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Marianny Garcia Santos


The advantages and disadvantages of public

Dormy Valentin

Main objective
The principal objective of his composition is to describe not only all the good things that
has the public transportation but also the bad ones.


The public transportation is a system of transport, in contrast to private transport, for

passengers by group travel systems available for use by the general public, typically
managed on a schedule, operated on established routes, and that charge a posted fee
for each trip. Examples of public transport include city buses, trolleybuses, trams (or
light rail) and passenger trains, rapid transit (metro/subway/underground, etc.) and
ferries. Public transport between cities is dominated by airlines, coaches, and intercity
rail. High-speed rail networks are being developed in many parts of the world. On this
final assignment I´m going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the public
Honestly, I’m not a public transportation lover, but I’ve had to use it sometimes because
it’s necessary. First, I’m going to say the advantages of this transportation. One of the
big advantages of the public transportation is the cost, is more convenient for our
pockets to use public transportation than a private one; you don’t need to drive, so
maybe you can relax while you’re on your way, you can read a book or listen to music;
also with this transportation we help our environment cause there’s less pollution, I
mean, the more people there are on a public transportation the less there are driving
cars and that’s for the planet; another good thing is that we can use our cell phone
without worries.

Now I’m going to describe the bad things of the public transportation and the reasons I
prefer the private one. First, it’s a waste of time, the public transportation needs to
follow a schedule and if you use this transportation to go to work or something like that
you have to adapt to their schedule and not always they are on time and you have to
wait and that’s a problem because you’re depending on other; another thing is the crow
and that’s the principal reason why I don’t like this transportation, as I say before in a
public transportation MAYBE you could relax, but it depends on the city. For example: if
you are in a OMSA or the metro in Santo Domingo it will be very difficult to relax with all
that people around you; another thing is the lack of comfort, there are many buses very
uncomfortable, you go all the way with a terrible backache; and the last thing is de
dependence, as I say before a person who takes a public transportation can’t control
the time, the people around him or she, the music you listen either the speed of the
driver. that’s why I prefer the private transportations in spite of the cost and the other
things I already mention in the advantage.
At the end of this composition I can say that while the public transportation
is good for the environment and the economy, public transport has its
disadvantages as well.

Some things that could help to solve some problems of the public
transportation are: to allow less people per vehicle, make the seats more
comfortable, be more flexible on their schedule and organizing the way
they work a little more.

My mind

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