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Clarity Course SWIPE EMAILS


DAY 1, morning - The rules have changed

DAY 1, afternoon - Attract wealth? Is that even possible?
DAY 2, morning - When obscurity paves the path to clarity
DAY 2, afternoon - Only the last can be first, this Thursday
DAY 3, morning - Ever wonder, “what’s my purpose?”
DAY 3, afternoon - The terror of paying off your last debt
DAY 3, evening - Generate revenue NOW!
DAY 4, early morning - Need to fix cashflow immediately?
DAY 4, 12 pm - Cash giveaway, will you be the winner?
DAY 4, 3 pm - Special delivery, your CLARITY arrives in 1 hour
DAY 4, 4pm - You coming?


DAY BEFORE THE WEBINAR - Here’s the video I promised you


DAY 1/10, morning - Not sure how to pay your bills?

DAY 1/10, afternoon - Free for a year!
DAY 2/11, morning - Quickest path to prosperity
DAY 2/11, afternoon - Don’t wait, generate revenue NOW!
DAY 3/13, morning - The ONE THING that will KILL your Best Offer
DAY 3/13, afternoon - “Lost my job, but then I saw this…”
DAY 4/14, 3 am - The celebrity I encountered at Home Depot
DAY 4/14, 6 am - These FREEBIES will make you money
DAY 4/14, 9 am - Pop Quiz: What is the MOST VALUABLE IDEA in all of history? [Answer
DAY 4/14, 12 pm - Solve your cashflow issue TODAY
DAY 4/14, 3 pm - 12 months access, FREE
DAY 4/14, 3:45 pm - My promise to you, if...

DAY 1, morning

SUBJECT: The rules have changed

You already know it’s chaos out there right now.

The whole mess has just turned the world upside down.

Many business owners have closed their doors.

Many people have been laid off.

And it seems like it might get worse before it gets better.

And yet…

What if there is a different way to approach this situation?

Discover the “Different Way” - CLICK HERE >>>

I’ve been running my online business since 2005, and I can tell you for sure that now is the best
time there has ever been to start a new business online (or take your brick & mortar biz

And yet I am flooded with questions every day, from people who want to know, “Is it really the
right time?”…

…quickly followed by, “What should I DO? I’m so confused!”

It seems there’s ONE THING everyone’s looking for.


That’s why I’m giving you a free Masterclass this week in my freshly-revised CLARITY

Join This Masterclass To Learn...

1. The simple key to actually finding clarity. Making progress towards your goals and
dreams. Now is the time to make your dream life your real life.

2. How to recover every dollar you've ever invested... in programs, seminars,

workshops, coaching, etc… and have that money be multiplied back to you.

3. How To Finally discover the calm, confident feeling of knowing precisely what to
do. And not just WHAT to do, but why are you doing it, and how it's going to turn out.
CLICK HERE NOW to join me for this ALL-NEW Masterclass, and I'll show you how to do
all this and more. >>>

Plus, somebody on Thursday’s Masterclass will win $1,000 in FREE MONEY!

Click HERE and SIGN UP NOW >>>

To Your Prosperity,

Ray Edwards

DAY 1, afternoon

SUBJECT: Attract wealth? Is that even possible?

PREVIEW TEXT: Sounds far fetched...

Have you, like many, encountered uncertainty will all that’s going on in the world?

Possibly even financial uncertainty?

Perhaps you’ve wondered if starting an online business is the right move for you.

How do you get started?

How do you know where to find customers?

How do you plan your time, your content, your prospecting efforts?

The truth is, you really CAN attract wealth, as crazy as that may sound.


There are MANY so-called “gurus” showing up in your social media feed saying… “this way…
I’ll show you how… do this… buy this… follow me!”

How can you be sure you’re making the right choices as you build your business in the “new

The “Clear Path” forward begins by… CLICKING HERE >>>

For the past 15 years, through up markets and down markets, I’ve been running my online
business and helping people just like you succeed.
I’m going to share… for FREE… my methods for finding the CLEAR PATH, even in the cloudy
mists of chaos going on all around us even as we speak.

During this Thursday’s CLARITY CLASS, you’ll learn how to attract wealth AND prosper in
the new economy... even if you’re just beginning and really have no clue what to do.

This is your first step towards CLARITY.


If you stay with me all the way to the end of Thursday’s CLARITY CLASS… and if you
participate all the way through… you will automatically be entered to win a $1,000 cash prize at
the end of the class!

That’s right, I’m giving away $1,000 is cash!

CLICK HERE NOW to join me for this ALL-NEW “Clarity Class” where you’re clear the
mist, see the way forward, and have the chance to win $1,000 CASH!

I can’t wait to see you there so we can discuss the best, right, SURE next steps you must take
to get clarity on your calling, mission, market, message, and business plan.

To Your Clarity & Prosperity,


 DAY 2, morning

SUBJECT: When obscurity paves the path to clarity

PREVIEW TEXT: The murky magic born in uncertain times

When the world seems dark and the way forward is all but invisible, something special happens.

