponic experiment. The
metal and would not be effective at sites with multiple seeds were initially grown in Rockwool in a greenhouse
heavy metals (Kamnev and van der Lelie, 2000). illuminated with natural light. The average greenhouse
One approach to increase the uptake of heavy metals is temperature was 28 oC (winter) or 35 oC (summer) in the
the use of chelators to mobilize the metals to the root zone day and 20 oC at night. Seedlings were allowed to grow
(Madrid et al., 2003). The viability of this approach is well for 4 wk using a nutrient solution containing 250 mg N
documented, however the effect of chelators on the plants (NH4NO3), 109 mg P (KH2PO4) and 207 mg K (KH2PO4)
themselves has not been critically examined. The most per 1 l distilled water. After the growth period, seedlings
commonly used and effective chelator is EDTA (Wu of similar size were transferred to troughs in their indi-
et al., 2004; Liphadzi and Kirkham, 2006; Ruley et al., vidual Rockwool compartment to initiate the greenhouse
2006). Although effective at mobilizing metals, EDTA is experiment.
poorly biodegraded in the soils (Luo et al., 2006). EDTA
also poses several disadvantages. It can decrease plant bio-
2.3. Greenhouse experiment
mass, destroy the physiological barriers of the root, or
inactivate transporter proteins to the extent that its metal
Seven Sundance sunflowers were utilized per chamber,
mobilizing and translocation benefits are minimized (do
with two chambers used simultaneously per experiment.
Nacimento et al., 2006; Liphadzi and Kirkham, 2006;
The first set of experiments investigated the impact of
Luo et al., 2006). Non-synthetic chelators such as citric
EDTA on the uptake and translocation of Cd, Cr, and
acid and EDDS (S,S-(N,N 0 )-ethylenediaminodisuccinic
Ni. One set of plants was subjected to a solution containing
acid, an analogue of EDTA) are initially comparable at
30 mg l1 of Cd, Cr and Ni for a combined metal concen-
mobilizing metals, but do not provide long term effective-
tration of 90 mg l1. The second set of plants was subjected
ness since they are easily biodegraded (Turgut et al.,
to a solution of 30 mg l1 Cd, Cr, Ni and 0.265 g l1
2005; do Nacimento et al., 2006; Evangelou et al., 2006).
(0.708 mM) EDTA. Both solutions were introduced at a
The objective of this research was to investigate the
complete recycle rate of 1.59 l h1. After 17 d of exposure,
effectiveness of Helianthus annuus for the phytoremediation
the plants were harvested for analysis.
of mixed metals. A key goal was to ascertain if H. annuus
The second set of experiments investigated the impact of
could hyperaccumulate more than one heavy metal. The
As. One set of plants was subjected to a solution containing
experiments described in this manuscript were conducted
30 mg l1 As as the sole contaminant; the second set
under hydroponic conditions, to eliminate the mass trans-
received a mixed solution containing 30 mg l1 of As, Cd,
fer (bioavailability) issues that would be present in soil
Cr and Ni. EDTA was not utilized during this experiment
experiments. Removing mass transfer limitations via hyd-
in order to garner a better understanding as to how As
proponics is critical for elucidating free metal ion and
would impact translocation.
metal-chelate uptake and translocation within the plant
The final experimental set explored the effect of a fifth
(Marchiol et al., 2004; Cosio et al., 2006; Hernandez-Allica
metal and synthetic chelators on the Sundance sunflowers.
et al., 2007). Although unnecessary in a hydroponic envi-
The two sets of Sundance dwarf sunflowers were exposed
ronment, EDTA was used in some experiments in order
to As, Cd, Cr, Fe and Ni all at 30 mg l1 for each metal.
to examine its effects on metal uptake, translocation and
One set of plants was also subjected to 0.265 g l1 EDTA.
total plant biomass.
The experiment was conducted for 17 d as described above.
All of the heavy metal concentrations used in the afore-
2. Materials and methods
mentioned experiments were based on typical contaminant
levels in Northeast Ohio (OEPA, 2005). The EDTA con-
2.1. Heavy metal and chelator: source and concentration
centration was based on previous research results with
Cd, Cr and Ni (Turgut et al., 2005).
Sunflowers were exposed to a solution containing a mix-
ture of heavy metals. Each heavy metal was added at
30 mg l1, where the 30 mg l1 refers to the concentration 3.1. Analytical methods
of the individual metal, not the compound added. The
metals were applied as As5, (Na2HAsO4 Æ 7H2O), Cd2+ 3.1.1. Determination of heavy metal content
(CdSO4 Æ 8H2O), Cr3+ (CrCl3 Æ 6H2O), Ni2+ (NiSO4 Æ Each biomass section was digested separately to ascer-
6H2O) and Fe (FeSO4 Æ 7H2O). EDTA was added at tain the metal content in the individual section. One g of
0.265 g l1 (0.708 mM) to approximate a concentration of milled plant tissue was soaked in 20 ml of concentrated
0.1 g kg1 in soil applications (data not shown) to evaluate nitric acid for 6 h. The mixture was then boiled to 50%
the impact of synthetic chelators on metal uptake and of the original volume. Next, 4 ml of perchloric acid was
translocation. added and the mixture was refluxed for 90 min. The solu-
M.C. January et al. / Chemosphere 70 (2008) 531–537 533

