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Majority Rule and Minority Rights

The principle of majority rule is an important part of the democratic system. The
majority rules in the election process, but individual rights are protected by the
maintenance of decentralized, local government bodies. In a democracy, all levels of
government should be accessible to, and representative of, the people.

Majority rule is a way of organizing government where citizens freely make political decisions
through voting for representatives. The representatives with the most votes then represent the
will of the people through majority rule. Minority rights are rights that are guaranteed to
everyone, even if they are not a part of the majority. These rights cannot be de eliminated by a
majority vote. Minorities must trust that the majority will keep in mind the wishes of the minority
when making decisions that affect everyone. The minority today will not necessarily be the
minority of tomorrow.

Individual Rights

According to (Tomny 2018) Democracies value the protection of individual rights. The word Freedom is
often use as a synonymous with democracy to describe individual liberties afforded in this type of
government. Freedom of speech and religion, protection from unlawful search and seizure are examples
of individual liberties afforded in a democracy. Equal treatment, under the law, is assured for everyone
in a democratic society.

Botswana as a democratic society has individual right for its citizens. Constitution of Botswana 1966
states that, Individual have protection of right to life, protection of right to personal liberty, protection
of right to expression and many other rights. We believe that Botswana has been lacking behind in
terms of protection of individual rights. Although Botswana is protecting and promoting individual rights
as a democratic country there instances where they fail to protect individual rights. Subsection (1) states
that, Except with his own consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his of expression,
that is to say, freedom to hold opinions without interference, freedom to receive ideas and information
without interference freedom to communicate ideas and information without interference. ( whether
the communication be to the public generally or to other persons or class of persons) and freedom

In reference to the above sub section, Most Batswana are denied the liberty to expression. Many
journalists around the country are being denied it because once they post or release news that are
factual they can be taken into order by the law. There are cases where by people are being charged by
the police because they expressed their opinions to the public through social media platforms. These is a
clear sign that protection of freedom of expression or speech

Free and Fair Elections

The key to the exercise of democracy is the election process. Free and Fair Elections are held at regular
intervals for the election of representatives at all levels of government. In a free democratic elections, all
adult citizens are given the right to cast votes which in theory, ensures that the will of the people will be
expressed (Tomyn 2018).

After Every 5 years, Botswana conducts the general elections. The main electoral system used is The
First Past The Post. According to The Hindu (2019) The first past the post system is also known as simple
majority system. In this method, the candidate with the highest number of votes in a constituency is
declared the winner. In Botswana the general elections are coordinated by an independent body called
the Independent Electoral Commission. The IEC states their main mandate is to Conduct and
supervision of elections of the elected members of the the national assembly and of the local authority.
Ensuring that elections are conducted efficiently, properly, freely and fairly. Lastly performing other
functions as may be prescribed by an act of parliament. Although there was chaos during and after the
2019 general elections which were caused by the suspicions that the elections were rigged by the IEC
and the ruling party . However, IEC Botswana has been able to Conduct free and Fair Elections for many
past years.

Citizen Participation
Citizens of a democracy not only have the right to vote, but also the responsibility to
participate. Informed participation is key in a democracy. When the people elect their
representatives, they are ensuring the preservation of the democratic process
Engaged citizenship is essential in a healthy democracy.

Cooperation and Compromise

Democracies also value cooperation and compromise to protect individual rights. To
adequately safeguard diversity, and accurately represent all communities, a
democracy must protect the right to be different. Anti-discrimination is at the heart of a
true democracy. The freedom to assemble and voice opinion drives government
accountability to ensure that underrepresented people have the same rights as the

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