It happened back in 2008 when the Great Recession wreaked havoc.

Suddenly, all the distracting unimportant things faded away.

As they faded, what mattered most came into focus.

And though at first I wasn’t sure how I’d whether the storm, the new focus I had lead to one of
the best years I’ve ever had in my business.

Because... that focus made my work, my mission, and my plan... crystal clear.

Thankfully, I’d had mentors who taught me how to see through the obscurity, and my business
nearly doubled during one of the worst economies in recent memory.

The current obscurity all around you now presents a GREAT opportunity, like it did for me.

And I’d like to share with you how to find the focus that will pave your way to success despite
the “new normal” we’re living through.

This Thursday at 4 p.m. pacific time, consider joining me for a FREE “Clarity Class.”

When you stay to the end of the masterclass, you’ll automatically be entered into a $1,000
cash giveaway.

All you have to do is participate throughout the class and stay until the very end to have your
chance at the free cash.

But the free cash is only the beginning…


...armed with the methods I’ll teach you, you’ll have the tools to melt the mist of obscurity away
and make real, measurable, serious progress…

...even if the pandemic and it’s ripple effects gets worse.

CLICK HERE to join me and take your first steps towards the light of clarity and what can
still be your best year ever.

To Your Prosperity,


DAY 2, afternoon

SUBJECT: May I send you $1,000

PREVIEW TEXT: Here’s a different sort of “stimulus check”...
Here’s how to get $1,000 cash.

Just join us on Thursday’s “Clarity Class”... and stick around until the end…

Those who stay until the very end of this ALL-NEW “Clarity Class” will be the first entered into
our exclusive CASH GIVEAWAY.

And the lucky winner will receive $1,000!

But what you’ll learn during the “Clarity Class” is worth many multiples of the $1,000 giveaway

Because my promise to you is: in this class, you will receive the CLARITY you so desperately
need in today’s world.

So make sure you register for the “Clarity Class” this Thursday at 4 p.m. pacific time.

Are you ready to finally see clearly through the clutter, and start building your prosperous

And do you want to do it with a precise, defined, intentional, unwavering and CLEAR plan?


Because that’s exactly what we’re going to help you do during the “Clarity Class.”

Simply CLICK HERE to save your seat... and DON’T FORGET to stay until the end so you
can be entered to win $1,000 cash!

I’ll see you soon!

To Your Clarity & Prosperity,


DAY 3, morning

SUBJECT: Ever wonder, “what’s my purpose?”

PREVIEW TEXT: You’re not alone...
For many, the only thing worse than feeling purposeless… trying to build a sustainable income in your business...

...and getting nowhere FAST!

At least you know what to expect when you’re stuck in the repetitive spiral of wondering, “what’s
my purpose?”

Getting nowhere FAST...

...while spending even more money, you may or may not have…

...turns the guilt of not knowing your purpose into a shower of shame.

But business owners and freelancers who have clarity are different.

For them, working on their business every day is full of real, tangible results.

Money comes in.

Clients come knocking.

Debts disappear.

Guilt and shame vanish.

Do business owners and freelancers with clarity know something you don’t know?

They probably do.

They know how...

...despite down markets, pandemics and fear flooding the world… to take the next right steps that lead to their goal.

They can see the way forward with CLARITY.

I want you to have the same gift of clarity in your business.

To turn your, “I wonder what my purpose is”...

...into the wonder of a business that prospers despite the ups and downs all around you...

...I hope you’ll consider joining me this Thursday for the ALL-NEW “Clarity Class.”

It’s time to get out of the repetitive spiral of purposelessness and begin prospering.

And speaking of prospering… lucky attendee of this Thursday’s “Clarity Class” will win our $1,000 cash prize.

To be sure you’re entered to win, all you have to do is participate throughout the class and stay
until the VERY end.

To join me for this FREE, and ALL-NEW “Clarity Class” on Thursday at 4 p.m. pacific time…


To Your Clarity & Prosperity,


DAY 3, afternoon

SUBJECT: About your $1,000 cash

PREVIEW TEXT: The only way to get it

I’ll get to the $1,000 cash in a moment. But before I do consider this question…

Have you ever finished paying your monthly bills and been filled with rage?

Watching your hard-earned money slip through your fingers to keep the lending company’s fat is
one of the most frustrating experiences ever.

I know this frustration all too well.

You see colleagues and family members spending their “disposable income” on vacations and
boats and all sorts.

And the rage quickly turns into self-ridicule.

The humiliation is relentless.

The immovable mountain of debt pins you to the floor of your extinct self-esteem.

The worst part is, it seems like there’s no way out.

Just the thought of paying off your last debt, as glorious as that would be, brings a wave of
spine-tingling terror.

Because the amount of effort it takes to climb out from the avalanche of your once hopeful
future is too tremendous to even contemplate.

Please hear me when I tell you…

There IS another way!

I promise!

You don’t have to settle.

You don’t have to erase your ambition.

You don’t have to suffocate under it all anymore.

