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Answer the questions briefly but substantially

1. What is the significance of this narrative account" Memoirs of a General "?

From the previous lesson, this is a very important slab in Philippine history ultimately because it is a
primary source. It provided a first-hand account of the Philippine Revolution against Spanish rule,
Santiago V. Alvarez was not only an eyewitness but also an active participant of the events he narrated
in this work. When he wrote his memoirs in 1927, Alvarez was already fifty-five years old, but he felt
compelled to write them to "I could shed more light on the different facets of the Revolution, in the
interest of honorable truth....” .

2. In the account, what are the values shown by

a. Emilio Aguinaldo-

b. Andres Bonifacio-

How can these values contribute in becoming a leader?

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