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Assignment - 2

Submission date: 24.3.2020

name:wuqifan student id:201720060710
Question 1: Write down the full form:
VSWR:Voltage Standing Wave Ratio D-AMPS:Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System
GSM:Global System for Mobile CDMA:CodeDivisionMultipleAccess BIOS:Basic Input Output
System USB:Universal Serial Bus CAD:Computer Aided Design EDA:Electronic Design
Automation HDL:hardware description language PLD:Programmable Logic Device
FPGA:Field Programmable Gate Arry DSP:digital signal processor

Question 2: Explain D-AMPS for 3 users with diagram.

Question 3: Explain POST operation.

The <form> tag on the page defines a form. Clicking on the submit element makes a POST
request for the server to do one thing.

Question 4: Draw the block diagram of ADC & DAC.

Question 5: What are the types of HDL available in electronics? What are uses of HDL?

VHDL ,Verilog HDL,Superlog 、 SystemC 、 Cynlib

Using this language, the design of digital circuit system can describe its design ideas layer by
layer from the top to the bottom (from the abstract to the concrete), with a series of hierarchical
modules to represent the extremely complex digital system. Then, the electronic design
automation (EDA) tool is used to carry out simulation verification layer by layer, and then the
module combination that needs to be converted into actual circuit is converted to the gate level
network table through the automatic comprehensive tool. Next, ASIC or field programmable gate
array (FPGA) automatic layout and wiring tools are used to convert the network table into the
specific circuit wiring structure to be realized.

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