I found a way out.

A way I want to share with you.

Will you join me tomorrow afternoon for a FREE web class so I can share how you can escape?

During this “Clarity Class,” I’ll show you how to quickly get unstuck and easily… even though it
sounds too good to be true… get a clear vision for how to prosper and even… actually… pay off
your LAST crushing debt.

Minus the terror.

Will you join me?

If you do…

...and if you stay until the very end…’ll be automatically entered to win $1,000 cash!

What have you got to lose?


But imagine the possibilities!

Let me give you a hand so you can get out from under the avalanche.

It’s time to take the “new path” and get the clarity and prosperity you deserve.

I’ll be with you every step of the way.

CLICK HERE to save your seat for tomorrow’s “Clarity Class” now.

To Your Prosperity,


 DAY 3, evening

SUBJECT: Generate revenue NOW!

PREVIEW TEXT: Plus these FREE tools

Are you out of work? Laid off? Downsized?

Not sure how to pay your bills?

Will your stimulus or unemployment check arrive too late?

I have a solution that can fix almost any cashflow problem, in almost any business, ALMOST

And I’ll share it with you tomorrow during a FREE masterclass at 4 p.m. pacific time.


I’ll show you how to get the following tools, also for FREE!

● Complete copywriting templates to launch your product, course, or membership in a

matter of days.
● Avoid tech headaches with ready-to-go, structured, honed, and tested funnels proven
in my own business.
● “Social Media Selling Machine” content for a year!

If you’ve got 60 to 75 minutes tomorrow, I guarantee to show you how to work a prosperity
miracle in your life and business.

CLICK HERE to save your seat so you don’t miss this FREE class.

Are you ready to finally solve your cashflow issues with total, unwavering clarity?

Now is YOUR time.

CLICK HERE to join me tomorrow.

To Your Prosperity,


PS - Be sure to stay to the very end. I’m giving away $1,000 and the only way to have a chance
at winning is to participate throughout the class, and stick around until the very end. CLICK
HERE to save your seat now.

 DAY 4, early morning

SUBJECT: Need to fix cashflow immediately?


Has the present crisis left you in a financial bind?

You’re not alone..

Which is why I’d like to give you the tools we use in our business… for FREE!

During today’s “Clarity Class” at 4 pm pacific time…

...I’m giving you the first steps you need to solve your financial situation.


...I’m showing how to get the tools we use in our business to generate cash quickly.
We’ve turned an entire sequence of launch copy… and the funnels… into templates for you.

As soon as you get them, you can put them to work... immediately!

All you have to do is personalize them.

That digital course or product or membership site you’ve been thinking about launching…


And THESE are the tools you need.

We’ve already proven them for you in our business.

Now you get to use them in yours.

In a matter of days, you can launch and start bringing in cash.

To join me for this FREE “Clarity Class,” and to learn how you can get these tools for FREE…

...CLICK HERE now!

To Your Prosperity,


PS - Stay until the end of today’s “Clarity Class” to be entered into our $1,000 cash giveaway.
But even if you don’t win, you’ll have the tools to bring many multiples of that amount QUICKLY!

CLICK HERE to save your seat.

 DAY 4, 12 pm

SUBJECT: Cash giveaway, will you be the winner?

PREVIEW TEXT: Who will the lucky winner be?

What would you do with an extra $1,000?

I can think of PLENTY of things I’d do.

Today at 4 pm pacific time, I’ll give away $1,000 cash!

The only thing you have to do to be entered to win this cash is…

First, CLICK HERE and save your seat for the “Clarity Class” at 4 pm today…

Second, participate throughout the class…


Third, stay until the VERY end of the class.

But even if you don’t win the $1,000 cash, you’ll have the tools to finally see what’s next for you
on the road to prosperity, even, and ESPECIALLY in these uncertain times.

That’s what this ALL-NEW “Clarity Class” is all about.

To save your seat, CLICK HERE now!

See you very soon!

To Your Prosperity,


DAY 4, 3 pm

SUBJECT: Special delivery, your CLARITY arrives in 1 hour

PREVIEW TEXT: Are you ready?

Just wait until you see what I have in store for you…


A completely FREE bonus training just for joining me for the ALL-NEW “Clarity Class” starting
1 hour from now… at 4 pm pacific time.

Plus, you’ll learn…

● The simple key to actually finding clarity and making progress towards your goals
and dreams.
● How to recover every dollar you've ever invested in programs, seminars,
workshops, coaching, etc… and have that money be multiplied back to you.
● How To Finally discover the calm, confident feeling of knowing precisely what to
do, why are you doing it, and how it's going to turn out.

Will you join me to learn how to prosper in the new economy?

Just CLICK HERE to save your seat.

I’ll see you in just under an hour!

To Your Prosperity,


 DAY 4, 4 pm

SUBJECT: You coming?

PREVIEW TEXT: We just started…

The “Clarity Class” just started.

But it’s not too late.

CLICK HERE to join us…

...and stay until the end to have a chance at winning $1,000 cash!

