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Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth.
These magnificent marine mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet long and
upwards of 200 tons. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their
hearts, as much as an automobile. Not only the largest animal on land and sea,
blue whales are also very intelligent,but this extraordinary animal is used as a
symbol of a deadly challenge.

The "Blue Whale challenge" was reported to be an online "suicide game"

aimed at teenagers which set 50 tasks over 50 days. The challenge was alleged to
be linked to numerous deaths around the world. This game consists of different
tasks/challenges which has to be completed within 50 days and is monitored by an
administrator. With completion of each task, subsequent task becomes more
dangerous and the final challenge is to commit suicide.

It is very painful to hear so many teenagers who are victims of this

challenge. The game is named after its creator, a Russian psychologist, who thinks
that someone who has "no value" should commit suicide like the "stranded" whale
itself. XY is a 17-year-old boy of 11th standard. His class teacher noted a scar
depicting a fish on his left forearm. The teacher reported the school authority who
called the father and advised him to take the student for psychiatric assessment.
There was a history of persistent low mood, low self-esteem, and loss of
concentration for the last 4 years along with disturbed sleep. Father noted for the
last 1 year that his son was irritable and would spend most of the time alone with
his mobile. Patient reported that he was feeling the ending up his life since the
result of the last examination, which he failed, was announced and was exploring
ways online to end up his life. When he came to know about the Blue Whale
Challenge through Facebook's social media site, he happily accepted the
Challenge thinking that it will help him to commit suicide peacefully.

As a teenager sometimes I also felt "no one can understand me." Some
adults think that depression is a normal process towards maturity and they just let
it go. They assume "all that will end automatically". In fact, at times like this,
teenagers need help, attention, a helping hand and hugs and some words like "You
are not worthless. God does not make worthless things". some friends of the
victims said that if the victim joined the challenge because they felt accepted,
many people were like him and had the same problem but they did not help each
other to get out of trouble. They promised together to end life.

I really like blue whales. For me this challenge should not use the word
"blue whale". Blue Whales are very strong, very intelligent and even become a
place to live other fish, reliably. The Blue Whale should be an example for us, not
a symbol of suicide. We can imitate the blue whale, be a strong teenager like the
blue whale, never give up and always believe that we are valuable. Become a
wonderful teen. This case also teaches the importance of paying attention to
children especially teenagers and paying attention to their social media.

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