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EdW3 Learning Outcome 2 Caring💗

Activity A “Advice”. Read the situations on the left and the example answers to respond the questions on the right using
“should/shouldn’t” for advice and “must/mustn’t” and “have to/don’t have to” to express obligation or necessity.


I want to do keep my car safe, what should I do? I want to buy a new car, what should I do?
• You should keep your tires in shape. ► You should to have enough money
• You must not change the car’s oil. ► You should have a driver's license
• You should not forget to test the lights. ► You shouldn't buy the cheapest car

She wants to paint her room, what should she do? She wants to decorate her room. What should she do?
• She must protect anything she does not want painted. ►She must wear old clothes to get dirty
• She should have high-quality brushes and tools. ►She should to paint what she likes
• She must not leave light switches and outlet covers on walls. ►She must not paint her brother’s room

I am sneezing, have cold sweat and I do not feel well… I have a cough, fever, and feel dizzy…
• You must drink plenty of fluids ► If you don't feel good you must go to hospital
• You have to eat more citric fruits. ►You have to flu symptoms
• You must not expose yourself to cold temperatures. ► You must not play with your friends is you have
these symptoms

She feels very tired and sleepy all the time… She feels depressed and bored most of the time…
• She does not have to do more things than necessary. she don’t have to be alone
• She must get plenty of quality sleep. ►She must to say how she feel to her friends and
• She has to do exercise outdoors to get more energy. family
►She have to make things that make her feel good
EdW3 Learning Outcome 2 Caring💗

Images Source: SENA

EdW3 Learning Outcome 2 Caring💗

Activity B “Suggestions”. Assign a name for each health problem, medicine, and environment care emoji; choose one emoji per row to
make two modal sentences as in the example. Use “should/shouldn’t”, “must/mustn’t” and “have to/don’t have to” as indicated.


• You should take a painkiller for a headache.

• One must get quality sleep to avoid headaches.
►write ►write ►write ►write ►write

►If you have flu symptoms you have to go to

►write ►write ►write ►write ►write ►You sholdn’t drink cold things

►You mustn’t be awake so late

►You don’t have to see the movie if you are tired
►write ►write ►write ►write ►write

►We should wash our hands to prevent bacteria

►We must to know that bacteria live in our
►write ►write ►write ►write ►write bodies.

►The people have to care the beaches

►We shouldn’t pollute the beaches
►write ►write ►write ►write ►write

►We mustn’t have animals locked up

►The children don’t have to kill the birds
►write ►write ►write ►write ►write

►They should see the sunrise together .

►we must enjoy the landscapes in silence.
►write ►write ►write ►write ►write
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EdW3 Learning Outcome 2 Caring💗

Activity C “Earth Care”. Write a short article on how to take care of the Earth based on the “The Garbage Issue” article on the left. Use
“should/shouldn’t”, “must/mustn’t” and “have to/don’t have to”. Ask your learning partner and write his/her answers.

THE GARBAGE ISSUE Ocean plastic pollution

Garbage is a big problem in our society. I ►The plastic articles are very
important to us, but they are
suggest that everyone should recycle used
contaminanting the oceans, and many
materials. Cities should not just throw away
animals die for ingesting plastic.
paper, plastic bottles, batteries, and other

materials that are reusable.

Esta foto de Autor desconocido está

Societies must change their attitudes towards consumption and ► We should be more responsible and stop consuming plastic

communities must not let their habits become vices. items. We must not pollute the oceans because there are important
ecosystems to us. All people have to helps the oceans we don’t
Governments have to take care of the planet. Also, politicians
have to stay quiet, we must find a way to make change and start
do not have to waste water, electricity, and other natural
taking care with our oceans, because they need our help.
resources. We must start taking care.

ASK A LEARNING PARTNER 🤝 My partner’s answer

-What should we do about climate change? ►We should look for a way to change the polluting airs of transportation
and put a stop to industrial companies that cause pollution
-What should not we do with natural resources?
► We should not exploit them to such a degree that we affect living
-What must we do to make our transportation clean?
beings, destroying their home, their species and their lives, leading them
-What must not we do with trees and animals? to extinction because of us.
EdW3 Learning Outcome 2 Caring💗

► We must find a way to change the polluting air that is thrown away by
the means of transport and look for other ways to move around without
polluting, such as patients, bicycles or electric transport.
► We must not cut as many trees for our own purposes, we must not
harm animals or use them as merchandise, we must not use them to
calm your greed.

Activity D “Pronunciation”. Record an audio with your pronunciation for all your answers on activity A, B or C. Use

Images Source: SENA
EdW3 Learning Outcome 2 Caring💗

Activity E. “Self-Evaluation”. Make a self-evaluation of your learning from the grammar, communication, topic, presentation, and audio
aspects. Assign a score between 0 and 3 if you disagree or a score between 4 and 5 if you agree with the statement.


Grammar: I effectively use should for making optional suggestions. ►write 5

Grammar: I effectively use should not for expressing negative suggestions. ►write 5

Grammar: I use must for expressing obligations and strong suggestions. ►write 5

Grammar: I use must not for expressing strong negative obligations and suggestions. ►write 5

Grammar: I use have to / do not have to for strong obligations and negative suggestions. ►write 5

Communication: I offer advice using the modal verb “should” and “should not”. ►write 5

Communication: I present obligations using the modal verb “must” and “must not”. ►write 5

Communication: I express obligation using “have to” for external obligations. ►write 5

Communication: I express negative suggestions using “do not have to” for options. ►write 5

Communication: I share pieces of advice with “do’s” and “don’ts” in a given scenario. ►write 5

Topic: I talk about everyday situations in relation to what is best to do and not to do. ►write 5

Topic: I talk about health issues in relation to what is best to do and not to do. ►write 5

Topic: I talk about environment care in relation to what is best to do and not to do. ►write 5

Presentation: I complete all the shown “►write”, “►image” y “►link” prompts. ►write 5

Presentation: I respond with my own original information and answers. ►write 5

Presentation: I do not use automatic translation tools inadequately. ►write 4

Presentation: I effectively use capital letters and punctuation. 3 ►write

Presentation: I use the available examples to model my answers length and do not copy them. ►write 4

Audio: I practice my pronunciation in English before recording my audios. ►write 5

Audio: I make the required audio with my own voice. ►write 5

Add the D and A scores to write your total final score. 97

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