tion was then diluted with distilled water to a total volume

a 6 Sundance
of 20 ml and analyzed by FAAS.
Buck 200 AA Spectrophotometer was used to analyze

mg Metal g-1 biomass

metal concentrations. The detection limits for the target
metals are 0.028 mg l1 for Cd, 0.078 mg l1 for Cr, Roots
0.14 mg l1 for Ni and 0.25 mg l1 for As. The concentra- 3 Stem
tions of Cd, Cr, Ni and As were determined by calibration
curves obtained using standards solutions of pure metal
ions (Fisher Scientific). Calibration curves were generated 1
using six replicates per metal concentration. New standard
solutions were used to generate new curves every month. In
addition, blind samples that were also analyzed by an b 4
external, EPA approved lab were used for quality assur- 3.5

mg Metal g-1 biomass

ance of in-house analytical methods. 3 Leaves
3.1.2. Statistical analysis 2
The results from the four studies were analyzed using 1.5
MINITAB version 14 software. Experimental results were 1
compared using a general linear model. Statistical signifi- 0.5
cance was determined using Tukey comparisons. P-values 0
under 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Cd Cr Ni

Fig. 1. Metal concentration in biomass for Sundance exposed to 30 mg l1

4. Results and discussion each Cd, Cr, Ni. (a) No EDTA and (b) with EDTA. Error bars show
variation between replicates. All differences in sequestration location are
significant with the exception of Cd leaves-stems, Cr leaves-stems and Ni
4.1. Impact of EDTA on Cd, Cr and Ni uptake roots-stems (p = 0.0542).

It is generally believed that hyperaccumulating plants

will sequester toxic metals in the vacuoles of the plant with by EDTA (Meers et al., 2005). For nickel, EDTA increased
the leaf vacuoles being the dominant location (Yang et al., the root concentration from 1.00 mg g1 biomass to
2005). The effect of EDTA varied for each metal as shown 2.04 mg g1 biomass (p > 0.05) and decreased the stem
by the metal concentration in the biomass (Fig. 1). Cad- concentration from 2.21 mg g1 biomass to 0.78 mg g1
mium concentrations in the roots were significantly (p > biomass (p < 0.05). Liphadzi and Kirkham (2006) had
0.05) increased by EDTA, while stem concentration found that EDTA increased both Cd and Ni in a different
decreased significantly from 3.33 mg g1 biomass to strain of H. annuus.
1.34 mg g1 biomass (p = 0.026). The leaves contained sim- Since differences in biomass weight can yield an appar-
ilar levels of cadmium, 0.88 mg g1 biomass and ent increase/decrease in uptake concentrations, the total
0.66 mg g1 biomass, with and without EDTA, respec- metal uptake was also determined (Table 1). When EDTA
tively. Zhang et al. (2005) had also found EDTA to be inef- was present, the amount of Ni and Cr accumulated was
fective for Viola baoshanensis or Vertivera zizanoides. lower than without EDTA, while Cd uptake increased
Conversely, chromium concentration with the addition of (0.66 mg without EDTA, 2.15 mg with EDTA). The metal
EDTA was higher in the stems, 1.94 mg g1 biomass selectivity, based on total mg accumulated was: Cd =
(0.66 mg g1 biomass without EDTA), and lower in the Cr  Ni without EDTA and Cr > Cd > Ni with EDTA.
roots, 4.88 mg g1 biomass (2.98 mg g1 root without The change in selectivity infers that the presence of EDTA
EDTA). This was surprising since other researchers have enabled the plants to uptake more Cr. However, the
found Cr uptake and translocation not to be enhanced majority of Cr was retained in the roots. The translocation

