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Readers Journal #4

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

Citation Analysis

“ ‘I want you to go to Kabul. I want you to Is this going to be Amir’s final sacrifice to
bring Sohrab here.’ he said.” (Hosseini 232). Hassan? Just like Hassan’s final sacrifice to
Amir was to lie for him? Is this finally going
to get rid of Amir’s guilt that he’s been
harbouring all these years? To finally give
back to Hassan after all the years Hassan
had been good to Amir?

“ I remember he said to me, ‘Rahim, a boy Will this be Amir’s last chance to finally
who won’t stand up for himself becomes a prove his father wrong? To show his father
man who can’t stand up to anything.’ I that he can stand up for himself and the ones
wonder, is that what you've become?” he loves, and that he is courageous and more
(Hosseini 233). like his father than his father knew? Will
this be the closure Amir needs to finally let
go of the past and prove to himself that he is

“I felt like a man sliding down a cliff, Use of literary device; simile. Author is
clutching at shrubs and tangles of brambles comparing the weight of this news to a man
and coming up empty-handed.” (Hosseini falling down a cliff, unable to catch a hold
234). of something that could stop him from
falling. Is this information the reason Amir
might choose to go and find Sohrab?
Because he is technically his nephew?
Would Amir have considered going if he
didn’t know that they were related?

“He had sat me on his lap when I was little, Interesting to see how one of Baba’s only
looked me straight in the eyes, and said, lessons to Amir had turned out this way.
There is only one sin. And that is theft… Amir’s father told him that to tell a lie is to
When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s steal someone’s right to the truth, but isn’t
right to the truth.” (Hosseini 237). that what Baba had been doing to Amir all
these years? And if Rahim Khan hadn’t told
Amir, would he have ever known? Why
didn’t Baba tell Amir, especially knowing
that he was going to die soon? Would Amir
have gone the rest of his life not knowing
that Hassan was his brother? What would
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have happened to Sohrab if Amir wouldn’t

have known this?

“I was afraid the appeal of my life in Would Amir actually be able to forget about
America would draw me back, that I would what he learned? Did the appeal of his
wade back into that great, big river and let American life really outweigh the aspect of
myself forget.” (Hosseini 243). abandoning his nephew when he needed him
most? How could Amir live with himself if
he went back to America? Wouldn’t his
guilt become greater, his questions more
overwhelming? Even if Hassan’s son wasn’t
in the picture, how could Amir just simply
forget that Hassan was his brother, that Baba
slept with his friend's wife and had his own
son as a servant?

“ ‘Take him back to Peshawar. There are Would Amir be able to hand the child off to
people there who will take care of him.’ ” a family he doesn’t know after finally
(Hosseini 250). meeting the son of his brother? Wouldn’t
Amir become attached to the child and want
to keep it for himself? Especially because he
and his wife couldn’t have children of their
own? Wouldn’t that be Hassan's wish if he
were alive? That Amir would take him back
with him to the luxuries of America for a
better life? A safer life?

“Earlier that morning, when I was certain no Kind of ironic how twenty six years ago
one was looking, I did something I had done Amir had done the same thing, except his
twenty-six years earlier: I planted a fistful of reason was to get rid of Hassan and his
crumpled money under a mattress.” father, Ali. Now, he was giving a poor
(Hosseini 254). family money. Maybe as a way to clear his
conscience and make up for what he did
twenty six years earlier.

“Now I knew my mother had liked almond Why did Amir’s father never tell him
cake with honey and hot tea, that she’d once anything about his mother? Was he guilty
used the word ‘profoundly,’ that she’d for sleeping with another woman after her
fretted about her happiness. I had just death? Was it too hard for him to speak
learned more about my mother from this old about his late wife because of what he had
man on the street than I ever did from done? Did he not tell Amir about his mother
Baba.” (Hosseini 263). because it was too hard for him to be lying
to him his whole life?

“ ‘You were wrong about one thing.’ It’s interesting to see how much Sohrab is
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‘What?’ like his father; that he’s identified by being

‘He’s great with the slingshot.’ ” (Hosseini so good at using a slingshot. I wonder if
265). Amir would have been denied at the
orphanage if he didn’t know about Sohrab
and his slingshot.

“I thought of the street fights we’d get into Will this be the time where Amir finally
when we were kids, all the times Hassan takes on Hassan’s battles for him? Where
used to take them on for me, two against Amir can finally give back to Hassan by
one, sometimes three against one” (Hosseini finding his son and bringing him to safety?
267). WIll this clear his conscience and make
Amir feel better about himself knowing he
helped Hassan once and for all?

“ ‘Looks like I’ll have to settle for his Will this be when Amir finally sees Assef
weakling of a son.’ Then he took off his again after what happened with Hassan?
sunglasses and locked his bloodshot blue Will Amir finally be able to fight for Hassan
eyes on mine.” (Hosseini 294). and show Assef that what he did was
wrong? Or will Amir fall under his father’s
insecurities in himself and not stand up for
what was right?

“ ‘What do you want to do with him?’ he Did Assef sexually assault Hassan’s son just
said. Then a coy smile. ‘Or to him.’ ” like he did to Hassan? Will Amir be able to
(Hosseini 299). stand up and stop what would happen to
Sohrab before it was too late? Or was it
already too late?

“What was so funny was that, for the first Was this the day that Amir’s guilt would
time since the winter of 1975, I felt at peace. once and for all go away? He had wanted
I laughed because I saw that, in some hidden Hassan to hit him back and punish him with
nook in the corner of my mind, I’d even a pomegranate all those years back, but
been looking forward to this… My body Hassan never did. Was this his punishment
was broken--just how badly I wouldn’t find for what he did to Hassan that day?
out until later--but I felt healed. Healed at Abandoning him in fear of himself getting
last. I laughed.” (Hosseini 303). hurt? Will Amir survive this? Why would
Amir do this to himself? If Assef ended up
killing him, Hassan’s son would be trapped
with Assef, and who knows what Assef
would do to him?

“The slingshot made a thwiiiiit sound when Ironic to see how twenty six years ago
Sohrab released the cup. Then Assef was Hassan, Sohrab’s father, threatened Assef
screaming. He put his hand where his left that he would sling a rock to Assef’s left eye
eye had been just a moment ago” (Hosseini if he didn’t leave them alone. And now, all
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304-305). those years later, Hassan’s son had actually

done that for him, saving Amir’s life. What
would have happened to Amir if Hassan’s
son hadn’t attacked Assef? What would
happen to Sohrab?

“Suddenly, I was on my knees, screaming. What happened to Sohrab? Was the aspect
Screaming through my clenched teeth. of going back to an orphanage just until
Screaming until I thought my throat would Amir could take him back to America so
rip and my chest explode.” (Hosseini 361). panicking that his heart gave out? Or was
Sohrab so against going back that he took
his own life?

“It was only a smile, nothing more. It didn’t Does Sohrab ever become happy again? Or
make everything all right. It didn’t make will he always be a hollow shell of who he
anything all right. Only a smile.” (Hosseini used to be? Do they have a full and happy
391). family? Without secrets, lies, or scandals?
What happened to Rahim Khan? Did he end
up dying? Or is he still alive, waiting to
receive news about Amir and Sohrab? Does
Amir and his family ever go back to

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