See you in a sec.

To Your Prosperity,




SUBJECT: Here’s the video I promised you

PREVIEW TEXT: Your subconscious wealth reprogramming inside…

As promised, I’m sending you this video all about your subconscious programming when it
comes to money.

All you have to do is watch the video, and this reprogramming will work for you automatically.

Please take a few minutes to watch BEFORE you attend tomorrow’s “Clarity Class.”

You’ll get the best possible return from our time together if you do.

Tune in to discover…

● (2:29) Why you should stop being weirded out by the Law of Attraction. The
techniques I’ll share actually made the right things come alive in your life, instead of
wasting time with any kind of unsubstantial wish-fulfillment.
● (4:07) The Apostle Paul’s secret to reprogramming your subconscious. Without it,
your chances of achieving the wealth you desire are dead in the water.
● (6:49) An automated thought pattern you can use to conquer the damaging
programming you inherited from the experiences of your youth. I’ll teach you how
to use your brain to destroy the poisonous platitudes holding you back from true
● (12:51) The “opposite” exercise to reversing your incorrect assumptions about
money. It may take 30 minutes or so, but if done correctly, its effects will have lasting
● (14:26) My wealth “Credo” that sounds to many like a delusional man’s delirious
daydream. This completely reprograms my mind every time I passionately recite it and
attracts wealth into my life and my business.
● And much more…

Click the link below (or my face above) to tune it so you can get the MOST from our time
together during tomorrow’s “Clarity Class.”

To Your Prosperity,



 DAY 1, morning

SUBJECT: Not sure how to pay your bills?

PREVIEW: Here’s how to fix that...

Has the current climate ruined your ability to pay your bills?

Have you thought...

“I need money now. I can wait for a stimulus check or unemployment benefits.”

I have a solution for you.

One you can start implementing IMMEDIATELY.

Here’s a video all about it.

Tune in to this video, which is a replay of a LIVE web class we held yesterday, to learn how you
can solve your cashflow issue ASAP!


Now is the time to act.

The opportunity is yours for the taking.

To Your Prosperity,


DAY 1, afternoon

SUBJECT: Free for a year!

PREVIEW: My complete 8-part system

During yesterday’s “Clarity Class,” I let the cat out of the bag.

You can get an ENTIRE year of FREE access to my complete, 8-part, proven,
bypass-your-competition process.

It’s the exact process I’ve used to build my personality-based, purpose-driven business.

It’s all available inside the program you’ll get FREE access to… the Miracle Factor Membership.
But that’s just ONE of the THIRTEEN hot benefits I discussed during the “Clarity Class.”


There are 4 other FREEBIES available to you, which I tell you about in this video… and they’re
worth a total value of $19,200!

Don’t wait! The time to act is NOW!

You can only get access to these freebies for the next few days.

On Tuesday, April 14th at 4 pm pacific time, these freebies go back into the vault.

Click the image below to check out the details…

If you want to skip the bulk of the class and get right to the point of all these freebies, skip ahead
to the 37:32 minute mark.

Or… CLICK HERE to tune in.

This is YOUR moment, and I’m determined to help you as much as possible.

Please click the link above to let me help you fix your financial issues ASAP!

To Your Prosperity,

 DAY 2, morning

SUBJECT: Quickest path to prosperity

PREVIEW: With this, you can get results in DAYS!

Are you ready to make some money?

Don’t worry, we’ve done just about ALL the work for you.

And you get to keep ALL the money.

With the free bundle we’ve put together for you, you can literally start bringing in sales even
before your stimulus check arrives.

No joke!

Not only have we done 95% of the promo writing for you…FOR FREE...

Not only have we taken care of 95% of the tech setup for you…FOR FREE...

Not only have we provided an ENTIRE year’s worth of content in the “Social Media Selling
Machine” for you... FOR FREE…

But we’ve also created an ENTIRE PRODUCT for you… FOR FREE!

Here’s how it works:

When you join the all-new “Clarity Course,” you get a complete BUSINESS-IN-A-BOX for FREE

● A license to re-sell your own “Clarity Course” to your list. You don’t even have to
create a product, we’ve done it all for you! Use the EXACT sales page, webinar,
webinar slides, webinar registration page, funnels, and email sequences we used to
launch the “Clarity Course.” You get to keep ALL THE MONEY!
● Complete copywriting templates to launch your own product, course, or
membership as soon as you take a few minutes to personalize these proven templates
for Facebook Ads, Emails, Landing Pages, Lead Magnets, Webinars, and Sales Pages.
● Ready-to-deploy, structured, honed, and tested funnels proven in my own
business so you can completely avoid just about ALL tech headaches.
● PLUS… and ENTIRE YEAR of access to my “Social Media Selling Machine” and
“Miracle Factor Membership” so you can start scaling your business IMMEDIATELY!
With all this, you can literally go from ZERO to MONEY IN THE BANK in as little as a day if you
really hustle…

...or a couple days is you really drag your feet.

To start making money QUICK…

...CLICK HERE to join the “Clarity Class.”

