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Only in our dreams are we free.

The r e s t o f t h e t i m e w e need wages.

Terry Pratchett, British writer

he meaning of dreaming

1 GRAMMAR review of verb forms: b C o m p l e t e t h e t e x t w i t h t h e c o r r e c t f o r m o f t h e verbs i n brackets.

Use c o n t r a c t i o n s w h e r e necessary.
present, past, and f u t u r e
a C o m p l e t e the d i a l o g u e s w i t h t h e c o r r e c t
f o r m o f t h e verbs i n b r a c k e t s . U s e
contractions where possible.

A Are you going to go out t o go out tonight?

(go out)
B No, I'm really tired. I'm going to go to
bed early, (go)

2 A What time . you usually

. to bed? (go)
B At 10.30. Then I for an hour
before I go to sleep, (read)

A Do you think England

tonight? (win)
B No, I think they (lose)

4 A What you
at midnight last night? (do)
B I TV. (watch)

What colour
5 A you ever
that you were flying? (dream)

are our dreams?

B No, I never
that dream, (have)

6 A What. . you
It's 5 o'clock in the morning! (do)
Do we dream (dream) in colour or in black and white?
People argued for many years about this guestion and scientists
B I can't sleep so I . (read)
(do) a lot of research into this guestion. One of
7 A you well these scientists is a psychologist who (work) at
last night? (sleep) Dundee University. Her name is Eva Murzyn, and right now
B No, I in the middle of she . (study) the effect of television on our dreams.
the night, and I couldn't go back to sleep, Eva Just (publish) the results of her
(wake up) latest study.

8 A What t i m e . you Sixty people 6

(help) Eva with her research. They
tomorrow? (leave) completed a guestionnaire and kept a diary of their dreams. She
B I'm. at 8 o'clock, (go) 7
(choose) people who were either under 25 or over 55.
When Eva analyzed their diaries, she (discover) that
the younger people usually dreamt in colour, whereas the older group
often 9
(have) black and white dreams. Eva thinks that
this is because the older group (see) programmes in
black and white when they were young. She believes that something
happened to their brains while t h e y 11
(watch) TV
at that time.


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