From MN DEED - Mask Up MN Letter of Support

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Mask Requirement Deliverables - #MaskUpMN

Letter of support for validators

On behalf of ORGANIZATION NAME, I/we stand in support of Governor Tim Walz’s statewide masking

COVID-19 has impacted every corner of our state and every aspect of our lives. As Minnesotans so
often do, we’ve come together to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors. We’ve done it in
many ways - some simple, some more onerous. We’ve worked from home, grappled with e-learning for
our children, forgone trips to the gym, and dealt with isolation and loneliness. We’ve missed milestones
of all types - celebrations like graduation and birthday parties, as well as sadder occasions like funerals
and good-byes. We did all this together, with the hopes that our shared sacrifice would spare thousands
more from illness and death.

We’ve made progress in slowing the spread of COVID-19 here in Minnesota. But as we watch other
states deal with rising numbers, we know the threat is still very real. We must continue to come together.

Doctors and researchers have told us that wearing a mask or other face covering is a simple and
effective step we can take to slow the spread of the virus. It is something that many of us are able to do -
and something that everyone who is able should do. The simple act of grabbing your mask as you leave
your home can have enormous impact, protecting yourself and those around you.

We applaud Governor Walz for issuing a mask requirement, taking the onus off of individual business
owners, restaurant and retail workers, and cities and counties to require and monitor on their own.
Wearing a mask helps keep our businesses open.

We ask all Minnesotans to do the right thing and wear a mask when necessary. The shared sacrifice of
wearing a mask is most certainly worth the reward of getting back to our lives.

Validator letter of support - to email or mail to Governor

Dear Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan,

I am writing to express strong support of the state-wide masking mandate.

The collective work done by Minnesotans to isolate, socially distance, and stay home as much as possible has
allowed our state to make progress slowing the spread of COVID-19. But as we watch other states deal with
rising numbers, I understand the threat is still very real.

I believe that every Minnesotan has an important role to play in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in our
communities – and this includes wearing a mask in public spaces. Masking up is a simple way to make an
enormous impact, protecting yourself and those around you.

Universal masking is not only critical to protecting our small businesses and reopening our economy, but also
to protecting our communities. I stand in full support of a statewide masking requirement as I believe that
wearing a mask or face covering is absolutely essential to keeping our loved ones and neighbors safe.

Thank you,

Mask Up MN - Letters to the Editor templates

Business owner

Governor Walz mask requirement the right decision

COVID-19 has impacted every corner of our state and every aspect of our lives. As Minnesotans so often do,
we’ve come together to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors. We’ve done it in many ways -
some simple, some more burdensome. As a business owner, it’s impacted my livelihood, as we struggle to pay
our employees and our bills, and plan amidst an uncertain future.
We’ve done it knowing that it was the right thing to do, that our shared sacrifice would spare thousands more
from illness and death. And it’s paid off. We’ve made progress in slowing the spread of COVID-19 here in
Minnesota. But as we watch other states deal with rising numbers, we know the threat is still very real.
Doctors and researchers have told us that wearing a mask or other face covering is a simple and effective step
we can take to slow the spread of the virus. The simple act of grabbing your mask as you leave your home can
have enormous impact, protecting yourself and those around you.
We applaud Governor Walz for issuing a statewide mask requirement that levels the playing field and ensures
we are all doing our part. As a business owner, we understand that wearing a mask helps keep our economy
open. This is because masks are more than just a courtesy – they are essential to protecting both our
employees and our customers.
We ask all Minnesotans to do the right thing and wear a mask when necessary. Our businesses have been
devastated by COVID-19, and we cannot afford to shut our doors again. Wearing a mask is easy – closing our
economy isn’t. The shared sacrifice of wearing a mask is most certainly worth the reward of getting back to our

Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare workers urge masking
COVID-19 has impacted every corner of our state and every aspect of our lives. As Minnesotans so often do,
we’ve come together to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors. We’ve done it in many ways -
some simple, some more burdensome.
As healthcare workers facing the pandemic head-on, we are painfully aware that infection acquired in
healthcare settings by both patients and providers is a major concern. In addition, we face critical supply
shortages globally. Stockpiles of ventilators, ICU beds and personal protective equipment (PPE) are limited,
and community spread of COVID-19 can still threaten to overwhelm our healthcare system in Minnesota.
We appreciate the collective work done by Minnesotans to isolate, socially distance, and stay home as much
as possible. Your work makes it easier for us to do ours. And it’s allowed us to make progress in slowing the
spread of COVID-19 here in Minnesota. But as we watch other states deal with rising numbers, we know the
threat is still very real.
Wearing a mask or other face covering is a simple and effective step we can take to slow the spread of the
virus. The simple act of grabbing your mask as you leave your home can have enormous impact, protecting
yourself and those around you.
We applaud Governor Walz for issuing a mask requirement. Universal masking is not only critical to protecting
our communities and keeping our economy open, but also to protecting our healthcare professionals on the
front lines in the fight against COVID-19.
Wearing a mask is easy – risking your life to battle COVID-19 as a healthcare professional isn’t. We ask all
Minnesotans to do the right thing and wear a mask when necessary. The shared sacrifice of wearing a mask is
most certainly worth the reward of getting back to our lives.

Protecting all of us
COVID-19 has impacted every corner of our state and every aspect of our lives. As Minnesotans so often do,
we’ve come together to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors. We’ve done it in many ways -
some simple, some more burdensome.
As educators/parents, we have seen firsthand the burden that distance learning has placed on teachers,
parents, and students. Under the tremendous stress of the pandemic, parents have balanced both work and
distance learning, and teachers have worked harder than ever before to meet the needs of their students.
Our collective efforts over the past five months have paid off. We’ve made progress in slowing the spread of
COVID-19 here in Minnesota. But as we watch other states deal with rising numbers, we know the threat is still
very real.
Doctors and researchers have told us that wearing a mask or other face covering is a simple and effective step
we can take to slow the spread of the virus. The simple act of grabbing your mask as you leave your home can
have enormous impact, protecting yourself and those around you.
We applaud Governor Walz for issuing a mask requirement, taking the responsibility off individual businesses,
healthcare providers, educational institutions, cities and counties to do it on their own.. As we wait to see
whether it’s safe enough to return to the classroom this fall, we ask all Minnesotans to do the right thing and
wear a mask when necessary.
Distance learning cannot meet all the needs of all our students. From feeding kids who may have otherwise
missed a meal to offering assistance with mental health to providing child care, our schools offer essential
services to our children and families beyond the classroom.
No one wants to wear a mask. But it’s simple and easy to do. And if it means getting our kids safely back to
school, it’s certainly worth doing.

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