But hurry… this offer expires on Tuesday, April 14th, at 4 pm pacific time.

To Your Prosperity,


 DAY 2, afternoon

SUBJECT: Don’t wait, generate revenue NOW!

PREVIEW: Steal my stuff, it works!

Despite the fear-mongering you hear on the news just about 24/7 right now…

...there’s a HUGE opportunity for go-getters like you.

The number of people who want to learn how to make money online has gone through the roof.

There’s never been a better time to grow your list, release a digital product, and start an entirely
new business or wing of your business.


To take QUICK advantage of the opportunity, now you don’t even have to create a product.

You can sell my brand new course, the “Clarity Course,” and keep ALL the money.

100% affiliate commissions are all yours when you join the “Clarity Course” before Tuesday,
April 14th, at 4 pm pacific time when this offer shuts down.

Use my emails, my webinar, my sales page, my funnels, EVERYTHING.

All you have to do is push it out to your list.

And if you don’t have a list yet, we’ve got you covered.

One of the 6 proven copywriting templates included in the “Clarity Course” is a Facebook Ad

And Facebook Ads are about 50% cheaper than they’ve been for the past 2 or 3 years.

For a TINY investment, you can make your money back and MUCH MORE without having to do
almost anything.

Just plug in your personality into the templates… if you want… and hit the GO button.

If you act quickly, you could be making money by tea time tomorrow…

...or at the latest… the middle of next week.

To get started now… CLICK HERE!

To Your Prosperity,


DAY 3, morning

SUBJECT: The ONE THING that will KILL your Best Offer
PREVIEW: Beware!

This is one of my most valuable lessons, and if you read this entire email, you will be an expert
on how to avoid this problem.

Stick with me, it’s worth it.

First, let’s assume that you have a great offer. I don’t mean you have something that you’re
trying to make seem as though it’s great. I mean that out of desperation or appreciation you’ve
concocted some sort of promotion that your customers should want to buy. Something that, in
your eyes, they would be foolish to pass on.

And then… it flops.

Why? What happened?

Let me share a story that will clarify things.

When I first moved to Spokane, Washington, I was in the radio business.

You may not know a lot about the ins and outs of that business, but you’ve likely seen or heard
a radio station broadcasting live from a local business in order to promote something. In the
radio industry, those are called “remotes.”

I was just getting settled into my new job, which was largely a managerial role. I had never been
“on-air” in Spokane.

However, in my first week there, I was told I would have to do a remote broadcast from a new
client’s car detailing business.

The client had purchased remotes from all 5 of our radio stations and my broadcast was number
4 of 5 of the back-to-back remotes.

The promotion: They were giving away a free car detailing valued at $75.

I was overjoyed with that offer. This would be an easy broadcast and I could get great results for
this client.

On most occasions, you’re asked to take a “not so great promotion” and make it sound valuable.
But a free detailing? That’s a GREAT promotion.

Why wouldn’t someone want that? How could it fail?

As I was driving to the location, I tuned in to the station that was doing the current remote. The
deejay was talking about free t-shirts, saying hi to her… the “added value” in the radio world...
which shouldn’t be needed in this case.

In this case, we had REAL value. Why did she sound desperate? What was going on there?
What was the catch to this deal?

When I arrived, the deejay told me that things were going terribly. The client was unhappy, the
sales rep who sold them the remote wasn’t happy. The only people who were possibly happy
were the detailers who were getting paid to do nothing.
I was a little panicky at this point. The air talent before me had a morning show on one of the
most popular stations in the city. She had fans, credibility, a history in this market, and NONE of
her people were showing up.

I had no star power. No one knew my name, and I was on a news talk station. What chance
would I have?

I went to the frustrated owner, introduced myself, and asked one important question. The same
question that every listener had, but hadn’t been given an answer to...

“What’s the catch?”

The owner said...

“There is no catch. It’s a free detail!”

He was frustrated, I could tell. but I had to be sure.

“Do they have to sign up for anything?” I asked.

“I don’t even need to know their name,” he replied.

That’s it. I had all I needed.

On my first break, I said something to the effect of...

“Today you can get your car detailed for free. Why? Because even if God himself detailed your
car today, you will get it dirty again.

“These folks want you to see the kind of work they’re capable of and they want you to come
back next time and pay $75 to get it looking great.

“But today, it’s free! You don’t have to sign anything, talk to anybody about committing to
anything in the future, or any other bad thing you’re thinking. There is no catch!”


I swear to you that before we had rejoined our regularly scheduled programming, we had four
cars pull in the lot and a steady stream for the rest of the day.

There are only four basic kinds of promotions (a lesson for another time) and people have seen
them all, time and time again.
If you’re doing an offer that you know is valuable, you need to ask yourself the same questions
that your customers will have and you need to answer them upfront.

Otherwise, you will be dismissed as “too good to be true” or “I know what comes next…”

Here’s the one-sentence version of everything above...

When you can eliminate doubt, do it!