Table 1
Total biomass and total metal uptake for Sundance sunflowers
Experiment EDTA (g l1) Total biomass (g) Metals (mg) Total metals (mg)
As Cd Cr Ni Fe
Cd, Cr, Ni – 7.744 – 0.66 5.76 4.14 – 10.56
Cd, Cr, Ni 0.265 2.183 – 2.15 2.36 2.07 – 6.58
As, Cd, Cr, Ni – 2.682 1.95 2.40 3.92 2.55 – 10.82
As – 2.129 1.59 1.59
As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe – 2.381 2.36 2.02 1.55 1.57 7.45 14.94
As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe 0.265 1.991 2.36 1.72 1.47 1.07 7.26 13.89
534 M.C. January et al. / Chemosphere 70 (2008) 531–537

Table 2 tion was highest in the roots at 1.54 mg g1 biomass

Translocation factors (TF) for hydroponic experiments with Sundance (0.032 > p > 0.005) and lower in the leaves and stems with
no statistical significance between leaf (0.56 mg g1) and
EDTA applied As Cd Cr Ni Fe stem (0.79 mg g1) concentrations. The addition of Cd,
Cd, Cr, Ni No 0.14 0.02 0.31 Cr and Ni did not appear to effect As uptake (p > 0.05).
Cd, Cr, Ni Yes 0.21 0.25 0.42 In the presence of arsenic, Cd accumulation was highest
As, Cd, Ni, Cr, No 0.4 0.16 0.02 0.30
As No 0.44
in the roots at 3.48 mg g1, and lowest in the leaves at
As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe No 0.81 0.55 0.06 1.06 0.02 0.07 mg g1. The decrease in Cd stem concentration
As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe Yes 0.86 0.31 0.07 0.76 0.04 (1.71 mg g1) may be due to competition between Cd and
TF = shoot concentration divided by root concentration. As. Both Cd and As are highly thiol reactive which would
deplete the phytochelatin necessary for translocation (Li
et al., 2004). Cr concentration was highest in the roots
factors (TF) for each treatment are shown in Table 2. Com- 11.03 mg g1 (p < 0.05) and low in the leaves (0.09 mg g1)
paring the translocation for the plants treated with EDTA and stems (0.33 mg g1). Nickel was also highest in the
(Ni > Cr  Cd) and without EDTA (Ni  Cd  Cr) indi- roots at 2.47 mg g1, with 0.39 and 1.59 mg g1 in the
cates that the only metal effectively translocated in this leaves and stems (0.002 > p > 0.0001).
experimental set was Ni. A Ni-nicotianamine complex Translocation of As (Table 2) was 0.44 alone and 0.40
was recently identified as the responsible chelator for the with Cd, Cr and Ni present. The As transport through
translocation of Ni in Thlaspi caerulescens (Mari et al., the plant was not greatly affected by the presence of other
2006). Other researchers have found that Ni tolerance metals. The selectivity for translocation of metals in this
and transfer through the plant xylem is dependent on free experiment was As > Ni > Cd > Cr (Table 2). Other
histidine. Although malic and citric acid were also effective, researchers have found that As was not readily translo-
free histidine translocated the largest amount of Ni (Wyc- cated to the shoots. Gulz et al. (2005) found As typically
isk et al., 2004). In the absence of EDTA, both histidine accumulated in roots of Zea mays, Brassica napus and
and nicotianamine mediated transport would explain the some strains of H. annuus.
increased Ni translocation. Conversely, once Ni had bound
to EDTA it was expected not to be able to complex with
histidine, thereby limiting translocation. 4.3. The impact of Fe and EDTA on the uptake and
translocation of Cd, Cr, Ni and As
4.2. The impact of As on the uptake and translocation of
Cd, Cr, and Ni The totals metals accumulated per biomass section, with
and without EDTA, are shown in Fig. 3. For this experi-
Fig. 2 shows the metal concentration for each biomass mental set, EDTA did not appear to impact As uptake in
section when As was added to the contaminant solution. any of the plant sections. The greatest effect of EDTA
When As was the only contaminant the root, stem and leaf was shown on Cd uptake. EDTA increased the Cd root
concentrations were 1.52, 0.52 and 1.04 mg g1 biomass, concentration from 1.36 to 2.11 mg g1 (p < 0.0001) while
respectively with no statistically significant selectivity. reducing stem concentration from 2.83 to 2.32 mg g1 bio-
When Cd, Cr and Ni were also present, arsenic concentra- mass (p = 0.0003). There was a small but insignificant


