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School Budget Needs Assessment

Vanessa Singh
EAD 510
When creating a school budget, you need to include many key stakeholders to inform

them how the money is being used. You also need to include your goals and consider your

improvement plan. (Sorenson and Goldsmith) The purpose of the budget plan is to support the

schools action or improvement plan and consolidate it into dollar approproations (pg. 160).

Besides the teachers and staff, other key stakeholders are as relevant when doing a

school's budget. One of the essential key stakeholders are the students in the campus. We need to

plan according to the needs that surround our students. Teachers need to have the student's data

to start with to see where they need more support. Once we can establish what areas need more

support, we can proceed to purchase more resources for teachers. Teachers will always know

what works better with their students or what programs they have seen work very well in the

past. The school can also look into hiring part-time tutors to help teachers with small group

tutorials. Providing teachers that extra help can make a huge difference when we want to move

students from "approaches" to "meets" level in any tested subject area. The students can also be

given incentives to help us motivate them. At our school, we have a program that rewards

students that are doing well in class and outside of class. The program is crucial to our students

because they can get things they can't purchase.

Another crucial key stakeholder is the parents at our campus. The parents will always

play an essential role in their children's education. We need their input and how we can improve

our school to provide a better education for their kids. Parents are always honest and want the

best education for their kids. Having meetings with them and maybe even a survey can help

leaders create a budget that enriches the education of their kids.

The last key stakeholder, but not less important, is the community. The community is

always there to support the school, and they need to be included. When doing anything, the
community needs to be informed because they will help the school when needed. As a leader, the

school community will stand by you if they feel they are treated as any other parent. Standard

five subset d says, "Effective leaders promote adult-student, student-peer, and school-community

relationships that value and support academic learning and positive social and emotional

development " (National Policy Board for Educational Leaders 2015, pg. 13). All these three

stakeholders are essential when doing any initiative at any school. As future leaders, we need to

know the critical roles they play and how much they can help us to make a school function.

National Policy Board for Educational Administration. (2015). Professional Standards for

Educational Leaders, 9, 13. Retrieved from


Sorenson, R. D., & Goldsmith, L. M. (2018). The principal's guide to school budgeting.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Retrieved June 30, 2020, from

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