We’re trained to be careful about promotions and protective of our money. If your offer is
legitimately great, anticipate the assumptions of your audience and eliminate them one by one.

Your promotion is nothing without the right words. It’s not just about clear communication, but
about knowing what to communicate in the first place.

People who try to hide the fine print are either trying to do something shady, or they know that
their offer isn’t all that great to begin with.

Take this lesson to heart. It truly is one of the key factors between the amazing success or tragic
failure of your promotion.

And speaking of amazing promotions, now’s you’re chance to completely and ethically steal one
of mine lock, stalk, and barrel.

You can use every single piece of the puzzle without paying me a penny!

All the details are here…

To Your Prosperity,


DAY 3, afternoon

SUBJECT: “Lost my job, but then I saw this…”


Months from now, many will be telling the story of how they survived losing their job during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
They’ll say something like…

“I got laid off… but then I saw…


‘’And THAT made ALL the difference.”

Will you be one of the success stories?

We’ve done everything possible to make sure you WILL!

You don’t have to worry about ANY of the most common obstacles to making money online
because we’ve done all the hard work for you.

You can start making money almost immediately...

● WITHOUT creating a product. You can sell the “Clarity Course” right away. You won’t
have to spend weeks and months outlining, recording, writing, or validating a new digital
course. We’ve done all that for you.
● WITHOUT writing a sales page or sales email. A new digital course launch requires
lots of copywriting. But with the Quickstart templates we’ve provided for Facebook Ads,
Landing Pages, Webinars, Emails, and Sales Pages... all you have to do is personalize
them. We’re even sharing the EXACT emails we used to sell this course. They’re yours
to use.
● WITHOUT dealing with the headaches of launch technology setup. The most
common hang-up with course lunches is the tech. But we’ve taken care of that too.
We’re giving you our EXACT funnel, ready-to-go, so you can plug your personalized
copy in and launch almost immediately.
● WITHOUT worrying about paying us any affiliate commissions. Most marketers
require a commission when you sell their products. But you get to keep 100% of the
money you make when you sell the “Clarity Course.”
● WITHOUT getting stuck in the Social Media content hamster wheel. You’ll get an
entire year’s worth of access to my “Social Media Selling Machine.” That’s and whole
year’s worth of Social Media posts already written for you.

You can sell a different course if you want…

And use your own copy and funnels if you want...

But, that will take time. Time you could use to make more sales and serve your new customers.
If you’re ready to get going NOW… we’ve done it ALL for you.

Just CLICK HERE, enroll in the “Clarity Course,” and get back on your feet quick!

Ah, the stories you’ll have to tell when the crisis ends!

Here’s the door >>>

To Your Prosperity,


PS - Solving your “downsized,” “laid off,” or “out of work” problem is FOR REAL. But this offer
ends tomorrow, Tuesday, April 14th, at 4 p.m. pacific time.

Don’t miss this extremely unique opportunity to start making money almost immediately!

Just click the link below to get started.

DAY 4, 3 am

SUBJECT: The celebrity I encountered at Home Depot

PREVIEW: It was a trip to remember!

A couple of months before the big lockdown, my wife Lynn talked me into going to the Home
Depot with her.

I know there are many homeowners and hobbyists who could spend hours in Home Depot or
the like, but I am NOT one of them.

I am NOT a handyman. There, I admitted it.

Lynn wanted to repaint some of the walls in our home and the trip to Home Depot was simply to
make a decision on the color.

She knows I’m terrible at painting, but I’m excellent at pointing at things that I like.

We agreed that I would give my input, but we were absolutely not going to DIY this project.
Then we met Bill.

Bill was clad in his orange apron complete with Jackson Pollock style stains and was equipped
with one of the friendliest smiles I have ever seen.

He seemed genuinely excited that we were there talking to him about paint. That baffled me, but
I swear to you it’s true. For whatever reason, Bill has a passion for paint.

Lynn did most of the talking as I sat silently… wondering how long my “quick trip to Home
Depot” would actually be “quick.”

Then, something happened. Bill asked me, “Do you do much reading in that room?”

That instantly got my attention. I have no interest in paint, but I read every day of my life.

How could these things be related? What is this correlation between reading and paint that has
eluded me all of my life? I must know more!

“Why, yes Bill. I do read a lot in that room. Why do you ask?”

He launched into a brilliant talk about lighting, colors, calm environments, and scientific studies
that basically left me feeling like this paint choice was going to have more of an effect on my life
than I could have ever realized.

How is this possible? How did I go from reluctantly going to Home Depot to point at a sample to
walking out of the store carrying three kinds of brushes, a drip cloth, and two gallons of paint?

Is Bill the greatest salesperson of all time? Was I manipulated into this purchase? The answer to
both of those questions is... NO.

Bill hadn’t “sold” me anything or manipulated me in any way. Bill had simply infected me with his
enthusiasm. He made a connection with me and changed my perspective on this particular
thing. He got me excited about paint.

