Ielts Speaking

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Decision Making

1.Why do some people find it hard to make decisions?

2. How important is it to get advice from other people when making
3. Why is it sometimes difficult to accept advice?
4. What are some of the most important decisions young people have to
5. Do you agree that parents should make important decisions for their
6. Is it better to make a decision thinking about what you want or thinking
about what other people want?


Is family important in your country?

2. How has the size of the family changed in the last few decades in your
3. How do you think the family will change in the future?
4. What role do grandparents play in the family in your country?
5. Who do you think should be responsible for the care of the elderly, the
family or the government?
6. Why is the number of joint families decreasing in modern time?


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photographs?

2. How has modern technology changed the way we take photographs?
3. How has sharing photographs changed since your grandparents’ time?
4. How well do photographs capture special moments?
5. Do you think that people nowadays spend too much time taking
6. Why do you think people photograph themselves?

Choosing work & Work-Life balance

1. What kinds of jobs do young people not want to do in your country?
2. Who is best at advising young people about choosing a job: teachers or parents?
3. Is money always the most important thing when choosing a job?
4. Do you agree that many people nowadays are under pressure to work longer hours
and take less holiday?
5. What is the impact on society of people having a poor work-life balance?
6. Could you recommend some effective strategies for governments and employers to
ensure people have a good work-life balance?

Eating habits
1. Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country.
2. How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the
3. How healthy is your country’s food?
4. Why do you think different cultures have different table manners?
5. How may eating habits change in coming decades?
6. What one aspect of a foreign tradition you like about their eating habits? Why?

Leisure Activities
1. What type of leisure activities are popular in your country?
2.  Why it is important for people to have leisure activities?
3.  Why are some leisure activities more popular than others?
4. Do you think that parents should choose leisure activities for their children?
Why/Why not?
5. Has free time activities among people in your country changed much than that of 2
decades ago?
6. What changes do you think technologies has brought in the way people enjoy their
leisure activities?

Reading Books
1. Do you generally read a lot of books or do you prefer watching TV?
2. What kind of books are considered good reads in your opinion?
3. Do you think that people read nowadays as they did in the past?
4. Do you regard famous writers as good role models?
5. If a movie is based on a book, would you prefer to read the book or to
watch the film? Why?
6. How our reading habit changes as we grow up? Why does it happen?

Famous Person

1. Do you think that famous people are generally happier than ordinary people?
2. What qualities does a person need to have in order to be famous?
3. Is it easier or more difficult to achieve fame today than in your grandparents’
4. Describe the ways that famous people influence the public.
5. Do you think more is expected from famous people than ordinary citizens?
6. What types of people become famous in your country? Do you want to be famous?

Childhood Memory
1. Is it important to have pleasant childhood memories? Why?
2. Do you think that people are permanently affected by negative childhood
memories? Why do you think so?
3. What do you think it means to ‘live in the past’?
4. Nowadays many parents try to make their children happy by buying them many
toys. How do you feel about this?
5. Is it important for a child to have a lot of toys in order to be happy?
6. What is more important for a child’s happiness, many toys or many friends?

Q1. Why do we have rules in society?
Q2. Do you think it's necessary to set up rules about overworking people?
Q3. What are some examples of rules that exist in many families?
Q4. What are some rules that exist in schools or workplaces in your country?
Q5. Do you think that the students themselves should have a say in what kinds of
school rules there are?

Traditional products
Q1. What different types of traditional products are produced in your country?
Q2. In you opinion, why do traditional products attract tourists?
Q3. Do you think there are benefits of traditional products to locals?
Q4. Do you think the government should help in the promotion of traditional
Q5. Let’s move on from traditional products to traditions. Do you think because of
globalization countries are adopting each other traditions.
Q6. Did the traditional things of the past are of better quality than present day
Q7. Do you think it is necessary to protect traditions ?