mg Metal g-1 biomass

12 Roots

Cd Cr Ni As As Only

Fig. 2. Metal concentration in biomass for Sundance sunflowers exposed to 30 mg l each Cd, Cr, Ni, As or only 30 mg l1 As. Error bars show variation

between replicates. All differences in sequestration location are significant with the exception of As (mixed) leaves-stems, Cr leaves-stems and As Only
M.C. January et al. / Chemosphere 70 (2008) 531–537 535

mg Metal per g biomass 14
12 Leaves


mg Metal per g biomass

15 Leaves


As Cd Cr Ni Fe
Fig. 3. Metal concentration in Sundance biomass exposed to 30 mg l each As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe (a) without EDTA – differences in sequestration location
are significant with the exception of As roots-leaves-stems, Cr leaves-stems and Fe leaves-stems and (b) with EDTA – differences in sequestration location
are significant with the exception of As roots-leaves and roots-stems, Cd roots-stems, Cr leaves-stems and Fe leaves-stems.

increase in Cd in the leaves from 0.05 to 0.10 mg g1. H. annuus with EDTA versus plants grown without EDTA.
EDTA also increased Fe uptake to the stems and leaves In another soil study using sunflowers, Turgut et al. (2005)
from 0.71 to 0.93 mg g1 and 0.16 to 0.65 mg g1 biomass demonstrated substantial decreases in plant biomass when
respectively. Although these increases were not significant, EDTA was added.
they are indicative of the formation of EDTA-Fe com- The TF for each treatment are shown in Table 2. The
plexes. The most significant decrease with EDTA was for only effective translocation shown was for Ni without
Ni in the stems, causing it to decrease from 1.98 to EDTA (1.06). The remaining metals were primarily located
0.94 mg g1 biomass (p < 0.05). in the roots. This most significant root contaminant was
The total biomass when EDTA was used, was reduced Fe, which could have inhibited the initial binding of the
by 16% compared to the plants that were not exposed to other metals to the root walls. Fe is an essential plant nutri-
EDTA (1.99 g from 2.38 g, Table 1). The total metal ent necessary for chlorphyll synthesis. It is sometimes
uptake was reduced from 14.95 mg to 13.89 mg with added as a nutrient amendment at contaminated sites to
EDTA, with an uptake selectivity of Fe  As > Cd > improve plant health by increasing the amount of chloro-
Ni > Cr without EDTA and Fe  As > Cd > Cr > Ni, phyll (Keller and Hammer, 2004). A typical mechanism
with EDTA. This shows that despite the slight increase in for counteracting toxic metal levels is for the plant to gen-
metal concentration in the plant tissue, the toxic effects of erate phytosiderophores to preferentially bind more of the
EDTA reduced the actual metal uptake due to the metals essential for growth (Yang et al., 2005). It is possible
decreased biomass. It is not known whether the presence that in the highly toxic hydroponic environment, in which
of EDTA reduced biomass or the stress from increased there were no mass transfer limitations, the plants pro-
uptake of EDTA-metal complexes. In an earlier soil-based duced more phytosiderophores to preferentially uptake Fe.
study, Chen and Cutright (2001) showed a 50% and EDTA did not alter As, Cd or Fe translocation (0.81 vs.
60% decrease in shoot and root biomass of four wk old 0.86, 0.06 vs. 0.07 and 0.02 vs. 0.04 with and without
536 M.C. January et al. / Chemosphere 70 (2008) 531–537