As we were wrapping up, I said, “So, Bill, do you happen to have a Youtube channel?” He
smiled and said in an “aww shucks” kind of tone, “Nope. I doubt there’s anyone who’d spend
time watching me talk about paint.”

I wasn’t surprised at his answer, but I was disappointed in his reason. This guy has no idea how
much value he is capable of creating. I’m telling you, he could have a million subscribers in a
year with no problem. He could have sponsors, He could have fans. He could spread joy and
enthusiasm about something that most people dread.
So why can I see this and he can’t?

The answer is simple. Bill is thinking about the people he knows in his life, not one of which
shares his passion for paint. That’s why he thinks no one is interested. That’s why he smiles
when someone approaches him when he’s behind that counter.

What he’s not thinking is that every day, there are hundreds, thousands, potentially millions of
people who are looking for guidance on “his thing.” They just don’t happen to wander up to “his

I’m telling you this story because we all have “a thing.” Every day of your life, someone,
somewhere wants advice about your thing.

You’ve got to stop thinking about the tiny fraction of the population you physically encounter and
start thinking on a global scale.

The internet gives you access to billions of people and I can promise you, regardless of how
many people are already doing “your thing”, there will be people out there who connect to you.
People who want to learn from you because they like the way you teach more than any of the
other teachers out there.

Bill is a celebrity, he just doesn’t know it... yet!

When this lockdown phase of life is over, I’ll go see him and offer some help on reaching his
potential… that’s “my thing.”

During this lockdown, think about “your thing” as if there were thousands of people who wanted
to know all about it. Gaming, fashion, real estate, payphone repair… it doesn’t matter how
crowded the space or how small the niche, your audience is out there.

Now is the time to be clear on what you want out of life.

Take the thing you’re passionate about and make it profitable.

Is it a lot of work? Yes.

Does it feel like work? No.

Do you need a lot of tools? No.

You probably have all you need to get started in your pocket or in your hand.

The only thing you’re missing is Clarity.

Clarity on your mission, strategy, and tactics.

I can teach you everything you need to improve your life in my brand new “Clarity Course.”

Stop wasting your talent. Stop undervaluing your knowledge. Start doing what needs to be done
in a clear series of steps.

Click here to get started.

I’m truly looking forward to watching you prosper.


PS - But to get my help finding Clarity, you need to act FAST! This offer expires TOMORROW at
4 pm pacific time. CLICK HERE.

DAY 4, 6 am

SUBJECT: These FREEBIES will make you money



And while eventually, the current crisis will be contained, the effects will be felt for a long time to

Welcome to the "New Normal."

Would you like some FREEBIES to go with your “New Normal”?

I’ve got some serious goodies in store for you.

All designed to make you money ASAP!

Introducing the “Clarity Course.”

It’s a brand-new, easy-to-implement system you can use to make this “new normal”
You can enter with NO plan, NO idea, NO list, NO product, NO CLUE what to do, and leave with
a simple, easy to understand, custom-created blueprint showing you every step you need to
take next to make your dream life your real life.

When you enroll in the “Clarity Course,” I’ll give you the following money-making FREEBIES:

● A license to STEAL this course and sell it as your own. You keep ALL the money!
● Two LIVE follow-up “implementation coaching” calls. Ask any questions you have
and my personal feedback on your progress.
● Complete business set-up “Sales-Copy-In-A-Box” including plug-and-play
templates for your… Facebook Ads, Landing Pages, Lead Magnets, Email Sequences,
Webinars, and Sales Pages.
● Pre-configured sales funnels so you won’t get hung up on tech! Tech is the thing
that stops most good ideas from turning into real launches with real money. With these
funnels, you’re WAY ahead of the curve.

Like I said before… “These FREEBIES will make you money!”

All you have to do is enroll in the new “Clarity Course,” which you can easily pay off with your
1st sale of your own “Clarity Course.”

Just 1 sale and you’ve recouped your costs.

But all the other sales = PROFIT!

Are you ready to start making some profit?

CLICK HERE to enroll now.

To Your Prosperity,


PS - Registration for the “Clarity Course” closes TODAY at 4 p.m. pacific time. CLICK HERE to
get in before the doors close.

 DAY 4, 9 am

SUBJECT: Pop Quiz: What is the MOST VALUABLE IDEA in all of history?
PREVIEW: [Answer inside]
You might think that trying to quantify the most valuable idea in our existence on this planet is

But stay with me and I’ll prove that it’s not.

If I asked you to list our Top Ten Greatest Achievements as a species, your list would probably
be different from mine:

● Control of fire
● Creation of the wheel
● Developing spoken language
● Developing the written word
● Harnessing electricity
● The printing press
● Antibiotics
● Preserving Images
● Preserving Sound
● Achieving flight

So, if we can’t even agree on the Top 10, how could we agree on the Most Valuable Idea in all
of history? Here’s the easy answer:


Ideas are not achievements. Period.

I have talked to so many people who have an “idea worth millions.”

Maybe they ask what I think because I’m a marketer and they want to hear me say, “Wow, the
market would eat that up!” or some such thing.