Sports and competition

1. Why are some sports fans so passionate?

2. Is there any violence at sporting events in your country?
3. Should athletes be better role models?
4. What benefits do international sporting events bring?
5. Is it important for a country to win lots of medals?
6. The money professional sportsmen earn is significantly higher than that the
earning of other professionals. Is it justified?

Q1. For parents, what is important when bringing up their children?
Q2. Do you think mothers and fathers have different roles to play in bringing up a
Q3. Let’s move on to education of children. Do you think hitting children is sometimes
necessary for discipline?
Q4. Do you think sweets are a good thing to reward children with?
Q5. Do you think parents spend too much on buying toys for their children?

Q1. When do people usually have parties in your country?
Q2. What makes a good party?
Q3. What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?
Q4. In some places people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special
family events. Is this ever true in your country? Do think this is a good trend or a
bad trend?
Q5. How important is it to celebrate important events with a group of people?
Q6. Why do some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government
money? Do you agree or disagree with this view? Why?

Q1. What is the general attitude towards arriving somewhere late in your country?
Q2. What is an example of a time that it is very important for people to arrive on
time in your country?
Q3. Can you suggest some ways to make sure you are not late for anything?
Q4. Let’s move on to how modern technology influences the way that people manage
time. Do you think computers make it easier or more difficult to manage time?
Q5. How can modern technology help people arrive early?
Q6. Do you think it is easy to manage your time in the modern world?

Q1. What kinds of machines are used for housework in modern homes in your
Q2. How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of
using them?
Q3. Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the
future? Why?
Q4. Let’s move on to technology. Do you think people rely too much on technology?
Q5. Do you think men and women view technology differently?
Q6. Finally, let’s talk about the impact of technology on employment. How have
developments in technology affected employment in your country?
Q7. Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to
employed people nowadays. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Q1. What types of people influence the young in your country?
Q2. What type of people, such as parents, teachers, or friends, are best to influence
young people’s behavior?
Q3. Why it is important for young people to have role models?
Q4. What do you think young people will be influenced by the most in the future?

Q1. In what situations do people in your country buy furniture?
Q2. In families in your country, who usually decides what furniture to buy
for the home?
Q3. How do people  in your country decide what furniture to buy for the
home or office?
Q4. Do people in your country prefer traditional or modern styles of

Q1. Why do people give gifts in our society?
Q2. Why do some people like to give handmade gifts instead of purchasing them in a
Q3. What kind of educational gifts can be given to children?
Q4. Let’s talk about giving money to children as a gift. Do you think is it good to give
money to children as a gift?
Q5. When do you think giving money as a gift to children is a good idea? Why?
Q1. Do you like helping others?
Q2. Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the
Q3. Do people today trust others as much as they used to in the past?
Q4. How do people in your community help each other?
Q5. Let’s move on to the topic of educating children to help people. In your view,
should children be taught to help others?
Q6. In your opinion, how can we encourage children to help others?
Q7. What about students? How can students, such as high-school students, help each

Travel and transport.

1.How easy is it to travel around your country?
2. Which method of travel do you consider safest? Why?
3. Has travel become safer in recent years than that was in the past?
4. What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?
5. How do you think people will travel in the future?
6. Should the government in a country focus more on rail transports or
road transports? Why?
7. How do most people travel long distances in your country?
8. Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last
few decades?
9. What kind of improvement have there been in transport in your
country in recent years?
10. Do you think transport is likely to continue to improve in the
11. Do you think most people should use public transports? Why/ why
12. Why some countries impose higher taxes on car ownership? How is
the scenario in your country?

1. Do you think it is important for an individual to be on time?
2. How do you feel when others are late?
3. How often are you late?
4. Do you feel guilty when you are late?
5. What are some of the ways by which you think people can come on time?
6. Do you wear a watch?
7. When does time moves fast for you and when do you find it is moving really
8. If you could go back in time, what is the one thing you would do differently?

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