Table 3 The addition of As to the Cd, Cr and Ni exposure served

Shoot concentrations (mg g1) for Sundance sunflowers across all to increase Cd within the root and decrease Cd in the stem.
treatments. Values in bold indicate achievement of hyperaccumulator
This was expected since Cd and As compete for phytochel-
atins. The addition of Fe increased the Cd uptake to the
Treatment (30 mg l1 each metal) Shoot concentration
levels seen without As present. This was most likely
Cd Cr Ni As achieved through the benefit of Fe as a nutrient amend-
Cd, Cr, Ni 1.03 0.4 1.07 ment. Fe addition also increased the translocation of Ni
Cd, Cr, Ni with EDTA 0.64 0.76 0.85 to 1.06, without EDTA. However, As uptake and translo-
As 1.55
As, Cd, Cr, Ni 0.55 0.17 0.75 0.67
cation was not effected by the presence of Cd, Cr and Ni.
As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe 0.75 0.18 0.66 0.96 Sundance cultivars showed a metal uptake preference of
As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe with EDTA 0.64 0.23 0.51 1.15 Fe  As > Cd > Ni > Cr without EDTA and Fe  As >
Cd > Cr > Ni with EDTA. As uptake and translocation
was not affected by other metals, but As decreased Cd
EDTA, respectively). However, the presence of EDTA and Ni stem concentration. The effect of EDTA in the
reduced Cr translocation from 0.55 to 0.31 and Ni translo- hydroponic environment served as a hindrance to metal
cation from 1.06 to 0.76. The selectivity for translocation uptake. With Fe and As present, ETDA decreased Cd in
without EDTA was Ni > As > Cd  Cr > Fe and As > the roots and stems from 2.11 to 1.36 and from 2.83 to
Ni > Cd  Cr > Fe with EDTA, showing that EDTA 2.32 mg g1 biomass, respectively. For the same condi-
inhibited Ni translocation significantly in this case. It is tions, Ni in the stems decreased from 1.98 to 0.94 mg g1,
hypothesized that the presence of Fe aided the transloca- total metal uptake decreased from 14.95 mg to 13.89 mg,
tion of Cd and Cr as a nutrient amendment rather than and total biomass decreased by 84% (2.38 g to 1.99 g). In
limiting uptake by reduction of Fe chelating exudates. this case, EDTA also decreased Cd TF from 0.55 to 0.33
Additionally, As has been shown to complex with Fe and and Ni from 1.06 to 0.76. These results showed an overall
Al (Bagga and Peterson, 2001). Thus Fe may have detoxi- negative effect in addition of EDTA. It is unknown whether
fied some of the As, allowing other metals to achieve the effect of EDTA toxicity or the breaking of phytochela-
greater translocation within the plants. tin-metal bonds. However, EDTA does increase process
The critical result of this project is the achievement of efficiency when soil experiments are conducted.
the dwarf sunflower as hyperaccumulator. As stated ear- Additionally, hyperaccumulator status was achieved in
lier, the qualifications of hyperaccumulators are the ability all studies for As and Cd. Ni hyperaccumulator status
to uptake more than 0.1 mg g1 As or Cd and 1.0 mg g1 was achieved in the presence three metals without EDTA.
Cr or Ni. Table 3 contains the shoot concentrations of Cr hyperaccumulator status was not reached in any of
As, Cd, Cr and Ni for all experiments performed. Arsenic the experiments performed.
hyperaccumulation was achieved in all cases. This is the
first documentation of H. annuus to hyperaccumulate As, Acknowledgements
whether present as an individual contaminant or present
with multiple metals. Cd hyperaccumulator status was also The project was funded by the Ohio Plant Biotechnol-
achieved for all experiments. The ability to hyperaccumu- ogy Consortium. The authors would like to thank Dr. Ran-
late Cd was not surprising since several strains of dwarf dall Mitchell, Biology Department at The University of
sunflowers have been shown to have shoot concentrations Akron. These experiments would not have been possible
of Cd higher than many other plants (Murillo et al., 1999). without his generous use of his greenhouse space.
Cr hyperaccumulator status was not achieved in any of
the treatments indicating that dwarf sunflowers were not
effective Cr hyperaccumulators at these exposure times. References
Ni hyperaccumulator status was only achieved for the
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