The problem is, they DO NOTHING with their idea other than brag about having it.

Ideas aren’t worth anything! Only the actions they inspire can have value.

If everything in my list above had stopped at the idea phase, it’s safe to say that neither of us
would exist.

You may very well have an idea that, if acted upon, could change the world. Or at least, change
your life.

Whether it’s a business idea, an idea to repair a relationship, an idea for the next great novel,
It will not affect your life or the lives of others if it stays between your ears.

Now is the time to take what you’ve been carrying around inside your mind and do something
with it.

There is no such thing as a “million-dollar idea.” But that is where all “million-dollar actions”

If you need help turning your idea into action, please carve out some time for my all-new “Clarity

It will help you get out of the idea phase and into the action phase. The life-changing phase.

Get a clear picture of what your idea looks like when it is laid out in action steps that take it from
thought to reality.

People less capable than you do this every single day!

“But Ray, you don’t know my capabilities. How can you possibly make a statement like that?”

Because I can guarantee that whatever your excuse is for not getting started has already been
overcome by many.

Finances, health, physical challenges…. even gravity for God’s sake!

Whatever you think is holding you back, it’s been beaten over and over again.

If I’m wrong, click reply and tell me about it. Otherwise…

● Stop talking yourself out of being successful.

● Don’t be a financial victim during the next pandemic or other crisis.
● Take as much control over your life as humanly possible.
● Get CLEAR on what you want out of life NOW! It’s shorter than you think!

Whatever it is that you want to pursue, here’s your first action to achieve it:


To Your Prosperity,

 DAY 4, 12 pm

SUBJECT: Solve your cashflow issue TODAY

PREVIEW: [Doors close in 4 hours]

We put our heads together to think about what we could do so help you solve your current
cashflow issues.

We came up with the all-new “Clarity Course.”

But 4 hours from now, your FREE LICENSE to solve your cashflow issue by selling my “Clarity
Course” goes away forever.

This brand-new course comes with a complete, done-for-you, Business-In-A-Box.

Inside you’ll find all the copy you need, all the tech you need, free coaching calls, and more.

Plus, you’ll get FREE access to my “Social Media Selling Machine” AND “Miracle Factor
Membership” for a whole YEAR!

When you add up all the goodies inside, they equal a total retail value of $45,900.

But you only have to pay a one-time fee of $995… or 2 payments of $500.


The tools inside give you everything you need to recoup your costs in a matter of days, and
a whole lot more in the days to follow.

The clock is ticking.

Will you allow me to help you solve your cashflow issues?

It’s ALL inside the “Clarity Course.”

CLICK HERE now to make sure you don’t miss the opportunity to not only solve your cashflow

...but to set yourself up for a great deal of success going forward.

This is the START you’ve been waiting for.

CLICK HERE to get started before the doors close at 4 p.m. pacific time TODAY.

To Your Prosperity,


 DAY 4, 3 pm

SUBJECT: 12 months access, FREE

PREVIEW: [1 hour left…]

Your 12-month FREE access to 2 of my programs…

…the Social Media Marketing Machine… and…

...the Miracle Factor Membership…

...ends in ONE HOUR from now!

But those are just PART of the over $45,000 worth of tools available inside the “Clarity Course.”

Don’t miss this chance to finally start your side-hustle or main business WITHOUT having to do

...product creation…


...funnel building…

...or commission sharing.

We’ve built the ENTIRE business for you.

You get to keep ALL the money.

All you have to do is spend a couple hours personalizing it.

You’ll make back your investment in the “Clarity Course” with your very first sales.
And the sky is the limit for how much more you can make.

But the clock is ticking…

Your freebies are evaporating before your very eyes…

CLICK HERE to make sure you don’t miss this chance to generate revenue NOW… even if
you don’t have a list, a product, any copywriting chops, any funnel building chops, or even a
clue what to do!

I can’t wait to watch you rock this!

To Your Prosperity,


DAY 4, 3:45 pm

SUBJECT: My promise to you, if...

PREVIEW: [15 minutes left…]

This is YOUR moment.

But the “Clarity Course” closes in just 15 minutes from now!

Which means…

Your opportunity to make money right away without building anything (because we already built
it for you) is about to disappear.

Your decision is very straight forward...

You can keep doing what you've been doing and continue getting the same results and be filled
with the same confusion, overwhelm, and stress.

Or... can break through the clouds and get ultimate clarity for your life and your business.
Clarity that comes from God because of your desire to build a Kingdom-based business so you
can build His kingdom with your kingdom.

If you're ready to get total, unwavering clarity, purpose, and prosperity from your mission-filled,
Kingdom-centered, purpose-driven business, the time is now!

Just CLICK HERE and join me for this online transformational moment in your life!

To Your Prosperity,


PS - Are you ready to experience the difference that will make all the difference in your

If so, there's NO BETTER PLACE to start then the “Clarity Course”, where you can walk in with
no list, no product, and no clue what to do, and leave with a complete plan to build your
Kingdom-based business.

Click below to join!

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